Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 19, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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I Nostri Soldati Avanzano Vin-
ccndo la Resistenza Aus-
triaca, in Specie Sulla Zona
del Posina
ROMA, 19 Luglto.
TeUgramml da Londra reenno cho la
f forzo del generate von Llnslngen c Bochm-
Ermolll sono demorallzzate In segulto alln
vlttorlosa marcla del russl, speclatmenle
.nella zona dl Lutsk. Appena I ledeschl si
ono rtmessl dalla Borpresa dl lino del sol HI
travolgentl nttacchl del nemlcl. un nltro
attacco o' lanclato contro dl esst. In nueste
condlzlonl, o' stnta nbbnndonata dagll bus-
. tro-todesehl anche molta nrtlgllerla pesanto,
' oltre alto mltrngllntrlcl, clio 1 russl j-lvol-
cono sublto contro Is ultimo Unco nemlche.
Importantl combattlmentl si stanno nvol-
Eendo In Vollnla o Qallzla, ove I russl
avnnzano verso 1 loro duo Intmedlatl obhlet-
tlvl! Lembcrg o la planura unRheroso.
TUtto lo rliorve tcdesche cho si sono potuto
togllero dalla fronto russa, sono state por-
tato In Qallzla In Uno nforzo supremo dl
oalvaro Lemberg.
I tcdcschl si sono rltlratl dallo loro post
rlonl a sud ovest dl Lutsk, scacclatl dalle
' forzo del generate Kalcdlno.
Lo nuovo position) tcdescho si trovano
era gla' sotlo It fuoco dell'artlgllerla nemlca
dl grosso callbro, o certamento dovranno
csRcre abbandonate.
Lo ultcrlorl notlzto delta nostra gucrra
cortfermano 11 contenuto do! Bollettlno dello
State) Maggloro ltallano, o fnnno mage or
mento rllovaro cho, nonostnnto la vlgoroza
reolstenza del nemlco, lo nostro truppo hanno
rlnssunta l'avanzata ad orlcnto doirAdlgc,
ulla fronttcrn del Trenllno, o proclsamonto
alio faldo settcntrlonall del Monto I'asublo.
II comunlcato umclnla dl Vienna si llmlta
K dlro cho In moltl puntl lungo la fronto dl
buttaglla vl sono statl duclll dl nrtlgllcrla
e cho un attacco da parto degll ltnllanl pro
nunztato nella valla dl Seebach e' stato
Dl qucsto attacco non (a mcnzlono II
Bootro comunlcato, 11 aunlo si csprlmc cost:
Un duello dl nrtlEllerla c' In corso
ncllo region! dello fitolvlo o del Tonalo.
Nolla vallata deU'ATBn nol abblamo
euadagnato tcrremo, ad onta delta
vlgorosa reststenza offcrtn dal nemlco.
Abblamo,- rlprcsa l'avanzata lungo II
versanto scttcntrlonalo del Monto
VlvacI cos&nttlmentl sono In corso
nolla, zona Poslna-Asllco, ovo II nom
Ico ha tentato Infruttuosamcnto o
tcnta nncora dl opporst alia nostra
Scontrt dl mlnoro lmportanza si sono
erlflcutl In vlclnanza dl Mcsola In
Valsugana, con rlsultatl a nol favor
cvoli. II nemlco ha bombardato talunl plc
ooll vlllaggl a sud dl Strlgno.
I"cl rlmanento della fronto vl sono
statl soltanto duclll dl nrtlgllorla, cd
essl furono spcclalmcnto Intensl ncllo
Alpl Carnl cho o nolla Vnllo del Fella.
Un aeroplano nemlco ha bombardato
Ospcdaletto, ma senza dannl. Uu nostro
aeroplano ha bombardato la staztona
fcrrovlarla dl S. Andrea, a sud dl Cor
Izla, nella fronto dcll'Isonzo.
, Gil InglOKl hanno cstesta la loro occupa
Slono nel scttorc dl Ovlltera, o Bono ora In
marcla verso Bapaume.
A sud della Somma 1 tedescht non sono
rlufcltl a slogglaro lo truppo del generate
Foch dalla loro posizlonl dl Maisonnette.
