stf&A EVENING tEDMHr-PHILADELPHIA, SATTJBDAY, JULY 22 1916 11-If'W'3 "- "rr J T- - 7-- & & NANCY WYNNE CHATS ABOUT THE ANNUAL SILVER BAY CONFERENCE -' ' - . Ten-Day Affair Is of Remarkable Interest to Those Who Attend These Meetings Many Philadelphians Pre's- ent This Year Returned Yesterday FIRST-AID CLASS FOR OUR OWN . , KEEPS CAPE MAY WOMEN BUSY Branch of Red Cross Meets at Golf Club Every Thura ' day Morning Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Starr Are Organizers SISTERS WHO HAVE LEFT FOR CANADA H VI THE annual Mission Class Study Con ference, which la held at Silver Cay, o'n Lake George, N. Y every ,.Iuly, has 'finished, and Its attendants have returned even moro enthusiastic than In other years. In the first place, Sliver Bay Is one of the most ideal spots In upper'Now York, and the swimming and tennis play ing are great attractions. Of course, the mornings were given over to tho various classes, and the lectures were so interest ing that very many wished there might have been some In the afternoon ns well. Among tho girls who attended the confer ence this year were Ellse and Eleanor Hopkjns, Qertrudo Ely, who goes nearly every year, and the two Hensel girls, ) Edwlna and Alberta, whose engagement to' Joe Pew, Jr., Is announced today. Dr. Wharton Smith, who Is Edwlna's fiance, was also up there, as well as Marlon Toulmln, Winifred Clarke and her cousins, Agnes and Louise Clarke, who r Instead of returning home hero hive ' gone on to Lenox, Mass., to visit tho Thomas Shields Clarkes, of Now York. The latest excitement at Lenox has been the cause of much conversation over tho teacups. Just as tho bathers were about to take a swim In Lake Mahkeenac on Wednesday, who shoutd appear In company with his fond owner but Prince Chin Chin In other words, the pet monkey of Miss Beatrlco Bishop, who was desirous of disporting himself In the graves. Tho beach was crowded with bathers at the time; and, passing strange though It may seem, not one of them was anxious to go Into tho water at tho same time as the Prince. Furthermore, no one was willing to forego his or her bath, so you will grant something had to be done and done quick, for tho Prince did not neod as much time as tho other bathers to divest himself ot apparel and don a bathing suit. Lonox decided It would stand for "no monkeyshlnes," so to speak, 'and Just nt tho critical moment tho club steward, who always has to do the-unpleasant work doesn't he? approached Miss Bishop and gently but firmly, let mo tell you remarked that It could not bo did. Bo a sadder but wiser monkey and owner returned to the house, where Prince Chin Chin took his bath In tho solitary grandeur of a tub. One of tho Interesting affairs to be held at Newport next month will bo tho Garden Fete, which la to bo given under tho auspices of the Newport Art Associa tion, on Thursday aftornoon, August 3, at the Grlswold Mansion. A platform will be erected on tho lawn and a cycle of classic dances will bo given by a number of prominent girls. Later In the after noon there Is to bo general dancing in the open air and In tho salon3 of tho mansion. At Narragansett tennis Is still tho -,.., nnri vrv Ativ sees the lawns of the Point Judith Clubhouse crowded with In- terested spectators. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fell, Mrs. Aleck Brown and Phil Ran dolph, Jr., lunched together at tho Casino on Thursday. Kitty Penn Smith. In her riding togs or sports clothes, !s constantly on tho sward. I wonder why Kitty has not taken to the racquet as she has to rid ing. Somehow you cannot think of Kitty save on a horse. I romemher tho first time I saw her In conventional evening dress I did not recognize her at all. Kitty's a good sport, all right, and mighty popular. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Barklle, who are spending the week-end in Newport as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Wilkes Cary. will be the guests of honor nt a dinner to be given this evening by their hosts. Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Rice gave a dinner of 38 covers last night at their villa In Newport. In. honor of Lady Williams Taylor and Miss Taylor. Doctor and Mrs. Rice will .shortly issue Invita tions for a dinner to bo given on the evening of August 18. Mrs. Alfred E. Norrls entertained at the supper dance given last night at the Hill Top Inn. Newport, In honor of her daugh ter. Miss Dorothy Norrts. Mlaa rfargaret M. Wright and Mr. Edgar T, Scott Jr., were winners In the prize competition danco held yesterday afternoon at the Swimming Club at Bar Harbor. An Interesting, summer wedding took place today at noon at Blue Hill, Me., when 'Miss Springer Harbaugh Strobe!, daughter' of Sir, and Mrs. Victor O. Strobel. be- came the bride of Lieutenant Fletcher Cole man Starr, ' U. S. N. The ceremony was performed In the Congregational church at Blue Hill, and was followed by a small reception at Lappahanlck. the summer home of the bride's parents.' It was a military wedding. Lieutenant Starr la attached to the battleship Oklahoma. Mr. George Wharton Pepper and his daughter, Miss Charlotto Eleanor Pepper, will leave on Wednesday for their summer ' home, Sunset Lodge, Northeast Harbor, Me., to Join Mrs. Pepper. "" "" Mr. and Mrs. Edward T, S.totesbury,. who have been occupying Whltemarsh Lodge, .Chestnut HIU. for the summer, will leave ton Tuesday by motor for Watklns Glen. ' N. Y. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Brooks, Jr., at York Harbor later in . . the season. . Friends of Miss Frances Wisher will be ' glad to know that she Is convalescing after an operation for appendicitis at Saunders- town. R. I., where she; has been spending the summer at the cottage of her brother- 'in-law, Mr, Owen Wlster. Mies Mary Bingham, of Bryn Mawr, la spending the summer camping In New ' Hampshire, Mlis Rachel Latta, of Chestnut Hill, has returned from a 10 days' trip to Kenne bunkport, Me. Miss Elsie Carroll, of Oak Lane, Is the truest of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Carroll, of -Kew York, who Is occupying her bungalow at Lake Hopatcong. , Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Beltler are occupying their cottage in Cape May. Mrs. Alice Goodwin, of Lowell, Mass., who has teen the guest of Miss Mildred Williamson, of 7U Pulaski avenue, for several weeks, has gone to Spring Lake, 4 N, J-, before returning home. jto, John G. Fatten left yesterday foe or.urlo. Canada, where he will spend the remainder of the summer on his island in ptorce'a Bay. His bungalow, Kill Jtare, Is situated on Point Au Barll, 700 miles north of Ontario. Miss M. Dorothy Werntz, of Telford Inn, Mantua, N. J., will spend the summer with Miss Laura Bahls at her cottaga In At' lantlo City. Along the Main Line NAIlBKItTH Mr. and Mrs, JValter L. .tones, of Nerbcrth, have taken n cottage at Ocean City. N. J., until September. WYNNEWOOD Miss Margaret Eleanor ntishton, of Lancaster avenue, returned yes terday from a short Visit to Miss Isabel Kctcham, at Bradley Beach, N. J. Miss It 11 nh ton wilt leave next Friday for Punxsu tawncy, Pa., where she will be tho guest of Miss Frances Blalsdcll for several weeks. Mrs. Itobert C. H, Brock has gone to Maine, where she wilt stay until August IE. HAVEItFOBD Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Hirst and Mr. Arthur Hirst, of Lan caster avenue, are spending July at the Catholic Summer School at Cliff , Haven, N. Y. WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Abbott, of Lancaster avenue, Wayne, will leavo to day for ltangeley Lakes, Me., where they will be the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. M, Hampton Todd at their camp for n fort night. Chestnut Hill Mrs. Dorothy Potter, of the Angtecot, Chestnut Hill, who has been at Magnolia, Mass., spent several days this week In town. Mrs. Potter and her small daughter. Miss Dorothy Potter, loft yesterday to return to Magnolia, whore they will Join Mrs. Charles Potter. They arc making the trip by boat Mrs. J. Murray ElUey and her children, of Chestnut Hill, are spending the remain der of the season In Cholspa. Germantown Mrs. Conrad Bcrens and her daughter, Miss Berntce Berens, havo returned to their homo, 4001 Pulaski avenue, after hav ing spent a month In Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. R. T. Newklrk, of 141 West Phil-, Ellena street, and her brother, Mr. J. Har ris Warthman, motored to Brown's Mllls-ln-tho-Plnes, to spend tho week-end with their mother, Mrs. Charles Warthman. Mr. and Mrs. Newklrk will leave August 12 for Jamestown, R. I., to stay until September. Mr. and Mrs. Rltncr K. Walling enter tained eight guests at dinner Thursday eve ning at their home, 43G West School House lane, and afterward went 'to Manhctm for the swimming and dancing. Miss Knthcrlnfi McK. Quln has returned to her home, 261 West Walnut lane, from a trip to Boston. Mr. npd Mrs. Arthur W. Hood, of 243 West street, havo returned from Ocean City, N. J., where they spent a week. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. R. Goshorn and their daughter. Miss Mary Goshorn. of 606 Wlster street, are occupying their cottago at Chelsea for tho summer. They aro enter taining Mrs. William C. Raughley for several weeks. Miss Harriet Parker, of Now York, Is tho guest of her uncle, Mr. Marshall T. Farra, of 5826 Greene street. Miss Parker gave a bridge of four tables, followed by tea yesterday afternoon, In honor of Miss Mitch ell, of Baltimore, who is visiting friends In Germantown. Mr." William Latta Nassau, Jr.. of 424 West Cheltcn avenue, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wlggan at their camp nt Silver Lake. Chester Valley Mrs. C. S. Kurtz nnd Miss Elizabeth Kurtz, of Malvern, havo gone to Ocean City, N. J., for a week's visit. Mrs. C. H. Malln, Mr. Howard Malln. Mr. C. II. Malln, Jr., Miss Blanche Malln and Miss Katherine Malln left yesterday for Wlldwood. They will bo at the Wlldwood Crest for tho remainder of the summer. Dr. O. S. Kurtz, who has been spending two weeks on the coast of Maine, will re turn to Malvern next Friday. Along the Reading A bridge and 500 will be held at the Old York Road Country Club next Wednesday morning. The hostesses' will be Mrs. M. D. Robinson and Sirs. E. I. Bacon. The regular monthly dance will be held at the clubhouse on the evening of Satur day, July 29, at 8 o'clock. The committee In charge Includes Miss Beatrice Wallace, Miss Esther Parshall, Mr. Llewellyn F. Ashbrldge and Mr. Alfred M. W. Saupe. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Whldden and their family, of Fernbrook avenue, Wyncpte, have left for New England, where they will spend several weeks. , Mr. and Sirs. Walter Fleck, of Jenkln town,1 are receiving congratulations on the birth ot a daughter last Monday. Mr, and Mrs. II. Clay Dlngee, of Washing ton-lane, Jenklntown, have returned from a visit of a fortnight as the guestB of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weltzel at their cottage on Park place, Ocean City, N. J. Tioga MISS RUTH GROENEVELD Miss Ruth Groenevetd, daughter of Mrs. A. E. Groeneveld, of 3339 North 15th street, whose engagement to Mr. James Arch Glbb, of Philadelphia, was recently announced, will leave shortly for Ocean City, where she will be expensively entertained, Miss Groeneveld Is prominent In musical circles In this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Gelbman, of 1320 Tioga street, are receiving congratulations upon the Mrth of a on yetterday. Miss Clara Scbrnld and Miss Edna Schrald, of 133S Tioga street have left for an extended (rip through the Middle West Kr 'if Hf it - i tjM ' t 4pkv ! lllflMP?lS2BH&d4n. - S9 2MEKHK4M?wSMMlHiHRH III tlF MHipBmpWHnBHH SL r,Jiir ilKL -iiM' -HHffBr ggggggssS5 SSIPV' ' '$S&8$k MISS ELEANOR HOPKINS f P Weddings JaktrW iii- STEELE BARNHURST. A quiet wedding will toke place this eve ning at S o'clock when Miss Nathalie D. Barnhurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wash ington BarnhurBt, of 410 West Price street, Germantown, wilt become tho bride of Mr. George D. Steele, of Pittsburgh. Pa. Miss Barnhurst. who will be given In marrlogo by her father, will wear a gown of white faille silk nnd chantllly lace. A court train will hang from tho shoulders; the tulle veil will be arranged with orange btossoms; white roses and lilies of the valley will form the bridal bouquet. Mrs. Edward Harrison, who will attend the bride as a matron of honor, will be gowned In palo blue net over blue satin and will carry pink roses. There will be two bridesmaids, Miss Corlnne B. Hard castle, who will wear white georgette crepe and chantllly lace, with a green girdle, and will carry pink roses, and Miss iBabol Long, of Norrlstown, who will wear a gown or pink satin, covored with chantllly lace, and carry pink roses. Mr. Steelo will' have Mr. Andrew Welde. of Now York, aa best man. The ceremony will bo performed toy the Rov. Stewart P. Keeling, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Owing to a re cent death In the family there will bo a very small reception for tho two lamllles and close friends. After September 1 Mr. and Mrs. Steelo will be at home at tho Dolmar-Morrls, Germantown. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Welhenmayer. of 260 South Farragut terrace, have closed their town house nnd are spending tne summer at Jo'nklntown. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Meyers, of 36 South 64th street, are spending tho summer at Jenklntown, where they wilt remain until lato In the fall. Mrs. H. W. Phillips, of 4930 Cedar ave nue, and her son. Mr. Webster PhllP. left yesterday on an extended tour of tne West, taking In Yellowstone Park. Mr. John Winters, Mr. Adolph Andrlen, Mr. Charles Hicks. Mr. Peter Bozorth and Mr. Frank Woottcn will return home to morrow from Wlldwood. after having spent the week ns guests or menus. Miss Agnes Walsh, of 6253 Archslreet. Is spending a few weeks In Wilmington as the guest of Miss Eleanor du Pont. ... ., t,.a,. nf 134 North Edce- wood street. Ib spending a week In Potts town, Pa. North Philadelphia Mrs. Simon Spllka will spend a few weeks in Atlantic City as the guest of Mrs. n. II. Ulmarv of Philadelphia. Miss Elizabeth T. Murphy, of 1819 Ox ford street, will' be the week-end guest of Mr and Mrs. Frank McManus at their home In Chelsea. Miss Elizabeth Towne, of '2012 Wallace street, will entertain Informally on Tues day evening. South-Philadelphia Mr and Mrs. Nathaniel Shoemaker will leave tomorrow for Atlantic City for an Indefinite stay. Miss Cellla Friend, of 1739 South 23d street. Is entertaining Mrs. Louis Weinberg, of Wllkes-Barre, Pa., as her guest. Kensington The engagement is announced of Miss Ethel M. Rauth to the Rev. William Paul Reumar.n. pastor of St. Johns Lutheran Church, Shenandoah, Pa. Mr, and Mrs. Johnson C. Simmlngton. of this city, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mae H. Simmlng ton. to Dr. J. Harry Slaugh, also of Phila delphia. l Frankford Mr and Mrs. George Monroe, of Bridge . i nfi.a Delia. II. Drown, of 388 Highland avenue. OverbrooknstheiPBu for a week, looay mc - - lantlo City to spend the week-end as the guests of Mrs. Monroe's daughter. Mrs. James W. Wallace, at the Breakers. Miss Ethet McKlnley, of 7010 Tulip street, entertained the members of her seizing cir cle at luncheon, followed by cards, today. Among the guests were Miss Mabel Wilson. Miss Dorothy Wilson. Miss Leona Wilson. Miss Marlon Gully. Miss Marjorle Dunlap, Miss Jean Watters. Miss Mary Cummlngs. M ss Marguerite O'Nell, Miss Alice O'N.ll. Miss Anna Brown. Miss Delia Holcumb, Miss ne(en oy" "" '- -- --- Delaware County Miss Lillian Force, of Clifton Heights, Is visiting friends In Wlldwood. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Johnston, of Glen olden, have taken a cottage at Wlldwood until September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace of Ridley Park, aie spending a week at Asbury Park. . " Lansdowne Among those who are, spending some time In Ocean City. N. J., are Mr, and Mrs. Ralnh Hays, Mr, and Mrs. Austin Boyd. Mr and Mrs. Frank Sagendorph. 2d. Mrs. S V Willis. Dr: and Mrs. William E. Chal mers Mr. and Mrs. William I. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Statzell. Miss Florence M. Clarke, of' Runnymede venue. Is entertaining Miss Avonelle Cro rhett. of Washington. D. C, apd MJs Ruth Cummlngs. of Scranton, as her guests for several weks. , Roxborough Mrs. Mary A. Waldeck, of 4329 Manayunk avenue, andher daughter. Miss Ellen Wal deck, will leave during the coming week for their summer home In Ocean Grove. They will remain until October and will entertain several house parties during the season. The Crowing Legion of the Fourth Re formed Church will give a plcnio luncheon on Tuesday pa the WUaaJilcitgn MISS ELISE Entertainments Miss Helen Farfand, of 4377 Manayunk avenue, will entertain tho members of her unit of the