Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 19, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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She Has Been Studying the Emergency Aid Report and Is
Astounded at the Marvelous Amount of Work
Accomplished by That Society
I WONDER If many of us, na wo rend In
the papers that this or that has been
sent to Belgium, or Franco, or Germany,
or any of -tho warring countries, reallzo
for a minute what a great work tho
Emergency Aid of this city hns been do
Ins and Is doing and with what perfect
system, A look at tho recent report of
activities during the year elves one a
slight Idea of tho extraordinary amount
of work accomplished by that busy nnd
untiring society.
Let me glvo you an Idea of the num
ber of branches nnd who Is nt the head
of each and who havo given of their time,
lrionoy and energy and best of all their
heartfelt charity for tho bonedt of the
r-ov nnd wounded and Buffering and dy
ing on tho other side of the water; and
Who stand readlor to help our own hero
at homo should necessity call tho good
eelf-sacrinclng women of this city and
Btato. Among the committees are tho
Armonlen Relief, with Mrs. George IV
liorimer as chairman; Mrs. Bayard Henry
heads tho Belgium Relief Committee,
Which has numerous special funds, among
them donations to support the American
ward In King Albert's Hospltat, the Ma
ternity Homo for Belgium Oentlowfimen,
the support of beds In the Convalescent
Homo for Belgian Officers at Cannes,
France, and tho Cardinal Mercler Fund.
Miss Mabel Brlco has charge of tho
packing and I could not begin to recount
nil tho things she nnd her associates havo
packed off for that brave little country
which has so won the admiration of tho
Whole world.
Mrs. E. Burd Grubb. nn Englishwoman
herself, for she was Miss Violet Sopwlth,
of England, beforo she married the late
General Grubb, Is the chairman of tho
British Relief of tho Emergency Aid,
Whllo tho chairman of tho British-American
War Relief Fund Is Mrs. Bob Straw
bridge, who lived for many years In Eng
land. Sho was Anita Bcrwlnd, you know,
and considered ono of our most beautiful
women. Mrs. Cosnellus Stevenson heads
the French Relief Commltteo, nnd tho
recognition of her work will bo remem
bored when, In May, sho was decorated by
Franco for tho services rendered to that
country. The Italian Commltteo Is head
ed by Mrs. Benjamin Miller, whllo Mrs.
Robert von Moschzl3ker Is chairman of
the Polish Association. Tho Philadelphia
County Auxiliary of tho American Red
Cross has Mrs. Reed Morgan for chair
man. Of course, tho Russian Committee
, has Mrs. William Ellis Scull at Its head,
for Mrs. Scull Is n great lover of Russia,
nnd Miss Ninn Lea Is In charge of Serbia.
I wonder as I read all the countries
named, whv there has been no relief fund
for Lithuania, which Is suffering as badly
as Poland, 1 am told. Perhaps when wo
learn more of theso people something can
bo done for them nlso. It certainly Is
gratifying to every American woman, bo
eho actively engaged In tho work or not,
to know what her Bisters havo accom
plished, and with mo. I am sure, sho
wishes them godspeed In their future
I was highly amused yesterday on hear
ing of tho departure for tho West of a
largo family of boys and girls, together
with their parents, for a trip of several
weoks' duration. No, I was not amused
at tho departure, but at an Incident in con
nection with tho proposed trip. It np
pears, as often happens In largo families,
thero are apt to bo qultn some differences
of opinion between tho brothers and His
j ters of this bunch, so the father, who
really needs n rest from arduous labors,
was heard to promlso a. handsome prize
on their return to the son or daughter
who did not lose his or her temper during
tho entire trip. As I heard one friend of
the family remark, however, "He known
he won't lose nnythlng by that; nil of
thoso boys and girls knep their tempers
for two months! It simply can't be did."
It is amusing, though rather sad. How
ever, from all I know of them, I do not
think tho differences are very serious, and
like most families, no matter what they
think of each other personally, Just let
some ono olso say something unkind of
any one of them, and I for one would
not like to be that person.
Mr. John C. Norris entertained Informally
at luncheon yesterday at tho Casino In
Nt -ragnnsett Plsr, his guests including
Miss Lisa Norris, Miss Mariana-Gowen nnd
Emden Randolph. ,
Miss Banning Grange, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Drayton Grange, is enter
taining a houso party at her parents' cottage
Jn Capo May,
Sir, and Mrs. Whitwell W. Coxe are
gpendlng some time at Narragansett Pier.
