Yfwm $P&Q$SI&&& aeywwnwmii! '-mmigHpiiitmfD) w EVENING LEDGER-PHILABELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916. aHWrftfr Hiilm'iiiiimL, &&!&tiiW9K9f Ipw Mriiw"py kx---v - tftft K' f IT i tt BABYLONIAN CAPflVITY FOR SABBATH BREAKERS Insist Upbn Rigid Observance f Law Forbidding All Sports and Diversions on That Day MEKACE TO THE CHURCH A.Tlahvlrmlftn rnnHvl4vM ntntln ttiA Ttav David. M. Steels And the lnembers of hts eoftitreBatloh -who spend Sunday nt the Fresh-Air Farms of tha nplscopnt Church of St Luk nnd the Epiphany at Spring" field. In Delaware county. If they fall, to live Up to the observance of the Sabbath law as. prescribed In the act of 1794 of the Pennsylvania legislature. The punishment that violators of the Sabbath face Is de scribed as "Babylonian captivity" In the fflelal report of the Lord's Day Alliance f Pennsylvania. The captivity Is Inflicted unon those who fall lo pay the fine of $4 Imposed .upon ftnjr one "who snail use or practice any game sport or diversion whatso ever on the Lord's Day commonly called Sunday." The Rev. T. T. Mutchler, M.D., general ccretary of the Philadelphia Sabbath As sociation and an officer of the Alliance, de fended both organizations In an Interview today: Doctor Mutchler and the other officers of the Alliance and the Sabbath Associa tion were described as. "frankly speakln?. pack of fools" by the Rev. Doctor Steelo In Ills reply to Doctor Mutchtor'n letter of Jiroteet against the Sunday activities at the Fresh-Air Farms. "LIBERAL SUNDAY" A MENACE, The general secretary of the Sabbath Association sees In the tendency of the pub lic for a "liberal Sunday" a menace to the Church, because offerings, the main re source for maintenance, would be seriously reduced by declining- attendance. The clos ing" of candy stores and cigar stores on Sunday Is also necessary no part of the program. Doctor Mutchler believes. "It Is Important that children bo relieved from the temptation to spend their pennies In candy stores on their way to Sunday school," n report of the Sabbath Associa tion says. Doctor Mutchler asserts that the only ef fective way to prevent Sunday baseball, which he believes the most demoralizing Influence to, which tho public Is exposed op Sundays. Ts to nppeal to local authorities to nrrcst the offenders and put them In Jail If they fall to pay their fines. "A rigid enforcement of the Sunday law," Doctor Mutchler said, "Is ""necessary If proper ob servance Is to bo paid nnd the day re spected In accordance with the statute." AGAINST SUNDAY GOLF. On Sunday golf the Sabbath Association ays: "It Is reported that golf is being played on. tho Lord's Day In some of the outlying parts of our city and In parts of tho State Just beyond the city limits. As golf comes under the head of 'sports,' which nre pro hibited by la, we feel that Intelligent, thinking people should not thus wittingly desecrate the day and openly violate a known law. "Wo communicated with the golf clubs ao far as we could reach them, and In addition to our letter. In which we, appealed . to tnem to discontinue the Sunday game, we sent them copies of the law. We trust our appeal was given due consideration." Golf is played on Sunday at every club In and nearby Philadelphia. "It has seemed to us that moral suasion should bo sufficient to Induce these well-to-do people to discontinue this practice," the report continues. "Wherever these tames are played wo earnestly ask our friends to confer with those In charge and to urgo upon them to discontinue the Sun day sports." Of the deleterious effect of an open Sun day upon church revenue, the Lord's Day Alliance report says: "As a result of the open Sunday there has been a falling oft of church attendance, benevolent contribu tions and revenues for the support of tho local churches." Doctor Mutchler believes pedcstrlanlsm ts an exercise sufficiently Invigorating to re place any of the formt to vlilch tho Alliance and the Sabbath Association are opposed 'The Ideal Sunday, as I view It." said Doctor Mutchler, "Is attendance at church In the mojnlng for adults and at Sunday school for the children. In the afternoon let them attend Uio afternoon service In tha evening there Is nt mast churches an other service. This third should complete a full religious day for a well-intentioned Christian and his family. Between times he may Indulge In walking, a most healthy exercise, and one In no way conflicting with the proper observance of tho Sab bath." Funeral of the Her. F. A. Rosseau The funeral of the Rev. Fernand A. Itoa eau, treasurer of St, Joseph's College, who died yesterday n St. Joseph's Hospital, after a brief Illness, will take place to morrow morning. He will be burled from the Church of the Gesu. 17th and Stiles streets. Father Rosseau became HI last Sunday evening, and was taken to the hos pital, where he was operated upon for peri tonitis.1 tie was born In St. Pierre de Mallle. France. September 1, 1869, He was 11 years- old when htffcame to this country with his parents. STEAMSHIPS .VACATION TRIPS BY SEA rniLADELniiA to BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL fUa Sttirasrs. Low Fares. Rest Serrl Plan your vacation to tncluda Vlsest CeaslwUe Trip In tha IVarM.' Tour Book Fre on Request, Jklerclinti &. Miners Trans. Co. CJty OSlc. 103 ii. Vtn St.. Poll. CotAUlt any tlckst er tourist utst. PETEYOne or Two k- - a i? "INK, 1WC- I v. - - I KM IWftT DV JIVJ60E5 L- ) r.