EHSSrHBl H J. -WWP m JimiHlHi AAMMPiittiyBnHyKJKfiUHi A n ft. --8-I i 1 mm ff !e 12 IM1U0L IN 'SUBWAY' BIG HIT AT KEITH'S llteffeld Follies' Star, With Ottr Comedians, Throve Popu lar In Varied Program Variety, doubtless, ia a. eplpe of life. ARhowth lon Errol, of -Zlesfeld Follies' fan,, M the topnotcher In Iho bill at Kolth'a New Theater last night and kept the hou la an uproar of laughter, there were noosh attractlre numbers on the program of almost endless" variety- to assure Its sue cess regardless of the weather or anything Lsft as far aa that Is concerned. True, there's nothing unusual In Errol making a hit That seasoned Tyrus nay Mond of ths footlights scored from the start a "Fuller Rye" in "The Subway," slated s me funniest scene In the "Follies of MIS." It -as 'The Subway's" first appear ance in vaudeville. The famous Errol hop aa shown to ad vantage and his antics rocked the house. ' In short. It was "reel." He Is assisted by Harry StcOrlde, Alfred P. James, May Hen tiessy, Frank McDermott and Walter Fel- ' ton, Herbert Williams and Hilda Wolfus gave a more than creditable performance In thf-lr comedy musical sketch, "Harkt Itarkl Hark" I Williams's feats and feet alike were noticeable and mnde hit nfter hit: also his playing. A more natural comedian Is acl- dom seen. Some one onco suggested that there would be a fierce battle of jealousy and a gor geous display of hair-pulling If tho christen rs of apartment houses and Pullmans ever happened to meet. Tho same Idea might be applied to originators of jokes. Although they are making their first appearance In this city on Chestnut street, Crawford and Broderlclc, In their sketch, gave a delight ful rapld-flre volley of snappy jokes that bore every evidence of the brand-new vari ety. They were well worth hearing. Lovers of dancing and music welcomed Toots Pake and her Hawaiian players and the Ukalele. Their number nlso Includes native dances, weird, but Interesting. In all the bill Is unusually good. Other numbers Included Keno,' Keys and Mel rose, comedy gymnasts; Majorle Bonner and Billy Power,. In "Blls of Nonsense": William Egdlrettee and his posing dogs and horses. In "The Act Beautiful"; tho Cycling Brunettes, In their act, ''Defying Gravity"; Lydla Barry, the lyrical rc conteur; motion pictures, and musical num bers. What more could you wantT F. It. Q. F, Down On tho Fjirm Nixon Grand A. true to 'life picture of farm life Is shown In "Down on the Farm," tho head liner; at the Nixon Grand. The act Is pre sented by a very capablo cast and was wall received. Tho show Is well balanced and Is com posed of a number of well known standard acts, Including Moss and Frle, two excep tionally -funy blackface comedians; Galla gher and Martin, Gray and Kdwards, cy clists, and De Pinna, Peaches and Pair Globe Songs of summer time and rapld-flre comedy figuro conspicuously In "Six Peaches and a Pair," which Is tho feature attraction at the Globe. Tho peaches are pretty and harmonize well with their sur roundings. Bob Hall sings songs of his own manufacture with good results. The bill also Includes Sylvia In a posing net, "The Family," a comedy sketch; Anthony Marlowe, Chauncey Monroe and company, Shelvey Brothers and Lexey and O'Connor. Boarding School Girls Cross Keys There Is plenty of fun and music In tho "Boarding School airls," a timely tabloid which heads the bill at the Cross Keys. Margaret Dawson and company In a ketch, "Big Bill of Falrmount." nlso scored a. hit. The act Is ful of laughs and has a surprise finish which brings many curtains. Other good nets on tho bill are Backer and Winifred, Itlch and Stewart; Moore and Wright and Llbby and Barton. Renew Complaints of Odors Moro complaints have been made about unpleasant odors coming from the Harri son Chemical Works at Thirty-sixth street and Gray's Ferry road. Chief Vogelsong, of the Bureau of Health, has started an Investigation to learn whether his previous orders to tho plant were obeyed. On July 14 he ordered the management of the plant to abate the nuisance. Theatrical Baedeker NEW FEATURE FILMS. BTTANLnT "Hulda. from Holland." with Mar? Plclcford, a Famous l'layern. Paramount- fea tun: a Burton Holmes travelogue. "I'lctur jsque Vrau"r "Ducks Ia Duclu with Max Furman, a Metro comedy by Ellis I'arker Butler; a Dray cartoon and news pictures. All weak. ARCADIA First half of tha weak. "Tha naif, graad." with Douglas Fairbanks, a Urlrtlth Triangle firm. 'Last half ot ths week. "Tha Payment," with Ilesale Barrlscale. and a Keystone comadr. TALAUB trat half or tha weak. "The Dupe." with Illanche Sweet, a Laaky-Paramount pro duction. Last half of tha week. "Tha Smug glers." with Donald Brian, a Famous Players Paramount production. TICTORrA Monday and Tuesday, "The Cap tive Ood." with W. a. Hart, an Ince-Trlangle production and "Love's Getaway." with Fay Tlncher. a Keyatona comedy. Wednesday and SCv.1I-ThS,PD"0'i..n. Ince-Trlangle firm, and "HU Birthday Olft," with Max Flgman. a Metro comedy. Friday and Saturday. "The Child of Deatlny." with irena Fenwlck. a ieiru pnraucuon. VAUDI3VILLE. ITH'S Leon Errol, star of Zlegfald'a 'Fol. ilea': Toots Pika. tha Hawaiian ,1anv Lydla Barry,. In songs; Williams and Wolfus. In "Hark! ifarkl Ijarkl": Ivan Bankoff anii Lola Olrlle- Lester Crawford and Helen Brod- SJ.lcS.