nxumiiiptwiji "wwim M9fftif0KSftf09lffmfSfpt!9$ 'mvmrnfmmiM m m nium upwij tmm'11''' 'wjMMWgPPWW EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1916. 9 tr NANCY WYNNE TALKS OP MANY ih. ttUJt3jJiiUio ui1 duuiaju imrvjivi i She Wonders If the Shark Scare Will Penetrate Cape May ' and Atlantic City Amusing Incidents in Daily y.r ' Life Help to WITH the presence of the sharks In the ocean the craze for bathing is a bit abated, though oven the most timid are venturing In ajjaln because of the cx cesslve heat. At Capo May and Atlantic City the danger docs not seem to be as great, as the water Is comparatively shallow and there Is no need to go far out In order to got a good bath. At Beach Haven and, Bay Head, where ono goes straight Into deep water, thero aro not very many In the surf these days, though In a few weeks the scare will prob ably bo over and 'we will all go on as If thore had never been any sharks except those persons who are closely 'connected with the victims of these horrlblo catas trophes. Capo May expects to hold a largo swim ming meet at the Corinthian Yacht Club this afternoon for the women only, and every one has been preparing all week for tho exhibition. The Yacht Club is really a most delightful spot on a hot night. They have music every ovonlng and the porch is Inclosed with netting, so that the broejes enter, but tho mosquitoes do not. The Joo Norrlses havo gon.o down to the Now Stockton Villa, which, by tho way, Is tho name of tho young hotel which Mrs. Sussex Davis, In other words Sadlo Cannoll that waa, has opened this year. Mrs. Henry, Blddlo, of Itlverton, hoa gone thore, too, and tho Myew Fltlers. And tho last person I hear Is going down la Mrs. Holllnshead Taylor. "VvTion I went on to New York recontly I was struck with the way In which tho baggago Is handled on tho Pullman cars. Just beforo wo reachod tho city all tho bags are gathered up by tho porters, and when I reached tho platform I found tho usual motley crowd of peoplo gathered about the luggago, nnd thero was no way to provo which was whose. Fortunatoly, I had a very distinctive kind of Biittcaso, so thero was no mix up for inc. but listen my dears, to tho gay little tale I havo to Impart of what befell a cortrijn well known and attractlvo bachelor doctor of this Quaker City on a trip he took to that metropolis a fortnight or so ago. Ho was going over to Now York for an Important . dinner and had his dress suit In his bag, also pumps and a certain nrtlclo of cloth ing which comes In palo bluo and has two portions to Its mako up. Well, tho portor acted as usual, and when Doctor W went on tho platform ho found his bag, Which ho recognized by tho peculiar way In which It waB fastened. Ho had not gono moro than BO feet when a strango doubt camo to his mind, and with tho thought "I had hotter mako suro this is mine becauso I cannot afford to be lato for this dinner, our hero placed tho bag on tho ground anil stooping over undid ono Bide. Suro enough there wcro his llglit bluo articles, of apparel neatly folded on top of his slippers, bo without more ado ho wont on his way. Arrived at tha hotel ho openod the bag to don his dress clothes, and lo! and behold, instead of "his" blue pajamas ho had "hor" bluo nlghtio. Such is the fato of man who only lookn to color apd not to style. Tho rest of tho story was not so funny, how ever, for he had great diniculty In making tho officials pay attention to his story, when ho callod up the railroad. They evidently thought ho was trying to bo facetious and asked him, "How many diamonds did you loso?" Howovor, finally It sank through, but not In time to logite tho dress suit for the dlnnor. It only reached the hotel at 11 o'clock, and, of course, he had to g to his dinner minus Amnn rlnthea. But it makes such a Rood Ftory, and lifo Is full of good stories if ono only knows how to And them and how to enjoy them, even if they aro at one's own expense! NANCY-WYNNE. Personals Mr, ond Mrs. Oliver Eaton Cromwell gave a luncheon yesterday at their cottage at Narragansett Pier for Miss Lisa Norrls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samuel entertained at luncheon yesterday at tha Casino, Narra gansett Pier, In honor of Baron and Baron ess Rostnkranti, Mrs. Francis W. Robinson an,d Miss Bessie W, BamueL Mies Elizabeth It. Slnnlckson and Miss Fanny R. Slnnlckson gave a luncheon at their cottage at Narragansett Pier yesterday to celebrate the birthday of their uncle, Mr Joseph a, Roscngarten, who with his sister, Miss Fanny Rosengarten, is spending the summer at the Imperial. Mrs. Campbell Madeira is the guest of the Misses Slnnlck son for a fortnight. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills will give an Informal tennis tournament and luncheon tomorrow at their home In St. David's. Mr, and Mrs. John Hampton Barnes will entertain at dinner tonight at their homo In Devon. Mr, and Mrs. Mahlon Hutchinson enter tained at dinner last evening at their sum mer home In Georgetown, N, J. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb J. Milne, Jr., and their daughter, Mlsu Marguerite Milne, of 2029 Walnut street, will spend the next two weeks In Cape May. Mrs. Caleb J. Milne. 3d. of 3117 West Penn street. Is spending several wseks at Haines Falls, In the CatijklU Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis D. Williams, of Sul grave, York road, will leave for Lake Mo honk, N. Y., on August I, Mr, Williams' brother and slster-ln-law, Mr. and MrB. Al bert Williams, who recently leased a house adjoining Sulgraws, on Washington lane, have gone to Wernersvllle, Pa., where they will spend the greater part of the summer, Mrs. George S. Eastwlck gave, a lunch eon on Thursday at the Manolr Richelieu, Murray Bay, Canada, her guests being Mrs. William Taft. Mrs. Frederick Keep, Miss Keep, Mrs. Watson Blair, Mrs. H. H. Eck stein. Mrs, A. B. McCausr. Mrs. Henry P. Toler, Mrs. Jose Aymard, Mrs. John Furdy and Mrs, Alfred Poet Mr. George Stevenson and Mr- Lewis Cut ler have returned from a house party given by Mr. Henry Wiener at his summer home in Madison, Copn. Mr. "Edward Wiener, of 6104 Pulsekl Avenue, is also occupying, her cottage, In Madison, Conn. Mrs. Samuel Piatt with her daughter, Miss Nancy Piatt, of 6t, Louis. SIo ! visit ing her mother at the Gulph, near Norrls , town. Mrs Piatt before her marriage was Miss Emma McFsriand. of the Gulph. - " ' i Along the Main Line , MERION Dr Ralp4 R, Hoilopettr of 'iUrion and Sycujsgrej avenges, a A ats sis ttr M.' Margnents Hojlooetjr will avev l".a t4t o th'a raenifj or Wjromtaj, vbejy Bear tne Heat they will spend tho summer at Aldrlch Lodge, on an extensive ranch at Cody Sta tion, They will remain In tho West until the last of September. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Brown, of West Philadelphia, have rented the J. Wydeman Lee home on Sycamore avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Lee and their two little daughters having moved In May to ono of tho New York suburbs. Miss Deborah Seal, of Merlon, who has been attending the conference at East Northtleld, Mass., Is visiting friends nt Wcekapaug, It. I. NARBERTH Sir. nnd Mrs. Otley E Jackson, of Essex avenue, have returned from Cape May, whore thoy stopped at thf Virginia, J WYNNEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Primrose Baugh and their family, of Prim rose Hall, are occupying their summer home at Jamestown, R, I, Mr. and Mrs. Rayhurn Clark Smith and their children, of Aubrey road, will motor to Beach Haven for the week-end. ARDMORB Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt P. Judd, of Llanfalr road, will leave In Au gust to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oil worth Bcggs nt their camp on Upper St. Regis Lako, N. Y. Mrs. Burrows Sloan, of Dodd'a Inno, la spending several weeks nt Virginia Hot Springs. HAVERFORD Mrs. John Williams, of Lancaster nvenile, has returned from a visit spent In Attantlo City. Mr. nnd Mra. Charles Edgertoh, whchavo been attending tho Friends' Conference at Capo May, have retOrncd to their homo on College lone. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pltflcld Brown, of 170 West Chcltcn avenue, motored to Po cono Manor, whero thoy will remain for two weeks. Miss Emma Cahall, of 1B4 West Chclten avenue, Is camping with friends on the Green Briar Rlvor In West Virginia. Miss N." B. Mnrplo, of Chow street, Is visiting at Wlldwood Manor, Wlldwooil, N. J. 4 Mrs. G. R. McCloud, of West Logan street, Is the guest of friends In Canton, O. Mrs. C. B. Lane, of McCallam street, has loft for South Vernon, Vt. Miss Holon Milcy, of Church lane, Is vis iting in Portsmouth, N. II. Ml3s C. B. Flss, of Eat Logan street. Is tho guest of friends nt Oak Bluffs, Mass. Mrs. W. F. Balllnger, of Walnut lane, and Miss Ruth Slunhall, of Harvey Street, aro attending tho summer conference at North 'fleld, Mass. Master Josso Thompson and Master Ward Thompson, of Harvey street, will spend the next fortnight In Camp Tohlckon, near Smlthtown, N. J. Slfas Ella Shcppard, of Harvey street, will spend a few weeks at Silver Bay-on-Lake-Ccorgo, N. Y. Mrs. M. T. Mears, of 123 Mount Pleasant avonue, has gone to