M'r- EVENING- LDDGBlPBtlLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916. " ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' " " """ I I t 1 I I , , , T ASHION AND SEWING AD VICE M'LISS CONSIDERS LATEST SUFFRAGE MOVE-QUE RIESSS HV f. m USS DISCUSSES OF NEW ? ttagt to Use the 4,000,000 Western Women Voters as a Big Stick in Presidential Elee u tion1 May Result Disastrously KfltK the jriraniition of a now ?! anttttrat fnrilnn In (ho tlnlln.1 Rtnifin JH4iihnH bo regarded rts anything elso nt iiMr"aiiea trie wom&tva party, sui frBftefsi InaURurato a departure. Hero-. tofor .the American contestants for the fcaJiot hare cdnsldered It the better part t wltxSdm t6 curry favor with all parties, itr supplicate those from whom they must et the franchise rather than to threaten lhn. They havo deemed It aatuto to ltsep out of politics now So as to bo euro f getting Into pollttca Ultimately. l 'Woman's party now abjures these tactics. It Is elpnincalit ihat tho moving Uplrlta In It aro thoIeaders In the Con rreselonal Union, the. youthful organlza tlon yrtych has come to be more or less of A thorn In tho side of that redoubtable ptonecr. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, and her owoxkers In tho National Suffrage As, , oclatIon. It cannot bo denied that tho union Is Silled with "pep," but It la nn open ques tion -whether or not It la as scasonod ns the parent association from which It sprang. Dr. Shaw has probably dono moro td shBvo forward tho woman's move ment than any other living person. Tho fact that sho has not put her sanction on tha now Woman's party should give pUse to thoso'who look forward to tho speedy enfranchisement of women. Tho contention of tho Old Guard suf fragists, of which Dr. Shaw is tho mentor, Is that the Susan B. Anthony, or any other Federal amendment, has absolutely no chance of being successfully passed upon until one or two Influential eastern Btates, Btich as Pennsylvania, Now York or Massachusetts, aro won over to tho cause. If tho Senators and Representa tives in Congress express tho wish of the majority of their constituents, then Eonatora and Representatives of tho Bast could not conscientiously vote favorably on the Susan B. Anthony amendment, Since suffrage for women was crlod down Letters to the Editor of tho Woman's Page Address all communication to M'Llss, euro of the Evening- Ledger. Write on one aid ot the paper only. Dear M'Llss Cecil Montague Is all -wrong! To confess to such beatings about by women Is most humiliating-. I. as a man, cry outt To bo candid. Cecil loa not understand the ladies. It ho did. Inatead of bewailing an unlovely fat ho would tell u; how to rnanaira them. How eaay It la! M 'Llss. It to tho simplest thins In the world, thla handling- of tho ladlea. . Let me explain at few rudimentarius: Never bo. direct; Imply rather than assert, unless your l-v:ner cravea frank treatment. In which case U? violently frank. You will find those imwn who have foregone prudlshneea In much the una condition a modesty, after she has sue ceaafully "skinned the, cat." Then there la the principle of eauallty. Every Intelligent man ahould not only avoid the Pcrlla , of In tlmated Inferiority, but also tha Charybdto of flatterr-a Odysseus underatood auch things, lie never flattered the ladles! Just between you and me. M'Llss. I fear Cecil would like to be u "Hon" that, again, la m fttiHA ,n. ThA Indies have no appetite for each a, diet in these troubled time. Oh. nun,, uiou arc ooiuiei In truth, the management of women la the wost almple thing In thla wide world. If Cecil only realised huw eaay It to he would baak In the sunlight of his own. broad mlle. Ife could read the women's pace with a real relish. X quote; "How lone ahould a maid allow a young man's arm to rest behind her while driving out of an evening!" Or, perchance, he would enjoy the plaintive wall from the throat of 43 summon who ob jects to the eetabllsbed tyranny of her parenta, who habitually frighten oft young and prospec tive' lovers. Would Cecil not chuckle over: , "O. apple of my eye: like fruit ripe for the sicking, thou, my love, foil Into my arms!" M'Llss. do you really believe Cecil does not enjoy theso things secretly! If ho