yIWw HWVgm&in t.-nin!HfrrnZ; upfF-rvsir!rrrr1,-ers tfi-'- issssyin '-'-nrKM)i 'tisiipsjinmr, IfiVlSftJLNG- LEDaJllHxLAJLjLlJdULA VVEDxNiiioJDxii:, AUGUbi1 2, j.iuu. i Bf I ls I H "' FINANCIAL NEWS JEBAK IN MOTOR SHARES RESULTS IN SELLING IN pears Active in Raiding Automobile Stocks Because of Gut in Prices Lack oi Friends Also Responsible . for Offering of Those Issues lligh Potiils in Today's Financial News i Untied States Steel Corporation increased the price of steel bars $2 a 'ton. Dig orders placed for steel mils, much of which is for Canadian iUorthenu Price of crude oil lowered by Standard Oil Company of Louisiana ttnd Prairie Oil Company. Price of bar silver unchanged in New York and London. July earnings of eastern railroads suffered through the movement of troops to the Mexican border and the stormy weather conditions u part of the month. American Coal Company, of Birmingham, Ala., filed a voluntary pttilion in bankruptcy. NEW YOniC, Aug. 2. ' Henry Ford does not scorn to bo making any efforts in tho motor world to maintain peaceful operations, judging by tho market results of the announcement made yesterday of tho cut In tho price of the Ford product. From the tlmo tho ntxt schedule was published bears have been active in raiding tho motor stocks) en the floor of tho Exchange. There was stubborn support to tho bear attacks at the start, but the offerings of short stocks increased in volunio and were accompnnied by. statements of weak long accounts hanging over tho market. It is part of tho gossip of the board that ono lino of GO.OOO shares of Willys Overland had been taken over at 50. Tho real weakness in the motor stocks sit uation, however, is duo to tho fact that theso Issues liavo never had any sub stantial friends, either in tho speculative clement or in banking circles. Thcso attacks were predicted at tho end of last week and apparently tho aggressivo bears have found somo source from which the motor stocks could bo tUy borrowed. It is nntural that tho general list should have been Influenced by the sharp break in tho motor Issues, as It is tho settled rule in Wall street that colling of good stocks Is necessary, to protect accounts in whtcih stocks of a lower class are held. This condition was reflected by a supply of Union Taclflc after that stock had advanced to 139;i, on which it yielded more than ono point. An early hull movement In Marino preferred was also checked and turned Into a decline, and in the last half of the day tho gcnoral market tone was heavy, With Httlo attention paid to anything clso than tho movement In the Motor Btocks. if Price of Steel Bars i'i NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Tho United States Steel Corporation has advaueed tho price of steel bars $2 a ton. Tho deliveries covered are the last half of this year and the first half of next year. In connection with the advance It was learned that tho agricultural implement manufacturers arc still leading in tho buying, and it Is not at nil unlikely that tho new prices will cause another rush to cover tho requirements of tho various users, with those independents quoting tho 2.0c level being swamped with inquiries. This Is expected to result In the smaller steel companies following tho lead of the big interest. (WHEAT ADVANCES ON HEAVY BUYING ' September and December Sell at New High Records for Pres ent Movement CHAIN IIKI.T WUATIIKK I'ORVCAST CIIICAflO, Awr. S. Tho veatlicr fore cast for the next 3a floor follows: l&tiyt slightly wnrmrr tonlcht nml i 'ml renter ThiirHiluv. exrrnt (.'nlrn Illinois uenrmuy inir ioiiisih nnu TimrH- nortnnest Mlu.in.irl (Innfiriillv ffiff. Innlflif nml ununxinyi warmer lonigni in normtrn, ex- .............. ............ , vi". .""-7.. ...... H-; i . WWrontln Fair In joutli ht. J.oins. pariij- riouoy .. in norti north tonight nnd Tlmriilaj.i uurmrr to fr tel ler in 1 JUKI lb HI Itnrtliur ut m -time ml In southeast Thursduyi cool K. nortnnest Tiwrsany. Mlnnmota Portly cloudy tonUht nnd iirpi.ril.il hv liinil Thursday r. profoi in Diy manner Ihnnder showers. tnnlvti,, UlirtllKI north till afternoon or toniinti east tonicuti cooler Thursday, except In extreme nontli lntin!,ni'iillr fnlr tniilrht nnri Tlinrfl- davi somen hat unrmrr tonight. North nml Houth Dakota 1'nrtly. cloudy tonlcht n ml Tlnirridnvi cooler Thurixliiy. firnkn tlenerallv fnlr tonlcht nnd riro'jablr Thursday! Mlelrtlv warmer tonlcht n south vortloni cooler Thursday In north Kansas (lenprallr fair with continued hlsli temperatures tonight and Thursday. CHICAGO. Aug.. 2. Thcro was a sensa tional advance In tho wheat market todny, with buying on an enormous scale. Sep tember boM up over 7c a bushol and De cember more than 6 cents, establishing new high, records on the present movement. The rust news from tho northwest was tho factor. It wns tho worst since tho de velopment began. Heavy receipts at In terior points were lost sight of In tho scram Jilp in hnv. TtYirplirnnrfl worn mirchnsers. In ' 4kj nt. nml tnA ...ncn AnntlLi