P-. EVENING MDaEB-PHIIADELPHlA; MONDAY, JTJLY 31, 191d. S 14. !' ' I 'feLIItALlANIAVANZANO NEK BOSCHI DI TONEZZA ESULLETRETOFANE Jm Stazione di SilHan, nella Valle della Dravn, Bombardata dai Gross! Galibri di Cadorna UN ATTACGO RESPINTO nOMA, 31 Lugllo. lerl sera It Mlnlstero della Guerra pub . fcllcava II sesruento bollettlno del senernlo I Cadorna circa la sltuazlone nlla fronto ltalo-nustrlnca: Nella Val Lnftarlna al e' avuta una constderevolo attlvlta' dello artlgllerlo da nmbq Is parti. Lo nostro bntterlo hanno bbmbartlato con buonl rlnultatl lo stnztonl ferrovlarle del ncmlco. Sull'altoplano dl Tnnezza la nostra fanterla, dopo una vl&rorosa prepara tions delt'artlgllerln, attacco' le llneo I nemlche a nord del Monto Clmone. I.a lotta o' stata vlolentlsstma bu questo terreno accldentato o flttnmente coperto dl bosclil, ma le nostro tnippo rluscl rono a nuadasnaro terreno. Noll zona dolle Tofane le nostro 'truppe alplno conqulstarono It bosco Forcella ed Inlzlarono un'avanzata nella valle del Travonanzes. Netta Vallo del Illenz un attacco del ncmlco contro lo nostre poslzlonl dl Monte Piano o' stato fncllmento re splnto. La nostra arttgllorla dl grosfo catlbro ha bombardato la Btazlono ferrovlarla dl fillllan, nella valle della Drava, Sut rcsto della fronto dl battaglla non vl o' nulla dl nuovo da rnpportnro. A nord della Somma, sulta fronto franco lnglcse, gll nllcatt hanno rlprcso ad attac care l nemlco vlgorosamonte ed hanno avanzato bu dl una cstcnslono dl nessanta tnlglla. Lo truppe francesl hanno proso alio forxo tcdesche tre mlglla o mezzo dl trlnceo o gll Inglcsl hanno avanzato ad est delta fattorla Watcrlot o dl Trones. Sulla fronto run-fa I rii3Rl hnnno dl nuovo afondnto lo llnce nemlcho Bulla fronto dl ICovcl, contlnuando ad nvanzaro verso II loro oblettlvo. Lo truppo dello czar con ttnuano ad avanzaro anche nella zona dl Brody, In dlrezlono dl Lcmborc. Crltlcl mllltarl Itallanl calcolano che 1'Austrla ha perduto, dal slornn In cut fu inlzlata l'offonslva russa, oltro 700,000 upmlnl, 600 cannon! o 1000 mltrncllntrlacl, perdtto questo da cul l'lmpero non potra' mal plu' rlsollovarsl durnnto la prosente sTUerra. La Trlbuna fa 11 scgucnto calcolo dello perdlto auatrlnclio flno al 24 corrcnto tnese: SOS.GOO prlgionlerl. dl cul G500 Bono uffl. Olall; 300,000 forltl, o lGD.OOO ucclsl a fc rltl catturatl Bill campo dl battnglla. Oltro pot at cannonl ed alio armt mlnorl, gll austrlacl hanno perduto una grando quantlta' dl materlalo da guerra, -cho o' stato prcso dalle truppo russa cd ltallane. La pordtto calcolato plu' Bopra si rlforlscono alio front! ltaltana o russa, Telegrammt da Roma dlcono che lo forzo Italians opcrantl nella zona dcgll altlplanl hanno guadagnato torrono ncl scttoro dcll'altoplano dt Tonczzii, dovo anenra In juria la battaglla Bpeclalmento nclle vlcl rnnze del Monto Clmone, bu dt un terreno accldentato o rotto o flttamonte coperto dl' boschl. Sulla fronto russa una vlolcnta battnglla ' lmpegnata nolle vlclnanzo dl Kovclo preclsamente ad ovest del flumo Stokhod, dovo II flumo dcscrlvo una brusca o grandu curva. Git austrlacl o tcdcschl che dlferdevano quosto Hcttore della fronte sono statl costrcttl a rltlrarsl ed I russl hanno cost' potuto avanzaro a 25 mlglla dalla Brando baso dl Kovel, la cul caduta ormal acrnbra certa, bo non a brevlBslma acadenza, Anche plu' a sud, sul numo Stripa, gll austro-todeschl Bono In una altuazlono pro carta, nvendo 1 russl avanzato verso lo all dell'armata del generate von Bothmer. Sem bra cho questa armata Barn' costretta n rltlrarsl per scongluraro una manovra dl avvlluppamento che la taglterebbe fuorl delta comunlcaztont con II resto delta llnea teutonics. C. D. NORTON LEAVES $100,000 "Will of Late President of Coal Com pany Disposes of Estate Wills probated today were those of Chartca D. Norton, former president of the Norton Coal Company, of this city, which In private bequests disposes of property valued at more than $100,000; Caroline O. Krauso, 3471 Chestnut street, J8000. nnd J. H. V. Menner, 138 Hast Upsal street, $6000. The personal effects of the estate of J. P. Sweeney have been appraised at $16,608 69 and Magdalenla Jungttelsch, 3105.70. EVENING MONDAY ALHAMB1U Myrtle Htedman, In The American Beauty APOLLO Tho Danerter Gloria's Romanes. AltCADIA Tho Half -Breed Gloria's llomance, No, BALTIMORE Frank Keenan. tn Tho Coward BELMONT Marguerite Clark, Still Waters CEDAR Kitty Oprdon. In Tho Crucial Test EUREKA Tyrone Power. In Tho Eys of God FAIRM0UNT Edith Storey, In The Tarantula FRANKFORD Mae Murray, In Sweet Kitty Bellalra 56TJI ST. Victor Moore, In Tho Clown GARDEN llobsrt Honley. In Temptation and tho GERMANT0WN Ann Pennington. Suslo Snowfiako GIRARD Mary Plckford. In Tho Eternal Grind IRIS Lionel Barrymora, The Quitter JEFFERSON The Catspaw Olorla'a Romanes LAFAYETTE Francis X. Bushman. In A Million a Minute, LEADER Victor Moore. In Tbo Clown LIBERTY Da Wolf lloppar. tn Casey at the Bat LOCUST Mary MacLaren, ,ln Whero Is. My Daughter! LOGAN Louise