EVMNJUNG LJBUD&lfitt-PMJJjififBla'JUnBf AlOJiDAx', JUfcY 20, 1U10. .UB-SWINGING MONARCHS OF BOTH MAJOR LEAGUES INCREASE LEADS &N THE RUNNEJ 1AKER PULLS AWAY FROM QUAKER CITY'S STAR SWATTERS ALEX AND JOHNSON MAY BE -STILL SUPREME, BUT WORK OP MAMAUX CAN'T BE OVERLOOKED Pittsburgh Star Makes Remarkable Record With Second Division Team Morton Very Effective This Season Until Injured Dy GKANTLAND KICE OVALS FOR BATTING HONORS; M'INNIS MAKES BIG GAIN pa Adds Six Points to Average and Now Blazes Way With .397 Cobb and Jackson Lose Ground Whitted Hitting ,305 MB SPEAKER, demon wleldor qf tho stick, staged another sensational spurt tod pulled away from Cobb and Jackson In tho race for tho American League "IR honors. Srieaker now claims a .387. nlxf nnlntn better than the mark fited to him a week ago. Cobb dropped from .364 to .380 and Jackson from KO 348. Robertftnn rnntlntlpit tn lenri ttm ttntlnnal TwintrliA rart. crfltnlnff twn Vnd now remaining well out In front with .34(5. Daubert and Wagner liavo dropped away, Daubert to .319 and Honus to .314. fido from the brilliant work of tho leaders, tho splendid hitting of a one- lopnotchor cannot bo overlooked. Stuffy Mclnnls, veteran first baseman f Athletics, has started to climb and Is noundlnc the ball consistently. On 21' Iclnnls was In the rear with a .176. He ascribed his poor hitting to 1 Hose. Ho broke It last vear and ever nlncn thn nceldpnl had been laboring ?r the delusion that his eyesight was affected. On tho morning of Juno 22, nt tho suggestion of Robert W. Maxwell, sports t or tho Evening iLEDOEn, Mclnnls went to an oyo specialist, who mado a ough examination. Tho oculist found Mclnnls'a eyesight unimpaired. rhat afternoon Stuffy played In a double header and was credited with two put of five times at bat. Ho boosted his mark in ono week from .178 to .201. 'J16 waa injured and was out of tho camo for two weeks. Hlnen his return ho Mvanced from that .205 to .230, his present mark, and 24 of those points were clod In tho last week. It now looks as though Mclnnls would bo closo to the mark before tho season ends. Whitted Is tho only Phil In tho .300 division and helped to retain a place In section by adding four points to his .301. Stock also had a good week, 1ng from .283 to .290. American Lcnguo INfiTVTntTAT. HATTIVn IVPDlnna Mirers who have taken part In IB or mors I up to and Including July 27, 1010.) O National League ! Cleveland 04 Waeblnaton 23 Detroit imcairo ...... z cF Nut llnatnn Chicago . , lard. Mnirnfr MA KiV ii.Ti.r:'"w iioaion York 26 'X, NW YnrU!! CCTfild. flt. Tinln Wf. Detroit 'If&nlAitnai tannin nil J'i'r, tit. Loula '. oMItiel. Iloston wtton. Si. tiuU BnimnW Maw "Vrtlr such, Chicago trenk, Athletics. .... ;tnaoi. Athletic omann, New YorK... Din. at ixiuls Wtn. Cleveland in, Cleveland .Ibooley, New York... Itr. St. Ixmls lOmaa, Boston I Collins, Chicago... raoer. Ilnntnn . illman. Detroit Ilsn. Washington .... alter. New York Illlaraa. Washington.. unnlnrhnm. TlAfrnlt . . wufjvr. uubluu ........ ;oveleiKle, Detroit rati, m. uuis lauis. Detroit .. allter. Iloston 74 Iltchell. Detroit SO ourniar. Chicago 74 clfullen. Chlc&iro 41 timer. Cleveland (13 -ewl. Iloston 8(1 ounr, Detroit 1)3 jers, mnieurn xu Irklnpauih. New York BO aer, nflff xorK i mil. Cleveland in rr. Washington .... 73 'inc. iNew xorjc iu ins, at. Louis...,. SO cnicaito iu New York 88 ell. Cleveland 71) AD. 338 3?? 