-mi1''4 EVENING LEBaER-HILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, JT7TY ' 22, 1916. rAmn$emni8i i v . fl t-v rs .4l THE PHOTOPLAV- MAN-ABOUT- TOWN Complete Theatre Programs for the Week Appear Every Monday in the Chart When ft man Is successful and retires from business, It Is not often that ho will again (set Into nctlon In the same lino of endeavor. Robert Hamilton, of the Mam llton Apartments, 3312 Hamilton Mrcet, Is ona of those who believe that what was successful onca can be so again. And so the Garden Thealro will ngnln be the Mecca of devotees of good picture plays under the management o Mr. Hamilton. There will bo matinees on Saturdays only until further notice. In few playhouses of the city Is thero Installed such a complete system of equable cooling as at tho Palace Theatre. It Is as simple as It Is effective. An Immense electric-driven fan Is located In tho base ment and this draws In huge volumes of outdoor air. This passes through and about a system of Ice and charcoal beforo belnsr forced, coot and fresh. Into the upper auditorium, through wide refrigerating plpesi In tho theatre the air Is foiced by two scoro smaller fans, advantageously placed, Into every nook and cranny of the cozy playhouse. Tho exhausted air Is drawn out through the roof by electrical suction fans. It Is little wonder that the houso Is having such a wide popularity ven In the heated period. Edwin August, who appoars ' In "Tho Roclal Highwayman" at the Otympla, Is a director as well as an actor of merit. A store's entire stock of vegetables were Used In some scones of Dentin's play, "Pas qua'e," coming to the Kalrmount Theatre. He also appears In "The Italian" at tho Lafayette on Wednesday, An all-star Keystone bill will be shown on Saturday nt tho Apollo. It Is needless to add It will be filled with comedy. With tho Orpheum closed, former patrons havo been finding their pleasure at the Germantown and Itlalto Theatres. Sets constructed of real lumber are being tised In "Gloria's Romance." In which Blllle Burko Is featured, at the Flfty-slxth Street Theatre. By the use of rooms actually con structed of real lumber shadows of the proper sort nro secured and tho photo graphic effecta are much enhanced. With a company of BO players. William 8. Hart, the Triangle star, left for a point on the International boundary line south of El Centro for tho filming of somo scenes In a new play. He appears In "Tho Apostlo of Vengeance" at tho Liberty on Thursday. ' . The Princess has taken tho-place of tho BIJou Dream, and tho standard of plnys Bhown Is tho best, although It was once i custom to "get tho money," regardless of tho kind of films shown. a With all the papers telling of tho serious side of the submarines, tho Market Street Theatro will show Its comedy side on Sat urday with Sid Chaplin In "Tho Submarine Plrato.,v For the first time In Philadelphia, at the Arcadia' during the ensuing week. Do Wolf Hopper will be presented It "Stranded." The story Is from the pen of Anita Loos, who wrote that famous success, "His Flc turo In tho Papers," for Douglas Fairbanks. Wrecking automobiles Is but one of tho many Items of expense that go to mako up the thousands of dollars Bpont In the productions of chaptered photoplays. In the Miming of "Tho Secret of tho Submarine" four cara were completely demolished two In a collision the script called for, one 'In a leap across a 30-foot chasm and another In a tumble Into n ditch. The last, how ever, was not Intentional, and the occu pants of the car had a narrow escape from death. These autos all appear upon the screen of tho Ruby, whore tho serial Is being shown each week. This will also be seen at tho Alhambra, tho only theatro In South Philadelphia remaining open through out the entire summer season. It Is per fectly ventilated, nlways cool and com fortable, and the pictures shown are nil new ones, so far as this section of the city Is .concerned. The Wurlltzer Organ Company has be gun work on the new $10,000 organ that they are Installing In the Falrmount The atre, 26th street and Glrard avenue. This organ has been built especially for the above theatre, and the first recital will bo given at the matinee performance on Mon day, July 31, The first chapters of "The Grip of Evil," a new serial, will be shown at the Over brook on Tuesday. A feature of the dally programs Is the selected music. William S. Hart will be seen In "The Apostle of Vengeanco" at the Iris. He Is one of the best portrayers of the Western type characters now shown upon the screen. When the local theatres were In the thioes of a vaudeville and picture policy eome years ago, a child actress, Thelma Delmar, made her Initial appearance upon the stage. She was an accomplished mu sician and attracted a lot of attention. She has been engaged by the management of the. Pelham Theatre for a limited time to accompany the picture Splays. She Is the daughter of Jack Delmar1, manager of the Jerferbon Theatre. He is a former thes plan. Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Entries now open. Voting beran July 17. Vollnir ends Aucust SI, Decision September t. HOW TO VOTE Pot oat the headlnr "Krenlnr Ledier" n& date llrw nupcarlnf at the top of the nr pass. Write your candidate' name In1 the white manln alo'e and mall to the Kienlnr Ledier. Photoplay Cast Contest. I". 