wwSWmwpppjw "MMWMWl t'WwSlppSwiS "T '9&VGF"TiQFplllE (Ppjt1'" EVENING LEDQEK PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916. - C FOR SALE JOIN OUn BUMMER CLUB 0t yonf Vltctrol row. Bxeellfnt opportunity to eor a beautiful mahoirany Vletrola with records t apoelal low terms. Send at one for particular and application blank. IlfcrrB'H UPTOWN STORES Cor Oth and Thompson ats. ANTIQUE FURNITURE and brle-a-brae: mahoe any claw. foot card tablt, 10. 033 Chamul BILLIARD, TOOL,, combination, secondhand, boneht, Bold, rented, excnanireds repalrlniti suppllca. La fa Keafer, American mnntifac- tllMr. HSft nirftrrl v. rhn tinlt. ySlX. uILLIARD, pool tables) new, second-hand bowl Ini alleya; eaay paymanta. Rositto-Darry-Street Co.. 222 8, 8th at.? phone Wal. 2.184. BILLIARD AND POCKF.T TAR LBS Alas bowllnr alloya: eaar payment. HRUNSWICK-fiALKB-COLLBNljnft CO.. l602 Arch. LoOTHS.1 aoundproof, for shop or ofhee, 60 In orlftnal prlca.and leaa: dell iqck lor immeaiac aiMivery: nil iiinns nt nan Iinni yina.Hiiu irno, ueu.crrti unii nri inm UOHE8, llTlt AND UUTTONWOOD. nerea .. ...4 A. uuuiife: CASH RnaiflTBRS bouaht, exchanBed, repaired, renlilted ttnnll.-a. nnr nnrl frtrtnrv rebuilt! reputed:, sunplles: new and factory rebuilt! pew total adders, as low ns ISO: rail and see llln turn, nuiiua, na n,w ll a u. .. biiu nti eur lOlfl models. . Reslstera sold by us on eaay Mvmnnti nnri fnltv piinrrtfr-r1 aliB NATioNAi. Bash rroister CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET XEPKS, larira nssortment: also household fur plture. Dullnr Central Second-hand Fdrnltura Company, no-noO-P14 Callowhlll at. nntsoN DIAMOND POINT . reduced from 20o to IBS, This Is a beauti ful Edison Amberola with the. new diamond point. Haa a number nr records and Is an exceptional bargain, ,, Call nr write, for par ticulars and laraa Illustrated ratalocues, IIKPPE'8 UPTOWN STORES Cor. Oth and Thompson its. liULTianAPII New. guaranteed! offer for 1-3 cost. Russell Baum, Phlla. Uourae. Phone Lombard -190, Fireproof: 00 a'.-ehtly usedi all sites SAFES and makeat bl bargains. . 210 N. 4tn at,, between nace ana vine. USED OFFICE FURNITURE Larsest and most complete assortment of fl'ivi. iiunir aevires. iireorooi aiea anil Dinar complete cities equipment In Philadelphia, flood value and aattafactlon assured. Free auto delivery everywhere, HUGHES, 11th & Buttonwood EeaUTIFUL oil palntlnis, Brussels net cur tains, draperies, window shades, acrcena, other household goods. 708 8. 40th at. iron SALE Mahozany banking partitions and office fixtures. Inquire the, Colonial Truat Company, 1.1th and Market ats I HEATING UAKIN-KELSET HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water. rur fresh air7 with normal molsturo. MAKIN-KELSET, 1MT Filbert at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS PLEASE REMEMRER wn are qulln wllllnir to guarantee. YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL for lining machine bearings for either light or heavy duty. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRIES, H3 N. l!d at. JAMES YOCOM A SON. WANTED To rent, small blacksmith or ma chine shcr, ground floor on small street within mile City Hall, give list and alxa of tools, also If power Is used or convenient. U 833, Led ger Central, POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dvnamas. motors, boilers, steam and oil en Blns. pumps, air compppssors. FRANK TOOMEY, Inc.. 127 N. 3d sL ftAvr" "..tnVKY Conver your materials bv ma chinery. Consult our engineer regarding Sprockets. Chain and Elevating Machinery. CHARLES HOND COMPANY. (120 Arch8t. EyNAMOS. motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01, Market800S.YearsleyCo.,224 N.Sdjit. USED noILERS 3J5oTl. P. Ames ret tubu lar, 12S lbs. L. F. SEYFERT'U SONS. 437 N. 3d St. bo. 00. 110-Inch l-.umlry mangles: 20. 24, 20, 30-inch laundry extractors; body Ironers. NUTTAIiL. 