948 G5 44 83 324 114 23 77 218 ItiH 17 240 S40 205 301) Hill 342 208 108 125 132 170 200 377 "22 25S 124 320 8U1 340 344 IPO 128 34 822 TO R. II. 70 134 7 21 Oil 113 03 121 8 10 14 20 lot 3.1 7 23 OS 47 0 70 00 77 tela. Athletics...... 80 orcan. washing-ton ... oi aney, Cleveland 04 ,K, new xorK B2 auk, ok. iniia - falaat. Now York 2 hankg. Washlnc-ton ...HO I o tin ton. Washtnrton .. 37 LtMlIer. Waohtmnon ... 04 biMicrr waaninifion ... h- atl iun;ti.Biei.tai ! ,jt twt.Alt 11.1 llelnnls. Athletics 71 llarrer. Detroit 20 .Chapman, Cleveland ... (15 larper. au . xouia u :eaver. cnicaao uu iwrr. Atmetics iu rton. ac. iouis .tu !k. Athletics 07 ivrin. uosion ... tw nleson. Washlnirton. . 44 inson. St. Louis 70 iley. Cleveland 17 itanase, Detroit 00 :nauc. umcavo . on -ott, Boston 57 irer. Atnietica at ivencort. St. Louis.... 30 Itt. Detroit 01 re. wasmnaion ui lolllni, Chlcaco .83 Vry. Chlcaco 41) iilth. Athletlcc 70 ah. Detroit 8H krper, WashtnRton ... 27 Idwell. New York. ... 43 orten. Iloston 24 brton. Cleveland ..... 10 lunae, waaninsion. . ou "deon. New York 82 Lirlsran. Uoston 20 ilurphv. Chlcaco 35 lavs. Boston 20 Harber. Wasblncton ... 10 owara cieveiana n Larrr. uoston 03 lenaricKson., uosion ... o annlnr. Athletics 10 lOatln. St. Louts 7.1 xniinc, wasninston... - ionard, Iloston 20 Itvan, ut, LOUIS , 48 Atmetics xi 04 334 4 41 275 27 24U 124 237 317 U24 07 200 278 333 101 184 310 211 3118 2311 209 1118 330 3 (JO 41 100 271 02 214 80.1 283 nn 238 :m 108 53 100 10 30 40 41 18 21 i:i 21 20 53 40 80 13 40 28 42 31 5 11 O 40 5 32 7 Bl 1 3D 5 35 28 30 a 85 8.1 81 18 15 28 8 37 148 341 48 57 237 1UH 113 237 40 220 284 102 140 870 228 284 188 250 334 05 611 47 47 800 203 33 110 88 34 210 04 30 221 80 40 140 103 14 42 t 7 SI 21 13 28 8 18 23 14 0 47 30 83 14 20 411 3 0' 8 5 17 30 0 11 4 4 20 111 12 4 so a 10 1 "T 81 47 35 27 60 67 03 01 01 31 Oil 84 Ot 02 24 81 II 85 21) 02 11 72 7 02 82 01 81 83 17 78 70 HO 48 40 80 5 77 no 71 41) II U 75 10 25 05 i 07 13 01 7 30 84 70 11 13 61 41 20 68 11 40 03 80 31 0 83 80 02 80 BO n 10 0 10 00 02 7 10 8 7 45 43 10 0 41 7 0 20 IU Ave. .807 .802 ,880 .848 .345 .318 .813 .812 .307 .301 .200 .208 .207 .204 .202 .2111 .201 .287 .2811 .281 28J '.iso .280 .2811 .270 .277 .270 .275 .274 .271 .274 ,272 .20' .207 .207 .21)0 .205 .204 ,20'l .202 .202 .202 .250 .238 .258 .237 ,250 .230 .254 .253 .252 .252 .251 .250 .2511 .230 .250 .247 .247 .247 .240 .245 .244 .240 .230 .230 .238 .2.17 .237 .230 .230 .233 .233 .230 .230 .220 .228 .2.18 Hfl .221 .224 .223 1220 .210 .210 .218 .217 .210 .213 .215 .213 .213 .213 .212 .212 .212 .211 .211 .200 .203 .203 .202 .200 .100 ,104 .180 .180 .181 INDIVIDUAL BATTINO AVEItAOES. Players who taken part In IB or mora samea. up to and Including the camea played on Thu's day, July 27: O. McCarty, Brooklyn 81 Ilucer, Phillies 10 Hobertaon, New York... 78 Daubert, Brooklyn 84 Lons. tit. Tallin nA Wacner. Plttsburah 82 rmrse. Cincinnati 70 Uliltteil. 1'hlllles 70 Schulte, Chlcaco no Zimmerman, Chlcaco.... 83 Wheat. Brooklyn 82 PITCHERS' RECORDS. PfThsA averasrea lncluda tha iramea fhursdAy, July 27, 1010.) O. W. L. New York 9 2 0 rfcCabe. Bt. L., 10 1 0 Saumcr. Bt, L. 4 1 0 ICullop. N. Y.. 7 0 1 klorcou. iievo. xu ju Jays, uosion... za iu vuiiams, a ini. o, a unelL N Y... 17 S loland. Detroit. SO a iD, Ol. LOUIS. 13 O r .I4. TJ -V J K Courabe, 'Cle've.I 22 7 aoar, nicaco. m i luttv Boston... 25 14 'nv.f.Jkla. Det. 27 IS Ehpre.' Boston... 