EVENING liEDGBR-PHlLADELPHIA, FEIDAY, JTTLY 21, 1916. ffj H ft I m TUD fl Ifkf CD By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS 1 klEj VlkAKkXLjSX Author of th TARZAN md MARS STORIES STNorsta. ..nUK B"n "ths mjekf,' t a product pi nicxiro'fi YVaa, BMa all. 4hlaf aa.4 c r i- -r. ..'i.-. . ,H" ?' ."". "'.' I ir (! , m ion aiiGTHi nipt 52, F"rvel,c0 t '"capo arrtst, . ths tip comin from Follctmsn Lsskr. whew Ufa iwii iruin rnuanooa. nlw -anr feenrea. Illi abductor,. Ward, the mats nf I5e TJf.W'- sttsmpts to Intimidate, ths muck jr. niliy rtallMs br bcatlnr the bully, Bui.. J" "nyea wncn laptain Bimmi iars Ullljr ii unsubdued, but ta talraa Hn fit jliidaa SSifi "' , T ho new llf and. Its reaular ablti transform the Idle hah tus of Ihs ChicaRs underworld. 11 discovers there U iii ro nntIirrla0 ip WOTK. aboard the HnTt ens Dlvln- HI11V Al An s aitiiKO tor ons ptrson Me on, Its incle'peitenKer. Biii ...raoixc nctoinfn nil oubcsiiuii aim Illy J'ssrns for opportunity to "push In Ivlno'e mush." Hilly overhr ft eonrer. gallon between Dlvlno nnd Captain 8lmms. lie learns that Divine Is dlr-nlni- the IlsK This dielike Moan's voraae. which le financed hv one CI on In Han WanfA and Invnluat aima yuo canra iinrainr una anotn-r -..--, -." ; ,-,....... ..u ,...ul.v4 ....,., narsnn hv the name ot HsrhsriT. The brfrnnllne reaches Honolulu and lays at anchor, beelde the ir i m wniie yaent, her minion etui unsx Plained. Shore leave le refused to the crw nd the paner only quite his cabin after nightfall. Ward and the second mate en f e a room at n, third-rate house, where they chanea. their attire. thn reBlller at another hotel ne "Henri Therlere, Comte de Cadenet, and eteward. France.'1 They send a note to Anthony Hardlnir BDOard tllA Vanhf. Rltlntlan nirnma wllnaii.i the transaction. Hardin turns the note EI'r ."... hls 'lauthter .Barbara, who with ftjr, fnthcr caltij. on the ''Count." After their departure Ward find De Cadenet hasten pack to the Half Moon. Billy sees Divine i2Vl.Jhe,3l w"h ,h "klnper In the latter'a nnnHlnS1. nrbara, who Is heiress' to t20, PPO.Olig from hor; srandfather. Slmms le to, hold the slrl for ransom. 'Divine, her Old friend, Is to be a "capll-e." Ho Is to lores, the Blrl tn niarrv him nnil thpn lhav wo vouici do released. The Frenchman detects 'M'ly. He lass bare n counteroiot to out- wit the captain. Ward and Divine, nilly trees to Join Therlere, but asks further de tails. inerlero sunriests three or four members of the crew to If) Jon, but iia me acnome. IV n (lltlMI 111 ",1nllli1i..nAaal incriere rherlara. llAnw ac iiiljh uhA- n.1 "Jinco, me Diacit cook, enter the conspiracy, (111 lha aaAnrf .In.. .. I.anl.rf H...I11I11 ., .V "'.-..- . nun ivuiuib iiuiiuimu the Ilalfmoon aluhta the steamer and enanges course. Halls nro furled nnd dis tress signals flown. Anthony Harding nnd waptaln Norrls. of the jneht, see them und oaclde to extend old to the supposedly wrecked vessel. Billy Mallory, a passenger, discovers smoko nrlslnt; from tho brlean tlna and believes she Is afire, This appear ance Is a. ruse of the conspirators. Therlere. smitten by Barbara, hopca to obligate her rather and win tho elrl, malting away with nis accomplices and throwing Ward, Slmms and his antagonists Into Irons. The Are hojx, spoils his plan Meanwhile the boats draw close to the yacht. Slmms announces himself as Cap tain Jones, of the Clarlnda, Frisco to Toko jama, with dynamite Flro has followed a disabled rudder and abandonment Is neces sary. Captain Norrls Is skeptical, but iJ.a.r,lnF ..orders nil taken on tho yacht, llllly Mallory and Ilarbarn watch the Half- Koon a crew as they clamber aboard Mai ry s proposal of marrlaco Is Interrupted py shots Hardlntr Is surrounded by tho "rescued" sailors, who are nrmed with re volvers Captain Slmms Is seeking nnr bara Harding Establishing her Identity by ft ruse, he orders llyrno to "fotch the girl." Mallory, a former colleco athlete trlei to save her. Ho and UllTy grapple. The Mucker conquers and. with Slmms aid. takes the clrl to a waiting boat. Word and half a. rioien.of the Hul (moon's crew are left aboard the Micht. The others return to the brlgantlne, which sails southward. The yacht, with Harding, his guests and crew aboard, is set adrift. Divine and Barbara meet. He tells her ho Is a prison er, but his trim npocaranco makes her doubt his story. She tells him of the De Cadenet Incident. Ho says he acted under compulsion. Gradually the girl. In her loneliness, ac cepts Divine's society. One day she meets Therlere. Ho explains his action as a prac tical Jok6 nnd pretends to have been de ceived by Divine. He professes friendship and leads her to his cnhln. nnd calls her attention to a small hole In the partition near the head of the berth. He nks her to listen, telling her Divine Is probably In the adjoining room. CHAPTER VI (Continued), ltH" exclaimed tho