hltimmmVlW"Wi9f'1 ' " " ifrt?'WWW'yWIJPH3BflpWBE EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 101G. ff y f- j rX J 3r J RUSSIANS GAIN NEW GROUND ON BUKOWINALINE Push Drive Through South ern Ranges of Carpathian Mountains COUNT MICHAEL KAROLYI President of the Hungarian Incic- l pendence party, who is reported to have resigned to form a new party ', which will urge peace between ij Hungary and its enemies. I i i i rcTnoanAD, July is. Cossacks nro lending tho advance of the Jlusslan troops through the soiithorn rangCB Bf tho Carpathian Mountains. Northwest of Klmpolung Pass. In south ern Bukowlna, nusslan cavalry Is advanc ing alone tho road between Klrllbaba and Marnmaros Szlgcl, cays a press dispatch from tho Russian front today. This Information Indicates that tho Rus olans havo advanced about CO miles since tho capturo of Tladautz, pushing past tho formidable mountain barriers which had been strongly fortified by the Austro-Hun-garlana. (Maramos Szlgcl Is tho capital of tho Hungarian county of Marnmaros. It lies on tho Thlcss River at tho western foot of tho Carpathians and Is 12B mites east of Budapest.) In Volhynla, tho Russians nro now pound ing the new positions of General von I,ln engen, south of tho Llpa, whero the Gcr mnns Btoppcd to malc-a a stand after re treating ncross tho river. Tho Germans havo retreated nearly 10 miles under tho awlft advnnco of General Kalcdlncs' left wing. In their hasty retirement, Bevcral thou sand more prisoners, a jxmbor of heavy guns and largo supplies of war material have fallen Into tho hands- of tho Russians. Tho rotreat waH made necessary when sov eral nusslan regiments broke through tho German front and threatened to surround part of General von Llnslngen'a army. Tho Russians have advanced their lines to tho north bank of the River Llpa and to strengthening their new positions on tho entire front. The advance widens the Russian sallont extending Into tho Austro Gorman front southeast of Kovel, thus re moving tho danger of crushing enemy at tacks on both sides of tho Russian wedge. All along tho eastern front, tho Czar's armies havo suddenly resumed the Initia tive. Thotnftntry combats are becoming more froquent li: Gallcla, and both artillery and Infnntry activity nro reported on Gen eral Kuropatkln's front In tho Ovlnsk-Rlga region, on the north. Tho Russian commanders on th) Austro German front, however, are comt'elled to share public Interest with the Grai. Duke Nicholas, whoso new offensive In the Cau casus continues to make progress. RUSSIAN ATTACKS NEAR RIGA AND IN LDTSK REGION FAIL, RERUN WAR OFFICE SAYS BERLIN, July 18. The following communication was Issued by tho German War Offlco this aftornoon; Army group of Field Marshal von Hlndenburg. Russians continued to make strong attacks south and east of Riga, which broke down with bloody , losses before our positions. At places ', -where the Russians succeeded In enter ing our trenches they were afterward ejected by counter-attacks. Army group of Prince Leopold of Bavaria: There were no special Inci dents. Army group of General Llnslngen: The situation Is generally unchanged. Russian attacks west and southwest of Lutsk were flatly repulsed. Army" group of General von Both- mer: There were only small fore ground fights. AUSTRIANS CHECK SLAVS IN BUKOWINA, SAYS VIENNA; ADMITS LUTSK RETREAT VIENNA, July 18. Attempts of the Russians to advance against the Austro-Hungarlans In south western Bukowlna, have been checked, says an official report made public by the War Office today. The statement admits the re- tlroment of Teutt forces southwest of Lutsk, stating that It was made necessary by the numerical superiority of the Rus sian troops. The report follows: Renewed attempts by the Russians to advance In Bukowlna against our positions south and southwest of Mol dava were without success. The enemy sustained heavy losses. Fighting has taken place between scouting parties of both sides In the forest district north of , Prlslopul. Attempts of the Russians to advance ' .near Znbln and Tatarov were repulsed. V Our sentries northwest of Burkanow frustrated a surprise attack against our trenches. , Southwest of Lutsk the Russians at tacked with numerically superior forces. 