&?H!r srv- KfC .,' Tl 6 EVENING LEDGEH PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. JULY 15, 1916. MiiMMiXiiiii-tiniiiayiriJnf Hi FASHIONS M'LISS DISCUSSES "SPARE-ROD-AND-SPOIL-CHILD" THEORY QUERIES wyf0.Wpimt'imf,4g dbjhu JuiMoiMy wiww!' i" iny t ft" t How Shall i eaise my child? ' IS QUESTION ASKED M'LISS Correspondent Whose Husband Subverts Her Discipline Worrifes About Upbringing of Her Girl fpo THE four things which Solomon dc -l. clared to be most difileult ot compre nnlon, I wish to add a fUtht It Is the way that somo persona, havo of believing they know how to raise other persons' children. I hdva never been one of these. True, X havo my views, which Include certain Well-deflned rules of how to "bring up" and how not to "bring up" that Juvenile species of humanity variously known as "Heaven's own angels" and "limbs of Baton." One of these rules Is that a child must not bq whipped; that corporal punishment exercised by a grown marf or woman toward a human being, smaller, weaker physically and mentally than himself, Is not only a demonstration of Incapacity and unfitness on the part of the older per son to bo the mentor of the younger, but sows tho seeds of hato and, rebeltton In the heart of tho child, which It Is nothing short of criminal to place- tharo. To those opponents of moral suasion who cr,y out, "But thoro aro some chil dren so obstinate, so altogether disobedi ent and mischievous as to mako moral suasion a laughing matter," I would reply, "If tho child Is of such a perverse temperament that patience, moral suasion and love fails to Influence It, I cannot seo what can bo accomplished by beating It, except tho relief of your own feelings." As a means of giving vent to outraged patience and nerves, I can think of no hotter way than of beating a child, but I should hesitate a long whllo before ad- , vising any ono to adopt that method. In vlow of these opinions that I enter tain I shall fall hopelessly to satisfy tho wrltor of the following letter, who has come to mo for advlco and Justification in the policy she has adopted toward her B-year-old girl. All that I can give her Is sympathy. Tho problem of train- v lng a, child Is a doubly vexatious one when parents do not co-operato, and I feel sure tho reason my correspondent's Uttlo girl Is giving her troublo Is in no small measure due to tho fact that tho youngster realizes she has a companion In sin her father. I do not believe that petting a child ever spoiled It. I'm for tho petting, but It Is ruinous for tho mother and father to be at sixes and sevens over Its upbring ing. And If the father does not respect the mother's mandates In regard to tho offspring, how can tho young ones them selves be asked to regard It? Discipline- is necessary for the success ful upbringing of the young. How dis Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address nil communications (o M'Llss, care of the Rrenlnc Lrdcer. Write on one side of tbe paper onl?. Dear M'U- I am solnc oft on a walking trip (or a week or ten days, and much of the time expect to so away from towns and civilized plaoes. Is there something I can tako with me to purify water that I may have to take from cfianc streams and sprlnss? M. V. L. Thero aro chemicals which you can take any chemist or druggist will tell you About them but a man experienced In walking trips tells me tho weight of these MARION HARLAND'S CORNER To Complete a Quilt T am an old lady, living- alone, and a soldier's widow, Belcs lonely. I piece quilts. I have one now that I should like to finish, but hnve run out of pieces. Perhaps you mlrht. In your pood list of readers, find some one who would be kind enough to let me know where I could tret somo pieces to complete my quilt? MRS, E. "A soldier's widow!" The memory of our latest and glorious Memorial Day should be fresh enough In our minds to make us thrill at the three words. And she Is lonely, seeking, as do hundreds of other "detached" women, to cheat the lag. Blng hours into speed by piecing quilts. Shaft we finish the Incomplete spread for her, or rather with her? We hold her ad dress with that intention in mind. Crochet Patterns Wanted I wish some of your kind readers would send