$55l CM& OP ) WT at i a.T 4?y7 f UM.VCLL IMV f f iSmfV0 I S;,e0 VHRSEJ' J ( ? TH.S -TV,,U6 ,s UJlllli ) tfk J i-.- 5MrTV4.3USTAS FAST 1 CAPT V --1 AIMPOOTaU AM' ViyOm y i-!f ... Ylt I BACVcTr. CoT mre. J-J ' THE REV. F. E. ROSSEAU, S. J. Treasurer of St. Joseph's College", 17th nnd Stiles streets, and n widely known member of the So ciety of Jesus. His death followed an operation performed yesterday at St. Joseph's Hospital. IN MEMORIAM BANDS. Tn loving memory of" our dear little aon, SIDNEY A. SANDS. Jr . July IS, 1012. .MAMA AND PAPA. Z3entln RARitrn. on July m, 1010. edward s. IIAtinRR, In his 8Tth year Funeral services and Interment atrlctly private rkom:. on July in, loin. Eugene rea- OLE, Relatives nnd frlenda, also Mnhavo Tribe, No 320. I, o. It M . nnd K A "hubert Coune II. No. 72H. O. of I. A . ore Invited to attend tho funeral service, on Thursday, at '.' n. 'n,. nt tr resilience nf his mother I2'i N 41st st Interment private, at Arlington Cemetery Rcmalna may bo viewed Wednes day evening. rlakk o-i July in into, george ellen. wife of Joseph Mike, aaeil OS sears Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday. July IS. at 8 p m pre cisely, nt her late rvaldouce. 2025 N Huh at. Interment prlvnte. CARTON. Suddenly, on July in. lDlfl. Rev JAMES J CARTON, rector of St Oilman's Church, Ardmore, Pu . In his 00th year. Rev. clergy, relatives and friends nit? tmltctl to at tend Inn funeral, on Thursday at St. Col man's. Divine orflco heglna nt 'I 3D a. in Sol emn Requiem Mass at 10 a m. Interment at St. Colmnn'a. COWPERTIMVAITE. On July t7. lOlrt. CAR niJNB P, COWPKRTHWAITFS. daughter of r.ll-i and the Into Levi R Cowperthvvalte, of Haddnnflcld, N J , In the .tilth var of her age. Due notice Hill be given DUNLAP. On July. 10. THOMAS J., husband nf the late Mary J. Dunlap. aged 711 jeara. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 11 a m , at hla late residence, M4 Prospect ave., Clif ton Heights, Pa. Interment private OA8S. Suddenly, on Julv in, 1010 MARY E. FRENCH, wife of George Ones. Relatives and f lends aro Invited to funeral services, on Wednesday, July 11), nt 2 p. m , at husband's residence HI N Ruby st. Interment pri vate, i HAOENHWHILER On July 17. 1010. at his I laie resui-nce. uiugway uouse. iirnati at ana Lettish ae . WILLIAM IIAOENSWEILKR. .aired 7n vears Due notice will he given. IMOCII. On July 17. 1010. WILLIAM: L., husbnnd of Kilia it Hiigvr Relutlvts and friends and all organizations of which ho was a member are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at 10 30 a m 'precisely, nt his lute residence. 1043 Old Tnrk road. Lognn, Phlla. Interment nt Doyleatown, Rucks County, Ta. AUto funeral. Doylestown papera please copy. HUTCHINSON At Atlantic City. N. J, on July in. 11110. WILLIAM A son nf William A and tho lata Sadie Hutchison, ngeil 22 ears Rclatlvea nnd frlenda are Invited to attend the funernl services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m . at tho Oliver It llalr llulldlnp IS-jn Chestnut st. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. LAMItKHT. After a abort Illness on July 10 into M4RIA. wife of OuMnvu Lambert, late of .4.1H Pirrlsh st , need 4"i years Relatives and friends also Court Pride of Nlcetovn No 2(11 P. of A., aro Invited tn nttend the funeral Mass. Wednesday, at 10:30 a. m at St. Uer nard'a Church Dorothy N J Remains may he viewed ut 16J0 Chestnu' at.. Tuesday eve ning. I.F.V1S. On July in. 1010. CHARLES E. LEVIS Relatives and friends, also Lucius STEAMBOATS ILiWOT MOONLIGHT EXCURSIONS This U the best season of the jear for moonlight excursions, when the evenings nre bright and btilmr. Hperlu! tickets every day except- Snts. nml Nuns. 25c nr.tiriu. hates Ulllillngtnn Kte.. B0e: ilncl.. 30c. Cheater Esr.. 23c: single, 13c. ALT. IIOATS hTOP AT CHESTER IVENNSOHOVE. N. J.. Connections on Wilmington Uhnrf. nnnts leave Chestnut it. Wharf 1 v umiiigion tinny v Miniiay, 7:10, viirtf. iu-oi .. .!.; is .11.. 