Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 17, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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jnim,ipwpnyiiiiii iMJJljigpMm i UPWHH , lyWWMfl
TJBilm ' Adli 11 " j
Many Grown Women Who Are Qlever Enough to
Make Living for Themselves Think Two
Times Two Make Five
i . TS1 before yesterday I met two
XJ friend of tnlno heading', with an
JIAt at seriousness, as though on some
'6egp nnd portentous mission, for 13th
njl Locust streets.
, "Where- aro you off to?" I queried,
fcultlflff them In nhelr trncka.
To the Public Library," they replied.
We are In deep distress; also wo have
taken a resolution, which, though It
Muse us insomnia nnd Indigestion, wo
aW Rolng td put through. Wo aro going
to ' learn tho multiplication tnblo nnd
.we're looking for a book that will tell
3 how."
Then tho belated seekers after mathe
matical knowledge explained how by
their1 Ignoronco of long and short divi
sion and their tables they were actually
losing money.
"Yesterday," said one, "there was a salo
C our favorlto soap nt a nearby drug
ttoro. It was being offered for 8 cents
a, cake. We thought we'd taku about
Sine cakes. I wanted five and Lou four.
"'That'll bo 9G cents,' I paid to the
clerk, like n goose.
"I thought lie smiled peculiarly, but I
didn't know at what and to we paid him
tho 96 cents, having a fearful tlmo trying
lo figure, how much wo each owed pro
portionately. Finally in despair I paid
the whole thing, and wo went home to
Walt for Tom to come home and figure
cut how much Lou owed me. Fancy
our chagrin when, after a moment's con
templation of our problem, he ragged us
'"You llttlo fools, you really paid for
twelve bar of son p.'
" 'How do peoplo know offhand that
times 8 aro 72 and not 96?" Lou queried
L "Qo back to school nnd study their
multiplication tables,' was what Tom told
s. And that's what we're going to do.
t7e'ro going to learn how much 12 times
.1 and 6 times 16 Is or die In tho attempt."
With grim determination written on
their faces they left mo and J continued
toward tho bank for which I had started.
Arriving thr tVi first snnnrl flint
greeted my ears was the plaintive wall
f a fashionably dressed and to alt Intents
Letter to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Address all communications to M'l.lss. nrc or Hi- r.rlilmt Ledger. Write on one side
of ilie paper iinlj.
Dear ITLIsa neadln tho EvriiMl I.ctncH
the other night I turned to your pise ami saw
that ono of your readers would like tn have the
-words and music of the sonir "Alwave "
I learned to alne a sons- called "Alvas"
about IS years bko. and still remmlr the
worfls and the tune of the sonir. If A J would
like to have the words of the ennc I will s-nd
IU If not. try Delaney'a, Park now. New York.
Rrste publishers. JOHN JIcORUDPr.
3S43 Donath St.. Nlcetown, I'hll.i.
Another kind reader has "beaten you to
lH," and supplied A. J. Thank you very
Huch for the interest you have taken.
J7ear il'LIss A rood manv of the clrls thnt
X Know who are more popular than I nm nllnw
ttieur boy friends to kiss and huir them nt niRht
before they say "good-nlffht " The bos sera
to respect them, that Is to say, they take them
rrFANTILE paralysis Is preventable. It
is curable. The shrinking of the mus
cles of the legs can bo prevented.
And over against these facts we have
the following: The disease is epidemic In
some parts of the country. In these sec
tions the number of cases Is large. In
addition to recognized and reported cases
there are a large number of unreported un
recognized cases. Sporadic cases are being
reported In various parts of the country.
It is affecting grown people as well as
children. The country Is in a stato of acute
In the last 15 years there have been
many epidemics In various part3 of the
United States. In the sections where theso
epidemics have occurred there are thou
sands of persons with withered limbs.
Why Is it that these two groups of con
tradictory statements are true?
