f-w --71 Jwatnat-iJUwPBBHBfg'iimiJwii, - ..? "-rlS,"-" 6 J.- EVENING X.KD0H8R JniIiADEUHIA. FRIDAY, JUL ST 14, 1916. r WJ" Qfn&iWiWW &Qfrwewy0 HJ-yfeayfrp & it, l-p- I - FINANCIAL NEWS 1 .I MARKET iSUPPdRTED AGAINST RAIDS Bt BARGAIN BUYING AND COVERING Recoveries of One to Five Points. From Early Low Marks Are Established Easier Money Rates Less Signifi cant From-Market Point of View High Points in Today's Financial News Banks in New York gained $37,000,1)00 in wick an movement of money. $3,000,000 more gold arrived in New l'oifc from Canada. Nates of English Treasury bills marked up. Price of bar silver slightly lowci in New 1'orA and London. Consumption o( Cotton in Juno forger than same month of last yeaf. Allies' financiers held a conference in the Englhh Treasury, Otdos for new equipment by railroad$ large. Rate of discount of Hank of England reduced. NCW YOHK, July II. Tho general Impression that the celling movement hint iiboul Uin Us courso temporarily gained force enrly in tho day, when tlucateticd nltui'l upon special stocks failed of success. In Iho expectation of Improvement In pliers thcro was a fairly considerable amount of buying by li.ujfnlti liuntei.s nnd this, together with covcrlnpc purchases and buying on scaled aiders by tho larger Interests nnd commission house clients, Mipported tho market against spasmodic raids at intervals. It was considered significant that, recovel leu of 1 to S points front tho early low figures that vvcro established were coincident with a Imgo volume of business If for no other reason than tho usual change in tho couiso of prices on the last full business day of a week, In which a severe downward movement has been in progress, a rally was expected. As the market has steadily Ignored news developments. It was perhaps less significant today that tho money market conditions vvoro easier, Incidental to Indi cations of a gain by tho tocnl bunks of 37,000,000 In cnMh. A feature was a new low on this movement to S3 ',4 in t'nlted States Stcol common, from which there was a rally of a point, only apart of which was retained. In tho forenoon a nuinbei of losses had been effected of 1 to 2 points finin opening rallies, but shortly beforo - p. m. an upturn developed which progressed and caused net advances of 3 In Butte and Superior, 14 In Atcohot, 2'4 In Stude baker, 1 In Marine prefened nnd Goodrich. In tho last hour tho highest prlcis of the day were established for almost everything on the list. The most notnblo development was a sudden break of moro than 4 points In Tcnnesi,eo Copper United States bonds unchanged ltailtoad and other bonds dull. New York Dank Gain $37,000,000 on Money Movement NEW YOItK, July 14 The known movements of money up to the close of business yesterday Indicated a gain by tho banks of approximately J37.000.000. Receipts from the Interior wetc in tho neighborhood of $13,000,000, whllo ship ments totaled $0,300,000. leaving a gain by the banks fioni this movement of about $0,000,000. The Federal Itescrvc Flank was a debtor at the dealing Houso for tho week to the extent of $2S,03C,000 and a creditor In the amount of fC.723.000, leaving a debit balance of $20,213,000. This Indicates a gain by tho banks fiom the fed eral Reserve of tho last-mentioned amount. On Subtrensury npeiatlnns the banks gained for tho week $10,172,000. total lecclpts by the Subtrensury belng $11,105,000 and payments $24,517,000. $3,000,000 More Gold Comes, in I'rom Canada .NEW YORK, duly 14. Gold to tho amount of $3,000,000 has heen iccelved from Canada and deposited at tho Assay Olllco for tho .-rcount of .1. P. Morgan & Co. English Treasury Bills Arc Marked Up kONDON. Jul." '4. Hates for Treasury bills were mnikcd up as follows todav: Thrco months, Vi of 1 per cent, to 5Vs per cent ; six months. si of 1 per cent, to 8 per cent., jcarllcs, 1 per cent, to G per cent. MANY REASONS FOR WEAKNESS IN WHEAT Cooler Weather in Northwest, Drop in Liverpool Cargoes and Peace for Austria Advanced CHAIN ItKf.T VVKATlir.tt CONDITION1.. rniC.XfiO, July It The Heullirr forc- at-fr.J0 lioiirn follon-.: . . Illlnol" .nirriilly fulr tiinhtlit nml -ut-ariliyj not mtirh rltingr in trii't eriturr. .Vlbmeuitu- (Irnrriill) fair IiimUIH nml fiururrt'O, evrrnt local lliuiidrr'.liirm-. -.until-eaut tliU ufternoun or tunlcliti Mumeuliiit warmer. North and South 1) ikot.i (.dirr.illj fair tunUlit uihI sutiiribis not miieh ilimtr lit temperature. N-lrukn nml li.nii (iriirrnlh fulr ana continued warm tonight nml - lturil 0. jirc cetleil by untitled Mr.tthrr north tlilt after noon. Mliiiourl (Irner illy fulr tnnlitlit unil Sat urday, rveeitt total thunder -.holier, north west toiiUht. lotta I'urtl) cloudy and rnntlnued warmer tonlaltt and haturtfii). prrieded bi thunder sliouera. CltlCA'iO, Jul II Liquidation duo to cooler weather In the Northwest and a drop In cargoes nt Liver pol, coupled with talk about thu Allies granting peace to Austrht. weakened, the wheat market tmlj There was i-elllug of futures here for foreign account. I'tilii) good buying occuned at thnos While there were further reports of rust from tho Northwest, It was contended ll some authorities that black rust, being nn nncuil event, was rather treacherous upon which to speculate. It was assntid that spring wheat was doing very well, and. although late, It undoubtedly has made a god gain during the lecent warm weather The Modern -Miller bald Hint tho weather had been favorable for the development of rust In the Northwest, but that theio had been no general Infestation Bradstreet's reported tho exports of wheat and flour for tho week at 10,806,000 bushels, against 5.697,000 bushels lust week and 3,407,qqo bushels u jeijr ago Cables from Liverpool said thatadvanc ing freight charges and tho hlglier Hank of England rate were ugainitt purchases at present, notwithstanding the fact that sta tistical position abroad was moio bullish, owing to the dltlkuljy in getting tonnage, unfavorable crop news apd Increased re quirements " Corn Unbilled easy. althout-h at on time the market resjionded to good busing Beneficial rains were reimrted In N'ehrsmku, Katuas, Iowa. Missouri fond Illinois Ex ports from the L'nlted plates fof th week were 1 249 000 buaheli. The ihhtW at Liverpool finished aasy with American mixed offering 3d clamper Oats finished Bbout Mtivuly. There was a call for the new trap far August ship ment .Trade was mculsrate. New York Bond Sales Tadlnr futures rance-l a falowa: v neat u Jul" Pert D i orn July Sept Dei Oils July 6-pt U mi mS inr llOW 71 Yea'dar'a ( 1aju. t UuM. 1 Vi I? nl Ju CXI Jcuylb,ta ss Bpt 13.15 Fork July -V, Sept. Si 40 : i)td Uld. 13 97 13- la.ir i?5 UM m- tisw tl 11 ii MM til J 11. 