were wlsj he would boldly step to the newsstand and very-eo often dive Into the ladles' Home .ournsl or read of woman in the Woman's world. Cecil wun'd do these things if he were a red-b,ooded mafc. Furthermore, he would be. able to keep a ttralcht face regarding tha things he read, but MARION HARLAND'S CORNER Would Buy Quilt Pieces Would you. at your convenience, tell me if you know of any place, wnero mey sen urn; blocks, all cut. and welgning anout pound? Junk dealera used to carry them. I snouia iiae ild to know how to get them. ed.na u. If one-half of tho petitions for quilt blocks In the Corner were responded to favorably there would be no blocks left to furnish the shelves of such shops. I have never heard that they are to be bad for sale anywhere. Yet there may be such places. If there are you will hear through contributors to the Corner. Names of Periodicals want to get the names of all leading period!' cat, magazines, papers, etc., published In this ...... .(. ri.al with noatrv and cater ta man. country nscrlot writers, scenario writers, etc. if it is not KJUU.. I .. w . ...-- w 7 . a . . . . soesible to get such a book, I wish your reader would advise me In the matter. LOUISE II. 11 -we had a list we could not publish It If there be one I hope some compassionate reader may communicate with you through ub and let you get the benefit of It. J hold your address and with lively curiosity as to the outcome of the reference. The craze for all pertaining to the -movies" sweeps ver the country like a swift deluge. World's Largest City I -would be grateful If you would tell me which etty la the commercial world la the largest; also which, dtr h. the most Pg,,,,,. According to tha last census New Tork haa the largest population or all the cities In the world. I am not positive n- .o'the first auery, but ray Impression u that, since the incorporation of greater New York: -It also covers the largest extent of territory, I refer the Inquiry to those who may have later advices than our busy Corner, Author of a Book Would rou or your good readsra.klndly assist sb In finding the author ot a bosk called "No sWtil.maa"! AXJCB If, " Referred to eonnotueurs in light lltera. X. tiu it that 'Tio uenueman" b. tenets to that caUcory, Getting Naturalization Papers 1 wast ta apply for my final naturalization SSSltni Wfc & mm iru uir ,.v irutfeie When 1 was 21 years oM Zm3. undsr an act of Congress.-!! sir tether had hi capers and I we :ndr an act of Congress, thinking that t had his papers and 1 was an Amr- Sua cltUuo. In a short time I learned that caa Anl aDolied for what may be termed .ftra! it B&turaiuauen paper, i nave uvi ved vcusa piaic ?e-r ana i lev it (mIK, fct I'Jl' w"' reject, to because WWd FlIUy. I yyu auppoa they wUi ask jtt ftUttiii4 about thatr Another thing', I ucatiilntti with the goysnuseiit Hous 4 as oo. I should have to look ail these ud la'aro la saa the examination. You vt'l without knowing much, of these ,arai Mire iMrsviivii iu tutrae oi toe vtwtl I fsw ever Ib nu save ta mm weal is, WMI i. A. Wrom. ha a&clsl statement of the duties s4 lmnwnKtea United State citizens I MUftuet fewts -which, may answer your eiMst Uwwr-MH inquiry: J.M iahablUnt who baar resided In the United, State eftallRuosttly for five jtM. M& bsyawa of miinforoutloa mth wywa t k- cstjUeMMp hia a i lium eUarMsaJK MM riglU ajw (HI- at mm swmmm wijM ' Hsjftess) Sat UNWISDOM WOMAN'S PARTY the last timd It was put up to tho electorates of the big States of the East Those who bleat about tho virtues of a Federal amendment and the giving of tho Voto to all of the women at one fell swoop lose sight of the fact that, oven were such an amendment passed upon favorably by both houses, It must go back to the State Legislatures and be af firmatively voted on by three-quarters of them before it becomes effective. At a conference to be held 'at Colorado Springs on August 10 the "medicine men" of tho Woman's party will put thoir heads together to decldo on tho best plans for disposing of tho votes of the 4,000,000 enfranchised women off the West Plac ing these votes on a silvor salver, as It jvifre, they will bo prepared to offer them ,to the presidential candidate who makes them tho rosiest