It must be because some known means of
prevention, cure and rehablllatlon are not
being made use of. Perhaps in this season
of alarm It may be possible to change our
customary methods of meeting this disease
Infantile paralysis has been known for
76 years. Although we have known there
was such a disease, and although physicians
were able to diagnose It, virtually all of
the Information on which prevention is
based has been gathered in the last ten
The virus of the disease Is a small body
, almost too small to see under the most
powerful microscopes. It will pass
through the finest Alters In use. It has
been grown on culture media, watched
and observed. With the culture thus arti
ficially grown the disease has been produced
In monkeys. Cultures made from thete
monkeys when grown and Injected into a
second set of monkeys have caused the
disease tq develop In them.
The virus is very resistant to hpat, cold
and drying Freezing does not kill it. It
can be dried and when again moistened be
comes virulent again. It lives very well out
side the bodies of human beings. In the
human being the virus Is found In the se
cretions of the nose and mouth': Perhaps
i xney are aiso iouna in me intestinal con-
f: ; tents as well
4 Af,Q luicuuuji t,oia iiuu ma iiuiiiiaii uuuf
Br? 4lirtii?i the nnsA and mnuth. Tr InaatAa
Lf' n thMA imlvIHah nnd m- nnt lr.iipl fur.
liter- Such persons are carriers. While
not sick, they are capable of spreading
the disease to others.
la ficnana who become slok from the
infection the virus passes from the nose
to tho spinal cord. When It reaches the
cord It Involves the membranes and es
pecially the nerve celU In the front part
of the spln.il cord. This particular area
tf tho cord, called the anterior horn, con
tsMns the curve eells which govern motion
through, the muaales.
The rule la that not all the front part
t the spinal cord or anterior horn Is In
vslved but only so much of it as controls
& muscles of the leg. The moat frequent
Jjbnfuttan s tWQ or three' Inches; of the an-
locaiea in aoout me small or the
In some cases the Inflammatory
involves the entire, length of the
nurd or extends to the brain.
Vrern Ave to ten days after exposure the
. iJiKj beglnr with foyer. The fever Is
High, usually Doing about 101 to 103,
' tt.'iu$b, iu soma cases it goes to) 105. The
$i3$ sats aoout j;u. in some cases were
4rt tQirUtliiy, diarrhea, headache, pains
iwuni thraugivoul the body
J. ihe. Buffalo eridemic m of the 170
-jUf.!Uj bjul ierer pive possibly cud not
i ft. j to U'3sa startea uau.- y who,
mr, hisia.cli. yaUi- &n4 vomaupjr In
nnd purposes nn educated, Intelligent
"Do I pay tho paying teller or does ho
pay me? Oh, why do banks have such
ambiguous terms as paying and receiv
ing tellers, nnd why Isn't there some ono
employed to bnlnnce one's check ac
count? 1 can never make tho thing
Sometimes I am Inclined to believe that
woman's Ignorance of things numerical
is feigned; that she assumes nn Icrnor
ance when she has It not, for much tho
same reason that sho clings when tho
dominant male Is around not bcCatlso
she doesn't know how to stnnd upright
on her own feet, hut because sho thinks
he likes that sturdv oak feeling.
Personally, however, I -ouldn't want a
man to hold a gun nt my chest and sny,
"Thirteen times snven nre how much; tin
answer or your life."
If ho said 12 times 7 I'd bo safe, be
cause I have a good memory, and at the
school whore I was taught wo lenrupcl
the multiplication tables up to twelve.
Hour nftcr hour we spent sing-songing
them with a monotony thnt was as sopo
rific as a bee's humming. Hut after long
years of prncticc the things were Indeli
bly Imprinted In my mind.
Modern pedagogic methods, however,
do not, I am told, include the multiplica
tion tables. A mere memory feat is dis
counted In a system which encourages
flash spelling nnd other seemingly tricky
ways of learning; tricky, that Is, to tho
mind not ultra modern.
If wo victims of a past and now In
glorious educational system cannot pro
tect ourselves from being cheated and
from being made laughing stocks In
banks, how about our younger sisters, to
whom tho multiplication table is as
archaic us tho dodo?