15 13 W tiai) tl3S 13.13 1 ml, 1 1IH 1 wi tT.i 71 toss 111 43' ass 13 13 13 40 l 3.' 33 HO 2 1. TO JFOREIPN EXCHANGE NEW TOtK July U About tba only feature; worthy qt mention iu the foraJgii exchange this morning was n sllKlitly Unoat tendentiy in i'lcliinarlc nod lire Qlber wtsa the marljet wn uo)uiiad Quotation UuHuml HrllWf. 75 11-U; cabl. i IS 1-ttl. Vnm beck 31 ; cab'ea. 6V0 lUirtMMnarks checks 7i; cables, 13Vj Ur eWhs, StOvj. cttbtmi fi 10 Swuk e)tiur. (1, cable. 6 3314 Vlenaa cbeCHt 1-56, us bleu 13 40. Kruner check, 38 1 a : cable. J 8.3. I'ewtas ehavks 3816; cabJUs. 30 H OuiUlats vbaeks il 7-16. v-Me. 41V,, aud rubl. cUctkn 39 b9. cables, JU 75 . t 11 n f bSlidiiiU " t.Lt.n CklM, ItATES port siqey 3VaH t tu lllonn Amer Aur ileb ". 7.I3IIMII Anulo Kn-iuh Tn . tl" Vmer T-l HI An iiiiio Amir Writ l'.tp Rn Jlimn Atrhlrnn con Is . JJiHin Halt f, Ohlii .IVin . li'MIIIII del ,.H limn d In ..... I.-.1111O llroflkn U "l r.H li5t. Sum Itudh Tprm Z, . .. IWiniil Can Oovi n ItlLM IJiiflo d.i IHL'il ITIIdii du 11UI limn '. nt (1 1 ons ft rainil CVnt leather let Is mum (Vnt II It N 3 S Juno 1 -hill Coppvr a 1 (linn e'hia s. Cihlo i kr Idiio do ,1a Jlimn do on ,1a :i I iiiiii c 11 . ej Joint 4 1(10(1 da III :iiiihi C VI .St ronv B lllllll itu cp .' Illdii do cv !' 1 lllllll I'll 4 I' S J 1 Iiiiiii C II I . l rfd 4a . , 3 Minn do Is . . llllllill fill I'll Mm Ui fteiiii c.im I'ro.i r, urn lomi Con (1ib ronv iiii . mini D.-I Mud rfd 4 .. .1110(1 Den f. It I! 1: . ... 1111m do rfd ,1a ... 1 Iiiiiii dD Ida milium do .-, . . . M111111 m Hw Corn ru . 11111(1 llrl.' ronv 4a Kir A mum do con 4 Her 1. Vhiiop iiu prior la Iiiiiii On Kite Unb r,s . 4(1011 Hud S. Jinn In ,1" .11111(1 III Sleet det 4ls limn Indiana HLee .', 7(lit(l tnterb Viet iVsa 1MIIH11I lntnrh U T ret .Is UumwO Inter il ilnr 11 I'ia J moll Julian new O h la iinim Kim city Ho An l.illlil Liirkn Hlwl la ltl'.'3 3IKKI Me 4 M T .In 'iini no .it ri-ir . . mil" i'liim l.tmlM & Noah la II 1 limn viimh.Ui m ma 4a til1 100(1 VWnn Hi ! (, s il 4a UJ llllllill ilu Kan 4 T lnt In 7H limn Mont I'uwi r .la 1)7! Iiiiiii Nat TuIm. la . IU() llimil N V C & II . US'. Iiiiiii do .It a re SI jmiiiii do tVia . . ut 7111111 N V c .4 HI I, Ihi 4a It1, WOOD N V City 4a tUIW lull Mlilil do :iVgl Nov 11)31 imj Iiiiiii do IW IIIIUI . Ill-', I (ion ,l 4IZH ii)fi. . Ki7, IKiKin do ((a 111,11 .HUT, KHin do i liiiCi . Ills' .(Iiiiiii .N v itwy ret U 7il!l II1KX1 do hiIJ ,1h . .Vi IIKMI V V Tal irn 4tH 117V Minn Norf Vai la . 1131- iiJiiiw .or Par iirlur 4s Ut". sum! dp g, n da . . ili). inim Orn rihurt I, ri-t 4a IU4 .liHI'l do lat Ra . lulCj I1KI11 P)i HI' Tel 3s lllll' 71X111 Pa Kfll it tigs ... Kim Sjonii do en 4t4 KIIV AOfUl HomllnB tii la UV; imn) in LIMA go arn 3a ml SJtMKi HII.A.SI-- an cta . 7'J imeini iiu ui w 1 07 If. 1, 111 711' 1 Ji IU. JIMii, liii'd III. lllil KS J3, 7" Nll 103 MlVj ll(l llllj. 1 1)7 J. IIU', lnsii U7V, J "l .VKMI Milnl do 04r im aii A w I c I ft IS Mv, IUMI Swalmard A I, ail) Sa H74 IK11111 Houth Ufll 3a ... im. Iihhi tjouth I'ai la , Ma JSrtmi do iv la . . h7 amm do iv ru f U 5a , 1(13 jm.il South Vat Trm 3a. sl'i 1(ihi tovtli llw gi-n 4 71 muni South Rwy con Sa 101 IKwmi Tnn C nl full lutW .lODU liWMl Tn.au Co iv Ma IlilS (SJ Tblrrt Ave adJ 3a . Ttt sawn It Slaal a ti. 1111 Kxai irnian prfa im u !i.;, ICOfl I'uloil Isir rfd 4 l, liKHi Va c thin da . IlKI'i Ihmii v Hw 3a is 3U0.I Wb-P T It et l f p 3J"6 13M0.1 Vt Klac 3a lUlVt I MSI Wrat Ud 1st Is . 73H Jlai Wrat B M . .' . w I II.' IKMM du 3a Maa 1M1 4 (MM Waat Shurs 4a W) ltl du r la hS 1000 Wvat Uaiou IHa HIS MN) vlavujt Cint afl la MK lidt (17 1 1IHI. hi SH-U 111a s.lS 71 101 . imi'i tins 7a, 1 11.1 SMI' lixiii 101 J? un ta HIV 8tt Financial Briefs UlVJDENpii DECLARER JkHlaiuui Luarasca Cubm" 1 wr i 1 U. lata la aa (tatfatac H Vjix 14 , CS,, nomwrntt eT if 1, aTasner 4,jlal h- rnV rf Qaorga lilwaril iwnea lamglay, of I.aBjr Wy.' Illliiuarta S. Co., Bumbi, IiulUi, Uaa awUlat fi Biauibeiablp iu IU X'ew Vork Cottau Kxehauge . 4Tb a ports 0 copper (or (he week anded July 1 Hr IV. ISS tons com pared with 3311 toe In tba anw k last year Kx psvrta atswa Ike Itnu of the muutb totaled 13 733 tuna aaainat 3S( tuna Iu tttaorra spoadtBff lerlo.l last ytir Tha iBilinul report of tb A.oiUu TeU phone ami Telaftraph Compan) for the pvrlud soiling Juiw IS mad public todity, bhus an incraaaa ot laMfa thaH t- 0OO.U09 (a r .-. iariiiiiKi over the six month ot la 5 I h gins', carulngs for tha'pariwl ar ;5 184 oto c intatraJ with 3,ll.7 tut Um jiiic period U ll A iul alitor will be UMUa Ut ta Governor 11 b 1 1 f r t hrtar tor a. new State bi- i.i4iti ttruvara and Mercbants' BalUc co b twavMsl iu t'lilliidrluhla The caalW atucls 1. glvu as IIOVUOO iJuided 11 aj ad area ut !& aaii 'fbe KHuipont id i,r -vph J ILutm M nut 1 llullun IU' l tn.it illtbaBt Ljtb aact Dttvlu t Ai New York Stock Sales t close, ltlth. 0, WU'I 110'i 137 15 72 W-f il 137' 62' 20'S 11 mi im l)2M p:i I, 4. SVi 31f 0IM 7R'4 na'i 11 21 1 IK' 7inf 07 on . Cn'f . 01 . 