ii.r EVElKa LEDGER-PHILADBIPHIA; MONDAY, JULY 81, IftLG. 1 i i niir.i i.. i ni i. ... , .,., ' - " - i . . . " FINANCIAL NEWS ' ,f ' ' . i i' i . .. . , . . 1 BE&fttSH ACTIVITY ENDS IN NEW YORK; 0 .TRADING IS NEARLY ALL PROFESSIONAL I i 1 1 .m.l.tufcw . ... .. . Mm a Bsplmioft on Black Tom Peninsula Does Not Hurt Lehigh . . .Valky Stock Much Threatened Strike in Brook- lyn Is Without Influence t H High Points in Today's Financial News Philadelphia bank statement showed a decrease in loans and an increase n kmH. Stoik trading drt Philadelphia Exchange during July smallest MW February of last year; in bonds lowest since January of last year. Total dividend and interest payments throughout the country for next month wm t alt ricordt. reaching fi&OJtSjGS. Preferred stockholders of Amer lfi Jjmm and Leather Company pressed suit in Trenton, urging an account' htfi notwithstanding dtvidend declaration. Railroad tonnage over lines apcr tmft enstWard continued large and taxed facilities. Philadelphia bank ehnnngs smaller during July. Bar silver higher ill New York and London. Crxpple Creek Central Railroad increased dividend on common stock. Senate passed Owen omnibus bill, waking numerous amendments to Federal Reserve and National Rank act. . SEhe most Important feature of the day's trading In tho stock market was tho awnsatlon of bearish activity. Tho room traders committed to tho short sldo and tho up-town bear plunKora seem to havo become tired nf nfforinir ntrvVa of tnnr t lev'cls. knowing that the moro they offered the more they lost and absenco of J. aupply was commented on In nearly all tho active issues this morning. .in,Q room unvoted a, good deal of attention to discussing the great explosion At tho Lehigh Valley docks, but that disaster was not effective In bringing in any Jong stock, and, although Lehigh Valley yielded 1 point In the first half of tho day to 7514, a firmer tone- was shown by It in tho later trading, Tho, threatened strike pn tho Urooklyn Rapid Transit system was without any Influence on that stock. Altogether tho speculative element set-mod imlifrr. I ent to nny happening, no matter how extensive Its scopo might be. intra Avenue, to winch the trolley strike has extended, dropped 1 point and "Was, followed by a moderate rally. Tho war-order stocks wero In demand during the early hours, because of additional new orders received by tho various munitions companies during the las.t week, but the advances in theso stocks were not sustained. There was a strong tone all through the day In tho Marine Issues, both the common and pro Xarred stocks making jrood iralns. Generally tho market was of a midsummer character, with the trading almost 'Wholly professional. jCROP REPORTS HOLD 1 COTTON IN CHECK (Tene Steady, With Prices Higher. New Orleans Leads Selling1 I m COTTON BKI.T WKATIIEIt. JF NKW YOKK.,Jaly 81. rrtclpllatlon was hs rattan belt thin morning, with tempera ture nbaat normal. . T"..f""?3r'nr temperatures were recorded: AftrtiHk. 08t Augusta. Atlanta, Relelch and jkjnnalnfDam. 70j t'hattaooof. Tit Una An. Wtaato. Bel Hln and Ataesn. Til Thooasvllle, ,1; Charleston, Havannah. Jarkranvllle. Ukla- k iuti jinoxYiue ana naaitTUie, ii and jlcrldlan. 78) W tan CUr. JinoxTlUs and. n jonigomery i cnsacoia 8 hroTPport. (latrtstan. Mnhlle. uton nla. ILvTIcJlsburr. Memphis. Ultte Rorfe and JToit 1 "y"'". ov u ' mm iru( VJ Ansasta and A'lcksburg. .10 at Shrereport y t uniTcnton. tti ai oaQ Antonio tarnaa Chrlntl vj menes or New Orleans. 83. ir.ll Sh; New York B,ond Sales .$1000 Amer Airr deb Ss .. loiooo Anglo-Kr 3s 71000 Amer-Forelgn Sec 3s flixio Amer Tel clt 4 4000 Armour Co 4tia ... .41)00 Atchlion gen 4a High, d4 . ri 4tti Ohio 3V4i t .74 ' Corpus Chrlitl. prrelnltntlan at , and NEW TOIUC. July 31. Selllnir. Influenced by private crop roports, held the cotton xnarkqt la check this morning and initial levels were less than due on the good ca bles. The tone was steady, however, with prices 1 to 4 points hlgh;r. It was stated that the drop of 3 points In the report of Commercial Appeal Indi cated a condition of 7S.1 by the Government tomorrow, allowing tho same amount of loss, and this figure Is considerably higher than has been looked for by tho trade. New Orleans led the sclllnc and was fol lowed by commission houses and room trad, era, Liverpool sold January and March. Buying 'wVs scattered, but came from com Fratlvoly good sources. After the call declines of abiut one point from the opening prices wero recorded. Liverpool was due to come 1H to 2Jpolnts lower, but at tho time of the start here prices showed a gain cf 3 to 3H points. The outlook, tor better weather In tho astern belt seemed, to check fresh buying and prices eased off after the opening ad Vanco as a result of scattering liquidation. Tho easy ruling of the market In New Or leans suggested rather a reactionary seritlt jnent at that point also, and part of the local selling was probably based on a. feel ing that quite as tow 'a condition figure Trom the Government had been discounted on the advances of last week as was at all likely to be received. Arrivals of cotton at New York today were 6445 bales. Including 3G14 bales con 1 signed. Rzports for tho day were 4J69 bales, compared witli 38 bales a year ugo. Sat. close. Open. Hlsh a.i'4 13.30 13.47 1X.1UI 13.81 J3.7 11)000 do adi 10000 do Art 20000 Bait tt l 33000 da Sa UMHl do 4a 1000(1 do cv Mi .... .101)0 D40 LEtWV 4n . 18000 peth Steel rfd fia . 0000 llrook IITJi 111 18. 4400 Can Uov 4a 11(21.. 3U0OO do 192(1 120011 do 1V3I ....... 3000 Cent t.eath lat Ba . 4000 Cent Pacific lat 4a 2H0OO Chea A Ohio cv 454a.. sail 100OU do IVi. KllV 800O do conv 0 aC 1000 Chi A Alton 34a 49H 10000 Chi at West 4a 7(1 iinni uni ug joint 4a,... 1I7 t 4'y J ?" - t2 2t 02tS 1000 Chi JlTl St 1 pen 4a. oofi liuft UoS aooo do cp fia..... Ill-JJ, 102 102 30000 do cv 44a inn 2000 Chi R I & P rfd 4a... 73 200O do Tn (it 400O Col Industrial Ba 70U 1000 Col & Mouth lat 4i... H.I 1000 Cuban-Am Suar Ca..loi!i iuuo uumoeriana 'lei oa....ioo .