1-3U a.uu, 4:o. ii'uu. 7't'U, n;3U a u:su i-. .ii. 0 and 7 P. 5f. lloats return same evening. IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c BTOPPINO AT CHESTER DAILY PENNSGROVK WKEUDAYri ONLY Only boat to AuguiUna Ueaeh. Landing la front at Unite, rials salt water bulhlur juu sanitary bathrooms. UANUNO ALL DAY on boat Si grounds, rienti tables, benches and shade. Artesian water. Fare $K 50c Children 8,u 25c Learts Areh St. Wharl 8:30 A. M. D.Uy, Sunday 0:00 A. M. JIAMK3 K. OTIS. Mgr.. 3 ARCH STREET I? More Lunches Will Wear vmu (Ffa5S-ifl ' y i ' Ortk). 10-30 ,. m.i 12 .11.. 1:30 A ft 3.00, 4:10. 0-00. 7-00, 8:3U I J & 0:30 p. Jl. ' ivA B and 7 P. JL lloats , v, return same evening, j V - i'i sasafTTiril tlhATHS Bc&t T,odse, No 812. P and A M.. of Che, ter Pn nre Invited to attend the funeral services on Thursday, at 2-80 p m.. at tha ill1.';P'',, f Ma sister. Mrs R. M Ingram. SOI Wynnewoed rend, West Philadelphia. In ternum at Union Cemetery. Walllngfnrd, Pa. ATIKVr At Rerlln, N. J , on July IT. IfllO HELEN A widow of S, n Carlton Mathers, need 77 Senfe Services and Interment at Schncctady, j? y on Wednesday. 3IISU. -On .Tnly If) 1010. at Clementon. N. J., MASON PHYS1CK. eldest son of the late John W and Emella K. Mian, formerly of Lebanon, Ph. MtLMN.On Julv 1(1. lnlrt. BAH H "MULLIN nee itoyl). widow of Patrick Mulltn. Hela lives and friends are tmited to attend the funeril on Thursday, at 8 so n, m , from her IfttA residence. 2fMt TV flaarAaM St. RftUmn Requiem Mass at tho Church of tho Nativity at 10 a m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery, NEEL. On Julv 10, lnlfl. CLARA, wife of Harry, A P. Neei, M. D Duo notice nf tho funer-,1 will heTtiven, from her lato residence, .1002 Dlsaton st , Taconv riOT. On July 17, 11)10. TRANK PIOT. ated 03 years Notice of funeral will bo riven from his lato residence, 1041 N SSth st. ROtN.SE.U'. On July 17, HI10. nfttr n short Illness, Rev. FERDINAND A ROfHSIJAa, In bis 47th year. The reverend cleriry, rela tives nnd friends and members of the Catholic Alumni Sodillty nro Invited ts attend tea fu njral. on Wedneslay, July 10, at the Church of, the flesn 18th and Rtlles els. Divine ortlee will bepln at 0.10 n. m, follovved by Requiem Mass at 10 a m Interment, nt Holv Cross Cemeterv Automobile fune-nl SNOWDEN. On July 10 llitrt EVIJM du-h. ter of the late Dr nnd Mrs John W. Snowden, of Hammonton, N. J. STACKIIOfSn. Oil July IB, IltlO. CHARLES A., husband of Emma Allco Rtickhouse Rein, lives and friends nlso vestrymen of tho Emanuel P. E Church nrd einploves of Will tarn and Hnrrv Itowlind Company, aro In lted to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p m , from hla late residence, aim Rhawn .st . llolmeshurK Services nt the Kminuel P E. Church nt 3 p m. Interment private. THOMSON, On Monday, Julv 17. 1010, at Juliet, III , CLEMENT RUTTER. son of the Into Misin nnd .Mnry A Thomson, of New Yo-k, nnd urandson nf the late Clement S and Letltla Hutter of Philadelphia TVI.KIl. On July IB, 1010. Mrs ELtZADETH SUMMER RESORTS CAN.UIl Wiacpra io fhe Sea In the Thousand Islands ''AifraithtTetnreek,lil4apoaliUnrlie "Eternity." Up-to-date Canada Steamship ia itailil bc7ut'" "". ' Hotels nt Murray liny nnd Tadousac. Every lieur lias Its revelation or beauty. P''f"" To Montreal and return, - II8JS5 crandeur nnd historic interest. 800 miles of N'g'?'" Jo Quebec and return - - 90 lakes, rivera and rapids. Tho trip Includes rallu ToSaBuenayRlverandreturn,34J3 theThousand lslands,theexclttnc descento Snd o poatagi for xllwitratei boolctit. map and the tnarvelaus raptds. Montreal, Quaint old gu(Jt to JORIf F. PIERCE, Ant. Pan. TraQe Mcr., Quebec, and the famous Sacuenay River, CtDkdsltsraiolpLini, H.A 0,Bldg,,&fontrsl. with Its stupendous Capes, Trinity" and Cini.ii. CA"MABA STEAMSHIP .LITrTTEa ' mmKifHmsvmBamu?missLsvfwarfWMKm ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. IHF I F&DINr: IJF;n:jT xmri nr -rur un-ir r fflartaouii'Muint ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. OWrlCflSHIP MANAGEMENT. JOSIAH WHITE t. SONS COMPANY NEW HOTEL MERION rinftooF ..Yem1nt Ase near Reach. C'npaclty 800. High class J3 r.O up dally. Special neeklv-. CIl PRETTYMAN.Prop. il L l.-ARI.EY'jlgr. HOTEL GLADSTONE Drlehton Ave., en Ilcacli. Atlantic City. N. J. (In exclusive risidentlal section) Under new managem't. McGronrty & MtUroarty. RISLEY'S I015 Roardwalk.-twItT 1 .m!T t-7,-7 Tnrk Bt- European plaft Jl up dally. I ronts on ocean. Kres bathing privileges" 1VILIIWOOD, N, J, .SAVOY '"tn front, running wuter: prlvatt v -i. Latn Cap ;, Amo u. J( ,..,..,., bWARTHMORE. PA. Strath Haven Inn ',H'i!. uli oC, u,u .., . .Lncland-- Hn Great. , Now oron pk. i-r,K. ,.;"""" r.ow open Phon. hwarthmor. U7 J. B 7 acation Guid FREE The Ledger Guide is a 76-page book con taining half-tone illustrations of many of the better hotels and facilities' offered by each; de scriptions of trips by rail or water to the most popular recreation centres in the United States and Canada. Call at Ledger Central, Chestnut Street at Broad, or Main Office, Sixth and Chestnut Sts. There is a drug store near your home that is a Ledger Branch and has a supply of Guides for neighborhood distribution. Ask your druggist, qr phone Mr. Perkins, Walnut 3000, for nearest branch. Petey Out HEATHS O TYLER Funeral en Wednesday, at 2 p. m , from the parlo a, of Oeor.te chandler Paul Pons 1331 North lsth at. Interment at Liurel Hill Cemetery UNItLi:. On July 17, 1010. ALICE M. UNKLB. Relatives and friends or the family nro re spectfully Invited to attend the fnneril serv ices, nt her late residence,, 710 N., Highland are. (Wlnterwoed road), oft Thursday, at a P. m. Interment private. TANI.EER. On July 10. 