I3 LLIES OPEN WITH PITTSBURGH CLUB GOLF, TENNIS AND OTHER NEWS OF SPORTS .sw EVENING IiEDGER-PHIL,ll3ELPHIA WEDNESDAY,- TOEY 2(?, 1910. iGER CLUB REGAINS STRIDE AND IS DANGEROUS PENNANT CONTENDER, i Boss of Phils States, That His Team Has Chance If It Can Beat Out Brooklyn All Depends on the Pitchers Dy CHANDLER JUST one month ago It looked very much ns H" Brooklyn had cracked nnd that It was only ft .irtatter ot a raw weeks before Roblnsdn's eam would lose Us lead In tlje National League race. So sure were the I'hllly ' players nnd Manager Moran that Brooklyn had shot Its bolt that the latter refused to send Alexander the Great to the mound to, save ft game In which tho Phil lies had taken the lead In tho Seventh In ning. The Phillies had won three straight games from the Dedgcrs In that series, nnd al though beaten In the first game of a double header by Ed Pfcftcr.-Moran would not send his star td the mound, oven for two Innings, because ho believed that the trio of defeats and. circumstances tinder which they were administered had brokeri the spirit of Rob inson's players and that the team had been eliminated .from the race. Any one who witnessed tho series would agree with Moran, as tho Dodgers played like a team that realized It was beaten and was meeting' a superior toam, and since then the fans havo anxiously awaited the craaktng"of the Dodgers. Phils Must Beat' Brooklyn Manager Moran has changed his opinion ot the Dodgers within the last week and , declared today that ho figured the Phils would win the pennant If they beat Brook lyn. Moran sayo he Is convinced that Brooklyn Is past 'the cracking stags and now that' tho pitchers have returned to their early season form, Robinson's team is the most dangerous In the league. A few days ago Manager Stalllnga stated that the Braves would win the pennant If they could overhaul tho Phils and that Moran's team was the only one In the leaguo which Tio feared. While Moran be lieves that the Braves are going to bo trou blesome and are ft powerful toam, ho can not return tho compliment to Stalllngs, as ho thinks the Boston leader and baseball men In general underestimate the strongth of the Dodgers. "Everybody Is waiting for the Dodgers to crack, but I am beginning to think that Bobby's team has gotten beyond tho crack ing stage," said Moran. "Brooklyn Is a better balk toam than poople give It credit for being and It Is tho team I fear most Robinson has boon getting great pitching and It looks aB If ho will oontlnuo to get It Pitchers Went Bad "If my pitchers had been going on well as Robby'a we would be out In front with plenty to Spare, hut now we have a hard fight on our hands.' I am not making any predictions regarding tho Phillies' chances, but I am willing to say that I will be very well satisfied If wo beat Brooklyn. "Brooklyn has Its weak points, but so has overy team. Robinson has been having qulto a lot of trouble switching tho left sldo of his 'Infield, bjtt ho has been getting Amateur Baseball Saturday la an open data en the Norrlstown Field Club schedule; Any semlpro team wishing thla dateahoulawrtta Frank C. Bohaller. 604 West Norria Street, or phone. Kensington 2393. Towanda A, A. will play the Meaflowbrook Club en Saturday. Towanda has August 20. September 2 and Labor Oay open and would Ilka to bear from nrst-claaa teams. Addreaa II. L. Lomai. Jasper and Orleans straits, or phone Kensington 0209. , The Lakevlew Field Club would Ilka to hear from any 14-year-old home teams (or same, write Frank Jacavlnl. 1205 South 8th street. Tho Northwest All Stars would Ilka to ar range semen with first-class teams tor mid week and Sunday ome. For names, write Paul llarth. 2543 North 29th street. . The Amity Mlflgeta would Ilka to hear from 11 S and 0 rear old loams. For games, write . Kranu. 3822 Poplar street. Tho Anchor Giants havo July 20 and August B open. For tames, writs J. T. Held. 221 West Chelten avenue, or phono Oermantown 288. .The St. Matthew's Cadets, a 15-18 year old team, would like to arrange games (or August and September with home teams. For games, write .Charles J. Nugent. 033 Fayette street Conshohocken, or. phono Conshohoeken 200 W. The Ltndley A. A. has an open data Saturday. For game, writ O. L. Gillespie. 