-von uei a iiuu rtil 4a.. flOOO Den A Ulu Or 4a... 4000 do 4 Via 27000 Erla Bn 4a 1000O do conv 4a Ser II 100(1 do conv 4a Scr D 10'JO do prior 4a 2000 C-en Klcr deb Aa.... 1000 Hud A Man rfd Sa inooo Indiana ttteet 3a.... 10000 Iowa Central ref 4a 10VU III Contral rfd 4a .. 1000 Interb Met lVia..,. 4200U Interb R T rut tla .. oaooo Inter M Mar cv 4Vib I. Low. Clone, i."? I'yi'.H io.:t u.lia 3U D3H i . US 8 1H. Ul4 HIS . U3H 111. D.IH 2f. 1)2)1 U2S 83j 8.IH Kt'J tllljl UlltJ ji 113'i UJX U2ti lUuS 100 10OV) m uoi mi). OS., OS 05 so; siij; sti; looj. looS looji 1004 100H loo'. . imli 09X oH Bi DDK UUli lOOV 100S lUlrC mis iot4! nn SHH HSU HSU M S3 MiU NOV ". 'i U3 1)34 40tk 4U" 7(1 70 117 U7 7000 Internl Paper cvt Sa,. 02S 2000 Jnpaneae new O a 4Vi a lit'-, .i.tnn iin m-u. jli. w.iz 00V 1000 Kan City 80 lat Sa 1000 do Ba 1(100 Lacka 3te! B 1023 2000 do Ba 1030 ...... 4000 lie Sh deb 4a 1028.. 1000 Lie & M T Ba 1000 txirlllard Sa 3000 Manhattan 4a OO00 do ata 4a 23000 Mont Power 3a ..... SO00 N Y C L. S 3V a re 7000 N Y C 4 Hud Ba..., 2000 flo 3Via 1000 .do 4 , 2000 do 4V4a Ii.l 2000 N v C 3Ha Nov 1H34. lio nmu ao -IB iiit .......100?4 1000 Ha 4a 10.18 ........toilji ilIU 1000 1000 211010 lWIn J ou VI 73 , 73 OlU 1U 70'A 70(i H3 83 I IUI7I ill! I H 1IM)H llKI-i OHS U8K I'HH 78 , 7S 78 84U 81 i 81U 7 lS 1 1iH 71 71 71 8.1;; Uk . 85; 101 lnnilliu loi lZlliSlTd KS)V BAi XX 74(4 liVjr 74U I) 07 01 111.', 1(L1K .1U!VT4 "2ft , 113 M1U N1U 83H S3H IIS 08 MfZ H'.lU 00H oa4 i 0.1U n.u innvr titnr H3H us UUJ4 U3V TlUllZ lDtHj 100 100V n.7S "7 O '7 v, V(H 110 , 117. l)7H t7i :iiea il?8 ilj . 8J!4 82j? 8J14 . Uo( OliH UOVi ua.. iij 11a 1101 uoj; DOji IOOK ioo loos 11111U i,mLY iiwiL. -"'' ..wr. 'M Amruit October December i'"""?ry . Marci ... JMajr ,.,,. I'.tllOi ....13.fl ,...13.03 k:::i:i3 i.i.iu 13.30 13.48 rx.NI 13.00 13. IlW. la. (i J 13.18 13.38 1S.41 13. ST 13,13 Cloae. 13.3.1 13.4J 13.00 la. 73 13.2U Liverpool Cotton tlVKUPOOU July 31. Spot cotton was .()Ulet today and four points higher on the basis' of 8.10d for mldupland. The sales were C00O bales, includlpg 4SQ0 bales Amer ican. The receipts were 30,000 bales, in cluding 29,SqO bales American, The market for futures closed e'eady at a net ad Vance of H 5 points. ! DIVIDENDS FAIL AS MUFFLER Stockholders Press Suit for Accounting of American Hide and Leather TRENTON. N. X. July 31. Xotwlth Utandlng the announcement of the Amer ican Hide and Leather Company on July 2 that a dividend of S per cent will be Iald on preferred stock on Kepteraber 1 to holders of record August 17, the preferred stockholders, who are Insisting that ad U,lonal profits shall be distributed, today Wed an amended bill of complaint In the few Jersey Court of Chancery to enforce Mi accounting. Wltiie concerning somewhat the general legations of mismanagement by the pro noter of the corporation In 189), the amended complaint today specifically re quest Chancellor Walker Xa allow an ac count of various transactions of the corporation. 1 ' Frederick Drew Bond and Hans P. Greece, of New York, and Anderson Price, Bergen, Nv J. Who arc counsel In the uit. represent, a committee of preferred t Stockholders appointed by Robert Hudson t and T, W. Weeks. Ha 4a 10.18 ........lOOH lOOV; 10 do 4!ia 1VII3 ......10J 107 J, 10 ,do 4Ka 1U05 t07?4 1II7 10 If Y N 11 t II Ua.. ..112'.i 112J 11 N V Itwv mil K HM .TK r. 7000 N Y TbI sen 4Ha.... D7J4 75t U 2000 NYW C4 II 4Va.. 74 74 7 .... 1)2 112 II .... CoV, 03 '4 II 1.... lUH "1 11 , ...limi luoii 10 ... liu iri u ...101 101K 10 ...l)4i 10 IS 10 754 7 200U Nor Pac prior 4a luoii ao gen sa looou Ore Snort 1, rf 4a j anon rac coaat lat 3a HUH) 1'cnnu 4a HUH... omul do sen ct 414 .. 3000 da en 4Lia 1000 nio Or A V clt 4 1000 st 1, i j a uiria 3000 St 1. S F adj w 1 r.2O0O do can ct 4a 20500 do acr A w I iloOd do aja w I 1000 South Hell Sa...... 12000 South 1'a.e cv 4a.... I80011 do cv ret f p Sa... 1000 do rfd 4a 10OO South Itwr sen 4a. 13000 do con 3a 2700U Tenn O ret f p.... 1700O Teiaa Co cv fla..,,, 10000 Third Ava adj Sa,., 10OOO II a Hubber i:i... 32000 U H Steel H F Sa., KHM1 do S P res Sa.,., 23000 Union Pao lat 4a... 18000 tin Hwr. S K 4a 11000 Va Oa Urown Ilroa... S7 Au.11, 4 iar inm ihi pa,, vi 2000 Wabaah lat Ba,.,.. ,103't 24000 do 2d Sa U8S 3000 Weat N Y Pa 4a,,. 84 in "3H . 80)1 TtllL . :i t;sX . 8I)i oJ .lout, loot, ,102 io2; . 9(1 00 .101H 101 . 92 01 .104K 104U . 70 78H .102., 102 .103U 103 .103 103 . OOJi 90 SHk an A RVA 97 1II3U 98H 81 !S r , , .I . . 1 ar ' CJSi d LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAIt 8T0CK8. Suiter ....... ..--. . ....... . T...- "... -,--.-- uiafuapa ,t............r... Tt mr . ..4....,., ........ n WHmura .............. ., ..j ,. .. i .., l asiwaaion .,,.,.,,,..,, '-.""W 1 INW i P3 ...,,., --t?M ..lt'.,ffl,i.t,. O0W3FJELH STOCKS. Bid. .81 ,04 .18 ,1 St 5S S3 4Kif-:;;.r.:;::::::::::;u: s ' cSfilL. " 'i"W" jjf.f feiSS':::::-!:::: ill IS1'. .v.::::::::r:r.::::::: :t r aaawnrVjA?'--" Aakad. ,ss .od :lo IS fi' - u 27 .5 :1 01 5? .......M..,H11, 4 isiHar' IJHW"H"0 Jt . ,03 .13 T!'" s 41 H- &W mew tsk. wy M 4 amm mm 57t R " tutu NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOHK. July 31. The market for coffee futures opened very steady at an ad vance of S points or. support from brokers vlth foreign connections. The trading was fairly active, with sales on call 7 1 SO bags. After the opening, trading n the coffee market was quiet and with prices at about the opening level. There was nothing new In the early advices and the trade at large seemed willing to await develop ments before taking an aggressive stand either way. The early market received the support of foreign interests, with the selling scattered. Receipts at Itlo and Santos for the week totaled 409,000 bags or 78,000 .bags more than a week ago, and 57,000 bags less than a, year ago. No change was reported in spots with Rio No, T quoted at 9ttc Today" opening, Atunut .... September 8.4308.5a October ,,, Nomtr .,,.,,,.,,, ..... Itoimkr 8.19 08.00 January ...S.03 February .,,....,,,, March ..- ... 8.788,TS April -.