if EVENING LfiDaElPHILADELPHlA, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1916. reAi, estate ro. sale Con flaunt tram rrtecitno Pate. WKST PHILADELPHIA ON TUB SOUTH 8IDB OF VINK ST.. between Roth and !0th ats., within 3, minutes of the elevated station, la located ft beautiful rowfof modern two-story porch nd terrace front homes of ft "no decidedly different'' character from the ordinary that the story of then houses will be of peculiar Interest to the truly Intelligent home buyer. They were built of the finest quality m terlal by one of Philadelphia's lesdlnir build ers, whose only fault was thst he rut such honest value In his work that there was little profit lelt over. Thy were purchased by an Investor when material and wages wero at rock bottom. Through force of circumstances he must sell at less than cost. Think of the unlnue opportunity, now that material! and wage are at top prices. These houses nro not designed to make an appeal to every one To those who want lln 1 Instead of irood metal, shine and polish in stesd.of solid construction, they will make no appeal, thrt Ann Fon TIIR MAN WltO KNOWS charactur or construction and MBAtj KSTATH VALUKB THROUQH AND TllnoUCIH. WHO IB LOOKING FOR A MOD ERN homk, in Tiin bf.st sknsh of tiir word, with n rooms, not countino tjib nnoni'TioN iiau, bathroom oit LAUNDRY, A HOMR WHICH WILL BB AB OOOD Oil BETTER 10 YEARS HENCE THAN TODAY. Since our first advertisement about four weeks ara we sold eight of these houses to homohuyers (a house must be wonderfully good to sell In this weather), There are Just four left net week thero may be none then your chance Is gone for, good and all, !rhy will be sold for IH000 splece and for as Ittle as 1100 rash, with terms made to suit or balance. Just think of Itl ftitmnt bntffte Nn R09.9. Vine at., toll! be open day and evening, and we should like very one who la In the market for a home to come out and examine without delay. Wo truly feel that this Is an unusual oppor tunity. NORMAN S, BHEnWOOD 1411 Walnut street. Bpruce 0071. Race 3029. ntrr on thr not; r.nvAnp , ., 86TH HT.'AROVn liANSDOWNU AVB. The very best construction. .. . . .UNnaUALBD AT linou Up to date In every particular, Including hard wood floors throughout, JA8. C. UNRURO, Ilullder. BIG BARGAIN 002 B. I0TH BT. n-sToiiY brick dwelling .. 10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS i LOT 2,1x110 CHAS. W. MILLER 401-407 COMMONWBALTH BUILDINQ, NINB bold in a WEKTC ., 70TII AND PASCHALL AVE. , 11 BLOCK 8. OF WOODLAND AVE. Lowest-priced homes In West Phlla.r Is test features and convs.j sample house fully turn. . 18100 R rooms, hot-watcr heat, gas and elec trio lights! parquetry floors, shower bath, iras kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER BHth and Hsdfleld sts. 6FRUCE ST. NBAIl 40TH Recently built by MeUger & Floldi fourth floor finished! 3 bathst perfect condition! anxious to sell and move to New York! any reasonable oner con sldered. TAYLOR & HON. 21 and 311 B. 40th. BEND TOR LIHT HAI.B OR MINT ju;i, m. it,iuii fi2l and Baltimore avo. 1'OTTS A TOWNSKND . WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 41101 IIALTIMORi: AVE. T1IOMAH AVB. HOMBN. 3d to r.4th sts. Prices iai',00. Agent on promises. B. It. AFSLF.Y. BHth and Springfield avo. . OURMANTOWN Modern Germantown Homes Most attractive and complete list of prop erties for sale or rent In all sections of Ocr mnntown: Pennn. nnd Rending roads; automo bile service to mnko Inspections. Bend for selected lists, A few bargains, SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKLIN TIK. RLDO . BROAD & .CHEST; Stone Residence and Half Acre Attractively planned: 4 baths, showers nnd lavatory; i open flreplnceas parquetry floors: Inclosed porch I nwnlngs and screens for entire house: beautiful outlook l photos with us, WM, H. WILSON &. CO. SI,n0IS GERMANTOWN HOMES SALE Oil RRNT Advise us of your requirements, Selected list upon request. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MonniB ni.DO.) 1121 CHESTNUT BT. Walnut Lane and Baynton St. Modern, attractlvo lO.room house. Just com pleteui 1 block from Oermanlown nve, and new Germantown High School; moderate price, convenient terms. Pnono Oermantawn liOlOj "URRMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL SECURE OUR REVISED HALE LIST U. n. LlHTi.il. nui- uermnmown ave. OUR REAL ESTATB UHLLETN will be sent lO yOU Dy limn ui H'pi(v.Mfc,uii, viorniMiiiUTTIt Trust Co.. Chelten anu Oermantown aves. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO TOR A HOME In Usr. mnntown. Mt, Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult ins. A. 11. Meehan. 0747 Oermanlown ave. CHOICE HOMES, Tulnenocken st. east of Oer mantown ave. J. If, CHADWICK t CO., 00X2 uermantown ft,ve. SEVERAL aCRMANTOWN HOU8ES,at attrar tlve prices. JIauran. Dolman & Co., N, B. cor. hroad nnd Chestnut. alt. Airy. Germantown NEW BALE AND RENT LLST HEADY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill, PEI.MAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Oermanlown av. Chestnut Hill DEBinAllLE PROPBRTIE3 Oermantown. Chestnut Hill, Main Line. WARNOCK & EJILEN Commercial Trust llulldlnc, 8BVERAL DES1RAI1LK PROPERTIES JHNTl'RN T. WRIOHT CO. Morris Building I.ogan BTOHB3. DWELLINGS AND APAUTMENTS Tor Bale or Ttent In Best Sections of Loian. WM. D. CHAMBBna.. 4M3 N. Broad t. Tlora 8107 N. 15TII 1 STORIEH, PORCH FBONT nnuiii I tir i t intl LI TAULANE, uUu'wALrUT8T. WIS HAVE TUB HOUSK TOU WANT IN Tl rfnriA nn i.onAIsr. KENNEDY & ItAMUO, 3740 OURMANTOWN. CORNER PROPERTY NEAR STATION 12 rooms. 2 baths; lot 23x22.1 Low price. C. '. l'BTBRB A BON. 0 CHESTNUT BT, Olney 12400 Two story. 0 rooms and bath, shed, stone porch, laundry, water meter, paved street, a. real horns that will cost you less than rent. Small amount of rash needed. KUIIN as IOWEHY, Bth A Rockland sts. Open Sunday. PENNSYLVANIA SUBCrtBAN BETItAYHES Beautifully located lot. 12S0 square feet; high ground; low price; easy terms; two -stations; S-cent fare. vtmiw.. iiiM.n inn in 6H0OKLINK Brand new. djt, dwlss., 7r b.. water heat, eleclr.) S0xl23: 13S30; only t30 caan renuireqi win sicninii. J. euieu WATTS, opp. Brookllne Btn. CHESTNUT HILL Stone Colonial house and raraz In excen tlonal neighborhood! 12 rooms, a baths; lot 125 feet front. Near Fsnna. 11. It. station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ CYNWTD Attractive small house; Ilvlnjr room, den, dining room, pantry, kitchen, S chambers and balhi lot SOxlS; all modern conveniences, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE UUILDINO DARBY Ask for suburban sale lists. All part Delaware county, Detacbsd and seml-detach d. Large lots. Swop A Sons, Darby. ELKINS PARK New single dwelling. 10 rooms; hot-water heat; prce J6S00. McCormlck A Ma- Cormlck, 1011 Chestnut st, and Elklns Park. tX.tatUU HOMES and bulMlnr sites, every ... . ' -p. nENNlNQElt A ItENNiNQEIt, L, " I EXEDIA. PA. Handsome residence. 21 S. Orange at, t exceptionally attractive lawn: near X U. R. station apd fast line trolley to 69th t, terminal, price much below original cost; srilta for Illustrated description, James p. Middle 1211 Arch St., Philadelphia; fNLLYN DISTRICT Details on request con- rng profit titer farm, with postolllce on 'ounas; new stone nouss, a Dams; narawooa s. nrspiaces. also colonial stone noun. i &nd flreDiacasi charactsr of soil unsxcuLi fjUe.: beau, view, old shads trees; SH-acre lira, shrub, sla. It. J. pager. Inc., Ambler, Pa. Bydal Country Seat, 5 Acres Stone Colonial house, IS room and 6 batbs, large garags; commands fin view of Huntingdon Valley. HERKNESS & STETSON - LAND TITLE BUILDINQ TSWAUTUMORB 11000. 12S0O CAN REMAIN lu-ruom frame bouse mudern convenience, kit S3 lap, near station and trolley. c v PiSfgns a son awcuaaTNUT st REAI. .ESTATE JOR JAL! . rfeNNSVLYANIA SUBURBAN ConffrtttfA" rem Precetlno Column Uniiaual Country Home With alt the conveniences of the city. We can offer ou the Birch farm of 08 acres, with in 40 minutes' ride of city Hall ,by train or auto: Rood roads, good train service! well lo cated! new stone Colonial house, heated by hot water and llRhted by electricity; house contains reception, living, dining1, blllntrd rooms and lnclosd porch: 3 baths, B chambers: garage with 8 rooms; old stone farmhouse, with all conveniences, and other farm buildings! every thing In perfect order; automatic Baceo eleo trie water sjstem to nil buildings. WM. H. WILSON & CO. gg Beautiful Country PJaco Stone and shingle residence, situate, on knoll sloping to south; 18 rooms, 3 bathsi electricity; Rprlngneld water: enrage, roirchmsn's house with 3 rooms; In acres of beautifully shaded lawn: owner will sell on agreeable terms or rent furnished for summer season. Photos. WM. II. WILSON & CO. ; Suburban Home in City 14-room detached. house! T chambers, bath) fast artesian welt; also city water; lot B4x 4(1 see photograph at our office. WM. II. WILSON & CO. ?