promises. Aside from the sublime faith In candi date's promises, is it not a beautiful ex hibition of trust in women this supposi tion that 4,000,000 of thorn will voto as one and at tho dictation of other women? "Age cannot wither, ' nor custom stalo, her Infinite variety," tho poet tells us. Woman's ability to co-oporato remains yet to bo provod. Suffrage leaders apparent ly have lost sight of tho fact that tho women of tho West have not takon their Voting privileges very differently from tho men. Thoy aro Democrats or Repub licans chiefly. Tho probability is they will voto as such. By specious arguments tho Congression al Union has won more recruits than It deserves, but tho majority of suffragists havo pinned their hopes to tho national organization, of which Mrs. Carrlo Catt is tho president and Dr. Shaw the honorary president. It may do more harm than good to tho cause to have the Woman's party plcdgo votes that 11 has no asBUr anco It can control. Bosalsm to bo effective must bo suc cessful. M'LISS. mleerabile dlctu. M'Llss what a wrinkle ho would be. Inside! 'n all my successful encounters with the ladles there Is only one that stands out In ugly sil houette. Even as I write, the matter Is In urgent need of n satisfactory settlement. Kindly outline the proper procedure that a youth should pursue who determined to havo his two strapping sisters press his trousers at periodic Intervals throughout the year, Host affairs are easy enough to handle Just a little tact, a fow quiet suggestions and overtures of some unrealizable co-operation I'restol Hesults! Hut with pants pressing It Is different, Indeed. It is very awk ward. Now that several months of hostilities have worn by with tho trousers still limp and uncreased over tho chair back, I am aerlously constrained to link arms with Cecil call all men "nuts." all women tyrants, woman's rights contemptible, and generally "bosh" every living creature from "the sparkling-eyed hell-fire Itiner ants" to the vapid, cherry-lipped scions ot puristic fashion. So much for a pair of pantal Would that they wero pressed. Oh. man. thou art Indeed thick not to manage thy women better. To return to Cecil, M'Llss. when you see him next explain td htm for me that he really is not a slave, but a king. It Is for him alone to discreetly direct his subjects of the gentler sex. Man never had a more willing servant than woman even In the daya of uncontamlnated Adam. I speak from experience. M'Llss. If you do not bellevo mo I shall gladly show you my trousers. PETER WEST. Dear M'Llss My hair la very curly and It is Impossible for. me to comb It any style that would look neat. When in company I always feel out of place, as my hair never looka aa If it were combed. I would be very much pleased If you would advise mo what to do for It. AN ANXIOUS OIRL. Get down on your knees and thank heaven that yopr hair Is curly. If It fs unruly wear a hair net, pinning It becomingly to your head with Invisible hairpins. nA11 communications addressed to Marlon zisriana . snoaia Inclose a stamped. . self- a and a rllnnlnr nf IDS sea envelope article aoqreii i In wrhlfh nn um Intaritm you ure Interested. .Person wltliingji II. II. C. ... ........ ..... - --- I.-. , -. -- o aid in tne. rnnruaoie nora 01 ine should write Marlon HarUnd. In ire of this paper, for aqdretee or iIiom ley would like to belli, and, having received them, communicate direct with those pi these facts satisfactory to a court hav ing Jurisdiction to naturalize aliens, may petition for naturalization without flllne: the required declaration of In tention, upon compliance with the other requirements of the law. From this you see your blunder In vot ing In good faith, In the belief that you were already a citizen, will not disqualify you from taking out your naturalization papers. Yet may I speak plainly, and as ono who has your Interest at heart. In de claring? my opinion thn,t you should be bat ter Informed with regard to the government and laws of your adopted country before you cast a vote? Oet a book dealing with the history and Constitution of the United States and set yourself seriously to work to study it. Perhaps some sympathizing reader of a atory that touches me deeply