-. Slay ii.6T08.SS Juna Bid. Total c-Iea, 7000 baya. Saturday! rloae. 8.3HQ8.40 H. 4318.44 8.470S.4H '8. .1108.32 tt.34$8.aa 8.11008.81 8.tana.M7 8.728,73 8.77Q8.78 h.K!rrM.H3 8.8768.88 RAILROAD EARNINGS INTEBKATiqNAU AND OREAT NORTIIRPN. lulu. I692.UOJ 24.233 9.420.2UI June fOMm Met alter Us Twivw montha aruaa f,., ,,W a ,600.407 -Third week Julr SSI. 123 arosx jujy x J9d,u23 BBTnorr ano wackinac. Junt'gioaa 1103,047 118.773 Kat alter tajta 20.703 740s ATIINTA. DIIlillNOHASI ANO ATUlNTia Increaaa. J7J.1U1 S3. 588 S.I I1.0U5 833,1)08 18,831 34,334 ?? weak July rgsu ujjr 1... 138.637 172,108 ..... atcwison. Juno (tou 111,331.400 Net r tax 3.7U,2l Tha maHUa' srpa. .13.7(13.JJ Kaj fUr tax a3,7J8.8M GRAND TBUHK. Ttka w July ll.iio.s28 IS II I 1 IJ"T-Bl sapaeit ll ?S4!5 V.UI4 11.083,407 731.3IS ln.Wju.sys 7.73s,?a 15.3JS ' Sf Wkeat Steady in Liverpool lavaRPOOIfc July 31. Spot wheat was tedy and unchanged today, with No. hard wiatsr quoted at 17s Id: No. 1 Nor- 1 tilers Mitoti t 13 M and No, Korth- fsjptsy. i r JinWib at U Id. Corn waa ady N I 4P aajHUfH, WftM vtjntrirn SS1- " fumiFwW. mta t it tic I New York Stock Sales I.ait close, tilth. Alasks J (3olA t Alaska Gold M J7H Ailt risbbcl ,,.,.. 05 Anij-Chalmcrs JUst 21f Alll-Chalm;n Mfciif ... 73'f Am Ag CuemlcdWft..,. 07 Am Ag ChemlcajBtt'..,. 08!f Am ncet Suiaf.,,... fair Am nrsfce S A l;''p'....181 Am t,n .,,,... .,,.,,. off Am Can pf.. ...... 8 03 22 74 CT 100 S91, 11)8 & Am Car ft Fdy , 67 Am Hide a Leather pf... 6.1 Am Ice Securities ,, 27)9 Am LocomotlTC. ......... 0.jJt Am Locomotlvo rf ..,.,.. 101 Am Hmcit fc Itef MM Am Strel Foundries. .til S2 Am Tel A Tel ,.,,. 129M Am Tobacco, ,,222 Am Tobacco pf now 103 Am Woolen rf . . . t. . M Am Zinc LA Sm 32H Ahaconda Copper M.,,,. 70 Alch Top& 8 F ,..,.. 101 Attn Top & S K pf.,.,.. 00 AllOnlf ftVI C2M At! Gulf & Wlpf...... 03 Hald Ixk Wks... ,.,., COM Halt ft Ohio...., STAi Ilroobl.vn lUp 't'r. ....... 8-iM lian T A It It sec OM Dull Koch at1 100 Hutto A Superior..,,.... 07M ,np hum no Voir, 8 17M M 21M 74 CO DOM 100 CT 80 MM 198 54M 65 Close. 8 17M 03 21M 74 C9 WHEAT IRREGULAR ,. AT CLOSE OF DAY Market Hollies Early on Bad Crop News From the ' Northwest Sates in Philadelphia MOM 68!( MM 27M COM 101 D.W r,2i 68M 67f MM MM 27 20M 07 05M 101 lot 03M P3M ran 2 129M 120M 120K 221 221 221 10SM 107 107 0.M IM Vim 33M 33M 78M 7831 102M lOl 00 00 03 03 M fit COM 70' 84M 0 100 07M 33M 70M 10.3 IW 03 01 71M fOM 84M 0 100 07M &) 84f 0 101 07M 0HA1X I1EI.T WRATltKtl it)ltKCAST ntlt'AOO, 4utr 31. The weather fore eo for 38 hour follow! ... . Illinois Oenernlly fnlr tantiht and Titea nari fooler Tneaday and north nnd central day tonlaht. .inn irtlit Ul ,i. Mlnnpontn Fnlr tonlxht nnd Tneailnyl fionrl Oenernlly fair tonlitht nnd Tne- 'i aiianiii tlienut Tn ahtly eimlrr lonlnhti north nnd tonlaht nnd Tneadayi nortneniit Tneoinr, iieonMn mir i rooler tonight, W Innmtntnv enoler tonlaht nenf l.nKo Mnperlort warmer Tneaday, writ. ..... , Iown OrnernllT fnlr font?'1 Kr1 Tneadnyt rooler tonlehti aluhtly wnniK edny, ex tremo northweit, ... ... North llnkntn rnlr tonlaht nnd Tuea iinTi wnrirer Tneadav nnd north tonlitht, .. . Honlh l)iko(i nnd Nrhrsaksr-Wrnemllr fnlr tonlaht nnd Tnerty nnn . nroDOB tlfilnridny( wnrmer Tueidny, norm. My dy allahtlr rooler wnrmer w I inlaht. rilnrndny, northwest. eo ndn northirrflti 175M 177 M'.i 112 10IM COM 47M DIM 128 IBM 7I'( 43M 47M DIM 128 11M 73 43M Canadian Pacific ...170M 177 Central LcatHer MM MM fit Onlr.il Ix-athorrf. ..... 112M 112M 112 Chandler Motor, 103M 101'j 10 1 Cum ft Ohio ftOii CAM CO Chlno Copper.,, ,..48 48 Ohlraeo Jill A St Pant . . 0. 0"i Chkaco A Northtrejtorn 127 128 Chlcaio It I A Pac 10M 10M Clnott, Pea ft Co 7.1 74M Col Fuel Alton 43M 44M CoawllilaW Oil 131 133M 133M 133M Corn ProducttlUf pf.. 00M 89 oO 60 Crucible Stcri GSM COM 08M CSM Cuba Cane Suzar csM f9M tiU'i fiOM Cubi Cane Sugar pf OIM Olt, OIM OI'X Denver ft Itlo Or pf 31 3tM 34M 3IM Detroit Unltal Hys 110 118 118 118 Distill Sec Corp'n 43,M 44M 41M 44M Dome Mines 20 2(1 211 20 Kloc Storage Bat 07! 0V OS 0.5 Erie .V, m 3-1 31U Krto 1st pf C1M T2 MM :,2 Gen Chemical 300 .TftJ 302 302 Gen Chemical pf 113M 113M 113M 113M General Electric 10SM 109 10SM 100 General Motors pf 110 ll.VM lir, llrtM Grjano-Cananea 40 40M 4(1 40 Goodrich II F 71M 72,' a 72M 72M tiooaricn ii Kpr .113)5 U3H 113M 113M Great Northern pf 11 G N cfs for ore uroo So llllnoU Central 103 Int Con Cor t t c sh. .. . 10U Int Con Corp'n pf 7.W Int Paper lt&r Int Paper pf 0.1 Imp Con Cop 47M Int Nlctcl v t eft 41M Int M M oof dep 24M Int M M pf c of dep . ... S.") Jewel Tea 2 Kcnnccott Copper.. 45M Lack Steel Co 71 Laclede Oa? 10.1 Lako Erie ft West 20'f Lehlsh Valloy 77M I.co Hubber Tiro 43M Mackay Cos 82 Manhattan Shirt Co 03 Mav Dept Stores pf 105 Maxell Motors 81M Matircll Motors 1st pf .. 87M Minn St PAS SM ....124 Mexican Petroleum OSJi Miami Copper 34M MLssourl I'acltle..... ,CJf Missouri Paciric tr eft. . . . 0 Montana Power 01 Nat lllscult pf 125 Nat i:nam ft 8 Co 23M Nat Lead Co C3M Nev Con Cop MH New York Air Drake.. ..12(1 Now York 0 ft West.... 20 Norfolk A Western 127M 128 Norfolk ft Western pf . . .87M 8(IM North American (I3M OS i 117M 117M 117M ; 103 10M 74 14M 05M 47M 41M 20 S8M 83 45M 7DJ 10.. 