y . 4--as sjww'f.iwmigar p- k jW f eyipir- i ym, (tfflfcfcrtr - tyEn-ty ' 'ir-, y.- - r.y' i EVENING LEPGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1916. GLI AUSTRIACI RESPINTI CON SENSIBILI PERDUE TRAADIGEEYALLARSA Parte delle Posizioni del Monte Corno Riconquislata dalle Truppe del Generale Cadorna UNA MINA SULLE TOFANE nOMA, 13 Ltmllo. Questn, matttna It Mlnlstero delta (luerra nnmincla, In' baso at plu' reccnto rnppotto dot Rcnerale Cntlorna, cho rII nnstrlacl Bono tstn.it rcsplntl nella zona ill Malga Zugna hello, glornnta o nclla sernta ill lor!, mcr coledl. all nustrlncl Bono statl olibllgntl 'ft rltlrarst cd lianno Boftorto perdlte gravls elmo, Ecco It testo del comunlcato ulll lelaloi Nolla Vnl Camonlca si o avuta tmlo notevolo nttlvltn" doll'nrtlRllcrla nomlca, speclnlmcnto nella zona del Tonalo. Nclla vallo dcirAdlge. nella Klornata dt 1 crl, ilopo un tcrrlbllo liomtmrda mentb, II ncml co attacco' con lc suo fanterla to nostro poRlzlonl a nord-ovest dl Mnlga Eugna o dl Mcmta Zugnrt, ma fu resplt,no con pcrtllto cravlsslmo dal nostro conccntrato fuoco dl nrtlRllorla. Sul resto della fronte, flno at Bronta, nol nbblano bombardato vlRorogamento la Unco ncmlche, cd In qunlcho punto la nbblamo anch. attaccato con sueccsso. Sull'laonzo 8l aono avutl soltanto nwcnlmentl dl poca Importanza. 11 Mlnlatero della Oucrra pubbllcava lert ora It seguonto rapporto del gencrala Ca dorna circa la sltuazlono alia fronto Italo austrlnca : Nolla Vat Camonlca, nolla Vat Olu dlcarla o nclla Val ill Lcdro l'nrtlgll erla ncmlca o' stata attlva cd ha dlrctto II auo fuoco partlcolarmcnte sul vlllagRl. Nolla clornata dl lert nclla rcglona delta vallo dell'Adlgo nol fncemmo ciualcho progrcsao n nord dl Serravallo 6 nella zona dl Malga Zugna. Sullo alturo a nord del 1'aaublo nol abblamo In parte rloccupato lo posi tion! dl Mont-. Corno, cho avovamo per duto II 10 lugllo. Nolla conca dl AsI.tro o Biilt'aHo plano del Sctto Comum nol abblamb bombardato vlolcntcmente lo llneo ncmlcho dal Monte Interrotto al Monto Doblo. Un gran numcro dl battcrle ncmlclic dl ognl callbru rlsposoro a quosto noBtro bombardamento. Nolla rcrjlono dello Tofano nol nb blamo fatto caplodcrc una mlna cho ha dlstrutto lo dlfcso ncrnlcho dot Col dl Bols. Sulla fronto dcll'Isorzo al sono avutl duolll dt artlgllcrla. Lo nostro battcrlo hannc tncondlato nccampamcntl nemlcl nullo Javorcclc, hanno dlsporso una col I onna ncmlca nella vallo dcll'Idrla cd hanno cauaato esploslonl netto vlclnanzo delta chleaa della colllna dl Santa Maria, davantl n Tolmlno, Aeroplanl nemlcl hanno lasclato cadoro bombo su Lattaana, calisando tin tncondlo cho pcro' o" Btato lm medlatamento cstlnto. Nostra suadrlgllo acrco bombar darono It 10 corrcnto Tlonc, nella Val Guldlcaria, o I'll corrento accampamentt nemlcl sul Monto llovcre, n nordest dl Lavarone. I nostrl dl volt rltornarono senza dannl alto loro baal. UN GIUDIZIO 1NGLESE. II collaborator mllltaro del Timed dt Londra, occupandoal della falllta offcnslva tiustriaca net Trentlno, dlco cho Rll nuatrlacl hanno fatto duo crrort fatall ; prlmo, quello dl calcolaro malo t'cnergla rtcuporattva dolla Russia o crcdero iiulndl dt cssero alcuri Bulla fronto orlcntalo montro attac cavano I'ltatla; secondo. quello dl tntztaro l'oftenslva contro I'ltatla In un momento cho lion era opportuno, lntcmpeattvamente. Lo Bcrlttoro, cho probabllmonte o" 11 colonnello Rcplngton, dlco dl credere, contrarlamontc a quanto generalmento at o' crcduto In Italia, cho git austrlact non uvovnno per oblcttlvo