T.f- li MOKE PAY FQR 9000 MEN i Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Glassware Concede Wage Increase ATliAfmc COT, N. J., Auit. 8. The Katlonal Manufacturers' Association of Frtsjert and Blown Olasswara has an nounced an Increase of approximately- 10 per wnt In tha wage ecalo for the coming year. The advance affects 9000 workers In the 14 branches, half of which are located around Pittsburgh. The last question set tled this afternoon was In the cutting de partment Committees from the union have been In conference here for the last two weeks, and last night proclaimed the great general -victory. Minor causes for dispute In the working conditions were also amica bly settled, and the sessions here have been the most peaceful In years. JBeatljS CAIJOWEI.T., At Allantle City, N. J., en An---e tarn lrraq niT.MM MAIttfnl? CALD- WBIi. Bervice on Monday, at II a. m.. at the Oliver If. Illr Rulldlnr. 1820 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Interment private. 3ATHCART. On August 4. 1910. at .her home In Gwynedd Valley. Pa.. ELIZA CATHCAHT. widow of the nev. William, Cathcsrt. D. I), Relatives and friends ar Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 3:30 p. m.. In the chspel of Ivy Hill cemetery. Oermsn town. Interment private at Ivy Hill Ceme tery. DILOART. On August 4, 191(1. ANNA. .laugh ter of Anna and the late Robert Dllgart. aged 12 years. Relatives, and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, Monday, at J p. m.. at the Oliver H. Hair Rulldlnr. 1820 Chestnut it. Interment private. HVRRERT. On Aurust 8, 1010. RACHEL A., widow of Oeorse W. S. Hubbcrt (nee Winner), In her 89th year. Relative and friend are Invited to attend tne tunerai services, nn on day, at 2 p. m. precisely, at her late reildence, 1234 N. 0th it. Interment private. MeAI.KER. On August ,3, 1010 HERNARD. husband of Annie MeAleer Ine McDade) and on of late Hush and Catherine McAIeer. Rela tlvea and friend, also employe of Ilaldyrln a Locomotive Work, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock, from his late residence. 2310 Harlan street Solemn requiem nun at St. Elliabeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MeCAUBLAND. On Aurust 4. 10,10. JOSEPH, on of the late Robert and Elizabeth Kyle McCausland, aired 3 year. Relative and friend are Invited to attend the funeral serv ice, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at hi lata residence, 2409 South street. Interment at lit. Morlah Cemetery. Remain may bo viewed Monday, 7 to 0 p. m. KEELEY. On Ausurt 3. lOtfl. IBARELLA D.. wife of Oeorse O. Meeley. Relative and friend are Invited to attend the funeral serv lce. Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. at her lata real dene. B0OO Pine street. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. NEWS. On August 4. 1018. MART, widow of Abraham New. Relative and frtende-ars Invited to attend the funeral service, on Monday, at 11 a. m., at the residence of her daughter. Mr. Edith Evan. 228 Wt Rltten house st.. Oermantown. Interment private. Automobile funeral. NORTn. On Aurust 4. 1018. EMMA, widow of Frank M. North. Relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8 p. m., from the residence of Howard I.. Merrick. Collins road, OoIllngwood. N. J. Interment private at Harlelgh Cemetery, Friends may call Sunday after 7 p. m. PARKE. On Aucuat 3. 1010, at Pittsburgh. Pa.. MART T widow of Thomas B. Parke, a red OS years. Due notice of the funeral will be riven. PATTRRSON. On July 81. 1018. at Wltdwood. N, J.. GEORGE W. PATTERSON, son of Harriet and the lato 1'hllllp Patterson, hus .bind of Laura V. Patterson (nee Orapewlne). aged 6? year. Funeral services Sunday, at Wlldwood. N. J. Interment private, at liar lelch Cemetery. Camden, N. J. PATTON. At Ocean City, N. J., on Aurust 8. 1018, ELLA PATTON. nred 78 year. Rela tives and friends are invited to attend tha funeral services, on Monday, at 2 p. m.. at the residence of her son. James J. Patton, 4810 Florence avenue. West Philadelphia. In terment private. rOTTS. On Aurust 4. 1016. at rottstown. Pa.. KATE 8UUDDER. wife of Oeorse II. Pott and daughter of the late Jesse and Sarah Cook. REHIRE. On Aurust S. 1918. JOSEPH J, REIBER. son of Andrew and Sophie Relber (nee Diets), aged 21 years and 11 months. Relatives and friends, nlso members of Frledens 'Church, Tenth street and Snyder (avenue, are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Monday, at 1 P. m.. at his parents' residence. D04 Jackson street. Remains may be viewed on Sunday, at 7 p. m. Interment private at Oreenmount Cemetery. Automobile funeral. Sinsoy. On Aurust 4, 1910, WILLIAM A. 8IH80N, ased 73 year. Relatives and friends, also police of rourt-nth District. Walker Lodge. No. 800. I. O. O. F., and Robert Morris Council, No. 40, I, O. of A., are in vited to attend the funeral service, on Tile. day, at - p. m., at his late residence, 0711 Musrrove street. Mount Airy. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemetery, Remains may bo viewed Monday erenlnr. TTSON. On Eighth Month Sd. 1018. near Klnr of Prussia. Montgomery County. Pa.. SARAH MITE TTSON. widow of Samuel Tyson, In her Bid year. Relatives and frlehds are In vited to attend tha funeral, from her late residence. Hillside, near Klnr of Prussia, on Second-day, 7th Inst., at 2:30 p. m. Interment strictly private. Carrlasea will meet Philadel phia and Western trolley at Oulph. leaving esth at. at 1:10 p. m. and Norrtstown at UO p. m. WrtTOBD. Suddenly, on Aurust 8. 