W4 - a EVENING LEDGBB-PHIIiAUBLPHIA', FEIDAY, JULY 21, 1916. 1TIQUETTE QUERIES ROYAL SPORT OF GOLF DISCUSSED BY M'LISS-MARION HARLAND JfcAJgMiii GOLFING ON COBB'S CREEK STRENUOUS, M'LISS FINDS fey the Time Local Alps Have Been Climbed and Streams- Forded the Ardent Enthusiast Is Ready to Enjoy Scenery PLATING golf at Cobb'a Creek Is more than JuAt good fun. It's a real adven ture, involving the climbing of mountains, ,41 fording: of streams, the mowing of ftps and the digging of turf, GJvcn the ktrength of a SandpW, the climbing- pro clivities of & Dora Keon, the endurance i a Ted Meredith, plus the nglllty of Btohdln, tho tight-rope walker, one might b able to arrive at the 18th hole of that Very picturesque course without feeling like Jess AVIllard'a opponent at tjho end i the 20th round. But to all ordinary mortals I rocom- 1 mend utter the first game a softly padded. stretcher, a speedy trip home, a week In bed With the dally attendance of an ex pert masseuse. Those who follow this treatment may In tlmo learn to forget that they possess Innumerable shoulder muscles they had wot not of Tjeforo and all of tho vertebrae that tho physiology books record. There are some, howover, I venture to predict, who will carry tho memory of their first golf game to their Very "graves. The first thing that Impresses the be ginner at this sport of kings and states- men and causos her soul to shrivel within her Is tho taciturnity of the caddies. The Mona Lisa herself does not wear a coun tenance more baffling. The tyro, sticking her elbows Into her ribs In the unnatural position that her companion has told her Is the only proper lone, prepares to drive off. A terrifying 'gallery, consisting of impatient golfers waiting to got on tho course and tho Ublcfuttous caddies, watch her with an Inquisitive air. After describing throe cir cles In tho ozone which would make a whirling dervish green with envy, tho beginner, by a miraculous stroke, feels her stick come In contact with the ball. Tho ball, however, Instead of whizzing through the air after the manner of a bird on the wing, hops like a disabled toad for a couple of feet and lies down In a nice biiqhy hazard to die. Out of the corner of a self-conscious ,(eye she regards her caddy. Surely he will be laughing at her. But no! Ko humor. Bo ridicule, only an unmlstakablo bore Letters to the Editor of Address all communications to 31'Uea. caro of ot the paper Dear M'Llss I ha-e read dally your very Interesting; contribution to your department of tho GTE.ti.iO LlDOta, and so feel encouraged to come to you for counsel In regard to my ambi tion In lift. N I have always been Interested In literature and English, and have desired very often a poiltlon a critic or newspaper reporter, but do not know just bow to take the Initiative atep In securing ouch a position. Can you help me In this particular or give me some Idea ot the qualifications a girl should have, the hours ot service. etc.T Is there a school ot journalism In Philadelphia that prepares young women for work or ths character, and It so, where Is the same located? Shall be very grateful to you for any Infor mation yod may Klvo me on this subject, and ball wntoh eagerly In trie Krr.vl.so Lidoek for your reply. Sincerely yours, K, I Host seasoned newspaper women, remem bering their early years of apprenticeship, are tempted at the outset to discourage sis. ter aspirants. It Is true, and all city and managing editors will tell you this, if you prefer a map's opinion, that few women are good newspaper assets. Initiative, aggres sion, the gift of observation, the ability to write, clean, comprehensive English are the qualifications of successful reporters. If In addition to these attributes you have originality and a senst of humor. It Is quite possible that you will "hit the high spots" which Is to say7 that you will be a Joy and delight to your editors, with the prospect of some day sitting with them on the heights of Olympus In editorial chairs. The moat necessary qualification of all J have not mentioned yet. It Is