"TSSS& iv--1 m-w, ww T"imyyrni!Xg " .s EVEltfING LEDGERPHIL'ADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY "13 mi'MiBum. ufmiifiMw "M j iijiiijpj!w 15, 1916. w ( . m Mi i BEAT, ESTATK FOR SALE CJRBMANTOWTf Continued from PrccAlne foot. Modern Gerniantown Homes Most attrnctlve and complete list of, rron- ertles for snl! or rent In nil sections of Oer- rnaniown: renna. nna jteanina- roni bile eervico to make Inspections, nuntnivn lnnl nnd T?A(1(ns roAda! ftlltflmo. tile service to make Inspections, Send for elected list, A tow bargains :ea nan, a tew Dnrgnins, SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKLIN IMC. BLDG.. BROAD & CHEST, ,WALNUT LANE n.. 114 OERMANTOWN Modern, attractlvo 10-room house. Just com; pletedr 1 block from (lermantown nve, and new oermantowii men School! modernioprice, convenient terms, l'hone werniantown xiiiii. OERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HlLli SECURE Oltll REVISED HALE U8T is. ii. uikiku( rui urrmnninivn nvo. n R REAL) ESTATE ntlLLETN will be sent vnti hv tnnll nn nttnTlnntlon. flermftntown Trust co.,cnelten nml oermnntown nves. IF YOU ARE LOOK1NO FOH A IlOME In tier- mantown. Jit, Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. a. k. Aicenan, 0747 iiermantown nve. CHOICE HOMES. Tutpehocken st. rust of tier- rnantown nve. J. ii . 6022 Qennantoirn nve, IADWICK t, CO., Ml. Airy. Oermsntown Well-Built Residence nd 2 acres of ground on three streets; house contains 0 bathrooms, lavatory, smoking room ana refrigerator room, besides chambers and other rooms: heated by Webster modu lated steam and lighted by electricity and Baal large garage with a rooms and bntht nil lec trie nnd phone wires underground: complete yacuumclennlng plant) large porches; large rooms; large windows, well screened; 7 Are places; toilet In basement. VM. H. WILSON & CO. g NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY I'elham, Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. . TELUAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Oermnntown ave. Chestnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Main Line, WARNOCK A EMLEN Commercial Trust Building. Lognn exonna, dwellings and apartments For Sale or Rent In Rest Sections of Logan. T7M, D. CHAMBERS, 4933 N, Broad st. S729 Old Yorlc roail. 00x382 ft. dwelling; 1 story factory, 4ino ft.; stable. W. Uruce Harrow, ISO N. I2tn st, DESIRABLE. well-located dwellings at attrac tive prices In Logan, Tinea nnd elsewhere. THOMAS McII.HENNY. 4038 N. Hroad. Tlotn B421 N. 21BT ST. 3-story dwelling, moderni one block from Tioga Station; price reason able: easy terms. ..., . . INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. IPSO N. Front st. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LUOAN. KENNEDY ft HAMHO. "740 OEHMANTOWN Olney 11800 MODERN 2-story house; good reason for selling. 1B4 W. Olney nve. . PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN Zmbl resld Ell OS-acre country estnto. now . stone residence, 3 baths; remodeled Revolutionary atone house, 1 bath; 2 tennnt houses; situated on a. high plateau overlooking entire estate; benutlfuf lawn nnd shrubbery; garden plnnted for tho season: olec.) gnrage. barn nml chicken plant. If. J. Darer. Inc.. Ambler. l'a. BROOKLINE Brand new, dot. dwlgs,, 7r & b., water heat, olectr.; noctl!.'; 13830; only 1450 cash required; will exchange. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Brqpkllno Bin. CYNWYD Beautiful Enzllsh house, with garage. Id rooms. 4 baths (0 chambers). 11 fireplaces: all modern Improvements: handsomely finished throughout: rooms lar.ro and bright; garnso holds 2 cars: lot over ono ncre. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE UUIfcDINO DARBY Ask for suburban snlo lists. All parts Delaware county. DctncheU and seml-detnch-ed, Large lota. Swopo & Sons. Darby. lKINS PARK Modern nlngle ' dwelling, 10 rooms, 'J baths; 2 minutes to station; price SB00O. McCOKMICK & MCCORMICK. 1011 Chestnut st. and Elklns l'ark. t &LICIN3 PARK New single dwelling. 10 rooms, hot-water heat: price, JtlbOO. McCORMICK mcuuiimiuu, lull iMiestnut st & KiKins i-nrn OLENblDt; HOMES nnd building sites, every description. RENNINUEH & RENNINUER. Ulenslde. Pa. SlENSIDE Will sell at a hnrgnln, SOiir.o of ground f all Improvements. E 017, I.ed. Cent. SLaNSDALE 27 bldg. loti". near depot. Including 2 bldgs., 25x160 ft. each, heated; water, light and sswer connection; houses needed; 13800. A. ii. 