1018, ED WARD RURKE WILFORD, In his 43th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Monday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at hi lato residence, Highland ave,. Merlon, Pa. Interment private. Please omit flowers. LOST AND POUND DOG Lost or strayed, larse brlndle bull, short tall; answers to name of "Tex." Liberal re- wera i mcv zorn lain. 1IANDUAO Lost, in Wanamaker. Aurust about 3:13: contained Pullman pas, trunk check, bank book, receipted hill and some - money. Reward If returned to O. W. Hill, Pullman Ticket Office. 1430 S. Penn egua re. HOUND Lost, white rabbit hound, black spot on back, muxzla: Aur. 1. Ret.3820 N.Uroad st. -SELF 'WANTED rEKALE BOOKKEEPER for about 8 monthsi young ladyi 117.80 per weekt office hours, 8:30 to 0:301 1 hour lunch: close Saturdays 1 o'clock. Be Mr. Mather. 1034 Wldener Building, be Iwwn 13 and 1, CARETAKER, small apartment house! no pay. !?! iff. h,,t- "sDt and apartment. Taulane. OOP Walnut st. - CHAMBERMAID wanted, who will assist with laundry work, on a farm: southern Penna.i permanent position. M 708. Ledrer Office. CHAMBERMAID and laundress wanted! yoanr woman, with reference, until December 1. P. O. lior 18. Devon. Pa. CHAMBERMAID and waltrees. first class; assist washlnr. for Overbrook. 3840 Darinr. CHILDNURSB. white, to ro to Florida from Philadelphia with family about middle Sep tember! must have best references! apply by latter, statlnr ase, previous experience, whether married or sin tie and ware! perma nent position for right person. Address Mrs. William Justice Lee. Camden. Maine. CLERKS with typist ability! hlrh school rradu ate preferred: rood opportunity for advance ment: pleasant environment: state are. salary desired and business refs. M 251. Led. Cent. COOK Family cook wanted on a farm In south m Penna. where other help la employed! permanent pwmon. ai tvv, Aecre r utnee. COOK AND CHAMBERMAID Two women wanted on a farm In southern Pennsylvania! laundry: rood wares: permanent position. GIRL or woman, white or colored, to do reneral housework! family of S adults. 1 60 1 East Dauphin. ailtL. colored, wanted for reneral homework! sleep In) wares, 18. 3200 Race. Call Mon- aar. GIRLS Two whits Protestant rlrlai on for cookinr and downstairs work, other for up stalrs work: and assist with two children: must cava beet reference aa to character and ability, rtone Chestnut Hill 1003 W, PETEYWhat a Very " . OF MIKE-, O0T. r-'" ' ( APRA - Look AT 1 7 VE A TkT N ( PoMbaA W wraa I V-feW Hoj.tBl.ilMt- l(OWOoJrj " HtiR Wv UPTo HER ) V Lmte GtRt ) THAtUme (ioJHeA IjijI-"" ' IT '- " 'l 3 Vrnmmm mr..r,,,tw ,. a- v , , ,-, , II..,., , -- , HELP WANTED FEKAIVE CMIInucd from rrterilnp Column OIRLS over 18 years wanted for llsht workt no experience neeeesaryt 3 week paid while learninr. Appiy aiw r. oq - UIRLS. white and colored, for preeslnr. Apply A. F. Rornot Pro. Co..jB.ImhJIilrml. OIRLS to rek cakev and work In lelnr rponi. Apply Keebler-Weyl Maklnr Co.. 258 N. 22d. GOVERNESS or mother' helpen per. Prot.1 cor. Entllshi rood ewer: ref. P 708. Ledrer Oft. HOSIERT Experienced knitters en string Ma chines, Standard F and Ranneri best par n city: learner taken and paid while lrnlnr. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co.. 4S3S Orchard t., Frankforri. HOSIERT Experienced topper and knitters on Scott William full automatic and stand ard F: besrpoy In elty! learners taken and paid while earnlnr. Apply Wallace-Wilson Hoelery Co.. 4888 Orchard t.t yranxtcra. HOSIERY Experienced menders and lamlnersi best pay In elty: learners taken and paid while leamlnr. Wallace-WlHon Hosiery Co., 4353 Orchard St., Frankford. HOUSEWORK Capahle'woman for houisworkl no obl'fa to younr daushrh.Cynwyd 718 W. NURSE Capable. Intelllrent Protestant, not over 40, to take full charrs two small children! family now at seashore! will return to Phila delphia October: rood, permanent .home for rlsht person. Answer Mrs. II. A. Miller. 410 Walnut t., rlvlnr experience, references and i.imrj enwcir-u OFFICE ASSISTANT with some typewriter ex perience! 81 a day to-start. Aply Production Knslneerlnr Co.. 1710 Sptlnr Garden at. OPERATORS, experienced on men's neckwear. T. I. McCutcheon A Rro.. Pltcalrn Rulldlnr 11th and Arch. PAIRERS and folder on hosiery wanted. Ap ply Haran Hosiery Flnlshlnr Work. West moreland and C etreets. STENOailAPHER and secretary to manare mfr. plant. Frankford; only those with first class ability need apply: rood, salary offered to suitable applicant M2tfl,L"drerCentralJ STENOGRAPHER wanted In law omcei must . be experienced and rapid: position permanent; state experience, ase and salary expected. O C44, Ledrer Central. STENOGRAPHER In" wholesale house: hlsh school rroiluate: must have experience! state re and salary desired. 1 703. Idrer Office. STENOGRAPHER, must be neat and state are. experience and salary accurate! expected. O BIO. Irfdrer Central. TEACIIER wanted, voice and art. for Southern collece. Apply. Immediately. 327 Terry Uuild Inf. 1337 Chestnut st. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Dell Telephone Company offers positions as operator to In telllcent younr women between 18 and ZZ years old. salary 10 a week whllx learnlnr. with rapid advancement: a steady position assured, with pleasant surroundings and un usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to the Hell Telephone Company opera tors' school. 