Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 02, 1916, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL. H. NO. 270
ConaianT, 1010, bt ins rcaLio Ltcar Countit.
Terrific Battle in Progress
on West Banks of
Russians Expect to Effectively
Separate German From Aus
trian Armies and Prevent
petrograd, Aug. 2.
Terrlflo fighting ! In progress between
German and Russian forces on tho west
bank of tho Stokhod River today. Tho
Teuton nrmy resisting tho Russian ad
vance on Kovel has been loally rein
forced and Is attempting to drive tho
Czar's troops out of tho positions which
they captured west of tho Stokhod by a
brilliant charge.
Reports thus far received by tho War
Offlco stato that tho German counter-attacks
have beon fruitless. Tho Russian
artillery on tho cast bank has Indicted
terrible losses on tho derman Infantry. That
tho Teuton commander regards tho lost
positions ns of vast Importance Is Indicated
by the fact that In sovcrat Instances tho
Infantry was ordered to attack without any
Vtlllery preparation.
The belief at tho War Ofilco Is that tho
next few days aro likely to seo tho Aus
trian nnd German-forces so effectively sep
arated that It will bo Impossible for them
to co-operate further. Tho wcll-concelved
ttratcglc plan of the Russian general staff,,
It is asserted, Is working out admirably. It
was discovered too lato by tho Austro
German commanders for them to tako of
fectlvo stcp3 to prevent tho splitting of their
LONDON, Aug. 2.
The second anniversary of Germany's
declaration of war on Russia finds tho rela
tive positions of tho belligerents very dif
ferent from those of tho first anniversary.
Tho Entente Allies aro now pursuing a
successful offensive on all fronts and tho
Central Towers aro virtually everywhero
-on tho defensive.
The operations on -the eastern front now
surpass those In the west In dramatic In
terest Tho military critics oxpress great
admiration for the Russian tactics, one of
t: Important objects of which, In their
opinion, has been to Isolate tho Austrlans
from tho German nrmlc3 on tho Russian
front. This. It now hi claimed, has been
Virtually accomplished by the Russians driv
ing a wedgo Into tho Austro-German posi
tions along tho front of Kovel-Vladlmlr-Volynskl.
Tho. view hero Is that If the Germans
have thus accepted sovcranco from the Aus
trlans, tho most decisive result of the wholo
of Russian General Brussiloff's strategy
will have been obtained. It being argued by
the military observers that without German
support tho Austrian armies will become
demoralized and collapse. Tho critics say
that tho Austrian forces between tho Llpa
and Dniester rivers are doomed. Thero has
been no confirmation of tho report received
In Romo that Vladlmlr-Volynskl has been
evacuated, and that the Germans are with
drawing from Kovel, but Romo is usually
well Informed on Russian news.
A correspondent with the Russian forces
has reported that tho roads toward Kovel
"are black with the retreating enemy."
General Count von Bothmer's army is
also reported to be almost enveloped by the
Russians In Gallcla. Cossack divisions
after the occupation of Brody are said to
have destroyed the railways behind the
Austrian army.
General von Bothmer's army has been
holding the line of the River Strlpa, which
rises northwest of Tarnopol and enters
the Dniester south of Buczacz. If the Rus
sians who took Brody have cut a railway
behind Von Bothmer's army, It Is evi
dently the line running northwestward
from Tarnopol across tho Strlpa to Lem
berg. Tho Russians were reported a few
days ago to have advanced from Brody
to tho River Sereth, which flows through
Tarnopol and which Is only a few miles
east of the Strlpa.
PETROGRAD, Aug. 2. An official com
munication Issued last night says:
In the region of the villages of Stoly
va and Smolary tho German Infantry
made a rush attack on our troops occu
pying the western bank of the Stokhod
River They were repulsed by our gal
lant troops, who Inflicted heavy losses
on the enemy. The battle Is still pro
ceeding. Another official statement Issued In the
afternoon said that Russian troops at tha
bend of tho Stokhod River, In the region
rot tho village of Vellcklkuchary. had forced
Etho Austro-Germans back and fought their
iway through to a point west of this line.