Mr. and Mrs. Moncure Blddle, of Mer
maid lane, havo gone to Onteroa Park, Tan
nersvllle. N, Y, Mr, Biddle will return in a
week's time, while Mrs. Blddlo will remain
Until the end of September.
Mr,, Theodore N. Ely and Miss Henrietta
Ely, of Bryn Mawr, havo gone to Quebec,
Can., to remain until October. They will
be Joined by Miss Gertrude Ely, who has
been attending the conference at Silver
Bay-on-Lake George, N, Y,
Dr, and Mrs, George Woodward and their
children, Miss Gertrude Woodward nnd Mas
ter Charles Woodward, are spending the
aummer on a ranch In Yyomlng, Mr. Stan
ley Woodward is at Plattsburg. Mr, George
Woodward has gone to St. Clair, N. J., mid
Mr. H. Houston Woodward is with tho Yale
camp at Tobyhanna, Pa. .
Friends of Mrs. Arthur B Oakley, of
Cogslea. Chestnut Hill, will regret; to hear
of her illness
Tho Rev. Jacob Le Roy, of 8030 St.
Martin's lane, has Joined his family at their
summer home at Medomak, Me., where they
Will remain until September.
Mr- Louis 6. O. Lusson and his sister.
Miss Lucllo Anna de Merlin Lusson, of the
Lilac Ardmore, ara vls.ting In Vrrenton,
lira. Richard MacSherry. of Baltimore, is
epndlne a week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rollin H. Wilbur, of Old Stone House,
St David's,
Tho Rev. Walter R. Ale-ahder and Mrs.
Alexander and their baby daughter, Ruth
'Katberlna Alexander, have gons to Win
chester. Va . to live. Mr Alexander was
graduated from the Croaec Theological
Seminary In June.
Mr. Frank Richards and Ma family will
take nn extended motor tour through New
Miss Beatrice' Bnratz. of New York, has
been spending n few weeks with Mr. nnd
Mrs. J, Steinberg, of this city. She will
shortly go to Lnkewood, N, J for tho re
mainder of tho summer.
Along the Main Line
MERtON Mr. and Mrs. .1. Wnllnro HnU
rlowell, Jr., of Linden avenue, will spend
This week-end at Wcrncrsville. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hallowell will go to Cape May the
mlddlo of August for a stay of several
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scaring, of Berkley
road, will leave Saturday for a visit of sev
eral weeks to Manchester, Vt
NARHEHTH Mr. nnd Mrs. Willlnm T.
Harris and their family will spend August
nt Ventnor, where they havo taken a cot
tage. Mr. Norman JefTerlcs, of Xnrberth ave
nue, Is vis ting tho Rev. Dr. Abbott In
Mbany, N Y.
ARDMOHD Mrs. J. Howard Butcher,
who, with her children, Is at Saranac Lake,
N. Y., will open Bird's Nest Camp, at Wes
terly. It. I In August. Mr. Butcher Is
spending tho summer on a ranch In Wyo
ming. Mr. and Mrs. II. Wilson Morehouse, of
Wlstcr road, will spend August at Plym
outh, Mass.
Chestnut Hill
Mrs. Frederick W. Taylor and her daugh
ter. Miss Elizabeth Taylor, of Highland
avenue, are vIrIIIiik friends In Plvmouth,
Mass. Later they will go to East Harbor,
Me , to spend several weeks.
Miss Mildred Swobodn. nf Mount Airy. Is
visiting Miss Mary Louise Tnylor nt her
parents' rottago In Chelsea.
Tho Hov. Charles E. Eder. nsslstnnt rec
tor of the Church of St. Martln-in-the-Flclds,
has returned from a trip of several weeks
to the Dplnwnre Water Gap nnd tho Cat
skill Mountains.
Mrs. H. C. Goodman, of HO Bethlehem
pike, Ib visiting friends In Jnmcstown. 11, I.
Miss Ernestlno II. Goodman Is entertaining
her nunt, Mrs. Thomas Hamilton Wilson,
of Washington, D. C ns her guest.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnrcellus E. McDowell, of
Washington lane nnd Chew street, will tcavo
this week for Bethlehem, N. II., to Bpend
several weeks Their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Howes Uodflsh, whoso
mnrrlngo took plnco recently, aro tho guests
of Mr. Bodflsh's parents at Vineyard Haven.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George H. Beck nnd their
sons. Mr. Rodney Jt. Beck nnd Mr. Newton
T. Beck, of 4833 Pulnskl avenue, nro spend
ing sovcrnl weeks at Beach Haven.
