15 Ask the Travel Man at Ledger Central to Hand You a Copy of the Ledger's Vacation Guide for 1916 EVENING LEDGER-PECILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY JULY 26, 1916. A k BEAI. ESTATE FOB SAM Continued from TrtctHnO race. Tnctorles H. E. COn. 2D AND DLVMONDBTS, Well located site nd buUitlnsj adartM (or c torle, garage, etc.: 00100 to ralethorp at, fcEwlS A. YaULANE, 8. W, cor. Oth and Walnut .an. LAROK MANUPACTfltlNB PLANT. 400 feet frontage nn Delaware River: Penna, R. It. aiding! office blAr.. laboratory, .covered ship nine; platform, efr.i water aupptr, from river and artesian wells: boilers, engines, every. thing complete. TAyLANEa 900 Walnut at. west rmiLADEt.rniA ON TIID SOUTH StDE qtJVINE ST.. bt ween 58th and Both !., within B minutes k 1,4,4 mtmlinti. la Wiled ft beautiful or row of modern two-story J",",,'""";!; front homes of a "so decldeair different ' character from the ordinary that the story of these house will b of weullar Interest to the truly Intelligent home buyer. They war built of the finest nvlilltr ma terial by ona of Philadelphia's lead nR build ers, wnosa omy rami wii mi n" rui ";,'' honest value In hla worlt that there was little K iront leu over, iney were purcnmcu vy nvalnr wtinii material and warea wero at rock bottom. Through force of circumstances he must sell at leaa than coat. Think of the unions onoortunlty. now that materlala and wages are at top prlcea. These houaea arc not designed to make an appeal to every ona. To those who want tinsel Instead of good metal, ahtna and. pollen (nataad of solid construction, they will make Bo appaal. THET AJlli FOIt T1II3 MAM WHO KNOWS CHARACTER Or CONSTRUCTION AND PEAL ESTATE VALUES TltnOUOII AND THROtlOH. WIIO 7B T.OOKINO FOU A MOD. KRN HOME. IN THE I1KST BENSH OP TUB word, with n nooMs. not countino the reception ha li ijatiiroom oil Laundry, a home. which will hk ah oood or hetter 10 years hence than today Sine our first advertisement about four Week ago wa havo sold sight of thess housea to homeburers a house must bo wonderfully Joed to sail In thlj weather). There are Just onr left next week there may bo none then your chance la mm for rood and all. They will bo aold for IS00O apleca and for as little aa $100 cash, with terms made to ault (or the balance. Juat think of Itl Sample houss. No. 8023 Vina at., will, ba open aay and evening, and we should Ilka every one who la In the market for a home to came out and ezamlne without delay. , we truly feel that thla la an unusual oppor tunity. , NORMAN B. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. pruce 89T1. Race 8023. .. ntrr on the row.evard 18TU ST. AUOVB LANSDOWNU AVE. The ery best construction. UNEQUALED AT H000. TJp to dato In every particular, Including hard wood floora throughout. JAS. C. ENUURO, Builder. RIO RAROAIN 002 8. 4 OTH HT. . 8-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms, 2 bathsi lot 35x110. CHA3. W. MILLER 401-407 Commonwealth nidtr., Ileautltul Corner Property. 68.14 WEDSfEH ST. 2-story brick porch-front dwelling. 10 rooms and bath. All modern conveniences. CHAS. W, MILLER 401-407 Commonwealth nlilr. EXCLUSIVE 2-HTORY HOMES 4-iTH UELOW SPRUCE ST. 8-story conis. : In an exclusive 3-story neigh borh'd: unusually attractive: breakfast rooms. butler's pantry, etc.; price 303UO: X800 co sh. 1810O8 rooms, hot-water heat, gaa and elec trio llghta; parquetry floora. ahower bath, caa kitchens and nil other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. IiUlLUKU 88th and Hsdfleld sts. LifSimioua HOMES SPRUCE STREET EAST OF 44TH 8-story, semidetached homes, features beyond description; location unexcelled; garage prlvl lege: sample house, fully furnished, open. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JQ9. M. TIAKKIl r2d and Baltimore ave. THOMA8VVVE. HOMES. PSD TO BtTH ST. Price 11(100. Aeent en premises. E. H. ArSl.EY. Bith and SprlncHelri nve. iKUfl ASSERHED SMOO To settle estate: coat S7300. Chestnut near ."0th. a sty.. 12 rms. Taylor A Son. 24 and 211 H. 40th at. CHOICE HUILDINO LOTS on HOth St.. 20 ft. north of Locust: 40x93. Chaa. L, Drown A Co.. 217 8 Broad at. GKUJIANTOWN WALNUT LANE AND UAYNTON ST. Modern, attractive 10-room house, Juat com pleted: 1 block from (larmantowp ave. and new Oermantown High School- moderate price, convenient terms. Phone Oermantown 2013 OERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL SECURE OUR REVISED SALE L1UT II. IJ. LISTER. 