Hraag mEJSXJM 3f .; V xgr&srfipt 'mrtmlnl,!: tmmmmmmmmmmfwmm t? V I I" ffl ? rvv n p! iB ,w 4 : yif f t a 6 StoVffiSBAVEtHlVAlE H DYNAMITE EXPLOSIONS t Tox Variety Wrecks Old Mansion 'A And Althost Equals Muni tion Noiso ' By tfie Photoplar Editor Hundreds 6f persbna tn Lonff Island City 'nibbed 'their eyes lncrettutolisly ono night IAst week ns they passed an historic mio TtfAir Jaclison nvenue, nnd for much the amat renabrV that set th Inhabitant of ' New York nnd Jrey City nibbing ther part last Sunday dynamite. In the morn- iri the old Thomas homestead, which has ' Btood on the street for nearly a hundred years, hrfd been there, in the evening nothing: remained but blackened ruins and corched ground. ' ' Under the supervision of Director Konean Buel, of the William Fox forces, the wreck j the houso had been accomplished In the Interim for a scene In Virginia Pearson's latest picture. A bdttallon chief of the fire department, two police captains nnd officials of Uio Bureau of Combdstlbl6s and a crowd of more than B000 other spectators were pres sjnt when tho electric battery connecting with the dynamite chargo of 25 pounds , was touched, Tlit), explosion which followed, as the i landmark tyas shattered, could, be heard it it Irrj6 10' miles away. Tho entire three- . "Wbry framo dwelling, surmounted by Us century-old cupola, fell with a crash The ' " dust clouds which arose Instantly were wallowed In the burst of flames roaring through the center of the house. Spectators watched the hlaio silently. For a half-hour they stood without a word as four -camera men ground out foot after toot of film In tho heat The i.nmes wore bo Intcnso that trcos In the neighborhood Were badly scorched. Tho sceno which was screened rep resented tho dynamiting of n munitions storehouse a few seconds after Miss Pearson saves a srlpplcd little girl In tho building. She had hardly got through tho doorway, with the girl In her arms, when tho explosion took place. In the days of tho old-fashion racetrack of E0 years ago, the Thomas Homestond was well-known as a mecca for the society people of Long Island. In Its spacious drawing room, 60 couples could danco at one time. Several months slnco, tho Fox Film Company purchased tho property, and for the last fortnight the troupe of actors and actresses have been waiting for suitable weather to remove the landmark because the exigencies of the movlos de manded tho spectacle. On Friday thero was only a slight wind blowing, and preparations were carried out Several hundred feet from tho houso n pint form was erected for operators to stand on, with their machines. One of the Interested spectators was tho man who had occupied tho building for IB years. Onco more William Desmond li playing tho rolo of a minister In a Trlanglo-Ince play. Upon his association with tho Thomas H. Ince forces, little leis than a year ago, ho was cast to wear tho frock In "Wolfs," In which Jane Grey was presented. Then ho wan cast to appear as tho "meenlstcr," In support of Blllle Burko, In "Peggy" And now he Is enacting tho role of n young missionary worker In the desert-Island story by Monte Katterjohn and Lanier Bartlett In which ho Is appearing as co star with Dorothy Dalton, under Walter Edwards's direction. Tom Mix, Sellg cowboy star. Is soon to Appear In a big western drama to bo re leased through tho V. L. S. D. About 200 cubic feet of Wisconsin was moved Into Illinois when Essanay trans ferred tho stone and shrubs pf an entire- ccno tanen in tne Dells to Its studio yards In Chicago. A hugo snake and several cranes were required In tho scene, which wns for "The Itcturn of Eve." Edna Mayo's next feature, but the serpent taken to the Dells escaped and another could not bo quickly obtained. Therefore, tho whole spot, taken at the edge of the river, was moved to Chicago and tho snake and water fowl scenes taken. Several photographs were taken of the location pt the Dells, so It could bo duplicated exactly. A water tank was built In tho foreground nnd tho sceno constructed behind It Just as It ap peared alongside the Wisconsin River. "Anton the Terrlblo" Is belnir produced by the Lasky Feature Play Company for the Paramount program, with Theodore Iloberta and Thomas Melglinn as co-stars. GIMOEL AS CHILDREN'S HOST Foster Homo nnd Orphan Asylum Little Ones Guests Ellis A. Glmbel entertained the chil dren of the Jewish Foster Home and Or phan Asylum, of Oermantown, at the Phil mont Country Club today. The' children were taken to the club In a special train, leaving the Wingohocklng station at .3:30 o'clock. The members of the Seybert Insti tute, at Meadowbrook, also atended the outing. A splendid program was arranged for tho day's entertainment, consisting of a tall game, a picnic lunch In the woodB, the latter followed by athletic games, for which prizes will be awarded, A feature for tho afternoon was a ball game between the Jewish Foster Home boys and the board of directors of the home. . First Showing JIAItKET Below 17 Til Tha Ezqulalu Btlio SUr, Irene Fenwick In Uetro Wondsrplay. "The Child of Destiny" WOB.TH flEEINQ Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST PHlLADEI.tIIIA OVERBROOK m &,. DOUBLE T1UANOLB BILL, T.1IJJAN GISH ta "JffigiSJff. CHESTER CONKL1N I4 "His First Falsa Step" BALTIMORE BOTH AND BALTIMORE AVE. 'TrtanrU YX?:li: C Uf la "TUB Prtsaiits " UMaall J Aleut DISCIPLE" giW Chester Conklin XftW EUREKA i0Tn UABKBT STa V1TAORAPH PrcasnU stutht QTriRFY "tub two- tuUl k Al J X J1IU 1 EDGED flWORD" PAT H. B KEW8- fSAHriFN 8'D LANSDOWNB AVE, UAfUCai BTENINO :S0 TO II. VWAQBAFH FEATURE Antonio Moreno & Dorothy Kelly iy "Tiye BUfREim temptation" bODTM PMILADKLPHLi HvalSwaVa fliBSftrV Ta5iKi Today j&t$wg3ti$Mi wSsv7 Tomorrow tmj&jkk il VMPIA amOADAND ' 4 , . . 8AINBRIDOB Ortlnzfa dlffltaHtrs In rennllnc Iht nit tst. In the rhotoplnr Contest the itundlnr ?f the contp.tsnts rsnnot b tiTlntfa. todnr, I will rtrtnlntr upptnr In Saturday' Kre nlne Idirr, Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Kntrle new eptn. Vollni brftn Jnlr IT. Vetlnr ends Atiirnst SI, Derision rleptembtr 2, HOW TO VOTE f'ot ont the hendlnr "Krfnlnr Idter" and date line spprsrlnr nt the Ian of the firm n. Write ronr randldats'. name In the vrhlte martin abort, and mall to the Krenlnr Irfdffr rhotonlar rant Contest, r. (I. Ilox Ml, or brine It to thn I.eder Office. rielow la s specimen vote In miniature Queuing e&Ka tUp&gcr rath headlnf ronnts for ten rotes. No heading eirept that on the llrl pare will he ncrented nnd none tlmt la more than 10 dara old. flnlr one name mar ho written on each heading. ENTRY BLANK rieaao enter In the Ermine Lrdcer FhoU plar Cait ConlestI Name OUi. or Mr.), Home Address, Nana (Mr,). tlome Address. Sltned br. For Nomlnntlne nrtanliatlon. Nomlnatlnr oncnnlinttons mar concentrate their rolea on one candidate nr mn) nominate and work for twoi 1. e., one Indr. one ten tleman. Thla nomination blank, when properly tilled nut nnd fomnrded, will cntlir the nominee to 10OO roles. Candidates are requested lo aire their horn address In earh and ererr lntnnre, so that the IJlllor will he able to ronimnnlcnte with Ihem from time to time. All addresses will bo alrlrtlr confidential. . . . (Inlr one Nomination