:-j , Le Avanguardie delPEsercito
Russo Attraversano i Cajpazi
ed Entrano nell'Ungheria
'', Usando gas nsflsslantl, I tcdcschl hanno
pronunzlato un formldablle attacco contro
le Unco del gcncrala Halg, o la battnglla
1 trova ora In tutto 11 suo vlgorc.
i I tcdcschl si sono nncho Impegnatl con-
tro 1 fruncesl Bulla fronto delta Mosa,
mentro questl ultlml hanno rlportato del
vantaggl contro lo poslzlonl nemlcho a nord
, est dl Verdun, cd ora avanzano verso la
dlrczlono dl una strada maestra cho at-
Hraversa I village! dl Fleury c Vaux.
Da Londra telegrafano cho la cavallerla
C03acca ha attravcrsato la catena del
Carpazl, o dopo un nolo glorno dl marcla,
e" cntrata In terrltorlo unghcrese.
La marcla del russl nell'lntcrno dcll'Un-
ghcrla mlnaccla scrlamente le ultimo Unco
- dcll'escrclto austrlaco o mctte In perlcoto
Immcdlato lo llneo a nord est del montl
Dlspaccl da Amsterdam recano che un
vlolento terromoto si e" vcrlflcato a Flume.
Esso ha prodotto moltl dannl. o la popola
zlone delta cltta' e' In prcda a un Grave
Check Austro-Hungarian Counter-attacks
on Slopes of
Monte Pasubio
ROME, July 19,
Counter-attacks launched by the Austro
Hungarians on the northern slopes of Monte
Pasublo In an effort to check the Italian
advance have all been repulsed, It Is stated
in an ofllclal Btatement Issued by the War
Office today,
Austro-IIungarlan positions In the sector
of Coston have been captured by the
Intense artillery duels are In progress In
the Ledro Valley, Skirmishes have oc
curred between Austro-IIungarlans and
Italians east of Avalona, In Albania.
The ofllclal report follows:
There was strong artillery firing in
the Ledro Valley on'Monday night,
Powerful enemy attacks on the north
ern slopes of Pasublo were repulBed on
Tuesday with heavy loss to the enemy.
The Auntro-Hungarlan artillery was
very active in the Lagarlna Valley, "We
replied, effectively. In the upper Po
sina, after heavy bombardment, we re
newed our attackea at Corno Del Cos
ton. The enemy's batteries did not
answer, but afterward begain tense
bursts of Are. In spite of this we suc
ceeded in gaining positions on the
rocky slopes of the mountain. Along
the remainder of the front there were
artillery actions, especially at tha head
of the Seisera Valley, where the enemy
disclosed heavy batteries, ana tne
heights west of Gortzla. An enemy
aeroplane bombarded Maroittca, but
' the damage was small.
Andalusia Estate Is Refuge and Me
morial, Says Judge
' Judge Dallett today confirmed the ac
count of Cbarles Blddle, executor of the
estate of his aunt, Jane Blddle, and per
; mltted him to keep intact a. trust fund for
the maintenance of the Blddle estate at
Andalusia as a. "haven of refuge" for the
Blddle family and as a memorial to Nich
olas Blddle, who founded the residence in
Andrew Jackson's time.
Final confirmation of the account, how
ever, will not be made until three weeks
tram today
The Blddle family has disputed a to
-wnether the estate should ba maintained as
a "haven of refuge ' or as a memorial to
the ancestor
Judge Dallett finds it can bu both.
Continued from 7aite Ore
used, and their raking flre is turned on the
fleeing Teutons before they are able to gain
the shelter of their secondary lines.
Tha sweeping fire of the Russian nrtlllcry
has forced the Austro-Ocrman armies back
from the south side of the Llpa nl many
points, tt Is only a question of hours be
foro the Russians cross the stream and be
gin tho last march of tha Journey toward
Lemberg. On this army men hero are
Doubto track runways and military roads
leading directly Into tha threatened sector
are enabling tho Russians to concentrate
mas-cs of troops against von Llnslngcn's
army and to replenish their supplies with
great rapidity. Plans havo evidently been
mado for a great Ruislan offensive against
Lembcrg from this direction, where recent
Judicious "nibbling" disclosed vital weak
ncssoa In the Teuton lines.