skipper. "So you J nln't dead, after all, eh? Well, that don't chance tho looHs of things a rnito. Wo gotta get that man outa there, an' theso flca-bltten Imitations .of men ain't got tllo norve to go' In after him." "He's got your gun, "sir,"' spoke "up WII eon, "an' Gawd knows ho bo tho one as 'u'd be on'y too glad for a chanst to use It" . , "Let mo see If I can't, handle him, sir," wiir Bavea aurinsr n muck uy msrobers Slj..Ilv,,l!nl'' n fttneo BHIjvtd drud ffti I hanshsld .He rtcover to find hlmsait In bunk Aboard ths Half Moon, a.brljran- tin. (nfinnM hv a -xfAanlw w atmll It. FARMER SMITH'S WHOSE FAULT NOW? mSSZggZEgZESZSgSgmtggZ&ZZMMMmBMS I'M i i I i i i It's cheaper to buy ice than Our Postoffice Box A great many things might be said about Herman Iteteenbach, but tho thing that has Impressed us most Is that our young friend is decided ly of poetic taste. He has requested lis to publish Words- worth's poem about the rainbow, which we shall do the first time the space presents It self. Besides read ing poetry Mer man plays base ball and with as much outdoor boyllness as though ne naa never pored ovor tha sweet my. tery of rhyme and rhythm. Young p a 1 1 1 a t er. who MERMAN KBISENBACH llVM ( the same neighborhood, U quite a followsr pf the dla roond Ha U quite content to practice In shoots and out shoots and let some one else taka care of tha poets. t Something fearful happened In Danville, Pa . bst Saturday. Tha rain waa delayed and the paper were not on ttma Ona thing is sure, tha Danvtlla Rainbows are faithful readers and early ones at that, for every Ingla ona of them wrota and mentioned tha fact of the dly, Isn't that right, Catherine Murray. Bertha Chllds and the rest of the Danville devotees? Ob, by the way, we hava four more Danville Rainbow. They are Mildred and Cleaver Smith, Caletta iJerst and Susan I'atton. Berths, Child) is responsible lor this additional membership. s;iuabeth Hunnewlll Willing-1 ROW hp- I plly estabtunea in tier summer noma near Henryvllle. Her particular bungalow la tuckei W tha helfht of oma oeau;ltu green pu, and BUbeth U Itavlnj a won rferful time chMlnc up and down and b!cs WtmE? Xf& u. J V- .ssr wt 'X wr m v ' jet? VX'x .imb LaWIallM K---r:.ziamm rtt.iiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBI fMmKKmz About sJi f uu ji Jsj ss a. llttl-; slrl an be. J said Therlere to Skipper Slmma. "We don't want to lose any' men If tva can help It." Tho skipper welcomed this unexpected rescue from the predicament Into which he had placed himself, How Therlere was to accomplish the subjugation of, the muti nous sailor he could not hums, nor did he care so long as It wan done without risk to his own skin. "N'ow, If you'll go away, sir," said Therlere, "and order the men away, I'll see what I can do." Skipper Slmms did as Therlere had re quested, so that presently the omcer stood alone beside tho hatch. Across tho deck, nm Id ships, tha men had congregated to watch Therlere's operations, while beyond them stood Barbara Harding, held fascinated by the grim tragedy that was unfolding itseir before her upon this accursed vessel. Therlere loaned over the open hatch In full view of the watting Byrne, ready below, Thero was the Instant report of a firearm nnd a bullet whizzed closo past Therlere's head, "Avast there, Byrne 1" he shouted. "It la T, Therlero, Do not shoot again. I wish to spenk with you." "No monkey business now," growled the mucker In reply. "I won't miss again." "I wish to talk with you, Byrne," said Thorlero In a low tono. "I'M coming down thero." "S'o, you ain't, eul," returned Byrnoi "leastways, yell ain't a comin' down. here alive." "Yes, I am Byrne," replied Therlere, "and you must not be foolish about It, I am unarmed. YoU can cover mo with your revolver until you havo satisfied yourself as to that. I am the only man on the ship who can save your life tho only man who has reason to deslro to ; but wo must talk It over, and wo cannot talk this way, whoro there Is a chance that we shall bo overheard. I shall treat you fairly If j-ou will be fair with me. If wo cannot agree, I shall return, and you shall be no worso oft than you are now,. Hero I come," nnd without waiting for an acceptance of his proposition tho second officer of tha Ilalfmoon slipped over tho edge 'of tho hatchway and disappeared rfroni sight. That ho was n brave man, even Billy Byrno had to admit, and those above, who know nothing of tho relations existing be tween the second mate and the sailor who had so recently felled htm, thought that his courngo was little short of marvelous. Therlero's Btock went up by leaps and bounds In tho estimation of the sailors of tho Ilalfmoon, for, degraded though they woro, they could understand and appreciate physical eourago of this sort. To Barbara Harding tho man's act seemed unparalleled In Its utter disregard of tho consequences of life and