Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 17, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    WIlmmmmmmmHi miW!mmmmwm.n i, i.i.mi
M!mmr"tm whpu1-'
Shriners, Elks and Othqrs Ar
range to Come East Via
Nation's Famous
, ATLANTIC CITY, July 17. The first of
the eight big Sundays was even bigger than
l expected. Saturday night's arrivals were
more numerous than owners of hotels look
ed for, and the excursion crowds on Sunday
were 20 per cent bigger than on the corre
sponding day a year ago. It was a de
lightful day, with a southerly breeze mak
ing the heat bearable. A big crowd enjoyed
the ocean, but few went beyond the"1 lino of
breakers Tho Gulf stream has again re
turned, warming tho ocean, so that even
the most timid bathers were not chilled nor
frightened out of their dally bath,
The city has been alive with visitors from
the Shrlners' and Elks' conventions, held
j last week In largo cities many miles from
here. Visitors from afar could not reslil
I the temptation of spondlng a few days In
the most-noted seaside resort In tho coun
try, so this place was Included In tho Itln-
erarles. On Saturday night the New Or
I leans Lodge of Elks gave a parade on the
I Boardwalk, with a band of 40 pieces nnd a
long string of members and their ladies.
The procession was greeted with cheers by
I the crowds on the walk as oory one noted
the big majority of women In tho line,
farm wagon rides are getting to bo tho
i fad, no longer being termed "straw rides,"
inasmuch as the price of that commodity
' has made tho uso of hay or rugs compul
I cory. Young people love to uso these primi
tive conveyances, springloss and not com
i fortable oven on good roads. Tho usual
program Is to mako a tour of tho residen
tial avenues, the members of tho party all
I singing or tooting horns, and then to go a
. short distance Into tho country for a suppor
' and dance.
J Business men hero cater to the fair sex
In every way possible Whims and fancies
I are looked after so that milady may bo
Induced to part with her money. Tho
feminine fancy for knowing exact weight
' is known to many business men, so many
scales are in position at different points
on tho Walk. Tho habit of getting weighed
I grown on a person, so many people Indulge
I in tho pastlmo every day. Knowing
I that many object to having their weight
i known, tho practice now ii to mask tho
i beam of ail scales so that no ono but tho
' ono getting weighed can get a glimpse at
i the oxact weight. Tho figured arc placed
on a' card and given to tho customer so
that It can be concealed If so desired
Minnow helps scale.
The owner of ono scale has attracted the
bulk of tho trado from women visitors here
by installing a mirror nn tho top of his
weighing machine, placed at such a height
that any woman may got a gllmpso of her
hat while she is finding out how much she
I has gained or lost Tangled locks and hats
that havo been set awry by ocean, breezes
' may be adjusted quickly, and even a little
extra dab of powder may bo put on the noso
without any ono being tho wiser.
Pollyanna in tho fitting name selected by
a fashionable set of Philadelphia for the
cot they nr to endow In tho Children's
Seasldo Home. Tho gladnesi this will bring
into tho lives of many poor children will
not bo any greater than tho gladness of tho
contributors to tho fund. A number of
eooial events havo been planned for this
fund nnd two are to bo given this week.
It is hoped that enough money may bo
raised not only to support a cot, but possi
bly to build ono of tho little cottages which
are so useful at that institution.
The postofllco here, which Is Inadequate
during tho summor rush. Is to bo Improved.
Sixty thousand dollars has been appropri
ated by Congress for tho purposo of more
ground and the enlargement of the present
building. The mall business increases 1000
per cent (n tho summer and tho cramped
quarters havo kept tho employes from cot
ting mall out on time.
Word also comes from Washington that
$25,000 has been marked In the next appro
priation bills to be used for the dredging
of the Inlet here. It Is firmly believed by
many of the residents that this city will
eventually become a port of entry, and that
In a few years a ship canal will be cut
from here to the Delaware niver, giving
ocean liners a chance to reach Philadelphia
by a much shorter routo than by way of
tho Delaware Bajj.
Appeals for the Cause to Be Made
at Fairs
HARRISBURG, Pa., July 17. Suffragists
of Pennsylvania have decided to enter the
field of the "Big Top."