8G12 Oermantown ava. BSrmANTOTvN fFSliKS. all sectlona'. 8MULLEN II 11AIIR.T Franklin Bank llldg. Walnut 2S8T. OERMANTOWN 8 Investment houses, 8 rooms, hathl Alt conva.t twirchval rentad Sift. Pnnv. tn all parts city. Roggentine. 8850 Oermantown av OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETN will be sent to you by mall an application. Oermantown 'irust uo.. unenen anu uermaniown avea. If YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME In Oer- roantown, jut. Airy or tJnsitnut .mil, consiut me. A. R. Meehan. 0747 Qermantowp ave. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpenorkrn at. east of Oer- rnamown ave. j. ti. ttlADWll-n. i tu, oo-'j uermantown ave. ilEAUTIFUL 2-story. llvlng--room houae: 4 bed rooma; hardwood floorsi gas, electric: bargain. 451 East Walnut lane. Ml. Airy, Oermantown NEW BALE AND RENT LIST nEADY Pelham, Mt, Airy and Chestnut Hill. PEL1IAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Gennantown ava. Cbentnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Oermantown. Chestnut Hill. Main Line, WARNOCK A EMLEN Commercial Trust Building; SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRIGHT CO. Morris Building Tlega 3407 N. 10TH 8 STORIES. PORCH FRONT DESlRAHLn HOME TAULANE. 000 WALNUT ST. tm N. 21ST ST. 3-story. l6"rooma. side-yard dwelling at Tioga station; price reasonable; easy terms. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. 1980 N. Front st. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT -TErNEDY RAMBO. 3740 idEHMANTOWN. Logan BTOREB. DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Sale or Rent In Beat Sections of Lagan. TO. D, CHAMBERS, 4033 N. Broad St. Olnty 12400 Two Story. Q, rooma and bath. shed, atone porch, laundry, water meter, paved strut, a real home that will cost you less than rent. HmVll amount of caah needed. KUHN A LOWERY. I th A Rockland ata. Open Sunday. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN HETHAYRES Beautlfuiy located lot. ' aquare feet: high ground; low price; terma: two atatlona: fi.cent fare. 1250 easy wurm plu , oao yi inn at. UROOKLINE Brand new. det. dwlgs., Tr U b., water heat, electr.; 80x128: 18880; only 1430 cash required; will exchange. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Brookllna Bin. CHESTNUT HILL Stone, Colonial house and grarage tn excep tional neighborhood: 12 rooms. 3 baths; lot 125 feet front. Near Penna. R. R. station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LANJJ TITLE BUILDINO CYNWYD Attractive email house: living; room. den. dining room, pantry, kitchen. & chambers and bath; lot OQiHS; all modern conveniences. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO DARBY Nearly new, all brick, aide yard propi erty; convenient location; S rooms:, all conv.l very yrmy. eniw. pwope ec frorw uaroy. ELKINS hot-wa K(N8 PARK New single dwelling. 10 rooms: ot-water heatt Prtce f00 McCormlck h Ui ormlclc. 1011 Chestnut st. and Elklns Park. Q,u,siuju HOMES and building sites, every des. 1 1 " n. KENN1NQEH A JU2NNINQER, n.. OENTLEMAN'B FARM, select community: near station. IB-roam house, conveniences, beautiful ahade; plenty of fruit, good buildings. 23 acres; et M 4 A A K fr.AAH J eaae4eilaa Dai fJtWvi aW- t f 1 i "r .. lENKINTOWN 10700. EASY TERMS" 12-room brlrk house, well located: Photo. SHADE AND KF . uw.il,, ..- ...-.v. P PETER8A BUM. BU WtBTHUT ST. ibAVOIONTDELAWARE CO. I am local agent for the E. T, Stetsebury tract at Oakmant. aajoining oign aensot ana statwa near 3 chTcb.M and atorei. property lg fully devel- s iv4. Haiui4 im viiui.'u. ;.! av Ights. macadam gtjset and broad gldewalka lie, nuctfim etfseie tou uroau siaewaiaa ucatsenia offered ta builders housea now aolng- UP and for eale Write or call for lltus fraud booltloL ' 'Vlcts About Oaluaont.' wm. 8. DaYtg. office. South Antmore. at ata naucuni&ii an.rea La ouiuun dquiii not ' U1US' wm. 8. DaYtg. office. South Antmore. at ata- BEAXi ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA SURUnRAN Con I (nurd rom VreceMna Celamn MEDIA, PA. Handsome residence. 