g COBB CONTINUES TO SPURT AND HE NOW IS ONLY 27 POINTS BEHIND SPEAKER FOR WEAD INNOCENT LITTLE GOLF BALLS ENJOY GAINING ON SPEAKER WITH BAT EVENING IEDEB-PHILAJDELPHIA; SAtfUBiDAY, OTOY 2fc 1916 PEW OP PRESENT-DAY STARS EVER HURT OR OUT OP GAME VERY LONG DUE TO INJURIES - ... ,. i Wagner, Mathewson, Alexander, Johnson and Cobb Notable Examples of Great Players Who Also Know How to Protect Themselves lw COBB PASSES JACKSON, AND WITH GAIN OF TEN POINTS CUTS DOWN SPEAKER'S LEAD Ty Jumps From .354 to .364, Ti'is Drops From .395 . to .391 and Joe Falls From .367 to .356 Na tional League Leaders Slump THE stupendous, colossal soul-satlsfylng, fascinating, hair-raising, stupefying; American League sideshow, entitled "Who Is the boss batsman t or, can Trls tie Ty?" furnished moro thrills than usual during the last week. That temperamental star, Cobb, knocked them out of the scats by ousting Joo Jackson, who has persisted In occupying the centre of the slngo whenever Trls was In the wings, from second placo and even threatened to divert fhc spotlight from Speaker, the star performer. ' Cobb gained 21 points on Jackson and 1 points on Speaker during the week. Trls dropped from ,305 to .391, while Tyrus jumped from .354 to .364, Jackson opened the week' with an average of .367 and closed with .366. Incidentally these pill punlshers arc three of the five regular players of Han Johnson's galaxy of stars who are In tho elect .300 class. The other pair are Duma and Mullen. Ilobertsbn, Wagner and Daubert, the three leading ash manipulators of the National league, foil oft a bit In their hitting during the week, nobertson, tho leader, Is hitting ,344, while a week ago he was massaging the horsehtda for .365. Wagner dropped from ,341 to .330, Undoubtedly some of our giant Intellects now will Insist that tho anclent,.one Is going back and will soon bo condemned to an old man's home, Daubert fell from .333 to .326. Fiom n Philadelphia standpoint, the work of Whltted Is most encouraging. This on of the Southland edged his way Into select circles by elevating his batting figures from .288 to an even .300. drover Cleveland Alexander, pitcher, present address Philadelphia, still Is occupy ing tho pitching throne, with 17 gamei won and 6 lost. Mamaux, the brilliant young Corsair, Is second, with 14 won and 6 lost. In tho American League, Cutlop Is first, having won 9 nnd lost but 1, nnd Morton second, with 10 won hnd 2 lost. AMERICAN LEAGUE INDIVIDUAL DATTINO AVEnAOEB. Players who have played In 15 or more sames. Thesi AverAKea Include the aamea played on Thur.day. July 20. 1010. .,.. 11 ,ll. 11. It. nn. " " i Breaker, Cleve.sn aso o ian !iy ni.A -tva.h is nil ft in 1 11 103 0 IT 8 140 8 101 2 31 1 4 10 128 11 00 20 80 1 3(1 2 123 1 70 2(1 74 4 34 3 42 13 11.1 ft 72 10 1.11 B 7.1 7 41 13 122 2 7.1 8 127 10 17 10 100 .1 411 2 101 4 10,1 Cobb. Detroit. .SI 302 03 110 3il Jackson. Chi. .CI Bin 47 112 10 ...,, . nn ,u r. trt n Mullen. N. T...S2 18 Dolmiil, Det...30 12 llurnn. Det. . .81 203 2 0 43 a Jtoblllfll. 1)01.7(1 232 3S f.i JIlgtuN. T m 21.1 30 ni Crawford, Det. 37 01 n 2S Bhotton, at. I...R1 nw RO in J Nun'aker. N.Y.tll 187 18 M Wa'bsmnn. C.72 222 Bl 04 li II i5 Iluth. Ha ..'....17 73 11 21 Unumann, N Y 3n 114 Ptrmik. Atli....7R 2RI rielmnc, Ath.. 03 108 'ech. Det HI 311 Smith, Were. .113 1711 Thomas, IIOS..31 113 Rltler, St. I.. .. 310 OlthnrtW V V.SH 1!2'J 111 3 4 11 R 38 70 18 47 r3 21 12 87 12 40 31 R8 01 80 81 RO 37 82 87 IS 21 no 31 l 2 IS 10 B 3 12 0 11 20 1 n 3 o 8 n H 13 It t .1 1 II 10 0 10 13 10 0 0 8 20 n 0 3 20 0 R II 10 s 11 3 0 II 1 0 II 0 R 3 8 n It 12 42 40 Itellman, Det .88 327 .11 Felsch. Chi.... 8.1 .112 43 nniMnni-. ltfl.t .84 2111 2.1 Heterold, Ht. 1,31 130 Hooper. Dos. . .80 3(11 Milan. VnH...R8 321 NVss. Chi.. ..20 07 Walker. N. Y..2B on Roth, Clevo (13 181 Willi.'. Wnsh.i:. 128 funnln'tn n,1.51 34 13 43 30 n s 24 11 21 31 72 42 14 77 02 nil 3 11 3 1 17 0 n tilt m 1. 74 010 3.1 03 tf...,... U'nth. 1:0 178 IS 47 T!. Collins. Chi. 83 .103 33 80 21 Pratt, at. I.... si 331 Turner, Cleve. .03 2J3 Myers, Ath 27 02 McilullenChl.tl 124 nalnor. nos...ls fl 3D N(l 33 (II o in a 32 i in 11 128 12 nn . 3 2 7 32 3 12 0 108 .1 ni 1 24 10 112 3 114 12 110 10 02 7 IT KuTni-rcv.::? 3i 5n m Coveleakl. Det. 20 71 1 IS OandlU C eve. R" 333 28 Jlnker. N. Y....71 27H 31 Plrjn. N Y.....R4 20.1 .17 Walker, Iios...(lii 2.1.1 I.ynn. CM ....J J 20 Ayers. Wash 17 n IVcklnp'h. N.Y.7I1281 Marsans, St. 1..R4 20? Morenn, Wash.r.ii ml Youmr D't....sn sns Olcirinic. N. Y..4J 1(18 Maiec. N. Y...8t 3(13 Plank, SIL...S 41 Oraney. Cleve-.. 8" Jin Bhanks. Wnsh.7r. 2 111 ,.i....n , t. ni "in in R 31 2.1 RO 34 14 41 1 on 27 (l r, 0 It 13 11 11 2 11 2 RO 84 02 Rfl Bfl 117 11 0 B 141 13 80 27 It 0 II 11 18 n 117 8.1 BO 27 81 4rt 73 in 2R 7 40 48 witt. Ath s? ?2Z ?,? 2s l,l1,.r Wnsh.Ol l!12 23 40 Stalsl. N. Y. ..2.1 ion 12 21 I-aJole, Atli....5B285t 111 07 Chnv nn, i-ire;" i- - O'Ncll, dove. .77 2M 20 Dubuc, Det. ... 10 nt 3 Johnson. Vaah.3 s Harper, Det... 24 30 2 Hartley, St. I, RO 148 14 Janvrlfl Hos. .(11 17J 21 Foster, Wash.. "I 3 i Maya, lloi 21 3r, 4 o n 10 4 104 0 0 1 111 n GO 22 101 11 4(1 llnrton. l. i,...i" Pick. Ath 01 220 IVeavnr, Chi. . .R3 314 Srott. llos.... R2 147 Meyer. Ath... 01 131 Bchalk, Chi.... 70 2I Stannite, Det..flfl 2jn Jamle'n, Waah.41 113 Vltt. Det 84 348 Harper. Wash. 20 Judge. Wnsh..n.1 228 Pnv,lpn IIOM..1I1 32 21 .17 13 33 n ni 4 3d 21 13 r.8 22 40 2 12 3 n 24 n n B 10 12 8 n i 08 02 28 01 10 Oil 8 74 711 R2 B8 21 11 2 33 12 2.1 43 77 3 14 30 SO a 7 nA.... V .V 7n 580 aa ni Mcllrlde. iVnshai 28J II J2 J. Collin. Chi. 78 271 32 .18 7r.Ttn..l rlnH nit 'Iftl 18 43 MurVhrV ChT".'a 7 -l HI Shorten. Hos. .24 47 3 0 Morton, rieve.ld 47 B 10 Terry. Chi 42 113 0 24 MrlnnK Ath OJ 2, ljn 6, IVnNh. Ath ...78 241 SO Bl D.ius. Dot S3 38 0 8 Hush. Det..,. 