As the result of a Russian attack on
the region of Tchekhuvdudenka. three miles
jwutheast of Monasterzyska, la Gallcla, the
lilussian troops crossed the marshy river
Continued on race Three, Column Three
For Philadelphia ami 1ririnif.11 B'r.V
Upninht and vrobablu Thursday
KHarmer Thursday; light, variable
pias, oteomtng southerly,
!tu rUei 4 30 a in. 1 Moon rl . 0.42 n.m.
KM 7 13 p.m. I Moon oufb 2J8 p.m.
IPsa wter lWtm.1 HUh water 12.43 p.m
Triuii'Eu.vri.KK at kacii noui.
'Sl6l76l 78 7S1 701 TO t 781 1
l-i.'Vi '"W! $. ' t I-.) i r .. .' 1 im'Af
L. Brooke Edwards, of Philadel
phia, driver in the American Am
bulance Corps, has been cited for
bravery and awarded tho Croix do
Guerre (war cross) for his exploit
in bringing a damaged ambulance
out under fire at Verdun.
Leonard Brooke Edwards Hon
ored for Driving Ambulance
in Rain of Shells
Leonard Drooko Edwards, of this city,
has been cited for bravery In nn order of
tho day promulgated beforo tho fighting
millions of Franco by tho French Govern
ment. Mr. Edwards,' according to a letter
from Paris, Is ono of six American ambu
lanco drivers who havo been thus signally
honored by tho posting of their names and
tho awarding of tho "Crolxo do Gcurre,"
tho second highest military distinction given
by tho French nation.
Mr. Edwnrds, who lives at 2117 Locust
street, Is n son of tho lato Richard S. Ed
wards and Lucy D. Edwards. Ho was born
In Philadelphia 21 years ago.
In a letter received today tho thrilling
tnlo of young Edwards's daring and cour
ngo under a death-dealing flro is dramati
cally told.
Tho letter Is dated Paris, July 15, and
was written while tho writer, also In tho
nmbulancc corps, woa enjoying his "regulnr
six-day permission" from tho front. Tho
letter says:
"Brooke Edwards, of Philadelphia, who
Is in our section, No. 1 of tho Ambulance
Corps, was cited for bravery at Verdun to
day. A German shell smashed a holo as
big as your head through tho top of his
car and another went Into tho tool box
not a foot from where ho sat. This was
early In tho evening, yet ho kept on tho
Job, making his rounds as If nothing had
happened. Incidentally the shell punctured
two of his tires, which ho replaced under
a flerco fire with the assistance of Sam
Paul, another young fellow from Phllly.
Edwards will get the croIx de guerro be
cause a citation In an order of the day car
ries this honor."
Mr. Edwards is an excellent tennis player
and played to within ono of tho finals In
second doubles at the Interclub tennis tour
nament at Merlon last year. At Wilming
ton, Del., In 1914 ho won the consolation
single event at tho tennis tournament. He
also went as far as tho final round In mixed
doubles with Miss Edith Runk as partner
in tho Manhelm district tournament In 1015,
bolng defeated with his partner for high
honors by a closo score.
He was educated at the Episcopal Acad
emy In Philadelphia and In Switzerland. Ho
went to France as ono of the young Phila
dclphlans who answered tho appeal made In
December last for drivers by John H.
McFadden, Jr., of this city. Mr. Edwards
has two brothers living In Philadelphia,
Nellson Edwards, Vice President of the
Nitrogenous Chemical Company, with offices
In tho West End Trust Building, and E.
Mitchell Edwards, popularly known as
"Ted," who Is a Btudent at the University
of Pennsylvania, at present serving in the
Plattsburg, N. Y preparedness camp.
The other Ave young American ambulance
drivers honored by tho French Government
with Mr. Edwards aro James Milton
Sponagle, of Gloucester, Mass.; Thomas
Potter, of New Vork city ; Everett Jackson,
of Colorado Springs ;, Walter Wheeler, of
Yonkers, N. Y,, and John Clark, of Flushing,
Captain William Kelly, Jr., Says
No Assault Made by Mexi
cans at Finlay, Tex.
EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 2. Captain Wil
liam Kelly, Jr., commanding the cavalry
troops, rushed from Fort Bliss to Finlay,
Tex., and reported to General Bell today
there was no truth In the report that 150
Mexican bandits Invaded the United States
near there.
The report of tha bandits' presence was
received by General Bell from militia offi
cers at Fort Hancock.
According to an early dispatch received
here, the Mexicans crossed the border In
the vicinity of Fort Hancock and repulsed
a small detachment of Massachusetts in
fantry serving as a border patroL
Pencoyd Parents Fight Closing School
Residents of Pencoyd, Lower Merlon
township, have begun a series of indigna
tion meetings because the School Board has
closed the Pencoyd school and ordered tha
pupils to attend the Cynwyd school. Soma
mothers are objecting to having their chl.
dren taken to tha Cynwyd school In automo
bile busses. The parents and residents have
asked tha School Board to rescind the ac I
tloo. ,
Rumors Circulate That Irish
Chief Will Be Reprieved
Senate Resolution Asks Clem
ency for Irish Political
LONDON, Aug. 2. Kogcr Case
ment, the Irlshmnn who relinquished
his rank ns n knight, condemned to
die Thursday on the scaffold for high
treason, is calmly awaiting what the
next 21 hours will bring forth, accord
ing to reports from Pcntonvillc Prison.
Rumors were in circulation today that
Casement would he granted a reprieve,
but these were not based on any avail
able official information. Premier As
quith acknowledged the receipt of a
long Irish petition begging a reprieve
for Casement, but did not indicate that
It would have any effect.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. President Wil
son todny Instructed Acting Socretnry of
Stato Polk to forward to the British For
eign Oinco Immediately tho resolution
ndoptcd by the Senate last Saturday, In
which tho hopo was expressed that tho
British Government "mny exercise clemency
In tho treatment of Irhh political prison
ers." The resolution was Intended to bring
tho attention of tho British Government to
tho Roger Casement case, but his namo
was not mentioned in tho resolution. Fol
lowing Is the text of tho resolution:
"Resolved, That tho Senate expresses tho
hopo that tho British Government may ex
ercise clemency in the treatment of Irish
political prisoners; and that the President
bo requested to transmit this resolution to
that Government."
Casement sent his thanks today to Sen
ator Martlno, of New Jersey, for his efforts
to save his life. His mcjsago was delivered
by his attorney, Michael J. Doyle, of Phil
adelphia, who has Just returned from Eng
land. Both Senator Martlne nnd Mr. Doylo
predicted today that King George would
commute Casemcnt'H sentence.
Dispatches from London this morning an
nounce thnt Roger Cnsement will bo hnnged
tomorrow, but Michael Francis Doylo still
feels that his client's llfo will bo saved.
Mr. Doyle, who represented Casement nt
his last trial, said:
"I don't know, but I am still hoping for
a reprieve. I won't believe that tho hanging
Is actually to tako placo until tho very last
minute. I havo never believed that Eng
land will let him die, nnd they must have
some good reason for holding oft tho an
nouncement nf his reprieve until almost
what the public thought was to be the end.
I am confident that the Cabinet will vote
for tho reprieve."
Mr. Doylo was asked If tho King would
not havo to grant tho mercy. If It were to
bo granted, and he answered that tho re
prieve would bo done in tho namo of the
King, but It would bo dono actually by tho
Boys Blamed for Fire Near Steel Plant
Boys aro belloved to have been responsi
ble for a small flro near the now addition
of tho Mldvale Steel Company plant, Wlssa
hlckon and Roberts nvenucs, late last night.
A box containing pinto and window glass
for use in the building was set on tiro. The
damage was 330.
