' -t?! DiYJiiiNliNU LJiiiXjrlliit 1 JJ.llrAliiiLJ:'JLlijV, JL xl U iiWXxl i. , AUUUfcJ'J,' 3, 1)H. ,1 P"" ,r,r 1 f JP11AXUAAJU HHiYVP &BARS AND PLUNGERS JOIN HANDS t. M-l A r T7. 1" T" m n r n y-v rr -n. - -si A .. . xu .u.c;r.K,Jiiss MUTUJtc S'JtUUK .PKICES fAffgressive belling in Several Issues Evidence of Rocke- k H-11 TJ....J ii. TT..i T .. 1 T. -r -r . . , ieuei- jouing in uiuuu racinc, ana it is insisted Extra Dividend Will Be Declared High Points in Today's Financial News Philadelphia and Western Railway reported increase in earnings for '.fiscal year ending Juno 30, the net income being equal to 5.3 per cent on the .company's $2,000,000 preferred stock, against 3.2 per cent the previous year. ' Hew Jersey banks reported big gairt in deposits for two months ending 'June SO. Price of Pennsylvania crude oil reduced. Bar silver higher in New York and London. NEW YORK, Aug. 3. All the active traders and the uptown benr plungers Joined linnds during tho day In a movement to depress tho motor stocks nnd various specialties which hud until recently been forced Into .prominence by violent advances. Jacob Field was the leader In tho selling In Cuba Cnno Sugar, which declined more than five points to B2Ui wniio tne two nouses handling leading bear accounts wore aggresslvo sellers of Willys-Overland, StudcbaUcr and Maxwell Motors. Cuba American dropped 6 points to 21C, followed by a good rally. The standard Issues, Including Union Pacific and United States Stcet common woro Influenced only to a small extent by tho bear attacks on motors nnd specialties, Thero was evidence of Rockefeller buying In Union Pacific all through tho day, and It was Insisted in quarters often well Informed that an extra dividend will be declared oil Union Pacific next Thursday. United States Steel common had a steady market all through tho day and made Blight fractional gains, whllo many other Issues wore forced to low levels. For a titno during tho day It seemed as though tho bear factors of strike troubles were to bo added to by tho announcement of Involvement of a leading bond house In financial difficulties, but Into In tho nftornoon tho announcement was mado that this houso would bo taken caro of, nnd following his announcement buying orders camo from some Important banking sources, which gavo mora stability to the market than It had enjoyed since tho beginning of tho week. Thero was quiet absorption of Heading at all times, although It showed a loss on tho opening transaction. Tho Marino Issues showed a strong tone nil through tho day, with most of Via buying of tho preferred stock based on tho expectntloh that tho plan will provide for a liberal payment on account of accumulated dividends. JJNUSUAL ACTIVITY ON COTTON 'CHANGE More Business Transacted Than on Any Day Since War Began E COTTON IIKI.T WCATIIKB. !' NEW YOltK.Atir. 3. Scattered ulrtwcn to reporicu in me cenmii ami eastern fcrtlnfw fif fhf. rnltnn Imtt tlilu n.n.nlnir 'Willi temperatures ulioat uncluinreil. .. jHviouuwiiiff irniiterniiire wcrp reroriieut Ashevlllc Olt Molille nnd Kalclcli. 70 At lantap 111 Wo mid Knjixvlllo. IS. Little . Keek. Ickiliiirir. lllrmlnclmin. ClinttnnooKii, Tunipa. H'llmlmitou. TliumiiHillle und jimrnstn. 711 Hnn Atilonln, Ciiriius Chrlitl, .'kiuiiuiiiu il juaron. mireve ftainni flarolil. Rf. - Iherp win .01 Inch of tirrclultnllon nt Memphis, .on nt Charleston, .CO nt Italclcli. .70 nt .Meridian, ,Ti nt Little Itock. .78 nt Mobile und .82 at Tampa undlllrniiiiKhum. New York Bond Sales, lltv. l'nrf Nmllli. M.ninhl. Aaron, Monlnnmpry und Niulivlllc. 7(1: hrevmort. Charleston. Jacksonville nnd imnnnali, 78, nnd New Urlcuns mid Ten- I NEW YORK, Aug. 3, Pronounced ac tivity was displayed on tho Cotton Ex change thl3 morning, and somo traders maintained that thero was moro actual bu ' ess done on tho call than on any other dnys since tho market reopened after tho beginning of tho war In 1914. The early tono was strong, prices belric 1 to 13 polntH higher, tho greatest gains being recorded In the distant months. Somo of tho biggest operators were nctlvo buyers While Important shorts nppcarcd to bo cov ering. Uptown Interests also purchased largo amounts. Spot houses wero limited cellars and a supply camo from Now Orleans. Commission houses and ' Wall street interests operated on both sides. After tho call there was no cessation of demand or activity, nnd prices roso two ,to flvo points further before tho end of the nrst is minutes or trading. The strength here wns held bv Llvernnni. where prices woro up IS to 19-i roints nt tha local opening; they were duo to corns 12J4 to 15 points higher. Privat. cables reported heavy covering of short3 and buy ing by tho Continent and onlv small lnt for sale. Tho high temneratures rennrteil In ili Southwest seemed to cause a great deal of uneasiness, junny early sellers covered on tho advance Into In the morning and De cember contracts sold through the He level, or approximately 20 points above last night's closing quotation. Trading wns rather less actlvo than It had been earlier In the day, but the action of prices sug gested Increasing sensitiveness to unfavor able crop conditions. Southwestern spot firms wero credited with having bought a few contracts hero this morning. August , , October ., Uecember January March . , Way fepot Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL-, Aug. 3. Spot cotton quiet today, at 21 points higher on the basis of 8.10d for mid-upland. Tho sales were 6000 bales. Including 6200 bales American. The receipts wero S000 bar-i, including 1100 bales American. Tho market for futures closed firm at a. net advance of sUA&SiV, points. Yesterday's 11 12 2 Clone. Open. a.m. m. p.m. la.Bli 13.37 ..... ... lfl.lll l.l.lill 18.71 111. (IK 13.11(1 ... 13.83 UI.HII 13.UI 13.S8 U.31 ... 13.hl 18,1111 13.U3 13.0T 14.27 ... 