Red Cross of tho Emergency Atd at her homo next Tuesday evening. Tho members havo made moro than BOO band ages. They hold meetings every week at their homes. Mrs. David Lowls Is .chairman of the unit, the members of which Include Miss Helen Sllverwood, Miss Elizabeth Flanagnn, Miss Miriam Hendress, Miss Mildred Rlghtcr, Miss Mildred Hays, Miss Alma Cope, Miss Virginia Thompson, Miss Helen Granllss and Miss Anna Wallace. The second nnnual picnic of tho Happy Five Club was held last Sunday nt Glen wood, Falrmount Park. Games, muslo and dancing were fenturcs of tho day's enter tainment. Among those present were Miss MIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM j Wm& HfflLfir1 -ffiPm :,rw iWWvSf'trmMM Tires V B. HOPKINS Pearl Sharp, Miss Ida Levin, Miss S. Shapiro, MIbs H. Wrlder, Miss F. Cohen, Miss It Gold, Miss Goldenberg, Miss S, Levin, Miss II. Blackman, Miss G, Rosen koff, Mr. Abraham Brooks, Mr. Abraham Fcldman, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Abraham Goltan, Mr. A. Morrison, Mr. J. Feldscher, Mr. H. Silverman, Sir. J. Steinberg nnd Mr. M. Rosenteen. Northeast Philadelphia . Mr. and Mrs. Rosenbluth and their fam ily, of 1206 North 7th street, nre at At lantic City for tho summer. Mrs. Howard Anatel. of 4th and Thomp son streets, is entertaining Mrs. G. Stenton, of Scranton. for a few weeks. Mr. Leo Loeb, of 929 North 8th street. Is at his summer home in Jenklntown. Horse 'Power Dsfan "XTou ask, 'What has this to do with me as a buyer of tires?" f Just this by such savings at the Firestone factory we cut down the cost of tire mileage for you. Instead of paying 30 cents or more per ton for feeding coal, we install equipment that feeds for 4 cents a ton. One man feeds hundreds of tons One 12,000 horsepower ilPi A ones; buying from plantation and shipping direct: equipment for calendering ana cutting 84-inch fabric instead of the nar rower widths; scientific distribution through branches by car' load or trainload. These are some of the ways Firestone takes the cost out of overhead and puts the quality in the Tire. You profit through more quality more mileage for less money. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company v "America i Large! t-xcluuve l ire ana Ktm Maker" : 312-314 N. Broad Street Philadelj&ia, Pa, .Home OOlt and Vactory, Akron, Ohio liranche sod Dealer Everywhere Makers of First Truck Tires Loaders Then and Leaders Now In Quality and Volume. CAPE MAY, July 22. IT Is a mistaken Idea that all the society women who are .not In town are spend ing their time on the golf course, tennis court nnd beach gowned In their very best They are doing all theso things In Cape .May, but they arV also meeting every Thursday morning nt the Golf Club to sew, this time for our own men who may need help. The class will bo known as the Cape May Summer Branch of the Red Cross. Mrs. George Boyd and Mrs. R, Walter Starr were Instrumental In organizing the class, nmong who?o members ore Mrs. Caleb Milne, Jr.. Miss Marguerite Milne, Mrs. Harris F. Reed, Mrs. Herbert Fox, Mrs. Eastwlck, Mrs. Samuel Blspham, Mrs, Walter Cope, Miss Shearer, Mrs. Heullngs, Miss Miriam Partridge, Mrs. Walter Phil lips and Miss Florence Frlshmuth. Mr. E. C. Benedict, of New York, and ex-commodoro of tho Larchmont Yacht Club, has hod his yacht Oneida In the harbor with 12 guests on board, Mr. Ben edict, who was a close personal friend of Grovcr Cleveland, has sailed his yacht over many seas. A tennlr, tournament of women's singles, men's singles and mixed doubles will take place today. Air. John W. Dorsey Is chair man of the Committee on Arrangements. Mr and Mrs. Norman Grey gave a dinner recently at the Corinthian Yacht Club. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Dale enter tained at dinner a few nights ago, when their guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry C. Adams, Mr. nnd Mrs. Randolph Justice, Mr, nnd Mrs Wirt L. Thompson, Mr. King Wain wrlght, Mr nnd Mrs. Mlchlson, Miss Alice McC'abe, Mr. Andrew Wheeler, Jr., and Mrs. fharles Fry. Another attractive dinner party Included Mr, nnd Mrs. Philip Costner, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Castner, Jr., and Mr, and Mrs. T. Herman Vctterleln. Prominent among the Philadelphians here are Commodore Charles Longstreth. of the Corinthian Yacht Club,, of Philadelphia, and his daughter, Miss Ellanor Longstreth, Mr. Longstreth, who Is sailing his yacht Araw'an II, has painted It battleship gray and will give It to tho Government If It Is needed. Mr. Samuel L. Kent, of Lanedowne, has arrived In the harbor sailing his yacht Fly ing Scud. A swimming meet will be held again to day at the yacht club and will bo In charge of Mr. Eugene Pearson. The usual weekly danco took placo last night Mr. and Mrs. Wirt L. Thompson gave a dinner before the dance. ATLANTIC CITY, July 22 NO ONE minds a rainy day at the shore, for there Is always, so much to do. Many Impromptu brldgo parties and sow ing parties nre held, and tho theatres nnd the dansants offer diversions aplenty. Miss Minnie Joergcr entertained Infor mally at bridge at her cottage, 28 South Rhode Island avenue, and tho Misses Scull gave an Informal card party at their homo, 819 Pacific avenue, recently. Miss Emma Bruner nnd Mr. John Bruner, of Pelham Court, Germantown, who always a day that develop 12,000 Itisequipmentand efficiency of this kind throughout the Firestone factory and branches that give you ex clusive duality at ordinary price in Firestone Tires. turbine instead of a battery of small spend every summer at the Strand, arrived the first of the week. Tho Misses Hubley are spending the sum mer at Pittsfield, Mass., and will return here early In September. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meeker motored here from Baltimore and are at the. Brighton, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Ferhmn. Mr. Roland B. Harvey, secretary of the American Legation at Berlin, who recently returned frdnr'aermany and who ts here for the benefit of his health, has been Joined by Mr. W, Ewlng Harvey, Mrs. Qulnn and the Misses Qulnn are .entertaining Mrs. Peter R. Qulnn at .their cottage, 22 Vassar square, Ventnor. Mrs. Andrew J. Lawler and her daughter, Mrs. Mann, who usually have a summer cottage here, have taken apartments at the Dennis for tho remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Lynch have Mrs. Walter Rush Bynner as their guest at their cottage on South Illinois avenue. Members of tho Chelsea Yacht Club hare decided on next Tuesday evening fer their annual masquerade dance, which is always a, gala occasion. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pierce, of German town, who are visiting Mrs. Pierce's mother, will leave the first of the month for North Adams, Mass., where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis at Paradise Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nolan Magse. who r?.X tet1 v,?t'ns- Mrs. Magee's mother. Mrs. M. Gould, at her home, 11 South Connecticut avenue, will go to Maine for the month of August. OCEAN CITY, Jtly S. HORSEBACK riding la becoming a mid summer fad with young society people nnd every clear day a number of them may be seen cantering over the streets on spirited steeds. A riding school has been estab llshed In this city and It Is well patron ized. Rainy weather the latter part of this week, while It had a depressing effect on those who love to promenade the Board, walk, was enjoyed by lovers of muilo and cards. There were many progressive "500" parties In hotels and cottages, and In a number of hotels there were Impromptu con certs, which revealed considerable musical talent nmong the guests. Mr. Arthur Wceder Keeler and his family, of Philadelphia, nre staying here. Mrs. W. W. Rlday and son, of German town, are visitors. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. U. Mendex are here for a lengthy stay. MrB. Frank Hewitt and her family, of Philadelphia, are enjoying the sea air here. Mr, and Mra. Edwin Stiles are among the Boardwalk strollers. Dr. L. B. Helmer nnd his family are ests of one of the large hotels. Mrs. J. C. Wilson and Miss Lillian J. Arthur, of Ovcrbrook, are visitors. Mr. A. D. Cummins and family, of Had donfleld, are well-known visitors .now here. Mrs. L. C. Bell and her daughter, of Lo gan, are here for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sammts, of Philadel phia, are among tho salt-air seekers. i horsepower. mM&iitimmtom&m4iMi- -i --