sne a few crochet patterns. I would like yokes, dslnfs for underwear, also some edslnss for handkerchiefs. And. if I am not asklnr too much, could some one send roe a sample of the curtains made from paper and beads I I will cay postage. I have some pretty yoke patterns: also pieces for aullts, I shall be pleased to send tbem to any one who wishes them and will Pay postage. NORA. Q. As our working members have a way of doing, you hold out one empty and one full hand. Fancy workers, who can spare patterns they have already used, are in vited to contribute to her stock, and to make a note of her donations. It goes without saying that the pieces will be snapped up as soon as the news gets abroad that they are to be had for the asking and the postage paid. Contributes to a Collection Please send me the address of the boy men tioned In the Inclosed, as 1 have a fsw stamps which t can contribute. I forwarded silk piece to to Cornerltea. I never heard from one woman. Sad to relate ah had died! Her daughter, 12. years old. sent, me a card thanking- me. and also told the news of her dear mother's death. a, J, N. You are, I know, thankful that you lost no tune In trying to- open friendly inter course with the woman who has gone be yond the reach of our Helping Hand. The same solemn leaslon has been repeated once and again in the reports of ministrations to applicants for relief through our Corner, The time is short. Lose no time in listening and responding to the call of the suffering and needy. I hope you will not loss sight of the child who wrote to you of her moth W death? .Visits the Lonely JPleas give me the address of Mrs. H. M. The dear little wman must be Irnely, and. per- tismt cu ,wd ucr vr ae wiii tarns ana see CM. A few day ago I received a long letter from 0 p. now In a hospital. I sent my letter Id him through, his mother, as I had not heard (row hlra for a couple of years. For a tlms after ou sent ms Bla address I received several fetters and costal, then nana came. I an star! iw to sear Iron him and shall write to him again ow. siaa. w. i, w. A, wholesaled, heartsome report that Mag up our spirits to concert pile The 44fsa went at once to you. It ts good to v dews cr-ca mere, as '"from a far coun tra5 from our old friend G. T. 0. May his aw regain and' "ahlaa lu strength.' Donations Many and Varied You will irnutly lb!ia me by putting my rWMtn TSW column. It ts this: I cava marm ijrnnea to after to- any one who would BE lhiav Tttt date hack a number of viat. taC taJsM m-Kb, tnicmtlni lnfurtiutioa. also ttau-r tt .ssea inuvliu-Blctiua stories sod raW- am neat sue ms? t-aar ess or two mm tiafitf.s fur hesiu, J wrote to each Mr. saw gi Ir sscmlvad sa oja&ts 4t a bnt miui be about two ; a. bait tKs.-.tb mo, vsht Mod r 4drH it r ilmia candle fHsnd and p-iijjj ts- same rrota ssxmx. i ere sat atp xb mm hot ta who. Urn to. in csec javff wsiisimrmm ""fir , jy turn mxmity or nm$. tat cipline Is to be achieved Is a matter for the parents to take counsel and decide. If thero ever was strength In union, how ever, It Is In the raising of a child. If any of tny readers havo views In re gard to tho following Interesting letter X shall bo glad to publish themt Dear MXlss I am a dally reader of your column, and am glad to write that I always learn something from your arti cles, and, therefore, would appreciate it very much If you will write an article In regard to my Uttlo story. It Is a problem that confronts me dally, and I am suro any answer you will give will enlighten me. I am a married woman, 24 years old, and havo one daugh ter, 6 years old. My husband Is In busi ness and Is successful. Ho Is an only child, his parents aro wealthy, and ho Is sort of patted and spoiled. I, on tho other hand, come from a fam ily of nine flvo brothers and four sisters. Our home life Is happy. My husband ts generous, he makes a good father and an excellent husband. I havo a maid, we go away on a vacation nice clothes, and go out a. great deal, But when It Is a question of correcting my girl, my husband will always correct me, so tho child neither obeys her daddy nor myself. Ho was never whipped or punished, and does not want mo to do so to our baby. But my Uttlo