-taA. L,,tl'i-5? Tbi nd ""la of That"; William Egdiretea and bis posing horses and dogs Marjorle Bonner and Billy Power, In "Bits of Nonsense"; Cycling Bru nette, and ns pictures. V9!!--"5' ?5.ih,,L !nl a Pair." with Phil MorrU: Bob Halt: Sylvia; 'Tha Family," a serio-comic playlet: Anthony Marlowe; Chaun cey Monroe and company, In A Business Pro posal": tha Tare Shelvey Boya". Leiey and O'Connor, and tha Oulsroanla Trio. SRAND Allman Loader. In "Fun on tha STP J 1Uo,, anl Frys, in. black-face; "Skeaf aallaghar and Irene Martin, alngera and dancer i Oeorga Alexander; Orey and Patera: Da. Plnnai tha PaUa Nswa and Mutual com: edits. CROSS KEYS First half or week. "Boarding School Qlrl.,r tabloid mSlcal comedy Roekar and Winifred. Rich and Stewart, flancarai Margarat Dawson, in a playlet; School Days' offered by Moor and Wrfcht; Ubby and Bartao. PETEY We'll Have to - ...... Sf ..,1 IS J l f" '" ' " " - , p t ssaaass aiasBSBsa.s.sSBwa.sBaasas.MsssaM - ' ti- - I ye-- . N. j-- : . . . " s- N Houv 5oxes ) OHVietSp iom't " Qw S Av v.. V-x 7 , -T j 1 1 ' P- 'Hjeli. w A6Aivi J Help. U she u suu Pote-e ) ( u?tt ) V 1"&bt of wrt ( J ) ( - How KVnJ 7 (.Ao PICKFORD TURNS UP AtfTER LONG ABSENCE Her Latest, "Hulda From Hol land," Shown at the Stanley. Other Theatres By the Photoplay Editor To put It In the famous Carolinian phrase, "It's a long time between Pick fords." The first Plckfordlan potion ad ministered to Paramount playgoers In many weeks Is "Hulda From Holland," shown yesterday at the Stanley and to be seen there all the week. Hulda Is about the usual Famous Players version of tho beautiful and talented young actress whoso beauty and talent haven't shown to best advantage since she went Into the five-part feature field. It gives her a chance to be sweet and humorous and charming, but, somehow, the old t vitality Isn't quite there. The story Is about as long and about as thick an the average. It brings a little motherloss Dutch girl to America and puts her In tho arms of the son of a Wall street "octopus," who Is trying to engineer a deal which Involves a fight over some land with Hulda's Pennsylvania Dutch uncle. There have been more exciting, more entertaining and more humorous stories but all too few In the five-part features. A now Metro comedy, "Ducks to Ducks," with Max Flgman, Is pleasantly added to the program. At the Arcadia the feature film Is one of the very highest excellence. Given a story, "In tho Carqulnez Woods," by Bret Harte, Mr. Allan Dwan made only such chnnges as the capacities of his stars demanded and filmed the narrative with extraordinary taste and skill. The story of a half-breed, suffering Injury and Insult at the hands of even his own white fruiter, Is affecting, and tho Incidents are dramatto.ln themselves, woll connected and each ono presented with a fine appreciation of movlng-plcturo tech nique. The first half of the week the Palace Is showing "The Dupe," with Blanche Sweet, a Lasky-Paramount production. The last three days comes "The Smugglers," with Donald Brian, of the Famous Players. Tho Victoria has a long and varied pro gram. Monday and Tuesday, "Tho Captive God," with W. S. Hart, an Ince-Trlangle production, and "Love's Getaway," with Fay Tlncher, a Keystone comedy, Wednes day and Thursday, "Tho Eyo of the Night," with W. II, Thompson, an Ince-Trlangle film, and "His Birthday Gift." with Max Flgman, a Metro comedy. Friday and Sat urday, 'Tho Child of Destiny," with Irene Fenwlck, a Metro production. IN MKMORIAM MAR1HAI.T.. In lovlne remembrance of our dear alater. CARRin W. MARSHALL, who died Ausust 1, 1807. SISTKR AND BROTHER. AHN. OnvJuly 81, 1010. FLORENCE HELEN, daughter ot Ell P. and Carrie Shultt Ahn, aged 7 months. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend tho funeral services, on Wed nesday, at " p. m., at her parents' residence. 017 North 40th at. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. ARMSTRONG. On July SO. 1010. LOUISE Q.. daughter of Louisa J. and tha lata Dr. Leon II. Armstrong, aged 28 years. llelattea and friends ot the family are Invited to attend ths funeral acrvlcea, on Wednesday, at 10 30 a. m. precisely, at her lata residence, 8222 Lawrence street, Oermantown. Interment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Train leaves llroad Street Sta tion for Queen Lane at 10:48. Automobile f iinaml. AUSTIN. On July 00. 1910. BYRON O., hue band of Florence U. Austin, ot S440 Chestnut at. Itelatlvea and friends, also Division No. 45. II. of L. K.; Pennsyhanla Railroad Vet erans' Association: Voluntary Relief Depart ment of tha Pennsyhanla Railroad Company; employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany: Division No 112, Ladles' Auxiliary to II. of L. i:.. and Philadelphia Lodge, No. 64. Loyal Order ot Moose, are invited to attend tha funeral sen Ices. Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at tha OlUer II. Ualr Building. 182U Chestnut at. Interment private. llarrlsburg, Pa,, papera please copy. Friends may view re mains Wednesday evenlnr. l!i:TTV. On July 80. 