vfcwiBywfhwrwftiPflfs 5T "W ' W"jfe fi lijj "1 ' !, ,., , . ,,.. .,.,, ,-f ,f, ... ' ' ' II ' FINANCIAL news, " - . .- ' " I -,. ! I ... I -INI EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1916. ' SJQCKS HOLD ALL, OR GREAT PART, p, OP GAINS SCORED IN DAY'S TRADING Better Feeling Prevails in Commission House Comment Ife and Easier Monetary Situation Influences a Revival P of Confidence Alcohol Goes Up Eight Points High Points in Today's Financial News titxl six months ivill see $100,000,000 in goltt brought into United States for account of Uritish Government, Hudson Da-j Company declared a CivU dtnd of SO per cent., the first since the start of the war. Gold rrocrvs of Imperial Dank of Germany largtr Price of bar silver lower in A'ctu York and London. . NEW YOUK, July 10. Although the volumo of business was only moderato today, tlio movements Wero distinguished In that for tiio first tlmo on tho rlso most of tha list held nil or a greater part of tlje gains scored. A better fcclliiff prevailed In response to commission house comment that stocks wero a better and safer purchase now than tyhen the buying craze was rampant nt from 50 to 100 points nbovo tho curient level. Tho easier monetary, condition also Influenced a revival of confidence. Dcirs Vino had been confident of a sharp break Impending In tho copper 3liarc3 look.. 1 askance at the decided strength of Anaconda. Tho most con.iplcuoii3 movement Wis In Industrial Alcohol, which rose 8 points nbove yesterday's final. Tho ex treme rlso from (he recent low was moro than 15 points. United States Steel common led In activity, followed by Alcohol, and senti ment was helped by a rlso In the, first mentioned to 83, tho highest flguro this .week and a net gain of a point. Bears had been helped by tho sluggishness of Steel and lidding, the two most representative stocks. Heading roso nearly a full figure. Gains In tho general list ranged from 1 to p points. j Hudson Bay Company Declares First Dividend Since War Started LONDON, July 19, A dividend of 20 per rent, had been declared by tho Hudson Bay Company, tho first since tho war started. Sir Thomas Skinner has rethed Xiom tho governorship of tho company. Sapulpa Oil Increases Dividend NEW YORK, July 19. The Sapulpa Oil Company declared a monthly dividend cf 2 per cent., nn Increase of of 1 per cent., payable August 10 to stock of record July 10. NEW YOKE STOCK SALES I.art clne. Adr jtumciy n Hkll, lo'j ;o ... 4515 ..120 J t ..210 ..107 ... 41 .. 9 j .. 27!j .. :-.2tf 73' - J 03 17't If) il'i OH iT MM 10' M'i lOT'f Wi SOU 2S'J 17 i rtl'f 101 0-1 4C 123U 129)4 210H 21. 10S 10H 43' 43U O.-.W 01! i 2S 27H 34'f :w,i 1 7S'f 1 m is 20,'f 72!$ r.o Si) r-'f 131 10'f mi 21) IS i fit 101 03' 1 4115 ...lOIJi 101TJ 10IT4 104J Atlr Rumily pf K2'f AJix Rubber (H Aiata UoU Mlnsi IS JMi-Chilrn:rs Mfj 10' Atlll-ChalmcM Mfe pr... 71M Am As Ch:mtci OS'i Am DjotSuwr sn'j Am Cm , M)i Am Can pf WV, 109 AtnCar&Fujr fil'f fl Am Coil 1'roducti 13S Am Hllaft Leather 10 Am llldi & Lcatlu: pf. . BftH Am tc Securities 21 Am Mnttcd IS Am Locimitlv1 0'f Am Locomotive pf 101 AmSmsIt<'1 02i Am smelt pr A UJ Am Steel Founckljs. AmTd & Tot , AtaTobicio Am Tobiejo pf new, Am Woolen Am Woolen pf Am Wtltlnj V nf... Am Zinc L .V Sm . . AiacaaJi Cop M ... AtchTop &S F... 4..-W M. M ct . n 11.. nca lop a o r pi ir.t wj At. Oulf&WIpf C7!i Oi A Clulf W I S7!l t-Vi Uald Imo Wlu r&yt 70?f IWt&Ohb S'J.4 SOU Bill & Ohio pf 701 7flK jfc Blthlsheni Stcoi 450 440 r Urooilyn Rao Tr 4'X S-t'f v UraoUyn Union Gai 130 130 liuitn A iinp'rior G.J GVi Csi Patroleum pf 41 45 Centra! Leathsr B3W li'Mt Ch mdlc Motor 105 105 -i Chu&Olib GUi 02 Cblno Copoor 40); 4S CblcijJ Mil & St Paul. . 