0. Hot 061. or brine It to the Letlrer Office. Bslow l a specimen tote In miniature i uenmg tM& Txbttt Each headlnr counts for ten votes. No heading except that on. the Aral Date will be accepted ind none that I dated before Jul 17. ENTRY BLANK rieaie enter In the Evening htdttt photo play Cast Conteati Kama (Mlaa or Mrs.),,MMrrt Bom Address ............. . Nam (Mr),.... ...... j. M..... t..., Home addrees,,..,.,. .,...,..,..,,,...., Signed by. ,, ,t ?itfc?t" .-. aoy, ,f, ,,,. ,,. Nominating organization. pfoaAoatlng organisations may concentrate ttelr totta in one candidate or may nominal ata work for twoi t. e., one lady, one tea- T!tU nomination blank, when properly Dl'rJ wQl and forwarded, will entitle the oru.r-M t? 1000 Teton. ... Candidates are requested to (Ire their borne mtdress In each and every Instance. o that i'io Cdlter will be able to communicate with tliem from time, le .time. All addressee will be strictly caaddeatlaJ. only one Nomination ULiuk will be credited "Mali to Kvenlne Ledger . Photoplay Past Cornell. 1" O Jox m, rtUaW.fi. t! BATHERS SPORT IN SEA AGAIN AS SUBSIDING STORM QUIETS WAVES Mountainous Surf Flattens Out Under Influence of Gentle Breeze and Sun Appears Once More BOARDWALK THRONGED ATIjANTIC CITV, July 22. Although ft portion of the venom put In the waves by tho southern hurrlcano has been taken out, old ocean still Itnq a ponderous kick In It and the tides continue far above normal. Comparatively little proporty damage was caused here by this freak storm. The channel buoys have not yet been placed In position, but ns few vessels will attempt to make this port until the sea has quieted, their absence will not cause any trouble. Ilathlng was resumed yesterday, and from now on tho water will be black with people for tho rest of the summer. Thero are no largo holes at Any point on the beach and tho gradual shelving of the sands to deep water will mako It even safer here this year than It ever has been before. Many of the feminine visitors have been Just a little peeved by the weather dis turbances of the last few daya, as It pre vented them from showing new 'frocks and gowns, fashioned expressly for the summer promenade, and which they desired to ex hibit before the August crush came. Dur ing that period people are too busy with pleasure to watch for new coBtumes, and even dazzling garments fall to create any enthusiasm. From now on the midnight parade, last ing from 12 until after 2 a. m will be a gay feature of this resort. Many visitors here curtail their sleeping hours to tho smallest possible number they can, with safety, going to bed lato nnd arising nt nn early hour. The Sunday nmusement question Is In a fair way of being settled nmlcably. Yester day nftornoon the owners of Certain places, who had been nrrested for keeping open on two Sundays appeared before the lie corder. Insftead of being fined heavily, as It vna rumored they would be, sentences were suspended nnd they were gently ad. monlshcd not to keep open tomorrow. It Is almost certain that a few of the places will close tholr doors tomorrow, awaltlngi developments In n case that has caused a lot of talk becauso of the seeming favorit ism shown to somo proprietors. An effort will be made to settle the matter In a man ner satisfactory to every one. GROWING THRONG FILLS WILDWOOD AS AUGUST, BANNER MONTH, NEARS Excursions in Increasing Num ber Bring Visitors Many Stop Off and Stay Resort Grows More Popular BIGGEST SEASON SO FAR WH.nWOOD, N". J.. July 22. Tho visit ing contingent to Wlldwood has gradually Increased with tho ncarlng of August, tho "big month " The excursion throng has es pecially favored this section, so that It can honestly bo slated that the Island Is filled with the largest number of visitors nt this time In the history of Kive-Mllo Hcach. A multitude of visitors crowd the amusement places and walking on the esplanade at times becomes a skillful negotiation or open spaces, If any speed Is to bo made In going from one point to another. Among the I'hlladclphlans nt the Hotel Adelphla-Wltto nro Sirs. Pierre CJardo and daughter, Mr. C. I. Oarde. Mr. and Mrs. M. Asher. Mr. Thomas A. Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. liacharach and family. Quaker City visitors nt the Hotel Arling ton Includo George K. Pursglove, W. It. Conley, A. I Kyle, Miss A. R. Miles, M. Pursglove, Miss I. N. Nnlbach, Mr. and Mrs. MacLaren and Alfred Xalbach. Late arrivals nt tho Hotel Dayton Include Mrs. Mary Morris, Mrs. J. X. Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. Haines, Mrs. William G. Harbison, Mr. and Mrs. 31. S. Young, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Silk. Dr. H. II. Mentref. Walter Farley. W. A. Jones, C. C. Richardson, Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Harkcr, Miss May W. Camp bell and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Daum. At the Heading are stopping D. McCon nell, Camden; Miss Edna G. Brewlngton and Howard Walker, Colllngswood, N. J. J Mr. nnd Mrs H. G. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mahton and daughter. South Bethlehem, and Mrs. Charles P. Holston, Woodbury, Jf. J. Among those registered at the Hotel Fen wtck are Thomas Emerson, H. C Clayton, H. Parker. J. F. Kennelly, MIsb Agnes S. Schultz, Charles W. Clay. Philadelphia; Theodore Stanton, Dallas, Tex., and King Kane, Japan. The Hotel Kurlo Is entertaining Mr. and MrB. J. N. Flsehlet and Miss Ethel Flseh let. Fox Chase ; William McGettlgan. Hicks town. Mass.; Charles Helper, Roy Boyer and Gordon Nagle, Cressona, Pa, Philadelphia arrivals at the Hotel Lynd hurst Include Miss Emma L. Axe, Miss Mary A. Wink. Miss Mable A. Axe, Miss Margaret M. Haub'ert, Mr, and Mrs. K Myers, Miss E. Jacoby and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Miller. Registered at the Hotel Savoy are Miss Llizle Miller and Miss Olive E. Wolf, Pitts burgh; 11. E. Howard, Camden Mrs. D. Williams. Mrs. F. F Roberts. J, S, Smith, C. .VolJIn and Charles F. Roberts, Philadel phia. The Derbyshire la entertaining the fol lowing Phlladelphlansi Miss Edna Moyer,, Miss Ida Haugstoffer, Miss Louisa Hueagen, Charles Kramer and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. J. Hergeahelmer, Fred C. Daeglsr, William F. Saylor and Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerald Broome. Mr. and Mrs. BeYijamln Boyden, of Phila delphia, are spending a pleasant vacation at the Hotel Dorsey. Leroy Ayres, attorney for Camden, and his brother, F. Anthony Ayers, are spending the summer at this hotel. STONE HARBOR ENJOYS MOST POPULOUS SEASON Police and Lifeguards Instructed in "Lungmotor" STONE HARBOR, N, J., July J I. It Is estimated that there are more summer res idents here this season than ever before. Nearly every cottage and apartment items to be occupied. The borough has purchased a "lungmo tor,'' At a demonstration of the machine in the borough hall, the lifeguards and police were instructed in its use In case of accident. The number '6f daily commuters has In creased nearly a 100 per cent, during July. An exhibition of educational motion pic tures at the Yacht Club was thoroughly en Joyed by a large audience. The screen waa erected on the lawn overlooking Great Channel. Among the subjects shown waa an excellent portrayal of a practicable an swer to the question ''What shall I do w(th my boy," by the Curtis Publishing Com pany. A mid-summer musical festival will be given at the Yacht Club Saturday night and Sunday of this week. The large sailboat, trying to emulate the Deutschland in Snug Harbor Yacht Basin, Is the property of Dr. Bayard Knerr. of Philadelphia. Doctor Butcllffe reports Yin unexpended balance of 7100 of Council' appropriation for the celebration of the Fourth. Guests of Mr and Mr a. Jackson, of "Grey Ga,ble." Include Herbert Wilt. Wal ter Goring, Mr- and Mrs. Gallagher, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Sarah BtciUy. t Germantown Tt-It: A infPR By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS 1 iTlJu iVimVlCI Author of tha TARZAN nnd MARS 5TOR1ES --.sMS.asasessssssssssssssssssssMSS.ssassssssssa...Ml i . main II I sals I II siminail I aaaaaee-s ea I synopsis. nilly Byrne, "tha mucker." thief and thut. In shanKhftlert aboard the brltantlne llnlfmoon In San Francisco, Tvnere'ne has fled to escape arrest , He has hsilc encounters with Ward, the mate, and other members of the rufnanly crew, but has no antipathy for any one aboard the veswl eicept one Divine, the sole passenicer, who, Hilly learns, la direct In the vojaa-e, which Is financed by on Clincher, of San Francisco , If rfw.th.nr. Tllvlna anrt fTamflln Hlmmfl ft lot to kidnap Barbara Harding, millionaire frft anil rtativhrnr nf Anlhnnv llnrdlnR'. .......... ...... .h. ,... Il&a nt trnnnlnltt Therlere. the second mats. undr .the nsm? of Count da Cadenet, accompanies Wnra In a vlsll to Harding. On their return llllly learns thlr ame. Hartleys, h to Inherit 20.000,000 from her grandfather If sh marries according to the terms of his tvlll. Dltlne means to marry the girl, after ab ducting her, with Slmma' connivance. Ther- lere also desires to wed narbara ana induces llllly to Join a counterplot. . .... On the sfcond day alter lavlne Honolulu Ihe Halfmoon sights tho steamer and changes courso. Sails are furled and dis tress signals flown. Anthony Harding nnd Captsln Norrls. or the jacht, se them .ind decide to ettend aid to the supposedly wrecked vessel. llllly Mallory. a passenger, discovers smoke arising from the brlgan tins and bellsves she Is aflre. This appear ance la a ruse of the conspirators. Therlere. smitten by Itarbara. hopea to obligate her father and win the girl, making away with his accomplices and throwing ward, almms end his antagonists Into Irons. The nre hoax spoils his plan. . , Meanwhile the boats draw close to the yacht. Blmms announces himself as Cap- tnln Jnn.fl nt th flitrlnris. Priam In Yoko hama, with dynamite Flro has followed a uisnoieu runnir nnu aoaniiannif ni n ncLrn sary. Captain Norrls Is skeptical, but Harding ordera nil taken on the yacht, llllly Mallory and llarbara watch the Halt moon's crew as they clamber aboard Mai lory'a proposal of marriage Is Interrupted by shots. Harding Is surrounded by tho "rpscued" sailors, who nre armed with re olvers. Captain almms Is seeking llar bara Harding. Kstahllshlng her Identity .by a ruse, he ordera Itjme to "fstch the girl Mallorv, a former college athlete tries to ssve her. He and 11111 grapple. The Mucker conquers and. with Slmms' aid. takes the girl to a waiting boat. Ward and half a don of the Halfmoon a crew ara left aboard the sacht. The others return to the brlgantlne, which sails southward. The yscht with Harding, his guests and crew aboard. Is sot adrift. Divine and llarbara meet. He tells her he la a prison er, hut his trim appearance makes her doubt his story. Hlio tells him of the De Cadenet Incident. Ho sas ho acted