81 Sin 81 ni Auitln. St. L.fjT 2Q3 31 42 riarber. Wash. 11 34 4 7 Tobln. St. 1.. -.."Id lai 13 27 Caldwell. N. Y 40 70 4 10 Harry. Iloa. . . .r.R 201 1 41 H2Jne'.N. Y....32 7.1 13 13 Agnew. Ilos 29 1 .1 10 HemlrUVn. lloa.r.n lis 11 18 DavrnpV Bt.1,.34 30 -3 1 IAvan. St. I.. .48 140 10 2J Shawltey. N. Y.21 43 1 8 King. All 23 87 7 10 o s O A? 20 0 01 0 2 13 1.1 10 80 8 II II- n 4 0 14 B 12 43 18 47 21 2 J1 7 31 0 10 TEN' I.EADINO BI.UaaCRS. , 2D. 3D.Iin. Til. i: 2R ' 7 .1 141 B7 Oraney. Cleveland. . . . Jackson. Chlrago Veach. Detroit.' Tinker. New York...,. Pratt, St. I.ouls Plpp. New York....... Speaker. Cleveland. . . . Hellman. Detroit Cobb. Detroit Staler. St. I.ouls 211 10 1 11 12 3 20 0 8 17 R .1 8 It 4 21 8 1 23 (1 1 20 B 2 7 0 3 1(11 40 131 44 114 44 12R 42 110 42 ;oi 38 1 17 38 4n an 172 3 TUN I.EADINa nASE-STRAI.EIia. a. SB. Cobb. Detroit ,. Gllhooley New York B'hallc. Chieao Walsh, Alhletlri Judge, Washington Magee, New York Mars.ina, St. I.ouls Speaker. Cleveland Xrllan wnahlnrrnn hi 3(1 r,n in 7n 7 111 M 81 811 88 tJISler, Bl. J.OU19 nil CI.ITD UATTINO ItECOtlDS, O. AD It. II. fill. HR 201)1 3.18 7.14 IIA bd 2BI1 3.14 1101 113 rii sun? ami. 701 si F8 208 323 0110 118 8.1 274 210 11.11 87 81 27(11 281 04.1 78 SH. 100 09 138 Oil 114 110 no Detroit Me1 slewi York Cleveland . nu St. Louis.. 88 Chicago . 8.1 Ilnston . . 81 Washington f Athletics .. 80 2803 i'OR 0112 102 SOU 222 S10 83, 77 CLUU FIELDINO IlECOnDS, . a. PO. , A. E. TC. Chicago . . Boston Detroit . . New York Cleveland . St. Louis . Washington Athletics . . . . . 8.1 23(11 108 1 101 3103 110 8323 122 8705 124 8138 142 .178'J 182 3773 140 28A7 193 3138 . 83 2303 11 OS . (Id 2i0O 11 S3 . . 87 2312 1122 . .. Ml 241B 1221 ...88 2400 1223 . . 88 23T4 103.1 .. 80 2609 1110 P1TCHEB.S' HECORDS, These, averages Include the game played Thursday, July 20. u. iv. u. ou.xiu. u.n - Mi-Caba. St. L. 1 u a 4 IN II 4 B 4 in n I ran Love. New York.. T 1 o 7 7 17 0 4 8 12 (1 1.000 i.000 luumrar'r. St. L. 4 1 p Cullpp. New York 17 ll 1 Morton. Cleve .... 1J 10 2 Bl 18 70 3 70. IS ON 3 17 20 84 O Ma j. Boston .... 21 U Hussell. N. Y. , . . ie 3 William Chicago. 21 7 Faber. Chicago... IB 7 Coveleskt. Detroit. 28 13 33 SI 78 O BO 27 B4 0 oh s at l 42 31 72 O 70 45 Id! 3 68 ,. 127 I BA 46 167 i 83 24 80 3 23 13 70 0 83 34 S3 0 18 21 88 0 Kutn. lloston,..,. :i h Coveleskl. Cleve., , 30 12 Rusiell. Chicago. . 30 10 Coumba, Cleveland 20 0 Holand. Detroit,. , 27 4 Koob. St. I.ouls... 14 4 Dumont. Wash..,. 13 18 14 28 2 iihore. uoston 10 0 O 8 So 21 118 1 0 10 10 148 43 171 7 3 41 7 B9 42 84 1 Johnson. WasM . Shawkey. N, Y.. Tonbrd. Boston.. 2s I 0 80 S3 137 4 kleper.C'levo. . . . JI 0 lleerje, Cleveland .33 Pauls, Detroit..., 23 10 jtoehilng. Wash. , . SI J Murkls. i.Y.,.., 11 4 Ciootte, Chicago-. 18 3 Harper. Wnih .. 20 11 Klsher. Nev York 1 T n.lll:. Wish 27 0 4 42 S3 07 2 2 10 10 40 0 7 67 83 118 3 6 38 41 83 3 3 14 20 Sit 3 30 83 88 1 118 73 111 1 6 34 82 III! 6 01 Dl Iza 4 48 43 131 1 S3 83 100 1 24 20 37 i 24 24 3A 2 & 26 87 0 2 31 80 1 ' 0 13 3 41 29 131 1 81 37 SO 3 48 42 121 1 Wellman St. L .. 20 11 11 Groom, St. L. .26 7 7 Bent. Chicago ... 17 4 4 Wolfgagg. Chicago JO Hamilton, Detroit, it Mitchell Detroit . 0 Buehler. Detroit. . 8 3 2 ? Haabv. Clev . i 6 0 B , T 10 Vntfnar rU . 14 Plank. St. .Lbul-. . . 22 Mien. Athletic. Lie tic. . S 13 83 83 IBS 8 Hamilton, at u Ilusb, Athletics 2 3 0 11 31 0 14 9i 73 Its , B 8 23 88 02 x foster (iiosion Jroe. TJe txolt . 8 r ai sb 03 4 7 12 82 47 87 2 8 10 84 34 120 4 B 10 70 48 130 B i a ii "i a o Cunningham. D Caldwell NY.. ribti Detroit Dantorth. I'likasoi. 1 rHwia v't St ' I slittluu) 'ilJUiUt 3( s ft 77 so iss a A 1J Ad ,. 1 19 30 S3 193 NATIONAL LEAGUE INDIVIDUAL UATTINO AVntlAOns. (These nvtrsrrs Include th games played on Thursday, July 20. players who have taken part In 13 or more games.) o. An n it.sn.sft.Tii.Av-. Diner, rhllllm. .10 0 0 3 10 4 .1100 Mccarty, Hklyn. 27 Ml 21 3 " 2r .nil ItobertRon, N T 73 28R 4R pl 8 10 135 Hit Jlendrli, Chlcnuo 23 27 2 l 0 0 tl .331 It Wnsner. Pitts. 7(1 28R 3D 04 8 II 123 .330 Daubert. Hklyn 7R 3li) 52 lni in 14 127 .vjn 'W.' 311 ..!. ..Hit .310 .333 .333 .3J2 208 .2ns .207 .204 .280 .2S1 .28 .281 .281 .280 .280 .278 .277 27n .27S .272 .272 .272 .272 .270 .201 i,onic, m. Ijouis (hi 2ia 21 (ri ii n ia (hnse. Cincinnati 73 270 SO 80 8 3 117 Zimmerman Chi. 77 20.1 41 0.1 12 7 1.12 Hlnchinan. Pitts. 72 23'H.13 so o 8 ln.i Hornsby, St. L.. 8.1 23 30 01 fl 7 132 Bchulle, Chicago 0.1 211 211 0.1 7 4 88 jy.hf"'-. Drpoklyn. 77 200 .11 l0 tl 3 12B Mhltted, rhlltles. 12 240 31 71 13 10 102 tlnodgrasi, lloston 44 1.10 14 3D I 8 47 Konetrhy, lloston 74 271 an 72 8 7 loo Hender, rhlllle. . 17 27 0 8 0 0 11 Trag'ser. lloston. 18 34 1 10 o 0 11 P. Williams, Chi. 81 203 43 8.1 4 10 141 Nenle Cincinnati 70 287 .18 8.1 11 8 101 Jasper, St. Louis II li 0 0 0 li (Iroh. Cincinnati S3 505 n.1 84 0 8 12.1 O. Hums. N. Y 77 3211 07 01 18 4 120 Stock. Phillies. .. 73 to.1 30 83 13 101 t oombs. Ilkljn .. 1.1 32 2 0 0 Hi Doyle, New York 78 .103 42 8.1 1.1 10 124 schuitz, l'ltts,., r7 ini l.i 4.1 .1 ft r.i i:. Hums, Phillies 43 120 0 .1.1 1 3 41 Kletrher, N. Y, .. on 2.is 2.1 7t 7 n 02 ranker I . I'hlllies 70 2,11 20 flu 7 11 Oil Carey. Pltls 74 304 4lt 8.1 81 n 117 Mark. Chlrniro-. 