1 The front section of our lines near I Stklln withdrew Into the district east i of Uorochow. While being covered I) upon, the west flank by German counters , attacks, the German allies south of www, ,$ nvtv n,uiuMW(i w3 hind the lower Strips, without being dis turbed by the enemy Russian night attacks treat of Tor cxyn were repulsed. This picture of the German trenches IRUSSISIAWICINANO SEMPRE PHP A KOVEL I NEMICI SI RIT1RAN0 Porzione Truppe del Generate Linsingen, Minncciate di Av- volgimento, Sfuggono all'Escrcito Russo I TEDESCHI IN FRANCIA Tclcgramml da Pctrogrado lnformano cho I tcdcschl hanno retrocesso dl circa 10 mlglla In Vollnln, mlnacclatl dall'ala nlnls tra doll'cscrclto moscovltn al comando del Gcncrnlo Kalcdlncs. puranto la rltlrata Bono cadutl ncllo mant del russt parccchlo mlgllaln dl prlglonlcrl, cannon! o munlzlonl un gran copla. La ritlrata fu rcsa ncccssarla per 11 fatto che parecchl rcgglmontl russt nvovano penetrato lungo la tronto todesen e mtnacclavano dl nvvolgcre porzlono deU'os erclto del Generate Llnslngcn. Intanto I russl hanno nvnnrnto sullo Unco posto alia rlvn ncttcntrlonalo del flume Llpa c stanno ora fnrtlHcando 1c loro pottztonl sull'lntero fronte. Qucsta nvnnzuta II ha real nncho padroni dl un sallcnto cho si lncunea dentro la fronte austro todesca a sud est dl Kovel, ed a' ntto a rlmuovero ancho 1 dannt dl un Improvvljo nttneco nomlco. La mlnaccla russa su Kovel si fa qulndl sempro plu' dlrctta o tmmlnonte. Fortemente rlnforzatl, 1 tcdecchl hanno riprcso 1'offonslva a mczzoglorno delta Sommo. Notlzle da Parlgl rccano cho ossl hanno assallto rlpctutc volte Ic poslzlonl dl Blnchcs o Mnlsonetta, ma furouo resplntt dal fuoco concentnto dcllo nrtlglicrie o dello mltragtlatricl. L'ultlmo comunlcato dello Stato Mnrrloro itallano dlmostra cho 1 rltornl offenslvl del ncmlco sulla frontlera itallana, per quanto slano fattl In forzo o con Intenzlonl decisive, sono sempre dcatlnatt a ralllrc. No o' prova come dlccvnmo II comunl cato dl Icrsera del Generalissimo Itallano Conte Cadorna, che dlco: Noll'altn zona del I'osln.i 11 nemlco ha splegato un formldablle attacco, soatenuto da un conccntrato fuoco dl nrtlgllertn, tra Monte Santo o Monte Toraro. Lo nostro truppo hnnno sublto con trattaccato, o In tin dlsperato corpo a corpo hanno resplnto II nemlco lungo tuttn la fronte. Tru lb valll dl Toto o dl Poslno, 11 nemlco ha tentato dl ragglungere le nostro poslzlonl a nord ovcat dl Monte Peluglo, ma 1 suol tontavl sono statl ugualmente frustrati. L'nrtlgllerla del ncmlco ha bombardlto lo notrtro poslzlonl a Valle d'Ampezza, o nol per rappresaglla abblamo bom bardata la vallata delta Dravn. Lungo la fronto dcll'Isonzo o al som mo dj Valle Roccolana vl stato un Inter mlttente fuoco dl artlgllcrla. Nostrl neroplanl bombardarono II campo ncmlco dl Folgarla; anche 11 nemlco bombardo" dlvcr&I puntl sull'Adlge e Vnl Camonlca, ma senza dannl. Le nostre battcrlo antlaeree abbattcrono aoroplant nemlct che cer cavano dl gettar bombo su Brescia, Bergamo e Padovn. Tro neroplanl bombardarono Trevlsco, uccldendo una persona e ferndone delle altre. Una macchlna fu wVitttutta, e II pllota e l'osservatore r!"aBero uccisl, Circa 11 bombardamento dl Parenzo del quale pernltro I'Ammlragllato Itallano non ha dato nlcuna notlzla, do' che fa sup porre trattarsl dl una eempllce rlcognlzlone dl nostre ulurantl una comuntcazlone dl fonte tedesca dlco che esso nvvenno II glorno 11 corrente, e fu esegulto da tre lncroclatorl. Essl avrebbero danneggiato due caso pri vate od II palazzo cost detto del Parlamento. Pol gll lncroclatorl Italian!, insegulti dal fuoco delle battcrle della costa, avrebbero rlpreso II largo. Found on Tracks With Broken Skull John Andrews, 20 years old, of 2830 North Recso street, was found unconscious on tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad track at Front and Wesmoreland streets at 10 o'clock last night. He