0!IH SO . Vi . S6' . 02f . 1R' Wi !7S'-J fiUS ,102 . 01 10i 47-S , I.) :irt . OO'f L'l) . 71 M, . 01 IM'i 1.11 , I.11 11 . 00 07' i 111 . o7'( 0.!' VI nli O'l't S'l' i v no 45 170 MM 101 01 10" 47". 12' :mi im' 20't 7Uf II 0-4 1)0 0715 HI bVi 01' JM'j no :t5M M"i ,101 im 10s ti'i 72 UMi 11VS Wi'i 0J4 lOt1, 101't l'J 12 :hi'j :mt 116 11. vi J.a ACllIP TM lt pf AilAim Rtpreai . Arte Hfltnely ... ..... 16 AJnt Ulibbet Of) .UsJlrt Otrtd MIitm . . 17 Am-C!itmw Jlfe . ..20 Alfl-nlnM Mffc pf. . 73 Am Must fwraf . rs Am Ilwt Siwar pf . on'MOO Am On (UH fifi .vm isn pi Am Cut & I'dy .r)2" Am rend Pfbluetj ...... IV) Am Ortton Oil ft i Am Hide A 1, pf . ..... ,5fli( Am Ice Securities..,,.,. 29'f Am Unwed - i( Am I.Irnewl pf 424 Am tjjcnmollvo TO Am Ijromntlro pf ')0'i Am Smelt J. Hit !)lj Am Km"lt pf A .... )2M Am itiirfi pf n HM Am Stoct rotinilries . . 4ft'i Atn Sturat KclliillH' Ill) Am TCI s. Til Am Woolen Am WfltlnR I pf Am Zinc I. & sin Am Zinc f, A fern pf .. Anaromtt Cop 1 .Vwodited Oil Atcli'liop AST AtchTop A Sl'pf AtltiuirAWt AtlOnlf &V I pf.... 1UM Loco Vk Malt A Ohio Italopllaa Mlnlni . llrooklyn Itap Tr llullc A Suiwrtor Cal IVIroleuiti t'al I'olroliMint pf . . . Camdlm I'.icino Central leather rhamllof Motor Che A Ohio Chile Copper C'hlno Copper t hlcaco Hrcit West .. Chlcat'n Clroit West pf Chi Mil AM Paul.. . thl It 1 A Pad Ctuctt. lV.i A Co .... Col I'tirl A Iroi Contlnentil Can Con-olMateil naj Corn l'fodurts lief Corn 1'rod lief pf Crucible Steel CtiiclWe Slei'l pf . Cuba Cano Sujar Cubi Cann Sucu pf .. Del I.acX A West . 220'f 2.2.1 JJenver A Itlo or pr Xi llettolt Unllcd Itjs ... 110 Distill Sec Corp'n 414 Krla 35l Krle lt pf CPf (Icn Cli-mlcal 2')0 (leneral Klrrttlc lOI'i Cleneral Motors pf ... I II) Orecnp-t.aninea l.Vf Goodrich HP ?m (Ireal Northern pf . CI T cf for ore prop . Clulf Staler S lvt pr .. llllnoh CVnt . . lnt A ctlniliur.il . lnt Agricultural pf .... lnt Harv X J lnt Con Cor v t c sh lnt Con Corp'n pf .... lnt 1'jpe.r lnt Paper pf Inp Con Cop lnt M M c or ilep . . . lnt M M pf ret dp .. lnt Mclel vt cfJ . .. JchcI Tea Kan Cllv Southern Kan C'ttj Southern pf. Killy Sprlnc Tlru .. .. Kenntvolt Copper Lack steel Co I.iko Krto A West I-ehlKli Valley Ur Itubbet Tire MaviM'U Moton Mannell Slotors 2d pf Meilcan Petroleum . . Miami ("oppr MIourl I'acPle ... . Mhsourl Par tr cts .. Monlaiu Power Montana I'oiver pf . . Nat Knam A S Co Xat Enam & S Co pf Nat I.i ail Co .'.' Con Cop New York Air Hrakv . N V N 11 A 11 New York Central N O A West Norfolk & Western . . . North American . . Norlnern PadBc Ontario silver Mln .... I'aeinc Tel ft Tel . , l'enn ltallro.ul IH'opleN Cias Chi l'itt ( ool Co N J I'ltti Coal lo S J pf PI1H C C A St L pr 1'reved s car Lo Pullman Co .... Kj Steel hp CO . . itay Con Copper 1 trad In; Itt public Iron AS .... blut Ariz Cop . . . Seaboard Air Line Sear,, Itoe A O St Louis A S I" w I St UuU A S V lit pf Sloss-Shcf H A I , . . . Southern l"acule bouthern liy Southern lly pf ... Standard Mllllns IU ... Standard Mllllns btudetuker Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas I'ariac Tobacco I'rod pf I uion Ha: A Paper . . Untied C tear Stores . . t ssm It A M Union Parlfli- L'nlon I'di'lnV pf .... V liui Aleubol Culled I'rult Uotipirpf U b Itubber U H swel Corp'n Utah Keeurtitea Clall topper Vo-Caro C'lirm WabaJll Wabakb pf A Uabatlt pf It Uit Union Tel YI K A M We 1 era ilarylawl .. . WeJl I'jruo Uiii .. WUeel A l-l Krl .. WtMt A I. K 1st pf .... 15 UlUy, Ou'iUul .... OJM Utuj.Omuuid rf ...JUo Wortlilnston Pump . . 37M ortbtugton Pump pf A Oi WonliUifcUui I'unp pf II sIiwunJ vx dlviinu. lxw UO'-i 137 01 17 10'g 72 W1M I0) 82H clow O i 1:17 lo 01 I7f 20' i 72 1LX) M'i it'f los't iom mi ran m 52M 10' V) 17'f 12 BS 100 HIM 1)1 V,H I1M 1()3 111 L 11 12-)M 120'P120J, 120' ( M'l" 137M 2M tnn 89 17M 12 100 IU e:i Sfitf in 111 n 21 10', 02M 77'f 01'i n 21 111 fi-M 78' 1 07 .1WW HM'f 101M HUM t)8t CO 01 Of.M SS' I Vi 0.1'j 18'. 15 177 C2f OS' I 07'. 01 fis S"t 'i 00 lS'i XT, 17S MM 100'i lot iirj IO'i 40'f 12M .'III H5M 211" ( 71 11 'a 1)1'( 00' 1 to' 12M :io 2t)4 71U 42U MJ't I'll it, i:i. 00 iki, 11.1 fitHf II! 2.Ti :k! no it :k ki 2PU 00 00' 1 11.1 57". Ot'i .'2" .1.1'. 110 41't .ViM M ao nit', nn. 10S KB 10M . 71', . l.'l . CO 4 . 41)', 12' a '. S2 . IWj . SO't' . 214 . 00 . OS 4o'f . 0'a , 10 , 12 . 4Il3 . 70', . M'j , 110' i KIM . 0M 0f . K1) 112 "Mlltf ' or, ti2'. . in1, 120 l!0' lat 1211. OS lll'i . 0'. 31t, . .17' j 101' j 27 lltt'i 01 . U't 101 . 41'j . 21'j II.V, 42'j . 23 10 IKS K)' It 07' SH. bSl. 'j US 121' SR'i IS5 Vi'i 100 51f CUM m uv mt I.'3 sa 51 M kVi 17. W-. 4t)' W, 40' j tu M 2S KPt 71'f KI MIM IS S4'f ill 7'a 21s, U) 07 IiM OS lhi. 7SU 4'-" , 74, 01', 074' yj' 0' 0'4 ro's 110', 2-". it. 12' 10'. 1J.I 00' 4 lrepj 20' j 120' 1 OS 111'. 0', M 41M 71't lib'. .'MM I(H4 12 as 1 i.'i Hi", 7I'4 1:1 !()' tOU HI S2 IIM 77U 2li 00 07 Wa Oj ISM 77' 4 41 . 71) MT, 0I J.!' 1 0'f OW Wi llfi's 21' j 1)1 Ii."j 10M lis fiO', lttl 20' j 12R (LS ll'j 72 lis), .11'. OJ'i 101 12 .it) IM Wi 71', 1.1 MP 4 17 2JM M' 45, 7 21j (i() 07 l.i54 0(1' f 1'j 7S 42M 71 .lU's OT'i ;xn 0' n'i 00' j 110', 22 o3 024 10', 120'4 r.n' lOVi 20r. .I2S', as K)l 01 41 102'. 41'i 21 '1 U7'. Hi 25' 10 187 IIP.' (!', 10 U7". 2I4 08" or'' 13.V, 2S'4 10 12'. 00 fl's at4 (7'i I.IHI. Wi K'4 lir. J53 515. Ml, 17', 7S. ao UH 0 27', Ul C4. 2ti 137X 12 ai bli iv bS l"64 S7j Or 32H lll'i lll'-i ' 0 .'Il .15 .17 57 101' 101' 101'. 20', 20V, 2(H3 101 111 42' 4 102' 10H 21) 1 oi'4 1J 25 10 1S7 lll'f . 37 07 2.14 bS'i 101 01 424 102', 40'f 21', 07' f J2M 25 10 187 ion 0)4 40 1)7. .14 OS). h 07 07 121 125' 21 25)f 1( 1'4 181 UK 11'. 00 0'J 5?i m HI f,7J J 7 1 .74 K2' SJ) IHI KU J5." 1KI a.' 62 51 .It WJ, m 17', 17). ..VJ 75' :io :iu W ia. 4'' 50 JliH 20i W'i 02H 2l4 fiih 2s as 12s 1JS an &h wt tail oJ, (V. IU4 IIIQH 25 25 U5H 07 U)i 52. LOCAL .MINING STOCKS " TONOl'AII HTQCK8. fAakad at yj .ti ' Von Star ,.. , .