-"v , .-?,;3m"h &tp4-kf"tf& z.vt$tMr? ,-A8ttWv a-J 3 ;j- 2 ft V l 4 EVENING LKDaERr-PBtlLADELPHlA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1810. r in shipping ml AROUSES PROTEST IN COASTWISE TRADE Proposed Senate Amendment Authorizes Government to Em ploy Foreign vessels in Competition p V Passage to be fought WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.Strong opposi tion has developed to a clause In the pendlnie ,'ahlpplng bill, which, If enacted under the raw. 'would be a serious blow at the Amer ican coastwise trade. This clause, cunningly dclsed to conceal Its real purport from the casual observer, would authorize tho Government to pur chase foreign ships not only for foreign trade, but also for tho coastwise trade. As the law now stands all ships, except those built In America, are forbidden to engago In the coastwise trade, Shipping Interests along tho Atlantic coast, now that their attention has been brought to the obnoxious amendment, are greatly aroused. Senators Penrose, Oliver, Lodge, Wadsworth nnil several Democratic Senators Whoso States are vitally affected by tho proposed legis lation will lead the opposition. The shipping bill as passed by the House did not contain the provision which has aroused so much unfavorable comment. Tho House Committee, nftcr long discussion and the 'hearing of testimony, refused to In clude the provision In the bill. It wai pointed out by the shipping Interests that American capital, which has encouraged the people to trade between the Northern and Southern cities and with Porto Itlco and San Domingo, would suffer heavy loss If forced to compete with lines that en gage In foreign business. Vessels running to foreign ports nnd touching only In cidentally at our coastwise harbors could )e operated more chenply than ships en gaged only In coastwlso trade When tho shipping bill reached the Sen ate Commerce Commlttco the "Joker" clause was quietly Inserted Republican members of tho commltteo did not havo an oppor tunity to bo heard and the testimony talcon by the House committee and brought over to the Senato was Ignored In recommending the adoption of tho amendment to admit foreign-built ships to tho coastwlso trado tho Senato Commcrco Commltteo said In Its final report on tho bilU "Tour committee, being of tho opinion that vessels owned In whole or in part, di rectly or Indirectly, by tho United States, as provided In this act, and vessels sold, leased or chartered to any person a citizen of tho United States, as provided In this act, should bo permitted, without hamper ing restrictions, to cngago In otthor the for eign or coastwise trade of the United States' believe that this section should bo so amended as to accomplish this purpose, nnd tho amendments proposed to this section aro with this view " Protests In largo numbers and most em phatic In tono from shipping Interests nr being received by members of tho Senate, r Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest T.nMr new open. Vetlne twtfin Jotr 17. Vetlnc at Annt St. Dtfltlon dfpttmbtr X, HGW TO V.OTE tne li '"Mr Int" in Cnt tint fhn liff!1ne 'Trenlnr I ml ditto line spptsrlnt st the top of r.t IMtrA. tl Mt fntip n,1Mftfa num. the white rnnrtfn nboro and mult te tit leaser, rneiopwr rati lomm. rr ornce. itnrei flint PKfe. WtUf jour esndMate'ii nstne In me nnue rnnrgin noorc una mnu ). renin leaser rhetoplur Ost Con U. IVnx 981, or lirlnt II to the litrei Below l n Kneel men Vote In mlnln 3.23. utming e&i&j iUn&ger Kneh hesdlnc eonntu he neeent (in. for ten vote. Iiesdinr eveetit thnt on hn flmt nttrA - - ----.