-' -' !'"" --,- -), .liil j Ask the Travel Man at Ledger Central to Hand You a Copy of the Ledger's Vacation Guide lot 1916 ,i v.. i, i ,iii SCRAPPLE V EVENIHG MDOEB-PHILADPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1916. rtT i Li K BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Continued from Precedlna race, ta HTiitniMT. hlh anil ht nttvtnr ln th alta jk Tlktla ,VlaTl a i Miali Vi nrriAr. At ihm rats of S5c 40o and BOo .per mealf opens Into th lirtfit Philadelphia theater: cheap rent, heat, 150 ft year, supplied by the, theater: In- f!l me at me rate oi ku b nay, win itch iut 000 nib, Itcftelflnger. 1709 Arch. TQUNG- MXNi wllh some automobile or paint In experience, not afraid of work and mult invest 200: established 20 years. F 010, Ledger Central, LlNlNO KOOM. minutes from nroad Bt. 8ta tlort, feeding BOO people day in the fall season! furnished vlth enough, dishes, and linen to nerve 100 people at a sitting: will sell for less than the, coat of the furnishings. Heffelflncer, 170B Arcn. APARTMENT HOUSB, elegantly furnished) near 17th and Arch; 15 rooms and 2 baths: owing to sickness will sacrifice 1500. HeffeMnger, itob Arcn att jNUBUAL opportunity for n business man to Invest 110.000 In nn estab. manufae. bus.: tnrtnn nr1er1 fnr nnin. V 2S2. Ld. Cent. 'ICTUhB THBATItB 1800. strictly 1st class: Ida an ally: no competltloniSUburban: dlssolu- tlon of partners .Harriet, 2111 rt. Uroad at. J?KOSPKl(oUH HARDWARE and housefurnlsh Inr store; IS0OO will buy It or will trade for suburban property. A 109, Ledger Office, BUSINESS PERSONALS . DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Appraisement, 1 per cent. 11ARHT ,W. SMITH. 717 Bansom at. . evbnino clothes to mnn , Xatest styles. Phone Poplar 295. Open evgs. . LKIDNEn'B. 10th and ofrard ayy., 8. W. cor. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Ryebrowa arched. Jl ISA SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Rldg. oAbpet cleaning . OO NTINENTAI CAhPET,ni,r:ANtNf n 20TU ST. AUOVB CHESTNUT Bell Phone, Locust 1080. WF.88 Ft! IDA. MONARCH HTORAOC CO. wnsTPHiLA, ac. pnh yard , WEST 1'llJLA. 8870-72 LANCASTER AVE. REAL CARPET HEATINO. NO TUMULERS USED. DOYER CO., 3309 N. 12th. Tioga 5200. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKINO HY EXPERT MOIII8TB 807 Denckla Bldg., 11th and Market its. FOR SALE EDISON DIAMOND POINT reduced from 20O to $95, This Is a beauti ful Bdlson Amberola .with the new diamond point. Has n number of records and Is an exceptional bargain, Call or write for par ticulars and largo Illustrated catalogues. IIEFPn'H UPTOWN STORES Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. llILLIARD, POOL, combination, second hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged; repairing; supplies. Lafe Keafer. American manufae- turer, azn Qlrard ave. Phone Kens, .31D, llILLlARD. pool tables; new, second-hand bowl ing alleys; easy payments. Rosatto-Barry- atrcet Co., hi a. Bin St.: pnone win, ium. lilLLIAKO AND POCKET TAIILHS Also bowling alfeysieosy payments, UKUNSW1CK-DALKE-COLLENDEIt CO.. lOOJ Arch. IJOOTHS, soundproof, for shop or office, 60 In stock for Immediate delivery; all kinds at halt original price and less: delivered and set free, HUOHES. 11TH AND IIUTTONWOOD. CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged! repaired. , replated; supplies; new and factory rebuilt: new toml adders, as low ns 130: call and sea our 1010 models. . Registers sold by us on easy payments and fully(tuarantced THIS NATIONArCASH UKOIRTER Ca 730 CHESTNUT STRECT . JOIN OUTt HUMMER CLUB Get your'Vllctroln now. Excellent opportunity to secure a .beautiful mahogany Vlctrola with records at special low terms. Send at once for particulars and application blank. IIEPFE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. DESKS, large assortment; nlso household fur niture. Dullntr Centrnl Second-hand Furnl- lure uompanv, uu-t.un-n iniiowniu at. . ilULTIQRAPH New. gu-lrnnteod; offer for 1-3 . cost. Russell Daum. Phlla. Bourse. Phone Lombard 490. Fireproof: 00 slightly used: all sixes SAFES and makes; big bargains. 