p pt-( "''jHHstta1 """"fSSSS Ipfla w 11 rt ETIQUETTE a WANTING WHAT YOU HAVEN'T GOT, A BAD HABIT, M'LISS SAYS Masculine Correspondent Writes Tale of Woe , and Asks How His Wife May P Be "Cured" "YjCTIUTE something," ptends a reader, VV "about tho wife who thinks every tiusbarid In the block Is Just a little better than her own I Tell us," he continues, "what you think about the woman whom a man marries because ho loves her and believes she loves him, only to find hlm eeli an object of unfavorable comparison with every other man who swings Into her ken. "Do I ask my wlfo what such and such a newcomer to tho neighborhood docs for R living-, Bho fairly bristles as she tells mo that ho la the vlco president of such find such a concern, and her tone implies that his pay cnvelopo would mako ralno look Uko an emaciated mote. Do I com ment, In passing, that Mrs. Brown's chil dren are Httlo dears, and Mrs. Brown her celf a very charming woman, my own wife, whom I eorve with doglike fidelity, casta looks of Bcorn and hato at me and retorts almost before tho words are out of my mouth that any woman could bo charming did eho get tho allowance that does Mrs. B to say nothing of tho gifts that are showered upon her. "I lovij my wlfo, but this tendency that Bho la developing to mako me fool Uko a worm Is in danger of becoming chronic. How can alio bo cured? "A IIULPLnSS MAN" Tho disease that you doscrlbc, Helpless Man, Is not indigenous to tho femlnlno sex alone. A certain proportion of this world's Inhabitants aro born with it. What Its namo Is I do not kaow, but all thoso who nro afflicted with ft are Im bued with tho desire to possess that which they haven't got. Just so soon as they acqulro a cherished object, It loses Its Yaluo for them. It matters not whether Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address all communication to M'l.Nn. carr of thr Evening Ledger. Write on one utile of the paper onlr. Dear Jt'Ltss In the nvti.o Lcnocn of a few aya ago you wrote nbuut a new profession for women "a midnight mother," you o aptly called It. I am euro thro must bo nlonty of peopto who would appreciate a woman who would look after their children for them evenings and let them enjoy an evwnlni? free from worry. I ahould like very much myself to do Just thl very ort of work, but how shall I bo about It? It la so unusual. I know what my own oipcrlence hna been Ir the past when my (lununna ana l wanted to enjoy nn evening tcaether. and how at the last moment we couli nna no ono and we nail to stay nome Can you help me in any way to net thla sort of work. M'Llss? I am a woman of 31 years and havo flvo children of my own, all healthy and fine. My huaband la a clerk, but we ned morn money than our regular tnrome. My huaband la trying; to sot extra work at home MARION HARLAND'S CORNER Asks for a Tent X am conducting- a email mlaaloi on I am try- In? this ent to travel irom place to Place piace to Place nu.nmer, preaching. I take thla meana of spreading the gospel of our liord. meana 01 I am ad visea u: friends to ask your Corner for n t;nt. From my heart do I wish that you may secure Itl Tho Corner la honored by your application to It for the facilities for carry ing forward your holy mission. Wo succeed marvelously (and, we devoutly bellevo, by divine favor) In forwarding Christian mis sions in many places. It Is not Impossible that a tent used by camping parties may be offered In response to your appeal. Wo have supplied churches with organs. Why not a shelter for tho man who preaches In God's first temples the groves of His planting? Sent Quilt Pieces I thank you for tho address of Nancy D. lent her a package of quilt pieces and received aucn a nice letter ox tnanus irom ner. ven It It be such n small favor one likes to know It nice letter of thanks from her. Even It la appreciated. It wns an effort for. her to write, crippled as she Is, ao I will remember her occasionally by