u SI M y o SATURDAY August 5, 1916 T Ba&.f v ! '' . Xe?fip$. THE CALL OF FIELD AND STREAM IS STRONGEST WHEN THE DOG DAYS SET IN 3 pllS$ It to riKht Rro too Misses Cox, McKayby, N. Cox, Watson, chiof ; Halington, Edwards, Simpson, Mellow ' xml WMf Wm$W$'' nd Armstrong. They aro Philadelphia lassies who aro holding a-camp at Lafayette, " mAKirlS UgkmiiS'' i ''- .''JfiKl '. 'i&dSIS 1 ,'f THE -JITNEY IDEA PERSISTS IN SURVIVING r? SSffl TMM-' HE9& w- "": . ' 'INMSM WSSZ$?&:P Thisboat at the shore will take you out for a ride o'er tho ocean wavo for 10 cents illlll PIP5 Bffijk' . JiL' s' .: Ja .fr on Bhort rld0' short priC0, " ' ."''' ai a A PHILADELPHIA QUARTET ON WILDWOOD BEAC3H iflmu Strefed, Craolngen Lsneyjuid Heaschel ajust before the plungi THIS CORNER FOR THE GOLFERS RiP,-McNeely is one of the taost Inveterate of Hunt ingdon Valley habitUea,' ' TWO MORE"GOLF-T.VMYr.o. George W. EIkinS, Jr., Wd Richards, Mott .proof.of.f.cthat.the. gernthaa no respect for gt. f 4 t ,. i U , ?- , . X . -i. t -l . -.1 r ' ' . S.tt & - i .