nf onlao ni iiW J'lb UilU UlUlc nutu w,,w..o vfc wi" w export nt tho Uuir. The market nt Liverpool was firm, nnd heavy takings by Europe were looked for, as for reserves abroad aro getting down to a point that will make extcnslvo Importa tions necessary. Domestic mills continue to absorb wheat in anticipation of still higher prices. Warm weather prevailed In the Northwest, but lower temperatures were predicted for to morrow. It was believed that tho movement of old wheat will ho restricted to what was In the 'country elevators. Farmers aro holding their own grain for seed. 13. W. Snow placed the condition of eprlng wheat nt 73.1, against 30.C on July 1, and tho Ind. cited yield nt 220,000,000 .bushels, against 27 1, 000,000 bushels a month ago and 325,000,000 bushels last year. He Bald that the present situation waa undoubtedly decidedly worse, the data report having been complied as of July 25. corn also advanced on unfavorable crop news, but longs took profits from time to tlmo on the swells. Tho market at Liver pool was Jlrm. There was excellent buiinc of oats by longs, and shorts covered. Leading futures ranged an followa: Yesterday's vvniniM nn.n I Bh T.OW. l.SSJ l.MK 1.37 Clone. close. September 1 'Jil 1.31K IlaoAmhAF 1 flitv 1 ur. 1.311 J. 1.3UH 1.S4H i.-'SH Way .. l'7H Mutt 'Auauit ww.. vi.cn ucmci-. ttlH September December hi 4;' 47 7U. 41U 43H 45, 78) 071 4t t7fi 42 40 7h4 40T4 4:iii M U4IS September pecember Lard . Klbo Beptomber October , 1'ork . ,.12.30 .12.B2 ..13.37 .13,17 12.02 12,32 12.B3 12.70 1.33 tl2.37 11'.72 13.30 13.3n '13.47 13.10 U3.10 133 13.37 13.2U vepiember Bid. t 4.32 21.02 21.30 21.42 24.07 Uld. tAaked. I FOREIGN EXCHANGE $ NEW YORK, Aug. 2. The foreign ex- 'ellSnifa v.nhl.fr ILL .nl ..aa nnlal --- e iiMitvcv mis lliuiilllib wjicivui iufc ran4 virtually unchanged from Tuesday's final figures. The only quotable difference was in Italian xchange which rose to 6.65 lor checks as compared with 6.49 yesterday. There was little of interest otherwise. Quotations; demand sterling. 4.75 13-16; Cables. 4.76 7.16fl)4.7fiV. ; franc cables. ',6.9094; checks, 5.90 ; relchsmark3 checks, J7l 13-16; cables, 71; lire cables. 6.44H; ;checks, 6.45; Swiss cables, 5.2-ti checks, Ii-. i Vienna, ia...ttu::.4v; ocanainavtu, 28.70O28.80; pesetas, 20.10020.18; guild ers. 4141 '-IB; rubles 30.42030.48. ftvmui equivalents lor long stenins are -70 for 60-day bills and 4.68 for 90-day bills. The resDectlve nremlums. however. ring the quotations to 4.7U4 and 4.69H, Id thn pnt-lv gfl.ninnn thn i?pnprnl mftr- aet was unchanged. There was a further uvanca or 3 points in Italian exchange. 're was 6 45 for checks and 6.4414 for ales at the onenlnir nnd rose to 6.41W &M. RATES FOR MONEY 'JJw ZEv&ti ttii lt.n " - " smo .:: p)t 3HW4 BANK CLEARINGS UUIR rtnflrlnii (flilv unmnii rail urlth fiArr PQndlo day ut two ya.ri. TU. ......tlS.270.lS2 2f.7ll.804 22.B3.338 &Uo , 45 0C.-..MH 4l.Ti.VJO 23.047.094 Ern?0 - 1 2" 'S8 4B.874.M7 44.211.801 r mm luin. 11114 rssfc sWU.iM vMRW mMtim Philadelphia Coamercjcl Markets " ra'i'ff to THE GENERAL LIST Advanced $2 a Ton New York Bond Sales Hlsli. Low. Close. I10UO Adams Uspress 4s .. n. x:i s: f.lKio Amcr Agr deb Ss .... UUW Utl Ull'4 81)00 Amer Aur deli 5s inl'i Inl; .llii 20JIIUU Anulo-French i'.b t3K P3U H."'S 318000 Amer .Foreign Sec 3s.. 1)!U MS US Union Amer Hmelt See (ls...lu7W 107Vi 1"V aooi) Amer Tel conv Is ...loj lo u2 2b(HMI Amer Tel ct 4V4s...lllH4 l!?i 10SJ4 fiiniil Amer Writ 1'ap Cs... 7uVii 1UA U' uoiki Argentine 3s Wi irj p. l-Kli Atchison Bon Ib IU I2 U'JK 3000 Atchison ndj 4.i 3 M H3?4 lonii Atlnn Co I.lno 1st is. . iuS I'H'S V2 -ooo do His W)4 M)Mi miiii 240UI) Unit tc Ohio 3VjS.... !IL' V'J ll.'vk 1(11)1) ilo S3 ll)UW lllllV IDOU 1DUD do -la lii) lil) nilt 27UU0 do cv 4Wb 1)3 t)U 113 i;ui) rteth incci 1st Ss ....mi mi lui uuu Jleth steel rfd Gs... .1004 lon4 limW loni) ltklyn Itnn Tr 5s 1U18 looK loud litnU luuo llrookn Un Klv 1st Bs.lOOU lunii luuU Csuoo Oin Uov ls 1021 DOTS U3? tluC lOUili) do 1VM Ulli, link ji 7(11)11 do is 1031 1DIIW lllll lllllC, 40H0O C C C Ken la 7UV4 7UVa 7US 1000 O O C & St L 5 DlK lH'A 01'a 140UU Cat CliiB & Elec Ba .. UHH dn4 tm', B000 Canada South Ss ....1IIJ4 lotf lua'4 5000 Cent Ua cons 5s ...lUuU loo't lno'i noon Cent liath 1st CH....IU1S 101S 10t liiouo dies & Ohio cv 4Hb ssii S3 sjU aoou do 4Wa wis Mi'i u Wluii Chea & Ohio cv -Uis.. b5 S3 83 14000 Chi tit West 4s 70 uuK liliTu 4UIH10 Chi it & (J joint 4s,. U7JI !)7?i Il7?i 4001) Chi M & St 1' rfd 4is HIS tlli 1)1 i UOOO C .Mil . St 1' cv 414)1.11)0 11)11', lllllW 551)110 Chi It I & 1- rfd 4s.. 714 71" 72 43HUU do 3s til tin'; Ot 4UUO do la s.i'i h3't b.lT. r.ouu Chi Un Sta 4Vs.... Iil)k 0ll liuj 0000 Col 4 South 1st 4s... 1)1 C lil HIS 20000 Con Tot. Co Us 1)8 Ji 1)8 H.sS .11000 Con Uos conv 0s....lL' li".''4 VSiU 13U00 Cuban Am Sucar 0a..li)lTi 101 lnl!t luuo Del & Hud conv 4s...o.'iS 10.', lor.'