V -" ' - "- ' a - ' i iii i , vaTEST- 1 agf V TUESDAY August 1,1916 a - -';; Ms-'. j 1EJ !1 i - -5, , . . f a. w lcimnitii mks ' : - iKI i frl f 1 & r w , frl r s H ' kr' HI RiiPHIG NOTES AND COMMENT ON THE VARIED NEWS OF THE DAY AS RECORDED BY THE CAMERA " iii ,JBnBBBBVBjflBBBIEBiBBilBi33iB JBB 1 m rS BBf " ' jBBE b, S lfllB4NRfSHMKrefwllEB9HB'Jm hmbb' wsr je "Sk jJBtlv MBBBIBBW?jfCTBiTBBL3TMBBF'LiBBMB $250,000 YACHT OWNED BY "LUCKY" BALDWIN'S DAUGHTER The California is the largest pleasure craft that ever visited Atlantic City, whoro, after a voyage of mishaps from the Pacific, she celebrated her arrival by grounding on tho bar. Her owner is Mrs. Clara Baldwin Stacker. IN GRAY AND BLACK These now guards havo been installed in Independence and Washington Square parks, re lieving regular policemen from duty there. rhoto br Underwood & Underwood. NOT SUCH A BAD SITUATION AT THIS TIME OP YEAR Austrian Alpine troops making their way over the snow-capped peaks which ,form an everlasting barrier Between weir country ana Italy. , WIIWIIII IIIIH.WI. ! .Il.ll. Mill 'II"""""" " ' ' " " " TTM,"M """""""""- I , """ II !!- ,,.! ,, ' I III MWi - ' - - ' ' ' ' l Jf - r ! 1 p - Photo br XntsrnitioriAl TUm 8ryio. zt ',5sfv??: MERCY TO THE ENEMY - - ,.,.., , . 4t PWIW OP KELtEY SCHOOL GIVE A PLAY IN THE mUigaf ths threat In their long bayonets by giving a wounded prisoner a long uU at ,They uilt a etege almost oa the1B$reet curb, at Twenty-eighth street and Columbia avenue !4i &'-'- "-' - he.water,bftle . , '. v5."- ':.tr. t-'Ww - ' - ..-'.f'X ' - ---V. . ; . ' , -,. . ',. ... -i-. designed by .tbemselves, ' OPEN AIR where they gave a performance in costumes 1 --.": f. -v- j-, :; ; ?fi!feLii ijPslW-". j. Setysgg- ' - B .