0th and Olney streets. "Vacation Cruise" Saturday Final arrangements were made at a meeting of the llegatta Committee of tho Delaware Illver Yacht Racing Association last night for the week of "Vacation Cruise." whloh starts from tho anchorage of the Keystone Yacht Club, of Tacony. on Saturday, and which ter minates at the Ocean City Yaobt Club on Thurs. day, August 8. 0 1 No Glare D I . No Dazzle B I The safe lens to ua in your I auto lamps mo wjkoou. It prevents night accidents due to dazzling headlights or' inadequate dimmers. 0 Osgood B Deflector Lens 2 Stops the necessity of con- Istantly switching lights on and off, -with its1 impending I danger. Makes light-reducing, dimming devices unnec Iestary. Gives you a, full powerful light without glare, diminishing rays or lessened N distance. Used by fastest U Electric Railway in U. S.on fl trains traveling 60 miles an li hour Conforms to New Jer- itey automobile tamp laws and approved by the State Highway Cemmissiofi. Priw only .SO a pair and I npaccording to size Distributers B Z2 lm SAYS PAT MORAN D. IUCIITER results, which Is just about all that counts In basebalf. "Brooklyn Is a hustling, fighting ball team, nnd that Is ons reason why I fear them. A month ago I thought they were about to crack after we had beaten them three games In a row, becauso they lacked tho ginger, but It has all come back, and they are fighting again. Robinson's team Is not a fighting aggregation ot the typo of several other teams that are making a lot of noise nil the time, but It Is no longer a gang of hand-shakers. Many Free Hitters "Rohby has many free hitters who are likely to break loose with a big Inning nt any time and I am really surprised that they don't get moro runs. With their pitchers going like they are now, they don't need many runs and unless Bobby's staff cracks suddenly the Dodgers will bo a tough team to beat. "In every city we etntck after the Dodg ors the players of the Western teams told mo that they wero surprised at the splen did condition and fighting spirit of the Dodgers. Every player on the team Is hustling, and that. counts for quite a lot In a race of this sort. They are pulling together and perfect harmony prevails. "The Braves aro strong. There Is no question about that, but I am worrying more about Brooklyn right now. If I had Mayer and Chalmors In good shape I would not bo so anxious about our chance, but they have not come around yet At this time last season Mayer had won 1$ games, whoreaB today ho la a dozen games behind that mark. Put a doien victories on tho right side of the ledger for us and us would bo so far out In front that It would look liko smooth sailing. Depends on Twirlers "I naturally expected my team to be much stronger this season. A year ago It looked as If wo had tho best pitching staff In the league and there was every reason to bollova that It would be oven bettor this Bason, but so far wo have been handicapped by rather erratlo box work. "I have an Idea that I might have six or seven pitchers In great shape In a tow weeks. Wo will need them early In Septem ber when we play 10 games In 0 days with Boston and Brooklyn. Unless both Brook lyn and Boston Is playing off postponed gamos with Now Tork at tho same time, they will have a great advantage unless my pitchers are In good trim. "We will be out there every day fight ing for each Individual game, letting the noxt one take caro of Itself. I am making no predictions on the final outcome except to oay that the Phillies aro very much In the race, and when a few of my dependables of 1915 start hitting as they should, and as I think they will, and our pitching staff gets straightened out, we will mort along much faster than we have to dRte. But watch Brooklyn. It 1b an underrated team and It Is beyond the cracking stage." SOCCER DATES ARRANGED Entries for National Challongo Cup Will Closo October 1 NEW TOHIC. July 29. Thomas VT. Ca hlll, secretary of tho United States Football Association, who will sail for Norway and Sweden with the American soccer team on tho steamship Frederick VIII this after noon, mailed notices yesterday to tho soccer clubs of this country that tho entries for the next National Challenge. Cup competi tion, under the auspices of the U. 9. F. A., will close at midnight October 1, and that drawlnars for the qualifying round and the first round proper will take place on the evening; of October S. The following; dates havo been sanctioned by the National Challence Cup Committee: Qualification round, on or beforo October 22; first round, on or before November 19; second round, on or before December 17; third round, on or before January 14; fourth round, on or before February 25 ; semifinals, on or before March 25 ; final, on or beforo April 22. Chinese Nino to Play Stetson The celebrated Chinese baseball team will make Its second appearance of the season on Saturday afternoon at 4th and Berks streets, nhen the Mongolians will lino up agalnat Roy Thomas's' Stetson bunch. On the occasion of their first vlilt to the "Hatters' " grounds, the latter were nosed out In a hot game mainly through the absence of Light from the firing line. With the ex-Lehlgh lad In form and the team playing up-to-the-minute Inside ball, the visitors from MawaU are more than likely to walk away with the short end of the score. Ako or Apau will hurl for tho foreigners, with Mark on the receiving end. while Barney Ste venson will handle Light's delivery. The Apperson Roadaplane gives you the limit less freedom of an aeroplane because the Roadaplane will take you anywhere at any time. The Roadaplane is as free on the road as the aeroplane is in the sky. The aeroplane does not worry about road conditions; neither does the Roadaplane. Sixes,1?1750.00 Seven passenger touring car and the famous four passen ger Chummy Roadster, RETAIL DEALERS FIAt MOTOR CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA T 1827 Chestnut Street ' . " " EASTERN DISTRIBUTOR WILLIAM T. TAYLOR Broad and Race Streets, Philadelphia C. GRIFFIN RISES AS TENNIS STAR BY BEATING PELL a f Californian's Victory Over Two Great Players Adda to His Prestige BIDDLE IN FOURTH ROUND BOSTON, Mass., July 26. The Callfor nlan tennis web entangled another eastern star In the Longwood singles yesterday, Theodore Hoosevelt Pell, fifth In the nation al ranking, being vanquished by Charles J. Qrlmn, of San Francisco, In straight sets, with the score 6-1, 8-1, 9-7. The famous backhand exponent was no match for his coast rival, who played the same superla tive tennis ns that which brought him a victory over It. Norrla Williams, 2d Mon day. That he could win from two such leading lights In the game In strnlght rets hai raised Griffin high In the opinion ot thoso who havo been watching the play In the early rounds In eliminating Pell from the tournament Griffin played at the top of his game. Crnfty and resourceful, he held tho New Yorker at his mercy In the first two nets, and though he was forced to a harder battle In the third, ho still had the reserve to pull out of the fire a deuce set The Califor nian's game fell off a bit In this last set after he had gained n, lead of 4-1 Up to this time his carefully Judged placements lied kept Telt In difficulties, but now GrlfTin, with tho end In sight, became a bit un steady. Errors piled up against him and helped Pell to bring tho set to deuce nnd even to tho vantage game, but Orimn was ablo to recover In time to close out tho set to his credit. Diddle Advances Among, tho other prominent players who advanced to the fourth round are Wntson M. Washburn. Craig Piddle, William M. Johnston and Iloland Hoberts In the upper half, and In the lower half with Grlflln are Joseph O. Armstrong, his next opponent, and Ichlya Kumngne. of Toklo, three times victor over tho Callfornlan. William S. McEllroy, former Now Hamp shire State champion, dropped from tho tournament under tho porsuaslve Influ ence of J. O. Armstrong, of Philadelphia, who won a. four-set match nt 6-0, 1-6, fl-3, -2. Roland Roberts, the San Francisco prodigy, won In Rtralght sets over A. N. Regglo, ot Longwood, all .of tho nets going to Jilm nt 6-3. B. II. Whitney and Craig Blddle had n stirring battle In the morning, which the Phlladelphlan-flnally managed to win from his New York opponent nt 3-6, 0-3, T-B. 7-5. The national champion, William M. John ston, has been having an easy time of It since his arrival here. By strange luck he has not yet met an opponent worthy of his mettle. He advanced to the fourth yester day morning by defeating E. K. Denlsou at 6-3,, 6-3, 6-2, and not at any time did ho have to extend himself. The match today, however, promises better, for Johnston will then be pitted against Roland Roberts, of San Francisco, who has several times suc ceeded In taking a set from the champion. Watson M. Washburn, of N,ow York, had another easy