quello dl scendero nolla planura padana o tagllaro lo llneo dl comunlcaztono dot ge nerale Cadorna cho era Bulla fronta del 1'Iuonzo, glaccho" cssl non potevano spcrara dt comptore l'lmpresa con qulndtcl division! o poco plu', quando napevano o dovovano eapero cho II generalo Cadorna no poteva portaro clnquanta a contrastaro loro l'avan zata verso la planura. Oblettlvo degll aus trlact era Invece, secondo l'autoro doll'artl colo, quallo dl obbllgaro 11 generato Cadorna a dlatogllore forzo dalla fronto deU'Isonzo ed abbandonaro qulndl l'oftenslva lntcsa n su perare la llnca austrtaca da Tarvls a Mon falcono. MASCAGNI ALLA FltONTE. Telegramml dallu fronto dl battaglla dl eono che II maestro rietro Maacagnl, con It oonsenso del Comando Supremo, ha prcso l'tnlzlatlva per una Berlo dl concert! must oall per 1 soldatl cho sono nella trlnceo. II maestro atcsso dlrlgera' lo diverse bando cho esegulranno I concert), Egll, corno o" noto, fu dlrettoro dl una plccola banda a Foggla, dovo era stato Bocclato In un concorso per It posto dl capomualca In un reggimento dl fanterla. Fu In quel tempo cho Mascagnl compose la sua Cavallcrla Rustlcnna che gll dlede cub I to fama dt composltore non appena Eonzogno la produssc. II prlmo della serlo del concert! per 1 eoldatt fu dato lert t'altro nelle vlclnanzo dl Tolmezzo, sullo Alpl Carnlche. quasi Bulla llnea del fuoco, II concerto era Bpesso Interrotto dal slbllo del prolettlll dl Artlgllerla o dallo scrosclante scopplo dello granate, ma It maestro contlnuo' Imperter rito a dirlgero, Erano present) moltlsslmt uttlclalt ed 11 generalo Lequlo, e si feco nncho una buona collctta per lo famlglle povero del soldatl. UN NU0V0 ATTACCO DEI TEDESCHI SU VERDUN Un Arciduca ed Un Genei'ale Austriaci Privati dei Loro , Comandi per Punizione Nonostanto gll scaccht che Germanla ed Austria stanno rlcevendo un po da per tutto, sulla fronto francese, su quella russa su quella ttatlana, lo Stato Magglore tedesco sembra declsa a contlnuare la dls perata lotta Impegnata 14C gloml fa per la fortezza dl Verdun, davantl alia quale ha EUblto perdlto cnorml. Infattt ora I tedeschi Btanno operando It settlmo Jmportanta at tacco contro la llnea det fortl. e preclsa mente contro tl forte Kouvllle, Sulla fronts xussa e' Impegnata tuttora la grande batta glla per 11 posses.so dl Kovel, ma la lotta eembra oggi calmata, Paro cho II generalo Brusslloff prepari un altro vlgoroso passo In ayantl, mentre tedeschi ed austriaci portano su quella fronta tuttl i rinforzl dl cut dlspongono per far arglne alia nuova lrruzlone delle forzo della Hussla. Un telegramma da Roma dice che, secondo quanto atferma t'AgencIa Nazlonale, l'arcl- duca Federlca ed it generale Fflanzer, sono etatl rlmossl dal comando delle forze aus- trlacho della Gallzla, non essendo rluscltl i sd arrestare la marcia vlttortoaa del russl. II Pflanzer comandava le forze austriache I della Bucovina. II euo eserclto fu presso che dlstrutto dal russl. s "KOTII1NQ BUT EDISON8 Th New EDISON "B. and B. ServicS' Meant Complcto lUcofd Stock DUo anil CjUnJtr. Free MecliAnJcal iofprctloo. Vr UIS Sl "HO-CrCUllOn Hull." lAppretol prltUcsi. Eay Trw Blake Sc Burkart 1100-1W3 Walnut St, 11 1 PUBLIC SERVICE BODY DECIDES AGAINST P. R.R. IN BAGGAGE CAR CASE Commission Insists on Wider Platforms for Coaches on Rear Ends of Mail Trains FULL ORE W OPINIONS HARHtSBURO, Pa., July 13. Two Im portant Interpretations of tho so-called 'full crew" law were announced today by the Public Service Commission In deciding tho "baggage en.