- v - - --- - - .. -. - - - - .t. . leu nnu none mm n more innn ju riAva ol entli beadlnt. Onlj one nsme mnr be written n ENTKY BLANK ritfle ent In the Kventnt I.eiUer Fhoto plar Cn Contettt Name (Ml or Mm.) , ..,,.f - ,.. DONT FALL OFF CLIFFS TILL CAMERA SHOOTS The Sad Tale of a Man Made a Double Mistake Who LEFORZERUSSEASOLE DIECIMIGLIADAKOVEL; L'AVANZATACONTINUA Home AdrtroM Name (Mr,). Home AddreM Kntered from. Nomlnitlnc orcnnltntton. Nomlnrttlnc nrgnnlrnllnn mar eaneentrnte their tnle on nne rnndlilule nr inn) namlmtte nnl work tor tiot I. e. one mil)-, one sen tlemnn. . Tliii nomlnrittnn Mnrk, wlien properly filled nut nnil fnrn-nrtleil, will entitle tho nominee to 10(10 otc. t'limllilnte nre reqnetea '" . sire their linme ntlilrr.a In enrh nnil eter lntnnee, no tint the IMItnr "III lie able to tommunlcnte with them from time to time. All addreue will be Ktrlilly ronlldentlnl. (Inlr one Nomination Blank will be credited eneli ronteitiint. Mull tn J.ienlni I.edter I'liotopMr Call Content, 1'. O. Ilox DOl, I'hllnilrlplilii. CITY LABOR ASKS MORE PAY Public Works Will Be Halted by De , maruU Says Director The progress of municipal work nnd Im provements will be dolayed Indefinitely If ' Councils do not approve a general Increase in wages, Is ,the statement made today by !' Director George B. Dutesman. of tho De partment of Public Works Tho wages of laborers must bo Increased to nt least $2 50 a day, tho statement sets forth, or the city ' will lose all .of Its best laborers. "Another peculiar condition," continued the. statement, "which handicaps tho De apartment of Public Works Is the fact that 'It is being steadily drained of men In tho engineering grades of chalnmnn. rodman, transttman and draftsman by other city departments. The salaries paid by tho De partment of City Transit nnd Department of Wharves, Docks nnd Perries are all higher than tho corresponding grndes In the Department of Public Works The re sult of this Is that men who hae been trained In the Department of Public Works aro eagerly sought by the other more re cently organised departments " The Director also made tho complaint that men ranking higher than laborers are - being attracted to outside work by better financial offers mado by private concerns. ETNAESTROMBOLISONO IN VIOLENTA ERUZIONE L'Acqua del Mare Vicino Sembra Bollente, Tanto Calore Si Irradia dalla Lava Un telegramma da noma dice cho 1'Etna e lo Stromboll sono dl nuovo In eruzlone lolcnta cho mettc In penslero lo popola zlonl dl Catania o dclla plccola Isola. L'oruzlone c' accompgagnata da fortl bontl cho Bono oggl plu' senslblll che non fossero nella glornata dl lerl, quando la nuovo nttlvlt.V dol duo vlucanl si manifesto' lm provvlsamente. Oltro a do It caloro che si lrradla dalle corrontl di lava o' cost' forto cho le aequo del mare nelle vlctnanzo del vulcani sembrano bollcntl. Dlspaccl da Pctrograd dlcono che 1 comandantt russl hanno comunlcato al Mlnlstero delln Guorra cho II generate tedesco von Ltnslngcn, comandante delle forzo tedesche nulla fronto dl Kovcl, sta facendo preparatlvl per eacuare quclla Im portantlaslma base, non cssendo posslbllo csegulro una cillcace dlfcsa della piazza. A Pctrograd si dlco cho 1 tedeschl si rltlre rnnno probabilmente Bulla llnea Brest Lltowsk-Dug, 11 cho slgnlflca che sara' dl motto dlmlnulta l'clllcacln dolla dlfesa dl Lemberg che del resto o mlnacclata dal sua daU'armata russa che opera Stanlslau. ora contro SOLDIER KICKED IJY HORSE TAKEN TO FIELD HOSPITAL Men at Tobyhnnna Camp Prepare for Monthly Inspection TODYHANNA, Pa., Aug. 3 Jacob Cohn, of 138 Kim street, Stamford, Conn , a private of Battery F, of the same town, was kicked by a horse on Tuesday and In jured so that ho was taken to the Held hos pital. On Tuesday, the clerks of Batteries A. B, C, D, E and F of the