death to himself that it entailed. Sho was suddenly sorry thnt she had en tertained any suspicion ngalnst Therlere so brave a man could not bo other than tho soul of honor, she argued. Onco below, Therlere found himself cov ered by hli own revolver In tho hands of a very desperate and vory unprincipled marl. Ho smiled wryly at Byrne as tho latter oyed him suspiciously. "Look now, my friend Byrne," said Therlere, "It would bo foolish for me to say that I am doing this for love of you. Tho fact Is that 1 need you, Wo cannot succeed, either ono of us, alone I think you were foolish when you struck mo to day. You know that our understanding was that I should be even more rough with you than usual, In order to nert suspicion should wo bo caught speaking together. I had an opportunity to nbuse you today, and I thought that you would understand that I was but taking advantage of the chance to make It plain to Mile. Harding that thero could be nothing other than hatred between us. "If I had thought' that you really In tended hitting Ino you would havo been a dead man before your flat reached me. my friend. You took me entirely by surprise; but that Is all In the past I am willing to forget and help you out of your dllllcultles. Then wo can continue with our work as it Ii pay for it this way!! THE P. R. T. Contest is OPEN from NOW until .' ugust 12! For tho BZi V STORIES, DRAW INGS and IDEAS on how to PRE VENT and AVOID ACCIDENTS $100 IN PRIZES IS OFFERED. Send all stories, etc., to Farmer Smith, Evejiing Ledger, Phila delphia. HE FOUND IT A well-known Indiana man, Ona dark night last week, Wnt to the cellar with a match, In search of a gas leak. (He round it.) John Welsh by curiosity, (Dispatches state) was goaded; He squinted In his old shot gun, To see If It was loaded. (It uaa'n't.1 A man In Macon stopped to watch A patent cigar clipper; Ha wondered If his finger ftas Not Quicker than the nipper. (It uajn'U A Maine man read that human eyes Of hypnotism were full; ' Ha went to sea If It would work Upon an angry bull. (ft wouldn't.) San Francisco Bulletin., Favorite Records Sent la bit JACK BUROES9, Csdsr art. 1, The Meadowbrook Fox TrotJ jt xht Stars and Stripes Forever (Soura) ; I. Cohen on tha Telephone ; 4. "Uncle Josh and tha Bllllktn; 6, Mighty Lak' a Rose; (. It's a tons Way to Tlpperary; 7, Turkey In. tha 6tras J, The American Patrol i. Kins Cotton March (Sousa), and 10, Jn tr Glmmlny. , ' pSStt ilJSJ though nothing had happened. What, do yoii say?" "I didn't know yeh was klddlnY replied the mucker, "or I wouldn't have hit yeh. Yeh acted like yeh meant It" "very well, that Is understood," said Therlere. "Now, will you como out If I nrrange with the captain -so that yoii shall not get more than a day or so In Irons? Ho must give you something o save his own face) but I promise that you shall not be beaten the way you were beforo when he had you below. If ho does not agree to what I propose I glvo you my word to tell you bo," "Oo ahead," said Billy Byrno. "I don't trust nobody w'en I don't have to! but I'll be dinged If I see any other way out of ft." Therlere returned to the deck, and, see ing the skipper, drAw hlrrf to ono side. "I can get him up peaceably Jf I can assure him that he shall get onlya. day or so In tho cooler, with full rations and no beatings. I think, sir, that that will be the easiest way, We cannot Bpare a man now If wo wish to punish tho fellow later we can always find snmo pretext." "Very well, Mr, Therlere," replied the skipper. "I'll leave the matter entirely In your hands you can do what you want wllh tho fellow. It's you as had your face punched." Therlero returned Immediately to the forecastle, from which ho presently emerged with tho erstwhile recalcitrant Byrno. For two days the latter languished in durnnco vile, nnd that wns tho end of tho episode, thouglt Its effects were manifold. For ono thing, It Implanted In the heart of Therlero n personal hatred for tho muckcri so that while heretofore his In tontlon of ridding himself of the man whon ho no longer needed him was duo puroly to a matter of policy, it wns now reinforced by a keen deslro for personal revengo. Tho occurrence had also had its Influence upon Barbara Harding, In that It had shown her Mr, Therlere In n new light ono that reflected credit upon him. She had thought his mngnanlmous treat ment of tho sailor little short of heroic, and It had deepened tho girl's horror of Billy Byrne until It now amounted to llttlo short of an obsession. So vivid an Impression had his brutality made upon her that she would start from slumber, dreaming that sho was menaced by him. After Billy was released for duty fol lowing his Imprisonment, ho several times passed the girl upon deck. Ho noticed thnt she shrank from him In disgust and torror ! but what surprised him wns that Instead of tho thrill of pride which formerly he