sending cards und quilt pieces, as she seems to find enjoyment In that way and can employ many lonely hours, J, I.. II. Thanks are due to you from us for tell ing of the parcel forwarded to the crippled quilt maker. I am glad she wrote to you of the comfort tho gift brought her. Men tion of the effort It cost her to write brings to mind, aa do other letters of like Import, the story of tho halt, maimed and blind laid In the open street that the Master might touch them In passing. The work Is till the samel To Cheer Weary Days X am a young mm and shut up because of Illness. I am lonely, I ahould Uko to receive ornii mechanical devices or a priming presa to cheer my long, weary days, will omehndy be ao kind aa to help me? A few magazines or books would help greatly. I will gladly pay postage. STEPHEN K. Hero Is an opening Into whloh our Juniors should be glad to press. A young f man, withdrawn by physical Infirmity from Jk the road along which others of his sex are a, rushing onward toward goals ho would like A. 'fe.to gain. Is one of the saddest of human C "problems. This man knows of something a he can do and cheat time of weariness, r nomi-thlng that will educate himself and St make htm useful to his kind. It Is almost a. crime not to nearKen to nis piea. will not other fellows get his address from us and see what they can do to cheer and uplift him? Put yourself In his place. Wants a Camera I am a sir) of IS and should like much to Java a camera, but cannot afford to buy one. f there la some onn who has one to she away should be thankful to get It. I would pay all cbarzea or will get the camera In person If net too far away. ItOSA a. Camera owners do not need to be re minded of the pure and lasting Joy the pos session of one Imparts to the lover of nature and of art Shall we not grant this girl a chance to comprehend all this for herself? The Instrument peed not be of the latest pattern, you know. One that will "take pictures" Is what she wants. Air Pillow Would Ease Pain I havo been In bed for several years, lying In one position all the time I should ha slid If I eould get a pneumatic pillow. Perhai pa one ionizer oi your reauers pas one no or ane VMS? C, D. V. ''Lying In one position for several years." Let us lay the sentence to heart we who glory in our strengm ana Joy In the free motion of every member of the body. Wads- TilECHEEimCiTOE) I .sympathize. witK lowly folks TKe joys op rjcKea le-fcve me, cold I wonder. Kow &. perjorv feels MKo never vtd his .shoes Ktlf-soledL V." v m ' miieiiinrrs-Sii mJKkmmJh QUERIES HELPLESS MAN SEEKS ADVICE FROM It Is a husband or a new hat. Tho other woman's la always the more desirable. Many of tho most Incurable victims, however, are men. They are tho base creatures who, after having deluded some attractive woman Into marrying them by tolling her that alio is the only star in their cntlro firmament, promptly discover other Venuses, tho charms of whom they recount to tho helpless wife, who has no "comeback" with which to defend her self. Does she retort by saying that Mrs. Black, whom her straying npouso lias Just complimented, Is In reality a dowdy old frump, she Is accused of being a cat. Does she try to defend her rights by dis counting the merits of the port Miss Whlto's complexion and tolling tho truth about it, she Is accused of being a Jealous monster who cannot bear to hear another woman praised without backbiting her. Her only recourse It a long-suffering silence or the divorce courts. No scono Is moro painful than that en acted by theso dissatisfied grumblers; no husband more foolish than ho who tnpiin lnglessly praises another woman, Imply Ing at tho samo tlmo a criticism of his wlfo, and no woman it moro senseless than sho whoso Idea of pleasant, con jugal conversation Is the recltul of an other man's virtues. Perhaps, Helpless Man, If you point out to your npouso In tones of llrm, stern logic that sho Is married