.i 10001) Ueii & Itlo Or 4s.... 78S 78S 78S loouu Detroit United ls.. 80S 80S 80S 10OO Krlo sen -Is 7J1 73t, 7! aimiuu j.ne conv s oer li... 71 Ti 71 .3000 Hud & Mnn In Cs.... 7V4 7i U7 1300U do rfd 8s 7oV 7i)t 70 4000 Hock Val 4Wa Iiu4 DOVi till wuuu in central rfd 4s.... 81) 81) 80 1)000 lntorb -Met 4Ha 73!i 7H 7.1ft .7000 Interb 11 T ref 0s,... us 08 lis 1471)00 Inter .M Mar ct 4iia.lo.1K 105i loss 5000 Jnpanesc new 4Kb.... 85 85 8.", 5000 K C Ft S & M 4s.... 711 711 70 iluou i.ex & Krlo fis loi'.i 101J4 lul'i 100U0 I.acxa bu-el Bs 1UL'3. I.U DOS !S aoou Ldiko Shore gen 3V4.. bill 8IH HiU 10U0 do deb -is 1028.... U3S UBS DBS 11)00 do 4a 1UJ1 l)l(i !)4i II 1W .3000 Lcn Val K Jt con 4!4a DOS DOS DOS 13000 UK & M T 8s lot lot 101 2000 do 7s 12.1 125 125 5000 Louis & Nash clt 5s..loiH 101H 10IV4 100(1 du ls IH(t lil'S I) li. luiiuo Manhattan 4s ,. 80S 80S 80S .5000 do sta uos DOS '.'oil loooo ilex Pet Co s Ser Clou loo loo 1000 Minn & St L Bs 80 80 80 2000 .Mo K t T K 1st 4s.. 83U U3U H3Vj 1000 Mont Cent It 11 fls..,12J 123 123 1000 Nat Tube Ss 101 I 111) i loli 1(100 N y Air Jlraka cvt ti.10JS 10JU 10JS 2000 N Y C I. S 3Vs 75S 7B 78 0500(1 N Y C & Hud (is HIS 11154 1HH 20UU0 do 4S DOS DOW 0071 8000 do con la ..... 82S 82S 82S 15000 N' v city 4s 11)38. ...1()03 ion . loo'i 21100 do 4s 1030 , lOOS KIDS lllilS luuo do 4V4a luui ...... 102 102ft 102t 25000 N Y Cnnn it It fHs.. IIS'I Hs',1 U8.'i 111)00 N Y O II & I' BS...104U 3(H! lO-l'i, 1000 N Y I.aclta 4 W SS..102S 102s I02S 8000 N Y llwy ref 4s 74S 74S 715 210UO do Hdl 8s... B8H 58l B8U 3M)DO N Y Tel Ben 4Hs.,.. US 1)8 08 1000 N Y W U ft 1! 4H.. 74 74 74 loooo Korf & West 4s l23 U2H 02ji 27000 Nor I'ac Trior 4s.... 112 UIS UIS 4(100 do u-eii 3s nay, (HI Oil 1000 Nor I'oco -Is 81J, 8N'4 884 3000 ore k W ll N 4s.. 7IIH 7US "U5 loooo l'enn.i en 4Kb lots lolS lo)S loooo t'eopla'a Gas Ss.. I01IS I00S 1(I"S 11000 Providence Ueo 4s..,. II'.) H a)W (ID 4 1000 l'ubllo Scrv N J Bs.. U'Ai 1)2), 1)2 lliKui itcadlnr sen 4s. .1.... UBS UBS UBS 1000 Itlo tirunda Jnc 4s... 87H 87S 87 S louoo ltepub Cuba Bs luol. uu uy DO 8000 ltepub Cuba Bs 1(111, U5. U5. US. 25000 Itep lr & K Bs ,.2 H7J4 07 U7'4 SOOO ttwy Steel Sprcs 8s '31 UdS UUS OUS 8000 St It i S F Ser II w I 8B .' 85 8000 St I, & a F adj w I.. 80S 8IIH 80S 1000 St Louis Swn 1st 4s., 77 77 77 10(10 do Bs At lit 01 BOOl) do con 4s 12, 112., (12,, 2000 Stand Mill Ss U'Jll l)U!j UlHi 10(H) Stand Caa Us 100 100 1U0 31)110 South I'll! 4s.,,,,,., 84. 84 81 KIUUll do cv 4s 80S S4 8UH 27000 do cv ret t p Ss 1UJS lo:iK 103S BOOO South I'ac Term Bs,, 88 Ti 8.1 T 831. 20000 South Itvvy sen 4a.... 71 71 71 21000 South Itwy con 8s,.., Ion; lot lulU 4000 Tenn C ret full paid,. OlM 01 M 01 1000 Term Assn St I 4 Ms MX Ul) ! 2000 Third Ave ref 4 8114 81 H 81 H 18000 do adj Ss 78 H 78 78. 7001) Trl-City Bs UUli till. OUS luoou U 8 Govt 3s...,,...10lii 1)(1H li)I4 30uo U a Realty Bs..,,,. U'J UO. tl'J., 13000 U 8 Uubber Os lie 10114 101 Ji O'.IIWO If H Steel Ss 1H"'S H35 10554 loou Union I'ac 1st 4s... i)7 07 1)7, 51)00 do cv 4 03 H U3",4 11354 17000 do rfd 4s......... 005J 0()ij l)i); COOOO Un Hwys S F 4s... 88 37S 37S BOOH Un HwH Inv Ss 70 70 7(1 8000 Va Car Chin 1st Bs., 07 ., .07., U7 20011 do Us mo S looH loou 1000 Va Itwy By 1)8 JISM J)S 100)) IVubash 2d Ss 0S5i JWVi U;J54 4000 West Klectrlo Bs ...102 I3 102 SOOO West Shore 4s 00 51 00 S 00 54 Spot Wheat Firm at Liverpool LIVERPOOL, Ausr. 2. Spot wheat was firm today, with No, 2 hard winter quoted at 12s 3d, an advance of 2d; No, 3 red winter, 12s, a gain of Id; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 12s 3d, an upturn of Id, and No. 3 northern Manitoba, 12s 2d, a gain of 2d. Corn was firm and Id higher, with Ameri can mixed quoted a 10s and Plate at lis. Flour wa. ls higher, at 42s 6d. NEY YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOHK Aug. 2. BUTTER Trading nuUt. but market generally, steady. Kecelpts, 1)010. Quotations unchanged. EGGS Fine gradsa flrmtr; market quiet, un changed. HecelpU, 14.033. Quotations un changed. I.EflAt. AHVEBTISEMEXTS ESTATE OF JENNIE LONG. DECEASED Letters of administration ea the above eitata having been granted to tho undersigned. all twraons indebted to the said estate are re-, ouested to make payment, and thou having cW. to Prca-at .thejame. .wtgjg-yg to Darby. Pa Or to W ttor'v. AhBKRT T BAUERLB. 600 Commonwealth UuUdlng. Phlla, New York Stock Sales Last close, nigh. Low. Close. Adams Express... i 130U 137 137 137 AJax Hubbcr..,. 03 04 01 04 Alaska (Jold M .... 17! 17H 17! 17 Allls-Chalmets Mfs , 21 1)42 21H ?H5 Am An Chemical,,..,,,, 70J 71 70 i0 Am licet Sugar SOX 00 87 S7U Am Ilrakc S & F pf 103 195!$ 193H lOJJi Am Can ,,,.. f,5$f 5&H P4 51)4 AmCanpf 1105O10 U0 110 AmCat&Fdy 59H MH V.7K 58 Am Cotton Oil 63 MX C2X 52X Am Cotton Oil pf 0"1) 100 100 101 Am Hide ft Leather pf.. M C4) 53X 63)5 Am Ice Securities.. ...... 