21 77M 41 SIM 05 107 82M 87M 123M 09M 31M 0 0 02M 03M 10M 128 20M Northern Pacific. X 103 10M 74 14 IWM 47M 43M 24M 8SM 8.1 44M 70)j 105 21 70M 4t SIM 05 107 81 S7 122M 03M 31M CM 5M 02 127M 127M 127.M 23f 23 23M 13M C3M 18M I0.M 120 123 20 20 127U 128 60M 80M 03 08 :v 103 10M 74 MM 05M 47M 41M 25M 88 8.3 45 71 105 21 77M 41 81M 05 107 81M 87 12.1M OSM 34M 5M 5M 02M CHICAGO, July 31, After developing strength for a time followlns weakness, the wheat mnrl 't sagged njaln today and closed Irregular, with July n. little lower and September nnd December a trlllo higher. Tho rally was duo to continued had news with regard to the crop In tho American northwest and Canada. Larger receipts In tho southwest, however, were against tho market and professional speculators were hcaVlsh. A leading authority telegraphed from l'ortage La I'rarlc, Manitoba, that all fields examined by him today wero affected with black rust nnd thnt If the weather continued hot ho believed the damnga will bo great. Tho market at Liverpool was steady on smaller arrival, Btlflne3S in freight rates, damage reports from tho United States and Canada and unfavorable weather con ditions In Kuropc. Corn ended easier after It had sold abovo Saturday's close. Scattered rains In Nebraska Saturday night nnd In south western Iowa favored the bears. Un favorable crop news wan received from Kansas and Oklahoma. The market at Liverpool was firm. OatH finished easier. Leading tuturea ranged na follows: , -" BatMty's Wheat Own. llleh. law. Cloio. cloio. July 1.1SH 1.2(i l.tlji t HiH l.iuf. Sept 1.21 l.SMfc l.lSl.aiH 1.21i Vvc 1.24U .1.B3S 1.23tl l.SlS 1.24H t orn inow uonvMry, " . s. , JTlKh. low. Close, cha-e. co Acme Tics sa ss IS Am Ilys pr o ' fVS Qb .... it BSLopr..ioH ios ioi i 1 Cam Iron, 45 4S 43 . ,,,. ill Eleo Stor.. ot eyt 83 ..... 30 den Asp pr 60 60 60 . .... Id Ins Co NA Sift 2 3 .4i.. SO K T Co pr OS - 6H 65 180 Lk Sup Cor 10V6 10 10 8 Leh Nav ,. ?Sf, M4M, 1i 1 sa Leh Val .. :i 70 17 2.15 Tenna It It soft 80 boa A SO PhCncum p 40 30H S9H 240 Thlla Elec. 28 2Mi 2Mi Mi 200 PKT tr ctfs 19V4 IBM 19H 000 Ton Bel .. ty, 1 iy, ..... 2S0 Ton Mln ( 8 oft Sft ft 70 UnTrac .,44 44 41 13 U O 1 ... 87 87 81 60.1 V S Steel, 80ft 80ft 80ft 20 West Elec. 67ft 07ft fttft lft 20 War 1 ft S Oft Oft Oft.,... 60 W J & Sea 40ft 49ft 40ft ..... 82 Westmld C 70 70 70 SO York Hv... 14 14 It Ex dividend. Increase. Decrease. UOND3. Net . . . .. High. Low. Close, ehjro. fSlOO AmG&ElBs. 01 03ft ot ft 1000 Int Itys 4s 87 87 87 , , . 1 . 2000 K T 1st 5s 08ft 08V4 08ft .4- ft 1000 li V gen 4s 00 90 00 . .... 17000 li V cons 4 ',4a 2002 00ft 90ft 00ft 1000 ra&MdSGs.l07 107 107 0000 Fhlla El 4s 84 81 81 ft 6000 do 5s ..103 101ft 103 4000 Heads gnts 03ft 03 OS ft 4-lncrease. Decrease RAILROAD TONNAGE CONTINUES LARGE OVER LINES OPERATING EASTWARD Facilities of Carriers Are Still Taxed to tho Limit and Offi cials Do Not Expect Change SoonLocal Stock Market Quiet m- Local Bid and Asked Pacing Mall... 20 .110M 1UM 110M 110M "Penn Railroad. Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal CoN J.. Pittsburgh Steel pf .... Prcsst-d S Car Co Ity Steel Sp Co Hay Con Copper Reading Reading 2d pf Republic Iron AS Republic Iron A 8 pf.. 'Sears. Roo A Co .... Shat Ariz Cop Southern l'arinc....... Southern Ity Standard Milling rts... Standard Mlllln" pf... Studebakrr Co Tcnu Copper Texas Co Total Pacific Third Avenue Twin City RT Union Has A Paper.... Union Bag A P pf United Cigar Stores.... Union I'acltle U SInd Alcohol USOIP&K us 01 pa rpf United Fruit US Realty A Imp U S Rubber 1st pf..... US Steel Corp'n U S Steel Corp'n pf . . Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem.. , Wabash, pf A Wabash pr II West E AM Western Maryland , West Union Tele. 20 20 20 MM KIM 58M 50M . 3hM 30M 30M 39M . 20M 20M 20U 2(1M . 08M OSM IWM OSM . 47M 47M 47M 47M . 43 43 42M 43 . 22M 23 22M 23 . OSM 95M ft) OSM . 41 44 41 44 . 40M 47M 47M 47M ,100)1 110 109M 100M .202 20 1M 200 200 . 20 20 20 20 . 97M 07U 07M 07M . 22K 22M 22M 87M 87M S7)i Julr eiit. . . . Die Oatn Julr .... Sent. , . . Der Lard Julr .... .Sent. ... Oct Hlba July ..., .'lept. . . . Oil Pork July .... MpdI. . . . Wii R.T . . isH .. OH .. 4I1 .. 4i)S ..12.02 ..12.117 . .12.U3 lU't (IRS 4n?t ll'i 43) 12.02 12. (IT 12.117 82 UT HIIV4 43 82U ao'.i t!3(i ..13.43 ..13.47 ..23.73 2I.KU tAakeil, 13.47 13.23 12 32 12.32 IS. 81 tlS.tli 12.U0 12.02 13.10 13. II) 23 75 24.110 21 S7 21.DU 23.03 24. UU tfi.8 40!i t7a .n7 12.72 12.73 '13.50 13.31) f23.73 24.75 1 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOHK, July 31. Although there was a steady tone to the foreign exchange market this mornlnir, little or no business was transacted. I.lro showed a. decllno ot li, Swiss U, Vienna 5 points and guilder checks ft. Other quotations were un changed. Demand Merlins 4.7S 13-16, cables, 4. 70, 00 days 1.71-li. UO ilavs 4.C9',4 04.Ca4 1 franc checks G.907i, cables 5.90aj, relchmarks checks 71 13-10, cables 71T4: Hro checks' C.I!), cables 0.48H. Swiss checks C.2f".i, cables 5.23 Vi ; Vienna checks 12.30, cables 12.35; Scandinavian kronor checks 28.S0, cables 28.90; pesetnb checks 20.1G, cables 20.23; guilders checlls 41-; cables 41 7-1G ; rubles checks 30.45, cables 30.50. Duff A Gua te , uo prer tc ,..,,.,. oi Itrlll J U 32 Ualdtrln , 70 To1ar. Raturilav. nid, Aaked. .Bid.. Asked,. 4S Qfllclftlk of railroads operating eastward from Chicago nnd St. Louis report no par ticular change In the general situation which lias prevailed over theso lines for a number nf weeks with regard to tho volume of tonnnge moving eastward. It still re mains large enough to tax the facllltlei of tho railroads almost to tho limit, and ofllclnls expect this situation to continue Indefinitely, The westbound movement Is comfortably ,ln excess of a yenr ngo, although the situa tion Is not as acute as that of freight mov ing eastward. General business continues to be stimu lated by tho cxtrcmo activity nt the large Industrial polnWln tho section covered by these roods. Odlclals of southern roadi report satis factory gains In tonnago a"nd say that busi ness Is cneournglng. .