(3 ?S Touou4allia ,..,.,,.. I), (, lfe$?P Ji fi Wm fftiU M..4'i.I...MtitM vpfc? ,94 CaOIiHrHHiVH DtOCIU. AilaiOa.,,. .11 1 Bluo Bull M M lUIKIl . lullav r u ii CMD4ll C O.l' .. .. -.j" 't .-. 4 nainaiuw maaa u Ulajy,,.,, Floreau. IJOMIVJ4 l.ol.ll Jumbu Kawaaaa .tt Oro. t - JjifiHUI . . 1 Sugiur Firm at Now York NKW "VcrfiK Julv II -fme eiaimUted via. Pun anl unchaiifi (I tod-i to. JiiJ;t.ial .sjai HeliuuK ''onip4Uij iuulitig 7 iQc u4 ., li ilu- ullur lefloeis quutins ? b5 Tba i r ilt L.l .-puL l-aU uiu ,4. uiit,hau,jiM at a itu. FRENCH BUDGET SHOWS GAIN OVER 1916 TAX RETURNS Total Receipts, However, Are Less Than in Normal Times CUSTOM REVENUES GROW liy YVKS GUYOT Knurls! CoWc In ihe fcvcnlng .irfocr. lWrtlS, July 11 The Clcriintl BUlima rltio's voj-ago to lt.iltlmoio 1ms hot toltcil thft Frctielt It Is considered ono of tho Kalwr'n stHReplnyn and dnost not lirovc that the Moclcado la ineffective JIlnlKter of Flnnncps Illlmt lug Jul iiub Ilthcil tho tnic returns for tho Ornt bK innntliK of lllil The rcoclnts reached 1, 70S 000 000 finties Instead of 1,485,000,000 for 191S, vhlle In liornial limes they would havi reached $1,965,000,000 fr.Uic TlutK the rercliilB have InercfiHeil 14 per cent,, as cimimretl vvilh 1D1G, nnd arc 12 pet cent nhorl of tho totnl In normal limes Customs lecelpta have Increaied, hut rohiIh boiifilit bv the military nutliorltlea are Inehtdeil Thus the Htnlo henclltn nnd the War riepartmctil p.i That Ib a nrlieme which iloe not futlcn the Trcas urv The I'm la Chamber of Commerce InH Junt adopted n resolution (leuinndltii; tho revision of nil ncta of tntunillzntlon (rrnnted lo the OeiiiMtm nlnce tho Uelhfuch Ian It Ik BoltiK too far when the Cham ber demands n review of ttlUtialimill7atloui of the lat in irarn nnd the origin of the icclplents and uhen It detnntult a llxt of economic nnd Industrial ontcrprlscH whose cNcrt'ljio Bhotilil he permitted lo fotelitn er nnlv iinilnr the nuthorlz.itlon of tho I'reftit nnd the Chamber of Commerce In tlio illMlrlct Interested 'I he spit It ot tiKinripiilv whlih him cslsted often nuiniii; llio members i ould not. In such a case, help show 111); Itself PHILADELPHIA MARKETS OKAIN AM) n.OUK VVIIKAT It. ..Ipls CiTSiU lillall.lH TIlP itu. rk t oil, it. rl Ji. tiiKliir luil iirnrwunl luRt 1, it tli. Imiin Miifnt c.'uiittilliins .rnr Ints. In i xiMirt iliviitiir Nu J r.il Html $1 tiKtr I 11' No J Ih.rn - il t! usfi I 111, sti inn r No .' Ml tl UTI t il'), Su .1 ml $1 074(1 U'l r. In ml A. it (II1, 1i I inl'u pj'-cliil tl SI HI i nitN lli'ilnii .", itu liucti rifrnrlnirn wr. Unlit nml tin- imii k I hum Ii hlali'-r uml. r u rnl i ilpiniiml Cjuiitutliiui. ( ar Into fur lam I trmt' nn to tmutlnn Wisli-rn No 2 rlli, liui, Willi . .In . Ht.iiimr j'llun s'H, (fnuii . ,i,i s.i :i Miiuu, NT'nirMSi . du No t ji'i- IllW CI'jIllVll UAIM Ibufiits "" Ill Imali liomnnil uus tulr uud rirl) i. iiiIviiik oil '-si uuittfr lUtit nlfir lima yuulllllolia. N ! ll'. ISfl lh',i . Miiiiilunl wlilti . 1 7 Hi !) No a whlti l"', Ji HI1' No 4 w hit. H lie . .Kiupln imta, .Iti'a Vlli'n' inirlll. il imtH BrnilMl, J,1rKS'ii km ii'ii rti K ipls. Hi? iii'ix uii'i i.'i tr.n lbs In tun ha Villi limits u.rp i II ni.ilntjlrt'il but liii-ri mum llrtli triilluir t.illiivlns an thp iiuotiiiluns p.r ItHt lbs Iu mkii) winter lenr. tl iCHM III) ilo striilcht l.ioft-il."i pufnt. .". l.'.tl 'Mil, l.unaiiM Ii il rilt'in sinks lllll) ti.'ijii ilo , strilKht iiiimn .i"s V J.VJl " in ilc luilint. lottmi smks i .liui 1 71 Hprlnu first, clear. 11 MHi'.l In In atmluht JI 'III' A till, ilo putont IS Tlfjill. "Ii . timirit. bninils Ii! a.1 Ii II Ail, ilty mills thnlic and finis imir-ui III as till .1(1. do ri4iiliir Brair-s. v Int'-r ilnir, II I1HH mi ilu, sirnlxlit II H0H 1.1. du imli-nl, JI ISW.l III ... ,. llVI; KMiflt s ilil sliinb ami ruled l VV. iiunti' ni'iirliv ii' II .lilti I 7.1 rr btil. nml VVrst irn at IHt.1 .In iir Mil. u to ituilit I'KOVISIONS Tlii,ri mis tulr Julihii. ili-innml nml snIn kinds won hlnh'T I'oiluv Iiik urn thn uuiitii tlima lt Ih'i t in m.mk stunk' (I iiiwI ulrilrlnl 2hi VVisti'rn lss.r In sets smnK" . -Si . t lis, li'f knucLUs nml Ii nlira. amo.V nml nlr ilrleil L'Hi VViatern In-f kimikln, A. I tuntirs ainolcnl -.(ii . li"f bums. .'S1i:tti s. It fnni ll. JS.1 .Kit .'7 hsms s 1' iur.il loiw IH'I IKVi iln sklnli'il. Inuss 18', Will' lo , iln . smnkeil JO' Hi L'll'ii . ntlur hums smok, il rlt i tin il its in iinitiil uml iivniut.. is'ii. hums iiinnki ) VV i ati rn lurnl, IH'i ln , IhiII.sI Imm I'ss III. pit nli Hhoul'Iers H 1' tunil looso 14, il,, Mnnil.,,1 1.",l . ImIUi h In nil kle in - i (irilinu to iivirnKP lonsi ID',' . bre-nkfiist Kit on ns In lirmi'l nnd HVirmi' ilt cur.il, Jli ilu WiatiTh iure.l llltC-'lIt lunl WVst'Tll. lllltl'-ll tl'TIPS HJI fill 'III lUllS I I 'l iln pum ill ksitlp remit ml. In tl. rita llVac . iln . iln In tubs It's i KHFINKI) SURAHS Th" miirkr rulrd firm ullh 4Uman fulr 1lr finer Mm pr.ii h Uxtra flno uninulatt'l T ii'n , powon'i 7 Tfti iiinfictlontTH A. 7 .". , utl KTlUltH Ui7 VH DAIUV PRODUCTS lll'TTrn ih-iniiml wh fair and iilU" urr Wfll HUHttlln.it H it tl H lppllrB Iff flllll MlfM k unil r priiu unm, tunirul QmitiittuiiH Wlhn rn Kuthl-ii.it ki 1 i nurttr, fum viMtlalH IIU , i xi rn Jti 4r Itii -xtr.i firniH i!S , IIthim J7i . mtuiitlK .'ik nrirli) prima. fant IJ . aw r (). vtra .HlV.tli , tirntn UT'Cp.'H ' iuioihIh. L'tlfflMI1?! . juhbitm Malfn of faiK irlntM H",6p as IUKJH Th ro wan u km1 iimulr for trletly (lnt . wh and ilu niarit! rulitl II nn uml r Hunt iiffirltip.M tiuut itfntiM In frt aw h noarb xtniH JKi p r tUi u. arb UrtttH $7 (t iHr Hlanil trd a in urti) urnMit riH IijIh $7 -OSf 7 .D im r i ini, WfHtern txirun, -7 vet dot . Vi hi. rn fxlri ilrnt. $7 H't lr HiHf. (Irrln 17 n 7 .1."i in r i.i lHm titrt4 mndltU frtMh iKUN ur .Mtbli u al Itltfj,!