In other words, Pennsylvania women wtll
have a typical circus tent at every fair
to be held daing the late summer ard fall
In their State. They have lot a contract
for two tents and will Invade the saw
dust realm In quest of "Votes for Women."
, Outside the tents will be two great cur
tains bearing figures of Suffrage with her
new flag aloft pointing tho way to victory
and success for "The Cause," together with
the new Pennsylvania slogan;- "Suffrage
First; Safety will Follow."
In contrast, however, to the noisy
barkers" of childhood memories, the ex-
I ecutive board of the Pennsylvania Woman
Suffrage Association, at its last meeting
when It decided upon the county fair plan,
, arranged to have sweet-voiced suffragists
tell of the merits of the suffrage cause and
to make It plain that the usual nickel or
half-dime Is not necessary for fair visitors
to enter the tent to be edified by the workers
and the exhibits within.
The first of the tents will be sent upon Its
blg-time circuit within the next few weeks.
Three-Year-Old Geraldine Berry
Stricken With Dread Disease
POTTSVILLD, Pa July 17. Geraldine
Berry, S years old, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. James Berry, of Tamaqua, Is stricken
i with infantile paralysis. Dr. Gilbert F,
Bretz, of this city, acting for Dr. J, B.
I Rogers, of this city, the representative of
. the State Health Department, has had the
1 house quarantined.
This is the first known case of the dis
ease in mis section or the state, i
Motorman Held When Car Hits Girl
Miss EUiabeth M&gulre, 20 years old, of
3537 Waterloo street, Is In St. Agnes' Hos
I pital suffering from a fiactured skull, a
i broken right arm and Internal Injuries, re
ceived when struck by a trolley car last
I night at 21st street and Moyamensing ave
nue. The young woman was ou her way
home. James Mooney, the motorman, was
I miojicu ur ipo ponce oi me zuin and Fed
eral streets station. Diamond Coster, of
I Benson street, Camden, who accompanied
Miss Magulre, was detained as a witness.
Motorcyclists Hurt in Smashes
Two motorcyclists were treate4 at the
Cooper Hospital, Camden, for Injuries re
1 ceived in collisions yesterday. Alexander
j Moris, 21 years old, of 511 Rising Sun lane,
, Is suffering from an Injury of the right
I thigh, received when he collided with an
automobile at Ciementon, N J. Walter
j Harman, 35 years old, of Austin Station,
1 N. J., suffered Injury of the left knee when
I he ran into another motorcyclist in Cam-'den.
Little Girl's Fall Breaks Skull
GUrianla Secconaccl, 3 years old, leaned
too far out the second story window of her
home, 6007 Master street, ami fell out She
was taken to the West Philadelphia. Hos
jptUl Her skul was fractured. She was
operated upon and may recover
Paris Inventor Announces Dis
covery Making Possible a
Rate of 16 Cents for What
Now Costs $1
For every dollar the citizens of Phila
delphia have been paying In tho past for
electric light, they may only have to pay 16
cents in tho near future. If the discovery
of how to produce cold light ns announced
from Paris by M. Dussaud Is a fact. M.
Dussaud says he hns discovered what has
long been sought by Inventors and scien
tists In every civilized country, namely the
secret of how the lightning bug nnd tho
glowworm produces their perfect light. If
this discovery Is nil that Is claimed Its re
sults will bo revolutionary, according to
sclentlflo authorities. ,
Tho best Incandescent elcctrlo lamp of
today can only turn 18 per cent of tho
electric energy It receives Into light, tho
other 85 per cent, is turned Into heat and
waste An expert In Edison's establish
ment speaking of M. Dussaud's discovery
says that If all tho energy of the electric
current can bo converted Into light ono
small dynamo would light a whole city
Dr. Horace Clark Itlcharda. of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, said ho had seen
several announcements of M Dussaud's dls;
covory, and, whllo ho could not eay whether
or not It waB true, yet It was quite pos
sible. In commenting on the statement
of the Edison expert. Doctor nichards said
It nil depended on tho size of the city to
bo lighted nnd on the size of tho dynamo.