174a N. Mh St. SOO-H. P. OREENE-CORLIfiS ENOINll" for sale: can bo seen running, SHOO. HAFLE10H & uo American nnu uamuria sis. nxs iiAsni.iNn AND OIL ENOINES PAS AND OIL ENGINE CO, 4S N.7T1I ST., PIPE ft FITTINOS. nil sir's. P1IILA. 2D-HAND riPE SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th. Iloth Phones. MUSICAL INSTR7JIMENTS COLUMBIA ORAFONOLA, reduced to W the regular price. Deautlful mahogany grafonola, with icord.i. at one-half regular price: can be paid 1 weekly. Call or vrlto for particulars and large Illustrated catalogues, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Uth and Thompson sts. VICTROLAS M . Alterations are now being made to our Vic trola Department, and wo ncod tho room: so wo will make special low terms. Extraordi nary oponrtunlty. Call or write for particu lars and largo Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN SlOREd Cor. Oth and Thompson ata. LEONARD 88-NOTE PLATER LESTER 88-NOT1J I'LAIBK WALHAVEN UPRIOHT. J1B0. Send for List. Slightly used, sell rcasonablo; easy terms. V. A. North. 8244 Kensington ave. Open eve. JULY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE HELLAK 1129 CHESTNUT ST 85 CHICICERINO UPRIOHT' TIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. OTH. OLD GOLD OLD QOLD. silver, platinum, plated ware, old style. Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner, 807 Hansom. OLD OOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver, antique clocks; will call. Dell phone. Locust 1210. ROPERS. 27 8 17th at, CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS atones, gold, aller, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting A Ref. Co.. 128 P. llthj OLD GOLD.-silver, platinum, false teeth, antique Jewelry, watches, old coins bought. 204 8. 81h. PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents and Trade-Marks Send aketcu ur modol lor free opinion. Etenlnca by appointment. Hell Walnut 717. J. WALTER DOtTClLASS ESTABLISHED SINCE 1S85. Philadelphia. North American llulldlng. Washington. Victor llulldlng. STORAGE CONTINENTAL BTORAOE WOltEIIOUSH 20TH 8T. AUOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOV1NO, SHIPPING . Rugs, Carpets cleaned, eeoured. stored. Rell. Locust 1OU0 Phonea Key., Race 4180. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET oT. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Raring 782 for miniate. Market &37th. ilcCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 N. 11th at. ( moving, packing, ahtpptng: auto vans; Doin pnones. , phones. Let us estimate. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather bsds broken Jewelry, gold, sliver, diamonds bought. 735 Walnut. Walnut 7028. Est. 1888. BROKEN JEWELRY, falao teeth. Pistols. colnsT Coin books, with prlcea I pay. mailed 15c, J.B. Rosa 1 People's Store). 200 8. llth.Wal. 4488, CABT-OFF CLOTIUNfJ Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's clothing, haia. ahoea. etc. Phona Poplar 3801. I1LACKER. 1280 Poplar. I'URNITURE. planoa. carpeta, antiques; entire Or part XlOUBCa OOIlll r rawii iiu ..... how large. j, (lernatein. iji iiwi. wo, ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 2013 Reasonable rooms with bathl ISO single rooma. wjyi.. CHESTNUT. 1804 Bachelor apartmenta for business men and women. Locust 731. SANSOM ST.. 2128 Large front room, next to Dam, ill per ma.; pn. mm, wu m..u.i.. BAN80M. 4120 Newly furnished rooms; light. airy, reaaonapie. jrresion ..an .i. sTpnrTT-TT ?09r.arv alrv rooina: orlv. batha Southern expoa. ; summer ratea. Ixic. 1803 J. kvTH-ST.. S.. 289 Unusually attractive aulta and single room for gentlemen: electricity 10TK ST.. S.. 801 Delightful summer noma of fared a gentlaman: every convenience. finburban TWO ROOMS, furnished. light housekeeping; quiet suburban, home; trains and trolleys; con venient. Phone Lanadowna 408 W. BOARDING CEDAR AVE., 6044 Largo second door and third floor front rooms, bath on each floor; rood board; prlvata family; convenient to aur- laca, eisvaicq ana euuway. CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (The Margrave) Vacancies, permanent, transient: aup. board. MASTER, 1623 Attractively turn, rooms, good taoie, sa m - vre. i-uyir w. t. SPRUCE. 1224-28 Furnished rooms: prlvata pains; napie poaro. j-nona wainm mi. THIS LITTLE TEA ROOM Clermont Apia.. 44th and Walnut. Southern cooking, excel, acrvlca; ranned atmoaphera. Phone Baring 7P22. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY California ave., 27 S.: at tractlve houaef coinf. rooms: axcallent table. PENNSYLVANIA SUB UB DA N OEIUIANTOWN tha Sblppen, Wayna and Hana berry Flrat class In appolntmeota and servlca." SANITARITJIIIS BEAUTIFUL location, special acltrntloo care; nervous, elder), avary comfort: nurae. book la. Dt Randal Cltv t lo ftout HIU. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS, 4S5S-S8.BO-02 N Rroad at (southwest corner Broad and Rockland ats.), Log-an Sir rooms and bath each, hardwood floors, combination fixtures, beautifully deco rated! heat, hot water and Janitor service In cluded: reasonable renta j immediate posses alon: leases to start September 1, loin. Albert M. (ircenfleld Inc., N. 13. cor. 18th ft Chestnut sta.. or William D. Chambers, -10&3 N.ltroad at . WALNUT AND" 11TII BTS. is. W, ror W-Mcdern suites: exceptionally attractlva: hlRh celllnirv abundantly llrhted on three sides; suitable fo housekeeplns;. If desired: rents $11. OT and ITS! Janitor nn .premises UARUUR. HARTMAN . A CO.. lant Chestnut at. l.OOAN SQUARE (2W N. lfithl Furn. apart, ments. slritle or en sultei private bath, MAIN LINE. P. R, R. OVERRROOtC TUB DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station Ona housekeeplns; apartment. 7 rooms and bath, to lease, after September 1. FURNISHED APARTMENTS DREXEL APARTMF.NT8, at CRcrbrook Station Furnished apartments, consisting of 2 sleep In-r rooms, t exceptionally tarre lllnir room and bath: dinln room In bulldlnti In rent to September IB. Thonn OverbrooK ns.A, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Rut suppose. Instead of trying all these dif ferent ways, you Just call at this office the largest, most attractive and best equipped In Philadelphia, dovoted exclusively to securing Just what they want for particular people. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia la listed with or may be rented through us. Our automobiles are waiting to tako you to the list of prop erties you designate, and with the least pos sible effort you will Becure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Sprues 3071. Race 8023. N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT 8T3. This 13-story Apartment House Is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly flreproofed and of the most modern architecture. Suite of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooms and 3 baths, including several bachelor suites with every modern comenlence and facility, .ONLY A FEW OF THE LAIlftC HOUSE KEEPINtl SUITES LTCFT. THBY ARE THE FINEST IN PHILA.. HAVINO SOUTHERN. EASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES. . LONO TERM LEASES WILL UE DATED OCTOHER, 1010. All thlnus considered, the rentals are mod erate. For further Information, arrangement for Inspection and reservation, apply to -,. . MERTON W. OliniMS 210 Franklin R-tnk Hldg. Phone Walnut 5920. 1IOII8KKKEPIKU apts ; all rnrts of city: rent 125 to J70 per month; call, phone nr write for Information, Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut at. 13TH. N.. 1427 Newly furn housekoepThg' apartment, two rooms and bath: reasonable. WERT PHILI)KLPHIA 5104 ANOORA TERRACE 132 Modern six-room apartment, containing AND living hall. electric lights. private 133 porcca: high-class Janitor service. Us s-Tf and examine today, or WA' II. W. quiCIC PRO.. INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. KINOSCOURT BOTH AND CHESTNUT STS HF.VKHAL MODERN HOUSEttEEPlNO APARTMENTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC ELE VATORS. PURLIC DININO ROOM. APPLY EST. THOH. M. 8EED3, JR.. 1207 RACE ST. ESSEX. 34th nnd Chestnut; Monterey, 43d nnd Chester; Delmont. 34th and Spring Garden. Inqulro Janitor, or CRESHE. 308 Halo Rldg. $45 THE WARREN. 1003 S. 40th; 2d floor, prRato porrh: n rooms and bath; fall reser- vatlon.TAYLqilft SON.2(1S.-I0th. THE OtRVIN 0 rooms, 2d "floor: private porch; nwnlngs, gaa and electric lighted. 3,110 Ham ilton. Sea Janitor. link f.nn DESIRARLE HOUSEKKEPINO APARTMENTS In Oak Lane, 30 and 150: for Immediate posaesslon. wai. IIAIIH. Htn and oik lane. mimimiAN LANSDOWNE Cool, comfortable apt , 3 bed rooms; largo prhnte porch, windows on all sld"s, reasonable rent. CHESTER OSHORNE, Ki2l Chestnut. APARTMENT HOTELS PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDE AVE.. AT -I0TH STREET Special rates for summer season Furnished nnd unfurnished Culslnn of pecullnr excellence. DELMAR-MORRIS WHEIIE TOWN ANIJ COI'NTHY MEET CHELTEN AVE AND JIORRIS ST., OER MANTOWN. DELIOHTrUL SUMMER HOME FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND HATH UP. DREXEL APARTMENTS, at Overbruok St'ittnn Furnished apartments, consisting of 2 sleep ing rooms, 1 exceptionally largo living room nnd bath; dining room In building to rent to September 13. rhono Overbrook C32S; THE GLADSTONE "T,,M&SigINB FURNISHED OR UNniRNISHED ARSOLUTF.LY FIREPROOF "IN THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 223 8. RROAD ST. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT QUESTS 8CTH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 193(1 N. ALDER ST., assessed 11000. 2.118 N. Mutter at., assessed SHOO. 120 Christian at , aasessvd 11800. 1123 Marlborough st . assessed S3800 GUARANTEE TRUST ft SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 3in-:ilH-82(i Chestnut st, NORTH and West Phlla. and Oermantown homes. J 1800 to 18UO0, First payment only 3100 to 1300. MB -.HANTS UNION TnUST CO. 715-717-719 Chestnut st, CENTRA.' PROPERTIES for sain or rent. YARROW ft VAN PELT Nt E. oor. 17th and Chestnut. 33S SOUTH 21ST STREET Cnr. Panama 20x84 ft.: electric light. SAMUEL W. LEVIS. Real Eatato Trust Rldg. 1802 GREEN ST. Deslr rii with 14 roomsT eultahle for arts . assessed 17300; price 13G00. J.H.MAB3EY ft SON. 18th and Green. 023 S. 10TH 10 rooms, all conveniences; worth while. Look at It. . . PAR RELL. 710 S.J!0th. 10TH. 13T1L 14TH AND 13TH WARD RUY- ERS. S11LLERS AND RENTERS. SEE ritlEDRICH ft CO 801 N. 12TII ST. 1011 N. 1UTH ST., 24x107.11; excellent neigh bo rhood, WM. O, GLENN. 1817 Col umhla avo. Hulldlng Lota. Futtory Sites, etc. RlVEn-FHONT PROPERTIES H 11. MoCOLLUM 1314 WALNUT ST; CHOICE RUILDING LOTS and larF" tracts ground In all parts city; also over 200 mfg. ltea:LJMelvin. 1318-lJd HealEat. TruatRldg TWO'-STORY STARLE, 0th i'Dauphtni lot"80x 1841 entirely under cover. Neely. 83,12 N. 22d, WEST PHILADELPHIA 13100 8 ROOMS hot-water heat, gas and elec tric, lights; parquetry doors, shower bath, gas kitchens and ait other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. RUILDER S8th and Hadflald ata NINE SOLD IN A WEEK 70TH AND PASCHALL AVE. H RLOCK S. OF WOODLAND AVE. Lowest-priced homes In West Phlla.: latest features and coma.; sample house Jully furn. POTTS ft TOWNSEND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4803 RALTIMORE AVE. SEND FOR LIST BALE OR RENT JOS. M. RAKER 82d and lialtlmore ave. THOMAS AVE. HOMES. SSd to 51th ata. Prices 18800. Agent on premises. E. H. AP8LEY, 88th and Springfield ave. 14000 UNEQUALED HOMES. fiOth at. above Lanadowna anj every known convenience, JAMES C..ENP URQ. Rulider. J 30OO EACH. 8134 and 88 Lanadowna ave.. rlpo tor Improvements, others bringing 13000, ADOLPH R. CASPAR. 6032 Lanadowna ave.. OERMANTOWN WALNUT LANE H.. 114 OEHMtNTOlVN Modern, attractive 10-room house. Just com- -nlfd; I Lloek from Oermantown aui. nnri new Germantown High School; moderate price, convenient lerma. P;ona Germantown 2813. OERMANTOWN AND CIIE8TNUT HILL SECURE OUR REVISED SALE LlbT II. B. LI2TER. 3013 Oermantown ava. OERMANTOWN. HOMES, all aectlona. Franklin Bank Hldg. aaiui.i.i'.f-i a uAiuti Walnut 2837. OUR REAL ESTATE RULLETN will U) sent Truat Co.. Cbelten m you ur iukii wit vu.iw.T.iuii. -uermaoLowu an Oermantown aves. IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, A HOME In Oer mantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. R. Meehan. U747 Oermantown ate. CHOICE HOMES, Tulpehucken at. east of Ger mantown av. J. it. CHADWICK ft CO., 6822 Oermantown ave. SEVERAL GERMANTOWN HOUSES at attrac tive prlcea. MAURAN. DOLMAN ft CO.. . N. E. Cor. Broad and Cheatnut. Mt. Airy. Gennaatowa NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelbam. Mt. Airy and Cheatnut Mil. PKLHAM TRUST cfo.. 8740 Qermantowa are. Cheatnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Germantown. Chestnut HIU. Mala Line, WARNOCK ft EMLEN Commercial Trust llulldlng. Tioga WB HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIQOA OH LOOAN. T.'KNNKUY ft RAMBO. 870 OERMANTOWN. Lagaa REAL ESTATE. mortgags aad coaveyaaUcs. WM D CHAMBERS -W33 N. Broad at. REALESTATE roRSALB Conflnurd rom JYecedlno Column, PENNSYLVANIA SIJTUJRHAN RROOKLINE Rran.I new. det. dwlgs.. 7r ft b.. water heat, electr.: 50x12.1; $3SSui only 45 c!n reoulredjwtll exchange. J. EI.MER WATTS, opp. Hrookllr.e 3tn.5 DAltltY Ask for suburban sale lists. All parts Delaware county. Detached and aeml-detaeh-ed. Largo Iota, fiwepe ft Sons. Darby. ELKINS PARK sfodern single "dwelling, 10 rooms, 2 .baths: 2 minutes to station; price woo. MccoRltfcK ft Mccormick, ion Chestnutat.AndElklns Park. ELKiNS'PARK New slnglo dwelflng. 