93 07 ChIe3MUSt lpf..l30 130 Chlcigo R I & Pac 20'i 20'i Col Ku:l & Iron 42H lt Continental Can 'J.'IH 'Jl'j Corn Products list 13) f 14'4 Cruclbla Stiel 03 iSli Cuban-Am Sunr 225 22 ' ! Ciaa Canj Sujar 5Si$ C Cuba Cano Sugar pf 03VJ a 1 Dvjr & lib Gr pf ... . : 7Jf :-7H ' Dayton P & L pf OoH 05V4 j DlilUl Sec Corp'a 41! 4.IH 1 KlsiStorasj Dat , 02K G2'i I ErlJ .T5?i 3555 . ErlJUtpf 53-i 51 i ' Owiral Kleetrfc let 105 General Motors 400 491 General Motors pr 109U 110 Goodrl;a B F 72 7a U Ooolrlch B F pf ll.H llIJi urcine-cananea 40 45 Iiw. CIi"". 15U 1B' S 0r IS 20 72!J m SS' fi.Vj 100 5G!f 131 KM 50!f 2SH 18"S 4 101 93! 03 40 12!)K 217 10S 43f Wi 7H nit Rl 00 G.1 fit 70'-$ SOU 7G54 440 Sl.'t 130 05i 45 5W fin, Vnrih.M nf G N cf j for ora prop. , Xlllaol Cent Int Agricultural pf. .., Int llarr N J Interb Con new Int I'apjr Imp Con Cop. , 09 50 3 r.7'x f9Jf 70! i 445 Hfi 130 45 53Ji 105' j 105 01,' 02 47) i 48 07 07 129'f luO 2(M 20J i 42i 44 Oil 01V. 13H 14H Hi OS 225 225 57 U3H 33U 95'-? 435f G2J4 JISH 531i 101'i 490 110 721,' 113J. 4..I5 57JS 91 !'7 95 431 (12 H ssy, 53 1 105 400 110 7.W 113K 45li .11S15 118'5 IIS j lliH 31H .101 ; . 41 .115 . 1055 . 13 47K 10 t'i 41 117 urn 13!f 4314 25'$ fOli 45)1 7S 25 CO 45'f 35 .ft 101 101 41 44 mi 117 1GK 10K 13! 47Jf 24ti 87) i 4114 78 25 00 4 Hi 127 10J 13K 48W 25, 45K 7S IntMMcof dep 2T IntMMpf cof dp S7H Int Nlciel r t cfs 4-1)1 Jewel Tea ,., 78 Kan C.ty Southern 25 Kan City Southerajpf... 00H Kennecott Copper 45U Klnsi Co E h & P 123U 127 LaclrJo Gas 10 1 10, Laii ErtJ & West 21'f 22S Vai3 Erie & West pf.... 41 41H 41 LaaStsetCo CSX CO 3 GS JaltubaTTUj 4'1'i 44 424 Loallard P Co pf 118K 11814 11854 118 Louis Nasn. 1324 13J'f 13-! 132 MacfciyCospf G7Jf GS!i GS5J Miisrelt Motors 74 775 i 74)4 J.UIWHI Motors 1st P(.t 85 85 85 Maxwell Motors 2d pr... 4 55U HexlcaiPetrolsum...... 07lf tOi IhKiaSTexaj 4H 454 Miami Copper Z4H 3iii Mian 4Bt Louis 5 Mi Ulna St P 4SSM....125 127 JJUourt Pll: 754 7!f Mlirurl Paclfle trefs,.. (Hi 7 Montana Poer ...00)4 91H NatBlicuit , 12U 121 Na Biscuit pf. ,.,.121 128 Nat Eaam & S Co Zi'.i 21 Net Cm Coo .... Ki 105 law yo Mt unico ,,,,122 125 2.1 GO 45,4 127 105 o 41 09)4 41 CS! mi 8T 55 OOli 4! I 314 65 i 54!f 0714 41 3454 55f 12G!f 127 7 7 m ar, Q15f 01)4 121 121 125J 123 2JH 23'f lOJi 10)1 122 123 W), out NYNIl&Il 00)4 Ol'f N.(w Vow ceatril 101)4 lftlH 103M lttllf NortolX & Wfutira 121 123 12SH 129 Narthjra Paciflj U15i UIH 11154 11H Peon lUllroai .5,' 57 oth LOV, Pwrti EMtern. ,.,.,., 1 J IVi UH llii pailadelpala Co....,.,.. U9 3'J o'J b'. Passed Si fax Co 44 474 44'f 47 1'uba Corp'oN J., ,.,..130 133 133 130 Pullman Co 16K4 1S2 UIH 10I5J ciuiinllTer. SH 2ii 25f 2)1 UT Steel a? Co 4314 45 43K 45)1 Kay CJS C033;t 21)i Si'4 21 2v54 Itil4T 07 U84 071( 03 lUjabtl? Iron & B.,..,. 1 41-4 41 41'4 HiMW3lm&tspf....lll? KH1 lUVi IfW'l finamd: Air tins pf.. 331 30 3D 29 tfjjri. i;n to.. ,..,. I9t 195)f 191)4 10 5U S.faitU8Pir Wi l8Ji lJjj 17J iBiW4ta raapi... an fasuaii Oot So Stw-Sai a 1 39'-4 tisattua Pciae 97J Bsiwi Rr '..... sdj Bwtbsi By Dt 6a -j b duJ MMUni ru H Uul:but tt 123H 129M Tapo3per a-jJJ 21 T4j0v. 183 100 1'obt froi pf. 101 iirt UaiKTvjw UJ S3 l. oi a Jit JPir .... 6i o Wa.rt Ctj-u bum . . ., U5 VaU4IwMr4...... 3t Vain Van. l't. vmitwnit,.,,,. ..vn 1 itM ttmitr&. ja laCIF ... . ISH 0 25 42 WH 21K 5S5X si OH 25 42 97H 23 0S4 U ,...Jg' 25 4'J'4 U71i 23i US n 1271i 12811 23H 2554 JM 193 12."4 l'i 103 103 93 m i O 08i B? US'! 