210 N. em !.. poiwcen naco ana vino USED OFFICE FURNITURE Lanrat ami most complete assortment of dik. flllnff device, fireproof nates and other complete oftlco equipment In Philadelphia. Good valuo and satlvfactlon asurd. Free auto delivery everywhere. HUGHES, 11th & Buttonwood E n HEATINO ?2ritJAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT la better and to an cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh ilabafBlr with normal moisture. MAKIN-KELSISY, tTj?iUg57 Filbert st. jMACHINERY AND TOOLS 'fFROM EVERY POINT of view YOCOM ANTI- FRICTION METAL for lining- machine bear ings is what 1 needed whero great durability is essential. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRIES. 145 North Second, . JAMES YOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos', motors, boilers, steamfand oil en g!na. pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMF.Y. Inc.. 127 N. 3d st. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: .armatures repaired. Main 91. Market 8085. Tearsley Co., 224 N. 3d st. BLAB MILLER 24,'x2"x6' "Ingersoll'": good condition: Immediate delivery. L. F. Sey-i -- (..... ..ft K- o. irr, m duiiii im -, ou afci vOOD PULLEYS (ailbert): thousands in stork, all diameters. CHARLES BOND COMPANY, 520 Arch st. 250-11. P. OREENE-CORLISS ENGINE for sale; ran be. seen running: 1400. HAFLEIQH & CO.. American and Cambria sts. FFOOT Industrial radial drill. 30-30-lnch radial drills, pipe machines, bolt cutters. Nuttall, 1743 N. 8th. GAS. GASOLINE AND OIL ENOINES OA8 AND OIL ENQ1NE CO.. 45 N. 7TH ST. MUSICAL INSTRTJMENTS COLUMBIA. ORAFONOLA. reduced to Vi th. regular price. Beautiful mahogany grafonola, with records, at one-half regular price: can be paid ll'weekly. Call or write for particulars and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Uth and Thompson its. VICTROLAS . Alterations are now being made to our vlc trola Department, and. we need the room; so wo wju maae speqiai iow icrms. cxiraorui Eary opoprtunlty. .Call or write for particu irs and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 8th and Thompson sta. 185 CinCKERINO UTOIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 888 N., dTH. JULY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALB BELLAK 1120 CHESTNUT ST. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, stiver, platinum, platsd ware, old atyre, Iswelry, teeth plateg bought for cash. Hit. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner, 807 Sansom. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver, an tique clocks: will call. Bell phone, Locust 1219. ROPERS. 27 8. 17th St. CASH PAID . FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false tseth. Phlla. Smelting A Raf. Co.. 128 8. Uth. PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents, Trade-Marks and Corporation Practice J. Walter Douglass ESTABLISHED 1885 PHILADELPHIA. North American Building. tvADningiun. victor Buiidinr. STORAGE CONTINENTAL BTORAOJ3 WOiUlHOUSB 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PICKING. MOVINO. SHIPPIftn Rugs. Carpets, cleaned, scpur.3. stored. ill. Locust 1080 Phones Key.. Race. elttO. Be1 riDBLITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 181MB19 MARKET ST. PENN 6TORAOB AND VAH CXX 2189 MAKKBT ST, B STOnAOH WAREHOUSE StorE, shlpplu. carpet daanlng. ,Uf,U VhIU, IUIVVUli Ph. Baring 753 for estimate, mavinr. pacKing, market situ. UcCANN'S STORAOB HOUSE. 178 N. ltth at,: moving, packing, tshlputngi auto vss; both phones. Let tu ssumale. WANTED BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols, coins. -., .,., with nrtna. I Iksw M.II..4 1 tf - U Boss (PopU's Stor. itffl S. Uth. Wal. 4186. Wp'KEN JEWELRY, falsa teeth, gold. silverT pUtlnuro bought Keystijo Co., 185 Walnut. Est 186. " CAST-OFF CLOTUINO HUhest price, paid for ladies' and oxn'a clothing', bau. sboa tc rcone rgpiar gjii. ULAt:&t;it. isa'j fopiar VL'iUUTiRtr. pUno., csrpts. aotlijcej BtlQCMj aatlM -V UUHHf VS. WANTED Coflilmied ram PTtcitint) Caln BKST PRICES PAID for men's cast-off cloth ing, shoes, etc. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Olrard ave Phone Poplar OS42. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT ST., 2009 Desirable rooms I .per manent or transient, CHESTNUT, 2045 Reasonable rooms with bath, also single rooms. Looust 8210. PINE. 800 (The Dresden) Fur , single, double. en suite: private patnsi summer rates. BPRUCE. 2022 Large airy rooms: prlv. bathe: Bouthern expos t summer rates. Loc. 1803 J. BOARDING ALLEGHENY. W 1815 Large, newly, f urn. rms.s Board: 2 baths; men pta Tioga nn w, CHESTNUT 8T cor. 20th (The Margrave) vacancies, permanent, transient! Buy, wwu. BPRUCE, 1224-20 Furnished, rooms: .private Bftttn: table board. Phone Walnut 7171. rnNNBYLVANIA BUnURRAN ARDMORE,1 4 MASONIC AVB. Large, nlry room excellent table: fine porches: near train and trolley, Phone Ardmore 128. . GEHMANTOWN the Shlppen.' Wayne and Hans berry First class In appointments and sertlcs. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL Ideation: special setentlflo caret pervoue, elderly I every comfort! nurses: book let. Dr. Randal. City Line. Chestnut lllll. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND UTH ST. S. W. cor.) Modern suites: eicentlonally attractive: high ceilings; abundantly lighted on three sides: suitable for housekeeping. If desired: rents L4l,,!7.1!,,s!.J75J . janitor on premises. BARBER. HARTMAN ' A CO., 1201 Chestnut st. main link, r. n. n. overbrook THE DIICXUL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station One houskeeplng- apartment. 7 rooms and bath, no lease after September 1. FURNISHED APARTMENTS DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station rurnlshed apartments, consisting of 2 sleep lng rooms, 1 exceptionally large living room and bathr dining, room In buildfngi to rent to September 15. Phone Overbrook 0528. NICELY FURNISHED second story front room: cool: private family. 3145 N. 17th st. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT But supposo, Instead of trying all these dif ferent ways, you Just call at this orace -tns largest, most attractive and best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusUely. to securing Just what they want for particular people. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable apartment in Philadelphia Is listed with or may be rented through us, Our nutomoblles are waiting to take you to the list of properties you designate, and with the least possible effort you will secure the one npart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 8071. . Race 3025. N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT ST3. This 18-story Apartment House Is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly flroproofed and of the most modern architecture. Suites of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooms and 3 baths, including .several bachelor suites with every modern convenience and facility, . ONLY A FEW OK THE LAROB HOU8E KBEP1NG SUITES LEFT. THEY AllR THE FINKST IN PHILA., HAVING SOUTHERN, KASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES; LONG TERM LEASES WILL IIU DATED OCTOBER. 1U10. All things considered, the rentals are mod erate. For further Information, arrangement for Inspection and reservation, npply to MPTITnM W OtlMlM'l 210 Franklin Hank nidg. Phone Walnut W20. ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut: Monterey. 43d and Chester: Il-lmont. :iith nnd Sprlnn Garden. Inquire Janitor, or CRE3SB. 308 Hale Dldg. . HOUSEKEEPING npts.; all parts of city: rent J25 to 170 per month .call, phono or write for Information. Samuel Stern. 120t Chestnut st. WEST PHILADELPHIA KINGSCOURT 8BTII AND CHESTNUT STS SEVERAL MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC ELE VATORS. PUBLIC DININO ROOM APPLY EST. THOS. M. 8KED3. JR.. liim ItAtJU or. THE ALBERT, 012 S. 40th Southern exposed corner, 0 rooms and bath; glass-Inclosed sun Sarlor and porch: fall reservation. Taylor on. 28 S. 40th. Oak Lane DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS in Oak Lane, 180 and 150: for immediate possession. WM. BARB. 8th and Oak lane. APARTMENT HOTELS PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKBIDB AVE.. AT 40TH STREET Special rates for summer season. I urnlsned and unfurnished. Culslre of peculiar excel lenc. DELMARMORRIS ,. WIIERF. TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET CHELTEN AVE, AND MORRIS. ST., GER MANTOWN, DELIGHTFUL SUMMER . HOMB FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND.HATHUI DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station Furnished apartments, consisting of 2 sleep ing rooms. 