1019. MILTON S.. son of Ellsworth and Mary Vanleer, aged 14 years, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the r-ineral on Wcd-esdiv July 10. nt 11 am! from hla parents' residence, lis! Kenwood I. ' ,' i,,nJ"JJ . N , '"terrnent private, at Harlelgh Cemetery. Frlenda may call Tues dar nf!r 7pm WIlON. On July 13. 1010. W. HOWARD, son oi me i'iiu .jtjiiii mi. t iii'.o it iiiid. I(e-ves and friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. n st his inio reajui-iitc ,,ii i. iiiiii pi. in nterment prl- vote, at -vit. Jiorian vjemetery. aervlce Automobile PERSONALS ALL PERSONS contemplating a. Week-end trip or extended vacation ahould secure n free copy of the ldirer's Summer Resort fluid on the balcony at Ledger Central nr at the Main Of fice of the Ledgers, flth and Chestnut ats. TtNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAPH CO , ISM Chestnut at, Lisor Joseph, Miss Rertha FIs ter, Jam's Maibrrry, Emma J. Downs. Fran cisco Rota, Harry Rchvvarts, J L Custer, Anna Wagner Amanda l'leedlove. Con T Kennedy, Ed Kirk Atlam. V If. Hwnyze, Adott Vnlentlne. Miss II V Wently, National Waste Co , W T Hayes Monohan ft Co.. Mrs Freddie Msgruder, H K Mulford, Tay lor Rros . Murray Gibson. Itnb't E. Clark, CHud Ramaaur, Potseh and Peterson Perry II Whltslt Annie Mlchaeis. W A Ilrnwn, Sltrag Ooalanll. J D. Poite, Wllmot S S Co . R M Michael. Miss Sophln Rond, .Mrs Jessie Rspp, A. E. Nale POSTAL TELEORAPH CAHLE CO , 1421 S. Penn si. Miss Ethel Mllles. Mr. C L Ollfen, Jacob Willson, Mrs Loulaa Williams, Chester It. Waller, Louis Diamond. H Earl Ogden, Mrs Morv llrenner. Fehaplro, Mrs Theo W. Heath, Angelo Fragnlala, Mr Jack Dillon. SUMMER RESORTS PANADA ATLANTIC CITY, N. atiantic crt-r-ir hag act a tvpw) atnnrlarrt orseirice.comlbrl.fjbeauri) LA-IOES r t -IRXTKXr JUiOXT HOTU, IN THJ aW iij.wrsn7wyr" "yiatf HO'iEL AKL1ISGTON tf?- Opn all viar. R. J. OSRORNE It SON.' bTONK IIAIlIlOlt, N. J. STONE HARBOR noth railroads. Farm products and sea food fresh and plentiful ity conveniences Yatht club, boardnulk. bathing, tins fUhlng. cruhblni; and boating. Reasonable rentuls. moderute hotel rates Beautiful booklet. LEO MU'HAVEN. Uoroush Clsrk. POCONO MOUNTAINS Dcliivvurtiynter Gap, Pa. THE NEW KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATER OAP PA Only litgh-cluss modern hotel In Oils famous region. Capacity AMD. Lvery modern equip ment; exceptional culalne, French chefs. Orches tra. Oo f. tennis, fishing, etc. Cafe and grill. a roea Hnanl al daslu aau-maana. -. kMtlas A ---. .w. uin.iai t.i Dcaauii iiitcoi mJUSttg. niiu "!" maps mauen uoacnea meet trains JUll.N PURDY COPE. 10 leara of Water Gap Houi.. JLCVirif r$RMK MR) ftntffr LOST AND FOUND er Other Ixt nnd round Ada flee I'nire 1 PUPPY Iost Monday morning, 8-months-old Airedale puppy, male; liberal reward Phoni qhestnut Hill 803. FOUND Ah easv way to plan a vaetlon. "Se cure a copy of tho 70-page Summer Resort Guide published free by the Public Ledger. Get It at Ledger Central or tho Main Office HELP WANTED FEMALE RANK WANTS SERVICES OP GOOD STE NOGRAPHER! apply by letter, giving partleu Hrs ns to general education and experience. D 130, Ledger Offlce, t CHAM1JERWORK and waltlns and to assist In caro of 3-jea--old boy White girl, In ,Oak Lane, reference required. Phone Melrose 1301 J, . . COOK, white or colored: best reference. 3021 Queen lane. Clermantown. Call OlRt, over 10 wanted for light worki no experience necessary! IS week paid while learning; Apply ,310 N. 32d M. OIRL Half-grown white girl for light house work: good home to refined girl: muat sleep In Poplar 0489 W . OL1L, upstate, for general housework: good" cook: reference. Apply 111 E. lhlgh nve. HOUSEKEEPER (working) Lady llvlngTalone wishes pleasant woman to toko entire charge of home: also do mending: reference required H nin, Ledger Ortlee. HOUSEKEEPER (working) general housework girl: fi or reliable white omtly 3 adults: ref reo.ul-ed 413 Linden ave Hiverton, M. j. HOUSEWORK Wanted, nent white girt, not over 30, for general housework: $7 per week; want ono who wants to go to Ocean City for balance of summer and who can po with the family on Wednesday. Apply 020 S. 40th st. HOUSEWORK Renned white girt wanted by family of 2 adults In nearbv suburbs: pleasant surrounuines Tciepnonc upruce m HOUSEWORK Mlddle-aged P-ot.; family. 