-" and "mall car platform' cases that have been beforo It many months. Both are of State-wide application. Two other "full crow" decisions of lesser Impor tance Wore also made public and others are pending. Tho commission decided that tho Penn sylvania Railroad violated tho net when It did not provide a baggageman on a train of 10 cars running between Pittsburgh rind North Philadelphia and that wider plat forms must bo provided for cars on the rear ends of mall trains The baggage car o-miptalnt wan tiled by Milton T. Iloblnson. of Harrleburg, mem ber of the legislative committee of the Brotherhood of Rnllroad Trainmen. Evi dence was brought out to show that the tatlroad caused Btntlon employes to placo baggage In combination cars at tho end of ono division, where the doors wcro locked nnd not opened again until tho linggngo wns removed by other stntloii employes at .ho end of tho next run. Tho railroad con vided that the law did not mean baggage .on to bo placed In cars where no Bcrvlco wai rendered, and that the sleeping and pnrlor care wero not passeltgcr coaches within tho meaning of tho act. Tho opinion was written by Chairman Alncy, who holds that since tho eara car ried passengers thoy are passenger coaches under tho provisions of tho law. Chairman Alnoy hold3 that tho running of such trains without baggagemen la a violation of the law that must bo imme diately corrected. Chairman Alncy also wrote tho opinion In tho mall-car case, In which ho hold3 that cars on tho rear ends of mall trains must havo platforms of tho width prescribed by tho full-crew law, and that tho provision of this act Is not In conflict with any 1-en-oral regulation prescribed by Congress. Ho pays that this need not necessarily . entail tho change of construction of all mall cars, but that It can be fully met by sclccttns tho proper typo of car for rear-end service. In tho absence- of judicial utterances In this dlsputo over Federal and Stato regulations, Mr. Alncy says tho commission muat reach Its own conclusions. Tho complaint was (lied by S. It Turner, Pittsburgh, for tho iinriiintnrn' nrcran)2atlon. Tho commission dismissed a complaint In which It was charged that the Cumber land Valley operated n train with five men, on tho ground that the law does not affect trains of three cars or less. Tho fourth complaint wns also dismissed In an opin ion by Commissioner Rilling, who decides that a combination car cannot bo reclionod as two earn In tho make-up of a train nnd provisions for crows under tho terni3 of tho act. Tho effort had been mado to have tho commission require six Instead of flvo men on such trnlns. New Naval Militia Division Formed A now division of tho Pennsylvania Na val Militia Is being formed and GO Phila delphia men with oxporlonco In navigation from training ships havo enlisted at the headquarters In the 1st Regiment Armory. Ensign W. SI. Gorman has enlisted tho me t. who will comprise Pennsylvania's fifth naval division. It will bo known as Division E and will bo formed after Divisions A nnd B, of Philadelphia, and Divisions C nnd D, of Erlo, return trom tneir annual crulso July 29. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Lynford It. Sturts, 2?30 Paso St., and Mario A. Hahn. U310 N. lutli t. , Ellno FMHIbui. ISM Wharton Bt.. and JIary Splzlrl. 1211 Wlinrton at. . , Frank Wlncpol, 340 IMno Bt , and Yctta Cabot, 1133 Katcr st .,.,. Edwin A. BtaKord, 2333 S. Carlisle St., and Mary U. JtwarU. 21U llalley st. John If. Hupplcc, Port Kennedy, Pa., and Alice S. Taylor. 