1-1.02 14.12 14.13 ... i4.il 14.24 :.:'.: 14.30 ... Id. 43 ..... ,, Cotton Buyers nnd Sellers NEW YORK. Aug. 3. October Wlggln, Q Connor, Mitchell, Norden, deran, Fllnn. Jxelfter and A. Hartcorn bought J Hagcdorn, Bchlil, Melz. Honskorf, Hoscnberg, McEnany, .Wilson and Crooks sold. December Martin, Hyman. Clifford, Mitchell, Norden, deran, McFadden and ilobert Moore bought: Fllnn, Weyman, Smith, Bartlett. II. Hubbard, Hopkins, WIN fon. Springs, Beardeley. Brooks and .ftewman sold. January Sellar, Geran. Norden, Mitchell, SS W una c' Hlck3 bought; Keiffer, Walters, Wilson, MOEnany, McB'adden, Cone, Hyman, Bmltn, Coss, Truvers and Beardsley sold. arc Orvls. Downs, Montgomery and tS., y bo"Bhtj Sellar, H. Hubbard, Bartlett, .WlUon and Hyman sold. X PnnvII. Hubbard. Hyman. Wallls na Monr. Hanemann & Co. bought ; Wen- Bian find Tl!1l.DilA-n ant A f-J'j'y Hyman and Lowensteln bought; uueu nun . iiartcorn soio, j.-.onn niiuii (t4MKIII 111(11100 210UO 1(10(1 4U)(I 111)00 M2II0II .iionn 11000 2110(1 211(111 1(1110 1(100 intion 11 111)11 41100 21100 1001) nun 10(1(10 -1SIIIII) 2111)11 1111)1) 10IIIIO 2111)1111 131100 noon 4(11111 1110(10 lr.ooo 70(10 200(1 2000 1001)1) 1000 2111)1) 2IIIIII IK." 00 moo loooo 10(10 20011 nnon 111)00 3300 1101)11 70UI) C.OIII) 23(1000 nooo 10111) 11)011 anon 7000 101)0 171100 20000 000(1 230IIO 31)00 1000 1110(1 200(1 r.no 2KOI10 111000 12IIIII) l.-ooo 11)00 3IIIII) 411(111 noon 300(1 20000 3111 II) 2(100 13(100 .100(1 20110 1000 30000 .1001) 00011 7000 41100 101)0 1)000 2001) 14000 42000 23000 DOOI) 1000 3001) 3000 2000 3000 11000 2000 13000 20000 IHOOO nooo 10011 1301)0 3001) 21000 10(111 10000 High. Albany & Sua n'in.. K(l Aluakn (Id cv (la 8or A ON AuBlo-Fr t)5i Am 1'orclKn Hco C.i... I'K'.fc Am Tot clt it HIW Am Toll now (!a 11KJ, Armour Co 4',4b l)3h Atclilson Ken 4a Ii'-';i Unit k Ohio 3s 100 -a dn li DOH do cv 4Ma III). llclli Steel 1st .In ....loiti llrlm Itn Tr 3s iniH..Km lirook On Una 1st fia.ltliUi Hush Term Rm K7Ji Cnn Oov -Is 11)21 flli'i do lOL'll IIOH do 11)31 look Onl OnH & Kleo Bs.... DkH Cent Lcnthcr 1st 3s..l(ll Cpnt 1'nr 1st 4s SS Clica ft Ohio cv -Hi a., tin do conv 3n Chi Ot Went 4 .... CI) I & Nwn 3 '.oh ... do Ken la nut ti .. e .At... ... 111 II R .4 JIIIIIL '!! . . I'.jt Chi M He at 1 rfd 'liis 111 do conv 3a 1IM!?j no cp ftH iu.i do cv'4'.4f loojl Chi It I & 1' rfd 4a.. 72(5 do 3h Ill Chic Hwy 3s U7Ji Clcv Hli Lino 4V4b...10(i1J Ohio Un atn 4V4a .... Il!l Con Oiih conv 113 ....122 Combcrlnnd Tel Iis...liioi't Del & liuil rril -is. L)en & Uln Or 4a.. do rn IIS1.-. 7S till do I'.ia M4 Dotrolt United 4'4a.. K0S l)la Hrrur Cnrp.na..,. 74Vj Uen Klec deb 3a... Hud & Man In 3a. do rfd 3s Ill Central rfd 4a... Inlcrli Met 4V. m .. Intcrb It T ref 3a, lot 27 70U Wl 73',j UH Ilicru IV L rei un... "n Inter Mcr Mar ct 4Us.lU3fi .Tan new (1 8 4'4a... HI Japancso new 4V4h... h34 ivan L-itv o 1st ;ia... Kun Cliy tev iBt 4s t nv r. 1...-I. b I.ackn ateiil na'iliL'.i'. L. an den 4a 1U2H do del. 4a 1031 1 Louis .t Nnsh 4s.... 114.. .Manhattan -Is so Mex 1'et Co flu Ker A10HH Mex l'et Co (la Scr C.losH .iii Kan & r jut 4s. i..Vi .In rfil 4n 17a Mont lowr 3a, N V ! & II s do 4a .Id f-nn H N Y C. lViM 1U03., Ho 4V4H IllliO ,. V V fmn Hwv 4W n r .V II t J 1 ...1 N Y Itwy ref 4a ... N V Uwv mil 3n N Y Tel con 4',is.. Kor Pac xen 3s l'enna 4a 1D0H, .... do F'm ct 4v4s.. do -i'.ia 1021 .... Pcoiile'B OaH 5a.... Public Serv N J 3a. i;h S7U .lolK U.lS ... 07 ...111W ... VM'i ...1IS ..1(. Low. Mil l)M n.-.U UN 01 ll-Sji d:i? llliljn tio4 uii lo lU ion HinU S7'4 l)!li Olli 10054 lllt'l 8K M.. tiatj (inj Nij; 1115 U7jJ !ll-l 100?. 1IKI, , looVi 72 111 li'i'iy, Siljt. liiii'i HN',4 78 ".. Ml "1 ?!$ us ior. 81..,4 UN 87 14 101.. 110 D.-.K l)3Ti 10H4 Close. X(l IIS l. UH 1IS U.lS 112 llllljl 101(4 mo 1011(1 N7J4 WIJl mi 5 100J4 Heading K?n 4s. Hop ir t na. .. Bl I, I M 4 3 4s. at I. & H V In w 1 do Ken ct 4a .. do H-r Awl ... Stnnd (las Us .... .South Hell 3a .... Mouth 1'no cv 4b., do cv ret t P Bs uo riu -is South l'ac Term 3a aouth Itwy ten 4s. do con 3s Third AVfl ad Ss .. Tol I'eo & W 4s ... U K Rubber da ,,l,. II H Ste.il a t 5s ... Union l'ac lat 4a . , Union l'ac rfd 4 ... un iiwys a 1 -is. Vu. Car Chm lat Vit Itwy 83 .... West Iileo 5b .. Wtlt K & M cv 8s. West Shore res Is . do 4b West Union 5a . . . , W 13 & M cv Bs.. .. (is ,. lid ,. U.111 ,.10Ui ..lul , , .1001 lj . - ir.it .. 1)7 .. S()4i .. 82 .. 110., .. Ilh'i .. ufl'i ..101., ..1113 . . 1111 -lOlti .... 7K ..... 3(1 ...101J1 .... oilli :::: ST ?f:: JK8 1112 .113., , uofi .100 .113 o..v lOlii "al lows 7H 511 HllK. IDS unli 1)7 4 I'KVi 102 114'.4 H7 J 11)0 U4V4 $100 BONDS Due. P.C, Alberta. Trovlnce of 4(a l2l Am For Bee Co 8-yr notes n 1010 Anelo-French Argentina (lov 3 City of, Baltimore 4 City of Chi. llarb Con... 4 City of Now Orleans Imp. 6 City of Vancouver ...... 44 New York City reif ...... 4 New York City ree 4(j Ala & Vicku lat con.... 3 II & O O & I, Ivan 1st.. 8 Cent Vt Ity 1st ret; 4 C, II t Q Pen Ext....... 4 C, it & at 1 ten rev con. S., C M & fit 1 eonv 4'$ Col & So ret & ext.,..,. 4H Krle Gen conv series D,, 4 N Y Central conv deb... II M V t, n IlfB (Krle) 1st 3 NY, Nil & 11 conv deb cts 3(4 LONDON STOCK MARKET ' Vndertone Firm, but Business Re . mains Slow Americans Lower LONDON. Aup. 8. While the undertone hCI the Stock Exchange markets generally was firm today, business remained slow,' it was restricted by continued hot weather ana the approaching holiday on Saturday. . ftotwthstandlng the fact that money t m more usable, tha gilt-edged section . was supported. There was moderate In- , eIStment buvtntr of home rails. Americans "'"Jif ,r'-eKular. but lower In the main. .Alter a reaction Steel common rallied. Canadians were Inclined to sag. South American ralln urarA rherlfprorl j,n'lment In, allied bonds was cheerful. lM French loan was lu demand, pespite Steadier exchange rates, Drazlliana were aixeu. Buying by Johannesburg made iwfllrs hard. OIU were dull. London N. Y. (ll ., 120 Enulv. S&.w?iac:r.v.::::: m Thl y .- ............. 