'I'KBU.N. itnsflain. r. RprtTH O LENS IDE TOU VZUU pass our office by train or trqlley or motor right at Ardslcy Station. It will pay you to stop off at the North Qlenslde Lnnd Co.'b tract and seo our bungalowi nnd land Improvements. W. C. Qlenn. Land Title Bldg. CXA K.MONT, DEIAWARE CO. I am Local Agent for the E. T. Stotesbury tract at Oak mont, adjolnlnir high school and station, near 3 churches nnd stores: property Is fully de veloped, having gas. Springfield water, elec tric light, macadam streets and broad Bldo walks. Inducements offered to builders. Houses now going up and for sale. Write or call for Illustrated booklet, "Kncts About Oakmont." WM, a. DAVIS, office. South Ardmore. at station, or A. HOWARD HITTER. Agent. 200 South 7lh St., Phlla., l'iu BOUTH ARDMORE, PA. -Dranri.nnur hniian and bungalows, with nil conveniences: near 3 churches, hlcll school, troll'ev station nnrl stores; 16 mln. car service; 30 mln. to City Ifnll; open for Inspection today. Come out. WM. 3. DAVIS, Offlco at station. Rydal Country Seat,. 5 Acres Stono Colonial House. IS rooms and n baths; Iarao tfcrusu; CDmmanua una views o Hunt ncdon Valley HERKNESS & STETSON IAND TITLE BUILD1NQ Detached House and Acre ot ground tor S7000. House Is heated by hot water and has all conveniences; 1(1 rooms and bath; corner property, near station. WM. H. WILSON & CO.- ? Stone Residence 1 Acres 15 rooms. 2 baths; hot-water heat; well-built bouse, facing west nnd on high ground; there Is a garage; more land adjoining can be had. WM. H. WILSON & CO. ff3!8 CHOICE I1UILDINO SITES nna acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND, Langhorne. Pa. BUUUltUAN HOMES TOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL & MAS3EY RsalEstat Trust Building, SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue. BROWN & CLOUD. Norrlstown. Pa. SELECT Properties Country seats, farms: '.'st orders now. LEWIS T. RllOOKK & SON. 1414 South Penn nn. FOUNDED 1878. tOT at Ardsley, on trolley. 3 7 'J" 100. 375; must sell. E (14. ledger Central. Suburban Lots PRINQFIELD Plot 00x170 feett all Improve mental price 1700; easy terms. L ell, Ledger Central. MAIN riNE. P. K. It. ARDMORE Stone house on north side R, R.. 12 rooms, S baths; sleeping porch; hardwood floors, tiled kitchen; 3 open fireplsa; handsomely finished throughout; lot 70x208. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILDINCJ BRYN MAWJl Most desirable residence; stable and US acres; 15 large rooms. 3 baths; storerooms; Q open fireplaces: all conveniences; stable com pletely equipped; shade and fruit trees; vege table gardens. LOWER MERION REALTY CO, LAND TITLE BUU.DINQ DEVON 12 rooms and bath: electric light: surrounde4 by fine. large places; garage, garden, shade trees; price moderate. Apply to LOWER MERION REALTY CO, LAND TITLE I1UILDINQ UAYEHFORD NEW STONE HOUSE Desirably located near Merlod OoltClub. at Ilaverford; 18 jooms. 4 baths. 8 rJhamUrs: hot-water beat, electric llgbts, several open fireplaces; garsge. 3 cars. r,ooms far, man; toautlful outlook; about 2 acres ot ground; price moderate. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILPINO MERION nn Vrtrrnat eve. 0 minutes ftom station: stone and stucco house; slate roof. 12 S batha; modern ni In good coadtti 63x191: room for garage. I'hoto and ix rooms. 1M particular irom LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILPINO BEAL ESTATE EOR SAliE rAlN j,txn, r. r. r. Conflntted Irom rreccilnn Column. MERION North side, at a bargain, J7S00: 6 bedrooms beauttrul location nnd surroundings. O M. Handle, 2IS. 12th. NARBF.RTH Now building, 11 rooms, hnrd wood floors: 2 baths: forest trees I gnrngei prlco J7B0Q. Hnrbett CJflJiornJ0J JlallejHjdi. OVEUBROOK HOMES A large nnd complete list of properties In Ovorbrook for sale at prices from 18300 up ward: several bargains; also complete rent list. CltARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MORRIS BLDtl.) 1421 CHESTNUT ST. WYNNEWOOD .Desirable house, near station: stone nnd stucco; 14 rooms, 2 baths ( chambers): gas, elec. nnd vapor heat: lot 00x181, Irregular) houso In equipped with high-grade screens, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE 11UILDINO SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and build ing sites to suit nil requirements! Main Line. . It. C. HUNTER, Wayne, Pa. LAROE HOUSE. N7 W. cor. Montgomery nnd Urookhurst nves.. Nnrbcrth: BpnxlOOi 112.000. WALTER n. SMITH. 