to you and not to the president of' tho cement fac tory who llve3 across tho way and If you warn her that you will havo none of hor unless she discontinues her veibal on slaughts, you may bring hor to her senses. M'LISS. evenings. It lakea nil our Income now for rent, food and clothes, ao I hat been wonderlne what I could do tu get Uttlo "luxuries" or Increase our Imome. Now your nrtlilo Bcems to suggest It I can offer Rood references nn to my char acter and respectnblllty and feel competent to look lifter children, no matter how email, dur InT the ocnlne hours for any one, preferably hern In Oermantown. My huabtnd would bo at homo looking after my own little ones. Well. M'l.las my letter Is lonB, but you acem to Im auch n friend to othtm In your evening column 1 hopo ou can help me C1KKMANTOWN. Perhaps somo of my reaileis aro looking for Just such a person as ynu. I shall gladly forward their names should they write to me, All communications nddressed to Marlon nnrjiind should Inclose a stumped, self addressed envelope and n ellpulnc of lb article In which -rnu ure Interested. Persons wishing to nlil In the. cli.irltuble work of the II. II. C. should write Marlon Hurlunil, In care of this pnuer. for addresses of those they would like in help, nnu, liavjig received them. rommunlcHte direct with those parties. worth put It well nnd strongly In speaking of tho little child "who feels Us life In every limb " Change of poHture is renewal of vigor. But wo have here a man who should know all the line means and moro who has Iain without turning his body for years. If there be In any household a disused pneumatic pillow that may ease somewhat the intolerable aching of spine and limbs, let us hear of It. Just What Was Wanted I cannot deny mi self and readers the relief of slipping In at this point a ' return wave" that may encourage us to tempt others: I had two orfera of old hmns. I wrote for one and received a book that was Just what I wanted. I have written to the man who sent It to tell him how happy It made mo. but now I want to thank tho dear Corner, ton. L P. Ono breathes more easily for reading the lines And a free, deep breath strengthens one for the next climb. Chop Suey Will jou kindly glo a recipe for chop auey? I preaume I havo missed It In the Corner. I al- WuiM read lour Corner' HoinotlinuN r thlnb .... must be a aage to bo able to answer all ques tlona. and sometimes I wonder If some people have any brains of their own Hut. anyway, success to our t'orntrl E ji. c. The Helping Hand Corner thanks you for your good will anil wishes Tho recipe for chop suey lias been published at leapt thrice within n half year, and I suppose some readers may cavil at the fourth In sertion when we are so -cruelly cramped for room. Please understand that the ap pearance of the formula is n token of recognition of the obligation of the Corner to serve a faithful colleague- as far as It may be done without encroaching upon the rights of others. The recipe will not bo printed hero again for six months to come. It takes up too much room. One half chicken (or quarter chicken and as much fresh pork, or you can make It all pork, but chicken Is better), one large onion, a handful of mushroooms, a stalk of celery, six Chinese potatoes, a bowl of rice a Bmall dessert dish of i?iiin.a u..l (which answers for salt). When the chicken Is cleaned Bcrape the meat from the bones and cut Into strips about one nnd a half nches long and one half Inch wide. If riork Is used, cut the strips the same length. Sllcu the onions thin; soak the mushroom'" ten minutes in water, then remove the stems j cut the celery Into pieces one and a half Inches long Chinese potatoes require no cooking; simply wash and slice. Klrst put chicken (or chicken and pork) Into a frying pan with fat and cook until done but not brown and hard. Then add the' sticeu onions ana cook a little. Add muuh. rooms. Now pour enough sauce over