will write for your address and suggest a line of study which may qualify you to vote. Your letter has set In motion a train of painful thought for me. I have no time to treat of this here and now. Send me your address In fulL I know there are In telligent patriots among our readers who can and who will be of real service to you. One and all. -they long to lessen the num ber of Ignorant voters abroad in the land. Copy of an Old Poem Can any of your reader furnish me with wiir ui w Vitl twcui euuiicu '.The Hebrew Tale" f It appeared In either McCiKey Fifth Fifth 60s). ur oiia xiAAuer tiu euilloa ussa in tne I have tried everywhere to ami a copy and do not know the author's name, SARAH w. Iteferred. The poem Is me. unfamiliar to Crochet Patterns to Spare Do accept my beat thanks ta contact with Mrs. C E. or V, Iter Utter are most sweet and kind and her efforts to help are warmly appreciated by me nori to help stamps use for somebody. few ou may b rlad ,a nM I have worked crochet patterns to spare, so i pleas send me the nam of some uld be a lad ta have them. I think pretty. LTDIA E. II, one who woi they are all Faithful and true yokefellow! You told ys, the other day, of tha terrible desola tion wrought among your kinsmen over the sea by the inconceivably wleked war at which the Christian world stands aghast Sorrow haa wrought In you such peaceable fruits of righteousness as we find in your warm appreciation of the sympathy of a stranger-friend and In your mindfulness of letters from fancy work ers begging for patterns. That they would be gl4 to have them Is a foregone con clusion, You will soon be assured by them selves of the truth of this. Thank you for the extra, stamps! S In WhM.ers Poem I pftn bear cjuoUd. "Of a) I sad words of toagu or pen. the saddest are these: 'It might bae been. " But I cannot Place the author? Who. ku beT J. s p. Jeim Oreenleaf Whittler wrote the linea ;La M&i STuHer." They are JntJCably 4d. W - i Ml an' it ST SEEN IN 7jj2S55 5tt INEXPENSIVE SURF OUTFIT TUB bathing suit, which Is of blnulc mohair, Is effectively trimmed with cerlso taffeta, which faces tho sailor collar in revere effects and Is used to pipe tho walls-oftroy yoko and eltlrt border. Shirring forms tho belt The suit may be ordered In various color combinations for ID.60 Tho diving cap, whch comes In two-toned effects, Is mado of rubbor, trimmed with rubber tassol. This one Is black with a red border and tassel. In soveral color combinations. Price, CO cents. Farmer's satin Is used for the bathing Bandals. which como In red, blue, green and black, piped In white. Prlc;, $1. The namo of tho shop whero these articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by tho Kdltor of the Woman's Pa!; Evening L-r.Daun, 608 Chestnut street. Tho request must be accompanied by a stamped self addressed envelope, and must mention tho date on which the article appeared. THE WOMAN Keadera who de$ire help cith their drrsa problems will address communications to the Fashion Expert, care of the Jidttor o tho Woman's Page, the livening Ledger. Brims aro a very Important portion of tho advanco fall hats. Brims are Impor tant at any time, but not entirely neces sary. Many a turban has blossomed out this year In all Us glory. But brims aro on tho crest of tho wave, as It were, and no one can overlook them. They perk and thoy billow and they do unheard-of gymnastics. Some of them are smocked and some of them are plain. In fact, crown3 are' a negligible quantity, so far as stylo value Is concerned. For who thinks about a crown when sho sees a perky trlcorne of black panne turned sharply back at the front and sides exactly like a peach tart? Napoleonic, tho shops call them. Then there nro shirred brims, soft, al most Bhapelesa affairs of fine velvet that rely upon a roving tam-o'shantcr crown to make them possible. Then the narrow brims brims are very narrow. They may be two Inches wldo or they may be three, but their chief claim to distinction Is a band of ermine that outlines the place where the real brim ought to be. Other styles are wired out, halo-fashion. It's a consoling thought for some of us who never hoped to bo thus beatified: Dear Madam I havo heard about dreeees for stout