in,riiii)HBmniwimnmiunj,i,n ,...u.uU'j'i.i!i!wi')'iM'ii'"''iiiutwfw'U''fwi'-!wv.11'111-'1 '..ii. ? r-Wg-7i i ),UIIU i iwnjlupni JjUHH M'lH,'llH im9mmmmmi0iiim I 1 THE GOD S OF Sequel By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Author of the Tnrzan Stories CIlAl'TEIt XX (Continued). THEUD could bo but one explanation. They were being pursued by another hos tile fleet Well, the situation could be no Worse, The expedition already wn.8 doomed. No man that had embarked upon It would return across that dreary Icecap. How I wished that I mlRht face Znt Arrns With my lonesword for lust an Instant be fore I dledr It was ho who had caused our failure. As I watched the oncoming ten I Baw their pursuers race swiftly Into sight. It wns another great fleet', for a moment I could not bellovo my eyes: but Anally I was forced to ndmlt that tho most fatal calamity had overtaken tho expedition, for the fleet I saw was nono other than the fleet of the Flret Born that should have been so safely bottled tip In Omoan. "What a-serlor of misfortunes and disas ters! What nwful fato hovered over mo that I should havo'been so terribly thwarted at every nrtfilo of my search for my lost lovol Could It bo possible that the cursa of Issus waB upon met That thoro was In deed somo malign divinity In that hideous carcass! . . . , I would not bellovo tt, and, throwing back my shoulders, I ran to tho deck below to loin my men In repelling boarders from ono of tho them craft that had grappled us broadside In the wild lust of hand-to-hand combat my old hopefulness returned. And ns them after thcrn went down beneath my blade I could nlmost feel that wo should win success In the end oven from apparent fail ure ,, My presence among tho men so great! Inspirited them that they fell upon tho luck less whites with such ferocity that within a few moments wo had turned the tables upon them, and a second later, as wo swarmed tholr own decks, I had the satis faction of seeing their commander take tho long leap from tho bows of his vessel in token of surrender nnd defeat. Then I joined Kanton Knn Ho had been watching what had tnken placo on the deck below, and It scorned to have given him a new thought Immediately ho passed an order to one of his oillccrs, and presently tho colors of tho Prlnco of Helium broke from every point of tho flagship A great cheer aroso from tho men of our own ship, a cheer that was takon up by every othor vessel of our expedition as thoy In turn brolto my colors from their upper works. Then Kanto-J Kan sprung his coup. A signal leglblo to every sailor of all tho fleets engaged In that flcrco strugglo was strung aloft upon tho flagship "Men of llollum for the Prlnco of Helium against all his enemies," It icad. Presently my colors broko from ono of Zat Arra3 ships. Then from another nnd another. On somo wo could soo ilerco bat tles waging between tho Zodangan soldiery and tho Hcllumetlc crows, but eventually tho colors of the Prlnco of Helium floated nbovo every ship that had followod Zat Arras upon our trail only hla flagship flow them not. Zat Arraj had brought 5000 shlp3. Tho eky was black with tho three enormous fleets. It was Helium against tho Held now, and tho fight had settled to countless Individual duels. Tliero could bo little or no mancuerlng of fleets In that crowded. Arc-split sky. Zat Arrns' flagship was close to my own. I could soo tho thin features of tho man from where I btood. His Zodangan crow was pouring broad Bldo after broad3ldo Into us and wo were returning tholr flro with orpial ferocity. Closer and closer camo tho two csocls until but a few yard3 Intervened, drapplora FARMER SMITH'S A STREET CAR AND AN ELEPHANT Not many years ago the streets were harmless, amiable pathways. To keep one's body safo it was only necessary to come in when it rained, to look out for the Indians and wild beasts behind the bushes and things like that. Now thero are n thousand perils in every direction. We have so many machines, so many swift-moving vehicles, such high speeds and so much heavier traffic in general that it becomes positively necessary to keep our MINDS ever on tho WATCH for DANGER. In order to watch danger we must be able to recognize it. If you saw an ELEPHANT, one three timeB as tall ns you are, coming down a city street, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? ' You would bade away ns far as you could and give Mr. Elephant