11)10. ANN. widow of Thomas Beatty. Relatives and friends are In Mted to attend tha funeral services. Wednes day, at 2 p. m. precisely, at the realdenca of her son, John Beatty. 142.1 South 2d at. Inter ment private. Auto service. IIO.M). On July St. 1010. at Dayton. O , JOHN HERRKRT BOND, husband ot Edith Mae Bond (nee White). BRADY. On .July 29. 1018. at her late real itence. 1008 Vine atret. URIDOET, wife of John Brady, of Summit Hill. Pa. Relatives and friends ara InMted to attend the funeral, on Wednesday at 8:30 a. m.. from the Oliver II. Hair Building, 1820 Chestnut street. Sol emn requiem mass ut the Cathedral, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Re mains may be viewed on Tueaday, from 7 to 10 p. ni. 1IRANDT. On July 80. 1010. JOHN II. BRANDT., aged 72 yeare. Relatives and frlenda. alao P. R It. employes: Veterans' Association of tha Pennsylvania Railroad, and any other organizations of which ha waa a member, are invited to attend tha funeral aerylcea. Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at his late residence. 2 Clifton ave., Sharon Hill. Pa. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Re mains may be viewed Tuesday. 7 to 9 p. m. CAMPBELL On July 81. 1018. SARAH, widow of John Campbell. Relatives and frlenda ara Invited to attend tha funeral, on Thuraday, at Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST IIIIIwVDEXrilU. OVERBROOK MD ""ggg PATHE PRESENTS "The Grip of Evil" (3) BALTIMORE nJgS&SSl-n. Trlangl tl D "UorTnor ,n "T1- Mark Presents - TVarner 0( Vain Desire" jvo.iuimj a,av linrhr m ID two Comedy A ''Cicrxwo o'clock Ti : Train" EUREKA 40TH UAnKET sts-XTriaV-RW'0'1 A "The Dividend" ?oId0ynb "Bedelia's Bluff" flARDEN eSD I-ANSDOWNB AVE. VXf-aXVJ-'Cel EVEi 0,so TO BLUEBIRD PRESENTS Louise Lovely 4.GadedpitIer SOUTH OLYMPIA BROADA?NBniDoE Th maxim-urn s comfort, tatttu and aeuui. mrnti at (A mlatmsm pr-fe. MATS. DAILY EQUITABLE FILM CORP. Presents WM. COURTENAY in SEALED LIPS" Drown Her Again Tomorrow EVENING LEDaWPHILADELPHDi, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1. deaths $30 a. m from lata residence, 1827 W. Huntingdon it. Solemn requiem mam at Lady or Mercy Church, 10 a. m. precisely. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. DICK. On July 20, 1618, SU8ANNAH, wife of the late Charles F. Dick. Relatives and friend ar Invited to attend the funeral eriieea, Wednesday, at 2 p, m at the resi dence of her son-in-law, Charles L, Leary, 4070 Sheldon at . Oermantown. Interment private. Ilemalna may be viewed Tuesday evenlnr, FLICTrilEn. On Jnly 81. J018, JOSEPH K. FLETCHER, suddenly, at hla residence. J026 Christian at. Notice ot funeral later, FCBEY. On July 29, 1910. JOHN, husband of Margaret J, Furey, Relatives and friends, also Penn Township Lodge. No. 810, I, O. O. F.. and Court Falrmount, No. 41, Foresters of America, are Invited to attend tho funeral services, Thursday, at 2 p. m.i at his lata residence, 2484 Aspen at. interment at Fern wood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on nranesaay, after 7 p. m, "4.YKN8. n.Ju!y 80.1910. HARRY P. JIAV- Inv V i.hb. area 44 years, neiatlves and menus ara nvltan In atfenri fha funeral h, mi An Wednesdav. at 11 n. m.. at the. Chanel nf Andrew J. Dalr A 8on. Arch, and Nineteenth street. Interment private. Automobile serv JCV. HERRMANN. On July 80, 1010, suddenly, at 10IB North 4th at., AMELIA, widow of Chaa. Herrmann. Friends may view the remains Tuesday, at tha parlors of Edward Mark, 000 North ftth St., from 7 to 0 n. m. Funeral on Wednesday, at 8 a. m. Interment private, at I Chelten Hilt Cemetery, HOYT.On July 30. 1910. at Spring Lake. N. J.. EMMA ALLEN HOYT. Services on Tues day, Auguat 1, at 8 p. m.. at 100 Pa-aalo avenue, Sprlnr Lake, N. J. Interment on Wednesday Auruat if, at Ivy 1 1 111 Cemetery, Oermantown. I'a.. at 12 o'clock noon. J01MN. On July 80, 1910, JOHN M. JOSLIN. aged 80 years. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funeral services. Wednes day, at 2:30 p. m,, at his late residence. 1R Kast Ablncton ave., Cheetnut Hill, Interment prhate. HOST. On July 29, 1810, auddenly, WILLIAM .,. Ban oi ..scon i'. anu J reua iost n-e wiener;. ftB-ad la vnara A mnntha 14 ,tafl Relatlvca and friends, also Sunday School of "- am s Herman Evan. Lutheran rnurcn jiui ano uamDrimei, and employes or l-oweii iriuss;, aim einpiajm ni mwrii, are Invited to attend tho fu- on Wednesday, at 2 p in . nt eald-nce, 1012 North Lnwrenco .iuiiub ez LOi, iierai nfrilCPS his parents' i at. Interment nt (ireenmount Cemetery. Re. mains may be viewed on Tueaday evening. KV.H?'- n Jl,ly 80. 1P10, LAURA II., wife of Wlllam Hurts, of 0448 Walnut st. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral If. Dalr Building. 1820 Chestnut st. Inter ment private. Kl.,'K"flr.J.'llJ'2(,i ""I. ' 2I! Warnock at.. JOSEPHINE if. KYLE. SerWces at Ken- '.n.slu"re on Wednesday afternoon. MALI on July 20, lino. THOMAS W. hus 'and of Jana Olbson Lall, aged 70 years. Friends are invited to view the rcmalna on Tueaday, from 8 to 10 p m. at hla lata resi dence, 412 Chestnut street. Darby, Pa, Fu- . "f rl sand Interment prliato. MOULT. On July 30. 