persons, but as I make my own rlothea and am not able to get out very much, I have aome taffeta that 1 am going to make Into an afternoon frock. Can you give me an idea of the linea that the dressea for "stouts" follow I am ahurt and take a 41 shirtwaist. Any help you can glvo ma In this matter will be appreciated. JlltH. O. D. 11. I saw a dress recently that was espe cially designed for a stout woman. The Liquids Airtight Here's a bottle pump that keens Ihe fermented liquid Inside airtight and yet poura out the contents when you want to v?e t. Sounds like an impossibility, but Popular Science assures us that it can be done. Blacking Brown Shoes The blacking you put on your brown Shoes when they get too shabby looking will never show If you do it this way. Mix a bit of ordinary ammonia with a half pint of cold water. Sponge your boots with this. Next cover them with shoe ink. Let them dry thoroughly. Then polish -elth good black shoe dressing. This keeps the black from wearing off right away, but the boots muit be polished frequently, of course. 'THE SHOPS WHO SEWS blouse was a surplice stylo, of silk, with a trangulnr piece of embroldo,ry at the front and back where tho surplice closed. Thla ornament was carried over tho hips Into a pointed basquo effect at the back. Tho upper lines from the sldeB of the front tri angle wero carried on so as to form tho lower lines of tho basque. This diagonal Htrap of decoration considerably diminishes the slzo of tho hips. Tho neck of tho V bodlco waB low, filled In with flesh-colored net Small buttons outlined each sldo of the V neck. Tho collar was pointed nt tho back and on the shoulders. The sleeves wero long with pointed cuffs. This Is an excellent style for stouts. Dear Madam -I found a length ot embroid er' In a forgotten closet. It is real wldo em broidered flouncing, white, on fine whlto ma terial. I am thinking of gettlne enough of the white material to makn a blouse. I do not want n flounced skirt. Is there any other way I can use my flouncing besldea thlaf I am rather plump and do not think the flouncing on a skirt would suit me. Would It T Tour advice in this matter would be appreciated. F. E. T. No, tho flounced skirts require a slender figure. A pointed tunic would suit you and your material better. Have deep points at the front and bnck, with a raised effect at the sides. You can do this easily by inher ing the points, and hemstitching the seams. You can make the blouse in a modified fichu effect to match the skirt. Dear Madam I want to. mako a smart white blouse for sport wear. It must bo quite up to date, aa It la a gift. What material would you suggest for durability and stylet JIAIDER. White silk crepe or Japanese crepe Is extensively used for sport wear Just now. Crepe de chine and China silk, Bhantlng and pongee are also fashionable and serv iceable. To An Old Playmate Your lips, dear girl, were roses. Your hair was ripened wheat, The brook forgot his song to hear The music of your feet. And now for years beneath the grass Your heedless hands have lain, The recollection wakes In me A hurt that scarce Is pain. Asleep with Nature, breast to breast. How peacefully you lie. Above your heart the care-free flow'rs. And over them the sky. Frederick L. Knowles. teManra "The 13th Street Shop y Stock Taking Sale Wonderful Bargains In Morning, Afternoon & Evening Dresses Evening Gowns Former Prices to $ 65.00 29.50 Summer Morning Frocks Only ono or two ot a kind, Fprmer Prices to fS2J0 5.75 to 12.75 Street, Sport and Motor Coats Formerly $S9.50 to $75.00,,,, 15.00 to 35.00 Net and Lace Dresses Handsome;, Individual,- Exclusive. To wet Prices to $110.00 Owing to the Extxtme Redaction?, All Sales Mml Be Fiml EVENING LEDGER PLAYS CUPID'S ENVOY FOR "RED'S" LOVE LETTER "Dearest Haburn," Upstate, Will Soon Know Why . Trooper Getchell "Didn't Write" Her Silence Now Plain to Lad in Khaki, Once Gas Fighter S o m e w h e r e 'in France Happiness has returned to the heart of "ned" aetcholl, Company A, 18th Pennsyl vania Infantry, U. S.N. Q., stationed nt El l'aso, famous "gas fighter," who saw service In the British trenches. Ho Is happy because he knows why "Dearest Haburn" did not write. In a few hours, "Dearest Unburn," who