the Ingredients to make them brown; add water and stew a few minutes Add the celery, then the potatoea Finally, add a little floured water to it, making Vavy of the water which stewed it. The Chinese poti, toes, mushrooms, and Chinese sauce may bo procured at any Chinese grocery. If the rlco Is not cooked properly it will da. tract greatly from the good taste of the chop suey, Otherwise it is a palatable Paste for Cleaning "Here Is something that all housewives do not know; To one pint of boiling water add one and a half ounces of pure white twap cut Into shavings j boll for ten minutes after the soap Is thoroughly dissolved. Cool In a, china or glass dish. If put into a glass Jar and covered tightly, U will last for weeks. This paste will cleanse kid gloves and satin slippers, remove spots from woolen goods and fresh Ink stains from carpets. It should bo always at hand in the kitchen. To remove paint from clothing saturate the spots two or three times with equal parts of ammonia and turpentine and then wash out In white soap suds. C." ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prico ? EVJjJtfiJNti XiJWJDUJUli PJllJbJUiiilirHJUV, WJiiJDiNiUfciJUA Y, AUUbbl' 2, SEEN IN ATTRACTIVE MIDSUMMER MODEL WOVEN croB-bar voile Is used for this attractive frock, made In Juniper effect, which comes In sizes from 8 to 14 years. Lace-trlmmcd marquisette collar nnd cuffs finish the neck nnd Bleevo. while a bit of black velvet In a tlo adds an effective finish to tho former. Black velvet lacing also fastens tho sides of the over blouse. The skirt, which Is quite full. Is finished with a corded cuff effect. This dress, which formerly sold at 14, Is now priced $2.05, being a sample of n limited lot of better grade dresses. It Is of whlto ground voile with tho woven cross-bar In rose, blue or brown. The little sports hat Is of Havana brown inilan with a dome-shaped crown and soft mushroom brim which may be rolled up at any desired angle. Self-colored grosgrain ribbon Is used for the binding and banding, the latter being finished with a Bmart bow. Ordered In any color, price $3 98. The name of tho shop where these articles may be purchased will be supplied by the Kdltor of the Woman's Page. Evenino Lkdoeii, 608 Chestnut street Tho request must ba accompanied by a Htninped self-addressed envelope, and must mention the date on which the article appeared. A Job for Father Whon floors aro uneven and rough, the only solution somo people can think of Is to call In n handy man and pay him from CO cents an hour up to have them planed smooth It Is amazing how many hours this takes. You'll never know how sorl ously the floor was damaged until you get the bill. Sometimes floors that have always looked fairly well will tiko a notion to swell and buckle, and the floor will bo uneven, with a board or two out of place. Even If tho weather Is to blame, It Is necessary to have these boards restored to their proper place. All this Is expensive and trouble some nnd docs away with your plans for new rugs this summer. Sometimes theso unexpected calamities even make It Im possible to havo tho floors grained and painted by an expert, so It Is up to tho man of the house, nnd occaslonaly the woman of the house, to do the best sho can with putty nnd stains. The puttying nnd staining of a floor Is not such a terrible Job. Sandpaper well and be sure to rub off any spots that will not yield to scrubbing. I.ooso boards mUBt bo nailed down. :,"ow putty over all nail holes you mnku and fill cracks with filler sold for this purpose. The filling of the holes nnd cracks Is the hardest part of the work. Floors that have been painted or grained cannot be stained unless all the old pa'nt Is scraped off. New floors take Btalns beau tifully. Paint Is exceedingly high In price Just now. Ono woman who thought sho would do somo painted furniture paid $3 GO for a half gallon of white enamel. You can seo from this that stained effects are more reasonable than painted floors at tho present time. If you aro not afraid to experiment or have an old floor that you caif"UBe to try your stain on, buy paint powder, nurnt umber Is a good deep-brown tint. Mix with turpentine, applying It to the floor with a woolen cloth and rub hard. It will do STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c BTOl'I'lNO AT I'ENKSGBOVE CHESTEB DAII.Y WKKKIMY3 0NLY Only boat la Aurnsilns Heath. Landlnr In front of nvo. hour, on tUs Bcacb. Hafo salt water bathlns BOO sanitary bathrooms. I1ANCIMI ALU DAY on boat & .