IS EVENING LBDGBB-PHIIiADBLPHIA, TUESDAY, ATOTJST 1, 1010. i i ,t. h- & 1 lAsk the Travel . i the FOR SAMS orrMARD. TOOIi. combination. second1 hand, Bhourht. sold, rented, exchsnuedl repalrln! SSSSllM. Lae Keafer. American rrmnufse- turtr. 820 Olrard ave. Phone Kens. 231ft. . MliUnDr.poolUblMinwiMcond-liah If T."L .",'." ' t."m " i," s " f Vhon l 224, Si.iAF.STntl&l0. nALKtVCOLLENDEft CO.. 1002 Arch. rt.BII ItKalSTEIlB bought. '"" "r,',!f,'!'. Ant -. -..-nii-a. nmv nnd factory rebuilt; ;w totil udders. as low ft" 30. Call and easy paymenw u., ..... . THE NATIONAL CASK nEOtSTnil CO. lilt. 0 CUK8TNUT STIIEET. rtrqKB larite assortments; also household fur Dttiire DullnsT Crntrn Bcrnnd-hsrid Furnl- nlture. .'""" nm .Ann ol A r-allATwhltt at. tnrft UOmP". ii iTvM.- "j;-. riir.TifjnAPH New. guaranteed! offer tor 1-3 cost. Ilussell aum. Phlla. Hourse l'h. Lorn- H 490. vmve.tCIAN'8 OFriCB nQ.Mr.MENT and fur- "inure. vVr? reasonable, Including a Campbell hlfrenuency cabinet and KoodUne of sur- ileal Instruments. 4408ChetnuU.ti Fireproof! CO slightly uiedl a" sixes end makes! hi bargains. 210 N. Fourth aUjweenJtaCjBandVlne. SAFES rrPEWntTErt. visible l,.,c2l-iM0..m for ulred short tlmeljtood conrtlllonl will sell for . $30 822 Land Title Hulldlng. . JttTOllfcS. 11TH AND "llTTONWOOD. has. the Unrest and best assortment of Jijed Sffice furniture and fixtures In this part of the ii.tnirv. Anything to equ p an office at prices that $11 p)eas8j:ou:Free: delivery anywhere, EnTtrTlANT diamond horseahon pin. bargain, tittle T estate, 145. O 240. Ledger Central HEATINO itiKIN-KBLSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and hVaper than steam or hot wate r. ruro fresh Sir with normal moisture. MAICIN-KELSKT. 1827 Fllbort st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS rn AWAY WITH ROME machine troubles. Use 15 roCOM ANTI-FRICTION 1II5TAL for lining mafhlni bVarlngs. Users say It gives i the Sn.t satisfactory service provo It .yourself. RON and UltAJSa FOUNIJltYa. 145 North Second. ta-k-ci vnr-itM RON. ' POWEH-PLANT EQUIPMENT Drnamos. motors. IrollerB. steam and oil en- t rln. pumps, air compressors. , , rnANIC TOOMEY. INC.. 127 N, 3d St. CON INCEUTH MIXETl 10-foot 'Fn.ckard'' ' -H!S" !ledrlven: barrow honrer: best light mixer. v. bpyipn b noun, mi .u.m ... -.. , DTNA1IOS. motors and machinery bought, sold i .. .m-iitpfi rnnslred. Main m. '"."kit arm:.. Tesrsley Co.. 224 N. 3d st. TiTarKei nuit.f. ifio7 -.. - - - - VOOD PULLEYS lOllhort); thousands In stock. all dlimetcrs, CHARLES BOND COMPANY. (520 Arch at; 6o. I"), lio'lnch laundry mangles: so. 24, Vi. uu-men .,iu,.u., -j-Y-r Nrnthst.. inn ir P ORRHNE-CORLISS ENOINK ror "sei ,6?anr,be ."on running! $300. HAFLEIQH . CO.. American and Cambria sts. FIpeTTFITTINOS. nil sixes. PHILA. 2D-IIAND PIPE SUPPLY, 1003 N. 7th. Both phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LESTER TLAYER. slightly -!. "JJ. v,e.W cheap: your upright taken In exchange, full vilui. F. A. North. 3214 Kensington avenue. Open evenings. $TS CHICKKIIINQ UPRIGHT PIANO - ' HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. OTH, AUGUST VICTOR j";,0,03 NOW ON SALB 1120 CHESTNUT ST. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum. Platod ware old tylo Jew-lnr. teeth. P atcs bouBh for cash. ust. 1QIU. J. J. --" " . .. nr n noijI Cash paid for old gold, silver, an- 0taucl"wlfi"'cglL . Bell Phone, Locust 1210. ROOriRS. 37 8. 17 h st Est, laiu. j- -'. ....... "" CASK VAIP FOR DIAMONDS. PIIBCXOUS V.1011 .,.. -It.... nlnllntim fftlB tttn. 'PfilK belting &-HctCVco.V 128 3. 