MIbs Elizabeth Vnn Duscn, dnughtcr of
Mr and Mrs. W. It. Van Dusen, of Walnut
lane, has returned to her homo after spend
ing the week-end with friends at Sea Girt,
aN. J.
Along the Reading
Mrs. Frank Shelly and her family, of
Bent road, Wyncote, havo left for Iona,
Mich., where they will spend August nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Barney, of Old
York road nnd Spring avenue, Ogontz, nro
the guests of their son-in-law and daughter.
air. anu airs. Horace Harding, at their
summer homo at Seabright, N. J.
Miss Emma Suppleo, of Webster avenue,
Wyncoto, has opened her cottage nt Capo
May Point for the summer. Her niece.
Mrs. Clement TIngley, of School Hotiso lane,
Germautown. will spend tho Mimmcr with
her. Mr. Tlngloy has gone to tho border
with tho troops.
West Philadelphia
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Grlfflth, of 10S3
North 54th street, nil., j. nee tho marrlago of
their daughter, Mi3s Adelaide Gritllth. to
Mr. Edward Blckley, son of Dr. nnd Mrs.
Edward Blckley, of Lansdowne. The mar
rlago took place July 15 in St. John's
Church, Lansdowne.
Mrs. R D. Garrett has returned to her
home. 4217 Brown street, after having
spent several days at Long Branch.
Mr: and Mrs. Horace J. Ervlen and their
sons, Mr. Edward Erv.en nnd Mr. Horace
J. Ervlen. Jr, will leave on Friday to spend
several weeks at Eagles Mero.
M'ss Florence A. Kelghler, of 1033 Bel
mont avenue, will give u dinner-dance nt
her summer home In Pitman Grove, N. J.,
to celebrate her birthday tomorrow evening
- Bala-Cynwyd
Mr. and Mrs. George II. Strawbrldge. of
Bala, aro at Chester Springs Farm, Chester
Springs, Pa., for the summer. Mrs. F. An
derson has rented the Strawbrldge house
on St. Asaph's road for the season.
Delaware County
Miss Isabel Gile and Miss Marie Glle
are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Charles Evans,
at her cottage In Atlantic City,
Mrs. John C. Lane, of Darby, Is visiting
friends in A3bury Park for several weeks.
Chester Valley
Mr. E. F. Bracken, of Paoll, entertained
the Bachelor Club, of Malvern, ovbr the
week-end at his Pino Beach home. Ills
guests Included Mr. Malcolm Hutchinson,
Mr. Elvln Ruth, Mr. Jesse W. Cox. Mr.
Frank Hufnal, Mr. Roger Allen, Mr. Samuel
Pennock, Mr. Harold Aiken, Mr. Raymond
S. Cox and Mr. Walter Supplee.
Mrs. Humboldt Dlttmann, of West On
tario street, will leae shortly for a trip
to St. Paul, Minn,
Miss Helen Hoffman, of North nth
street, Is spending several weeks (n Pitts
burgh. Northeast Philadelphia
lllss Anna Teltelman, of 917 North 6th
street. Is spending several weeks visiting
friends In Norma, N, J,
Mr. and Mrs. Michael, of 1223 North 8th
street, are spending ,the summer rj Oak
Lane. i
Mr. and Mrs. Udldsky and their family,
of 1S23 North Franklin street, aro In
Atlantic City for the summer.
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal. Band. Benjamin Roeshman. con
ductor. 21st street and Nedro avenue; S o'clock.
Philadelphia Band, Samuel E Hummel, con
ductor. City Hall Plaza: 8 o'clock. Free.
Falrmo'unt Park Dand. Richard Schmidt, con
ductor. Belmont Mansion. S o'clock. Free.
Notices for tin .S
letr Dace will ha n , I
ana onuita in ins cieauis 1 'Uitr.
but all yucn notice inut bs imtten uu ua.
iiiA uaurr. ufo.1 Da iiziutt iu lull. latEii
t I
full address, .and, when pasalbls
biimL,, liiui La rlren.
Kentl ait agcu ramiQuoirniions is acierr
A-'-V -..""- -.7 ------ . ., . .., . .