Hurt. In Destiny's Toy MARKET STREET Lst Katie Do It Tho Grip of Hvll OLYMPIA Chaplin. In The As a Woman OVERBR00K BessU Barrlscalo. In Sorrows of Lovo PALACE Blanch flwest, la Tho Dupe PARK 1 PRINCESS Thousand Dollar Husband Secret of tho Submarine Una Cavallarl. Shadow of Her , REGENT Alice Brady. In Mis Petticoat RIALT0 Marguerite Clark. In Molly Uaka Bcllsv RUBY Anna, Luther. In The Beast SAVOY Oall Kan. In Paying tbs Pete STANLEY Mary Pickford. tn Huldi From Holland TIOGA B.lna Goodrich, In Ths Making of Maddalsn VICTORIA William s Hart, tn T& Captlre Ood PARALY8IS KILLS 2 MORE B BABIES DIE THIS SUMMER Contlnnd from fact One nnd died yesterday In the Municipal Hos pital. The two children who died today were only reported as being sufferers yes terday, Others reported yesterday were Max Abrams, t, 3169 North Delhi street; Susan Downing, 14, 1636 South Droad street; Anna Fetrllla, 36 months, 423 Bast Illttonhouse street ; James Itoocenv 5 years, (41 League street, and John Becker, 13 months, of 3643 North Marshall street. Dr. A. A. Cairns, chief medical Inspector, today struck an ominous note when he asked all physicians, through tho news papers, to please report their cases to the health department as rapidly an they diag nose them, and as early In the day as they can. He Intimated that the health de partment expects to be Just about as busy as It wilt be humanly posslblo to be, nnd he wants all the nsslstance physicians can give. Doctor Calms has definitely abandoned his bollef that an adult cannot carry tho disease, even though being himself with out It, and has decided that In several cases ndults have carried It In tho case of the Downing girl, ho believes It was brought from Now York by her father, a hotel dc tecttvo over there, and he has decided to make n quarantine In all caBes absolute, He will permit no one In s house where the disease has gained a foothold, and the bread-winner In the family wilt not bo al lowed to go to work. The quarantine will be as absolute as In a case of smallpox. The Hunting Park section up In tho Forty-third Ward has been very proline ns a placo to catch tho disease, Doctor Cairns has learned, and he Is warning par ents to keep their children away from there while ho Investigate. One of the deatliB to day and tho new case of Virginia Kllno aro In that section. Virginia has an older sister by one year who was 111 tho other day, but who recovered. Nevertheless tho doctors are doctors are watching her cloncly lest sho watching her closely lost sho suffer a re lapso which turns Into this dread disease Of the eight deaths this year, all but one hnvo boon this month. Of tho forty-two cases forty-ono have been this month. Ralph S. Strassburger fled from New York to his estate near Norrlstown yesterday, using his fathor-ln-law's yacht to moke tho trip. Mrs. Strassburgor Is tho daughter of Frederick G. Bourne, of Now York. Tho Strasburgera were on tho Bourno estate In Long Island A gardener's child on tho eotate was stricken. Although Mr. Strassburger's Infant son did not come within half a mile of tho sick child, his fathor took no chances, and he got In touch with tho yacht by wlrolcss, getting hero last night. Doctor Cairns Is seeing to It that If parents lack In tho least way the proper fncllltios nnd means to copa with tho dis ease tho children aro takon to tho Munici pal Hospital. He has also satisfied himself that an adult can transmit tho dlseaso from ono child to another without Buffering him self. Heretofore ha thought this was not poBslblc. Getting children out of Now York nnd Brooklyn is no easy matter, becauso tho authorities aro bound they wilt not allow the Infantllo paralysis spread if thero Is any posslblo way of preventing It. Mrs Martha Shancr and her 6-year-old granddaughter, Tittle Shaner, Sixty-first and Rcedland Btroets, Philadelphia, had a hard time leaving Brooklyn and getting home. Threo special applications and per mits had to bo granted them before they wero allowed to leave New York. In the first placo nn application was sent to the Department of Health, City of Now York, Baying: "I hereby apply for a certificate that there has been no caso of poliomyelitis at my residence, 312 East Eighth street, Bor ough of Brooklyn " This is signed by Mrs. Shaner. Attached to that application Is a certificate that the house has never had a caso In It. It Is signed by a New York medical Inspector. This la accompanied by a health certificate from Dr. J. B. Given, 463 Ninth strcot, who says: "This Is to certify that I have examined Tlllle Shaner, 6 years old, of Philadelphia, and bellove her in normal health." "But this Is not nit. In order to be allowed to como to Philadelphia there must be yet another certificate addressed to the health officer, Philadelphia This bears the permit to allow persons to go through and Is Btnmped In red Ink, "examined and passed." Osteopaths Leave for Convention A delegation of Philadelphia osteopaths, headed by Dr. John II, Bnllay, havo left tho