lllank Mill be credited earh contestant. Mall to ICTenlm T.edrer l'holoplnr Cast rontcst, r. 0. Ilox 004. I'lillndelnhla. Theatrical Baedeker NEW FEATURE FILMS. BTANI.TIT "Kulda from Holland " with Marj rickford, a Famous Players-Paramount fea turai a Burton Holmes treologue, 'l'lctur esquo Trague"! "Ducks Is Ducks" with Max Firman, a Metro comedy by 13111s Tarker llutler. a Bray cartoon add news pictures All weak. AllOAIJIA First half of tho week. "The Half. iireeo." witn Douglas Fairbanks, a urinitn Triangle firm Iast half of the week. "Tha Payment." with Bessie Barrlecale. and a Keystone comedv. PALacK. teirst Half of tbo week, "Tho Dupe " with Illanrho Sweet, n I.asky-Paramount pro duction. Last hnlf of tho wek. "The Smug flers," with Donald tlrlan, a Fnmous Players ... "nramnunt production. VICTOIIIA Wednesday and Thursday. "The Rjo of the Night," with W H. Thompson, nn Inco-Trlangle lllm. and "Ills Birthday fllft." with Max Flgnian. a tetro corned. Friday and Saturday, "Tho Child of Destiny," with Irene Fenwlck, a Metro production, VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S Icon Errol. star or Elecfctd's "rol lles"; Toots Paka, the Hawaiian dancer, Lydla Birry In aonga: Williams and Wolfua, In "Hark! Harkl Harkt", Ivan Bnnkorf and Lola Olrllo, Lester Crawford and Helen Brod crick, In ''A Little of Thla and a Llttlo of That"; William Kgdlreteo and his posing horses nnd dni;s, Marjnrlo Bonner and Billy Power. In "Bits of Nonscnso". Cycling Bru netten nnd news Dlctureo OLOBE "Six Peaches and a Pair." wllh Thtl Morris, Hob Hall, Sylvia: "The Tamlly." a serio-comic playlet. Anthony Mnrlnw: Chnun cey Monroo and company. In "A Business Pro posal", the Three Shelvey Boya": Lexey and OKAND Allmnn leader. In "Fun on the Farm". Moss and Frye, In hlack-faco. "Skeet" Clallagher and Ireno Martin, singers nnd ilancero. George Alexander; Orey and Peters Do Pinna: the rathe News and Mutual com edies CBOSS KEYS First titlf of wcok. "Boardlog School Girls " a tihlold musical comedy, Ilucker and Winifred. Itlch and Stewart, dancers; Margaret Dawson, In a playlet. "School Days offered by Mooro and Wright: Llbby and Barton. ; NINE SHARE $10,000 ESTATE Dempsey Property to Bo Among Children Divided An estate valued at ?40,800 Is directed to bo dividend In shares among nlno chil dren by the will of John Dempsey, who died on July IE at 9432 Iiustleton avenue. It was admitted to prpbate today. The personal effects of the estate of Jesse a. Mecutchen have been appraised at $101,327.71: Catharine T, JVthoney, $10,425.05; Elizabeth Ackerman, SG385 27; Harry Serglson 15437 38; Elizabeth S Tlngloy, J4329.68, and John II. Tlston, $2880.38. Prominent Photoplay Presentations oMw Tin t UK following theatres obtain their ompanr, wnicn ."". : pictures relewfd before eldhltlon. tins picture through tbo hTULKi All obta! 1 1 IT 1 MDD K 12th, Morris 4 Passyunk Ave nLlinuiului paromount Pictures r o U. ' "THE APOSTLE Wra, o. Mart of vengeance- ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 1CTH Douglas Fairbanks ,n ""bhe1"' BILLIE BUnKE In "Qlorla'a nomanco" (13) a nrii T r bid and thojipbon At ULXAJ MATINEE DAILY Metro Presents HALPII HEBZ and IRENE HOWLEY In "THE PURPLE LADY" THE anil OP EVIL" (3) nri TTsMMT B2D ABOVE MARKET BllLiiVlUlN 1 Mats.. ItSO A 8:Sn. I0o Evgs., 0:3(), 8. t;30. 16c TfJ nJJll, l "THE MAKING Edna Uoodncn 0p maddalena- rTTr K O 6TH AND CEDAR AVE. VCXtV PARAMOUNT THEATER Florence Reed in "AT BAY" "8ECRET OP THE SUBMARINE" 110) FAIRMOUNT 2flTIa,.RDD avenue Kathlyn Williams In "The Vallents of Virginia" Added Attraction Francis Ford and draco Cunard In "PEG & THE RING" FRANKFORD g Prancl Nelson tn What Hannened at 22" PICTUHEO U iTHAfiivfUUIJ uHucciia- T.