every bit of room ho could possibly want. A STREET GAR is far more deadly than an ELEPHANT. Why is it then that we do not fear the STREET CAR? Because the STREET CAR is familiar. We see it every day and wo do not recognize the danger in everyday things. In whnt other things that you see every day can you discover danger? Do not forget that wo aro working hand in hand. Wc want your opinions, your stories, your drawings 1 TALES OF THE DLUE FOREST OF ALASKA Little Tulip Heart Meets Prince Marmolade Dy Farmer Smith It was whllo out playing Little Tulip Heart came to a field of red daisies. While walking through this field she happened to look up. As she looked up she saw a beau tiful cloud In tho aky. It looked like a great pearl, gleaming and sparkling with a thousand Jeweled lights. The poarl cloud was coming gently down, and as It camo nearer Tulip Heart saw on tt a beautiful young prince. He was stand ing right In the centra of the cloud, with a sold staff In his hand. As he moed the I gold staff backward or forward the cloud rose or fell. ' The cloud came down to the ground right beside little Tulip Heart, and the beautiful prince got off. Tulip Heart clapped her hand i with delight, he looked so nice and good. And ho was the good Prince Marmo lade of Cloudland, which Is the next country to Candyland and Toyland. Santa Claus was hla uncle. "Tulip Heart." said Prince Marmolade. "will you bo my little prlnces3 and como with me, to Cloudland?" "O! I would love to," said Tulip Heart, "but I will have to ask Granny arump." Prince Marmolade helped her up on his cloud and gave her a pearl chair to sit on. Then, almost before she knew It. the cloud had dropped down beside old Granny O rump's cave. (To be Continued.) FARMER BMJTH, - EvENlfcQ LZDdlKJ I wish to beoome a. member of your Rainbow Club. Please send me a beau tiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAT. Name ,,,,,, i,,,, Address ............. Age ... School I attend .....-.. to "Under the Moons of and boarders lined tho contiguous rails of each. Wo wero preparing for the death strugglo with our haled enemy. Thcro was but a yard between tho two mlgTrty ships as tho first grappling Irons were hurled. I rushed to tho deck to bo with my men ns they boarded. Just as tho vessols camo together with a slight shock, I forced my way through the lines and wa tho first to spring to tho deck of Zat Arras ship. After .mo poured a yeltlng, cheering, cursing throng of Helium's best fighting men. Nothing could withstand them In tho fever of battlo lust which entralled them. Down went the Zodangans beforo that surging tldo of war, and as my men cleared "THE MUCKER" Another Story by EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Begins In SATURDAY'S Smmutn. asls iCriigrr tho lower decks I rprang to tho forward deck whero stood Znt Arms. "You are my prisoner, Zat Arras'" I cried. "Yield and you shall have quarter." For a moment I could not tell whether ho contemplated ncccdlng to my demnnd or facing mo with drnwn sword Tor an Instant ho stood hesitating, and then throwing down his arms ho turned and ruined to tho opposite sldo of tho deck. Beforo I could overtake htm ho had sprung to tho rail nnd hurled himself headforemost Into tho awful depths below. Thus went Zat Arras, Jed of Zodanga, to his end, On and on went that ntrnnga battle. Tho thcrns and blacks had not combined against us. Wherever thern ship met ship of tho first Born wns a battle royal, and In this I thought I saw our salvation Wherever messages could bo passed be tween us that could not bo lntorcopted by our cncmlco I passed tho word that all our vessels wero to withdraw from tho flght an rapidly as possllila, taking a position to the west nnd south of the combatants. I also Bont nil air rcout to tho fighting green men In tho gardens b;low to re-embark, and to tho transports to Join us. My commanders wero further Instructed that when engaged with nn enemy to draw him as rapidly ns posslblo toward a ship of his hereditary focmen, nnd by careful maneuvering to force tho two to engage, thus leaving himself free to withdraw. This stratagem worked to perfection, and Just beforo tho sun went down I had tho satisfaction of seeing nil that was left of my onco mighty fleet gnthcred nearly 20 miles southwest of tho still terrific battlo between the blacks and whites. I now transferred Xodar to another bat tleship nnd sent him with