had fallen 30 feet from the pedestrians' walk spanning the tracks. lie was taken to the Episcopal Hospital, where It was found he had a frac ture of the skull and other Injuries. The police believe the man must have attempted to board a train as It passed under the elevated walk by letting himself down as the train passed underneath. Celery Plants Leading varie ties, early and late. White Plume, Giant Pascal, Dwarf Golden Heart, Winter Queen, any of the above 50c per 100 $2.25 for 500 $4.00 Per 1000 Also late Cab bage and Tomato plants, Brussels Sprouts. Cosmos and Aster Plants Plant now for late blooming. 75c doz-, $6.00 hundred. Store closes 5 P. M. Saturday 1. ITJL11KCM am Market 3pSJSjSljfSBU7VA ELABORATE GERMAN DEFENSES ON FRONT IN FLANDERS and shelters, taken where their line meets GLI INGLESI MNACCIANO LE POSIZIONI DI ARRAS L'Appello di Sir Roger Case ment, Imputnto di Alto Tradi mento, E' Stato Respinto Le forzo dol Genoralo Hnlg si nvvlclnnno aU'altlpinno dl Albert, per nffrontnro anche la terza llnca tedesca. , Notovoll bucccxhI so hanno rlportnto ncllo sczinnl scttontrUmall o oriental! del sallento dl Contnlmalson, o clo' lo motto In condizlono dl mlnacclaro 1'lntora fronto dl Arms. Un rnpporto tlillclnlo tedesco dlco cho II fuoco dello battcrlo Inglcsl si stn svolgcntlo In moltl puntl con grande vlotcnza, dalle poslzlonl dl Ancro lino nl mare, clo' che fa supporro un nuovo Immlncnto nttneco delle fautcrlc. Intnnto la Htnto Maggloro tedesco si o' scntlto nclta nccesslta' dl cmannro un ap pollo nl iiopoio, col quale lo si Invlta n sorbaro flducla sulla coudotta ultorlore della gucrra. Uopo aver sclolto un Inno nl cdrag glo delle truppo tcdesche, 11 comunlcato dcllo Stato Maggloro dlco cho lo vantato vlttorlo dcgll Allcatl non possono scuotero la llducla cho la Clermania ilovo nvere ncl buo csercito, Come o' noto, Sir Roger Casement, uno del capl del movlmento lnsurrezionalo itlnndcso, fu condannato n morte. W noto nncho cgll fece nppcllo, e qucsto nppcllo o' venuto oggl nlla cognlztono del Mnglstrato compotcnte. SI apprendo ora cho l'appcllo o' stato resplnto. BRITISH UNIONS SUSPEND HOLIDAYS TO AID ARMY Accept Asquith's Proposal to Co opcrnto With Government LONDON, July 18. Further cvldenco of tho mannor In which tho Rrltlih labor unions nro striving to as sist the Government In wrestling llnal vic tory from Germany was given hero today. At a conference called by the trades union leaders It wns decided to nccept tho pro posal rccontly made by tho Government that tho August holidays bo postponed. This will asiuro an unbroken supply of ammu nition and other material necessary for the maintenance of tho offensive now being conducted by Sir Douglas Halg In France. Killed in Auto With Fiancee PLAINFinLD, Conn., July 18. Arthur B. Pnrks, of Fall River, Mass., and his fiancee, Miss Anna Cushlng, of Providence, It. I. were killed when an nutomobllo the young man was driving crashed Into a locomotlvo nt Central Village The ma chine, It Is said, was going at high speed. Both occupants were thrown out .and Park's: Jicnd wns crushed. There were- no marks on tho woman. FEDERAL EXPRESS RESTORED Weekly Through Train Between Philadelphia and Boston by the Poughkeepsie Bridge Route Until Further Notice Every Friday to Boston Every Sunday from Doiton Beginning July 21 Beginning July 23 On account of tho epidemic of Infantile paralysis In and nround Now York City, tho Pennsylvania Railroad, In connection with the Lohlgh & Hudson Railroad and New York. New Haven & Hartford Railroad, has arranged for tho resumption, temporarily, of the Federal Express between Washington, Philadelphia and Boston on tho following schedule: FRIDAYS ONLY I.v. l'hllndtlDhln (Ilrand hi. Station). .... . H.55 I, M, Hut i'hlladtllihltt .8.0U I'. M. North I'hlladchihU .9. 01) l. M. Trmton 0.44 I'. M. I'lillllnbur JO.SI r, M. Ar. New Harm II. 00 A, M. Nen London '. 7,11 A, 31. Stonlntton 7.13 A. 31. Wtaterley , 7.03 A. 31, Klniotoii , 8.10 A, 31. Wlckfard Junction H.St A, St. l'roililfnfr. 