1 exceptionally large living room nnd bath: dining room In hulldlng: to rent to uepiemoer la. I'nono vjverurou uo-o. THE GLADSTONE mJSHa FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED AlltlVIUU iaui l1 mat jmm.- NEWPORT SPRUCB AND 1HTH STUEET3 ARRANOEMRNTS FOR FALU jn.r nu ir jiauh . "IN TUB CENTER OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 8. BROAD ST. THE TRACY . PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY NORTH and West Phlla. and Oerrasntown homes, 11800 to 18000. First payment only 8100 to 1500. MERCHANTS UNION TRU8T CO. 715-717-719 Chestnut st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association and Trust Funds 'yAtii-AJNr, win, vinm . CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent. l.bnm-u S."Knnw . VAN pelt N E cor. 17th and Chestnut 18TH ST., N.. 817-818 Look these over: rented ?38uoT' MASSEY t b6N. 13th and Green. TOTH 13TH. 14TII AND 15TH WARD BUY '""In. CT.IBM AND RENTERS. SEE iltr.;,..A l n B.ii kt ioT.tr kt yniKunn. .w.. o -. -- . WB WANT MORTGAGES First, second or snllt. Funds for col ateral and short-term loans. ABERNETHY. 188 8. 12th. 2724 N.Sth. Building Loti, Paetory Bites, etc. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES 1814 WALNUT ST. CHOICE BU1I.DINO LOTS nn larnai lro.ctB ground In all parts city; vt also over 200 mfx. sites. M.lvln. 1815-18 Real Est. Trust Bldg. 40 006 SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE In building with modern equipment, railroad siding: sub-post, office: low insurance. Apply C. J. Milne A Sons" N. B. cor. 11th and Washington ave. NBAil BROAD t PAHRISII. 15.000 ft. with 80 ft, front on 2 prln. at. Suit garage or service station Morris t Co.. Ridge at Uroad. TWO-STORY STABLE, Cth & Dauphin: lot 80x 184: entirely under cover. Neely. 3352 N. 22d. WEST riHLADELPHIA 18100 8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and elec tric llghtsr parquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens and all other modern appoint ment.. DANIEL CRAWJOKD. JR., B0ILDEU 68th and Hadneld sts NINE SOLD IN A WEEK KITH AND PASCHALL AVB. U BLOCK S. OF WOODLAND AVE. LowMt-prlced homes la West Phlla. : latest features and convs. , sample house fully turn. BEND FOR LIST HALE OR RENT tua et tiAxvcn 62d and Baltimore avei ""THOMAS AVK. HOMES, 5SD TO S4TH ST. ' Price 13600 Agent on premises. E. H. APSLBY. B8th and Sprlngdeld ave. 000UNEQUALKD HOLMES. Btlf st. above yJAUEi C. BNBURO. Builder. CHOtCB BUILDING LOTS on 60th St.. 20 ft. north of Locust, 40x83. Ch.s. L. Brown A Co . 21T 3 Broad st GEHMANTOWN Walnut Lane and Baynton St, Modero. attractive 10-room houss. Just com- pteica; i bUK iro Germantown ilv.. and uw Germantawn urn. School, mod.rat. prlc WHVM4MW tmm. nona o.rmantovrn aaia. GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL 1). B. LISTER. 8818 O.rmantown aveT QERMAWTOW; a. all section. ' alnut Fr.nklla B, 8537. OUR KBAL ESTATE BULLETN will b sent to you by mail on appUcauon. Oennantown Oermantowq ay... IiFyou ah: B LOOKING FOR A HOME In, Qer- toantown Ueehan. 0747 Gertuntowd a.r. CHOICB. HOMES, Tulpesockeo t IUI V mantawa ae. J. XI. MJLU l 1UA 6023 aensaslswo. ave, REAL ZSATE FOR SALE Continued tram Prtctilna CoUimn Mt. Alryf Oermantown NEW BALB AND RENT LIST BEADY Pelham, lit. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PDLHAM TRU8T CO,. 8740 Germantown are. Chettnnt Hill. DESIRABLB PnOPERTIBS Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Main Lin. WARNOCK EMLEN Commercial Trust Jjulldlng. 