13Ji H93i 15rV 155- lift y Mi W4 Si JJ SiSH CI U 8 Steel Corn'n U S Steel Corp'n pf. USSra It & M Ulah Copper Utah Securltl( V.i-Caro Ch-mlqal... Va Iron, Coal & C . , Wabash Wabash pi A Wabash pf B Western B M Western Mirylaml . . Western Union Tel. . Wisconsin Central ... Willys Overland Willys Overland pf . I.nst clo". l!l;h. , MM N.'S .117J1 117' 075 , 7551 . 17)1 , 3 . 48 . 1351 . M)'f 2751 , .'414 2S'-4 . 1)3 . 52! 1 G9J-5 t9)i 70 17 :s 45 IPC 51 S 27, m 2S i IWJ 511 00)4 ...10551 105U Low .St 11751 03' i 75' 4 17 7 a; v.n 50' 1 2711 fill 2S'j 03 52V1 IKi 10551 Clns. 15 '4 11751 l.0'l 70 17 :is 45 in'; 514 27 '1 ro 2351 0JS M't GO 10551 Financial Briefs Tho New York Subtrcasury ralnel 54,177. 000 from banks yesterday, making a cath net gain slnco Friday of $12,861,000. There were no meetings todny of the board or directors of tho Heading Company and Lehigh Valley Ttallrond Company, a recess being usually taken In July and Au gust. About $40,000 of tho three-year B per cent gold notes of the American Foreign Securities Company, tho new French loan, were dealt In on tho Curb this morning at as. "Money Is better employed and Interest rates nro higher, and the trend of financial affairs seems to be most favorable, promis ing well for the continuation of at least a rcasonablo measure of our recent prosperity for a considerable time." tnys the Franklin National Bank In its semiannual financial review. There has been admitted to the regular list of tho Philadelphia Exchange $8,171, 000 Pennsylvania Ilallroad Company con solidated mortgage sterling stamped dollar bonds, dated May 1, 10S ; Interest ut 4 per cent, per annum, due May 1, 1948. These bonds will be quoted on tho tape as Penn sylvania consolidated 4s, 1948, sterling stamped dollar. NEW YOIW COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. July 19. Tho coffee market was steadier at the opening thin morning and first prices were 2 to 4 points higher on scattered covering and some buying for foreign account. Sales on tho call were ESOO bags. Todas-'" nnentntr. July ,. H.-UliPti.U) AUKUSt September October H.SO November December H.MHH.K4 Jnnuary ,,. H."i)ja.7l February s.7r, Mcri-h h.h::OS,84 April N.im May H.n.'.iJ 8.1)0 June l.UO Bid. YterIiy' cion.. p.axiM.-in 8.4L'S.4 H.4IS0N.47 H.ntfN..vj s.mtas .17 H.IIIUN.IS'J 8. 117 'BM. IIS H.74TN.7II H.MIfBN.K! KS7MN UK H.linftM.III b.butru.uu 19 Hd. BAR SILVER Bar silver In Loudon was quoted nt today, a loss of jd. Commercial bar sliver In New York was quoted today at 02 He, off Vic. Steel Subsidiaries Get Orders NEW YOltK. July 19 An order for 14.000 pounds of steel rails has been placed with subsidiary companies of the United States Steel Corporation by the French Gov ernment. These mills also have taken con tracts for about 18,000 tons In small lots from domestlo railroads, of which 1000 tons came from Illinois Central and a like amount from tho Havana Central. In quiries are In the market for 12,000 tons of rails for South Africa. Edward B.Smith &Co EiiLHan USX BANKERS ISemlert h'ew York and Philadlila Block Exehauatt Mil Cnm.H'T Stmut, PuiUDiLrou SO PIM Siitxx titw Yoic RlAZIER 6- Gb. INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sanson) Sts. i.r.n.i, auvektiskmknts -25HsTATK OF JKXNIE UINO, ))KtU.SKI X ttc&r of dmlnltratloa on tb abov tttt Uivltw tuna graoud to tb iuuUrlxnd. all pr8B lndbINl to th aald rstat are ra oueatt4 to raaks paymol, aul tlwa bavlas ,ui 1 p..nt ttveja-ggajji.to Parby. Pa. Or t hla attorney. AI.JMSKT T. UAUEULB. cai Comoaawealtb BvilUlmr, Pblla. IlIBBCTdRY OI- ACCOl'.NTANTa Ortlfril I'abll Arrsuotaut New York Bond Sales Hleh. ...iw. lAA Atftftba flAlt mi l. nono Amer Air deb 5n..... HS'A Jl.limo Anxlo-Kr ,B .....i... P.1J1 .11)00 rAmer Tel fit 4a..,n,t ,m; 2101 Atcblon sron 4s..,,.. icH .111011 'do cv r.a.ini7 miu lunnn AlHn i'o l.lno lt 4.. i3.. mono ,10 I'Ss ...1 rii'S DSniiii Unlto Jt Ohio 3W. ... l2t Kinoo do ri ............ .llii , soon do -la . , , win 4L'M!ll do cv 4U t Iiiihui n ft O Pl.k A W V in K7 12HIMI lletli Rleel rM .". I1111W 7nnu jlrookii II T .la llUS..inn Sii )lah Term ris ss 3Wiil Can Cnt 4s 11121 HJ4 .soon do inscl ;.... jmiJ 20(1110 do 1!)31 1'llljj 13IKMI Cent I'ae lat t .isti .1111111 cent it is N J r.a. . . . . . 1111 lfinflil Chea A Oblo cv Hi... S.I Ulilii'l do conv f,i Il" 40IHI CM & AU0.1 3'ia r.n limn Chi (It IVeat li Tii'i 2,1110 rill Nnn (tmi 4a... li'N IMilin Oil H & Q Joint -In.. !iT' 17HIHI Chi II ft 0 Ben 4.... I2 lINiil do r,n -'a 117 'i r.nipii nil M ft ft I' cv t'li.lnii'l "linn Chi II 1 & 1' f.M 4a... "" SlMlll.l do t.i Ii.l 1 noil Col A S'nuth I ia. . .. S'lU liKKin Chic Cn st.i 4'.i ti!it mum I'uhen Am usnr tw..1nl 4IHHI Del Huil lonv 4...lli.V4 T.lnno do rfd 4a us" 7(iio V-n ft lllo Clr 4 .... "Sj .11.01111 1I0 rM ',. , 7ii'4 ISiinil Dla Rfcur Corp ,1a. amnl llrle ronv 4a Per A irooo do ion 4a Her 1 .Mil 11 llrle Pn 10I 4h .... inim (Ion nice deli .Is . SIII'll ill SUcl ilrb 4' j a lint'ii Indlnnii Steel ," , l!M.n( Inwn rent rf 4a r.niin 111 out 4a '..n .... 4DIIII Inter!) Met 4ia .... tsniiii Inlerli It T rer r.a . 17IHHI tnt M M rt 4'ia .. Hum Int ft Ot Nnr 1; 6a 4nr(i(i ,lnr new II H l'i . nini .Tnii-i.iei ftpt 4"a . 11 in Knn Cllv So Jia ., inim Knni & Jtlcli ! ... Illlltl l.nrtrile (l.ia lat Ha . 1 1Miri l.nh Vnl of X V 4'in.llll .THIII I.W ft M T 7a I5.it .1111111 Lnula & .N'nali 4a .... Hlli r.lill'l .Men Pet I'n Ha Scr C'.lll'i fiini' Minn ft St l. la .... 'II r.noil Mn Ken ft T I'ib... M'i r.llOll Mn I'nc ct la .Il'i 70011 do cv r.i r.t'i 1CIKI Mnnt l'nwpr .la Il7'k Union Not llnnni ft Sin r.a. ns'd noon .N v 1: I. s .I'ja r.i'.ooii .N' Y V ft 11 Ha.. 10111)11 du la .101111 do vim 4a MJa 71)011 do I'jn I'.l niiiin N Y I'lty .Tin Nov Ml !! noon N Y i'lty 4ia ini'.o..ln-'ii 1 lllllll N Y IlwV Oil) .la. .. r.a;, fil'.IMI'l N Y Te .en 4'l9. aoiii) Nor Puc ireo :t limii Ore ft It IV ft N 4a. r.noil Ore ft Car !ia nmiii Piuine Tel r.a tionn 1'entm -ta in IS 2itiiiiii do Ken et 4'ia.. llKio do en I'la soon Public Scrv N J f.a 1 limn Itml'nR kc.i l Hli'O l'.et) Ir ft St Sa Hinii stl. A St' rfd t ata la lL'llllo do rfd ct 4a iniiiili iln Ken ct la 271)0" 1I0 Ser A w I .... 41)011 do nja w I 1.1000 do Ser II w I 210111) do In w 1 2.10011 se.ilionl A J, mlj ua .innnii South Hell r.a ...... 211011 South l'.ic 4n r.ooo do cv ret t p Sa., mum do rfd 4a Knni South l'.ic Term fia 17IIUO South Hwv Ren la. 7IIIHI do con r.s 4.100(1 Tcnn L' ret full rd. Iif. J DO Cloae. j in. n.ifi llii i m HUH S'lH ll-'ti 1(111 . 74' "II . K.I . Ml .lllfa :i!:i.. . HI 74, . "S, .ll)la 111, N.'l tlll'a Ion inn liDH lIMlS sai 11(1 SI MIU r.o 70'4 llf'l 1)1 ' lu ;I 1)7 Ji loo 735 112 '.i K.IJi '.I'.l'i 101 HITS !M 7Mi 70 ; 734 70 S.I Ml llll'i 'II llll'i K.I K, 74 inlji till, MS sa 3 1111'i tni 12.14 ino'5 ?J.l r.i' r.i nil. 101(1 H3 SJ4 lllll DOS II 4 ' S(t loo'.a lllll sa nnH Inil4 7ri'i 7.14 tr-''J ii2.: on'i IITta .till . Ii'l'. .101 'a .ll)it . 112 . 11.1 . 1)7 7.1 '4 711 . 7ll'i . Il'i". . S2 . S3 . mi; . C.7 .10054 . Sl ,1IW . hll'i . K3'4 . 71 .loiS III KM). II II sr, mil r.o 711:1 in 1)74 Il2' 117 't lonS 73-11 1.2 i SIH lllltt 11)1 111.111 IH4 7Si 7II'4 74'4 711 H.1 Ml Ml'. 111 . Ml1', NH'i HI '4 71 Mlla til' 8(l MJ Ml4 n.1 l(ll"4 Ml 'iiiit M'i ill 42'i niU r.i l)7'i 1) a a 7.14 1I2U DO'. .S2t4 1UT4 112 l'l3i ila'a 117 lllll. Nit, lilt iin4 lnii'j Il'.l'l ! in t)7'l J UHll till K2, !!'