Will they develop a brnln cell that
shall do nothing else but perform feats
of additions, subtractions, multiplica
tions and divisions enough to keep a
little brain cell busy dny and night or
shall we find them, at some future date,
rushing off llko my unfortunate friends
to tho public library, bent on supplement
ing their 'primary education with a stiff
course in the multiplication tables?
around a whole lot Tho atria are srood nlrls, I
Icnmr. I nm loo shy fra let bns kiss me U-
elfl-s, I have alr-a.n felt that this was not nice
Uit rnnnw. of inv Rlrl friends who do hae n
much better time than I do Would you ndtl
m to follow th-lr extmpl so a to le as
popular as they are' A CAJIDKN OIRI,
A cheap popularity bought with clirnp
l;lses Is not worth having. The only kind
of hoys worth tuning for friends would not
think much of you If you permitted them
the liberties you say your friends allow.
It Isn't necessary to melt softly In order
to lie popular, nny more tlinrt It is neces
sity to freeze In order to be good. Don't
be an Icicle, Just be human and natural I
should advise vou to change your friends
rather than your hnblts.
In ."7 there was a two-day fever, then a
few days of health, then a return of the
fever and an onst of headache nnd general
pains; 31 had diarrhea. 66 had headache
117 of tho cases were drowsy nt the stmt;
54 hnil pains in the legs The neck was
stiff In a majority of the cases.
Doctor Itu"ell 1-nld the following symp
toms should make one suspicious of Infantile
paralysis In a time of epidemic: "Intestlnnl
disturbance of almost any nature without
definite cause, ahsocinted with ague pains
stiff neck, and drowsiness as a rule, fol
lowed by irritability and distinct tender
ness." To thefie symptom should be added
mild foer.
The aboio symptoms In ordinary tines
do not nu-un mui.li The probability Is
that they ivnuld bo trented by t!o pnrent,
who would glo a purgative and put the
patient to bed The probability in that no
doctor would be called in Many of the
cases never go any further than this Such
cases set well after a few days nnd no
paralysis follows. It Is right hard to con
vince tho parents that thehe mild cases
wem genuine cases of Infantile paralysis,
yet experience shows that it is from Junt
such mild cases that much of the disease
Is spread.
If the case gets a little worse the chnnco
Is that the family doctor will be called
In. The probability Is that tho family
doctor lias gotten his mental picture of
Infant paralysis from some seiero cases,
and, In consequence, ho tells tho family
there Is nothing to worry about, tho silli
ness Is a minor ill and will pass off in a
day or two .
On this point Doctor Russell says: ".Most
of the cases occurring during the Huffalo
epidemic in 1312 were not seen for bcveral
days by either Doctor Sharp or myself, as
the attendant phsiclan did not call for
diagnostic aid from the health department."
The cases that get well aftor a few visits
from the attending physician without bilng
diagnosed as infantile paralysis are very
apt to spread the disease.
One attack of the disease confers Immu
nity. Those who havo had the disease In
Its Aery mild form are protected against It.
That is the reason In times of epidemic one
child In a family will hae It seerely while
the brothers or sisters will appear to escape
It. The reason is that the brothers and
sisters have or haVe had a very mild at
tack, which the family diagnosed as a
cold, or a spell of indigestion, or maybe
No serum or antitoxin for this di.ene
has been discovered. The common method
of treatment Is to give hexamethyletiamiii
Theoretically this drug should be of no
service, but some scientists have found for
maldehyde In tse spinal fluid of patients
taking It, and Its use will probably con
tinue, on the theory that it will do no harm
and It may do some good
The statements made at the beginning
were that the disease was curable and
preventable, and that the after-paralysis
could be avoided The proof that It U
eurable Is that 93 per cent, of the oases get
well Nature takes care of the need fairly
well Methods of preenting the disease
and of avoiding the after-shrinkage of the
muscles will be discussed in articles which
will follow
Malted Milk
HioHisr awARO I fnp If '
SPOIVTS clothes of every description are very much to the fore, with stripes of various
widths conspicuous amon-4 then- Thli one. the popular Itusslan blouse model, fea
tures the favored combination of striped and plain effects, both of mercerized pongee
The stripes, In way of a change, rhow the broad stripes combined with groups of pin
stripes alternating The blju?e, w-Mch has a sailor collar finished with a faille tic. closes
at the left side, fastening -vitli pearl buttons. It conies Irt sand color, with rose, navy
or copen stripes, at .'.9S.