would have felt at this acknowledgment of his toughness, ho now felt a Blngular resent ment against the girl for her attitude, so that ho camo to hato her oven more than ho had beforo hated. Formerly ho hnd hated her for the things she stood for; now ho hated her for herself. Therlere was often with hor now. and, less frequently Divine: for at the second ofllcer's suggestion Barbara hnd not ncquaintcd that gentleman wttli tho fact that she wbb aware of his duplicity. "It Is well not to let him know, ' said Therlero. "It gives you nn advantngo that would be wanting should he suspect tho truth. Xow you are In n position to be wnrncd in plenty of time against any ul terior suggestion ho may mako. Tell mo always what ho tells you of his plans, and In this way we may defeat him much more easily than If you followed your natural Inclinations and refused to hold communi cation of any sort with him. "It might bo well. Miss Harding, even to encourage him In tho hope that you will wed him voluntarily. I think that would throw him entirely off his guard and pave the way for your early release." "Oh, I doubt If I could do that, Mr. Therlere," exclaimed the girl. "You cannot Imagine how 1 loatho tho man, now that I 1'now him In his true colors. For years ho has Importuned me to marry him, nnd though I never cared for him In that way at all and never could, I felt that he was a very good friend and that his constancy RAINBOW CLUB STORIES OF CLOUDLAND Little Tulip Heart Meets Gum Drop nV FA KM Kit SMITH Charlotto Russse, Tulip Heart's maid. led the way out to a broad hall The flnori of this hall was covered with a green car pet In which daisies grew. But Tulip Heart fouhd that she didn't crush nny daisies, for her cloud shoes carried her right over tho tops of them. All the daisies nodded and laughed at her. All this made her ery happy and she was laughing and nodding to the daisies when she came to tho top of a long staircase that led down to Trice Marmolade's dining room. Charlotto Russe took little Tulip Heart by tho hand then nnd said, "Jump, dearie," Then they both Jumped and floated down the staircase as If they had been summer clouds. At the bottom of the stairs they found Oum Drop, tho little green grass elf, sitting on a big blue flower that grew out of the wall, Ha took off hlo little green hat, made out of clover leaves, and bowed over so far he fell off the flower. It looked as If Oum Drop was going to tumble right down on his head, but Just as ha had almost reached the floor a big golden butterfly flew up and caught him on Its wings. Oum Drop sat right down on the butterfly's wings nnd picked up two little reins. Then he smiled and winked at Tulip Heart and drove right through the wall, which opened for him like a broken cloud, "Isn't he funny?" said Tulip Heart to Charlotte Russe "Yes," said Charlotte Russe, "but he Is very naughty to wink tha way he does. Prince Marmolada forbade him to wink and will punish him It he finds out about It" "How will Frlnca Marmolada punish him?" asked Tulip Heart. "Ha will "take his butterflies away from him," said Charlotte Russe, "and then he will have to walk, He Is very lasy and hates to walk, so he will feel very bad If his butterflies are taken from him," Just then a great door all made of pearls opened wide a,nd Tulip Heart saw Prince (To be continued.) Vacation Notes Thomas Morgan Williams, Jr.. of Par- rlsh street, Philadelphia, Is encamped with tha Boy Scouts at Brown's Milts. N. J, He has promised us a diary of dally happen ings. We anxiously await Its arrival, as wa are confident that every real live boy and a few real Ihe girls wll genuinely enjoy this chronicle of days spent In the glorious open. ( Mary Catherine Burps, of North 16th street, expects to have a very wonderful vacation trip. With her father and mother she will make a tour of the New England Btate In her grandfather's automobile. The party will proceed up the State road along the Hudson River, stop at Saratoga Springs for a few days and then continue on the journey. Miry Catherine ha prom ised to send postals on her trip. We will look to these to complete for us the tour she has so temptingly begun. FARMER SMITH, Care of tha Evenino Lbdoib, I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Please send ma a beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY. SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONO THE WAY. Name ...........a,,,,.,...,.....,.., Address Aje . .