daughter Is doveloplng a nice selfish streak, which I must break, and also Is beginning to dis obey me. Thero Is whoro tho breach lies. My parents were vory strict with us, being so many, and I want to bring my child up In the same way. I do not llko to argue with my husband about his man ner In front of tho child, so wait until she Is away, and about that tlmo he has already forgotten what has happened, nnd ho smiles nnd says there's nothing to do but wait until she grows up. In othor words, ho can't seo through our child, only seo her, and ho Is so wrapped up in her that he thinks It Is cute when she says "No." My husband Is spoiled, but I give Into the little things, becauso I feel that his good qualities over balance those potty ways, and In tho long run I am better off. But I don't want to bring up my daughter a spoiled child, n,nd perhaps some day hor husband will comment on her being brought up bo. My dear M'LIss, you understand what my story is, and I hope you will under stand tho position I am placed In, and write something that I can show my hus band, and perhaps ho will change his way. MBS. L. will be a disadvantage. Boiling the water, he tells me, Is the simplest and safest thing to do. Readers will kindly address all etiquette queries to the Editor of Good Form. K. Li. M. will And her answer In that column on Monday. All communication! addressed to Marlon Iiarland . should Inclose a stamped, eelf addressed envelope and a clipping of too article In which yon are Interested. Terenns wishing to aid In the charitable -work of the II. II. O. kheuld write Marlon Murium). In care of (hie paper, for addrenees of those they would like to help, and, liayjir received them, communicate direct with those parties. "New Method for the Piano," and Sunday magazines from newspapers, Also miscel laneous magazines, and magazines on me chanics for 1913, which I should like to fall Into the hands of working persons I expect to go over my library soon and know that I shall have a number of books of various kinds to turn oer to somo who Is not able to purchase or who does not have ac cess to publio libraries. These will include encyclopedias, biographies, best fiction of a few years, histories, bound magazines, etc I should be glad to be put Into com munication with the needy In this line. "N. O. D." Please ssnd me thq addrees of the small 3-yesr-old. who wants a violins also the corre spondent wishing quilt pieces. I have the fol lowing to ofter through the Corner for those In need of them: Abdominal belt (else, waist 28). one charcoal flallron, email graphophone with records, pair of new low shoes (site 3W ). suit able for an old lady, newspaper embroidery f.fcbetu. ..., l0. tail, l.lil, QlllHl, iuiv, also one lot of sample hose, only one of each, suitable for a man or boy with one toot le D. V, The splendid offers are grouped together. Will those in need of them, send in a stamped and self-directed envelops for the name and and address of the generous giver? Couch Cover and Magazines patterns, carpet rsss. (arse uioie, small uioie. Has any one among the readers of the Corner an old couch coer that she has no uss fori I'd be glad to get It to cover an old lounge. And has any one boysehold magaslnes that she no longer wants? It seems as If I could never, never get enough ahead to subscribe for a good magattne. I have some sofa pillows that I havan't used, or that I ever will use. If any one cares for them I will gladly send tbem. Some are gingham, others are crasy patch work with fancy stitching, etc I sent a bundle of quill plecea, log cabin styls, to a woman whose name I received through the Corner, but, through a mistake. It never reached her l hope It won't happen again I MRS. A. C. A flathful worker to whom our obliga tions are numerous and heavy. She would like to have an old couch cover and a few household magazines. She has sofa pillows to glva away and reports her efforts to supply a quilt maker with patches. We echo her hope that mistakes won't happen again. Aids for the Afflicted I have several trussss for double rupture: also one pair of euitlc stockings for varicose veins. I shall be glad to pass them on to any one need. Ins them, who