8EVERAL DERIRARLF. PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRIGHT CO. Morris Building Tlotn M. i -m ,: tmlfnn rrttt WAMT iw UAVb tun iivuok, vw ,, 8rKNNfeDVNATAA?Ao?n374I0OaEtlMANTOWN. SEVERAL desirable properties, Tioga at.: large lots. Wm. a. Glenn, 1817 Columbia ays. Logan REAL ESTATE, mortgages and conveyanolng. Wit. D. CHAMBERS 4933 N. Uroad st. rHNNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN AMP.LER Let our automobile take jou to thjs 05-acre historically. Interesting gentleman s country estste: new 10-r. stone houee, built In 1914 1 3 baths, hardwood floors: also remod. Revolutionary house, built In 1777. once occu pied by Hessian soldiers; high foe, far-reach, vlewi etc. train serv.:. garage, barn, chicken plant, electricity, machinery, .ete.Full details from II. J. Dsger, Inc., Ambler, r. BROOKLINB Brand new, det, dwlrs., 7r A it,, water heat, electr.l 60x1251 13850: only M80 cash required: will exchange. J. feL.4Hr.ll nAlia, ODP, JJITOnillw 3t. DAltnr Ask for suburban sale lists. All parts Delaware county. Detached and seml-detach-d. Large lots. Swopa & Sons. Darby. BLKINS PARK New single dwelling, 10 rooms: hot-water heat: price J8800. McCormlck A Mc cormick, loll Chestnut st. and Elklns Park. Ui.u.n.iiliu HOMES and building sltes. .rsry des.H "n. RENN1NGER A HENNINGER, t'l TO LIVE In the suburbs Is the desire of many. We havo much to offer at North Olenslde, Artistic bungalows and desirable lots for sale. Wrlto for folder. W. O. Glenn, Agent. 1431 Land Tltlo Uldgv and 1817 Columbia ave. CHOICB 11UILDINO SITES ana screase. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhorn.. Pa. SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALB OR RENT WENnrxt, &. MABSBY neal Estate Trust Building. H UBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Send.for catalogue. .... n BROWN A CLOUD, Norrlstown, Pa. al.nnnntM tir-Af. PHTITII Anv prion All locations Ssle or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO., Morris Bldg.. BUBURHAN RESIDENCES for. sale i or rent: nttraetlve locations: prices right, MAURICB J. uuuvteu. ileal Ksiatn -irugt iuw. 80 ACRCS. on Old York rd.. fl-room stone house, outbuildings, old shade, fruit: 84500: terms. itutiui;r t ifirj. rnw ucrmamuw,, wc. LARGB LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMEH, sale WM. If. WILSON ft CO . Morris Building. SELECT Properties Country seats, farms: llit orders now. LEWIS T. BIIOOKB A SON, 1414 South Penn sq, FOUNDED 1878. Suburban Iits QUARTER ACRE. 5-cent fare from 09th st.i gas. water: modern houses; 110 down, 110 monthly: no taxes, no Interest. F 254, Ledger Central. MAIN LINE. T. It. R. NARBERTH Now building, 11 rooms: hard wood floors, 2 baths: forest trees: Kara ge; price itttuu. tlarDert st uiagnorn, .ia mniqy "' SUBURBAN IIOMBS. country places and hulld lng sites to suit all requirements: Mam Line. It. C HUjSllilt. wayne. r. LARGE HOUSE. N. W. cor. Montgomery and Brookhurst aves.. Narberth: 500x100: 12 000. WALTER B SMITH. 0002 Drexel road. NBW JERSBV fiUBURBAN LIPP1NCOTT LOTS AND HOMES IIADDON HBIOHTS. N. J. wlLLfcil L,iri'iruui. i. A "NO-LlrnNSE" TOWN PETERS A SON 008 CHESTNUT ST. LARQB PLOTS A HOMES. HIGH ELEVATION .Cheap.. Folder. L.SNOOK.Woodbury Hgts..N.J. NKW JHIfiKY BllVSIIORi: OCBAN CITY, N.J. Mod. cottage, fur.. 8 ran., bath, pantry, elec, gas: sacrifice. Investigate, uwner, iam .ortn ou st., i-mmuci.,...-. COTTAGE at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction: nttraetlve plan;, sub mitted free by tho reliable builder. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 35 ACRES, easy drive of West Chester by ma cadam road: mansion house, 10 rooms, barn; Brandywlne stream flows thru the farm; of- ferea 10 seme an eeiai; .ii,tu. J. B THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa, 72 ACRES. Schuylkill Vat.. (10 mln City Hall, stone bldgs . mod equip., 14 cattle, 4 horses, crops, Implements JTSrio. I have a form for every buyer. Fronefleld. Wayne. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trolley. Wrlto for pamphlet. .BARLOW A CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Tltlo Building. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CITY PROPERTIES TOR SALB OR nENT SAMUEL W. LEVIS. Real Estate Trust Building. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Large list houses, sals or rent, at all prices Samuel C. a-ner. Jr., Commercial Trust Bldg.. 15th and Market. MAIN LINE. P. B. It. MAIN LINB Beat line of Main Line bouses, either for sale or rent, at all prices. HIRST A McMULLIN. West End Trust BIdr. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ' WB MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanglne what you have for what you want. KERSHAW & CROWL. 5215 Cheitnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED WB HAVE FACILITIES for taking care of real estate In all Ita branches. Careful atten tion given to collection of rents, leasing and selling, also caring for estates. Inquire GUARANTEE TRUST A SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 310-318-320 Chestnut St. CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents: real estate sold, mortgages placed. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13th at. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages and fire Insurance placed, quickly. Bee KANE for prompt results. 2528 Tasker at. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY STORES AND DWELLINGS In all section of city. Bee our list in the Ledger Saturday, '"' SAMUEL T. FOX .A CO . 8. B. cor. 8th and Callowhlll. CENTRAL PROPERTIES ror sale anu rem. JAMES D. W1NCHELL. 17th A Sansom sts. Bwnu rjv uutt ivJii - THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. ..n S-W-1V-. ATln Y7.TT T IEK laroiiu mum tjimtuui sn. SPRUCE ST.. J012. 1820 1703 1700. 2128. 'I"8,"l31, 210B, 2424. 317, 4059. 4608. EDGAR O. CROSS. 1411 Walnut st. 1S24 N- ALDER ST. 3 story, 3 rooms: tine or dri new sink: rent 80. Key at Wm. L., Cra ven's Sons. 184d N. 7th st. Business Properties and Stores STORES New stores. 4856-58-80-82 N. Broad st. (southwest corner Broad and .Rockland sts ) 18 by 80 ft. each; beautiful, large and modern. In tbe best location of Logan; rea- ALBERT'M'aREENFIBLD. Inc.. N. B. cor. 18th and Chestnut sts., or WILLIAM D, CHAMBERS, 41)33 North Broad st. - STORES. E07 Arch St. lSJg1,i,ut 3!,HtoPAtTTERSON, 905 Wal nut nut 1110 Wa! 1204 Wa; nut ix II wa nut ISO South 15th st. 881 N. UTH ST,, store and upper floors: cheap "myeRB A BARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Cohocksink Mills 6!&0ftb?. Floods, 0OMyNf.'t7JS- Ra'An?- Metropolitan Building bwldlabd MERCHANTS BUILDING 44 NORTH 4TH STREET Desirable rooms, pow.r and light, ""iTTr st N lio.'js Uasufacturlns floors, sttara heat and power. Apply Penna Co.. 517 Chestnut .t. HAVE PARTY who wtU .r.ct bulldlrur. central or other location, for aatl'factory tenant. XJ1C.A J.XiJ. Ittl tJAU m FACTORIES. Sites, warehouses. floo'J space ex clusively. J Al.n Mlddleton, factory specialist and engineer" 609-11 Wld.n.r Bldg.. Phlla. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS ETC. DREXEL BLDG.. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Slssl. rooms, iizu.sidu.izuu.ixzo. aulfc Frmi . 14t !l50.175,i20O. H.Tlu. 3 rma . i27S 1400, 1430. tSOOj Corner Sulus, 3 to 8 rooms, J50U to 1630. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS 660 Drexel Building LBiNCr, Centra U y lrt-ki.ua all ccDl?octi- r-ar tvt- cite a all cejp,wQi4?t .REAL ESTATE EOR RENT orricES. Busixrss noons.. etc.. Conllniiei from Prtceilno Column DESK ROOM, two or more, centrally locateii office building, with telephone privileges and stenographer-tjpewrlter .serxlees: correspon dence solicited F.658. ledger Central. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO ji MnnTii itu urnnCT jery desirable offices: heatnnd light, CHESTNUT ST., 024 2d ffoor: large skylightt good spaM f0r architect. LEA ESTATES, iu" oaneom st LOCUST, HIS Large second-floor front room, suitable for office or any kind of business. Professional Offlres PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1831-33 Chestnut st.i a few suites for physicians or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO., Chestnut and lath. WEST rniLADELriHA . Beautiful Chester Ave. Section 1110 S. 48th st. 13-room house. 2 baths: gas nnd electrio lights: newly papered: semide tached: rent 55: Inducements for. Immediate occupation. Keys 2110 Land Tltlo Building and agents. BERMAN BROS., 6010 MARKET ..Hourts. spartments. stores. Near 0OTH ST. "L" STATION xor rent orsaie. DWELLINOB. STORES. APARTMENTS FOR RENT . WJt. II. W. QUICK A BRO INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH BT. llnslness rroperlles nnd Stores STORE AND FIXTURES, 4622 Market and near L station: rent $27. ... . . JAMES N. MITCHELL, 4th and Market. GERMANTOWN DETACHED, dwelling, 13 rooms. 