8B9S "r"-vmlt w i. wwl nm' ' fitii iiin "t . 'LA Ji''M JeljS 33 EVENING IEDGEKr-PHILADELPHIA; THimSDAY, JULY 20, 1916. IS fl"" ' Ml FOR SALE Continued front rrrcrdfnff Frtfff. BtLLIAItD, pool tables, new, second-hand bowl ing Mloyaj easy pnrmnts. nosatto-Barrr-. Street Co.. 221' 8. 8th st.i phona Wal. -39V BIM.IAIIDAND rocKFT TADI-feS Alio bowling alfeysi easy payments. BRUNSWICK- , BALKB-COljbr.NDEft CO.. 1002 Arch. BOOTHS, soundproof, for Shop of of nee, BO In took for Immediate delivery; nil kinds at half yv iur iinmeniaio aciivcryi nil Kinas at nan rUlnalprlco and. less: delivered and set fre. VI llUUtlf.a, Hill AMU HUTTUNWUUU, CASK nnoiSTEnfl bought. Mchangrd. repaired, replatedi nuppliesi new and factory rebuilt! pew total adders, a low is S3j rail and ses our lOlcl models. Ilglstcra Bold by us on easy fJlTjents and fully mnrnntecd. ' lllli NATIONAL CASH lllCdlRTEIl CO. 730 ClIKSTNUr BTREUr CF.SK9, laran assortment: also household fur niture. Dullng Contrnl Second-hand Furniture .. Company. fl04-l)on-nu CMUnwhiu at. join oim nmiMnn ci.un pet s-our Vllrtroli now. Ilirellnt opportunity to secure a beautiful mahogany Vlotrola with records at sfClnl low, terms. Send at ones lor particular nitd application blank. KKprr.'s uPiowN storks Cor, Pth and Thompson sts. F.DISOM DIAMOND POINT reduced from I20O to 10.1. Tills Is a beauti ful ndlon Amberola with the new diamond point. Has a number of record and Is an exceptional haritaln. Call or. write for par ticulars and large Illustrated dialogues, HF.I'Pr3 UPTOWN STORES Cor, 0th and Thompson sts. Fireproof; GO slightly used! all sl"S SAFES nna maKes; nig uargaina. -iu . 4 til St. between Itaco and Vine. USED OFFICE FURNITURE Largest and most complete assortment of desks, flllnrr devices, fireproof safes and other complete nftlce equipment Irr Philadelphia. flood value and satisfaction assured. Free auto delivery everywhere, HUGHES, 11th & Buttonwood JTOn S A LB Three floor showcases and two sets chestnut shelvlngi brand newt best con struction, material and flnlshl must sell qulcltlyi at bargain prlco. M COS. Ledger Off. FOR 8ALIi Mahoganybanklng partitions and onlco fixtures. Inqutro tho Colonial Trust -nmpany, lain nnu aiarxei sts. tz IIEtV-INQ MAKIN-KKLSnY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure, fresh nlr with normal moisture. MAKIN.U12I.arjV. 182T Filbert at. ' MAOHINEJIY AND TOOLS OAFBTT SPLIT COLLAnn and TOCOSI HANOKna and riLLOW I1LOCK3, with fin tshod ball and socket boarlngn. are tho best for nil aharttmr purpose. ailAFTINQ AND MACIIINF3 WORKS, 145 North Second. JAMD3 YOCOM A 8QN. rOWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMF.Y. Inc.. 137 N. 3d at. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01. r Market 300.1. YcarslsyCo.. 324 N, 3d st. 200-11. P, anKCNn-COHLlHH ENGINE for sale; can be n-cn running: J300. HAFLniOlI A CO., Amerlcnn and Cambria sts. 'DEN CI t. milling machines, profiling machines, universal and plain millers, vertical dye mil lers, Nuttall. 174S N. ftth, BTEEIj PULLEYS (American); thousands In stock, all diameters. CHARLEd IIOND COMPANY,, B2Q Arch st. fcoNCRETE MIXERS 5. 7V4. 10, 15 ft. "Boss"! gasoline driven; now: Imtnedluto delivery. . L. F. 8yfert's Hons 437 N 3.1 at, OA3, OAKOLINE AND OIL r.NOINES ' OAg AND OIL ENGINE CO. -ir, N. 7Tlt ST. I'IPE t: FITTINOSrnlf alni7 PHILA. 2D-HAND TIPE SUPPLY, 1003 N, 7th. Both Phones, MUSICAL INSTRTJMENTS COLUMBIA QRAFONOLA, reduced to1 W the regular price. Beautiful mahogany grafonola, with records, at one-half regular prlco; can bo paid tt weekly. Call or wrlto for particulars and large Illustrated catalogues. IIEPPE'8 Ul'TOWN STORES Cor. uth and Thompson sts. VICTROLAS Alterations aro now being made to our Vic trola Department, and wo need the room; so we will make special low terms. Extraordl- Iiary opoprtunlty. fall or wrlto for particul ars and largo Illustrated catalouues. HEPPFS UPTOWN SI ORES ' Cor. (Itli and Thompson sts. JULY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE IIELLAK 1120 CIIE3TNUT ST. 183 CHICKERINO UPIIIQIIT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. S3S N. OTH. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old eiyre, jew Est. 1870. etyhe. Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. j, ij. iiarK, roiinor, out nnnfom. OLD OOLD- L'ush paid for old gold, silver, an- tlquo clocks; will call. Boll phone, Locust 1310. nOUERM, 27 H, 17th St. , CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, falsa teeth Phlla. 3meltlng Ji Ref. Co., 1 2RS. Jlthj OLD COLD, sliver, platinum, falsa teeth, antique Jewelry, watches, old coins bought. 201 H. Sth, PATENT ATTORNEYS ! "Pntnnra nnH Head sltetcii or model for Evenings by Trade-Marks ppoTntment. Bell Walnut 717. J. WALTER DOtlOLABS ESTABLISHED SINCE lfiS5. Philadelphia, North American Building. Washington Victor Building. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WUIIEIIOUSB 20T1I T. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKtNO. MOVING, SHIPPINO Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Pell. Locust luaO Phones Key.. Race 4160. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. PENN BTORAOE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST, ATLAS STOItAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, movlnr. packing, shipping, enrpet cleaning. Ph. Paring 732 for estimate. Market - 37th, UcCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th St.: moving, packing, shipping; auto vans; both phones. Let us estimate, WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, "diamonds bought. 733 Walnut. Walnut 7020. Est..lhUB. "BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols, coins," Coin books, with prices I pay, malted 15c. J.B. Boas (People's Store). -60 a. lltli. Wal. 4480. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest prices paid for ladles' and men'a clothing hats, shoes, etc Phone Poplar 3aDl. BLACKER. 1230 Poplar. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques) entire or part houses bought for rash; no matter now large, j, uernsiein. last mace ave. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 1004 Bachelor apartments for business men and women. Locust 731. . CHESTNUT ST.. 200-beslrable rooms) per-C ni nntiwira osiitnj . FAIRMOUNT. 1711 Furnished and unfurnished rooms) convenient: board optional; reasonable. SPRUCE. 2022 Largs airy rooms;" prlv. batbs) pommrn pns . summer rates, uoc. .iooj a. 0TII ST., ,.. 235 Unusually attractlva suite i and single room for gentlemen: electricity. sTH ST., S., 001 Dsllzht'ful summer home of. fsred a gentleman: every convenience. Suburban TWO ROOMS, furnished, light housekeeping! quiet suburban boms: trains and trolleys; con venient. Phone Lansdowne 408 W. ' ROOMS WANTED WANTED Room and board with private fam ily by young business woman In vicinity of 08th and Spruce sta.s exchango references; (tva particulars. E 837. I Uer Central. BOARDING CHESTNUT 8T.. cor. 20th (The Margrave Vacancies, permanent, transient! sup, board. MASTER, 1023 Attractively furn. rooma, good table, $4 to $0 weak. Poplar t)3D W. BftlUCJS, 1224. ittvbui ..t'uf uruuueu d rooms; private cams; taoie board. 1'Bono wait Jnut 7171. THE LITTLE TEA ROOM Clermont Apts., 4th and Walnuts Southern cooking, excel, service; refined atmosphere. Phone Baring 7822. PENNSYLVANIA 8UBUBB.IN OERHANTOWN the 8blppen. Wayne and Hans berry First class In appointments and service. BOARD WANTED HOARDING Home near Philadelphia with, prac tical Cattolio family for two boys. 11 and 13 ream of age. Writ or call Cnlldrea'a Aid Society, 410 8. 18th st. -tOARDINO Home wanted near PbU-delnhU with Prot. family for baby girl mos. Writ or call Children' Aid Society, sit S. 15th St. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special scleotlflo care) fieryous. elderly, every romfort; nurses: book st. Dr. JUndil. City Line. Chestnut IIUL APARTMENTS MAIN LINE. P. It. It. OVERBROOK yilE DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook JBtatloa On housekeeping apartmeut. 