- ,i,,ii' t.llMMII.IIIM MMHIMIIIIHllltlMtl School I attanl ll.MIM'IIIIIIIIM demanded some return on my psrt my friendship and sympathy at least. Now I shiver whenever he Is near me, Just as I would were I to find a snake colled beside me. I cannot abide treachery. "Nor I, mademoiselle," agreed Therlere glibly. "Tho man deserves nothing but your contmpt, though for the anke of policy 1 hopa that you will find It possible to lead him on until his very treachery proves tho means of your salvation. For, believe me, If he has been falsa to you, how much more quickly will ho be falso to Slmms and Ward ! He would betray them In an Instapt If tho opportunity presented Itself for him to win you without their aid. I have thought It might bo posslblo to lead him Into Attempting to take tho ship by force aricl return you to San Fran tHco, or, better still, to tho nearest clvlllied port. "You might, with propriety, suggest this to him, tolling him you believe that I would stand ready to asilst In tho undertaking. I can promise you the support of several of tho men quite n sufficient number, with Dlvlno and myself, to take the Ilalfmoon easily from her present officers." "I will think over yoilr suggestion, Mr Therlere," replied Barbara, "and I thank you for tha generous Impulse that has prompted you to befriend me. Heaven knows how badly 1 need n friend now among so many enemies What Is It, Mr Therlero? What is tho matter?" Tho officer had turned his eyes casually toward tho southeast as the girl spoke, and Just now ho had glen a sudden exclama tion of surprise and alarm. 'That cloud, mademoiselle," ho answered "Wo shall hao a bad blow. It will be hero In a minute." And with that he started forward on a run, calling back over his Bhoutder: "You'd better go below nt onco I" CirAPTHU VII. TEMPRST AND PANIC THE storm that struck tho Hnlfmoon took her entirely unawares. It had sprung, npparontly, out of a perfectly clear sky. Both tho lookout nnd tho man at the wheel were ready to tnko oath that they had scanned tho horizon not n half minute beforo Second Mato Thorlero had como rac ing forward bellowing for "all hands on deck" nnd ordering n sailor below to report the menacing conditions to Captain Slmms. Beforo that officer reached the deck Therlero had the entlro crow aloft taking In sail; but though they worked with the des peration of doomed men. thov uero onlv partially successful In their efforts. The sky and sea had nssumed u Blckly yellowish color, except for thn mighty black cloud that raced toward them low over tho wnter. The low-moaning sound that had followed tho first appcaranco of tho storm gave placo to a sullen roar. Then, of a sudden, tho thing struck tho Ilalfmoon, ripping her remaining canvas from her as though It had been wrought from tissue paper, and with tho flying can vas, spars and cordage went the main mast, snapping ten feet abovo tno dock nnd crash ing over tho starboard bow with n nolso nnd Jar that rose abovo tho bellowing of tho typhoon. Fully half tho crew of the Hnlfmoon cither wont down with tho falling rigging or were crurhed by tho crashing wolghfof tho mast as it hurled ngalnst tho deck. Skipper Slmmi ruihcd back and forth, screaming out curses thnt no ono heoded and orders that thero wcro nono to fill. Therlere, on his own responsibility, looked to tho hatches. Ward, with a handful of men armed with axes, attempted to chop away tho wreckage, for tho Jagged butt of tho fallen mast was clashing against the ship's sldo with such vicious blows that It seemed but a matter of seconds before It would stave a holo In her With tho utmost dlflloulty a sea anchor was rigged and tumbled over tho Hnlf moon's pitching bow Into the nngry sea that was rising to more gigantic proportions with each succeeding minute. Tho frail makeshift, which at best could but keep tho -eisol'". bow Into the' wind, saving her from Instant engulfment In the sea's trough, Beemed to Therlere but n sorry means of prolonging tho ngony of suspense preceding tho Inevitable ond. That nothing could save them was the second ofllcer's firm belief, nor was he nlone In hli conviction Not only Slmms and Ward, but overy experienced sailor on tho hlilp, felt that the life of the Ilalfmoon was now but n matter of hours, possibly minutes, whllo those of Icseer oxpcrlence woro equally positive that each succeeding wae must mark tho termination of tho lives of the vessel and her company. The deck, wnshed now nlmost contin uously by hurtling tons of storm-mad water as one mountainous wave followed unother the length of tho ship, had become entirely Impossible. With difficulty the men were attempting to get below betwoen waves. AH semblance of dlsclpllno had vanished. For tho most pnrt they were a pack of howling, cursing, terror-ridden casts, fight ing nt tho hatches with thoso who would have held them closed ngainst each new assault of tho sea. Ward and Skipper Slmms had been among tho first to seek precnrlous safety helow deck. Therlero alone of the officers had remained on duty until tho last, and now ho waB exerting hlB every effort to savo as many of the men as possible with out losing the Bhlp In doing. It. Only between the wavaj was the entrance to the main cabins negotiable, whllo the forecastle hatch had been abandoned en tirely