Sulphur bosket straw l fentund In this attractive sports hat, which has a flange
of white hemp and Is trimnifd with p white ratine band embroidered In colors harmoniz
ing with the brightly colored wool zephyr tennis rncriuets and ball, which Introduce n
novel touch. It may be orcUred In other colors as well for .".
The nnme of the shop where tmr articles may be purchased will bo supplied by the
Editor of the Woman's Van. Kvb.v.no Lcoacn, Mi Chestnut street The request must
Ve nccompanled'by a stamped sel '-addressed envelope, nnd must mention tho date on
which tho article appeared
Good form queries i7ioMfI bo nil
dressed to Deborah Hush, icriltcn on
otic aide of the puper cmd signed with
full name and address, though nilffnb
O.VZil" tcHl be published upon irqucit.
This column Kill appear in Jfoninj's.
H'eriMMrfflii's and Friday's Evening
Proper Signature
Drar Drbornh flush Will ou kindly tell me
hlher li l proper to flin one natne J
hoi. reBl-ter us Miry II fimlth or ns Miss
Mary II. Kmlth? I have alwnyj donetheloMer.
The proper signature for a hotel teglster
should have the prefix Mr.. Miss or Mrs , as
tho case may be It Is when signing one s
name to a letter that the Christian name
without a prefix should be ustd.
Letter of Condolence
near- Drbornh Bmi-Some time nco I noticed
In our paper a short but very ympathetle let
ter appropriate fr ndlnB to a bereaved fam
ily or prn on th occasion of a dentil.
Ju this mornlm: the little brother of a
rlrl nlth whom I have been aseoclattni; quite
resularly for about a year as run over and
h"l'fel It mv dutv to send this family ij letter
nprninc m sympathy ton nrd them In tills
b.rrav-ment. and should llko our nralstnnr In
tho matter " "
I have written you a letter Inclosing a
condolence letter which might be appropri
ate In this case.
AcknowJcdRment of Presents
Dcnr Prbnrah Winn Will ou klndlv publish
nn arknowledsem-nt for weonltin presents and
when Is the proper time to ai know IMg thmJ
K Ij. M.
A letter should be written by tho bride-to-be
as soon after the receipt)! the present
ns posslhle. Of course, as the time for the
wedding draws nrnr so many presents aro
apt to cnne at once It Is not always porslhle
to acknowledge them right au-av In this
case careful account of thoe which lu.e not
yet been acknowledged should bo taken and
letters written cither on jour wedding trip
or as soon ns possible after your return
The matter of acknowledging theso presents
Is very important, and every gift should be
carefully noted
The letter need not be long or gushing,
Just u note, but with a sincere lino of ap
preciation In it.
My Hear Mrs-. .
Your bautlful gift has Just renched
me and I do not want to lose a minute
In thanking you for It with all my
heart It mi useful and just what
we needed Jin 1. Joins mo In appre
ciation of our thought of us
I shall hope to see yuu at the recep-
you"wapt a
clear .n?
If your skin is not fresh, smooth and
glowinc, or has suffered from an unwise
use of cosmetics, let Uesinol Soap help
to clear it, in a natural healthy way j
Simply use RcsIdoI Sojp rtsutarly once or twice
th poiti. lessen the tendency to pimples, lad line
the complexion clur4 f rcsb aud elvcty.
When the skin Is In rully bad condition, sprud on
just a bide Kcainol Ointment for tea minutes bcfoic
Clint Tttslnol Sup. Keslnol Soap ud Htiuvol
Ointment ve sold by all drug rim. For samples,
tree, write to Sept. JJ-K, Rcsisol, Baltimore, Md.
7 -- "
tlon ilf you hnvo Invited her to tho
breakfast) and then thank you in per
son. Most cordially yours, K. L. M.
?."V. nbnrah ?mi t nm about to send nut
mutations for n small dnnrc. before nhlrh I In
tend to linxe dinner, llnw shnuld I word the
invitations J Do you think three musicians would
do for the d.inrlns? I want to hto nhout 40
,CVW.- ..,..., .... . .w n,l.
i ii'
lie Invitations should be worded as' fol-
2510 Wnlnut street.
Mr William
requests tho pleasure of
Miss Mary's Smith's
company at a small dinner
dance on Tuesday, July tho
twenty-fifth, nt S o'clock.