-:ynlas LriUrr 0 C'htMuul .lre.
tne;; rrnuirenieiils ar cuitim a
that erlfietkn
ar us DQttBinu.
palH-s wut
not ti uUUUd.
j ..... i
Miss Hcthcrington is the daughter of Commander J. II. HcthorinRton,
of the Nnvnl Home, this city. Sho is n great favorite in tho younger
set and will spend part of tho Bummer in Newport, R. I., visiting friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Kwing, Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. David Crnlg, Jr nnd their chil
dren, Miss Merlam Craig nnd Master David
Craig, Jr., of 2951 Richmond street, have
taken a cottngo at Ocean City, N. J.
Miss Anne Bradley, of 302S Richmond
street, has returned from an extended stay
nt Wcrnersvllle, Pa.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Schoflcld, of 6112
North Falrhlll street, Olncy, nnd their two
sons aro spending a fow weeks at Ocean
City, N. J.
Miss Emma Cocker, of 46G1 Pcnn street.
Is visiting friends In Wilkcs-Barre.
Mrs. II. T. Garsed, Mr. and Mrs. P. D.
Parson3, of 4GBG Pcnn street, and Miss
Frances Graham aro enjoying n motor trip
to Gettysburg.
Mrs. William V. Willis, of Owen avenue,
has taken n cottago In Ocean City, N. J.,
for tho summer. Her daughter. Miss Laura
Willis, will entertain Miss Graco Bond, of
Ess,.x avenue, this week.
Dr. nnd Mrs. William E. Chalmers and
.their family, of East Essex avenue, will
spend July anu August at ucean ucacli.
WILMINGTON, Del., July 19. Mrs. Wal
ter D. Bush, Jr., and her daughtert Miss
Elizabeth Bush, are at Rehoboth for sov
cral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. II, Fletcher Brown gave a
dinner of 10 covers, at Naaman's-on-Dela-ware,
last Saturday.
Miss Lucy Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Adam II. Fox, of 233 Rochcllo avenue, will
bpend August In Harrlsburg ns tho guest
of her aunt, Mrs. Michael Kottlcr.
Mrs. Thomns Matthew Murray, of Krams
avenue, Roxborough, announces the mar
riage of her daughter. Mrs. Ida.M, Jones,
to Mr. Clarence Pratt Sterner, of Frankford,
(1000 VOICES)
AT 8 P. M.
at 25c to $1.00
Can be purchased from:
OIMnEI. JinOTHnrtS. 8th ana Jtarket Sts.
C J HEPI'R & SON. 1117 Chestnut St.
IijWBIroN Iiurt-U so N. -tilth Street.
EMU. 8CHNI3I.I-. 101" Clermantown Ave.
NOHD AME1UKA. 101)0 N. Bin Street.
Also on rate at John Ilurke's Ticket Agency,
Hotel Walton, and Ryan's Ticket Agency,
Helleue-Stratforil. ..,..,. . .
Choice Hnx Scats can bo had at Mayor's Of.
Hce. City Hall.
Citizens' Soldiers' Aid Committee
of Philadelphia
THOMAS T SMITH. Major and Chairman.
SHELDON rOTTEIt Vice Chairman.
"Made in Philly"
BO Philadelphia Favorite- 50
"Sets Pace, for Summer Frolic-Er. Ledger.
Today at '.', 23c 4 60c. Tonight at 8, 22o to II,
ainbp Theatre ma?T.i?.,;Sts.
VX'-'-'sJC YAVOHVIU.B Continuous 11
A. II. to 11 P. SL 10(-. IBc. 25c,
Ant Other Feature Acts
1UC IAS usiAI.) 20e
Ttaa Photoplay
You Hao
Been Wultlns
. -!- . n... .. J ...- rw . -.
A AlOral rly. x asaeu vr ius vjusvai p
the State Board of Censors.
crn A "NTT T?V market above iotu
f blAJNijl-lX 1;15A.JI tall:15P.M.
VV, gitK. iOC.
Mae Murray & Theodore Roberts
Ttm.,Fr!..Sat.. Pustln Farnum, "Davy Crockett"
Thursday. Friday. Saturday "THE PHANTOM"
CHESTNUT Below 10T11
Added B1W Burka In Olorla'a Romance, No. l
Wfif iTV3TriR PUUdeipnIa Foremost Park
WMUWOlUft rrea , Pgrlc TroUsy Patron
on Thursday, Juno 20, Mr. Sterner nnd his
bride nro taking nn extended wedding Jour
ney nnd ufMin their return will live at 1217
Arrott street. Frankford.