8.157 A. SI. IJottan (llurk llajr) 10.00 A. 31. (Smith Htutlon) 10.03 A, 31, Also making ttopa ut Mjitlo and llroilforil, Sundnytt Onlr I.v Iloston (South Station) , o.3i i. st. (Hack liar) 8.30 I", 31, Ar. North I'lillarieliihU 6.10 A. St. Went rhlladtlnhlit , 0.30 A, SI. i l'Ji:lndcliblu (llroud St. Htutlon) 0.H ., 31, Through bletudnr Cam and Coaches between l'hllaUcIphla unci llollon. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD f.VVVVVV,VVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'.; QUITTERS IN THE TEXAS GUARD COMPANY L. of the 3d Regiment, recruited in the town of Lott, in the heart of Texas, -refused to take the Federal oath when it reached the border. Under the threat of drastic punishment the men re lented. In Sunday's Public Ledger George Pattullo asks "What caused these men to fail in their duty when the crisis came?" He answers the question in one word, "Socialism," and shows how the Southwest is honey combed with a breed of Socialism thrice as insidious as the Anarchistic red-flag Socialism of the cities. SUNDAY'S PUBLIC PLEDGER VYVXVttVlVlWVVlMWlllWVVlllVVVVVVVVVVtl.t-VVVtVtVVtl the sea, shows how difficult is the task of ITALIANS FORCING FOE ACROSS BORDER Austrians on North Front of Monte Pasubio Retiring Into Fatherland ROME, July 18. Italian forces on the northern front of Monte Pasubio nro driv ing tho Aufitro-Itungarlans back ncros3 the border Into Austria. Tho Italian War Offlco nnnounced today that tho Italian forces In tills region havo resumed their advance. Furious fighting has developed In tho Doslna-Astico area, whero the Austro-Hun-gnrinns hnvo attempted by sevcro counter nttneks to check tho progress of the Italians. The following Is the text of the official statement: Artillery duels nro In progress In the region of Stclvlc nnd Tonalo. In tho valley Arso we are gaining ground de spite vigorous rcslstnnco by tho en emy. Wo have resumed our ndvnnco on the northern slopes of Monto Pa-su'- !o. lively fighting has dox eloped In the roslna-Astlco nrea, whoi'e tho enemy fruitlessly attempted to Btop ilir prog ress by countor-nttneks. Encounters of minor lmportnnco have taken place near Mnscle In tho Sugnna Valley which resulted In our fa-or. The enemy shelled vlllnges south of Strlgno, setting them on Arc. On tho remainder of tho front only artillery duels havo occurred, but theso wore particularly Intense In tho Carnic Alps and the Folia Valley. Hostile aircraft bombarded Ospeda Ictto, but did no damage. Our aircraft bombarded the railway station nt Andrea, south of Goiizla, on the Isonzo front. VIENNA. July 18. Tho War Offlco has Issued tho following report on tho Italian war theatro: Bombardments havo been carried out against our positions In tho Bor cola rector nnd ns far ns tho Aspach Valley, as well ub In tho Dolomites, nortli of tho Teldegrlno Valley, In tho Marmolaka district and on tho front in the Cnrlnthlan Alps. Tho Secbach and Ralbler sectors were also under Arc. In tho Soebach Valley tho Italians nt tncked, but were repulsed. ORPET LEAVES HOME FOREVER Mother Will Join Him 2000 Miles Away CHICAGO, July 18. Hundredi of mites now separato Will Orpet from Lako Forest and tho scene of Marian Lambert's death. He has left hla homo forever, and he believes distanco may blot out memories of the lant five months. "Mo will not bo back," said his mother, Mrs. Edward O. Orpet. "We will not tell where ho has gbno nor whnt his plans are. ' I Phntn by Vndnrwoot! & Underwood. the Allies in blasting the enemy out. Ho will bo more thnn 2000 miles nwny soon. 1 II Join him later." Persons close to Orpet'n fnmlty think ho has gone to Lancaster, Mass., whero his parent onco lived. UIIllHIIIlHilllllllHIllllllllllllllllllUWlM Wg ZM.)' lk L L Jt- -P. -I- L - -A - i- -- i J J. 11 'f'g ji This Fine Cunningham-Made ; PLAYER-PIANO I Including Bench, Scarf and 12 Rolls of Music Easy Weekly or Monthly Terms B212jo rtrM is true. Now listen to reason. A manufacturer mak ing pianos sells them to the dealer at a manu facturer's profit; then the dealer, after paying this profit, cost of handling, carting, etc., sells them to