Tenth, F. A. N O. of -Connecticut, Battery A, of Sfaryland. and C, of New Jersey, were kept busy writing out the monthly payroll for July and pre paring for the monthly inspection of mate rial and men. A number of visitors coming and going by automobile visited tho camp today. Osteopaths to Treat Paralysis KANSAS CITY, Mo . Aug 3 Announce ment that osteopathic clinics would bo opened in New York city for tho treatment of Infantllo paralysis, a cure for which Is claimed through that character of treat ment, was made by Dr. R Kendrlck Smith, of Boston, beforo the annual convention of tho American Osteopathic Association. Get Acquainted With The Home of Service Where you are assured of findinp; the machine and record desired in an environment that makes shopping a pleasure these hot days. Intelligent musician salesmen to suggest if you desire. Victrolas, $15 to $300 G. W. Huver Co The Home of Service 1031-33 Chestnut PIANOS PLAYERS f ZSr-YisC7&1 YETVJCjtngfl By the Photoplay Editor Director Harry Harvey, Balboa director, called his company about him the other day and hiked to a location where he could get a good picture of Frank Krlanger fall ing off his horse nnd over a cliff. Arrived at tho place, Mr. Erlanger ascended to see how high It was and decided that the fall would be hazardous. He was standing on the brink looking down and tho others were down there looking up at him. "Too high," called Frank to Harvey. "Come down, we'll find another," said Harvey. As Frank turned, his long spurs got mixed up and over tho brink ho shot head first. It was .i regular stem-winder of a fall the best eer worth a thousand dollars Meantlmo George niznrd, the camera man, was lighting a cigarette When he Raw Krlanger tearing down that almost sheer wall of hard-baked shale he daished headlong for his camero, shouting: "Mon dleu, vy didn't ze blank Idiot tell me he was going to make ze beautiful fall 1" When Erlanger stopped rolling he Jumped up and shrieked: "Did you get me, Mzard?" "No, but I will," bawled the disappointed camera man, and Director Harvey, choking with laughter, had to Interveno to prevent a new war between France and Austria. Walter Ixng, who played the part of the ncKro In "The Clansman." has been engaged by the Lasky Feature Play Company, for tho support of Blanche Sweet In "Uncon quercd," a forthcoming Paramount picture. The Triangle-Fine Arts studio has closed negotiations with rtuiicrt Hughes, the nov elist, for tho motlon-plcturo rights to lilt popular story, "The Daughters of Shlloh," which contains admirable picture material This nupert Hughes story nppcared In tho Saturday Evening Post about two years ngo It Is very likely that Lillian Olsh will play tho stellar role, that of tho young country girl; and tho cant will Include a number of tho well-known Triangle players. Miss Vivian Martin, as announced by the Morosco-Pnllas Companies, has just closed a long-term contract to make pic tures exclusively for this organization. Howard Hickman, the Trlangle-Inco leading man, held a party In his dress ing room nt tho Culver City plant this week to colebrato the first anniversary of his famous mustache. A year ago Hick man decided to nllow a mustncho to appear on his lip In order that ho would be better able to depict a character In one of the Inco plas So many of hh nt-soclatc.s told him It looked el and accentuated his good looks that he thenceforth permitted the hlrsuto ndornment to remain. By a photograph ho was reminded this week thnt tho decoration was Just a year old, so he hastily called upon William Desmond, Charles Hay, Itobert McKIm nnd a few others to nld him In celebrating the oc casion. Crepe hair reproductions of tho object under