10 rooms. t,P,XK",(,r. heat: price, JA80O. McCORMICK A tcCORMIC!.lon chestnut st ft JOlklns Tark. OLENSIDU HOMES g'nd hulldln-f sltea. every description. RENNINOER A RENNINOEn, tllenslde: I'a. THREE TUNS Many wars were spent in find ing this Ideal on-acfe gentleman's country es tate by the owner, who then built n stone house, with 3 baths, many fireplace", hardwood floors,, autnmatle artesian water supply; 3' ncres In lawn; bentit. Bhrub. ; drives. lined with . old trees, Inq, of II. J Dager, Inc.i Ambler.Fa. AN IDEAL" 108-AGRE FARM, sult nblc for n KCRtlcmnti's coURtry lioms. nn Institution, aviation field or devel opment, situated in Haverford Township, Del. Co. Ab-ut 3-fi mile frontage on City Mne road, same on Eagle road. Contains highest ground In. Haverfo-d township, within 2.1 mlnutea' ride hv automobile to centre of Philadelphia and nf easy occs to Radnor and Rose Tree Hunts. Morion, Aronimink and Bon Air Golf Courses and West Chester trolley; In fact, adjoins Ron Air golf course. All southern exfosuro and no per. cent, tillable. New barn, spring house, ono large and two small tenant houses. This farm has several Ideal home sites, haa a lne, strong, never-falling spring of pure i ater. a meadow, a natural contour for a I :a and some beautiful woodland. Will ill ' ae. Apply to owner. PHIL 8. STEEL, .ansqowne, ra, nu phone 128 YOU OUGHT to get acquainted with North Olenslda if you are thinking of living In tho suburbs. Haa every advantago for you, Mr, IJuyer. Artistic bungalowa and desirable Iota for sale. W. O. Olenn. Agt., Land Title Hldg. CHOICE UUILI3INU SITES nfirt nprataara ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Lnnghorne. Pa. SUUURHAN HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL ft MASSEY Real Estate Trust llulldlng. . BUHURP.AN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for catalogue. 11ROWN A CI)UD. Norrlstown. Ta. StmiinttAM nt?Af. KilTATR njr. .Pfte- All locations. Sale or rent. uinm.i.a j. tump a CO.. Morris niog.. SELECT Properties Country seats, farms: Ust orders now. LEWIS T, BROOKE ft SON. in aoutn l-enn sq. foundku ibio. 8UIIURRAN RESIDENCES for sale or. rent: nttrnrtlve locations: prices right. MAURICE JLHOOVER. Real riatato Trust nldg. LAIlUE LIST OF SURURUAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Lino or Reading R. R. W.M. II. WILSON ft CO.. Morris Rulldlng. NEAR I.ANSDALE 10 acres, good stone bides,, splndld soil, atream. timber; very cheap at h00O A. If TYSON. LanaJnle, Pa. Suburban Lots SPRINOFIELD riot 00x170 feet; all improve ments; price 1700; eaay terms. L 041. Ledger Central MAIN LINK. P. R. R. NARRERTH Now hulldlng. 11 rooms, hard wood floors, 2 batha; forest treea: garngo: prlco xaun. narocri A uiagnorn. ? uniiey ltiag. WAYNE. PA Country home. 11 rooms, all conveniences gaa kitchen; good location: lot 113x230. 18000. J. M. Froncfteld, Wayne. Pennsylvania. UUUURRAN HOMES, country places nnd build ing sites to suit all requirements: Main Line. H.C.jryNTElL Wayne, Pa. LAROE HOUSE. N. W. cor. Montgomery and Brookhurat aves.. Narberth. 800x100: 112.000. WALTER V. SMITH, 0002 Drexel road. NEW JERSEY SUnilRllAN WOODllURY HEIGHTS J48 lots: modern homes: 10c faro: get folder. L. bNOOK. L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES 1IADDON IIKKIHTS, N. J. WILLET LH'l'IWCOl'i . NEW JERSEY SEASHORE COTTAOB at Capo Xfay or Ocean City, erected to your aatlafactlon: attractlveT plans aub mltted free by tho reliable builder. OTIS M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City. N, J, WILDWOOD Two Iota Rlen away at IVIIdwood Crest. Call at office on grounds for Informa tion WILDWOOD CREST REALTY CO- NEW JERSEY TARSIS 10 ACRES. 0-room house, 3 chicken houses, barn, fruit: mile and a half from railroad: price, J2R00: t-rms. ItUUUI.r llli. njtm .rinnntiiwu wr. ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trolley. Write for pamphlet. .... RARLOW ft CO., Maplo Shade, N, J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUHimnAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Hulldlng. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIE8 For sale and rent. JAMES D. WINCHELL, 17th nnd Sansom sts. PENNSYLVANIA SUnURRAN DALA-CYNWYD Large list houses, sale or rent, at all prices. Samuel C. Wainer. Jr.. Commercial Trust Rldg.. 13th nnd Market. SLIN LINE. P. R. R. MAIN LINE Rest lino of Main Lino houses. either for sale or rent, at all prlcea. HIRST ft McMULLIN. Weal End Truat Rldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what ou have for what you want. KERSHAW 4 CROWL, B2I5 Cheatnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOUR REAL ESTATE la not paying, we will furnish the, L -ney to rebul d or convert It Into a building sr ' le for the location and quickly Dut It on a raying basis P u.. . j IlltOTHERS .13.1 Land Title llulldlng. WANTED to rent a small house with yard; de sirably situated, comenlent to. station on P., II. and W. branch of Pennsylvania. C. C. Elms, 1323 Jefferson at Philadelphia, CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of renta; real eatate sold, mortgages placed. ARTHUR H6SWKLL. 238 N. 13th at. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, inort gages and lira Insurance placed quickly. Sea KANE for prompt results, 2328 Tasker at. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY RUILDING. N. W.cor. 10th and Ingersoll. .Stable HJth und Iiigeraoli ISO 8 8. 43d 2 1113.1 Camac , 2.1 3211 Indiana SHS2 Inre-raoll 14 till) Holly 12 4208 Westminster av 13 3703 1larlng ... ... 4012810 Catharine .... 8 ALV11ED H WILLIAMS. f.2J Walnut at. "Tn'ia vntlTIt f'TII STREET Thrce-atory. line dwelling. 12 rouma. rent re duced aldo sard; good order, choice location; 2onnl?nc?s; key 1U1S N. 12th at. Wm. L. Craven'a pona. .to-i' --'ii "L- 2122 DE LANCET. PLACE . .. 10 rooms. 2 batha; new heating, plumblns; electrio lights; paper may be aelected. MEAKSJHMOWW!BU3iiiiai.iisi. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all section of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX ft CO., 8. E. cor, Oth and Callowhlll. STORES FLOORS DWELLINGS FACTORIES "MYERS ft PARTH, Ridge ave. and 10th. SPRUCE ST. 1012. 1826. 1701. 1703. 2120. "128 3131. 240d. 2124. S017, 4030. 4006. EDGA It O. CROSS. 1411 Wa InutaL SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST ' THE livND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut ata. Logan STORES New atorea. 4838-08-60-82 N. Broad atreet (Southwest corner Rroad and Rockland atrceta). 18 ft by SU (t. each: beautiful; larga and modern; la the beat location of Lrgan; reasonable, renta. Albert M. areontleld. Inc.. N. K. cor. 13th and Cheatnut ata.. or William D. Chambers. iU33 pi. liroau atreet. Furtorlea. Warehouaes. Mfg. yioom . ARCH AND 2SD STREETS N. E. CORNER 14.000 SQ. FEET IN MODERN FACTORY Steam and electric power. 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinkler, watchman. R 11. aiding, extra large window and high celllnaa. Owner management. Apply Q. P. PILLING ft SON CO. VERY DESIRABLE FACTORY, 1211-1223 Noble at,; 03.00U aq ft., with R. R. aiding for 2 cars; also 1218-1222 Hamilton at.; OuOO so., ft,; exceptionally low rent. Apply to YARROW ft VAN PELT 17lh and Chestnut l. Cohocksink Mills 'acoIu' Floor. DO0O to 18 oou aq. it. uueau power. It. V. McNEELY. 178J Randolch. Metropolitan Building "wLa Flmoroot Rooms. 8000 to 40.000 aq, ft. Cheap power. An. GEO. F. LASHER 147 N. 10th t. 40.000 SQ. FT. FLOOR SPACE In buUdlug with modern eaulDment railroad aiding: ubi oftlca. low insurance. Apply C. Doat. J. illlno Ion. N E. cor. 11th and Washington ave. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO -it MUJrrui -mill airvr.ci Dealrabfa room: power and light. 4TH ST.. N. 110-25 Manufacturlpg floor, ateam heat and power. Apply, Penna Co.. 817 Chetnut st. 20.000 SQUARE FEET ctatral aectloa. with aubatanllal building, very low rent. nlcwulII T IV. nut ut mJmmmmmt VW ....m. .. FACTORIES. lic, warehotue. door spac ex clusively J Alan Mtddleton. factory specUl- Ut arid onxtneer 800-11 Wldener Bldgphlla HAVE PARTY woo will erect building, central er other location, tor tlfaUory teuaaL piETERICJi 787Walnut at NEAR BRUAD o4 Sprlna Qarden. 8000 ft floor? steam beat edavatnr electrl' power ltsbt three aide MORRIS ft CO- JUdse at Broad. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Continued from PrtctMno Column. OlXLCESjnirSINRSS ROOMS KTC. DREXEL RLDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals Single Rms. J120. 1S0. i.. iM-''-V. Suites 2 Rms , 1144. 