'EVENING LEDGElPmLADELPHlA, THUKSDAY, JUOT 20, 191C 3" NANCY WYNNE HAS REMARKS TO MAKE ON DOINGS OP SOCIETY NAVAL OFFICERS HOSTS AT BALL ON U. S. S. HW YOKK Many Members of Philadelphia Colony at Jamestowh Among Guests at Brilliant Affair 'News of Local Interest From Cape May and Other Resorts .Tennis at Narragansett Attracts Many Philadelphians. Interesting Bits of News and Matters About Persons One Knows i hi in l'r ti THE Breat thing this week Is the ten nis tournament nt tho Point Judith Club, Narragansett Pier, which Is fol ' lowed each day by tea. Great Interest Bottled about the playing of tho two Japanese men, Kumauga and Mlknml, nd Craig Diddle, who rocs over from Newport to play In this national affair. . Tho Craig Diddles wero tho guests of the John Fells for lunch on Tuesday, nnd to seo tho peoplo on tho lawns of tho clubhouso at tea in the afternoon ono would never bellevo It was Narragansett, it was so llko our Country Club or tho Philadelphia Crlckot Club, where tennis matches oro so often hold. Tho Arable 'Thomsons were thoro and beautiful May Hobson Drown, nnd her sister Kitty Penn Bmlth, Lisa. Norrls, tho Philip ltandolphs eenlor and Junior, Emtyn Randolph and Mrs. Den Chew, who was Anno Thomp son and Is a great favorite In tho married Bet. Then, of course, Dosslo Samuel and Mrs. Campbell Madeira, who has been visiting her, appeared on tho lawn; but Bessio and Mrs. Madeira have come down hero for a fow days, I understand, so they idld not appear yestorday. Of course Mrs. Charles Randolph Snowdon Is an nrdent attendant. Sho certainly Is one tunning woman, and especially Is sho tunning In tailored costumes. I do not know any woman who looks n- well In aports clothes. Tho night tho First City Troop went through on Its way to El Paso oho was at tho U. and O. with her mother to glvo packages of small comforts to Brother Dill, and sho had on a brown oports suit, tailored waist with a stiff collar and a sports hat of rather deep tan, and bollovo mo, sho was "somo good looker." To return to Narragansett, Miss Fanny Blnnlckson and tho Caryl Rob ,crtses wero other peoplo from our own homo town who wero enjoying tho tennis nd tea. "How shall wo get to Now England without passing through Now York?" Is tho question of tho day nmong thoso who havo Intended to go to thoso resorts for tho summer, so serious Is tho fright about lnfantllo paralysis, which has In creased so much In Now York this month. Tho railroads have about decided to como to tho rescue, nnd tho Federal Express is to bo put on again to carry Philadel phians and Ualtlmoroans and Washlng tonians up to New England far out of 'reach of porll for tho llttlo ones, It is hoped. Tho Isaac Starrs, I understand, have given up their trip to Watch Hill, owing to tho Now York epidemic, and quite a number of others havo about de cided to stay homo, while many will go by steamer from Philadelphia to Boston. I was greatly Interested lately to hear nows of Eddio Toland, who has returned again to the front and Is working with tho Ambulanco In Tarls. In a lotter writ ton qulto recently ho tells a most delight ful bit about his trip over. It appears .Calvo wan on tho same fitonmer returning to Franco nnd ho was able to assist her on several occasions when benodts and such were tho order of tho day on board. "Woll, when thoy worn about to land the great prima donna dispatched him down to his cabin to don his Red Cross uni form, and when ho Returned sho led him to tho sldo of tho ship and us thoy wero about to land bado him Join her In sing ing tho "Marseillaise." It was a most wonderful thing, ho said. The people on tho dock nnd thoso on board ship stood llko statues, with tho tears pouring down their cheeks, eo great Is tho en thusiasm of France, especially In these days when victory seems to bo In sight. Poor men, fighting each other, killing, wounding, maiming, and for what? I wonder If wo will ovor know? Thoro Is Just this to bo said: not many of thoso who do tho fighting arc responsible for it. May tho end bo noon! Young Toland Is much impressed by tho entirely different atmosphero in Paris now oa compared to when ho was thero nt tho beginning of the war, or rather near the beginning in 1014. Ho says thoro are very many more men to bo seen nnd the city is no longer under the gloom and darkness of the first year of war. Tho French aro such plucky souls, It would be hard Indeed to down thorn perma nently. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. Earl Alexander, of Elizabeth,- N. J., entertained at luncheon yesterday at Narra gansett Pier, in honor of Miss Pauline Diss ton, daughter of Sirs. William DIsston. Miss Sarah Meado Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrison, of. Brae bank, Rosemont. Is visiting Mrs. Rodman E. Grlscom, nt Watch Hill, R. I. Mrs. Charles Wheeler, of Pembroke, Bryn Mawr, has left for Rutherfordton, .N. C, where Bhe will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Norrls. Mrs. Herbert Lincoln Clark and her. chil dren. Miss Eleanor Clark and Master Con way Clark, have gone to Northeast Har bor to remain until September. - Mr. and Mrs. John Worrell Pepper, of Fair Acres, Washington lane, JenUlntown, have had Sirs, Alfred D. Ilaclie and her daughter. Miss Caroline Bache. as their guests for several weeks. Mrs. Bacho ar-d Miss Bacha have left for Magnolia, Mass., to spend the month of August. Mrs. John S. Gayley, accompanied by her daughter, Mlsa Marlon Gayley, of Jenkin town, has left for Maine to spend several weeks. Mr. Inglals Gayley left last month for Plattsburg, whero he Is attending the camp. Mr. and Mrs. William Twells Tiers have rented their house In Bryn Mawr to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell, Jr and are occu pying their camp at Essex, N, Y. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McKean, of Glen coe House, Rosemont, left Tuesday for Narragansett Pier, where they will remain until September, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seymour Brown are en tertaining Mr. Brown's mother at their apartments in Atlantic City. Along the Main Line WYNNEWOQD Mr. and Mrs. John B. Williams and their family, of Wynnewood avenue, are spending the remainder of the summer at Rye, N. H. Miss Beatrice Kile Creager, of Wynne wood avenue, left yesterday for Cochran vllle, Pa., where she will be the guest of Mlsa Katharine Keylor for a week. BRVN MAWR Mrs. Tristram C. Col ket, of Morris avenue. Is spending July at Olen Pyre, Pa, Members of the Finders' Club left to- day for a motor trip to the Ocean City Yacht Club. Mrs. Arthur E. Pew, of Morris avenuo, Is nt Denver, Col., for tho summer. Mrs. William Stewart Nelll, Mrs. J. Lewis Davis nnd Miss Anna E. Thomas nro spend ing a month traveling In the West. They will spend most of tho tlmo at Denver and Colorado Springs. Miss Amy Fish nnd Miss Edith Fish are spending tho week In Capo May. nOSEMONT Miss Edith C. Fudge spending a weak nt Ocean City, N. J. Is RADNOR Mr. and Mrs. J. S, C. Harvey and their family, of Radnor, who havo been taking a motor trip through New Eng. land, slopping nt Hrctton Woods. Ports mouth, Springfield, Boston nnd Briar Clirfo, nre now nt Manchester in-the-Mountaltis, Vt. Miss Anna P. do Canlzares and Mr. Jay P. do Canlzares nro visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Sterns, at Newport News, Va. Dr. and Mrs. William Campbell Posey, of Radnor, have gono to Westerly, R. I., for the summer. Mrs. W. Austin Obdylce, of Pleasant Bank, left last week to spend somo time in .New Hampshire. ST. DAVID'S Lieutenant Commander Wnlter U. Roper, tf. s. N., and Mrs. Roper, of St. David's, havo taken a cottngo at Jamestown, R. I , for tho Bummer. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Augustus Wlcder shelm, 3d. returned from their wedding trip on Monday and nre spending several weeks Willi Mrs Wledetsliclm'H patents. Mr nnd Mrs Ohailes H Walton, before going to Maine for tho month of August Mr. and Mrs. Chailci H. Walton, Jr , returned from Tennessee this week and will spend tho bnlanco of tho summer at Vent nor. Mrs. Herbert A. Treat nnd her small daughters, of Aberdeen avenue, left this week to spend tho Bummer In Maine. WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shcafter, of 401 Audubon avenue, their daughter, Miss Jcanctto Shenffer, nnd son, Mr. Thoodoro Sheaffer, and Mr. Charles Shenffer. Jr., havo gono to Hillside Camp, Belgrade