&" COUNTRT PLACE 10 acres! targe- house, porch, stable, old shade, woodland, spring and abundance of fruit; 0 miles from City Hall. i- n-ri. Ledger Ofnce, CllUICn IIIIII.DTNII S1TRS ARTHUR P. TOWNHBND, T.anghorne. Pa. BUUUItllAN HOMES FOR RALB OR RENT WENDELL A MABSRY neal Estate Trust Building. . BUUUHI1AN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue. linoWN A CLOU D. Norrlstown, . r. MOTOR out or take train or trolley to North Olenslde. Desirable lots at attractive prices ...W. O-.tllenn,, 1481Land TUIe Bldg. , . NEAR LAN8DALR 40'acres, good atone hldgs., splendid soil, stream, timber; very cheap at . $.1000. A. It. tYBON. I.ansJale, Pa. Suburban Iits QUAnTRU ACBE, B-cent fare from 89th st.l gas, water; modern houses; $10 down, $10 monthly; no taxes, no Interest. F 204, Ledger Central, , . main unb. r. n. n. BnYN MAWn Exceptional, opportunity nl Ilryn Mawr. Handsome Colonial house: 10 rooms, 4 baths; largo stshle; 1H acres of ground; exception ally located near station. Tull particulars from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ DEVON Handsome country place. Stone house, IB rooms 3 baths; modern stable and garage: chicken house; all kinds of fruit and shade trees: 0 acres high ground. Worth Investi gation, ns price will be made attractive foi quick sale. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ HAVBRKORD NEW STONE HOUSE Desirably located near Merlon Oolf Ctub. at Haverford; 18 rooms, 4 baths, 8 chambers; hot-water heat, electric lights. seeral open fireplaces; girnge, 3 cars, rooms for men; beautiful outlook; about 2 acres of ground! prlco moderate. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDINQ MERION Attractive stono residence and garage: 17 rooms, 3 baths; billiard room: electric light; hot-water heat; 2 acres or less cround may bo purchased; near station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ MERION North side, at a bargain, $7000: 0 bedrooms: beautiful location and surroundings, Q. M. Handle. 21 S. 12thj NAnilERTH Now building. 11 rooms; hard wood floors; 2 baths: forest trees; garage; price 57300. Harbert A Cloghorn. 204 Bailey Bldg. OVERBROOK HOMES A targe and complete list of properties In Overbrook for sale at prices from $6500 up ward; several bargains; also complete rent list. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. fMonnia nr.Dfi.) 1421 chestnut st. BOSEMONT Fine Colonial residence, with 2U seres; house has 14 rooms, 3 baths; attractive grounds, convenient to station: In good loca tion. Further information from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ WAYNE. PA, Country home, 11 rooms, all conveniences, gas kitchen; good location; lot 113x230. 18000. J. M. Fronefleld, Wayne. Pennsylvania. 8UUURDAN HOMES, country places and build ing sites to suit all requirements; Main Llns. H. C. HUNTER. Wayne, Pa. LAROK HOUSE, N. W. cor. Montgomery and Ilrookhurat aves.. Narberth. 500x100: $12 000. WALTER B. SMITH. 0002 Drexol roadJ NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN BEVERLY NnAH THn nivEfi xxj v xjivu x )4 n00MS Steam heat: chicken h.: old shade, fruit: photo. c, i'. peters a bon. h0r chestnut st. haddSnfield nearly half acre 11-ronm modern house: $4S.10. to sell quick. PETERS k 8ON;fl08 CHESTNUT ST.. I'hlla. TWO ACRES of fruit nnd shade, near station. SO minutes out In New Jersey; large old stono house, with modern bath and gas; $4000. easy terms. Arthur lloswell, 233 North 13th. Phlla. LIPPINrOTT AOTS AND HOMES HADDON HlilOIITS. N. J, wilui i-iri'jri.iri i' LAROB- PLOTS A HOMER. IIIOII ELKVATIOrJ Cheap., folder. L.BNOOIC. Woodbury Hgts..N.J. NEW JKRSBY SKABHOKE WILDWOOD. N. J. 210 E. 23th St.. summer and winter cottage for sale, fully furnished. In best residential