will call or send for them. M. B. O. The Qorner accepts right gladly the gift of trusses and stockings. We note that you arer glad to bestow them upon the afflicted, I wish, as I said some weeks ago. that we could tell you we do not know what to do with them. Alas for these poor breakable machines we call our mortal bodies! How much patching and tinkering they require! Hence the value of tho proffered appliances. Chili Chicken , Here's an easy way to soHe the question cftthe aged fowl: Truss Jt and boll until finder. Let It cool In the liquor, and then cut la small, nsat places. Wash a cupful of jrice thoroughly and dry on a cloth. fVy It for a few mlnutea In olive oil or -vegetable fat. then add a peeled tomato and pulp of chili ptpper. two whole cloves, an onion cut Envr. fait and pepper to taste. Put In enough tft il broth to cover the vegetiblea jmd the ghJsino, tH until tji rice U tender When uajrjy de$, add th cblsiea, Va not 1 u ! SEEN IN JUVENILE SPORTS MODEL THIS sports frock, which suggests the Hussion influence, is of linen in two-tono effects. The overblouse, which features tho square neck, is effectively trimmed with hand embroidery, which outlines tho neck and sleevoless effect and accentuates the pockets. Pearl buttons adorn tho belt and vestee, Double Inverted plaits are used in tho blouse, ulillo side plaits make the skirt qultti full. Tho dress comes In whlto linen or combined with the same In rose, copen, gold, green, sky nnd brown, In sizes from 6 to 13 years, for $0.50, and in rlzea from 14 to 10 yen in for H.0S- Tho attractlvo sports hat, which has a teleccope crown nnd mushroom brim, is of natural mllan with an orange horschnlr edgo and with simulated flowers. 'Green horse-, hair Is used for the foliage. Price, J3.95, reduced from 0. It also comes in natural' mllan trimmed In copen and rose. The name of the shop' whero these articles may bo purchased will be supplied by the editor of tho Woman's Page, Kvenino JLEDOEn, 608 Chestnut street, Tho request must bo accompanied by a stamped self-nddresaed envelope, and must mention tho data on which tho article appeared. THE WOMAN traders trho njlre help with their drres problems will addrtit commimfcaffoiu to the Fashion Expert, care ot the df(or o the tt'onion's I'aoe, tho ISvmina Lcdaer. When Milton wrote his lines about "quips and cranks and wanton wiles" ho must have had tho new veils in mind. For they nro all of that, and more. They're the most fascinatingly contradictory things that Pamo Fashion ever set on the head of woman. They range anywhere In Blze from a two Inch apology for a veil to one that covers the face and head and shoulders and falls rippling down to tho waist line. The tiny veils of which I made mention are really very attractive. They look some thing like a deep tulle, chiffon or mallno ruffle around the edge of a small hat, ex cept that they hang down, the only resem blance to a well-behaved veil that they can boast. They cover the fair wearer's eyes like the harem beauty's street. veil In a coquettish fashion. Then there's tha veil that's not a veil, but a queer-looking affair that starts at either side of tha hat and dips under tho chin like a comedian's whiskers, leaving tha face quite bare. What it's good for nobody knows, but It's chlcl Dear Slsdam Will you kindly tell me how to waeh or clean white arossraln ribbon whether It does not get spoiled from washing! S. will white sllppere and stockings look nice with a navy-blue taffeta dress? 3. Will a white geor gette collsr wash? I a. White grosgraln washes nicely in cold water and good white soap. Do not Iron; stretch It until dry. Yes. white kid slippers look well with a dark dress, but care must be taken to keep them Immaculate. Georgette washes very well. Uso cold water, white soap and press with a cool Iron. Pesr Jfsdsm Is there any way to reshape a Panama hut! Mine Is not soiled, but it isi, ine snspo i want it to ue T have a very handsome white satin scarf. with large china blue polka dots on It. Do you think I could use this on my hstt I shall look for our answer at an early dut DonoTirr. Immerse the brim of your hat in luke warm water until It Is thoroughly wet and pliable. You can