klV'W EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, AU0UST 2, 1910. L. , PPP(!iPlPfJfTi II IjljH -W'Vna,iuwvMm;i'iii ' V ' v ;V;tf:n-i'M't-f si Mi j l mw Go lumbus" is James Hopper's story of how the ' Villa raid turned e a border village into a booming town of tents, restaurants, stores, barber shops, manicure palaces, Turkish baths, a movie theatre and a cabaret. It's in this week's Coll e gvopy .y .THE NATIONAL WBSKL7 TIE-UP OF ALL TROLLEY LINES IN NEW YORK CITY NOW SEEMS INEVITABLE Extension of Walkout Through out Metropolis Certain, Un less Both Sides Con i cede Points GUARDS TO AID COPS NEW TOniC Aug. 2. City ofUclnls. aid d by State authorities, prepared today for tho worst In New York's street car strike situation. They wera convinced, they said, that the most disastrous tie-up in the city's history 1b Inevitable unless both sides con cede points which up to date each has pcr Istently refused to consider. The Public Service Commission began to day a formal Inquiry Into tho situation. Representatives of employers and employes Wero summoned. Tho 10,000 militiamen. Including coast in the State after New York's quota had (one to the border, were prepared for Instant call. At tho first hint of need for them Governor Whitman will send them into New York to augment Police Com missioner Woods's 10,000 bluecoats. The strike car companies today con sidered tho situation so desperate they ap pealed for the public's sympathy In full page advertisements In all local newspapers. These advertisements carried tho charge that the employos "are being threatened nd Intimidated by tho Amalgamated As sociation of Electric Street and Hallway Employes, an organization with Interests in various parts of tho United States. , The company also announced It Is ready to talk grievances with Its men Individually or through tholr own representatives. It Will not recognize any commltteo nlllllatcd witn mo national union. It was estimated today that about 3200 men arc now out In Now York, 2000 from the Third avenue system In Manhattan, and 1200 from Bronx lines Only 3D out of the usual 505 Third avenue system's cars were operated today One hundred cut of 352 regular cars were running In the Bronx. All cars today were under heavy police CJard. Strikers today collected figures showing maximum wages earned by carmen In New York to be less than In many other large cities of the country, although the cost ef living Is higher. The maximum In Chicago was given as SO cents an hour: In Philadelphia. 31 cents, and In Boston. Detroit. Cleveland. Albany and Troy, 34 cents. The highest pay In New York Is 29 cents. Leg Comfert .,. 'uriniHO tcini, J.ei Hirers. Went Ankle. Snollen Ltts.iiaSi of Joy for you In tho Corliss Laced Slocking A scientific support and lee treat ment that elves Immediate com fort ana aura help. No (.'Initio to bind adjusts to oery condition without rubber. I.aunil-rn as easily na a tnwrl. Keeps ohape wears for mpntl.s. Hade to your measure, $ t .7.1 Mch. nr two for ams lee, S3. 00. Call and be measured free, cr write for self, measurement blank No 10. , We alao make abdominal bolts (non elastic) to order. Hours 0 to S dally, 0 to 4 Sat Pcnna Corliss Limb Specially Co 13U-1S-13 Filbert Ht.. 1'lilla.. I'a. bulu 430. llall ohone. Walnut 001. T xr.i . ll f&r" r xj-TT vfl. -. EKK ISfis Sj liyf l3 RAILROAD STRIKE VOTE ENDS AUGUST 7, LEADER DECLARES 400,000 Ballots in Referendum to Em power Calling Out Men NBW YOntv. Auk. 2. Counting of the utrlko voto of 400,000 railway trainmen, which may urec nltate tho fjrentcst labor war thin country ha1? ever knon, will he completed Alt mil t 7, Timothy D. Shea, who has charge of the count, announced today. The railroads affected by the count today opened a campaign of education of the public through newspaper advertisement, putting forward their side of the contro versy. Tho strike vote, If It results as all predic tions Indicate, will nuthorlzo tho heads of the four greatest railroad brotherhoods to call a general strike If In their opinion a strike Is necessary to gain for freight and yard men their demand for an eight-hour day and time and half for oicrtlmc. UNAFURIOSABATTAGLIA PELP0SSESS0DIK0VEL I Gli Austro-Tedeschi, Rinfor- zati, Tcntano di Ricncciare i Russi ad Est dello Stochod Una nuova furlosa battaglla e' Impegnata