-1-lT T . . .nnmt' nnMn..T.. EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CXTY 56TH ST. Theater MATINEE DAILY Below Sprue. Evr.. T to 11. BESSIE BARRISCALH In "HONOR'S ALTAR" BILLIE BURKE In "Glorla'a Romance" ) GERMANTOWN B508toonuanve. Lionel Barrymore in "The Quitter" BILLIE BURKE In ''Gloria's Romance" (8) rlDADn AVENUE THEATER LiltvAlViy 7X11 AND OIRARD AVENUE LILLIAN GISH in "AN INNOCENT MAGDALENE" IRIS THEATER " EgfiF0 Frank Keenan IN "The Phantom" JEFFERSON saTH $SEivvm Metro Presents VIOLA DANA in "THE FLOWER OF NO MAN'S LAND" Views -of Submarine Deutschland LAFAYETTE 29 H KENSINGTON AYliHUU Sessue Hayakawa habJ EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHRAT-Itecelpt... l82.68tbu.hi, The mM; it bullish Car lo 11.270 .30? siThSrrfft. V"'?!35 nA. 2 red. 11.2401,211 lie- ..rr?j ti.aiWt.iii refected A. tl.SllWl.Kil rejreicu II. S1.1VWI.2J. .. .... Prices ruled tlrmlmt trade win quiet. a0"V?.tprn No 5 for oca trade, as to location Western nj, ye low, IMiMuVic. do, steamer Jellow.oiw lilMci do. No 3 yellow, SUWUOCI do, NO. a CUUN Ilocelpta, la nos dun. tuotatlonas Car lota " W&aZ ileSeTiU.. M.9B2 bush Ofterlns; wer, tu. .., .,. H...W, r.ii.1 firm unir . j4" )B2 bush ruled fli No. 2 Anise; demand. Quotations- No. St. whlte..4l.,i, standard wnlte. 4SW48 47'Ae. No. 4 white, 44 a white. 4HV4 1 ample oata, 41 42FI.OUn-rrlrea were held hlaher In rnplhj with wheat, but demand was light. "JW.lffl" per 10(1 Urn In wood. Wntcr. clear, -W ft 50, do. atralRht, IS B0O0, Up, "W'JBWs'toi II -IS lfnni rfnr TOtton flaCKS. T ".'"' " do atraiil t ratt6h sacks. t 0P,S ""Vlr.t ..A.M, A.i,a tn 2ftfi2A.nO. aprina,. iirsi '."-- .vi::vi -""-. ....i.k, it 2 "tralsht. 17 zsy ...oi y. if 2S&7.7J clear, 5 BUWd, do. "tralght, J7 'tYvXiSV patent, iowh ail lavoriio uii". lT'5Sjj7 fn city mills, T. IB2J ci, iv ml a. rimiiir araaes -winicr, ." mina, rcaular grades-rWInter. clear BOi do, stralEht, IB.60WI no. paieni, IDW U 2ft urn FI.OU11 was quiet but,.fmrausn,r, L'bl" :erlna. Ve quote neirly at 14.0008 per ddi., .A 1(7.. ,H .. tKOKffn PROVISIONS Thero wa llltlo trading, hut .prices were Ia.iih I.-I- niAtllnti fnllrtW City Dfl, In ta smoked and alr-drled. 2SC. westernbeefJ In ! smnkml. 28c. city beer, RnUCKies and , (AMA.a mtnnlrttiH find lllr-drled 2lC, western beef, knuckles and tenders smoked. 2j Bci in,( hr hams, I2SW30. irark, family. Ji It 00028 hams, do, skinned, H I- cured loose 18V. dt 18Mi o, .!? W; 2' se. 10H 0 OHc. do, do. smoked, jf OH . ,cr hams, smoked city cured, as to brand loose, Oilier I1II1K, nillMM-U -W .rf and avenue. ivic. imum, mtn.-". i.i., ?iVred. 10H c do boiled bone ess 81c. pIcMc shoulders. 8 P cured. loose. 14oi do, smokoa, lBc. bellies, In plcklo. according to average, loose lU'ic. brenkfiisl bacon, ns to brand ami average city cured. Sir. do. western cured, in WBur..iarn.weiern.rcnno.i "--- -T- . ,1,1. tiiiis. Mr. no. uuro riiy. nc f. ... -.--. ,.,!.. ., ..,ra Xltlr. In tierces, T."-- " "."'".1--.".V. iili 14V1C, uo, uo, in iuu, -,.-. REFINED SUGARS Tho m narke was quiet nnd "nchttn;,,1n."S list prices Extra fine granulated, ordered 7 7Be: tonfecttonera' A. 7.BjC flnem' I 7 h.V- Tmttdflrril soft grades. (I U08S7 fine DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTEU Fancy stock wns In f air rMuejt and nrm under light ollcrlngs rpllowInK are tho quotations W stern aolld-parkod creamery, fancy, specials Sic. cxlrn. WOBlr, extra nrstf. Jllo, flrBls. 2o. Fccoiids. 2727Hci nenrby prints, fancy 3 Ic. do nxerajrg extra, ,8'-c' do, llrsts 2S03OC seconds. 