1 S 1
I In No Other Car J j
1 m iiiwiii-iiwurm. in i larrogjiirift-nn,. mir a .. 1 M
An Interesting wedding took plnce nl noon
today nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C.
Snssnman, In Bala, when their daughter,
Miss Sue It. Sassaman, beenma the bride of
Mr. Wnltr R. Schcr of 2011 Wct Ontario
street. The ceremony wus performed bv
tho Ilev. Dr. Orant Hopper, and was fol
lowed by a breakfast, A gown of whlto
satin nhd oxiurMte lace nnd n Veil of tullo
caught with sprays of orange blo3?oms was
worn by tha bride, who wn? slveti In nlnr
rlao;e by her father and attended by her
sifter, Mrs. Urnest V, Downs, ns matron of
honor. Mr. Krnost V. Downs ncttd as best
man. Mr. Scher and. his bride, alter their
weddlnp Journey, will live nt 1930 North
Carey street, where they will receive after
August 2.
Mr. Francis Thomas Calnan and Miss
Rose Anna Smith were married in the
Cathedral of SS. J'otcr nnd I'nul, Igan
Square, this morning at a Nuptial Mass.
The Kov. Joseph M. McShane, of tho
Cathedral, performed the ceremony. Ho,
was assisted by the Hov. Itlchard F. Kelly
nnd the He v. Joseph W. O'ltara. Tho maid
of honor was Miss Elizabeth Smith, sister
of tho bride, Tho (lower Blrl was Miss Mao
llarlcy. Mr. I A. Dillon was best man.
A wedding breakfast followed the cere
mony at tho home of the bride, 312 North
13th street Mr. and Mrs. Calnan will
spend their honeymoon at Niagara Falls,
liar Harbor nnd Atlantic City.
Mr. Calnan, who distinguished himself In
athletics at La Salle College when pursu
ing hlf studies there, has been connected
with Strawbrldge & Clothier's for many
years and Is a member of tho Quarter Cen
tury Club of that store,
Tho marriage of Mrs. M. D Vlckers and
Mr. Michael I. WIdener tool: placo quietly
this morning In St. Stephen's Protestant
Episcopal Church, 10th street nbovo Chest
nut street. Tho Ilev. Frederick Keable of
ficiated, After an extended wedding trip
Mr. and Mrs. WIdener will bo at home,
after October 15, nt 1816 Diamond ctreet.
South Philadelphia
Mrs. Michael Dowon, of 1122 Snyder ave
nue. Is spending tho month of July with
her son, tho Rev. John lioweti, at Long
ford, Pa.
Miss Anna E Jcffers, of 1803 South ISth
street, Is spending her vacation nt Atlantic
Mr. "William V, Reed nnd his family, of
323 Jackson street, will Ieavo shortly for
Atlar.tla City to spend the summer.
$700 to $800 do you
3lV& horsepower en bloc motor
50 miles per hour speed
4-inch tires
Cantilever springs
20 to 25 miles on a gallon of gas
Electric starter
Electric lights
Complete equipment
That is why people in all parts of America are
almost righting each other to get early deliveries.
Never in the history of the entire automobile
industry has there been such a phenomenal value.
We have just received a big shipment hence
can make immediate deliveries if you place your
order now.
Do so at once quick.
Overland Motor Company, Distributors
- 5 - 7 North Broad St., Phila. Bell PhoneWalnut
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
"Msd.lo U.S.A-"
I n'- 'ittY riT I' ?- j-'riiiiTi Yrij iitti lYj-riirnTi i ii i huimmiMmmmtomiM ifli
Large Affair Under Way for Benefit of the Stcnemeh's
Fellowship of the Twenty-secohd Ward Oter
Eiitertaininents of Interest
THE ten-day carnival of tha Stoncmen'n
Fellowship of tho 22d Ward, which
opened last Wednesday evening on tho va
cant lot opposite Queen Lnne Station, with
Its myriads of electric lights and numerous
booths resembles Willow Grove on a small
scale. The dart gamo booth Is surrounded
by a crowd, taking Its chance of hitting
the correct number on tho dial. The man
calling In lusty tones! "Something for noth
ing 1" will tako your money and in exchange
for It a Chinese-costumed lad adorned with
a cuo will give you a neatly tied packago
which may bo a toy drum or something
equally noisy, Tho booth of useful nrtlcles
nnd Inviting tables, where Ico cream Is sold,
aro welt patronized ; but tho centre of at
traction Is the razzle-dazzlo and the carrou
sel. Tho popularity contest, which Is open
to nny one willing to dlsposo of a small
sum. will decide tho fato of tho most popu
lar girl policeman nnd fireman In German
town on July 22 when tho carnival closes.