-round,. i-i,n(. tables, benches uud shade. Artesian water. Fare TS 50c Children B,J 25c Leare Arch St. Wharf 8. JO , JJ Similar 0.00 A. 31. Dalljr, JAMES E. OTIS. list.. 8 AKCII STHKET STEAMSHIPS Kca-flolne Family tfteumrr CAPE MAY , Leaves Arch St. Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, 6 P. M., for Cap. May, Wlldnrood and Lowes. Stops at Chester at 7:30 P. il. on way down. Arrives at Capo May 7 A. M. Leaves Cape May Wednesdays. Fridays and Sundays. 5 ;30 P M.. allowing for day yp r!2? i up the Bd- Round trip. fr6k,?:icfeta. 00d t0 return rlthW &?. st?terooms newly furnished. Delightful night ride on river, bay and ocean. Under the Harvest Moon. Restaurant Orchestra. Pnon. Market AMERICAN EXPRESS TlCJi-ETS -VNU TO DBS Aa International Trarel Aseney T JAPAN fg&i fKS?ss an4 Oct 9. Se JAPAN 'In. the Cllertou Chrysanthemum ejou. Extension to Mnl) -nd Cblu. Stud tar IlluMlmtr.t fc.ij.1. m ""gSSFtiSbFil tattm. THE SHOPS tho work, so far as lasting effect nnd color go, and the cost Is about 50 cents a room For floors In summer houses this Is as good as painting. Burnt senna powder gives a t eddish brown, yellow oclire gives yellow, and umber dark brown. Any of these may bo pur chased at a good paint house. Why Omelets Are Tough Omelets aro tough when milk Is added to the eggs Instead or water, or whon the eggs have been beaten too much or too little. Salt should be sprinkled Into the omelet when It Is nearly done. tsi:;tt;- Removes Superfluous Hair from Under tho Arms The low neck and sleeyeles3 frown demand a smooth white skin. Sold by Drue and Depart ment Stores. iH SUMMER RESORTS BTONK UAKIIOIt, N. J. The Fishing Is Great At STONE HARBOR CAPE MAY COUNTY, N. J. 5hnSM. Ba'h"". Boating, Motoring', Golf. Tennis. hS,S"aUodderaVtrratesherA Ye'rahfJ'hws outfAVoelVrTt. '0r ,he mnth ' Autt'K? LKO McCRAVE.V. Doroutrh Clerk, Stone ATLANTIC CITY. LWzst rnaojujitTiru,a TT.E LEADING RE50OT HOTEL 6 iW ur,Di fl s.Mooroi!gli'BKniKim -j. t "-jt. '" ."'i ATLiANTIC CnTf.N.J, OWiVUSHlP lUMXnciirijr JOSUH WHITE 8QNS COMPMy HOTEL HELP ftn,H. ".2U,1 """ . through the want col. uranj of th. Ledger.. Mrs. Mead, tachaiie of the Household lUglatry Jiureau. la of great service to Ledger advertisers la Bringing Vm' vilf.r t04 employes together Address her Si Washington building, HOS Chestnut it. or phon. Walnut or Main 3000 PHILLIPS HOtfSE Massachusetts Av snd Beach F P PHILLIPS. aWABTIUlUBK. PA. Strath Haven IWEn'Mr5? tiger B(WB, Ptoa Bwantaox. I it H v- . a TvejfarJuWaV Of lervice. comfort A biaiTht tfjiyef GOOD FORMl Oood form queries should be ad dressed to Deborah llush, written on one side of the paper and sinned with full name and addicse, though Initial ONLY will be published upon request. This column ielll appear in Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's Evening Ledger. Surprise Anniversary Party Dear titborah ttuhl m dfslroui of knowln- how to ron.Iuct ft, surprise party to be elvtn to some mnrrira iririui "V,"'" Vvhit tenth. wedJIni anniversary , it will be. Whjt ,tt ,1 W,J.,U s'K. 