Lakes, Me., to stay until Septem ber. Miss Ethel Henderson, of Bloomlngdalo nonuo; Mist Pechln, Miss Mnry Brooke, Mlsa Mildred Brooke and Mr. Norman Hall man aro members of a party camping at Laurel, South Mountain. Pa Germantown Mrs. Howard Kctchnm. who has been aHp biiver L,auo for several weeks, will return to her home, 209 Harvey street, this week. Tho Rev. Edwin S. Lane nnd Mrs Lnno, of Bull Morris street, nre being congratu lated cm the birth of a daughter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm R. Harper, of G.1G Lincoln drive, and Mr. and Mrs, Marlon Harper, of Atlanta, Ga., will leave August 1 for a tour through New England. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Machold, of 0820 Qulncy street, aro occupying their summer homo nt Chelsea. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Conrad, of 417 West I'rlco street, arc speeding tho summer nt Bay Head. Mr. and Mrs. James McConaughy and their daughter. Miss Catherine McConaughy, of 417 ltnnsbcrry street, nre spending tho summer at their camp, Lac-des-lles near Montreal, Canada. Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. John A. Zimmerman nnd their daughter. Miss Harriet Frailer Zim merman, of 1819 Do Lancey placo, havo closed their town house nnd aro spending ttio early summer at their country place, Whltoworth, Rydal. They will leavo in August for North East Harbor, Mc, to spend several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Heritage, of Sum mit avenue, JenUlntown, will leavo the last of this month for Christmas Cove, Me., where they will spend tho month of August. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Jayne, of Cadwal.v der avenue. Elklns Park, who aro at Bay Head, N. J., for the summer, uhero thoy havo taken n cottage, aro spending several days In town. Mr. and Mrs. C'hnrlcs K. Schull, of Elklns Park, havo closed their country homo and aro occupying their summer cottago in Wildwood. They will remain until lato In tho fall. Miss Ruth Perry nnd her sister, MIhs Alice Perry, of Elklns Park, have left for i-nmp JvoKoslng. near watcrford, Me., whero they will remain for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams, of JenUlntown. and Mr. and Mrs. P. 13. Bird havo returned from a motor trip to Provi dence, R. I. Thoy wero tho guests of friends for several days. Mrs. John E. McK. nnd Miss Myrtle McKee, of Wyncoto rc-J, JenUlntown, have left for Lako Placid. N. Y.. whero they will spend the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oretz havo closed their town houso and nre occupying their summer homo on Oreenwood avenue, Jen klntown. Miss Katherlno Brett, of Rydnl, Is spend ing several weeks In Capo May. , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murray, of Old York road, Logan, aro receiving congratu lations on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Murray was formerly Miss Frances L. Lear, di JenKlntown. West Philadelphia Mrs. A. Southern Conway has returned from Atlantic City and Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Brlgg French, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Walls and Sir. and Mrs. David Stewart, of 313 North GSth street, have returned home from Newark, N. J., where they spent 10 days as the guests of relatives. Mrs. Jacob Stull, Mrs. L. Stanley Dobson, Mrs. Charles McGlrr and Mrs. George Bar low aro spending a week In Wildwood as the guests of Mrs. Clyde Bower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kershaw, of Taylor avenue. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Wilson, who have been the guests of Mrs. K, A. Baylls, of 6153 Vine street, have returned to their home in McCall's Ferry. Pa. Miss Nan Denny, of 1550 North 62d street, will leave Saturday for Wildwood, to spend a. week as the guest of Miss Sue Wolf. ' Miss Marie Hutchlngs, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hutchlngs, of Llanerch, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. S. Dobsop, of 6201 West Vine street. Roxborbugh Mrs. Edgar Hultraan. of City Point. Va,, Is visiting r-er parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Young, Of 153 Sumao street, Wlssa. hlckon. Another daughter, litis Margaret Young, after spending the remainder of July in Ocean City, N. J., will travel through Virginia during August, Mis Lillian Connor, who baa been spend ing several weeks in Boston. Mass., has re turned to her home oa Sumac street, - II I I II 1Mb 1 1 M I IIIM .! 