lives In western Pennsylvania, will bo happy, too, for she will know that "ned" did write and she will know why she did not get the letter until the Evhhino LCDocn camo to tho rescue. Back of all this llos n story of what a newspaper can do of tho way It can roach across a continent and bring people Into communication, who think there Is no possible way of finding each other. WAITING FOIt MAIU And this Is the story: Bed Is a gono-to-the-border soldier, who In his seal to get a letter to "Dearest Haburn" In a hurry, threw It from tho troop train en route to tho South, without any address. Haburn Is the left-behlnd girl, who has been await. Ing a. letter for wooks. Each watted for the other to write each watted for tho let ter that novcr came. In tho meantime James Thompson, of Martlnvlllo, O., found tho letter and mailed It to "Tho Captnln" of Mount Qrctna. It fell Into the hands of Colonel Frank M., Vamllng. who handed It over to a corre spondent for tho Evenino LEDOEn nt Mount Qrctna with tho words, "Here, see If you can find tho girl. Thero Is nothing on tho letter to Indlcato who sho is. Sho is likely waiting for a tetter. Seo what your paper can do to bring happiness to theso young people." And tho Evenino Lnnocn did. The story of the gono-astray letter was published on July 12. By tho 18 th a copy of tho story had boon handed to "Bed" by his captain, R. W. Brown, and "Bed" wroto nt onco to the Evenino Lcoonn with profuno thanks for What It had dono nnd sent stamps to sond tho letter to "Tho Girl." Her nnrrle Is not published to savo her embarrassment. Tho following letter and "Rod's" picture In his trench suit, which ho used In fight ing In tho Europenn trenches, wero re ceived today by tho Evening LEDOEn: "CAMP PERSHING, El Poso, Tox, "Dear livening Ledger: "1 certainly wns surprised today to re cotvo tho clipping about my lettor from my captain, B. V. Brown, because I had rather expected that Haburn had rccolved tho let ter nlready, nlthough I WONDERED why she DIDN'T write. Sho had said for me to write first and she would nnswer. I did nnd thoucht that she had becomo peovod,' bo, of courso, I would not write again, be causo I expected tho letter had reachod her. "I am more than grateful to the Evening Ledoeb for Its Interest In trying to locate tho writer of tho letter. I would like to keep tho copy of the paper I havo here, but would npprcclato It very much If you would Bend Haburn a copy of tho edition, nlong with tho original 'gono-nstray let ter, which you say will bo sent hor without nny publicity. Thank you so much. "You will perhaps wish to know who Is Indebted to you for your kindness. I am Private Elmer B. Getchell, of Company A of the ICth Beglment. About tho middle of January the Boston Post ran a slx-wcoks' Btory about me with eight column cuts, tell ing of my three months In tho BrltUh tronches In Franco, when I participated In four bayonet charges and two gas attacks. Tho cuts were to show my trench out fit, which I brought home with me. I got tho outfit because I was 'honorably dis charged. This Is tho only trench suit in tho United States today. It consists of tur coat, gas holmot, trench shoes, trench cap, entrenching tools, etc "I received my discharge because of being a minor and an American. I was only 19 when discharged. I was born In Woburn, Mass. Tho reason of my honorable dis charge was becauso of my being a bomb thrower (eulcldo club) and for oervlce ren dered In tho bayonet charges. Aek the Boston Post who 'Red' Getchell Is. They will verify my statements. I have my dis charge paper hero at the border with mo. It Is from the 8th Irish, King's Liverpool Regiment of England. "The reason I write this Is becauso you Washing Rag Bugs "How can I wash my rag rugs and sum mer carpetB?" asks a correspondent. Dissolve four ounces of good, white soap In tho samo amount of boiling water. When It becomes a jelly, add five ounces of liquid ammonia, two and one-half ounces of alco hol, the same amout of glycerine and two ounces of ether or chlorform If you know how to handle it. If not, best leave the last Ingredient out., Bottle and cork and put away to use on blankets, heavy rugs, car pets, etc Use In the proportion of a teaspoonful