7 rcoias a4 bith, ta lea after Septsizber i, PUBNISHED JLPARTMENTS DltEXBI. APAilTMENTS. at Overbrootc Station -Furnished apartments, conslstlnr of 2 sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally largo living room and bathi dining room In buildings !o rent to September in. Phono Overbrootc 6RM. HOUSEKEEPING APAUTMENT3 THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Hut suppose. Instead of trying all these dif ferent ways, you Just call at this office tho last, most attractlvo and best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted orcluslvely to securing Ju't .what they want for particular people. Tell us jour requirements. Kvery desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with, or may be rented through us. Our automobiles aro waiting to take, you to the list of prop erties you designate, and with lh least pos sible offort you wilt Recurs tho one apart ment. In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal, NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST, Spruca ?H71. Ttsce 3025. N. E. COR. X7TII AND WALNUT STS. Thla 18-story Apartment House Is built of conereto and steel, thorouahly ".reproofed and i me inosi moaern arcnucciuro. mines ot 3 rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooms and 3 baths. modern comcnlenco and facility, .ONLY A FHV OK TUB LAftOB HOUSB KKUIMN'CI SUITHS LEFT, TllBY AUK TUB TINKST IN PHII.A., HAVINll HOtlTHERN, KASTP.RN AND AVDRTUHN DXI'OSURKS. LONO. ,TI:itM LEASBU WILL UU DATED OCTOllKH, 1010,, . All things considered, the. Rentals aro mod erate. For further Information, arrangement for Inspection and reservation, apply to ... , MliltTON w unisiMS. . 210 Tranklln Ilnnk nbleJWipnaJVolnut tn2t. HOt'HIIKlini'INO" aplsri all parts of"city:rnt SJ28 to 170 per month; call, phono or write for Information, Simuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut st. UT.ST I'HILAIinLPllIA KINOSCOUItT flOTH AND CHKSTNUT STS. HRVKRAL MODERN HOlTaEKEnrlNO APART.MKNTfl FOR ItRNT: ELECTRIC ELE VATORS. PUIILTC DININO ROOM. APPLY est, thos. m. nnnpH, jr.. 1207 race st. ESSEX, 34th and Chestnuts Monterey, 43d and Chester; Relmont, 34th and Spring Oarden, Inquire Janitor. or t'RESSE 30S Halo Itldr THE OIIIVIN (1 rooms. 2d floors private porchj nwnlnss, cas and electric llglited. 3310 Ham ilton. See Janitor. THE HEVnltN. 3801 locust"; 0 and 7 rooms and bath; all outside; ." to JM; fall reservn tlons. TAYLOR A SON. Ill 3. 40th. Oak I.ans DESIRARLE ltOUSEICEEPlNO APARTMENTS In Oak Lane, ISO and ISO: for Immediate possession. WM. PARR. Sth nnd Oak lane. HUIIURDAN LANSDOWNfJ Cool, comfortable apt., B bed rooms; large private porch, windows on all aides; reasonable rent. CHESTER OSPORND, 1824 Chestnut. APARTMENT HOTELS PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PAHKSIDE AVE., AT 40TII STREET Special rates for summer season. Furnished and unfurnished Cuisine of peculiar excellence DEt.MAR-MORRIS WHERE TOWN AND COFNTIIY MEET CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. OER- MANTOWNi DEMOHTFUL SUMMER HOME FURNISHED ONE ROOM ANDJ1ATH UPi DUEXEL AI'ARTMENTS. at Overbrook Station Furnished apartments, consisting of -C sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally large living room and batli; dining room In building: to rent to September lfi. Phono Overbrook 0328, THE GLADSTONE nT1US&raUU FURNISHED OR tJNrtJRNISHED AIlKOl.UTF.LY FIREPROOF' "IN THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHINO" THE LITTLE HOTEL 223 S. BROAD ST. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT QUESTS 30TII AND CHESTNUT KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY 20511 N. ALDER ST.. assessed 11000 2.-.1R N. Mutter st.. assessed 1100 12(1 Christian St., assessed 1K00 1123 Marlborough St.. assessed 3500 Guarantee Trust and Hafo Deposit Co.. 310-318-320 Chestnut nt. NORTH nnd West Phlla. and Oermantown homes. 1800 to I0U0O. First payment only tlOO to I50O. MURCHANT3 UNION TRUST CO. 71B-T17-71U unestnui 01. 211(1 NORTH SEVENTEENTH ST. Three-story brick nnd 'brownstono dwelling. 11 rooms; lino order: ennvs :l very choice. WM. I CRAVlJN'H SONS, 1840 N. 7th st. 1802 GREEN KT. De"slr. re:, with 14 rooms, suitable for apts ; assessed $7500; price $3000. JR. MAHHEY & HON.13th and areen. lUTil. 13TH. 14TH AND l.'.TII WARD BUY ERS, SELLERS AND RENTERS, SEE FRIEDItlCH & CO, fiOl N. 12TII ST. REAL ESTATE VOU SALE OR RENT BARBER. IlARriiAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for snlo or rent. VAiinniv t, VAN PKI.T N E. cor. 17th nnd Chestnut. ONLY $3200 for 1742 N. 10th st.. 12 rooms, brownstone: excellent location. Wm. G. Glenn. Iril7 Columbia ave. $3000 l.ltTN. 18TH ST.. 3 atory, 11 rooms, all conveniences. DANIEL A. MINNICK. 