1 I I TWO RECENT BRIDES ) brother were married at the samo MMA4' -2 ' ' llllillllll 1 llWam W' V- 111 I Weddings MJ&S DWEL C. G OKJ&O m:MscyQ LARGE SUMMER CARNIVAL BEING GIVEN TO AID CHURCH Fete on Grounds of Corpus Christi Church, 28th Street and Allegheny Avenue, Contains Many Interesting Features Other THE annual midsummer carnival of the , Ized In Mannyuuk, held a meeting on Sun Corpus Chrlrtl Roman Cathollo Church . 'av night at tho homo of the president, Mr. was opened last evening on the church SX grounds by tho rector, tho Rev. Henry A.I tary, mul Mr Samuel Ost Is treasurer, In Nnylon, nnd will continue until Saturday. . formal entertainments will bo given during Tho great green sward, bounded by Alle gheney avenue, 28th nnd 20th streets, wns illuminated with Japancso lanterns and multicolored electric bulbs, and thero were nrtistlc rustic booths for tho salo of fancy nrtlcles, groceries, cakes nnd candy. The program of muslo nnd outdoor nmusemonts will be different each night. In case of rain tho festivities will bo held In tho largo as sembly hall. Tho crowning of tho queen of tho carnival will tako placo with elaborate ceremony tomorrow night. Tho onteitnln ment, which 13 tho largest In tho history of tho parish, will bo carried over Into the last week of the month, and will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. A delightful surprlso reception wns given In honor of Mrs. Andrew N. Mnrtm, at her home, 3025 North 13th street, on Monday evening In celebration of her birthday an niversary. Among thoso present wero Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Noll, Mr. nnd Mrs. llnrry Blnkin. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Dayman, Mrs. Dambly, Miss Dambly. Miss H. C. Dayman, Miss U. K. Johnson, Miss Elslo I,ee. Miss Imogcno Crompton, Miss Floroneo Johnson. Miss Elizabeth D. Martin, Miss Genlo Martin, Mrs. John A. llallowell, Mr. William Moorchoad, Mr Hamilton Moore head nnd Mr. Harold Moorchcad. The Junior Hebrew Club, recently orgnn- North Philadelphia Mr. Chnrlos Klrkel, of D24 North 11th streot. Is spending n month nt the Evergreen Inn, Conshohockcn. Mr. Klrkel has Mr. David Morris, of 1001 South Gth street, who Is recuperating from an accident, ns his guest. Mr. Klrkel and Mr. Morris, after their staj In Conshohocken, will leavo on a hunting and fishing trip through tho New England States. Tho wedding of Mis Estello M. Israel. daughter of Mrs. H. Israel, ot aa ami Thompson streets, to Mr. A. Wnxman, of this city, will take placo on August 6, Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Torrance and their daughter, Miss Hazel Torrance, of 1300 North 18th street, returned on Tuesday from an extended trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canada. They wero accom panied by Mr. nnd Mrs. William Shaney, of 1838 North 18th street. Dr. and Mrs. Theodoro Gramm, of 1014 North 15th street, are spending tho summer at Lavalettc, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hillary, of North 17th street, are spending a month nt Lake Mohonk. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. David Berger and their family, of North 32d street, have gono to Atlantic City to remain until the middle of September. Tho Rev. Russell II. Conwell, of 2020 North Broad street. Is taking a tour through New England. He will go to his summer homo in South Worthlngton, Mass., early in September. The Rev. A. E. Harris and Mrs. Harris, of 1852 North 18th street, will go to North Held. Mass., for the balance of the season. Mrs. Mary Powell and her family, of 1848 North Camao street, havo taken a house In Germantown for the summer. Colonel and Mrs. A. II. Hartung. of 2121 North 20th street, aro spending the sum mer In Jenklntown. Miss Holen Eyre, of 1424 West Glrard avenue, will go to Stockton, N. J., for the remainder of the summer. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris and their family, of 825 North 7th street, aro spend ing tho summer at their cottage, 2614 Mon terey avenue, Atlantic City. Mr. Patrick Hazlett, of 1342 East Co lumbia avenue, Is spending the summer in Atlantic City. Miss Blanche Rostow, of 1228 North" 7th street, has been spending several weeks vlsr Ring relatives and friends In Newark, N. J. Mr. aud Mrs. McClosky, of 1007 North 6th street, aro spending the summer at At lantic City. Mrs. Burke and her family, of 1421 East Marlborough street, havo gone to Park bind, Pa., for the summer. Notices for tbe Spcletr pan will be. so ceutcd ana printed la the Evening Lcdier. but all uca notices mint bo written oa ono tide l tho paper, uiuit bo .uned la full. Kith til uclJrcsfl. and uhen poulblo tele plu3 .iiiubcr.uiut bo Siren. ..lend li ucli communication! to "Society Editor.' Ktnlas I-cdicr. 0 Che tout ' UnleM tbe.o roaulrwoenU. aro carried oo. io that rlncatfoo max bo poi.lbU. ttu cstlco will not bo publUlud. Midsummer Events tho summer In connection with tho busi ness meetings, nnd n scries of musical and literary programs nnd debates will bo ar ranged for tho winter. THE Frco Sons of Israel nro planning a series of entertainments for tho summer months. A moonl'ght rido by boat down tho Delaware River on tho evening of August 4 will bo ghen, nnd a portion of tho proceeds of tills excursion will bo turned over to the Cltlens Fund for tho Families of National Guardsmen at tho Mexican border. A strawberry festival will be given nt tho club rooms, 172C South Broad street, and n picnic will be given on a largo fnrm In Montgomery County. Various athletic htunta will bo a feature of tho day, and prizes and medals will ho awarded to tho winning contestants. Tho arlous enter tainments hmo been arranged tinder the direction of the Entertainment Committee, of which Mr. Sol Weinberg Is tho chair man. At tho luncheon given by Mrs. George Miller at her home. 1127 Cayuga street, tho guests wero Mrs. Gcorgo Kcyser, Mrs. John Keyscr, Mr.s. Edward Watts, Mrs. Ed gar Lnnck, Mrs. Robert Chase, Mrs. R. Harris and Mrs. Horace Dawson. Tioga Miss Eslhe Eck.il, of 1238 West Alle gheny avenuo; Miss Helen Arthur. Miss Miriam Frankenhorgcr nnd Mliu Sarah Up debran will leavo early next week for a tilp to tho White Mountains and tho Maine coast. Mrs. Hornco N. Frnnck, of New York, who has been the guest of Mrs. Charles E. Lukens, of 341G North 15th street, for a fortnight, has gono to .Milton, Del. Mm. Lukens' daughter. Mlns Ileleno Lukens. will spend August In Ocean City, N. J., as tho guest of Mrs. Edward Butterworth. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd, of Red Lion road, Torreedale. will havo Mrs. Boyd'a parents, Mr. and Sirs. Alfred P. Shepp.nd, of Banning. C.il., as their guestti for two months. Mrs. Boyd will return with them and remain until December, when she will be Joined by Mr. Boyd, who will upend the fall and early winter In South America. Mr. and Mrs. James Ashworth, who were married on July 3, will live In Jersey City. Mrs. Ashworth was formerly Mlsa Edna c Deianey. South Philadelphia Mrs. Norton I. Levy, of 1201 South 3d street, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Louis Berman, have taken apartments In Atlantic City and will remain there until September 1. Mrs. Levy will he remem bered as Miss Tlllle Berman. Tho betrothal of Miss Reba Neuman, of 1022 South fith street, to Mr. Michael Rappa port, of 331 Kimball street, was announced iast Sunday evening, when a small recep tion was held at the home of Miss Neuman. MISS REBA NEUMAN JIR. MICHAEL RAPPAPORT i H9. . tf?i fV?iOT rf lj I it-).i 1 1, ... .Snru .. -J SHAW BETTS WILMINGTON, Del., July 20. One of tho most attractive of tho midsummer wed dings was that of Miss Alice Tatnall Betts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Betts, nnd Mr. Joseph II. Shaw, which took place Inst night nt 6:30 o'clock In Westminster Prcsbytorlnn Church, Pennsylvania avenue and Rodney street, with tho minister of the church, tho Rev. Charles L. Candeo, officiat ing. Tho brldo was given In mnrrlago by her father. Her attendants wero her sis ter, Mrs. Alfrod D. Warner, Jr., as matron of honor; her nlcco, Miss Mnry Tntnall Warner, nnd tho bridegroom's nephew, Mnster T. Jnckson Shaw