20 a ClMtts,, Chlcaco 28 7 Cortleskle, Cler 81 12 Shawkey, N. Y. 27 12 .USSflJl. .nicnKII o IU SO. 0 5 4 El 70 38 61 53 30 10 10 37 42 & 20 80 65 02 67 84 played BB. H.WP. Ave. a si o l.ooo 18 12 70 01 01 103 57 09 73 01 89 72 131 173 117 00 in ns mnird. Roston 23 10 0 8 obsion. wash, 31 17 11 133 ItcW. Det... 8 8 2 24 auss, Detroit, 24 IU 7 68 IWI, . x... 11 o J arper. vv"V.. .'oilman, oi. u. onunc, . vtn. B Fisher, o 'u. v..: 15 (GallU.- Wsh... 29 Bacby. Cleve,,. 28 Oroom, St, L,. 28 iuebe, Cleva,.., 9 Hamilton, hi. u. a faumont. Wbi 1 rMinluoa, uai,. a Mlosblir. Detroit 5 Hitlnc. N. J.. 14 Ktrnlfinr. ChK . 22 7sssF- SiJiiv. ?? FaPaOUC, Detroit. 23 tfoster. Poaton.. 23 L?rvra. Athletics ttf llo.i, Athletics. 24 onmRotiD. Ul f! lamts. x'eLioiL, i 4 ft II 9 118 13 11 63 8 T I 9 9 9 1 1 4 4 8 S 5 8 2 2 2 1 S 4 n V forth. Chi .. IB 2 Saldwell. N. Y. 20 5 1 5 3 7 8 a a 8 is 9 15 a in 3 S 41 88 03 46 eo 24 20 12 's 1 84 29 48 268 27 98 80 14 10 31 a 38 47 40 24 103 39 145 63 182 33 00 23 42 03 1211 29 39 75 133 44 144 45 102 32 134 63 133 33 141 112 01 18 17 20 9 87 33 aveaoort. Louli. Cleve. . St.L 30 e 11 Park. St. L-... NooaerniiiK. i;i, illtcbell. Cleve.. Ihethan, A I us.. las... bar Ath 4 1 fo i 23 1 4 3 20 42 121 62 126 B3 101 2 100 74 158 73 lta 54 123 43 70 22 47 53 133 60 148 14 20 24 68 46 IB 00 112 57 IU M 0 1,000 0 1.0UU 3 .01)0 .883 ,703 .750 .750 ,714 .714 .714 .700 ,700 .687 ,030 ,843 ,036 .832 ,032 ,U.'5 ,825 ,007 ,000 ,800 ,588 .571 ,550 ,542 ,538 ,638 ,600 ,600 ,500 ,800 ,500 ,500 .600 BOO ,504 ,455 ,420 ,412 400 ,400 40O .881 ,375 ,833 .333 .286 .230 ,200 ,200 17 ,091 ,083 Hornsby. St. Louis. Illnchman. Pittsburgh. . . Stock, I'lilllles Ilcniler. I'htllte TrngrcesiT. Boston Ncale, Cincinnati Oroh, Cincinnati Flack, Chlcaco Coombs. Brooklyn........ tlood. l'hllllea.. Clarke, Clnclnrttl Doyle, New Yaik Fletcher, New ork Schultz, pttib -ch p. Burns, Now York.... Lobort. New York Iforzoc. New York Oonialea. St. Louis Snodzrnss, Boston Carey, Plttsburch rukert, Phillies Fisher. Cincinnati Farmer. Pittsburgh kauff. New York Wlneo. Cincinnati A. Wilson, Plttsburch... K. Burns, Phillies..".: Cravath. Phillies Alc-niler, Plilllles O. Miller, Brooklyn J. C. Smith. Boston Mann, Chlcaco Hendrlx, Chlcaco Coetello, Plttaburcb Cutshaw. Brooklyn Vlox. Plttsburch S. Smith, Brooklyn Johnston, Brooklyn McCarty. l'lttslmrirh. Orlfnth. Cinclnnatr. 80 Konetchy, Boaton 80 Wlllfams. Chlcaco 87 McKechnle, Cincinnati... 75 Archer, Chlcaco 40 Steneef. Brooklyn 70 Butler. St. Louis 52 Zelder. Chlcaco jb 41 00 83 18 75 00 77 25 23 15 01 77 70 30 83 70 87 48 52 63 86 50 81 81 34 42 82 83 02 81 03 k Grant?, TEN LEADING. BLUarjERS, 2B.T SB HR. TB. EB. Cleveland... iVeftcb. Detroit . . uiatcr, n(i iv Up. N York .. lillman. Detroit lnit, Tjatrolt ... Ililcr. St. Loula - TEN LEADINO Cobb, .IHtroJt .. . Jllhoaiey, new jo "ttlh; Athletic '. jrsaaa. oi. JifM due: Slew lore . C3KCT, l.i.Teiaau..- . .. ....... ....... ....... SO 27 18 20 19 8 23 24 :o 7 0 8 11 8 6 6 9 6 148 1 171 80 1 m if 8 186 44 110 178 133 151 133 BASH STEALERS. lr. Uan, itt, Bt Loula Washlncton St. Loula o. , 65 68 SO 79 SO a 91 93 9 SB. 36 10 24 SI 23 20 21 20 17 Ave. M .28 .87 :? .23 .23 is CLUB BATTINO RECORDS. O. AB. R. H. sa SH.Ave. roit 93 8193 3 819 93 124 .238 fcjtou 90 2834 307 686 79 123 248 Ktf "York. 90 Htr 871 721 113 103 243 SOnreUad 94 Sort 3 748 S8 143 .243 'CblcafO . . S3 2088 334 723 91 111 .242 I St i.04U. . Si 8073 331 733 (39 liO .21U l-ltznatrlrlr. Una, An V- ??" Brooklyn. . . . J. Miller, St. Louis.... Barnea, Boston I.uderus, Phillies. . ..... Bcscher. St. Louis,.... Mowrcy, Brooklyn Pfefter, Brooklyn Ecan, Boston Adams, Plttsburch Slier, Chlcaco !! vnwcly Boston ? Wlfsao, St. Louis... Schneider. Cincinnati... Merkle. N'ew York....!; Hnyder, St. Loula .... netsel. St. Louis Myers, Brooklyn Knabe. Chlcaco Wllholt. Boston........ J. Smith. St. Loul Macee. Boston.... Nlehofl, Phillies...!.!. Maranvllle. Boston....!, lOW, 31, I.OUIS. ...... ., Rousch, Cincinnati. . . . ! Evers. Boston Louden. Cincinnati..... Colllna. Boaton Olbaon. Plttsburch Williams. St. Loula.... ;. -Johnston. Plttsburch, ?,"?c5ell4. Cincinnati.... llalrd. Plttsburch ..:!!! Schmidt. Plttsburch.,!! p'Mara. Brooklyn. . Mosoley Cincinnati. . . . Bjrne. Phillies. . . ...... y,!.ch.er' Chlcaco...'.. Klllcfer. Phillies......;.' Jasper. St. Louis.!::!!. Corhan, St. Louis... McConnell. Chlcaco...." Racan. Boaton...... Packard. Chlcaco. . ...'.! getc. Brooklyn... ! . . Tvler. Boaton . . ......... Olson. Brooklyn Mamaux. Plttsburch....' Bancroft, Phillies..;: Cooper, rhlllles .......'.'. PITCHERS' O. W. Bklyn.. 3 2 Tlmtnn Oft r. Marauard. Bklyn 18 4 Alex'er. Phillies 26 10 Mamaux, Pitta.. 2T 15 t.n.r, mtirn Schupp. N. Y.. A Men, Boston . Kiiey, Phillies. Coombs, Bklyn, Benton. N. Y. Moseley, Cin'atl 15 Racan. Boaton, 17 tneney. imiyn.. 22 0 Mitchell. Cin'atl 16 A yauahn. Chlcaco 28 12 Bender. Phillies. 17 S -riMiu-ra-.i. cni 17 Tyler, . Boston.. 14 Pac'ard. Chlcaco S3 Beaton. Chlcaco. 20 Rudolph. Boaton 17 l)oak. St. Loula. 23 Perrltt. N. Y.... 24 Meadowa, St, L. 82 Anderson, N, Y, 22 Tesreau. N. Y. 21 s. Smith. Bklyn 20 Sallee. N Y..,. 18 Cooper Pitta., ., 23 Jasper, St L... 18 Reul'ach. Boston 10 Jacobs. Pitts.,, (0 Neh(. Boston.;. 11 De'aree, Phillies 21 Ames St. Loul 28 T. Miller. Pitts 2(5 Toney, Cln'natl 27 Dell, Bklyn.... in Mattha'son. Cln. 12 Williams, St. L. 22 Harmon, Pitta.. 10 Htndrlx. Chlcaco 10 McConnell. Ch.., 18 Barnes. Boaton, 18 Schneider, Cln.. 83 Lavender. Chi, ,123 Steele. St. I.. ... 14 Mayer, l'hllllea. 17 Brown. Chicago 7 Hchull, Cln'natl. 28 Kantleh'r. Pitt 23 Chafers, Philllea 10 Adams. Pitta... 18 McQuPn. Philllea 17 Knetier, Cin'atl 23 AB. 63 13 803 382 28S 800 204 375 220 822 314 818 200 321 27 31 300 315 2(1(1 82 83 112 323 258 1C8 340 S3 308 151 161 328 277 104 60 308 235 iro 184 254 77 104 278 100 31 130 310 120 47 224 110 333 204 232 815 271 130 237 B3 148 107 240 208 83 281 342 272 71 40 21 811 244 104 80 208 222 310 120. 150 168 25(1 183 814 822 118 87 213 275 203 70 183 10 230 48 215 03 184 20 60 189 138 21 237 42 37 32 05 44 113 63 264 78 R. II. 10 23 0 S Bl 100 68 106 21 75 07 02 84 110 08 03 on 87 03 8 10 88 80 75 0 23 31 80 71 48 03 0 81 41 41 80 75 28 15 82 62 33 35 64 20 27 72 48 8 35 81 33 12 67 23 86 74 58 78 n7 37 08 18 36 26 58 72 8 63 R2 03 17 11 6 74 B8 40 14 70 62 74 8(1 87 80 60 42 71 72 26 10 46 sa 44 17 39 4 62 10 44 10 87 4 10 83 27 A 43 8 7 0 12 8 20 11 40 13 At. .307 .383 .346 .310 .315 .314 .313 .303 .803 .304 .803 .302 .300 .200 .200 .2811 .285 .283 .287 .281 .280 27 .276 .275 .274 .273 .273 .272 .272 .272 .271 .271 .200 .208 .206 .204 .202 .201 .201 .201) .230 .230 .2.10 .238 .257 .230 .25(1 .255 .254 .234 .254 .232 .250 .248 .247 .247 .243 .243 .243 .243 .242 .242 .242 .241 .24(1 .239 ,230 .280 .238 .238 .238 .287 .237 .233 .234 .234 .233 .233 .232 .230 .227 .220 .224 .2211 .218 .21(1 .21.1 .215 .213 .213 .211 ,208 ,20S .205 .204 .201 .200 .200 .103 .103 .104 .100 .100 .100 .187 .185 .182 .177 .173 .174 .171 Rucker, riucnea. 