South Shdre, sio.. for tho summer. Mr. Robert H. Gllmorc, of Chew nnd 'Haines streets; Mr. John W. McClcary. of West School Houso lano; Mr. William Sic Connoll, of Harvey street, and Mr. John McClny, of West Chelton avenue, will leavo tomorrow for Pittsburgh, whero thoy will attend the convention of tho Royal Orange Lodge which opens on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Williams nnd their family, of J45 East Johnson street, aro spending tho Bummer at Pocono Pre serve, in tho Pocono Mountains. Dr. Howard E. Roberts, Mrs. Roberts nnd Miss Marguerite Roberts, of 8012 Wayne avenue, are spending the summer at Glen burnlo, Lake George, N. 7. Mrs. William McK. Scott, of 5423 Lau rens street, Is vhiltlng friends In.Lansdowne and later will visit Miss Jessie Willing at her cottage In Henryvllla, Monroe County, Pa. Miss Katherlno McIC, Quln, of 281 West Walnut lano, left yesterday for Boston and New London, Conn., wuere she will remain for a fortnight. South Philadelphia MISS ESTHER 0. GINSBURG The marriage of Miss Bother C. Gins burg and Sir, David B. Flerktl will take place tomorrow night at 6 o'clock at the Synagogue of Congregation Bnal Abraham, 525 Lombard street. Miss Glnsburg is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David ainsburg,- of 1831 South 6th street. Sir, Fierkel M the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ftshel Fierkel, and lives at 833 South 6th street. Miss Reba. Leek, of 110 South 2 2d street, la spending tha week-end with relatives t Pitman, N. J. , Sir. and Mrs. H. C. Miller, with their daughter, Ml's Myrtle A. Miller, of 1805 South 8th street, will leave for Beach Haven tomorrow, where they will spend the sum mer Sirs. Emit Js'rfe and her daughter Miss Esther K Jatte. of m South 9th street, ufltl la., va tnlav fni rtra tfrHfrrr? Tin for a twa weeks' stay witi friends, MlkS av-pJi. (hep). " - '- ' ,J1- inn. f. .will I ii "1 WEISS FELDMAN The marriage' of Miss Bella Feldman, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Feldman, of 3101 Clifford street, lo Mr. Samuel Weiss will take place tomorrow afternoon nt tho home of tho ofllclallng rabbi, the Rev. L. Bloom. Tho brldo will be given In mar riage by her father, and will wear n traveling suit of dark blue taftcta, with n tailored braid hat to match. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. Weiss nnd his brldo will leave for Allantlo City. They will bo at homo In tho autumn, at 3101 Clifford street. Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. John B. Miller, of Oak Lane, will leave today for an extended tour down East They will bo accompanied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick C. Gnrrlgues. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Eldrldge, of Falr haven, Mass., nro visiting tholr nephew, Mr S. E. Townsend, at White Houso Farm, on the Willow Grove pike. Sir. and Mrs. Charts J. Curran, of 0802 Lawhton avenue. Oak Lane, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Jane Curran, and their son, Mr. Charles J. Currnn, Jr, will closo their homo on Tuesday and leavo for their place at Ocean City, N. J., whero they will remain untjt October. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gregory and their young son, of Glenslde, aro taking a 10-day motor trip to Gettysburg, YASS Chestnut Hill Mr. and Mrs. William Buchanan Gold, of Norwood avenue, closed their houso- on July 1 nnd have taken apartments In At lantic City, where thoy expect to remain until after Labor Day. Sir. nnd Mrs. Charles LoD. Homer nnd their family, of East Graver's lano, will spond sevoral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Roberts at their Chelsea Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Horbert W. Goodnll, of Allen lano. who aro spending tho summer at Chelsea, will go to Capo May for tlio week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bell and their family, of 240 Springfield avenue, have left for Buck Hill Falls, to remain until September. Friends of Mrs. Boll will bo glad to know that aho Is convalescing from a recent Illness. Miss Gertrude Fett iman. of 7047 Ger mantown avenue, is spending the summer with her brother, Mr. Gordon Fetterman, at his farm near Media. Mrs. William M. Benerman and her daughter. Miss Dorothy Benerman, of 7238 Boyer street, wju leave next Wednesday for Jamestown. R. I., to spend tho re mainder of the summer. Bala-Cynwyd Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul A. Vanneman, of Stato road, Cynwyd, have returned f-om a visit to Spring Lake. Miss Marioir'Vanneman will go to Beach Haven next week to take part In the tennis matches. Miss Helen Pedrlck, of Pcnartlr road, Cynwyd, who haB been spending two weeks ah the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Woodruff, of Brldgeton, N. J., will motor home the early part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A D Pedrlck, who will spend tho week-end at Brldgeton. Miss Ruth Pedrlck Is at Brant Beach, N. J visiting Miss Clara McLoughlln. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Vanneman aro spending the remainder of the season at Reach Haven. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel S, Shalleross, of Stato road, Cynwyd, are .at Chelsea for the summer. North Philadelphia Miss Jane Francis Wood, of 2343 West Cumberland street, entertained at luncheon today, at the Traymore, Atlantic City, for Miss Rose V. Haggerty. Mlis Hilda Felnsteln and Miss Ida After good, of 3100 West Montgomery avenue, will spend July and August at the shore. Miss EsteJla. Rledenthal, of 2765 North 20th street, will leave today for the Schooley Mountains, whero she will spend the summer months. Mr, and Mrs. I. Moos, of 1531 North Newklrk street, will spend the summer months at the Schooley Mountains. Mr- and Mrs. Harry J. Bergman, Jr., of 2032 North 21st street, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a son. Northeast Philadelphia Dr, and Sirs. Hess and thelrVamtly, of 1117 Shackamaxon street, are spending the summer at their cottage in Asbury Park. Sir, and Mr. William Slarimer and Miss Jans Marimer, of 1348 Kat Marlborough street, will leave shortly for Atlantic City, where they will Bpend the summer. Str, and Mrs. Atlas and their family, of 13,19 Franklin street, are at Atlantla City for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Horosteln and their family, of 1813 Franklin street, will leave next week for Atlantic City, to spend the summer, Kensington Mr. Nathan Marks, qf 2207 Howard strtet, hoa returned from a fishing trip at Anglesea. Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Grossman, of 1915 East Dauphin street; havq rented a cottage at Atlantic City for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. N W Fetlman motored to Bushkill, N- Y.. this week and will spend some lime In (amp there. srs. Philip B'g and Mrs, Benjamin Berg; and tbelr fcmlUea are speeding the S?W fit AHiwW City. Weddings WW JJJJV vSSaMBBEKMSFiKra3S JT Ss ss$-S?a2 ., JMsMBPilEEFo -- -. I I J - - .... I POPULAR MEMBERS OF YOUNGER SET 'HHmN0uQ Photo by Mnrcciu. Wj!M!$wSmSEm v Wilmington 4fmrO OiLArr OAa fCOA West Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo N. Geutlng, of 1018 South -loth street, arc receiving congratula tions upon tho birth of a son, Georco N. Geutlng, Jrv on Sunday, July 3. Miss Virginia Grove, of, 19 South 32d stroet, will spend tho week-end in New York. Mrs. Ella Glasscr, of B3 North Felton street. Is entertaining Mrs. Ireno Lewis, of Wilkcs-Barre, MIS3 Kntheryn Harris, of G145 Market street, has returned to her homo after a six months' motor trip through New Eng land. Mr. William Taggart. his son. Mr. Will iam Taggart, Jr., nnd daughters, Miss May Taggart nnd Miss Bessie Taggart, have left their home, 33 Sellers avenue, Mlllbourne, for a Btay of several weeks at Newark, N. J. Mrs. Agnes McDermott and her nephew Mr. Joseph Lntche, havo returned to their homo, 6257 Arch street, after having spent two weeks In Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Hnagland, of New York, aro visiting Mr. Hoagland's mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Hoagland, of 6247 Market street. Mr. und Mrs. Hoagland formerly lived at Frnzler and Market streets. Mrs. W. Hoovers, of 218 North' 05th street, has loft for Chambersburg, Pa., to remain for tho summer as the guest of her sister. Mrs. F. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reeves, of 1035 North Wanamaker street, aro receiving congratu lations on the birth of a son, Robert Irving Reoves. Mrs. Reeves will be remembered as Miss Elizabeth Strockbino. Mrs. Grnco Von Smlttew, Miss Agnes Stnnngc, Miss Margaret McGoldrlck, Miss Isabella Church, Miss Naomi Clifford, and Sirs. IC Slurray, will motor to Margate City, N. J , today, to remain an week-end guests of Silas Siary A. Carlln, daughter of Mr. nnd Sirs. Walter Carlln. Tioga Sir. and Sirs. Charles Finney and their daughter, Silas lone Finney, of 3418 North 18th street, will spend the remainder of the season In Ocean City, N. J. Ponemah Council, No, 78, Degree of Poca hontas, will give a luncheon tomorrow. Miss Helen Lukens, of 2111 West Tioga street, is spending a few days with her brother and