gently stretch and pull It Into the shape you want It to be if the change Is not too radical. Of course, If you want It made over you must take It to a dealer who has tha blocks to do this, Afte.r you have pressed the brim Into the shape you want It. Iron It down, laying a wet cloth between the Iron and the straw. If you want tho brim to curve, press a bit at a time, from the crown outward In a side- Pineapple and Cream Dessert Put into a saucepan a can of grated pine apple, a cup and a half ot sugar, a half cupful of water and boll for five minutes. Add the Juice of an orange, an envelope of white gelatin that has been soaked for a minute or so In a quarter cupful of water; set aside to cool. When this begins to set, add a cupful of whipped cream. Pour Into a mold and let it get real firm- Plare a large gob of whipped cream on top of the mold when you serve It, topped off with maraschino cherries. Drawn Butter Sauce The but dressing for vegetables In summer time Is drawn buter. This is made by melt ing the butter and salting It juit before pouring it over the vegetable. Cream sauce oftens impairs tha natural flavor of the vegetable. Broom Economy Dip your brooms In boiling soapsude every week or so. They get rather tough-!i-not too much so Just enough to last longir than the undipped broom and to get evejy bit of dust out of a stiff carpet Break It Gently I If you have prepared a Jelly mold for your dessert and are afraid It will brAk when you. try to turn it out, be prepared Co ovr tha outtlds of the mold with puAi aQ, Th de$rtrwm came out norfaoy, if rmnaisd gentiy. THE SHOPS WHO SEWS wise movement, curving the brim outward as you go. Jf you want a. flat brim, Iron It Hat. Lay heavy weights on It until It Is quite dry. I think tho scarf would be charming, looeely knotted around the crown of your hat. tPlar fdam Do you answer questions nbout children's clothes I should lllto to know what kind of a party dress to get my little elrl, who is ft years old. We are going to the seashore, and she hss no fancy dresses. Is a boy of 7 too old to havo curls J MtlTllEn. Get a sheor white batiste or muslin dress for your little girl with a yoke and a touch of smocking on It. These are alwnys suit able for dress occasions and cost Uttlo, Hand embroidery and fine laces mny also be had for the little one's partv dress Yes, sparo the child and have his hair cut D1a.r Ml5m"Whllt, ', th" b"t wy to clean o. white chiffon walst7 I Up not want to send It to the cleaner's, becuse it Is an old blouse, but I should llko very much to know how to do It mseelf. J), jr. D. Get a large preserving Jar, crumplo your waist Into this and pour In a solution of cold soapy water, using good white soap, Let It stand for a couple of hours, shaking tho Jar gently to loosen the dirt. Change the water and repeat the process until the blouse looks quite clean. Roll In a towel, and when It Is fairly dry Iron with an al most cold Iron. A hot Iron will turn the material yellow. SCHOOLS AND MsdFj COLLEGES Teachers College 4-year course, with degree of B. S. in Education. 2-year course, with Junior College diploma, Courses prepare: High School Teachers (1 years) ; Grade Teachers Household Science Teachers; Housx&oli Art Teachers; Physical Train lng 'iSsaW.ers ; Kindergarten Teachers; M'isJo Tachero: Commercial Teachers; Teachers of the Manual Arts, Term begins Sent. 18. Full par ticulars in special catalog. Write, 'phone or call today for catalog M-21. rhone. Diamond 631 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Brogd St., below Perks rniiaaeipnia Young Men and Boys BEVON. PA. bfLthH JUMOK SCHOOL A country day aol boarding scnool for boys, o to ts, Tboroui elementary work; advsneed methods. uautt a. c. uruEfia. hbadmabteb. Boa 2v, Devoo. la- DETllLEHEM. FA. Bethlehem Preparatory School Precares for leading colleges. Ext. grounds a and 5 thistle nelds r.e bldgg. Catalogue on request, ohn P. Tulter..M.A..IItodmsiUr.UlbUhm,l'a. MEKCKRSDUnO. PA. The Mercersburg Academy FOB BOW Mercersbarg, Fat, Send for Catalogue to Win. Msnn Irrlne, FhJ)., WH KEWTOX. K. 3. hearten Aiaiiiil.Sinil-mllltai rr Battt year Horn Rata mod.Csttef, l: b. Ull.au. I'riiiL-bsl. pu TilEqiEERFlLCHEM Its