01 u?tfaiL:--:;::::iPH .Wlvl)l U Nashvllla 133 E?.i."r.i.f mn &TS75.V"" KS fffr,Baiuto.::-;:::-::rrj3 m 5 s K M 'ill II NY. NHtH conv deb ret-, (I Nor & West lat con .... 4 Seab Air I.lne lit & con., d Ho Pac San Fran T, 1st 4 Vlmlnlan lty 1st........ Am ABrl Chem conv deb 5 Am lco See ddb...... ... 0 Am T & T coll tr ctfs ., 4 Am T T conv......... 4V4 licth Steel 1st ref..,, 8 Cent Leather 1st res;..., 5 Ches Pot Tel Co 1st.. S Com I' Hy & I'lshl eon Denver Oas & Klec Ut,, 3 den Ulec deb .......... 3H Ot West Power con deb.-, Ick Steel 1st con.,,.,. 3 I.ucledu aas 1st 3 Llzuett & Myers deb ree,, 7 Musett & Myers deb res., S P lrlllard deb reir,.,.,, 7 P Lorlllard deb rejc B Pierce Oil conv deb..,.,, B Mont Power 1st 4 ref..,, 3 N Y Air llrake 1st conv,. B Wis Kdlson conv deb,,., 0 1U20 1043 1 !)(.- 11)17 11120 1023 11)113 lUliO 1U21 11)30 1U2II 1U22 201-1 10.12 11133 1033 11133 11HII 10311 104 K 18011 1013 11ISO 1UU2 11124 1U23 1020 1033 1UJ2 io;5 luis 11)18 1019 11113 1112.1 11)50 1010 11141 1031 1U41 1031 1S24 1013 11128 l'J2l Did. Asked. 4; OR 03J4 DO DO 87 UHtt III) ion 101 03 04U 107V4 lwL 102,, 103U os!4 . . us 81 00 luii!4 101 d2 hi 112 00 70 Uok OS na USU 117 H fell DH4 IDS 100 100 101U 113 71 lv-.. OIU 00 1V4 7i 02(J 100 loiu 102,, 103 1)851 0314 100 112.. 1)3 il 100 123 100 2 ioU 1SBH 11)1 12IIH 101 Hit GOVERNMENT BONDS Bid b! "!!. r,i?,n1030 .......n....- mi wwt. wuw ...,,,,,,. a,,,,., .y.. as rasiaiereu 3s coupon 101 4a reirlstered 4a coupon 11)25. ...... .,..,.,....11 Panama -'a registerea iusu , mniina a rtisiercu in Panama 3s rcslstered 1U L'anazn o coupon Asked. DO "ilft1" - ?$ 1 1018 ,,,,,,, .,,,1IU)U. ired ,it)23 ,,..;.,;,,;.:,.ipB !S::::i:::I8li Spot Wheat Strong at LiyerpQol LIVERPOOL. Aug. 3. Spot wheat was strong today, with No. 2 hard winter quoted 12 3d, an advance of 6d; No. 2 red winter wheat, 13s 8d. an upturn of 8d, and No. 1 Northern Manitoba, 13s lOd, a gain of 7d. Corn was Arm, wltl American mixed Id higher at 10s, Id, and plato unchanged at lis.' Flour was Is higher at 4s (id. DIVIDENDS DECLARED iJiosten Monotype Machine Company, quarterly t n .MM, ....hi. illPII.. A, n .lull . d Ausust 21, of 1U wr ewjt.cayable Aucust 31 to stock ot record AV3USI r- , , . lioturlok Comuany. rwulsr Quarterly ot 73 cuita n aliare. nayabla Seutember 1 to stock al r.card Auevit 13. New York Stock Sales 32 no U2 07 now now 210 210 108 108 OS1 C-ltf 03!f mji 13h 113 yjVi 13S 113 13)3 Last close. ItlRh. Low. Close. Alaska Gold Xt I7i 17! 17 17M Allis.ChalmctsMfR.Mt., 21H 21H 21)4 21H AIHj.ChalBlJrs Mfc rf ... 74 74H 74 74 Am AjrCntmlt.i..ii,, 70 72H 71 "1 Am Ak Chemical pf... ...100 n3)i WH OW Am neel Siiar.. .... 87'A 87H 8SM 80H Am nrako S & F.. .!..,. 100 103W 103J 103H AmCanit .... RiH GiH M 54K Am Canpf.....t..tll0 110 110. 110 AmCar&Fdy.. 67W 57' COJI oOH Am HldeSi Iathctpf. 63H 63H B3H C3M Am Unseed 18)i 18S 185 18H AmLocomotiTO.. 07 08i 07H 08M Am Smelt A Kef 92K 03 03 03 Am Smelt ft Ilcf pf...,lll! HOW UQH UOH Am Sugar ncrinlnjt 100H 100K 103 109 AmTcl&Tcl 129JS 120H 12011 129H AmTobaccO ,,.217'f 221 218 221 Am Woolen 43H 43 42 42H Am Writing V pf ...27 2T 28 28 Am7.1ncL&Sm 3M 32 31M 32 Am 7.lnc h & Sm pf OIU 02 02 02 Anaconda Copper M 7814" 78H 78J4 8M Associated Oil 07 07M 07J4" 07' AtchTop&SF 102 102H 102 102H AtchTop&SFpf 09 90M 09 09 AtlOulfAWI o: 04H 02M 04H naldrcoWks 703 71 705J 71 Haul Loco Wks pf 105 1035 i 10.1H 10S Halts Ohio 85)4 S5H F4K 84J Halt .1 Ohio pf ;... 74 74!f 74W 74H llntoplias Mlnlnir 1)4 1H 1H M Hclhlchctn Steel 435 430 430 430 Brooklyn Hap Tr 84!f MH MM 84M Iltunsllros mi COlf OO'f 00f Hutto & Superior 05 03U 0414 08l Ca! rctroleum 18 19 18K 19 Cal retrolcum pf 45 45H 45 45M Canadian l'acinc 175 175 1731s 175 CasoJIThMpf 88JJ 88 8rt 80 Central leather 54U Mi I4H 51V Chandler Motor 101 10m 100 101H Chlno Copper 47' 47 47 47J Chcs&Ohlo 00 00K bOU o0)f Chicago Great West pf... 34H 35 35 35 Chicago Ml. &St Paul.. 05l 05) 01H 0U Chicago Mil & St P pf . .128 120M 129Ji 129 Chicago & Northwestern. 12711 12011 120 12015 Chicago & N W pf 175 170 170 170 Chicago It 1 & l'ac 18 185 17U 18 Cluett, IVa & Co pf 109 110H UOJi 110H Col Fuel & Iron 43 43 -43 43 Consolidated Oai 135! 1301$ 130)$ 13054" Corn Products Kef 135-4 134 1354" 13H corn Products Her pr. .. . 80 110 60J 00 Crex Carpet Co 45 45 44 45 Ctlpplo Creek Cent 50 32 Crucible Stocl 03 G85i Ciuclblo Steel pf 117!$ 110J-4 Cuban-Am Sugar 222 221 Cuban-Am Sugar pf 10S 108 Cuba Cano Sugar 67)4 67H Cuba Cano Sugar pf.,,.. 0455 Ot'l Detroit Edlon I39!i 13S5 Diamond Match 110 113 Distill Sec Corp'n 44 43H Krlo , 35 35 Krlolstpf 52J 5155 Goodrich B F 7U, 71?f Great Northora pf 117 117J1 Illinois Central 103 102)i Int Agricultural pf 41 41 IntHarvNJ 114 113)1 Int Con Cor v t c sh.. 10W 10 Int Con Corp'n pf 74 74 IntPapcrpr GO GQJf Insp Con Cop 47)4" 4HU Int Nickel v t cfs 44'i 44'f Int M M c of dep 2511 23J Int M M pr c of dep .... 8055 875S Kan City Southern pf ... 69 59 Kelly Spring Tiro 71K 71 Kcnnecott Copper 14H 45 I.ack Steel Co 71 70 Lehigh Valley 7755 77U I-co' Ruliber Tire 43H 43)1 Iing Manil 3855 .TH IxiuLs & Nash 12755 1275S Mackay Cos 81)4 8153 May Dcpt Stores OHi C0J5 Maxwell Moton 77i 7755 Maxwell Motors 2d pf . . 5755 54 Mexican Petroleum tloii 05'5 Mexican Petroleum pf... 02 00 M lam1 Copper 'SMi 3351 Mo Kan & Texas 355 351 Missouri Pacific 55( 5 Nat Cloak & Suit pf ....10055 109U Nat Unam & S Co 22 21JJ Nat Lead Co 03 03 Nov Con Cor 17)J 175i New York Air Iirako.... 129 12(5 New. Yorlc Central 10.1'' 10351 Notfolk A: Western 128'- 1285a Norfolk & Western pf... 80'4 S0!i Nor Ohio Tr & L 00 90 Northern Pacllle HOU 111 Ontario Silver Mln 0 G PacIIIcMall 20 10'f Penn Itallroal 55JJ f.551 Pitts Coai Co c of dp. .. . 27) 2755 Pitts 0 C &St L pf.... PI 03 Pressed 8 Car Co 47 i 4755 Pub S Corp'n N J 131 130)4 Pullman Co...., 101JJ 10'J55 lty Steel Sp Co 43 13 Ry Steel Sp Co pf 07 074 Hay Con Copper 22J1 22J5 Healing O.iH OJJj Republic Iron & 8 4011 40'; Scars, Hop & Co 19955 199 Sears, Roo & Co pf 120,J 120)4 ShatArUCop at) 2(1 South Porto It Sugar.. ..183 170 South Pcrto R Suz pf...H7 110 Southern Pacific 08 07Jtf Southern Ry 23 2351 Southern Ry pf 0755 0755 Studebaker Co 123 123)4 Tcnn Copper. 