40(1 Market St.. dally between 8 JO a. m. and 6 p. m. Tuesday and frrlday evenings between 7.30 and 8 JO o'clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and lone dls tance. experienced. Apply Keystone Telephone Co., 183 S. Zd St.. Room 4U3. YOUNO LADY wanted to make bill on Oliver Typewriter, lareo rrocery business: state sal ary dealred and age: opportunity for advance ment. Address V. O llox 128(1. HELP WANTED MALE AIR CHIPPERS Steady work for air chlppers. on piece work! can make 1,3.60 to 13.00 per day worklnc under normal worklnr condition. Penn Works. PENN SEABOARD STEEL. CORPORATION, FRONT AND PENN ST3.. CHESTER. PA. AVIATOR Wanted, to operate a nei ledrer Central. man with some experience r Sylnr machine. O C42. BOX MAKERS Experienced paper box makers wanted on hlrh-grade work! rood pay and steady work. White A Wyckoff Manufacture Ing Company. Holyoke. Mass. BOY want-d. over are of 10, a private tele phone exchange operator in real estate and law office: state experience, are and wares expected: answer In own handwrlllnr. O 633, Ledger Central. DOTS WANTED, over 18. years, to learn rood trade: rood salary while learnlnr Ledrer Office. A 803, BOYS wanted, 17 or over, to work In wallpaper factory. Apply at once. Becker. Emtth A Page. Water and Snyder ave. ENGINEER Wonted, a night engineer at the Keystone Telephone Co.. 16th and Bummer. ESTIMATOR and superintendent general build ln construction. W. E. Wark. 1737 Filbert st. , FIREMEN ' AND BRAKEMEN RAILROAD EXPERIENCE APPLY BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD FREE LAIlOIl BUREAU. 619 SO-TII 11TH ST. GARDENER. lnrl. Protestant; one thoroughly experienced In vegetables, flowers, shrubbery, care of lawn, cows and chickens: German town: none other need apply. Address, statlnr age and reference. A 8 1 4jLedr e rJJfllce; GAS WELDERS. Apply Bernstein Mfe. Co., 3d and Allegheny. HELPERS, furnace, hammer and press: steady work, rood wage. Philadelphia Steel Force Co.. Tacony. pa. INVESTMENT SALESMAN wanted One of es tablished reputation: one who has sold Invest ment and bonds of quality. An attractive proposition Is offered by a company now or ganized to operate a blr paylnr enterprise, backed by capitalists of hlrhest standlnr. An- wer must contain full Information as to character and experience; confidential. M 707, Ledger unice. JEWELRY POLISHERS wanted; steady work, "WfTrooulred. Kilmer Co.. 8th and 3anaoro. LABORERS wanted; 10 Enrlfsh-speaklnr men for llgnt wora in cut"- ""-. " : L. Cummtnr Chemical Co., union ave. and railroad. ansoowne, LLABORERS 100. wanted. Turner Construction Co" care of Vacuum Oil Co.. Paulsboro. N. J. LEVERMEN, 2. and tongsmen. 2, wanted to work on 8-ton hammer; permanent position; rood wares; no trouble; Pittsburgh district. M 631. Ledger Oftlce. MACHINE BLOCKERS, tip and stretchers: steady work for rell.bl. operator.. Brooklyn. .". i. MACHLVI8T8-8.v.r.l tool makrrs .gaurs mak; r. and reneral machinists. Apply Industrtal vf.nufacturlnr Co.. 117 Federal St.. Camden. MAN AND WIFE WANTED Man for Isnltor biiys' boardlnr school, must be familiar with low-pressure steam boilers and machinery In reneral, wife for reneral housework and car; of linen; state experience, referenoes and ware desired In thi first letter .to ryeelv conilderatton: llvlnr provided at school. Teatea School. Lancaster. Pa. MAN. rood, wanted to drive truck team: must b? acquainted with city and fretrht stations. Apply 3846 Oermantown aw. MAN AND WIFE Oood cook and houseman I rood reference. II 728. Ledrer Office, MEN. 10. wanted to learn sausage and pork ricklnr business; 22c per hour. Apply 8043 Oermantown ave. MEN wanted, 12.88, per day: 11 hours' Py.l0 hours' wort. Apply Outside Department, 2343 Aramlnro ave. MEN wanted: laborer and locomotive cleaners, n ti It r1 Hall 1711 Filbert St. MEN. handy with email tools. Apply stein Mfr. Co.. 3d and Allegheny. Uero- MOTORMEN EXPERIENCED STREET CAR. iJOTORMEN FOR STRIKE DUTY MAN. OTHER CITY: FREE TRANSPORTATION. A 318, LEDGER OFFICE. OFFICE WORK Younr man, reneral offloe work. E 647. Ledger Central. RECEIVER Younr man to take car of recelv- Inr depart, in mfr. plant: rood, steady opportunity for right party: alary 818, ply Bernstein Mfr. Co.. 3d and Alleghen: Pl Ilk, w,. liaau, uu., iary aio. ap Allegheny ave. RIVET HEATERS wanted; must be experlsnced In rlvetior riveter for bull riveter. Apply Nllc-Bment-Pond Co., Mlfnln and Msadow street. SALESMAN wanted to carry ohalr line on com mission. A 232, Ledrer Office. Brave Little Girl EVENTS LEDaER-PHILADELPHIiV, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 191C HELP WANTED MALE Co-f(ed fnm Prrcedlno Cotsm- STENoaRAPIIER. over 21 Tears of ers J sslary HO perees. u eoi, i-aferventri. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED FOR OIL STOCK Opportunity for lifetime: proepects furnished; ready "or attention. O 340, Ledger Central. , TEACHER In Ilatboro High School'thlrd ssstst- . in M.. ,,,-' - .. ,,), lAft vee Innnm. feS! iiw, -v ...v...... .r..... ..... ...w .- -, r VIT I, niitu. if) ucatlon, Ilatboro. Pa. piy v, v, wiigus. presiaeni ai uoaru v. WAWV.TV MAI.B and female help, over 18 year of ry: tartlnr new machinery: rood wares paid while learnlnr. Apply Orlswold Worsted Com pany. Darby. WANTED. WATCHMAKERB Steady employment: rood wagee: in creasing production: stats experience, age and nationality, (.all or wrne to rNOERSOLLVTRENTON WATCH TRENTON, N. J. FACTORY WORSTED MULE SPINNERS AND PIECERS. FRENCH SYSTEM. NO NIOHT WORK. TTTE DUNHAM MH,LS, INC.. POQUONOCK. CONN.. NEAR HARTFORD. CONN. TOUNO MAN In btlllnr department of wholesale drug house: must be quick, accurate and rood penman: 1 or 2 years' hlrh school or commer cial training: chance for adancment. Ad dress, statlnr are. exr-rlenee and salary ex pected. I' 710. Ledger Office. General BOOKKEEPERS and accountants. 118-80: clerks. ISO month un: stenographers. IIO-IH. drafts mn. mechinleal. 118-20. foremen, thoroughly experienced brass foundry men: other por tions open for hlgh-rrade men. Business Bcrv Ice Company. 1301 Land Title Rulldlnr. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE STENOGRAPHER or office worker Young wom an, settled, reliable, d-slres position which ad vances on merit. Several years' prartleal ex perience as general asslstant.A 30I,Id. OIT STENOGRAPHER. 