vwvdarfol' ,tke clever thing's And nobla. deeds tht neoDle'do. When I reflect upon mTOMund I just feel wed ts i) or you. x i. o. For the X-Ray Skirt The fulness of the smart skirts and tho berumed frllllners of tho summer girl's pet ticoats do not keep her from assuming an X-ray transparency when Bhe stands In the strong sunlight. So, In response to tho de mand for something to counteract this ca lamity without doing away with tho frllll ness of the underskirts, the shops aro show ing sunproof aprons. These aprons nro long enough to reach to the bottom of tho skirt nnd nro finished with a dainty lace ruflle nt thd edge They are fashioned of somo heavy material, but the weight Is not uncomfortnblo, because the apron Is worn at the front, tying around the waist with a plain tape. At the lower corners of tho apron, which Is about tho width of the front panel of the average petticoat, aro two tiny rustle's safety pins, which hold It to the petticoat proper. Tho girl who wears one of theso under hor voile or organdie gown may dare the strongest sunlight without embarrass ment. Home Disinfectant If you don't tako possession of your summer homo until late in tho summer, It Is probably musty from being closed up so long. A pleasant and thorough disin fectant Is mado by tilling a saucer with fresh coffee grounds, with a lump of gum camphor In tho centre. Light tho camphor with a match, and when It burns, let It consumo tho coffco with It Chase the Ants! Havo you been troubled with little ants around the sugar box? You can get rid of them without having disagreeable bug killers sprinkled around just draw a heavy chalk line a finger's distance nil around tho sugar box. They won't come back. Against Indifference More lovo or moro disdain I crave; Sweet, be not still indifferent; 0 send me quickly to my grnvo, Or else afford me moro content! Or lovo or hato mo more or less, For lovo abhors all lukownrmedncss. Give mo a tempest If 'twill drtvo Mo to tho place whore I would bo; Or If you'll have me still nllvo Confess you will bo kind to me. Glvo hopes of bliss or dig my grave; Mora love or moro disdain I crave. Charles Webbe. Ironing Convenience Every ono who has used an electric Iron knows what a nuisance It Is to have the cord catching on everything. Vnrlous de vices have been used to prevent this, and tho latest, according to tho Popular Science Monthly, Is the arm cord. This has a bracelet-sort of arrangement which fits on the arm above the elbow, thus allowing the coid to follow the movements of the arm ex actly. The Idea Is a good ono; it does away with the trouble of continually undoing knots In the cord, and dodging new entan glements. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL ., IIOVS 140 N, 18TII ST OIBL8 "Almost a Country School" on the Parkway A thoroughly modern day school with over two cen. turlee obworthy traditions. Elementary and High School departments. Emphasis on broad general culture and simple Christian living, with regsrd for tho needs and aptitudes nf each child. Cata logue. WAt.TKU W. 1IAV1I.AND. Principal. Strayer's Business College Summer School now open. Day and night. In dividual advancement. Charges moderate. Begin now. 8th and Chestnut Street, Wslnut 381, TEACHERS for schools and schools for teach, ers; free to employers. Nat't Teachers' Agy., D. II. Cook. aJ7 Perry Dldg. Spruce 3723. CKOHQE SCHOOL. JIUCKg CO.. PA. fipnrrre School Co-educatlonal with Bep- College Preparatory, also Manual Training and Sanitation courses for boys. 221 acres on Keen. smlny Creek. Athletics. Friends' man. Oeorge A. Walton. A. M-. Prln . Box 888. Uucks Ca. Pi. Yoong Toadies and Girls tllrlri MAUsllALX's (SCHOOL. jVUK 01UU4 Charming location 20 rr.tn. from 1'hiU. Colitis preparatory and gsneral courses. Music. An, Do. uiestlo Science. Outdoor athletics. Bend for catalog. Miss E. B. Marshall. Oak fjne. Polls. 8WAKTHMOBE. PA. THE MARY LYON hCHOOL A Country School In a College Town. College Prep. Certlf. pr!v. General and Finishing Courses. Oppor, for adv. study One teacher to every six girls. Open-air classrms. 