1830 Ridge ave. Building Lots. Toctory Sites, etc. NEAR BROAD AND PARRISH For garaga or service station. 13,000 sq. ft. with 80 ft. frontaro on a principal streets. MORRIS e. fiiJUMNY. Jtiuce aiuroia CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and largo tracta ground In all parts city, also over 200 mrg. ultes. Melvin. 131b-lll Real Eat. Trust Bldg. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II. . McCOLLUM lSi WALNUT ST. TWO-STORY STAPLE. 0th & Dauphins lot 80x 1 Q J . ...tl-alu sin i ass SAUas Vast Its M.i "M . V'iK WEST I'll I LADKLPIIIA EXCLUSIVE 2-8TORY H0ME3 44TH UELOW 8P11UCE 8T. 3-story convs. : In an excluslvo a-stnry neigh- borh'd; unusually attractive; breakfast rooms. butler's pantry, etc.. prlco $0500; $300 cash. $3100 S ROOMS hot-wnter heat, gas and elec tric lights; parquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens and all other modem appointments, DANIEL CRAWFORD, PUILDER 58th und Hadfleldjits. POTTS ft TOWNSEND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4U05 BALTIMORE AVE. BEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JWdjindlaltlmorpaye THOMAS AVE. HOMES, 53d to B4th ts. Prices $3000, Agent on premises. E. II. APSLEY, BSth and Bprlngneld ave. $3000 EACH. 0134 and 30 Lansdowne ave. ; ripe fn, lmnmv.rn.nti: uthers brlnalne $3000. ADOLPH P. CASPAR, (1032 Lansdowne ave.. $1000 UNEQUALED HOMES. 50th st. above JAMES d. ENBURO. Builder. OEK.MANT01VN WALNUT LANE town Modern, attractive 10-room house. Just com' 1 block from Germantown ave, and r.s- Sermantown HI jiigu Dcnoois mouerate pri Pnona Germantown 2013. rice. con.-aisn terms-. QERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL bKUUIirJ viuit ivr,vior,u DAI.U ov li. li. Ijiaixn. put, t.ermantown ave. QEHMANTOWN HOMES, all sections. Daiu.ii-cl UAXViV I Franklin Bank Bldg; Walnut 2537. OUR REAL ESTATE BULLKTN will be sent to you by mall on application. Germantown Trust Co.. uneuen anq uermantown ayes. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOME In Ger. mantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. it. Meehan. d747 Germantown ave. CHOICE HOMES, Tulpenocken'st. east of Qer mantown ave. J. li. CHADWICK ft CO., :- UfnnHDlown ave. SEVERAL GERMANTOWN IIOUSE8 at attrac. tlve prices. Mauran, Dolman ft Co., N, E, cor. Broad and Chestnut. Mt. Airy. Germantown wnw BkX.v. lun iipwt t.tbt tiwatvv Felhain. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 6740 Qermantown ave. Chestnut Hill SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRIOHT CO. Morris Building Tlogis WB WAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOAJ3R LOOAN, KENNEDY ft RAMBb. 8740 GERMANTOWN. Logan REAL ESTATE, mortgages and conveyancing, WM D. CHAMBERS . 4033 N. Broad at. PENNSYLVANIA SUUUltBAtt ALDAN IT'S EASY TO GET HERE - Either by Market St. Subway (3c. from 00th ''st.Tor Psnoa. R, It. to Clifton Station. Just take a pleasant car rlda for a few minutes and you are at ALDAN, an established com munity, with schools and erery city conven ience : . new detached houses with large lota for sale at $3750. PROVIDENCE ROAD AND 2LM ivtt Oliver 8. Keely ft Co.. 4370 Main at.. Myk. UROOKLJNE Brand rev. det. dwlg.. 7r ft b., water heat, electr.i B0xl23j IJS50; only $430 cash required: will exchange. j. jslm-k WATT8, opp. BrookUn 8tr UAHUY Ask for suburban aala lists. All n.rt. Delawar county. Detached and seml-datach- , "d- Largs lots. Swop ft Bon. Darby. ELK1N PARK Modera slnglo dwaUlng-. 10 I'S0?"'- . batts 2 mUsotes to station, price $0300 Mccormick ft Mccormick. 