perseverance. Bang on to a story with hands, feet and teeth until you get It A reporter that I know was sent to Washington to get an In terview with the then Mrs. Gait at the time cf the announcement of her engagement to President Wilson. It was a wet, soggy day. GOOD Good form queries should be ad dressed to Deborah Jtush, written on one aide of the paper and signed with full name and address, though nlttals ONLY toil! be published upon request. TJiis column will appear in Monday's, 'Wednesday' and Friday's Evening Ledger, Invite Fiance Star- Deborah Rush1 received a letter from any niece announclnr her enxaxement to a youns: Bian we do not know personally. Now, 1 would like to show her some politeness. 'Would It be all right to ask her to bring him to dinner to Ineet my family or should I wait until she .riots him to call, ANXIOUS. It would not be neceaary to wait until your niece and her fiance called upon you to sk them to dinner. On the contrary, It s sjulte the usual thing upder these circum stances to invite them as early as you can conveniently do so. Garden Party Apparel Bear Deborah flush I hive teen Invited to in afternoon tea In the garden by a friend and would like to- know what would be suitable for me to wear. Doea one keep one a hat on at thee affairs! JULIA. A dainty frock of georgette crepe, chiffon pr a fine dimity or lawn would be appro priate. Unless one Is receiving the guests at tfie; special request of the hostess a hat ahouid always be worn. Corrections in Public Hear Deborah Ruth At a home where I was. .yUMf eau recemijr ww ei tarn gveeie IJMQ9 a atenunt about something; that nad happened Utity and mentioned that It took place Tues day when It halt reaUy been on Monday. A feunjr lady corrected tier and It seemed to em marrasa her. Which was the correct thins to J5 let her make a misstatement or correct Er IIAROIJ). A? the day probably mad no manner ot AUNrence la the story it would have) been mat courteous to allow the mistake to paM unnoticed. It la very embarrassing to fo (wrrectcd abruptly In public for a mis statement (a correction is apt to be abrupt). T-rtlMS pome one's character would be n ur4 ff a trifling rnjsatatement were not ettrreeted It I better to let it go. jkt Croaft Spoons or Forks Jtswr iltbornh ftBjA. Wha I was out at lunch r a' lataly tBr trvel ,tU to ereara, wtt toi4llc Ute, Yfniea eeul a si y . TREATS YOU Hr. , a mmmmri, nmxAwt 0 rmmsamt racer apectatttt rXAUE5 JiUW.. Walnut at 150. A BUnSKftED FACE? iw. isvar. itnsertiiojM BAlr. j dom clothes his freckled countenance. To him this beginner Is no different from 20 others who have preceded her. It Is going to be a dull game. Her companion has played about 10 times and is therefore expert. With great show of form he takes his turn at the tee, and after performing all tho sacred rights of the game drives off. With a creditable imitation of a blrdllng essaying Its first night the llttlo white ball starts out bravely enough, but drops tired out and exhausted after It has proceeded 12 feet. Thus they proceed. The tactful caddy offers a mldtron or a brassle, when tho Inexpert ones were on tho vcrgo of asking for a niblick or a cleek. Thus they learn. By the time tho sixth hoto Is arrived at the beginner, panting for breath and with a pink tonguo hang ing out, murmurs "Watorl" and sinks with moro forvor than graco on one of tho little green benches that aro conven iently placed roundabout. The Bcenery Is Indescribably lovely. Leafy woods Invito one to stop and rest and do their best to change an ardent golf enthusiast Into an arrant slackor. An emerald green fairway rolls Into tho dis tance like a wonderful velvet carpet. The babblo of tho creek drowns out the babble of boasting golf flonds. All Is peaco and serenity. But upt upl to armst Not the bugle, but 12 moro holes, two-thirds of tho course, call. Other golfers are drawing nigh. It Is a weary life, albeit a healthy one. Tho beginner looks at her compan ion with tho piteous oyes of a beaten spaniel. "Wo can Jump from tho sixth to the 18th hole." ho says