discussion were given away as souvenirs II Generale Von Bothmer Minac- ciato da Nord c da Sud dall'Avanzata delle Armate Slave I TEDESCHI PER LA PACE Prominent Photoplay Presentations WtbT PHILADELPHIA OVERBROOK 03D OTVn. Carter De Haven ,nl7rheraThrre"4y "PEG O' THE RING" No. 14 BALTIMORE DAISnAnN'AvE WILLIAM S. HART ,n "TIIIfrAN., SJST Hank Mann ,n "JSur EUREKA 40TI1 MARKET STS- LILLIAN GISH ,n KEYSTONE COMEDV 'AN INNOCENT MAODAI.E.Nn" "His First False Step" r:ARrFM 53D lansdowne ave. Vjrl-Ea EVENING 0i30 TO 11. would film cortr rreem. Muriel Ostrichc & Carlyc Blackwell In "SALLY IN OL'n ALLEY" SOCHI PHILADELPHIA Ol YMPIA DROAD AND L, I "1 r I A DAINnntDOE Tht maximum in comfort, aattt'j and amuM menta at tht minimum price MATS DAILY THE IRON CLAW Final Erlinde "THE CHIP OF EVIL" Flret Eplfole fc VletroU VX S K'IhB'- Msm. C 3jiiiiiiV9ftHk mM,m bowntows Uir-U19 Owstsut JL W CewrfaM. C. ""' t-- Heppe's deliver free to any point in the United States Records purchased from Heppe's will be promptly delivered (all transportation charges prepaid) to any point in the United States. Every Record from Heppe's is guaranteed to be new and perfect. The Records used in the salesrooms are never sold. Write or phone us your orders, and if you need a Victrola, the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan will offer you any style at the cash price with no extra charge for the privilege of partial payments. Heppe Summer Outfits VICTROLA IV.. ..515.00 6 10-In. Records... 4.60 Totil cost.... 519.50 ft down, J2.50 monthly. VICTROLA VI.... 525.00 6 10-In. Records.,, 4.50 Total cost.. ,. $29.50 tl down, 53 monthly. VICTROLA VIII... $40.00 Records, your selec tion .......... H.00 WRITE FOR CATALOGS C, J. Heppe & Son (Founded 1865) Philadelphia t. UB4 lifPf VletroU IX, w ,5 J IW,,, Jf l I un. i&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiU3?i& Mfm'y 4 . IfJ. Total cost..,, 545.00 A down, J3.50 monthly. VICTROLA IX..., 550.00 Records, your selec tion ,,..,.,,,. 10.00 Total cost,.., 560.00 f down, f4 monthly xnnovnt ROMA, i Airosto Dlcpaccl non umclnll flcevutl opgl da Petrosrad dlcono che 1'nvaninta delle forxe rusia au Kovcl contlnuti nono'atante l'au mentata rcslstenza del tedeschl che hnnno rlcevuto notcoll rlnforzl. o che 1c truppe. del (tencrala Kalcdlnes nl eono splnte In nanzl per circa dlecl mlglla dal momento In cul csso attraversarono II flume Stochod. In tal modo esse narebbero ora nd nppena died mlKlla dl dlstanza da Kovel, la grande lump dl noerazlonl austro-tedesca, cho e' golldnmente fortlflcata. Tutto l'lntercsso dl coloro che FCguono ell awenimentl dl queito operazlonl offen sive del russl contro le forae nustro tedochc si nccentrano ora sulle dinlcolta' clic it Bcneralo von Bothmer e' costretto nd affrontftre Iarmata dl uuesto generale o mlnacclata a nord dall'aanznta del russl verso Koel c da lirody, e n Bud dall'avan zatn del generale Leschitsky verso Stanls lau ed nttravcrso la ferrola Delatln Jablonltza. B' chlaro In tal modo die, a mono cho It ueneralo von Bothmer non ngisce presto o con cnergla, se lo puo', la sua nrmata corro serlo pcrlcolo dl c"5ere avlluppata dallo forzo russo. Oltro a do', so It gen erate Kaledlne rlesco ad Interccttare le co munlcazlonl ferrovlarle dlrette tra Kovcl e Lcmberg1, la llnea dl comunlcazlono dl retta tra tedeschl dal nord ed austriacl dal sud Garcbba completamento distrutta. In complesso la sltuazlono mllltarc nppa rlnce cosl' serla per gll Impcrl centrall, cho In Gcrmanla si tengono gla' comlzll per ot tenere una p.ico onorevole, non plu' una paco da connulstatorl, como si predicava nlcunl mesl or sono, quando pareva che 1 tedeschl fossero vlncltorl ed Invlnclblll. Ed o' slgnlflcanto nnchc