slstcr-ln-law, Dr. and Sirs. Luclen S. Lukens, at Ocean City. Doctor Lukens Is u member of the fac ulty of the University of Pennsylvania. WOMAN'S PARTY TO CONFER Call for Meeting Declaros Suffragists Hold Whip Hand in Election WASHINGTON. July 15 The official call for tho conference of the National Woman's party, to he held at Colorado Springs August 10 to 12, the purpose of which Is "to decide on measures to- he adopted In the coming election to win na tional suffrage for women." was sent out today by Silas Anne Martin, chairman of the Executive u'ommittee of the party. "Woman's political power has more than doubled since the last, presidential elec tion," says the call. "Today there are 12 suffrage states. The fact that these States control one-fifth of the Electoral College and cast one-third of the votes necessary to elect a President gives woman voters the power to determine the election of the next President." The stand of the Republican and Democratlo parties toward tha Federal suffrage amendment will be carefully considered. PHILADELPHIA ELKS WIN' Lancaster ojid Camden Teams Also Score in Baltimore Parade BALTIMORE, Sid, July 15. Phlladtl phta, Lancaster and Camden, N. J., were winners vt prices in the Elks' parade here. The list of winners announced by the judges today i For best drilling teams In parade First prise, J500, Detroit. Mien. For best appearance In uniform, first prlie, 3300. Camden, N J ; second prize. S150, Boston, Mass. For greatest number la lice, first prize. S2Q0, Washington D V ; econd prize. IIQO, Lancaster, Pa, For most unlqu uniform, first Iprtzt, 1360. New Haven, Conn. . scond pAiie 1150, Great Bend, Kan. For float? first pUe 300 JV-anoke, Va., secoatl vrw IIBO.i Philadelphia, WILMINGTON, Dei., July 16. With tho oxceptlon of tho marrlago of SIlss Alice Betts nnd Mr. Joseph II. Shaw, which will tako placo on Wednesday ove nlng In Westminster Presbyterian Church, thero Is but little going on In a social way. Miss Marlon Dunham and Sirs. Clement W. Stiller will entertain at luncheon on Mon day for MIbs Betts, nt tho Dunham homo, 1107 Broomo street, and Miss Mildred Tny lor will give a buffet supper for the bridal party nt hor homo on Tuesday night. SIlss Chrlstlno Johnston, of Manchester, N. H who has been visiting her sister, Sirs. C. P. SI. Rumford, for the last fort night, has left for Kentucky, whero she will spend several weeks before returning to her home. Mrs. Rumford gavo a luncheon for her sister at tho CountryClub on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jelterls have an nounced the marriage of their niece, SIlss Marguerite R. Opdenberg, to Sir. O. Alfred Gnle on July 11. Judgo Philip Q. Churchman and Sirs. Churchman and their daughter. Sirs. Kath orlno Cannon, havo left for tho northern part of Maine, to be gone several weeks. Mrs. E. Tatnall Warner and SIlss Eliza beth Edsall will go to Magnolia, Slass., on July 27, to stay until August 1. During August they will bo at North Scltuate, Mass. Str, and Mrs. Spottswood Carland went to Wernersvllle, Pa., on Slonday, to stay until fall They Joined Mr. and Sirs. Alfred El liott and Judge Ignatius C. Grubb there. Dr. and Mrs. J. Atkinson Ellegood and Miss Claire Ellegood havo gone to Cornish, N. II., whore they will occupy Tree Tops, the Augustine St. Gauden'a cottage, until early In the fall. Silas Siary Sexton gavo a dinner of 18 covers nt Nanmans on Thursday night. Miss Louise Lea Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William C. Spruance, Jr., at Hillside Camp, Belgrade Lakes, Me., and probably will remain until tho middle of August. Mrs. John J. Satterthwalte and Miss Alice Satterthwaltu and Sirs. Charles Deadenkopf and SIlss JIarlon Beadenkopf have gone to Eagle's Mere, to remain until the middle of August. Sirs. James A. Draper, SIlss Elizabeth Draper and Miss JIadellne Draper, who loft last Saturday for California, expect to be gone eeveral months. Sirs. Edward Sloro has gone to Cape May to spend a week or 10 days. Miss Isabella Sheridan, of New Castle, Is spending a month with relatives In ruts' burgh. SIlss Elizabeth Black Is the guest of rela tives In Newport Mrs. Susan Shearman nnd Miss Margaret H. Bhearman have gone to Lake Sunapee, N. H., where they have taken a cottage for the season. Mies STargaretta Sillier, Sites Louise Nowland, Mies Siary Curtis and Miss Ber tha Harlan are attending the Northfleld League Conference at Northfleld, Slass, They will remain until August 1. Sirs. Holllday Meeds, Jr., has gone to Great Neck, L. I., to visit her parents, Gen eral T. Coleman du Pont nnd Sirs, du