mercifully. Jumping in this fashion entails the rocky ascent of mountains and the perilous descent of sharp declivities. Narrow bridges must be crossed. Ultimately the clubhouse, where a refreshing shower awaits, Is ar rived at. So tho first game is played. To thoso who havo tho temority to play a second and then a third, I supposo golfing Is tho sport of sports. Some, however, prefer to preservo tho memory of their first unsullied by repetitions. M'LISS. the Woman's Page the Iivmlng Ledeer. Write on one ride only. Time and time again she was rebuffed at the Gait home. Thirteen unsuccessful at tempts she made. Tho fourteenth time she called the home on the telephone Sho got a tiny Interview. Wet, bedraggled but happy, she returned to Philadelphia. It was not a pleasant day. But that sort of thing happens every day In the newspaper odlce. There are Joys to offset the disagreeable experiences. A newspaper office Is the Uve.it place In the universe and newspaper people the llvest people. Many men would rather be on a local staff at $30 a week than In a business office at 500. A poor woman reporter cannot make more than a beginning; stenographer. An adequate woman reporter can make sb much and a bit more than a trained nurse. A "star" makes at leaBt twice that sum If Bhe continues to play her hand In the news paper game. This amount doesn't usually content her, though. And sho looks to tho magazines or the syndicates to repay her for her grinding apprenticeship. If the smell of the Ink as the papers come wet from the presses thrills you even as the smell of smoke does a fire horse, you are born to the profession and nothing else will satisfy you. If you desire only to en gage In newspaper work because you've got to make a living and Imagine that to be an easy, lucratlvo way. DON'T. There Is no school of journalism In Phil adelphia. There Is one In New York, the Pulitzer School at Columbia University. The best training In my estimation, pro viding you have a good basic education. Is that received on the local staff of a news paper. See the city editor or the managing editor and tell him what you want. FORM I have used? I notlcjd some of the guests used forks and others spoons. j. a. I). Either Is proper to use. There was a time when forks were ptererred, but unless the regular Ice cream forks are used a spoon generally Is more convenient. Introductions "Star Dtborah Rush When Introducing a younr airl to a woman oast to whnM nam snouta do menuonea nrsir j-.r. t '.. j ., . . -- . .T-. ".- Tin Vnti thlntr ff slrante man epeaks to me on the street I ahouid answer him? When introducing a younger, woman to an older one the younger one's name should be mentioned to the older one for In stance, "Mrs. , may I present 'IUs T" The yminger person ls'li,;roduced to the older one. Just as a man is always presented to a woman, unless he hold some very distinguished position which In Itself raises him above the average person. It would be a mistake to speak to a strange man on the street or anywhere, for that matter unless he Is an official In a publlo place who is stationed there to answer questions. DEBORAH RUSH. WBinmttiJammmtt.aB&BMaaBsamaaL fiz lelps keep ihehedr 'lealthy, lustrous tree nom deuaarun For most ocodIc. whote scaloi are tn good conditWj and not strioutfy affected with dandruff, regular shampoos with Resinol Soap are enough to keep (he hair health? and the scalp clean. But it there is severe aanarutt, itching- or loss o( hair. Resinol Ointment should be used in connection with the Resinol Soap shampoos until the trouble is under control, Ittslaol Scap and Ktauuil Mi hit tie tfjf Ruitl Otsu&aelaieaeU bU drug. Sithe5tutttetiaiiJt Vj. for WBplta tree, wnu iimx& mxt outXjlv- t.a-t,.iUsirSB4il. iv duetmfrtt. ScJr SEEN IN PRACTICAL SPORTS TOGS FOR the motorist, whethor for her who drives the car or a mere passenger, thin n mobile sports hat will be found qulto useful. It h a Jockey model, fitting thf ' snugly, defying tho wind and with a visor protecting the eyes Is quite practli.. other sports, such as tennis, polf