- Trading Was quiet throughout the morn ing on the Philadelphia Stock Exchnngo nnd what sales wero made were confined to n few Itaucs. Electric Storage Battery wss again In demand nnd sold up a fraction early In the day at 67,the high ot last weik'n movement. Philadelphia Klectrla gained a fraction to 28 early In tho trad ing, but later dropped to 2 8 ylt Saturday's tlo.ilng prlco Iehlgh Valley was off a i ,tctlon at- 7T&, and Pennsylvania was unchanged at 6G-Vi. Warwick Iron nnd Steel went for Saturday's last prlco, 9'.6. There was little business In the bond mar ket, Philadelphia niectrlq 4s and 6s trers tho most actlvo, the former gaining V to 471, nnd tho latter M to 105. Hemline gen eral 4s sold unchanged at 95 U. During tho first part of tho afternoon thero was ittllo Improvement In the activity. Pennsylvania shnded a fraction and United dns Improvement sold off a quarter at 874 The market remained quiet during tho lato trading. Lehigh Valley dropped bade Hi, Acme Tea was down a half to C2 anil United Gas Improvement dropped to 87f. Pennsylvania gained a fraction, selling at B6T4. lJlee moraire uen Aprelt do pref ,. ICeratuna Telephone rfu t c , , , lo pref .,,. Lake Mun t.'orp ,,. Lehigh Niv i,eniBn valley Stt 33 , l) 14 , 14 US II) 74 no nil S3 7IH4 0014 S3 t!9M 144 145i 111) 10 744 4SVi 43 88 32 111) 11 14 117 ID 7.1 77' SO 58 7(1 07 33 Clrti HVi 14H W.. ll14 73i 77'i i,eninn vnuey ..... .. if li',i In pref 42U MSS 42 43., Pennaylvnnla r.OH 5(1 Bilji. OOji P'l"a Klectrlo 2StJ 2S5 2sT 2!fSi 3tf I'hlla Co .1(1 ill) 5 tx-r rent ttrpf . . . :17 ilo 0 pr cent pref. . . . 3UJ4 i ... inn (in t Heading Tonopnli Itelmont Tonopah .Mlnlnl., Union Traction .. II tlaa Imp tt 8 Steel , York Itwr do Prof , Wm Crnmp t c... Ex dlldend. ii r. 4 r.ti 44 87S MIS II 3IIJ4 72ii 40 3) 41) 21) 0311 4 'A 0 4tU 8.1 SliH 37 73 3lll UlC 44 87; sitH 4ll.i 31) 41) 20 . MVi II 44IJ SK N'l',4 13 37(4 75 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS JULY STOCK TRADING HERE SMALLEST SINCE FEBRUARY, 1915 Business in Bonds Falls to Lowest Level Since January df Last Year Not since Fcbrttnry of last year has the trading In (docks on tho Philadelphia Slock Exchanga fallen to such a low level as dur ing July. In tho caso of bonds It wns the smallest month's business slnco January of last year. Tho number of shares of stock wmen changed hands In tho month reachod the total of 102,701. This compares with 201.035 In June nnd 374,287 In July of 1015. Hond sales totnlcd 11.057.450, as against Jl, 111,795 In Juno nnd ,1,310,392 In July of last year. Tho slock business Is tho smallest of nny July In the last threo years nnd bond busi ness has not been So small In nny July since 1913. Tho largest month's trading this year was In lfebruaryf when tho sales totaled 012,551. At that time merger of tho Cambria Steel with the Mldvale Steel was going on nnd the trading In the former stock was vory actlvo on tho exchange, making up tho bulk of the business. Transactions In stocks nnd bonds for the tasi tnreo years follow: CURB TRADING SMALL; PRICES ARE NARROW Business Restricted by In tense Heat Aetna Explosives Leader Oil Stocks Heavy NUllIIEn OP SHARES. RATES FOR MONEY New Tork . . Philadelphia lloaton . . . . Chicago .... Cull, 2 ffl3& 4 h'.iOl Time. 34 M4K 1 K tty a i 18 BANK CLEARINGS Dank rlcarlnga today compared with corre sponding day Inst two yeurs: 10111. int.-.. urn. rhlladeJpbla.t2D.13l.23!) 122.11m. 7.' I ISO.H.IM.flift lloaton 111,1147.704 1H.30.'i.7iI3 27.01K.182 Now York...27l).71ll.llll.- 22S.317,7H1 2IS.073,UH7 Chicago .... nH.III2.2H3 34.271,112 .. ...I... St. I-oula ... 17.11311.2113 1.1.882,113 ....... Baltimore. ,. 0.233.1UH 3,1141.433 Reserve Banlts' Discount Rates 10 or Over II) Over 30 Over 00 up 10 .jii up 10 no. .127JI 12S . 2551 20i .10JH 195 ll'i 11' !i PJ7 MX 192 UX GHi COX 0i 39X 98X 1"JX ii 87X 127X 25! i 10.-) 114 02 OGX CX 39X USX 02K 112 1. wm van ,. ax ox . 39X 39X . OSJi Wi .130X 137i 130X 137X lOOX 109 100H.10S . 20 20X 19X 20 . Wi C1X 5.1 MJf .150 167X 15GX 150X . 29 29J 29), 29X .1QSX 10835 108X' SOX 87 8X .11SJJ 110X 110),' . 70 70X 70 37X 39X 50 49X 20X 50 27 93 Wheel & U E 2n pf 5 Wisconsin Central 50 Willys Overland 69X WUljrs Oierland pf 105 Quoted ex dividend. :ox 58 27 92X Mi 497 59!f 100 ,39X 50 20X 50 27 92X 5X 48 57X 108) i 8CX UOX 70X 39X 50 20X 67Ji 27 03X 5X 49X 5.H.X Itoaton Nw York .. Philadelphia . Olovelnnd . . Ittchmond '. . Atlanta CMiatco St. Luula ... Mlnneapolla .. Konaaa City. D.illan Sen Franclitro. leaa. .1 :i s"j 31, 3" 4 3 Commercial paper, 4 ai phla. 3V, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 to 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 months. up to uo. 4 4 4W 4 4 r rhllaUel- Over 00. Itcston , ft New York . . . It I'hlladttlptila .. 416 Cleveland , ... ft l.rhmonl .... ft Atlanta ...... ft Chicago ...... ft st. Louu .... a Minneapolis ... ft ivansui uiir. . a Dallat San Francisco. Up to 30 days: over UO to 00. 4)k per cent, cent. .1 ier i'nt. Acrlcul. Trade Acceptances, Com up 10 uu. .s !7i to VU.modlty. 3V -3 3(4 over 30 to CO. 4 anil over uo, & per 3H 3 i 3 3t4 per cent. LOCAL LOANS SMALLER 10334 100 Financial Briefs The June production of Nevada Consoll dated was 8. 051,772 pounds; China was 7,313,618 pounds; Utah Copper was 17, 877,493 pounds and Itay Consolidated was 6,598,691 pounds. New York banks gained from Sub'treasttry Saturday J1.03J.000 and since last Friday J2.W.00O. It Is officially announced that provision has been made for taking up on August 1 the J2.500.000 two-year notes of the Minns spoils and St. Ixuls Ilailroad Company that were dua on February 1, but which, under the readjustment plan, were extended to August I. Miller & Co. announce that the 25,000 shares of the capital ttcck ot the gcrlppa Booth Corporation which had been offered by them at J 50 net share have been largely oversubscribed Snd that the subscription books have been closed. Articles of incorporation were filed In Al bany, N. V., today by Fried, .Mendelsohn & Co, The capital is (600.000. The directors are Isaac Mendelsohn, Henry Mendelsohn and Benjamin F. I.onu. of New York city. The corporation will deal n silks. The airard Trust fompany has been ap pointed registrar of all Issues of bonds of the Pennsylvania Steel Company requiring registration. Hereafter bondholders desiring- to have their bonds registered, upon transfer or otherwise, should present them to said company Instead of to the Pennsyl vania Steel Company, all of whose assets and franchises have been sold and con veyed tg Penn Mary Steel pompany, a sub sidiary of Bethlehem Steel Company. Pave Vay for American Nickel Plant OTTAWA, July 11. -y The International Nickel Company of Canada la tho title of a new corporation just chartered here. Tho capital stocX In f)00,0QQ and the head office pf the company is to be