nil tho trans ports nnd 6000 battleships directly over head to tho Temple of Ibsus. Carthorls and I, with Kantos Kap, took tho remaining ships and headed for tho ontranco to Omcan. Our plan now vns to nttempt to mako a oomblned assault upon Issus at dawn of tho following day. Tars Turkas, with his green warriors, nnd Hor Vnstus, with the red men, guided by Xodar, were to land within tho gardens of Issus or tho surrounding plains; whllo Carthorls, Kantos Kan nnd I wero to lead our smaller forco from tho sea of Omcan through the pits beneath tho tcmplo. which Carthorls knew so well. I now lenrncd for the first tlmo tho Tho P. R. T. Contest is PEN from NOW until August 12 For tho BEST STORIES, DRAW INGS and IDEAS on how to PRE VENT and AVOID ACCIDENTS. $100 IN PRIZES IS OFFERED Send all stories, etc., to Farmer Smith, Evening Ledger, Philadel phia. Our Postoffico Box George Tanguay Is not forgetting us In spite of the fact that he has. changed his address from Philadelphia to Ocean City for the summer months. Evidently he has been boosting the Rainbow Club, for 10 new members from the seashore town send In their applications and credit their member ship to him. They are as follows: Harold Rlggs. Herbert Hoffman, Virginia and WIN llim Du Bols, Harry Aspenfelter, Jack and Kendal Shoyer, Mary 'arid Ruth Budever, Harry Barnett and Jane and Wllletts Haines. Vacation days afford excellent opportunity for amatour photography, and we suggest to George and hla followers that they make lasting memories of their good times by boxing them up In the camera. We win be glad to print In the club news any pictures that are clear and distinct In outline. Marguerite Closest, our very newest mem ber from West Chester, offers to get more members for us If we so desire. We do desire If the members are really anxious to belong to the club and If they have theHlrm In tention of being actively Interested. Marion Rlckards was wheeling a baby carriage the other day when the "weo king" within took a sudden fancy to her Rainbow button- Marlon being a generous little girl graciously gave It up and now baby Is proudly calling himself a "Walnbo." Isadore Shaves did not lose any time In getting down to the business of being a Rainbow, His letters are as regular as a. clock. v Mary Dlllmore missed reading the club news the very night ashe should have read It. We made a request for Mary's address In order that a letter from Case Number 3 might be forwarded to her. Fortunately a little boy saw the notice and told Mary. Do you pee now, boys and gUls. the object In reading the club nows every single nlghtl There might bo a message for YOU just the limo you miss Itt Things to Know and Do L ANAGRAM. Of precious stones "m very fond, Especially of A. "DID UONA." fmf vft'A EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 191C MAR. Mars caiiso of my ten shirs' retreat from tho mouth of tho shaft. It seemed that when they had como upon tho shaft tho navy of tho First Born wero already Issuing from Its mouth. Fully 20 vessels had emerged, and though they gave battlo Immediately In nn ertort to stem tho tide that rolled from tho black pit, the odds ngnlnst them wero too great nnd they wore forced to flee With great caution we approached the shaft under cover of darkness, At a dls tanco of several miles I caused tho fleet to bo halted nnd from there Cnrthorls went nhend alono upon a, ono-man filer to reconnolter. In perhaps hntt an hour he returned to report that thero "is no sign of a patrol boat or of the enemy In nny form, nnd so wo moved swiftly nnd noiselessly forward onco more toward Omcan. At the mouth of the shaft wo slopped again for a moment for nil tho vessels to reach their previously appointed stations, then with the flagship I dropped quickly Into tho black depths, whllo one by" ono tho other vessels followed mo In quick succes sion. Wo hnd decided to stnko all on tho chnnco that wo would be nfiToto reach the temple by the subterranean way, and so we left no guard of vessels at tho shaft's mouth. Nor would It have profited us an? to havo done bo, for o did not havo sufficient force all told to have withstood the nst"navy of the First Born hnd they returned to en gage us. For tho safety of our entranoo upon Omonn wo depended largely upon tho very boldlltfs of It, believing thnt It would bo somo little tlmo bete re tho First Born on guard there would irallza that it wns