city to attend the annual convention of the American Osteopathic Association, which will be held In Kansas City this week. Members of tho party are Dr. Ivan B. Dufur, Dr. Nettle S. Turner, Dr. S. P. noss. Dr. W, A Flack, Dr. W S Ntcholl and Dr. A. R. Frltzl. Doctors Bailor, Dufur and Turner will read papers. LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVEKV MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Ths American Beauty Gloria's Romance William Ths Apostl No. 3 Mao Murray, tn Sweet Kilty Bellalra Th Turplo Lady Th Grip of Kvll 13 Tho Half-Breed Gloria's Romance. No. Tho Half-Breed Gloria's Romance. No. IS II. n. Warner. In Ths Market of Vain Desire William Tho In Marguerite Clark, In Still Waters Edna Ooodrlrh. In Th Making of Maddalena Blanche Sweet, In Tho Thousand Dollar Husband Florence Reed, Secret of tho William II. Thompson, The Dividend In Edith Th Mae Murray, tn Sweat Kitty Bellalra Tho Valient Peg O' Mary Plckford. Esmeralda In Francis Nelson, In What Happened at 22 Victor Moor. In The Clown Honor's Altar Gloria's Romance Man Louis Lovely. In Th Glided Spider Antonio Moreno. In Th Supreme Temptation In Ann Pennington, tn Sust Snowflako Th Olorla'a Holbroolt Bllnn. In Tho Weakness of Men Lillian Olsh, In An Innocent Magdalen In Hacel Dawn. In Th Fud Girl Frank Th Harry Milliard, In Caprice of ths Mountalna Viola Dana. In Tho Flower vof No Man's Land Frank Mayo. In Th Dup Secret of Submarine, 10 Sessue Hayakawa, In Allen Souls Victor Moor, In Th Clown Anita Stewart. In The Daring of Diana Oall Kan. In Faying th Prlc Fathers A Brother' Mary MacLarsn. In Whero la Mr Daughter? Gall Paying Louise Huff. In Destiny's Toy Harold Lockwood. In The Masked Rider Harold Lock wood. In Th Masked Rider Hypocrisy Peg O' The Ring Fireman Sows ' William Courtenay, In Sealed Lips Bsrbara Tennant. In Th Closed Road The Grip of Evil Lillian Olab, In An Innocent Magdalen Blanch Bwet, la Th Dup Blanch Th Frank Keenan. la fhe Phantom Henry Pay la Past J, Warren Kerrigan, tn Tho Silent Battl Viola Dana, tn Th Flower ot No Man's Land Allc Brady. In Miss Petticoats Iran Fcnwlck. In A Child of Destiny The Spider and the Fly Gloria's Romanes Dougla Fairbanks, In Flirting With. Fat Edith Storey. In Th Tarantula Victor Th Norma Talmadg. ta Going Straight Beast Barrlacal. In Not My Ulster Mary Plckford. ta Hulda prom Holland Mary Plckford In Hulda From Holland Edna Goodrich In The Making sfMaddaUo Ralph, Hsrs. tn Th Purpl Lady William 8. Hart, la Tt CUr God WUlUm H. Tbs Eya SOLDIER'S LETTER TELLS OF TOWN WHERE EVERYBODY "TOTES A GUN" Private Waggoner Writes of .Marfa, Tex., and of Presidio Along the Rio Grande Journey Over the Plains and Mountains of South Mnrfa Is the city of firearms, according to George J. Waggoner of Company 13, of the Second Regiment, who calls It the last clvlllred placo which ho and the boya of Company E and Company F passed through on their way to their prcsont Btatlon, Pre sidio, Tex. "There Is one striking thing nbout Marfa that strangers can not help noticing," says Private Waggoner In a letter to the Evbn- IN(1 LBDOEn. ''Everybody carries a gun. Here one scos a cowboy carrying his In the approved cow boy fashion. Hero Is n portly gray-haired gentleman coming from his bank, who, no he Moons tn zet Into his carriage, shown a big pcarl-h.indlod revolver sticking from his pocket. Hore an automobile drives up to a store with a carbine slung on mo run ning board. Alt kinds of guns, from tho big long-barreled rifles, cnrblncB, automatics and huge horso pistols to dainty pearl-nan-died revolvers carried by tho womon folk And every ono looks ns If ho or she would know how to handlo them If occasion should require," PrUato Waggoner tells of tho departure and trip to tho new Btatlon nt Presidio as follows: "We had left tho rest of the regiment nt El Paso, spent tho night on tho train and awakened the next morning to find our selves at Atarfa, Tex. To ono not ac quainted with tho Texas border the name Marfa means nothing. But to us fellows, located as we aro now, Marfa stands ns our last remaining link to ch Dilation, "Wo camped for a day on the outskirts of tho town, a three-mlnuto march from the station, and proceeded to spend what turnod out to be our last day In a regular place. By a regular placo wo mean ono where wo can buy Ice cream, fresh fruit nnd n squnre meat and whero one enn sco white peoplo not In khaki uniform, who aro no clable nnd hospitable, nnd whero we can do any number of things supposed to bo synon ymous with our twentieth century civiliza tion. "Such n town was Marfa, Tex Tho next day tho battalion was split In hnlf. One half stayed In Marfa and tho other half. In cluding tho writer, wan ordered to Presidio. The distance from Marfa to Presidio Is ex actly 72 miles, nnd considering that there aro no railroad connections, that Is "homo miles.' The only mean3 of transportation Is by motortruck, nnd wo were loaded on said trucks, which would not havo been so bad had they not already been