under compulsion. Gradually the girl. In her loneliness, ae rspts Dlvlno's society. Ono dny she mets Therlere. He explslns his action as a prac tical Joke nnd pretends to hne been de- lid b Tilling. Bho hears Slmms ami Dlvlno discussing their plot for her abduction Therlere leaes her after suggesting that he Is her friend, llllly TUrne pnsss Her expression of con tmpt causes him to threaten violence, which Therlere prents The mucker attacks nnd knocks him unconscious He tnks n re oler from Therlere's pocksl. Minima nnd ths crew rsvhe the mAte. llllly dellea them from below deck. Therlero obtains his release,. after ona day's Imnrlsonmenl. The llnlfmoon en counters n galo nnd tho crew Is In pinle. Therlere Is knocked senseless by a giant w a e. CIIAPTRR VII (Continued). HAD ono been watching him ho might reasonably hac thought that tho man's mind was In a muddto of confused thoughts nnd fears, hut such was far from the case. Billy was waltlnc to see If tho mnto would revive sufficiently to return ncross tho deck heforo the next wave swept tho nhlp. It was vory Interesting he wondered what odds O'Leary would have laid against tho man. In another moment tho wavo would come. Billy glanced at tho open cabin hatch. That would never do the cabin would bo flooded with tons of water Rhould the noxt wave llnd tho hatch still open. Billy closed It. Then he looked again nt Therlere. The man was Just recovering consciousness nnd tho wavo waa coming Something stirred within Billy Byrne. It gripped him nnd made him net quickly, ns though by Instinct, to do something that no one Billy 1ilmelt least or nil would have suspected the Grand avenue mucker to bo capable of dlng Across the deck Therlere wns dragging himself painfully to his hands and knees, as though to attempt tho Impossible feat of crawling back to the cabin hatch. Tho wavo was almost upon Billy. In a moment It would engulf him and then rush on ncross him to tear Therlere from tho deck and hurl him beyond the ship Into tho tumbling chaos of tho sea Tho mucker saw nil this, nnd In the In stant he launched himself toward tho man for whom he had no use, whose kind he hated reached him as the great wave broko over them, crushing them to the deck, choking and blinding them. For a moment they were burled In the swirling maelstrom, and then, ns the Half moon rose again, shaking the watery enemy from her back, the two men wero disclosed Therlere half over the ship's side, the mucker clinging to him with one hand, the other clutching desperately at a huge cleat upon the gunwale. Byrne dragged the mate to tho deck and then slowly and with Infinite difficulty ncross It to the cabin hatch. Through It he pushed the man, tumbling after him and closing the aperture Just as another wave swept the Halfmoon. Therlere wns conscious and but little the worse for his experience, though badly bruised. He looked at the mucker In aston ishment as the two faced one another In the cabin. "I do not know why you did it," said Therlere. "Neither do I," replied Billy Byrne. "I Bhall not forget it, Byrne," said tho officer. "Yeh'd better," answered Billy, turning away. The mucker was extremely puzzled to account for his act. He did not look upon It at all as a piece of heroism; but rather as a "fool play" which he should be ashamed of. The very Idea! Saving th Ufa of a gink who, despite his brutal ways, belonged to the much despised "high-brow" class I Billy was peeved with himself. Therlere, for his part, was surprised at RELIGIOUS BREVITIES . "Moses, the First Strike I-eader," Is the topic to be discussed tomorrow afternoon at the Cen tral Branch. Y. M. C. A Harry Phillips will lead the discussion, The Iter. Danlsl X.. Sohults will deliver an address on "The Transforming Power of the Devil" before Ihe Trail Hitters' Bible Class of the North Ilranch. Y. M. C. A., tomorrow after noon. He will speak at Falrhill Sauare In the evening. T, M. Freti will apeak at the morning and evening services In the Presbyterian Church. Richmond street below Ann. tomorrow. Mils Ida Roddy, a blind sololit, will sing. In the after noon Mr. Freti will spaak at the 1'rtebytsrlan Home In Bala. BKUtHOPH WOTIC1W nautili CHESTNUT STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Chestnut st. west of -10th. OEORQB D, ADAMS. D. D.. Pastor. 9:43 a. m. Brotherhood of A. and P. 10. SO a. m. Worship and Harmon by Rev, A. J. Rowland. No tuning service. Brethren rlllbT CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN (Dunktr). cor. Carlisle and Dauphin sts. Sunday School. 10 a. m. Pleaching. 11 a. m. and 7:18 p. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednsaday evening. Lutheran TABEBNACTE, Bth and Spruce Wn. J. Jlil isr. Jr., 10.45. I:. B- B.. -'-30 p. in. Sllictllaneous BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS THE HALVATION ARMY, Iue. ' Philadelphia Hsadauartsrs, 4TenapQris.u(Mi aiuuiows. ranSD6rtatlO 24 South 15th strset. Colonel R. 8. Holt In. coiamang. Tslsphones, Ilstt. Byruee Ma-, KtHto&s, Sac 0133 A. TENT MEETINGS -The large tent. 81st and Hansom sta. Ssrvlcea conducted by J. 8. Wash burn, of Washington. D. C , II. M. a. Rich ards, of Denvsr. Col. Commencing Sunday, July 33. 