after It had been with difficulty re placed following the retreat of three of tho crew to that part of tha ship. The mucker stood beslda Therlere as the later beat back the men when the seas threatened It was tho man's first experi ence of tha kind. Never had he faced death In tho courage-blighting form which the grim harvester assumes when he calls unbridled nature to do his ghastly bidding The mucker saw the rough, brawling bullies of the forecastle reduced to white faced, gibbering cowards, clawing and fighting to climb over one another toward tha lesser danger of the cabins, while the mate fought them off, except as he found It expedient to let them pass him, he alone being cool and fearless. Byrne stood as one apart from the dan gersand hysteric strivings of his fellows. Once' when Therlere happened to glance In his direction the Frenchman mentally as scrlbed the mucker's Beemlng lethargy to the paralysis of abject cowardice. "Tha fellow Is In a blue funk," thought the second mate. "I did not mUJudga him like all his kind, he Is a coward at heart " Then a great wave came, following unex pectedly close upon the heels of a lesser one It took Therlere off his guard, threw him down and hurled him across the deck, land ing him In the scuppers bleeding and stunned. The next wava would carry him over board. Released from surveillance, the remainder of theo rew pushed and fought their way Into the cabin nly the mucker remained without staring first at the prostrate form of tha mate and then at the open cabin hatch, (CONTINUED TOMORROW.) THE GHEERF UL OTO& II -HI' in I I 1 ussimim nin.ii-.ll I atxU -clone in VKck rftsrfc.ir VVer lo I found . poerr There.. 1p .5PJTOV? "tKen I Ivcd nn htrv. I Kt-d to mt-ka tke. root thing, 'rhye". ' Aa Ck Jn m lif.i.fl.H'iWiffliii.ifln&AWliri'i'ir lymff i TnmTi rcrJfrwflP HOW THE PHOTOPLAY fSfSJSJ fsSKis5fra f?RS2E Jr Z.'ssal EgSip" ' --M' UXl.1'"" nRwrirti Hero nrc two clippings from the current issue of the Evening Lcdgcr Univeral Animated Weekly, cautioning parents concerning infantile pnralysis. The picture at tho top illustrates the making of an anti septic boric acid solution. Tho lower one shows the danger of infection arising from tho snle of food in uncovered wagons on the streets. Theatrical Baedeker Nntf FBATUHB FILMS STANr.F.V rrMny nnd Bsturduy. "Davy frockctt," with Dustln I'arnum. n Tallas I'nramount production VICTOniA "Whore Is My Datiithter?" with Mnrv MncLnrrn. n Illuoblnl feature cmmieed hy tho 8mnllf;s nnd written by l,nls Welwir, from Jano Addams' book. "An Ancient IJvlI." All thn week AnCADtA Frlilny nnd Saturday, "Ths Mttle School Ma'am," with Dorothy dish, a. Orlltlth Trrnnslo production FAI.ACC Friday and Saturday, "Ths Fan Phantom," with Frank Keenan and Enid Markey, an Tnce-Trlansls production. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S "Mads In Thllly." with Vlvl-nns Scfrnl: Edna Wroo. too dancer, Eltzaboth Cope and Jack rind nnd thn Iarct and expert company responsible for this audev!llo rovue: the Sixteen NaYaasnr dlrls; Andrew Tombes and Lola Wentnorth: Harry ltolman. In "Adam Killjoy". Edwin Oeore, Lillian Fits cprnlil and Henry I, Marshall, and ths Heltff Trlhuno Pictorial Nos. QLOllE "0er the Garden Wall " with nurko and Walsh, Ad Hoyt's Mlnstrols: llobbs and Nelson: Francis Hon. In "lletwei-n EtBht and Nino", Edith Honey: tho Mafsj Luollls's Models; tho Four Cutups Louis Torrettl. and the Amores Mulvy Company In "In n X'arlslan Cafe " ailAND "Tho Courtroom Girls," tabloid mu sical comedy: Wilson Franklin. In "My Wife Won't Let Mo", tho Honolulu Trio. Jenlcs nnd Allen: ths aerial Mitchells; Mendelsohn, and movlnc pictures CnOSS KEYS THEATnE Friday and Saturday, "Tho Dream Pirates"; Trank Ward: tho Gallerlna Four: Da Itoss nnd company; Norton and Allen, and Jack Dakota and company. Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Entries now open. Voting- beran July 17, Voting ends August 31, Derision September a, ' How to Vote Tut out the headlnr "Evenlnr Ledger" nnil date linn nppearlng nt the top of ths llrst pace. Write your rnmltdate's name In Ihe nlille mnrsln nboro nnd mall to the Etentng ledger Photoplay t'nst Context. P. (). Hot 0A4, or bring It to ths Ledger Office. Each hemline counts for ten votes. Nn head ing except that on the first page will lie nrrepted and none that Is dated before July 17. Entry Blank rienne enter In ths Erenlng Ledger Fbsto play Cast Contesti Name (Miss or Mrs.) -,.,;, ..t..t Home address v..,..t..t..t..t..t..... Kama (Mr,) -...t..t..t..t..t.. r Home nddrsis ..y..v,,v..r..T..T..vj,..r Signed by ...v..T..r.....T..T.. .. For , Nominating orcnnltntlon. Nominating organizations mny concentrate (heir rotes on one candidate or may nominate nnd work for tuoi 1. e., ono lady, ono gen tleman. This nomination blank, when properly filled out nnd forwarded, will entitle the nominee tn 1OO0 