nd ovest del flume Stochod tra russi e atistro-tedeschl rho dlfendono gtl npproccl alia forteZ7a dl Kovel. Tclegramml da Petrograd dlcono cho 1 tedeschl hanno rlcevuto notevoll rlnforzl col quail sperano dl Impedlre I'esecuzlone del piano rumo dl spararo completamente sulla fronto russa gll escicltl austrlaco o tedesco, ed egglungo no cho I russi fnnno strage delle leglonl tedescho con 1c loro batterio poste Bulla rlva orientate del flume A Petrograd si rltlcno cho, se sara' posilbllc ragglungero lo scopo dl srparare gll csercltl tcutonlcl nlleatl, le nrmato nustrlaclie wiranno vlrtualmente annlentnte non potendo esse Kontencro l'urto del rusai senza 1'attlva co operazlone delle nrmatc tedesche II morale degll nustrlacl d'altronde e' assal basso dopo le recentl gravl sconfltte. Tclegramml da Baltimore dlcono che II Rottomarlno mercantile tedesco Deutschland, cho nttraverio' l'Atlantlco con un carlco dl colorl, o' p.irtlto da quclta cltta' perrltornaro In Oermanla. Navl da gucrra inglesl a francos! lo attendono at largo, al dl la' dello tro mlglla di aequo territorial!, ma scmbra cho flnora It sottomarlno non sia usclto da qucsto llmlto dl aequo territorial! o cho viaggl lungo lo costo amerlcane. HELD AS DRUG THIEF Edgar Ruthman Accused of Taking Drugs Worth $4000 Chnrgcs that he had stolen a quantity of morphine, cocaine and opium valued at $4000 from the laboratory of Aschenback & Mlllor, nt 346 North Orlanna street, wero preferred against 20-ycnr-oId Kdgar Ituth man, of 022 North Twelfth street, when he was arraigned before Magistrate Beaton today. Ho was held In $1500 bill. Tho drugs were stolen on the night of Juno 23. That dny Iluthman had been hired to work In the laboratory and the rext day he failed to appear for work. Detective? McCarthy and I.o Strange and Special OITlccr Laird arrested Ituthman. PARCEL POST OLD P ELI ABLE M ALONE STANDS BEHIND HIS BICYCLE (13.75, S10.00, (17.00, S 18.00 CASH OK V.X&X PAVMKNT3 IIKKS, SI. 00 TO J3.1S Great Plnupliter In Prtres of All Sundries. 8KCONI.IIANl BICYCLES. S3.00 DP We do nlckellnc, tnamellnic. vulcanlzlnr. brazing-. All kinds of repair work guaranteed. We lire cheaper than the cheapest and our work Is better than tlin best. Call and be convinced. Upen evenings. Daddy of low prices and Win sualltr. GEO. C. MALONK. 1203 Glrnrd Ae. Pep. S241. Park 0345 D. SHOES MADE TO MEASURE AT Ollt HHOl" 309 CHERRY ST. LP HIpPI AV Siierkor to . j, nu.jvj i TiVAnni:i.i. itnos. StANY STYI.ra CARKIUIl IN STOCK r A W$$4$$WW JHrj tlo jS$- i iiicuixs 1 '" 3 512.75Up Through Sleeper to Chicago and Detroit Vu ueae?. Re,a.dinP Terminal 9.30 A. M. daily via the picturesque Reading Lehih Valley-Michigan Central, arriving Detroit midnight, Chicago 8.00 next morning on the famous BLACK DIAMOND Making a delightful daylight Trip through "The Switzerland of America" and affording a most convenient arrival in Chicago for business engagements or connections to points West or South. Similar service will be operated eastbound on the Wolverine of the Michigan Central leaving Chicago at. 9.05 A. M., Detroit at 3.55 P. M. and arriving Phila delphia 9.15 the next morning. Widener iitmvjgM VI0LENTT ATTACCIfl AUSTRIACI RESPMI DALLE TRET0FANE Inutili Tentativi FattI Anche Contro Monte Cimone c Sul l'Altopiano dei Sette Comuni VILLA GGI BOMBARDATI llOMA, 2 Agosto. Ecco It testo del rapporto del generate Cndorna, pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero della Ouerra cd annunzlante la conqulsta dl Panevegglo, nella alle dei Travlgnolo: Nella valle dell'Adlge l'artlgllerla nemlca ha conllnuanto a splcgare la sua attlvlta', ma le nostre batterle lo hanno rlsposto efllcaccmente. Nella valle dell-Astlco nella sera del 31 lugllo II nemlco nttacco' le nostro poslzlonl sul Monte Cimone dopo una Intensa preparations dl nrttgllerla, ma fu prontftmente resplnto dalle nostre batterio e dalle nostre truppo dl fan terla. Un altro Inutile ed Infruttuoso at tacco II nemlco opero' contro le nostre poslzlonl a sudovest dl Castelletto, sull'altoptano del Sette Comuni. Anche qui fu resplnto con perdtte. Nella valle del Travlgnolo not ab blamo occupato II vlllagglo dl Paneveg glo. Nella zona delle Tofane durante la notto del 30 lugllo II nemlco bombardo Intensamento lo nostre poslzlonl del bosco dl Forcolla e dopo opero' un at tacco In forze per