an enemy and not their own returning fleet that was entering the vault of tho burled sen. And such proved to be tho case. In fact, 400 of my fleet of GOO rostod safely upon tho bo"om of Omean beforo a hot was fired. Tho battlo wns short nnd hot, but thero could hnvo been but ono outcome, for the First Bom In tho carelessness of fancied (ccurlty had left but a Handful of ancient and obsolete hulks to guard tholr mighty harbor. It was at Carthorls suggestion that wo landed our prisoners under guard upon n couplo of tho larger Islands, nnd thon towed tho ships of tho First Born to tho shaft, whero wo managed to wedgo a num ber of them securely In tho Interior of the great well. Then wo turned on tho buoyancy rays in the balance of them and lot thorn rise by themselves further to block tho passngo to Omcan as they camo Into contact with tho vessels already lodged thcro. Wp now felt that It would bo somo time, at lenst, beforo tho returning First Born could reach tho surface of Omcan, and that v,e would have ample opportunity to mako for tho subterranean passages which Icad to Issus. Ono of tho first utcps I took was to hasten personally with a good-sized forco to tho Island of tho submarine, which I took with out resistance on tho part of tho small guard there. I found tho submarine In Its pool, nnd at onco placed a strong guard upon It nnd tho Island, nhero I remained to wait tho coming of Cnrthorls nnd the others. Among tho prisoners wa3 Ycrstcd, com mander of tho submarine Ho recognized mo from the threo trips that I hnd tnken with him during my captivity among tho First Born. "How does It seem." I nsked him, "tq havo tho tables turned? To bo tho prisoner of your erstwhile captive?" Ho smiled a very grim smllo pregnant with hidden moaning. "It will not bo for long, John Carter," he replied. "We hao been expecting you and we nro prepared." "So It would appear," I answered, "for RAINBOW CLUB A Real Moving Picture Star Dear Rainbows Do you want to act in a real moving picture? Do you want your boy fo'ends and your girl friends and you. orown-up folks to see you on the screen of the thea tro round tho cornor? If you do, listen and lot mo tell you all about it: The Evening Ledger has offered a hundred-dollar prize for a scenario (which is tho story part of a moving picturo) all about Phila delphia. When it gets that scenario it is going to make tho whole film right here in Philadelphia. But it wants actors first. Will you furnish some? Of course, tho movio is going to bo acted mainly by grown-ups, but there will bo a girl or boy part in it somewhere, pnd there ought to bo about a dozen places where other children havo to appear. Maybe there'll be . school kid mob. Anyway. Z want nny boy or girl in the club who would like to net in this moving picture to enter the Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Con test. (See if you can learn all those words.) Or if you havo some very good friend among the grown-ups, maybe a policeman or a fireman, or a school teacher or a playground teacher, that you would like to see in a movie, you can nominate him or her. All you have to do is fill out tho blank and MAIL it or TAKE it to FARMER SMITH RIGHT AWAY. Look for your name or the names of your friends in the Amusement Sec tion on Saturday, and read about how you vote for your favorite every day by cutting out en Evenino Ledger coupon. Tho voting begins Monday. But you must enter just as soon as you can. If you lose this blank you can al ways find one in the daily Moving Picture Department of the EVENING Ledger, or you can get one from Farmer Smith himself. Who's going, to be the Rainbow Star? THE EDITOR OF THE MOVING PICTURE CONTEST. Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Entry Blank rltsu enter In the Evening Ledger Photo play Cast Cuntcst; Name .....,...,................,..,. llama address, .,,.....,.......,.,,...,. S lined by , NoniUuitloc' organization'. TUU entry blank, when properly filled out and forwarded, wul entitle In nominee to 1000 tote. Only una entry blanV will be tredlWd each contestant, llrlnx er mall thU '?,." Bmlth. the Biaalns Ledger. PhlUdclphJU. you wero all ready to become my prisoners with scarce a blow struck on either sldo" Tho fleet must havo missed you," he said, "but It will return to Omean, nnd then that will bo n very different matter for John Carter." "I do not know that tho fleet has misled mo ns yet," I