Through tho generosity of Mrs. Benjamin
Carscadden, of Owen avenue, nnd Dr, Agnes
Hacaday, a first nld claBS has been started
for the members of tho Lansdowne branch
of the Pennsylvania Woman's Division for
National Preparedness, Tho class meets
every Tuesday evening at tho home of Mrs.
Carscadden, who Is head of that depart
ment, nnd tho lectures In first nld and
bandaging nro given by Doctor Hacaday.
Among tho members of the class are Miss
Helen Loughney, Miss Elizabeth Loughnoy,
Mlsa Cecil Ryan, Mrs. Unit Andersen, Miss
Marjorlo Mngcns, Miss Harriett Magens,
Miss L0UI90 Vanzandt, Miss Esther Hill,
Miss Deatrlce Kelly, Miss Ilelon Plcrson,
Miss Ollvo Mason, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Sarah
Hlndlo, Miss Ollvo Whltchorn, Miss Mario
Carscadden and Mrs. Carl Attmalcr.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Agnew, of E422 Ella
street, Olncy, wore given n farewell sur
prlso party last week beforo leaving for
Michigan for n Bhort visit to Mrs, Agnew's
sister. Among the guests wero Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Thompson, Mr, nnd Mrs. Samuel
Ardrcy, Mrs. Edward Mauger and family,
of Logan: Miss Lllllo Wise, Mr. and Mrs.
John Rriggs, Mrs. RobcrtDownlng, Mr. and
Mrs. Justcs Tlpptn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
1 "t- ' i CB .
' i tr " -' H K
Hdffman. Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrtl Van Aries
dalen and Mr. and 'Mrs. Oralwell.
Miss Jennie Abrftins, Vatf" South lh
street, gave a delightful reception to her
cousin. Miss Eva Hehroede' of Cleveland,
last Saturday evening.
Among tho guests were man Sarah tvi,
Miss Ilcssle Felnberg, MlsajFnnnie Klrselv
ner. Miss Fnnnlo Krasnejjl Ml" Bertha
Momblatt, Miss Stella Riirfrn. Mis Ellf !r
Dankln, Miss Rertlo ItiaVm, Miss At.na
Samuels, Mr. and Mrs. A trs is M Sclvroo
dor, Mr. and Mrs. Israel ' ,ex I Mr. Louis
Felnberg, Mr, Samuel IiMrir Mr Samuel
Goodfrlcd, Mr. Samuel R'enlh3l Mr. Max
Kendall, Mr. Edward SIlrt. Mr Joseph
I.UdwIg, Mr. Alfred Abijms, Mr. David
Bartol, Mr. Harry Rosftuhal, Mr Sydney
Abrnms, Mr. Leon Blnenfleld and Mr. Ben
jamin brnms.
A special musical program was arranged,
In vhlch Miss Esther Posner, Miss Adela
Slrron, Mr. Harry Rosenthal and Mr. Sam
uel Rosenthal and Mr. Leon BlnnefCeld and
Mr. Veo took part Mr. Samuel Abrams,
Miss Bertie Rubin and Mr. Edward Sllbert
gave a clever Imitation of Harry Lauder.
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. C Austin Conroy, of 1815
North Nowklrk street, accompanied tr
their daughter, Miss Marjorlo Conroy, hav
returned from a visit to relatives In River
ton, N. J,
Mr. W. Francis Cooney, of 1622 Vina
street, will leave this week for a visit to
relatives In Tuscarora, Pa
Mr. Daniel O'Neill and Mr. Thomaa
Ernest left on Snturday for Sea Isle City,
whero they will spend soma time Ashing.
Girard Farms
Mr. and Mrs. H, Stanley Hollo way, of
2603 South 18th atrcct, havo bean spending
tho week-ends motoring to various resorts
along tho Jersoy coast
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Somers have closed
their home, at 2128 Shunk street, and have
left for California and tho Western States.
They will bo gone about a month.
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