- Mr do-i i'lIKKSi; --Trad waa h h to lla market ruled s uk and t Iuh r w 1 nuttU rule but amiV tifff rlnuH oiititu'iutiM j York, full i ream funo 1 i nlfa, , k. , do , fair to tfiHxl, ir.frll'.'j' Pari vklina fill 1 It Hht)HI Olntuikti u i- mly mntlprate and prlttB ruled nit ml v but i fiiil hh nut et Quo tation N'w Vrk full r um fam, low lii'ir . dn do. fair to buod. ITitt XMil , part SUIIIU. UtlW i'UUUlliX 1.1 on. "it li roxrilt r liwl-li. . uiirliu t hti koim .ti i ordtutf to u ilitv wi Ishlns t J ILu aplfia, V-t-4'. ; hii rthnrn anordlwr t iiualiiy, '.Mi'JI. d'M kK l Mist, nnd qualtl llfHU , pi vi oil ohl .r i It j'ijs do, ouim, pr lialr JfJtWn liriKSUKI- F wit r Iu fulr requful and xttud at lla nt nt ! Ilia (tmll ra urrn i ml t nd tanlir I ollomiih an the nuotulloim JnifhkUli pitu.iJY tliiuikd Kuwla, li io 1kx dr;iakid finiv nel.ttd. l!Jt . welalitinf iSftS Him him -''? . ivulilnir U aU( .'1H tt lull, 1 1 aa Mm uplue. lt , wdltlifUK 3 U'H ana i . XUtii fowl. i c liarkrd tn liuir-a luiu'. dry pit kn, norllurn Indiana and IlliuoU unluhliuc t Ibn and nv r uiift -li do tnnt horn Indiana and UlltadM, wnttftlnK -I Um aiiinc, Ji'i "inallr uln K4f4M old rmiMtrrH dr pl kf 0 JS. , brotl Itiff thl k itt Uiklcrii JmUU( , broilers J r H-k faniyr ak do ntlur nearby welshlne I'iJ low upumi iWittoii , itnmllrr &!, & 3Ji.. dw k tuarb hnritttt, ytif -'r , Kiiuubi, inr dux Whin h Ishlni; 11-71 lb ir iIm . j"f . JJV whit vscliiuiine It VII) lb pr ilus . 11 l4i -t 7."i, whllt- vv.'lL'hirttf H Ihfi per thus 13 Wi 3 M dn do . 7 IU it Jpji J & t. do do OfMI'-j Dim iir doi. IUWJ '-. tUrli SI 7ai- -'3. niHll und No J fav M1 ;'5 PUI2SII l'KUITS Tba market una k nt rulb sternly under m'sl erale otTariniia awl u fulr duly ml Quuluttuua. A nn 'en nrr btil llalilulit I4V1. Hon ll.ivl. tstji, ctlliar vurieii, u fl -i(ii .' .in Nu 'J, $1 ;.". 4pplea lleluware a ml 4lRrtalel Iier binnuer .aiu II 1( 1 fulr to anml, SiH 9 tl l4iiiona u r bui 1.1 ."nil I ,'.1 I'llu-aniiles. I'nrto HI. .i n.-r . rule 12 Suti 3 .VI niiu Marries. Ilelawur" and M.irl,tn.l pt r (it . lffl.1o. lluckle bsrrka Norlb I'umltna tier at . bVlIK tlou berrl1 p. r 'it tt 1 llsaiibrrrlns r.l. per Id 3t3i' I'lurries w York Miir. lar ( Ib. basket. JO3(k ilu lutliur Vdrivtlv, vwr 8 Hi caiaket -IOiHk . lu Diluwaru uml iUrjInml. awst. per lb &ii h. , it tin auur. wr Ib . KV Ii dn du rntifl per H llOfc. ; ilo., du . aur. per ijt , 4ti h I'lunn deorkla pur irJte. &A.. OSl 71 Ptniliea t.eorsia ner .4irrU'r itelj II 7913 l-ariui-u JIMliU, WanWII. EMivri . imiuun c auiornui. lr ihih I.IV'IJ I'lmlte t,jiijM 'fulrl nnd viiIuib itrHllywrt v. II auVnril Cjuntutlnns ruvts. ti tri. UUI ft". I Sua.' s,1. UV. North il 1 J ito. IT i l SllttX SU. ilo. HurUU. tin tSdoruii. per crate II t'BrtIn ner stand nil ari.te do per Hat irate VI (in. WaUruielonii, J'lort da. fur car. 1;.M82HI VK0KTAI5LES iiupaUe vara 'luila liberal but iluilce stock w 111 fair leuueat and ulua furally ruled alwdy Quolalkina While putatu P4 bid . tiirt JiWri fluira II 7S '.'ft. No. J.ltellt era IMwr. 78 II S No 1 Norfolk, f 1 ?&a i 3. Ko 3 Norfolk 7.V 611 street potatoes iry par haakut No I llliiiu No 'J W ilir avat potaUMs Ji rs. Iiela.uar0.a4ul Ualand per bumper No 1 Ti, tftl, No 2. filiWiUk onbuia T.-.4 p. r , uiunier crt. Nu. 1 II lia" -u . ll.'Uf I u uiusiw, Jsr ao par basket St wll. o IrnUll par licet ,. baal trl ii . l-y uer .rktu 12 92 SD vtatennsa per luu bu4u boa tl WQl W. rowiua ivr 'arrier i av KPI44U. pir .rat 114.1 SCI .orn Florida, wur PierhU I buju tat Ml """-... 1i" i uirutai war cioiT it v IUI1I rratc 114 1 io cucuaabara NurColk. w lJu II iOJ do Nurfolk per S bbl baafiot. Uli. TV . do Norfolk per 1 X ldl uaakat 50c . 4n N i per M liuiir, do do . per baaket 23 0 1. . Wksbrouuui per i lb intake! llWl 3d Erie Not (a IHd far Whoolimf Itoad MILWAUKEE. 3Iy II l'rcatdent r tUrwod of the Ki le Railroad I'uinjiany clc iljnJ ltda that u ujjaii irulj.bly cuuli not ntak- aii bid far tlie VVb olins J"1' 4t t-'rle Had when n l- 1J 141 f nu . Wei It 111 inl4 tba' tUeiu nilot bj Begoitdiiout later Sales in Philadelphia 2 Cnm trnn 1 ion r M st 1' 3D Klee ?tor ami Brio ,15 (Jen As nrnf 1nO Insplr I'obpsr inch 1114 11(1 otiH 47 1 J2 Ins Co ? Am n rc ti to pin us., UK) Lake flop I'orp toH 2JB IsblKh Nav 71. Ill) tftiluh altj 7SU I in inna. il74 a ronniv nit viric in. 17 I'll Co mm pf. 2ifi ifiita mrv 7211 T'liltn 11 T I c til Ilnj' Con. Mil Itendlnc Ril Ton Hot . ... SAO Ton Mln ... 70 Iln Trnc IT. tl (1 I . . .. 3SNO V 8 MtH-l . .. 10 iitnn :op, 1 VI VVarw Ir H Kt ITT. r'rnlnn (.nne 1 ItirrHW. PecrtaRe. I 'ON 1)8 lnc "J.. II n Low m"4 nu iw '4 1-.U tfin m 7t r.7 117 in 7 ii Clf)C IIS tm (l-'Vt 47 25H l! HI 7 P. 7S r.7'i ii 7 in "itt 11 ". S714 KlS "'K N-i-t ch ne H Mix itlvldonil l '4 - - 5' 121 no .'(HI 10(11) IIIIUI LMHIII 1.10(1(1 .'111)11 llllllill '.'111111 lllllll 1,11(111 L'dllil 101 III ,'liiini Itiim lllttli tw Clow .mil .11 lllll, liil'j lllttli Am U A It .11 ..'il4 City Ir 11)11 llilta l'.lf IVn 'ir Is Ml Ml Key ll lat .a nsjd lis 1 I rh V nl Kin I' IMI'. III)'? iln pm i4B lllll .lll iln i una di re 1 1 1 111 t'onnii (Im 414a KUU KIIU ilo cone PAH KlltS 1IM, t'hlln Itl'i 4a SIU Nli I'hlln VV & II 4a li'i't I'd'i I!, nl B.n la II1U Hit, mn Am 1 Hi I11J IIU Slllllil IllIK i, loo Km Ln ltrtj Inv na US4 Its' Ml .liil'i 111 Illljn 11)1 SIH ti'i'l III.' inn us'. Net :hflnfro - ( 4 i Sl'Alll'ITY OK liAIJOIt CHUCKS LOCAL IIUNIXFaSS Trade in yll Line? Is Good, Especially Textiles TjirU of lnbnr l PlieoliltlK lillilliC-il ttroiitlil l'lilln li-lpliln trndo In nil Unci liolnir cnoil nml oriioclnllv tm In tcxlltofl. kiiv tt O tiun & Co In tlmlr wrpltly fevlow of trnilo con ditions (lomi liiiillici Im lookpd for tlii'tuRlioiit Hip Mimnipr. In tlio cotton vnrn trnilo II N stnlcd lv ctriilpri tli.tt f ho liunliicm Ii Kllll In 11 Ilour ithlnK entidltloii nnd