1011 vuMuiuiii ana uikiob xrarg BLKINS PAllK New lgte dwelling 10 rooaui. MoCOR-UCJC, 10U Chestnut it & -U-lo. Park. BEAI, ESTATE TOB SAIiH rKNNSVt.TAMA SUnt'IUUN.. Continued from PreceAIno Column, OI.KNfllDD HOMES and fcnlldtne sit". TJ17 desiw Mm. ItENNINQER A RENNINQER. m- a. . THREE TUNS An exceptional offer ef a US acre gentleman' country estates sweeping lawns, beautiful flowers and shrubbery; ex cellent view, high location, every possible city advantages this Is ons of the few show places which we know to be operated at a profit, if. J. Pager. Inc. Ambler. Pa. AN IDEAL 108-ACRE FARM, suit able form frentlcman'S' country home, nn institution, nvintloh field or devel opment, situated in Haverford Township, Del. Co. About 3-n mile frontage on Clly.Llns road, samo on Eagle road. Contains highest ground In. Haverford township, within 25 ..minutes ride by nut6moblle to centre of Philadelphia nnd of eany access to Radnor and Rose Tree Hunts, Merion, Aronimink and Bon Air Golf Courses and West Chester trolley! in fact, adjoins Bon Air golf course. All southern exposure and DO per cent, tlllablo. New barn, spring house, one large and two small tenant houses. This farm has several Ideal homo altes, has ft fine, strong, never-falling spring of pura water, n meadow, a natural contour for a lake and some beautiful woodland. Will di vide. Apply to owner. PHIL. 8. STEEL, i.ansnowne. Pa. Ben phone 12s. mail LAND at low cost, fully developed, at North Olenslde; train and trolleys particulars for the asking; artistic bungalows and deslr nblo lots for sale. W. O. (llenn, agent. 1431 ltnd Tllle Bldg., anil 1B17 Columbia aye. CHOICE BUILDINO SITES nnu acreage. TOWNSEND. ARTHUR P. f.anghorne. Pa. SUBURBAN HOMES FOR f?ALE OR RENT WENDELL A MAS8EY Tteal Estate Trust Building. . SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue. BROWN k CLOUD. Norrlstown. Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE AjX.Pflc". All locations. Sale or rent. All II J. HO 1,1 1 a nijr..-5 j. livyu st CO.. Morris Bldg.. SELECT Properties Country seats, farms! Ust ortn-rT nOW. I,IVY11 1. IIHU'JIL! . DWil, jji-igouth Penn sq. FOUNDED mm. NEAR LANSDALE 40. acres, g'ood stone bldgs.. splendid soil, stream, timber; very cheap at .'"uu. A. II. TYSON. Lnnsaaie. ra. SltllltRIIAN. RESIDENCES for oils or rent! attrsellve locations; prices right. .MAURICE J. HOOVER.Jtenl Estate Trust Bldg. LARGE LIST OF SUilflRBAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Lino or Reading R. P.. WM. If. WILSON A CO.. Morris, Building. .flahiirban Tits QUARTER ACRE Five-cent faro from th St.! gas, wator; modern houses; prlco 800 easy terms. L 042. Ledger Central; MA IN I.tNE. P. It. n. NARPERTH Now building. 11 rooms, hard wood Moors, 2 baths: forest trees; garage; price Hnoo. Harbert & Claghom. 204 Bailey Bldg. WAYNE. PA. Country home. 11 rooms, all conveniences gas kitchen; good locations lot 113x230. JS00O. J. M. Fronefleld, Wayne. Pennsylvania. i SUBURBAN IKJMES, country places and build Ing sites to suit all requirements: Main Line. IT. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. . LAROE HOUSE. N. W. cor. Montgomery and Prnokhurst nves . Narberth; 800x100! 112.000. WALTER 11. SMITH. C002 Drexel road. . NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN WOODBURY HE10HTS MS lots-modern homes; 10c. fare; get folder. L. SNOOIC; LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEWHTS, N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT NEW" JERSEY SEASHORE WILDWOOD Two lots given away at Wlldwood rrest. Cell nt offlcn on grounds for Informa- . C- Vir.DWOOD CREST REALTY CO. c'tTTAGE at Cape May"or OceanClly. erected to your satisfaction: attractive plans sub milled free by the reliable builder. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N, J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS FARMS 5 TO 240 ACRES CATALOGUE FOR THE ASKING C. P. PETERS tt SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. NEW JERSEY FARMS FRANKLINVII.LE. N. J. 50 acres; house: gas. lirge barn, chicken house large fruit. berries; price, 14'JOO ROGGENTINE. 3350 Oermantown avev ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trollv. Write for pamphlet. HARLOW & CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. REAI, ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for silo or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Ta. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For salo and rent. JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th and Bansom sts. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Largo list houses, sale or rent, at nil prices Samuel C. Warner. Jr., Commtrclal Trust Bldg.. loll and Market. MAIN LINE. P. U. R. MAIN LINE Pest line of Main Line houses, either- for salo or rent, at all prices. HIRST ft McMULLIN, West End Trust Pldg. REATj ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what you bavo for what you want. KERSHAW ft CROWL. 