5 years' experience, also 1 yearatieJephonepperatlngLG 434, I-d.ent. TOl'NO WOMAN, reftnedT capable, tactful, de sires position, companion to elderly couple or blind pron, or charro of motherless house hold where servant are kept: personal inter view. Address M 703, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ANAT.TTTCA7. Acrot.TCTANCT EFFICIENCY ENGINEERING AN EXPERT , ADDRESS P. O. BOX 027. CITY AUTO repairman, 0 month' experience, desire position in automobile repair shop to leorn mechanics. O 644. LedrerCentrl.. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, elngl-. sober. Pjot estant; Cadillac preferred: rood driver: rcfer ences. G 843, Lodger Central. . CHAUFFEUR. 8 years' P'rlenc-. good me chanic. At reference, wishes position. P. Mat tlson. 133 North 15th street CHAUFFEUR. Eood driver, expert mechanlo; bt reference. 4737 North 3d street. COOK or reneral housework: Japanese wants noeltlon: crlvate famlly or. apartment, per sonal reference. E. 1034 Vine street. DENTIST Pennsylvania craduate. experienced, want position, assistant or dentnl mechanic. moderate salary. O 432, Ledger Central. ELECTRICAL Younr man. ago 20, rraduate electrical school, wishes position with nPtior tunlty for advancement.M 7j3M-;d!cerOfnce1 ESTIMATOR, plumblnr and, heatlns. desires change, clear record; technical, practical. O 341. Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGER Younr man. 23. capable taklnr charge office; rood correspondent, ac quainted with modern office practices, o a-. Ledger central. PORTER Colored man wants position: sober, willing; reference. A 320. Ledger Office. PRINTER, experienced, desires position to man ago plant of 3 or 4 Job presses: best refer ence furnished. A 320, Ledger Office. SALESMAN, thorough business man. desires opportunity to prove hi worth; commission. A 322. Ledger Office. SECRETARY Younr man of ability and experi ence desire to form a business connection with a worthy concern; energetic, rood personality; can Invest J1000. O 344. Ledger Central. FTT.TPINO. younr. Protestant, wishes position, butler or houseman: city or country; best ref erence. Call Room 205, 008 Chestnut street. AUTOMOBILES for Hale BRISCOE touring, 1016. will sell cheap. Garage, 16th below Cayuga street. CADILLAC. 1014. tourlnr car, overhauled and repainted, full equipment: price 1830. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 14. N. Broad tree imqnvi r-hnllt and euaranteed: phaetons. roadsters and cabriolets; elec. light and start ers. OOMERT-acilWAitTK. -:33 .-I. uroao si, HUDSON tourlnr. 1010 model; wilt sell right. 4840 North ICth street. MAXWELL tourlnr. 1011: .special, roomy car, rood looklnr. good condition: bargain; 1150 cash: can be seen hv appointment. Bell phone Diamond 1873 W. 1918 PAIGE. 03S Fleetwood tourlnr car; run 2400 miles, 1 extra new Pennsylvania vacuum cup tire. Lyon bumper. Tlnney-Walker clock, wind shield, mirror. S900; death in family. P 707. Ledrer Office. rif a RKla We have e. few eheaD few cheap cars of which the chassis would be very suitable for truck or delivery work of any kind: don't fall to come In and look them over If you want some- thlnr at a bargain price for delivery purposes, Locomobile. 2314 Market at. j.ocusi 450. H. A. Jenk. Mrr. Exchanre Car Depu. CHEVROLET PARTS SCHOBER SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS OOR30N ADTO EXCHANOE. 238 N. BROAD. Autocar Truck Parts SCHOBER. 8341-45 MARKET WILL EXCHANOE 1013 &.pas. tourlnr car. perfect condition, for 3400 real estate equity; no dealers, i-none wainut ooui. irtno USED AUTOS. 'ISO "Pi all atTlea and make. Reman Auto UP., -u 3 N. Broad st. Wanted USED ACTOS Wanted Oood. dependable used roadster, with starter and electric lights i state make, tr. condition, distance run and price. M 701, drr Office. AUTO LIVERY AND QARAOES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 2420 N. BROAD ST, AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITY TO PORE Diamond 6488. Never closed. Park 73. STAR TAXICAH CO. PHONE DIAMOND 74, TAXI TOURING LIMOUSrNHI HALF REOULAR RATES. Never Closed. Formerly Jitney Rate Co. POPLAR, 1617 To hlrs (open day and nlsht). Park 1482, brand-new 5-paa. tourlnr car, J1.23 hr. ; also brand-new 7-pass. llmouslns, 1.60 hr.: weddlnrs. funerals. 1718 Qlrard. TO HIRE, $1,25 AND UP Poplar 218. Cars of all makes. Raco 2241. BUY M0I8TER Portable aarages -Steel or stucco. On display 3931 N. Sth. Tioga 29S4. AUTO REPAIRING T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, at hi new location 610 NORTH BROAD STREET, CYLINDERS REHORED. new olaton and rings furnished, welding and brailnr. H. B. Un derwood A Co., 1025 namllton street. Fhila. AUTO SUPPLIES TARTS to bnlld or repair any.car. ..... Thlla. Anto Parts Co.. 82S N. 1-th. FarkHlt. TIMKEN-REARINOS HYATT New Departure Service Bta. Tha Owtlllam Co.. 1314 Arch st. Ph Walnut 8407. Race 8082. AUTO TIRES rt'LLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3500 miles. Compare prices. GRIM'S. 238 N. Broad street. BOATS, MOTORBOATS, LAUNCHES BEAUTIFfl. CRCI8ER. 73 feet lonrt will carry 100 paenreri 3 larre cabins: splendid equipment: price S0O0! will sell on easy terms or exchange for real estate, OODEN. 1220 Filbert st. Walnut 7280. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TiATiTIMTQ Send for our free book. iAilliiAO "Patent and Trade-Mark." We will help you develop your Invention. Ad vice fre. Reasonable fees. Open Monday eve nings until 8.30. FOSTER & WEBSTER aDrrE Ml mil Chestnut St. Bell phone Walnut 1884. t.tvt! rnnntrvnoN SYNDICATE flpi'p4a nni-l.7. "-!tj'2rii;vo.r?..'