1 S3 21 24 13 13 3 8 S 20 10 16 8 20 RECORDS L. SO, BB, 0 7 2 71 1 40 6 00 6 08 B 72 1 82 1 88 69 SO S3 85 83 81 05 23 189 84 138 80 148 13 SO IB 40 38 10H 23 07 24 114 S3 73 80 73 as 04 T 24 07 I 41 I Si 23 18 87 23 20 18 e: 1 46 170 18 84 11 63 83 83 24 00 37 DO 24 121 41 135 87 140 78 144 10 180 31 58 117 68 83 141 84 83 84 86 63 148 01 tS3 1 in 7 17 19 87 29 43 81 3S 87 88 73 68 188 43 81 24 58 ll i. " 13 84 29 82 H.WP.Avc. 0 1.000 1 .818 .800 760 .750 75C ,750 .750 .807 .607 .607 .007 .615 .800 .600 .571 .336 ,556 .630 .sir .049 ,833 .53) ,529 ,500 ,500 ,800 .600 ,600 ,600 ,600 ,600 .800 ,800 .471 .467 ,463 .152 ?n 81 48 67 40 i m I 60 42S .in :i. 411 .400 .383 .363 .357 .333 .333 .333 .316 .308 .230 ,182 !ui .123 1 1 MkJ -StSSA MTTED Runs Scored This Week by Dig League Clubs RUNS scores by all teams in Americnn nnd National Leagues from Saturday, July 22, to Pridny, July 28, inclusive. Only runs that figure in official averages are in cluded. Scores of incomplete games arc not counted, but the scores of games of five innings or more arc in cluded in the tabic: AMERICAN LT1VOUE. Chicago .... Detroit .... .St. Louis .. New York .. Iloston Cleveland . . Washington Athletics H. H. M. T. IV. T. r.T'l. l i- a i . u :i to 2 4 (1 0 B 1 4 2 2 0 0 7 8 37 8 10 3 8 31 8 7 8 O 4 3 B 2 B S 3 1 B 22 1 0 217 4 0 16 013 NATIONAL LEAOUi:. Ilrooklyn ....... 1'hlllles Pittsburgh ..... Chicago. , St. Lonls Cincinnati , New York Iloston Did not play, H. ..10 :: 3 .. s .. 6 .. 4 31. T. V. T. r.T'l. 7 4 0 30 8 1 1 3 4 a fi 31) 4 221 2 1 II) 2 B 17 3 214 4 311 2 213 M'DEVHT DRIVES JOAN TO VICTORY AT CIRCUIT Bay Mare Wins Thrilling Race on Final Program of Classic at Detroit DETROIT, July 29. Tho performance of Joan, a bay maro driven by McDovltt, In the 2:00 trot was tho feature of tho con cluding day's card of the local Grand Cir cuit meeting yesterday. She obtained tho decision In the headllner by winning tho first two heats. She also seemed a sure victor In the third, oven after a bnd break nt tho first turn. Recovering herself, she displayed a tremendous burst of speed and overtoo'c the field at the half, only to break again (n the stretch and,finlsh last. Guy Nella and Lucille Spier finished so closo together In this mile that the spectators thought a dead heat had resulted. The Judges, how ever, saw Guy Nella first. Joan took tho first heat In u. thrilling finish with Lucille Spier. With tho field well bunched to tho (last turn, they camo down the stretch In front at a terrific gait, neck nnd neck. About 30 yards from the finish Joan un corked another spurt and crossed a length ahead of Lucille. In the second heat tho field waa In Blnglo file from the first turn to well Into the Btretch. with Mirthful In front and Joan second. Joan repeated her spurt and won by two lengths. There were three other events on the get away card. Leila Patchen captured the 2:05 pace by taking two heats in easy fashion. In the second heat she camo through from third place In the last EO yards and won eased up. Tommy Murphy's Altawood took first money In the 2:07 pace by making the best showing In the final standing. She won tha Becond heat and took second place In tho third, Second money went to Blngen Pointer and third to Hal Leaf, each winning a heat. Murphy's gray mare came from third place Into the lead at tho third turn In the second heat and was never headed, winning from Lord Seymour by several lengths. FINALS AT BEACH HAVEN DEACK HAVEN. N. J., July 20. The courts of tha Englealda Tennla Club fairly bristled with action yesterday, when tha women's singles ana tne men's aouDies were nrougnt aovtn to the -final round. In tha former, Mr dally meeta Allss Katzensteln. the former Kelmont Cricket Club star, for tha now title ot lleach Haven champion. The tlnallata In tha men'a doubles are William T. Tllden. 