4.121 Hansom st. . ,. Anilrmv T J!lllr, 1'arkWlle, Md., and Mary E. Miller, Parkvlllo, Md. Garllold M. Dire. 2(111 Ilanbrldsa St.. and Ada Oroom. 2041 llalnbrliiso t. Chai'les H. Italic, 3212 I.nrctiwood ave., and Elslo II. Itummcll. M42 Chancellor st. James MacMullan. 313U Emerald st . and Leona Call, 3450 Joyco st. Jeromo Leere. D5U 1 1 rook I nnd at., and Qutcnlo I. Rich. 8HI H. 10th st. William N. llawlc. 1424 N. 12th st . and Mar caret A. 8assenroth. 1003 Vine st. James C. McNeill. 12HI Moore st., nnd Marcaret A. Jtobb. 103S R 1'aiuyunk ave. William Foster, 13.10 1!. Montgomery ave., and Amanda l,nil.i. 200 Jackson st Oeorso II. Ucnnett. 1M. W. Tucker St., and Paulino M. Imhof. 3400 N". Judson st. Antonio Itorto. 717 Fulton St., nnd itose Capaldl, 012 Christian st. Dominic): Outta. 1107 Linn St., and Carmela Vlgnola, 70tl Wharton st. Albert II. Slpe. 2003 Church st., and Margaret C. Greenblanh. 2003 Church st. William llrlghters, Urldesbursr, Phlla., and Anna Kane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Russell IIoencr. 3210 D St., and Clara Conard, 13U U. I'hllomenu st AnUrow J. timlth, 2023 N. 12th Btreet, and Harriet Sherman, 1)01 N. Franklin t. William 1C. Kearney, Ilryn Miiwr, l'a., and Caroline Doss, Ilryn Mawr, l'a. Walter H. Craven. 3010 Olrard ave., and Ida A. MrOIInn, 4241 Lancaster ae. Louis Llpachultz 72S Falrmount ave., and Lena Kaplln. 728 Falrmount no. Thomas M. Anderson, Gloucester. N J., and Alice, Schoppenthaw, 5007 Somerset at. ALLURING HAWAIIAN MELODIES FOR ROMANTIC SUMMER NIGHTS Phonograph Fans Can Revel in This Exotic Music Which Is Now the Vogue Other' Records Which Do Not Represent Musical Fads New and Old Tunes By the Phonograph Editor Tho ONotle music of the Sandwich Islandi has becomo a decided vogue, nnd tho man ufacturers of the vnrlous kinds Of records have been right up to tho minute In repro ducing the boit of thU Interesting, tuneful nnd often intrinsically worthy music Of course, tho boat- ran example Is the al luring nnd wlsttt "Aloha Oe." by ex-Queen tillluoknlnnl, moi.rch of the tropic I'les (dlscoercd by Captain Cook, whereon that hardy explorer lost his life), prior to the nnnc'xatlon of the short-lived republic by the United States. Tho royal melodv Is found on tho Edison, Columbia nnd Victor HMs In a variety of forms, and should be In tho cabinets of every phonogrnph owner. On the roversc of the Edison record of It, nnd also plajcd by Toots Paka nnd her Hnwallans, known to vnmlcvlllo audiences for their rpinlnt nnd fascinating perform ances, Is "Toml Toml Hawaiian Hula," by Solomon Hnllamn. It Is a rent Hawaiian song, a truo folksong of tho pcoplo nnd ex tremely popular In tho Islands. A bit cognnto to the effects produced by the Hawaiian-) aro those made for Edison records by Vess L. Ossmau's Banjo Or chestra. For rcnl, foot-tlckllng dance music noth ing can beat n banjo, nnd when you have a whole orchestra of them why. then, you couldn't possibly sit still nnd listen to them play. Joe Hosey's "fnlversal Fox Trot" in ono of tho best numbers written for this favorlto dnncc. Th many enthusiasts over Hawaiian melody will find "Na I.oI O Hawaii" n new record from tho Columbia Company n particularly puro specimen of tho best In native Hawaiian music. It Is sung by tenor nnd octette, with guitar and ukalcle accompaniment Another of those stirring Hawaiian rec ords by Columbia "Pua Mohala," nn In tricacy of beauteous notes, sung by Henry N. Clark, accompanied by tho Hawaiian Octctto. Kor those who want tho Inspiration