11th. PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents, Trade-Marks and Corporation Practice J. Walter Douglass ESTABLISHED 1885. .a ..PHILADELPHIA. North American Ttalldlnr. " ' WA8IIINOT0N. Victor Building. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AROVB CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVINO. SHIPPINO . Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured. stored. Tlill. Locust 10B0 Phones Koy,. Bars 4100 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE S'orage. iraovlnr, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Fh.Ba.rlni- 732 for cstrmate.jlarkejfcjmju llcCANN'8 STORAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st moving, packing, shipping! auto vans; both phones. Let us estimate, WANTED SROKEN JEWELRY, false tseth. Pistols, coins, coin DOOKSi Willi lrn--r V .i,..l' . i 1 ion ROSS (People's Store), 2Bft 8. 11th, Wal, 4488, BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, gold, silver. Platinum bought. Keystone Co., 735 Walnut. Est. I860. . CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' and mn's clothing, hats, "hoes. etc. Phone Poplar 6771. nLACKEK. 1280 Poplar. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques! entire or pert houses bought for cash: no matter how large. J. BERNSTEIN, 1334 Ridge ave. BEST PRICES paid for men's cast-off clothing. shoes, etc. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Glrard ave. Phono Poplar 0342. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT, 1004 Bachelor apartments for business people: phono Locust 731. CHESTNUT ST.. 2000 Desirable rooms, pr- LOCU8T. 1318 DESIRABLE ROOMS! EX CELLENT LOCATION. . 210 WEST LOOAN SQUARE DESIRABLE VACANCIES EFEIIENCD ?Tn ST.. B.. 238 Unusually attractive suite ana single room ror gentlemen: eieciricny. 18TH ST.. 81 B. Large 2d-st6ry front room) suitable for 2 gentUmen; al8qilng,lergom!j;h1 faANDSOMELY FURNIBHED front room In large modern private home) electrlo lights, 10 minutes to City Hall. Tel. Baring 416. BUn URBAN i , . i i FURN. ROOMS for rent, with privilege of cook. Inc. on 12-acre place: spacious porches (shady side). Lima. Delaware County, Pa. BOARDING CHESTNUT BT , cor. 20th (The Margrave) Vacancies, permanent, transient! sup. uuaru. FRANKLIN. N.. 1213 Fine home for girls and married couplesirea8onablei table bd. also. ilERMANTOWN.502S Morris st. Pleasant rms.. excellent table! conv. to cars! ref. qtn. 7Ba J. 6PRUCB. 1 224-28 Furnished roomsi private ' baths: tabl"board. Phone Walnut 7171. SUBURBAN OERMANTOWN The Bhlniwn. Wayhe k Hans- berry First class In appointments service, SANITARIUMS UBAUTIFUL location: special sclentlflo care; nervous, elderly; every comfort! 'nurses: book let Dr Randal, City Line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS ROCKETT'S Apartments. 620 to .036 N. lOth-st. Suites of 1 and 2 rooms, with private bath; . furnished or nnfnrnlshed: every conv. MAIN LINE. V. B- B. OVERBROOK ..,., THE DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station. One housekeeping apartment. T room and bath, ta lease after SeptemUr 1. PURNISHED APARTMENTS DREXEL APARTMENTS at Overbrook Station Furnished apartments, consisting of 2 sleep Ing rooms, 1 exceptionally large living room and bath, dlnlnic room In but ding, to rent to Ssptomber J6. Phone Overbrook U328. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS N B. COR. 17TK AND WALNUT STS. This, 13-story Apartment House Is built of coacrte and ateel. thoroughly Oreproofed and of the moat modern, architecture. Suites of 3 rooms and 1 bath ta 7 rooms and a baths. iucludlng several bachelor suites with every 'I?YVEW"0F Tre'LAROB HOUSB KEePINC (SUITES i LEFT THEY ARE THE FINEST IN PHIL.. HAVINO SODTHEltN. EASTERN AND 'WESTERN .EXPOSUllES. LONO TEHif LEASES WILL BB'BA.YED OCTOBER. 