The left wing of tha Austrian army near
Svlntusky, which has previously been shown
strong enough to resist all Russian attempts
to cross tha Qntlctan frontier and cnvclon
I, tho town of Drody, la now being mado tha.
largci oi me Jiussiatrs Heavy guns onco
a breach Is forced here the Russians will
havo a new routo opened up lo them In the
north for an advance on tho 'Oallclan
Already the threat to Lombcrg has be
como so great that, according to well authen
ticated reports from Rome, towns and vil
lages along tho paths leading to the strong
hold from tho northern frontier are being
hastily evacuated and the people thrown
,lnto panic.
Tho samo newly won Russian lines nlong
tha Llpa are constituting a simitar menace
to Vladlmlr-Volynskl and Kovel and to the
right flank of the Teuton forces defending
tho western bank of tho Stokhod. Tho
Boerso dazctto reportr that the Austrlans
and Qermnns aro using every possible means
of strengthening tho defemioa of Vladlmlr
Volynskl nnd Kovel.
Villages are being razed to permit of
freo artillery action against any advancing
Russian armies, nnd half-starved peasants
ar(S being driven Into tho outlying districts
to dig trenches nnd bultd shelters. Kvery
able-bodied German soldier that can bo
spared from other fronts, every man who
can ho released with n bill of health from
tho hospitals for tha wounded. Is being
rushed to tho Volhynlan front.
"German prisoners captured wear uni
forms of all kinds, proving tho mixed
character of the recent formations," Bays
last night's Russian communique.
Tho forcing of tho Stokhod nnd tho
capture of tho Russians' objectlva In tho
fighting In this sector aro bellovod here
to bo not far distant The Russians havo
shown tho power nnd tho men to accom
plish this coup, and It Is believed that tho
end will come suddonly.
At two other points on the Kaht front
tho Russians' ceaseless activity won for
them fresh nucccsxes yesterday. South of
Riga they captured and held against on
Hlndcnburg's lolcnt counter-n&saults a lino
of trenches. Kuropatkln huB only begun
his offensive on this front.
Along tho wide Carpathian front General
Letchltsky Is meeting with determined op
position, but Is steadily advancing toward
tho plains of Hungary. Monday's victory
along tho Klrllbnba-Szlgct Uno put tho
Russians In control of four Important linos
leading over tho mountains Into tho enemy's
richest provinces, tho seizure of which would
strike a vital blow not only at tho Teuton
armies, but at tho civilian population of
both AUBtrtn-Hungary and Geimany de
pendent on tho food supplies which will bo
reaped this summer and autumn from these
fertile lands.
To the northwest, along tho Jloldnva
Breaza line, the fighting grows more bitter
each day. Strongly lntienchcd In tho Car
pathian heights, tho Austrlans aro conduct
ing the samo fierce guerrilla warfaro which
marked tho end of tho first Ruslan envelop
ment of Rukowlna. East of the border. In
rough country, where guns nro of no use
and whero nit operations eventually rcsolvo
themselves Into furious hand-to-hand com
bntsTtho Austrlans aro holding with their
backs to tho rugged Carpathian wall.
Along tho Strip and at countless other
Isolated points on tho long front tho Rus
sians arc giving thp nemy no rest, hurling
themselves In nttnek after attack" at his posi
tions, "feeling out" for further vulnerable
spot3 nt which to strlko and pavo tho way
for a new offensive.
PETROORAD. July 19. Three Important
advances In tho great Russian offensive
which stretches from tho Gulf of Riga to
the headwaters of the Tigris, In the viow
of military cr'tlcs here, aro to bo found
In the recent ofllclal bulletins,
Tha pivotal struggle along tho Stokhod,
In Volhynla cast of Kovel, still hangs In
the balance, nnd yestcrdny'a ofllclal bulletin
carries no news of any Important change In
the situation But tho successful drive
I reported Monday, and In fuller detail yes-
tcruay, soumwrsi irom l,uisj io me j.ipa
River; the advance of General Brusslloff'H
southern wing Into tho Carpathians, on
the road to Hungary, and tho capture of
Balburt, In the Caucasus, from tho Turks,
aro considered hero to bo events of great
Importance. Tho fact that tho Russians
are attacking along the whole of their Im
mense front Is regarded as significant.