210 B, Orange St.: exceptionally attractive lawn: near P. R 11. station and fast line trolley td eoth at, terminal; price much below original cost) write for Illustrated description., James O. Riddle 1211 Arch at.. Philadelphia. Rydal Country Seat, 5 Acres Stone Colonial house. IB rooms and B baths: large aarato; commands fine vtewa of Huntingdon Valley, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUlLDINa SOUTH ARD.MORE. PA. Rrand-new house ana uungaiows wim an conveniences: near o mm uunHniiiiTi Trim ll OTnvcnieilcen, uru, , churches, high school, trolley station and atnrest 1(1 minute oar arvl-at 910 mlnutea to City Hall: open for Inspection today. Come 11C. Vi SPRINGFIELD, tot 110x1TB feetl all Improve- mentas price 17001 eaay terma. T 25S, Ledger centra i BWARTHMORE. PA. Three-story horn on lot 80x180 It.: plenty of old emadet fruit, apaca for Harden and garage: living- rooms with eastern and southern exposure: flrsplacel hot. water heat: location very desirable: convenient to public school, preparatory schools, Bwarth more Colli. ge. Penna. trains, trolleys, atorea and churches: will make attractive price for Immediate sale: satisfactory terms, M 018, ledger Office. 8WARTHMORB 14000. 12800 CAN REMAIN JO-room frame house, modern conveniences, lot 88x180, near station and trolley. . C. P. PETERS) h HON, 608 CIIEHTNUT BT, THREE TUNS Productive 86-acra farm, for mer I r operated aa an experimental farm of the Farm Journali character of soil splendid: two Interesting and well constructed stone resldsncesi lawns, orchards, chicken plant, 3 tenant housea, barn, garage, eto. Inquire of ii, j, imager, inc. Amnier, ri WTNNKFIELD, PA. DESIRABLE COR. PROPERTY near station, fronts on Wynnefleld avenue stone and khlngle house, contalna 2 hatha and 8 chamberas.cag, electricity, ateam heat: lot 174x188 fret: old shade: will sell as whole or the residence and lot 87x1881 will rent fur nished for the summer, HIRST & "McMULLIN WEST END TRUST Tlf.DO. CHOICE 1IUILDINO SITES and neream. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhorna. Pa. BUOUnUAN HOME8 FOR BALE OR RENT WENDELL A XABSDY Real Kstats Trust Building;. SUUURDAN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for catalogue. BROWN A CLOUD. Norrtstown, Pa. 3UUURRAN REAL ESTATE Any. .Price. All Incatlona. Bale or rent. CHARLES J, HOOD A CO., Morris Dldg. SELECT Properties Country sests, farmai list ordra now. LEWIS T. BROOKE i .SON, 1414 South Penn sq. FOUNDED 1870. YOU SHOULD know North Olenalde If Inter ested In suhurnan property. Lota 810 a front foot. W. O. Olann. Agent, Land Title llldg. MAIN LINE. P. It. B. Ardmore Buildingr Sites 20 acres: excellent location: will divide In acreage to suit purchaser; worth Investigation. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST 11LDO.' DRYN MAWR Exceptional opportunity at Bryn Mawr. Handsome Colonial houae: in rooms, 4 bathe; largo atable; 1H acres of ground; exception nlly located near station. Full particulars from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING DEVON Handsome country place. Stone. house. IS rooms. 8 hatha: modern stable and garage; chicken house; all kinds of fruit and shade trees: 0 acres high ground. Worth Investi gation, as price will be made attractive for quick sale. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE UUILDINO MERION Attractive stone residence and garage: 17 rooms. 3 baths; billiard room: electric light; hot-water heat; 2 acrea or lesa ground may be purchased; near station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE UUILDINO MERION North aide, at a bargain. J7500: a bedrooma; beautiful location and aurroundlngs. O. M.. Handle, 21 S. 12th. NARBERTH Now building. 11 rooma: hard wood floors; 2 baths; forest trees; garage; price 17300. Ilarbert U Clagliom. 