o- even bathing. It Is made of taffeta In brown, , navy, gray, tan nnd black and white check, and Is finished with a patent leather strm buckle. Price, $1. This regulation sports waist Is ot whlto Japanese silk finished with pearl buttons. has a convertible collar that mny lie worn either opened or closed, nnd also features u yoke from which fulness Is Introduced. It Is smart and correct for all sports. Prlco, $5. Tho crepe do chine tlo comes In various striped color combinations or In plnln colors at 50c. Tho name of the shop whero these articles may be purchased will bo supplied by tho Editor of tho Woman's Pa?c, Evenino Lnnoen. 60S Chestnut street. Tho request must he accompanied by n stamped, self addressed envelope, and must mention tho dato on which the article appeared. SHOP FELLOWSHIP By WILLIAM A. I ,VM Interested In tho fellowship work of the Commonwealth Steel Company of St. Louis, as described In the April bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Institute What Is being dono by and for the workers In that concern Is paying direct returns on the Investment as well as being of groat Indirect benefit to the company nnd direct benefit to the men. Their plan Is worth careful considera tion by employers generally. They found that drinking water was costing them a lot of money In summer time. They found that their bills for Ice nnd labor in connec tion with tho wntcr supply neraged $6795.28 for two years, The men wnstod n lot of tlmo In going after water. Drinking Ice water caused some elckness. Every now and then a man was hurt handling tho heavy Iceboxes. The conditions nround the water coolers were not of the best. Tho company put In a filter nnd a re frigerating plant. Water pIpeB were laid and bubbling fountains were placed every 50 feet In the shop. Tho water Is sent Into tho pipes at 48 degrees and returns at 53 degrees. No workman at his Job Is moro than 60 feet from n clean, sanitary bubbling fountnln supplying safe, good water at Just the right temperature. The cntlro cost of Installation, Including enough rcfrlgerntlon to supply tho com missary department, was Ul, 540.41. The entire cost of operation, Including 5 per cent. Interest on Investment. Is $1897.83. Tho direct Bavlng per year Is $4887.45. This takes no account of saving In time of a man or gain In health, comfort and efficiency for the men. The company has Installed clean, sanitary, comfortahlo toilets nnd urinals easily ac cessible to the men at their work. They appreciate the gala for themseUes as well as for the men from having proper toilet facilities easily accessible. Where the toilets are cold or can only be reached by mini? nut into the cold, the loss to the company from constipation, headache's and colds would more than offset the cost of better facilities The company has provided lockers and shower baths. After work a man takes his bath and gets Into clean clothes for the street. The report says, "These facilities Increase Individual efficiency " This company places great stress on safety work. Safety work reduced Its losses In 1915 to less than one-tenth what they were In 1912. In addition to the di rect savings there were Indirect gains. "Safety work was found to be the right and orderly way of doing things. This made It a constructive aid to shop efficiency and shop economy. Good safety work would pay from this viewpoint alone." Sputum Analysis J. Please Inform me where I can get sputum analysis for tuberculosis? S. What will an analyals cost? I do not cough, but can hawk up thick, clear matter from my throat, mostly In morning. I am easily tired, emaci ated, heart slow, about 45 to A3, cold ex tremities, ase 28: lots of outdoor work, eat mlsed diet. Including plenty of fruit and milk, ft If test shows no germs In sputum does this prove the absence of tuberculosis? t J aw ran I test urine for aurar?. fi. If sugar la found la this proof of diabetes? M. J. M. j. Send to the State laboratory at the capital. 2. If done by the State there will be no charge. 