of n new dunco record every now nnd then wp observe n good one, "Hawaiian Med ley," that has Just been Issued by tho Co lumbia Cotnpnny. Selections from four of tho best Hnwnllnn melodies arc woven to gether In nn Irresistible one-step. It unites tho snnp nnd dash that only nn American orchestra can give with tho delightful dunco rhythm of the native Hawaiian music. No bonder tho t Hawaiian. dance and sing whether they cnt or no. With mu3lc llko their:! one couldn't very woll help it. Also of exotic quality Is the music of tho marimba; It Is romantic, pluintlvc, sympa thetic. Four moio records for tho Victor by tho famous Hurtado Brothers' Itoyat Marimba Hand will servo to show how well deBcrved was the. medal of honor which was awarded to this organization at tho Pnnamn-Pnclflc Exhibition. Tho Intermezzo from "Cavnl Icrla Ilustlcana" and a serenade "falling Leaves," mako ono very Interesting record, and Strauss' "Artlst'H tlfo Waltz" and a medley of American aim constitute the other. "Tho Kangaroo Hop" played for Columbia by the Blue and White Marimba Hand, Is a Joy record if thero oer waa' one. A blitho Celtic nlr played by tho Bluo and Whlto Marimba Band Is an unusunl combination offered in record form by Co lumbia. "Oh. Joe. With Your Fiddle and Your Bow, You Stolu My Heart Away" Is a charming ditty in Itself, but tho Marimba orchestration gives it an emotional appeal that goes to tho heart. VIOLIN MUSIC ON VICTOR. Fritz ICrelsler, Mischa Elman, and Efrcm Z!i --nlist all mako contributions to tho July Us of records. Among the new composi te ,1. which Krelstcr has completed In tho Int.. year Is the fascinating "Uorceuso Uo mnntlquo" which ho played for tho llrst tlmu at a recltnl In Now York. This de lightful composition played by tho composer has been added to his Victor records, and ho has taken particular pains to prcservo tho ,-YICTRQLAS.i Far Immediate Delivery In All Styles and Finishes Victrola IX $50 1 Doz. 10-inch Records, $9 2 Selections) TOTAL COST 559 $1.00 WEEKLY VICTROLA IV.... 515.00 6 10-inch Records.. 51.50 (12 electloiii TOTAL COST ....$19.50 S0c WEEKLY All Records In Stock Always iPianos 1306 ArchSt.PlayersLI finish of work which Is so entirely his own. An exquisite seventeenth century Bong by Couperln has furnished Elmnn with a ve hicle for tho display of his art at Its best; "Chanson Louis XIII nnd Pavane" should not be overlooked by thowi who admire tend er sentiment expressed In the languago of music. Zimbnllst has turned to tho "Hnrle quln Serenade" of Drlgo to And a record for tho new supplement. Ho has conveyed the tonal beauties of what has long been a favorite with muslo lovers with remarkable fidelity. OnilMAN KONG'S "EDISONPED." "Die Wacht am llhotn," played by tho New York Military Hand and "Dlo Wacht nm Itheln" nnd "Oeutschland uber Alios." sung by the Manhattan Quartet, nro Edi son offerings that will please our German friends Two German patriotic selections are given here. Every German will II nd tho record of exceptional Interest, but even If you wero not born In Germany you can ap preciate good music when you hear It. Among tho recent songs that aro on tho Diamond Disc record list nro Schubert's "Serenade," sung by Burton Lenlhnn, and "Bells of Leo," renednrd by Helen Clark. Both of these numbers nre on ono record, ns nre "Go To Sleep. My Little Pickaninny." sung by Gladys nice nnd chorus, nnd "My Sweet Littlo Colleen," rendered by Walter Van Brunt. Tho three movements of Lulglnl's "Bnllct Egyptian," rendered by tho American