204 Bailey llldg. ROSEMONT Fine Colonial residence, with 2U acres: house has 14 rooms, 8 baths: attractive grounds; convenient to station; la good loca tion. Further Information from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILDINO SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and build ing altes to ault all requlrementa; Main Line. -i. u. nuNiKit, wayne, ra. LARGE HOUSE. N. W. cor. Montgomery and Brookhurat aves.. Narberth; 300x100; 113,000. WALTER B. SMITH, 8002 Drexel road. NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN BEVERLY NEAft TIisJ8IVER Steam heat: chicken h ; old shade; fruit: photo. C. P. PETERS A SON. 08 CHESTNUT ST. LAUREL 8PRINOS NEARLY AN ACRE Cor.: 10 rm.i elec, etc. : fine shade: fruit: photo C. P. PBTER8 A BON. H08 CHESTNUT ST. UPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES IIADDON HEIOHTS. N. J. WILLET L1PPINCOTT r.Annrc pr.OTH A HOMES. HIQIf EI.EV. Cheap.. Folder. L.8NOOK. Woodbury Hgta..N NEW JERSEY B1IA8IIORE OCEAN CITY, N.J. Mod. cottage, fur., 8 rms., path, pantry, elec. gas: sacrifice. Investigate. owner, ibu norm pea at., ynuaasipnia. VENTNOR MOO building; lots. 80x100 ft. J con. venlent ta beach and trolley, 808 .W. State at.. Trenton,. N. J. WILDWOOD. N. J. 210 E. 28th at., summer and winter cottage for sale, fully furnished, In best rssldentlal section; can be purchased on easy terms; modern In every respect: open for Inspection. JAMES D. WINClfEIiL. N, W. cor. 17th and Bansom. COTTAGE at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction: attractive plana eub ralttad free by the reliable builder. OTIS U. TOWN8ENP. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Picturesque Farm of 104 Acrea IB miles from City, Hall: atone Colonial houae. surrounded by old ahade; atone tenant house; apple orchard: woods and- meadows; high elevation; Vi mile railroad station: an excellent farm, with wild, plctureaque acenery: one stream upon the property large enough for boating- and swimming; near golf and hunt clubs. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDTNO S3 ACRES, easy drive of West Chester by ma. eadam road; manalon bouse. 10 rooms, barn; Brandywlne stream flows thru the farm; of fered ta e.ttle an estate; 17B0. J. B. THOMPSON. Weat Chester. Pa. 83-ACRE POULTRY FARM i 10-room atone and frame house, barn, chicken house for 1000 liens: feed and colony houses; spring houae: 80 fruit trees; 20 miles Phlla. C. P. PETERS It SON. 808 CHESTNUT ST. 72 ACRES. Schuylkill Vol., 80 mln. City IUIK atone bldxs , mod equip., 14 cattle. 4 horsaa. crops. Implements. I7A00. I have a farm for every buyer. Fronefleld. Wayne. Pa. NEW JERSEY TABUS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trolley. Write for pamphlet. BARLOW t CO.. Maple Shade. If. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT CITY C.TT WOFKRJJB BJAM OR RENT Real Estate Trust Building. B. E. SAL 0B EZOHAWOE 431 E. WALNUT LANB, QTN. Modern 2ety. pores A terraca front dwelUng-: fine iorlome buyer. Will consider good Investment bouses. CHAS. L. BROWN k CO.. 31T 8. Broad g" EEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE B MAKE A SPECIALTY of axcbaaglsc what you have for what you want. KERSHAW t CROWL. 8115 Chestnut. BEAL ESTATE WANTED CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection et real estate sold, mortgagee placed. ARTH OR B63VBLL, tllW 13t al raaui MEAL 'ESTATE FOB BENT C1TV 818 212B WALDEN (below 12th and Archlt 8 room", conveniences. . ,,,., . 814 231ft Hamilton, fabove 2th nd.y,1o',i rooms, rente, aa: largo yard to alleyl newly psnered: one square tp lrk. ..... 110 and 10 Central: 6 and 8 room houses! jiroteAtateN.B. cor. Rroad tiajjte1 118 "nTIbtH IB rooms, 3 bailie, hot-water heat, laundry tubs, ete.l ault doctor'a oltlce and apartments. ,an R, 18th ,t. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all ectlon of "' 8"BAY.uni.,T.,FOicro.uria)r- B. E. cor Oth and Callowhlll. BEND FOR OUR RENT LIST Tilt! LAND TITLl! AND TRUST CO. .i .i i '1:."'.', .- Broad and Cheatnut sts.. LOCUST RT. lB0ft-lB24-1800.1T08-1712-lBB5. 201.2028-2082-2n53-2llO-28rti. , , , . EPOAR (. CROSS. 