said, but of course ha did not grnp my meaning, and only looked putiled. "Many prisoners travel to Issus In your grim craft, Yersted?" I nsked. "Very many," he assented. "Might you remember ono whom men called Dejah Thorls?" "Woll Indeed, for her great beauty, nnd (hen, too, for tho fact that sho wan wife to tho first mortal that eveV escaped from Isius through all Iho countless nges of her godhood Ami they Bay thnt Issus remem bers her be-Jt ns tho wife of ono nnd the mother of another who rnlsed their hnnds ngalnst tho goddess of Life Eternal." I shuddered for fear of the cowardly re vengo that I know Issus might have taken upon tho Innocent Dejah Thorls for tho sacrllego of her Bon and her husband. "And whero Is Dojah Thorls now?" I nsked, knowing thnt he would say tho vords I most dreaded, but yet I locd her so that I could not refrain from hearing even tho worst about her fato so that It fell from the lips of ono who had seen her but recently. It was as though It brought her closer to me. Yesterday tho monthly rites of Issus wero held," replied Yersted, "and t saw her then sitting In her accustomed place at tho feet of Isius." "What," I cried; "bIio Is not detd, then?" "Why no," replied the black; "It has been no year since sho gazed upon tho divine glory of the radiant face of " "No year I" I Interrupted "Why no," Insisted Yersted; "It cannot havo been upward of 370 or 380 days" A great light burst upon me How stupid I had been I I could scaro restrain nn out wnrd exhibition of my grcnt Joy. Why had I forgotten tho great dlffcrcnco In tho length of Martian and earthly years? The ten earth ears I had spent upon Bar soom had encompassed but flvo years and ninety-six days of Martian time, whoso days aro 41 mlnuto longer than ours, nnd whoso years number 687 days. "I nm In tlmo! I nm In time!" Tho words surged through my brnln again and ngnln, until at last I must havo voiced them audibly, for Yersted shook his head. "In tlmo to savo your princess?" ho nsked, and then without waiting for my reply: "No, John Carter, Issus will not give up her own Sho knows that you aro coming, and cro ever a nndal foot Is Bet within tho precincts of tho Templo of Issu1), If such a calamity should befall, Dojah Thorls will bo put away forocr from tho last faint hopo of rescue." "You mean that sho will bo killed morely to thwart mo?" I nsked. "Not that, other than as n last resort," ho replied. "Hast over heard of tho Tcm plo of tho Sun? It Is thorn thnt tnoy will put her. It lies far within tho Inner court of tho Temple of Issus a little temple that raises a thin spire far nbeno tho spires nnd minarets of tho groat tcmplo that sur rounds It. "Beneath It, In tho ground, thero lies the main body of tho temple consisting of 687 circular chambers, ono below another. To each chamber a single corridor leads through solid rock from tho pits of Issus. "As the entire Temple of the Sun revolves onco with each resolution of B.irsoom nbout tho sun, but onco each year docs tho cn trnnco to ench separato chamber como opposite tho mouth of tho corridor which forms Its only link to tho world without. "Hero Issus puts tl oso who displease her, hut whom sho does not caro to execute forthwith. Or to punish a noblo of the First Born sho may cause him to bo plnced within a chamber of tho Templo of the Sun for n year. , "Ofttlmos sho Imprisons nn executioner with tho condemned, that death may como In a certain horrlblo form upon n given day, or ng.tln, but enough food Is deposited In tho chamber to sustain llfo but the number of days that Issus has allotted for mental anguish. "Thus will Dojah Thorls die, and her fate will bo sealed by tho first alien fool that crosses tho threshold of Issus." So I was to bo thwarted In tho end. Though I hnd performed tho miraculous, and como within a few short moments of my princess, yet was I ns far from her as when I stood upon tho banks of the Hudson 48,000,000 miles awiy. CHAPTER XXI Through Flood and Flame YHRSTRD'S Information convinced me that there was no tlmo to be lost. I must rench tho Tcmplo of Issus secretly bo foro the forces under Tars Tarkas assaulted at dawn. Onco within Its hated walls I was positive that I could ovcrcomo the guards of Issus and bear away my princess, for at my back I would havo a forco ample for tho occa sion. (CONTINUKD TOMORROW.) Church Gives "Country Fair" A ' "country fair" nnd festival for the benefit of tho building fund of the Cath olic Church of Our Lady of Holy Souls be gan last night nt 10th and Tioga streets. The festival will contlnuo all week. Music, motion pictures and vaudavllla aro fea tures of tho entertainment Philadelphia Band to Play Tho Philadelphia Band, under the leader ship of Silas U Hummel, will play tonight In Convention Hall, Broad street and Alle gheny nenue. The program follows: 1. Overture "Calm Sea and Happy Voyniro." Mendelssohn 2. Suite In four parts "Atlantis", . .SafranoU 1. Noeturnu anil Mornins Hymn of Praise. S. A. Court function. S. I "-ova You Itho . rlnr and Aura). A T Destruction n( Atlantis. 