0002 Drsxelrosd. NEW .lr.nHKY SL'llt'RIlAK HADDONFIELD 10 ROOM HOUSE All convenience!!, sleeping porch; lot 78X100, shade: fruit; well located: fflOOO. , PETERS SON, R0S CHESTNUTST., PHILA. WOODHUKr HEUIIITS 4S lots: modern homes; 10c. fare: get folder. L. SNOOK. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES haddon HEimiTS. n. j, WILLET LIPPINCOTT NEW JERSEY BKAStlfinB CArE MAY. N. J. 10-room furnished cottage nnd beach front; 7 minutes' walk station; lot noxlflO, J280O. n 21, Ledger umre. OCEAN""ClTYr K J. Modern neW house, S rooms nnd bath: ticnr ncenn: no rensonoblo of fer refused, mono utn. ins VEMTNOIt 1400 building lots, BOtlOO ft.: conv. to beach and trolley, 800 W, State st 'irenron, ,n. j. Wll.lHVOOl). N J. 210 K. 25th. St.. summer nnd winter rottago for sale, fully furnisneu. In best residential section; can be purchased nn essy terms; modern In oery respect! open for Inspection. JAMES D. WINCHBLL, N. W. cor, lith nndBansom. - WILDWOOD Two lots given away at Wlldwood Crest, Call nt offlro on grounds for Informa- tlon; WILDWOOD CREST nBAIPYJCO. COTTAOE nt Capo May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction; attractive Plans sub mitted free by the reliable builder. OTIB M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS VALUABLE CHESTER CO. FARM FOR SALE PS acres; deep sandy lonmi 3 miles south of Pottstown. foot of Chestnut Hills: very scenloj delightful summer home; attractive lawn and shrubbery: largo stono house, 12 rooms cook ery basement nnd btth: stono summer kitchen! nbundanco of excellent water In house and barn; 100-foot porch; stono tenement house, U rooms, 2 stnlrwnys: well nt door: stony barn, largo covered yard; ntnulcs.G horses, 2S cows; silo, 4 chicken houses, pig pen, tool shed, wagon hnuse.auto house, etc. Splendid varieties of nil kinds of fruit: 130 young apple trees; stream runs through farm; exceptional oppor tunity for electric plant; land very productive: buildings all good; dairy nnd poultry farm: near best markets: In family 00 years: easy terms: possession to suit purchaser: look It over nnd bo convinced. Allen High. R. D, No. 2 Pottstown. Pn. Picturesque Farm of 104 Acres IB miles from City. Hall: stone, Colonial house, surrounded by old shade, stono tenant house, npplo orchard; woods and meadows; high elevation; .b mllo railroad station: an excellent farm, with wild, picturesqun scenery: ono stream upon tho property Inrge enough for boating and swimming, near golf and hunt clubs. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILPINO BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE Stono mansion, J 8 rooms. 4 baths; electrlo lights, own wnter supply from never-falling eprlror of pure water: modern barn nnd garago; 3 stnnc tenant houses, 100 acres of verv fer tile land: delightful outlook; long creek front. This Is ono of the most tleslrablo places In the fox-hunting district 1'4 miles from station and trolley. 12 miles to Pnlla. Will sacrlflco If sold at once. BENJ. T. LEVIS Media, Pa. HERE IS A GOOD FARM and the right price. Stone house. 11 rooms; stono nnd frame barn for (I horses and 20 cows; 80 acres of verv fertile land, In good order; 23 acres of fruit land, well watered. Price, 18000, possession with deed, BEN.T. T. LEVIS Media, Pn. 51 ACRE FARM IB mllea north of city by macadam road: good stono house and complete buildings; fine high situation, in Improving sectldn. See catalogue. C. l PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. 40 ACHES Near Newtown It. R.: good build ings: fruit;, nhailo. meadow, running stream; high grounds; fine view; priced for Inmmedlato Bale; reasonable terms; ;onesslon at once. JOHN H. MASON, llathoro, Pa. WRITE TOR SPECIAL LIST of largo stock and grain farms: the best and cheapest In the East. JACK'S FARM AGENCY, 21B Stephen Olrard llldg.. 21 S. 12th St.. Phlla. SUMMER home nmldst bills. II acres; good stono bid.-.: eprlr.K. fine lewsi 4 miles station; 11500, J. M. Fronefleld. Wayne. Pa. ISO ACRES 'Stock nnd dairy farm; good build ings; $110(10. J. 11. THOMPSON, West Chester. Pa. 3D ACRES, on Old York rd.. n-room stono house, outbuildings, old shade, fruit, 14500; terms, P.OIKJENTINB. 