25 25 Texas Co 101K 101)1 Third Avcnuo OHi 01i Union Dag & Papor 05 i 7 Union Dag & P pf 42 45 United Cigar Mores 00 lOO'l United C Mfrs pf 109 IDS),' Union Pacific 137JJ 13SK Union Pacific pi 8231 82JJ U SInd Alcohol 100,'i 108 USOIP&F 20)1 1055 United Fruit ,15355 ICO U H Rubber .63 641,' U S Steel Corp'n S015 SflJi U S Steel Corp'n pf 117K 11711 U bm R& M i;Q)i C054 U 8 S II & II Pf 50J1 CO Utah Copper 77 7715 Utah Security 1051 101J Va-Caro Chem ,')8) 38JS Va-Car Chem pf Ill no Watish 1351 1355 Wabasn pf A 4915 5J Wabash pf II 20)5 2055 WestK&M 50J5 J051 West Union Tele 03 0351 Wheel & Lako Eria..,,., 4 31 Whect & L E 1st pf 13J5 1255 Wisconsin Central 61 ClH WUIyi Overland 62 62)i WUlys Overland pf 101 103)1 Woolworth F W 13035 130 3135 35 6155 '5155 71H 7151 11054 117 10214 10254 41 41 113'f 113)4 10 10 7331 73)1 00)1 00)1 4735 48 43i 44)5 2151 25Jf SOU 87 69 71 CO 71 4435 45 0931 CU31 77 7754 4311 43)1 33J5 35'-. 127 127 SDi 8115 0014 OOH 75) 7035 5215 5-1 0435 94'. 00 00 33!( 3311 . 311 331 4'1 41 109 109 21J1 21J5 03 03 17 1735 120 120 103 10351 128lf 12831 8055 S055 00 00 110't 11055 0 0 1931 1951 6535 5531 27)5 27)4 93 93 47)5 47H 130 130 100 10'JM 43 43 0755 07)5 22JJ 22JJ 03 031 4535 4051 10851 10S31 12054 120'4 20 20 179 170 110 110 U7H 07J1 23 23 07 07 121 12354 2U1 25 187 189)1 5931 005f 0)1 7 4255 45 09H 904 108)5 10S5i 137)4 13851 821 i 8234 104 105)4 19)5 1054 158 109 5235 5331 80 80)( 11711 U7M C0)5 t!0)( 60 77 1035 38JJ 110 13)5 00 60 77 lOJf 383( 110 1354 60 .'63 s 2U51 (.0 50 02?i. 0351 3)5 3H 12)i 12)i 6134 6154 60)5 6255 103U 10351 13535 13535 Sugar Futures Active and Lower NEW YOHK. Aug. 3. Tho market for sugar futureB was active and lower today, with continued selling by Wall street, thought to be for short account and further general liquidation. First-bid prices showed declines of 4 to 17 points, with sales on tho call 2000 tons. The spot market was dull and with a lower tendency, and there was Uttlo In the news from that quarter to stimulate prices in tho futures market. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS ,fiKV J0RK1 Auar- 3. puTTER Receipts. 12,T8. General demand only fair and market remains unchanged. Untl llanalnl. 1 K O. m .. . eneral offerings quiet und Irreg- ?" Ku .'.I,M- vicr.ri uiienng-s quiet I ular with considerable accumulation tlons unchanged. Quota- Money and Discount at London LONDON, Aug-. 3, Da Deers, 10 ; Rand, 3H : money. 4?i ; discount rate short bills, BKCP5H ;. three months' bills, 5 ft 5i, unchanged. New Jersey Dank Deposits Increase TRENTON. N. J., Aug. 3 Bank de posits from May 1 to June ?0 Increased S1M8MS9. according- to the quarterly statement of the condition of the savings banks, trust companies and State banks made public by Banking- and Insurance Commissioner George La Monte today. Missing Candy Salesman Sought Thg pollco have been asked to aid in the search for Harry W. Barnett, 30 years old, a, candy salesman, of 858 North Twen tieth street, who disappeared more than a month ago. His sister, Mrs. W. C. Holm bon. with whom he lived, believes that worry vr the loss of his wife has affected hu mind. Barnett is 5 feet 8 Indies in height and weighs 145 pounds. He wore a brown coat and vest and gray trousers when he waa last seen. WHEAT DROPS AFTER SOARING AT START Decline Results From- Profit Taking on Theory That Bulge Had Been Sufficient OttAlN nKLT WEATHER FORECAST. CHICAGO, Ant. 3. The weather foretnst for the net sn.honrj follows! . ... Illinois I'nrllr fjniidr nml confirmed warm tonight nnd Friday) proh.ililr unsettled north tonlsht. .... , ... Mlxrnurl (lenernllv fair nnd continued warm I onlnlit .nnd I'rtdiir. ... . wleonln I'nrtly rlouilr tonlslit nnd rrl- dnrl not much fhanice In temperature. , , , .Minnesota rarity . rloiidy, with lorn! iliunder showers tonlcht or rrldnrl cooler Friday wet, ., lown IInttlei1 this afternoon! partly cloudy tonleht nnd Friday! continued warm. North nnd Mouth Dakota Thunder storms tonlslit or Friday! cooler Friday. Nrtirnskn Pnrttr tlondv with local thunder storms tonlslit or Friday! somrnhat cooler Friday. .... . ... Hann (lenerall.r fair, with eontlnueil lileh tfmperaturo tnnUlit nnd Friday, ex cept not so warm west Friday. CHICAGO, Autr. 3. Great excitement prevailed In tho wheat market ncnlii today. Tliore wns enormous taking of profits on tho theory that the buglo had been sultlclnnt for tho present, sending prices oft nftcr a rush ot huyiiiR orders from nil directions had carried them Into new IiIrIi ground for tho senson, September Rettlne; to $1.34 ti. npnlnst $1.30 r;J nt the close yestcrdny, He ccmhor, to $1-3S',S. ngalnst J1.344 nt the close yesterday, and Mny, to $1.43 "4, affntnst $1.39 nt tho end yesterday. The close was lowor. Soiling through commission houses was very heavy. There was no apparent attempt to minimize tho oxtent of tho Injury to the crop In the Northwest, but tho advance had been so rapid that setback naturally was In order. It was nsscrtcd hero that threo northwestern States would not rnlso suf ficient wheat for their mills this year and It was claimed that tha shortngo thero was the irreatest In 16 years. Corn nlso finished cnRler after It had shown strength. Karly thero was nctlvo buying by many Interests, and tho mnrltet was helped by burned pastures In most of tho bolt nnd a cessation of offerings from tho country. Realizing, and somo rnln, re sulted In a decline, Thero was a big excited mnrkot In oats and Inst prices, whllo below tho top, wore abovo tho closo yesterday. Lending future ranged na follows: . . . Yes day's Whoat Oncn. lllih. Low. Close, close. flopt 1.3J. I.3IU l.-'li'i !.