you, plus his profit, which is large. In other words, you pay the manufacturer's profit, dealer's profit, cost of handling, etc. On the other hand, if you buy your Piano direct from the maker, you eliminate all these in-between profits that add no value, and you save $150 to $200. By direct dealing from factory-to-home you save all the costs which add no value. As manufacturers, we create value; the jobber and dealer add costs. It Pays to Think N M ; ; H IiI3 C M 11th & Chestnut Sts. ' Factory, 50th and Parkside Ave. Philadelphia Branches 52d and Chestnut Streets 2835 Germantown Ave. m i ?tv -v y -y -vv VynV1..l.V(i.VyiWiMV t, yV V , KiaiHiiiniiiiiHJiiiiiiiiiiniitHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH BRITISH SEIZE PART OF ROAD TO BAPAUME Contlnned from Pare One man nrmy has been called upon to devlso supremo measures for checking tho Allied offensive on the western front, which la now menacing Important Junction points of strategic railways, tho possession of which Is necessary If the Oermnns are to prevent n general retirement. Tho same dispatch from Berlin adds that Field Marshal von Hlndenburg probably will bo put In supremo command of the Qm--man nnd Austro-Hungarlan troops on the eastern front. Tho text of tho official report follows! Thick mist nnd Incessant rains aro still Interfering with operations on tho Sommo front To tho northward of Orvlllers we mado substantial progress last night on a. front of 1000 yards. Tho enemy was driven from strongly defended points, whero wo captured some prlsonors nnd six mochtne guns. Near Wytschacto wo successfully raided German trenches. Opposite Culnchy nn attempt made by nn enemy patrol to raid ono of our trenches was repulsed. ANOLO-FltEXCH ATTACKS OX S0MME FRONT UEATEN HACK, HE11LIN UEPOItTS BERLtN, July 18. Roth the British nnd French armies resumed their offensive on both sides of tho Sommo yestcrdny os'enlng nnd last night with strong nttneks agnlnst German positions, It was officially announced this afternoon. British attacks ngnlnst tho village of Pozleres nnd French nttneks In tho region of Biachcs, Maisonetto, Bnrleux and Soyc court wcro repulsed svlth heavy enemy losses. Tho official communication follows: At numerous points on the northern lT DOESN'T seem reasonable advertise a better Player-Piano for $450 than any dealer can sell for $600, yet it .ftr vl j?p ?v- -vv vv vy w -ni v w y - iy front enemy patrols tvera reputscYl fee fore the defense of the Hermans, A Qerman patrol entered nn Kflgliah trench east of Vermllles, capturing one officer, four noncommissioned omccrs nnd 11 men. On both Rides of the Sommo there were artillery engagements throughout the day. In the evening strong attacks were mado against Pozleres and the posi tion eastward s well ns against the line of Rlaches, Maisonette, Rnrleux and Soyccourt Everywhere tho enemy w,as repulsed with heavy losses. In tho Mcuso sector there were lively artillery firing and small combats with hand grenades. r PENNSYLVANIA SENATOItS SPLIT ON KEEPING SHIPS IN PACIFIC Oliver Favors Amendment, but Penrose Answers "No" It) a Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, July 18. Pennsylvania's two Republican Senators split today on an nmendment to tho naval bill presented by Senator Works, of California, which pro posed that threo dreadnoughts should bo kept In the Pacific ocean to protect the west coast at nil times. Senator Oliver was one of the '18 who voted for tho nmendment Senator Penrose, who was not In the chamber during the de bate, camo In after tho bolls hnd been rung for tho roll call. Senator Smoot, of Utah, oxptalncd tho purposo of tho nmendment to htm nnd ho answered "No," when his name was called, Forty-eight voteB were cast against the adoption of the amendment. Fire Destroys Gnrngc In Lancaster LANCASTER, Pa., July 18. Emanuel Shrclner's garage was destroyed laBt night by fire of unknown origin, a cycle car and three motorcycles being ruined. The loss was $2500. that we can i r k. I t y I n 4fr ' -. ' yV x? ' ,.JJ x V P- L. - .q "Mini i ivpitai f J i i 11 iTTiif