3350 Clermanlown. NEW JERSEY FARMS ONE-ACRE TARMS. nearest to Phlla. train and trolley, Wrlto for pamphlet. BARLOW CO.. .Maple Shade, N. J. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what you nae ror wnai ou warn. KERSHAW & CROWL. B21B Chestnut. HAVE larjo Jin, 500 Broad st. residence; want house In north or west suburbs, L 703, Ledger uilice. HAVE two centrul 11th st. business properties valued nt J22.000, will exchange tor other real estate. L 711. lodger Offlco. H. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE OCEAN CITY. N. J. Exceptionally attractive corner cottage. Morris. 40th and Central ave. EEAI, ESTATE WANTED CAREPUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real .estate sold, mortgages placed. ARTHUR B03WELL, 233 N. 13th st. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort- f:ages and fire insurance placed quickly. See CANE for prompt results. 252S Tasker at. EEAI. ESTATE FOR RENT CITY nn.t K. ?!)th. 3. story brick. lOr. and bath. 2.MH U. rone, .-siury iranw, aoaui or. PIIH LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO.' Droad and Chestnut ata., Philadelphia. Trust Department. J18 2123 WALDEN. bel. 21st and Arch: 8 rooms: convs, 114 2310 Hamilton, above 28th and Vine; 7 rooms, range, gas, large yard to alley: nswly papered: 1 square to Park. 110 to 110 Central live and sli room houses; good repair. Abbott estate N- E. cor. Droad and Race ets. 2238 FA1RMOUNT AVE., 3-itory brick dwell ing. U rooms and bath and shed: 123 per month. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. Trut Department. Broad and Chestnut sts.. Philadelphia. DWELL1NC13 " STORES FACTORIES FLOORS MYERS & RARTH. RIDOB AVE. A 1UTH. 1023 NORTH 12TH STREET " Three-story fine dwelling; 12 rooms: side yard; low rent; cnoice location; conveniences, Wm. L. Craven's Sons. 15 HI N. 7th st. 118 N. 10TH 15 rooms. 2 baths; hot-water beat, laundry tubs, etc; suit doctor's office aud apartments. -.,. j. At I . . bav,.,, ,ju o. imu p,. 8PRUCE ST.. 1012. 1320. 1703. I70D. 2120, 2128. 2131. 2400. 2124. BU17. 4U50. 400. liU.IAl ! fc-VWJJ. mi ,r,iaui Mb. 1035 SPRUCE ST.. corner. 20th Suitable for doctor's of Aces and dwelling. HAalUKi, w. Ltivia, iteai estate -trust wag. LAROE mill.DINO tar. manufacturing or stor age. 710 N, Sd at. Apply to owner at 080 Beach St. Ruslnese Properties and Stores MARKET STREET, S23 Entire building to rear street) lot 25.3x200; immediate pojsesslon, Apply Penna. Co., 817 Chestnut st. STORE AND BASEMENT. 800 Chestnut St., .80x113,' large window; whole store or will divide. LEA ESTATES. 700 Sanaom st. West Philadelphia STORE AND FIXTURES. 4022 Market; Bear L station; rent 127. JAMES N. MITCHELL. 49th and Market. Logan STORES New stores. 4833-3S-00-63 N. Broad street (Southwest corner Hroad and Rockland streets). 18 ft. by 60 ft. each, beautiful, large and modern; In. the best location ot Lex an; reasonable rents. Albert M. ureenfleld, inc., N. E. cor. 13tb and Chestnut sta . or William D. Chambers. 4833 N Broad street. Stores and TmcIUng llkil'UCED 2V1U Rtdjie ate . modern, store and dwelling, well located suit ai,y twslaesa: open. Factories. Warehouses, Mfg. FUora xAw KKxvi jjros.0. aoove, i-umoeriaiid manu- xaciuf uui sva..-e tu iuw luouem oreprooi wrif ai of Wright, Building, oear North Philadelphia,' aj)4 Hunt Uudoa 3 tret t Statiunj. and triia-ul arda. IIVIMMKU. WW . 1IVH REAE ESTATE FOR RENT rneterles. Warehouses. Mftju Jl oor Conllnued' rem Preceding Cohimn. ARCH AND 28D STREETS N. E. CORNER 14.000 SO. FEET IN MODERN FACTORY Steam and electric power, 2 elevators, low insurance, nutomstlo sprinklers, watchman, H. It. sidings, extra large windows and nlth ceilings. Owner management. Apply O. p. pim.INCI ft BON CO. 1214 ARCH STREET New, modern fireproof building, suitably for light manufacturing! elevator: steam heat, electric light. The Land Title & Trust Co. HROAD AND CHESTNUT STS. Cohockslnk Mills FcotfnJh?,?- rioore, liOOO to 1,000 sq. ft. Chenp power. H. P. MeNEBLY. 1732 .Randolph, Metropolitan Building baai?lacbd & P iiVTlNiiioiS! 