tlio Imsltipis pontlniipq In show no Inrrcnpn. I'rlcps liovv nn up vvitHl tpiiilcncv. collrctloim nre natlsfactoiy nt thp iiipuptit time and a wood foolliiB pro vnll Btncrnllv In Hip wool trnilo It It Iparnrd that tlie fiirolKii W'pstcrn vvoolt rnntlmin to tnovp Willi frppdnni In most cctlonM nnd peveral of thp put licit HlienrltiB States li.no now lipoii npnrlv cleaned up .Mnniifnpturprs of iiipii'm and linvn' clotli lntt nntlclpatp a Inmo fall nnd v Inter busl- I10RH Slilrt tnaniifnpturort Ktnto that tlioy liavo lind 11 vpry F.itWfnctory maBon InliliorH of lioiriy. nndervvcar, tiotlono. to, Imvp nlno experienced tlllllcnltv In III t I11K their nnlprn ow Inp; to tho ncnroltv of foine Krn(p of inorrlminlisp, cppei illy In thi Iinxlirv nnd under;. car llne , notulth stuinlliiK thlB tliev liavo liud a larcre litiHl- UPKR The Iron and eIpo! inntlcet rnntltiiiei to lie verv mtlvo nnd Inrrelv Inlliieneed bv fiirelmi liiitdticw ItallnnilH nie liovvovet. hIIII lnrce puiih.iHerH nnd HlilpliulldltiiT plnnti im- likewise strnnitlv In Hie market I'ronipt deliveries nre li.ml to obtain nml pl.tntH me well hooked ahead I'lii item N somen lint netlve and a ntimher of liupiirlc'c for ilomeRtlo uxp nro noted, with foielRii luiKlncNi ctlll larKC The leather market cniitliiiiCM netlve nnd pi tees fliin (Tlazpil kid and tippei le.ither deitleiK lepoit 11 good demand fur (ill Kindes nnd lilKli pt Ices ptcvnll Shoe denlers u irnit a Kimil v nliime of Innlneii and collec tions fj.lt lv prompt Xi:V YOItK COl'TKK .MAKKLT NI.W VOIIK. Julv 1 1 The iiilTco market vviiH Hteniller at the opening ihlH mot 11I11K. nntl flint priieM were 2 to 7 points hiKhei on eoverlnc 'Riles on the call vete HfiOO Ims The mitrf.et Inter neld ntenil, nliout t to 7 points net hiRlier. with timllns fnlily ndlve There was lonslileuihte out"lili' liujliiK. pilncipnlly, of the Mnv iiosltlotii the buying supposed to bo for in count of Hub Midi houses Tho mntket for spot coffee w.is undid need with o fair demand reported and Itlo .No. 7 uuoted at 0 ',. Toilii'n tint nlim, Julv AllBUM H' pl mlfr iiliilnr Niih mlier .. . Hi i enilM r . JunuiiD . ... I". liruiir .Mitnh April M;t June 111.1. s a.'s in S 13 flH .10 b fiSftS 117 NlltfS 70 K 8U Vt sterduy'B i toae s inms is SL'Iflli 2.1 K :i.'5lK .11 h :i7i s :ik n dm 12 H ("ililN in S .llflK .12 i .17 Hi K IS h 113 (II 1 IIS.liK II1) R 7IftS 71 8.78b 711 ItAII.UO.M) H.MiNINfiS WAV tlllMSANS. MOllll.i: AV11 C'lIICAdO nun lllll 221 Li. i . - 7j no in renan IIS 274 2S S7.1 3 1.111.1 223 13.1 17.1 Slit 211. I'M Muv nroaa N'et n..i.l im.nmi. . II tuna uroaa 1.R,I'.2-!' Vet Bl? 'Ml Tnlul Iiu lime Mid UIHI BOl'TIIUIlN' HAtl.1V.VV HVHTUM Kuulhirn Ituilwu ...... lat w.tk July . . SI 3.13,.1Sn 1182 215 Alnliniuii (Ireat Southern lat weet: Jul .. Ill I KI I 111.115 Clm IiiiiiiII New Orleans nnd T'Jiiii' I'mltli lat week Julj l2no.li')'. 1211 ill 1 (Iinrulu Hiiulln rn (Hid rtorldii lat neck Jul 14.1 luirt 13 317 Vlnblln uml onto lat week July .... $1U1.212 $2.1.207 HT IIUIH .VN (IAN fit V.NL'ISCtl Ma uroaa $1211.211 iun.TSO Net .... 1.2II7.II'I7 311(1 IIR7 II lima srnas . ... 12 .IHI.i.11'1 I 72'i.iilit .Vol I. J VI II' I J 1.70'J.tO,l UHIIBVH.t.n A.N'H NA.SIIVlI.Li: I'lrat week July . . , Il.ud7.b1u JKHl.lllu ULriuae CliicaRO Coal Market Fair rllll'AUO, July H Tho lllack Diamond tomorrow will toy "Tho CIiIc.iko to.tl niiiiket Is in flrst-c l.ihB condition on unu ri uiles, but not rpilto so Kmiil on (itliei.s Tlio hotter ilcmaiul appears to ho for Wcst ora i-ii.il, white tlie lnstern coals .show only a fulr degito of activity, llunover, tlio si'ieetilng maikut li.ts not cased In nny p.tr tiiulur. but has Krown htimiRcr. inicen lis iiiB nppinximiitely S cents a ton within tho last few weeks The iinthrncile trade i-o far in July his been a llttlo ilihuppointinK Tlio market Is fairly aitlve, hut not up to tho conilitlnna of a week iiro" June Cotton Cansuinillnit I.urKc ' WASIllNfiTO.W July 1 1 A report Is sued today by tho Ilureaii of Cen.sns hhnwn that there were consumed in June, exclu sive) of (inters, 570. GOG runuinx hales of cuitoit, tumpared with .111,055 bulcd in June, 11)15 Tho expnits Iabt nmntli, iuclllilInK iinli'i's. wcio utC.lSS running bales, con tracted with 3JJ.110 hales lit June. 1915 Tho Imports in Juno vveie 10 100 ciiuivaleiit SbD-putind hales, (iKiilnat 39.178 hales in 11)15 Tho number of cotton spindles actlvo In Juno vvcr 33,J59,3yO. compared with 3t,2J6,uui In June l.ist le.ir HANK CLUAHINOS Hank clearbua today minparei! with .orre spondlllK tlai last tfn irH llllll" 1U15 1811 (btladelt'bla llii,3li)72l M-'.uil onn js tli '.ii New York IM Wll lllll ail K3I 31 21 1 1171 SJJ Ibiatnn as .'.'(I 471 MIIIJ2U0I .'I . Iiu win C'hliuxo t- (111. S5ll SIIJii7lll4 OJUJUbUO NEW YOItK UUriElt A.NI) EfiGS Kr.V IIHK. JUU II IIUTTi-.n Steady on litklier sraiba Medium uruil. a oultt ltetelpta. ISli'i-' tiU'tutlona uiuhuiuteil I.IMIS -lllab aratlea atrons. medium low sradea uulet and Irnuular 1 lecelpta in i, itraa S7S7V.i eittra ttrJ. 2(l2V4c IriuT .M.'S-' L,,U -"MS"- l,row"' 3J4L , lulied colors 23. to JlVs e HAIt SH.VUR Bar silver In London was (pioteit at 9(l today " Wd C'oiiunerelal bar silver In New York wag quotal today at b.ic . off Hf fjond Out French Loan Allotments NKW YollK July II J.' l Morgan S. Ca have sent out allotments of undent rltluB to buoks tliej believe desire to liartlclpate In the new 100.000,0440 I-'reiu'li loan. It was staled Uxiay a ml a large number of banks to wblcb allotmeuts were not bant have, made applicatton to he allowed to parllcl pate In tl ayudlcate The loan will not Ue apiiortloived before Mouday Allies." Financiers Confer I.(iNrni July 14 llnanilal confer euii bctwicn reprcfcentailve uf (Jieat i'utain tit t Itu.. ta ami Italv a bela l bin aurmiu. t Ibd Xtetury ofUi-c. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC REFINANCING PLAN WILL BE ANNOUNCED VERY SOON Loan of $35,000,000 Will Be Made on First Mortgage, Bear ing 5 Per Cent. Interest, to Retire Old Bonds Steel Common Most Active Here Wlillo no oITIclnl confirmation ean he oh tallied, II Is understood thai tho refln-inc-lug plan of the Philadelphia Illcclrle Com luny will ho announced very soon It was nn Id today that all of tho nrrnnfrementi to put the plan tnrouRii navo neen compicicu According to Infonnntlriii which wns ob tftlnd today there will e a tonn of $35 000,000 at this time. i nnd there will be nn authorisation under the mortscARP of $50. 000,000 It will ho n IlrBt moilBaRO 5 per cent bond and will take up all of the out standing liMie. It f understood that a banking "tjndlento h.is been lormeil to underwrite tho Issue, nnd the portion which Is not rccpilrcd for tl o cxclnnpe of old bonds will provide ncvV cash capital which Ii nculed for tho urowth of the conipnnj'B IhisIuchk Tho company's outstanding collateral bond Issues are $16, 01 1,1 U I per cent Rcld collateral trust certificates, Jll.268.0fi0 5 per cent Rold collalcr il tiust cerlincaten and $! 101,300 lldlson electric S pet cent collateral trust cct tlflcatca. tlitllrond cnulpnicnt reports lncludo or dets for 000 hot, GO lint. 10 caboose and 43 pissctiBcr cars Inquiries cover 1K00 car bodies. J00 mine, "0 to 80 second-hind fi eight enrs nnd .". locomotives. In nddl tlon to 1100 cars to bo built nt railroad shops. The Dtiluth, WlnnlpcB and Pacific has ordered "f.O box cars from tho Haskell ft lint l.cr far Company In addition to the Otn frelBht cars lecently ordered by the llnvnn.l Centtnl. It has Just closed con tincls vvifh the Standard .Steel Cnr Com pany for InO bo. R0 flat nnd 10 caboore cars for the Cuban Central Tho Pentisvlvnnhi Kqulpment Company Is In the market for three locomotive of different types In addition to 115 or 20 second-hand tank cars with a Capacity for ROflO to 7000 gallons This company Is also .InqnlrlnR for IS to 20 second-hand ritecl hopper, 25 to 30 lORglnB cars nnd several Iob roaders Tho Lehigh Valley Is Inquiring for 1500 box car bodies; the Chicago and North' western for 200 mine ears, nnd the Chicago, Darlington nrtd Qulncy for one steel coal car Tho Hoston Klevnted Hnllroad has order ed 42 nll-teel car bodies from tho Pressed Steel Car Company, and tho Dolawiro and Hudson one private psssenger cnr from the Pullman Company. Tho Philadelphia and Heading Is In tho market for two to six dining cars, nnd the Chicago, Rt Pnul and Omaha Is Inquiring for two lounging and cafo cars On tho Philadelphia Stock Hxclnnge to dny the most active Issue wns t'nlted Stales Steel common nnd It advanced slightly In smpathy with tho upward movement In Mew York Prlco movements were Irregu lar Trading was more nctlvo than it has been for some days Cr.unli trust certificates developed weak ness going off 214 This was the weakest Issue In the market. Hlectrlc Stornge Bat terj moved up a half, while Ocneial Asphalt preferred declined a fraction Philadelphia Itnpld Transit trust certificates were also t off slightly. off MlRlitlv I.a(c In the day Keystoncl preferred sold up a half this apparently! being a belated i espouse In the favorable! earnings nnd to the declaration of 2 perl cent on the back dividends Price move ment continued Irregular to tho close STOCKS ARE SOLD AGAIN ON CURB Liquidation Hardly Interrupted. High-Priced Issues Sub ject to Drives Nt:W YOHK. July II Theio wns llttlo or no Interruption to the liquidation In tho marki t for outside hocuritles which liavo been iitidct piessure almost from tho beginning of tho vveub I'urther dilve-t were niado against a nuni tici of the high-priced nicclnltlcs. again unsettling the hnl.iuui of the list, which Iiu lied weak, although Iu many Instances olTeilngs were of small primoitloii hut thcro nppc.it cd to lie little or no supporting unlets A lionvv ililvo was made against Mldvnlo Steel after the Initial (hillings which cu lled the stock down nuiirl J points fiom the best, although the selling was attributed lo Insiders the low being n new mink for the movement Theio was nmo disap pointment fxpiessed alo over non-action on dividends which have beta looked for for snine llttlo time, and It is untlci stood that tlu 1 1 will be none until late in the fall (i.iston and Vlgmoro, on more liberal of fcMing at one tlmo showed n drellne of C's points .Submarine boat fell l'j , Drlggs-Sen-buiv. after a show of firmness, eased off G points Aetna i:ploslves. after early strength, developed a rcactloniuj tendency Motor stocks wero again active, but after a stiad opening tumid weak Chevrolet nt one time showed a loss of 12 points Mitchell Motors eased oft "j ; Stutz Motois, after an advance of ncailv a point, leacted l'nlted Motors, after moving up l'i. 'o cllned l'i While Motors was down 9i. OH stocks wcio gcntially heavy on n light volume, of dealings. The Cosden Issues weto gcucially weak Mining shares wore heavy, l'nlted Vctde declining 1. . llonds were quiet nnd a shado caslci. l.N'IH'STltl.Vl.S. Aetnn lIxpIoslveH Am lint Mrs Amer .Vhinnn! I'linuilliin Cur Co fun Cir nml IMl I'rcf Chevrolet Motors Curtlss Aeroplann Ill Ibbs Henb i:icnlohr Tob do prof llmersoii I'lionoBrapli I'lrmlfh I.Min ......... HahJtell S. Ibirker C-ir llenilen Mte Inter Mor Mniini. ilo r-ref Kutlindlon llrnnzo prcf Maxim .Vlunitlons .Vliinhattiiii Transfer MIiIviiIh M'i I (His niovnlor I'rerlcSB Motors l'onlo i:tu.lnerrlng h 8 KreSBe vv I Smntl tnl Vlutors Submarine Hints VIoIith Trlnnel rilm fnlteil Minors tTnltrd I'rollt hhirlnB , tl S I. unil It com IT a 1, nnd II prcf VV'hllH ilolorg voriu iiiiii hTANlJAUU OH. MOCKS Illinois IT" Ohio .vi' I'rnlrlH Pipe o ,s ei of I'nllfornli r!;' S il of Ngvv lersey ;- ti O uf New Yuri. -0- oTiinn on. srocKH. Cesili-n & I'o -'SU flbilmers Oil I liner Petrol Houston OH lllclHC-st Itennliis , 'J-' hapulpi lie lining tb'i MINI.S'tl S'lOC'KS. IUil .. s', . . r. . . a'. .. itJ . . hJ ..lllll nu as , in ni'i :t .1-. Ii i "JO ST i"' ,V14 l'J. iiii in r.t mi all IU K. ir.