11110. EMMA V., widow of Charles Moult and daughter of the lato Sf..rEr. I'j Rncl Emma V Little. Residence, 3011 N. iBth at. Due notlco of tha funeral will ba given, NKILSON. On July 81. 1910. suddenly. WAR REN W., husband of Martha Marplo Nellson snd son of Elisabeth nnd lata Oarvln Nellson, In his 48th Year. Relatives nnd frtanria. ntnn Mount Airy Ix)dga, No. 235, I. O. O. 1, nnd Camp No. 9, B. of V., ara Invited to attend the services, on Wednesday, at 8 p. m., at lato residence, 23 W. Mt. Pleasant ac., Mt. Airy, Interment Thursday morning at con venience of family, PENN1 PACKER. On July 80. 1010, at i'hoenlxvilfe, Pa ELMIRA WELLS PEN NYPACKElt. Relatives and friends are in vited to attend the funerai services, on Wed nesday, at 11.30 a. m.. nt the realdenca of Mrs James Wells Pennynacker. 017 South Main -.".'.'J?1 IJhoenlsvllle. Pa. Interment urUate. RKI.D. On July 81, 1910, nt Presbyterian Horns for Aged Couplea and Men, Rain, ra., JAMES REED, aged 71 jeara. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend aervlccs, on Wednesday afternoon, on arrival 2:10 train from Brond St. Sto. Interment North Cedar Hill Cemetery SIIEITERD On July 81. 1010, at realdenca of his brother-in-law, Charles II. Parvln. 147 Tern Prominent Photoplay Presentation! h.. mk THE following theaters obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Rooking - Company, which Is a guarantee of early shoning of the finest nrndnrtlnn All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theater 'in jour lal?tr obtalnlng pictures through the STANLEV IIOOKINO COMPA.-Ty. locality imiiinni 12th, Morris iPnssyunk Ave. nilinil KKA Mat. uauy ar, a; Kvgs.. i a. u. auiate.iaw.... r, Paramount I'lctures. MYRTLE STEDMAN in Tha American Beauty I1ILL1E BURKE in "Qlorla's Romanco" (0) ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH Douglas Fairbanks "tSS!"- BILLIE HURKE In "Olorla's Romance' (13) APOLLO D2D AND tmatTne"S DAILY p?erfem.unt Mae Murray In "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs" SIDNEY DltEW COMEDY DFI rVT'T.'MT B2D above market DlliLMilJVi 1 Mats.. 1 :30 & 3 :.I0. 10c Eves., 0:30. 8,0:30, ICc Marguerite Clark ,n ,stiiwater8 r'TflA'D OOTII AND CEDAR AVE. LCIJAR PARAMOUNT THEATER BLANCHE SWEET in THE THOUSAND DOLLAR HUSnAND" FAIRMOUNT 2OT" AN0DinARD ave. MAE MURRAY in "SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS" FRANKFORD " KnANKFi!REDNUE MAnY PICKFORD In "ESMEnALDA" PICTURES FRANKFORD OROCERS EXCURSION TO ATLANTIO CITY 56TH ST. Theater MATINEE DAILY Below Spruce. Eves. T to 11 XICTOR MOORE In "THE CLOWN" Danlela In "Kernel Nutt & High Bhoae" GERMANTOWN ANN PENNINGTON in BUSES SNOWFLAKE" PIO AOfs AVENUE THEATER VjliAi'-arvI-' 7TH AND OIRARD AVENUE HOLBROOK BLINN in THE WEAKNESS OF MEN" IRIS THEATER 81" Sue0 Hazel Dawn in "The Feud Girl" JEFFERSON m" &$vpm WM. FOX Presents nARRY HILLIARD and JUNE CAPRICE in "CAPRICE OF THE MOUNTAINS" LAFAYETTE mi kensigIv2nue FRANK MAYO in "THE DUPE" "SECRET OF THE BUBMARINE" (10) JFATMTT rORTY.FIRST AND I .ra-VX-taIV LANCASTER AVENUE Victor Moore ..jh; CLOWN" -H DFJVTItn" ave., Colllngawood, N. J. DAVID, husband of Catharine Shepperd. Relatives and friends, also United Lodge. No. 719, I. O. O. F.; Key atone rlr. No 10, 8. of T are InvltM to attend the fnneral services, on Thursday, at 2 p.m., at It. R. Brlnsmirst A Co 'a parlors 81 N. 11th at , Phlla. Interment private. Friends may calt Wednesday, 7 to 0 p. m. at 88 N. 11th at. SMITH. On July. 81, 101ft. at Warren, r.. ROBERT HENRY SMITH, son "f the, late Dr. Renjamln and Elizabeth E. Smith, In the 74th year of his aire. Funeral services will be held in tb Chapel on Newtown Cemetery Grounds. Newtown Pa, nn Wednesday, at 8 pm. Relatives and friends are Invited. Car riages will meet train leaving Reading- Ter minal at 1:23 p. m. SPF.XCrn. At her residence. S.W.Wy'St.. New York eity.on July 81, 1910. AMANDA JlOWn srENCF.R. mother of Mary Chambers Wagner. Interment at Central Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, upon, arrival of 8 o'clock train. Broad Street Station, Thursday, AUSUSl a. STETSON. On July 29. 1910, MARY.I.. widow of IJaWd Sprague Stetson. Funeral services. Wednesday, at 2-30 t. m. precisely, at her late residence. 2323 Da Lancey place. Inter ment prUate. WAI.nnON. On Jnly 80, lfllfl, Iter. Mother PATRICIA WALDRON. Superior of the Sla ters or jviercy, n me o;ia year oi ner in. Solemn rhanel realllam RiitM will chapel of the convent at Hroad at. lam mass win oa neia in m ana ao- lumbla ate, on Wednesday, at .8 a. m, . Tl final obsequies and solemn pontifical requiem mass will tako .place In the chapel n ine cnarei oi inu 3 Thursday, 10 a. m, Religious relatives i the c i Thurai mother house at jMenon 01 The Reverend Clergy and Religious relatives and menus ana tno aiumnae oi me outers of Mercy ara Invited to attend. Interment In the convent cemetery. MOULT, On July 80, 1910. EMMA V., widow of Charles Moult and daushter of late George P, nnd Anna V. Llttlo, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the runerai services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. at lato residence, 8831 N. IBth st. Interment private. CAMrnELL. On July 81, 1910, ELIZA JANE, wife of Oeorgo R. Campbell. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend ths funeral serv ices, on Thursday, nt 2 p tn. at her lata resi dence, 2014 W. Gordon at. (20th and Dauphin), Interment at Mount .Morlah Cemetery. MlLLRrt. On July 80, 1010, suddenly, JOHN BREMER, son ot lato J. Washington and Mary A. Miller. Relatives nnd friends are In vited to attend tho funernl services on Wed nesday, at 8 p. m. precisely, from his lata residence, 708 Kenllworth nve , Oak Lano Park. Interment private Train leaves Reading Terminal at 2:17 p. m, for Fern Rock Station. Chains and attach ments, sprockets, link-belting, etc. Charles Bond Co. 520 Arch St. H xl uookmo Grrmmu LIBERTY Dn0AD Az J-' v COLUMBIA n .. ,YM A. BRADY Presents Gail Kane ln "',Am'a " " THE rRICE" LOGAN THEATER "&, Louise Huff , IN 'DESTINY'S TOY" I OPT T5.T -2D AND LOCUST M-tJJJ 1 Mats. 1:30 and 8:30. 10c. ,, Eves. 0:30. 8. :30. 15c. Marv Mncljrn ,n "where is uxaiy my dauohter?" Market St. Theater 333 MARKET STREET Mayiirn0"1 "Masked Rider" PALACE ""AIKET STREET ""a-s 10c 20o BLANCHE SWEET in 'The Dupe' BILLIE BURKE ln "Olorla's Romance" (11) PARK nIDP.B AVE & DAUPHIN ST. . nA ivcnmn ana Enid Markey In r-H... t- ---.-..-. .c-ciii -es c a ; i in "The Phantom" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET BLUEBIRD FEATURES Present J. Warren Kerrigan ln 'l&lggP"' RIAT TO QEHMANTOWN AVE. AT TULPEnoCKEN 8T. ROBERT MANTELL & OENEVIEVB HAMPER Tn "THE 8PIDER AND Tim Fl vm " BILLIE BURKE In "ofort" .nVmanc" (Bl REGENT 1931 MARKET STREET OlOB OROAH Alice Brady "Miss PetticoaU" RURY MARKET STREET av v- JJ 1 BELOW TTH STREET Edith Storey and .rr-l, T l Antonio Moreno In HB 1 arantula "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE" (7) SAVOY ""btet171 TRIANOLE PLATS Present Norma Talmadge ln ' COIynAIonT TIOGA "T" AND VEANGO BTS. EDNA GOODRICH in "THE MAKINQ OF MADDALENA" VICTORIA MAKET ST. Wm. S. Hart ta MrriIB AIVB FAY TINCHER In "LOVE'S OETAWAT OOD" STANLEY -TO-OTJ.,! MARY PICKFORD in "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" M. ' CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AOATB LINE RATO FOR KACII INSERTION THIS STYLE TYPE (or Ilka this) One or two limes.,.. . .. n... ..... JSfi,, Three times one week..,t......ii "Vs SI times one week, ..... .. ' IJJJ, Situations Wanted three times one week. 10o Help and Situation Wanted nnd lost and Found nds are inserted in the Daily Public Ledger without addi tional charge. Want ads under all other classifications may ba repeated In the POBtio Lstxnn at combined One 'or two times. ,.. ....... .......i. fje Six times one week............. ....... iz"e TYPE LUCE THIS (or like this) Is permitted tn all elassWeatlens except Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and. Found, Per aonals, Boarding and Rooms. When so speci fied, add FIVE CENTS PER AOATE LINE TO ANr OF THE ABOVE RATES. Thero is a drug store near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllco rates. LOST AND FOUND DIAMOND AND PLATINUM BRACELET Lost at Atlantic City, Saturday night :isntic city, Haturaay nignt. comma rrom lay night, r. to Hot nea to J. iTinceion ave., veninor, liberal reward If returned otei iirigiuon: n. caiaweu s.i.'o , l'niiaaeirnia, DOO Lost, at Ardmore, Mont. Co., Scotch Cairn terrier; small grayish-brown dog. Return to N. D Wnrwlck. 107 Wlsler rd., Ardmore. Rew'd. SNAKE RINO In or around Dauphin St. en trance to Park: reward. Mlsa Uoodwln, Led- gar Central, Broad and Chestnut STOCK CERTIFICATE Lost, stock certMcate No, 1020 for three snares stock Third Na tional Bank, Issued name of Louise Cochran. Reward on return to her attorney, Samuel F, Wheeler, Finance Building. TIRE Lost from rear of car while passing through Ridley Park, 8.80 p, m., July 27, a ,12i34 fllohn tire, mounted and Inflated: re ward, Notify It. P. Brewer, Kennett Sauare, Pa TRAVELINO RAO, tan, Initials M. A. D., on Baltimore avn. subway car No 84; reward If returned to 4431 Baltimore ave. HELP "WANTED FEMALE ATTENDANT, nurse, white! good, strong, healthy woman. A poly 120 8. 11th st. COOK AND WAITRESS. Protestant, mother and daughter or two sisters: ref. required: no laundry work. H vn, ledger omce. COOKING, downstairs work and assist wash ing: settled white Protestsnt woman! good wages If capable and trustworthy; excellent accom. : ref. req , carfaro refund for Interv'vv nf'r Aug 2. 2iiO E Main at., Moorestown. N.J. II. Wanted, first-class girl for chamberwerV; nd nailing, tn go tn Atlantia Cltyl refer nco rrqulred. Call 2422 Sprues at., betwecr encn renulrei 0 and 2 o'clock. OIRLS wanted In assorting and folding depart B ments, those with some experience In binding work preferred. A. M. Collins Manufac turing; Company. 220 Columbia ave. OIRLS over 10 years wanted 'for light work: no experience necessary: B week paid -flhllo learning. Apply 310 N. 32d at. iiousrnvoRic General housework positions are awaiting tha right applicants nt the Household Registry Bureau: alsn several ODenlnes for nhnmher. maids and working housekeepers. If you want seashore work In a hotel call all upon Mr; rs. Mead and tell her about jour experience. HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY BUREAU Second floor, Washington Building, 008 Chestnut at. A free service to Ledger advertisers. KITCHEN nnd dining room girls wanted, white. Apply office building No. 8, dlrard College. 