40,000 SQ. IT. TLOOR SPACE7 In building with modern equipment; railroad aiding; subpost offlco; low insurance, Apply C. J. Milne A Sons. N. E. cor. 11th nnd Washington nve. MERCHANTS' RUILDtNO 44 NORTH 4TII STREET, A Desirable rooms power na llgni. mo. noo so FT. eldln nower, plantl ,,lf ttrnlturn or any similar business, 2(i "RENTS this fine second. floor, 10x80, at OlO Cherry St.; elevator Included. MOftniS A CO.. Ridge at Broad . FACTORIES, sites, wa'rehouses, floor space ex clusively. J. Alan Mlddleton. factory spec al- lst andenslneer, 0011-11 Wldener Uld.,Phlla. 8. IL'cor. lblh ft Iluttonwood; (10.000 sq. ft.i will divide. W. Bruce Barrow, 180 N. 12th st. 62 N. 7TH 4-story brick building, 20x100; steam heated. WORRELL. 656 N. 17th. . orncr-Ji misisrsi rooms etc. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET ARCHITECT'S OFFICES 1100 uq. feet. Excellent north light Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. ARCH ST. BUSINESS ROOMS 1332, 2d; elevator; nice, 1317, 2d front; reduced. . 012, 4th; suit light manufacturing1. JWIIU" J7 l-A'W ItAU, Djl r. lotn ay. niiKVWf. rti.nn. oiririCKH. Annual Rentals Single rooms, 120. 1160. 225,800,14BO,I8SO. Suites 2 rmn., 1150, 1175. 20O. 1225. 1250. Sultrs fl rma.,275,1400,l450,inOO,uOO,j780. Corner suites. 3 to 8 rooms, $500 to 11050. ELLIS P., WILLIAMS. 600 Droxel Building.., SEVERAL DESIRABLE OFFICES.. SINOLE AND EN SUITE: ALSO FLOOR IN A NEW MODERN HUILDINU. JAMES D. WINCHELL.. N. Vf. COR. 17TH AND HANSOM STB. HEED BIHLD1NO 1211-1 Filbert st. Centrally locnted: all conveniences: rents at tractively low: atrvlca continuous. OFFICES 110 UP Business rooms, J, Manufacturing space. Centrally located". A. PATTERSON 180 S. 15th at. MERCHANTS' nUILDINO 44 NORTH 4TH STREET ., Very desirable offices: heat nndi light, 1700 WALNUT ST. Desirable offices for physi cians, etc.; heat.llght and Janitor service turn. Apply Tho Penna. Co.. fit Chestnut St. CHESTNUT, 2115-.Lnrge room tor physician, turn, comp.i hot ft coM water; rent reasonable. RENTAL I.1STS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances un Lhes ft Orantlng Annuities. C17 Chestnut st. Both phones. 24T, S.lRth.ir.r.5218 311 30(13. 13th.l0r.IBO.OO 20.1 fl. 22d. 2nr.lR(i.on 41S R.Broad.2.-ir 137.no 2020 T.ocu-U. IBr.lS.I.OO 1310 Pine. ltlr.. . 108,34 ll.inpino. 15r...lR.3l 120 s.Ilroad.ICr ino.Oil lOinnreen, 17r.. 7n.0O l i;n N. IStti. lOr. 70.00 IBIS Pine. l()r... im.1171 1321 Olrard. 13r.. no.00 1233 S. Broad. lr.r BO.OOiliiOi poplar. 13r. no.OO i02HOreen. i3r.. nn.imj am s. 3d. inr... no.oo BIS N. loth. 12r 47.501 l.-.i l Oreen. llr.. no.OO :-' i-ine. lur... 4a.nuiini"j oxrorci, iir. eu.uu R23 Race. ISr.. 4T..00 123 N. 21st,10r., 1st.; bath i.Msrt. i7in. iir 4.1, t'o 1B34 Master. 13r 41.07 1733 N. 18th. 13r 40.00 73"i Corln'n, llr 37.B0 1730 n. tnth. I2r an.oo 1747 N. 13th, Or. 30.00 1215 N. 13th, Or. 28.00 42.30 42.no 41.HT 137 N. 20th, 12r, 327 N. fittl. 15r.. (120 N. 8th. 15r.. 1714 Oxford, llr. R'H M. 4th. llr.. 3R.flf 37.50 32.00 2(122 N. Util. llr. 3".(0 2531 Colu'hla, llr 28.00 1418Whnrton, Or 2R.0O 117 W.Rharpnnck. llr 213.", Master. lleOK.no 2111 N. 11th. llr. 25.00 517 N. loth. Or. 2.1.00 !21 Vlnrt. 11,. . r. no 1120 Falrm't. or. 1413 N. (1th. 10r.. loir, N. Mh. Or. . H2I1 N. loth. lOr. 120 N.rrklln. Br. 2(11(1 N. Jessup.flr nil r.nttmer. Or 5.00 25.00 24.00 21.00 22.00 107N.Cmac. r 22.00 ,-" rtew mt iir -l.im '.u jiainDri e.ur 13UI Reed. 7r. .. 142tl Stum, 7r. .. nil Pnrrlsh, r.r. inn N.C'arll'e.Or 023 Falrm't. Hr, 1800 N.RIngld.Or 0.00 0,00 0.00 20.00! 18,00 lR.nn 1134 N. Camsc. llr 18.00 1020 N.Vnnl'elt.7r 18.00 17.001 lo.onl Kins. 2d. (r... 10. un 1133 North. Or... lfl.OO llt.rtnl 1004 Iwmon. 7r. . 1.1.00 a Levd'n ct. rtp ia.nnl1731 Nr.IlVh'd. Rr 15.00 035 Nect'lne. 5r 15.no! 181 W ("umb'd.7r 16.00 ... WEST PHILADELPHIA. 3410 rawern.llr.t4B.nm 750 N. 4(ith. l.lr.J.11.00 421R Olranl. lor. Sl.nni 434 N. 33d, 13r. 8.1,00 0843 Sp. Odn.10r25.00 3741 Brown. Or.. 18.00 SOON, May. 8r. 1(1 no! 471(1 oirnrd. Or.. 10.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS. 223 s. inth.l2r.t7n.ni'litno Poplar. lflr..Jll.07 12 N. 2d. 8r.. 41.071 251 N. 2d. 18r.. 40.00 1012 Oxford, llr. 30.nol.1H4n Parrlih, llr. 30.00 100,1 Falrm't. Or 25.00' 1010 N. 20th. lOr 27 BO 818 W.Norrls.Or 25.001 72 1 N, Front. llr 21.0n BIS N. 3d, 8r.. 2.i.nn2.iin RUge, llr.. Sft.oii 417 Green, 7r.. 22.001 830 H. 2d. Or.... 23.00 238 N.C'rilsle.7r 20.00I 12.1 W. Oxford.Or 21.00 120 South, 4r... 20.0(T1 U23S. 2d, 8r.... 20.00 1204-0 S. 2d. 6r. 18.001 25H3 Ambler. Or.. 20.00 201 Wharton, Br 10.0011120 S. 2d. Br.... 18.00 SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. S, E. COR. OTH AND OALLOWHILL STS. STORES. E2S Commerco st.. store and 3 Moors.... -100. 