loaded. "In our truck this load happened to be nbout 7000 pounds of lumber. We got off to a flying Btnrt and for the first two hours everything was lovely. Tho rond was smooth, that Is, considering, and tho lum ber behaved, but then wo hit tho mountains nnd the going bocame rough. Tho road hero was, to say tho least, 'uneven,' nnd each tlmo tho car hit a rut we left tho car a few seconds. But every tlmo wo came back tho lumber was there to greet us. Sometimes 1 think It oven followed us part of tho way. And when I tell you wo wero seated, you can readily Imagine with what Infinite enjoyment wo returned each time to said lumber. "But in tho mountains the scenery wns wonderful. Now wo were climbing some steep nscent that tried tho engine of tho big truck to the limit; now wo were coast ing down tho other sldo, skinning 'along tho edgo of a chasm deep enough to ruin our chariot and splatter us over tho ad jacent scenery If our driver went one foot out of tho way. In tho valloys and level placos, and even on some the more gradual slopes, hundrccli of hend3 of cattle wero peacefully grazing, while tho whole way was dotted hero and thero with skeletons of steers which had run nfoul of rattle snakes or In some other way had passed over the bovine Jordan. "After six hours of riding and bumping wo nrrtved nbout 2 o'clock nt Shatter, a llt tlo town In the mountains, 22 miles from our destination, whero wo had lunch consisting of bread, cheese, sardines, oranges, cakoa and water. The commissary served the bread, wo bought the cheese, sardines, calces and oranges, nnd tho town furnished tho water. "The most abject sights I havo ever seen wore tho burros along the way. They wero owned by Mexicans, who never fod them or cared for them, but simply turned them loose to work out their own salvation, and mbst of them seem to have failed, for they stood by the road absolutely motionless, head hanging and their whole appearance giving one the Impression that they would welcome any end to their troubles. Thoy did not oven move from the way of tho trucks, and we narrowly missed hitting several until. Just as we were leaving Shaf fer, one was directly In the road, and tho driver, olther thinking he would move, or SUBJECT TO CHANGE THURSDAY 8. Hart. In of Vengeance Tho Apostle of Vengeance Secrot or the Hubmarino William Farnum. In Man From tho Hitter Roots Bessie Barrlscale, tn Tho Payment IS H. Hart. In Disciple William 8. Hart. In Tho Aryan Edna Goodrich, In Th Making of Maddalena In At Bay Submarine Ralph Herz. In Th Purple Lady Storey, In Two-Edged Sword Lillian Olsh. In An Innocent Magdalen of Virginia Th Ring Peggy Hyland, In Saints nnd Sinners Secret Mary Miles Mlnter, In Lovely Mary Honor's Altar Gloria's Romance Maurtel Ostrlche. In Sally In Our Alley Quitter Romance Th Quitter Gloria's Romance Lionel Barrymore. In Dorian's Divorce Keenan. In Phantom Dustln Farnum. In Cameo Klrby Llna Cavalier!. In Shadows of Her Past Anna Nllsson, tn Who's Oullty Tbo Quitter Gloria's Romance of Men Loyalty Frank Keenan, In Th Phantom Kane. In tho Price Gall Kane, In Paying tho Prlc Harold I-ockvrood. In Th Masked Rider Fannie Ward. The Cheat In Tho Iron Claw Th Grip of Evil Carter Do Haven. In From Broadway to th Thron Swoct, Dup In Donald Brian, In Tho Smugglers King. In Dirt William B. Hart, in Tho Apostl ot Vengcanc Kitty Gordon, tn Tho Crucial Test Irene Fenntck, In A Child ot Destiny Lola Meredith, In The Precious Packet Viola ot Moor, la Clown Ann Pennington, la SusU Saowaake Virginia Pearson, la A Tortured Heart Mary Plckford. in Hulda From Holland Mary Hulda BUUa Burks. In Gloria' Romance Thompson, la of the KUht William II. Thompson, la The Er ef )h. NlsM not caring particularly, ran Mr. Burro down. "We wero right In the midst of tho Mexi can flottlcment, and Immediately nn awful cackling and shouting wont Up from tho women and children about Naturally, the truck had to stop, and everybody unslung guni for action, as we wero a beautiful tar get out there on that load of lumber. But luckily for us tho Mexicans made no hostile move, one burro, such na It was, meaning very little to them, and we continued on our way. "Tho last 20 miles wore the worst, and flna ly, about two miles from Presidio, we Mailed In tho sand and had to unload tho lumber Into two relief trucks In the broiling Run before we could move. To make mat ters worse, a sandstorm came up and wo nrrtved In Presidio tired, dirty, soro and hungry, nbout 7 p. m but ready for any thing that might happen to us down by tho silvery lllo Grande.' " 1!lLlva 131ner Taylor, of Company I, or tho First, stationed at El Paso, writes glowingly of a banquet, and gives Interest ing Items about boys from the northwest section of "Phllly," He says: 'Tho first banquot at Camp Pershing was hold In honor of Ecker'a engagement In the Second ltcglment of Company A (Taylor omits to tell what tho engage ment Is, and If It Is a romantic one, who the young womnn Is). Among those present wero Privates Wilkinson, Clover