at Toronto. This la the first step taken by the inter national Nickel Company, the American corporation, to put into tSixL the under takings ghr to th Gbvctnro.eut Ust winter that a nickel j-etala plant vtqiM ba etb Usbed in the Deflolaloii. Deposits of Institutions Decline, While Surplus Gains The statement of tho condition of the members of the Philadelphia Clearing House Association for the last week shows a decrease of Jl, 652, 000 in loans. Deposits, both bank and Individual, also declined, the falling off being the largest In the latter. The drop in loans was reflected In an Increase In the surplus, that jtem 'show ing a gain of (1,513,000, Dlf.prev.wk. clearances. J1.IW2.IIIUI packed creamery wit H c higher. FolloCvlne . quotatlona: Western aoltd.packetl rreame inner, apeciais. a.c: extra, auvfaic: I.oana Dcnoalta find) .. Circulation Due from banks Depoalta of banka .... Kx Clearing Itouae ... Iteaervea held Iteaervea required ,,,. Hurplua Surplua A'wuat '-'. 1013 Hurplua, July '.'8. 113 rlurslua July 20, 1SU dtrplua July 31 lull July 31. lain. .i.MID.IUM.niHl . 424,1)10,000 , l,430lll) , 71.44S.OOO , 1II3.32II.O0O . 13.1H1. (WO . S,2SS.00il ',4.1UHI,IKJII S3.175.00O ,.,.,,,, ,,...,,, .,,,,,,., ,.,,,, 2.090.000 n. iiuu .I.RT'.'.OOO l.hot.oon 1.411.000 1,38(1,000 410.000 1.313.1)01) 4S,34l,niwi T, 814. 000 i(.i'li.l)IH) 11,410,730 BANK CLEARINGS SMALLER Total clearings of Philadelphia banks for the month ending today are Jl, 030.075, 020. This Is an Increase of (318,359,450 over the corresponding month last year and a de crease of (11,490,683, compared with June of this year. , lain. January Jl.014.KiiO.191 IKMIM VVbruarv March ,, April .,, Muv . June July Aiwuat Bptember ,,.,, October ...,,,., November ...... Dttvmber ...... IS montba' Krons u fin. 70'. am 1.013. lii.S.i;'.' l.lllll.ndl.lHIU 1.03a,Ul)N.33'J .l)7'J.4nil,7l)3 .030.070,030 t. ........ .......... 1015. tr.Al.S43.T78 B77,071).lS4 tl30.IHI2.17U 14T.lV.".;ill'4 tlS.illi'-Mil n.V.,H,.3.!ISS 737.U3S.2lil UDI.4IUi,8U') b73.4r,l).23M 1.03... (117.324 8.03.M3.'.'Si Chicago Grain Receipts Increase CHICAGO, July 31. Grain receipts at Chicago last week, all kinds, amounted to 7.S10.000 bushels, against 1.898.000 bushels last week, and were 2,745,000 bushels In ex cess of one year ago. Arrivals of wheat were 354.000 bushels larger than those of the previous week, but fell off 125,000 bushels from the same week of 1915. Deliveries of corn increased C 10,000 bushels for the week and 1,710,000 bushels for the year. Oats receipts were 811,000 bushels heavier than the preceding week Total flour' arrivals for the week were 114,000 barrels, a gain ot 23.000 barrels, and 41,000 bushels In excess of a. year ago. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TOHK. BY"' aoorlnf, 304 uouaiioa SSas afui trie lie. July 81; BUTTER Firm on araae. price lavor Kiitr, Receipt. fJlc: 8tU, Ulrjr. S92Uci frumerr. zac. uU 9t ae qvlr -. other rwki ouiet ""H.1!-. 4l.vi. t-iirxj. t Kkauu. 'is. mnu nnif. ?nu n.TU. ."f- . .rv.' " 7-'m -v't. ci pruvnx. 4iviK. suxea colon. ?JlrJl-i9 Vv'TS1 GRAIN AND FLOUR tVIICAT Itocelpta, 77,31)0 buahoH. Prices early In tha day declined lc. but demand wan fnlrty active, nnd the lo8a was soon recovered and tho. market closed llrm. tluutnllonn: i'nr lota. In export elevator No. 2 rfd. spot, SI. 2349 1.25: No. 2 -outliern red. J1.2KUH.23; steamer N.i. 2 red, $1.2001.22: No. 3 red. -1.2il(l.V2; rejected A. ll.l7Ql.lt). rejected II. 11.13W1.17- C'OIW necelpta. 24.H0D buali. Truda was nulet' with no change In prices. (Quotations; Car lota for local trndi, na to location Western No. 2 .ellow. U2MI)2Hc; do. steamer jelluw. StWlil'.i: do, No. 3 3d low. 8U0VUC-. do. No. 4 yellow, to &S7c. 1 OATS Receipts. 47.287 bush. Tho market ruled ateady but trade, wns quiet. Quotations: No. 2 whim. 4l)B!4c; standard white. 4HW IKj4c; No. 3 white. 4(114 W47inci No. 1 wnne. 43it?lttyc: sample oata. 40h(P41Vac; purluod oafs, eroded. 4Ui(p47Hc. FI.OUll ltccelpta. 11.037 bbls. and 2,210.330 lbs. In Backs. Tnera wus llttlo tradlnir nnd tho market was larnely nominal. Quotations per 1DH lbs. In wood: Winter clear. 13 ty 3.23: do. MruWht. 13.23ij3.73; do. patent, ir,.7."VtU; Kansas, clear, cotton sacka. 1.1. 13(3. ill: do. atralitllt. cot. ton sacks, 13.7311; do, patent, cotton sacs. !nU.2S; sprlnjr. llrst clear. 13.23I'3.3II: do, stralxht. 13.UuS3.U0: do, patent. i(l(l.3U: do. tavorlte brunda. lil.7r,ib)7.23; cltv mills, choice and fancy patent. lll.75U7.2r). City mills, regu lar srrade Winter. clear. 15Wr 23; do. atralaht, 13.23W5.73; do patent. 13.7300. KYi: 1,'L.UUH Win quiet but steady under ltjrht offerings. We quota nearby at S4.504? 4.73 per bbl., and western at 15 1305.50. PROVISIONS Trade was nulet. but prices were steadily held. Quotations follow. City 'beef. In sets, smoked and atrdrled. 2Sc; western beef. In sets, amoked, 2tic: city beef, knucklea and tenders, amoked and alr-drled, 2t)c; wcatern beef, knucklea and tendera, amoked. 29c: beef bams. 128&JU; pork, family. 127.5UM28: hams, a. 1'. cured, loose, lS'.i &181c: do. sklnne.1. loose, IOKOIuVir: do, do. amoked, 20 iP20Hc: other hama, smoked, city cured, aa to brand nnd nvcrave. ID Vic; hams, smoked, western cured. ID'ic; do, boiled, boneless, 34c: picnic shoulders, H. V. cured, loose, 14c: do, smoked. 13c: bellies. In Elckle. according to average, locso. lUHc: reakfast bacon, aa to brnnd und aernce, city cured 21c, do. western cured. lW2ii; laril, western, refined, tierces. 14Vic: do, do. tuts. 14Jjc: do. pure city, kettle rendered, la tierces,. iivsc; uo. uo, in tups, iiftc. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet and unchanged. He. nnra' list prlcei Extra fine granulated. 7.5c: powdered. 7.73c: confecttouera' A. 7.33c: aott grades. U. 00 7.50c. DAIRY PRODUCTS . I1IJTTER Fancy atock sold fairly and ruled nrra mm supplies well under control. Moltd- are creamery. vtrf, flrxlM 'l)c: flrsts. 2Sc: seconds. 2tt:7t4r: nearbv prints, funcy. 33c: do. average extra, 31 6 32c: do. nrata. 2N?30c: seconds. 27c; Jobbing sale uf fancy prints. 