July the fifteenth.
Three musicians should bo sufficient for
a house affair.
For Solid Comfort
Can you Imagine a more comfortable
place to read your favorite author than a
roomy wicker chaise longue on a cool
porch? Von can get a moro recent vari
ation of the chaise longue called the dav
bed Ih the shops now It's a long, low bed
made of wicker, to he pushed against the
wall of the porch, like a davenport. A
tufted, fat pillow of cretonne or chintz
and a mattress of the same complete tho
Removing Ttir
Vou can get tar stains off your hands If
you rub them Immediately with fresh orange
or lemon peel then wash them The vol
atile oils dissolve tar so that It may be
rubbed off easily
'TSii'i ' ..il,.vlTiiu;?75P-v,wli
Tho Food-Drlnft for all Ages
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infants, invalids snd growing children.
Purenutrition, upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers and tho aged.
More nourishing than tea, coffee, etc.
Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price
- 'vr2 " M.e5 1 -. Trvvar -r Kfcc;
s& V N.
Sport Pumps Oxfords Greatly Reduced
All White or Trimmed
Claflim, 1107 Cjkestrait
Author of "Washerwoman!! Song"
Hy on nnd the snme mall the Corner Is In
receipt of two notes in reply to a question pub
lished a little while ngo. Will the member who
wishes to set a copy of "The Washerwomsn's
Sons" accept theso In lieu of direct communica
tion from us?
"Tho Washerwoman's Sonsr." a really beau
tiful poem, was written i bv Eutnmo V Ware, of
I-.. bM,t tta rrrtnr rleftd lie W'ftS In nolltlCfl
and pootry both, but this was hts best verse
Edward a D.
Tho second note la from n, constituent
of the gentler sex:
"What's tho matter with our Helping
Hand Corner? And to think that, for It,
Eugene Waro evidently has lived In vnln!
"C. It."
The Corner can only plead that even
editors nre not omniscient, nnd that It has
known Instances of yet ranker Ignornnce
on tho part of presumably well educated
people for instance, coiiege-nreu men,
who did not recall nt once who wrote "Tlic
Ilrlrtge of Sighs," "The Death of the
Flowers." and "How They Urought the
Oood N'ews from Ghent to Alx." There aro
readers of approved intelligence who could
not tell whnt the "good news" was and
who brought It. "Forbear to Judge, for we
are sinners nil," In this matter of memory,
nnd the author of "Tho Washerwoman's
Song" has not lived nnd written In vnln
when he has two such fnlthtul admirers
and champions.
Weaving as Granilmollier Did
Wilt ion please, thrmich the Corner. rtv m
Instructions how tn weave with two sets of
hnrness? I have woven rar russ. but should
like to iearn how to weave something els. h"
blue nnd white coverlids of lone arm I should
like In correspond with soma dear old Iadv with
regard to weavlnir. I nm 04 years old nnd
should eniov much learning to weave, as our
rrndmothra usd to do. M. t.. it.
I nm holding your address upon tho
chance thnt you may receive light upon tho
matter you bring forward from readers
and correspondents. The art of weaving Is
now confined, I fancy, to professional man
ufacturers Havo "dear bid ladles" pre
served the knack of hand weaving along
wtlh other kinds of fancy work to bo dono
at homo? Tho hluc and white counter
panes wero woven In the old-fashioned looms
of a century ago.
Has Lentil Recipes
Will you kindly send me the address of t If.,
who desires china berries? I can projlde hr
with plenlv. Also with German recipes for
cooking ' Mils. C. It. II.
Tho Mress of our esteemed I. H. went
to you y mnll. I Insert your letter that
I may nsk why you do not let tho Corner
share ,'lth hor the benefit of tho reclpo for
cooklro lentils. We are ever on tho watch
for attractive novelties. Let us know how-
to prepare lentils for tho table. They make
excellent soup, as we nil know. In what
other form nre they palatable?