2d. and Ray mond Kennedy va. Paul AV Olbbona and T. C. Leonards. The latter pair qualtHed (or the nnal bracket by two victories. Their Ilrst round triumph over Norman V Swayne, Joint holder of the Schuylkill Valley and Point Pleasant doubles tltlea, and I). I). Morgan, tha Chevy Chaae crack, developed the most brilliant tennlr of the week, Leonards and Gibbons made Mor gan tha target of their attack, and their tactics prevailed. Morgan aerved four double faults In the rtnal game of the match, Leonards volleyed brilliantly throughout and both he and his partner treated everything with more severity than their opponenta. Olbbona. who was back In the upper bracket of the slnglea. played two matches, and by converting both Into victories quallrted to meet Swayne in the aemlflnals. This match was played this raornlns. and tha winner will meet Tllden for the title In the utternoon. The nnala In the women's alnglrs and mixed doubles will also be played this afternoon and the finals In the men's doubles will bo plased to morrow afternoon. TEN LEADINO SLUDGERS, 2B. SB. HR. TB. Williams, Chicago , Jt 8 tiornsoy. si. iouia. .,,... 7 is Zimmerman, Chicago.,,,, 31 8 Oroh. Cincinnati.....,,,, IS Ji Hobertaon. New York..',.: ll o Lioyie, new lora..,, iu Stengel, Brooklyn ...,.,. 18 Carey. Pltteburgh ,,!':. a JSUhoff, Phillies 2 3 10 6 4 2 a i : 138 1T0 189 130 Il3 12S 101 126 111 103 EB. 60 5! sa ll 87 s; TEN LEADINO BASE Carey. Plttaburgh , Kaurr. New York.., Uaacher. St. Louis. Burns, New York . , Daubert. Brooklyn Betsel. St. Louis.., WhltUd. Phillies .. llaranvllle. Boaton Herxoa", New York, i'lact, Chicago . . . '.,..,.... ,.,....... ...,.... ........, '... ...... STEALERS. O. BB. 80 83 BO 83 84 61 83 li St l ii 16 13 13 Ave. .40 .82 :ii .21 .21 .20 .20 .18 .IS CLUB BATTINO RECORDS, O. AB. R Cincinnati 81 1073 318 Brooklyn ... 84 2896 If it New York ... 84 28i 321 Chicago 80 Jo 10 83d riiiapurta ... a zitc. ... va 9f mss1 m H. .68 73 70S ir! (41 B& 8ii A 86 82 .as 107 102 Tt 73 106 S XOl jo n Mack Gets Haley From Buffalo BUFFALO. N. Y.. July 20 It has been an. naunreii officially hem that Catcher lat Haltv. who has been-placing exceptional ball thta sea- eon, naa ueen aigneu Dy wonnie aiacx ana will report to the team today. He expecta to play hla first game then for Mack. Morris, Basketball Star, Hurt READINO. Pa.. July 29. Oeorga Morris, guard of the Reading Eastern League baaketball team, was seriously Injured yesterday when bis motor handcar was struck by an automobile at Olbraltar. about ftve miles from here. Morris was thrown from the car and landed on bis head. He was rendered unconscious and re mained la this state until lata Uat night. Indiana Accepts Cohn as Coach BLOOUINOTON. Ind.. July 29. Harvey Cohn, of New York, until recently track coach at Colby College, has been officially confirmed as new track coach by tha athlello board of In diana University. He Is to take up hia duties her la September. Ill Detroit Club iands Syracuse TVirler SYRACUSE, N. Y , July 20 