21 good homeref required. 2722 E. Huntingdon. IRONERS on press machines. Miller, 10 Reed street. , LACE WINDERS, ex. Apply John Bromley 4 aons.i,eniEn ave. oeiow front. MrDDLE-AGED WOMAN of fair education and good address: roferencea required: permanent position: aalory 121 a Week with Increase If suitable. D 80. Ledger Office. . MODEL so rust, ron coat and butt SALESR005f APPLY 813 FILMERT STREET. OTH FLOOR. STRAWIIRIDGB k CLOTHIER NURSE or mother's helper (white) for baby sear old, to so to Pocono Mountains, Thono Qermantnwn O.-i . NURSE Experlenred colored woman for child S i eara old II 024, Ledger Office. OPERATORS, experienced, on collarette ma chines, steady work. Hygienic Fleeced Under- vvear Co aZ4 1 n r( nowy ra. STENOGRAPHER, over 20 yeara old, experi enced taking dlctntlon direct or notes, neat ap pearance, state age. experience, references, EB4S, Ledger centrnt STENOGRAPHER and general office work: ex perience unnecessary, high school graduate preferred, salary 10. B 01)1, Ledger uentrai. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, for contractors office, slate salary wanted, references nnd earliest tlmoavaUabe. B .pf3, Ledger Cental,. STENOartAPHER. experienced. Apply I. P. Woll fj churchnnd Tnconysts., rkd, STENOO and tvpewrlter, suhstftutofor 2 wks. Siiplee-Recve-Whltlng Co., 12th and Cherry; TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Rsll Telephone Company offers positions as operators to In telligent young women between IB and 22 Sears old, salary 10 n week vvhllo learning, with rapid advancement; a steady position assured, vvlth pleasant au-roundlngs and un usual opportunity for promotion. Apply In person to the H"ll Telephone Company's opera tors' school. 400 Market st., dally between 8 30 n m and 5 p. m Tuesday nnd Friday evenings between 7-30 and 8:30 o'clock. YOUNO 'WOMAN. Catholic to collect: some ex perlenco necessary. Room 314. D2q Chestnut. THE WOMAN'S INSTITUTE wants two women with personality and convincing- manner for publicity work. Apply before 12. Supervisor. 1000 Chestnut, 2d floor. HELP -WANTED MALE RLACKSMITH'S HELPER wanted for heavy wagon worki steady position; good wages, Apply E, II. Vare Co.. 3300 8. Droad. BOILERMAKERS Wanted, men with experi ence on ship repair work. Apply John Pauley Iron Works. 314 B. Delawaro ave. ROY wanted In office of largo Philadelphia man ufacturer: opportunity for advancement, Ad dress P 321, Ledger Office. RRAKEMEN, for out of town, at once: good wages; no strike. Apply in person, Penna, It. R., 1711 Filbert st. CAR REPAIRERS, ear builders, blacksmith helpers, boltermaker helpers, machinists. Ap ply Ilaltlmoro and Ohio Free Labor ltureau, BIO S 11th st. CARPENTERS, hlckon ave. Apply Mldvate, 4300 Wlssa- CHAUFFnUR, married: must be strictly tem perate, n careful driver nnd thorotiKhly under stand his position: wife to board second chauf feur and stablemen: permanent position: apply Jn writing- Address !t.W. H.juSt Dav IcTsPa; COLLECTOR. Catholic, experienced smnll week ly Instal's , sal. 110 and com.; smalt caah bond required W, O'Shea. 133 Real Est. Tr. Did-. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR wanted, afate age, salary and experience. M 840. Ledger Centrnl. FIREMEN, for out of town, at once: good vvnuea, no strike Apply In person, Penna. is it , uu i-uoert at. . FOREMAN PAINTER wanted for shipyard: one famlllir with handling all the depta. of the trade. Apply Pusey-Jones Co.. Wilmington. Del. FOROEMEN Helpers on 2Viton hammers, heaters, leverinen nnd drivers; steady work: trnod wages no strike. Henry Dlsaton ft Sons, Tjenny, Phlla . Pa FURNITURE SALESMEN MEN WITH FIRST-CLASS RELL 1NO EXPERIENCE APPLY AT BU REAU OF EMPLOYMENT, 4H FLOOR. STRAWHHIDQE & CLOTHIER GARDENEn Wanted, flrst-claas gardener for seashore estate, experienced In hot house work nnd caro of trees atate age, experience and reference. P H2S. Ledger Office. UILDER, first class, one who Is accustomed to handling gold leavea In sign shop; good oppor tunity, steady employment, Ilrllllant Mftr. Co., 11)17 Ridge ave. HELPERS on sheet metal work, 2023 Washing, ton ave KNOX Hand and machine blockers for stiff and soft hats (randand St Markajiye., Rrooklym N.Y L.i'DSCAPE MAN to represent first-class nur sery, good proposition. La Points Nursery Co., Geneva. N. Y. MACHINIST and licensed engineer; steady em. ployment at $25-128 per week for capable man vvltn general knovvledge-of machinery and oil englnea. reference required. .Apply 120 East AUen at. MACHINISTS AND AUTOMOBILE REPAIR MEN wanted, goo! wages and permanent vvork for reliable men. Apply between 0 nnd 10 o'clock mornings, AUTOCAR EMPLOYMENT UUREAU. 