3. Consumption should not be ruled out on one negative test. Have a careful phy sical examination made by a physician. 4. Get some Haines' or Fehllng's solution and a test tube from the drug store. Put a teaspoonful of the blue solution In the and ordinarily Jv lH -S-rblfi THE SHOPS WORK ' . A WORTHY EXAMPLE EVANS, M. D. test tube. Heat Just to a boll. If sugar Is present tho solution will turn yellow and reddish yellow and become muddy. Or hao a physician, druggist, or a laboratory make tho test for you. 5. Yes. Holds Her Breath Mr lltttn rlrl. 2 vn-a aM. t.... . I wi. holding her breath, crying, after being hurt or crossed. I don't think , It Is all temper, ns child. V t1- & j artA n. frnnrl.nn,,, .i do to make her catch her breath? is in,m nnv iTahr.p. nn, and what can I . ai. u. There Is no danger. Do not do anything to rriako her catch her breath. This habit Is the result of temper. Sho must be quietly but flrmty controlled. Tho cure lies In properly training her. Decorating Grapefruit If you have week-end guests nnd want to make the breakfast table look really festive, decorate the grapefruit In the manner Illustrat ed. Tho fancy edge looks like a work of nrt, but U'b moroly a question of work ing a llttlo tool for tho purpose, says Popular Me chanics. This In tricate little Instrument makes grapefruit or orange half look Just tlko tho plcturo, and Is operated something like a pair of scissors. YOU GET EVEN IN THE STYLES 300 305 307 310 315 316 318 319 321 322 324 326 344 345 PRICE $3.30 Get the Round Psckago Used fox V4 Century. 7&i HOHLICH S F5 Caution Avoid Substitute!, iMAlTWMHCO- :,vfis,u3. T&mK fe anctM u MARION HARLAND'S CORNER OlTcrs Stamps nnd Patterns I have many canceled stamps from foretsn countries and shall be sKd to send them to all who would like them, as Ions; as they. last. I can also send pretty crochet lace pattern" to any fancy worker who withes them. If It Isn't too much; I should like to set stamped pieces to embroider oullt pieces or small remnants of any kind And how much I should like a pic ture! une rramed or suunoie ior iraminr. i lost the contents of a dear little homo two rears lost tne contents or a aesr lime noma iwo yonrn ro and neve missed my pictures most ofall, rhe addresses of U M. and Mrs. J. I. O. I would like to ret, and have you send In the damped and self-addressed envelope. I am anx- aro and have missed my pictures most of all. i no s would tmnA mnA alf.nrfi1rftan pnveinm lous to eend foreign stamps to- the. dear little deaf boy. MRS. II. rc. M. One of Dickens' characters Clemency Nowcomb by name, I think had a wny of crying out, "How fcellngfull" when her heart was touched by kindness done to her or to those she loved. In thought I applied the term to the foregoing letter at the first reading. Tho addresses wont to tho writer nt once. Surely wo shall be as ready to respond to the llttlo petition slipped In be tween offers to others. Look up a plcturo Illustrating some worthy feeling or action something that will milt her taste nnd send for her address. She does not ask for a masterpiece or a painting. Just something pure nnd elevating to cheer and keep her best fancies company. Wo note, likewise, tho expressed desire for pieces. Stories for Invalids This Is my first contribution to your Helping Hand Corner. I have wondered If a lot ot Interesting etorles taken from various magazines would help some denr shut-In to pass away weary hours. I will gladly pay postace to the person who wants them If tho one who wishes them does not And It convenient to do so. I wish you all success In your loving work. JANEJ. A. Dismiss your wonder nnd make ready to answer tho host of letters you will receive when tho denr Bhut-lns have taken In the itllty of what you Intend to do for them. ' me know when tho last batch of Inter- k stories haB been given out. Sugar Cookies millanee with your request that practical oj should contribute trustworthy re tho Corner, I Inclose n good sugar cooky Tream ono cup of butter, add slowly jiim of eugnr. Heat three eggs nnd ndd , huttor and sugar, Sift one cup of pour ei two