191S. at 7.8.0 LP. m.. and continuing every evening at 7:80. Saturday eicepttd. Bong asivlce every night, laris choir , quartet, aoloa. etc.. and old-time gospel hymns. Sunday, July 2S Subjsct -True Prsparednsss. Jesus la Coming Again; Is His Coming ..Near! The blessed Hope of Eternal Peace." And every tight this wesk. The tent can be easily reached from any .part of the city. Take Sid at. care, also Market st. cars. Two and one-half so.ua.res from 024 at. Elevated Station. the unexpected heroism of the man he had long since rated as a cowardly bully. He was fully determined to repay Byrne so far as he could the great debt he owed him. All thoughts of revenge for the mucker's former assault upon him were dropped, nnd he now looked upon the ,mnn as a true friend and nlly. For three days tho llnlfmoon plunged helplessly upon tho Btorm-rnckcd surfaco of the mad sea. No soul aboard her enter tained more than tho faintest glimmer of a hope that the ship would ride out the storm; but during the third night tho wind died down, nnd by morning the sea had fallen sufficiently to make It safe for the men of the Halfmoon to venture upon deck. Thero they found the brlgantlne clean swept from stem to Btern. To the north of them was land nt a league or two, perhaps. Had tho storm continued during the night they would have been dashed upon the coast. God-fearing men would have given thanks for their miraculous rescue! hut not so these. Instead, tho fear of death removed, they assumed their former bravado. Skipper Slmms boasted of the seamanship that had saved the Halfmoon his own sea mtnshlp, of course. Ward cursed tho luck that had disabled the ship at so crucial a period of her adventure, revolving In his evil mind various possible schemes, for turn ing the misfortune to his own advantage. Billy Byrne, sitting upon the corner of the galley table, hobnobbed with Blnnco. These choice representatives of the ship's company were planning a raid on the skip per'B brandy chest during the disembarka tion which the sight of land had rendered not Improbable. Tho Halfmoon, with the wind down, wal lowed heavily In tho trough of the sea. but even so Ilnrbara Hnrdlng, wearied with days of confinement In her stuffy cabin bolow, -entured abovo deck for a breath of Bwcet, clean air. Scarce had Bho emerged from below than Therlero espied her and hastoncdto her side. "Well, Miss Harding." ho exclaimed, "It Is good to see you on deck ngaln. I cannot tell .vou how sorry I have felt for you. cooped up alone In your cabin without a single woman for companionship, nnd all thoso frightful daya of danger. There wna scarco one of us that thought the ship would weather so long nnd hard a blow. Wo were very fortunate to como through It so well." "Wcll7" queried Barbara Harding with a wry smllo, glancing about the deck of the llnlfmoon. "I cannot see that wo nre either through It well or through It at all. Wo havo no masts, no canvns, no boats! and though I am not much of a sailor, I can ee that there Is llttlo likelihood of our 'effecting n landing on tho Bhore nhead cither with or without boats It looks moSt forbidding. "Then tho wind has gone down, and when It comes up ngaln It Is possible that It will carry us away from tho land, or If It takes us toward It. dnsh us to pieces at tho foot of those frightful cliffs." "I see you nro too good a sailor by far to be cheered by any questionable hopes," laughed Therlero; "but you must take the will Into consideration I wished only to give you a ray of hope that might lighten your burden of npprehenslon. "However, honestly I do think that we may find n way to mako a sfcfo landing If tho sea continues to go down as It has In tho last two hours. We nro not much more than a leaguo from shore, and with the Jury mast and sail that the men are sotting up under Mr. Ward we can work In In com parative safety wlth-a light breeze, which wo should hnvo during tho afternoon. There nro few coasts, however rugged they may appear at a distance, that do not offer some foothold for the wrecked mariner, and I doubt not but that wo Bhall find this no exception to tho rule." "I hope you are right, Mr. Therlere," snld tho girl, "and yet I cannot hut feci that my position will bo less safe on land than It has been upon the HnlTmoon. Onco free from the restraints of discipline which tra dition, custom nnd law enforce upon tho high seas, there li no telling what atrocities theso men will commit. To he quite candid.. Mr. Therlere, I dread a landing worse than I dreaded the dangers of the storm through which wo have Just passed." "I think you havo little to fear on that score. Miss Harding." said the Frenchman. "I Intend mnklng it quite plain that I con sider myself your protector once we havo left the Halfmoon, and I can oount on several of the men to help me. Even Mr. Dlvlno will not dare do otherwise. Then we can set up a camp of our own apart from Skipper Slmms and his faction, and there you will be constantly guarded until succor may be obtained." Barbara Harding had been watching the man's face as ho spoke. Tho memory of his consideration and respectful treatment of her during the trying weeks of her captivity had done muoh to erase the Intuitive feeling of distrust that had tinged her thoughts of him earlier In their ac quaintance, while his herolo act In descend ing Into the forecastle In the face of the armed and desperate Byrne had thrown a glamour of romance about him that could not help but tend to fascinate a girl of Barbara Harding's type. Then there was the look she had seen In his eyeB for a brief Instant when she had found herself locked In his cabin on the occasion