2727Wc: Jobblns sties of fancy prints, 3il30e. .. EOns Thero wna n good outlet for the lim ited receipts of strictly flno eggn and prices wero firmly maintained Ouotatlona In free cases, nearuy exira, nc per una.. - " ';;: 17 nn per standard ense. ncnrhi current receipts, I7.J",U7 il'i pir case, Western cxtr-is. MC per dw Weatern extra llrsts. t 108 40 Per case llrars. 17 ,MI7 hd p. r enso fancy selected candl-d fresh cgas wire Jobblnit at J33lc per T'lIEHSE Demand was fair and the market ruled nrm under light offerings Juotatoijs. New York, full cream, fancy, J.nHV,1.cJ,,J? do. fair to good, lnWClilc. part eklms, U014c. POULTRY LTVE rowls ere In small aupply and nrm, while chickens were again loer under free, off er Inos nnd u light demand Quotations owl 104 21c roosterB, II 15c, sprltiK clilclc ens. accordlne to nuillty. welghlnir 1 V Ibs and over npleif, 2Uf21c. sma'1" sizes 2UW21o. whlto Leghorns, according to (inalltv, 1IIW21C. ducks, aa to alio and quality. l.lOltc, Pigeons old per pair, 25W2SC, do, lounir twr pilr 2(lW2Je DKESSED Fowls wero scarce and Wc higher under n fnlr demand Other kinds of poultry showed llltlo change Quotations. 1 rcsh-klllcd, dry-picked fowls, 12 to box. dry-packed, fancy nelected 23c, do. wclghlnc 4'4 Ws lbs apiece, 22c, do. weighing 4 lbB apiece, 2JWc. do weighing 3H lbs apiece. 22c, do. wilghlng 3 lbs npTcco. 208f21c Fowls In . bills . Ire- pneked. fancy dr -picked Northern Indiana nnd Illinois, weighing IWB. lbs nplecn 2-'e: do. southirn Indiana nnd Illinois weighing 1 lbs nnliro. 21!4c. smaller sizes, 1X.W2UC, . . Old roosters, dn picked lBHc. broiling chickens Illinois large, 211927c, do Indiana, largo. 244 2."ic do Bin.iller nlzcs 22W21C Broilers. Jer sey, fanes SJWIIc brolkrs other nearby weighing 102 lbs apiece 30032c; Drollers. nenrby. smaller sizes. 27tC2c. ducks nearby spring 1DW20C, squabs, per dor While, weigh ing 11012 lbs per loz. I5.2.'0B no. do. white, wilgnlng f10 lbs per doz, I48isflf: do. wh te. weighing H lbs per doz J3'lfeA,- i1"- w5 !' welKhlne 7 lbs per doz., 3f3 30. do. white, weighing 0OBV4 lbs per doz. IJ J552..0. do. dark, I22.30. do small and No 2, "OcWU.'Ji. FRESH FRUITS Thero was a fair lnqulr for deslrablo stock and prices generally wero well maintained under moderutn offerings Quotntlons. Apples. Dola waro and Marjland. pr hamper Fancy. I1U 12.1 fair to good, 35f75c. lemons, per. Iwx, Jil7 Pineapples, per crate Porto ltlco. It. 80 3 50. Cherries, New York sour, per 8-lb. bnsket. B04ftl0c Cherries, eating varieties, per 8-lb basket. bOffSlo Peaches Oeergla. per carrier llellc 12 33, Elberta, 12 B0W3. Cantaloupes, Delawnre and AlaDland. per crato. Ill 75. ilo. North Carolina, per standard crato, fiOoWil.Gii; do, North Carolina, per flat crate an40c. Watermelons, southern, per car, I130O323. VEGETABLES with aunnlles under protty good control. .Quota tions Whlto potatoes, per bbl No. 1 Eastern Hhore. 1 75HP2. No 2 Eastern Shore. 7rcWl; No 1 Norfolk. II GU&l 75. No. 2 Norfolk. 7Kc. Whlto potatoes Jersey, per basket. 4UW45c. Sweet potatoes. North Carolina, per bbl No. 1, J I 7,r,fff4 Oil. No 2 12 r.oW.I 50. Onions, Jirsey, per basket 7'icWU. do Virginia per basket. HOI r.u do, Iowa per 100-lb bag. 13 50 Egg. nlant Norfolk, ntr crate. 122.511. Cucumbers. Norfolk, per bbl. II 50B2, do. do. per W-bbl. basket, 5up75c; d, do, per 1-3-bbl. basket. 00c nrrai SotSm Gmwrm pictures through the STANLEY Hooking uumuj ot ine nnest prodnctions. Ai.k f,,r ; the tl;e lire ,ln your locality 1IOOM.NO tOMP.Y, I IRFRTY BROAD AND L. 1 X C K. 1 r COLUMBIA ROBERT EDESON In "FATHERS OP MEN" h X. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE In "A BROTHER'S LOYALTY" LOGAN THEATER ",0 HAROLD LOCKWOOD and MAY ALLISON In "THE MASKED RIDER" LOCUST B2D AND LOCUST Mats., 1:30 and 3:30. lOo. Egs., 0:30, 8, 0:30, 15c. flnil rfann ln "PAYING van ivane THf; PRICE.. Market St. Theater 833 MARKET BTREET tT2?,rER2F?. Pf,""1' Vlnrlnta Pearson In Cunard in "PEG O" THE RINU" PALACE 1H MAnKET STREET Blanche Sweet in "The Dupe" BILLIE BURKE In "Glorla'a Romance" PARK RIOQB AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. jr.Mirv MATii 2:iB. Eva. ous to 11. HENRY KING in "PAY DIRT" ALSO KEYSTONE COMEDY PRINCESS 101IT1KET METRO Presents Vinln Dnnn ln "T,,E FLOWER OF vioia Liana NO MAN.S LAND RIAT TO OERMANTOWN AVE. iw AT TULPEHOCKEN BT, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "FLIRTING WITH FATE" RIIR V MARKET STREET w BELOW TTH STREET Victor Moore 4THE CLOWN" SAVOY " MARKET A,VU ' STREET TRIANQLE PLAYS Present Rr-sniP. RarriarnlB "NOT MY SISTER" TIOGA 1TTU AND VENANGO BTa BALPH IIERZ and IRENE HOWLET la "THE PURPLE LADY" VICTORIA MARKET ST YAM.JllJ ABOVE NINTH WU' ItT,fI.01Q,J,N nd ENlD MARKET In THE EYE OF THE NIGHT" MAX FIOMAN ln "Hl BlrtMiy GW LONDON STOCK MARKET Americans Show Somo Strength Under Lead of Union Pacifies LONDON, Autr. J. Continued hot weather wits ngnln responsible for a light turn over In securities on tho stoat ex chnnfra today. The markets were listless. The reenuo of the United Kingdom for th week was 5,771,000 and the expendi ture 36,871,000. Sales of exchequer bonds, etc., wero 8,046,000. The amount of treas ury bills outstanding was lnccrcased by fl0,807,000. Americans were atronrr In spotn under the lead of Union raclflcs, which reflected yes terday's rlio nt New York. There was re- alltlnff In Canadian Pacifies. Grand Trunks were quiet. The net earnings of that road In June Increased 41,000. Home rails were dull and Incited steadi ness. Irregularity prevailed In South Amer ican rails. Statements of weekly earnings by those llneB were mostly favorable. The gltt-edgcd section was nrm. Foreigners were steady. Allied bonds moved upward. Support was given to mines and oils. Shipping descriptions were less active. IP lig nrsT-n rnTQTTilPnTT ' BAT'S BEWILDERING BEHAVIOR Invades Mayor's Reception Room in City Hall, Defies Efforts at Expulsion, Then Departs With Mutinous Mutterings A bold, boisterous, belligerent bat blew Into the Mayor's reception room today and defied the highest authorities at City Hall. It hissed at the reserve cop at the door, frowned at the faithful Webb, Mayor Smiths' brave buffer and exterior secretary, and nestled up In tho northoast corner of the room. . ,.. Stenographers quickly covered their heads with newspapers. Visitors retreated, and even the reporters looked leary. Al though It Is generally known that the Mayor recently Issued an Invitation to persons to call nnd tell anything they know nbout the vice situation. It Is understood thnt this was specifically directed to humans. Thero was no mention of any members of tho winged family. A NECESSARY JZ&ity WlfiA , ,1,l,,!