311033c. Klilia There was a good outlet for fh limited receipts ot strictly tine eggs, valuea of which ruled lrm. Quotatlona: In freo cases, nearby extra. 20c per dox.: nearby firsts, 17. SO per standard case: nearly current receipts. 17. 3507.(13 per case; Western extras, 2Uc per doz.: Western extra flrsts, 18.10WS.4l) per case; flrsts. 17.30&7.80 per casa; fancy selected candled fresh eggs were jobbing at 33031c per doz. CHEES Demand was fairly active, and the market ruled firm and a shade higher under stronger qutslda advices. Quotations; New York, full cream, fancy, 10tt ltlttc: do. do, fair to good, 1344 10c; part skims, 0014c. POULTRY LIVE The market was quiet and without Important change. Offerings were ample Quo tations; Fowls. 10H W2lc: roosters. 13014c; spring chickens, according to nualltv. weigh ing 102 lbs. and over apleo. 234o:!Uc; wblta Leghorns, according to quality. 2u0:3c: ducks, as to atxe and quality. 14010c; pigeon., old. per iialr 2302Kc: da. young, per Pair. 2U022. IMtEBSKD Fowls were scarce and Arm. with trade fair. Ilrotlera were In ample supply and barely steady. Quotations: Fresh-killed, dry tucked fowls. 12 to bur. dry-packed, fancy se lected, 22Hc do. weighing SlttrS lbs apleco, 22v; do, weighing 4 lbs apiece, -22c: do. weigh, lug 3V4 lbs apiece. 21Hc; do. weighing 3 lba apiece, 20021c Fowls. In bbls. Ic-packe). fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana .and Illi nois, weighing 405 lbs apiece, 21Uc; do. southern Indiana nnd Illinois, weighing 4 lbs apiece. 21c; smaller alzes. 18020c. Old roosters dry-picked. 13c. i broiling chickens, Illinois, large, 20027c; do. Indiana, large. 240 23c; do. smaller sixes. 22023c. Urollers. Jer sey, fancy. 32034c; broilers, other nearby, weighing 1Vi02 lba aplere. 30032c: broilers, nearby, smaller sizes, 27020c: ducks, nearby, spring, ?Uc; squabs, per. doz. White, weighing llOli lb per doz. t3.230.Vfti: do. white, weighing 1)010 lbs per doz.. It JtoQS; do, while, weighing h lbs per doz.. 13.3003 RO: do, white, weighing 1 lba, nerd ox.. 1303 SOs do white, weluhlng B0114 lbs per dos.. 12.230:.'. 50: do. dark, 1202.311; do, small and No, 2, 73C0I1.25, FRESH FRUITS There was a fair demand for rholv stock, fttul alues generally ruled ateady tinder moderate ortirinxs. Quotations; Aples. nlaware and Maryland, per huipr. Fancy. 1101.23: fjlr to good, 33 a 73c, Irfinons. per box. 1303. IMne apptts. per crate Porto lttco. ll.5O03.6i). Cherries. Niew Vorlc. sour, per Mb. bskt., 60 0 OOo: do", eating varieties, per 8-lb, bskt., 000 3o Vearbcs. tlwrgla. per carrier Belle. (1.73 02.SO; KlUtj'o. ll.73O2.80. Cnntaloune. Del awar and llaall'id. per crate, 1102: do., North Caroltnu. ver standard crate. BOcotl; da. da., per ll.it crate. MO 40c Watermelons, southern, nr car, J150&325. , VEUETABUiS The genvral market vux aul't and without important ihJuit. Quotiallou: .Whit potatoes, per bbt Ii)vj; Slurp. No, 1 11.7502: do. Ko, 2. 75c, Nurtolg, No. 1. J1.5U01.15; do.. No. S, 75 IVtlte pctatoe. Jersey, per lkt., 40045c. cweet I'..tato2. North Caro ltoa, per bbl Na. 1. 1105; No. 2. J2.5Q&3 so. Onions., Jersry. per liski.. ISeuJl; do:, Vlr. xtnla. per bskt.. 1101.50; do., Iowa, per 100 lb. bag. JS.Oi). Izsclant. Norfolk, iwr crate. 12O;.S0. Cuuunibcrs, Norfolk, per I.W.. J1.30 02: do., da., per H-bbl. Ukt.. SO073C.; 4a.. do,, per 1-3 bbl. bkt.. Sue. Supply of Wheat 40,910,000 Bushels NEW YORK?, July 31 Tits following table gives the visible supply of grain In the United States aa ot July ii and the changes from the previous week, quantities in bushels: Wheat, 40,910,000: increase, 1.271,001. Corn. B.167.000; Increase. 551. 000. Qats, 8,537,000; decrease, 480,000, January . February .March ., April ... May .... Juno .... July .... AURUSt . . Hcptcmbcr October . , November lcccmber January . February March ... April .... .May ..... June ..... July .... August . , September October ,, November December Ono day. 11)1)1. 00 31 sy.lys 2-'U,IITl 281,111 201,11.13 162,701 1U1.V 127,303 142,372 221,022 018.747 327,31)3 Ml, 0113 374.287 . 1127.182 1,0110,017 H33.07I) soy.'jos 042,23:) 1011. 471,43(1 31)0,232 2BH.n3t 2(14,31111 187,(133 147,211) 1237,4 ID 'u'Mo 1011,703 0,232,404 2.010,310 PAlt VAI.H OF BOND3. 12,fl()l),230 11,020.531 11.0(17.500 1.1)14.07 1. II l3. 100 1,42.1.300 1.071, 135 1.414.703 1,037.130 1,832.1!)) I 1,837,401) 1.1103.1)1)4 1,033.030 1,340.31)2 l.tKf.lOX l.lni),I)7rt 2,414.330 S.2I1II.I127 2,0118,1)84 1.I85.UKI 1,2-11, u;i l,8Tl, :i81 1,144,323 .l,3'.ll),()3(l 11.270,300 i4!('lM 71)8,341 , 120.771,808 J10.713.010 ILesa one day. NRW TOnif, July. 31. Traainir wss small In prlco movements nnd tho market was genernlly narrow on the Broad Street Curb throughout the day, business being: re stricted to a great extent by the Intense heat. Tho heaviest trading; tvna In Aetna Ex- plosives, which wns dealt In to tho extend of 10,000 shares, advancing from 1094 to 11U, nnd then more than losing tho gain. It Is current gossip on the street that tho movements In this stock were duo to dtt Pont family diseniions. Some of the stocks which had recently been prominent were without support, Lynn Phonograph falling from 3x to 2-i, and Flemish Lynn selling at2i. Tho Independent oil stocks wero heavy with Cosdcn OH 'pressed for Bale nt conces sions-nnd a decline of about 1 point was sustained In Sinclair Oil. Chevrolet rose from 207 to 212, followed by a sharp reac tion, Strombcrg nnd Stutz Motors were both In good demand at around recently prevailing prices. There, was a revival of activity In Amer ican British Manufacturing, which, rose from 12 to 15. Cosdon & Co, bonds de clined from 10',4 to 103. INDUSTRIALS. Aetna Ktploelvcs Am-iiritish. .Mfg ;;;;; Am Ma rconl Canadian Car tin Can Car & Fdy pref Chevrolet Motor Ulsenlohr Tobacco Curtlas Aeroplane uuifca-aoanury INVESTORS TO RECEIVE RECORD DIVIDEND PAYMENTS IN AUGUST $150,- loncy and Discount at London tjONDON. July 3t Pe Beers. lOTtt Hand, IHi money, Hi, unchanged. Dis counts short blfls, $(!