11SO,$17S.200.22S.KJO. 8nltes 8 Rma.. Sji,400.f4.W I,100.0(ii).j750. Corner Suites. .1 to rooms, 500 to JI050, ELLIS D, W1I.L1AM3. COO Drexel RuUdlng. Heed ruildino iii-ii Filbert si. , . Centrally located: all conveniences: rents at tractively low; service continuous. f OITICES $10 UP .,. Ruslness rooms, J. A, PATTERSON Manufacturing space. 130 S. 15th at. wcntraiiy located MERCHANTS' RttlLDINO it TCnnTir -Tit htiit-mt Very desirable offices: heat and light. CHESTNUT ST. 024 2d floor: large sijylUM: poofl space ior arcnurri. lis.v r.c i,r -r.o, IU1 0r,nm . ,nn Sanom at. Profelnnal OfTlrrs PROFESSIONAL RUtLDlNa. 1831-3.1 Chestnut at.; n few anltes f-r phvslclans or dentists J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and JSth. W1VST PHILADELPHIA, MERMAN IJROS.. f.010 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores. NEAR OOTH ST "I." STATION For rent or aile. Business Properties nnd Plnres A FINE COKNI'.ll STORE TOR DELICATESSEN AND OROCERY SEE MATTHIAS AROUT IT 11 N. n'.'D ST. STORE AND FIXTURES, 4022 Market nnd near L station, rent J27, , JAMES N. MITClfET.L. 40?hanJLllnj!;XL . OERMANTOWN , DETACHED, dwelling, 13 rooms, 2 baths. 8.lt&. TOUntSON.70H.Royer8t .Oln. 1820 C". PRICE ST 0 rooms, nil modern con wnlenccs, porch front: rent J1S per montn. Key at lain i; rnco st. 30-DWELL1NOS, 11 ROOMS Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 S. 12th. . PENNSYLVANIA BURUIlBAN. RROOKLINE Urand new, . dwt,5n'Vn7r'ta bo water heat, eectr. : larae lots, 120 110, 2,0 upV J. ELMER WATTS, opp.RrookllnaJRiii ROSE VALLEY 10 minutes' walk from . Jtoylan Stntlont comentent to both Philadelphia, and Cheater; attractive home; has hot-water heat and everv other mod. ronv.; 8 "oonV8rrnJ,."1' per mo. WWtMldoAJdM:aJiMnJlftthLiIlPi OWNER will rent lery desirable suburban 12- room dwelllnf: ltrlcltv. a-. hardwood floors, etc.; old shade; near station lt'"aln road: J00 per month to responalbls party. E 033, Ledker Central. MAIN LINE. IVIL.1L. Ill RT PAUL'S ROAD Ardmore, 12 rooms. 130. "WALTER RASSETT SMITH. 0100 Woodbine ave.. Overbrook. NEW JERSEY SF.ASIIORE OCEAN OATE. N, J For rent, benclfront bungalow, boat Included: reasonable. T. JL Ramcr. 1323 N. l'rarler t., Wrat Phlla. FOR RENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT H1LT. SEVERAL desirable prop. for summer ecaaon. MINTURN f. WRIOHT CO. Morris miuuing. HCRURHAN. TOR RALANCE OF SEASON gg'niSi'S iW!n3i3?L!!: NF.WJERSEV SEASI I ORE. DESmARLEC',COTTAOE. fully fvVli'. reasonable: season or year. Apply 417 l a clflc ave. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTqAOE Bo It first nr second If .you dealrn efficient Servlcci ! quick and satisfactory results and m0dCALL.hIMION"E OR WRITE TO 1M "Your mortgage will bo as good as placed." NORMAN S. BUERWOODJ411Walnut st. rrniiT RLDO AND LOAN AssociATioriM WITH PLENTY OF MONEY TOR 1ST, 2D AND SPLIT M0RTUAOE3 IN ANY SECTION OF THE CITY. NO PREMIUM CILUIQES. WILLIAM JAMES KEOOH BOO LAND TITLE RU1LDINO FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND srRINO PARPEN nn rrr tn(lflft To loan on real, estatj security: Immodlats Mlttawnt. payabh, -red. 133 8. 12TH ST. rin5T and eecond mortgage money: also ad vanca money for garages and building opera lions! L 717. Ledsor OIUco. ""arUMnAUGU.-ARlElt. INC. wtnl4 AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS FIRST ANUjo,f Q? WILLIAMS BUCCESSOlt TO LEWIS H. REDNER MONEY FOR MORTGAGES UllOnASU SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W II HOOD f.l2 W. NORRIS ST. T-frK-nt for first and second mortgages. FUND S ior T'JlNUKi 1L.0l Cheatnut st. ;-, nnn TO INVEST In first mortgages, In sums ' ffom llOOOtrV also hulldlng association money Aorr."snni,DELft'c6a; 4th and Caliowhllll ata. ...-T,Tinl T FUNDS FOR FIRST AND WUXVXVUlJ-iLl SECOND MORTQAGEa B53 N. 17TH ST. TToo. J20ii to ir.ooo to loan. LEWIS ft CO. S50 1 227 W. O Irnrrt ave. MONEY FOR MORTOAOE3 MO' iiooo to iioo.non enn A. FRITZ. HOT Land Title Rldg. i iiiuk i.-itNns , -prRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES I -V-.-M 11ARR. 8th and Qaklane. VrliqT:FlTNnB FOR FIRST MORTOAOE TRUST f.-pft'-jNt-HS i STETSON u A 1.' -"- ---- - -.-. -V 1 l, .MOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ALL a"''" Quick Answer. MAURICE II MATrllNHEH. Rl. Eat. Tr Rldg. i-nvim-OlTiST AND 2D MORTGAGES 1-UNUS u" A'NV ajioUNT . .. J POTTS ft THOMSON. 