8EVHX GABLEB, our Jr, School or eirls to II; itp.com. eajil. II.M. Crist, A.U,,Frsn. cee L.Crlst.A.H..Prlns lloi lo0.t.warihmoVe". Young Men and lioyB LANCASTER. PA. JfUANKLIN and MAKMIAXL ACADEMi S and MAKMIAXL ACADEMY. Bog icaster. I'a. Prepares, boys for leading and technical schools. For catalog address The Principal. DLAinSTOWN. . J. BLAIR ACADEMY General education and Cfrenaratlon fn, mIU er technical school. College entrance certlflcatt ff.. 1. fi t 4. fn l k" wuHjaa irsca. Vt" ' ciMM.i. m ffm ncoroisny weiCOE&Sa, rials thm wiu be cordially welcomed.' D., Ueadsiaster, lis A, T iebK O, bharpe. ilairsuwn. N. J. BOKDKXTOiVX, N. J. BORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE We prepare boys for college and business, de veloping them symmetrically for ths work of ,"i.i'y.,u,!:.r'uUr. regulajei instruction and modified military training Send for catalogue; Principal. Bordentown-on-tha-Delawars. JJ J. SWIMMING " Y. CENTRAL NATATORIUM WAter shansed dally. Three) months. Is, - eluding anubtnhij), IT. Sit. Ujtoo. fij A. ittste sa,ix, ::c 131 JWJz ttrMS. v raj V fa nix in In W-Wfj GARDEN QUERIES ANSWERED By JOHN DARTRAM Trouble With Musk-melons j It. II. Ths muakmelons ars among tha choicest products ot ths garden, but they nro not easily cultivated. If yours ara well started, however, thera Is no reason why they should not be kept In good shape. They are very exacting in that they re quire a special degree of moistura and heat. They must be carefully and systemat ically cultivated, too. The hoe is the beet thing to uso for this purpose, though It is not so easy to handle ns the wheel cultivator. Never permit the earth to be come baked or enked about tho musk melons. Keep the earth mellow nnd fine about the plant, malting n, dust mulch In droughty spelts. It is possible you havo not a large lot of them, so pour a few bucketfuls of water about the roots every other night A mutch of grass clippings from tha lawn will be helpful. The ravages of the striped bectlo and tho squash bug must bo guarded against. Perhaps the best thing for them Is to duet the stems of the vines, taking care to reach tho under sides also, with air-slaked lime or wood ashes. These bugs eat tho pith of the stems and once they make an entry tho vino 18,1081. Tho same general advice applies to all the cucurbits, as they are called, Including squashes, pumpkins and cucumbers. Flowers for Late Planting Hentcr. It Is possible even for tho renter who Is to be In tho country for tho sum mer months to make some sort of a floral showing. You can plant nasturtiums In tho new nnd brilliant shades, mnrlgolds, which glvo a brave display of yellow orange and gold tints In tho new varieties If they aro given a sunny situation,- mignonette, which should bo planted at weekly Intervals for a succession, portulaca, alt from seeds l( tho seedbed Is kept well watered and the seedlings aro carofully transplanted. It Is also possible to buy aatets, geraniums and scarlet saga In thrifty plants. Spraying for Mildew on Limas S. T. H. The mildew on lima beans, either polo or bush, can bo counteracted by spraying with bordeaux arsenate. Uso a scant teaspoonfut of tho prepared Bort which costs about 25 cents a pound to a Novel Serving Tray An easy way to ring a variation on tho ordinary serving trny Is to paint the Inttlnls of tha owner on it In gold or colors. Ite movo tho bottom of tho tray, nnd use tho old English or Itoman letters, transferring them with n piece of carbon paper right on to tha tray's snrfneo. Uso oil paints and outline with black paint. When the paint hns dried oUt, coat tho whole thing with light shellac. This makes certain colors look much brighter and more "llvo" than they really arc, especially orange, yellow, tan, red and blnck. Used ovor blue, shellac makes IU take on a greenish tinge. The effect Is like a coat of yellow paint. Removing Putty Old putty spots look very untidy when they are stuck on the kitchen window panes. A red-hot poker passed over them will melt them off right away, as will any hot Instrument. Courtesy Love's perfect blossom only blows Where noble manners veil defect. Angels may be fnmlllar: thoso Who were each other must respect, Coventry Patmore. SEE The Fleck Exhibit Any Day This Week At LEDGER CENTRAL (Chestnut Street at Broad Street) 1EARN how convenient you