27'f 27X 27 27 Am Locomotive.., ....... COM GOJ CO CO AmMaltCorp'n 7li 7 7 7 Am Smelts Kef 03X 02!f 92l 02 Am Smelt A Hef pf 1115S 1114 111X 1HX AmSmeltpfA 03!f 03 03 03 Am Steel Foundries 62 62 62 62 Am Sucar Uoflnliie Ill 100)5 100n 109M Am Tel & Tel 120!f 129X 129X 129X AmTobaceo 222 220 217U 217'f Am Tobacco pf new..... 103X 107 107 107 Am Wtltlne V pf 20 27X 27X 27X AmZlnelj&Sm 34 34 32 32 Am Zinc I. & Sm pf G3X 03 01X 01X Anaconda Copper M 70 70H 70 70 Atch Top & a V 102H 102X 102H 102)j Atrh Top A S V pf 00 00 00 00 All Coast Une 112 111 111 111 AtlOutfA.VI 03K 01 03 03 Dald Loco Wks 72 73JS 71 71 llal.1 Ijcco Wks pf 105)i 105 I 105 103 Halt A Ohio S5 85)5 85,W MX Halt A Ohio pf 74X 74 74 74 IWhlehcm Steel 430M 435 435 435 llrooklyn Uap Tr 84X 84X 8-1'f 81f liutto A Superior 08 OSH 05 05 Cal retroleum 17X 18) 1SX 18)f Canadian Taclflc 170)1 170 1714 176 Central heather f,4!( 6-DJ MX 64 Chandler Motof 105 101 100X 101X ChesAOhlo OOX W)JS COH 00H Chile Copper 2051 20 20 20 Chlno Copper 47X 47X 47X 47X Chlctco Mil A St Paul ..00 00 05X 05X Chlcaco A Northwestern. 120 127X 127X V27H Col Fuel A Iron 11 44 43 43 Chicago II I & I'ac 17)4 18X 174 18 Consolidated (Jas 135 137 135 135X Continental Can 004 054 05X 054 Crucible Steel OOX COX 08 08 Cmclblo Steel pf 110 1174 110 1174 Cuban-Am Sucar 225 222 220) 222 Cuba Cano Sucar COX 60 63 68 Cuba Cano Sugar pf OUi Oi.X 914 014 Denver A Itlo Or pf 31 31 33X 33X Ulstlll Sec Corp'n 114 444 44 44 DulSSAAtl 54 5,4 5X 6X Eric 354 364 354 35X Krlo 1st pt C24 624 62X 62.4 Oencral Electric 100 1094 IGSX 108X Ocnetal Motors pf 118 1154 113)5 1134 Oreenc-Cananca 404 40.4 404 404 Goodrich II F 724 72X 71X 714' Goodrich I K pf 1134 114 111 111 Clranby Consol SO 804 SOX 80X Great Northern pf 117X 1174 1I0X 117 Illinois Central 103 103 10.) 103 Int Awlcultural pf 414 414 41 41 Int Taper 144 144 114 144 Int Paper pf OCX COX CD COX InspCoaCop 4S!X 4SX 48 48 Int Nickel v t cfs 44 44)5 434 44X IntMMcofdep 20X 204 25X 25.4 IntM M pf coftlcp.... SSX 804 8SX 884 JcwclTca F3 S44 83 S3 Kan City Southern 24X 23 25 25 Kan City Southern Df... 50 50 50 CO Kennecott Copper 45X 454 444 414 LacfcSteclCo 71 71 71 71 Leo Hubber Tiro 44 43X 434 43X Lchlch Valley 774 77W 77X 774 Louis A Nash 127X 1274 127)4 1274 MackayCoj 814 814 814 814 MackayCospf CSX 07)5 074 074 May Deot Stores 02 02 U14 OlM Maxwell Motors 814 814 774 774 Mawcli Motors 1st pf.. 874 87 85X SSX Maxwell Motors 2d pf.. 5S 58 67)4 674 Mexican Petroleum 98X 07X 054 00 Miami Copper 334 334 33)4 334 Minn St P A S S M ....123 1234 122)4 122X Minn A St Louis 4X 6X 6X 55f Mo Kan & Texas 34 34 34 34 Missouri Pacific 44 54 44 5,4 Missouri Pacific tr cfs 14 6 4)4 0 Natlliscult 120X 120X 120X 120X NatKnamASCo 224 22X 214 214 Nat Lead Co 03 G3X 03 03 NevConCop 174 174 174 174 New York Air Ilrako.... 129 129 120 120 New Yoik N It An.... CO).' 00 50 60 New York Central 104 101 1034 103X New York Chi A St L . . 33 33)5 33)4 33)4 N Y Chi A St L 2d pr.. 01 594 59) i 50)4 New YorfcO A West.... 20X 20X 204 20X Norfolk Southern 23 23 23 23 Norfolk .V Western 1284 129 12S4 1284 NorOhloTrAL S7 00 00 00 Northern Pacllle 1104 111X 1104 1104 Pacific Tel A Tel 34 34 34 34 Penn Itallroad 53X 50X 55X 554 People's Gas Cal 101X 1014 1014 1014 Philadelphia Co 39X 404 40 40 Pitts Coal Co N J 274 274 274 274 Pitts Coal Co c of dp.... 27)4 274 27)5 274 Pitts Coal Co N J pf ...100 1004 1004 10054 Pitts OOAStL 81 80 SO 80 Pressed S Car Co 474 47X 47X 47X Hy Steel Sp Co 43 43 43 43 Hay Con Copper 22X 23 224 224 Heading 05X 954 034 03)4 Kcaillnz2dpf 44X 44)5 41)4 444 Itcpubllc Iron A S 474 474 474 474 Itcpubllc Iron AHpf....l09X 110 110 110 Seaboard Air Line pf.... 374 374 37)4 37)4 Hears, Itoe A Co 2004 2004 1034 1094 that Ariz Cop 20 20 20 20 Sloss-Shef S A 1 44X 43 43 43 South Porto It Sucar.. ..183 185 185 185 Southern Pacific 08X 08)4 984 934 Southern Hy 234 234 23)4 23X StudcbakerCo 1274 1284 1224 123 Tcnn Copper 23)4 254 254 254 Texas Co 195 195 193 19.1 Third Avenue G1X 02 01)3 014 Union lisz A Paper 04 OX 04 OX UnlonBaeAPpf 404 42. 41 42 d United Cigar Stores 004 1014 094 094 United Cigar S pf 117 119 110 110 Union Pacific 1394 1J94 137X 137,4 Union Paclllc rf 82X 82)5 82)4 8254 USInd Alcohol HI 1104 1084 100 United Fruit 157)5 100X 10754 15JX U S Itcalty A Imp 294 29 29 20 U S Hubber 5255 53 52.4 53 U B Hubber 1st pf 108)5 10S5S 10854 10SX U B Steel Corp'n 87 87 804 fcOX U S Steel Corp'n pf 117 11754 1174 1174 U S Kxpres3 304 20)4 2955 294 US Halt AM 07)4 63 OS 08 Utah Copper 77 774 77 77 Va-Caro Chem 395 394 384 384 Va-Car Chem pf 10S 111 110X11054 Wabash pf A 50)4 50)5 4054 59X Wabash pf 1) 204 20)5 204 204 West U AM 57X 574 04 504 West Union Tele 03 03 03 03 Wheel A Lake Erie..,.,. 44 4 4 4T3 Wheo A L, K 2n pf. 4 64 54 5)4 Wisconsin Central,., 52 52)4 614 6155 Willys Overland,.., 50).