Sym phony Orchcstrn, mako a beautiful orches tral record. This was danced here with won derful scenery ns a background by Pavlowa and her corps do ballet at tho Metropolitan Opera Houso Inst fall. COLUMBIA OLD AND NEW After all, for real music, can you beat a male quartet? Itlch, inspiring, satisfying music! Tho thought uaa Impressed upon us while listening to "t Need Thoe Every Hour," a new Columbia record. Tho beau tiful old hymn Is sung by tho Stellar Quar tet simply, without nccompanlment, but with harmony developed artistically. If you want brand-new music, Just off tho press and untried by time, you may not care for that lovely old melodic gem, "Scenes That Aro Brightest," from tho gipsy opera "Marltana." It Is beautifully played as n violin, hnrp and iluto trio on ono of the new Columbia records. Very varied Is tho remainder of tho list Al Jolson, comedlnu. sings "Down Whcro the Suwanoo River Flows," front the pres ent Winter Garden success; Weston nnd Young, famous vaudovlllo laughing come dl.ms, sing two very Interesting laughing songs; Orvlllo Harrold shares honors with hl3 wife, Lydla Locke, In two beautiful tenor and buprnno duets, "Awake, Dearest One," bv Ball, and Hay's "Tho Sunshine of Your Smile." SKtcen popular songs, Including such woll-known popular hits as "Ar- You Half tho Man Your Mother Though Cou'd Ba?" "My Dreamy China Lady," Shades of Night," a. trio of very remarkablo beauty, "I Can Dance With everybody But My Wife," will appeal to nil lovers of popular music. I?ulf,'nrs JIu tiny; Kill German Officers BUCIIAHEKT. July 13 A number of Bulgarian irgulars nro reported to havo mutinied, killing their German offlccrs. .iSSEEaEsaJSJ tft iWI ff'i limnwiMiM in tBPSSSSK. r-i imim",", '"''T.w.tfcPM BiPSSGniSSl MBTC9'!tk S5SSSK3 "SSsScHiil iMBrWHsaa II IK1 fft if j Hear the EDISON July Records All tho numbers that aro making tho "hits" this summer nil per fectly re-creating tho best work of the foremost artists! Ludwig Piano Co. 1103 Iheitnut St. Mailers of (tranil, IprlKlitH & Pluyt-r- PlanoA, I FBI fin Moderate Perfect (Sm Terms Edison Service JT BEmmEMS? VlctroU W jr tO Mmsg&tfSS IKsySI HeDoe's deliver free any point in the United States Records purchased from Heppe's will be promptly delivered (all transportation charges prepaid) to any point in the United States. Every Record from Heppe's is guaranteed to be new and perfect. The Records used in the salesrooms are never sold. Write or phone us your orders, and if you need a Victrola. the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan will offer you any style at the cash price with tto extra charge for the privilege of partial payments. Heppe Summer Outfits VICTROLA IV.. ..$15.00 6 10-In. Records... 4.50 Total cost,... $19.50 fi down, J2. 50 monthly, VICTROLA VI..,. $25.00 6 to-ln. Records,,, 4.50 Totil cost,,., $29.50 52 down, S3 monthly. VICTROLA V1H... $40.00 Records, your selec tion 5.00 Total cost.. .,$45.00 1-4 down. 43.50 monthly. VICTROLA IX..,. $50.00 Records, your selec tion .,,,,.,.,. 