Thoro aro cities ho said of 6000 or 8000
which no doubt could bo lighted with a
Bmall dynamo If nil the energy could bo
converted into cold light, for It all tho
energy Is transformed Into light It natu
rally would bo cold.
Tho -mercury tubes Invented by Hewitt
nnd the Wclsbach Incandescent mantle.
Doctor nichards says,como nearest to tho
quality of cold light, but In both of these
a great deal of energy goes Into heat.
Whero tho Philadelphia Electric Com
pany has recently Installed a 30,000 kilo
watt nnd a 36,000-kllowatt generator to
light tho city, if M. Dussaud's discovery Is
a inct, tneso generators would light a city
five times the size of Philadelphia or flvo
cities each tho size of Philadelphia, ac
cording to ono lighting engineer.
This discovery might not only mean
much, cheaper electric light, but by tho total
elimination of tho heat rays would bring
a most wolcomo chango In tho tempera
ture ofofilces and planti whero it is ncccs-
sary to keep electric lights burning nil the
time tneso days with tho thermometer
soaring among tho SO's.
Advocates of Old Sunday Blue
Law See Children Playing'
at Fresh Air Farm
Officials of the Lord's Day Alliance went
to tho Fresh Air Farm vacation play
grounds of tho Episcopal Church of St.
Luke and tho Epiphany, nt Springfield, near
Media, yesterday afternoon to "serve
notice" on tho Rev. David M. Steele that
he must enforco tho law against Sunday
baseball passed In 1704. Tho pastor, how
ever, was away In New York, tho ltev W
Arthur Warner vicar of Epiphany Chapel,
told t.icm, 'on nn errand of mercy."
Tho officials, who had ridden to the
frcsh-nlr farm In an automobile, wont away
nnd returned again in nn hour, accom
panied by another automobile load of sym
pathizers. The Itev. Mr. Steele, however,
had not returned, and further attempts to
flnA him were abandoned for tho day.
But the two visits to the playgrounds al
lowed them to see a dozen boys, dressed
comfortably In bathing suits, playing
"catch " Some had been In swimming.
A few little girls were swimming the
ground under a Bhady treo in a swing.
Chiidren'n laughter broke the Sabbath quiet
of the sylvan woodland thereabouts.
Expressing Indignation at tho desecra
tion, O M. Walt, president of tho Lord's
Day Alliance, nnd tho other officials with
him drovo away in a hot cloud of dust.
Ah they were leaving preparations were
being made nt the camp for afternoon de
votional services. All recreation, according
to tho Bev. Mr. Steele's rule, was stopped
at i o'clock. Play clothes were changed
for tho vestments of worship.
Only an Individual Butter Plate, Not
Bottle, She Tells Magistrate."
He Denies It
Martin Gallagher, 35 years old, of
Sugden's How, near 35th and Westmore
land streets, Is In a serious condition in
St. Timothy's Hospital with a fractured
skull. Ills wife Bridget Is under arrest,
accused of having swung a beer bottle
against his head during a brawl at their
home last night.
Mrs. Gallagher Insists, however, that an
individual butter plate and not a beer
bottle was the missile she used. Magistrate
Price, sitting at the nidge and Mldvale
avenues police station, refused to be con
vinced that an Individual butter plate could
have inflicted the injury which landed Gal
lagher in the hospital.
Ho held the woman without ball to await
the outcome of her husband's Injuries. Mrs.
Gallagher told the court that her husband
tried to cut her throat with a penknife, and
that she threw the missile in self-defense,
Two New Paralysis Cases in State
HAnniSBUnO. July IT, Two cases of
Infantile paralysis have been reported to
the State Health Department, making a
total of 22 for the month. One of the new
cases is that of a 3-year-old child in Tama
qua and the other Is a 10-months-old child
In Scranton.
Infantile Paralysis
! belt prevented, sty all health
authorities, by (praying coie and
throat frequently with a "noa
poUonoue" antiseptic. Our Olyco
Formalla 2Sc and T8o la Ideal
for tbl purpose, and children Ilk
It for Its pleaaant taate. Qlyco
Formaleta tha lime protection In
tablet form 23c. Either poatpali
to any addreaa.