can make YOUR kitchen! See the perfect Kitchenette sink fitted with Fleck Roman Improved Faucets, the ideal Fleck Swinging Seat that takes the drudgery out of all your work. Demonstrations atl this week by expert demonstrator! Annette Kellermann on the Dangers of Shark -Infested Bathing Beaches ANNETTE KELLERMANN, the world's best woman swimmer, learned her won derful strokes within the shark-proof in cisures of Australian bathing beaches. She has an extensive experience of shark-infested waters. The bays of Jamaica (where her new photoplay was filmed) are beset by them, and the man-eater is better known on the Australian beaches than in any other Djace in the world. Australia protects the ives of bathers by simple yet thoroughly re iable methods, which this wonderful woman swimmer outlines in her article. This story of the dangers of the "Tiger of the Sea," and how to combat him, should be read by every sea bather' and bathing beach proprietor, ft appears in TOMORROW'S PUBLICLEDGER lVivisv quart of waler. Try to reach the under side of the leaves also. This can be done with a little neck which is attached to the hose of tho ordinary sprayer. The arse nate will be efllcncloua In stopping tho ravages of the black fly, which causea the leaves to curl nnd wither. The Newer Geraniums S. T. Young. The newer varieties of geraniums are very beautiful and not at all ns homely ns the old bred reds and dusty yellows. Try tha beautiful soft salmon pink Beauto Poltovalne, tho soft white Sla dame Recamler, tha H A. Nutt, a deep crimson, or the Marquis do Castellano, In two lovely shades of red. Making Hydrangeas Dluo Warren We answered this question to the best of our knowledge n few weeks back. Wo have heard that Iron filings dug In around tho herbaceous hydrangeas will give a deep blue color. However, some of tho varieties are naturally blue in blos soming. This would be the Bureet way to get the result you desire. Wo havo also heard that cpsom salts dug In the soli will create the desired coloring. After tho hydrangeas havo bloomed they will bo a bit exhausted by their efforts and should bo given some nutrition. Tho best thing to do In this emergency Is to glvo a dress ing of bono meal, several large tablespoon fuls to each plant. Then In tho fnll, late, glvo n generous dressing of well-rotted manure, piled up about tho stalks and over the roots area. Do not cut the stalks down till spring, nfter tho bud3 havo he gun to form, whon it is nit right to prune out the dead wood. All of the stalkn wltl took dead In tho winter, but tho leaf nnd flower buds are thrown out on theso event ually. It Is a common mistake to cut tho soft or herbaceous hydrangeas down to the ground, and tho result Is that tho roots havo a doublo duty to perform and will not bloom tho ensuing season. Cucumbers 8. W. Cool nnd Crisp Is ono of the most reliable varieties of cucumbers. Greiyi Pickling is another excellent sort, espe cially for tho purpose designated In tho tltlo. It is not too Into to plant cucumbers now. Mackerel for Breakfast , Time wns when no good Phltadctphlan would go without mackerel for hl3 Sunday morning breakfast. Hero Is the way it was prepared: Clean tho fish well, season with pepper, salt nnd dust with fine bread crumb3. If you hnvo none, uso Hour in stead. Have a frying pan smoking hot, with Just enough fat In It to keep tho fish from burning. When tho fat gives oft a bluish smoke, It Is ready. Lay your fish In It, and quickly brown on both sides. Now cover your pan, rcduco tho heat, nnd let It cook slowly for 10 or 15 minutes moro, depending on tho slso,of tho fish. Squab for the Invalid A squab cooked according to theso direc tions won't harm tho sick stomach. Clean the squab, split It opon, lay on a thickly buttered pan and sprinkle over with salt nnd pepper. Cover with nnother buttered pan nnd steam until tender. Servo plain or with hot brown sauce. Nutmeg Cookies Mix two cupfuls of Btigar, three-quarters of n cupful of butter, two-thirds of a cupful of sour milk, nutmeg, two eggs, a teaspoon ful of soda and enough flour to roll. Roll out quite thin nnd bake In a quick oven. JrXJECKlSjR.OS.fUo. 8IIOWR003IS 41-sO.ia nnd 60 NORTH FIFTH STREET - Vi.vii,t