. ni'4 r.s'5 v1.i en si4 101 , .,11,11 I'.wi. X..C. I,!',. Int r.a (17 2000 Third Ao ref 4 .11 'a lliioii Third Ae mil .la 7;S r.ll'lil Tol IVn ft W la r.r.'i 1 toon Trl-Cltv r.a ."'i hOOIIll If H Slel R V ,.... M". . liionii 1'nlon P.al'c lat 4 inl'a 14000 i'n llwy.i S V Is ... 32'( 201)0 Va Car Chem lat iia..Mnaa 211110 Vn. llwy r.a tis'f, 20011 Wnlinah lat r.a M.T'i 3UHO Wnbaah 2il r.a HSU Ml Ml til 'a 111', 117 s. 7.1 '4 711 70 1.0 H2 H.I 54 07 Mo '4 HI. 1(12. Ml HI'.J lol'i SH "'. no MIJa llllta ai wi'i 111 M.1V4 Ml I M' 112 ni . 117 73'., 711 70 l.'l yi S.I r.i (17 luu'j Ml4 111:1 sn'i H3Va 71. llll'i KS no 111.", HI'.', .12 loo1! na 10.114 U8U COTTON MARKET OPENS QUIET; ONLY SEVEN TRADES ON CALL Tone Is Steady, With Prices of Active Months 1 to 2 Higher NEW YOniC, July 19. Another small openlnir was witnessed on the Cotton Kx chanse this morning, there helnpr but seven trades on the call. The tone was steady, with prices for the active months 1 to 2 points higher, July showing a loss of 2 points. Liverpool was a moderato buyer of the near months, but sold March. Spot houses and Southern Interests purchased, while the supply came nlmost entirely from room shorts, who have been supplying the demand during tho last few days. After the call tho market held at about the opening levels. I-AWIIES-CH J3. UIIUWK CO. 114 UKAI. JCSSTATB TRUST IIUimiNCl. 'Xm JiJUJa Ycaterday'a 11 cloa... Open. a.m. July 12.ss 12H7 AUKUat 12.110 I'-'.!" (Ictn'JiT 1S.04 13.0.1 13.0 4 Occcmlier .. .13.2(1 1:1.20 13.10 Jnnuary 13.2(1 13.2(1 13.23 March 13.I2 13.4t ia.3'1 May 13.r..1 13.3(1 Spot 13.1(1 12 m. 12.80 ih'.oi 13 HI 13.21 13. an p.m. 12.HH 1.1.13 13 1H 13.33 CURB MARKET SHOWS FIRM TONE Trading Is Quiet, Especially in tho Moro Important tfefc- Issues NRW YOltK, July 19. While a generally Arm tone was shown In tho Curb market today, trading as a whole was comparatively quiet, especially In the more Important Issues, Oil Blocks wero generally higher, with Inteiert centred In the lower-priced sh.trcs. with OdStton more prominent. There was nn especially good Innuliy for Cosden & Co., which sold ex dIUdend ot BO per cent., while Cosden I'll nnd (Jns continued gener ally ntrong nn various unconfirmed rumors. Standard OH stocks wero comparatively quiet, hut somewhat higher. Jtotor lasurs continued quiet, hut worked fractionally hetttr. Mining Issues wero slightly higher, but quiet, French Oovern ment 5s wero in fair demand. INDUSTniAI.a. 111.1. Si ,,, 1, 11 r :Oi I,,,. 1111 2.1 I Aetna ttinlovci . .... Am lir.t .IKK Am Mnironl , Chexrolet Motors t'urtlaa Aernnlnna . , . iiriRBa-sean '.......,,. 1111 Ulaenlolir Tot) Il'i do tiref ,,,,,,, 1)1 Hmprrnn Promisntpli ,,,.,, HI Fleml-ii-I.Min ,,,,.,,, 3'h llnakell n llnrker Car ..,,,..,,,, .1114 Ilendee .MfP , ..,, 2.1 Inter Mer Murine .,..,,,,,,. 21 do prof SI Knthodlon I ro.i7e fref ,,,,, 22 Maxim Mun'..on ,, -t .Manhattan Ymnalt 114 Mldinle Steel ,, Cm, ntla i:ientor H7 l'errleaa Motors ,.,,,, 22 I'nole llnic , , HO H S Krease I HI Standard .Motora fi Sulimarlim 3.1 Stut Motora co'4 Trlinele Film 24 United front Rhnrlnn ir.-lil United Motora ,,, Crt'i U S 1, tt II com '.".. do pref r4 White Motora R2S World Film t. RTANUAItl) Oil, HTOCKS. Ohio 1 22a Pr.ilrle PIim 218 s 0 of Ciillfnrnln 2(17 S O of New Jersev 320 Asked. II Mil U ot New York oTitnu on. stocks. Coa.len A Co i'halmra oil Inter Petrol Itouaton oil ....,,,,.. Mlilweat lleflolnir Sapulpa ltcflnlng MINING STOCKS. Atlanta. Iiutte I'oi'pcr & Klne Iluite N V (.Vrro ile I'aaeo ., Plr'l .Nntlon.il lioliineld Mprirer lleelii Mlulnir Howe Sound Jim llutler Jumlio I!c ..,',., MeKlnlcy Darrnli Misma Copper Mlnea Co of America NIpfB'IniT San Toy St. .Toeplt Lend WV.t Hnd Con Whllo Oaks 110NDS. Cerrn Ha Mldvnlo .la - Amcrican-l'orclBn Securities r,a, 102 . 