- i Dec. l.llilH 1.3HM t.lisjj 1..1.1K Mny 1.41 1.IIIU l.ast. 1.811 Hept. ucc Mny Oats Hept Dec May ..... Lard Kept Oct litis Sept Oct I'ork 3c,.'k .so 1111 71H 42'i 18(4 . ..li'.r.r, ...12.02 ...in.aa ...13.07 ...!4.ft7 tAsked. Wl'l SSft inn 70U Slifc 12 ir, 17H 170J4 its'I 71U I2fj la i 47 4T HITli 12.7r. 12.77 13.n0 12.55 12.72 12 12.112 12.70 til B7 13.32 13.12 13.30 tlll.lO 21.77 21.50 21.75 2I.I PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHRAT lti-celrts, 121. S71 hush. The market further advanced 2c nnd closed llrm with u kock! forelsn Inquiry. Uuotntlans: for lots. In ex port flevntor No. 2 rrd, spot. $t.325i'1.33: No. 2 southern, J1.30W1.33: Mpiitner Ko. 2 red. 11.20 1.32i No. 3 red. $1.2ti(r1.32: rejected A, 11.20 &1.21I; rejected II. l.2lJt.27. CORN Reiidpts, 41.4111 hush. OlferlnBS were llitht nnd the market wns 'ic higher with n fair demand. Quotations: Car lots for lqcal trnde. as to locution "Western No. 2 yellow, 11214 Sl)3c: do. steamer yellow, nm W02e: do. No. !l yellow, eDVi UO'.ic; do, No. 4 yellow, BV4 0S7',4c. UATS Receipts. (11.001 hush. Tho market was lo hluher. In sympathy with tho west, hut ruled quiet. Quotations! No. 2 white rllr.n,i rj standard white, 4:IO,.4': No. 3 white. 47'.4 W 4SV4cs No. 4 white, 4D&lUc; sample oats, 42 U4.1i Fl.Oim Receipts. 1215 bids, nnd 2.183,503 Ihs. In sackH. Mills were naklnir hlBher prices, hut buyers held off nnd the market wns lamely nominal. Quotnttons per IIMI His. In wood tVlnler clear, I.VJnftfi.nU: do. stralBht. S5.50 fflll; do, patent. JllWll.L'u: Knnx.is, clear, cotton, socks. I5.4UOC.70: do, stralaht. cotton Harks. 15.110011,25: do. patent, cotton sacks, Sl!.2.ltfi 11.50: snrlmr. flrst clear, jn.nnwil; do, strnlclu. 6HII: dn. nnlrnf. tflHi II r. HY1-5 FLOUR was uulet. hut firmly held under small supplies. We quoto nenrby at ll.tiuu'o per bbt,, and western nt J5.-5UHI. PROVISIONS The markot ruled steady, but thero was lit tle tradlnc. Quotnttons follow: City beef. In sots, smoked nnd nlr-drlcd. 23c; western beof. In sots, smoked, 2bc: city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked nnd iilr-drled, 2uc; western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 20c: beef hams. !8tf30; pork, famllv, 27.50O2i hams. S. I', cured, loose, 18UlRt4c; do, skinned, loose, lOUWlOHc: do, do, smoked, 20i '2014c: other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, IDVic; hams, smoked, western cured. lUVio; do, boiled, boneless, 31c: plcnle shoulders, H. I. cured, loose, 14o; do, smoked. 15c; bellies. In Pickle, nccordlns to averago. loose, lUVic; broakfast bacon, ns to brand nnd average, city cured, 21c; ilo, western cured, 10 20c: lard, western, retlned. tlorccs, 144 c; do, do, tubs, llWc; do. pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces, 14!4c: do, do. In tubs, 1-lVic. REFINED SUGARS Trado was quiet nnd tho Mcfnlian Sugar HmlnlnK Company reduced list prices 20 points. Iteilners' list prices: Kxtrn lino crnnulated, 7.45t7.13e: powdered, 7.357.75c: innf.-cllon-ers' A, 7.337.B5o: soft Kradcs, il.704f 7.00c. DAIRY PRODUCTS HUTTER Fancy stock met with a (rood out let und ruled Arm. Following uro the ?uotatlons: Western solid-packed creamery, ancy, specials. 32c; extra, 3ilft31c: extra firsts, I'lic: firsts. 28c; seconds, 274P27Hc; nearby prints, fancy. 33c; do, averaRo extra. 31032c; do, nrsts, .'Hefsnc; seconds. JTIU'-I'.ic; jouoinir sal's of fancy prints, 3HW30c KOOH Thero was n xood demand for strictly fine cogs, prices of which ruled llrm un der light offerings. Quotations: In free cases, nearby ettra, 23c per doz. ; nearby firsts, 7. Ml per standard case: nearby current receipts. J7.33W7,05 ner case; Western extras, 29c per .lot.: Western extra firsts, (8.1008.40 per case: firsts, 7.507.MI per case: faney .selected candled fresh eggs were Jobbing at 33 0.Uc per doz. CHKESK Offerings were light and the market ruled firm under a fair demand. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, 10V1 &lV4e: do. do, fair to good, 1AH OlOe; part skims, OtPUo. POULTRY LIVE The market was quiet nnd chickens were weak under fulrlv liberal offerings. Quota tions: Fowls, 104 021c; roosters, II 15c; spring chickens, according to quality, weighing 1 62 lbs. and over aplere. 23321c; smaller sizes. SOMSlc: white Leghorns, according to quality, iui;21c; ducks, as to size and quality. laviic; pigeons, oiii. pur pair, ivy, lung, per pair. 207122c. . . DHESHEIJ Fancy stock sold fairly and ruled young. 2bc. ; do. firm with supplies under control, Quotations: fresn-uiueu. ury-picueu iowis, ii to box, ury packed, fancy selected, 23c; do, weighing 4H &S lbs apiece, 22Vic; do. weighing 4 Its apiece, 22c; do. weighing 3 lbs apiece, 20021c. Fowls. In bb!s., Ice-parked, fancy, dry-picked Northern In diana and Illinois, weighing 493 lbs u piece, 22c; do, southern Indiana und Illinois, weighing i lbs apleco, 2H4c; smaller sizes, 1820c. Old roosters, dry-picked. 1514c: broiling chickens, Illinois, large. 2U(p27c; do. Indiana, large, 2I 25c; do, smaller sizes, 22 23c. Ilrollers, Jer. sey. fancy. 32634c; broUers. other nearby, weighing 162 lbs. apiece, 30032c; broilers, nearby, smaller sizes. 27 & 20c: ducks, nearby, spring, lotf 20c; squabs, per doz. White, weigh, lng 11012 lbs. per doz, 15.2305.50: do. white, weighing HO 10 lbs per doz.. 14.3065: do. wh te, weighing 8 bs per doz.. I3.0J3.SU; do, white, weighing 7 lbs per doz., 1303,30: do. white, welshing flOtHi lbs per doz.. .J2.MW2.50: do, dark, I2O2.S0; do. small and No. 2. 73cll.25, FRESII FRUITS Choice stock met with fair sile. and values generally ruled steady under moderate offerings, Quotations: Applies. Pelawarj and Maryland, per hamper-- ancy. il01.s,5: fair to good, 35075c. Lemons, per box. HIWT. Fineapples, per crate. Forto 'lllco. tl.SiiO3.00. Carries, New York, sour, per s-lb. basket. oOGPiiOc: do, eating varieties, "per 8-lb. basket. UuVMg. Poaches. Oeorgfa. per carrier ljelje..2.503; Kllwrla.. S2.303: Carmen. 