Asked for a Gcrmnn Bible
Ida U. 3 asked for a Orman It I hie or Testa
ment She can receive on wllllnaly If she
will co to nny 0nnnn Protestant church. I
hnre vou will let me know In your Corner If
sh receives one
It Is kind nnd Chrlrtlanly In you to In
terest yourself actively In our member's
plea for n Dlble written in her own tongue.
Vou give the address of a church In your
own city. I havo no doubt that churches
elsewhere will be as willing to give "tho
word" to the honest seeker.
(living n Lawn Party
The choir of th church to which I beloni
Is expertlns: to Elve n lawn party I have
been appointed ono of a committee of three to
arrnnse for the entertainment I do not know
mueh about thlncs of this sort and hops somo
of the reid-rs of our column will offer su
aestlnns is to games and methods of enter
talnlnc nt lawn partls. I notlee manv r'iuets
for silk pieces I will nc mine and when I
set rnoiiKh to make It worth while you shall
hear from mo again. P. r V
Much depends upon the extent nnd char
acter of tho grounds In which tho lawn
party Is given For Instance, If tho loca
tion Is suburban, with extensive stretchss
of turf, dotted with shade trees, under
which may be rustic seats, swings nnd
other appliances that offer social enjoyment
and sports, the work Ib easy enough Tables
for small or large parties are set under
the trees nnd the service, Including wait
ing, Is after the fashion of picnics .Hugs
may be spread upon the grass here and
Do the Children Like 4
Currant Buns?
Give them a real treat. Dole a batch
ol the lightest, critpest, most tempting
bum that they ever put into their
mouths. Male the buns with
ln& GAiGlUAL
Perhtpi vou have tot f tallied tful " Em le
Brand" hi miny ukj Usidei In ftmilur
use la coder, lea and chocolate. It 11 a
woatkiful help in cooking. Try it and
know the convenience and economy ot
having milk al way in the house ready for
instant um.
If you could tee the thousands of healihy
LaLtes tho Have been raised on Eaiw
Urand" you would understand why this
pure, rtch mil It has been the choice of lhou
ands of mothers.
Whin buying milk or milk
product iatwayB a$k for
H xUffEw I
Aflfl Styles of
CommbQirnatioini Coflonv
" SMppers amd
Tongue Slljpijpers
.Were Regularly ?7 to ?9
All rAmmnnlMllAn, A.f.1aBtt a Stnrtnn
njirlsnil shnuld inrloftfl n stamped, 4 self
snilrVssfil cnrflopc nmf n rllnnlnc of the
artlcla In nhlch jnn are Intfri-sleri, Persons
nlihln to nlit In the rlmrltahlo work of tlis
II. II. C, should wrltr Marlon Ilarlinit. In
rare of this paper, for nilitrsstfs of those
ttier irnnlil IlKf to help, and. hnrjii: recslferi
them, eammnntcnle dlrrtt with those parties.
there and games of divers sorts provided
for the livelier members of the party. At
one party a prlte was offered for tho one
who found nnd gathered the greatest num
ber of four-leaf clovers ; another'1 for any
two leaves or wild (lowers brought In to
the judges which should be found to be
ernctly alike. This "function" was In the
ppnclous grounds of a country house. Tho
main thing is to get tho revelers out of
doors and to entertnln them thero as they
could not be nmused within doors. Tho
refreshments nre nil cold, of course. Tho
sandwich family comes Into lively play;
salads may bo served already dressed ;
cakes and creams and fruits, Iced tea and
coffee nnd sherbet aro the conventional
refreshments. You have lively wits of your
own. Set them to work In devising decora
tions and amusements sultnble for sylvan
life. Our Juniors may offer novel notions,
of which wo havo not thought.
Wants Home for Ilaby
mil rou Please help me to And n hnms for
mv baby boy? I hne hnil him boarding out
since ho was two weeks old t could hnvn
found a (rood home for him when he was n little
baby, but I could not bear to part with him
t. n , ,hnu.sat I was brave enouah to eirn
his mlny and mine, too, but It's been a weary
wov' llj Is such a lovlnp bahj that I nm
persuaded for his own ssk". mere than mv
own. to at him rt (rood home. .Mv pople pro
sober, honest and law-abiding;, and t should not
Ilk; to put my child with nnv other kind My
baby has brown ejes and bronn curli -alr,
and has neer known a sick day , M. W.