and Evans, of Company A of the Second, and Privates Harrington nnd Imhof, of Company C, of the First, and Prlvato Taylor, of Company I, of tho First Taylor Is a tent mate of tho guest of honor. "Tho music was furnished by Privnte Evans. Ho played some very flno selec tions from home. Private Taylor mado tho eandwlchos, and tho boys all Bald thoy liked 'tailor-made' sandwiches. Prlvato Wilkinson made tho grapo punch nnd. be llovo me. It wns somo punch. Privnte Har rington sliced the melon nnd tho boys did Justice to tho wholo spread Prlvato Imhof nnd Privnte Clover sang "Tho Girl I Left Behind." They wero loudly npplaudcd. "Tho banquot wns finished with Boms lively songs of choer by nil tho boys, nnd for onco wo all had enough to cat "Yours respectfully, "PRIVATE ELMEtt TAYLOR, "Company I of tho First Infantry." Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Kntrles now open. " otitis brenn July 17. Votlnc ends August SI, Decision September 2, HOW TO VOTE Cut out, the limdlne "Kenln- Ledrer" nnd (Into llne nniicnrlnr nt tlio top of the first pare. Write your candidate' name In the ulille mnrcln nuovo nnd malt to the LTenlne Ledger I'hotonlnr Cant Content. 1 O. Ilnx 001, or brlni It to the Lrdrcr Office llclovr la a specimen rolo In mlnluture: Kncli hendlnr counts for ten Tofen. No hendlnr except that on the first pace will lie accepted nnd none that la more than 10 dors old. Only one name mar be written on encli henulnc. ENTRY BLANK rieaas enter In the Evening Idcer rhoto pluy Cunt Contest! Name (Miss or Mrs.) , Homo Address Nome (Mr.) Home Address Slcncd br Tor Nomlnatlnr orranliation. Nomlnotlnr organizations mar concentrate tlielr rotes on ono candldnts or mar nominate and Mork for two: I. e., one lady, ono gen tleman. This nomination blank, when Properly filled out anil forwarded, will entIC the nominee to 1000 voton. Candidates are reqoested to give their home address In each nnd everr Instance, so that the lCdltor will bo nolo to rommunleato with them from time to tlmo. All addresses will be strictly confidential. Only one Nomination lllank will bo credited each contestant. Mall to livening Led or Photoplay Cast Contest, i: O. ltox 001. Philadelphia. FRIDAY SATURDAY Blanche Sweet. In Th Dupe Oeorge Dtban, In Pasqual Besala Barrlscale, la Th Payment Special Featura Mary Plckford, In Little Pal Peggy Hyland, In Saints and Sinners Vlrglna Pearson, In Hypocrisy Blanch Sweet, Tho Dupe In Frank Keenan, In Th Phantom Bessls Barrlscals, In Th Payment D Wolf Hopper, In Mr, Good, the Samaritan Mary Plckford, In Little Pal Dustln Famum. In Cameo Klrby Katharine William. In Into ths Primitive Ths Quitter ot tho Submarine Myrtle Gonzalez, In It Happened In Honolulu Peggy Hyland. In Salnta and Sinners II, B. Warner. In Tho Lost Paradls Ann Pennington, lit Susta Snowflako Ann Pennington. In SUsle Snowflako J. Warren Kerrigan. In Tho Gay Lord Waring Uessl Eyton, In Tho Cyct of Fat Pauline Frederick, In Tl) World' Oreat Snar Paulina Frederick, In Th World' Oreat Snar Dustln Farnum, In Ben Blair William It. Thompson, Th Dividend In Gloria's Romance A Virginia Romanc Do Wolf Hopper. 1n Casey at th Bat Edith Storey, In Th Tarantula Carlyla Blarkwell. In Sally In Our Alloy Alice Brady, in Mtsa Petticoat Peggy Hyland. In Saints and Sinners Ann Pennington. In Susls Snowflako Ann Pennington, la Susie 8nowflak Viola Dana. In Th Flower of No Man'a Land Margaret Landl. In The Sand Lark Anita Stewart. In Th Daring ot Diana Anita Stewart. In Tho Daring of Diana Victor Moor, la The Clown Victor Moore, In Th Clown Muriel Ostrlche. In Sally la Our Alley Norma Talmadg, la Missing Link Floronco Lawrence, In Illusive Isabel William Famum. In Tho Man From tbo Bitter Root Francis X. Bushman, A Million a Minute In Louis Lovely, In Her Sacrifice for Lor Donald Brian. In Tho Smuggler Donald Brian, In Th Smuggler Fannie Ward. In A Outter Magdalen Dorothy Olsh. In Betty ot Greyston Carter Da Haven, In From Broadway to the Throne Robert Edeaon. In Father ot Men Lillian Walker. In Hesper ot th Mountains Lillian Walker, In Hesper of th Mountain Dana, In The House Frank Keenan. In Th Phantom tn i-o uourt Frank Keenan. In Th Phantom Olga Petrova. la Th Eternal Question Harry D. Carey, la Lov' Lariat Harold Lockwood, In Th River of Romanc Plckford. In From Holland Mary Plckford. la Hulda From Holland Marguerite Clark, In Silks and Satin Marguerite Clark la Bilks and aattna Iron Fcnwlck. In A Child Uar Iren Fenwlck. tn A CbJlJ. of VaUay MAKING KIS SCREEN BOW Hnrry Fox, who Inst ornamented "Stop! Look 1 1 Listen II t" is to make his screen debut in a news paper serial, "Beatrice Fairfax," under tho auspices of tho Interna tional Film Service. SHAKE-UP IMMINENT IN MOTION PICTURES New Type of Organization In vading Photoplay World By the Photoplay Editor la tho photoplay Industry In for an eco nomic BhnUe-up bigger than any slnco the feature film program knocked the bottom from under tho Bhort-suujcct production? It Is easy to say yea; for thero aro a dozen signs of dissatisfaction with the present production and releasing system. But, Just becauso thero nro bo many evi dences of discontent, it is hard to say Just which way the new movement will turn. Thero Is tho "Stato rights" question, for Instance. Onco tho selling of fenturo film rights to ngonts or exchanges In certain limited territories was on a par with the mnrlcctlng of features practically direct to exhibitors on a rental b.