when he had revealed to her Larry Divine's duplicity. That expression no red-blooded girl could mistake, and the fact that he had subdued his passion spoke eloquently to her of the fineness and chivalry of his nature. It was with a feeling of utter trustful ness, therefore, that she gladly gave her self Into the keeping of Henri Therlere, Count de Cadenet, second officer of the Halfmoon. "Oh. Mr. Therlere," she cried, "If you can only arrange It so, how relieved and almost happy I shall bel How can I ever repay you for all that you have done for me?" Again she saw the light leap to the man's eyes the light of love that would not be EEAX ESTATE TOR SAiB BTRATHMERE. N. J. AUCTION SALE BEGINS Today AT STRATBMERE, N. J. Strathmere is between Ocean City and Sea Isle City and is the fastest-growing ocean front piece of property and resort on the South Jersey Coast. The Sale continues every day at 2 P. M., rain or shine, from Saturday, July 229 to Aug. 5, Inc. Every lot goes, at your price and easy terms. Beach front lots, improvements, ideal location, excellent transit facilities, 62 trains daily, both railroads. Dollar excursion Daily to Strathmere (Corson's Inlet). Band concert, dancing, ocean bathing, a real day's outing with plenty of fun. 1916 Overland 'Car and $5000 In Money and Souvenirs to Be Given Away No strings, the car and the money go. Everyone at the Sale gets the same opportunity, buy or not this is our method of advertising. We want you at Strathmere any day from July 22 to August S. We want you to see the property. AN IDEAL SEASHORE RESORT Come with us to Strafhmere, begin making money. Don't forget the dates and the time and above all a day of fun .and pleasure. GEORGE P. DYKMAN 1011 Cbeslnut Si., Phlia.. pa. U4 denied much longer, other than through the agency of a mighty will. Iie she thought It; but the eyellghts of lote and lust nro twins between which It takes much worldly wisdom to differ entiate, und Barbara Harding wns not worldly wise In the wnya of sin. "Mlsi Hnrdlng." said Therlere, In a voice that he eldently found It difficult to con trol, "do not ask me now how you may repay mo ; I " . . , , But what he woutd have said he checked. With an effort of will that wns almost appreciable to the eye, he took a fresh gtlp upon himself and continued: "I am amply repaid by being able to scre you. and thus to retrieve mself In vour estimation I know that jou haye doubted me: that yr-u have questioned the Integrity of my acts that helped tolad up to the unfortunate affair of the Uitus. When you tell me that you no longer doubt that yott accept me as the friend I would wish to be. I shall be more than amply repaid for anything which It may havo been my good fortune to have been able to nccotiipllsli for your comfort and safety." Then I may partially repay you at once," exclaimed tho girl with a smile, "for I ran assure you that yott possess my friendship to tho fullest, and with It. of roure. mv entire confidence. It Is true that I doubted you at' llrst I doubted every one connected wlh the Halfmoon Why shouldn't I? Bui now I think that I am able to draw a very clear line between my friends and my enemies. Thero Is but one tilir.n tho right side of that line you, my friend" and with an ImpultlNO little gesturo llarbara Harding extended her hnnd to Therlere. . , , , II uns an expression nlmost sheepish that the Frenchman looked nt the proffered ringers There had bieti something In tho fm tits avowal of confidence and friendship which smoto upon a chord of honor In the man's bouI thnt had not vibrated In icsponso to a chivalrous Impulse for manv long vears It had all but atrophied from disuse. " Then of a sudden, the second officer of the llnlfmoon straightened to his full height. HIb head went high, nnd ho took tho small hand of tho girl In his own strong, brown one. Miss Hnrdlng," he said. "I have led a hiird. hitler life. I have not always dono thoso things of which I might bo most proud; but thero havo been times when I havo remembered that I am tho grandson of one of Nnpoleon's greatest field mnr nhnls, nnd that I bear a name that has been honored by a mighty nation. Whnt jou have Just said to me recalls these facts most vividly to my mind hope, Miss Hard ing, that you will never regret having spoken them." To the bottom of his heart tho mnn meant what he, said at the time; for Inherent chivalry Is as difficult to sup press or Uproot ns la iiincrciii. . iti-juaui-us. The girl let her hand rest In his for a moment, and as their eyes met Bhe saw In hln a truth and honcBty and cleanness which revealed what Therlere might have been had fate ordained his young man hood to different channels. And In that, moment a question sprnng, nil unbidden and unforeseen to her mind; a question which caused her to withdraw her hand quickly from his. nnd which sent a slow crimson to her cheek. Billy Byrne, slouching by, cast a bitter look of hatred upon tho two. Tho fact that ho hod saved Therlere's life had not Increased his love for that gen tlemnn. Ho was still much puzzled to ac count for the ntrango Idiocy that had prompted. him to that act; and two of his fellows had felt tho weight of his mighty fist when they had spoken words of rough prnlso for his heroism. Billy had thought that they wcro kidding him. To Billy the knocking out of Therlere and the subsequent kick which ho had planted In the unconscious man's fnco wcro true Indications of manliness. He gauged such matters by standards purely Grand Ave nuesque. Now It enraged him to see that the girl before whose very eyes he had demon strated his superiority over Therlere should still look with favor upon tho officer. Then the mucker, unseen by tho officers, approached the girl. In his heart were rage and hatred, and as the girl turned at tho STEAMBOATS TRITLE DECK STEAMER QUEEN ANNE Td Riverview Beach flrECIAI REDUCED RATES Adults, 35c Children, 20c ETEBY TIAY EXCEPT SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS BEOUI.AR BATES Adults. 