of the liquid to a pall of water. Wash the car pet with washing soap In the usual way, stretch out on a flat space and nail the corners so that the, rug Is taut to prevent shrinking. When dry, take up and shake well. Where Fashion Reigns' Thirteenth Street Just Below Chestnut Street m Afternoon Dresses ' Of taffeta, foulard and serge. Former Prices to 4 35.00 15.00 Afternoon Dresses Of taffeta, Georgette crepe crepe de chine and serge. Were f 55.00 to $75.00 25.00 35.00 and 45.00 FEARS NO POISON GASES "Red" Getchell, of Company A of tho ICth Pennsylvania Infantry, in his trench suit, the only one owned by an American citizen in tho United States. "Red" is the Rono-to-thc-border boy whoso letter tho Evening Ledger printed in nn effort to find tho loft-behind girl, She has been located. said In tho paper 'there Is drama In tho situation.' You seo thero Is moro than you Imagined. "I Incloso a plcturo showing mo In my gas helmet and fur coat. It was taken tho night I got homo from Europe by tho Boston Olobo, so I did not put on the rest of my outfit "Thanking you for your kindness, I re main. "'RED GETCHELIj." Special Sale Sport Clothes Before removing to our now houso (open September 1 at 1630 Walnut) wo will completely closo out our cntiro stock of sport garments and hnts. -AH nro now 191G styles and all are included. .sVt irnf i' Sports and Travel Suits that havo been selling from 3E to $46 ' at SO, 810 and SIS Top Coats and Raincoats selling from $18 to 50, now at S7.S0 to 25 Skirts that -wero $10, $13 and $14, now t M, SO and 8 SO SrOIlT Hail Orders Filled Only no Aj-rnovAW NO UUTUIt.Nb THE SPORTS CLOTHES SHOP 131-33-35 South Sixteenth Street i SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, zAltVv Vr sPmmTmfm I 1 SALESMANSHIP flllssm&nshta Days bettor than other employment, we train ambitious youne intn an plaoe thtm. tlsnd tsr par ticulars. Straycr'a Business College S01-07 Chestnut St..' Fhlln. Walnut 381 Main SZ90 f SPANISH Tutorlnr. Purs Castlllan. Trlv. or class less. Translations. I'rof. de Alvera. 1121 Wulnnt.Ph.Wal.0048 TKACHEUS for schools and schools tar teach ersifree to employers. Nat'l Teachers' Apr., D. It. Cook. 83T .Verry Uldr. Spruce 2723. or.onoE school, bucks co.. va. ClfnrrrR School Co-educatlonal with Stp- ueorge acnooi 8rot0 Dormltory Duiidins. Collece Preparatory, also Manual Training and Sanitation courses for bore, S2T acres on Neoh amlny Creek. Athletics, Friends' man. Oeoree A. Walton. A. M.. I'rln.. Uox 1180. Uuclts Co.. Pa. Younr Indies and fllrls . ""'MISS' MAK8IIAI.I8 HCIIOOI, FOR dlKLH Charmlnr location 20 mln. from rhlia. Collece preparatory and general courses. Music, Art, So. mestlo Science. Outdoor athletics. Send for catalog. Mlis E. 8. Marshall. Oak Lane. PhlU. HWABTHMOmS. PA. Till! MAIIY LYON SCHOOL A Country School in a Collets Town. Collins Prep. Cerllf. prlv. Oeneral and Finishing- Courses. Oppor. for adv. study. One teacher to every six (Iris. Open-air classrms. BUVEN GABLES, our Jr. School tor girls 0 to Hi sep.com.eqvt. Jt.M.Crlt.A.U. .Fran ces L.Crist, A. II. ,1'rins. Box 1508.Hworthniore,fa. Yoonr Men and Boys llLAmSTOWK. W. J. BLAIR ACADEMY General education and preparation (or college er technical school. Collece entrance certificate prl vilest Visit thi New gymnasium with running track. school. iou van pe coraiaiiy welcomed. ou will be cordially John O. John u. nuan IllalrstoHrn. N nrpe, jj.. D Headmaster, llox A, -NEWTON. N. J, Newton Aeademy.Seml-mllltary. Both year.IIoue School for 40 boys near N. Y. Rata mod. Catalog. I '. U. WILun. Principal. Box L. New tea. N. J. Ledger Central Educational Bureau brings into closer relation the require ments of those -seeking educational advantages and institutions which can supply their needs. Ledger Central collects from many sources data, concerning educational institutions their history, equipment, methods, courses of instruction and educational requirements. Use this free service. If you can not call write or phone Walnut or Main 3000. Educational Bureau, Ledger Central Chestnut at Broad Street, Philadelphia Some Good Ico Creams s PIstacho Ice Blanch and peel a quarter iiarter pound of pistachio nuts. Pound them In a t In a mortar to a smooth paste, adding