section; can be purchased on easy terms; modern In ever respect; open for Inspection. JAMES D WINCiIelL. N. W. cor. 17lh and gansom. WILDWOOD Two lots gtven away at Wlldwood Crest. Call st office on grounds for Informa tion wii,uvvmiL uitresr ukalti uu. COTTAOB at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction! attractive plans sub mitted free by the reliable builder. OTIS It TOWNSEND Oceajl City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Picturesque Farm of 104 Acres IS miles from City. Hall; stone Colonial house, surrounded by old shade; stone tenant house; apple orchard: woods and meadows; high elevation: Vi mile railroad atatlom an excellent farm, with wild, picturesque scenery! one stream upon the property large enough for boating and swimming; near golf and hunt clubs. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINQ $4e00-rS0-ACRB FARM Close to stone road. Hi mile from sta.i fi from'Downlngtown: stone house; complete farm buildings. Including 3 poultry houses; CO fruit trees; 4 acres timber; soil a good loam, pro ductive and well watered Bee catalog. C. 1'. PETERS A 8ON.e0SClIE8TNyTSTs. 10R ACRES Two housee,large barn: fruit; on Doyleatown and Baston trolley line! If you are Interested In a farm, we will be glad to take you and prove to you that this Is a bargain, ItOOOENTINE'S. B830 Germantown ave. NEW JERSEY JAltMS ONB-ACnB FARMS, nearest to Polls, train and trolley. Wrte for pamphlet, ' BABLOW A CO.. Maple Shade. N.,J. K. E. SALE OK EXCHANGE 451 E. WALNUT LANE. QTN. Modern 2-sty. porch A terrace front dwelling; fine for home buyer. Will consider good Investment houses. CHAU. L. BROWN A CO., 217 8. Broad st. RHAIi ESTATE. TO EXCHANOE WE MAlCB A SPECIALTY of exchanging what you have for what you want. KERSHAW A CItOWL, 5215 Chestnut. WILL UXCHANOB $10 000 nret mortgage on asashors property for West Philadelphia prop erty. Townsead. 1503 Arch st. BEAT, ESTATE -WANTED WE HAVB FACILITIES for taking car of real estsie in aii iti ortacnti. t.rerui iiua- 1101 to 23.000 square feet! we prefer railroad sld: Ing, but not absolutely necessary; .detail by mau. piease, uuai uav yuu u iv iL,juil3, 823 B. Bth. (CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection ot rent; real estate sold, mortgages placsd, AATHUn BdsWECLT 233 N. 18th st. RENTS AND. INTEREST l .JR. 1 ' ; ' i l ' r T COLLECTED, mort ice placed quickly. Bet Hf. 2a28-asker t. gage ana nre iDsuraac KANB for prompt resull IF YOUR REAL ESTATB Is rot paying. ,ro will furnib the money la rebuild or comert It into . bullalnz suitable tor the location and quickly put It GO ,' paying basis. MEllSHON BROTHERa 333 Land Title UlUUJcj. A a given to collection ox rents, leasing ana BSliing, ana caring lur estates, inquire QUAJtANTEBTRU8 3Ay DEPOSIT CO. 810-318-820 Chestnut st. wn wish REAti ESTATE JTOR BENT CITY $182129 WALDEN (below 12th and Arch. 8 (ooms. conveniences, , . .... , .,,.. 14 2S1B Hamilton (above 23lh and Vine). 7 rooms, rango, gasi large yard to alley; newly Itreredr one square to Park,. ..... Jlft and $10 Central; 0 and room houses; AimOTfEBTATB. N.E. cor. Broad arid Bace. 1107 NEVADA ST.. fl rooms. ....... 'i-"'Mi 2S04 B. York, 2-story frame, about Br.i. 17 032 N. 4(!th. 2-story, porch. 8 rooms, ..... 10 TllB LAND TITtE AND TRUBT CO, Broad and Chestnut sts , Philadelphia, Trust Department. 118 N, 19TH 15 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat, laundry tubs, etp.i suit doctor' office nd apartments. . . .... , J. A. PATTERSON. 130 B. loth st. 42 N. STlt ST.--Second and third floors: former ly ied as it ladles' tailoring establishment! rood location I rent reasonable. .,,.. niNQE A 11INUB. 020 Chestnut St. srnucE ICE ST. -1012. I32n. 1703, .1700. 2120, 8. 2131. btOfl. 2424. 3017, 4059, 4000. BDOAU P. CROS3, 1111 Walnut St. ZIJH, . Bnslnna Properties nnd Stores. STORES flOT Arch st. 80S Chestnut 001 Walnut 1 110 Walnut 114 H, ilth 9A1 f0a. 1204 Walnut ..v. ...,; , . . -- - . -j-j:- .. 1X17 waimu J. A. l'ATTKHPUi au wnmn nun m, tAnK.T"BTRi3BT. S2 Entire building to rean streetl lot 28.8x2001 Immediate possession. Apply t'anna, I'o.. mi .-nesmmet. A T-lMn r-ntlMlll flTnnn FOR DBLIOATBSSBN AND OROCERT SEE fATTIIAB ABOUT IT 1 1 N. nP BT. STORE AND FIXTURES, 4022 Market nnd near I. station: rent $27, . ... ..... JAMBS N. MITCHELL. 