1810. , Ml thlaia consldvred- the rentals are mod erate, For further Information, arrangement for laspeotion and rewrvatton. apply to V9 rtMi" u w, Stevuoui am. Man at Ledger -w . Ledgers Vacation Guide tor ltfio HOUSEKKilITQ JIPARTMENTS Continued from Precedtno Column THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OP SECURING AN APARTMENT . Ilut suppose, Instead of trying all these dif ferent ways, you Just call at this office the largest, most attractive and best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively, to securlnc Just vnhat they want for particular people. Tell us, your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed .with, ot may be, rented through us. 0ur.automobll9 r waiting to take, you to the. lie, of properties you designate, and with the least possible effort you will cure the one apart ment .In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD .1411 WALNUT 8T A SpruceRn71. TtaceaQ2S. HOyaEKEKFINO apts.: all parts"bf city: rent 12,1 to $70 per monthi call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Btern,1201 Chestnut St. MODEHN APArtTMENTST all sfies and prices. Call or write for complete directory, free. Apartment Bureau, 210 Franklin Dank Dldg. west riiiL.tnKi.rniA KtNosooumv BOTH AND CHESTNItT 8TS. SEVERAL MODERN "OtTOEKEErtNO APARTMENTS IX)R RENT: ELECTRIC ELE VATORS. PUI1LIC DININO nOWt. APPLY EST, TH03, M. SEEDS, JR.. 1207 RACEST. THE ALI1KRT. 042 S. . 4th Southern-exposed corner, 0 rooms and bath, glass-Inclosed sun Barlor and porch. Fall reservation. Taylor & on. 20 S. pth. ESSEX, 84th and Chestnut: Monterey. 4M and Chester: Belmont. 34th and Snrlne Harden. Inquire Janitor, or CRES3B. 308 Hale llldg, APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof . LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEASES PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PAIlKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TH STItEBT Special rates for ""mrner season, turnlshed and unfurnished. Cuisine ot peculiar excellence. WHERE TOWN "Ddb'uNTRT MEET nllierVfriM jlvn AND MORRIS ST.. OBR- 1' UHftmncu ....- -w . DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Blatlon Furnished apartments, consisting of sleep ing rooms. 1 exceptionally large living room and bath! dining room. In bulldlngi to rent to September 10. Phone Overbrook 0328. NEWPORT SPRUCE . Amir orrmTTTfl AnnANOmtENTB KOIf KALI CAN NOW HB MAPTj "IN THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 22.1 8. BROAD 8T. Tltr! TTtACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS TCnilaaTll AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1030 N. ALDER STREET, nsieed $1000 2618 N. Mhtetr street, assessed lion 120 Chrisllan streit., assessed.. 1H"' 112J Marlborough street assessed.. ..... 3500 Ouarantee.Trust and Sn ; Deposit Co.. .1 1 ikuo-jw """' izj-i; TTr.Tirr PROPEnTY To settU estate; property "oodndlJonand rented OTU at $00'0 a year: tfffrSgff ?5J8to lntn nnn inerij.. $200013004 Be grade -22S 23301 3060 Belgrade .... 100 "SR0!3126TIIton. 22 1036 N. Camac, 1413 Boris .... 1411) none '';."".,- or.n irir Frnncn i.uu ALFRED l''"w".'AMa. 622 Walnut st. -,, n,i West Phllo. and Oormantown Nh?me.. $1800 tS $0000. First payment only "Merchants' union trust co. a.U-1-a. s - e Z.T, ,- MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building AssocUtfon and Trust Fund. Qm mw " ' ? v-'r.