00 20.' N. nth st., larr.e store 43,00 ? f?.utl st., large store. 001 Filbert st.. 3 iloors 30.00 ... STORES AND DWELL1NOS 1407 Cumberland. Or, and store, convs.. .100. 00 BOO N. mil, K rooms and store 30.00 341 K. Oth. 0 rooms 1.1.00 1100 Falrmount, atnrHnnd 1 room 10,00 232 R. 10th. IT, rooms.':!' hath tflO.no 714 N. Franklin. 13 rooms, all convs,... 5.1.00 171.1 Master. 12 rooms, conveniences 50.00 312(1 N. Brond. 12 rooms, conveniences.... 60.00 n2(l Marshall. 12 rooms Bn.no 1010 NorrlB. 11 roomB. conveniences 28,00 lint inninond. iur,.eJ(i 2nin l'erot, ,r iv -,iii rairniount. vr, - 320(1 Snnsnni. 10r... 2,1 1(05 Wool. Or 25 8 IS New Market. Or 20 10211 Thompnon. 8r.. 20 1201 N. tlth st.. (ir. 18 043 N. Lawrcnco.7r 17 II (Jeorce. Or... 013 Melon. 8r 22t:t E. Ilunt'n, 8r.. 1428 N. 10th. 7r.... .WIN. Darlen. 7r,. i-ti inyriie. or. ;v lie Iteese, Or , 1814 Ontnr 0, 12 rooms , J2-29 1020 Ontario, 7 rooms, conveniences..,.,, 10. go Desirable housekeeping apartments, 40 to (30 per month. Janitor on premises. DANIEL A. MINNICIC REALTY 1830 R1DIIK AVENUE DWEIiI.INUa. 1713 1203 15011 15211 2411 11(17 2337 1314 1327 1310 1725 181.1 2000 180!) noo 1918 isin 1827 2234 Master st t?o 851 Corinthian ave. Erie ave 40 N. loth st 43 N. ISth st 40 N. College ave. 23 W. Norrls ... 23 Master 17 N. 23th 17 N. 24th 16 N. Alder 13 2023 Poplar st. 3.110 N Camao 730 llelvue at. 180S hharswood 2151 Sharsivood St.. St.. un n. utn 1730 Olive st 220.1 Harlan at (;ii n aiarvine.no.i APAnfMEKTfl Master St.. 4 apartments, turn. 130 and Itjdje ave., 4 rooms, cons. (2d floor). , Ridge ave.. 0 rooms, convs, (2d floor).,. Thompson st.. 4 rooms, convs. (3d floor). 133 18 21 o luar, '-iwrniuiuo N. 10th st 135 41" N. Oth .120 .20 . ia . 14 Ridge ave 30 Thompson .... 25 nicArd ava. . . . 2u 1738 Callowhlll st. Ii21 Ridge ave. ., 2240 Sharswood at, Jefferson ..... 20 DUILDINO, Vt. W. wir. 10th and Insersoll. ,oio, Juin and Ingersoll. .........,,.,,. 130 43d. i'i 10.11 Camao ........ 25 1023 fngeraoll ...... 14 4508 Westminster av 13 Jdlfl Catharine 8 AMS. B22 Wa nut st. n?4 ir ndlana 40 A40 Holly IS 3703 Barlnr ALFRED H. WILLIAMS. St. WEST PHILADELPHIA. HERMAN BROS.. 6019 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores, NEAR BOTH ST. "L" STATION For rent or sale. DWELLINOS. STORES. APARTMENTS FOR KENT WM- II. W. QUICK ft BRO,, INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. OEHMANTOWN DETACHED, dwelling, 13 rooms, 2 baths. 1829 E. PRICE ST. 9 rooms, all modern con, vanlences. porch front; rent 118 per month. Key at taiw r;. irice st. ISO DWELLINOS. 11 ROOMS' oena lur um. Continental-Equitable Trust Co., 21 S. 12th. Tioga, 1410 TIOOA, 1413 VENANOO. right at Broad; 13 rooms; fine condition; 138. ABERNETHY, 2724 NORTH 8TH. 2031 W. ONTARIO ST. 3 story, 14 rooms. 3 baths; side yard: rent 40 per month. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. 1950 N. Front at. Logan CAMAC ST., 4888 3 story. 0 rooms, side yard, 2 porches: 125. Apply 4831 Camao. Oak Lane 7104 YORK ROAD 2-story porch-front house; cool, shady, all conveniences. Sweeney, 8810 York road.' PENNSYLVANIA SCDDBBAN BROOK LINE Brand new. det. dwlxs., tr. A b.. Water beat, electr.: lari lots; 128.50, 128.80 up. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Brookllne Stn. CYNWYD DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT AT BALA AND CYNWYD Let Us Know Your Requirements SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 BALA AVE., CYNWYD, .1ND COMMERCIAL litCST MUJLDINQ. HTM. AND MARKET STS. HEAL ESTATE FOB BENT rKNNSVLVANIA BUnCRlUN Continued from Preeedlno Column. MOTION Attractive country residence nt.Moy Ian, .Hose Valley: ample shado and lawn, about B acres: house stands on high eleva tion commanennr extensive views; has 10 rooms, 4 bathrooms, hot-water heat, electric light, etc.: chauffeur's dwelling, vrlth garage attached; rent 11000 per annum. Whiteside k McLnnahan, I nth and Pins ets. SOUTH ARDMORE. TA. Two twin detached nouses in i.ianercn, wun nil convenifn.- near trolley: 52.1 nnd 124. BO per month, Keys at ofneo of Wm. 8. Davis, South Ardmoro. MAIN LINE. P. R. It. ARDMORE LARGE LIST OF RESIDENCES FOR SALE, ALSO Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES FOR RENT ON MAIN LINE P. R. R. LET US KNOW TOUR REQUIREMENTS SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO, 15T1I AND MARKET STH. , ST. DAVID'S Stone Colonial Residence 18 rooms. 