10.00 Total cost, . . .J60.C0 fi down, 54 monthly. POWNTOWN U17-1US Clusbiut St. WRITE FOR CATALOGS C. J. Heppe & Son (Founded 1865) Philadelphia CortA. ft . Utvf 9on. lilt . Victrola IX. 30 j FAIIUES OF FILMLAND FLOCK TO CHICAGO MOVIE CONVENTION All Stars of Screen to Attend Session In "Windy City" CHICAGO, July 13. The falrle of film land flocked to Chlcngo today and put them selves on exhibition beforo a Worshiping public. All tho Btars of the screen, both male nnd female, were either here or en route to nttend the sixth annual convention of the Motion Plcturo Inhibitors' LcaRUC. Twenty thousand persons, a great fart of them young Rlrls who have camera as pirations Jammed the Coliseum Inst night to freo the stnrs. The rrush became so Brcat within an hour after the doors wero opened that tho nre department ordered that no more pcoplo be admitted Thousands vainly sousht admission. i:nst day has been Riven over to a par ticular star. Today was Clara Kimball Young Day. Stoncmen Open Carnival Tho Stonemcn's Fellowship of Clerman town began Its carnival at Queen lane and Schuyler street Inst night. It will last 10 days. There nro a Jnpaneso tea garden and hundteds of booths with various amuse ments' on the carnival grounds. Police Court Chronicles A thirst which clings like ft rind to a watcrmeton nnnoys Dick Falls. Ho wilt face any danger and go to no end of trouble to please It. It Is this pereeverenc which brought him considerable trouble, Many bartenders In, West Philadelphia know Dick. When ho attempted to tell them eomo of his stock stories which pave9 the way for a freo drink they felt flatter thnn ever, And Dick fell himself out of several crystal palaces and landed In var ious attitudes on the sidewalk. He was wandering along Haverford ave nue In disgust Then lie thought It would be n good time to try a raid on domestlo fa&i refrigerators. He went to the rear of sev eral houses near 63d street. Looking In a kitchen ho saw a pretty girl taking bottles of beer out of a box and hiding them In a clothes basket. She also put ono or two In a corner nnd covered them with a broom. Dick's thirst Increased rapidly. He ap proached the kitchen door cautiously Intend- f TWTTInfflT yffi,M ing to kidnap ft few xi til tattto hlrria whert tho girl aw htm. She. crramt Just ones. blck ran nnd collided with n top en Havef ford avenuef. He wa brought oeror Magistrate Harris. The thirsty prisoner declarer! that hU thirst reached a stag which was beyond all bounds. Tho Judge reminded him that water was ns plentiful as ever. "The doctor told me," said Dick, '"that water would never agree with me. 1 ifot a delicate constitution. Now beer Is vegetable product and when I use It gently It gives me lots of punch and go, but now I'm all In." "You'ro Just right," said the Judge. "You're all In for Just 30 days nnd yot can haVe some light exercise nt Holmes burg which will put you In proper human shape when you come out" y T8QGA EPBSON SHOP) HTAUH tl MOM! Lleenied PhlliidolDhla Dsslen for Edison D1irond PHONOGRAPHS Dla I rppr We eUn and oil once a mo I RCIJ ttry machine rurchaied from . IJCOy UKKJtaniBnfl month JuM below Erlo AT. 1HE passion, fire and wild gaiety of the music of romance from Italy and Spain are reproduced with the thrill of Ufa in Columbia Double-Disc Records0 Vividly natural and typically gay in spirit; feeling and rendering, these records have a sparkling brilliancy of tone that makes them irresistible: n Tlie Romantic Music 11 B of Italy and Spain II 7r'r Quartette EEtBafl Orchestra ilvlr-" ((k -Serenade . ts,SS&t-rrzT lllliffi H Bvmr" WM Columbia Cnfonola 200 LS fSa Pric.S20O V WllM li A1851 Funiculi Funicula Charles Harrison, Tenor, and Columbia Stellar Quartette Estudiantina Grace Kerns, Soprano, and Mildred Potter, Contralto .,. IS-in. jEspana Rhapsody Prince's Orchestra $1.00. J Ballet Esrvntien Prince's Orchestra j Ballet Egyptien Prince's Orchestra 1n . Spanish Serenade Prince's AS685 si.Oo'ALes. Millions D'Arleauin Prince's Orchestra atfc Columbia orchestral