Philadelphia's Standard Drue Sto-e
ISIS Chestnut Street
Olyco-Formalla Tooth Paate. Sfic
II .1" I I "II II 1114
Uoma eooklas Popular prices
lZU Market St.
and throuihouk tha city
" "" i I lilt
a piie pa i.r vu - a
More than 500 Chinamen sailed on
the steamboat Sylvan Dell today
for nn outing along tho Delaware.
The upper picture shows somo of
the young Chinese-Americans pres
ent. Below, tho Chinese (lag is
being raised to the masthead,
lEs,sw ""iw- Ov MBl' l JS?
- - - I . ". Ill
Lorcha Sylvan Dell, Chartered- by "Loving Country So
ciety," Puffs Down the River for the Day "Opposed
to Gambling" Start Fan-Tan Game
Wnvlng the colors of the Chlnoso Repub
lic, 600 Chinamen from this city nnd vicin
ity today sailed on tho Sylvan Dell, river
steamboat, for an outing on tho Dclavvnrn
River. They are to return nt midnight to
night. This Is tho first Chinese excursion
over held In Pennsylvania.
Aboard tho boat when sho pulled anchor
nt tho foot of Baco street nt 10 o'clock tht
morning vvcro nbout CO women. Somo of
them vvcro wives of tho Cclestlnls Tho
mens' costumes wcro whlto trousers, with
coat to match, nnd long bamboo canes
Thero were atso a fow women who nro asso
ciated with missions located In Chinatown
Six young Chinamen wcro seen boarding
tho vessel Chinese instruments and Chinese
gambling doviccs. Tho gambling para
phernalia was placed on benches In tho for
ward cabin. Lntcr they vvero covered with.
$35,000,000 PROPOSED
Three-quarters of a Million for
New Philadelphia Custpm
House Included
WASHINGTON, July 17. An omnibus
public building bill authorizing the con
struction of Federal buildings to cost 135,
000, 0P0 was today recommended to tha
Hous!) for passago by the House Public
Buildings Committee The bill would pro
vide for abolishing tho present system of
administering the construction of public
buildings. It would abolish the present
supervising architect's office in the Treas
ury Department, and create Instead a bu
reau of publlo buildings headed by a com
missioner of public buildings. The report
to the House vigorously criticized the pres
ent conduct of the supervising architect's
Pennsylvania Items carried in the bill are
as follows:
Philadelphia, for new Customs House site,
Lewlstown, postofflce, 220,000.
Sunbury, postofflce and courthouse,
York, postofflce, 326,000.
Beaver Falls, postofflce and site, 358,000.
13 of vital IMPORTANCE to you.
Will it BURN-RUN in tho
What Is tho WEIGHT on your
Diri'EU TIN Is llihtnlni-proof. will
not barn, 'cannot run and is the
Iliiiteit xorm or roonng,
EitaWthid Ul
The House that Heppe Bnilt
C. J, Heppe & Son 1117-1119 Cheatnut Street 6th and Thomp.on Street
Aeolian Player-Pianos, $395
88-note self-tracking players, with patented solo and
expression devices, in beautiful colonial mahogany cases,
made; designed and manufactured under the same super
vision as the great Pianola. Guaranteed to be the equal
of any $600 player, sold elsewhere. Sold on terms as
low as $2.50 weekly. Demonstrations gladly given. Call
or write for catalogs.
For sale only at
"SefekKrBI 5 I rT" :ir 1 ' "' '-"to" Photo ratrol.
newspapers ami large j cllow-colofed tdiect
Long Kin. of 07 ltacc street, who Is the
president of tho Loving Country Socletv,
nnd under whoso auspices tho outing Is
being held denied emphatically that there
would bo gambling whllo tho Sylvan Dell
was sailing on tho Delaware Itlver.
"Wo aro opposed to gambling." paid Wil
liam Jloy. speretnry of tho noclety. "Our
society wns formed for tho purposo of pro
moting tparlotlc pplrlt among nur fellow
country men Thoso things that look like
gambling tables is something else. They
aro tables whero'tho people can placo their
coats or eat their sandwiches."
After Secretary Moy got through ex
nlainlng tho nollclcs of his society, a com
mittee was appointed to seo that all news
paper reporters nnd photographers were off
tho boat
Norristonn. postofTlce. 365,000.
rottsWIle, postofllco, $50,000.