21atnd Olrard ave. LADY, capable and earnest, 18 to 85. to learn good business; good pay to start: references. Apply P 000, Ledger Offlce. LACE CURTAIN MENDERS I steady employ ment. .Apply John Bromley & Sons, Lehigh ave, below Front, OPERATORS, experienced on men's neckwear. T P. McCutcheon & Uro., Pltcalm Building. 11th and Arch. OPERATORS experienced only, on wash top skirts Seltzer Brothers, . jii aiaraot ai, SALESWOMAN Tho Woman's Institute wanta a saleswoman ot book or Insurance experi ence for field work. Call beforo 12. 1000 Cheatnut at., aecond floor, STENOGRAPHER. Quick nnd accurate: experi ence not necessarv; permanent position with advancement for girl who will ba willing to learn bookkeeping. O Bl, Ledger Central. STENOORAPHER Experienced young woman stenographer wanted for secretarial work: PDefAt accuracy anil personality essential. P0 1 0 Ledger Office. ' STENOGRAPHER, 1 or 2 years' experience, real estate and Jaw office: atnte ago. salary and reference. O 241, Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions as operators to in telligent young women between 18 nnd 22 enrs old: salary to a week while learning, with rapid advancement, a steady position assured, with pleasant surroundings and un usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to tho Hell Telenhonn rnmnanv-,. nn.. tora' school. 400 Market St.. dally betvveen 8-31) a 30 a, m. nnd 0p m Tuesday and Friday entngs between 7.30 and 8:30 o'clock. ev TELEPHONE OPERATORS, experienced local and long distance, also girl to learn operating Keystone Telephone Co.. 135 S. 2d at.. Room WOMAN, over 30. ot, good education. reOne raent: one accustomed to interviewing peon e: F,roenB.,rnc1n'traLy; aUry' KQ w"- WOMEN wanted to aell house dresses: reference required. P B03. Ledger Office. rciorenco YOUNQ WOMEN, handy with needle; muet ba ?82T n" lolK. poalt"" " ri" Parly. Aiply General COMMERCIAL TEACHERS, woman and man. for publto and private achoola. National Teach". era Agency. P. H, Cook. Mgr 827 Perry Bdg. HELP WANTED HAIiE AIR qilPPERS stesdy work for air ehlppars. on piece work; can make 13.60 to lfl.60 p7r day working under normal working conditions Penn Works, PENN SEABOARD bteki chesterTpJ!1 'Jt0NT -wMb!; ARTIST who Is an expert era commercial worki sJmE ,amlle' Associated Artists! lt?-il SaSi at. and Snyder avg. ' '" " "" war BOOKKEEPER and office assistant Man nf dignity and exp.i permanent poariloiiwlth?S portunity to the right man; ut exMrfinM refandsaj,aryaxpected. U IBS xuSiar cSnt BOY, about 10. wantedfirIeas;nifTSilM Igoroflargacorporatioa. oTlBj'EiSt eVnt&ncT nltl "ISr-SS FB flJlh-flor. after a p. BOYS, wanted, between 1 and 10veara nr .-." PayndBAr,n'e"nyMaf"tUri" "l'Si CLEIIKe General offlca work: must v.-.,r li. '?.p s:"'"'"?; print ashoBv" .I'te: knowlet iiuoo. ion. edge ment Office. 7th and Sansotn. lent Office. 7th and KinVXT, -u' Lmploy. BLACKSMITHS, bollermakera. maehlnl.t.. ,. repair men. latwrera. shop hands, carpenters bridge bulldera. painters, telegraph fmJSSJi for work out ot" the cltyon PenSflran,Sr?.,.0i 1910. HEI.P WANTBD--MA55- OnHniierf ri frecerttng CoItimn CUTTER Assistant wanted on waists. Lion waist 'oQ.. oi' viijjJ--JJ-' ' ' iien a -kfeitiitfeiMnrln-t? f?rt.. 405 fl Tfn ffri , - w&ss&ms&i, wasa -is iir,'!ifS!l," Co. ritlsneid, Mass DRIVER wanted fof retail milk route. Apply F7rTXritANDg AND LAnonEnS WA-EDJor genera .work. Apply In.Sf.rjo" ra. ' . -anus VRvori.r. rr;tTT'iMiT'ivf s.nrl fnntllTifn. , wanted lirjvr.itiiuiii awe . -- -- j, 2. ana "!""-, Maiilon: work on 8- on hammer, prS?...?". -.j,,,,, rood .waiwiil no i ituumw. h 2t. Idr Ofilt si: nn iiouwio, -- r : '. ..'....w " m t-trtrvna f!n and atretchersl -stVa'dV-workTorrellableor.. W"1 "'"X- 'v-. irrnfittiTn. new xm.. hlekon ara. .MAN wanted to sell bank '?'i 1n.l;Srer '$ ;,,"mSid.WW.ranan4o"U! worth. M 028. ldser Office. xi&Sflw'w1 r 010, Ledger Of flee.. S2,J0JK?t,eVTOBffl reference, Race, wanted, to learn sausage and pork MEN. 10, Apply packing business! ; 22 cants an hour. 8. uri Oermantown ave. MEN wanted: laborers ana locornoiivo ....:...- Pirn FITTERS AND HELPERS. EXPBRI- FOROINO AND COriSTRUCTION COMPANY. COATE8V1LLU. PA. , . ft. It. t.o. v,mi - - '" --r- rONT PRESS ?EEDER-Only 5P'1n1701 &. ers need apply. Address jJox 11. 1370. Lea rer Branch. Sd and Columbia ave. REAL ESTATH OFFICE, Oermantown. wants lounit rnan, 17 to 20: permanent posltlont both JnsldS Tnd'outslde work: salary .fcfordlmt to ability. Apply 11 a. m. today. 