match, M. O. S. Rao, of India and Harvard, being the victim". The swarthy son of the East found Washburn's slap drive a dangerous offensive stroke, and gave up the Btruggle at 6-3, 0-3, 6-2. Japs "Win and Lose The Japanese players tasted of both suc cess and defeat. Mlkaml, tho tester In abil ity, played against Irving, Wright and the latter's chop stroke game broke up the Oriental's attack from 'the base line. He was drawn Into tho foro court by well placed shots, and then was an easy victim to a passing stroke. Xumagae, however, advanced to tho fourth round by a victory over 21. A. Conant The doubles matches for the "eastern championship were ushered In yesterday, and the flrst round produced a brilliant contest Ih which George M. Church and Willis E. Davis vanquished Nathaniel W, Nlles and G. P. Gardner, Jr., In a live-set match at 8-3, 2-6, 6-7. 6-4. 6-3. This match was played In the court besjde that on which Pell and Grlflln were fighting for suprem acy, and tho crowd divided attention be tween the two. The play teemed with thrilling moments Sometimes tho sharp volleying brought all four men to the net, and there was then swift stroking that was almost too fast for sight to follow. c OOK In the readymada store windows ana eef uia puiu ui ,dv 10 eeu then asm here and sea the woolens I make up Into Rtylish, perrect-ltttlng garments at su.so and ait.so. BILLY MORAN, 1103 Arch St. rHE TAILOB Open Evenings - Eights, $2000.00 Seven passenger touring car and the famous four pas. enger Chummy Roadster. Runs Scored This Week by Big League- Clubs "DUNS scored by all teams In J1 American and National Leagues from Wednesday, July 19, to Tues day, July 25, inclusive. Only runs that figure In official acrnRca nre included. Scores of incomplete games are not counted, but the scores of games of five innings or more are Included in the table: AMEMCAN LEAflUK. ., V. T. T. 8. B. M. T.T'l. Chicago a 4 7 iu g is Is PMrelt ... 7 3 0 S B SI Clevelana 11 4 7 5 8 SO Washington ..... 0 (I 8 8 0 tl lleston is s i 4 SS New Ynrk , 10 2 1 S 81 St.Lonls 4 4 O 8 S tl Athletics , s 4 I 8 It NATIONAL LKAOUE. IV. T. F. fl. H. M. T.T'l. .. 9 J 8 1 iff .. 10 4 t tt ... 9 1 1 6 8 S SI ... I 8 S 1 10 ... 8 0 t S e .iS ... S 8 O IS ... 8 4 4 1 14 ... 1 10 11 rhllllei .. neeton . . . Chiracs St. Ixinli New Yotk rittaburah rinetnnktl llreeklyn . WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY AMEntCAN i.rcAc.un. . Clnb, Won. Ioet. Tel. Win. I. Ken- York .... 81 87 .00 .SKI ,MH lloeten 8 .St .8 .837 CleTelnnd ..... 80 811 ,8Ht BS7 .850 Chlmio .. . 4 40 ,881 ,8M .844 Wathjnxton ... 47 41 .884 .8811 ,818 Dftrelt 47 4,1 ,811 ,81ft .803 IJt.I.OBls (0 40 ,443 t,4S8 t,48S Athletes .... 19 fit 183 t.tSS t.tta twin tw. tJLeee two. Split. .4t .til NATIONAL I.TJAfirtn. Clob. Won. Jist. Tet. Win. T-one. Split. nreeklm 48 82 .600 t.SIO S.BR5 .898 HeMon 48 S3 ,881 ,887 .844 .... I'll UlM 44 88 .680 T.8A1 t.887 .840 rhlcnso . . .48 48 .489 .404 .4HS .... New Vork ... .30 4 J ,48t ,488 .478 .... ritUburfh ... 88 It .478 f.88 ,488 .478 t. Ieals 41 48 .461 T.478 J.481 ,48t Cincinnati . . 88 St .409 .418 .401 .... INTrnNATIONAX. LEAOUE. - . w' '" l"-f- W. I.. P.C, nnffslo .,. 48 38 .683 ntiltlmore.. 44 41 ,61ft Providence . 40 38 .648 Idchmond.. 30 42 .461 Toronto . . 41 St ,63t Nenark. .. Sfl 47 .431 Montreal... 48 89 ,Bt4 Rochester,. 81 47 .897 TODAY'S SCHEDULE AMERICAN LEAGUE. Athletics at fit. .Louie Clear (two tames). New ork at Chlciro Clear. Iloetnn nt Cleveland Clear. Washington nt Detroit Clear. NATIONAL LEAGUE I'lttaburih at l'hllaaelphla Cleudr (two (antes). Cincinnati nt New York ClondV. m. Ixiuls at llrooklrn Cleudr (two tames). Chlcoco nt lloitnn Italn, INTERNATIONAL LKAOUG Newark nt llaltlnvire Clnndr. Providence nt Richmond Clear. Montreal at Toronto Clear. Iluffalo at Rochester Clear (two lomeO, YESTERDAY'S RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Lonls, 81 Athlftle, 3. CIsTelsnd. Si Ileeton. 4, Chlcars, lSi New York. 8. Detroit, fit Washington. 8. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago. 3i Ilnntnn, 2 (11 Innings). Other games postponed br rain. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Rochester. IOi tlnffalo. 1 (first game), lluiralo. 61 Rochester, t (second gnme). rrntldenre, 4 Tlaltlmore. t (Mrst game), rrovhlence. 3i Baltimore, 3 (second game), Montreal, 4t Toroato. 