votes. Candidates are requeued ta sire their home addrcas In racli and every Instance, so thnt the Editor will be able to communicate with them from time to time. Alt addresse will be strictly confidential. Only one Nomination lllank will be rr ""!' I . h contestant. Mult to Erenlnr I.edcrr Photoplay Cast Con test, 1. O. llox 001. Philadelphia. Prominent Photoplay Presentations NXST rillLADKLriUA OVERBROOK MD ADFhWB. Violet Mersereau ln kbttbtw- 'The Garden of Shadows SMt BALTIMORE BOTH AND BALTIMORE AVE. Charles Kent in 'The Inner Glow" "THE BEGGAR KING" EUREKA 40TH MARKET fiTS' FeMur?" William Farnum in "THE BATTLE OF HEARTS" GARDEN 63D LANfHJCWNE AVE. ELLA HALL in "THE CRIPPLED HAND" KOKTH I Broad Street Casino tf CVtlMu 1 la Ann V. Anna Kirk '""Ort" 'MYBTKRIES OP MVRA" iSX. 131 UH Es LEHIGH AVE. VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" Pictures SOUTH OLYMrJA BAjJiumDae TAi maftMUM comor, tosty anj omui. Htut4 at t mWmiwn jirie. MATS. DAILT. sfDA, SCHNALL J "LND1NE" Stadisr Dm far tottsr than "Nspmaaj DsjibJjU V "-U-i.it FIGHTS THE PLAGUE Music at Strawberry Mansion Tonight The Falrmount Park nand, ntchard Schmidt conductor, plays at Blrawberry Mansion this afternoon nnd tonight. Ths programs follow! ArrnitNooN. to h o'clock. 1. Overture "Stradclla" Flolow - PH'tiv. "Tl" Threo Quotations" Sousa (a) Tho Klnsr of Trance, (h) I, too. was 1 ., ?rn ln Arcadia. (c In Darkest Africa, 3, Moth-ts front "Qtoconda" . . , Ponchlelli 4. Walts from "The Quaker Girl". . . .Monckton n. "Hungarian Fantoslo No. 1" Tnbant 0. (n) "Shndowland" Gilbert (b) March, "The Washington Greys" 7 Melodies from "Tho Pink Lady" Caryll 8. "Popular Songs of tho Day" Berlin EVENING, 8 TO 10 O'CLOCK. 1. Overture. "Phedro" , Massenet 2. pallet scenes from "Coppella" Dellbes 8. Cornet boIo, "Caatlna" from "Itobort le Dlable" Meyerbeer Soloist. Santo Martorano. t Melodies from 'Taust" Gounod 0. 'Norwegian Carnoval" 8endaon 0. (al"Slxnnlo Dance No. 3" Dvorak iW ,.",re!.0l1 Ereer" Myddlston 7. Walts. ".My Dream" WaMteufel 8. Melodies frocv "Tha Walts Dream". .Strauss "atsr Spangled Uanner." Music at Plaza Tonight Tho Philadelphia Band. Silas E. Hummel, conductor, will Play tonight at City Hall plaia. The program follows: 1, 0erture, "Fra Dlavolo" Aubers 1' Spanish Valse Les Angeles Godfrey 3. Selection from "nobert Is Dlable" . . ., . .. Kretaehmer 4. Tho Dance of the Serpents Boccnlerl IV. Gems of Scotch Melodies Godfrey 0. Contralto solo Selected Uertha Drinker D'Albttes. 7. Second Mazurka Godard 8. American sketch (."Down South") .tyddlston Dies From Apoplexy on Train LANCASTER, Pa., July 21A n-turnlnc homo Inst night from a visit to Philadelphia, Henry Betzler, of New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Pa., was seen to throw up his hands In tho Pennsylvania Railroad car he waa traveling in and fall back In his seat un conscious, whllo the train was standing; at Coatesvllle. A physician who was on tho train examined him nnd pronounced him Head from npoploxy. He was 79 yearB of nge. He was accompanied by his wife, who cot off at Coatesvllle. Prominent Photoplay Presentations " ,' ' v crr,rr,fT1rm, ..........,....,.. ......,... ,.,..,.,.,,, Om npiIK follovrlnr llieatrrs obtain their pictures through the STNLEl' Daaklnr x Company, vhlrli Is a cuurante. of earlr sbswlnc of ths dnsst productions. All pictures rrrlewed beforti exhibition. Ask for the theatre In jour locality obtnlnlnc pictures throucli tho STANLEY DOOKINO COMrANV. ALHAMBRA 12th, Morris & Passyunk. Ae. Mat. Dally at 2; Ergs., lit. tIo.-fimn.int T(rt tt rsl VICTOR MOORE in "The Clown" ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH DOROTHY GISH in "THE LITTLE SCHOOL MA'AM" A PflT T l MTII AND THOMPSON ArLfLdxJ MATINEE DAILT S Valentine Grant 'nlnno li.- ALL-RTAH TRIANOLE-KETSTONE COMEDY nrf nmwT B2D AB0VE MARKET JDJCjLilVlVjiN 1 Mats. It30 & 3)30, 10a Mary Pickford In 'THE DAWN OP A TOMORROW" nVT A O 80TII AND CEDAR AVE. UijUVtV FA.RAHOVKT THEATRE Sessue Hayakawa iAeJJ,Souii i- k msfni 1MT 28TH AND rIIlVV-Ui I OIKARD AVE. XI rr. In "The Flower of VlOla Liana No Man's Lan4" "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE" (8) FRANKFORD 4TU frankavenue Sessue Hayakawa ln 'aueouls'. CHARLIE CHAPLIN In THE VAGABOND" 56TH ST. Theatre nt. SDruce. MATINEE DAILV Evrs. 7 to It Edna doodrlch In "Ths Maklnr of MiMaln' Mr t Mrs. Sidney Drsw In a cnotce cornea. GERMANTOWN "Wkx MARGUERITE CLARK in -SILKS AND SATINS" -I -lTH? 09 ni & MARKET 2-1B-T-0 OLAJEjEi tls.000 KIMBALL ORGAN OLGA PETROVA in PLAYING. WITH FIRE" "MDAWr. AVENUE THEATRE IjlKAtVl-' ITH AND GIRARD AVENUE Hazel Dawn ,iThe Saiesiady" IRIS THEATRE 8" AgSS?TW Billie Burke ,tt bSEST'" CHARLES KENT a "LBTETIA' JEFFERSON m" &ul RUTH ROLAND in "A MATRIMpNIAL, MARTYR" LAFAYETTE $9U KENSINGTON AV1S.NUB CARLYLE BLACKWELL in "SALLIES IN OUR ALLEY" 1 FAriFD roaTY-FiRST akd EDNA GOODRICH in TUB