11.25 1.75: Moun tain Rose, 11,7542. Cantaloupes. Delaware and ln,vl,ni1. n.p crate. S1&1.751 ollna. per standard" crate, iOyt North Car. 11.50: do. do. per flat crato, 30041k;. Waterroeloos, soiKh- ern, per carrier, I100W323. VEGETABLES The market ruled steady on choice stock of most descriptions, wmi.' uciuauu iivmviviwi ins moderate offerings. Quotations: White potatoes. Sir WLNo. I BUtm Shore. 11.7562: No. a Eastern Shore. 75c8Ul No. 1 Norfolk. II. 50O ,1 '&..-... .. V.'hl.n n.. .T ItUIlUlL I.K. ..U..B UUUiUl... i.7l: No. Jersey, per basket. 40cv Swset potatoes. North Carolina, per bbl. No. 1. J3.754r-t.nij; No. 8, J2f3. Onions. Jerwy. per basket. 73c 111 do.' yfrglnU, per. basket. Utft.BOi do. Iowa, per 100-lb. bag. 13.50. Eggplant Nor folk, per crate. 12 2.30. Cucumbers. Norfolk, per bbl.. h.SOSS; do. do. Mr half-bbL basket. 60 9 70c; do, do. per one-thlrd-bbl. basket, 50c. Condition of U. S. Treasury WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. The condition of the United States Treasury, according to a statement Issued today, was as follows: Net balance in general fund, !i.16,993i total receipts. $4,064,489; total disburse ments, J4.113.441; denlclt for the year, fll.086.Sa2 exclusive of tbe Panama Canal and publlo debt transactions. I Sales in Philadelphia ,. , High. Low. 40 Am Milling 8 8 SO Ba Lo pf.,10n 100 4 Cata 2d pr 62 H 62 H S5 Rice Stor., OS OS fl Ins Co NA 2SH 8RH 112 Ky Tl Co to ISiji 13 200 Lk Sun C. 10V4 10V4 61 I,eh Nav ., ir, m 22 I.eh Vnl .. 71i', 77 l I.eh Val Tr 21 21 73 MlnehlH .. 67 H 67 10 Nor Pna..llO"4 lloa; 101 l'enna 11 It 60 634 650 l'hlla Klec. ZR ZH 010 1'ltTtrctfs 10 10 103 l'hlla Trac. 79 70 10 Hemline; .. 03 03 1011 Ton Bel .. 4 4 710 Ton Mln .. 6 16-10 6 100 Un Trac ..41 41 100 r ft Imp HA 08 7 Un C.ia N.I.22 1 22 1 110 V H Steel. 118 80 100. War I & H 0 0 12 W J fs Sea 10 40 1 Wcstmtd CI 70 70 -Increase. Decrease. HONDS. Itlah. Low. -8000 AtnG&lilGs. 01 03 noo City 4s '44.101 101 .1000 do c 1015. lOllift 10IH, 600 Kill Kl Bs..l07 107 sooo U V Bn -la. oo 90 oooo Lch V cons nooo IaCofr44s.loi 101 2000 doo 4'j8.ioi!i loiai 1000 1'hCo lstBs.101 lot 43300 l'hlla Kl 4s H.1 81 2800 do Gs ..10," 101 4000 Stiin&KlCn.lOO 100 2000 WrlsbCo 6 00 00 flncrcatie, Decrease. Net P.M. chge, 6 ..... 108 ti 62 05 1 28 18 10 ..... 78 77 21 67 110 ..... 86 ?i 28 19 70 ..... 03 4 6 1-16 44 88 224 1 80 0 40 70 Close, Ot 101 101 107 00 Net CtlRP. I 14 101 101 101 H4 101 100 00 (- FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YoniC. Aup;. 3. Tho market for foreign exchange opened with a continua tion of extreme dulness that characterized yoatcrday'H market. Tho only quotnblo illf ferenco In rates, wad in French exchange which Bhaded slightly; rcichsmnrks wero dull but oteady. Quotations: Demand sterling, 4. VC 13-10; cables, 4.70 7-10 ; franc cable.". C.OOW ; checks, (i.Ol; relchsmarks, 7171 15-10 ; llro cables, fi.42; checks. G.42V4; Swiss en blcs, G.2S'i; checkst, G.20U : Vienna, 12.35 12.40; Scandinavian kroner, 28.706)28.80; pooctas, 20.0820.15; gullilcrn cables, 41: checks, 417-10; rubles, 30.42030.48. The market continued very dull In tho enrly afternoon, but the tono wm steady. Thero was no change In rates reported from enrller figures. BANK CLEARINGS tlnnk clo.irliiKs today, compared with cor responding day In the last two years: 1111(1. 11)15. 1014. Philadelphia, 112.641. 828 l23.IP2il.H70 J2O.225.002 Huston 33.II.SN, 1)78 20,1134.533 21,210.757 New York...4NI,25t.:l3l 370.132.llll 203.IIUO.503 Chicago .... II7.UN7,5K.-. 48,082,630 RATES FOR MONEY Now York Philadelphia Itastim Chicago cominercmi jmper, dolphin, 4!i V i'.i per cent. Cnll. Time. 2 3H nVilM'i 4 Hi W5. a 4 w-m aijfi1! 4 4',4 threo to six months, l'hlla- Reserve Bunks' Discount Rates 10 or less. , . a , . a ;:3S lloston .Now York . . . Philadelphia Cleveland . . ltlrhmond . Athintn .... 1'hlcngo .... St. Louis.... Minneapolis Knns.is City. D.illns Ban Kranclsco. 3 uommercini paper, 3 3 454 dclphia, erclal pup ltt 4W Over 10 up to 30. 3 "4 -I 4 4 4 4 4 4 h nW Over 30 up to HO. 4 4-4 t u 4 threo to six months, per cent. Over no up to 1)0. 4 4 4 4 1 .IS ,iu Pblla- Com- Ilnsinn . . . New York Philadelphia ., riovolnnd .... Itlrtimnnd . . . . Atlanta Chlciign St. Louis JIlnnenpollH ,, Kansas City... Dallas Hnn Kranclsco. Acricut. Trado nccentances. over uu. up to i,u, up to no. mounv. 6 n 44 5 5 r, a H 3)1 :,W al? Un to 30 dnvs: over 30 to 00. 4 CO to 1)0, l'.i per cent: over till, 5 per cent 6 r, 5u 5',-i 314 3H & 3 3W 3 314 per cent; LOCAL MINING STOCKS .Tint Tlutler , MarNamnra .Mldwny Mlzpah Extension . .Mnntnna Northern Htnr ... Tonopah llelmont ., Tonopah' Kxtenslan Tonopah Mining ... Hescuo Hula West Knd Hid. , .87 , .01 , .in , .10 .24 .13 i QOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta nine Hull llooth llulldoz C. vO. D Comh l'rnc lll.'imf II 11 Daisy Florcnco (loldflelil Cnnsollditted tloldlleld Merger Jumbo Kxtenelon Kewanas Oro Hand Ken Silver Pick .1 .00 .02 .14 .01 .02 ,05 .02 .112 .40 .80 .14 .74 .11 .111 .04 .11 Asked. .811 .fill .2(1 .21 -.27 .17 4!i 'J .28 .81 MISCELLANEOUS. Jev Wder Tccopa Mln MB .OS 2.20 .12 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. Aug. 3. The market for colfeo futures opened quiet, unchanged to 1 point advance. Trading was light, thero being sales of 1000 bags reported on the call. The world's visible supply showed an In crease of 579,330 bags, against an Increase a year ago ot 1,009,380 bags. August 1, 7,907,701 bags, against July 1, 7,328,371 bags. Last year, August 1, 8.G32.G83 bags; July 1, 7,523,203 bags. Today's opening-. July August ... Heptember October . . , November , December . January . . February ., March . .. April ..... May i J,?5id. Yesterday's close. 8.35&H.37 ? Alan 08. 15 8.45 8,-54 08.58 8.60 alio B,'8208.S5 8.3Ut 8.4li 8.48? 8.52 K.V.I J K.lia? 8.72 1 8.77 i 8.83$. 8.411 IS '8.50 8,51 '8.IIU '8.117 'N.78 '8.7U N.KI 8.S8WS.MI b.VSOb.Ol LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Autr. 3. IIOOS Itecclpts. 23.000 head: mnrket Be low er. Mined nnd butchers, !8.030.t5; good heavy. t0.20li.83; rough heavy, lti.bill.ll); light. 