3. Newnrk-Rlchrannd -not scheduled. Elimination Doubles ' Toiirnoy DALLAS. Tex.. July 28 Play has been begun here, for the tennis doubles championship of. the southwsstern district, the winner nt which will compete tor the flrst time In the national doublta prellmlnarleo In Cnlcaa-o next """lU" ,rJl,m,JJ'lr,?1Cot Roswell. N. !.. paired with Buddr. ot Da las. won from Kne and Oeer. ot Delias. 6-a, 0-8, fl-3, Clarence Angler and Evan Iteee. of Dalles, defeated Pen Ick. of Austin, and Hall, ot Dallas, -s. t-3. 8-0. 4-8, 8-0. THE LARGEST DIHTRinUTORS OF MANHATTAN SHIRTS In Philadelphia MARSHALL & BUSH, me A Shop for Gentleman 113 S. THIRTEENTH ST. m WM MMMJBSEgflw ALEX OPPOSES PIRATE BAND 1 FIRST FRAY Manager Callahan Selects "Babe" Adams to Oppose the Great NIEHOFP BACK IN GAME By CHANDLER D. RICHTER PHILADELPHIA. BAMi PAltlC. July 28. Alexander tho Orcctt started on his grind todtLy In the Mrst same ot the double-header with tho Pirate, and It was likely that tho I'hllly wonder would be on tho mound overy third day until tho champions over haul the DodKers or Moran finds another dependable pitcher. Alexander pitched the last game ot the series against the Reds on Sunday, and was not due to pitch until tomorrow; but yesterday's rain gavo Moran a chance to swing back to his old policy of unlna; Alex ander In the first came ot each aeries. Alex has won Ave consecutive games, al lowing only two runs In the 4E Innings, whllo but one was earned. "Babe" Adams, world's series hero In 1909, and who was thought to be about through as a major league pitcher, was Bnt to tho mound by Manager Jimmy Cal lahan. Adams has been showing splendid form In practice recently, and Callahan decided to take a chanco on him. rather than work a star against Alexander; Bert Nlehoff, who has been 111 for a week, returned to the game today, while Slock and Ludorus, who aUo had been ailing, have reported that they are feeling well again. FIItST INNINQ. Balrd -went out, Bancroft to Ludorus. Carey raised a weak foul to Stock. Wagner was given a reception when he stopped to the plate, but went out on an easy grounder to Bancroft. No runs, no hits, no errors. Paskert struck out, and when Schmidt dropped tho third strike ho was retired at first, Schmidt to Johnston, lllnchman pulled down Nlehoff's lino drive, ntock singled past Farmer, Good smashed a doublo down the left-field line. Stock stopptng at third. Johnston and Farmer permitted Whltted's bounder to go Into right field for a single. Stock and flood scoring. Whltted died stealing, Schmidt to Wagner. Two runs, threo hits, no errors. SECOND INNINO. Hlnchman shot a Blngle to left. Hlnch man was an easy out trying to steal, KII lefer to Bancroft. Farmer popped to Nle hoff. Costello dropped a single Into right. Johnston doubled to left. Costello stopping at third. Schmidt lifted to Paskert No runs, three hltc, no errors. Ludcrua filed to Costollo. Bancroft beat out a hit to Farmer. KHIefcr forced Ban croft, Balrd to Farmer. Alexandor hit the wall In deep centre for a double, scoring Klllefer. Paskert struck out again. One run, two hits, no errors. DRAYTON an Arrow COLLAR THIN, LIGHT YET STARCHED AND SIGHTLY 15c each 6fort0e CICXTT. fglsODT a CO.,tKC, VillSS wvv Am saAVVi vIUWN3iN GREENSMEN'tAUGjHfi PRAY AT BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS OP RAIN PITS ON GOLF LINKS By SANDY McNlDLICK CHAIRMEN of Greens Committees are all smiles today. Many buckets of rain have fallen so far this week, and Forecaster Bliss, the Lonely Man of the Weather Tower, feels that many more tlnfuls of rain will fall awaeh the 30-odd golf coursea ot the city, and that right soon. Each little raindrop It worth Its site In silver to the greenskeeprs, and thin holds particularly true right now In the lull before the Incessant drura-flre of blistering August heat Every year In that scorching season first one course, then another, gives way to tho mowing heat waves till It Is an un common thing to find a course that It not burned bald for stretches on the fairway and In tho high spots. Some of the clubs that havo expended large sums on their water bureaus and piping nre able to weath er the drive, but smaller clubs have all tho tender care and pains they have taken with their turf wiped out by a few passes of tho red-hot fingers of Old Sol. Saves the Divota Each sortie from the clouds braces the grass and makes It the more vigorous to withstand the parching .heat later on Roots grow deeper to drink later from the reser voirs below. 