teaspoons of baktng powder. Add a little uratcd nutmeg nnd one teaspoon of flavor ing. Kent otlr In enough flour to make a soft dough, noil nnd cut and bake In a moderate oven to a light brown. J, n. A correspondent who has added to the worth of tho Helping Hand Corner In more ways than ono Incrcasos our plensant load of Indebtedness by nn oxcellent recipe. Soft sugnr cookies nro never wasted upon tho llt tlo ones and aro highly prized by their ciders. This Is ono of tho best of tho kind and tho kind Is goodl Canning Vegetables A correspondent asks for directions for can ning electables from those who have been suc cessful In the work. When I aay that out of 78 quarts 1 have lost but 2. I think you will ngrco that I am rather successful. Teas, string beans and lima beans are all canned alike. Proparn as for the table; have iar perfectly clean. I do not sterilize, as long oiling after gi)tnblcR are In the Jnrs, does that. Fill Jars full: add ono teaspoon of salt to oach quart Jars fill up with cold water to OVeriiOWingi run a. BHVDi nmto ui tuin uonr the Insldo ot the Jars to let the air outl put on tho tops. Place a Turkish towel or enough white rags In the wash boiler, on a rack, which should bo In the bottom of tho boiler, and hae enough water In the boiler to reach two-thirds ugl tfii UD tne jars 1 Ul on UHiiur uuiiik cover aim let it come to a boll. Cook about two hours Lift out the Jars: put on tho heated rubber rings; put on the heated or aterltlied covers; crew down tightly. Let nil como to another half-hour boll, thon cool In water. When cool enough to handle, tighten caps again. Scald whole tomatoes, put Into Jars without cutting, ndd a little salt and water and set tars In tho holler; bring slowly to tho boll; rook 10 minutes; lift out the Jars, tighten the tops, and set to cool out of the cold air. V eat those tomatoes as salad In the winter. Fit the rings on while the Jars are In the boiler. Stewed tomatoes; Cook as for the table, season, but do not thicken; pack In sterilized Jars with closely fitting tops. Alwajs tighten caps after the Jara are cold. I strain some of the tomntoes. putting up the pulp. It is convenient for sauce, etc., to hae It nicely strained anG readv to use at a moment's notice. After straining, put through a aleve; put back BORDEN'S. IN th square package GRAND PRIZE I Ask HIGHEST AWARD I fn If . PANAMA EXPOSITION ' Ior " , ANOTHER PROOF OP QUALITY &ww'wwwwwinifrijw GREATER VALUE At the New Standard Prices . THAN EVER BEFORE. The slight advance in the price of certain Nemo Corsets represents only a fraction of the actual increase in cost of materials and making. The famous NEMO QUALITY is strictly maintained; so you are getting MORE FOR YOUR MONEY than ever before. You may be sure that any corsets now offered at cut Prices are badly out of date ot of inferior quality therefore dear at any price. Nemo Corsets set the standard lor WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY CONSERVATIVE FASHION LINES SCIENTIFIC HYGIENIC SERVICE NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THE NEMO! All Fljjures Sold Everywhere $3.50, $4 and $5. Tat Nms HriUaicFuMea Itititslt, Kiw Ytrk wMwmwmsWwrwT Ask For and GET X THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Mad6 from clean, rich milk with the ex., tract of select malted grain, malted in our own. Malt Houses under sanitary conditions, infant! and children thrioa on it. Agree with the weakest stomacfi of the Invalid or the aged. Need no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains more than tea, cofTee, etc. Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu tritious food-drink may bo prepared in a moment. A glassful hot before retiring induce refreshing sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for buaineas men. SwfcsWuta Cost YOU Sin Pricv. Tmkm m Pmokmfm Hmm AI1 rnmmnnlcatlens ndirfinfrl t .Marlon iliirlnml ahonla Inclo'e stamped, , eelf ' H(rffil envelope and .n tllpolnt of the article In wlilf h rop are Interfiled, rersene nuni.r r. Bin in in. rn.rir.nl. irnrK ni ins II. II. .0. shonH write Marlon llarlanrl. In eare or idis paper, ior nnaresnes oi i ther wonM like to help, finAyhajiit reee them, tommunlrnte direct with these par I hote reeelred parlies. on the Are and allow it to boll attlni then turn Into sterlllted Jars. ., , ... Cut corn from the eob", . pruslnit out .the milk with a sliver knife, mini the bach ot It. To eeven cups of Corn attow one cup of sursr and half a cun of salt. Tut Into r clean vessel: brln aloTTlr to the boll, Keep thll up for in minutes, then pour back Into sterilized Jars. It takes nlne.averas-e-slzed ears of corn for.n nusrt It can't bo told from fresh corn, Aild no water, the suirar, milk from corn, and salt will be sufficient. It. O. C. W have devoted much space this week to tho Important business of canning, ln iluced to do thin partly by the fact that the season for this branch of culinary enterprise Is at hand, but principally In obedience to tho earnest solicitations of housemothers who would preserve vegetables nnd frultB for winter use. Headers will admit that our practical housewives have dono their full share In tho taslc, and dono It well. White Footwear at a Low Price P M 9mi del AND $0.75 AII-Whito 2 Puritan Pump White Canvas. White Covered Louis Heel. Great value, I2.2S "Vi Illlrll siiaissssssssssssssssssssssassiiiwsissssssslsissililllsa MssmmstaLU' ' ' i' 'i s i sis i .,- ,. . . . m .m SCHOOLS AND D c -isLflHSJ I COLLEGES J 1528 STUDENTS 1B28 students attended our Day and Nil nt utssions last year and every graduate, naa cooa pgsuion. for cataiOKUi. Strayer's Buaineas College r. .. . u null. R01.JI07 unesmai ni.. tmm AVftlnnt 38t Main I80O SEMIISHi ACADEMY. Trlvate lessons or hi a bsas Ta.A nalatlAnts tjknVi ssAfatt kinesiii i tsbiiaiBiiuiia, vti -u cvi carefully done. 1121 Walnut at. Tounr Men and rioya VII.LANOVA, 1'A. Unexcelled for Classical, Commercial, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engtnterlng Courses. Modern bulldlnas and equipment. Athletics. Prep, echool for any rolleae. lie. EDWARD CI. DOI1AN. I.L.D..0.8.A., Tres. For Catalog address Registrar 110X45. VH.LANOVA. FA. 8TAPMTOM. TA. Your Boy nt Staunton Military Academy would build his physique In the braclna mountain air of the South. 1800 ft. hlch. Ids mind trained In an academy of Q years' experience. Ills char, acter developed by an unusual school Ufa with 330 other cadets. His punctuality, obedience, self reliance and manliness would make you tho more proud that he la your boy, $860. Address Col. WM. O. KAnLE, Ph. D Principal. cnAMnEnsnuno. r,. PENN HALL SCHOOL ran girls Modsrn fireproof bulldlnis. new cymnialum. swimming; pool. College preparatory, modern languages, music, domestlo arts. etc. Certlfleats Srlvlleges. Rooms with private bath. Hotel laditone. Atlantic City, occupied by school each May. Work continues without Interruption. Itatea ISAO KllANK S. MAUILL. A. II., Principal. IIARBISHDKO, l'A, IIARRISBURG ACADEMY J A country school founded In 1719. Modsrn buildings, large campus. X, ttmail ciassee ana inaiviauai instruction. Thorough college prtparatlon. Rate 1400 to toOO for single room. All athletics. Separate school for younger boys. We Invite clossel Investigation a personal visit It possible. Koi catalogue address AUTIIUIt K. nuOWN, U. A., Hsadmaiter BAXTanuBQ, rjj. mmmmmmmi K for pore indorsed by American Unlvsrstty. College pre. ric toi for ire. psratory course and a good .train. gooa .train, rsa In fcvrl. in ior Dusintsa. course in agn. nc for by ulture. 2! Jtu year opens Sept. la. Write for catalogue, Dept. SI. Mallerttjrr Pa CARLISLE, PA. CONWAY HALL ,?'' ,.. proved courses, experienced teachers and com. sitle equipment. Alms to develop strong men. Catalogue. W. A. UUTCHIBQN, Headmaster. 