80c I Children, tie Boat Leaves Arch St. Wharf 8:30 A. M. Stopping at Bllllngsport & Chester. Sun.. 0 A.M. SELECT EVENING TRIPS VV THE BEAUTITUIi DELAWARE Every Thnrs., Frl., Bat. and San. Evening Adults, 35c Children, 20c Bast Leaves Arch St. Wharf 8:13 P. 31. ORCHESTRA DANCINO NO LIQUOBS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c STOrPINO AT CHESTER DAILY PENN8GROVE WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boat to Augustlns Beach. Landing In front of (irqve. Safe salt water bathing 300 sanitary bathrooms. DANCINO ALL DAY on boat & grounds, rientj tables, benches und shade. Artesian water. Fare W 50c Children Vo" 25c Leaves Arch St. St. Wharf 8:30 A. M, Dallr. Sunday 0:00 A. M. JA3IE.S E. OTIS. Mrr.. S ARCH STREET REAL- ESTATE TOR SA1E 8TBATHMEBE, N. J. I & CO., Auctioneers fpr Clfcultr, Plin of lots, List of Gifts sound of his step behind her, tfie, saw them mirrored In his dark, acowllngr face. cirArTEB. tiil riIK OPENING IN THE CLIFF. INSTAftTI,Y Barbara Harding looked Into tho face of the mucker she read her dan ger. Why tho man should hate her bo Bhe could not Rtiefts; but that he did was evi denced by the malevolent expression of his surly countenance. For n moment he stood glaring at her, nnd then he ppoko. "I'm wise to wot youso nn' dat guy tras chlnnln' about," ho growled, "an" I'm right here to tell youso dat you don't wantA try nn put notbln' over on me, ee? Youse ain't a goln' to double-cross Billy Byrne. I gotta good notion to han' youse wot's comln to you. If It hadn't been for youse t wouldn't have been here now on dls Gawd-forsaken wreck. Youse 1b de cause pt all do trouble. Wot youse ought to gel li croaked, nn' den dere wouldn't be" notliln' to bother any of us. You an' yer bunch of kale, dey give me n swift pain. Fer half a cent I'd soak you a wallop to the Bolar plextta dat woutd put youse to sleep for de long count, you you " But here words failed Billy. To hla surprise tbs girl showed not tho slightest Indication of fear. Her bend was high, and her level gaze never wavered from his own eyes Presently a sneer of contempt curled her lip. "You coward."' she said quietly. "To In sult and threaten a woman! You aro nothing but an Insufferable bully and cow ardly murdTer. You murdered a man on tho Iritis whose little finger held moro true manhood, bravery nnd worth than the whole of your great hulking carcass. You are only fit to strike from behind, or when your victim Is unsuspecting, as you did Mr Theilcro that other day. Do you think I fear a thing surh as you a beast without honor lhat kicks an unconscious mnn In the face? "I know that you can kill me. I know that jou are coward enough to do It be rauso I am a defenseless woman; but. though you may kill me, you never can mako ine show fear for you. That Is what you wish to do that Is your Idea of man liness "I had never Imagined that such a thing ns you lived In the guise of mnn; but t have read you, Mr. Byrne, since I havo had occal SUMMER HESORTS SWIMMING EVERY DAY '-r GRIFFITH PARK LAKE Lansdowne, Pa. SS.'SSS, Take Subivay-Elevated to 60th street and change there for Lansdowne (a five-minute ndo) or Route Si car to Angora, change for Lansdowne, fare 10 cents, or take Pennsylvania Railroad from Broad street to Lans downe, a 14-minute ride, Fine roads for automobilists. For special plonla rates address GEO. C. CALVERT, Park Superintendent CAI-E MAY. N. J. SEA-GOING FAMILY STEAMER Wilt Issts Arch St. Wharf Bsturdsr. July 22d. 8 P. M.. for CAPB MAY and WILD WOOD, arrlvlnr SUNDAY, 7 A. St. Ileturnlnr. will leave Caps May Sunday, a P. M.. arriving Philadelphia 7 A. M., Monday, This Staunch Family Steamer forrasrly ran betwssn New Tork. Boston and Nova Scotlan points. Sls'plnc accommodations for 000 psn,n- Sori. Every stateroom newly rsturnlshsd. ew linen, nsw bsddtnr. Delightful Night Ride on ntver. Day and Ocsan, landlnc at tba new Cold Bprlnc Harbor o( Itsfuss, Caps May, constructed by tha United States Government at a cost of two millions ot dollars. CAPEMAYH0TEL Hew Modern Fireproof Raort Hotel, directly on thai Ocean CQtUrut-Tram'ilUJtoutAlU-UuiiUUl Wi Smartest of American Beaches IHBaSsKMwMKgEjTHlK fniljnru fr ,.sv n n Erery comfort. rtnctlbathiofbscti laths wails' Deep u sad Inliss fttklof . 8auJs.sltorbatin,CcodaotOJBbUs roads. Calf. Teaaia Direct usia terries NOW OPEN v.. txuitclnr arranremsnts writs or C. A. Wood. Lasses. Hotel IVarrinston. 161 ATLANTIC CITY. N. i. THE LEADING RESORT HOTEL Of THE WORLD IflaTlboroujH'BvnMin ATLANTIC CITY.N. J, OWNERSHIP HANAOCMCNT. JOSIAH WHITE .VSOe43 COMPANY NEW HOTEL MERION '"Sow Vermont A a. near Beach. Capacity S0O. Hllh ilaas. 