- 654 51X 6154 Willis oierlanu pr ioa 105 101 10-1 Woolorth V Y 13054 130)5 1304 1304 . Condition of U. S. Treasury WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. .The condition of the United States Treasury, according to a statement issued today, was as fol lows: Net balance in general fund, ?23p, 131,921; total receipts, 12,181,577; total disbursements, (2,023,528; deficit for the year. $10,268,693, exclusive of the Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Hllll!llllllilllllil!lil!ll!lil!ll)l The Increasing S Investment Value of jj Standard Oil n 151 S3 securities 2 fTT vtnd f" 3 V II "? '"' of M Ai'cn Aal Send for pamphlet fh Jianaara uiu halt piled up a Ea mjficicnt turplui to jut- 0J liji nearby dumbulion SS SS of ptofUi to itockholi' Ej "3 en in the ihapc cf a ss e3 itoct tonus or large ti' pS nrj Ira cath dividend, r-jri yy (j m tot 23-PL, uicfw. la ?? int Standard Oil jfa- 3 tiitical handbook " s3 S booklet cxplainint S3 23 "The Twenty Payment Plan" I .rasCTwafi i e w jrwtvlramiv?eurirk vy !EstsbUihJ 1S0SI S ExcWPUce fewYork 3 Elll!l!!!!IS!!llllllll!iail!II!l!II3 COTTON PRICES RISE IN STEADY MARKET Buying of Good Character Led by Large Spot i , Houses j?; COTTON nET.T WE.VT1IEU, NEW YORK, Aur. 2. PrMlpllallon wn retordril In Ihr MKtern section of the eol- ton belt tbl" mornlnc, with lpmiier.itnr nliont iineiinnitfil. The followlnic lempern- At A.l.rrlllr. Am Rntrltli. Ilfti Allnnln. Del Rio. Mncon nnd Nnohillle, 70( Anituslfli LISIfli nml TliomnsTllie, llirmtnanam, nniinnnoKn Knotvlllr, 72) .Snvnnnnh, Ullmlnslon, Sun AnlAnln Ami .iloniKnmcrr, Jll Tnmna, lath' nnvlll. rArmts r:hrltt. DklnlirtnlA Cltv. Fort Pmlth, l.llllft Rock nnd Meridian, "ill Memphis, .Mobile nnd lVnnfoln, 7H New Orlenni, VlekKburr. lnleton, Shreieporl nnn Clmrlenton, SO, ..... . Thrrr wns .01 Inch of nrerlpltallnn nt T.lltle Itork, ,12 nt MontKomrrr. .10 nt Mn eon nml riiattnnooitn, .20 nt KnoTTllle, ,31 nt Atlnntn nml At llmlnition. ,42 nt Nnli Title nnd Memphli. ,41 nt lllrmlnpthnm, .H8 nt Tnnipn and 8.30 nt Axhetllle. NEW TOOK, AUp. 2. Advances of 5 to 7 points wcro recorded on the Cotton Ex chnniro thlR mornlns; In response to hettcr cables nnd unfavorahlo weather In tho South Tho tone was steady. Somo of tho larcer room traders and 'Wall street Inter ests nppnrently fought the rise, hut tho buy ing was of n Rood character and was led hy prominent spot houses. New Orleans was nn Important seller hero nnd a small supply came from Liverpool. Commission houses operated on both sides, but appar ently purchased more than they sold. Liverpool cables wero 3 to 4 points bet ter than due, showing advances of 10 to 11 points nt tho time of the opening here. A private cable said that tho market was Arm, but tho upward movement was checked mainly by long liquidation nround 8d. Thcro was little other selling, It was added. Weather conditions In tho South were unfavorable, tho maps showing rains In tho enstcrn holt, where too much moisture during July caused tho great deterioration to the crop. In tho West, where precipita tion Is needed, elenr conditions prevailed. Temperatures were about unchanged. Yes. riof. upon. 11 n.m. 12 m. 2 p.m. Auirust , October . llocemlior January Marcli .. May . . . . a rot .,,, .... i . . 13.33 13 .VJ 13.3S islst 13.33 13.RI 13.110 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. Aug. 2. Futures wero steady, with nctlvo months 4 to C points net higher. Spot sales totaled G000 bales, Including 4100 American. October-November, S,02d ; January-February, 7.99d ; March April. 8.00 lid. SECURITIES AT AUCTION The follow Inir securities wero sold at auction todny by Ilnrnes & I.on.ind: STOCKS. c. mils & Co.. 17 sh.ru. T) flim W. Inc.: imr ln'i ion 23 10 shrs. People's Trust Co.; par ia. . . . 2 shrs. Imlepcndencn Klro Insurance Hncurlty Co, j par $-f 2 shrs. People's Nntlonal Klro Inaur- nnco Co.; par 125 ( 300 shrs, Jim llullcr Tonopah Jllnlnit Co, N7u 2 shrs. lllrnrd Trust Co.. par (loo 000 i Bnrs I'onunvnini I'nancnKcr Kniiwuy Co , 20 Shrs. llurllnpton County National lL'U nanK. .iieiiroru. N. j B shrs. Chelten Trust Co.; par J10O.. 1 shr. Provident I.ltc anil Trust Co (IK ir.o par iioo 5 shrs. Robert Morris Trust Co ; par $100 20 shrs, Peoplo's Nntlonal Fire Insur ance Co. ; par $L'3 60 shrs, Camden Klro Insurance Associa tion: nar S3 87t) 05 17 10 i2; 120H 15 shrs. Philadelphia I.lfo Insurance Co.; par t w ...,., shr. Continental 1'asseiiBer Rallwny CO. 11! shrs. Krankford nhd Southwnrk (3th nnd flth Streets) rassentfor ltnllway Co 3 MW C shrs. Keystone Watch Case Co.; par J1U0 Hi 0 shrs llercner & Knircl Ilrowlntr Co. ,, preferred; par lion 70S 4 shrs. Philadelphia liourso common; par 100 5H HON D9. 13300 American Gas nnd electric Co., S per rent, colliternl trust, coupons IVbru.iry and AUKUSt. duo l!OU7. D85 COOO Pcro Muruuctto Railroad Co., 4 per cent, refunding mortKaire, cou pons January and July, duo Jon uary, llir.,1 18U 1000 Pcre ilarnuetto ltallrnail Co., 4 pi-r cent, certlllrate of ih-poslt, Hank era' Trust Co. receipt 18V 1000 Salem and l'ennsicroro Traction Co., 0 per cent, Prat morluaac, coupons Juno nnd December, due 11)33 00 8000 Washlncton. Arllneton and Falls Church Hallway Co.. fi per cent, first consolidated mortgage. Inlor ost March and September, duo 1U3R 75 200 Sprlnitfield Consolidated Water Co.. n per cent, first mnrtitRBo. cou pons Slay and November, duo ItiSS ...