.0e.'f.J?'2: hlrhest reference men: on iiuiwbiuuii u. urn). asked and rUen. G 837, Led; ger tenirai. WANTErC-l2000 to ISOOOi a contractor with plenty of work on concrete. Iron and stone work neds the above amount to carry the contracts for n few months: has rood pront and will pay commission and Interest for the use of the money. M 240. Learorcmrai, LaWYER will ronslder buslnees proposition con nected with law practice requlrlnr small In vestment.Ml 45.Ledger:entral. , SMAi.L. "WELL-EQUirPED machine siop for sale: especially adapted for tool and die work. No dealers. A 307, Ledger Office. Wanleo WANTED To rent meat market with fixtures. State full particulars. A 310. Iydger Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS "AFTER THE WAR" .. "HEART OF THE WORLD" TM AN AMERICAN. THAT'S AW Three clover neutral war ballads 12o each. 3 for 2.1c, postpaid. SWlrfHER CO., 115 S. 10TH BT. FT.EA8. ROACHES . . and all other Insects exterminated by world's greatest expert. Prices moderate. Komo, 131 N. 17th. Locust 118. the riiAmjnQ nnttnllT Bank references. Appraisement, 1 per cent. Pif." IKtills a " e w a iiiit." -v- v SM 17 Sansom st. "f.VE.VINO CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest HtlM, Phone Poplar 233. Open evg. EIDNER'S, 10th and Olrard nve.. S. W. cor. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis: th only permnnent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theater Bids, CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Thone locust 1080. WEST PII1LA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c PER YARD 8870-72 LANCASTER AVE. WEST l'lIILA. DRESSMAKINCr AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKINO BY EXPERT MODISTE. 807 Denckta Bid., 11th and Market t. POR SALE BILLIARD, POOL, combination, second hand, boucht. sold, rented, exchanged: repalrlngl upplles. l.afo Keafer. American manufac turer. 320 Olrnrd ave. Phone ICens. 2315. BILLIARD, pool tables: new, second-hand bowl ine alleys: easy payments. Rosattq-Barry- Street Co., 223 B. Mh, St.: phone ai. Z2S4. BILLIARD A.VD POCKET TAHLES Also bowllnr alleys: easy payments. BRUNStt ICK-HALKE-COLLENDEH CO.. 1002 Arch. CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, replated. supplies: new and factory rebuilt: new total adder, a low as 130. call and ee our 10111 models. Registers sold by u on cssy payments and fully guaranteed. TnE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. CHURCH PEWS, tl PER FOOT Any length, solid oik: rood as new, BENCHES AND SETTEES. 60e PER JFT, CHAIR EXCHANGE. COR. 0TH AND VINE. LETTER FILES Typewriter, bookkeeper desks, mine cabinets, tele, booths, flies, safes, household furniture. Dullne Central lid-Hand Furniture Co.. 004 000.014 Cnllowhlll. Phone Filbert 4108. Fireproof; 00 slightly used; oil sizes nnd makes; blr bargains. 210 N. Fourth St.. between Race and Vine. SAFES TYPEWRITER Mslble tpe. cost ued short time; good condition: 30. 822 Land Title Building. JIUOs only Till sell for "lftirsirt-u ti 'IT A VTV lll-TTONTWOOD. has tho largest and best assortment of need office furniture and fixtures In this part of the country, Anything to equip nn office at prices that will please you. Tree delivery anywhere. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water r-ure fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN-KELSEY, 1827 rilbert st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS THE AVERAGE CLUTCH troubles are at an em! when you Judiciously Instal YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulleja. Built for any duty, light or heavy, nnd for high, speeds. SHAFTING and MACHINE WORKS. 143 North Second. JAME3 YOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamo, motors, boilers. team and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors FRANK TrtOMEY. INC. 1Z7 N. 8d St. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bourht. sold and rented: armatures reDatred. Main 01. Market 30K3. Yearsley Co.. 224 N. 8d st. MACHINES for maklnr steel wheels: Swager felloo roller-spoke- former and notcher. Sey- rerf. 4a7 .-. no i. LEATHER BELTING, made on the premise: fully guaranteed. CHARLES BOND COM PANT. 520 ARCH BT. 1. 2. 8. 4-splndle sensitive drills. 20. U2. 24. 30 Inch drill presses. .NinTAI.L. 1748 N 3th St. mn If V. GREENE-CORLISS ENGTNH for !! can ha seen runnlnc: 1300. HAFLEIQU CO.. American and Cambria at. PIPE FITTINGS, all sties PHILA, 2D-HAND PIPE SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th. Both phone. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 185 CIUCKERINa UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 888 N. TIt. AUQUST 1CTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE RELLAK 1120 CHESTNUT BT. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old stylo jewelry, teeth, plate bought for cash. Est. 1870. J. L. Clrk. refiner. 807 Sansom. OLD GOLD Caah paid for oldrold, sllvsr. an ttque clocks: will call. Bell phone. Locust 1210. ROOER8. 27 8. 17th St. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. . PRECIOUS tone, rold. (liver, platinum, fale teeth. Phlla. Smeltlnr Refr. Co.. 128 S. llth PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents, Trade-Marks and Corporation Practice J. Walter Douglass ESTABLISHED 1885. , .... PHILADELPHIA. North American Building. WASHINGTON. Victor Bulldlnr. STORAGE CONTINENTAL ., STORAOE WAREHOUSB SOTH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. SH'PPWp Rnrs. Carpets,. cleaned, secured, itorea. BelK Ixxmst lOOO-rPhonsKey.. Rare 4160 . FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 511-lSltf 41W1xca 0-. PENN BTORAGn.ANp VAU Ca 21! MARKET ST. TnSvfnr.r? .3 Ph. luring 752 for estimate. Market 87th. MeCANN8 STORAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. llth 1 t.; mortnr, packing, shipping: auto vanj: both phones. Iet m eetlmate. . . OIRARD BTORAOB, CO.. MS Oinri J'- Moving, packing, storage. Phono Toplar r..Q4. WANTED BROKEN JEWF.T.RT. falls teeth. pl''V.",?: coin books, with prices I pay. maUedlRC. J" ROSS (People's Store). 