2JS21Frankfordave. -4Tt5FOiliSTANl 2D MORTGAGES UND3 M O TC1AOE3 FOR SALE, THEO E- SICKLES. 2.113 Oermantown ave. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13TII ST. -pimVVTE AND TRUST FUNDS "" i mm m J50.000 J. ED1WlRDLJUTC.2.mVllti!".L. LOAN3ON INTEREST IN ESTATES ' Heasonablo Charges john a. harry. j7 land title nldo, jJooooTTt.-fomortgages JOHN A. RARItV Bill Land Title Rldg. TJuirDTNGssoriATioTj and private TIOBERT J NAH1I. l"Ul uiuiaiit ni. Trt nd 2d mtga : bldg. and prlvata funds: quick '.d satisfactory r-su ts. moderute charges. CAM l mONKST.Tlli. 2811 Kenalngton ave. TiWNERS If our morttage has been called. I 'ill i tike It up: also 2d mortgage money. CHESTER DjlOlTNER, 1420 Cheatnut at. rrrs vfXNT MORTGAGES First, secoml or lint Funds fur rollateral and short-term loan. AREHNETHY. 133.8.12th. 2124 N. 5th. piinfTslTor flrl and wtond mortgages, any .mount col icllon of rents. 2 per cent Real "1"S bep"! JoKPh.Rleder. I2H Market s,. TSANSLarge or smairsums nn real est-. Rudiment now or mortgagee: loana on uiet- ilila latf. 'dEMPSKY jCO..J!lS.lll!: any'aMOUNT. ISOto J3000. to loan to real estate owners; not or mortgage. Arthur J. LVupold. J2l8Cheatnut. UFADY rUNDS for good llrst mortgages; bring cilIs"rLaPBPUOWN " CO., 217 S.Bro.d st. MONEY for llrst and aecond mortgages: building aisoclatlon and Instalment mortgage. Willi"- Wtncheater. Company. 1001 Chestnut at. wirrjns for flrat and" aecond mortgages, any amount! quick anawer. CHAS. W. MILLER. 401-407 ConiraonweaittiiHag. FIRST a.id 2d mtge or on note, any amount; low ratea; Immediate answer, r X. Delany, 1112 Lincoln Bide t Broad ndPenn Square. TlootTAND UPWARD to toan'on flrat mort n its. E 440. Ledger Office. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS You can get HO to 9204 from ua quickly, crlvately and n-Lhout ml tape If you ara F.ouMkeeplnj We are u NBV." CONCHRN. LlcENSEDAND BONDED. Your monthly paymuut on ISO U ouly 13 Your monhly payment cut 172 la only id wun micrt.ai av a I S par cent, on fl3-' U only til on ho 1 only ill Your monthly payment vm.tm ninmhlv oavment " "Tii: -.-..; . ,Zm ---. )fe 111 lUkr.I.I . m -. w... Sea ua. write ua or phona Walnut 4308. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 1S1 South Broad Street Second floor. Nxt to Forrt Theatre. Opao a a., m to, tf p. m. aturday C p. m. YOU CAN BORROW MONHY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. BTC. a rs:ri ifM T y. 4T3 " " 1H jjoy " .... IS RIBDER'S 128 MARKET ST iUOOB AVJ3. AND OXFORD ST 32D AND SOUTH STS MONEY LOANED to. h. of unsettled eatate F MARVIN 724 .A latere! bouuoc p Sui'h.-n Olrard Uulkkns -I S- l-lb c h- SCRAPPLE' 4 The Young Lady Across the Way Wo nsked the younir Indy across tho wny If sho thought n sntlsfnctory sub stlttito would bo found for gasoline and Ehe Bald oho Ruesscd they woro worklna; on It all rlcht as sho overheard her father speaking of an engine that went by Internal combustion. It Couldn't Bo Dono Father Two men got Into a flght In front of. tho bank today. I felt that ono was going to knock tho other's brains out, and I Jumped In between them. Son Ho couldn't knock any brains out of you; could ho, father? The Silly Mnn Cleo Yes. I told him that he had a terrible reputation for kissing girls against their will. Amy And what did he do? Cleo He eat there Ilka a booby and denied It! THE Wa5T IS tXT Vvl I WAITINU FOR, ME L i.' S'k;Vll-6D0w, J ' ' ' I X J BT IN )ft)j4'" V1 . tffJVWiJSgw'foA '! C I DON'T KNOW WrAT XIIuhxI ) ' 0 r0 aAf.TO HER SMEUAiK ( TSi MOW -WtT NtM 1 ' J MB A, WILL ION Qor.5,TICN! ) SOHE- I'D C,lM6P.flUI0M . f 'JJ W f THE PADtiED CELL , t 1 ' - , , . . . . . .- a THE VU.ATI0A1ISTS w Sears A freES0VEB I THE MOIWTAW5 1 ( TVirtR BACK Uv 1 1 I M)U ADVERTISED ? V Tn' BARM. V , " V X ) - Hrrvwm m THE BUNK OF A BUSY BRAIN THE EMBARRASSMENTS OF "WAR Outpost Sentry and Enemy's Scout (simultaneously) Haiti Hanovop Sentry 'Ere 1 I said It first 1 Overestimated Mr. Baggie Confound that tailor! Theso trousers are a mile too long. Mrs. Baggie How much ahall I turn them up? Mr. Baggie About half an inch. YET TO COME U . W JmWmWVmW f -U- 25fs zr OCCUPAT0NS CHEWNdfvl VaHlPPElVC'fcEA&V b6N'T VOUCftY DID THEf ABO i& m I tHU poor vntit I r Futile Experiment Brown How la it you let your wlfelsay? bke own. way so entirely? " $Jgjitr-;BC3'USBj J onto tried. t& atop'Ser, O