-inti through the big program companies. Stnte rights lost out temporarily. Now It seems coming back, whllo tho "closed program" wains. The big films, like "Tho Birth of n Na Hon," which can only be handled on a State rights basis, aro steadily Incrennlng In number. "Tho Fall of a Nation," "Ha mona," "Civilization" nnd many more awaiting release will all be Bold Stato by State, while medium-sized productions, like "Tho Ne'er Do "Well" or productions fea turing distinguished stars, like "Klsmot," with Otis Skinner; "Sherlock Holmes," with 'William Oilletto; "Macbeth." with Sir Herbert Tree, are all being disposed of on a Stato rights basis. This tendency toward specialization In "big pictures" Is bolng complicated by a revival of Interest in short subjects. Tho day of ths five-part feature ns a monopolist of tho best energy of the Industry Is over. The Metro Is putting out a series of one reel comedies with Sidney Drew, Max Flg man and Ralph Herz to fill up Its pro grams. It has also added travel pictures. The Triangle Is putting out two and three reel films with De Wolf Hopper, Bessie Love, Douglas Fairbanks, Fay Tlncher, Mabel Normand, eta The Paramount has added three exceptionally good series of short subjects: The Burton Holmes travelogs, the Bray cartoons and silhouettes and the Paramount Plctographs. Almost all tho other big programs havo byproducts of some sort. Tleturntng to the five-part pictures, there are now companies forming, like the B. S. Moss organization, to make and market a film a month on a Stato rights basis, with out any particular emphasis on size or spectacular nature; while the V, L. S. E. pictures, though not sold to men controlling State rights, aro marketed on what Is called nn "open booking" basis. Tho ex hibitor Is not compelled to tie up for ono complete program. He buys what he wanti as-he might from a State rights agent, TtTere 'a much agitation for the extension of the system. But most Importnnt of all seems to bo tho development lead by Lewis J. Selznlck, and lately backed up by alliances with Her bert Brenon and Stanley V. Mastbaum, It Is the marketing of a once-a-month fea tureguaranteed In qunllty by either star, producer or story, or by all three direct to the exhibitor, and at a considerabls advance In price. Shoots Himself; Falls Into Pond To make death doubly sure, Isaac Taylor, 38 years old, of 20(3 Wakellng street, shot himself In the temple while leaning over tho edge ot a deep pond at Powder Mill lane and Wood street. His body Bank into the water. Ho left a note with his name and address on top of his coat and hat on the bank, The note was found yesterday by John draul, a farmer, who notified the police of the Front and "Westmoreland streets sta tion. A squad of policemen, headed by Ser geant Itenz, recovered Taylor's body. A revolver was found with him, containing one empty cartridge, Taylor had been miss ing since Saturday morning. Prominent Photoplay Presentations WKHT rillLAUKLl'IIIA OVERBROOK 63D aniVo&eyB. DOL'HLK TRIANQLB BILL r D t 1 in -SORROWS .uessie xjarnatcuc of I-OVE" HANK MANN In HEARTS AND SPARKS" BALTIMORE BOTH AND BALTlMORn AVE JSiSS" Frank Keenan Mgg. KBVSTONB ConuOy ROSCOB ARBUCKLE In "FICKLE FATTY'S FALL" EUREKA i0Tlt MARKET 8TB fRD TYRONE POWER in "THE EYE OF GOD" " AOYFM 03D LANSDOWNE AVE, iiAjvUHTs EVENING 0.30 TO 11. RED FEATHER FEATURES Present HOBERT HENLEY in TEMPTATION AND THE MAN- SOUTH rillLilVEU'IHA O sL Y M JT 1 A BAINBRIDGB 7Vi maximum in comfort tafctu and snui sicxts at Jit mUiffivm trie. MATS DAILY CHARLIE CHAJPUN In THE, FIREMAN" "Af Wonwn Bows." UytrM of Uyr," MOTORCYCLIST KILLED IN COLLISION WITH AUTO Year's Motorcar Fatalities Now Number 76 Three Per sons Injured Ono man was killed and three others In jured In automobile nnd motorcycle ac cidents In Philadelphia yesterday. The ono death brlnits tho year's automobile fatalities up to 78. Frank Hlnceak. 