0218 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE "WaNTED IF YOUIt REAL ESTATE Is not paying, we will furnish tho money to rebuild or convert It Into a building sultnhlo for tho location and quickly put It an u paying basis. MERSHON BROTHERS 333 Land Tills Building. CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real estate sold, mortgages placed. ARTHUR BtJsWELL. 233 N. 13th at. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages and tiro insurance placed quickly. See KANE for prompt results. 2328 Tasker st. REAL ESTATE EOR RENT CITY STORES AND DWELLINGS In all aectlon of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO.. . 8. E. cor Uth and Callowhlll. 1028 OREEN STREET 11 rooms, 2 baths: thoroughly modern! hot water heats newly renovated. Apply The l'enna. uo., ot? i;nesinu( si. . sRvn ran oim rent list THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts. 310 S. lSTlf ST. 11 nOOMS AND 2 BATHS MEARH ft BROWN 202 H. 15TII ST. SPRUCE ST.. 1012. 1320. 1703 1700. 2126. 2128, 2131, 2400. 2424. 3017, 4050. 4008. EDQAli O. CROSS, 1411 Walnut st. "STORES" FOR RENT FLOOTtrT" DWELLIN08. ,, FACTORIES MYERS ft BAPTII. Pldge ave. and 10th. 3 uslness Properties nnd Stores AROH ST.. 70T-9 Store and basement; large wlndow; good space for manufacturer's agent to make display, LEA ESTATES. 700 Hansom st. MARKET ST.. 631 Entire building through to Commerce st.i suit retail or wholesale business: Immediate possession. Apply PENNSYLVANIA CO.. 817 Chestnut st. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors ARCH AND 23D STREETS N. E. CORNER 14.000 BQ. FEET IN MODERN FACTORT Steam and etectrlo power. 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatlo sprinklers, watchman. It. R, sidings, extra large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply O. P. PILLING ft SON CO. VERY DESIRABLE'FACTORY, 1211-1223 Nobla St.; 65,000 an. ft., with. R. It. siding for 3 cars: also 1218-1223 Hamilton St.; 5000 sq. ft.; exceptionally law rent. Apply to YARROW ft YAN PELT i 171b and Chtstnut sts. Cohocksink Mills &$,! Floors, 5000 to 18.000 sq. ft. Cheap power. It. V. McNEELY. 1782 Randolpfi. ' Metropolitan Building: B$8tfjLAJgg Fireproof Rooms. Mm to 40 upo sq. tt. Cheap power. Ap. GEO. F. LASHEft, 147 N. 10th at. 40.000 SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE In building with modern equipments railroad siding; subpost office; low Insurance. Apply C. J. Milne A Bone. N. E. cor. 11th and Washington avs. MERCHANT" BUILDING 44 NORTH 4TH STREET Desirable rooma s power and light. 20.000 SQUARE FEET central section, substantial building, very low rent. DIETRICH. 787 Walnut st. sltE FACTORIES, sites, warehouse, floor space ex clusively. J. Alan Mlddleton. factory special 1st and engineer 0011-11 Wldener Bldg.. Phlla. HAVE PARTY who will ereot building, central or other location, for satisfactory tenant, H DIETEHICH. 737 Walnut st. 1 li RENTAL LISTS BUILDIl! inLDnSo N, w. cc-r. ti Stable. 10th and Ingersoll 03 Barfog ...... $40 1833 IIS 4-4 ....... 20 1823 18tb and IngersolL Bll 3703 Camao ..MS Infersoll 14 as IndUn ...... 151 4208 Westminster ar J eiOHollir. ........ 12)2818 Catharine I ALFBJiD H. WILL1AM3. 822 Walnut at. orfiic-8, apBcresa booms arrc. OFFICES 810 UP fJuslsMi room. J. A. PATTERSON iisnufi.fturlng space, 9Q S. lBth St. tenirit.wvie MEHCHANTa' ntiri.ninin -44. NORTH 4T1I BTRteffiT Ver-I desirable omcess hat anj light. CUStJ H13-jt.r second oor front room. gujiecv sv ww w eour aois si puamta JREAL ESTATE TOR RENT orncES. nirfiiNT.ss rooms etc. Continued from rreceiUnp Column, DnEXEL XILDQ. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. , Single Rms.. S)120. 1)150, 22, fSOO.4nO,M0. Bultes 3 Rms., 144. loO'!17S,i200,22,,2SO. Suites 8 Rms., $275.400,i430.jriOO,ioon.if50. ?r."JI u"'j 8 to 8 rooms, 1500 to 150. EI.L1S D. WILLIAMS. BOO brexel Building, HEED BUILDINO . .. . 12U-1J Filbert St. Centrally Iocs ted; all conveniences! rent at- traetlvsly lows service continuous, Professional Offices rnorESSIONAL nUILDtNO. 