- . . .'" " "- iftTtr 11T1I 14TH AND 16TH WAK1) uui 10T" R8?T8EiLLEIlS AND RENTERS. SEE FRIEDRICH A CO.. 801 N. UTH ST. 1033-1633 SPRUCE ST. Lot 4 U33 reei. .., Samuel W. Levis. Real Estate Trust Building. CpNTRAL PROPERTIES for sah, rent. ' ". ih nd Chestnut. r . i... ". . . ... .-- , . iTir st N 817-819 Look these over: rented 1 M S63iassesed $0000: price $2500, subject to "inn" ma sac Y f SON. 13th and Preen. Ilulldlng IMk. Factory Bites, ete. ntOICB BUILDING IX)TS and large tracts xvrlT 1'HIIMIELPHIA tQinn 8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and elec ' ..liTiihti Barauetry floors, shower bath, gas pain mm tmuiivii -- SEND FORLIST SALVOR RENT 62d .ml llaltlmore avenue. THOMAS AVE. HOMES. G3d to 51th st. Price $8000. Agent ;n premises. 15 H AP3LEY,G8th ondprlngnoldjive; nYOlTWANT TO BUY or rent a homo see Mathlas about 1L ;;.TI, uT above Glrard: fine 3-story porch homes '9Sw grcheVtn-utf- OERMANTOJVN Tin LISTER. 1B1-! nermantown ave. OERMANTOWN HOMES. MJ- Franklin Bankjlldg. .Walnut 637. rTm tivat. ESTATE BULLETIN will be sent 0Itil Jiuby mall on application. Oermantown Trust Co.T Chelten 'andO.rmantown aves. mi? Z k. "iVehan. 6747 Qermantownave. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken st.. east of ner mantown ave. J, H. UlAUiviui. . -".. 6022 Oermantown ave. nrirTIFUL "'.story, living-room house: 4 bed Bmsi liilwood (iborsi gas. electric! bargain. ,51 Kail Walnut lane, Mt. Airy. Cennantown NEW SALE AND RENT LIST 'HEADY Tlham Mt. Airy and Chestnut lllll. PELHAM TRUST CO.. QT4n Cermantovn ave. Chestnut lllll SFVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES SEV MINTURN PT7lWIligilT CO.. Morris Ilulldlng. Tlora WH HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT nn-it'AfAoriMANTOWN. 1AHWU REAL ESTATE, rtgej-nconveyanctng. JtiSS 7. llroad St. Ixran 41)33 N. Broad st PENNSYLVANIA BCBCBBAN IPiSBrW "SKi $meoVo7niy $4b30 Cia'SlliffiR'WATT3. wSITlrooklln. Btatlon. DARBY Nearly new. all brick, side yord prop erty, convenient location: 8 rooms: all conv.J 5teltyj$j;7iJwopeA 3qns,J?arby. vi wins PAHK New single dwelling, 10 rooms; houwater heat! P?ice $000. McCormlck Mo ffmWT lull Chestnut st. and Elklna Parkj ?,S,oin"0&fNOEbl?1,ilE'NNVaE. Olenslde. Pa. TAN3DALE 8-room mod. stone house: electrlo fihts large porches, greenhouse: open , coun- irv VsUO. A. H. TYSON. LansdaU. Pa. OAK LANE. 0214 Part ave. Nsw 2-story bun H T. tead. Oak Lane; . h?at SSitGi vVry d?;irablei convenient to Eublfo school, preparatory achools. Swarth morJ Colhwe, Penna trains, trolleys, stores and church.! Will make attractive Pfloe for liSmedlatS salei satisfactory terms. M 18. Ledg.r OfflceJ . . TifREB"TUNS lt ui show you a gentleman inuntrv Seat of 63 acres, having 2 residences, SS. with J I baths and both havlnic mauy nre one wiiu ''rL .w u..... iMtweuii tha Rffiwar. aod Schuylkill; V Unant" house.. iVeJylhfra "rapfet. and Sn splendid runnln """ H, J. Pater, Inc . AmWerPa. "CITY AND SUBURBAN'REAl, ESTATE 202 3. ISth it. , "CHOICE BUILDING SITES ARTHUR P TOVVNSENP. LaaghorcSj- ya, uimllKHAN ilOMES FOR SALE OR RENT KDU V v 1.1 &t." .j "- "T " TilJUURUAN real estate n Tirlcs All locations. Sale or rent AcffAKLES JV HOpii CO.. Morrta Bldg. " SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY ' BllcfwN'tc&UD. NorrUte Jta. Central to Hand You a Copy of -j -i n H AH " HE AIi ESTATE jBBALE v rr.NN8VEVANiA summiun CojiHntird from rnctdlno Column nUII.O a liouw or bunejlow Tf oi like l North a enslrto. Ixits 1250 up. W- a. Glenn. 