40th and Market. 8TORB AND BABEMBNT, 000 Chestnut St.. 30xllSi large wlndoyj whole store or will divide. LEA BSTATBfl, 700 Bsnsom st, Farlerles, Warelionses, aife. floors AnCH AND 23D STREETS N. B. CORN Ell " 14,000 SQ FEET IN MODBnN, FACTORY Steam and electric power. .2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic, sprinklers, watchman, n. It. sidings, extra targe windows nnd high ceilings. Owner management. Apply Q. P, PILt.INO A. SON CO. 1214 ARCH STREET New. modern fireproof, building, suitable for light manufacturing; elevator; steam heat, electric light. , The Land Title & Trust Co. BROAD AND CHESTNUT BTS. VERY DBS IR ABLE TACTORY, 1211-1223 Noble St., 0.1,00(1 stf ft. with It. R. siding for 3 rare: also 1218.1222 Hamilton St.: BOOO sq. ft.; exceptionally low rent. Apply to TARnOW A VAN TELT 17lh and. Chestnut sts. LOW RENT Broad above Cumberland, manu facturing space In tho modern nreproof Wright Building, near North Philadelphia and Hunt ingdon Bt. Stations and freight yards. WORRELL. B.ir. North 17th. Cohocksink Mills l:VDcI.0- Floors. toNl?fc000 sq.7ft. hepow.r. Metropolitan Building n?&A,3,A.cN3D s;7oAVnoro:')I?AtBnI?hn,0l47aN;tio'hh,: 40.000 SQ FT. FLOOR 8PACB In building with modern equipment, railroad siding; subpost ofllcei low Insurance Apply C. J Milne A Sons. NE.cor.i 1th and Washlngtonjjfe 110Slf07 8PRINo"aARDEN"sT , entire, build ing. 3 floors, suitable for light manufacturing, storage or Hiitnmolille aiipnlles; about 7B00 sq, ft. MUIIAFFBR. 1104 Sprlnr (larden st. MKnuiIANTS' IIUILDINQ It fVil,IJ. -1 , . I ,1111,.,,. Deslrsble rooms, power and light,, 20.000 SQUARE FEET eentrHl section, wim subsinniini nuuoing, very inw rrni, DIBTRICH. 737 Walnut st. FACTORIES, sites, warehouses, floor space ex clusively. J. Alsn Mld'tleinn, factory specialist anrtencIncernoa:ilWUlenerBldgI,hllai B2 N. "7TII 4-story brick building, 20x100: steam hented, WORRELL. B33 N. 17th. Wanted WANTED WAREHOUSE op Water at. or vi cinity, from Vl.io to Queen st. A 17. Ledger Ofllce. RF.NTAI. LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY ,., For Insurances oti Lives A Granting Annuities. B17 Chestnut st. Both phones. 24S B.lRth.inr.J2n,R4 300 S. 13th.lflr.$lS0 00 2K1 s. 22d. Siir.ir.o.no 4IR S.Broad.2,1r 137. BJ 2020 locust lSr.U'.i.oo 420 H.Broad.lOr ino.Ofl 14.10 Tine, inr ..lns.H1 1 I2H N. ldth. Mr. 70.no lOir. Oreen. 17r.. 7B.0OH321 nirnrd. llr.. r.O.nn MlHJ'Jna. lOr... i!(.ft7' 1001 Poplar, 13r. 47.BO 12.11 B.Broad.lflr BO. 001 :us H. 3d. Mr. . r.n.ni in2Oreen. 13r.. nn.nnilfill (lreen. llr.. BO.On IS N, loth. 12r 47.BOI 1022 Oxford, llr. 43.00 2222 Pine. lOr... 4B.nol 123 N. 21st,10r., 823 Rsce. l.lr.. 4B.0O 2 baths... 42 80 1B.13N, 17th, llr 4B.0O 137 N. 20th. 12r. 42.BO Mil Master. 13r 41.07 327 N. Bth. Mr.. 41.07 173B N. 18th, Iflr 40.no mo N, 8lh. Mr.. 88.00 781 Corin'n, llr 37.BOI 1714 Oxford, llr. 3T.B0 17.10 N. inth. I2r s.i.ooi r,28 H. -uii. llr,. 32.nn 1717 N. Mth. Or. Rn.(iQ2n22 N. Ilth. llr Mon 121BN, 1.1th. )r. 28.00(2531 Colu'bla. llr 28.00 !! W.Sharpnnck. llrl 1418 Wharton. Or28.no 2131 Master, llr 2.1.00 020 Filrm't. Or. 2B.00 2141 N. 11th. llr. 21.00! 44n N. lth. 10r.. 25.00 B17N Mlh, Or. 2.1.001 Jiiir, N. :,th. Dr.. 24.00 107N.Camac, r 22.00 f!20 N. loth, lOr. 21.00 720 New Mkt fir yt.nnl tn M rrblln. dr. "2.00 S220 Ilalnbrl'e.Or 20.0012010 N. Jesiup.Hr 20.00 Mill lleed. If. o.uoi ill I i.atlmcr, r su.iiu 18,00(1411 N rnmsp nr 18.90 18.00 1030 N.VnnPelt,7r 18 00 lll.ool 1)10 S. 2d. 7r... 18.011 14.M Ktllex 7r... B14 Parrlah, Br. 023 Fairm't. Br. 180HN.ltlnglH.Or ' o.iiinuin.ur jik.uui lid i ionn. or. , , j.,.u, 3 Levd'a ct. lip innniinni !.,mnn. 7r. . 1.1.00 033Nect'lne. 5r 10.0flll781 N.U'cli'd. Rr IB. 00 181 W Cumb'd.7r 18.00 .. ..WEST PHILADELPHIA. 84inPowel'n.!!r.J4.1.nni 7M N. 4itth. I1r.$11.00 42lRoirard. Mr. ai.nni 431 N. 33d, 13r. 3B.no 3843 Sp. Odn. 1 Or 2.1.001 37S1 Brown. Or.. IR.nn 800 N, May. 8r. 10 OW4718 Olrard. Ur.. 10.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS. 221 B. 10th I2r.f7n.ini i.oo Poplar. I0r..f II 07 ..12 N. 2d. 8r., 41.071 2.11 N. 2d. IBr. . 