1S.11-3.1 Chesinut at.s a few suites for phvslcians or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and Uth. Desk Room DESK ROOM, stenographer services and tele- honei centrally located. Apply to ALBERT i. MILLS, West End Trust Building, WEST PHILADELPHIA BERMAN BROS., 6010 MARKET . Houses, apartments, stores, . .NEAR OOTH ST. "L". STATION For rent or sale. DWELLINGS. STORES, APARTMENTS FOR RENT WM. II. W. QUICK A PRO., INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. Business Properties and Stores A FINE CORNER STORE FOR DELICATESSEN AND OROCERY SEE MATTHIAS ABOUT IT 11 N. f.2D ST, STORE AND FIXTURES, 4022 Market and near L station; rent 127, JAMES N. MITCHELL, 4flth and Market. OETIMANTOWN DETACHED, dwelling, 13 rooms, 2 baths. sTArACfi H. C. TOURISON. 7014 BOyer St., Otn "I30 DWELLINGS, li ROOM'S Send for List. . .... Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 31 S..15th. 1320 E. rniCE8T.--0rooms, all modern con veniences; porch front; rent $18 per month. iv.ey at mm xi. iTice at. Chesinut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Oormantown. Chestnut Hill. Main Line. WARNOCK & EMLEN Commercial Trust llulljlnc. Tlogn ainn N. nnoxn ST. a.siorv. modem, porch- ironi uweiiing, 14 rooms, sun. NORTH PHILA. TRUST CO. Broad ami Erlo ave. PF.NN8YLVANIA StmUaBAN nnOOKLlNE Brand new. det. dwlgs.. 7r. b.. water heat, elertr. ; largo lots; t2n.nq. 22-.r' UP. J. liLAIKiv VVAl 1M. DPP. lirooKiinojiii. ROSE VALLEY 10 minutes' walk from Moylari Stations convenient to both Philadelphia and Chester! attractlvo home; haa hot-water heat and every other mod. conv.: 8 rooms! rent 130 per mo. Whiteside McLanahan. 16th It Pine. OWNER, will rent very desirable suburban 12 room dwelling! electricity, pas. hardwood floors, etc; old shads! near station. Reading road! 00 per month to responsible party. E 053. Ledker Central. MAIN LINE. P. K. R. 80 ST. PAUL'S ROAD, Ardmore. 12 rooms. 150. WALTER BASSBTT SMITH. 0400 Woodbine ave., Overbrook. NEW JEKSEY8E,RII0IIE OCEAN GATE, N. J. For rent, beach-front bungalow, boat Included: reasonable. T. z. Itamer. 1325 N. Frailer St., West rhlla. HORTOAOES TO SECURE A MORTGAGE .., Pe It first or second If you desire efficient service, quick and satisfactory results Bnd m0dCALL.h,PHON"E OR WRITE TO U3 "Your mortgage will bo aa good as placed." NORMAN 8. J!HERWOOD.14U Wnlnutjrt. EIGHT BLDG. AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS WITH PLENTY OF MONEY FOR 1ST. 2D AND SPLIT MORTGAGES IN ANY SECTION OF THE CITY. NO PREMIUM CHARGES. WILLIAM JAMES KKOOII BOO LAND TITL1"- H1-1J,Ji.r!i? FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPR1NO GARDEN sn n-n non To loan on real eatatft security! Immediate settlement: payable, gjj; 133 8. 12TH ST. pmST and second mortgage money: also ad vance money for garages and building opera tions? L717. Ledger onlco. TNCgcfALTY ""KRUMPAUOHPArtKEIL INC. first and 8rcoNnwllioRTaAaE FUNDS 8UCCEaS0B7TOwLEWlStIL REDNER MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LAROE AND SMALL HUMS QUICK ANSWERS . W II. HOOD. 512 W. NORRIS ST. wTTMTvt for first nnd second mortgage) FUNDS tor TUnNEn i.oi Chestnut st .in nnn TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from $1000 ups also building association money rc"Hr-i'DBLft"o!: 4th and Callowhllll sts. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOE3 MONL.X T. 'X. RriDDINO ft RON 709 WALNf'T ST. 5203 SPRUCE ST. .rTT17lT T TUNDS FOR FIRST AND VVt-'XVlVUl-i-l SECOND MORTGAGES 535 N 17TH ST. " MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $1000 TO $100,000 JACOB A. FlUTC. 1100 Land Tltls Pldg. . Tiuve n-tiNtis FOR FIRST AND HECONDMOflTOAOES WM. HAHR, Sth and Oak, lane. -TFiTiThT-FIIND3 FOR FIRST MORTOAGU TRUHl f,y.irMT;qs A STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING It t. AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTQAOES - " rtlnU Antiwar. MAURICE II. ilATSINHER. W. Est. Trjlldg 5nND3F0ir"lST AND 2D MORTaAOES POTTS ft THOMSON. 2521 Frankford nve. vtTNDTTbRlST AND 2D MORTGAGES 1UND3 M,jlTnAoE3 FOR SALE -wr.ri. E. N1CKLES. 