1431Irfind Title llldg. and U17 CoUjmhla.av.ei SELECT Properties Country seats farrns: list orders now. LEWIS T. imgOKB A SON, 1114 South Penn.sq FOUNUED187 SUnURMAN nESIDENCES for sale or rentl attrsctlve Incntlnns: prices right. Maurice J. Hoover. Ileal KetaleTrustHJdg LA1UIE LIST OF. SUliimHAN "HOMES, sale or Aitiri uf , uiiuiv"v.' :y"" ' rent, on th Main Line or Heading n. T. WM. H. WILSON UL Morris Ilulldlng. Bnbnrban Ixits . SPnlNQFIELD Iil BOxlTS feet! all Improve ments: price $700) easy terms. Ii 64B. lagr Central. . - MA1K LINE, r. K. It.. NARI1ERTH A hew house. Montgomery avenue near tollgate, with all eonyenlences. . W.n.8MITH,0OI2 Drcxel roadupyerbrooK. NAflRERTH Now bulldlmt."") frooms, hardwood floors: 2 baths: .forest trees: garsre! price $7B00. Ilarhert A CUjthfmn2fj4JJalley Jlldg. IMMACULATE country home: 2V4 a., old shade) $22,000. rnoNEFlELD.WaynejPa, SUIlURtlAN HOMES, country Pla,1"'",", Huin2 Ing sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. house 12 rmi.. a nnest uainns m. i..., .--. H. C. HUNTER. Waynf.Pa NEW JERSEY SUttURnAN LtrPINrOTT T)TS AND HOME8 " !'"li"."?VAV.Kfri!r V11,I,L1 ljn-i-i.-l.-v A "NO-MCENSU" TOWN uD,9KnsLaBSh.l?3,JA!W-f!S- .i J. . i riLiiirj k qsj. vu " : -- - .- LARcnrri70T8A"Tl6jtES. IIIOH ELEVATION Cheap.Fo.dcr. L.SNOOK. Woodbury Hgts.,N,J. NEW JERSEY REASHORr. . You Can Own a SEASHORE BUNGALOW For the price of an automobile or the cost of a trip abroad. Lot and BuDgalow ONLY $950 Terms, $250 Cash; Balance on Mortgages Situated within two short Model of tho ncenn and one block from the famous IN. J.) Slnto lnlnnd Waterway. In the very heart of tho fastest growing saslde resort on the South Jersey roost, reached almost hourly by both rnllroads (ferry and bridge trains) nt the same rntes of fnr an Atlantic City. ,,,. No need of cnmplnc out or roughing IMJJ tent or cabin awny up In New Lngland wlien furnished framo cnttago supplied with pure artesian water, connected whh underground sewer system, lighted by electric lights, stand ing on n graded nnd graveled lot. fronting on n graveled street, within easy commuting dis tance ot your business. You can supply your table with fresh fish and crabs, which you can ratch yourayif i rresn vegetables, fruits, berries, eggs nnd poultry nre served nt your door at country prlc". . Ifo nnd milk nrn delivered dally why nwclter In the city during tha hot weather? . . , Surf bathing on a superb beach! power boat In, sailing nnd rowing on salt water bajs. sounds and channels; dancing, motion pictures nnd other amusements at a handsome casino on n new boardwalk over a mile long: Jacht club, three churches, tolerhone, express Brocery stores, hotels, etc. In fact, all tho advantages of a $5000 seashore cottage are Satisfactory references aro required and rrorcr restrictions are incorporated In our deed to you. thus assuring the permanency ana success of our colony, .,nni Dally Inspection trips (morning or afternooni arranged; railroad tickets, etc.. ..provided. Write for appointment and ask for illustrated circular, floor plan, maps nnd further par ticulars. Address The Secretary, Postoffice Box 602 COTTAGE at Capo May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction: attractive plans sub mitted free by the reallable builder. OTIS M. TUWar.riLJ. uce.n win. SEE Wlldwood Crest Extension first before pur chasing elsewhere. Wlldwood Crest Realty Co.. 1472 N. 62d st. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS. 11 ACRES, on pike: abundance of fruit! 13500. J. B. THOMPSON, West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Philadelphia, train nnd trolley. Wrote for jwrnphlet. BARLOW & CO.. Maple bhade. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent. JAMES DjJVlNCIIELL. 17th and Bansom sts. cTTV7ANp8ynimpAN prowrtls. for sale or rtont ljOwer jJueriiMi Aottj o" THle Ilulldlng. Philadelphia..,? rent, .Jwer ...... - riOfNSYLVANIA BCBPBBAN. TiAT.A.CYNWYD Large list housjs. sale or relit nt all lirlces. Samuel C. NVaKtier, Jr.. "img-lnV Trust Bldg.. ISth and Market. MAIN LINE. P. B. B. MAIN LINE Best line of Main Line houses, either for sale or rent, nt nil P.rices. HIRST & McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE SIDE-TARD 3-story .dwelling In Rox borough, convenient to train and trolley, to exchange for house In W'st Philadelphia or Oermantown! may consider cottage In At lantic City or Ocean City. Isadore Martin, 0 N. 42d st. . REAL ESTATE TO EX3HANQE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what y'l'cEMsHA c'ROWir Chestnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE APPLICANTS waiting for 13 to """"fSinVa'a-rvi -nM at Broad. Mmtiuow x - "" "-. ir CAREFUL ATTENTION to CQ.lectlon ot renti; "l A,lfr1.&.V,,nS,3WEailL'. Wit .13th.L Kane for prompt results. 2328 lasker t. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY BTOREB AND DWELLINOS in all sections of city. See our list in theLedger Saturday, i,k" M aifYri.-?T. T FY1V it CO. B. isreor. 0th and Callowhlll STORES. ,a FOR RENT rAt?6llIE3 ngARTH. RIDOE AV0! KIlliAtl . ll.wuui ".e. '--- - " .-TJ nn nifir'nrsurn T TQ1 THEn'dVtLeVnD TRUST CO. ' nr aid and Chestnut sts. ;, nrn ST.. 1324 N. Three-story, a rooms, ALDI.K "lli:v.nt jo. Key at Wm. L. Even's Sons, 1640 N. 7th st Business Properties and Stores STORES 607 Arch st. 1808 Chestnut J 003 Wal 11IU Wal 1204 Wa !5l7 Wal , 130 South ' Walnut lM b. nut inut t i'. -.--'." J. A. PATTERSON t juarK.t 16th st. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Metropolitan Building drSlad Cohocksink Mills 0TAb.Dcob.aT8- Floors. 6000 to q n wneap power. 11 PV McNEELY. 1782 Randolph. 4000 8Q. FT. FLOOR SPACE in bulfdlng with modern eaulpmenti railroad elding, uB-poi-ofdea. low Insurance. Apply C. J. Mllne Sons. N. B. cor 11th and Washington ave. JJERCIIANTS' BUILDING . . V?ri,a.u JT1I1 BTPffCT Desirable rooms, power and light. 4TH ST , N . ll-3 Manufacturlnat aoorsi steam heat and power. Apply Penna Co., 617 Chestnut St. HAVE'PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for satisfactory tenant. mE.miwun, ioi .ii,ufc w FACTORIES, sites, warehouses, floor space ex clusively: J Alan Mlddleton. factory speclal St and enrlnefr. 009-11 Wldener Bldg.. Phlla. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS ETC. DREXEL BLDQ. OFFICES- Annual Rentals - ,, ..,- . t,4n ikh v-.r corner suites. 5 to a rooms, jauu 10 ltu. ELLIS U. WJLL1AM3, 6110 Drex.l BuUdlng. " MERCHANTS' BOILDINO V4 NORTH 4TK STREET Very desirable offlnea, hat and Ught OFFICE $lTper month and up: Includes heat, Ughtt elevator and Janitor service. "V X; PATTERSON. 130 S ISthjt. CHESTNUT ST.. 924 2d floor, large skyljsKI good space foe architect. LEA. KifTATfei 1 i) Baujjfa a. usa: i ?& nk m'm.mmm ui x'm ixiiii inu REAI. ESTATE tfOR RENT jrjFricESjyj8iNnssnooi9 eto Continued from rrtctdtng Column HEED RIllLUrNlt . 1211-1". Filbert ,t. , , Centrally located: all conveniences! rents at tractively low! service continuous. TO SUBLET at a reasonabto Price, furn'ed or unfurnished, a largo front office , on ine fourth floor of the Ilellevue Court DuUo'nf; 1418 Walnut at., for the term of the lease expiring June I, 1017. Apply Room 401. Ilelle vue Court Ilulldlng. Professional Offices . PROFESSIONAL IIUILDINQ. 