Howard Ehmks. leading- pitcher la the New York State League, with 19 victories and Ave defeat to date, has been )ld by ths Syracuse, Club to the Detroit Aserttaa Leagua team. 6 TRUNK EASTERN TENNIS TEAM CHOSEN Alexander, Behr, Church, Nlles, Wash burn nnd Williams Aro Selected NHW TOHK, July 29. Tho Astern ten nis team that will play In tho singles against tho 1'aclflc coast players In tho Intersec tlonnl matches nt Forest Hills, N. J., on August 4 nnd C, has been selected nt 1103 ton by n commlttco consisting of Julian S. Slyrlck. president of the West Side Tennis Club, Forest Hills; Kclwln Sheafc. of Bos ton, nnd CrnlR Illddle, of Philadelphia. Tho players chosen wero Fred D. Alex ander, N'ew York; Karl Behr, New York; O 31. Church, Tonally. N. J.; Nathaniel Nlles, Boston; Watson M. Washburn, Now York, nnd II. Norrls Williams, 2d, of Phil adelphia. Teams for tho doubles will be Behr nnd Alexander, Church and Williams. Maurlco McLaughlin will not play In the lntcrscctlon.il matches. It was announced. Pirates Sign Coast Outfielder TACOMA, Wash. July 20. Announcement hag been mnilo that Caraon Ulabee, outfielder for tho Tncomn tenm of the Northwestern LoaRUo, hnR been RoUl to the Pittsburgh Nn tlnnnli. It was unofficially reported that tho prlco raid was 13000. Ulabec la In his first jonr of professional bill, having come to Tn comn front the UnUerslty ot Oregon. Hl.t bat tins record thus far Is .300 nnd ho has stolen CI) bases. Ho will report to Pittsburgh at tho end of the season. The Ballade of Passing Days Wftrn first our festive oofs ice felt, (Got wot. Old Tlmo tn swift fHpht); We hcanl the fusty three-bate tcclt Of Saiulow Merles In ht mtpht: And other stars have cjtttl f7ie fight Who once illumed our lesfertnj; Our nodding bean Is growing white WHY, even Matty's gone awayl Once John MeOraw was ioung and svelte, And some who slender were and slight !toiv wear rt made-to-ordcr Dell, itnrf cuen this is somewhat tight; Once Del would hit 'cm out of sight Who now has hit th' eternal hay Alasl Old Ago our thoughts invite; WHY, even Mattv's gone away! One time the game was mostly Cell, With Harps who climbed the tlljij height, Now, ghostlg figures on the veldt. Then plau in Memory's lenient tight; And some are now forgotten quite Who nnco wore laurel nnd the bay. Where is Youth's morning, once so bright! Why, even Matty's gone away! L'envoi. Prince, you wero wise and you were right To pins that pessimistic Uty To one by one Time calls "Good Night" Why, even MATTY'S gone away! John P. Ileldy, New York city. Mamaux vs. the Field POLITC mention In theBO dispatches was mado of tho fact that Alexander nnd Johnson woro still supreme. These two havo won moro games than nny otliorn, but after considering tho dope nt further length It In hardly Just to call their records any better than tho showing of Al Mamaux, the Pirate cabin boy. Slamnux has been working with a club well down In tho second division. Ho has been working with n club whero tho job of breaking oven was no slight task. Yet ho has been good enough to win 15 out of 21 starts, nnd thereby glide along at a percentage about 300 points above tho nor mal showing of his mates. The Best Pitching Tho best pitching In the National League so far has been dono by Alexander, Ma maux and I'feffer. In tho American League tho best pitching has been dono by John son, the two Covelcoklea, Ruth, Shawkcy nnd Cultop. Guy Morton was showing tho most ef fective stuff