The mother's address is in our books.
Answers Two ItequcstB
The Corner to mo has meant a arrat deal. I
Inclose an answer to two requests I noticed
thn other day
Buttermilk Pop Cnok ono tnuleepoon of corn
meal thorcunhly In lust enouith water to prevent
burning .Then carefully add enoush buttermilk
to mako it tho right consistency of cream, stlr
rlnir all the while to prevent curdling- llemove
from the fire as soon na It bolls nftcr tho but
termilk has been added.
Two shnll be born the whole wide world npart,
Ann speak In different tonitues, and have no
Each of tho other's beln. and no heed:
P".f"nt er unknown sens, to unknown lands
Shall cross, escaping wreck, defylni! death;
And all unconsciously ahapn eery act
And bend each wonilerlns step to this ono end
That one day put of darkness they shnll meet
And read life meanlnu In each other's eyes.
t trust theso answer correctly the requests
made. I hae m ide quite a tretsure trove of
the many helpful thlncs found In your dellshtful
Corn'r li. It. t
Again we infringe upon Corner customs
by Inserting the whole of the much talked
of poem Our correspondent has exceeded
herself In generous rcsponso to requests
which havo been urged once and ngnln. tVe
aro deeply in her debt.
A Lady at Ccort
1 know a thing that's most n.-.coti mon;
(Knvy, bo silent, and attend!)
I know a reasonable woman,
Handsome nnd witty, yet a friend.
Xot warp'd by passion, awed by rumor;
Nor grave through pride, nor gay through
folly ;
And equal mixture of good humor
And sensible, soft, melancholy.
"Has she no faults, than (Knvy says) Sir?"
Yc3, sho has one, I must aver:
When all tho world conspires to praise her.
The woman's deaf, and docs not hear.
Alexander Pope.
irVfff&' d
.' wrtvt s
Reductions of Worth
for those Going Away,
French 'trisinals and American Copies
Regardless of Former Reductions
Suits, Frocks, Gowns, Blouses.
Promenade ana Afternoon Dresses
Coats Manteaux
Introducing n Lino of Imported Novelties
Jl'e have received by recent steamer an assortment
of Paris bags, exquisite corset covers urul individual
A bit of Parisienne conceits for the lady who
appreciates the unusual.
444-k Hr '- Jifjp
I i Ml iiniMI1 'MUWlift f 'inWMIWM M lllilli in m1
Home News -
BEFORE starting on your day's out
ing, read the current happenings in
your home newspaper. Whether
you visit the mountains, country or
shore, you still can have the news of the
world before you. When planning your
vacation, make provision to have the
Public Ledger reach you -each morning.
Leave your order with your newsdealer,
or mail it direct to the
I love. tKe. .summer
tirra jo muck
OutcfoorJ is whej-e. I
like to be.
Reclining on tha fros.
The -ants do sort o?
bother rr&.
Thousand Island Dressing
Mayonnaise with Vi hipped cream, pearl
onions, quite a bit of Chill sauce, a few
baby tips of asparagus, chopped fine, nnd
you have a delicious salad dressing.
Ji;st a look at tho
Mcridalc Cream
cry and you'd
easily understand
is so "uncommonly
good." Everything
is clean and sani
tarythe cows are
healthy the air
is pure the pas
turage is excellent
the creamery is
spotless tho
whole country
vibrates with the
freshness, sweet
ness and purity
that are found in
every pound of
Meridale Butter.
(Makers of
Mcridalc) Philadelphia
Dell Phone, Market 3711
Keystone Phone, Main 1781
RWil tsJs
SEK3 Look for the "Merlfolt" nm
5pj wrapper air-tight, dust- and fHH
S odor-proof at your grocers, ppi
OMV KHt . -jJJWt SJBWCT H?1 emog
caw m hms w et emu t
ttt M-t jJtWilt 1Ml OS.VKT.T,
mmtui iM