'Good rain It Is," chuckled Oreenskeeper McGowan yesterday as he flattened his nose against the window of his little shack and smiled on the slanting July storm. "Let er come down and more of It. It keps thlm scoundrel golfers off th' course and It elves me darlln' grass such a drink." W. W. ("Bill") Umbenhauer, Lu Lu links man, who has held the undisputed title for two seasons as being the Beau Brummell of local golfdom, ran afoul a rival last week In the shape of Ray Twycffort, Bridge hnmpton. Twyeffort Is rated very high on the natlqnnl dandy list of American golfers. His golf outfit for the morning round would novor do for his habiliment at the lunch hour. In the same way, his choice of raiment at luncheon would be an outrage for the after noon period on the links. His second round golf clothes each day gave way at the finish to his semtdress, sports, lounge suit In which he slicked up for the nineteenth hble. This gorgeous attlro was doffed In turn , fL-ia David H.- Bohuylor ft Bona, one of Philadelphia's most promi nent undertakers, under date of 'July IB, 1918, wrote ua "We oonsiderTOUTitew model thej best undertaker's car w havo ever seen. It will do any work the undertaker has. Including hearse work, 'If necessary. "We have used a Vim for some time, and find It an economical, useful car, of distinct value to our business. We are perfectly satisfied with it and consider the Vim. a dandy." The new model Vim Undertaker's Car. with its roller-fitted floor big enough for the largest box. Its extra compartment for sup plies, will do YOUR work easily conveniently. Its neatness and elegance carry that air of refinement so necessary In tnt undertaking bualneaa Price S75 at Phlla. Made In Philadelphia fey (be largest exclusive. manufacturer of delivery cara la the world. gets Opts Kiprrte r. o. b. mil. VIM MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY Bresa ft HtaUaftaa Pae Diaaoia 60 a EVERY time you see a man smoking a Fatima, you know he is get ting all the com fort that is possi ble in a cigarette. lOfr-vy Onerles matters 1 of .telf will bean aweved In this celemn. Arss nit jomwe-nl-eatlens of this natnrf 8inJr SleNlMMi, Oelf Kilter. KTeningLertgervtlob arhedalfs, 6e4ets errrep and other llnklore will aleu e printed In Mils column. Name ana ad dress of (tender moat be flrned t all. snta nates, with tctephene nnmber. If poMlMe.te make Terineatlen rsr. The name ef ttom trill net lr printed wllhent perralssloa. promptly at and the formal dress ot ev nlng took Its place. Such SocklngB Some ot the costumes were decidedly das. allngj In fact, we have noTer seen fetich suitings. Bookings or shirtings on any golf course. ''Umble" wss outclassed. But a good man can't be kept dtfwn. He came back home with a determined look In his eyes. Dr. J. W. Rbbb, Merlon, hasn't won a flrst prlie In golf for nine years- He al most Invariably qualifies In the first six teen because his steady gams Is In the low 80. "I wander along In the match play," ha says, "until I meet some on that drops deep In the TO's and that's my finish. X may be playing my best -game, but X hava never failed to meet some one that Jfgolng a few strokes better," Miss Ethel Campbell, semlflnallst in the Philadelphia championship, la at Atlantlo City and has had her tum at Northfleld. The pretty Fhlladelphtan has a hard time to find masculine opponents to whom aha does hot have .to concede strokes. Charles It. Lovett, football manager at old Penn and golf bloodhound at Bucks County woof woof Bhowa much promise of future greatness In the links kingdom. He has lota of shots tn his bag and fre quently brings them out His Iron shots he plays very well, 'but in common with many other golfers, wood ha hates. He refers to It In most unflattering terms. Ghee to IIclp Coach Dartmouth HANOVER. N H.. Julr 28. Oraduats Mana ger H. q. Pender, of Dartmouth, has .announced that Mllttm P. Ohee. Jr.. '15, of Kenllworth. Ill,, has been appointed assistant coach In foot ball for the coming- season. Ohse was a brilliant ouarterback during his career at Hanover and Coach Cavanaugh tried hard to persuade him to Join the coaching start a year ago, but busi ness engagements prevented. ( oil tltS Closed Panel Body JVCB-jnilie. :a, I 'A. ia , 217 N. Brod St, Jfj MB