-B3flflM A FACTOR IN AMERICAN BUSINESS PEIRCE SCHOOL, founded 51 years ago, is at once partly the cause of and partly the effect of Business Efficiency. When Thomas May Peirce back in 1865 began the stand ardization of office practice he had a new idea. But even he did not know that he had discovered a continent like Columbus he thought he had merely advanced the generally known boundaries. What he had really done was to invent a new science the science of Business. Every year of the fifty-one since, PEIRCE SCHOOL has led the way. Its text-feooks have served as the models for all others. Its short cuts in book keeping have been woven into the modern fabric of accountancy. Its instructors have broken new ground continually. Its pupils have carried the newest ideas, learned in its classrooms, into the daily practice of Big Business. No makeshift course, tacked on to the public or private school curriculum, can possibly take the place of the wonderful Education in Business which PEIRCE SCHOOL provides. Business is the great power in the progress of America. Preparation for business life is a serious matter. The right preparation means success to what consistently uniform extent the fine record of PEIRCE graduates proves. Poor, inefficient, unscientific preparation means, in after life, merely the holding of "jobs" sometimes precariously. If this be not true, then the vocational records of many college and school alumni are incorrect. Like every good thing PEIRCE SCHOOL has had its imitators many of them. But there is now, elsewhere, scarcely even a physical semblance of the idea and the method that have endowed PEIRCE'S with the dignity of international reputation. All a young man's time, once he has done with the simpler schooling, is needed in the preparation for a life work of business. Send him where Business is the theme, in all its variations, and where only masters teach it, supported by an equipment unequaled, and an authority unquestioned. Send for '52d Year Book. Address THE DIRECTOR PINE STREET WEST OF BROAD PHILADELPHIA I Hlfll W I ' 1016' "RT5LLIGBRENT After flittlnfr about Impatiently, the de flant bird Msltcd tho pictures of many of tho former Mayors, which adorn tho walls anil paused ns though asking their opln Ion on the present condition of the city. It evident that ho was angered by their reti cence. Then ho volplaned to the H statues which support the mammoth man tel over tho fireplace. Convinced that they, too, could not talk at the present time without nuthorlty, the bat circled the room several times nnd selected a spot which gavo him a close ilew ot Webbs oery Webb looked through Councils' Manual iind found there was no special ordinance or resolution for tho elimination, ot unex pected bats and then looked for a club. Finally somo ono over In the office of tho wmzfa INSTITUTION tt'K'9 -W Bureau of Statistics lenrned that the ta,jS of chasing the bat was up to the Burearfl of City Property, Thlt department wil called on tho phone and decided to hold thsi matter under advisement. " Meanwhile many persons who make all habit of seeing that tho chairs In the re.!' ceptlon room do not blow out tho window! Jumped around nnd wigwagged the bat with handkerchiefs nnd newspapers. 'I Fnally the unwelcome lsltor becam I bored by tho buzz of voices nnd suggestion, which echoed about tho room nnd, castn a look of disdain nl those assembled, galled out tho window with mutinous muttering I IiCS95!eOT?-U A On Up Hudson Excursion l THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 W Hudson River Day Line Steam- (T , ,iufc niup Hi lint 1'fllnt, liut will contlnuo up thn river to Newburgh and I'oughkecpsle. DL.InJnlnl,: P. Dn.,l!n D.M ffl i uiauciiniia u iicauwg nauway KJ!33a5.ICSSaS?CE 1 "Hj 111 IPAFlPD FORTY-FIRST AND UtJJJtUr. LANCASTER AVENOB ANITA STEWART in TH DABING OF pUNA" STANLEY MARKET ABOVE I6TH OlrtJIUni HUSA. U.toHiSP.M, MARY PICKFORD in "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" lIlllllilllMlllHIJIlIIIHJIUUIMIiraJlUIJIHIIIJBIJIIIUIIJIIIIIiJw gwKTr&gmkgttfi, hiwi SfflSB- l JmUkoSi '( il'TFfHf"""T,","""","""'1Jut'K","TflHTTir"""TinKflH sm r