Warfleld. Mr. Shaw's best man was Mr. Arthur Robinson,, of Glen Ridge, N. J . nnd tho ushers wore Mr. Alfred D. Warner, Jr., Mr. Joseph H. Wnrllcld. Mr. John Taylor Gauze, Mr. Thomas II. Latimer, ot Beaver, Pa ; Mr. T. Ciarkson Taylor nnd Mr. Wil liam Eves, 3d. The brldo woro a gown of whlto tulle over white satin. Tho bodlco was trimmed with silver nnd tho skirt wns looped up with oinngo blossoms. Tho court train wns of whlto satin. Tho tullo veil, arranged In cap effect, was caught with orango blos soms. Sho carried n shower bouquet of lilies of tho vnllcy nnd whlto orchids. Mrs. Wnrner's gown was of shaded lavender chiffon over radium cloth. Sho carried a Bernhardt bouquet of ten roses nnd laven der sweet peas. Tho llttlo attendants were dressed In white, tho llttlo lower girt enr rylng n basket filled with tea roso buds and sweet peas tied with tulle. The reception nt tho homo of tho brldo's parents. 1211 Gilpin avenue, wns attended only by tho Immediate members of the family and a few Intlmnto friends. After September 1, Mr. nnd Mrs. Shnw will be nt homo nt Rlvcrvlow avenuo and lfith street. CANNING CORDUEY Miss Elizabeth J. Corduey became tho brldo of Mr. William Canning last evening nt tho residence of tho Rov. Wllllnm Greenough, who olTlclated. Tho brldo wore a gown of whlto embroidered vollo and carried a bouquet of whlto roses. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Annlo Corduoy, who woro a gown of whlto mull and carried a bouquet of Klllnrney roses. Mr. Harry Nlcholls acted as best mnn. After a wedding tour Mr. and Mrs, Canning will llvo In this city. What's Doing Tonight rhllndHphla nand. Silas K HummM, con ductor. City Hall Plata; 8 o'clock. Tree. Falrmount Pnrk Dand, Rtchurd Schmidt, con ductor. Lemon mil; R o'clock. Tree, Concert and srymnaitlo exhibition by United Rlmrors of Philadelphia and Turncemclnda, under auiptcen of Citizen' Soldiers' Aid Committee, Convention Hall; 8 o'clock. AMUSEMENTS CONVENTION HALL nnOAD AND ALLEGHENY AVE. GRAND CONCERT (1000 VOICES) UNITED SINGERS OP PHILADA. , AND UNIQUE GYMNASTICS PHILADELPHIA TURNGEMEINDE ron the penepit or CITIZENS' SOLDIERS' AID COMMITTEE FUND THURSDAY, JULY 20 AT 8 r. Jf. ALL SEATS RESERVED at 25c to $1.00 Can bo purchased from: OIMIJET, nnOTHCna, Sth and Market Bt. C J HErPE & fiO.V, HIT Che.tnut 8t. or.NEUAL HEADQUAHTEP.S, 1834 Market Bt I'OWUI.Tlw iiuW'i.1 - r. linn oireei. EMU. BCHNBM.. 1S10 riermantown Ave. NOltD AME1U1CA. luoit N. Sth Street. oSTENUOIirfS ItESTAUKANT. 1231 MarV.t '.Moo on ale at John Durke'o Ticket Agenor. lloli-l W'Hlton. and Ityan'o Ticket Agency, Helleiue-Stratford. ......... Chnlce Box Beats can he had at Mayor's Of fice City Hall. Citizens' Soldiers' Aid Committee of Philadelphia TI10MAB B SMITH. Mayor and Chairman. H1IK1.DON rOTTEIt. Vice Chairman. JOSEPH E WIDKNER. Treasurer. UEOllQB WBNTW'ORTIl CAP.lt. Secretary. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE "Made in Philly" CO Philadelphia Favorites 50 TONIUHT "COLLINGSWOOD NIQilT" Today at 'J. S3o & SOc, Tonight at 8. S3o to II. Olobe Theatre "&. J1JKJ VAUDEVILLE Contlnuoua 11 A M. to 11 I M 10c. 13c. 23c. "OVER THE GARDEN WALL" AD HOYT'S MINSTRELS And Other Feature Acts IP YOU HAVE NEVEU VISITED TUB VICTORIA K-N'NTH This Week Ledger Photoplay You Hate Wanted to See WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER? Moral Story tor Men ond Women Of A "NTT TfV MARKET ABOVE 18TH b 1 AJNi-lilj X 11:15 A. 11 to UilS P. M. Dustm Farnum IN FIRST SHOWING o DAVY CROCKETT "DATA PTP. S MARKET STRBBT fAi-iA.ih Frank Keenan And ENID MARKEY In 'THE PHANTOM" A Ji CHESTNUT Below 10TH A VPClnlO 10 A. M. TO 11:15 P. M. ftlLcllUcl DOROTHY GISH "THE LITTLE SCHOOL MA'AM" WOODSIDE MtfJolPhU' roremoet . IV yjuuiuiu Frea t0 p T u Patron! f ALEXANDER'S BAND "'"" SWIMMING ADAMS sanitary swnuiiNo poot. PARTY NIOHTS WON . FL AND SAT. LAittEfl' aENTUUiSN'3 UOUK3 VXUit, JAMESTOWN, n. I., July 20. NOTWITHSTANDING tho rather dubi ous weather nttendlns tho big Naval Ball aboard tho battleship New York on Monday tho affair was a notable success. The Bhlp was beautifully decked out with hunting, the guard rails covered with the varicolored flans used when the ships are on parade, and every nook and corner was filled with palms The Philadelphia con tingent Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Prim roso llaURli, Mr. nnd Mrs, Kdwln Bon sack, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bonsack, Miss It. Grace Brewster, Miss Elizabeth Brewster, Mr. Joseph N. Du Barry, Mr. nnd Mrs. John P. Green, Dr. and Mrs. Ho bart Amory Hare. Mrs. William Huher Hoyl, Dr. nnd Mrs. Barton Cooko Hirst, Mr. and Mrs. Walter hlpplncott, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. L. Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Corblt Covering, Mr nnd Mrs. Gilpin Lov erlng, Mr. nnd Mrs Charles M. McCloud, Mrs. WIstar Morris, Mrs Charles W. Ncvin, Mrs. Henry I'embcrton, Mr. Frank H. Itoscngarten, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Hawley Taussig, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles C. Wat bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Webster It Wcthcrlll, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Heckscher Wctherlll, Mr. Charlci W. Wharton, Mr. Joseph S. L. Wharton, Jr., Miss Frances T. leaf nnd Miss Kstlicr Jean Bochmnn. Mrs. Kphrnlm Brlco gave a dinner at tho Casino this week for Mr. and Mrs. Charles R McCloud. Among thoso attending were Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Gross, of London; Mr. nnd Mrs. Hcckschpr Wctherlll, Mrs. John I'rlco Wethcrlll, .Miss 13. Dall and Miss Ma bel Brico. CAPK MAT, July 20. WKI.r.-Dtin.S'ji:iJ women, and thero nro many of them In Cape May, nro wear ing colored sweaters and hats to match, ono of tho most attractive costumes being worn by Mrs. Henry II. Paton. It consists of a wldo pink and whlto striped skirt, a pink sweater nnd collar and cuffs of gray angora wool and a pink hat trimmed with a band of tho sumo material. Miss Mar garet McCabe wears a short whlto linen skirt, n black perforated hat and a stun ning black sweater. Miss Katherlno Deorlng, of Stockton row, will havo Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Gaylord, of 3110 West Pcnn street, aermnntown, ns her guests over the week-end. Mrs. August Noel, of Now Tork, wns hostess nt nn nttrncttvo brldgo parly on Tuesday. Her guests were Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson, Mrs. Samuel Blrpham. Mrs. Crozcr, Mrs. 11. O. Itlchnrds, Mrs. Charles N. Davis, Mrs. Graham Archer. Mrs. Charles II. Walsh, Mrs. Koons, Mrs. Ogdcn, Mrs. Le Boutllllor. Miss Elizabeth Walsh, Miss Louise Walsh, Mrs. Goodrldgc, Mrs. William Welsh, Mrs. Bennett and Miss Hilda Aman. Miss Alberta C. K. Illcss, of Philadelphia, who Is spending part of the summer nt the Capo May Hotel, will have Miss Florcnco A. Itlckerts, also of Philadelphia, ns her guest. ATLANTIC CITY. July 20. TriCRTI was a largo attendance nt the Tuesday afternoon brldgo given at the Marlborough-Blcnhclm for tho benefit of tho Emergency Aid Fund. Tho tables wero placed in tho solarium of tho hotel, which was abloom with vases of summer flowers. Mrs, John J. Whlto received, assisted by Mrs. Emery Marvel, Mrs. William B. Lou denBlagcr and Mrs. Theodoro Seiiscmnn. Mls-j Coma Dcgerbcrg entertained nt luncheon and brldgo at tho Chelsea Club yesterday nfternoon. Mrs. Jennlo I.owensteln gnvo a brldgo on Tuesday for Miss Corrlo Wlldomeie. Thero woro five tables In tho play. Among those present were Mrs. Albert Baltz, Mrs. Wil liam II. Goll, Mrs. Samuel W. Whnn, Mrs. Mnry McCaulcy, Mls.s Iona McCauley, Miss Jonnlo Parker, Mrs. Clarenco Doan, Mrs. Harry Parsons, Mrs. Nettlo Ituhland. Sirs. Frederick rtollm.in, Mrs. Florenco Gnrnet, eip: Store Closes Daily 5 P. M. All Day Saturdays. BONW1T TELLER &XQ CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET HAVE ARRANGED FOR FRIDAY Special in Suits, Dresses at Extreme 32 D'jersette Suits In prevailing summer shades, wero 22.50. 