3 hathai electrlo light; steam heat! Sarquetry doors; stone garage for 4 cars, with rccms and bath op 2d floor; one acre; beau tiful high situation near station; moderate rent. .. HIRST & MCMUL.JU1IN WEST END TRUST 11UILDIN0 30 ST. PAUL'S ROAD. Ardmore, 12 rooms, 150. WALTER HASSETT SMITH. 0400 Woodbine ave., OverbrooH. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE CHELSEA 20 B. Windsor nve., 0 bedrooms, 2 porches, ono Inclosed, 1W squares from Board walk; Just renovated; all conveniences. OCEAN CITY. N. J. Apartment, furnished complete. 7 rooms; modern every detail! porches front and back; rent 1223 for season. 1411 Wesley a e. Nnwopen. . OCEAN "GATE, N. J. For" "rent, bench-front bungalow, hoat Included, reasonable . T, M. Rnmer.lB25 N. Frailerst.,Wet Phlla. SEASIDE PARR 7 nnd 10-room cottages, fur nished, near ocean and bay; good boating nnd fishing Wlckham, 3810 Market st. WILDWOOD t'REHT, near pier; 4 bedrooms, all conveniences! 1200 for season. E 657, Ledger Central. RUMMER HOUSES. MAINE FURNISHED COTTAOE on renobacot Day. Camden. Me ; 12 rooms, bath, Improvements; exquisite views. Particulars. Mrs. It. N. Wysong, Olyndon. Haiti. Co.. Md. FOB BENT FURNISHED C HKSTNUT HILT, SEVERAL eslroble nfoummer sea.or, Morrla IlutlJlng. . sununnAK .', . r.r?"ti VD1111 nr-n aiPV Handsomo 17-room residence 3 baths, hot water heater, open fires, sleeping porch, gar Sgo S acres; fine, high loc. Photos. Others. cfV'PETHRS A SON. (IPS CHESTNUT ST. new jnii8i:YBiJnunnAN -MOORESTOWN 0-room modern houso. plantod garden, shade for 2 mos or longer: Immediate possession. I'hoto. Others, Rlverton. Jit. Holly, Haddon Ileld. Sloorestown, Laurel Springs, ono on NEW JERSEVHE,5HORE . .. 1 enV nHfV -W eanm KntlafTA leneit Inf tlonj reuKonuble; balanco of season. 10 N. llellevuo ave. WILDWOOD, N. J. For July. Northwood Apts., 25th and Atlantic nves.; open for Inspection; Philadelphia phono. Frnnktord li7 W. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If .you deslro efficient service, nulck and satisfactory results and m0d tjALL?hpJfoNE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgago will be as good ae placed." NORMAN .1. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Ilepanb.o In term of ycara or on ltimaitiiuut ij I". Northern Trust Company aivTu Avn fliiiiNrs OAitnnN BONDS AND MORTOAOES I orfer ns Income Investments St. Petersburg. Fla.. first mort cages yielding 8 per rent.; bonds yielding 7 per cent.: Avalon. N. J., first mortgages yielding 0 per cent.: bonds yielding 0 per cent. 1 lift Real Estate 'Trust Bldg, 50 tie-o. 2oo to 5000 tertK.'""tt.Ji.,",rH0A,,r,,,',r' UD1B rrljr triina, f- vkes.sv..- .....- . UUin mnj iiiii .--. LEWIS & CO. le.7 W. UlKvViliU AVENUK WE ARE PLACINfl first and second mortgnges for others, glvlns nicellent sorvlco nnd quick results. May we Placo yours7 Try us now. SMULLEN & BARRY TTTtANKHN UK. BLDO.. BROAD A CHEST. TMrTHT"llI.DO. AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS WITH PLENTY OF MONEY TOR 1ST. 2D AND SPLIT MORTOAOES IN ANY SECTION OF THE CITY NO PREMIUM CHARGES. WILLIAM JAMES KEOOII 600 LAND TITLE BUILPINO tBO TO 12000 To loan on real estnte security; Immediate settlement; p-Mo ss desired. 13J S. 12TH ST. lemST and second mortgage money: also ad- vanco monov for garages nnd building opera tions. L 717, Ledger Office. MORTOAOES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH PARKER, INC. . u 1431 WALNUT ST FIRST "AND SECOND MORTOAQD FUNDS BUCCESSOBtTOwLW13 H. REDNER jimix w. !t;v.-ti. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES iJarce AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS VT H HOOD. B12 W. NORRIS ST. FUNDS 1 for first and second mortgarea. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut at. tin ooft TO INVEST In first mortgnges. in sums from 11000 up; also building association money OcVsEiDElto'Lth andJLaLlowhIII sts. "SivtT'bLDO. ASSOCIATIONS meeting wltiiln net week: plenty money: quick answers nnd n-odcrate charges; also private funds. E 319. Ledger ueiur. lirTvfTP PT T. FUNDS FOR FIRST AND WOtlKEjljlJ SECOND MORTOAOES B53 N 17TH ST. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES jiono to lioo.ooo JACOB A FRITZ. 