78 2B3 .10 fill 14 "7 87 .SKI' .207 .200 .20(1 .20.1 .20.1 .203 .202 Kaurf. New York 77 280 3n 78 24 B 113 I'lsher. Cln'nutl, 3.1 101 II 21 11 2 37 i large. i;in nail no ins o : 4 2 38 .-nn Herrog. N. T. . 77 281 20 7.1 13 12 03 .2(17 S. .Smith. Hklyn. 20 48 I 12 1 2 IB .2(17 A. Wilson, rilta. 48 1HI 11 31 4 B 42 .2(17 Wlngo, Cln'nill 72 2ln 17 .18 0 0 70 .2113 Smith. lloston... 7.1 2B7 2.1 117 0 3 84 .200 Johnston, IJklyn. Ml 201 28 83 8 .1 7.1 .200 llarnes, lloston.. IB 27 0 7 0 2 7 .2.10 Cutshaw. Hklyn. 78 2U4 31 7H 14 1.1 101 .2.11 Mccarty. Chicago 30 inn 10 27. 1 2 .13 .2.11 Ounzales, St. L. .18 138 17 31 2 4 4(1 .2.11 Crnrnth, Phillies. 70 240 32 01 4 0 88 .211 HarMen, N. Y... 72 217 IB B.I 2 3 (II .2.13 O Miller. Hklyn 32 0.1 .1 21 2 2 30 .2.11 VIog. Pitts 41 127 12 .12 2 4 40 .2.12 Oowdy, lloston.. 71 227 23 .17 .1 ll 70 .211 llutler. St. Louis .10 32 0 13 1 1 IB .2.10 Archer. Chicago. 411 IBII 10 37 2 B 47 .247 O. Wilson. St. L. 01 17.1 12 41 2 4 Bn .2411 Griffith. Cln'natl 84 317 2.1 78 12 4 or. .210 Hood Plilllles,.. 40 01 14 1.1 3 0 20 .210 Pfeffer. Urooklyn 2.1 (1.1 2 Id 2 2 IN .24(1 Fltt'rlck, Boston. 3S 102 1(1 2.1 3 B .14 .24.1 Klllcfer. N. Y.. . 70 234 .111 B7 B B 71 .211 Hescher St L. . 84 317 48 77 20 7 110 .213 l.uderus. Thllllcs. 08 231 27 B7 2 4 78 .213 II. .Myers, Hklyn .18 23.1 2.1 87 4 4 82 .213 Stengel. Hklyn... (Ill 211 30 .10 .1 7 03.243 Snler, Chicago. . ,K1 200 33 70 11 8 10.1.242 Mowrey. Hkbn..'72 233 27 111 8 14 70 .241 MeKechnle. C'ln'tt 72 2R3 22 0.1 (I B 7.1 .210 Mnnn. Chlcngo. n.1 17.1 23 42 4 2 (11 .240 Wllhnlt, lloston. 47 180 24 .10 tl 8 4S .210 Itarkle, N. Y. . 78 280 38 (17 n H lnl .2311 Snjder. Ht. Louis 73 211 10 Bl 1 4 04 .2.18 J. Mlll-r. St. I.. 711 2711 28 110 II 3 11.1 .2.17 J. Smith, St. L. 81 2.10 20 811 10 17 81 .2311 J. Mjers, Hklyn. 42 127 11 30 0 2 40 2.1ll Mngee, lloston.. II 101 17 .18 3 B B2 .2311 O. Knahe. Chi... Bl 1.17 IB 37 2 8 44 .23il Williams, St. L. . 20 17 2 4 0 0 3 .231 Nlelloir, I'hMlles. 7(1 203 34 09 12 12 101 .23.1 Zel.ler. Chicago . .10 120 13 30 7 2 37 .211 Alei'der, Phillies 2.1 80 3 HI 1 0 23 .2.12 I'ostelln. Pitts... 4(1 117 H 27 .1 2 32 231 Iletlel. St. Louis 81 20S 32 117 In 7 88 .22.1 neon., lloston... 21 4.1 12 10 1 2 12 222 Mnr'vllte, Boston 7B 2'IR 311 0(1 14 12 III! 222 Heck. St Louis.. 28 11.1 .1 21 1 2 2.1 .221 Hvers. Boston... Bit 107 30 43 .1 It 40 .218 I.ouden. Cln'natl 70 2Ho an BH n 4 70 .21.1 Mollwltz. Cln'nutl 112 171 11 37 n 10 48 .21:1 Collins. Ilnston . BO 202 28 4.1 2 0 B4 213 Mitchell. Cln'natl .12 48 K In u 1 in .2ns Puckard. Chicago 23 20 .1 it (I 1 R .207 OWIara Hklyn. . 30 HI4 14 33 7 7 41 .201 llalrd. Pitts n.1 IBS' 18 .111 II 3 .10 .2011 llyrne. Thlllles.. 21 80 R 10 2 2 10,200 Kmmer. Cln'natl. 1.1 10 4 2 10 2 .200 Schauer N Y. . 10 10 1 3 0 0 3 .200 Johnston. Pitts . (12 21.1 20 4(1 10 11 02 107 Gibson. Pitts.... 30 7(1 2 IB II 2 111 .107 Schmidt. Pitts . 31 H in 10 n n 2.1 .10.1 .200 .200 .2.18 .2.18 .2.10 .BSfl .2B- .234 .213 .232 .2.11 .2.11 .'.ii .2.10 .24n .247 .210 .213 .214 .244 .244 .243 .241 . j-i l .140 .2411 .240 .23R .237 .2311 .23.1 .213 .23.1 .2.10 .220 .220 .2211 .228 .227 .220 .221 ..:-: .2..1 .223 .221 .221 .210 .210 .210 .218 .217 .211 .213 .213 .213 .213 .212 .212 .212 .211 ,210 k r.cnneincr. v-in ii a n- a i i ;i ii ,iu M-nrhnn. St. L. . 83 23(1 21 43 0 .1 .12.101 Fischer, Chicago B7 1.12 13 20 l d 4(1 .1111 MrConnell, Chi.. 18 42 2 8 0 2 8 .1110 Itlllffcr. Phillies 47 182 0 23 1 B 30 .189 Hngan. Boston . . 17 .17 1 7 0 (I N 18n Got! Bklvn.. .. 22 (1.1 (1 12 4 I 1.1 .18.1 Seaton. Chicago. 211 38 4 7 2 2 10 .181 Olson. Bklyn ... .10 113 11 20 4 5 20 .177 Mosely. Cln'utl. 14 l" 1 3 0 2 .1 .170 Cnier, I'hlllies.. 31 4 U 1.1 I 2 14.. lid Iloush. Cincinnati 37 04 4 11 1 1 13 .172 Kantlehner. Pitts ill 31 2 0 0 1 h .171 Meadows, St 1... 31 l1 J l (l 2 10 ,17c Bancroft. Phillies 70 241 23 41 3 8 SI .108 TKN LEADINd SLUGQKIIS. 2n. 31i.hr. Tn.nn. Williams, Chicago 13 8 10 144 .10 Hornsby, St. Louis 7 1.1 B 132 41 Groh. Cincinnati 13 11 2 12.1 41 Zimmerman. Chicago IB .1 4 1.12 3a Doyle. New York 10 7 2 124 311 Robertson. New York 10 4 0 13.1 30 Wheat, Brooklyn 14 6 3 12.1 85 Baler. Chicago 14 2 0 10.1 3.1 Mellon. Phillies 20 3 .1 101 3.1 Carey, Pittsburgh 7 6 6 117 31 ..HI .200 .200 .203 .201 .200 .inn .104 .104 .isn .180 .181 TEN LBAD1NO BASR STEALEBS. , O. SB. Carey. Pittsburgh 74 31 KauoT, Ntw York 77 24 Bescher. St. Louis 81 20 Burns, New York ,... 77 ilH Daubert. Hrookln 70 HI Betzel. St. .nuls 81 HI Maranvllle. Boston 73 14 iniltted,rl'hllll 72 IS Hack,, Chicago 7H 14 CutshaiY. Brooklyn 78 14 Avg .42 .31 .24 .23 .20 .'.'0 .10 .18 .18- .18 Avg. .44 .33 .28 .21 .27 .2.1 .24 .23 .29 21 CLUB nATTINQ HECOriDS. Avg, .234 .243 .241 .230 j2.1 '230 .222 o . 78 . RS : VI . RO . 77 . 70 . 73 ll. It. II. 687 731 607 noo 07B ritB 813 807 sn.sn. II.1 03 811 70 01 68 07 102 03 63 811 88 65 84 04 02 AB. .2.11 .2.14 .2.11 .240 if !2ii .241 .231 Hntntllvn JS 103 Cincinnati . :t s an' New rorK. . Chicago . . Ht. Louis n Pittsburgh . Phillies .... Boston rois 2802 311 81.1 288 263 273 200 2788 23.11 240.1 2400 ,31U CLUn FIELDINQ HECORDS. Avg. .070 .ur.n ,007 .003 .!(! ,060 .0.11 .043 n rn A. r TO Avg. .071 .011.1 .nni not .nni .939 .0.1.1 .934 noston ..... Cincinnati . . Phillies , .... New York... Brooklyn . . . Pittsburgh .. Chlcaao .... 75 80 76 70 78 II 8d 2018 2486 2033 2117 2101 2122 2334 2308 0113 1143 034 1030 11.14 930 11110 1100 87 120 fl f8 32. 