2313 Oennuntn.wn ave, ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 18TH ST. "TRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS ""'" enf in m s.Mi.nnn. J. FDWARD LUTZ. 240 N.17thjlt. LoanTon interest in estates " Reasonable Charges. JOHN A. BARRY. 50T LAND TITLE DLDQ. " n55:55vrviDBnT"bAOC3 JOHN A. HAHKT. nui anq ntia uiai. $100. $200 TO $5000 TO LOAN. -n L-wia ft co, ibOU 1227 W. Olrard ave. vui-nnENCY FUNDS placed at once: any sum; Vmmedlate answer: lowest rates F. X. DE- Wyy lll'J Lincoln, Broad and Penn aq. --5uTLD"lNa ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE BnnffllT J. NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT ST. Tht and 2d mtgs. i bldg. 'and Private funds: quick 1 .nd satisfactory results: moderate charges. r.liVnON ESTATK. asu Kensington ave, Tnerh If your mortgage has been called. I Ul take It up: also 2d mortgage money, 'lIFBTKTt D. ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnut St. OW Vi rl CtrTvaNT MORTGAGES First, second or "iln. Fitnds for collateral and. ahort-term lVani. AIlKltNETHY. 183 8. 12th. 3124 N. 5th EiTSna for first and second, mortgages, any F .mount! collection of rents. 2 per cent. Real fffNTgyjoseph Pleder. 128 Market at. amy AMOUNT, $50 to $5000. to loan tp real estate owner! note or mortgage. Arthur J, "pold. 1218 Chestnut. Toans Large or small sums pn rsal estate, """''""bsioThV1- BEADY FUNDS for good first mortgages; bring Bs.Al',jM'- CO.. 217 8. Broad St. Wlncnester LBmym.Mm vuwm.i ., FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any F amount; quick answer. CHA3. W. MILLER, 401-407 Commonwealth Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS You can get 118 to $204 from u quickly, rlvatly and without red tape if you are eusekeeplng. We are a NEW CONCERN, UCEN8DAND BONDED. ... Your monthly payment on $38 la only 13 Your monthly payment on $72 I only 18 With Interest at 8 per cent. Your monthly payment on $132 I only $11 Your monthly pajment on $204 1 only $17 With Interest at 2 per cent. Be us. write us or phone Walnut 4389. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street Becond floor. Next to Forrest Theatre Open 8 a. m. to P p. m. Saturday a p. m. TlaS IAN BORROW MONEY tON 128 MARKET ST. IlIDQE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. SOUTH BT3. MONEY LOANED to heir of unsettled Interest bought. F. . MARTIN. Stephen a Irani Building. 21 8. liitU WaoUd WANTED 1250 for B years. Will pay liberal Interest, no commission: security 134 acre of Umber and farm land In Western fanada, as sessed $1200. IX C0.1, Ledger O-lc. h SCRAPPLE .'C The Young Lady Across the Way T1IE TADDlD CELL lLJJ) j ' THEi VACATI0MI5TS ( Tho younc lady ncroos tho way gays S V. ' ' "' f sho'a Kolnif to play a lot of tennis thla .s , year nnd hopca to bo qtilto maladroit . - - at It boforo tho season!) over. X : , -3 Distantly Kelatcd Both of them woro natives of tho Emerald Isle. Thta perhaps explains tlio warmth and cordiality of tho clmnco acquaintance which they struck up whtto on a railway Jour ney. "An' so yo say yor namo Is Illloy?" naked ono. "Aro yo, I wonder, any rotation to my ould frlond, Tim , niley?" "Very distantly," replied tho other. "01 was mo mother's first child; Tim was hor twelfth." MODERN HEROES FOUk BALL WITH HIS NBA b Pto AN&slS.CoNCEAllNt-i IT r "X ( " . i lS1?- ,Mw BALL? J PbrfcOTfeSH TSisswiEycsM N Sidney snvy. Tho Passing Show MAKING BATTLEFIELD SOUVENIRS fMfZft&V -rS-T: W(Cm!Mmm I i , . ,i ill Ml mm T. u js&STi: 'WissmlM' i Ln i .m i i mAk Wim " xsBaxaxz&mfmm ,1 fi I iL3j I ,BBMBf' 1 II I W Wv7'St Tb Sketch. W "V fitTT A flr,n" "luad at work on "Gifts that have saved life." gip N '.- No Epicure ' A Poor Excuse The looker-on. What have you got? fJ2sr $" THE WORST IS YET TO COME flf$HLlT fU 4 r ' I Penn Punch Bowl. Ji. CP ' "I'ra Borry. but four week- from tp- . ; morrow won't do, aa I'm going to ft YjWf) A I 00- funeral that day," - . 'oeeuMTioNC estates: ,iviHi, . ie- ---..- .--s-r.,---ag -SS!S Nl . ' IS-1 SCaB t '-' 7S1-.3 I XJH H 1 Sr fy" Xw I BUT IT WS OAILY THE ffEAJTLEAAAAti BATHJMG SHIRT V,HUH HAfi FlLLEt. I j UP WITH AR, ' I jr x. l yf HAvrvARc. . j ... -in-. I li I s.Ml1HI W H--i- ill-$M i Hi! -1 -I p.,! i Ml I m O H 111 Wii-ifci--.lMim-ii ill i i l ij if 1 1 . I n IHu . j B 4 m j 4 d--ai Md rTnii-sWiiif i - tin i