23D and MARKET STS. MACHINISTS WANTED Men with experience on planer lathe and boring mills: no labor trouble Apply John Raliley Iron Works, 514 8 Delaware ave. MACHINISTS Several general machinists, toot- makers & milling manbjne hands. Apply Indus. trlal Mfg Co., 117 Federal atCamden. MEN and women wanted with experience ' In handling sile crews. SPRAYOL CHEMICAL CO. 641 North 15lh st. MEN wanted, freight handlers, to truck freight nt freight station: whlta or colored. Apply 1711 Filbert at. after T a, m. ... .. tin ;. a ittit'H'n i- HELP WANTED MALE CanllnwHt from Preceding Column MEN WANTED -La borers nnd, loeom ttv cleaners, p. R. n co. Call 1711 Filbert st fter7 n in. OFFICE HOY, oVer 10 sears. &w office, neat In appearance nnd be able to write leslhlv, atnte nge. residence and amount of schooling. B ,1)44, Ledger Central OFFICE "HOY wanted for renf estate olTlee; one with high school education preferred: state age nnd salary expected.P500, Ledger Office. I'APEIl lloxUt? Ilov vvintcl "er,ere,rr-d en c'nee cutter. Apply schoeltle, 310 Florist at. FAPER SALESMXN, exper. In high grades: re. Piles considered confidential. D 128, Led. Off. SALESMAN wanted to handle a quick seller In the vicinity of Philadelphia. SPRAYOL CHEMICAL CO. 041 Nofth 13th st .,, SALESMEN FOR FURNITURE MJRJ WITH FIRST-CLASS SELLING EX PERIENCE, APPLY AT HUHBAU OF EM PLOYMENT. 44 FI.OOR. 8TRAWI1HIDOB A CLOTHIER. SALEHJIEN--Wonted, a few first-class sales pen: blg'profltsi quick seller: pleasant work: ''" w Kenu-mcn HI-J HAYOL CItEMICAL CO. on rsortn intn st. SALESMEN wanted who have had experience In Handling department atores and largo buyers SPRAYOL CHEMICAL CO. - . nil North 13th at. SHIPPER experienced In waist factory: only a man capable of taking complete charge need answer: perm, pos t good sal. Haney, Kuttner 4 Jtanb, Goodman Illd., Juniper nnd Vine. SJPN,vn,TEn, first class, wanted; good oppor iV,llyiJMdy employment. Brilliant Mfg Co , "oijiigiB ave.. STAtlLEMEN"t4 wanted, white or colored, fof - ".'"I ,worK arounn noraes. Apply in rerson S?Jiy-'etter. H. K, Mulford. olenolden, Pa. STENOGRAPHER, young, able, energetic and correct: also hilling and generally assist In of- f1e:perm : JIanayunk mill. M 830,Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER. IS to 20, UfeTlnsurance com- V"-, Roon opportunity tor advancement, u 0S.Ledger Of0ce. STOCK ROY experienced In taking charge of raw rnaterlal. Haney, Kuttner & Raab. Goodman Illdg., Juniper nnd Vine. TRUST COMPANY wnnta man. not over 43 Veara old, as watchman and runner; must hnve A No. 1 reference. D 032, Ledger Office. YARDMEN wanted to take caro of grnlnfed hpgsi steady work: good wages to start... Ap ply In. person or by letter. H K, Mulford. Olenolden. Pa, YOUNO MEN between the ages of 18 and 81 Who deslro to trnvet nnd tn receive military training as memhem nt th ra or the nrst imo oi tne apply at 1400 Arch at.. eniintrv'a ,!fnd nnni, - Philadelnhlit. Ps . fnn rftallM Inrn-maltnn ra. gardlng enlistment In the U 8, Marine Corps. flenernl ATTRACTIVE openings for bkprs , clerks, sten ographers, drnftemen.etc.for high-grade men. UU8INE88 SERVICE COMPANY 1301 Land Title Rldg. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE DOOKKEEPER. experienced, best reference, desires responslbleposltlon. E 830, Led, Cent. DOOKKEEPER or clerk; absolutely competent: reliable characterj-eferenco E 843, LedCenL CHA.MP.ERWORK Private family: aleep In: ref eMnco. Call or address IIS N. 18th st. CHILDNURSE, German Protestant, experience, wun ret., wishes position. II 022, Lcn. urt. CLERK General office work, typewriting, stenography; 47. Central. Knowledge of E 841, Ledger COOK English rrotestant: excellent cook: good reference: go anywhere. Call Tuesday, 10 to .12 o'clock. Room 205, 008 Chestnut st. COOK Downstairs work wanted by reliable colored woman; country. i 1043 N. Clarion. OIRL wants housework, small adult family, suburbs or shore preferred. Call 4032 Spruce. Raring 7003 J, HOUSEKEEPER (working). American, Prot estant, with daughter 12 years old; good ref crenco: ready for place. 4724 A st. HOUSEKEEPER for prleat'o house; country pre- ferred JI023, Ledger Office LADY'S MAID, German: good seamstress: ref- erences. Phone Ken. 4588.12I3 N. Franklin.. LAUNDRESS by day: willing to take -work home." Call 1002 Titan st. NURSE (infant's), hospital training-, desires po sition: best ref. H 018, Ledger Office. NURSERY GOVERNESS. Trench ref . wishes position; music; beet refs D 118, Ledger Off. NURSERY icoverness or mother's helper, Enir llsh: French nnd music. II 020, Ledger Office. NURSERY Boverness, Germ. Prot. : refs. Phono Ken. 4388. 