-, 82 BOO 3prlnB(leld Water Co.. 6 per rent, consolidated mortKaBe, coupons March and September, due lU'Jtl M 2000 Indiana Coal Co.. 1st &a 1013 1U LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Hid ABked Tim nnttfir .............. .fit .hh MacNamara 01 Midway Mlzpah Extension It' Montana -I Northern Star 17 Tonopah Ilelmont 4,W Tonopah Kxtenalon n Tonopah Mlnlne r, Rescue Eula -'.. ,Vest End 83 OOLDFIELD STOCKS. .Oil .21 .211 .20 .18 P .27 .83 Atlanta Blue Hull Houth ii1 COD Lomniuatlon fruition DiamondAeld ii it .. .10 .02 .11 .111 .03 .tl.i ,IIJ i .i)J .41) ,H .7:4 .11 .01 .04 .12 .11 .03 it. .1)2 .01 .OS .03 .04 .11 .MS .77 .12 ,u. .or. .13 Daisy Flortfnce Ooldtteld Consolidated Jumbo extension Kewnnas Oro , .,.... Sand Ken Silver Pick MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aztec 01 Klmbcrly , Jll Nevada Hill .14 Nevada Wonder 2 13 Tecopa Mlnlns 10 .02 .0.1 2 20 .13 Fine Granulated Sugar More Active NEW YOItK, Aug. 2. Fine granulated was slightly Improved today, with all re finers quoting 7.05c. The last sale In spot Cuba raws was unchanged at 6.27c ? Possibilities in Government Bonds of some of the most impor tant European nations, caused by the present abnor mally low rate of exchange, created by war conditions, will be explained for those who communicate with us and request a copy of our Circular No. L-186. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities IIS South, Fourth Street 1'blladclphla New York . Cblcaso Buffalo Baltimore Boston London, to. ftjlaja. M I.EQAL ADVEKTISIMKNT8 rrrs JOSEPH MENDELSOHN AND EMAN 2y UEL E1L hao withdrawn Jrota the Arm ot A. Wcliuteln It Co. All liabilities will ba assumed by Mr. A Welnsteln. July 8 11010. A. WEIN8TBIN ft CO. UIKEFTOB V UK ACCOUNTANTS Ortined l'ubllo ArruuuUnla UWKBNCB E. BROWN CO. 1015 KKAI. KSTATB TKIIST HIMI.ntNCl. UURNS A BPUAKMAN 7b bours yABTNERsmra NOTICE Is hereby siwn that Harold Yf aood dow has no further Interest, la tho business or C. V. Ooodnow. at lis N 611 x FRED I OOODNOW. PhUidelahla. Pa.. Jua 7. ItlO. .13 ni 1H37 i3.au .ia.no in, is 13,51 .10 ns 13 in l.i.Mi .13 71 13.77 13.7.'. .13X1 13.81) 13 1)0 .13.35 Sales in Philadelphia Net thite. Vx Iavt. 00 72 10.1 Close, 00 72 10 Acme T pr oo 100 Bald Loco. 12 do pr ..10S4 lOVi Vi 4SVi OflW Vt o?4 ..... 25 10V4 7ft T 77Tfc ?A 2V4 0-10 no 40 V, 28 lOtt 70 03 Mi 2 20 Cam Iron . 4.1H 07 Klec Stor.. flfl-n 20 Gen Asp. . 60 42 InsCo NA. 215 H 12 I-ak Sup C 10 20 I.eh Nov.. 75 lis Lch Valley 77 r.l Penn Tr.. 2U 4IU Pa It It... 60V6 US Ph Co pfd 40 004 Phil Klec. 29 03X PUT tr cts 1B log Phlla Tr.. 79 2S3 Heading .. 0S to Ton Del .. iVt 4W 00 on 2RV4 low 74tt 11 Mi 2W no S!V4 2 10 70 03 W 4tt 4V. 12. Ton M ft 13-10 ftlft-10 S lft-in 1-JO loo TnTrac .. 4lifc ll, -1 IV& 08 V O I ... 87 80 U 8 Steel. 87 100 West ICIec. IHI 250 War I & S 0V4 0 W J & Sea I0V4 ?y 87 'A 80 M y, B0i If. 0V4 y 4Vd sow 0V4 404 110.NDS. HI'th. Iaiw. 130 Cramp & S 7 72 2.100 Amtl&M 6s 04 Y 03 2000 K ei P Tr 4s 80 80 Net Close, chue. 72 2 1)3 80 100 lono II ill n E.x.ioo intt 1000 i:dsnt:iG4.107tt 107 107 V4 BOO 11 Am til) Gr 00 00 !!) looo Hr Mrs 6s. 102 102 102 ROOD I, V Kit 1s. 1)0 00 00 3000 PaC c 4'4s 101 104 101 3000 Phla Kle 4s 8ft 81 85 2300 do Gs 105 101 101 3000 Head Kit 4h 05 05 05 ... 1000 t'll lis tC 4s 72 72 72 1 48000 Un Ity I Gs 70 oun ooy, - NEW ISSUES WEAK IN CURB TRADING Several Stocks Arc in Good De mand and Number Make Good Gains XKW YOniC, Aup. 2. With the many specialties under pressure on the Stock Kx elmtiRo nnd talk of n forced liquidation in some ot tho motor stocks traded In on the hoard, It was natural tliat weakness should he shown on tho Ilroad Street Curhj but this weakness was confined to a few Issues. Several stocks were In Rood demand nnd a number made substantial gains. While Chevrolet dropped 8 polnlB to 188, and losses were sustained in White Motors nnd United Motors, there wns a irootl de mand for Allan A. Ilyan stocks. This was title to somo extent to the ofllclal stntc ment in regard to the Strombcrir company, showing that It Increased Its output of carburetors from 45,000 In 1910 to 128.000 In l'JIG. Tho Slrombenr prices ranged from 42 to 4m. nnd Stutz Motor from 04 34 to 61, whllo other motor stocks showed an nb senco of support. Aetna Kxploslves wero nctlve and strong during the grentcr part of tho tiny, advanc ing from 10?1 to US. nnd Iake Torpedo, on unusually largo trading, advanced from S to 8. Tim Independent oil stocks were heavy. Cosden & Co. declining from 15 H to 14 V6, nnd Cosden Oil sold down from 12 to 12. Sinclair sold nt 39. INDUSTRIALS. TIM. . . ln, ::3 . . 7ft . .1SII . . L'ft . . 117 . . no . . II" .. low .'.' sd'-i . . I'K . . V .. H7 .. Ill , .. 4K '.. .. mi .. Jj7 !! Ho :: n .. llVi :: 3h ::4 :: i Aslted. 