16.50 Women's Summer Dresses Cotton, Voiles and Linen Dresses C Art fl 'JCi Q Cfj Fancy Stripe and Emb. Marquisettes 1 C Art ?00 Taffeta Dresses, Tailored Effects 10 50 Beaded Georgette Crepe Dresses OCJ nn Women's Waists and Blouses "Bontell" Tailored Linen Shirts Collar can be worn high or Jow, fastened at neck with black ribbon. Lingerie and Voile Blouses, Batiste and Organdy Lace trimmed with side pleated effects. "Bontell" Silk Shirts Blazer and awning stripes in rose, blue, lavender and green. Crepe De Chine Waists High or low neck, ruffle and pleated effects. -3fnbibibunl ICmeerte 110 Petticoats Of crepe de chine nd taffeta. J& Formerly SJS) - 1.95 125 Petticoats Of crep&AdaMhine ?iSSaWL&m Formerly 2,95 Efjjrteentfj & gamfom &tvttt& Mrs, Prank Schanz, Mrs. Minnie Joerger, Mrs. Charles Bergor, Mrs. Gustavus Seldet, Miss Jessie Evnfts Schana, Miss Lillian Welzel and Miss Vera Welzel. OCEAN CITT, N. J., July 20. THE convention of the New Jersey Mothers' Congress nnd Parent-Teachers' Associations here this week has aroused tho interest of not only .many of tho resi dents, but nlso a number of cbttngers, and a branch of tho Parent-Teachers' Associ ation will bo organized In this city. Quito a few of the cottagers havo their canines with them and they aro prepnrlrtg to enter them in tho city's first dog show, which Is Boon to bo held nt tho Casino Club. Mr. nnd Mrs. n, C. Lowry nnd their fam ily, of Philadelphia, nro at their cottage. Mr. Harvey C. Miller and his family nre occupying thplr Wesley avenue cottago. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry A. Palmer nro also occupying their cottage on Wesley avenue. Mr. William McLaughlin and his family aro nmong the cottagers here. Miss Mildred H. Colo nnd Miss Ethel Cole, of Mcrchnntvillc, aro spending the summer hero. Dr. Loroy M. Emmls, of Philadelphia, Is n visitor. Tho Ilov. Charles I. FltzGeorgo nnd Mrs, FltzGeorge nnd their nlcco, Miss Mnyola Mathls, of Camden, nro here for a few weeks' stay, Mr. nnd Mrs, J. H. Hctherlngton, of Philadelphia, nro hero for a protracted visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Uenxlng, nro among the mimmcr residents. Mr. II. T. Wilson nnd his family, of Philadelphia, nro spending somo time here. Also Mr. James H. Trenchard, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Joslln. Mr. nnd Mrs. William 8, Bit ting, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. nttter nnd Mr. Grant Wright nnd'hls family. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Horn nnd their daughter, Miss Florcnco Horn, of Phila delphia, who nre cottagers hero, take oc casional trips on their cruiser. Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Schsrmerhorn of West Philadelphia, aro occupying their Central avenuo cottago. Mr. II. T. Patterson nnd his family have opened their Ocean nvonud cottage. WILDWOOD, July 20. DIZEY departures In styles among both batlicrs and promenndcrs are furnished daily In great nbundnnco along the beach front. Flower designs on tho crowns of plmiant bathing caps worn by tho fair surf devotees nro among tho most notnblo of these Innovations. Large whlto daisies, suf-frage-hued sunflowers and flaming peonies flaunt their hues from tho heads of tho mer maids, nnd when, ns often happens, n con sldcrnble number of bnthers wearing) this stylo of headgear nro brought togother, tho effect produced Is that of a flower garden over which tho breakers nro swirling In cheerful nbnndon. On their nether extremi ties arc to bo discerned natty half hose also running to yellow nnd bright crimson or groens ns tho enso might bo. Tho "back to nature" tendency in leg apparel, noticeable at tho beginning of the Benson is becoming moro pronounced ns tho season progresses. Miss Edna Moyer nnd Miss Ida Haug stoffcr, of Centra Square, Pa., nro at the Hotel Derbyshire. Mr. and Mrs Charles Blumblum, Miss Bertha Blumblum nnd Mr. Georgo Sheer aro spending tholr vocation nt tho Jones cottngo on East Andrew avenue. Miss Myrtle E. rnvltt, ono of Wlldwood's nquaplano artists, gnvo a very Interesting exhibition lant Sunday behind' tho Stone Harbor boat landing. Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer, ot tho Satterlee Apartments, West Philadelphia, Is hero for the summer Mrs. Ida E. Eggcrt, of Philadelphia, has purchased tho II. C. Grosscup property and will mako It her permanent home. , B Sales and Waists Reductions 24 Silk Jersey Suits Sizes to 42 Special 22.50 1.50 2.90 2.90 3.90 gfjop gpecinfe- 93 Petticoats Of mpe de chine, taffeta and wash satin. Formerly to 2.50. 4.95 to 8.75 3,95 m V& 1 m 1 ' il r I l Uyfc ''ga.TjJl'"3t i & z,s. 5, ar