rltogllerc! lc poslzlonl da nol recentcmento occupatc. It nemlco fu dapprlma resplnto e pol contrattac cato vlolentemento o sof ferse gravl pordlte. Un bombardamento da parte delle batterle nemlche ha causato alcunl In cendll nella valle Degano. Gli Incendll sono stat, pcro' prontamente clrcoscrlt tl o spentl. Sulla fronte dell'Isonzo non si ha nulla dl Importante. UN FIIOCLAMA DI JOFFRE. sono statl, pero' prontamente clrcoscrlt Tclegramml da Parlgl dlcono che II gen cralo Joffre, commandante In capo delle forze francesl, rlcorrendo lerl II secondo gucrra europea, ha lanclato alio sue truppe II scguente proclama: Soldatl della Bepubbllc.i. E' comlnclato II vostro terzo anno dl lotta. Per due annl vol aveto soppor tato con Incrollabllo forza 11 peso di un implacabllo conflltto. Vol avote fatto faltiro I planl del nemlco, I.o nvcto sconfltto sulla Marna, lo avetc arrcstato leeping Cars To BALTIMORE And WASHINGTON Baltimore & Ohio Pullman Drawing -room Sleeping Cars arc in service between Phila delphia, Baltimore and Washington on the following schedules: I.v. Philadelphia. 24th and Chest- nut M :15 A.M. Ar. llaltlmore, Mt. Royal :45 A.M. Ar. lUltlmorr. Camden fl:BO A. SI. Ar. Maslilnzton 7:50 A.M. Car is placed for occupancy at 24th and Chestnut Streets Station at 10 P. M. Retnxnlnc I.v. Wnnhlntton . I,v, llaltlmnre .. Ar. Philadelphia 10:40 P. St. 1:35 A. M. 3:30 A. SI. Cav is placed for occupancy at Mt. Hoyaf Station, Baltimore, -at 11:45 P. M. Passengers mry remain in car at Philadelphia until 8:00 A. M. Secure reservation at Tlrket Odlce. 831 Chestnut Ht.. and llaltlmore L Ohio Station, 24th A Chestnut Sta. n. C. IIAASK. District Passenser Acent Dining Car Service Both Ways TICKET OFFICES BIdg. Land Title Bldg. Reading Terminal Philadelphia & Reading Ry. Lehigh Valley Railroad sJ6d BuIlTr e lo batliSsto nell'Artolii e nellit Chamrrtfrno quando eso cercftva la vlt torla nul planl della Russia. Pol la vos tra vlttorlosa reslatna nella battaglla dl cinque meal davantl a Verdun ha spezsato to aforzo tedesco. Grazle al vostro Indomlto coragRlo, le nrmatc del nostrl alleatl hanno potuto produrre nrml delle quail II nemlco sento It noio okkI su tutte le sue frontl. It momcnlo si nvvlclna quando, sotto ta forza della nostra avanzata, la po tenza mllltalre della Oermanla dovra' cadert. Soldatl dl Francla, vol potete easere superbl dl quanto avete gla' fatto. Vol sleto dcclst ad nndare flno In fondo. La vlttorla e' nostra I ( JOFFRE. Philadelphia Man Fntnlly Hurt CHESTI3H, Aug. 2. Philip Williams, of Philadelphia, Ii In tho Chester Hospital, In a dying condition, an tho result of being hit by a Pennsylvania shifter late yester day In front of tho Belmont Iron Works LAST SUMMER WE EARNED A REPUTATION FOR LAUNDERING THE BEST PALM BEACH SUIT IN PHILADELPHIA PER SUIT Elite Laundry Company 1832-40 N. 19th St. West Philadelphia Office, SOU Baltimore Avcnuo mz OJB.TQLQOL Solid Quartered Oak 4: 4 - unci And it's worth $40, And you will w , find Buffets of such size and qual- ?1.UU a wecK ity elsewhere for no less than $40. -vtra. Magnificent colonial frame, with plank top and cxtra larsc mirror Top drawer lined for silver. 722-724 MARKET ST. gjajjjjjj No other low priced car has such great power great comfort great efficiency great economy great beauty No other popular priced car is so complete. Yet the price $635 is within the reach of all. Order yours today. sBEsm vVB sw V'.t.r.Hi yLxuiui 4 cylinder en bloc motor Z". bore x 5". stroke 4-inch tires j non-skids on rear Cantilever rear springs 7NVIRncMotor ComPany, Distributors 323-5.7 North Broad Street, Philadelphia. Bell phone-Walnut IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES ne-waln The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio Ma.nU.S,A." Is Now Going On and we offer the entire stock ot our trpmenrjous reductions. SI 7.50 jb New Series Model 75 B S2 Streamline body Electric lights Electric starter Magnetic Speedometer Complete equipment big store ac . i. Solid Quartered Uak or old ivory- Bedroom Suite Dresser $24.50 Dressing Tabic $18.50 Chiffonier $20.50 Bed to Match H6.50 These pieces ro very massive and well constructed; made of quartered oak and also finished In Old Ivory. Heavy plank tops. Mirror in dressar Is 28x34, beveled Pronch plate. Easy tarnw. T 3lYz Horsepower 4897 4897. ii .