24 years old, 4007 Blaine street, riding a motorcycle on Northenst boulevard, wn. killed when he collided with nn automobile at Summer drtle twcntie near Asylum pike. The auto mobile was driven by Charles C. Diddle, 2017 Oxford street. c Michael 1'rokap, 24 years old, also of 4007 Blnlne street, riding behind Blncenk, was thrown off and brulied, but escaped serious Injury. Blddlo drove to the Tncony police station and gave himself up. He was held pending tho action of the Coroner Proknp was also arrested and held ns a witness. It was said that Blnceak failed to blow his horn when he turned off the boulevard. Samuel M Godfrey, 71 years old, 256 North Fifteenth street, wns struck by a motorcycle at Ilro-ul street and South I'enn squnre. He Is In a serious condition at tho Jefferson Hospital Harry Munzo, 25 years old, 929 Carpenter street, was driving tho motorcycle Ho was held at the Central Station without ball for a hearing today. Robert Fatten, 16 years old, Hrle avenue and 18th Btreet, svlffercd serious Internal Injuries when an automobile ran upon the sidewalk with him nnd turned over upon him In Hldge avenue above School lane last night. The nutomobllo had been stolen from In front of the Manufacturers' Club Tattcn was at rested, but taken to St Timothy's Hospital. Two youths who were In the automobile with him ran away after the accident Tho wrecked automobile was towed to the Manaytink police station. It wns tho property ot Frank Boemer, 1146 North 63d street. LANSDOWNE GIRL WHO KILLED CHILD DONE WITH MOTORCARS Miss Florence McCrystnl, whoso auto mobile killed Ida Baltzolt, 8 years old. In front of tho child's homo, 878 North Mnrkoe street, Saturday, Is today In lior homo In Wycombo avenue, Lansdowno, stricken with grief. Sho said she never wnntcd to drlvo her automobile again. Miss McCrystnl was driving from West Philadelphia station, returning to Lans downo, when tho accident happened. She was frightened. Sho hurried to her home and confided In her mother. Then she drovo to tho 5Cth and Pine streets police station nnd gave herself up. Sho was held by Magistrate Pennock under $2000 bal awaiting action of tho Coroner. Theatrical Baedeker NEW FEATURE FILMS. STANLEY "Hulda. from Holland," with Marj I'lckford, a Tnmnus IMaycrs.Parsrnount fea ture: n Burton Holmes trnvelosu, "IMctur esqus I'raiuo". "Ducks Is Ducks," with Max Klemsn. a Metro comedy by Ellis 1'nrKer Ilutlor; a Bray cartoon and news pictures. All neek. ARCADIA First half of the week. "The Half llreed," with DnuRlas Fairbanks, a OrlrtUh Trlanglo Arm. Last half or tho week, "The Payment," with llcsslo Barrlscale, and a Keiitone comedr, PALACE First half of tho week. "The Dupe." with lllanche Sweet, a Lasky-l'aramount pro duction. Last hnlf of tho week, "Tho Smug--Biers," with Donald llrlan, a Famous I'layers IMramount production. VICTORIA Monday and Tuesday. "Tho Cap tive Ood," with W. S. Hart, an Inco-TrlnnicU production and "Lovs'a Uelaway," with Fay Tlncher. a Keystono comedy. Wednesday and Thursday. "The Ee ot the Night." with W H. Thompson, an Inrc-Trlnngle Ilrm. and "His Blrthdny Olft," with Max Flgman.n Metro comedy. Friday and Saturday, "The Child of Destiny," with Irens Fenwlck, a Metro production. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Leon Errol. star of Zlcefeld's "Fol lies"; Toots I'aka. the Hnwallan dancer. Ldla Harry In songs; Williams and Wolfus, In "Hark! Harkl Harkl": Ivan IlankoII and Lola Ulrlls: Lester Crawford and Helen Ilrod erlck. In "A Little at This and a Little ot That"; William Ecdlretee and his poslnr homos and dogs; Marjorls Donner and Hilly Power, In "lilts of Nonsense"; Cycling; Bru nettes, and new a pictures OLOBU "Six Peaches nnd a Pair," with Phil Morris; Bob Hall; Sylvia: "Tho Family." a serln-comlc playlet: Anthony Marlowo, Chaun cey Monroe and company. In "A Business Pro posal"; the Three Hhelvey Boss": Iexey and O'Connor, and the Oulsmanlo Trio. ORAND Allman Loader. In "Fun on the Farm": Mosi and Frye, In black-face: "Bkeet" Gallagher and Irene Martin, singers and rlancers: George Alexander, Orey and Fetors; De Pinna, tho Paths News and Mutual com- CROSH KEYS rirst half of week. "Boarding School Girls," a tabloid musical comedy; Rucker and Winifred; Rich and Stewart, dancers; Margaret Dawson, In a playlst: "Hchool Days." ottered by Moore and Wright: Llbby and Barton. Prominent Photoplay Presentations $amfai 8oSm Gnpamn THE following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Dooklnr Company, which Is J.untee of early showing of the finest productions. All Pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre i In your locality obtalnlor pictures through the BTAJiLK IIOOKINO COMPANY, mam EStBP Myrtle Stedman la THE AMERICAN BEAUTY" ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 18TH i r- 1 I In "THE Douglas rairoanKs half-breed" BILLIK BURKE in "Gloria's Romance," No. 13 APOLLO 5!D AND IatS dailt ?JtES: Charles Ray ,n 'deserter- BILLIB BURKE In "Gloria's Romance," No. B. BELMONT ?.. ABOVE MARKET , 1:80 ft 3;30, 10c , B:30. 