110U Lanil Title Bldg. I TTA'E FUNDS iron FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES yOU 1VM. HAIlll. 8'h and Oak lane. "' MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES UUNhl iun 'nEllDINO & SON 700 WALNUTST . 5201 SPRUCE BT. -TnilsTFUNDa FOR FIRST MOilTOAaB TnUbi fiuHKNESS & STETSON LiAJSU 1 1 1 ur iitujuinu "all AMOUNT! 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES AI.U A'"V-' ",.,. .., MlltnirEH MATSINOER. Rl. Est. Tr.Bldg. ) fONDTTORTST AND 2D MORTUAQES POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Frankford ave. iUNDS TOR 1ST AND 2D MORTdAOES Jruwuo if.nrtTflAOES FOR SALE THEO. E. NtCKLES. 2518 Germantown aye. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N, 18TH ST. ANY SUM ANY AMOUNT Placed at Once. lowest Rates F. X. DELANY, 112 Lincoln Bldg. "PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 1UUV IV fvUiVVU, J EDWARD LUTZ. 240 N. 17th St. faANSON""lNTEREST IN ESTATES ' Reasonable Charges TOHN A. BARRY. 007 LAND TITLE BLDO. fiOMfljHrejFORMORTaAaES JOHN A. BAHKY? BOT Land Title Bldf. 1100.000 AT 444 per cent, for mortgages. Will divide. tttiv ariT Tj th tim- junn w. ....-- -- -...- .... "ivi- WANT MORTOAOES. first, second or split. Kinds for collateral and short-term loans. iVlErtNgrHY. 133 S. 12th, 2124 N. 6th. TRT"anoT2d mtss. : bldg. and private funds: quick and satisfactory results; moderate charges. yjjiiKRON ESTATE. 5811 Kensington ave. OWNERS If your mortgage nas oeen cauea. t fairs it UD also 2d mortgace money. r-HESTBR P. '. :. r finn-wEtD 1 421 L'nestnut St. "bunds for first and second mortgages, .any amount! collection ot reuts. 2 per cent. Real Kstaie ucm.. wvy -w.. o j..g. -. ToaNS Large or small sum on real estats. Judgment notes or mortgages; loans on unjt. Ilid estates. DBMPSKY A c6., 27 S. 16th. TnYAMOUNT, ISO to 15000. to loan to real estate owners; note or mortgage. Arthur J. rgucold. l-i neitnui. 1800 AND 11500 FUNDS for 1st mortgage. ' Y. McKlm. attorney. 601 Morris Bldg. W. j 1000 AND UPWARD to lean on first inert .... v. 440. I-sdrer Otflee. MONEY TO XOAH YOU CAN BORROW MPNEY ON IJlAMVi. :ONpa. JEWELS, ETC. 3 AXMU UlT. . . . 2 RIEDER-'S l 128 MARKET ST. o.r &t.m anirpn vr4- MONEY LOANED ta beira ot unaettled eatates? Interests bougbt F F MARTIN 724-JS Stcsbca aikard BulUus. 21 8. liiU St. H $ SCRAPPLE Face Value v ATa rV-S.VJ' " i "tolV t ' n.fT'l VJ" Thnl's n lino comptexlon you have." "What would you rIvo to have) It?" "AVlmt did you give?" Tlir- Younp; Lndy Across the Way Wo naked the young lady across tho way If Bho believes in conscription and she said she thought It was all right as lone ns It was purely voluntary. r IF wx Popped "THKTtAUr No Immunity The Siren. She You shouldn't do that. They say one catches lots ot things by kiss ing. He Tes, dear, even husbands. .Needless Expenditure Husband You charge me with reck less extravagance. When did I ever make n useless purchase? Wife Why. thore's that fire extin guisher you bought a year ago; we've never used It onco. Relieved Mr. Stanley Well, my dear, I've had my life Insured for $5000. Mrs. Manley How very sensible of youl Now I shan't have to keep tell ing you to be so careful every place you go. THE WORST IS I -. 1 I HAbVrfsjr. I I ior-M(iK9i $. k IM viP?. ( j AN6 IP I COOli) . jg. 1 TSk .V ANDll- ICOUjpOsW LsT. OONE IN THE "StFL&MMm Wk-z I AKCPfHER roonr ANftUOiTTHAT fiMSagg3 ' eit) ( MA06 ir YHEfWOGHiWD &6NE6V)TOP ( ."" -. n i r J J HAPtY rASSEt"rHP L??.,0 t UtfJ&lJ- " &5 P0T1 I'DArMWr VJMAT UiiT r0C6j fiSXcCEti J(3Sjft ste-Allrt94or ScT 111 Ii ' i TIIE PADDED CELL "Todays beauty f HINT. . V To'MAKE-"THE."AlECK MORE. SUPPLE .- f "StHstrsuasj I THAT LITTLE WORD "IF' IN GOLF RUINOUS "Corpo dl Bacco! Maledlctnt You Authoritative 'The man I marry must have com mon sense," she said, refusing him, "He won't!" he replied bitterly. YET TO COME f xts Mb P I j p. ICCOOJvVr TO TRADE -'. .Passing Show. melta the stock. Goa awayf" Solved the Mystery "There's really no necessity for man and wife to quarrel," said Mrs. Fatter, "When I feel tired and irritable I wear a cardinal ribbon, and then Mr. Patter let's me have my own way, and I treat him the same," "Oh-h-hl" said her friend, 'That explains why you'd been wearing red so often lately," UGHTOCCUPATIONS frs INC, CLAY PUjEONS TVHVAUA)t vicoivonc 6f L.6.K. UsAcie sfy Lj? i