tUKXN'i OF MADpALKNE" iMmimfUM "TARZAN OF APES" MADE INTO mm The Burrotighs-Ledgei Romnric to Be Filmed In Elaborate Production By the Photoplay Editor To the thousands of Etb'mwo LicdobX readers who have followed Tarzon through the romance by Edgar nice Burroughs published In these columns, It will be good news Indeed that Mr, Burroughs has Just sjgned a contract with the Rational Film Corporation of New York for the filming of tho first of the stories, "Tarzan of the Apes." It Is the Intention of 'William Parsoris, president of the National, to make a pre tentious production of 10 or 1? reels and to release the picture Independently, Produc tion wilt be begun within a few months at the National Film Corporaton studios ln Florida and also In the Big; Horn Moun tains. Miss Dalo Fuller waa somewhat seriously Injured a few days ago while working In a flood scene out at the Keystone studio. Mack Sennett Is producing a comedy which hns to do with the scuttling of a ship. In one of the most strenuous scenes Miss Fulter fell and br6ke two ribs. SI10 was taken to her homo where she will probably remain In bed for a few weeks. Another accident happened at the Keya stone studio a few days ago when Fritz Hcliade suffered a broken arm while playing a scene on the brink of the studio tank. One of tho diving girls felt, and it was try ing to save her from Injury that "Keystone Fritz," ns he Is called, fell Into the tank, hitting his arm against the ratting with such force as to causo the fracture, Schado has taken many chances during his long association with Mack Sennett's productions. It wilt be remembered that ln "FIdo'H Fate," he was thrown by Charles Murray from a six-story window, the fact that thero was a firemen's net below by no means eliminated the danger ln this pro ceeding, but this Is the first reel Injury that the comedian has suffered. Sellff has Just produced 'The Prince Chap," which will be released on July 24. In "The Prince Chap" Marshal Nellan, the director of tho production, returns to tho Bcreen. Scenes for this picture were taken ln New York, Chicago and Loa Angeles. Associated with Mr. Nellan ln Its produc tion ore Marj Charleson, who recently Joined tho Sells forces; Bessie Eyton and Oeorgo Fawcott. v The latest photo-play acquired by the Unity Sales Corporation Is tho photo drama version of "Tho Lottery Man," ln which Thurlow B?rcen Is starred. "The Lottery Man" was a sprightly comedy-drama dealing with tha adventures of a reckless newspaper man who put himself up as a prize for the fairer sex. Ho is fairly swamped with matrimonial offers, but the winner of the lottery appears to be hli sweetheart's cook. 1 Henry B. Walthall's cast name In "Ths Strango Case of Mary Page," Kssanay se ries, was Philip Langdon. Therefore, when a letter' came to Essanay addressed to Philip Langdon it was turned over to Mr. Walthall. It proved to be from a girl In Colorado, who said hor brother, a Philip Langdon, had been missing for years and that he resembled Mr. Walthall In appear ance. She had hoped that the two were' the same, but the actor was compelled to admit that Henry Walthall was the nam he was awarded rather early In life. 3000 Nurses Asked to Join Red Cross Three thousand nurses In thla city -wers called upon to enrol In the Red" Cross move ment through letters sent out from ihe headquarters at 1419 Walnut street yester day. This appeal followed a 'similar letter which had bean sent to bankers, brokers and business men, and Is part of the cam paign by which ths nod Cross hopes to enrol 50,000 members In this city. The Rod Cross ambulance visited the Frelhofer fcakery plant at 27th and Indiana avenue yesterday noon and addresses were made to a group of employes. Bothnia Grnpom LIBERTY BROAD AND " 4V COLUMBIA HAROLD LOCKWOOD MAE ALLISON in "THE MASKED RIDER" LOGAN THEATRE "l0 B0AD George Beban ,TH ALIAN I OPT IT 02D AND MCH8T LiVUUil Mats. Ii80 end StSO, I09 Edith S EV"' !S0' ' ' lie Antonio Mowna ln 'The Tarantula" Market St. Theatre mB$gF WOnLD FILM CORP, Pressnts KITTT GORDON In "THE CRUCIAL TEST" Evsry Wednssdar "PEO O' THE RINQ" PALACE 12U MARKET STREET rm"r'-' 10o-20o FrankKeenan THE PHANTOM PARK RID,9?A. DAUPHIN ST. MAT.. 2; 15. EVG.. OUS to Jt. PARAMOUNT GEORGE BEBAN in "Patquale" PR i Nr v q c 1018 MARKET RED FEATHER FEATURES P?.snt Flora Parker DeHaven ,asm9- RIALTO OERMANTOWN AVE. aw.l-l.l-. i V AT TULPEHOCKEN 6Tt NORMA TALMADGE in "GOING STRAIGHT" REGENT Sag? JSgw Edith Storey The Trjmtul R 1JR V MARKET STREET ft,u - below rot btrss? Olga Petrova '" "eia with BUIl. Burks la "Ql0rU' Romanes.' TttfSS" SAVOY 1311 MARKET STREET J. WARREN KERRIGAN m THE SILENT BATTLE" TIOGA "n 4N VENANGO ST, BLANCHE SWEET In "THE THOUSAND-DOLLAR HUSBAND VICTORIA ABJET ST MARY MeLAREN in -web ir mt DAomrmRr STANLEY aKKB ABoya i. CONWKWQV fWJ51 fABJfUW 11 A. M, to Ui "iJyy rrnitir :15 '. M. J-S M -r l l tl 5 i