3 baths, garage, S, C. TOUR18QN, 7014 Boyer St.. Otn. 880 DWELLINGS. .11 ROOMS , .. . . Send.for List. . .... Continental-Equitable Trust Co., 21 0. 12th. GERMANTOWN PROPERTIES, f 00 .upward. Particulars unon request. MAURAN. DOL- MAN A CO.. N. D. corner Broad and Chestnut. 1850 E. PRICR ST. 0 rooms, all modern con veniences: porch front! rent 818 per month. . Key at 1310 E. Price el. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BROOICLINE Brand new. det. dwlgs., Jr. A b., water heat, electr.s, large lota: 20.B0, $28.80 up. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Brookllne Btn. ROSE VALLEY 10 mTnutes' walk from Moylan Station: convenient to both Philadelphia and Chester: attractive home; has hot-water heat and eery other mod. conv. : 8 rooms: rent 30 per mo. Whiteside A McLnnahan. 15th A Pine. CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES MEARS A BROWN , 15th and Walnut sts. . MAIN LINE. P. R. R. 80 RT. PAUL'S ROAD. Ardmnre, 12 rooms. $50. WALTER BASSETT SMITH, 0400 Woodhlns ave,, Overbrook, NEW JERSEY SEASHORE SEASIDE PARK. N J. 10-room cottage, fur nished, nenr ocean, central: good, boating and fishing, Welckhan, 3310 Market. S'OR RENT FURNISHED SUBURBAN FOR BALANCE OF SEASON rurnlshed house, 1 to 8 months: low rent. C P. PETERS A SON, 003 CHESTNUT ST. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN MOYLAN Rose Valley, for August nnd Septem ber, commodious country house: well fur nished: near station, with large lawn and garden F 333, Ledger Central. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If you desire efficient service, quick nnd satisfactory results and moderate charges .... CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will bo as good as placed." NORMAN 3 SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. EIGHT RT.DO AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS WITH PLENTY Or MONEY TOR 1ST. 2D AND SPLIT MORTGAGES IN ANY SECTION OF THE CITY. NO PREMIUM CHARGES. WILLIAM JAMES KEOGH 500 LAND TITLE BUILDING FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN To loan on real estate security: Immediate aettlemcnt; payable as desired, 8"' V EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12T1I ST. FinST and second mortgage money: nlso ad vance money for garages and building opera tions. L 717. Ledger Office. MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY . BRUMBAUGH A PARKER. INC. 1431 WALNUT 8T. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS miai JV"-j0i,fj q, WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER u WalnutaL MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARGB AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS T7 If. HOOD. 512 W. NORRI3 ST. FUNDS for first and second mortgages. I uauj 'j TUBNEni i20l chestnut st. 1100 000 TO INVEST In first mortgages, In sums from $100(1 up: also building association money for 2d mortgages, n c. SE1DEL A CO., 4th and Callowhlll sts. tnrm?T?TilT,T. funds tor first and W UJulVEiUM SECOND MORTOAGES 555 N. 17TH ST. 1100. $200 TO $.1000 TO LOAN. LEWIS A CO. 1227 W. Glrard ave. $50 I HAVE FUNDS J FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES WM. BARR. 8th and Oak lane. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTaAGQ Utuoi f,ERKNE8g t STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS $1000 to $50 000 J. EDWARD LUTZ, 210 M. 17th t. -FUNDS FOR ST ANJD MORTGAGES POTTS A THOMSON. 2521 Frankford ave. ""FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES I UWUa MOUTciAOES FOR SALB TI1EO. E. NICKI.E8. 2518 Germantown ave. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 1STH ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES imnn to jioo.ooo JACOB A. FRITZ. HQd Land Title Bldg. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D .MORTGAGES J-J4 Quick answer. xrlTtRICB II. MATSINOER. HI. Est. Tr. Bdg. "MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAGES ilUNfc.1 "A REDDINo j, SON 709 WALNUT en. o-ua nt-nuuu or. 1100,000 AT 4V PER CENT, ' WILL DIVIDE JOHN A. BARRY,507LandTltl. Bldg. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges TnitM A. BARRY. 807 LAND TITLE BLDG. -"BUILDINU ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATB-" BOBERT J. NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT ST. Tst and 2d mtgs.: bldg. and prlvats funds; quick nd satisfactory results: moderate charges. PAMERON ESTATE. 2811 Kensington ays. OWNERS If your mortgage has been called. I will tak. It up: al.o 2d mortgage money. SlfeSTEH P. ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnut St. VV)ans Large or small sums on real cstats. udsment notes or mortgages', loans on uns.t """.lates. DEMPafayA CO.. 27 B. 16th. ANY AMOUNT. $50 to $500. to loan to real estate owners; nots or mortgage, Arthur J. LeUPOia 1J1Q .mnnuu READY FUNDS for good drat mortgages; bring CHA8. L. BROWN A CO.. 217 S. Broad st, MONEY for first and second mortgages: building association and Instalment mortgagia. Willis- Winchester Company, quot cct.tnul t. FUNDS for first and second mortgagee, any amount; quick answ.r. CHAS. W. MILLER, eUl-tVI .Mmw.,g yw FIRST and 2d mtg, or on note, any amount; low rates; Immediate answsr. V. X. DelaBy, 1112 Lincoln Bldg., Broad and Penn Bquare. " """FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOE3 ' RAYMOND M PARKER. 17th and Wal lac. MONEY TO L0AB QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS You can get 118 to $204 from us quickly, privately and without red tap. If you are Kueekeepln, We are a NEW CONCERN, LICENSED AND BONDED. Your monthly payment on $88 1 only $8 Tour monthly payment on $72 Is only $3 With Interest at 3 per cent. Tour monthly payment on $182 Is only $11 "Your monthly pi meat on $204 Is only 117 With Interest at 2 per cent. See us. writ us or phone Walnut 4385. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 181 South Broad Street Second Boor. Next to Forrest Theatre. Open 8 a. m to fl p. m. Saturday a p. m. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS. ETC. AU ur jg nJJSUEtt S 128 MARKET ST. RIDUE AVE, AND OXFORD ST 8TS I sutes. I tSi-ii 1 IZU AHU COUTH STS MONEY LOANED tabjlrt otunstUd estate. eueaca Qirara Building. 21 tf. Uth, it. The Young Lady Across the Way Wr-rr "WT tFg: Tho younB lady across the way says Bho overheard her father say that he tvaa sliort of tho market and she guesses he must be sorry he didn't go In moro heavily since everything has gone up so. Ladylike Entrance "Frances," said the little girl's mother, reprovingly, "you came down stairs so noisily that you could be heard all over the house. Now, go back nnd como down properly as a lady should do." . Frances retired, and In a few min utes re-entered tho parlor. "Did you hear mo come downstairs this time, mother?" she asked. "No, dear, you came down like a lady that tlmo," replied her mothor. "Yes," said Frances; "I slid down tho banisters." A Patient Angler m ASS VB5 -.' -3..? V"5C. - AS? r- -jJ ' &--- -iJrt-iTM- T r -.TZ3Z-JX& ,..4.'yZ. London Opinion. "I'll Just watt till the tide goes out" Acme of Forgiveness "I tell you, sir, kissing the hand that smites you Is nothing to what I saw In the hotel this morning." "What was that?" "The porter waa blacking the boot that had kicked him last night." THE WORST IS gf-TfYeo(f(f?fj-Hv- g A V. J?, V ttNta' J x Did IT ( Bm. fS- .L-i ovf S Ivl ,Ji x iC , :2& 'r'S$it n Aw - --:?J - Xy YA'Mm, K r t ''f jgg7' 6 THE PADDED CELL ) j - The: vacation s; , f jr HKft' . THE BUNK OF A BUSY BRAIN She Was Quite Right Father (left In charge) No, you cannot have any more cake. (Very seriously) : Do you know what I shall have to do If you go on making that dreadful noise? Little girl Give ma some more cake! A RIVAL " Conjurer (unconscious of approach of hostile alrcraft) tlemen, I want you to watch me closely. YET TO COME m i No Immediate Danger "Tom," said a rector to a lad who was picking mushrooms In the rectory fields, "beware of picking a toadstool Instead of a mushroom; they are easy to confuse." That Is alt right, sir," said the urchin; "they're goln' to market." ATTRACTION London Punch. Now ladles and gen UQwr OCCUPATIONS LOOKING FOR Tug UNION LAvBBL ON A LOA 0- HN& MADE BR6A0 $.WYWfti THti BSsMM 8KTf iI01MWW iM-Trmiii-wftijiu.i up n r ni I