of tho senson until ho picked a kink In his main pinion, nnd the wonder Is that Cleveland should hold up so well with the club's star pitcher out tor to long. Another Deficit Another remarkable showing la that mads by the Phillies ngalnet two unlooked for slumps. Last season, when Alexander wasn't out there winning, he had two good aids In Ursklno Mayer and Dut Chalmers. Mayer had a lino record last year ana was n consistent winner for the first two months. So far this season Mayer nnd Chalmers togcthor have won exactly three games. They have worked only at rare Intervals, but their help to the club has been too small to bo counted at all. Yet with two good pitchers from the year before out of lino the peppery Phils remain In the running. Add Famous Bucks a Buck Wheat ' Buck Pnrvln. Buckskin. Pass the Buck. "Why Isn't Jalto Daubert the most val uable first baseman In baseball today?" queries a Brooklyn fan. So far as we know, Jnko Is. But we'll bite, just tho same. Why Isn't he? That posse you may havo observed ten or twelve times this season was merely a group of baseball magnates hunting for th nuthor of "It isn't raining rain to me, It'a raining roses down;" Golf Advice Ho who putts Nor follows through, Will say words that He oughtn't to. Maxims of the Oil Trail Ono day of achievement In the present U worth the post glories of ten years. Tho entry who Is always on the lookout against getting stung generally geta It about tliroo Inches under the lookout. No, good pitching Isn't everything. Bullet Joo Hush hns been pitching the best ball of hla career this season and ho has lost more games than nny other slabman In either major league. Trls Speaker has about decided to give Ty Cobb a .400 mark to shoot at and let It go;nt thnt. In the meanwhile, what has become of Logical Contender Fred Fulton, who some time ago was reported to bo on the point of cleaning up the map? f v o 9T-N AH AiS 0 &fMMwMBmMSfM TTs wmmMmmmmMfc ig vfKaTrffl WlVcr'i7BJnnTnTGasssirlBBTjS,- Mr w uWU$(s$l7vtsssWsl3sBss' rv"ISi?iiKssnBlrVKSl 2 ptiaMijisSCTaSarSISy mmBmosBBmsL t T ai MylRrl f2 aO E nti riwSifllrw SSla SSsrr XJ AV ES EjeWiaassR Xi3HkrM WSfB jMf arethepic x 100,00 tiremakoi hat built this Army of Tire Specialists? It is the achievement of sixteen years of selection and sifting. Men are enrolled only on their showing of exceptional qualifications and training. Success is the great magnet. Men of unusual abilities are drawn to the standard diat calls for the best that is in them. V ' jf There is no success like the success of Quality. In the case of the Firestone it has rallied the pick of the 100,000 men the backbone of the tire building industry. Only such an organization could create the Firestone Inbuilt Extras Most Miles per Dollar Quality, Service and Riding Luxury. And these men know how to practice and combine the Firestone's Extraordinary values at the price of the ordinary. Yours is the gain. Firestone The and Rubber Cr. "America's Largtst Exclusive fire and Rim Makers" 312-314 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Home Office and Factory, Akron, Ohio Branches and Dealers Everywhere Makers of the FirstTruckTires Leader Then and Leaders Now jMfmSI3k 2 ttklll3wWll r Bit YillfJllSMlfl 3 i (IK SjSBSi Lj feUSt PislsHassV In Quality and Volume rRsssssssssssssMMsW t sKalaSCissWssssssl iiiuiiiiiiiiiiinnMiiiiHttiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimPtisiaBMP XfBssss3sssBJ:ysssETlorWis 1