City and State Order Railroad
Car Fumigation as Measure
Against Epidemic Cases
Infantile Paralysis Cases
Reported in 24 Hours
New cases in Philadelphia.,.. 4
Death3 in Philadelphia None
Deaths in Camden 1
New cases in New York 1C6
Deaths in New York 41
Deaths in Pennsylvania 1
New cases in Pennsylvania... 6
New cases in New Jersey 91
Total cases in New York 4288
Total deaths in New York 937
Inspection of Philadelphia playgrounds
at the order of Ernest L. Tustin, president
of the Board of Recreation, and Dr. Wll
mer Krusen ; fumigation of other trains be
sides the Pennsylvania coming In from
New York, at the request of Dr. Samuel
Q, Dixon, State Commissioner of Health,
and the use of other animals besides mon
keys to experiment with, were a few of the
latest developments In this city's campaign
today to keep the Infantile paralysis epi
demic from gaining headway,
There has been but one new case in
Philadelphia since late yesterday afternoon.
It is that of Francis Radtke, 4 years old.
of 4303 North 6th street, 43d Ward. This
is in the Hunting Park district, where a
number of cases have developed within the
last few days.
It is this phase of the epidemic which has
caused the Board of Recreation and Doctor
Krusen to decide on the preventive meas
ures in the city playgrounds. This after
noon at 3 o'clock Ernest L. Tustin, presi
dent of the board, and a number of city
nurses gathered at Starr Garden Recrea
tion Center, Seventh and Lombard streets,
to make the Investigation there Drinking
cups, playthings and children were ex
amined. Doctor Dixon, in speaking of the situation
CeaUsatd ea Vftfa Two, Colamu Two.
Deutschland Last Heard
From at 9 O'clock in
Trip Homeward
Thrcc-Mile Zone Denned,
Relative to U-Boat Voyage
NORFOLK, Va., Aug. 2.
THE three-mile limit, within which
tho submarine Deutschland is
supposed to bo safe from attack as
she passes out of tho Virginia Capes,
is an imaginary line determined as
First, draw n straight line con
necting the Capo Charles Light
house and the Capo Henry Light
house. Eastward nnd nt a distance of
three miles from this line drawing a
parallel line, extending it in cither
direction until it intersects line3
paralleling the coast on each side
of tho entrance to the bay nt a dis
tance of three mile3 from mean low
NORFOLK, Va., Aug. 2. At noon today
Norfolk and Newport News were almost
blind from tho strain of looking across tho
tumbling waters outside Hampton Roads In
the hopo of getting n gllmpso of tho super
Huhmarlno Deutschland coming In or going
by on her way out to sea
The neutrality patrol of tho United States
was much In evidence outsldo of tho capes.
Tho Flusser nnd Reld, destroyers, wcro
steaming back nnd forth outsldo of tho
thrce-mllo limit. Tho North Carolina drlft
od about, with only enough power to make
her manageable, under the guns of Fortress
Shortly after 12 o'clock tho German
representatives here began nn effort to get
Into touch with tho Tlmmlns. At that tlmo
tho exact whereabouts of tho Deutschland
was a mystery. Tho last actual report con
cerning her enmo from tho Windmill Point
Light. It said that tho Dcutsehland had
cleared the llghthouso south of Tangier
Island and west of Watts Island shortly
after 9 o'clock this morning. At that hour
tho submarlno and her tender simply wcro
loafing along nnd were hugging tho eastern
shore of the main channel.
An incoming tramp at noon reported that
tho allied patrol was not In night off tho
Capes. It Is believed here that they have
perfected some systom of signaling whereby
they will bo apprised of tho approach of
the submarlno and that they do not Intend
taking nny chances of being ordered out to
sea by tho Amorlcan neutrality patrol until
after their much-wanted prey actually Is
within sighting distance of the Capes.