68 4T 3(168 37.12 8080 8271 3260 3183 360J 8631 St. Louis on PlTCHEItS RECORDS, O. W,L.SO BB, II. WP Ave. 1 no(t 730 ,739 737 .727 .727 .722 ,693 .867 .607 ,667 .607 .030 .600 ,600 ,600 ,5711 .671 .571 ,883 ,8.16 .836 ,8.10 ,830 ,845 ,843 ,838 .838 ,533 .8(111 BOO ,800 .800 .800 .474 .467 .482 .48 .444 .429 .429 .429 .417 .400 .4UU 400 383 833 380 .833 .333 313 33.1 273 ,113 t. . n...lilun a 0 7 1 21 avi Msrauard, BrooklynlJ 3 Alezandef. I'Mllle 2 17 Mamaux. Pltls. 23 14 Benton. New York.19 8 Hu.hes, Boston.. .20 8 PteBer, Ilrpoklyn. .,22 13 1 3.1 22 62 6 00 23 151 B 88 16 181 3 Bl 23 100 3 07 80 81 K llll 80 1X.1 DIIU ,vuu .831 .833 ,81s ,780 .700 ,700 ,74 (Nil 7 ,667 ,0117 ,(101 ,fll icivr. I'niuiesjr. .an v 4 fl 83 Itagan Boston . . .10 Reulbach. Boston 10 Schupp. New Yorkio Allen. Boston 7 Coombs, Brooklyn.18 Mitchell. Clnctnnatl.l RS ! 2 20 27 1 20 12 1 nn is 4 31 28 4 27 21 4 ?0 20 ii 90 27 viughf;: Chicago. :2 n ft....... llrnAklvn 20 R 8 89 43 Ifld 0 73 80 83 Jacobs.' Pltlsburgh.18 Perrltt. New York. 22 Tyler. Boston ,.,,12 llendeV PhliUe...,17 Prendergsst. Ch go.16 CooSr,,Pittsburgh.22 Bailee. St. Loul 16 ooi 8 18 18 61 757 81 1.19 4 42 28 80 4 28 20 84 a jn a atl .Ht? ,613 611 ,600 ,600 4 47 13 72 fi 28 23 78 ,888 .871 .871 336 .8.10 .838 .320 800 .800 .800 .800 .500 .BOO .800 .411 :.S .400 400 -iti ill li 83.1 fi 38 38 99 A 49 Sn 119 a js is ins Doak. ' St, Louis. ,21 7 a ilMllh Tlpblvn 10 Ilemarec, ' rbJlllts. 10 Anderson, N. York 21 Rudolph. Boston . 18 Williams. St. Lou s. 20 Jasper. St. Louls.19 McKenry. , Cln'natl 6 Toney. Cincinnati 23 Ame" 8t Loul. . 20 Deli. Brooklyn .,18 IUrraonyPlttsburgh.18 Meadows. St. Louis Jl Teareau. N York 19 Mathewson.Cl'r.ti. 12 Steele. 8t Louis . 18 Barnes. ..Bo??" M'Connell. CJilcago.18 ie Miller, Pitt. 18 Nehl. Boston 10 lavender. .Chicago. .21 Bchuis. Cincinnati 27 Khn(dar. Cln atl 31 7 88 2t 117 H 04 19 12J 7 56 22 115 B 17 18 83 4 S6 S7 R3 a v i B 10 78 38 134 6 7 86 83 10U a !: au 8 0 63 88 ,140 6 8 39 23 141 1 III 7 60 Hendrlx. Chicago 18 3 3 0 Sloyr.jPhllll, i? iiin I'inpinniii Buoud New York 10 Kant ehnsr Fltts 20 3 4 18 20 Bl 5 7 23 10 73 3 4 6 03 25 01 3 4 6 47 2S 70 3 2 3 19 18 44 1 5 8 43 3 78 1 8 It fi3 64 132 2 7 13 70 40 103 1 3 6 38 27 88 4 1 4 31 It 70 0 2 4 19 32 BO O 1 317 9 47 2 S 8 30 37 83 O 1 i IS 13 41 0 .091 M'QuUL PtOUiM.lJ, Waterholes, Meaning Fre quent Duckings, Abound. "Raider" Wilson Renigs i. BINNACLE' THE WATERLOO fly SANDY McNIULICK SHAWNnE-Q.V-DELAWAnE. Pa.. July 22. Ootf halls. Just like kldg ftt tho old swImmltiK holo In tha summer ttm, thor oughly enjoyed the cold plunges they were, subjected to yesterday all through tho tour nament here. Thoso thrtt didn't Kt a good Btvlm on No. 1 had plenty of chanca on thrco other carries over the creek on tho 2d, 4th nnd IStli holes. Hut In case any of them happened to miss the ere'ek. they had nlmost a certnlnty In front of them at tha famous "binnacle" holo, tho 16th which Is only a. carry of 130 yards ovar a lake, but tho waves licking at tho golfer's feet as ho cye.8 the fall on the driving tee seem to get tho well-known Angora. Shot after shot bussed with Joy as It hummed In a sllco or pull, a top or may hap Just a plain flub. Tha llttlo pills gave a line exhibition of diving, back dives, n. la sailor Jacknlfo or belly Hoppers, but tho Annette Kellermans were cursed each and every one In turn. It. J. Murray, In a round, batted ciery ball he lind In his bag In tho wafer. lie borrowed a couplo moro nnd put them both In tho water. "It you drive the water," he scowled to his opponent, "I'll give you the hole." Haider Wilson Defaults His opponent emptied all hts balls on tho tee and began the nssault. Ills llrst guns were silenced In the dull splud of tho splash ing water. His reserves silently wero drowned In turn. "That's all the balls I have," he said, sor rowfully. So they halved the hole In 19s. Director Wilson, raldsman-ln-chlef of tho Quaker City, defaulted after ho had quali fied for tho fifth sixteen. Ho and his whole party defaulted. They played n four-ball match and laid prodigious odds on their respective ability to drive the creek at tho first hole. It Is possibly 70 yarda nway. John McAvoy. president of the Unla Oolf Club, tnd a golfer of many parts, fixed his cyo on tho pin, 3G0 yards away In the Bhadow of the Utuo Mountains.' His ball made light of tho situation nnd walked oft whistling right for the creek nnd a morn ing HWlm. Tho big raider then took an Iron In his desire to clvo tho bluo sky overhead a look at his ball, so that Wilson was In tho creek nlsc C. J. Corr had llttlo doubt of his ability, but a splash, showed his ball untrue to him Tho other went In, too, nnd two pnlra behind them continued the game. It looked' Uko a golf ball regatta. "I'm going up there after tho bacon," ho said. It was only about 100 yards off tho lino. He won tho match on the previous giecn after his opponent, T. II. Italton, hbd him 4 down nt one time In tho match. J. H. Oay, Jr., was thought to have tho drop on W M. Weaver, Huntingdon Valley, but tho best tho former Pcnn star could do was to carry the match to tho 19trl holo. Weaver got a four and tho match. Gay put his ball In the creek, nnd after he had dropped out laid his ball 18 feet from the pin. Ills putt for n four hit the back of the cup, but stayed out. Gosh! What a Wizard Shots were missed aplenty nt tho tournn ment, but two that nevor missed a shot wero Chief Operator Pearlman and his assistant, Itanhofer, who kept tho wires burning till midnight every day. Theso two. unassisted, sent over moro than 150,000 words of description during the play. A large corps of expert critics from New York, Philadelphia and other districts wero amazed at the speed displayed, and said they had never seen such expert handling of copy. Pearlman Is one of tho most expert trans lates in tho country, an can bo attested after n look at somo Sanskrit hieroglyphics ho was called on to read Into the code. .;(.'