-Ki -.ill. i Asknl. in. 1-. T. Tn Ml IIII 10 111. Ill lllll 11 I'l mi'j .'ii ii Ml L'l Vt .-.!. fl'l L'l lllll in'4 T 111 Mli'-i 2" III-. 1 IMS SHt .'l.'ll Mi Atlanta .. .. Iluttu Copir unil Xlnc ..... llutti N' V ( 'i rro i! I'tim o first Natinniil . t lnl.lllelil .M'Tuiir Ilnlii Mlnlni; llnlv holllia Jim Hutli-r Jumlu) 4tri.alon II. ICInley I i.i r rail .Mauinu Ctippcr .. ..... vilni Co of America .S'lii.lnK San 'loy Ml Joi"-ph 1-ead . Wet I'nd Consoll'Litnl .... no.s'o.i. t'f rro do I'jsm la Mlilral" S-trel Is Intt-r Jlarlno tm . . Kl'4 . a !''' . 3". . .1 . N i , r.ti :'"- : ,'f . it. . tm pis 01 . 073 21 h lull in III u'l "$ ti!'-f:'- J." 711 r.i ' in i.'i'a ui 111 ll't Hi1 LlVH STOCK QUOTATIONS CIIII'.VCKI. Jut U lltMIS nerlpt JO. 1111(1 Murkct ll)e lower Mined mid butih'rs III 10 Mil 1.1. coot! heavy, I'l Vi&lO 15. rough heny ju .10 11 in iiabt '.) iu Hi. pluo. t s:.WU i.u. Ul'ATl'l.i: lteee'lpt 2000 Murket utiailv IWeii $7 S.-i91t II. covtii and hMff-ri; llJ Ii JR. mot kern ami flrs 1 b3WB 10. Texutw IT nail eiiltrii IU RtitolJ .slllinr HmI'I mmhi Market steady N the uml Wemern. B 5ili .'3. lambs. 17 73 111 DO $100 $500 READING 4s Due 1921, 1926, 1931 Net debt only 1.4 Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania Brail far coinplttt detail N.W.Halsey&Co. im Che. tout St., I'blladeblila S'.vt Yolk ChkKO Sta Frtnslica lllII)K.MH AIXIS(K INSIKVM1 (OMl-lXY SJ1 VVuluut Mnd. l-niiotipuw juiv 14. mid Tb Dlrct'orB b.at lbl day ilnlar.d a dlel lUnd olJwr not uyatila on July IS. 1010, to alockbaiiW of record. July 14, IBIS CLwIut 1U be luatled T HOI'Altn VVIllnilT Trurr ' UlUBtTOUV Ol' ACCOlNT.ihTb Cerltfietl Tubllo craunt4iits lAVVllkSck. r. lil.tlVVN t lO -615.Kt.AI i.8T'lH IHl'sT lil'ILDINa UUKMi t bftAtOlAiN INDICATION OF FURTHER STORMS SENDS COTTON Ul' Professional Opeintors nnd Southern Interests Buyers NI3W YOntC. .Tilly tl A firm tone was! displayed on tlie troiion i;xcnnimo mini inornliif nnd prices were 0 to 10 liolntfl hlcher. belrnr Inlliieneed by comparatively favorable cables nnd Indications of further florins In the South Professional opentors nnd southern In terests were bueiH, while comnilselon Iioiifch fold Wnll Stieet interests operated on both fides The ((inxuiiipllon report of ".70.000 bales wns nboul in line with ex pectations nnd virtually all the comment around the rltiB vviih nbout the wcathet as Htorm w.ttnltiRs have been ordered put out nlniie; the south Atlantic coast It was pointed out that the trade was now f.tchiR the posslhllltj of two Ktornis In the belt, one tropical fiom the (.nilbbenti After tlio call thero was some pressure nnd prices fell 1 to fi polntn, lint nt this level there was nood support In evidence Liverpool cables vveie Rood, ptlccs liolnff unchanged to 1 point lower They vvcro due to como 1 to 2'j points off The tone wok steuly, although oyly n mnall nmount ot business was transacted Scattered rains were reported ir ton belt KCnernllj In the central nnd i districts A storm was icuticd Charleston, with n low barometer 4 e'liiiicraeurcs utineiiiurii iiuiiiuu . The recolnts of cotton nt the ports for the day weio estimated at 10,000 hales, com pared with 13,fi57 hales last week, 702 lialetf last jcni and 024,1 bales In 1911 I the cot-f easternl 1 nrotindl ot .'9 lGf VestcnHy's 11 oft 1J no 'J no i lone Open A M M I JI Jul . 1.' si 1.' s.' Auatitt . l.'SJ 1'K1 I.' US Octolier lunj llllll 1" Ii" 12 1)7 Deeemlier . 1.1 in 1117 1.111 1 1 III 1.1 1 1 Junuiirj . . 1111 l.l.' I laji) 1.1 2 1 1.120 Mi.rc.li . . 1.1 in I'l IS 1.1 3'l .1 Mn 1.1 -HI 1.1 .M . t ypot 12 nu . . .a Liverpool Cotton l.IVI'UPOOU July II Spot cotton to? day was nuict and iinehiiiRed on tli" bisliTj of Sb Id. for mid uplands The sales nif-j Deputed 6000 bales. IncludliiR 1000 halesl Ameilcnn Tho tmpoits weio fifiOO hales all Ameilcan The market for futures closed btead at a net advance of 2 to 2j I dints. A Remunerative Way to Invest when the primary ob jects are safely of prin cipal and satisfactory income, is to choose some of the soijntl Public Utility Bonds that may be bought at current prices on de sirable bases. Suggestions will be given those who write for our circular No. 414. William P. Bonbrigfit & Co., IncJ MOUItIS WlHT.VIl biUOUl). Jr. 'Iiiuierr 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia .New York llostoii .(!iiuon Wllllum 1' llonbrisht ". Co Detroit I'arU llnnlirlihi 1 Co lllllllllll(llllilllllllllllllllllllllll Copper Stockholders j Reaping Dividend Harvesl s ID Q Holders of high grado copper stock aro faring handsomely tbroucb receipt of attractive guar Urljr dividends, And there 1 a stronr possibility thst before lour a substantial market appreciation will take placo in these securities, a -r-l fl This prospeot, vith the present ' olfh rate of dividends, and the prooaDiwy or increased qisourse- ' incuts, makes tba coppers an ideal - -; Investment proposition, ---; l'l'e-e statistical Copper Book nri sent upon reauest, totother with fXI ll oircular nsmln- best purchases l"l smiog tho dividend payers. Ask for -: "ll, includtnc booklet ezplalnlni' - S "The Twenty Payment Plan" S WJ IweyimeixxAcwitks 2 (Esttbllsbed 1805) -T 0 Exchange Place New York SS EiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill!lllig Thesei lMen Direct The Morris Plan of Loan - and Investments T. i A. bton M. s. 31. ftirueu 1'. ti, I'lluioiul Villi. I. rorue If. II, Il-nr It. lo Hunt l4ul J. bulb Ibos Mjrtutuulo II. Arthur J. Morris j. It. .lf vin.ifr Itcbt. 'lcKcntj llirry .NiU Tbon. Nenbjll Joe. SI Meele I lark VMIIIueus clurlfu iuruaU MORRIS PiAN COMPANY 1507 Arch St- of I'hila It t-i.aafcaalJaajllaM 'is -iiaagin inrilj at--fr-Me-jts-aai-t ul-mm