11 S hft llio 35 100 40 lot) '.W 34 32 J7 HI! 21 Aetna Explosives Am-Ilrltlih MfB Am Marconi Cnnaillnn Cnr Co Cnn Car & I'My prof ... I'hiMrolct Motors rurtins Aeroplano DrlKKs-Senliury Etscnlohr Tobacco (l.i prcf Emerson Phonosraph . . Flemish I.ynn Haskell A Ilnrker Car . Honrtef Mf Inter ilcr .Marino do prcf ICiUhodlon llronze pref Maxim Munitions Manhattan Trans Sllilvalo Steel litis Klevntnr Peerless Motors l'oolo Enir H 8 Kresifo w I Standard Motors HtutJ Motors Htroinuere Sniimarlne , Trlnnuli' Film United Prollt Sharlnir .. United Motors US I. nnd II com do pref White Motors World Film 01 i nn J3V4 los, , 1,Vl 05 00 03T. STANDAIID OIL. Illlnol 1Q7 Ohio -' J'rnlrle l'lp , !- Htnndard OH of California JUS Stnnrtanl Oil of New Jersey ftlil Standard Oil of New l'ork 202 OTHEP. OIL STOCKS. CosJen Co 15 International Tetroleum n Houston Oil 13 Midwest IlFflnlnK 00 Snpula. Hemline 10 170 B2S iiis 520 J03 15 V, lo'.i 111 (12 10J1 MININQ STOCKS. Atlanta ;.,; liutto Copper and Inc. iiutto n y L'erro tie Pasco First National rioldfleld Mercer llecla Mlnlns I1ono Hound Jim Duller lumho Extension McKlnley Darruh. Masnia Copper ....... Mines Cn of America . Nlptsslm: Han Tuv Ht Joseph lnd West End Con Whlto Oalt Ccrro ts Ml.lvnl,, Ss 1.. : . N i . 7ft . 07 : if1 . ir.tt "., .ii?. . in 9 3i? 10 B 15-10 e4 UN 77 till 15 7 h 114 II 4 70 1)3 Missouri Paclflu 4s.. tin do Ss 15 HEMPLE COPPER Mining Company Copper Mountain, Landlocked Bay, Alaska, ACTIVE on the New York Curb with quotations around $1 per share. Over $3,000,000 ore blocked out in plain sight. This can bs mined, milled, shipped, smelted and sold at cost ot $1,200,000. Nat assets available (or dividends over $4 per share makes this a most sound, conservative Investment purchase. Extra ordinary speculative possi bilities In that each ton mined exposes 2 tons of addi tional ore. We advise Immediate pur chase AT THE MARKET, as material price advance is in momentary prospect. CIR CULAR on request. L.T.LAYT0N&C0. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Real Estate Trust Building JVUIadelpnla. 'nr nmmmrvm'm"ujm""tu"v"' Edward B.Smith StCo ElTSSUIHIS 1191. BANKERS ifemcer Ntw Tcrk and Phllad4lihla Stock Eicaaj 1411 Car SIN OT 8tux-t. FuiUEurou BO PIXI exiXST. NsW Y01S FRAZIERG-Ga INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad aud Sansom Sta. MOVEMENT OP TROOPS TO BOEDER, IS EXPECTED TO CUT R. R. EARNINGS Stormy Weather During Second Week Will Also Havo Bad Influence on July Reports, It Is Thought; Local Trading Quiet It Is the frenernt opinion In financial circles that enrnltiRfl of railroads operating In the East will not be oa favorablo for July, notwlth.tnndlnfr the Rood showing made during June nnd the first half of the year. Two i-canons aro advanced for n, falling-oil In tho freight trafllo, Tho one nnd most important la the demand made by the Oovernmcnt for the transportation of troops to tho Mexican border, and the other, tho severe storm which prevailed during several days of tho second week of tho month. It Is pointed out that, because of the hasty dispatch of the guardsmen and supplies to the Southwest, tho railroads wero compelled to hold up the freight movement, as It was necessary for them to utilize many of their best freight locomotives to move tho heavy troop trains. As a result thero waB a delay for several days and In some cases as much as a week. A falling off In local freight and dirrtcul tics In obtaining trade laborets has also contributed to tho conditions which tend to make the showing below what might have been expected under normal conditions. Ex port freight continues to move In as heavy it volunio ns It has for several mont'is. Trading on tho I'hllndclphtii Slock Ex JIAILROAD EARNINGS HEAJJOAIIU AIR LINK. inln. Inorcnsc. .Tun gross ti.ftiD.nni sun. inn 12 months' xross :u. 101,, V.l 2,713,4.3 NIJW YORK CENTRA!, k HUDSON IUVKH. (Kxcluie of llotnn A Albany.) Juno cross ill, alii, nun 3, ini,:ui(i Hft .... Surplus .. Hlx months NVt i,.-tft,i. t,ii3i!.ii.i:i BroM...... HT.HMiMOX 211.1118, IXII in,r.3'j.2ir. H.'Ul.tlll' 1.0111,411 SlM'Jli.NTA 11.307.31S 11.311.1IGU Surplus UOSTO.V Jun Kro-s Net Surplus. Six months' Krosv . NVt Surplus AND AMIANY. . .. ii,H;n.r.r,n jnu.sn T.1.1.Nli:l L'f.M-'.VJ a.iH,o:7 int.;iu . .. in.aov.iiim s,i!i.i.:i!ir, ... .1.234, 341 l,2tll,:iK3 '.142,11,-11 l.UIO.,11,-. TOTAL AM: LINKS. June Bros Net Six months' iirots Net .$3O.43n.20S . li.siill.33S .lT2.r.2U,744 . .13.3211,41 i',008,411 2.ll3H!ltttll 4tl.li32.4tl2 23.2l)M. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tuna Rross t2.7l.r."J!l Net nfter tnxes TTIt.Hitf 12 months' tcrnns 34.l4r,llt) Net nfter tnxes li.S5l.271 ILLINOIS CKNTUAL. Juno Kros jr.,U0.1,.-.l4 Net nfter tnxes !,1M11HT 12 months' tcrons ill), 077. .112 Net nfter taxes 14,lr.i.US7 I4.-,I.2I11 3ll3..IIS s.vii.s.iins 2,M11,110 II. 021.1111 1.II51.HJH ll.IH13.70ll 3,2711.011 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Slnnilanl Oil Company nf CAllfornU, reirulnr quarterly ot I2.(ii, nayiililo Hcptember IS to stoclc of record Auirust in. Ooneral Asplialt Company resular iiuarterly of 1U per cent on preferred, payable September' 1 to stockholders nf record August 12. Ilooks do not close. Ohio Cities Oas Company. 