Scranton, poatolllcc, $100,000.
Wllllamsport, postofllcc. $80,000.
Klttannlng, postolllce, $50,000.
Lancaster, postofllco. $250,000.
Tyrone, postolllce. $80,000.
Duquesno, postolllce, $76,000
Grccnllle, postolllce, $75,000
Mlddletoun. postolllce, $05,000
Nnnticoko, postolllce, $00,000.
Plilllpshurg. postolllce, $60,000.
Somerset, postolllce, $58,000.
Ilrookvillo. postolllce. $10,000.
Lewisburg, postolllce. $10,000.
Midland, postolllce, $5000
Plymouth, postolllce, $15,000.
"Castles in the Air"
A New
Hawaiian .Orchestra
The Garden on the Roof
300 feet above the atreet
Hotel Adelphia
Cozy Comfortable Convenient
Open from A'oon tiff t A. 3t.
I Slnrle, lie. ft.i Eitemion. tie. ft. I
L. D. BERCER CO., 59 N. 2d St.
rni iltaln 0OO i
Uarkat (
ittMi 1
1117-19 CHESTNUT ST-
Preacher and Wife Stabbed to
Death in Japanese
TOKIO, .Tilly 17 The Rev. W. A. P.
f'anipbcll and his wife, Canadian mission
aries, wcro stabbed to death by a burglar
carlv vesterdny morning In their summer
cottaglo nt Knrulzavva, nn American mis
sionary summer ccntro 87 miles northwest
of Tokln. The weapon used wan a Japanese,
M S 1(1 oVInrk according to tho police,
n Tapineso dicHscd In foreign gnrb entered
tho cottage nnd demanded money. This
ii mii-r plunged n short
sunril Into Mr. Campbell's breast, mortally
wounding him. Mrs. Campbell struggled
ilim hut was stabbed re
peatedly, succumbing to her wounds a few
iiuiiih utor At tho point of his sword tho
burglar forced tho Jnpancso mnld tor dis
close tho cash box nnd escaped with the
$10 B0 which It contained.
The Rev. Mr Campbell recently volun
teered with n Canadian contingent in Eu
ropo nnd wns nbout to return homo
Tho Rev W. A. P Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell wcro sent to the Par East by the
Methodist Church In Canada They had
been engaged In evangelistic work In Japan
since September, 191.1
Distinctive Tailoring
A Dependable Servico
1111 Walnut
Summer Shoes Reduced
Ladies' White Calf Colonials
i Torigue nnd covered buckle of same
Reduced from $8.00 to
Ladies White Buck
Artfc iiiKrii" atit
Reduced from
.. Ladies' White Buck Sports Oxfords $ I"
Tan trimmings, white leather sole .and heel J
(real bargain) Reduced from $8.00 to
"Where-only the- best
Through Sleeper to
Detroit Chicaso
Direct sleeping car service between Philadelphia
rnd Detroit nnd Chicago is now in operation
daily over the picturesque Reading-Lehigh Valley-Michigan
Central route, leaving Reading
Terminal at 9:30 A. M. on
The Black Diamond
affording a delightful daylight ride through
'The Switzerland of America" and arriving in
Detroit midnight same day and at Chicago
8 o'clock next morning.
Similar service will be operated eastbound on the
Wolverine of the Michigan Central leaving
Chicago at 9:05 A. M., Detroit at 3:55 P. M.
and arriving Philadelphia 9:15 the next
Dining Car Servicb Both Way
Widener Bldg. Land Title piflg. Reading Terminal
Philadelphia &Ri
Lehigh Valley
Pardoned Negro Convict Asserts
Old Haunts Offer No At
tractions to Him Still
in Cell
TRCNTON. July 17 "Camden County
Is no place for me," said Francis Lingo,
the Mntchtonn negro, sentenced to 20 years
for attempted abduction and forgery, once
convicted of murder nnd Indicted for rape
nnd high misdemeanor, and now about to
be freed from prison by grace of the Court
of Pardons, In nn Interview with nn
EVENlNtl LRDonn correspondent today. Ills
term expired In 1913. but ho wns held pend
ing the payment of a $3000 fine which the
Court of Pardons remitted last Thursday,
despite tho protests from residents of Cam
den County, who feared tho negro would
return to his old habitat near Merchant
vlllo He wns convicted In 1897, accused
of having lured Miss Kntherlno Vassar
Berry, a Philadelphia teacher, to a lonely
spot near Pcnsauken. where ho hnd her
gravo dug. With tho old of tho teacher,
,a trap for the negro had been arranged
nnd wns sprung before tho girl was harmed.