'irentsr" Csn you . sUMfst and still keep them Irnordnt of the fftct ii,f In oil rt-ila f hunt? knnt m ft VAT nupi'ri , wm n inav we ore items FOLiJiY Tho tenth anniversary Is tho tin one, so tho presents should bo chosen from that wnre. Useful things and funny ones as well can be procured In this metal, so you ouitht to bo ablo to find somo very original things for presents. A light supper could be prepared by tho women of thp party which may consist of lettuce sandwiches, minced chicken and mayonnaise sandwiches, nnd cheese sandwiches. Cakes nnd candles may also ho provided, nnd If more substan tial refreshments nre desirable, why not prepare salads and convey any or all of theso things to tho house with you In a basket or boxes. Iet tho men In tho party provide the Ico cream. They can easily arrange to havo It dollvercd late, or If that Is not possible they could havo a grcnt deal of fun bringing tho freezers themselves. Taking everything with you, m wniilrl 1m no reason for your friends to suspect that you aro about to surprise them. . Dread nnd Iluttcr Letters Dear Delorah Ituih JVIII rou help me on ft little point of etiquette? Do V?u think when t ho stnyo.1 only one night at the house of K friend It Is necessary to write her mother a letter thanklns htr for her ""fJ'nEn. The writing of n short letter does not re quire much time and yet It Is always great ly appreciated by one's hostess, who Im mediately labels one In her mind as a lady or Rcntleman, ns the case may be. Etlauctto requires that a courtesy should always bo acknowledged, therefore "a bread and but ter" letter, as It Is often called, Is consid ered necessary. Cutting of Dances Pear Deborah lluth I nm spending the sum mer nt a m-nrby watering- plnco nnd am very purztcd t 'he wy the .young ladies uenma Rbout their dunces. In the little town I come from when k. man neks n ulrl to dance nnd she accepts, sho Alwn)s dances the whole dance with him. Here ou scarcely, iret around tho room before another fellow naks her to dance nnd she Just drops you nnd soes with him. The first time this happened I Wft about ready to rail the fellow out. but I noticed sev eral others doing; the same thin. Thon Inter when wo were golns home I heard one of the girls Ray, "I had a. grand time: I cut every Jonco two or three times " So will you kindly explain to me what the Idea Is I I). a. F. The custom of cutting In on another's dnnco has long been In vogue In this city and pretty much everywhere, though I un derstand It Is not done In New Orleans, for Instance. The local custom, however, makes it perfectly within good form to break In on a danco, and though tho men as a rule do not like It, many girls havo grown to think they havo not had a good tlmo un less they have hnd each dance broken Into thrco or four times It Is more a question of custom than etiquette, but It Is an un derstood thing, so every man must expect It and accept It with good grace. ThepurityofMeri dale Butter is pro tected all the way from our churns to your table. Every thing possible is done to make it clean and sweet. The milk cans, churns and all utensils are thor oughly sterilized. MERIDALE BUTTER comes direct from the creamery to your grocer wrapped in tho "Merif oil" wrapper to protect it from any' possible out side impurity. Ask your grocer or phone AYER & McKINNEY (Mtken of , . , , . Merldale) Philadelphia ,Bell Phone. Market 3711 Keystone Phone, Main 17U look for the "Merlfoll" wppptraiMliht, dust- and odar-proof-at your enters. SUMMER RESORTS btoxi: HAitnnit. n j. Harbor, Ji, J. W ILinvooil, GREENLEIGH 221 EAST P1NH iVB-MMIT. Urge rooms. Delightful ocoan vlaw. t.m. uneelled. Terms moderate. FHlIsd Tarma nnnJaBn sss SHELDON ?n""bl?ffc S"- !- GREYLOOK Ice . Beach front. Hot and cold running water. Auto sen" V"J. SAVOY J?'.V.,,rollH.ruialn wteri private !r--fei Cap. 200. Auto. W H.O.rsteL CAPE MAY. N. J. Chalfonte Hotel CAPE MAT. Open June I to Oct. 1, Reasonablo rates. Mrs. -ivin Satterflelq. Sherw.ood Ocean vleur nuun, ran .. 10 to till wkly. J. a Birlnier: CANADA Lak. Memphreniaiog. Quebec. LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG .A.'