and vocal records chow the present perfection of the Columbia process or recording. Just as Columbia orchestral records are peerless in spirit and rendering, so Columbia Records of great singers are unsurpassed in truth. Hear them and you'll need no further proof of Columbia Record supremacy. Insist on getting Columbia Records for the double music-note trademark, the nearest dealer today. Nn ColumbU Kicirds an tali tka solh ef retry nuuiA. Columbia Record: in all Foreign Language, Tiit advtrtiumtnt aaj dlttatid ta tht Dutatkmt. -look Visit GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC ORD FOR SALE BY CKNTKAfc CUNNINOUA1I PIANO CO. i rpstnui at. PENNSYLVANIA TALKING MA- THINK CO.. 1100 Chestnut St SNKLl.ENIiURM. N. CO, 13th mil Market Sts BTOIIY & CI.AKK PIANO CO., 170 Chestnut St. STKAWniUDGK fc CLOTHIER, 8th and Market Sts. NOKTIf CITY LINE PHARMACT. Tork Iloa.l and City Line. . . POTTEH. JOHN C, J33T Rockland gt Lovan. FUTERN1K, DENJ.. J40 North 8th JDBAL PIANO 4 TALKINO MA. CHINE CO., 2S33 Cerroantowu JACOII9. JOSEPH, 1603 German town Ave. OLDEWUHTEL'S. 2823 German town Ave. PHILADELPHIA TALKING MA CHINE CO.. 800 North franklin St. RtHCB. I. 8.. 019 Glrard Ave. SCHEKZUR'd PIANO WARE ROOMS. 339 N. slh St. SCHNELL &. MEGAHAN. 1713 Co lumbia Ave. NORTIIEAST PURR. EDWARD 1L. 2HS Frank- COLONM& MELODT SHOP, 3233 N Front St. FLEISCHER. FRANK. 8327 North Sth St. GOODMAN, L. I. 32T Weat Glrard QUTKOWSKL VICTOR, Orthodox A Almond Sts. KENNY. THOMAS M., S23t Ken- inston Ave. KltYQlKR. JOSEPH. 3133 Bleh- mond bt. SAMUEL. NITTINQER. ain nt. PHILADELPHIA TALKINO MA- CHINK CO Ull North 2d St. REINIIEIMER S DEPT. STORE. Front and Susquehanna, Ave, NORTHWEST CARSON, T. P., 8320 Germantown DAvfs, FRANKLIN, 8000 Wsyno KALWAIC. MARTIN, 4121 Ger mantown Ave. KEYSTONE TALKINO MACHINE CO.. 2801 N. 22d St. MAUERMAN. MRS. C, Cor. 20th and Master sts. TOMPKINS. J. MONROE, CUT Germantown Ave, WEST PHILADELrilLV GEO. D. DAVIS CO.. 8930-3934 Lancaster Ave. EAKINS-HUGHBS 21-U3 S. 82d fit. FILLMAN. V. ., dowDB Ave. LHDANB. HARRY, PIANO CO.. 812 Lana- XMK N Kd Kt i uFnMinr,,, i.Zr. "Ti.. t'm -"- mi,w nivnm tiiwa,. svo-su iaq. caster Ave. UNIVERSAL TALKINO MACHINE A RECORD COMPANY. 80th and Chestnut Sts WEST PHIIADELPHIA TALKINO MACHINE CO., 7 South 60th St, soutii LUFINACCI. ANTONIO. 730 South Seenth St. MILLKII, U.. 004 S. 2d St. MUSICAL ECHO CO.. THE! L. Zttwn. Prop.. N E. Cor. Sth and lialnbrldss Sts. PHILADELPHIA PHONOGRAPH CO . 1830 Kast Passyunk Ae. PHILADELPHIA PHONOGRAPH CO .J2S S 8th St. STOLFO. HARRY 01J 8. Sth St. NEARBY OUT-OF-TOn-N DE.VLEUS B,J?,vtNfchI.t.t.V;'pi1. E"' Qa' 6'-. BETHLEHEM TALKINO MA. n-SnPa." B- Mata COLUMBIA OUAFONOLA PAR. !". c3iCr. Nfcjao Avoou- A" COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA PAR. LOR, Room 23, Garden Pier Atlantiq City, N.J. '" CARR. B. F,, 312 Main St Darbv DUDLEY, ''llOWAItO J.'. D ujj Broadwsyi Camden. N. J - Godfrey;' chas. h' 3310 At- lunflrt Ave ltl.nl. i" i jv!.,.Fssl; o;a8t"vs0U0NaBj " PHILADELPHIA PHONOGRAPH CO.. 3S8 W. Mlln St .KmiJroViJ New Jersey. -. RAKOSKrS DEPT STORE, T3 cnN tUn,lc Av- AtSSBi SLOAN. ROBERT O and U North Main 8t-. Lansdale Pa. """ TOY WM . pSSsifive. I?- j. THOMPSON. W c . HO Mala St . Coateavllle. Pa ' ' TOZER s BATES. 13ii Landl . Aye. Vlncl.na. N J "" WINTERSTE1N A V 209 JUd- cliff St . BrUtof Pa. W OLSON A W est EdsTOOBt Ave . Chester. P u,maut Wt'NgJOUS. EENBST J . 530 M Main Bt NorrUtown. Pa. MM ili1iiii I ii--ir 'iliii iMMffi t lsUslMBlsyBSayBsf 'i tiiw m iinsssWsgeheMWsi initirtri'i - gl