268 8. llth. Wal.eg BROKEN iewelry.fals? teeth, sold. -UverPlaJI- num taushL vejewwww .., , ,.- Est. 1860. CASTDFF CLOTHING Highest rrlc s s W '' Irtvm pnE9. 2. wsntefl. for men's luroisu- Inr rooos. os". --" -" ,-'' ..i J j-as i-l S I FURNITURE. Pianos, carp-ts, antiqn-s, ";; BM IN. 7tli T sPhgneIarketJjjj. WANTED-ComMnatlon pool and ,hl'VdiiLr5vV 3?x7 with complete outfit, Ineludlnr '"'';' top? second hand, but in perfect fond'tlon; Jan enSsn table o'.ahove specifications. Astoir ivin, i"t .i.r..-., . -. npcT TRICES paid for men-" cast-on ciotninr. 13r.ri i i4-5ttv.',,tt-T. r-rw-inr-n. into Olrard ehnes. etc. SAMUtJI. UAlt'-n, ve. Phone Poplar 03IZ.. WANTED Hotel coal range. 10 or 12 feet lonr. with three ovens: also EO-rallon boiler. 235 South 6th street. ROOMS FOR RENT inrrtr fnenVlee rno rooms runntnr water. jvw. -''. - .... .-.,(-, n ro nn. CHESTNUT. 1004 Bachelor apartments t.iiatnees people; phone LOCUSt 73lj for CIIESTNI'T 8T 2000 Desirable rooms, perme- nent or irnn-i-m.. 5llESTNyT7T043-Attractl-e sutte of 2 rooms and natn. aien unKin iwi""i .v.,.- LOrfST. 131S DESIRABLE liunjjiai -.-.- rni.tiKyr iajw i iu.i, PARK AVE N-. 1722 Well-furnished siwnr room ninnlnr water: 3d floor vacaney , SPRUCE 2022 Large airy rooms: prlv.hjths: southern expo'.: summer rate.Loc.l5B3 J WALNUT. .IPOS Rooms, single or com. : some private bnths. pnone i-resion eo 13TH. S . 210 Newly fum. roorps also turn. apt.: modern conveniences. Walnut 0403. 13TTI. v . 042 2 rooms, bath, heat ano usni, 120 MrjMMh.jrAULANE0OWMnuLtst1 18TH. N . 13 Nicely furn. hskpg. ;.?,V1 Bleeplnrr'msjrun.wat.; 12up.Loc. 8387J. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED front . joom ,n large modern nrlvste home; eltrlo light. in minutes to dlty Hall. Tel. Earing 415. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (The MarsraveV transient! sup, board. vacancies. permanent, SPRUCE. 1224-20 Furnished rooms, private baths: table board. Phone Walnut 71.1. STJETJKBAN ARDMORE, 4 Masonic ave Large, airy rooms, excellent table: exceptional porches; near train and trolley. Phon Ardmoro 120. , OERMANTOWN The Shlppen. Wayne Ic Hans berry First class In appointments fc service. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: special sdenttflo care: nervous, elderly; every comfort: nurses: book let. Dr. Rindal. City Line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11TH ST. (S. W. cor.l Modern suites: exceptionally attractive: hlch ceilings: abundantly lighted on three aides: suitable for housekeeping. If destredirent I41.BJ and 1.5. Janitor on premises. BARBER. HARTMAN A CO.. 1201 Chestnut st. nn.rrr .a lnintPT!l 020 to 033 N. )oms. with pr! t. Suites of 1 and 2 rooms, with private bath; furnished or unfurnished: every conv. west nirLADixrniA THE WALL1NOFORD BOTH AND CHESTNUT 3TS. , New S-ronm apartment for rent; electrlo ele vator, vacuum heat, hot water, laundry. MAIN LINK. P. R. R. OVERBROOK THE DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station One housekeeplnc apartment, 7 rooms and bath: to lease after September 1. FURNISHED APARTMENTS DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station rurnlshed apartments, consisting, of 2 sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally large living room and bath: dlnlsr room In building; to rent to September 15. Phone Overbrook 0328. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS $25 to $70 Per Month CENTRAL The LYNDHURST N. W. COR. 18TH AND GREEN ST3. The WILTON N. E. COR. 15TH AND POPLAR ST3. The LA SEDA N. E. COR. 15TH AND MABTER STS. The ARETTA 1810 MASTER BT. WEST PHILADELPHIA The BRESLYN B. E. COR. 47TH AND -WALNUT BTS. The FULTON N. W. COR. 8TH AND CHESTNUT STB. GERMANTOWN The WAYNE AVE. The WYNEVA WAYNE AND WTOMINQ AYES. BEB JANITOR ON PREMI8EB OR SAMUEL STERN 1201 Chestnut Street N. E, COR. 17TH AND WALNUT BTS. This 18-story Apartment Honsa is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly nreproofed and of the most modern architecture. Suites of 2 room and 1 bath to 7 room and a baths, including several bachelor suites with every modern convenience and facility. ONLY A FEW OF THE LARGE HOUSE KEEPING SUITES LEFT. THEY ARE THE FINEST IN PHILA.. HAV1NO SOUTHERN. EABTERNAND WESTERN EXPOSURES. OCElTl'O.8" WlUU BE DATD All things considered, the rentals are mod erst. For further Information, arrangtmtnt for Inspection and reservation, apply to MERTON W. GREIMS ' 810 Franklin H-nk UMg. Phone Walnut 8979. 1812, N. 1BTH BT. Modern housekeeping apartment! reduced rentals; Just renovated throughout. Apply to janitor on premises. LEWIS A. TAULANE. b. W. cor. 9th and 'Walnut t. '""""'' MODERN APARTMENTS, all lie and "prices. Call or write for complete directory, free. Apartment Bureau, 210 Franklin Bank Bldr. ": ;:: Bv C. A. VOIGHT HOU -T-t-gTrPTTxn APARTMENTS Confls.nt ron nvcf Colamn THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT But suppose, instesd of t rytng U ttew. W-.'SeJt-tMVveUt eoulppein proaches your exact Jdesi. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD ," WALNUT ST. fl -ipntrnT." B. W. cor. ISth and i I n De s I r. kitchenette! rea;. apartment, s rooms, .""""j rent. Wlllls-Wlnchester Ci .. IOU1 uneatnun west rnrL.ADEi.rniA . . 