40.00 1012 Oxford, llr. .lO.no'.HMil Parrlah, llr. 30.00 100.1 Falrm't. Or 21.00' jnio N. 20lh. lOr 27.B0 5!8 W.Norrls.Or 2.1.001 724 N, Front. llr 2K.on B18 N. 8d, 8r.. 2B.no 211 B Illdge. llr.. 2.1.011 417 Oreen, 7r.. 22.001 S3t B. 2d. Or.... 23.00 2328 N.C'rilsle.Tr 20.nn' 12.1 W. Oxford.Or 21 00 120 South, 4r... 20,nin 021 S. 2d. 8r.... 20.00 120t.it s. 2d, Br. 18 nni2.r.("t Ambler. Or.. 20.00 204 Wharton. Br 10.0011120 a. 2d. Br.,.. 18.00 SAMUEL T. FOX A CO. 8. E. COR. OTH AND CALLOWHILL STS. snniiRH 028 Commerce at., etore nnd 3 floors JB0.00 262 N. Ilth st., lame store 43.00 11 N fllh Ian. mtnrm MA, ,,,,k "... IS .w., wu4 v uoeri er en er.. .1 nonrs ... .......... O.I-11. co .Kir. nn'pftivhD .ft Moore 30.00 1407 Cumberland. Or. an! store, con vs., .$ in. on BOO N. Oth, m rooms and store .10.00 .341 N.Oth. 0 rooms IB.oc 1100 Fatrmount. store and 1 room 10.00 ,. . ULl.t U 1UUI1IB Fatrmount. store and 1 room DWBLLINOS ,fo.nn , 08.00 , no.no , bo.oo , no.oo , 28.00 ,...17 OtO Norrls it rooms, convenience! 1131 Diamond. Mr $,'0 2B1B Fall-mount. Or. 2,1 32riil Bansnm lOr... 23 005 Wood. Or...... 2,1 818 New Market Or 30 !iliN!,or?K0.n.',.!u'r:,8 .run reroi, ir.., 241 (leorgs, Or. n 2.d:i 1; llunt'n. 8r.. 10 UrJt iP'O' 1v 15 .1.10 N. Dar en. 7r.. JR ui i .ininn. or . fieinn, or 1207 Myrtle.. Or. in ia 043 N, Lawrence, 7r 17 m iteese. ur , TIOOA 1814 Ontario 12 rooms i-.j.-40j!J5 Desirable housekeeolng BDartments. S40 to 30 per montn. janitor on premises. nUILDINO, N. W. cor. 10th and Ingersoll, Htahle 10th and Ineersoll $no 8703 Baring Iiu 11 B. 43d 20 1011 rumen 2.1 1023 Ingersoll 14 4200 Westminster av 13 820 Indiana mn liniiv . . in . . 12 nil) catnanne ...... a A LFRED H. WILLIAMS, 622 Wal nut at. OrFirEH. IIUS1NF.S3 ROOMS KTO. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET ARCHITECT'S OFFICES 1100 sq. ft. Excellent north light. Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. DREXBL ULDO, OFFICES. Annual Rentals, single nms. J120. $1B0. 223. 1300,1430.13.10, Eult.s 2 Ilms., $144. $130,ll7a,200.$22.$230, Suite 3 Km... I273.$400.i430.IS()0.$S0O.i7S0, Corner Suites, 3 to 8 roams. $300 to 111)50. r.Ll.lct li. wii.ijiajio. ow urexsi nuiiaing. SEVERAL I1EHIRAIILB OFFICES. fllNOLB AND KN BUITB: Af.SO FLOOR IN A NEW wrinRHN IHMI.IMN'n. JAMES D WINCHBLT. N. W. COR. 17TH AND BANSOM BTS. HEED RUILDINO 1311-17 Filbert st. Centrally located: all conveniences; rsnt at tractively lowi ssrvlce continuous MERCHANTS' nUILDINO 44 NUI1 til 4TII STREET Very desirable offices: heat and light. 1700 WALNUT ST, Desirable offices for physl clans, etc.; heat. light and Janitor service furn. Apply The Penna. Co.. 617 Chestnut st. LOCUST. 1416 Larg second-floor from room. sultsble for office or any kind of business. Desk Room DESK ROOM, stenographer ssrvlce xnd tele. phonej centrally located. Apply to ALBERT B. MILLS. West End Trust Building. WEST J-HILADELl'UH Beautiful Cheater Ave. Section 1110 B 46th St.. 13-room hotlse. 2 batbs; gas and eltctrlo lights, newly papered: semide tached; rent $30. Inducement for Immediate occupation. Key 2119 Land Title Building anaaaenis BBRlfAN BROS.. 6010 MARKET- NearSuTH BT. "L" STATldN ror repc or sale. S. BID ST. Kin 3 sty. dwg.. large porch: rent t30. CHESTER OSBORNE. 1824 Chetnut st OKKMANTOWN msTACHBD, dwelllo. T5 room. 2 Eat57 rtf h. TOUH13QN. 7014 Borer t . atO; f 30 DWELL1NG3. 11 ROOMS-" Snd for lAst Continental Equitable Truso 21 12th. OBRMANTOWN PROPBRTIES. 0 upward. 2,13 fl. Mth. 13 rooms. I baths J 714 N. Franklin. 13 rooms, all con vs... 71.1 Master. 12 rooms, conveniences,..,. 120 N. Broad, 12 rooms, conveniences.,. Bin Marshall. 12 rooms MULN & CO.. N, . icsrocr Bro4 i4 Chestnut. .REAI, ESTATE TOIt BENT . .. ClCnSfANTOWN Cenflnued trim Prteedlna Column 1829 K, PRICB AT. 0 rooms, jit. modern con veniences; norch front; rent 18 per month. Key at 1310 B. Price St. IOgan TWO-STORT APAnTMBNT. B01S North Broad St.. at the corner of Wlndrlm st , directly op posite Logan Station, Reading Rallroadi Con venient to trolleys on Tork road. Second floor, living room, dining room nnd kitchen: third floor, three rooms and bath. Mot desirable and convenient location. Rent $32.00 per month. OURMANTOWN TRUST COMPANT Logan Branch, 601B North Broad st. BROAD ST, 4818 NORTH 37x84: modern de Inched, roreh-froht dwelling: 11 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat: $.10 J. T JACKSON COMPANY. Chestnut nnd 13th. Tlogn 8700 N. HROAD ST. a-story. modern, porch. front dwelling, 34 rooms. iUllltl 1'llll.A. '1 PHILA. TRU8T CO. Broad and Brie aye.. PENNSYLVANIA SIJIUlRtlAN BROOKLINB Brand new, det. dwtgs., 7r,.A.b.. water hest. electr. : large lots: J .10. GO, $28 BO UPj J. BLMBR WATTS, opp. Brookllne 8tn. CYNWTD DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT AT BALA AND CYNW.YD Let Us Know Your Requirements SAMTircr, n. warnrr. jr. ... Snl PALA AVB , rYNWTD. . AND COMMBRt'IAL TTIUST Bfll.DINfl, 11-rii yitt u.int.'i'.T bx.q M01I.AN Altrsrttia country residence nt.Mny Inn, .Rose Vallev, ample shade nnd lawn, nhout B acres, house stands on high eleva tion commanding extensive views: has 10 light, etc. . chauffeur' dwelling, with garage attached: rent $1000 per annum. Whiteside A- lt.t..n.l,.n IK.h A n.1 TUnn . A Mct.anah Bth and Tine sts. OWNER wilt rent very desirable suburban 12 room dwelling: electricity, gas. hsrdwood floors, etc : old shade: near station,. Reading road: $00 per month to responsible party. B DBS, Ledker Central. MAIN I.INi:. P. It. R. ARDMORB LARGE LIST OF RESIDENCES FOR SALE, ALSO Furnished and Unfurniahed HOUSES FOR RENT ON MAIN LINE P. R. R. LET US KNOW TOUR REQUIREMENTS SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING. MTH AND MARKET (ITS, BT. DAVID'S Stone Colonial Residence 18 rooms, 8 baths, electric light! steam heat: ' rarnueiry floors, stono gurngo for -I cars, with I) rooms and bath on 2d floor: nnn ncro: beau tirul high situation near station, moderate rent. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IIUII.DINO SO ST. PAUL'S ROAD, Ardmore. 12 rooms, $60. WALTER UASSBTT SMITH. 0100 Woodbine ave.. Overbrook. NEW JERSEY Sn.iI10RE SEASIDE PARK, N. J 10. room cottage, fur nished; near ocean, central good, boating and flsnlng. Wclckhan, 3110 Market. iTOB RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN MT. TOCONO Furnished ottaite, best location, cheap for season. Box 32, Mount l'oconu. NEW JERSEY SEASIIflRE AVALON On beach: finest view, coolest corner: 7 bedrooms. 2 batbs, aleeplng porch, laundry: $.100 until I.nbor Day. Walter Smith. Avnlon, MORTGAGES TO SBCURB A MORTOAOB Be It first or second If you desire efficient service, quick nnd satisfactory results and moderate charges CALL. PHONB OR WRITE TO US "Tour mortgage will be an good ns placed." NORMAN, B. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms of rnrs or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND BPRINO OARLBN WB ARB PLAflNtl first and second mortgages for others, giving cxcolltt service anil uulck results. May wo plnco yours? Try us now. SMULLEN & BARRY rRANKLIN UK. tILDO . nitOAD & CHE8T $50 100' 200 T0 $5000 Mortgages or note, real estate security; pay- amo ensy terms, sruieincni same u.iy LEWIS & CO. 1227 W OIRARD AVENUE BIOItT III.DO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION1 WITH PLENTY OF MONEY FOR 18TV 2D AND SPLIT MORTOAOEfl IN ANY BEOTION OF TUB CITY NO PREMIUM CHARCIES. WILLIAM JAMES KBOOII BOO LAND TITLE IIUII.DINO flt TO $2000 To loan on rent estate anrurlty; Immediate settlement: pavsble a desired. " EDW. M. MOLL 13J S. 12TII BT. FIRST and second mortgage money: also ad vance money for garages and building opera tions. L 717. Ledger Olllce. MODERATE C1IAROES PROMIT ANSWERS FUNDS FOR n-s AND.'DIORTQAOBS B22 N. AMERICAN IIUILDINQ XinRTOAOEB SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMIIAUOH & PARKER. INC. 1131 WALNUT ST. FIRST AND HUONI MOJtTOAaE FUNDS SUCCESSOR. TO .LEWIS H. REDNER 727 Walnut st. IIOMHV Mil MOIITOAOI'S . LAROB AND BMAI.L SUMS QI'irK ANSWERS W. H HOOD B12 W. NORRIS BT. FUNDS for first snd second mortgages. u" j. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. $100,000 TO INVEST In nrst mortgages, In sums from $1000 up: nlso bulldlns association money mr - mui '.", O. C. BKIDBf. CO.. 1th anf Callowhlll at wniTRRIJ, FU??.D.?.?!:0IlF'nsT AND , a N-?fMO"TOAQC3 I HAVE FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES ival .,,... o.i. u,,u u.w .alio. "TRUBT FUNDS FOR FIRST .liORTOAOU 1 HERKNEBS k STETBON LAND 'llll.H HIIII.UI.NO PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS $1000 tn $3t 000 J.EDWARpLUTZl240 N, 17th st. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 3D MORTQAQE "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTQAQES yvr.1 Aiiiu.i POTTS ft THOMSON, 2B2I Frank ford ave. "FUNDS TOR 1ST AND 2D MORTaAOES""" MORTOAOES FOIt SALE TIIEO. Tl. NICICI.CB, 2.113 Oennsntown ave. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13T1I ST, MONEY FOR MORTOAQES iiiiini iu eiuu.uuii JACOB A. FR1TZ,11108 Land TltleBldg. Atb AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quick answer. MAURICE It JaTBINOER. Rl. Est-JTr. Bd. ""SONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES " T. A. RE13DJNO & SON TOK WALNUT ST7 8203 SPRUCE BTV AMrSUM ANY AMOItN'T Placed st Once, Lowest Ratei. 3i' DEIrANlfU; LlncolnWdg; fl"00-O0OwAiT.ii!Di $ib cent: J0HNA;J1AHRY.B07 Land Title Bldg. "LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Tttaennable Churvta JOHN A. BARRY. 607 LAND TITLE JBLDO. 1ST and 2d mtg. ; bldg, and private funds; quick and satisfactory results, moderate charges. CAMERON ESTATE. -2MI Kanslngton at. OWNERS If your mortgage has been called. I will take. It UP' also Jd mortgage money. CHS?TErtDRpTTNER J420 Chestnut st. VS WANT MORTqAOES First." second or i split Funds for collateral and short-term :laans.AHERNETHY. 133 8 12th 2124 N.Btb. LOANS Largs or small auma on real "estate. Judgment notes or L .mortgages, loans on unset tle estates DEMPjEY C6. 27 B. 16th. ANY AMOUNT, $80 to $S00 to loan to real tstat owners, not or mortgag. Arthur J. nold 1218 Chestnut. FIRST AND SBCOND M0RTOAOB3 RAYMOND M. PARKER, 17ta and Wallace. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS JEWELS. BTC. I $30 23 AND UP.. .. . 1. jw :..:::::;:itt 12S MARKrr KT RIDOE AVE AND OXFORD ST iu a u juuiu ara MONEY LOANED to Celr ot usaettled estates; lnUMU botuht T" F MARTIN. 721-W Bttpkea Gixsud Bullduur. 21 s. 12tD at. tl. 1 The Vounrf Ladv Across the Wny Tho younrf Intly ucroBs the way says 8he'fl dono coriBlttcrable (food reading from tlmo to tlmo, but ho expects noon to take It up In a moro desultory way and realty accomplish something;. Not "Whnt no McfiRt A minister addressing a men's meot- Inrr, wlillo trying to emphaslzo a point, 'hrouRht In tho Bcntonce, "How doos your wlfo know what llttlo gamo you nro Up to?" Flndlnp; theso words rather lnnppro prlato to tho occasion, ho quickly added: "And how does my wlfo know what llttlo game I am up to?" CCKNKINCe At) CLtCPtlt-rAACHIH A La Chnplln "Mamma, Is it the fashion to cut horses' tails like papa's mustache;" An Absorbing Topic "I suppose," eald the absconding cashier to tho friend who had run across him In parts unknown, "that thero was a good deal of talk about me after I disappeared." "I should think thero was," answered the friend. "Why, man, the weather wasn't mentioned at all for two weeks." THE WORST IS - esse,gs. . 1 , hr , . OTf V4IYM.OAITEDBRCAYH- eiW I 'r,u,l TWNI14UJURT. UvUEOItJrJ, rT jAjKKs1A to'eWNtf Con BMK. K3tmS&j on.-!- ,ZJpzZm Vl CHtUL amr, awv y3rYTHAJJ yy . . . tl ilfr'aTA!TlWBW ' v4b1 (WIft fwwttTir- .....iu, I I SMUNUA boat1 1 Y rr tfrcji . ffl M lSMWHIl ' r" Hft I lrrarAl DUCT. I llK?K Mfttltu 'yfPii StMrnKS4'mTon EH - - - - - - - SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL J The vacatiomists ' . ( i J ml. li-"''Mi" ' aesgiiiiiwiii lmmmmmmmmiimmwaam ll 71 LIGHT OCCUPATIONS SUDDENLY "If that ain't the limit I Here's a ar, won't 'ave this soup 'cos the plate a year, Pointed Meaning "What does 'excavate' mean7" In quired the master. ,"To hollow out," answered the smart lad. "Correct. Now irlve me a sentence containing; the word." "Stick a pin In Tommy Jones and he will excavate." YET TO COME VDVlKlb TO CATfJM PISM iAAiKA I .nUVIH.LUINl.WlV MOIF. St A fil)gHjiiiir' p - n FASTIDIOUS The FasslruT Show. nofflcer wot's been.llvln' In dug; -out for ain't clean 1" Diplomacy London Ojrlnlon. Fond Mother (who la expecting; com pany) Billy, I dare you to r out nd wash yourself. Patriotic "Shur. Fat, why don't you wssefci a cUy polp like Iseiat Obetiumm shouldr "What dKf ernc. dtj U wV. ft r T$im cljiroU tj Cstk. tt oit '.' frT-p' (MP .9 i i,1 n K if l il -! ' iiHgfin am iii m"i iiaa