10.20SU.00; pigs. ?U.101.10; bulk, $u.03 0.75. CATTLFI Ilecelpts. 3000 head; market strong. Heeves. lil.0010.23; cows and heifers, I3.75& 8.80: stockers and feeders. J5.25tfT.75; Texan, t7.108.40; calves, sioU10.12. SHEEP Receipts. 14,000 head: market strong. Native and western, 13.73tfb.23; lambs, T.b3 11.10. BAR SILVER Kir sliver was quoted In London at 30 Td today, a gain of d. In New York commercial bar silver was quoted today at 61 He, a gain of c. Infantile Paralysis in Media HAItltlSBUnG, Aug. 3. One new case ot Infantile paralysis Is reported to the State Department of Health. It was re turned by Media. T niBKCTOBY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified 1'ubllc Accountants LAWKENCB E. IIIIOWK & CO. 1815 KKAL ESTATE THUST HUILnlNQ. BURNS & SPEAKMAN The. Hourse. l.F.OAL AllVEItTlSE.ME.NTS J" ESTATE OF ILUtY SMITH UEEVKS. dceaked Lettsrs 'teit&mentBrv on th above estate having been granted to the under .ind. S.U Dersons Indebted to ihs sold estate are requested to auta payment, and those bav liuc clilms to present tte same, without i- lav, tO ALDERT T. nAUEHT.!!. 60d Conunaowtvilth Huldlox. JOSEPH MENDELSOHN AND EUAN un. 11K1I. ia Wltlhlrautt rrnm ,h Arm of A. Welnstelq Cu. All lUUlltUs will be mssuvqad by Mr. A. Wnlnstsln. July s ma. A, WEINSTEIN t CO. jCRJPITOKS' NOTICE Hsrry Brown and Max Olassr sold fruit store 2133 Rldg avenue ta Louis Ikruxiii. Creditors call not later tbaa August u. PHILADELPHIA AND WESTERN HEPOETS . GOOD EARNINGS FOR LAST fflSCiraAJft Lehigh Valley Transit Common Shares Decline a Half, Although Statement Is Good, While Preferred Doe$ Not SellLocal Trading Quiet About the only development of Interest in tho local financial district today, enlde from tho issuance of the Jlay, Juno and 12 months' earnings of the Lehlfth Valley Transit Company, xvns Iho publication of the nnnual report of the Philadelphia arid "Western Railway for tho fiscal year ending June 30. Tho statement showed the year to have been oho St prosperity, tho not Income being S.3 per cent on the $2,000,000 preferred stock, against 3.2 per cent the previous year. The total operating revenue for tfie year wns $491,488, against J422.80C in 1915, and tho net operating revenue wns $25G,CG9. against $212,766 the previous year. Presi dent Thomas Newhnll says in the report that thero was charged to additions and betterments during tho last fiscal year $14,482. The good statements of earnings of the Lehigh Vnlley Transit Company did not cause any special activity In the securities ot that company on tho Philadelphia Stock Kxehange today. Only n few shares of the common stock sold during the early part of the trading, nnd these changed hands nt 21 lit n Iobs ot a half point There were no sales of tho preferred during tho morn ing. The good statements for Mny, June nnd 12 months of earnings of tho Lehigh Valley Transit Company did not causo nny special Financial Briefs Tho New York Subtreasury gained $306, 000 from tho banks on Wednesday, reducing the net cash loss slnco Friday to $2,769,000. June gross of tho Consumers' Power Company (Michigan), shows Increase of 505,011 as compared with the corresponding month last year. Net Increased $34,910. Twelve months' net Increased $443,607. Tho Nashville (Tcnn.) Italiway and Light Company reports for tho month of Juno: dross earnings of $190,109, an in crease of $24,598 over June of last year; 12 months' gross Increased $70,583 over 1915. The not public debt of United States on July 1 wns $1,000,281,572, a decrease dur ing June of $100,271,402. Cross earnings for June of the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Railway Company woro $108,702, compared with $92,416 for tho same month last year. Net Income In creased $14,045. Twelve months' net showed Incrcnso of $29,806. A certificate of corporate amendment was filed at theHtato Department at Dover, Del., to chnngo the name of tho Pennsylvania Steel Company, of South Bethlehem. Pa., to tho Bethlehem Steel Bridge Company. The Phoenix Iron Works Company, Aleadvlttc, Pa., has been reorganized, Issuing $250,000 llrst-inortgngo bonds, mostly In Pittsburgh. Improvements and betterments to the plant have been made. Juno gross earnings of tho East St. Louis and Suburban Company wero -211,032, an Incrcnso of $50,789, ns compared with June, 1915. Net Increased $26,226. Twelve months' net increased $83,831, The Commonwealth Power, Railway and Light Company (Michigan) reports for June gross earnings of $1,322,295 against $1,115,195 during Juno, 1915. Net Income for tho month increased $87,987. Twelve months' gross Is $15,841,539, or an Increaso of $1,808,205 compared with the previous 12 mouths. W. C. Nixon, at present operating re ceiver of St. Louis and San Francisco, will be elected president of new company' when organized. It Is expected sale of road -will be confirmed following hearing set for Au gust 29, notwithstanding protest of unse cured creditors. Copper production of tho Anaconda Cop per Mining Company in July amounted to 28)200,000 pounds. Tills compares with 23,100,000 pounds In June, 30,000,000 pounds In Mny, 33,300,000 pounds in April and 26,600,000 pounds In March. In July last year tho output was 22,100,000 pounds, and lu the same month of 1914 It amounted to 22,250,000 pounds. Production of Butte nnd Superior shows a slight falling off from June because of delay of one or two days In mining opera tions due to development work. Zinc in concentrates amounted to 15,000,000 pounds, against 15,200,000 In June. Inspiration Consolidated Copper Com pany In July produced 11,300,000 pounds of copper, against 10,500,000 in Juno and 10, 400.000 In May. The Columbus (Ohio) Power, Railway and Light Company reports for tho month ot June gross earnings of $280,350, com pared with $244,059 for the same month In 1915. Net increased $26,044. Twelve months' gros3 increased $217,128 and net $139,710. English Bank Statement LONDON, Aug. 3. The weekly statement of ths Bank of England shows the follow ing; Total reserve f36.676.000, decrease f 2.101. 