II fatto cho la nottzla dl nucstl comlzll enga dlrctla mente trasmessa da Bcrllno, senza cho Bla stata Intercettata dalla censura. CASEMENT OIUSTIZIATO. Un telcgramma da Londra dlco cho Roger Casement, gla' lmplegato dol governo tnglcso o baronetto, II qualo era stato ar reBtato duranto la rcccnto rlvolta Irlandeso mentro tcntava dl sbarcare sullo coste del l'Irlanda per mettcrsl alia testa del riolu zlonarll, e' stato giustlzlato qucsta mat Una. Egll c' Btato Implccato. II Casement, dopo II suo arrcsto, era stato sottoposto a proceso per 1'accusa dl alto tradlmento. Durante II dlbattlto egll aca dlchlarato francamento dl aver tentnto dl sbarcaro In Irlanda per mettersl alia testa della rlvoluzlone, Avevn "Jt16. e1a .fJ X cosplrato cohtro It g6vertd Ingles Bin da poco dopo che scopplo' Ir Ruerra erop. ma aveva nnche nftermato dl wnaxtttM vuto ne' ordlnl no' denaro dalla aermanio, mentre tutto faceva credere cho egll era vlrtualmento at scnlzlo della Oermanla e del kaiser. II glurP lo aveva troyato col pevole ed II Casement era qulndl stato con dannalo a morte, per Implccagl6ne. Sublto dopo la condanna fulnlzlatn. In ..j a iH AmArta tinAcrlta2lone intesi ad ottenere elemenza per II Casement, ed ancho II presldente Wilson aveva lnvla o at gortrno Ingleso una rlioluzlone In questo nenso votata dal Senato amerlcano. Pero II governo Inglese, per bocca del mlnlstro del trAfflco dl guerra, sir Itobert Cecil, dlchlarava lerl cho la legge Ingleso non era stata mal adaltata alio eslgenze della polltlca e non lo poteva es essero ora per II caso del leader rlvolttzlonarlo lrlndese. Perclo" non era II caso dl parlare dl Indul tronza. ID DEUTSCHtiAND Ali DAItaO. N-ollzle da Nofolk. Virginia, dlcono cho II soltomarlno mercantile iccicsra ueuu land passo' al largo della costa della Vir ginia verso lo 8 dl lerl sera e poco dopo si rommorgeva e sparlya sotto le acque uscendo dal llmlte delle nequo territorial nmerlcano ed Inlzlando cosl" 11 vlagglo dl rltorno In Oermanla. Tclogrammt da Iondra dlcono che le au ia,i' tinv.il! Inclesl non rltengono prob- ablle che gll Incroclatorl alleatl rluedranno a distruggere o a catturare 1 sottomnrlno tedesco Lo dlfflcolta' dl Una almllo opera- zlono sono tanto chlaro cho o' Inutile elen carle. DELAWARE FARMERS VIEW COLLEGE AGRICULTURAL WAYS Ten Thousand Visit Newnrk Institu tion nnd Go Over Agricultural School NBWAIUC, Del, Aug. 3. Ten thousand farmers from all parts of the peninsula and hundreds from Delaware and Chester Counties, Pennsylvania, aro tho guests of the Delavvnro College authorities at the Stato experimental farm today. Tho occasion Is tho annual Farmers' Day, which has grown to tho Importance of a State fair with Delaware farmers Ono thousand automobiles were parked around tho farm grounds by noon. Governor Charles It. Miller, who has taken such a prominent part In advancement of tho agri cultural department of tho college, nnd General A It. Benson, president of the Stato Board of Agriculture, wore among tho speakers. TIOGA SALES ROOMSj I I I 1111 I II II I WT.Mtlt 4 .MOSS Licensed Philadelphia Dealer for Edison Dla,n1 PHONOGRAPHS IL,u every mnchino nurchased from m. QC97 Oermantown ATe. Jnut below Open eve. litis ATe. Prominent Photoplay Presentations y (5-iyn .linn. mi. liiiiTnamummmnimiiiiu,,,,,,,,! Oiu Booiam Conpamu Tlin followlnc theater! obtain their pictures tliroucli the STANLEY nooklni Comimnr. whlfh l n ituarnntee of early hhoulni; of the finest productions. All pictures reileiiert before exhibition Ask fnr the lliriter In xour loculltr ebtalnlnf pictures tlirouth the STANLEY noOICINO C03ITANY. ALHAMBRA 12ih. Morris L Pyunl Ave Slat, Dally nt 2 , Evg.. " & 0 Paramount Pictures Wm S IUrt In "The