&- Tture months bills; SHH per cent, uaciUBtJ. ' Disbursements Will Exceed 725,465 During Month NEW YORK, July 31, Hottirns specially complied by the Journal ot Commerce in dicate that investors will receive noxt month the sum of 150,725,485, representing divi dend nnd Interest disbursements. This Is a new high, record for this period nnd com pares with $120, 750, COS In August a year ago, or nn Increaso of 20,274, 0B7. Two hundred and four corporations will distribute In the nggrcgato 82,725,465 to stockholders, nn increase of 26,274,957. Tho total covering dividends Is based on payments to be made by 16C industrial nnd miscellaneous companies, 21 steam rail roads and 20 street railways. This remarkable showing Is due to many Initial payments, Increases and extras. Some concerns will make payments on n larger capitalization than a. year ngo, and it Js also worthy ot noto that tho compilation is nearer complete than In 1915. Interest payments will cull for C8.000.000, against 64,300,000 last year, the Increase being due to new bond and note Issues. do nref Enierson monograph ... Flemish ...;...." Haskell A Darker Car . llendce Mfg , Inter iter Marine ..do nfd Kathodlon llrntiro pfd ... Maxim Munitions Manhattan Transit Mldvale fitcel (Kls.Klevator ," Peerless Motors Poole Eng . , , , ,. , H S Kresge w 1 ;. , Standard Motors Submarine lloat Trlangla Film Stromberg United Motor United Profit Sharing ... US it 4 ft com oo pro ,.i a White Motors .... I. . " , . 03V4 world Film ... I; !;;.;!;;; .": i white oaks ....:.. :;:.::: ::::::: o BTANDAP.D OIL STOCKS. "Knels 107 Onto .....,,,, "(l Prairie Pino 5' Standard Oil of California .::"2(lii Standard Oil of Now Jersey 318 Standard Oil ot New York ....I.lsot OTHER OIL STOCKS. coaden 4 Co. , , , , Chalmers oil ...Vs... International Petroleum Houston Oli ........II Midwest IteDnlng ' Sapulua Iteflnlng , ,,.. MININO STOCKS. Atlanta , utt5N"y ."??.?h?.: : Cerro da Pasco II I II 1 1 III First National ..IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Uoldneld Merger .....III I II I III iieca Riming ..,,,.. ..., Illd. Asked, :4?H. 383M . 73 HS ,208 213 ....311 40 .... 07 100 .... 80 43 .... 117 100 Ill, IHi .... 2',t .... 3.1, 33 .... 31H .13 ....24 2(1 ....S3 BO ....20 21 in: J J :: 1 1 olw "Hi .,..37 BB .... 22 23 . ... HO 103 ....10W W . ... r, i n .... 32 S3J4 :::: 4 .... 07H 07tt , . , M ... 24 2W 3K 13 4 10 13 nn 10H TRUCK MERGER PLANS COMPLETE to Thomas Ncnl Hcnd3 Corporation Take Signal and Commercial NRW YOniC, July 31. Tho merger plans of tho Signal Truck Company and the Commercial Truck Company have been completod and a new company to bo known as Die Signal Commerce Motor Truck Company has been formed. Thomas Keal, former vice president of the General Motors Company, will be' president of the new company, while Walter Tarker will be vice president The other officers will be named later. There will be, according' to an announce ment made today, an Issue of 450,000 shares of stock, 250,000 of which will be offered to tho public at six dollars per share. The remaining stock: will go to tho owners of tho two companies. Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW YOHK. July 31. October Smith. Dastiford and Itountreo bought; Hartcorn, llyman. Schley, Schill and llagedorn sold, December - C. Hicks, Itay, Smith and Hubbard, Jr., bought; Mitchell, Brooks, Geran, Hyman, Black and Geer sold. January llagedorn, Schanz, Schill and Hooper bought; Fllnn, McBnany, Hartcorn and Sellar sold. MarchBrooks and O'Connor bought; Newman, Smith, Rosenberg, Wilson, Sellar and Itountreo sold. DIVIDENDS DECLARED llolllngsr Consolidated Oold Mines. Ltd., rag. ular fourth weekly of 1 per cent, payable August 11 to holders of record August 4. lloston Elevated Hallway Company, quarterly 1H per rent, payable August 13 to stockholders of record August I. National Steel Company, Quarterly of IK per rent on preferred, payable October 10. Books close September 3D. reopen October 13. Tbo Bond mid Mortgage (luarsnty Company, regular 'iuarttrly of 1 per cent, payuble August IS to holders, nf record August 6V Merrimack Manufacturing Company, regular semiannual 2VJ per cent on preferred, tin) J per cent on common, .payable September 1 to stock of record July 3.. BAR SILVER Bar stiver was quoted In London today nt 30 'J-ltd, up 6-16, Commercial bar silver was quoted In New York today at Ql'.i. n gain of . Carefully selected securities, of proved merit. Send for Circular. ' MELLOR & PETRY SIS COMMERCIAL TtUST BLDQL 10 SOUTH BROAD 8TRE6T WAMTEB Syrscus 0 lit 5s REED A. MORGAN V qa ,WaT KNU.Tltl'St HL1U).. PH1U.. Ilowo Sound Jim iiuiier JumlK) l:xtnilnn McKlnlty Durrah Magina Copper ,. t , , Jllnes Co of America Niplsslng , , San Toy St Joseph I,ead ......... .,, West End Con , B0ND3. Cerro Oa ., , Mldvule Be ,..,..., Missouri I'sciflo 4s ,,,, Missouri I'actflc fis 10 JP 4., 8 n 4',i 8 la "h 53 ir 14K 01 ..110 ,. 04 .. tilt .. 83 170 238 as son US! 200 WW hi 11 i 12 .A' 33 4VI' 111 $ 7H no t 13 11 711 1)3 Condition of U. S. Treasury WASHINGTON, July 31. The condition of the U, S, Treasury, according to a state ment issued today, was as follows; Net balance in 'general fund, S325.220.292 ; total repelpts. J59.05J.9U; total disbursements, 166,530,405; deficit for the year. 110.702.. 56, exclusive of tho Panama Canal and public debt transactions. IIIIIIIIIIISII!IIIIIIII1IIIIIIIII1 p The Increasing 3 H Investment Value of S g btandard Oil Securities I Cfi w zs m Send for pamphlet fis- Hjj! ing iii of Standard Q'tlt 5S htch nave piled us a lafficient jurplui to jut tifS nearly J'uiributlon of profit to tlockhtld' tn in tht ihapc of a ifac eonui or latgt ex- Ira taih JifidtnJ. SJ (JM tor 23-PL, includ es '"I Standard Oil j- tuhcal handiool( and S hooUt tiplammf S "The Twenly Payment Plan" I wzsmsma s v Jftytimno5Ttkv ' vJ SS ExchanKPl New York IlllllllllilliSillHIilllirailitNiE INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T, WELCH 1328 Cheitnut St, F t Riaz.ervCq INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sansoio Sta. DlttKCTOKV tUf ACCOI'NTNTtt UUKKAJ TVR TKItS-C BUilJjU uitriitij-t UUJ SSSif UH M l tA