81TH AND CHESTNUT (The Essex) rive whii. china oss paint, mahogany noors, hardwood floors combination "Vlehman dry. vacuum cleaner: roof garden! wstenman all nlchti 137.60 to 163 month. ,,...,, 43l" AND CHESTER AVE. (The Mn"Jr: All abovo being desirable modern Mnse keeplng apartment, will consider reservation from Sept. 1 to desirable .tenants. See Jani tor, or CRESSE. 808 111 Rulldlnr. . trt--nor,iitTtT 6EVElNXofflTNHoulEPmO APARTMENTS FOR RENT! ELECTRIC ELE VATORS. PUBLIC DININO Pi2ri,.AS1JVr EST. THOS. M. SEEDS, JR., 1207 RACE ST. APARTMENT HOTELS THE TRACY 3Cth nnd Chestnut (Elevated Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT "GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE llTTt AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONG AND SHORT-TERM LEASES PARKSIDE APARTMENTS FARKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TII STREET Special rntes for summer season. lJa and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence. DELMAR-MORRIS I , WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS. ST., , OER MANTOWN! DELIGHTFUL SUMMER HOME t ult.Matll.L-tJ.r. uw .- ....... -- DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station Furnished apartments, consisting of 2 sleep Inr rooms, 1 exceptionally large lying room and bath: dining; room In bulldlnr! to rent to September IB. l'hone Oicrbroolt 0528. NEWPORT SPRUCE imi tnTlt STREETS ARRANGEMENTS FOR FALL CAN NOW HE MADE "IN THE CENTRE Or EVERTTHINQ" THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 8. DROAD ST. REAL ESTATE POR CALE CITY TOTT CAN RUY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING jJaMED PROPERTIES AT REASONABLE PIlICEt" .181ii-3i-47-r.l-r.5.r,7-50.6I.Folom st. ri0m-l2-i4-i(i-ia-2n-22 stile st. 2221-3(1-32-34-30 Harlan at. 1642-44-411 Ride me. 1850.32-34 Rldga nve. 2222-2K-40 Rldce ae. 1703-O7-13 N. Lambert st. 1012-10 N. Taylor St. 2205-00 Harlan st. . CALL. WRITE OR PHONE FOR PAR- TICUI-VRS. ,, DANIEL A. MINNICK. 1838 RHJOE AVE. STORES B07 Arch st. 1808 Chestnut. 12 S. Sth. 114 S. llth. 1V23 aiarxei. IIO.I Walnut. 1110 Walnut. 1204 Walnut. 304 Market 1217 walnut. J. A. PATTERSON, 130 S. 15th st. A. beautiful 2-story twin house! 8 rooms, shed; lot 20x110 feet: fruit trees. . , . KU1IN & LOWERY, Cth and Rockland. 1122 W, DAUPHIN ST. 2-story dwelllnr., 8 rooms, bath, heater. In rood condition; price 12000; owner very anxious to sell. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut nnd 13th. NEAR BTH AND DIAMOND Nine 3-story brick dwellings; good condition! rent J20: assessed 12400; want offer. MYERS fc 1IARTH. Rldso ave. and 10th. BARGAIN Very desirable property, 1034 North Front t., 3 rooms, store and kitchen with baker's oven; house In good condition. Apply Room 0. 44 North 4th at. 1539 Dauphin St., 2-story, 7 room. GUARANTEE TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 4-tory. 13 room. jm-iB-.u unestnut st. lOTir. 13TH. 14TH AND ISTH WARD RUT- ERS. SELLERS AND RENTERS. SEE KRtEDRlCH 6 CO.. 801 N. 12TH ST. 18TH ST., N., 817-810 Look these over; rented at S32; assessed 10000- price 12300 subject to 13300. MAS3BY fc BON. 13th and Green. FOR BALI? A few central properties at all prices from lln.ono up. J. A. PATTERSON. 180 8. 15th. 1742 N. 18TII Brownatons, 12 rooms; to be at a sacrifice. WM. O. GLENN. 1817 Colombia ay. 1721 N. 25TH BT. Comer dwelllnr: 8 story, rooms: hot - water heat. MAURICE HOOVER. Real Estate Trust llldg. 1814 N. CAMAC. WILLIAMS, B2- 12730. Walnut A. n. SIDE-YARD HOME at bargain flrure 32 Chew at.. Tabor: 0 rooms, hot-water heat, 4 bedrooms, electrlo lights, parquetry flooring: wide street: large lot: terms arranged; two iroiteya; diotk iron smiion. APERNETHY. 2721 N. Bth., 183 B. 12th. 1820 W. VENANGO ST.. cor. Gratx: 10x180 feet! 8-story brick dwolllng. 10 rooms, 2 baths) In closed laundry, with tubs; hot-water heat, ras and electrlo light iJOOOO. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO., Trust Department. Rroad nad Chestnut. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sal or rant. tttnd us your requirements. YARROW A VAJN PELT N. E. cor. llth and Chestnut sts. Phone 8160 Sprue or 2070 Race. 1085 N. Csjnao..j:9003004 Belgrade ... .11000 1413 Borl , 2350 3036 Belgrade .... 1000 1419 Boris 233013123 Tllton 800 9 Myrtle ..... OSflllBIS Ivench 2200 ALFRED It. WILLIAMS. B22 Walnut St. 12050. New 2-tory brick. 7 room, basement laundry, hot-water heat, hardwood nnteh; open Sunday. KUHN A LOWERx ' otn ana itocKlsna. NORTH and Wi Phlla and aormantown home, J1S00 to 18000. Flrt payment only 1100 to 1500. MERCHANT8' UNION TRUST CO. 715-717.710 Che.tnut t. 2532-24 -- i . ,.Au ,- n i ttniTii, ST.. S6X120 feet. With gota listener at. n rear. lRvlfin f--e. seised at ISOOO: monthly rental, till. as. TIIH LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO.. Broad and Cbetnuf at. NEAR 4TH AND CUMBERLAND Row of 10 house, assessed 11100, rent UOl well financed: want offer. ttiE.no st iiAiiiu. Kiag av. and I Oth. PALETHORP St.. 232BU, 2328. 2380 N. near to cine eststs cheap: all rented. Sons. 1MB N. 7th at. u man .ueupuin, o aweilinr ell Wm. L. Craven's MONEY FOR -MORTGAGES Building Association and Trust Fnd. TAULANE, 000 Walnut at. iAuuuic, vuu watnut at. me. A. SEAT ESTATE FOR BAta .M CTTT jj CmUnwd trvm rrteetlno Oelvmn 5j TO UUi 3UL1J J014 Wallace. 280 N. 16th. 861 N. 26th. 247 N. 10th, corner, 8037-59 N..???. ...- 2016 PP. uaraen, o-uv. 1823 Toplar. 2019 N. 10th. 033 Osden. 2214 Iirandywlns. 60S N. llth. 1902 Wallace. 872 Perklomen. corner. J.S4S N. 12th. --WE SOLICIT OFFERS ,41 Wlrihorfl I?. Worrell &. Ha il BBS NORTH 17TH BTREET ' A m ' . " -"a nnltdlnr lit rnetory filtft, ete. FACTORY SITES I SPRING GARDEN STREM FROM Broad Street Fifth to . nmrifTrn BTREET. J?0.STi rtEET. 150 lr---J WIDE: GOOD ju jjiuiii: r.ri jr-Ati nnxfn.q rit T.fnii-r. rrw., r 1 LOCATION jr-Ati nnxfn.q rtv tftr A PlXJYESi .;j:;',:j,.;..,s. .