07J1 oerman town BVe; ; , II SALESMAN wanted to "TCklr llna on commission. A 232. Ledge r Office. a . r I.DMPV1 Highest-grade men wanted for Philadelphia, and I vicinity: our propoaltlon would appeal Specially to adding? machine, check Protector and typewriter ealeemenl we av '.?""' efflclency specialty Una on the market: no competition! oxce lent remuneration and ex "ualvo territory! give fu",.pa,r"c", J past experience and ba able to Po 3"' sales record: subscriber will be ln PJ' .'': phli Wednesday or Pday to weeK. ap plicants .nust giro telephons number to secure appointment. Address A 233, LedgerJMflce. SAWYERS wanted, experienced, Shelp & Van- degrlrt. inc. aia n. wawiiw, STABLEMEN, 2, wanted, white or colored, for general work around horses. Apply In person 5r by letter. II. K. Mulford. Qlenolden, Pa. STENOORAPHER Twenty-five icara of age: 115 per week: reference. O 158, Ledjer centrni. TIMEKEEPER Young man. experienced In shop timekeeping: must bo good penman and rapid and nccurnte. No others need apply. Oood op prrtunlty nnd salary for right young man. M 144. Ledger Central. WANTED MACHINISTS WITH RAILROAD SHOP EXPERIENCE: CAR REPAIRERS. CAR BUILDERS, WHIT7J AND COLORED 7-AHORKRS FOh SHOP AND TRACK WORK: NO, LABOR TROUBLE. APPLY BALTIMORE AND OHIO IIAH ROAD -COMPANY FREE LABOR BUREAU. 510 S. 11T1I ST. WANTED General woolen and cotton-mill help, woolen carders, spinners, weavers, cotton ring spinners, winders nnd Bpeeder tenders, for mill ln Canadian city of 25.000 population: R0 miles west of Buffalo: prefer engaging family wdrkers: to reliable families wa will advance transportation: write, stating num ber of workers In family, mill experlenco of each. etc. The Sllngsby Manufacturing Co., Ltd . Hrantford. Canada. WEIOHMASTEIl, experienced, for wholesale meat business; must have Al reference and strictly sober; big wages. P 014. Ledger Off. WOODWORKERS Sticker handlers on atrnlght molder. Shelp & Vandesrltt, Inc.. 814 N. Lawrence. YOUNG MEN wanted for shopwork; must ba 10 j ears. Apply Western Electrlo Co.. 11th and Tork sts. y IF YOU CAN KEEP a set ot store'0 stock ledger cards accurately and have had ex perience In steel or allied lines, answer this advertisement, stating full particulars. Ad dress "C. Y.." P. O. Box 3443. EXCELLENT opportunity for an energetlo and trustworthy man to establish himself with one ot tha great Ufa Insuranca cos.; field work, canvassing and collecting-. M 140, Ledger vjemrai. flenernl BOOKKEEPERS and accountants. J15-S0: clerks, iiu .nu. up, Bbriiuiimi,iiciB, homo; uraiismer mechanical. S18-20: foremen, thorouchlv nvner rT. enceu urass xounury men; oiner positions open for hlgh-grada mi Land Title Bldg, i men. uusincss Dervico uo.. 13U1 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID and laundry or housework; seashore, preferred: ref. H 721, Ledger Office. CHAMBERMAID and waitress: private or hotel work: good reference. II 710. Ledger Offlce. COMPANION. managing; housekeeper; good aewer: fond of children: country preferred: can furnish good references. H 718. Ledger Office. COOK, chambermaid and waitress; a sisters, Protestants, with good reference; country pre ferred. Call Tueaday, 10 to 12 o'clock. Room 205. 60S Cheatnut at, COOK, chambermaid, waitress; two sister will do entire work for family. Call 10 toi12 o'clock. Room 205. 808 Cheatnut t. COOK Experienced mlddla-aged Protestant good reference. Call Tuesday, a p. m,. Room 205. 008 Chestnut st. ' m COOK and downstairs worki csn furnish good reference. H 720. Ledger Office. COOKINO, light chamberwork, a girls. 805 Or ay's Ferry ave. no washing; DRESSMAKER, first-class, desires engt. AmaZ mer dresses a spec.: Teaaonahla. tv-. in,,', ami t,R.n3?.lln KIItP br th r' 1B0 6521 UUni MXt X ill lilt a Vft H0U8EW0RK. general. wanted I no cooking. D3SH LUdlOW St. LAUNDRESS, white, wishes 4 days a week out Central" W Preferred. F 848. Ledger MOTHER'S HELPEn by day or hour: American Protestant: hospital trained: for irifams o? .-... wwm ei, 41MI B., MOTHER'S IIELPLR lleOned American Protl ."" . --. .. .-j. imager urnr. NURSE, colored, hospital training; entire charge infant or young child: good aewer beat T raft erence. Phnna n...... ism w "" rat- STENOGRAPHER, good beginner, desire poal." 'erncm'r'anf l Uk' " t0 "- " -a STENOORAPHER. bus. school graduate: wllliSi and accurate: IT. n an rat .'.'''""1" BTENOaRAPHER.secretary. thoroshi .h in legal and commercUl worll Q g"i'Sag' :.IPiralaii l .. . . .1." j SITUATIONS WANTED JfllAT.Ti AtTOITOTt JIMn rTiDriTm ,..' ... '"m JS!USFSffi?s& "fil "Wi&F&SSt 9 . J wish.. r..ady'poS.'1a.rdVr,Br!!e8ni08l StuTa'vi -.aa. - "--"...... . SITTJATIOITS WAITTED-.KAt.s)! Continued from FreeeMitO Coltimir IHjuiv.ivr.E.x-jiii, capaDie .or taklns: fnti .... Al referenca. Q 240. Idgerjjejtej'i'1 ' CHAUFFEUR Thoroughly competent Ti with nv years experience; alio nnVarsffiSl care of lawn; good reference, p bib LKJ",t Offtce. ,0 Ledgej; CIlAuFFEURr 10 yrs.' exp.: single- rnvi Ji da repalrlnff. 8, R. JIjl827Kgyf,rrlM CHAXIFFEUR, exn.. elngle, desires pealtie'v Cadillac; good driver; ref JP047, tVedge"naa) uiAuriaun,, mnKie, roiianie, 8 years' .ivi wisnes atoaqy posuion: f 7B2.Le;ir.f Wj Si DECORATOR, student Carnegie Instltm.T: Tirhnnnirv. m Shea nnalllnn ..ii.lT."'.111.'!" H or interior qecoraior. write J. J, Kartell TK3I D-ntojnwoo6Vt. ""leu, ij-ji OARDENER Oood all-around ma7nrneeTT?fl tlenlng. thorouchly competent, greenhous, R"i lawn, truck patch, stock. A 2ao. tTSf'-.1"! -".rirr ' :: " . -.."."' nni aesiah SALESMAN'of ability; prefer to"aeTTsSS7rrftSs mechanical. O 241. ilgercjitrai, ,'metM, SHIPPI.H. years- experience, deslresinSnT- with a.futurei best references. OIBO Lm2 Central. Litt. TRANSLATOR and correspondent Tounr3-l ored, man wishes position; well .Xe-Prf speaks English-. French. 