?na 5ueio:'b..n,.?pohrf. and Magog. Canada. " '' " A. cevr resort no hotel facilities-aplendtd coUI pDin- AUrwttv. site ZolthTaui .jJkJ3 Jt.Ii wrtunltjr. If you t. In- WrcLuTitta'tS,,0- PRlffl I B H 1JU0. M'LISS -CORRE SPONDENCE Window Box on Hinges Window boxes nwkwardly placed aro often tliq source of mucn in convenience. Dirt gathers in the crevices, which cannot bo dislodged throughout the entire season. By placing the box on hinges, Popular Mechanics tells us thntt nil such nuisances con be obviated. papered In blue and whlto, with croam scrim draperies, Is a fitting background against which to poso the blue bedstead, dresser and chiffonier. A dining room deco rated In pale blue and Ivory has a round table and long simply designed sideboard in blue. Tho chairs nro blue with blue leather seats. Tho effect Is Indescribably cool for summer. Blue chairs nnd tables on tho porch aro especially the vogue. These pieces are of wicker, of course, In a sturdy design. For serving tea on the porch there Is an en chanting four-leaf clover tablo with a ma hogany top nnd bluo legs. frfWMSmMMSwfo Striking Shoe Values Several high priced styles added to this lot, formerly priced from $5.00 to $8.50 $2.90 More small lots added to the Women's short and discontinued lines, high and low at $2.00 Reductions averaging from $1.10 to $3.00 on thousands of pairs of this season's Men's, and Women's Shoes, including Sport Shoes. Chestnut St. Store Closes Saturday. 1P.M. SCHOOLS AND wMyK I -ZChJeJla I COLLEGES, IhIaV r lMgtttpiQw I Civil Engineering and Technical Courses These courses aro given only in the evenings. They aro divided into four groups, designed to furnish preparation for special fields in Civil Engineering, such as Surveying, Structural Engin eering, Hydraulics and general Engin eering work. By combining with these special studies a number of cultural subjects, the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering may bo obtained. The fees arc moderatet the classes small, the teachers experienced engin eers. Persons may register for an entire course or for partial courses to meet the requirements of special indus tries. Such special courses include Draxoing, Strength of Materials, Sur veying, Chemistry, Steam Engines, Estimating and Plan Reading. Send for catalog M-12. riione, Diamond 031 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 1 Ilroad Ht below Ilerks I rhlladelphla. A BROWN PREP Parkway Dldr. Ilroad and Cherry Sti Prepare for college, business end Civil Serv ice. Call or send for Catalor L. tVKST mESTKB. PA. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL I10TII 8EXES. Ia00-t2a0 per year. Q. M. PHILIPS. Prh. Young Men and Hor. NAZAHBTn. PA. Nazareth Hall Military Academy NAZAKETII. PA. Founded 17 A Military Academy for Hoys. College Pr' ar story and T!uanesa Courses Military life af. lurua iicaiwiiyi vierciso ana strengtnens orderlj natms and obedience. . All Athletics. A school that Is better becauao It Is different," and differ. cut v'i s uaLsjr AUurfll K.r. FItANCIS E. (IRUNEltT. Prlnelpal. CHESTER, PA. Pennsylvania Military College CITESTER. PENNA. L5eroI,nPrcpor?,0r'' acAool for Bout perlor Scholastic. Physical and Moral (Training to develop Superior Men. Degrees In CheS.try. Civil Engineering, Economics and Finance. Best r.qulpment. Col. CHAS, E. nYATT. Commandant. Box MS, iiARBisnuno, pa. HARRISBURG ACADEMY J A. countr. Kh0l 'o"nid In IT8. V Modern buildings. Urge camous. X Bmall classes and classes . and Individual Instruction Thorough .college preparation. Rate MOO to 18(10 for slngla room. All athletics. B.o.r.t! school for younger boys. We Invite closest invfsiigaiioa a personal visit If nonlhl. n.r.An. i cur catalogue auares. ABTIIUB E. BUOWN, n. A.. Headmaster Young Ladle, and Girls CIfAHBEBSBDBO. PA. PENN HALL SCHOOL FOB OIRLS Modern, nreprqof bulldlnge. new rytnni.in swimming pool. t)Uege preparatory. modTrS languages, music, domeetlo art., .to. 