"As a result of tho latest skilful opera
tions of General .Saknroff'a troops In
Volhynla," says yesterday's official bulle
tin, "we gained a victory on July 10 which
brought us 13,400 prisoners nnd 30 guns,
ns announced yesterday, and enabled us to
sweep tho enemy completely from the left
bank of the Lower Llpa. driving him to
Krassoff and beyond tho river.
"Judging by tho abundance of war ma
terial tho enemy abandoned, ho retreated In
great disorder. Some of tho seventeen
heavy guns captured were yestorday al
ready bombarding enemy positions on tha
south bank of tho Llpa. German prison
era captured wear uniforms of all kinds,
proving the mixed character of the recent
- The Russian attack in this direction
fell upontho nrmy of General Boehm
Ermolll, which hitherto, of the four Austrian
army groups in uallcla and Volhynla, had
been affected tha least by the Russian of
fensive This army was compelled to fall
back from Dubno early in the campaign,
owing to the Russian advance on Its north
ern flank, but since then it has held Its
ground north of Brody,
By advancing along the Klrllbaba-Maro-maros-Szlget
road, the Rjjtsians meanwhile
have secured a hold on four roada Into
Transylvania and Hungary, three in Buko
wlpa and one in Gallcia. Reports have It
that little positive redstance Is being en
countered In this region.
Finally, at the very least, in the opinion
of Russian military critics, by taking Bali
burt the Grand Duke has removed th?
last chance of a successful Turkish counter
offensive threatening his hold on Erzerum.
Treblzond and tha greater part of Armenia.
Boy Hit by Car on Cray's Ferry Road
wiiiiRm iinnffBrH i - VAnra nM nw q
Kimball street, is in the Polyclinic Hospital
suffering- from concussion of the brain and
cuts and bruises on his body, received last
night when he was struck by a trolley car
at Gray's Ferry road and Montrose street.
Leg Comfort
D orltoe ln. L Ulttrr.
JVcak Ankle. BnoJUu II(. mk
life mijrblo! Ther- U a mMuu
at lor for ou )a the
Corliss Laced Slocking
A cltstlOe aupport and lev treat
meat that etv4s ImmtdlAts com
fort end sura help. No claattb lo
bind adjust to every condition
without rubocr l.o.undri aa
eaally a a Iq.k-1. Kkpi i&ape
wears for ma&a. Made to your
ni-aur SI 73 each, or two tor
same Uf, 3.00. Call aad t
measured frre. rr write far Mlf
measurement black Co 10.
, We alio make aodomlaal belt
(non rlactlc) to order
Hours B to S dally O to 4 Sat
Pcaaa Corllaa Limb Specially Co
mi 1 J-13 'Vllbert St.. FhlLi.. .
etulta S&, UU heaa, Waiout St.
O f4A7
3 8?
u 1 'ZiJ i
! W
T.v'i tx Jkmpoivjvg St
Tho Atistro-Cenrinn armies on tho
eastern front nro now roportcd to
ho mnkhiK desperate efforts to stem
tho Russian drives toward tho
Gallcian capital of Lomberg nnd to
stop their further advance along
tho road to Mnramoros Szlget in
Vice Chancellor Describes Progress in
Conquered Province '
BERLIN, July 19.
Tho transformation wrought by tho Ger
mans since they occupied Russian Tolnnd
wan ono of the most successful undertak
ings of Its kind In history, Doctor Hetf
ferlch, Vlco Chancoltor, told n staff mem
ber of tho semiofficial Overseas News
Agency upon his return from Poland.
"Tho Russians, in times of penco, had
done nothing for the country, which wits
further devastated by war," said Doctor
Hclfferlch "Tho Russians, retreating, havo
set firo to villages and towns and destroyed
"Tho Germans first built roads nnd sent
In cnttlo nnd seeds, so thnt now frequently
herds of n hundicd cattle aro seen nnd corn
Ih standing In tho fleldi
"Now everywhere schools are In operation,
even where thero wcro none In Russian
times. Tho University of Warsaw has .i
largo attendance. Lectures are given In tho
Polish tongue nnd nil nationalities are rec
Travelers on Principle Must Carry
Nothing Printed or Written
Details of the method xf procedure ap
plied to the control of printed matter In tho
por.seilon of persons leaving Germany nro
found In the following notice, recently ls
sued by the German military authorities:
"Travelers on principle may take nothing
written or printed across tho imperial fron
tiers. "Letters, postcards or other communica
tions must ho sent through tho post.