Pont, Mrs. Bessie G, du Pont, Mlis Beaale C. du Pont, SIlss Vlctorlne du Pont and Mas. ter Alfred Victor du Pont have gone to the Poconos for tho summer. Slajor William G. Ramsay nnd Sirs. Ram say have closed their town house and are established for the summer at Dalhousla Farm, Guyencourt, on the upper Brandy wine. The Rev. William H. Laird and Mrs. Laird and their children, Mies Siary Laird, Master William Laird and Slaster Edmund Laird, Mr. and Sirs. Caleh Stabler and their family, Miss Rebecca Relnhardt, Bliss Louise Relnhardt and Master David Reln hardt, Jr., have left for a six weeks' camp ing trip In the Poconos. Camden and Vicinity Sirs. J. D, Rullfant and her sons, of 5th and Linden streets, are occupying their cot tage at Avalon. Sir. and Mrs. William 8. Casselman and their son, of 317 Penn street, are at their Cape Slsy cottage. Sirs. I L. Jackson and her daughter,, of 6th and Cooper streets, have gone to Mon tana for a six months' stay, Mrs. John 8. Owens and her children are spending several weeks at Asbury Park. On August 1 Dr, and Mrs. Owens will occupy their new home In Haddonfleld. Mrs. Anna Sharp Carson la In Long- is, and for two months. Her slater, Sirs. II, H. Sheets, is visiting their sister, Sirs. Hartley Smith. Mr. and Sirs, M. F. Sllddleton. Jr., and their children, -who live at 638 Cooper street during the winter months, aro occupying their farm near Blooreafown, Mrs. Ada Anderson and her daughter, Mrs. Stlnson, and her children, also Mrs. Abraham Andgrson, of 3d and Penn streets, are at Ocean City. N. J., for the summer. Mr- and Mrs. P. L. Eorley and their daughter, of )Z3 North, 8th street, have gone to the mountains for this month. Mrs. Augustus) Eickler, of 414 Cooner street, fias been entwtalnlne Mrs. Ernest V rhamberlln, this weelt at per cottage at I IQth trH and Ocean avenue. Ocean city ' SUCCESSFUL TOMBOLA AMONG WEEK'S CHARITABLE EVENTS Italian Fair Held on Thursday in Chelsea Was largely Attended rPertinent News From Other Resorts Along the Jersey Coast ATLANTIC CITY, July 15. THE Children's Seashore Home was thronged with cottagers and visitors on Thursday afternoon, when the annual tom bola, or Italian fair, was held, under the di rection of Sir, William II, Bennett, for the purpose of raising money to endow a bed to bo named after one of the children's characters In Charles Dickens. Vessela's Orchestra played on tho upper veranda dur ing tho early part of tho aftcrnoo'n, after which the orchestra from the Chelsea ren dered sovernl selections, much to the delight of the poor little cripples nnd Invalid chil dren, to whom n few days by tho sea means so much. Tho corridors were decornted with bowls of summer blooms nnd tea nnd lemonade were served In tho reception room. Assisting Mrs. Bennett were Mrs. Edward J Portcous, Mrs. J. Benton Porter, Mrs. S. Dartram Richards, Sirs. Townsend, Strs Frederick SIcado Blssell, Stlss Louise Eustls, tho Countess Crombrugghe. Mrs J. Harri son Smith, Sirs. John W. Williams, SIlss Mary Gummey, Mrs. Robert MoBrlde, Miss Helen Lnwson, Sirs. Robert Martin Will iams, Sirs Richard Norrls, Miss Amy Pow ell, tho Stlsses Starve!, SIlss Margaret Len nig and Miss Catherine Lonnlg. Tho Atlantlo City Yacht Club will give n Juvonllo party for the children of the members on July 29. Thero will bo a Mnypolo dnnco and other diversions, fol lowed by a ton-danco from 5 until 0 o'clock, for tho adults. Mrs, Jcsso W. Starr, 3d, and Stlss Emily C. Scull will receive. A novel function at tha yacht club on August 8 will bo a sunset sail, under the direction of Sirs. Allen B. Endlcott Suppor will bo served on board, followed by a dnnco nt tho clubhouse. Miss Elizabeth Sweeney will leave tho first of tho week to spend tho remainder of tho summer with Silas Helen McCoun nt Oedney Farms, White Plains, N. Y. Sir. and Mrs. Allen B. Endlcott, Jr., nnd their family havo left for a long cruise aboard tho Sklbo. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Squibb havo Joined tho cottago colony In Vontnor. CAPE SIAT, July 15. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD WILLING HAM, of Macon, Oa., entertained In formally at supper on Thursday at Zlllcn- ger's. Sir. nnd Sirs. Calvin Satterflcld alBo entertained there a fow days ago. Sir. and Mrs. Percy Simpson, of Over brook, will spend tho iveek-cnd as tho guests of Sir. and Sirs. Edmund -Taylor at their cottage. Miss Slargarotta McAlcer, aceompanlod by hor brother, Sir. Joseph L. SIcAleer, has arrived nt the now Hotol Cape Jray for a fortnight. Sirs. Augusta Noel, of Now York, will entertain at brldgo on Tuesday at the Golf Club. A porch party was given on Wednesday nnd Thursday at 813 Stockton avenue by members of tho Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea. SIlss Hilda Aman, of Chestnut Hill, will bo the week-end. guests of SIlss Elizabeth Walsh nt her cottage on Stockton avenue. Sir. Joseph Rodenbaugh, of Germantown, will spend tho week-ond with friends. A largo crowd gathered at the Red SI1II dance pavilion on Thursday evening, whore merry-go-round dances are tho latest fad. Sirs. Jay Whltham and her daughter, Mrs. Claude Howard, wcro there. Sirs. Benjamin Orton was chaperoning her daughter, SIlss Ellen Orton; SIlss Elizabeth Walsh, Str. Frederick Satterflcld and a group of boys and girls from tho Chalfonte. The regular weekly club dance nt the Corinthian Yacht Club was held last night. Sir. Edward L. Duer, 2d, son of Sirs. S. Naudaln Duer. Is a guest at the Colonial. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Horner, of Narberth, are at tha Windsor for the season. Sirs. Frank B. Rlghter nnd Miss Ethel SI. Rlcht. cr, of Conshockcn, are staying at the Wind sor. General John Wotts Kearney, son 6f Gen oral Philip Kearney, of Slexlcan and Civil War fame, wth Mrs Kearney, Is spending a portion of the summer at Cape Slay. Sir. and Sirs. J. S. Keller and SIlss Eliza beth Keller are among tho Phlladelphlans staying at tho Columbia. Sir. A. C. Dlck oon la staying at the Hotel Cnno Slav. Sir. and Sirs. Austin Yerkes, of Fox1 unase, are numbered among tho Phlladel phlans here. Sir. and Sirs- Franklin G. Edmunds are at tho Baltimore Inn. Mr. and Sirs. William Conway, SIlss Flor ence Conway and SIlss Eleanor Conway, of Lansdowne. are staying at the Windsor. Sir. P T Sharpless and Sir L. P. Sharp lees aro registered at tho Hotel Cape May Sir. J. C. Dawson hasJolned tho Over brook colony at tha Hotel Cape Slay. Sir. and Sirs, George Lupton Broomell are spending tho season at tho Baltimore Inn. Sir. Charles Fry and Sir. Lionel Willing are staying at tho Hotel Cape Mai- Sir. and Sirs. Joseph de F. Junkln are spending a fortnight at the Hotel Cape Slay. WILDWOOD, July 15. SOCIETY at this resort will turn out In full force tomorrow evening to hear the first of the series of concerts to be given In the new Casino Auditorium every Sun. day evening until the close of the season. Stany people turned out Wednesday eve ning to attend the weekly card party at the Edgeton Inn. Prizes were awarded as fol lows: First, Sirs. Mills; second, Sirs. SI. C. Mayhow; third, Miss C. Sonneberg; fourth. Sirs. J. Salsburg; tilth, SIlss E. McNIchol, and sixth. Mrs, N. S. Deln. MRS. FRANK) A. STREET Mrs. Frank A. Street Is a popular mem ber of the younger married t who is spend ing the summer at Wlldwood Mrs. btreet was formerly Miss Dorothy fSorrowea. Sir and Mrs. V G Edgar and Miss Alice Nwton, of Philadelphia are spending a hortti here Mr Pd Mrs. H Mlddlerran artrtvea ber? Tuesday and wtU cpead a good part et their honeymoon at this resort. They wll live In Hamilton, Ontario. Sir. and Mrs. H. Rothman, of Englewood, N. J., are spending some time here SIlss Mary Bleeleln, of Port Jefvls, N. TH Is spending the season here, Silas O. F, Harbaugh, of Berwick, Pa.. chaperoned by Sirs. Graham, Is spending a short time hero. OCEAN CITY, July 15. YELLOW sport suits anj largo green hand-painted shade hats nro the vogue among tho girls and women promensders on the Boardwalk hero. No parasols Aro used. The effect is. rather dazzling, Black velvet chin-straps seemingly are conilng'back, and n young woman In hoopsklrts drew much attention on the Boardwalk last evening. The Oceanlo Hotel will glvo the first of the season dances on Slonday evening. Tho big event at tho Ocean City Yacht Club next week Is the subscription rhuslcale on Friday evening, under the direction of Robert B. Voilum, of Philadelphia. A num ber of well-known Philadelphia vocal artists will tako part. Sir and Sirs George StacBrlds nnd their family, of Philadelphia, aro hero for a few weeks' stay. SIo, Ernest II. Blood and his family are among tho sojourners. Sirs. a. A. Kruger and her daughter, of Philadelphia, aro here. Sir. G. F. LIvezey, Jr., nnd his family aro visitors. Mrs. n. A, Stockton and SIlss O. Stock ton, of Philadelphia, aro here for the sea son. Sirs, S. H. StcFadden nnd Stlss Dorothy SIcFaddon are nmong tho Phlladelphlans hero. Sir. and Sirs. C. C. Wanamaker are, as usual, spending the summer In this city. Sir. and Mrs. Slltchell Segcr and their daughter, of West Philadelphia, are cot tagers. Sir. James Franklin and his family, of West Philadelphia, have opened their cot