13.60 up dally. Special weekly. OU PRETTTMAN.Prop. M.L.FAKLBr.MtT. HOTEL GLADSTONE BrUhton Ava . on Beach, Atlantic City. N. 3. (In exclusive residential section.) Under new manaaem't McOroarty A McGroarty. HOTEL ARLINGTON FBJSr- Open all year. H. J. Q3BOKNS A HON. PHILLIPS HOUSE MaaeachusatU Av. and Beach. V. P. PHILLIP Iwu Mtanetfsfandora orierace.comfmj&btouhi 8TONE HABBOB. N. J. STONE HARBOR Both railroads. Parm prodMcta and as .txxl fresh and plentiful. City conveniences, Ts.cht club, boardwalk, batfains. line ftshlse, rrabblns and boating Reasonable rsatili medtrats botsl rate. u- -it nAI LEQlisCa ' trton to notice yon, And f know- now thai yett are what ) known In the groat rttle.s tut mucker The term never meant much to me before, but I se How that It fit your kind perfectly, for In It lfl Ml the lonthln and contempt that ft real mfth--a. kentle man must feet for such he you." As she spoke Billy's eyes narrowed but not with the cunning of premeditated at tack He was thinking. For the first time In his life he vim thinking of how hi appeared In the eyes of another. Never had any human being lot Billy Byrne thus coolly and succinctly what sort of person he seemed to them. Though the mucker thought that he still hated her, the realization came to him that he must not raise a had against her that for tho life of him he could not, nor ever agnln against any other woman. Why this change Billy did not knots' J he simply knew that It waa so. With a grunt he turned his kack upon her and walked away. A slight breeze had risen from tho south west since Therlero had left Barbara Harding, nnd now all hands were busily engaged In completing the jury rigging that the Halfmoon might take advantage of the wind and make the shore that rose abruptly from the bosom bf the ocean three miles away. Before the work was completed the wind Increased rapidly, so that when the tiny bit of canvas was hoisted Into position It bellied brnvely, and the Halfmoon moved heavily forward toward tho land, "We gotta mnke a mighty quick run ot It," said Skipper Slmms to Squlnt-Eya Ward, "or we'Jl go to pieces on them rocks afore ever we find a landing." That wo will If this wind rises much more," replied Ward: "and s far as I can see, there ain't no more chance to make a landing there than there .would be on the side ot a house." And Indeed, ns the Halfmoon ncared the towering cliffs It seemed utterly hopeless that anything but a fly could find a toot hold upon that sheer and rocky face which rose abruptly from the ocean's surface. The crew stood huddled and cursing along tho starboard side nenr the bow. All that could be done two sailors were doing at the wheel under theeprofane direction of Skipper Slmms, while Ward nnd Therlere, with a handful of others, altered the meager aall from time to time In an effort to keep the ship oft the rocks for a few moments longer. , CONTINUED MONDAY SUMMER RESORTS Griffith Park EVERY EVENING Except Sunday Evening) Come and enjoy a cool, refresh ing swim in the largest outdoor swimming pool in the Philadelphia district Rates, providing you bring your own suit, Adults, 25c Children, daily, 15c Children, Sunday, 25c , Suits may be rented at an additional charge of 25c Excellent Tennis Courts and Picnic Grounds The U. S. Government Military Camp at "Runnymedc" (the estate of Anthony J. Drexel) officially opens tomorrow. "Runnymedc Camp" adjoins Griffith Park, so you can visit both places during the afternoon or evening. Refreshments on Sale'at the Park Liquor Positively Prohibited. CAftK MAY. N. J. CAPE MAY Tha Bteamsr will leave Arch St.. Philadel phia, svery Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday at a P. M.. and Capa May every Wednesday. Friday, and Sunday at (130 P. M. Stops En Route Stops will ba made each way at Chester, Fa.. New Castls and Lewes, Delaware. Hound trip fare, 11.60; good to return within 10 daya. A flrst-class restaurant with servlca at modsrata prices. Orchestra. The Management Includes the leadlnc business men and publlo officials of Capa May. Wlldwood and Lewes, whoss purpose, la to cater to family parttsa. They aire assurance tha best ot ordsr and tha atmoaphara of the home will ba maintained A visit of Inspection Is solldtsd while tha steamer la at bar berth. facing Dhona R. D. PAOK, Madison Ara.. N. Y. &f ' N. Y. Tal. t Tal. t770 Murray HIU. BKACII HAVEN. N, J. THE IDEAI. MOTOR BUN TO HOTEL BALDWIN Ths modern hotel. Open all year. Capacity 400. Sea water In all baths. New IVUlirU Garden and Grill. Music, danclnr. tsnnls, tram ahoottne. ate. Qarace. Booklet and auto map mailed Y. MERCER BAIRD. AVILDWOOIlN. J. EDGETON INN ,. -ffl. room, porchsa; noted for excellent Unlet whits asrvlcej throughout; cap, ISO: coach meets trains. Booklet. J. Albert; Harris, Prep, eiTT?T.Tif'VM Entire blnrir Onii ' vu i r.r ??" Hot and cold water. Rooms with bath and an suite. E avatar. Booklet D J. WOOD8. Proprietor? ' HOTEL WAYNE ifg0,Utt Auto meets train. L T. 11ABR1. OCKAN CITY. K. J. ST. CHARLES 5" 8t?M?. ctv furnUhod fe fnov4UI. - " - i m ucetn jk.vt -AVtUL srLaa. Kow ujfvffi Harrlx. .POCOXO UOUKTiUXS I) a U war Watm- Gap, la. THE NEW KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATEK CJAP. PA, Only hlih-clssi modern hotil la tnia fatou reston. Captsltr uWL Sssrr W04in cejutp. tnsnt. eaceptfoual eulatfl Flench casts OrssM tra Coif, tennis oahlur. etc Os'- aril gri I CUrait Special oartr esoo ra'.si. fcfekV. airf auto maps mailed Coaches rniet train. JOKM Pl'RDT COPE, lOrsara f Wattr a Us. SWAETUMOSK. PA. Strath Haven tau,,.. - 'sf3$rf iiSaM''Pp -ffir-'M KV ' . 11 ta "-I il 4 i -i 5 I i i