-"- .'t- i llOAD FREIGHT STATION .1. I.i ir,n AW lUlIL, APPLY THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. 40,000 ACRES of mln props, tie and plllnr timber lsnj sale: on navlsablo water and rail; 18 per mail payment, balnnceon tlms at B per 1314 VALNUT ST. Delaware River Fronts ) Near channel; Pennsylvania A ReadtnrU: 20 acres to 1000 acres; J260 Mr acr3 H. U. McCOLLUM. i 1314 walnut st. LARGE MANUFACTURING PLANT, 400 m frnntaca on Delaware River: Penna. n. siding; ofllco bldr., laboratory covered ifcff pins platform, etc., water supply from nrl nnd artesian well: IjoHers, engines (nnv thing complete. TAULANE, OOP Walnnt r N. E. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND 8TS.-W,", located site and buildings, adapted for fi tori's, garages, etc.: 00x109 to Polethora r. LKWiS A. TAULANE. 8. W. C0l 8Ul t!J Walnut streets, SITES, RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania til Reading: $2000 per aero and up, accoriB to location. Innulro for terms. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut. i CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and large tnra ground In all parts city: also over 200 oit sites. Melvln. 15IB-10 Real Est. Truil BMr DESIR.VBLE RIPE TRACTS Can srranrt il rSncts. ABERNETHY. 2724 N. Cth, In. 12th; . J LOTS, 14. 100 feet deep, 40th and Fuluia ave,, 1B24 Chestnut street west nw.Anni.riHA ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF VINE 87,, between BDth nnd 00th sts., within a mlnSs of the elevated station. Is locntod a bjsoufj row of modern two-story porch and teme front homes ofta "so decidedly dlRepar character from the, ordinary that the storrd these houses will be of pecullnr Intentt ti tha truly Intelllrent homo buyer. They were built of tho finest qnallts ; Bv terlal hy one of Philadelphia's leadlnr Iml! ers. whoso only, fault was thst he put m honest value In his work that there was llta profit left over. They were purchased br u Investor when material and wage were u rock bottom. Through force of clrcunuua he must sell at lees than cost. Think ol ti unique opportunity, now that materials vi wares aro at top prices. , These houses ar not designed to m n appeal to every one. To those who want ttgrf Instead of rood metal, shine and polUh a, stead at solid construction, they will Duki n appeal. THEY ARE FOR THE MAN WHO KNOT! CTIARACTER OF CONSTRUCTION AM REAL ESTATE VALUES THROUGH ACT THROUGH: WHO IS LOOKINO FOR A MOT ERN HOME IN THE BEST SENSE OF1 THI WORD. WITH 0 ROOMS. NOT COUNTW THE RECEPTION HALL. BATHROOM OB LAUNDRY. A HOSIB WHICH WILL OB 11 OOOD OR BETTER 10 YEARS HE.NOI THAN TODAY, Since our first advertisement about fon weeks ago we have sold elsht of these ocbh to homebuyers (a house must be wonderfjtj rood to sell In this weather). There are Jut four left next week there may be nooi then your chance la rone for rood and i They will bo sold for 13000 apiece and for u little aa J100 cah. with, terms mad to r for the balance. Just think of It: Sample house, No. B022 Vine st,. win k open dally and evening, and w snoold la every one who Is in tho market for a bonus come out and examine without delay. We only feel that this la an tm-ual cpw tunlty. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. .,! 8pruco 8071. P- 80M.1 BE.VUTIFUL HADFIELD AVE. 2-story, to houses: west of BSth treet: two houses, os of lloulavard and Hadfleld ave; hot-water IJ. team heat, electricity and ras. every cow to make these houses attractive. Price, JU to 17000. Small cash payment requlredjii amine eample house at any time. PESfBB TON ESTATES. 1438 S. Both st. TeL Wsoi lanu eoi FOUR 2-story. 0-room houses on desirable BiJ stroet In West Philadelphia; location wlllt. riven only In confidence, as other ownerfi same block paid 33000: will sell for WSOOijrt small amount of caah required. P W Ledrer Office. EXCLUSIVE 2-STORY HOSIES 8-story, convs.t In an exclusive 3-7 "5E borh'd: unusually attractive: breakfatroo-i huller'e nnntrv. etc.! nrlce 103001 1300 MK 13100 B rooms, hot-water heat, ras and tr trio lights, parquetry floors, shower path, ft kitchens and all other modern appointment. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER nam gnu iiwunu -.. THOMAS AVE. HOMES. B3d to 64th st , Price (8600. Agent on premise. E. H. APSLEY. BSth and Sprlnsfleld ass. . BEND FOR OUR LIST SALE OR RENt JOS. .M. BAKER B2d and Baltimore av. - THE UltUlUB uir WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTB' TAYLOR A SON. 21 and 28 B 40th st. BEND FOR OUR SALE OR RENT qst job. AL,l,r..- ruiin 4H03 uaitimor ave 6BTH ST.. abovo Olrard: fine S-tory lre&S electrcltyi 10 rooms, newly papered tMW out. CHESTER OSBORNE. 1B24 Chtstint. OERMANTOWN POSITIVE BARGAIN VT. WaBhlnrton Ian, near Green st.1 Mj semidetached, slde-ysrd dwelllnr: 13 r and bath each; lots 25x100; small amoui1 caah required. . CHAS. W. MILLER , 401-407 COMMONWBAI,Tlt nUTLDPra--- GERMANTOWN HOMES SALE OR RENT Advise us of your requirements. Bl list upon request. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO.; OJ0RR13 HLDQ.) 1421 CHESTNUT iitnniTU im eesnA 2-tory 8-room porch-front dwelllnr., ta Oermantown, near Chalten ave. trolley, t" payments If desired. OAHUTjpiftOJliUlUMUnHi. MANHE1M ST., opposite Cricket Club B ful location; 2H squares to Queen Laos houses. Handle. 21 S. 12th st. Oaraisjg OERilANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HH4 SECURE OUR REVISED SALE LIST . 11. u. LISTER. 6612 Oermantown sv; OUIt REAL ESTATE BULLETIN will be to you by mall on application. Oermfts Trust Co.. Cbelten and Oermantown avefi IF YOU ARE LOOKINO POR A HOME la f mantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, e-" Meehan, 8747 Oermantown si.