! .3in .31.1 ..inn .308 ..108 ,304 I.lill .300 .200 .200 .201 .200 .281 .2Sn 28.1 .2RI .283 281 280 vbii .278 .27.1 .'47.1 .273 Tl .27(1 .200 Runs Scored This Week by Major- League Clubs RUNS scored by all teams in American and National leagues from Saturday, July 15, to Friday, July 21, inclusive. Only runs that figure in official averages are in cluded. So res of incomplete games arc not counted, but tho scores of games of five innings or more arc included in the table: A3IKRICAN" I.KAGUK. 8 8. .11. T. IV. T. F.T'I. Boston . . . . t'levelanil . iVnshlncton rhlrago . . . Iletrolt . . . New York St. Louis . Athletics .. , .! .1 4 13 2 10 V S Z 7 Z II 4 7 311 3 4 S 3 0 6 8 33 S 12 0 4 734 0 2 4 7 3 25, 7 B 0 10 3 34 0 2 3 4 4 10 1 4 S 4 218 NATIONAL LEAGUE. S. P. .11. T. W. T. F.T'I. St. IduU Ilostnn Clnrinnatl 1'hlllle rhlraro New York llroaklin I'lttsburili I1M not liljy. a a l a 6 4 10 I 430 437 624 123 220 18 10 U 0 WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY A3IERICAN LEAGUE. Club. New York . lloston .... ICIerelsnd . Chleaso ... IVashlniton Iletrolt . . . Ht. Louis . Athletics . W. L. P.O. W. L. Split. ....80 SO ,681 ..101 t'608 ,880 ....48 38 .571 .58t t.SJS .316 4U HH ,5(11 . , . 46 30 .811 .817 .831 .... ....40 40 ,333 ,841 .320 .... ... 45 42 ,017 .826 t.BIl .817 37 18 ,433 ,4I8 t.ltl ,437 19 01 .237 NATIONAL LEAGUE. W. L. P.O. W. T.. Spilt. 46 .12 .800 .6(10 T..171 .888 . . 42 S3 .860 ,860 ,5.13 .. . 43 31 .858 ,881 .E.11 .. ., 39 40 ,493 ,800 ,48S . . .. ... 37 40 .481 ,40l f.48 ,481 40 45 ,471 .417 .465 .... 40 47 .460 .480 .43.1 . . ., S3 St .407' .414 .402 .... , tLoce two. irostponed. Club. Urooklyn . . Uoston Phillies .. . New York . Piltkburs-h . Chtraso St. Louis . . Clnrinnatl . Win two, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. W. I.. P.O. W. I.. P.O. Buffalo .. 43 31 .518 Montreal... 42 87 .833 Proildene., 48 80 ,544 Hlehmona'. . 38 30.494 tlsltlmore,. 43 38 .312 Newark ... 31 46 ,486 Toronto ,,, 30 31 .531 Rochester.. 29 43 .403 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY AJIFJUCAN LEAUE. Cleveland at Philadelphia postpanefl. St. Loul ui New York elear. (Two tame.) I'hleuco at IVathlniloii cloudy. Detroit at lloston tloudr, (Two , rtne.) NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia at Cincinnati clear. New York at Chlcaso elear. Urooklyn at PltUubursh clear. (Two runes.) lloston at at. Louis clear. INTERNATIONAL. Ilaltlmore at Newark elear. Richmond lit Protldence eloude. Toronto at Rochester elear. (Two sanies.) Montreal at Uuffulo lcar. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland. 7i Athletics. . Chlcaso. 7l Mablnton. 8. Nw YorU-St. Lout, rain. Nw York-St, Lout. Uoatou-lletrolt. rain. NATIONAL LEAQCE. Phillies. New oi a. lit rliirlnimll. 4 (10 lnnlnis). new lorn, si inicuiv, s. i'lU.tarih-UrioUifn.' rain. INTERNATIONAL UUGUS. Buffalo, Ot Montreal. 1. Newark. Si Ujllluicre. I. Ottu- aaM sUfaJ. rata, Ty Cobb passed Joo Jackson in the race for American League hitting laurels and gained 14 points on Tri3 Speaker, who is on top. M'GRAW DEE-LIGHTED OVER RECENT DEAL Looks for the Giants to Start Victorious Drive Im mediately CHICAGO, July 22. John JIcGraw rarely Roes Into ecntanlr-s, but ho did Just fiat last nlRht In talUlnp ot tho deal which brought Charley IIcrzoB back to tho Giants. "I havo put across somo mlirhty Impor tant deals slnco I havo been manarjer or tho Giants," declared McGraw, "but tho dicker that frnvo us Herzos I rccard ns tho most Important of nit. "When wo get Artie Fletcher back Into thoogamo nlonR sldo Horzog wo will show tho othor clubs a thliifr r two not Been this season. We will be back In the IlKlit In no time. "With Fletcher and Hcrzofj playing. I know of at least four Barnes we would not have lost on this trip. Herzoc Is a. pepper box all the time, In victory and defeat, nnd that's what tho Giants need most right now. Ho will keep them on the Jump from start to finish. I need not explain to any length. Herzy has been with us before, nnd you know what a great favorlto ho made himself with the New York fans. "I feel that Drooklyn Is duo to mako tho great slide pretty soon. Tho Braves aro going nono too well and tho Phillies aro Just hanging on. With Herzog and Solleo to help us. I do not seo how they will keop us down," SECOND YACHT MEETING TODAY OF JERSEY CLUB Chelsea Course Scene of Ocean Races New Boats Are Entered The South Jersey Yacht Racing Associa tion will hold Its second regatta of this season this afternoon over the course of tho Chelsea Yacht Club under the Joint auspices of the Chelsea Yacht Club and the Atlantic Yacht Club. Seven races are listed In the following classes: For cruisers rating 45 or over; cruisers rating under 15: express cruisers; open boats rating under -10; open boats rating 10 to 60 ; open boats rating over 60, and displacement racors. One of the racers that will be missed is the Fifty-Fifty, a new displacement racer, owned by H. J. Horner, of tha CheJ sea Yacht Club, and which caught tire In the Inlet last Sunday while racing with an aeroplane. The annual outing