2I'4 .' HI . II . 02 . 10;; . 10 . .3.1 , 4 . N . r, : . 14?; . Ull . GV4 .110 . IK , US 10.1 411 lllll 11 I .111 30 211 III) 21 r. 114 1,11 no 21 1111 Mil it 3.1 '4 o '4 2' n?i'4 J 1 2.1t 220 272 r.2.1 203 21 H M'I 111 nt 11 M'4 ft 34 M r.w Hi 77 7 1.1 1.1't Ut 0 11B 111 03 '4 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIHCAOO. July M. HOOH Hecelpta. 2.1 nnn Marl.ct sternly. Mined and butchers. JH.2.1 lii.ln. Rood heavy, 13.4nriiiio.M; roimh heavy, Jll.l.lfMi.XI: light, 10.330.10; piss. IS.S.'Wll.SU; bulk 10 IIOOO.OO CATTI.K Receipts. 13.000. Market steady. Decveg. lll.llofpll: cows mid heifers, lltl'l) 1.1; stockera and feeders. J."i.7.1'tf8.3J; Tcxans, 17.25 Ull: caheB, tu.2.112. SII13KP Receipts, lff.OOn. Market steady. 10c. lower. Native and Western, J3.C0StH.2J, I.amla, 17.70(3)10.00. Proposed Changes in the Income Tax For the Information nf Individuals auhject to the Income Tax. wo have prepared a pamphlet outlining Blm piy and concisely tho proposed increases , In tho Tcderal Incomo Tax Li nr. Appreciating tho probahle effect of n heavier Income Tax upon certain classes of bonds, we Include In tho pamphlet n list of securities which we recommend for Investment at thla time. Scntl tor Pamphlet PH-H N.W.Halsey&Co. II11 Clicttmit St.. t'lillnilrtnltlii New Yorl. Chicago isnn lrftnclnco n I Announcement iN and July 1916, ve occupy temporary quarters at 45 South Broad St. (Lincoln Build ing) during the construction of the new Colonial Trust Company Building, Market and Thirteenth Streets. Colonial Trust IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIW will MSlftgU i Willi I Company Market and Thirteenth Sts. Philadelphia Brown Brothers 8c Go. Tavzvm amd Ckestwvt Stueets PHILADELPHIA i- i i Bonds for Conservative Investment PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD COMPANY IMPROVEMENT MORTGAGE 4 GOLD BONDS Dated October 1, 1873 Maturing April 1, 1047 Free cf Pennsylvania State and Normal Federal Income Tax Descriptive Circular and Price Upeq Request Sales in Philadelphia Hlch. 1M Am Ilivys prefj nt; loo Am Zlno 3I4 I Hurt ft Hus t o r.o., SO ram Iron .... 41'4 Con col Fuel 4Vi in fataw 1st pfd. r.31 42.1 r.lcc fltor .... ni "n ir iia nf. 71 Ini Co N Am. Ml Knt Sccur ... in Ken Copper . . , 2ir. Key TM Co ... .1 J.ch Nav A'i l.eh Vnl 31 H I. V Tr nr V.mtn. 11 11 2ii J'nppi Salt Mfc ni jiii I'nua i o nr. !i" 714 7Sji r.7't . Net 1iw. Clni. ch'ire. PS'i nx'4 ,i... .1IU MS ,U r.n r.n 1 4)i 44A ..... r, ni 'I 'itl 2 it; HV.i mi: . il'i m. iIa M..-M 1PAf Jll 1W! null Jllectrlc .. 28H inim 1 11 T tr clM I'". . 4 Phlli Traction.. 77H Inn Tonopili ltd . . S" Tcpn Copper . 1 .1.1 1'n'in Trae . . 17ii W n T O It 111 It U Plf.nl III tt III V lilllll' ' 2". Yo-k Uvy .... ir. 7.1 cli liM 37i -I-Increniie. -Vecriw. BONIJ3. llliin 1hn Am a A r,Ui, in linn Alt ft 1. V 4',4(i Ri 1'iiVI 111 1'co Tr H R.1 100(1 1, V Kn 4i. ..."'! l.Viim ill rpii 4'4n.1nnU lllll ill Cnnl r.i .Vli'A 7HII Nnt I'rop t-lii. r.'l'i Emm Vn (ten 4',ii . .Int liinnn vt ri Mil si fl.iniH nnnn l'hlla Cn torn fi 7'i 4(inii piilln Tllre ..In.iji Jminn 1' II A 1' 4k.. nnji r.onn itrn.llnB uen 4. n'U limn Slnml On(tn...lnil inoo Span-Am t 0 Hi2l4 2nnii vn Tr 1'otn r.s nn 7cnn w ji Y & V f.liM'.S 1000 York Ity 1st us U5 nr. 2.-.K 2'.. 4,! 74 ! 7R 4 42 r.7 3!!. m 4 LlC '.; ' i m nit. nH 37 i 43ii Ki5k RIU .'4 ni 2.-.H ?iw -in T.7V4 . ns no 4 411 2'4 - 13 i-lA 23'4 . 