Apostle of Vengeance" "SncnKT OF THE bUUMAIlINC" (11) ARCADIA Bessie BarriscaleThe Payment" CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH pni I fi D AND THOMPSON JrJlLAJ MATINEE DAILY Wit FOX Presents WILLIAM FARNl'-VI In THE MAN FROM THE niTTER KOOTS" 'WHO S OUILTV" No 13 T21TI nArMMX Kt above market OtiLiiVlv-rlN 1 Mats.. 1:10 & a::to, inc Edna Goodrich Evs. 0:30, 8, 0:30 15c In "THE MAKING OF MADDALENA' prrvAD BOTH AND CEDAR AVE. VyLUAIv PAH.1110UXT THEATER Ralph Herz and Irene Howley in "THE PURPLE LADY" FAIRMOUNT sw.inDD avenue PEGGY HYLAND in "SAINTS AND SINNERS" FRANKFORD " ""Vl MARY MILKS MINTER In "LOVELY MARY" PICTURES OF FRANKFORD OR0CERS' EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY 56TH ST. Theater MATiNr.n DAILY jieiow spruce l.g., , to 11 REPSIE RARRISCALE In "Honor'e Altar" DILLIE nVRKE in "Ulorla Romance No 0. GERMANTOWN r505TooEv,AAE. Lionel Barrymore in "TTie Quitter" DILLIE BURKE In "Gloria's Romance." No 8. GIRARD AVENUE THEATER 7TH AND OtRARD AVENUE LIONEL BARRYMORE in "DORIAN'S DIVORCE" IRIS THEATER S,"E25&OTO! to 'TV ITI-l.ll Dustin Farnum 'Cameo Kirby' IDTH AND DAUPHIN STREETS JEFFERSON I !- r.,oV.l In 'SHADOWS VIEWS OF SUBMARINE nEUTSCHLAND LAFAYETTE 2014 KENSINGTON AVENUE Anna Nilsson and Tom Moore in "WHO'S GUILTYr IPAHPR FORTY-FIRST AND lJrUII. LANCASTER AVEVUE LIONEL BARRYMORE In "THE QUITTER" ADDED ATTRACTION BILLIE BURKE In "Gloria,! Romance" (8) LIRFRTY BROAD AND L,IDI,K1 COLUMBIA Frank Keenan and Enid Markey in "THE PHANTOM" LOGAN THEATER 810 -n0A0 Harold Lockwood & Mae Allison In "THE MASKED RIDER" LOCUST BSD AND LOCUST Mats.. 1-.10 nnd .1:.1f), Inc. i69 , u.au, 8, n:30, 16c. GAIL KANE in "Paying the Price" Market St. Theater "l-r1" LASKY Presents FANNIE WARD In 'THE CHEAT." "THE GRIP Or EVIL" e-.ery Monday "PEQ O' THE niNO" eery Wednesday. PALACE 12M MARKET STREET Donald Brian 10c '.Oc "The Smugglers" PARK niDE AVE & DAUPHIN ST. ....... TRIANGLE Presents William S Hart ln "Tlin apostle ""'"'" J" " l OF VENQEANCE" PRINCESS 10VVREE?nT .i L....-T,'?nj'?--Fl1-M conp Pwenti KITTY GORDON ,n "TUB 1UlM JlUKJl CRUCIAL TEST" RIALTO aE1'ANTOWN AVE. AlnLl xyJ AT TULPEKOCKEN ST Lois Meredith and Ralph Kellard In "THE PRECIOUS PACKET" REGENT 1C3 MARKET STREET lVJI 1 UU3IAS VOICE OROAX IRENE FENWICK in "A CHILD OF DESTINY" RIIR Y MARKET STREET 1X W BELOW 7TH STREET ANN PENNINGTON in "SUSIE BNOWFLAKE" SAVOY 15U MARKET J S V V- 1 STREET FOX FEATURES Presents Virginia Pearson ,n "A TonT',ST" TIOGA "TU AND VENANGO STS Billie Burke In "Gloria's Romance" VICTORIA MARKET ST. YllUIVlrt ABOVE NINTH WM. II. THOMPSON and ENID MARKEY In THE EYE OF THE NIGHT" MAX FIGMAN In "HIS BIRTHDAY OIPT" STANt FY MARKET ABOVE 10TH OlUNltUX 11:15 A. M. to 11:15 Pi. MARY PICKFORD in "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" r- BalUmore & Ohio R. R. -fOvl and RETURN Harper's Ferry, W. Va., Sunday, August 6 The Most Historic and Picturesque Spot in Eastern America SPECIAL TRAIN Ly. Philadelphia ....... 8:00 A-M. Lv, 60th Street ,,..8:08 A, M. Ar. Harper's Ferry...... 1 KM P.M. Returning, Special Train Will Leave HarperT Ferry 6:30 P. M. utrrtrnxTif nnirti r.ATtnR HILL M" MOnTB&iM IX SENATE Speedy Passage Predicted for Measure. Southern Senators in Opposition WASHINGTON, Alt. 3 -After a brief aklrmlah tho Senato thH afternoon started tha nallonal child labor bill on U nay to an expected speedy PaaE,e- ,,.. nn(i Renators Smith, of South Carolina, ana . .. .