of -the Delaware Itlver Yachtsmen's League, which opens to day on Burlington Island, Is expected, to surpass any other outings that havo been held by the league heretofore. The Barnegat Bay Yacht Ilaclng Asso ciation also will enliven the regatta this afternoon at Ch,elsea with a lleet cruise and participation In the vatlous events. Last year the Chelsea and Atlantic City Clubs made a run to Barnegat Bay, and this la In the nature of a return visit. The Chelsea Yacht Club, which has been the backbone of the racing In tha Jersey resorts, will have a large- collection of racers at the regatta This will necessitate he other clubs working hard to have a ch'in'e for the handsome prizes which aro awarded to the club having the most points at the end of the seasn. READY TO SIGN FOR FIGHT ON LABOR DAY Managers of Welsh and White to Meet in Chicago CHICAGO, July 22. Representatives of Freddy Welsh and Charlie White were ex. pected to meet here to sign for a 20-raund decision bout at Colorado Springs, Col , La bor Day. Welsh, according to Eddie Pitts, Colorado promoter, will receive a guarantee of 12,500. another thousand for expenses and a privilege of 50 per cent, of the receipts If they are more than (27,900. White, It is said, has been offered (2500, Ijut wants 20 per cent, Harry Pollok, manager of Welsh, Is said to be In favor of the match. Freddy Is In bad in Minnesota, owing to tha failure of his scheduled 10-round bout with White last night, and the Boxing Com mission has threatened, to bar him for life. Harry Pollok was sued by the 'Minne apolis promoters for I860 for advances and expenses to tha club. Ryan la Favorite at Drome Tonight y-tln Ryan, who rod such a remarkable 10 mil race at the motordrome iat Saturday nltht, onlr la lose, will have a chance to re deem blmselt tonltht at tha drum where, b la scheduled to meet Bedell and George Colum batto, lb Italian rider. In a rscs under the sine condition a tbe ona be lost. 40 miles, behind motor pace' in nn heat Tbe pacemakers tor the three rider will be Jimmy Hunter. Will Vanderberry and Henri St. Yve. Vedltz, Vanderberry. St Yte and Armstronr will fur nish some excitement for the tpectator by racial la four events before the iO-mUs race. Rain Saves Dodgers From Defeat PITTSUimOH July 21. The' same between Brooklyn and Plttsbursh wa called oft on ac count of rain In tb first rmrt st tha fourth Inning- here yesterday with tbe score 3 to 2 In favor Of the latter It wa Mamaux day ana frUnd of tbe .Irate pitcher presented bun with a tUamond pin A feature of tbs contest was a horn tua by Hlnrlrnm la tb tolrd Innlns-. FOUR TENNIS MATCHES IN SUBURBAN LEAGUE Open Date in Tristate Finals at Plymouth and Club Event at Langhoi'ne Thcro ore no Tristate Tennis Leaguo matches scheduled today, fortunately for sc'ernl of the clubs whoso best players ntlll aro competing for tho Schuylkill Valley honors nt the Plymouth Country Club. Four matches are down to bo decided In tho Suburban League, however. Stcnton, which Is setting a fast pace, will tacklo Woodvale, nt -Stth nnd Tioga streets: Grccnpotnt, the 1D1D champions, play Wlssahlckon nt Tabor ; Uellleld 2d and Cynwyd 2d clash at Ilelflcld, nnd University Courts, picked to win the title this year. Is scheduled to play KIberon at Fox Chaso. The match between Stcnton nnd Woodvale, on the Stenton courts, should bo productive of somo good tennis and prove well worth witnessing. The schedulo: Stenton vs. Woodrnle, at Slth and Tlora street. flreenpolnt vs. Wlssahlckon, nt Tabor. Uellleld s. Cynwyd. nt Wlster. University Courts s. Clbcron. at Fox Chaso, In nddltlon.lu thoso club contests, tho finals In both doubles and singles are duo U bo dec'-led nt Plymouth, .and tho annual tournament for championship of the Bucks County Country Club In men's and women's singles gets under way at Lnnghorno. Schedule of Today's Minor League Games 1 MONTOOMnilY county i.noun. Ambler nt Willow Rroie. (ileimile nt Vndiiioor. llith.ixreH nt I'ort WiishlnEton. Jcnklntunn ut l.u.Mott. niU.AWAUK COUNTY LEAGUE, nrlll nt Mnll.1. Chester nt I'ajcliall. Clifton nt L'lilnml. HI. VI-: ItlDOi: LEAGUE. Chnmliersbnri; nt llwrerstown. (lettssburs ut lltinnier. v 3lnrtintbur!T ut l'rrilertrk. v I'. K. It. .MOTIVE I'OIVER LEAGUE. Ilnltlmoro nt AVIIiiitiicton, , Cnmilen nt New Yurk. I'hlliiileliilil.i nt Meut!oa. llurrbiuiirK ill Trenton. DAl'I'IHN-rEllKY LEAGUE. Iliiiiraniion nt Diiiinhin. .MiiDstlllr nt Hillfiiv. Newport nt .MHIrrsbur. DAUriUN-MCII V YI.UM.T, LEAGUE. Willlumstonn nt Toner City. Treinont at Lykent. YIIKK COUNTY LEAGUE. T).iUntoiii ut Sprlnc Grote. North ork ut U'lmNor. Glen Rock nt Red I. Ion. .SCHUYLKILL VALLEY LEAGUE. rntUtown nt Norrlitnwn. Illlll'irn ut Koiliornucli, Cuusliohoikrii nt Miring City. I'ENN-JKKSKY LEAGUE. Northampton nt WiiHhlnston. Ilelildere ut llrltiteliem. ItaiiKor ut Mrniidbiirif. TUENTON CITY LEAGUE. Laurel nt Wilbur. 1'owlrr ul I'. (. f. of A. Muildorki lit M. .losrnll's, I'. A (1. ut Colt lei- Club, K.- C. ut Asanote. MANUl'ACTl REUS' LEAGUE. Mener County. Mercer nl Empire, (ilobn at Jefferson. Ojkduls at Keleberls. I.ANCASTER COUNTY LEAGUE, I.anrubter ut Mountiille. tujrrtllle ut Ephrutn, LEHIGH VALLEY LEAGUE, l'almerton nt Summit Hill, Lehlnhton at Laufuru. Mauih Chunk ul Mutlnston. ALMVII-MINGTON LEAGUE. Kden ut Ilrnndywlne. Vundeier ut Uronnson. Ilaurrult ut Kn.llaUe, Newport ut 1'ioueer. .1NTEKCOUNTY LEAOUE. West Chester at Avondale. Keunelt .Suu-irv ut Kofk'UiIe. INKKI'ENDKNT LIUGUE. .Marclix Hook nt Teturo. FddiKtoiie nt M. I'mil's, HlsliUind nt Lelpenllle. 