1411 Walnut at. Bnslneia Trepertlee and Btoree BTOREB-New t .tores, 48B8-88.0;e2 N. Broad st. Atov au.), 18 teoutnwesi ""'.;.. ."""T.3 n ny au it, eacni uo.uuiuti imao m 1IIVU.II,, ... ... w-. . -- . AlSeW M.'OREENFIELD. Ini.N. El cor. 18th and Chestnut eta., or WILLIAM D. in iha riaat location ot ioaani rea. tillAMI1K.UP, ewoj norm umni a. nrnii PR i Arcn st. I Chestnut B. ilth OOB Walnut 1110 Walnut 1404 Walnut 1217 walnut i A. PATTERSON. 18 0 Bouth 18th at. ... ni.n. tfiltrC'W KR Entire building to rear streetl lot 28.8x2001 Immediate possession. ... . , . . Apply Penna. Co.. B17 Chestnnt et. H teres and Dwellings 1817 RIDOE AVENUE Large atore and B-room dwelling. MYEH3 A RARTH. Rldga ave. and 10th, TIENTAT. L1BTB Tlin PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on Llvee fc tlrantlne Annuities. BIT Chestnut st. Both phones. 548 S.I8lh.ir,r.(208,84 .288 B. 22d, 20r.ir.o:00 .Ai o uti. in tIRft 418 B.Hroaii.23r 137. 420 H.IIroad.lOr 100 1420 N. 10th, lOr, 70, 1821 Olrard. lie 8, 2020 fcuat 18r.l2.00 1480 Pine, inr . .IHH.M 19I8 Green. lTr.. 1J8 rim, lor... 70.U" 80.07 80.00 80.00 47.80 1801 Poplar, ISr. 818 B. 3d, 10r... lt.ll (Ireen. llr.. 1022 Oxford, llr. 128 N. . 21ot,10r 2 baths,.. 187 N. 20th, 12r. 827 N. 8th, ISr,. 1283 B.Uroad.lOr IP28 Green. 13r.. BfaN. 18th. 12r 2222 Pine, lOr... 4n.n .0 ace. IBr.. . 17th, llr 48.00 aster, l.lr 41.07 . 18th. 18r 10.00 (.' M. Bin. inr. . no 1714 Oxford, llr. 87 828 8. 4th, llr.. 82 fiat no ve (. IU flft 'orln'n, llr 37.00 J9th. 12r 33.00 13th. Or. 80.00 aQ.et '( A'' ' 2331 Colu'bta. llr 28 w. i.iin. 111-. th.iiii HZ W.Bharpnack. llr 2188 Master, llr 23.00 2141 N. 11th, Or. 23.00 1418 wnarton. ur xj OJOFalrm't. Or. S3 1448 N. Oth. 10r.. 23 1010 N. 8th. r. . 24 non M inih. Iflr. '1 B1TN. 10th. 9r. 23.00 107 N.Cnmao. 8r 22.00 T20 New Mkt.Or 21,00 120 N.Frklin. Or. 22, 2010 N. Jessup.Ilr 20, ibo Reed. Tr. ... 20.00 1420 ntlles, 7r... 18.00 nil t.ntlmnr. Or 20 814 Parrlsh. Br. 18.no! 1484 N. I'amip. Or 1?, .P23 Falrm't, 8r. Jfl.OOi 1808 N.RIngJd.Or 10.001 3 Leyd a ct. At 13.00 085 Nect'lne. Br lS.Oo! 1D80 N Vanrelt.7r 18 nin H. 5rt. Tr... 1H 1133 North, Or... 10, lnnl T.amnn. 7r. . In 17at V.rreh'd.. 8r IB 181 W CunVd,7r 15, ... WE3T PHILADELPHIA. ... ?i!Q Pow'' n.lIr.dB.nni 7m N. 4ith. lUr.MB 428nirnrd. JOr. a.l.nnl 8i N. 81d. 13r. as 4412 Sonsom. 12r 80.008"43 Sp. adn . 8r. 23, 800 N. Mav. 8r. Ii).nul4718 Olrartl, Or.. 10. ... STORES AND DWELLINGS. 2?2?: Inth.l2r.$70.nii'li500 Poplar, 10r..ll. .'.!5I'-.2d- 8r-- i-7l 231 N 2d. lBr.. 40, J8J2 Oxford, llr. Sn.nd 8048 rarrlah. llr. 80. '295 Falrm't. Or 23.001 io N. 20th. lOr 27. Jig W.Norrls.Or 28.001 724 N, Front. llr 28, 818 N. Sd, 8r.. 2r,.no SMSRIdge. llr.. 23, 41T Green. Tr.. 22.00 830 B. id. Or.... 2.1. 2328 N.C"rllele.7r 20.00I 121 W. Oxford.Or SI, 120 South. 4r... 20.0ir! 023 8. 2d. 8r..... 20. 1204-0 s. 2d. Br. I8.no ssm Amhlcr. Or.. 2n, 204 Wharton, fir 10.00 1120 S. 2d. Er.... 18. ..WLLIAM L. CRAVEN'B SONS 1540 N. 7th et. 2010 Columbia ave. 1810 R. Sflth St.. Weat Phlln. DWELLINOH EAST OF IIROAD BT. 0203 Frankfd. 12r.(B0 017 Franklin. 14r..t40 1048 N. 8th. llr... 30 1343 N. nth. 12r. .33.83 1421 N. 8th. llr. SO 1421 N. 8th. llr.... 30 1023 N. 12th. 12r. 1820 N. 8th. llr. 1004 N. 8th, llr.. .1.1038 Franunn. lor.. .. .'miHwi Tulip, jur 2112143 Park ave., llr. 28 iui3 n. Tin. vr ,. ,.l(. CI,,., .If.ll .t. n.it, v . . . DWELLINGS WEST Or BROAD ST. 20 1 ii:.i . n. Htn. ur. ... JO 1T38 Diamond, 12r.S40 1812 N. Ilouv'r, lOr 28 1334 Lehigh. lOr lllinjud'on. lOr, ., 21 1700 Master. 13r... (40 lSOO N. 18th. 12r.3T.B0 2213 N. Uber. Or... 23 1(1.1(1 Jtidsan. lOr. .. 2A 100a van reu. ur. , 2(1 11111, n. .-1st. lur... .0 'it. HTfinRa anii nwKi.r.iN-nn 18.18 Van Pelt. lOr. (3212213 Ridge ave.,10r,(80 239-11 8. Front. 2d. 8d and .th floors 88 8344 N. 17thi bowling alley (Tioga) B0 BUILDINO. N. W. cor. 18th and Ingersotl. Stahl. 10th and Ingersnll (30 8703 Rarlnx (401 1033 Camao 23 820 Indiana IS 1028 Ingersoll 14 040 Holly 1214200 Westminster av 13 010 Catharine .... 81 ALFRED H. WILLIAMS. B22 Walnut st. 1 Factories. Warehonses, Mfg, Floora VERT DESIRABLE FACTORT. 1211-23 Noble at . 