8, 0:30, 3c Evgs, Marguerite Clark in "Still Waters" Tn A O BOTH AND CEDAR AVE. UE,LAI. PAHAUOVhT THEATEn Kitty Gordon ,n "The Crucial Test" "WHO'S GUILTTT" No. 10. FAIRMOUNT "D avenue Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno In 'THE TARANTULA" FRANKFORD fbanksTv1nuB MAE MURRAY ln "Swsel Kitty Bsllslrs PICTURES OP FRANKTORD OROCERS' EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY 56TH ST. Theater "SHE? Below Spruce, Erg., T to 11, VICTOR MOORE In "The Clown " Comedy yrsnk Daniels In "Kernel Nutt and High Shoes" GERMANTOWN "e, ANN PENNINGTON in "SUSIE SNOWFLAKE" iinADn AVENUE THEATER ViltV.I.U 7TH AND OIRARD AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in THE ETERNAL GRIND" IRIS THEATER " icv!SgBfTOW LIONEL BARRYMORE in THE QUITTER" JEFFERSON 28TH AND DAUPHIN BTREETS MARIAN NESB1TT In "THE CATSPAW" BILLIM BURKE ln mLORIA'S ROMANCE" METRO TRAVELOGUE LAFAYETTE 9H SvS FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in "A MILLION A MINUTE" LEADER FORTY-FIRST AND LANCASTER AVENUE Victor Moore "The Clown" i sftlsPstfciiiHi HU NAVALlMftlrM COMPLAIN OVmErCHfl) FOOD AND NO PRACTICE Bitter Comment on Exper!en, During Cruise, on Which They Had to Eat Tainted Meat and Stale Vegetables TAUGHT TO SWAB DECtfS Pennsylvania naval militiamen, many oi whom aro Phlladelphlans, who returned Saturday afternoon front a two weeks' practice cm I so on tho United States etuleer Chicago, made bitter complaints tdday of tho treatment they received on board, alleg Ing that they were Instructed In hothlng hut the accomplishments of swabbing" decks nnd sandpapering whaleboats, and that as far as any posslblo preparedness for work In tho navy In cose of war was concerned, they might as well have remained home. Their most serious Indictment wits Upon the food served them. Ths menu, they say, consisted In the main of tainted and Ill-smelling liver, beef.Btew made frorri bad beef, and navy beans. They received nothing In the way of fresh vegetables nor nny desserts during tho cruise. The butter could be detected at long rnnge and was absolutely uneatable. Fortunately the bread was good, and tho tea nnd coffee drinkable, so that the major portion of the 114 regular ly enlisted men and the 61 militiamen aboard wero ablo thus partially to satisfy their hunger. In addition to the poor quality ot Ill cooked food, the quantities served wero out of porportlon to the appetites of healthy young men. Upon ono occnsslon when flap jacks were served at breakfast mess, there were not enough to go nroundj and no moro wero procurable. The men complained, too, of tho fact thai they were denied shore leave except In on Instanco nt Hampton Itoads. Their vessel lay out In tho Delaware opposite Jtace street wharf from tho time they embarked Sat urday, July 1G, until Monday afternoon, July 17, and then proceeded to Delaware Breakwater, whero they lay for a full week of Inaction and lack of practice In any rudi ments of naval work save polishing brats, washing decks and sandpapering gunwales. Lieutenant (Junior grade) A. F, Clement, tho militiamen say, was arrogant as a czar and compelled the men to perform menial tasks with lordly mien. 'When ths men left the ship upon return to Philadel phia Saturday they cheered Lieutenant Nlles. second In commnnd ; Doctor Byder and the enlisted men, but Ignored the com manding odlcer entirely. Tho men say they are prepared to- fur nish affidavits In quantity In support ot their complaints, It necessary, and that aa evidence of tho truth of their statements not one militiaman volunteered when tho commanding officer called for volunteers for the target practice crulso that Is to take place on Labor Day. Bnforo tho cruise, they contend, every, man would have gladly of fered for this service. Tho naval militiamen contend there wera only two cooks for the 01 men ot their complement and that in every sense ap parently everything possible was done to deter civilians from over willingly taking; another cruise on the Chicago. Other mili tiamen who wero on the Rhode Island re ceived thorough Instruction and plenty of good food, they said. Tn Wo match up our speed in miildnff ImmMiltstH fiKfn merits with tho high-grade quality of our lumber. The combination's unbeat able! Edward F.Henson& Co. Structural Lumber and Timber Foplar St. Wharves, Phlla. rang LIBERTY Bn0AD and " X COLUMBIA. De Wolf Hopper ,n ' ?? THE BAT LOGAN THEATER "I0 Sroad LOUISE HUFF In "Destiny's Toy" I i1! TCT B2D AND LOCUST LiUUiJJ Mat., l;SO and 8:80, 1(V- Erfs., 8:80, 8, 8:80. 18c Mary MacLaren ln "WJlliKiS lb MT DAUOHTERr Market St. Theater "ItSeet3 TRIANGLE Presents .JANE OREY In "LET KATIE DO IT." SAM BERNARD la "THH GREAT PEARL TANOLB." "Thd Orlp of Evtt," PALACE "" "AKK STREET BLANCHE SWEETin2??rhe Dupe' BILLIE BURKE In "Gloria' Romance," No. Jl. PARIf RIDOE AVE. A DAUPHIN 8T. ITVIVPW MAT.. 3:18. EVO, BUS ta 1L PARAMOUNT Presents BLANCHE SWEBT to THE THOUSAND. DOLLAR UU8BAND" "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE," No, 8, PRINCESS I01S MARKET STREET rAiUE I'lLTUBSS present Una Cavalieri ,n """Pfe, VXBr. RT AT TO GERMANTOWN AVE. aXLtt.1-. 1 J AT TULPEHOCKEN STy MARGUERITE CLARK in "MOLLY MAKE-BELIEVE" RPPFNT " MARKET BTREET aVE4VjETI A UUUAU OlCH OBOJJt Alice Brady mis PetUcou" RIIRV MARKET STREET W O I BELOW TTH STREET Anua Luther and George Wakit in "TB BEA8T" SAVOY IZll MARKET BTREET WORLD FILM CORP. Presents. Gail Kane in "Paying the PriW PARAMOUNT Presents Edna Goodrich mW- VICTORIA above ywm William S, Hart to "&, co- FAY T1NCHEB to "LOVE'S GETAWAY STANLEY ftSfTVCTut MARY PiCKFOUD fa. "HULDA, FROM HOLLAW ' TTimr"rTT"'TirHriiiUMHliiitiEH. I