A telephono message from Old Tolnt
Comfort at 12 o'clock stated that a number
of private launches and yachts were wait
ing thore to escort tho Deutschland Into
Newport News, should It show up off that
Thero were a number of persons who hold
to tho theory that tho Deutschland might
simply loaf until nightfall and then attempt
a dash through the eastern end of tho ship
channel, going as close as possible to Fish
erman's Island, near Cape Charles, and
then heading duo north toward Smith's
Continued on ruse Three, Column 1'our
Director Twining Foresees De
lays, However, in Drafts and
Labor Problems
Mayor Smith and Transit Director Twin
ing today said that the recent transit loan
of 357,100,000 will provide all the money
which can possibly be spent on the city's
high-speed elevated and subway system
during the present administration. To com
plete the Broad street lines, however, Mr.
Twining feels more money will be neces
sary, but this will not bo a problem for the
city to face for at least four years.
Emphasizing the difficulties the Transit
Department Is facing reaching the point
where the contracts can be let, the Di
rector said that It would require the
services of 1000 draftsmen, working for
one year, to complete all the engineering
plans. In contrast with this number
needod, the department actually has only 80
draftsmen at the present time, and It Is
virtually Impossible to And more.
"In spite of this handicap," continued
Mr, 'Twining, "we hope to be able to let a
number of contracts by the first of next
year, and in tha meanwhile work on the
Frankford "L" and the Broad street tube
under City Hall will be pushed forward as
rapidly as possible. If all the lines were
to be completed by the end of the present
administration it would be necessary for us
to have all the preliminary drafts com
pleted by the present time ; and even then
we could not nnd enough laborers to carry
on the work on all the lines simultaneously,
since about 10,000 men would be needed."
But the most formidable obstacle Is the
delay in executing an operating lease be
tween the city and the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company or any other operating
company. Director Twining said today that
It would take from a year to a year and a
halt after the signing of this agreement to
equip the Frankford "L" the line to be
completed first for operation.
As the Frankford "U" can b completed
by the end of 1U, this probably will mean
that the entire line must He idle, piling up
interest and sinking fund charges on the
money expended on it. because no agree
ment has been worked out And further,
until some agreement is worked out the
section between CatlowhlU street and Arch
.tr) niuit be besun. and this section will
w-Jiilra another year to complets.
LONDON, Aug. 2 Roger Casement will be hanged tomorrow
morning1, it Was definitely announced tonight.
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 2. Her escape to the stairway cut off by
a fire in her homo at Biadcloclc, Mts. Lena Roland dropped her five
chilthcn, one by one, fiom a second story to a matttcss, which ohe
hftd thrown to the street below and then jumped herself. Two of the
childien weio slightly injured, while 2Ira. Boland suffered from pain
ful burns.
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Tho executive board of tho "big four"'
brothei hoods which arc threatening a nation-wide strike of rnilroad
employes nnd the General Conference Committee of tho roads have
agreed to a resumption of conferences to begin in New York August S,
accoiding to information reclved at the United States Board of Medi
ation and Conciliation todny.
First rnce, 2-year-olds, selling, with $500 added, 5 1-2 furlongs
Passing Fancy, 108, Garner, 1 to 3, out, won; Idolita, 105, Buxton,
7 to 1. 7 to 5, 1 to 2, second; Flare, 103, Campbell, 40 to 1, 10 to 1,
to 1, third. Time, 1.09.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Tho nrmy appropriation bill conferees were dead
locked today over a proposal from tho House sldo to exempt retired army officers
from obligations under tho articles of war. The conferees adjourned "to think It
City Controller Walton today signed tho engraved certificates of tho $5,000,000
lfMue of 4 per cent city bonds sold Juno 30. The bondB are In denominations of $100
and Its multiples, one-half of tho Issue being In registered bonds nnd tho other In
coupons. After tho certificates have been countersigned by tho Farmers; and
Mechanics' National Bank they will bo dellvored to tho purchasers.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Republican Leader Mann this afternoon knocked out
a proposed $540,000 hood relief appropriation for tho two Cnrollnas, Georgia, Florida,
Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. Under the rules of tho Houso, Mann's single
objection was sulllclent to defeat tho proposition.
NORFOLK, Va., Aug. 2. On motion of counsel for tho South African Steamship
Compuny, British owners of tho steamship Appam, Judgo Waddlll, In the United
States District Court, today named a commission to appraise tho valuo of the vessel
preliminary to hearing a motion to turn tho vessel back to her former owners.