Lingo said that Camden County offered
no attractions for him "I am going to
Harrisburg where a friend will give me a
job on a farm near there." ho declared. Ho
refused to discuss tho abduction case ex
cept to say that he had been "framed" nnd
that ho was innocent He gained consid
erable time off for good behavior, but the
fine hanging over him kept him from his
liberty for three years
It Ib not known definitely when Lingo
will bo released. Tho Stato law requires
tho prison ofllclals to demand security that
each freed convict shall have employment
upon leaving the prison or else they mus.
nave mo nssuranco oi n rciaiivo mat no
will bo taken care of No such assuranco
has been forthcoming ns yet in Lingo's
Lingo said he Is 55 years old He Is tho
father of six children, two boys nnd four
Condensed near
the dairies
We condense Silver MITk a
few hours after it is milked
at nearby farms. No long
hauls in jolting trains.
Silver Milk is freshest, pur
t, cleanest cow's milk
not a substitute. All the rich
cream is in it. Only water Ib
extracted and pure granu
lated sugar added. Perfectly
safe for babies, and exactly
right for every househlduse.
Save the labels from Silver
Milk cans. We will give you
valuable presents for them.
Write for Premium List.
013 Arch Mrart. TMilL.l.lnl.l.
roj - -
Tennis Oxfords fc
Rnfrlipn lnef-
$7.50 to
1420 Cheitnut St
is cood enough."
eading Ry.
Rlrl One of the Itttter lc4 lnt Ws Unto
In prison. Ills Wife, wfio was ft rmtnt
visitor during the early yeftra of his Jnear
ccrflllori, has Also died.
"I don't know where my notn nr," Lingo
ald "1 fttippose they don't wnnt anything
to do -with me." The sons nrtt Alfred And
Jouls Unpo. nnd Were reported td be llinjr
In Philadelphia.
"I'm golnp; to work to save enough money
to get but West and spend tha rest of my
life there," declared Lingo. "The people of
Atcrchantville needn't Mar I'll como back,
A peep at the old place would be good, but
1 mustn't go there because the white folks
havo it In for me. 1 don't want to come
back here again. The big outside looks
good to me." "While In prison Lingo has
read n. lot and lias devoted much time to
Ileal Meatless Days for Austria
VIENNA, July 17, Meatlosa days here
after will wean a reality. Previously, on
account of various kinds of meat exempted
from the prohibition, the Issuance of meat
rations has been only partially restricted,
but a new decree, which Is to be Immediately
effective, prohibits the sale 6r consumption
of all kinds of meats, and of poultry and
wild game on meatless days.
The Summer
Sale of
that knows no
, abatement
($ And Suits that knew
no yoke-mates for value
at their original prices !
Have you been reading
our messages all sea
son? Remember what
we've told you about
how Perry's kept down
the prices of their Suits
this Spring and Sum
mer, just as if condi
tions were normal? Re
membering that, you
can make a fair esti
mate of your savings at
these reductions!
But, come early!
Constant draining
and no re-tilling
would empty the ocean!
$15 & $18 ($12.50
Suits.... j $13.50
$20.00 Suits $16.50 ,
$25.00 Suits. $19.00'
And so on upward! 1
Trousers Reduced
When Hot
J Perry's for a Palm
Beach, or other tropical
Suit! An assortment
and a wealth of sizes
that maintains the
Perry tradition for
Palm Beach Suits $S0
Breezweve Suits $10
Mohair Suits ,, '$12
Silk Suits $15
White Flannel Suits ....$20
Outing Trousers , .$5 to $g(
Store Closes 5 P. M. Today
"N, B.T."
16th and Chestnut Sti