3 Oein. .em Opera "Amorlta" Czlbulku 4 I'oec riyinphonlque "Pnueton"..Salnt-Saena 0. Contralto bolo Selected ' nertha Ilrlnker D'Albltea. 0. (a) "Humoreslto" Wheeler (h) March- "National Hplrlt" Hummel 7. Medley "Overturn of I'onular Hones". Flest 8. "Qlorla" from the I'.'tli Mass Mozart Fairmount Park Band's Program The Fairmount Park Band, under the leadership of Richard Schmidt, will play this afternoon and tonight at Lemon Hill. The program follows: i'aiit r. (Afternoon. 4 to a o'clock,) 1. Overture, "Via. Dlavolo" , Auber ?. "Scenes Httoreske" Massenet la -T lb) "Fete Hoheme " "ins Anseius. - S, "Musical Scenes From Spain". .La nicy . . .Klsar 4. (al "aaiuie irAmour (u bl "Marietta"' .-,-,,. Godfrey B, Walts. "Breams of Chlldnood" . . .Waldteuiel U, Itemlnlscences of the most popular works of Mendelssohn 7. (a) "Intermezzo Elesante," from "f.ova Tales ot Hoffman. Ortenbsch (b) March, "Under the Hag of Victory," Von Dion 8. Melodies from "The Olrl of My Dreams." Hoschna PAHT II. (Evenfnfi. 8 to 10 o'clock.) 1 Overture, "lbs Irish Comedy" Aniell 2.' Remlnlscencis of tho moat popular works of Iierllos. 3 Ballet Suite, 'T-a llelno da Saba". . .Gounod 4. Cornet Solo. "Recollections of Pras". .Uoch i, i.ur.. S()0l,ti Santa Martorano. B. "A Comical Contest", ,. Godfrey 0 Pantasle. "Traumbllder" Lumbya T. (a) "Humoreske" Dvorak lb) "Kokusbka." a Russian Peasant Dance Lehar a Melodies from "Time. Place and the Olrl." Howard "Star-Spanled Banner." TOE. CHEERFUL CHERUB . ' I would te, t. .skinir3 ligkt In conversations bright tnd wry, I think I brwns bvt t,h r I hxk tke krJe- vactouHxry, SU2 If 71 ir ft -mm, mwMm I flM ROBERT EDESON To be seen nt tho Regent tomorrow in "Fathers of Men," n Vitngrnph- V. L. S. E. film. 5 MINUTES ON SCREEN MAKES MOVIE FUTURE Liko Mae Murray, an Evening Ledger Scenario Actor, May Land a Contract By the Photoplay Editor When tho Innt crop of Zlegfcld Follies w.i3 In town you mny havo noticed In tho ery laughahlo hurlcsque of a moving pic turo which they threw on the curtain n younc; laily who, tmlllto tho rest of the screen actors, wasn't a member of tho sure onough company which noted tho remainder of tho Follies Tho explanation un that this pretty younR lady happened to be In California tit tho tlmo starring; In n big featuro film matlo by the Iaslty Company. And, to llnlsh tho explanation, It was Mao Murray's short live minutes on tho screen In tho Follies that won her a con tract with Iislty. Tho moral? Well, the HvnKiNa LEDOEn Is Just starting n photoplay cact contost for Phllndelphlans to net tho prlzo-wlnner In Its scenario competition. If you have some organization or somo body of friends enter your nnmo for that contest nnd oto you Into a part, muybe. Just maybe, of course for It all depends on your having tho real "screen face" nnd tho real scroen talent somo producer who sees tho I2i'.M ino Innann photoplay will "sign you up." Try It, anyway. And, Incidentally, something of tho samo sort could bo said to tho amateur scenario wrltor. The man or woman whose story Is filmed In Philadelphia under tho supervision of tho Metro Pictures Corporation will not only bo ablo to prove that ho can handle tho scenario form, but ho will come Into per- Unexpected Gaests No Milk in the House Such a situation does not trouble the woman who always keeps her pantry supplied with CONDSED 3 l UtC&fiUUU, You can use "Eagle Brand" in cooking just os you would use fresh milk and sugar nnd because it is so pure and so rich it makes ; our cakes, pastries and desserts more tempting than ever. Try "Eagle Brand" in cooking and see what a convenience it is. Use wherever milk and sugar are required. When buying milk or milk product! alwayi ath for Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST rillLADEJ-VUlA