1BS1-83 Chestnut at. A few suites for physicians or dentists. J. T. JACK8QN CO., Chestnut and, lain. WEST PHILADELPHIA. DWELLINGS, STORES. APAItTMLNTS FOR RENT WM. H. W. QUICK A Rltp. INC. 8 SOUTH 40T1I STREET BERMAN BROTHERS, 0i0 MARKET Houses, apartments, istores Near flnTH ST "L" STATION For, rent " sale. Business rroneriles nnd Btere . STOI1E AND FIXTURES. 4322 Market and near l, siation; rent .i. . . .... . f..i,. JAMES X. MITCHELL, 4flth and Market. OERMANTOWN DETACHED dwelling, 13 rooms, 2 bams. 8?jc; TOURISON. 7014 noycrat Otn. $30 DWELLINGS, 11 ROOMS nenu lor j.ibi. a M -,,. Continental-Equitable Trust Coi21JLJ.2th; OERMANTOWN PROPERTIES, $00 Jt"Z?- Parllculars upon request. 'A"ilAJw..D1,Jr MAN A CO., N. E, Cor, nr"d nnd Chestnut, Chestnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Oermantown, Chestnut Hill. Main Line. WAHNOC1C A EMLEN Commerrlnl Trust Ilulldlng, PK8iXYANtAJURjraiLN BROOKL7NE Brand new J'",Vrir'i? Rii water heat. Mectr.. large lots. ;"-li0.aS-.B.u up, J, ELMER WATT8, opp. Brookllne Bta. MAIN LINE. P. B. It. ARDMORE 30 St. Tsui's road, 12 rooms, $601 I!"MIT1I. O0B2 Drex.l road. Overbrook. . HAVERFORD New Houses AND ' Housekeeping Apartments In excellent location! 3 minutes from station and club. $65 to $100 McILVAIN & CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING FOR RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SUllUItBAN. unrT.AN HOSE VALLEY. For August and MSopt.mbei " comfortabie'country home near station: well furnished, large lawn and gar den. F Tf7. Ledger Central. MORTQAOEB TO SECURE A MORTGAGE. Tie It first or second If you desire efficient service; "quick and satisfactory results and "CAlVToNe" OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will be as good as placed." vnnM-AN fl. SHERWOO", I4tl Walnut st. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING PARPEN To loan on real" eTtate" security: immediate TVem.nti payable as djggg. n a u . 1T I SP. IQfl a a,am -. FIRST AND SECOND MOnTOAGn FUNDS SUCCESSJ8rTLEW.S H. REDNER rnrvm for first and second mortgages. FUNIJ. jT nf"BNBIl( 1201 Chestnut st. MORTOAOE8 SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY DU BRUMBAUGH & PARKER. INC. 1'iq. . . - w - MONEY AND MORTGAGES LABOE AND SMALL SUMS v tii-Si$9iJn NORR1S BT. unnnnn TO INVEST In first mortgages. In n22m2 frem 11000 up. i aTso building association ty??',B,a.i?ai?fftg&?th and Callowht!Lt, TTrnTJ-DTT'T T FUNDS FOR FIRST AND WOKKUjLiIj SErOND MORTGAGES 636 N, 17TH ST. $100 $500 TO $6000 TO LOAN. LEWIS ft CO. 1227 W. Glrard ave. $50 LOANS ON INTKU15M1 in r.aiw , T,AfflggfA V.a'nK'title bldq. MONEY tor -Vg'j lSffii? V'VTt7 AT inco n Bldg.. Phlhv - rsainlrfira PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS jim.n.1 30.000T , . cr.WATilSl.tlTZ: 240 N. 17th St. i. r.-. --. , $100,000 AT 414 PER CENT TflHN A. nABRQfl7Land Tltlejlldg "iuiLDING ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE nrT T NASH 1001 CHESTNUT ST.... "IIONEY FOingTD S MORTGAGES 701 ?.viit'"t. 6203 SPRUCE ST. THREfrBUILD'tNO AS3NS meeting this week 1AND TITLE BU1LDINO ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. ISTH ST. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND MORTGAGES POTTS ft THOM80tfJM2mnkfoxdjave; -AinrAMNSAND 2D MOHTGAOES MAURICE II. MATSINOEJlJteaI-Est.Tr. Bldg. M0NEY"F0irM0RTOAGES $1000 TO $100,000 .,. .. JACOB A. FRITZ. 1100 lnaTli:euiag. FUNDS FOR'TST AND 2D MORTGAGES THEO. B. SICKLES. 