"Exceptions to tho above nro letters or
documents, written or printed, especially
buslnoss papers. If (a) tho taking of them
Is absolutely necessary to fulfill tho object
of the trip; (b) they are confined to tho
Hmallest poslblo dimensions, and (c) they
havo been olllclally examined and sealed up
before nrrlval at tho frontier.
"Travelers can only reckon with safety
on bolng permitted to tako documents across
tho frontier If tho envelope or packet con
taining them bears nn entirely undamaged
Seized by Desire to Shoot; He Did
FORT WAYKB, Ind I July 19. Kenneth
Gallagher, 22 years of ago, tho farm boy
who shot and wounded five passengers,
ono of whom was a I'hlladelphlan, riding
on tho observation platform of tho 24-hour
New York.Chlcago Pennsylvania train near
thislclty last Thursday, It held in tho Coun
ty jail under ?.I00 bond awaiting trlnl
Saturday. lie stated In city court today
that ho and a companion wcro going after
tho cattle, when they saw the train ap
proaching and that ho could not resist a
btrango temptation to shoot.
U-Boat Sailors Cheer French Envoy
WASHINGTON, July 19. As sailors from
tho U-boat liner Deutschland wcro taking
a motor rldo through Rock Creek i nrk here
they met a carriage In which the
French Ambassador, M. Jusserand, was
riding. Seeing the large German merchant
lings which Hew from tho sailors' automo
biles the Ambassador turned quickly to
watch them. Ono of tho German party
recognized him and proposed throe cheers
for the Ambassador. Tho sailors gave
them lustily.
Blast Sends Rock Through House
SHAMOKIN, rn July 19. Following a
blast at the new Ragle silk mills, a
rock weighing 20 pounds crashed through
the home of Mrs. Jennie Cnyle, seriously
Injuring her and narrowly missing her 10-year-old
An effective way tn redilmi fleah le
to bathe dally with the famoua
French Clark's Thlnnfnc Salti. For
ale at llonwlt Teller'. Olmbels,
Mraivbrldae A. Clothier's. Oeo. U
Krana. Illlier A liegeman's. Send
for boAfclet on obeelty. Hark French
Silt Co., North Malta, l'n.
tlNoonucs NOOICT. J
VK1 r,f !.H M lininulfe1' -J2r?iimazima&va&'2L sa -r
IXV-'I-'1'L' Reading Terminal 7:t0 a. m., stopping
TRIP at Columbia Ave., Huntingdon St.,
Drive fcutons Down Pnnganl
River nnd Occupy
LONDON, July 19.
Another victory for British troops In Ger
man Kast Africa was announced by tho
War Offlco this afternoon In the following
In nnst Africa tho enemy hn? been
driven down tho Pnnganl River. Mu
an?a has been occupied. Our booty
Include1! n navnl gun from tho Koe
nlgsberg General Smuts transmitted tho fol
lowing report of tho operations In Hast
Africa :
"Hncmy forces which endeavored to
operate against our commiinlcatlnni
northward of Ilandrnl and tho Usum
barn Railway between Korogewa nnd
Tnnga have now been driven down the
Pnnganl River, nbondonlng a field gun
The elenrnnce of this area Is progress
ing Isfactorlly On tho southern
shore of Iike letorla a forco under
General Sir O t'rewo disembarked nt
Kongoro and occupied Muanza on tho
night of Julv 14-1S Thp enemy evacu
ated the town after slight resistance.
Many rifles, n supply colfimn and a
navnl gun from tho cruiser Koenigsbcrg
were captured.
"A majority of tho Germans and
Europeans embarked In a steamship
and fled southwad by way of Stublc
mann Sound, pursued by armed lake
Berlin Reports Good Crop nnd Partial
Abolition of Ration Cards
nnitUN, July 19.
The food situation In both Germany nnd
Austria-Hungary is showing considerable
Harvesting has begun In Gallcia, and tho
first reports Indicate a good. crop. An
Austro-Hungarian commission empowered
to make an agricultural ngrccment arrived
In Ilerlln today Tho prospects of nn ngrcc
ment being reached aro most favorable.