'c.rtlnt. Brlvllege.. Ilooma with private hath iriSiT . ladtone, Atlantlo City, occurred h3i..?iV!l May. Work tomiaues without Interruption. natea iouu r'RA ANK S MAQILL. A. it.. PrlncloaL OKBMAKTOWir I A. WALNUT LANE SCHOOL alY Sft Kt.rd1atlri?IU7S 8cUnc. Inurlor Dera'arsTcretaGLiS?. SOPTn BETHLKIIKtr. pi, Bishopthorpe Manor Fr o'ru coueg. i.hi -A...: ,.. preparation and no- isats5u&. ssjgp .ff8iL,.ffip45s. Si WTANT. Bi S50. 8. BlrrHXEUEiLyX Love and Life "Olvo me a fillet, Lovo," quoth I, "To bind my Sweeting's heart to me, So ne'er a chance of earth or sky Shall part us ruthlessly ; a fillet. love, but not to chafe My Sweeting's soul, to cause her pain) tint lust to bind her close and safo Through snow and blossom and sun and. ram, A fillet boyt" Love said! "Here's Joy." "Give mo a fetter, Mfe," quoth I, "To bind to mine my Sweotlng's heart, So Death himself must fall to pry With Time, tho two apart 1 A fetter, Life, that each shall wear, Whoso precious bondage each shall know I prithee, Life, no more forbear ' Why dost thou wait nnd falter so? Haste, life be brief!" Hold Life! "Here's Grief." Julie Mathilda Llppman. For the Birthday Cake Alphabet noodles are nrtlstlo enough to mako nice birthday cake Initials for any youngster. Put the required Initial In a bit of cold water to which you havo added a quarter of a gelatin tablet. Sot aside on a paper to dry, then put on top of th, frosted cake. Thla Is a quick and Blm.n method. Malted Milk IN THE SQUARE PACKAQB GRAND PRIZE I Ask HICHtOT AWARD I fn , . PANAM A EXPOSITION I ' H ANOTHER PHOOF OF QUALITY 930 Chestnut 39 S. 8th 203 N. 8th BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE offers you n broad, practical knowledge of business; taught by a conscientious, painstak ing corps of instructors in per fectly appointed classrooms. Dor School open. Bent. Bth Nlfht School opens Sept. 0th Enter any time 925 Chestnut Street We Guarantee Positions . i.,.i... w?? cmPIete our UUStness f?nitra lI.nM.. Practical a Htenor- rapner, liookkeeper. Secretary or Sales. man. muaents- ares 14 to 40 Uoth iratl .,Ji-Bnd N'ent- Charges mod erate. lieitln your course now, Strayer's Business College ROi.xm r-h. ...,.. at m.. IValnut 384 jf 2,."B0 0 -Neff College- -iio ojeaKin, Elocution, Dramatlo Jirt. """""".""P. Bend for literature. IMP Chestnut Street SPANISH Tutoring. Pur. Caitlllan. Prir. or clasa less. Translations. Prof, d Altera, nil Walnut.Ph.Wal.e0ti Yonnr Men and B07. 8ALT8UUBO. FA. K MINIBSPiilFrjSMIKK or fjoys. endorsed t .very American University. College pre. riaratory course ana a good train, ng for business. Course In agrt. culture. SOth year open. Sept. 1. is i'v.'T. ,or catalogue, ffallshurir. Pe Dept. NEW nLQOMFTELD. PA. CARSON LONQ INSTITUTE 7Sth Year New atory. Music. Business. Norma liege rreuar Junior, Sep. Pupils under 12 years sneclal 'nr fwiv anil ffiriS. under 12 years special attention. Terms. Instltnte. lloi V. New nioomfl Carson Long uioomneta, fa. CARUSLK. PA. CONWAY HALL ?? r"i"' tory School with an- 5f?tVl0lU,',,,. "M'lenced teachers and com. Kf.t!i,u,Dm.tntl Alm' to develop etrong men. Catalogue. W. A. HUTCHISON. Headmaster. VENONAH. N. 3. VVENONAII MILITARY ACADEMY 12 mile, from Philadelphia. In town without flfwi,''n$L.,Voon,?- ."j B. Army Officer de- t""!.-. Special school for Junior. Catalogs, Bt,0. II, LORENCE, Pgldnt. K CLArtON A. bNIIEB, Ph. i)., Supt. P 1. Venonali, N, J, SPM3HTT. N. J. CARLTON ACADEMY y,pjHj8etS?1 ?, cl?.r to ! thorough prep ?i!2?..F " co"- Individual attention. EhTfflfn ''.Courses, Athletlo Sport.. Kesldeot rS?iin;i. Lo.w,r. BhoaI for younger boys, wlla Housemother to give ccrsona.1 Vr CHABLE8 rH7 IcHULTZ." A CM?. JI.adm.ster. HANOVEB. N. H. Hanover Tutoring School " .S;rt "' ?, Nw Hampshire HUUV. lo jr.J?'.-Sff0.n IJ' Aturu.t and September. Evry candidate In last 3 years entered ooUesfc ' tn last 2 years entered collei JOHN W. LEVOON. OlneUr. StVIMMINQ CENTRAL NATATORIW if ? tlud wr owmhern. IT. 8tt wu, If; iagle iwtel. SSc Hit, Arsfe (UMt. LJ - T flUff