- - V..l -. . ... HarnwicK, oi ubuikiu. uppareniiy vittt thX only on l0 oleosa m mpuon to makt tfi bill lh Senatft'd unnnished buslnesa, haf to bo laid asldo except by unanimous ton-' sent until passed. ' Senator Itobinson, of Arkansas, foreiun In? expected arguments from States' rh" Advocate, began nn extended speech un. holdlnit tho constitutionality of the qu Hon. LUDWIG'S August Sale of Pianos and Player-Pianos Brings Wonderful Values in the Surplus Stocks From Our Fac tories'Which Are Famous for Correct Designs and Finishes 1916 Models Uprights Grands and Player-Pianos 60 Different Styles in Various Finishes If you intend buying a Piano any time within a year it will pay you handsomely to anticipate your wants and buy now. This is not a stock of riff-raff pianos from everywhere, but all new and up-to-date instruments, Ludwig made and guaranteed. Comparisons will con vince you of the savings from $65.00 to $105.00 on pianos; $90.00 to $175.00 and even more on player-pianos. Here Are a Few Typical Examples of the Extraordinary Values: Ludwig-Made Uprights $1QA Now. dcpondablo Inatru- XJf menta that will last a lifetime. Mahogany and walnut Regular prices (225 to $255. Sale prlco 100. Ludwig-Made Uprights ?OOft Xew. 1910 models. Fao OU tory Surplus Styles. Fancy fig ured mahogany, burl walnut and fumed oak. Other woods and finishes Save J70. Regular price 5350. Sale price SS80. Medium-Size Ludwig $OQC Uprights t'VV Xiw. 1916 models Factory Sur plus Styles Made ln rich African mahogany, burl walnut, fumed oak and mission: fancy de signs Delightful tonal qualities. The saving Is $80. Regular pries $375. Sale price $293. Ludwig Grands . ,,,$CCf Costliest fancy figured JJt mahogany. Great chance for col leges or studios, or music room of fine home Regular prlco, $050 and $750. Sale price 1330. Ludwig Player-Pianos $f QA This Is the greatest TTJ money-saving player-piano op. portunlty ever offered. These In struments (88-note, rebuilt like hew) sold originally for $650 to $850. Sale price $490. 280 Ludwig Up- $325 1916 models. Factory Sur- Ludwig Apartment Uprights New. 1916 models. Factory Sur plus. Tho daintiest piano made. Ideal for apartment or small music room. Mado ln fancy fig ured mahogany, walnut nnd the arlous shades of oak. A tono of richness and surprisingly large volume. The saving Is $70. Reg ular price $350. Salo prlco $280. Large rights New. plus Styles. Choicest African ma hogany. Colonial designs. Pol ished and dull finish. Beautiful large planoi with a tone equal to many grands. You can save $100 on the regular prlco of $425. Sale price 32S. Ludwig-Made Player- S A Q C Pianos y New In design. Slight changes only will be made In later models. Beautiful mahogany and -walnut cases. Regular prices $585 to $660, Sale price 1105. Ludwig Player-Pianos $A Q C New. 1915 Models. Sur. TTfcO plus Factory Styles Equipped with famous Ludwig 88-note player acton Fancy figured mahogany and walnut cases. Simplest and easiest operated .player-pianos ln VRiJ""!?', ne?"Iar prices $650 to $850. Sale price $495. Every instrument in the sale is backed by the regular Ludwig permanent guarantee. Pianos taken as part payment at market value. FREE Sto1 and scarf ancl year's tun J JT me with P'anos. Bench, scarf and 12 music rolls with player-pianos. Cath or Monthly Pay' mentt Arranged Especially convenient term of payment will prevail during t hit Sale. No Intereit No Extra THE MARK OF TONE QUALITY LudwigPianoCo 1103 Chestnut FJmsSmSmsWsmSmk f1 iiiiiiiiuiiiisiiiiiiHiimiiHiiHHiiiiHiHiiiiuumiuiiiHHmunifiiiiin 3626 Residents of Philadelphia registered at Hotel Astor during the past year. 000 Rooms. 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New York's leading Banqueting place. TIMES SQUARE SngJeRaoeu, wuhout Uifa, frM to f3JOO DoubU . JMto ggURoonu.wufibiri, 30 to 6joo 40 to 70 P&x, Bedroom i t4, SW to ft At Broadway, 44th to 45th Stretts-the center of NewYork's soda! v. i"iiuHuiniiimituiniiiimnmillllmilIII)Uni1)