000; circulation 36.657.000, Increase 1613.000; bullion i 54, 884,000, decrease f 1,492,000; other securities 75,657,000, In creaso 438,000; other deposits 85,517.000, increase 276,000; public deposits 51,009, 000, decrease 1.980,000; Government securities 42,188,000, unchanged. The proportion of tho bank's reserve to liabil ities Is now 26.90 per cent, against 28 per cent last week, and compares with an ad vance from 16 per cent tp 20ts per cent In tills week last year. This clearings through the London banks for the week were 290,540,000, against 288,660,000 last week and 260,768,000 In this week last year. Bank of France Statement PARIS, Aug, 3. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Gold holdings, Increaso 6,679,000 francs; silver holdings, decrease 483,000 francs; notes In circulation, Increase 105, 837,000 francs; general deposits, decrease 114,444.000 francs; bills discounted, In creaso 26,454,000 francs; treasury deposits, increased 2,071,000 francs and advances decreased 2,025,000 francs. B., o DTinTir' ccmnrn ,Y wuijiVrf kJJ-ilYV ll.Li mmmmmamtmmtmtBamMmmmmkmsmmmamiK SECURITIES' "Public Service Securities are linked with the success of communities," C From 5 to 6. G, Witb. auured safety. G, We tavc two public service se curities that yie cl tbe latter return three the former. C. We recommend all five. C, They are tbe obligafioiu. of proved Public Service Gprporationj -witb ex traordinarily good records. C. Can we call on you to give details or end tbem by mail ? Baken Ayliivg 6. "Vbng Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia! i mnrnfmrwwam-ursraritrm- CURB ISSUES RALLY AFTER BEAR ATTACK Motors Still Center of Interest, Though Offerings Are at Concessions NEW YORK, Aug. 3. Declines In many stocks on the Broad Street Curb today wero for reasons wholly apart from the specula tive position of the various stocks and not In nny way connected with any special de velopments affecting tho issues themselves.. The offerings of many of the motor stocks camo from one of two bouses that Is promi nently identified with the bear campaign In tho motor stocks on tho exchange, and as tho majority ot the traders on tho curb wero also bearish they wero quick to join in offer ing these Issues at concessions. Most of tho bear efforts were directed against Chevrolet, which .declined 14 points to 175, while other motor stocks, including Saxon nnd United Motors, also sustained substantial louses. t INDUSTRIALS. Aetna Hxoloslves lOVi 10H Am-Iirltlsh Mf .....::"20 an Am .Marconi a4 3ft Cnnmllan Car Co .1.1 (1.1 Can Cnr Si . KJy pref 73 8ft Chevrolet Motors 181 18ft (.urtlss Aeroplane 55 85 nrlKKB-Sraltury H7 100 L.lsenlohr Tolmcco 311 40 ., ilo nrcf or 100 gmerson rhonocrnph lowi li" Momlsh-I.ynn ltt a Hnskell Ilsrker Car 3S& 35.. ileodce 3tf(r 31 3" Inter Mer Marino 24 SO a.1 V.rt : 8ft HO Kathodlen Ilronze pref So 21 Maxim Munitions 4 r, , Manhattan Trans 1 1' All'lvnle 8t!l mi5i 01 litis Klevatnr r,7 Ml Peerless Motors SOW 22 Poole Km? -... no,, 100,,, M 8 Krcscn w I loji llW Htnnilanl Motors OH 0 Klutx Motors 63 04 Mrombere Motors 41 41i Huhmarlr.' 33 33K ;i;rlani!l Film t... Sji S United Motors , U 8 I, nnd II com ,.i fri!?. VT.1 . " white Motors World Film STANDARD OIL. Illinois Ohio : l'ralrlo Pipe , ..,: Standard Oil of California I Htnndard Oil of New Jersey... .... I Stundard 01 or Now York : OTIIEIt Oil. STOCKS. Cosilen Co Inter Petroleum Houston oil Midwest lief Sapulpa Ilef MININO STOCKS. Atlanta llutte Copper and Zinc nuttu n y Crrro tie Pasco First National Ooldtteld -Morscr Hecla Mlnlnv , Howe Hound Jim Ilutler Jumbo Kxtenston MrlClnley Darruh Mag-ma Copper , Mines Co of America Nlplsslni; ......... Man Toy Ht Joseph I.ead West End Con White Oak aK IIONDB. Cerro de Pasco 6s Mldvale rlteel Ss . Mo l'ac 4s do 8s ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Tit To Building Philadelphia High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds' Equipments and Public Utility Bonds MKMIlEItS NEW VOBK AND PUILAtUiLrillA STOCK KXCIIANOES Edward B.Smith & Co EsusuiatD ISM. BANKERS- tfemtisrs Ka York and FA!!a4sIjM Stock Eichanot 1111 Cuistkot Ergsrr. Pbiudzxtbu 80 Pimi 6TIUT. Niv Ton WANTED PHI LA. UNDERLYING PASS. RWV. STOCKS MELLOR St PETRY Members N, Y. & l'hlla. Stock Kxchanies 333 COUUKCIAI. TUUST UUlIJJLNa INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Rec.ommt.nded by BEN T, WELCH . 1328 Chestnut St. RtAZIERCa INVESTMENT BANEUS! Broad nnd gai&oa S4S. activity In tlie eecurltles ot that company on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange today. Only a few shares of tho common aldck eold during the early part of the tradlni? and these changed hands at 31 14, a Iob of a half point There were no tales ot the preferred during tho morning. The company reported gross earnings fof May of SZ0S,3l0, or 338,353 in exeem ot those for May of laet year, and for Junei tho Btatenient showed gross receipts of $100,616, an Increaso of 138,973. For Uie 12 months ending May 31 the gross earn ings Increased 237,5B to 31,115,029. There was little doing throughout tha ntlro list and, with the exception f Bald win, tho changes were narrow. DoubUeea duo to tho new 316,000,000 shell order for tho Allies, which was confirmed by the company yesterday, Baldwin preferred ad vanced 24 points (o 108 on a sals of 10 shares. Thero was Ittno Improvement In tha trading during the latter part ot th"e day, the only most activity being In Tonopah Belmont. Two blocks of this stock, about 1000 shares In all, wer sold nt a fractional loss. Lehigh Valley Transit was Innctivo and failed to recover nny of Its loss during the morning. Electric Storage Battery lost n point and a half, 25 shares selling atOS. United Companies of Now Jersey gained a point and Lehigh Navigation advanced 74. A :, vitaae. incric.