1114 4 S7J4 S3S tit i'8 Low i34 Jin n ii't 1nnj5 lini m'.i Ml innl S74 ln.i'4 iv.iU t'.-.tf inn in2'4 nn lni 05 Kel Clo. elite. iny, Sll ..... A3 3 in"' t 'i int IUI',4 lnl limsi 87 , Miu lcli H1!4 inn lnJU r.n in 5 I! n Local Bid and Ashed tUMivIn Hurt a Pin t c ilo prof 111. n Ktnrniio (len Aln rlo prcf Key Tel do t c ilo pret T.nki. Sup Corn I.rli Nov I.e)l Volley I,eh Vnl tr iln prcf Prima . . l'hlla I".l-c 111111 Co ilo r per cent. pr. rlo II per cent. pr. P It T t o ltenillllir Ton Url Tun Jlln .iT Vn True 4314 Tftitfl V Tllil. AbIctiI. 7ni 411 nn ii3i 1111 itf ..vt ! 4-J14 ?$ sn 311 411 in'4 .117 4H r. 44 TeaterJny 70S 1,1 nt 112H .T. 11314 II 14(t nn 42 r.7 2Kt ,is;i :i7 .T.I 14 ii; 4 1-lB riii r.7i 4H ni m 3'J iin4 MS 13(4 111 11154 m 21 4 SJ-4 3SlJ 3S 311 1IIJ4 17U 4 1-10 43 y Aslieil, IPiW r.n nn ii.' 14 .n 70 11 11 mi i54 71 i 7Hi 4J4 r.7' 2KV 3114 33 411 20 "Jit n 4314 IIIIIIIIIIIH!lllllliinil3lllllllilll I $300, 000,000 1 m In Dividends and Interest S q Thli U the hure um itatlitleitm - - llture will to dliburied In July, ; tr railroad and Industrial corpora -. 2S tfoni, to Mcurtty holders ai their 7-; ahare of tho half-yearly earnings. ; The prosnerlty of tha country )l could not tie letter or mora con- (S j-1 cretely Indicated; nor could a l--! ; creator Incentlra bo produced for tho Investment of surplus funds In tho securities cf Amorlca'a cardinal S Railroads and Industrials L5U q Our frre Investor's rocket Van. ISU ual, llilnr Important corporation SZ2 statistics, will bo sent upon ro- J SS tjuest. Ask for S2-P1, lncludlnt; S booklet explaining; "The Twenty Payment Plan" in lrvyimett.?nii'itc- S ZS (Italabllshed 1008) --; -JO Exchange Place New York 5 illllllllllltHlillllllilllilllllllllllil STOGIC TRADING "IS BROADER HERE; TRANSIT TRUST CERTIFICATES ACTIVE Furnish Feature on 'Change Possibility of Dividend Dis a. cussed Higher Rates for Time .Money in Philadelphia Expected Soon parts or the Street. It Is understood that there Is n. movement on In some quarters amoiiR holders of the cotnp.injr's stock to put before the board tlio question of iTIVIdcnds. 7hether nythlr.K will come of this In nhajie of payments to noteholders the directors, of course, are tfy.e only ones who lmow, nnd nn opinion cannot be ob tained from that source. Keystone Telephone common moved up a fraction ns did Union Traction, Pennsyl vania ilallroad nnd a few others, while many Issues wero unchanced from their Inst previous close. Durln? the noon hour Cramp trust certificates sold up 2 points to 7G, later losing; part of this gain. Gtocl: tradjnp; In Philadelphia today was broader than It has been for romn clays. While there was snmo IreRularlty In price movements during 1 le early deallngi most stocks moved up, although the changes In cither case were not large. The financial district Is watching the money innrltet with mo-e than usual In terest, this be'ng duo In great measure to tho floating nf tho new French loan, a largo part of which will ho tnlten In Philadelphia. Attention was drawn to the possibility of higher rates for time money In the near future. This, In the belief of the Street, was fore shadowed by tho action of ono of the largo trust companies situated In the Lcntrnt part of the city In rieclltitiu; to make commit ments beyond four mtm'.hn nt the rate of B per cent. This Institution Is asking 6 per c?nt. for six monlha' time money on offers nf good collateral. Attention In stock dealings wns centred In Philadelphia Itdpld Transit trust ceitlfl catcs. Tho prlco wns 20 at the opening, a new high mark for this movement, nnd a gain of a ,i from tho close of yesterday. At