1313 North Franklin. STENOGRAPHER, quick, accurate, knowledge of bookkeeping and flllmr; wlllln&r to substitute. rill 8. loth at. Thone Spruce- 3401. STENOGRAPHER tleuinner trained to do neat, accurate work E 4.12. Ledger Central. WOMAN wants General housework, with rcfer- ence.Cnll 1230 N. 10th st. ADVANCED "MUSIC STUDENT, "several yeara' teachlnc experience, wants position as assist ant to lady teacher: familiar with bookkeeping: Al In household management: ropible: will ing: remuneration secondary to further muslo study. Address II 021. Ledger Office, SITUATIONS WANTED-IAIiE ACCOUNTANT Public accountant will open, close and audit booka for small firm and cor poration, cost system Installed: charga reason able P 427, Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT and offlce manager, thor. ex perienced In factory accounting, desires nosl Hon: moderate salary. D 12B. Ledger Offlce. ACCOUNTANT, expert, mlddlo aged, HI jeors" experience with best firms, desires position with first-class concern K 054. Ledger Cent. ADVERTISING MANAGER Young man capa ble of managing advertising department de sires to connect with reliable concern; whole or part time n mu, i.enger uentrai ItnnitKKEPKR nr assist.. II. S grail.: nutck and accurate at figures P BOA Ledger Offlce DOY. colored, to work around store or run errands UK L.. tlfll N42d st. CHAUFFEUR Thoroughly reliable, married, white; 0 yeara' shop and road experience on first-class cara, reference. Poplar 2203 W. CHAUFFEUR, white, married, desires position: 8 yeara' experience; good reference. 1547 Tucker at CLERK, atenography. bookkeeping, typewriting, English and German; experienced; business col lege graduate: tlrst-class references, married, Protestant E 040 Ledger Central KN-nlNREIt. elec: broad exn In povver plant work & sell'tf elec. appar's E 351 i.eq v.eni. ENGINEER, mechanical, having broad exp. In conault'g work & plant man E 312. Led Cent. HOTEL A capable hotel man. 2(1 years of age. o'slres a position as assistant manacer, room clerk, cashier, steward or assistant steward; best of references E 047. Ledger Central w MAN. good character, steady and dependable, with electrical and aome auto driving experi ence, wanta placo by August 15; employment agents, canvassers and Insurance brokera need not apply E 1)43. Ledger Central MAN, 37, Intelligent ami honest, not afraid of work, seeks a position which would cover tha hours from 3 a m. to about 12 noon. D 123. Ledger Offlce. OFFICE MANAGER and credit man Young man. thorough accountant, at preaent credit man for large wholesale house. Is considering change If an opening can ba obtained with a house offering bright future If ability war rants. E 837, Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGER and accountant desires po altion with responsible house, Al refs. and full garlic, confidentially given. E 745. Led. Cent. SALESMAN. 28, acquainted with dry goods, no tton. general store trade, Eaatern Penna.. Del aware. Maryland, also experienced In detail work tn mercantile business, open for change, E 743. Ledger Central. SECRETARIAL pos desired by expert stenog- rapher; good future; best refs. E851.Led.Cen. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, rapid, accurate, desires svenlng employment. E 735. Led. Cen. SUPERINTENDENT, manager or designer of textile mill would consider position aa sales man; has worked on all classes of elastto and nonelastlc fabrics, tapes, braid, etc.. and man ufacturing of artificial silk: familiar with all looms: Is open, for engagement In Phlla. delphla mill or vicinity, 5112 Spruce st. SITUATtONS WANTED MALE t'ftnrfitirni front rrtectlmg ColBmn, TYPIST, expert, will take dictation evenlngerl a-rnot r siorlhand micntiie B 04i, ld- ger Central WOOL or .woolens Thoroughly rrnctlcsl mdn. 20 sears' experience, se'ka suitable position: exceptional references D 103, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN! 10, high school gradu&le. assist ant booKkeiper, geiim onlre clerk tytewrltef! chance for advancement: experienced: good ref. from former employer. E 037, Ledger Central. YOUNCJ MAN. 22 years olt. weti educated, gen eral off lea work, wishes position In any office; good references Address W, A., 225 8. 3d ft., city. TOUNO MAN. 2, employed now, desires to make change i five years' bookkeeping and clerl- cal experience D 27, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. 10, wishes position at anything? . Hoffman, 1320 Arch at. STOP! LOOK! RCADI Young man, 28, tall, of unlmpenermhla charac ter, educated, commanding personality, gifted conversationalist, aeeks position. Inside or out side, with reputable roneern: 10 jeara' business experience: highest references, D 131, Led. OIL ELDERLY Christian man, active and -well, de sires congenial onloe position: has held re sponsible positions as manager, treasurer sec retary: competent and trustworthy to relieve om busy executive of burdensome details. K 0,10, ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT iGENCIES MISS ROSE DOUGHERTY, 1313 W. Olrard ave. Cooks, cnambermalda, chlldnurses. house work girls wnnt positions. Wanted, all kinds offlrst.clses help NICHOLLS, losn nnlnhriilge Comp. male and female help,' nil nationalities, supplied and wanted. Phoho Locust 2130 AUTOMOBILES For 'Bale CADILLAC. 