tage In the upper section of tho city. Mr. Walter G. Costello Is spending some tlmo at tho resort Mrs. W. R. Rountreo and her daughter, SIlss Mary Rountreo, of Philadelphia, ar visiting here. SIlss Harriet A. Lehman Is here for the season. Dr. IT ft. TtnMwtn anX V.I.. Mlt . Philadelphia, are among tha visitors, Mr. and Sirs, pharles A White, of Phila delphia, aro spending some tlmo here. Mr. W. H. Zimmerman and his family havo opened their Central avenue cottage. Frankford Sir. and Sirs. Georgo R. Boggs, of Bridge street, will spend tho week-end at Pitman Grove as the guests of Sir. and Mrs. Alfred Endow, who aro spending tho summer there. Dr. and Sirs. Bennett nnd their family, of 6th street nnd Olney avenue, nre- spending some tlmo at Wlldwood. Roxborough SIlss Alma Rita Banchl, of Sumac street, will spend the" next two weeks In Wlldwood. SIlss Carrie Woodruff, who has been spending six weeks In Wlssahlckon as the guest of Sirs. Joseph Henderson, of 318 Rochello avenue, has returned to her homo In Brooklyn. Sirs, Henderson, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Dorothy Henderson, and Sirs. Elliott, left during the week to spend somo tlmo In Baltimore and Wash ington. Mr. nnd Sirs, Gordon Stafford, of Sumaq street, have gone to Ocean City, N. J., for tho balanco of the summer. SIlss Slarlan Wlckersham, of Rochello avenue, Is Branding several weeks In Wash ington as the guest of her sister, Sirs. Ro land Robblns. SlrP and Slrs.Bushrod W. Hagy, Jr., ofv Westminster, Sid., are the guests of Sir. Hagy's parents. Sir. and Mrs. Buahrod Hagy, of 623 East Hermitage streot. Lansdowne , Sirs. Benjamin Carscadden, of Owen ave nue. Is entertaining her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Sirs. C. Walter Wenzlng, and their little son. SInster C. Walter Wenzlng, Jr., of Wilmington, Del. Mr. and Sirs Wenzlng will remain until September. Mis E. Colt Slagens and SIlss Marjorls Slagens. of La Crosse avenue, are spending July and August at Chelsea. SIlss Harriet Slagens will visit friends at Freehold, N, J until September. Sir and Sirs. E. Wager-Smith and family, of Marshall road, will leave today for s, month's motor trip through New England. SIlss Florence M. Clarke, of Runnymeda avonue. has returned home from a visit t the Berkshlres, accompanied by SIlss Avonelle Crochett, of Washington, and Miss Ruth Cummlngs, of Scranton. Delaware County Sirs Robert D. Coard, of Drexel Hill, etv. tertalned the members of the Drexel Hill brunch of the Pennsylvania Woman's Di vision for National Preparedness yesterday afternoon. The meeting was addressed by Sim E. Wager-Smith, chairman of tha Lansdowne branch. Among tho&a present were Sirs. J. Lawrence Wldmeyer, Sirs. Henry F. Stiller. Sirs. Charles Wagner, Sirs. S Dixon Wtnchell, Sirs. E. Clyde Elchholts. Sirs. A. Rossetter. Sirs, John Spangler, Mrs. George Parker, Sirs. William Cartledge, Sirs Frank Reeves. Mrs, Samuel Hasson, Sirs. Howard Aldred, Mrs. Henry Hldemarv Sirs. Louis Rand. Mrs. George Ryder, Mrs. Charles Garland, Mrs. H, A. Mcintosh, Mrs. SI. E Trewllllger, Mrs. Benjamin Jenkln son. Sirs. Parker Artman, Sirs. Walter At mour. Sirs, E. T. Barphlll, Mrs. Lynn C. Drake, Sirs. L. W. Goodman, Mrs. E. H, Kauffman, SIlss Elizabeth Slacmeney, SIlss Ida J. Macmeney and Mrs. Robert G. Simp son. Mrs. W, Ferctval Johnston and her chil dren, of Llanerch, will spend July at At lantlo City, They will be Joined by Mr. Johnston over the week-ends. Miss Margaret Raymond, of Llanerch, I pending several weeks at Camp Owalaa, In the Fworios. Miss Emma Stlteler, of Media, Is visiting her brother In Danville, Pa Mr, and Sirs. Albert E, Hall, and their family, of Media, are spending several weeks in Atlantlo City. Dr. and Sirs, Trimble Pratt, of. Media, have rturne4 from a, week's stay at Qap Slay Mrs, Margaret Cooper, of Mlllbourne, will spend the summer in Atlantlo City. Sir and Mrs, C. T. Crandalt, of MllV bourne, are taking a twa months motor trl to Vermont. What's Doing Tonight Philadelphia Band. SUm B. . Hummel, caa. duiior rtty Ball plaza i 8';lk. Fre. Falrmeuat Birk Band. Jtcbard, iktunldt, ceo duMur.nUiwiit put$au 8 o'clock, m. Municipal luod concert, JTpkrorJ .vrm and Rhavtn street. ttwlAf. Stina of TenuriK outing;. Buntin Park, Enerxetk) Band Arinur Ronanicr coaductert UuaUoc Prn S o'clock, irre. - -i Nllc tut thtBjteUiT PC aU.ta.M, rptti ana, u-lafid la ih htialue Lcdatr, fc alt each ootkea Bant N t!Um a m Ida ol iM mvcr. wiut be ut4 la lull. ji full aditr. .and Uu e,M,l ti:;H.ut .... kVi. (Hunt La iriv n. 'Edgar?" Bnh( I.iTWV l CIbbI H ootUa it wHiia ) saltt4M 4 ;1 M