tho high point, however, a nupply came nut In tho shape of profit-tatting sales, and the prlco declined to below tho final of last night, but In the afternoon It recovered and sold unchanged from yesterday. The financial district Is waiting for the company's nntiunl report. It is known that the report will bo a good one nnd that record earnings will bo shown. The possibility of n. dividend In tho near future, not later than this fall, Is also talked of In many wn una to announce that Wll HAVB Orr.NUD A imANClI OFFICII AT 21 nrtOADWAT. CAM DHNr N. J., UNDnn. TUB MAN AOKMENT OF Mil. W. II. TUP.N UULU PARRISH & CO. Members N. Y. A riilln. Stock Hxchanecs 1500 WALNUT STREET Philadelphia July 10. 1810 American Foreign Securities Co. 3-Year 5 Gold Notes Amply Secured by Collateral and Obligation of Government of . The French Republic Price 98 and Interest Yield Nearly 5f$ Welsh Brothers 028 Chestnut Stueet rblladclphta jpiHinimiM Original Subscription 1 CAPITALIZATION: Subject to prior sate, we offer $2,000,000 First National Stores, Inc. 7 Preferred Stock at par, $100 per share, i with liberal allotment ot, Common. Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Preferred Stock. Mannirers' Shares ot Common Stock Common Stock BUSINESS! Opening ft chain of retail dry (roods and apparel stores Eastern and New England States. Stores now In operation nnd In courae of trnnefert nre Ot 941U.UUII. It Is planned to open fifteen ntores per month for the next ten years, Subscriptions may bo sent direct nr through your bank or broker. Par linn jii.iiiih.imiii Par J1DII l.niiil.iliin Par 1100 U.UUu.UUii In twenty Middle-Western dolna an annual business HL CilEI Prospectus on Request. FIRST NATIONAL STORES, INC. DL'DI.KY II. MUKGI'.K. l'rr.ililrnt. Astor House Buildin?, cuV'Jvew'st. New York Telephone Cortlandt 411)0. Il!l This Company will be pleased to receive your Subscription to the American Foreign Securities Company Three-Year 5 Gold Notes ' Subscription price 98 and interest Yielding about 5.735 per cent. Commercial Trust Company City Hall Square FHEE FROM NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX , TAX REFUNDABLE IN PENNSYLVANIA $500,000 Empire District Electric Company First Mortgage 5 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated November 1, 1909 Denomination, $1000 Due November 1, 1949 Interest Payable May I and November 1 CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY of New York and CONQUEROR TRUST COMPANY of Joplin, Miuourf, Trutee The Empire District Electric Company is a subsidiary of Cities Service Company, one of .-2 best known and most highly prosperous Public Utility Companies in the country, EARNINGS APPLICABLE TO PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON pONDS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 1916 Gross Earnings , $1,404,753.15 Operating Expenses , , , 8 1 71 54.54 Net from Operation, , . . , ,.,,,., $ 587,598.61 Lessilnt. on Underlying and Allied Bonds. ...,.;.,..,.... 75,886.66 $" "511.70.95 Less 1 Year's Interest on $3,346,000 1st Mtge. 5 Bonds, . . lojyOOJJO Balance, $ 344,4 0.95 The interest charges on these bonds are earned over 3 times and in a period of five years the gross earnings have nearly trebled and the net revenue increasedover 22 times. There is a large equity in the property above all outstanding bonds. The territory served is a rich agricultural and mining field and a well diversified power market. We recommend these bonds for investment. . , Price on Application Descriptive circular, upon request. i s KLEMM & KEEN 1326 Walnut Street ' BANKERS Philadelphia, Pa. -4