1914 touring ear, overhauled and repainted; full equipment; price $830. AUTO . HALES CORPORATION. 142 N llroad St. COLE 8 Demonstrator. L. S. DOWERS CO.. 245 N. Droad at. COLE Distributors. REO 2-ton truck, chassis: good condition! bar . .gain. H. C. Adams. 2302 Chestnut st. '!?..F'AT B-passenger touring car; good con dition T. 11. Moore, 1 East Park nve., Mill bourne. Pa , 1010 MITCHELL roadster for sale: perfect eoa dltlon. Phone Spruce 200. ALL PARTS SCHORER. 8311-43 MARKET ST. SEND FOR FREE HULLETIN .. OP USED CARS OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. RROAD. AUTO LIVERX AND QAHAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 2420 N. HROAIl ST. AirTnrnTtlt.l-H rtv oihiitv tv- titmi- Diamond 0403. Never closed. Park 78. STAR TAX1CAD CO. PHONE. DIAMOND 74 TAXI TOURINO LIMOUBIND HALF np-.nrir.ATi iiatitij NEVER CLOSED. Formerly Jitney Rate Co, POPLAR, 1G1T To hlro tqpen day nnd night). Park 1482. brand-new fi-pass. touring car, $1.23 hr. ; nlso brand-new 7-jiaaB, limousine, tl.rjQ hr.i weddings, funerals 1713 O Irard. TO HIRE, $1.25 AND UP Toplar 213. Cnra of all makes Race 2241. CARS AND MOTOR TRUCKS to hire: picnics and long dletanca hauling. A Krebs, 3032 N. llroid st. Tioga -1001. HUT MOIHTER rortnble Oarages Steel of tuceo. On Display 3031 N. Bth. Tioga 2084. AUTO PAINTING THE 83 YEARS' REPUTATION OF OEO. W, PARVIS, Sr., Is maintained by the Son. QUALITY Is the Prlmnry Consideration. Prices exceptionally modest during July, GEO. W. PARVIS, Jr. 1321 AIRDRIE ST. "em.. AUTO BEPAIHINQ T SPEEDOMETER TR0UDLE3 T See HILLY, at his new locailuii. OlUftUUill ULIUAD Oi. CYLINDERS REUORKD, new pistons and rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. II. U. Underwood k Co.. 102. Hamilton st Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES - TIMKEN-nEARINOS HYATT New Departure Servleo Sta. The Gwllllam Co., 1314 Arch st Ph. Walnut 3407. Race 802. PARTS to build or repair, any car. Phlla. Auto Parts Co , 823 N. 13th. Park 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3300 miles. JCompare prices. GRIM'S. 240 N. Droad st. HOUSES THOROUGHBRED combination riding & driving mare, black, 7 years. Phone during morning Melroso (181. E 040, Ledger Central. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN EXCLUSIVE underwriting contract, capable of producing In cash profits more than ten times the capital employed, has been secured by a successful organizer who haa the experi ence, facilities and capital to carry out the contract In full. With a little additional cap ital, however, he can produce quicker and larger returns, and for that reason alone Is willing to dlvldo proflta with one or several parties who will add to the working capital already In hand Complete, confidential de tails to principals upon request. E 538. Led ger Central PA fit1. NTS 8en1 for our tree book, " "-L Ll 1N -10 "Patents and Trade-Marks.77 We will help you develop your Invention. Ad vice free. Reasonable fees. Opn Monday eve nings until 8:30 FOSTER & WEBSTER B.UITB MI- 1011 Chestnut st. Hell phone Walnut 1384. WANTED Executive for office manufacturing business, established nnd staple. After satis factory trial J10.000 investment required. Equalsharea. E 731, Ledger Central. RUHINESS MAN. experienced, wishes to Invest tsooo, with services. In some legitimate, es tablished business requiring additional capital for expansion. E 748, Ledger -Central. BUSINESS PERS0NAXS THE LEDGER'S Summer Resort Oulde for 1018 Is free; secure your copy before the supply la exhausted, on the balcony nt Ledger Central, t or Main unice. Bin ana cnestnut. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Dank reference. Appraisement, 1 per cent, HARRY W. SMITH. 717 Sansom st. EVENING CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest styles, Phone Poplar 235. Open evu. LEIDNER'S. 10th and Olrard ave.. H. W. cor. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Rldg. nnST T'lllCK.S naM for men's cast-off clothlnr. shoes, etc. Samuel Cooper, 1010 Olrard ave. i I'nona poplar ui.'. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANINO HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Rell Phone. Locuat 1080. WES8PIULA. WESTPHILA, WEST P1IILA. MONARCH 8TORAOB CO, 3c. PER YARD 8870-72 LANCASTER AVE. REAL CARPET REATINO. NO TUMBLERS USED. ROYER CO., 3300 N, 12th. Tioga 6200. DRESSMAKINU AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKING BY EXPERT MODISTE 807 Denckla Uldg., nth and Market ats. -n. S4 M -vs. .... I r t vi n-ii-T-ri-rMMhmnWTmr'mbmWili i nnn ri"-'""Tiitlii