OVERBROOK MD 'Vo'Tve. RED FEATHEIl FEATURES Present THE UEAHT OF A CHILD" PEO THE KINU'' SELECTIONS FltOSI "SYBIL" BALTIMORE BALTi?olnENDAvE Douglas Fairbanks VA'PESS? "Better Late Than Never" F IJ R E K A QTU UARKET sm DE WOLF HOPPEIt an4 FAT TINCHEU In "Mr, Good, the Samaritan" Keystops Corosdy "PUBPLES OF TROUBLE" NOUTU Broad Street Casino TO0!f "w EVENING 7:13 and 8 HELEN ROSSON in 'TUE ABANDONMENT'' KEYSTONE LE'mau AVENUE VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" Pictures SOUTH O L Y M P I A BAINBRIDGE Tin maxlmun tornart, tajttv ai amuM pxsll al Iks minimum pHei MATS DAIIY Pearl White in "The Iron Claw" K K'f'W '"It i Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Entry Blank riraxe enter In the Erenlnt lAittt fhota play tmt Contest! Name (Miss er Mr.),.... Home Address , .,,......... Name (Air.) ,t,,,,t,,,,t, ,,,. Heme address .,,,.(..' fllcntd by ...i, ,..., ..)..T....,....v.. For .........................,.. Nominating ortnnltatlon. NnminntlnR orcnnlratlnns mny concentrate their Totes on one candidate of may nominate nnd work for twoi I. e one lady, oim ten. tlcmnn. This nomination MnmV, when properly filled nut nnd forwarded, mil entitle the nominee to 1000 rotes, Cnndldnles nrr requested to Kite their home nddres In enr h nnd every Instance, so thnt the Krtltor irlll he nhle to rnmmnnleate with them from time to time. All addresses will he strictly confidential. Only one Nomination Illnnk will be credited melt contestant. Mall to Krenlnir Trfdter rlinlnntaT Cast Con test, V. O, llox 004, Philadelphia. sonal contact with a big firm to which ho may bo nble to sell a live-part featuro soma day. Tho current Issup of tho Evnmxo I,EDonn Universal Animated Weekly contains: Dlvlns beauties Winner and runner-up In na tlonnl championship I.oi Anireles, Cal. Labor dedicates tomple President Wilson and Samuel Uompers, labor chief, rex lew pnrad". Washing ton, D C. Teaching kiddies to play hchool children danco and play In phjslcnl culture e -hlldtlon, City rnlUs-e Stadium, New York city Fifteen thousand dollars In prizes Floral floit inaeant precedes drill of Champion Knights Templars, I.os Anncles, Col Flags of empire llrltons honors banners of Hnzlind nnd Do mlons at Cathedral service, St Paul's. Lon : ROBINSON & Yes, Low Prices prevail In "All Our Stores "but what would our low prices mean if the were not accompanied with "Q"?"? Q?JJW has always been our hrst consideration: and for a practical demonstraJ tion wc will ask that you try our "Go d Seal" Butter which we are selling at "hTrtyXe cents the pound this week. This will show you what we mean by High Quality and Low Prices. ' W& Zy2 1V.RT. '& 3 vtf iSWSU AU'SffiSOff Wm ZS"Xl-oo BsS ROfiViAi io" Hy-Lo Butter, 33c Lb. 17-,n- rr,irrtrv 'Rllfter nit.-ll In quality to most of the higher priced "Best" Butters sold else where. .... .. ,. , m " rr T-....... wnetner it is iea, police, nuncr, .gBa -"""" ;--- --- - - or any other thing in the grocery line, you will find it will pay you to come to 21st and Market Streets Or any of our other stores for everything you require. .obinson & Crawford The Stores Where Quality Counts PromisieEt Photoplay Presentations .'IS ST JSwfc noSw Grmmm THE followlne theatres obtain their pictures through tbf STANLEY Hooking V..-n which Is n guaranty of earlr shoirlnc of the llnest productions. iiS0i7.K5J,..i?J before Mhlbltlon. Ak for ill. theatre In your locally All Ulcture reTieweu "V.l.hwtpv nnninvn rintinvv obtaining pictures tnrougn ion a.....--- . n.u if..! tt Passyu.."- Ave. ii -- --. i-.V... ,v nmiDON In 'rilE cnUCIAL TEST" "slTciiET OF THE BUUJiAu-. - a r r A n I A nilCOTMlIT PELOW 10TH CHARLES RAY in THE DESERTEiv APOLLO ""BSW -"-"tAE " ,n "WUOa r QUILT-" lth Episode- , sr..TT BUD ABOVE MARKET BtliJ-lVlVJ'lN l MitB. . .in a ft an. 10c Egs. O:30. 8. 0;S. 16C ,. ,, w, .,...-- GEORGE BEBAN in "Paiquale PARAUOVST GOTH AND r.RDAR M ilJWW a CEDAR AVb .nXTk OLGA PETROVA in "THE SCARLET WOMAN" CAIDMrtTiTMT iOTH AND U1HAHU AVE.. VALENTINE GRANT in -iHW ..!.. FRANKFORD , B-tANKFORDNuE OLGA PETROVA in "THE SOUL MAWU.T ---.--... rrn TL.