63,000 aq, ft., with railroad aiding for 2 cars; also 1218-20-22 Hamilton at., SuOO so.. ft., exceptionally low rent. Apply to YARROW A VAN TELT 17th and Chestnut sts. A( nnfl fin Vf Floor spaco tn building 'iU,UUU oq. r l. ,th m0(lern fqUpment. Railroad aiding; auh-potofflco; low Insurance. Apply C. J. MiLNE Si SONS. N. E. cor. 11th and Washington ave. , LOW RENT Broad above Cumberland, manu facturing apace In the modem fireproof Wright Building, near North Philadelphia and Hunt ingdon St. Stations and freight yards, WORRELL, 338 North 17th Cohocksink Mills ooTOM3- Floor.., (5000 to 18,000 aq. ft. Cheap power. n. I'. McVKClaY. 1782 TUnqoTph. Metropolitan Building "'iPla-cS0 Fireproof Rooms, 8000 to 40 1)00 sq. ft. Cheap power. Ap. OEO. F. LAallEti. 147 N. 10th St. 110B-110T SPRINO GARDEN BT.. entire build Inc. S floors, suitable for light manufacturing, storage or automobile supplies: about 7300 sq. ft. 8CHAFFER, 1104 Spring Oarden at. MERCHANTS' UUILDINO Deslrabfe rooma; power, nndJlgh 20.000 SQUARE FEET, central section, with substantial building; very low rent. DIETERICH. 73T Walnut St. FACTORIES, sites, warehouses, floor space ex clusively. J, Alan Mlddleton. factory specialist and engineer HQd-11 Wldener BIJg.. Phlla. NTUROAD ST., 811.10 SlanufacTurlng floora: light on four aides; electrlo elevators; low Insurance. LEA EBTATEB. 700 Sansom et. 82 N.' 7TH t.story brick bulldlnr. 20x100; steam heated. WORRELL. 883 N. 17th. OITI CE8. BUSINESS ROOMS ETO. Bright, Attractive Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. DREXEL BI.DQ. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Blnsle rooms, (120.(130,(200,(223,(800.(430. Suites 2 rms., (144.(130,tlT3,(200,(223.230. Suites 8 rms., (27S.40O,(4SO.(30O.(80O.(723. Corner Suites. .1 to S rooms, (300 to llf50. ELLI8 D. WILLIAMS. 38u Drexel Rulldlng. SEVERAL DESIRAULE OFFICES. SINOlIS AND K.N 8U1TD; ALSO FLOOR IN A NEW MODERN BUILDING. x JAME8 D WINCHELL N, W. COR. 17TH AND 8 ANBOM BT3. ' HEED RUILDING ' 12lf.1T Filbert st. Centrally located; all conventencea; rents at tractlvaly low: earvlce continuous. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 44 NORTH 4TII STREET Very desirable offlcas: heat and light. 1700 WALNUT 8T, Desirable office for physl clans, etc; heat. light and lanltor service (urn. j ppiy i no renna. L.Q.. oti inestnut at. mTdd able LB CITY lll.nfl . 82 A 84 9. 11th Tlaalr. able offloee or studios, at reasonabjs rents. Wlllle-Wlnchester Co.. 1001 Chestnut. WEST PHILADELPHIA Beautiful Chester Ave. Section lllv B. 48th St.. 18-room houss. 2 baths: gas and electrlo lights; newly papered: semfda tached: rent (33: Inducements for Immediate occupation. Keys 2110 Land Title Building and agents. HERMAN BROS.. 6019 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores. Near BOTH ST. "L" STATION eor rent onsets. DWKLLIN08, STORES. APARTMENTS FOR RENT W1L H. W. QUICK A BRO., INO. 8 SOUTH 40TU ST. Boslnese Prapertlee and Stores BTOReT AND FIXTURES. 4433 Market and ttear u station! rent iai JAMES N. MITCHELL. 46th and Market. OERMANTOWN DETACHED, dwelling. 13 rooma, 3 bilbo, "tt.& TOUR18QN, 7014 Boyer St., Otn. Send for list, Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 fe. 11th. OERMANTOWN PROPERTIES. (40 upward: Particulars upon request IIAURAN, DOL MAN A CO.. N E. cor. Broad and Cheatnut. Lorau TWO-STORT APARTMENT. B01S North Broad at., at the corner of Wtadrlra st., directly op poslte Logan station, Reading .Railroad. Con venient to trolleys on York road. , Second floor, living room, dining room and kitchen: third door, three rooau and bath. Most desirable and convenient location. Rent (82.39 per xaanth- OERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY lxjion Broscb. S01S North BroaJ at. -I-3L, BEAL ESTATE FOB KENT Logan Continued from rrtctdtno Column RROAD ST., 4818 NORTH S7xS4: modern de tached, porch-front dwelling: 11 rooms. 3 bslhi hot-water hetl: (30 J. T. JACKSON COMPANY. Chestnut and 18th. Ttora 2081 W. ONTARtO ST. 8 atery. 14 rooms, 2 paths aide yard: rnt (40 per month. . . INDUSTRIAL TRUBT CO., 1080 N. Fiont at. Onk Ina (287104 YORK ROAD 2-slory, porch-front house: 0 rooms: all conveniences. J. T. Jack son Co.. Oak Lane Station. TF-NNSYLVANIA BURURnAN BROOKLINE Brand new. det. dwtgs., 7r. A b., water heat, electr.: lorro lots; (28.80. (28 80 .. up. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Rrookllno Bin. CYNWYD DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT AT BALA AND CYNWYD Let Us Know Your Requirements SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 11ALA AVE, OYNWYD, . AND COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING, 18TH AND MARKET BT3. MOYLAN Attractive country residence at Moy. Ian. Rose Volleyi ample shade and lawn, about a acrea: house alanda on high clove.' tlnn commanding extensive views: nee 10 rooms, 4 bathrooms, hot-waler heat, electrlo light, etc: chauffeur's dwellinif. with garage attaohed: rent (1000 per annum. Whiteside A McLanalian. lf.th and Pine ate. , BUNGALOW GLENS1DE BIX ROOMB Elect. i aaai porches: ehaded lawn) One view. C. P. PETEAa A BON, 008 CHESTNUT ST. MAIN LINE. P. R. R. ARDMORE LARGE LIST OF RESIDENCES FOR SALE, ALSO Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES FOR RENT ON MAIN LINE P. R. R. LET US -KNOW TOUR REQUIREMENTS SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMFRCIAL TRUST RUILDING. 18TH AND MARKET BT8. ST. DAVID'S Stone Colonial Residence 18 rooms, 8 bathal electrlo light! eteam heat: parquetry floors; atone Karage for 4 cars, with P. rooms and bath on 2d floor: one acre; beau tiful high situation near elation; moderate rent. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING VILLANOVA Deelrable 8-story 10-room stone dwelling: Lan caster ave., near Sprint; Milt road: 3 minutes' walk to train or trolley. Apply Tho ronnsyl vanla Company, 017 Cheatnut at. 80 ST. PAUL'S ROAD. Ardmore, 12 rooms, (60. WALTER BA8SETT SMITH. 640O Woodbine ave.. Overbrook. . MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTGAGE . , . Be It first or second If you desire efficient service, quick and satisfactory reautta and modrnte charges CALL. THONE OR WRITE TO U3 "Tour mortgage will be a good aa placed." NORMAN B. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st. (rn to (3000 MORTGAOF, OR NOTE REAL ESTATE SECURITT Payable In Instalmente If desired. Settlement aamo day If desired. BUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS DKMPSET A CO. 27 8. 10TH ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms of. years or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING OARDEN $50 (100. (200 TO $5000 frtet tro.- nr nfttn. rattl estitn itHnirltr: Di.y- able our terms; ettloment wmn day. LEWIS & CO. '"Vvfe;013 EIOHT RLDO. AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS WITH PLENTY OF MONET FOR 1ST. 2D AND SPLIT M0RTOAOK8 IN ANT SECTION OF THE CITT. NO PREMIUM CHAROES. WILLIAM JAMEB KEOOH BOO LAND TITLE RUILDING (30 TO (2000 To loan on real, estat security! Immediate settlement; payable as desired. "" toW, M. MOLL 133 8. 12TH ST. FIRST and second mortgage money: also ad vance money for garages and building opera, tlone. L 717. Ledger Office. MORT0AOE8 SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A 8PECIALTT BRUMBAUGH & PARKER. INC. 1481 WALNUT BT. FIRST AND 8Er:OaNDvMORTaAGH FUNDS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNBR 727 Walnut at. MONET FOR MORTGAGES LARGE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. H. HOOD. .112 W. NORRIB BT. FUNDS for first and second mortgagee. 1 U1j. J. TURNER, 1201 Chestnut st. (100.000. TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from (100(1 up; also bulldlne association money for 2d -mortirages. C. SE1DEL A CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. WnBTJRT.T, FUND3 FOR FIRST AND VUltXVi2jLllJ SECOND MORTGAGES 815 N. 17TH BT. I HAVE FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAOEB WM. BARR. 8th and Oak lane. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOB HERKNESS A STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING PRIVATE AND TRU8T FUNDS (1000 to (30.000. J. EDWARD LUT2, 240 N. lTth at. FUNDS FOR lST AND 2D MORTGAOEB wvrra A THOMSON. 2321 Frankford ave. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES """ MORTGAGES FOR BALE THEO. E. NICKI.E3. 2313 Oermantown ave. ARTHUB BOSWELL. 238 N. 18TH BT. MONET FOR MORTGAGES (1000 TO (100.000 JACOB A. FRITZ. 