Attorneys for tho German Government gave notice that they would strenuously
opposo any such action.
PETROGRAD, Aug. 2. Charge that an enemy aeroplane had bombarded a
transport carrying wounded soldiers nnd then Hew over a divisional hospital,
dropping bombs on helpless men there, was made today In tho War Offlco statement.
LONDON, Aug. 2. Knglnnd regards ns an essential part of any pence condi
tion the restoration by Germany of Belgium and Serbia, both materially and econom
ically, and the repairing of devastated portions of Franco and Russia, Premier
Asqutth today declared In a speech in Commons.
A suit for damages was begun In tho Municipal Court today by Louise M. Rams
berger, of 4526 Chestnut street, against Mary C. Thaw, Beechwood Boulevard, Pitts
burgh, Pa. In her bill of complaint the plaintiff avers that while driving her auto
mobile north on Fifty-third street on May 10, 1910, she was struck by the defendant's
machine, which was going east on Walnut street at tha rate of about forty miles an
hour. The plaintiff's car, which weighs about 360O pounds, was damaged to the
extent of 3151.37.
Mrs. Albertine Evolt. 23 years old, of 960 North Lawrence street, a brtdo of a
few months, was dangerously burned when an oil stove exploded in her home today.
She is in the Roosevelt Hospital with severe burns of the head, face ahd chest.
Physicians fear she may have inhaled the flames. Mrs. Evolt was lighting the stove
when it exploded, showering the burning liquid over her. She ran into the street
screaming. Neighbors managed to extinguish tho flames by wrapping her in a
carpet. A passing automobile took her to tho hospital.
PARIS. Aug, 2. Lufbery, one of the American aviators with the French army,
downed a German machine within the German lines on Monday after a sensational
encounter. Lufbery was darting about miles within the enemy lines when he saw
a German plane below him, He dived and got under the Fokker's tall without being
seen, and then opened Are. Seeing the German waver, ha turned quickly and avoided
the Fokker as it fell. He saw the German drop helplessly, and he followed for a
thousand feet, only to encounter three enemy machines. Finding his own gun
clogged, he was forced to flee.
Eighty thousand trees throughout the city are being threatened by the cater
pillars of the tussock moth because of lack of appropriations or facilities provided
early enough to spray the trees and kill off the larvae in tho earliest state, ac
cording to Professor Herman Ilornlg, the city entomologist, today. The eggs
of the tussock moth, aro being hatched at this season of the year, he said, and
within a few days the caterpillars will be attacking the trees In every part of
the city.
Ten thousand watermelons, condemned by State food inspectors, were taken
to the southern end of the city today and destroyed. Nine carloads of the melons
at the Pennsylvania freight station, which had arrived from Baltimore for threa
downtown commission merchants, were found to be In bad condition by Robert M.
Simmers. State dairy and food agent.
The report that the Baldwin Locomotive Company had closed another muni
tions order for the Allies amounting to approximately 400,000 shells, at an aggre
gate cost of about 15,000,000. has been confirmed by officials of tha company., A
largo paxt of the order will be made at the Eddystoae plant,
Resents Accusation Made
Before Grand Jury by
"Chink" Schwartz J
Favors Its Continuance Until tha
Whole Situation Is
Emphatic denial was made this afternoon
by Special Policeman Michael Kearso that
ho- ever collected money rrom gamblers or
disorderly houses In the Tenderloin, a
charged by Samuel Schwarta last Friday
before the Grand Jury.
Kcarse declared that his record was spot,
less, nnd In testifying before tho Jury defied
nny ono to como forwnrd with specific facts
to tho contrary. Ho said Schwartz, who is
also known as "Chink," was "a damnable
liar." Tho pollcoman also denied tha
chnrge that ho confiscated drugs which wera.
taken In a dope raid at Seventh and Cal.
lowhlll streets.
Charles O. Mcrshon, foreman of tho Grand
Jury, who has been Buffering from tha
heat, did not report for duty and his place
was filled by Joseph Manning.