1 O. H, of A. LEAOUE. Upland at Rockdale. Marrus Hook ut Durbr. Chester No, 81 ut Chester No. 43, iNTEiuinitu LinauE. ItVlley Turk ot Dreiel Hill. MedU ut Union, Morton-Kutleilse at HuhUnd Park. KEOUGANUEIl I1KLAWA11E UIVEK Morrlmllle vs. Mercer Auto at Trenton. (.lobe Tire at Koelillnx. Empire Tire ut florenee. MAIN LINK LEAGUE. Bun & Co. vs. Autocar Club, at Ardmore. Nurhcrlh at llan-Alr. l'uoll M. C. lit lluine. Wot I'hlUdelphU A. C. at IJerwjn. 1NI1U&TKIAL LEAGUE, Western Electric ut Dlsstau. Stokes & huilth at Keen Kutter. Midlule Mrel ut Auierleuu Pulley. Atlantlo lteiluhnc ut Electric moras Bat tery. Reach at Standard Roller BMrlui. Povtera. lU-Iiiblmaii & ltoseugarten at Hale & Hliburu. bCUUKBAN LEAGUE. North Philadelphia ut Oluer, liodd at rem Rock. NOltTIIKAST LEAGUE. Krankford at Wlsslnomlns, Kensloston ut llustlcton. Holaiesburs ut Urldeiburt. MANUFACTURERS' LEAGUE. Fell at Wheeler. lltaboa at llutterwortli. Carey at Keystone supply. Moor Mult at Elliott. 8UOK MANIFACTUKEUS' LEAGUE. U. 8. M. at HIuc, Lennox at Uexul. Laird. bcboUr i Co.. at lUUahan. Ulrard at Ednartis. By GRANTLAND RICE HAVE you ever noticed In your meander Ings through tho broad land of swat how few star ball players are ever hurf'or out to nny extent? Hans Wagner at 40 played In 160 games, and Hans last season nt 41 took part In 1B6 contests, not missing a contest nil year. Mathewson In 18 years nevor had n. sore arm until hli final trouble came last sum mer. Ho always was rendy. Ty Colib nnd Trls Speaker nevsr have been Injured to any extent. Both hare been able to average over 140 games n year. Walter Johnson hM been steadily on the Job for his eight yenrs' service, and so has Aloxandcr. The ball player great enough to bo a lending star seems to know also how to protect himself. Chick at Merion Whether Chick Evans will land the ama teur championship nt Merlon remains for tho future to say. Hut hero Is ono detail you can figure on for the first tlmr. in tho East Chick will be' tho lending favorlto among thoso trying to pick tho winner. In 1913, nt Garden City, Travers was an easy favorlto and Travers won. In 1013, at Kkwanok, Travers and Oulmet wero rlvnl favorites and they reached the final together. In 1D1G, at Detroit, Travers. Oulmet and Hvaiis wero bunched on oven terms. But nt Merlon Chick will havo tho call above tha field In the advance picking for the first time In any amateur championship of recent years. The fact that ho nt last has smashed his way through will bo accepted ns a big boost for his play. To Meet Welsh Wo havo In mind another fine system to select the proper man to meet Kreddlo Welsh, If Freddlo ever 'gets In that frame of mind. Here It Is talto Benny Leonard. Charley White and Johnny Dundee and lock all thrco. together in somo quiet cellar. About an hour later unlock tho door" and permit the sole nurvlvor to walk out and claim the right to Jho main match. This scheme ought to make a big hit with boxing promoters, as thcro is a lot of sports manship involved, with no gate receipts. Mention has been made of the fact that a golfer In Mlnlkahds. who holed a good putt danced a Jig on tho green. Perhaps ho laid tho ball dead with a jigger shot. Get Your Reservations Sir You can quit bothering now where the next world jerles will be. It Is all over. Any one can scCKvho has a ticket by spend ing about six das In Boston next October. It won't bo necessary to leave town to seo a came. Tho opening pitchers will bo Ru Herzog and Roush Are Stars for New Teams CHARLEY HERZOG slijmallzcd his return to the Giants by win ning for the McGrawites against the ChicaRo Cubs yesterday. He wns the star of the session in Chicago. While Herzoe; was carrying the burden for tho Ginnts, Eddie Roush, who' was making his debut for Christy Mathcwson's Reds, was performing feats that mndo him an idol with the fans of Rhineland. It wasn't Roush's fault that the Reds did not win their first game under tho leadership of "Big Six." STIUWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER TO PLAY CHINESE NINE TODAY The Chineso University nine will make another appearance on the Strawbrldge & Clothier Ield, 63d and Walnut streets, when they lino up against the store boys this afternoon. Tho Store Boys handed tho Orientals the first beating ever adminis tered by a Strawbrldge & Clothier team when they defeated these same Invaders on July 5, and that, a shutout. ' Ogden and OJlmoro will perform for tha home lads, and It was this combination that routed the Orientals In the game a few weeks ago. Alio or Apau and Mark will work for tho Chinese. Red Men's Games Scheduled Today Moro than ZOO entrlrs nrs listed to take part In the !!