( "ATINEE &v 1 11 3 1 Be Bpruoa, Evfg. t to u GERMANTOWN B508 tSSWe. VIOLA DANA In 'The y'0rT1?'BS"KEIlS i i jtnd " Added Attraction BIIO.IE BUBKh la Lana. " nf:r!E" 3th Episode. ULUntA .w. -- "-,, rrTf BOTH & MARKET ilU-'I-O GLOBE 415.U0O KIMflALL ORGAN GERALD1NE FARRAR in "MARIA ROSA" G1RARD gnSAVunxB EDMUND BREESE in 'THE SPELL OF THE YUKON" IRIS THEATRE s8 EfgSSg MARY PICKFORD in "SUCH A LITTLE qUEEN" JEFFERSON 2DTU g&SF0 CHARLIE CHAPLIN in THE VAGABOND" LAFAYETTE 201 AEGTWf Anna Nilsson and Tom Moore in WHO'S QUILTTr IPATTsUR FORTY-FIRST AKD LJ-iVliiK. LANCASTER AVENOB Ralph Herz la IgSu mute DuxU In WorUs Romance, " fitb Spl IIIIIIH''"""'"""""11""1"'"" don Knfrtnnd Pr-nfim-i twltl flairs Canada's 77tl- rtaltallon recvlvlnjr Its col- from Majer Oonernl Rlf Horn Uti-hes Ottawa Ontario She bosses a.OOO.noo Newly elected president of Federation of Worn'"'' Clubs, welcomed Jiomoj Los Angekff Cal. KndWR flight from Mcxie- Refugees from Vera l nix and Mexico City "och United States. Galveston Te Mexican battlo survivors returrH-Unlve-eal camera man films scenes that drew ,100 000 mllltta tn line, Juares, Mexico. Horse ara acrobats aralneil team takes dsrln high dives, Olen Island. N, T Rave your children What causes and hoyr to prevent Infantile paralysis epidemic that Is killing many kiddles. New York city. Cartoons by Ity Mayer, Following closely on tho news of tho en gagement of Maurice and Florence Walton by tho Famous Players' Flint Company comes tho announcement that Marguerite Courtot, one of tho prettiest of the motion picturo Ingenues, has been engaged by that company. She is nlready co-starring with Owen Moore In nn adaptation of Edgar Selwyn's play, "Itolllng Stoned," which la being produced for tho Paramount Pro gram, which will be shown soon at the Stanley. Baroncsi von Dowlta has Joined th William Fox forces. She was formerly the star of tho lloyal Danish Ballet, and she has been In this country for several years, dancing and acting In moving pictures. 1700 TO SHARE FUND Hetty Green's Doath Roleased ?1,G35,000 for Distribution NEW UnDFOHD, Mass, July 13. An accounting by the trustees of the estato of Sylvia Ann Howland, which was released for distribution to heirs by tho death of Mrs. Hotty Green, has been made publla and shows property valued at Jt,G35;5G7. This estato, by direction of tho testator, who had allowed Mrs. Green tho use of Ha lncomo during her life, Is to be divided among the lineal descendants of Gideon Howland, of this city. How the division la to bo mado was not stated. Col. E. II. It. Green, son of Mrs. Green, said recently there wore 1700 living des cendants of Gideon Howland entitled to Fhare In tho estate. CRAWFORD s GOLD SEAL special QEc.' BUTTER prico lb- "Gold Seal" Butter Is made from the richest golden cream in the cleanest, finest and most up-to-date creameries In the country. To uao "Gold Seal" is to know Butter perfection. I Ca-Ro Butter, 30c Lb Absolutely Pure Butter of good quality, 'and like all our Butters, it bargain at its price. V?mm tf..,...! ftnna Tlr T7r11,f Throughout the City and Suburbs - ....... LI R P D T V BnOAD AND 1 X3 E. I 1 I COLUMBIA TRIANGLE PRESENTS Dougla3 Fairbanks ln T,V LOGAN THEATRE ",0 SUad William Nigh ln 'LoHEn" BILLIE BURKU In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" I nPl TCT "D AND LOCUST 1"" Jij I Mats. 1:30 anil 3:30, lOo EKS. &:?(. 8. 0;30. 154 KITTY GORDON In 'THE CRUCIAL TEST" Added CHAS. CHAPLIN in 'Tho Vagabond" FIRST AND EXCLUSIVE cHIOWINO Motion Pictures of U Boat "Deutschland and Her Crew" Market St. Theatre 8M Skt SrftsnoVHis Great Triumph See "PEG O' THE RINQ" every Wadnssday ORPHPI IM OERMANTOWN AND '-" -J ' IT CHELTEN AVE8. THEDA BARA in "East Lynne" "IRON CLAW" Final Episode PAI APF "Is MARKET STREET i .nir-xvij 10c soo LOUISE HUFF in "DESTINY'S TOY" PARK" RIDGE AVE. & DAUPHIN BT. rK.r UAT. StiB. EVE., 0:48 to 11 TRIANaLE lEfir'fi' The Bugle Call' PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STRKDT Edna Wallace Hopper and Frank Sheridan in "The Perils of Divorce" RTAI TH OERMANTOWN AVE. Ivl1 1 - AT TULPEHOCKEN BT. BESSIE BARRISCALE in "NOT MY SISTER" RFP.FMT M MARKET STREET 1A.EAJUJN I WHAN VOIOB OROAX OLGA PETROVA in THE ETERNAL QUESTION" RT I T V MARKET STREET J a I BELOW 7TH STREET John Barrymore lo "rHB "fvW- Added CHAS CHAPLIN In "The Vagabond" SAVOY 1211 MARKET BTRBBT FOX FEATUHB3 PRESENT BERTHA KALICH in "Ambition" TIQQ A UTH AND VENANGO STfl, BILUE BURKE in 'GLORIA'S ROMANCE" VIPTfiRF A MARKET BT. It- I IV 4. ABOVB sumi Olga Petrova ta "SgSlgr5 HANK MANN ta "HEARTS AND SPARKS" CTArMI FY market above ihtii cKT DONALD BRIAN in "uVi-V0 "The Srougglsr" TVVItTriv8:?iTiisircr.;iv7jtyyy3 41 j! 1 'l I -ta ..lii'ii ifrStflhlr1- swrir