6errtian. ffii X3 Hpanisn sua i-ortuguese: at present cnni3 In real estate office; beat rat, p oi2( '''iy. WANTED Work of any kind that a raaaFfii years old and with right arm and leg miiiSM can do: lost arm and leg In railroad trieHS! clean living- young man and willing to do 't3't CLARENCE IIIOOlNg. 1011 Loeu.t t JAPANESE, first-class cook. wantsToiitCri? fr4i:'oVts.'itt8.tvp a mnthi rt?"' jai'akusb wants nousework: good rookTsTr" Addrees Tlra, care drug store, 173a VlniVi EMPLOYMENT AOENOIEB MRS. KANE, Bll S. IBth, wishes "poslllons - n"i:c.,ai"..cj?.7' .-i'jis!- .r.";- J.'nei ;,r? resaci, nospitAi trained infant mir-ftt; set; mc IlBip (ur nvui j- Lttt-ui-uvi iVllfl DCS. "tarast Bpruca o-iuie NICHOLLS. 20, Bftlnhr!(iKComp. mtl- y nil ha xhmI i.. Jl i'."l Wi s wanted. Phone Locust 2130. ipniHin iit-i r."r zziivsw1 "touh tu MISS ROSE DOtOHERTY. 1313 W, OlrarrS"' wnniea, nu Kinas oi nrsi-ciaas help. Jifiila! class help wants positions. -at AUTOMOBILE8 i For Sala CADILIAC, : e'1J4:.t.?"'n"r. ."'i-.0Tr:h"4.ui I ri'mitivui a uii ciju SALES CORPORA' fORPORATfoN.-l 42 "n. WSJ ,,? COLE fi Demonstration I L. S. BOWERS CO. (VERS CO., 245 N. Broad at. J .roLEDlstrlbut,ers, " ', ITimSftMR rahitllt nnd rti.tanf.., .u.T: roadsters and cabr oletsielec. Ightandslan? ers. OOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 253 N. BraaSsI' 1012 SIMPLEX, 60 horsepower touring nr; m 1000 lackard. UiWKn.I. ............,.,,,,,,... ..BM-i I'ackard, 30-horaepower limousine and tourlnr bodies 'w THE WHITE COJIPANY itin rorin Jiroau i CHASSIS We have a few cheap cars of W& tne cnaasis wouia no very suitable tor trai or delivery work of any kind: don't fall u come In and look them over If you want senZ ook them over If you want sore? rgaln price for delivery purroiM. 2.S14 Market at. Iuit4s2 thing nt a ban Locomobile. 2.114 Market st. Locust 4M 11. A. .TenUa. Mtr. Kvehnnn fn, nn, REPAIR PARTS FOR ALL MAKES RnHtYRF.R 334M5 MARKET BTREPT SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BItOAft ivir.T. i-vririKnn mi rn... A.... " ? J WILL EXCHANGE 101S r..nnss. Ini.rln, ...- perfect condition, for $800 real estate sasltr! no dealers. Phone Walnut 3001. q " 1000 USED AUTOS. J1B0 up: all styles asj makes. Roman Auto Co.. 203 N. Broad m 3' ATJTO MVERY AND OAKAQE3 ,' INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO," 2420 N. BROAD ST. '' AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITY TO HDVS' Diamond 0408. Never closed. Park IS. J STAR TAXIOAH CO. PHONE DIAMOND 74, TAXI TOWRINO LIMOUSrNn IIALr REOUIAR ILA.TES. Nover Closed. Formerly Jitney Rata 0. POPLAR, 1017 To hlro (open day and nlitrfK Park 148.', brand-new o-pass. touring at,' i. .-.- nr. ; niso Drana-new 7-psssi iimonilu,' $1.50 hr.: weddings, funerals. 1718 Glrarl xu niKix, si.zij AJNiJ ujf y, Toplar 213. Cars of all makes. Race 2341, A BUY MOISTER Portablo Oarages Steel 'jm" stucco, un uispiay soai N. Dth. Tioga ATJTOPAlNTINa QUALITY PAINTING Reasonable prices. 1321 Alrdrio st! (Broad above Erfi.) ' AUTO BEPATRINO T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES I See BILLY, at hla new locntlon, 010 NORTH BROAD STREET. CYLINDERS REBORED. new pistons and ring furnished, welding and brazing. II. B. U aerwooa a Co.. luzo Hamilton street. Patl AUTO SUPPLIES t , t ... PAnTS -.. . to bulla or repair any car. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th. Parte UII TlMKnN.nHA niNnn iivitt New Departure Service Sta. The Owilllam pa, 1314 Arch at. Ph. Walnut 3107. Race 0i7 AUTO TIKES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3500 miles. Compare pries.. ORIM'S. 230 N. Broad street. BOATS, M0T0BBOATS, LAUNCI BEAUTIFUL CRUISER. 75 feat long: will on . passengers; a large caoina; spies, equipment: price 15000: will sell on -terms or exchange for real estnta. OaPEN. 1220 Filbert st. Walint 7330. BUSINESS OPPORTUNXTIEB PATENTS ?,?' .JSr-JSOuJA Wa Will heln vm-i -,.-... ..u a w - . t avelop your Invention, Ael nlneg."Sntir8as8."bU '-k MonU" " FOSTER & WEBSTER BXJTia . IOI1 Chestnut at, Bell phone Walnut 1 "--? ,SnYw. 1B TJW vat solid protection ia of tha bast paying businesses : need 15000 no mors: I only want to deal with prim their- attorney, no agent. U III, YOUNO MAN, engineering- graduate, eoine Perlenca. Will romM. hn.ln,, nmnaalt bearing Investigation requiring service T small n 1KJ T ..,..- MACHINH and blacksmith shop for rant. 17W 10 Ludlow st. Q 1B1, Ledger Central. I - BUSINESS PEBSONALS f TsTAHfrsMTka Tjnf-iTTT Sr Bail?.'?f"nc". AppraUement. 1 par CAf HARKY W. SM ML 111 Hansom t : EVRMIMn niivpuva ren lrrnm ff.,,SifX,., . Phono Poplar 285. Open trtt I LEIDNER'S. 10th and Qlrard ays.. B; W. coil SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysall Vrioa om.tA.,, ont way. uyeorow arca-1 "'J "i, -ui veiui --.neater xiuuain. OABPET OiiEANINa i CON TINifUTAIi I CARPET CLEANINO linirSB 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone. Locust IBM, j S gfJIJ-v Monarch storaob co. Wll?gllllt 8870.7eLXCAlTggAVB.J DBESSMAKINCr AND MILLTNEBt DRESSMAKINg BT EXPERT M OD I S T E JOT Denckla Bid., Uth and Market sts. BljC.A.VQIGHT a .' I