8WARTIIMOHE. l'A. 6IVAUTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Every facility In modern, well-equipped build ings, recreation and refined surroundings! men tal, moral and physical developmtnt A. II. TeittlUiMO, Headings.. Bo H.Hwartbmore. Pa XK1V DLOOMHKm. PA. ar.t. mrtdarn I Pupils under 4S eara special atteptlon Terms. S yeari Junl if. Ke toiin and up. iustltote. Box Sew Woomfleld, pa. tKlimi RETHLEIIEM. PA. Bishopthorpe Manor DrArB,or,.ru,0nC0i1n,r finlahtaz courses for blth school graduates. Music, Domestlo Hcl.nct, etc. Individ att-ntloo C N WYAKT BOUTH DBTillJilieil. PA. HAKOVKB. N. II. Hanover Tutoring School In the heart, et the New Bampehlre -31111a. Bum mer ststao July Av'Ut and September VLLAWVA Nasturtiums Edible Nearly every ttarden hs nasturtiums In It, but few people realize the Rood things that can be made of them. Did you ever eat nasturtium and cream cheese salad? jPIek both leaVes and blossoms of. the has iurtlums and wash them thoroughly. There Is a certain kind "of small black bug'that Is peculiar to the nasturtium, so bo on the wntch for It It Is usually found right under the largo leaves, where the stem joins the leaf part. Arrange them In a salad bowl qr on Individual plates, and In the. centra of each flower tuck a dainty ball of seasoned cream cheese. Cover with French dressing, For Baby Of course, the new baby's things must bo the pink of perfection, hence the new face cloths, irurked with floss, either pink or blue, In tho corner and scalloped nround tho edges to match. Turkish towels go with the Set, soft, woolly ones to rub him down after his bath. They may bo bought Btamped nnd ready to work In mercerized cotton, too. Colony Pump For the iounft woman preferring a ?tose-wen.e white Inen. S3.7S. , t f I j If x& Thcao nro tho popular designs in white, and you "will find as well a wide choice of preferred novelties. They havo smartness of appearance and correctness of stylo and you will find they aro tho most satisfying collection of fino summer footwear over offered. We are open Saturdays till S.30 during July MaAmteti Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. Young Men nnd Hoys CHESTER. PA. 'Tne Wtjf Point of the Keystone State" Pennsylvania My Military College " Hepornfe Preparatory School for nunxrr liny TRaINB JB.V TO COJJfA.VD Crack Caalry. Artillery and Infantry. U 8. Army Officer detailed Heet equip-m-nt. All athletics Degrees In Chemistry. Civil Engineering. Economics and Finance. Superior scholastic, physical and moral training to develop superior men. Col. Chnrles E. Hvatt, Commandant UOX MS. CHESTER. PA. ' OETTY8UURO. PA. Pennsylvania College of Gettysburg Offers ten college courses In liberal arts and englneerlnE. all leading; to a bachelor's dgree. Permanent State Tearher'a Certifi cate, Annual fixed charges about 1800. Fac ulty of .15. and -tot) students I'ully equipped with bulldincs and apparatus Student Gov ernment and Honor System. For Ilullettn and beautiful IlooK ot College and DattleMeld President W. A ORANVILLi;, Ph.D., LL.D., OETTYSnURO, PA. NAZARETn. PA. Nazareth Hall Military Academy NAZARETH. PA. Fonndtd 174 S A Military Academy for Boya. College Pre. paratory and Business Courses. Military life af fords healthful exercise and strengthens orderly habits and obedience. All Athletics, A .school that la better because It Is different, and differ ent because It Is better. Address Rev, KRANCM K. ORCNERT, Principal. SWIMMING Y. M. C. A. CENTRAL NATATORIUM Water changed dally. Three months. In. cludlnir membership. 7. Six lessons, J3; single swim. 2Sc. 1421 Arch street. Choosing the Right School for Your Son, or. Daughter is as difficult as It is important unless you have full knowl edge ot the school situation. Don't make the common mis take of placing your boy or girl in the wrong institution. Our School. Bureau at Ledger Central will give you the Yery information you need, A per sonal investigation has been made of many schools and col leges of standing in the East. Particulars about courses of study, equipment, facilities, expenses, etc., we shall gladly givo you. Drop in ana talk the matter over. You will be advised competently and im. partially. The service is free. if you cannot call personally, write or phone Educational Bureau Ledger Central Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia ISn"!! igfijyj . s. y. a we etmarve. mmmkeTewmmmumm in mmm