( athletic events of tha Iteil Men's .an nual outlnc nnd comes at l'olnt Ilreezo i'ark this afternoon. Athletes from all pnrls of this mat ami New Jersey will compete acalnst the local cracks and some exclttns racea can be looked for. as the prizes nro tha best ever offered by this orcnnlzatlon Thro professional motor racea and a nve-mlla amateur bicycle handicap rare hue been added to the program. Stetson to Play Logan Square Nine This nflernoon I.oran Square and Stetson will hook up for tho third time this season on the Ialtr's croumls. Twlco the "Hatters" hava bowed to Hi" JIcNlchol boys and the factory lada certainly uro out to square themseltea for theso reierse. I.lsht and Hteenson will form tho bat tery for tne homo club, while either Ad Nwlcler nr Frank McNlchol will bombard th Utetaon heavy artillery with Whit rocelvlns. Grant and Schmidt in Pinal Round PKI, MONTE, Cat.. July S3. Douglas Grant, northern California champion, will msst lleln rich bchmldt. of the Claremont Country Club, Oakland, L'al., today, In the finals of tha West ern coif championship, Grand Chimes Sold for, $10,000 CLEVELAND. O.. July, 12. Orand Chimes. S'OaU. record-brssklnc winner of th Tavern "Steak" in Thursday's Grand Circuit msstlnjr here, was sold to John Qlbbons, of Jonesvllls. La., for 110.000. VVVVVVVVVVVtVVSVVAVVVWVVVVVVVVV QUITTERS IN THE TEXAS GUARD COMPANY L, of the 3d Regiment, recruited in the town of Lott, in the heart of Texas, refused to take the Federal oath when it reached the borders Under the threat of drastic punishment the men re lented. In Sunday's Public Ledger George Pattulja asks "What caused these men to fail in their duty when' the crisis came?" He answer the question in one. word, "Socialism," and shows how the Southwest is honey combed with a breed of Socialism thrice as insidious as the Anarchistic red-flag Socialism of the cities. ' TOMORROW'S PUBLICLEPGER ;unMtWVUtUVHtWVHHVVUUHMVHVWVUin dolph and Shore. I, am not yet sure whether lluth or Leonard Trill meet Barnes or Hughes In the second" battle; but t may know In a week or two- If so, will nAtlae at once. R, K. V. Wa are glad to riear, this, because- w have, been bothered sc much, about the toca Hon of the series recently that we have only put on four or flr pounds, and! caa hardly sleep over S or 10 hours a nlgjit Another Wall sir Tw erer tha, from childhood's, ham I't seen my fondest dopo rleeart. I picked the Tank wilts greatest power And they lost Qve stars, right, awajv PLATO PETE. Tho Ited Sox havo tost TrU Speaker, but, nccordlng; to several Western pennant con tenders who have dropped la lately. thy hare still retained, one qc1 two others who can occasionally furnish a mite ot annoy ance. The Old Gunrd and th New "When I was playing league baatball, over 30 years ago, we had no costly train ing ramps, we had no big mitts and no shin guards nothing but uniforms, bats ami balls, and yet one catcher and two pitchers, with four lnQeldcra and. three out fielders,, were enough to last out a season for many clubs." Arthur Irwm.J When good King Arthur played t9 gamt, soma thirty years ago, Tha spiel which ho unfurls for u tcoa moil precisely to; They'd splice o fracture or a break from ulna bone to tplne. And then- go out anil grab a bat and out. one on tht line, When good King Arthur whaled tht pill, some thirty seasons thenee, The old guard made this present crop stack up like seven pence; They plktd along with tehat they had and wiped atoay the blood , A pitcher was a pitcher then, and not a hothouse bud. In good King Arthur's vanUltetf fa they stuck uttth what Jhey had; The game teas, then the bulk of it and not the savant's fadi A wound or whatthey only asked amid the crash 'and din Enough machinery Intact to hold the spark plug In. But good King Arthur's day Is dead as old last summer's rose; The costlier the bric-a-brao the fragller It grows; The shortstop reaches for hit cap hh sliouldcr springs a Icaki The pitcher's nose begins to Itch, and he must rest a week. TILDEN TO PLAY HAWK FOR TITLE AT NORRISTOWN Final Eound for Plymouth Club Singles Laurels Scheduled Today NORRISTOWN, Pa., July 22. William T. Tllden, 2d, holder pf the Schuylkllt Valley tennis championship, and Dr. V. II. Hawk, who held the title In 1914, earned the right to meet each other In the final round for the present championship at the Plymouth Country Club today. Tltden had a very easy tune In defeating E. 1). Hosier, Overbrook, 6-1, 6-0. Mosler furnished one of the upsets ot the tourna ment when he defeated E.' C. Hall Thurs day. In his match against Tllden the Over brook representative was never dangerous, as he was octremqly wild and drove Into the net repeatedly. The contest between Doctor Hawk and Norman W. Swayne. riiTnouth. furnished a striking contrast to the Tllden-Uosler match. Doctor Hawk won In straight sets from last year's runner-up in a match that consumed much tlmo and effort, 6-t, C-3. Kach roan played the easy, base-line game, aiming to wear down his. opponent by well-planned placements. Aa the contestants adopted the same tactics, a long-drawn-out match re sulted, and the number of times the ball crossed and recrossed the net In the loos .rallies was almost record breaking. The semifinal round match In the doubles between W. T, Tllden, 2d, and Roy Coflln, the tltleholders, and Doctor Hawk and B. C Hall gave the gallery sufficient thrills to make up for those missing In the Hawk Swayne contest. The tltleholders won their way to the final round after a very close call. Hawk and Hall had little trouble In carrying off the first set. 6-3, and they were well on their way to victory In the second when their opponents braced and evn the games at four all. Tllden and Coffin played well up to the net and smashed away for aces. The hard hitting was not confined to one side ot the court, as Hall produced many lusty .clouts that earned points. The team work of Tllden and Coffin Improved, and they were able to win the set, 7-5. The third art began with a rush. The title holders ran away with the first three games and the match appeared to be oyer, when Hawk and Hall uncorked a winning streak, capturing a trio of games and squaring the match. The spurt was spasmodic, however, as Tllden Inaugurated a smashing campaign that decided the set, 0-3, and o ended the match. i 1 I 41 91 SI . - t