Such an understanding would bo of great
aid In relieving tho shortnge In Germany,
slnco the Dunl Monarchy possesses more
food than tho German Rmplrc.
A new discovery by a police lieutenant
who spent his Idlo moments studying tho
food question has been announced. By n
process known only to himself, tho lieuten
ant can mako bone produce 25 por cent, fat
fit for human consumption. How practica
ble the discovery will provo to be Is not yet
know n.
Bread, butter, meat nn.t similar cards nro
disappearing In tho cities of Aachen (Alx-In-Chupelle),
Dresden, Stuttgart and Strass
burg, where they have been supplemented
by food books. Berlin may ndopt a similar
Sales ' - 'u
$6.50 now $5.15
$3.50 now $2.85
now $1.65
now $1.35
now $1.15
$2 and $2.50 Paja
mas $1.45, or 3 for
$4; $1J0, now $1.15.
$1.50 now
$1.00 now
.50 now
$1 Athletic Union
Suits now 65jc, or 3
for $1.75.
Chestnut St.
Brownfn, Kbig
& Company
300 Miles by River and Rail
- JULY 22
August 19th
August 3rd and 31st
Wayne Junction and Jenkintown.
xt.ji)rri'&- J? i5 -
Whnt is believed to bo tho beginning of an offensive by the Allies on the
Unlkan front is chronicled in dispntchos which toll of artillery duels
with the Bulgarians over n 125-milc front, whose chief centres arc
Lake Doirnn nnd Gicvgcli. It is probnblc the Bulgarians sought to fore
stall this move by their recent seizure of the Greek fort3 Drngotin,
Rupel and Spntovo. Tho valleys of tho Vardnr and Struma Kivcrs nro
likely again to witness bloody fighting.
Federal Civil Service Quiz
United Ktntei civil service examinations
wcro hold today In l'hlladolphla or tho
following positions: Calculating machine
208,000,000 Pounds of
nraaaHBraHBansBHBanBMBBeBBaB mmmmmmmmtamamoBamm una
Manufactured Rubber Products
United S
operator, laboratory nld In seed testing,
mechanician and laboratory assistant, at
torney for the United Stntcs Interstnto Com
merce Commission nnd oidnanco draftsman.
Last year the United States Rubber
Company, the largest rubber company
in the world, manufactured and sold
206,000,000 pounds-103,000 tons
of rubber products from elastic bands
to automobile tires.
This means net weight of the goods
alone without cartons, wrappings, or
other containers.
Another world's manufacturing
record established for the United
States by the United States Rubber
This the world's greatest volume of
rubber goods produced by any one
company gives
These Disflnof Advantages
1 The greatest raw material
purchasing power of all rubber
companies in the world.
2 The height of manufacturing . '
economies made possible only by '
gigantic production.
These indisputable facts explain in
part the steady and tremendous sales
increases in
Any reliable dealer can supply you with United States
Individualized" Tires. If he has no stdck on hand,
insist that he get then) at once or jfo to anotner'dealer.
. si -
Heavy Bombardments on 126
mile Front May Presage
Salonica Offensive
BUCHAnEST, July 19.
Artillery duels are In progress between
tho Bulgarians nnd Atlle.i over a 125-mtls
front between the Tcherna River and Fort
Itupel. The bombardments nre particularly
eevore In the region of Lake Dolran and
south of Olevgell. There aro Indications
that tho Allies nre about to begin an of
fenalvo and that a general engagement wilt
soon develop.
LONDON. Jul 19. Rumania wilt cast
her lot with the Allies In the near future,
according to the belief today.
The plight of Austria, the continued uc
cesses of tho Russian armies and tha lm
pending Allied offensive from Salonika will
lead, It Is expected, to tho important de
cision. Information from Bucharest forecasts de
velopments at almost any moment
Business Men Go Fishing
Seventy-five membnra of t, Tioga Busi
ness Men's Association left their head,
qunrters at 3541 Gormantown avenue at
3 a. rn. today nnd motored to Fortescuo
Beach. N. .1., for a day of fishing and ahark
hunting. Jacob Loux, Louis Gilbert, Harry
Smith, Aaron Hendricks, John Schuster
nnd Wilbur II. Zimmerman wero In charge
of tho outing.
,' '
gsa b tf fe-