24 per cent on common lmnblo September 1 to holders of rec ord AUKUSt in. Sfnlno Centrnl. recular nunrterly of l'S per rent on preferred. paMiblo September 1 to holders ot record Auirust in Electric Company of Amerlra, a distribution of 23 centH per share, payable August 17 ns rcslstored Auuuit 7. Ilooks do not close. American Tobacco Company, reirulnr quarterly ot n per cent on common, payable September 1 to holders of reroril AURUHt r. IIom Stnko Mining Company. rcRularly month ly of r,3 rents n share, payable August 23 to holders ot record August 21. rittsburnh Steel Compnny, usual quarterly of 1? per cent on preferred stock, payable Sep tember 1 to holders of record August 11. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE Victor and Homo Victor Water Heaters FOIt COAL A new principle; con stant supply: 24 to 30 sals., lc. Heats IladU tors. too. Accept nn substitute. There Is nothlnr "Just as cooil " Rend for Te nooklft. S.V. REEVES, Mfr. 45 N. Second St. ritentfrt jjglk Brown Brothers 8c Co. Fourrni and Chestnut Stkeets PHILADELPHIA Travelers9 In Denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100 payable through the United States, Canada, West Indies, etc. ItEAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE FOB, SALE STK.VTIIMi:ilE. N, 3, flTKATIIMKRK. K. 3. --"fr; " AMvwvtvtviwvw ii i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i our jLasi. The Sale Ends Next Saturday Over 34 of Our Lots Sold Every Purchaser Pleased Auction Sale of Ocean Front Lots at STRATHMERE, N. J. (Corson's Inlet) Midway Between Ocean City and Sea Isle City Valuable ocean front property, improved, high and dry, ex cellent train service Pennsylvania or Reading R, R. The sale began a week ago and we have had big crowds daily and all purchsers we know have been pleased with the low prices they paid and the easy terms they bought, because they have recom mended their friends to buy and they have. Dollar Excursion Daily to Strathmere Band concerts, dancing, fishing, boating, bathing await you, a real day's outing and a day of fun and recreation as well as a wise investment for your Summer home or bungalow. The new 1916 Overland car will be given away next Saturday-you have an opportunity to get it whether you buy a lot or not. Just come down. Follow the wise man. Don't forget. NEXT SATURDAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE GEO. P. DYKMAN & CO., Auctioneers 1011 Chestnut St., Phila. Send for Circular and list tf Ws Itft vvvAV'wvvvvvtll change today continued about as iulct as) it has been for several days. About th only activity was In the bond division, there being n. broader demand for United Hall ways Investment Cs. About $34,000 worth of thcso securities were sold and they ad vanced m to 70 Vi. Electric Storage Battery was up a, iuar ter, selling at 66, Iehlgh Navigation was again In demand and sold up half a point at J45, Philadelphia Elcetrld was Up a fraction and Philadelphia Traction ad' vanced Lehigh Valley nnd Reading were un changed. Pennsylvania was firm at 66. United das Improvement was oft a frac tion. United States Steel common was quiet and shaded a fraction. During the afternoon thero was no Im provement over the early trading, the mar ket In general being quiet. Tho bulk of the business was In United Railways In vestment Es, which eased off to 94 above yesterday's close, to 69. Rapid TranBlt truht certificates wero off a fraction nt 10 Vi. Lehigh Navigation, Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania each gained a fraction, and Philadelphia Electric sold unchanged at oq a; NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOItK, Aug. 2. The market for coffco futures opened quiet and Irregular, with IlrEt prices showing an advanco of 2 points to a decline of 2 points. Trading on the call was not active, sales being1 1500 bags. Today's Yesterdays opening. close. July fl.nnei8.n2 August H..1.1 08.31 September R.3.1M8.3V) H.8IIMH.40 III tolivr '. H.44WS.43 November 8.48W8.41I December R.r.O 8.B2M8.n3 January S.Ml 8.riB.(V0 IVbruary H.rtli 8.0408.0.-. Mnrrh B.72C8.7.1 8.7UOS.72 prlt 8.7.',8.77 .lny 8.S2W8.S.-, 8.8(l8.82 Juno 8.83tf8.87 Hid, Total sales. 2000 bogs. BAR SILVER liar sliver In London was quoted at 3)4d today, unchanged. Commercial bar silver was quoted In New York today nt G4c, unchanged. An Extra Shelf In Your Bathroom Is Al ways a Convenience Here Is the Very Shelf You Needl Nobody ever has enough room for everything, put up this shelf to take care of those extra bottles! It is ono of a com plete set of Fleck Bathroom fix tures that ro to make a most at tractive "all-white" bathroom. Made of tho best and most ' handsome Vitreous Whlto China ; very durable ; easily installed and easily kept clean. Vntt should tnsnect this nerfert fixture. It Is sold unier tho FLECK IinOB. CO. ino.N-ci.AD auAJtANTi:rc. wnto for run particulars visit easily reached showrooms today. ' JeckBros. Co. Showrooms, .11-10.48 & SO X. 6th St. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mifcuMitrji pporiooiicy f '