a fow X few drops of rosewnter. Beat tho yolks of nlxbf six eggs nnd pour over them a pint and a half a halt of milk, add four ounces ot powdered sugar sugar and stir the custard over the fire until It titll It begins to thicken. Now pour tho custard Istard Into a bowl and when It Is cool stir It Into t into tho powdered nuts and a teaspoonful of Jul of spinach coloring. Pass the whole through rough a sieve and then pour Into a mold and 1 and freeze. Pure cream may bo used In placo place of the custard, If you wish It Violet Ice Scald a cupful of sweet cream bream and a cupful ot sugar In a double boiler boiler with a small piece of vanilla bean. Cool, ' Cool, add violet coloring nnd freeze. Mold In a I In a ring and fill tho center with whipped cream cream studded with candled violets. Tuttl-Fruttl Ice Use a tenspoonful each' each of the following fruit: Raspberries, straw-rtraw-berries (fresh or preserved), apricots, green green gnges, plums, gooseberry nnd ginger. Pre- Pre served fruits will do. Add to those a little, little candled orango peel, cut Into thin pieces. Meces. Sweeten a quart of cream with a half pound pound of sugar, then thoroughly stir In tho fruit fruit and freezo. Tea Ico Cream Boll a quart of milk and Is And then pour over It an ounce of tea leaves, eaves. Lot this steep covered for five minutes, nutcs. Strain Into a caramel mado of two ounces of ices of slightly burned sugar. Beat tho yolks ofiks ot eight eggs with n half pound of powdcredVdered sugar, stir the milk Into this mtxturo dndu and stir gently until It Is qulto thick. Chili Sauce Canning and preserving tlmo Is upon us.on us. If you llko chill sauce, the good old-fash- -fashioned kind, try this rcclpo. Required: Thlr- Thir ty ripe tomatoes, twelvo groon peppers, ppers, twelve big onions, six cuptuls of vinegar, negar, the same amount of brown sugar, two tea-o tea spoonfuls of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of'uls of cloves. Put all tho Ingredients togethcrgother and mix well. Turn tho flro low under thorn' them and let them como tto a boll. Boll for thrco three hours, then bottle HEMSTITCHINGtfG 5 CENTS A YARD DTIKHH rt.KATINO Hand embroldsry IIUTTONH roviiur.n nil trl StAU, OltDKltS FINHST wnnic MODERN EMBROIDERY CO. Rprnre 23011. 1A03 rliilnt St. icr iro C3 Its no Fow Linen Riding Habits that wero $25 and $30, now nt S10 Linen Suits that wero $15 and $25 oil nt $5 Shirts that wero $2.50 to $10, now nt 00c, S 2.00 nnd $1 115 IS to M HATS AT $1.00 EACH Where Money Accompanies Order. I I "TiTir flfrBn iMMM PEIRCE SCHOOL America's Foremost Business ess School The alma mater of moro succeifut buslnesustnesa men than any other school or collero In Amer Amer ica. Business, secretarial and shorthsnerthand courses, for both sexes. Beautiful new build build lne makes study easy. PEIRCE SCHOOL Pine Street, West of Broad id Younc Men and Boys MEiiciiusnuna, pa. The Mercersburg Academymy FOB BOYS Mcrcersburr, Pa. Pa. Scpjl for Catalonia to Wm. Mann Irvine. I'b.n.l'h.D.. U..U.. Headmaster. Box 12V. BETHLEHEM. PA. Bethlehem Preparatory School ool pf;Pa.r,s-,?I lesdlns collees. Kxt. erounds antds anoj athletto fleids. New bldxa. Catalogue on reaueitequest. John 1). Tuxsy,M.A..lleailmaster.Betlilebein,l'aeui.Po. VirXANOVA, VA VIIAANOVA Noted tar Classical nml i?nm rfnm. merciai uourses. "I'M- Eaually prominent for Clvlr CIvlL nd Mechanical Engineering Coursesourses. Electrical ana 'KTi ' i're I. D orua any college. Itsv, Kdward O. Dohan. I.LD.LL.D.. O. a. A., Pres. For catatonia address thiss tha iicsisirar, uox w. vmsnova. SWAUTIIMOKE, PA, SWAUTIIMOIU; PltKPAUATOKY HU1IO0L-1O0L , Every facility In modern, well-equipped build, build Ings, rscreatlon and refined surroundings; memi men tal, moral and physical development. A, II A. If. Tomllnson, Headmas., Box ll.Swarthmore, Fare, Fa. DEVON. TA. 6PIKBS JCNIOIt 8CII00L A country day anay and poarainc scuooi .or ioys a to au. inorougiorougn elementary work! advanced methods. MABIt II. C, 81'IEKH. HEADMASTER. Box! 2oB, Devon. Pa. pit. LANCASTER. PA. l'BANKLIN and MARSHALL ACADEMY. BoV. Box 4 lie, Lancaster. Pa. Prepares boys for lesdlnlcadlng colleges and technical schools, for caialocataiog address The Principal. t St.