2313 Oermantown ave. ANY AMOUNT. $50 to $6000 to loan to real A estate , ownsre-, 1 note or mortgage. Arthur J. l"upold. PJlg'Chestnut; TJJ5 WANT MORTaAOES First, second or JblAllllv. ' " "" TTrn3aZ;L.arge or small sums on real estate, SrpTo.!i2t:18, V?n?hVster ConiajyiJOOljChe.tnutj.t. 401-407 CommonTaithBuUdlgg; mvHKRS It your roortisgo has been called. I 'ini like It Wl also 2d mortgage money. EMERGENCY FUNDS placed at once: any .urn: immediate answer; lowest rates. F. N. DL- '" WKY. 1113 Lincoln. Broad and Penn sq. Tht and 2d mtgs.i bldg. and prlvats funds! quick 1 JnS iatlsfactory results: moderate charges. CAIIERONESTATE: 2811Kenslnton ave, TTt ixihiTNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtges. ALL AMOUW 10 10 w E d Tru.t Hidjr. 1".1"- ': Unas. x, '. mum. -yy ... -. - MONEY TO LOAN "YOU CAN BORROW TODAY $16 TO $204 Sk'sTD DONdTcSmPAI qgK H ferife YoucaS U&rr. JO' xSH St? 11 Jo or $204 at 2 per cent Interest. Pay. ifinVire ?mall ind 'within your Income. We !?. (I private offices for your convenience, ilmlt us to explain our up-to-date method. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 1SX SOUln JDToaa otretib flftond floor. Next to Forrest Theater. .... .. wrtooniV TLtrtvwv ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. U til AND UP ,2. $75 f " . JHK IJ00 " " 154 BIEDBR-3 M5?l- 1NO OXFORD ST 22D AND SOUTH BTI fH BTS, ;nvRV LOANED ta helra of unsettled estates; "Siiisui boSht. V F. .MARTIN. 72i-25 The Young Lndy Across the Way oxzxfn . The youhB lady ncroBH tho way nays aha saw In tho paper that tho mora toriums In London and Paris havo been dosed for Bomo weeks now nnd Blio supposes tho poor fellows are cared for rluht thoro on the battlo ncld. Early Expectations Johnnie What's your name, little Blrl? Llttlo Girl Eva. Johnnie Eva, what? What's your last name? Llttlo Qlrl I don't know what It will bo. I ain't married yet MODERN THE Quy THAT OWES PVFRV DMT-IN TQNNM AND STANDS. ON Irlr; CORNER AN D&RACih. ABOUT THE M0NV1 HE SPENT ON ACOllPtE rte rnVMP. Vwri NICjHT BEF.ORE ucAxvnoh' R.en Ultimate Victory as. Cornell Widow. nverythlnK comes to him who waits. And also to him who orders hash In a quick lunch. THE WORST IS ctrwsninaforv iS4 ' 2 z "kfife ' ttgZM fAV.EUP LAVrrtKaNT- I B0UC.H7 ,6. . "nVvHOUE LOBSTER PAlAca- 1 jmZwmM YTAX.1 "bH-UAUONE WAr Jvi STtaowtiW VJ8." FOR YH& EVENINtI - fil nor "the .wviy -s M - ';. C m .toiHAPHvniV55 C I 1 C7s .e nAiaveV jsW .MH "fTlYi S vSBvv WWi IlfWy ml Kim I i, HHrFI HI I- 1 1 sifliW 'iHJniii 'S'tyXlV m 9sSsssssbT SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL ji' A THEVACATIOMISTS- I . TR0M THE, H0TE U . )dli4l J S I AW m--yKt t ,, IihwU I'V- y ferl ft? ) j$ (':: HEROES TVAieLL I CBRYAlMLVRLtiW fAV9.EUP LAVTMCrHt- I B0UCH7 ruiy tam ray AXiV.,?.r,j;c:r.5 - 1 u uu Mill a 1111 T K Ta n 1 nsn . VJMAT I 3PEHT FOR WINE - ni ,m. .... . vt.miv .l.. z 18." FOR YHE EVENINtI - Had Experience EdithTrust her! You surely don't think she could keep a Becret? Marle Well, I've trusted her with other thlnssj and she kept theml YET TO COME iV. TMlWMWr ', f7IH.sK- vsh m IJ I' zw esessstagegWyyir . . m. i '' ! !? ) London Opinion. Wicket-keeper (to Juvenile demon bowler) Don't put 'ini down fust ball, Erb. Remember, It's ls treat as much as ourn. -" Exploded Philosophy :5t Passing. Show. "Happiness la tho pursuit only pf something-, not the catching of It. . - LGWT OCCUPATIONS WHITE WING 1H A BCMUMfa MIE SSHlMSeislBatSaSBkSSBSSSB1BSSsW 4 1MISH I HAD fAV OL r JOf SVilrArAlMt 1N&TR0CTPR To A DOtK. WCrfOf'OttudsHY V-, ..yjj Natural Qawe LKtkgUlOaf 3&$sl&s)T'aC SBrAt,Xt,adTfjygfc lIUliiBfln Oh. Wh.l IA it ffld nr X3M Ktrl It HM tf wrg tajik, urns, '-Ji WvgsBtMgr m . m x