Tho vice Investigation should bo con- '
tlnued until tho exact truth la learned, in .
tho opinion of Mayor Smith, who said that
ho favored the plan of sticking on the Job
until the wholo situation was cleared.
The Mayor made It plain that any half
way measures would havo little or no ef
fect nnd expressed tho belief that tho whola
matter should be sifted to tho bottom.
Ho contended that thero was always evi
dence cropping up, nnd to hasten matters
would only mako tho whole thing useless.
Lieutenant Barry, of tho Fourth and
Snyder avenuo station, was the first' wit
ness called today. Ho was questioned con
cerning tho existence of several alleged
disorderly houses which masqueraded as
clubs In the southern part of tho city, They
wero known as the Petty Ofllcors' Club and
tho Man of Warsmen Club. Barry said
theso places had been closed up. Ho said
thero were no more houses in the southern
part of tho city frequented by sailors.
Max Lleber, a former constable for Mag
istrate MacFarland, said ho would go on
the stand today and tell somo of tho meth
ods adopted hy this Magistrate. He said
MacFarland mado a practice of holding
persons for further hearings so that a
"fixer" could get busy and bring about a
settlement between the plaintiff and de
fendant. The only cases MacFarland held for
court, according to Lleber, were those of
poor persons, who had no money. Lleber
cited several Instances In which he said tha
magistrate dealt unfairly with prisoners.
Owen Jones, of the Twentieth Ward Re
publican Club, said he didn't know of a
"rotten" spot In the Twentieth Ward.
A record of the Liquor License Court of
190G, when Judges Sulzberger and von
Mochzlsker wore presiding, was uncovered
today by D. Clarence Glbbonoy, president
of the Law and Order Society, to Bhow an
Incident in Assistant Director Davis's career
that caused a severe rebuke at the hands
of Judge Sulzberger. A remonstrance had
been filed by Davis, then a lieutenant.
against a saloon owned by John McBrlda
at Broad Btreet and Moyamenslng avenue.
The remonstrance alleged that McBrlda
had allowed policy Belling In his place of
business, but at the hearing Davis asked
the court for permission to withdraw his
petition, as he had made a mistake in
naming McBrlde's saloon. D?vls explained
that the evidence he had of policy selling
occurred In another saloon, not McBrlde's.
but he did not explain why he had not
filed a remonstrance against tha othe:
At that time Judge Sulzberger remarked
that he did not believe Davlstwhen he said
the mistake was accidental, and said. "You
are a high degree of unfitness as an ofH
cer." The record, Mr, Glbboney said, may
be wanted by the Grand Jury to corroborate
to a certain degree the testimony that Davis
has not always performed his police duties
as he should.
Mr. Glbboney has furnished tha District
Attorney with a list of about 100 names
of men who have profited by the' rampant
vice conditions In the Tenderloin, Tha list
contains, he said, politicians of a minor
grade, men who have lived on the earnings
of disreputable women and proprietors of
disorderly and gambling houses. Tha list
will not be made public until the Grani
Jury has made its final report.
All the city's prominent, police officials
have now testified before the Grand Jury,
In addition to a large number of policemen,
politicians and Tenderloin habitues, and
there Is every Indication that the vice In.
vestlgatlon will bo concluded this week and
a presentment made on Monday.
Today, tomorrow and Friday will be de
voted to covering detail and giving- oppor
tunity to many who have been accused of
irregularities to give their side of tha case.
One question which has not been mad
quite clear to the Jurors is that concernm'
the seizure of slot machines from a hoiua
on Ridge avenue and their subsequent re
turn. As the police ara warranted at all
times in destroying such devices thsre Is
much conjecture as to why this was tuti
done In the case In question. BuperistM.
ent Robinson was expected to o on Mm
stand yesterday and explain that ha
turned these machines becausa ha bad; &.
covered that they had not b,ea um4 tef
the last four years. But for sew fmmm
the superintendent did not Jwr.
There r muy who aj mw eemttw
w i Ata
" t-Jm,