1100 Land Title Bldg. ALL AMOUNTS., 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. MAURICE H MATHINOBR. RI. Est, Tr, Bdr. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES J1U" T. A REDDING A SON T09 WALNUT ST. 3208 SPRUCE ST. U00.OOOwAMl PER CENT. JOnN A. BARRY, 507LindTltleBldg Loans onInte'rest'in estates Reasonable Charges. JOHN A. BARRY, 807 LAND TITLE BLDO. "BUILDING ASSOCIATION AND PRrV'ATil ROBERT J NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT 8T. ANT- SUM ANY AMOUNT Placed at Once. I.oweit Rates. F. X. DELANY. 112 Lincoln Bldg. 1ST and 2d mtgs. ; bldr, and private funds; quick and satisfactory rasulta: moderate charges. tTAMERON ESTATE. 2811 Kensington ave. OWNERS If your mortgage has been called. I will Jake It up. also 2d mortgage money, CHESTER P. ROTTNER, 1420 Cnestnut at! ANT AMOUNT. (30 to (300. to loan to real estate owners: note or mortgage. Arthur J. leunold. 1218 Chestnut. SIR8T AND SECOND MORTGAOE8 7.IOND M, PARKER. 17th and Wallace. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN BORROW TODAY $16 TO $204 You can est ready cash from this NEW l.lfENSED AND BONDED COMPANY nulek. privately aw wunoui rea tape ix you era Kav 8 orlvate oftlcea for vour convenience. Permit us to explain our up-to-date methed. Phono Walnut 4(83. Open 8 a. m. to U p. w. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street Second floor. Next to Forreat Theater. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY 0li &".aP WeBj ETC, ,2, MARKET 8TKIEDfcR'8 xwuuc Ave anp oxyvitD st. 22D AND SOUTH 3T8. UOHaX LOANED to fcelra of uoaettled aatatea: latertaufc3& SV F MARTIN. 12i-?i u4aa Qlrwd BuUolaa.il Is. UUt . h P SCRAPPLE -4 The Younp; Lndy Across the Way THE PADDED CELL -ini - -ii -i- ui j IL 1 ' ' " ..-e --a i .. - - - . - . .. - T rT . -K .. t t I Jffiffi J THVACATlcOISJS- ( j3$j$3rK y CRO0UE.T V. . 'tL v4alv- This 15 the vV mvi6JHiS V ioirlStS MfBi YourvajRAy r j& m c57 The youns lady across the way gays that oven war Is becoming more humans and she saw In tho paper that thero was a suspicion that soft-nosed bullets wero being used. Extenuating Circumstance) Magistrate You ought to bo ashamed of yourself! Tho Idea of you hitting your wlfo with n, flat iron. Prisoner (aggrlevedly) Well, the poker tvoa broke. Not to Blamo Father Tommy, stop pulling that cat's tall. Tommy I'm only holding tho tall, the cat's pulling ttt Optical Illuslona I won telling a friend about an ac cident my wife had. Bho and I were walking along tho atreet one windy day, and tho hat of a man ahead of me flew off and struck my wlfo In the eye, costing mo 10 for doctor's bills. 'That's nothlngl" said my friend. "My wife was walking along tho street the other day and happened to look Into a milliner's window. A hat struck her eye and It cost me 116." Looking tho Other Wny "Sid you see the pleased expression on Mrs. Brown's face when I told her she didn't look any older than her daughter?" asked Mr. Jones, after the reception. "No," sold Mrs. Jones; "I was look ing at tho expression on her daugh ter's face." THE WORST IS f-vjr'c C IUt fit- ! e&wF: MU' ftfisC , Nf.o;iS,Y e,ABAtl It, ) tt-- HO1 . I rjZ- J io Mttei FRCAHtatM " "b fl OL at f 1 jBH IcZJCZI',. 4 C3ll"VII1llf"llll1"""' sirnirnarirraiswiiifjBiiiiiimii. , " cSe4frvSiliwao'rt ' ' H ml ii m, iii is t--mmm'.mmm .mwmi mi m mi mi immmmf mn i, mm "" y CvjHATsAf? YMmA O Ltflj - r- UJlllML ?D r3w ' f 'i - !,-'."oi4l-" S . !He V 7 X V V WASTED ENERGY WAR AND PEACE IVW - Iff saKJui Ml II -3. 7VJyA'UI,YA VVXiMK'" wv - iir iiMWii inr in 'rYrit'T'ii'-nv- iyilWWfl' -m""- Fond Mamma -Wherever are tho children, JansT Jane Safe In their dug-outs, Mum. They bin there all the mornln' as good as gold. YET TO COME lrt'5 London Punch. OATHBRIH& M044 ppcM ROl,UN TPHB?ei Not Even That Mother Now, dears, a want yoHt to keep very quiet and good whil tea bishop 1 hero, and not say of . anything which might make him li ,afrt(5nte4, Wttte Mary Ofa, sothert mmt w even ask hlra to chrUten tU i eSaalaalaalaalaarfj77L 1 4 EalealsSSSSSSP,(je5"fHftPr wr i eaeF W tif'f tattaSagQiaHe) mmmmm'Amm-A ill i i aeaameaaaaaeaaew , , ,., . , u.. 1 d