rgjjwyniur in W-jW Lmy.tlgMiilHji:J3!?grS EVENING LEDaEE-niUADELPniA; WEDNESDAY, TOLY 12, 1916. ft & r & t THE GOD 8 Of MARJ Sequel to Under the Moons xof Mars -By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Author of the Tnrzan Stoiiea CHAPTER XIX (Cpnllniinl). "moNiaUT there lies about tho great J. clocks nt Hnstor n fleet of a thousand of tho mightiest battleships that ever sailed nbovo Barsoom, and each equipped to navi gate the air to Omean and tho waters of Omoan Itself. Upon each battleship there are five ten-man cruisers, and ten five man scouts, and n hundred one-man scouts j In all ono hundred and sixteen thousand craft fitted with both air and water pro pellers. "At Thark lie the transports for the green warriors of Tars Tarkns, !)00 largo troop ships, and with them their convoys. Seven days ago alt was In readiness, but wo waited In tho liopelliat by so dolus your rescue might be gncompnsxed In time for you to command the expedition. It Is well Wo wnlted, my prince." "How Is It, Tars Tarkas," I nsked, "that tho men of Thark take not the accustomed action against ono who returns from tho bosom of Iss?" "They sent a. council of BO chieftains to talk with mo here," replied tho TharK. "Wo nro a Just people, and when I had told them tho entire story they wcro aa ono man In agreeing that their action to ward mo should bo guided by tho action of Helium toward John Carter. ''In tho meantime, at their request I was to resume my throno as Jcddak of Thark that I might uegottato with neigh boring hordes for warriors to compose tho land forces of tho expedition. I havo dono that which I agreed. "Two hundred and fifty thousand fighting men gathered from tho Icecap nt tho north to tho Icecap at the south and representing a thousand different communities from a hundred wild nnd warllko hordes lilt tho treat city of Thark tonight. They aro ready to sail for the land of tho First Born when I glvo tho word, and fight thero until I bid t'lioni stop. "All they ask Is tho loot they take and transportation to their own territories when tho lighting and tho looting aro over. I am done." "And thou, Hor Vastus,", I asked, "what has been thy succcss7" "A million veteran fighting men from Helium's thin waterways man tho battle Bhlps, tho transports and tho convoys," bo replied. "Each Is sworn to loyalty and secrecy, nor were enough recruited from a. slnglo district to cause suspicion." "Good!" I cried. "I'.ich has dono his duty, and now, Kantos Kan, may we not repair at onco to 'Hnstor and get under way before tomorrow's sun7" "Wo should loso no time, prince," replied Kantos Kan. "Alrcndy tho people of Hnstor aro questioning thot purpose of so great a fleet fully 'manned with lighting men. I wonder much that word of It has not beforo reached Znt Arras. A cruiser awaits nbovo at your own dock ; lot us leave at " A fuslllado of shots from tho palaco gardens just without cut short his further words. Together wo rushed to tho balcony In tlmo to sou a dozen members of my palaco guard disappear In tho shadows of somo dis tant shrubbery as In pursuit of ono who fled. Directly beneath us upon tho hcnrlot oward a handful of guardsmen wcro stoop ing above a still and prostrato form. Wlillo wo watched they lifted tho figure In their arms, and at my command boro It to tho audience chamber whero wo hnd been In oouncll. When they stretched tho body nt our feet wo saw that It was that of a rod man In tho prime of life his metal was plain, such as common soldiers wear, or tlioio who have a motive to conceal their Identity. "Another of Zat Arras' spies," said Hor Vastus. "Ro It would seem," I replied, and then to tho guard: "You may rcmovo tho body." FARMER SMITH'S ftSI RAINBOW CLUB KyM&r'jL l SAFETY FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME! Today wo launch the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Safety First" Campaign with the object of reducing tho number of accidents that occur through thoughtlessness and recklessness and carelessness. First wo must understand the reason for undertaking the Safety First Campaign. Is it chiefly becauso the street car company wants to receive some pretty letters, stories and drawings? Is it because they have 100 they aro overly anxious to give away? NO! The reason is this : The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company has arrived at the conclusion that accidents, as well as sickness and disease, can bo proventcd by instructing the pooplo to think and plan ahead for the preservation of their qwii lives. The campaign ' aims to teach tho BOYS and GIRLS these lessons of SAFETY bocauso records show that children form a large part of tho unthink ing clnss that goes to mako our city a "sadder but wiser" Philadelphia the "day after it happens." Tho instruction will be carried on by means of talks and pictures that will appear daily in this column. They will furnish valuablo suggestions to you for the malting up of your stories, drawings, etc. We arc counting on you to work hand 'in hand with us. We want the ideas of every Rainbow member on HOW TO KEEP SAFE 865 DAYS IN THE; YEAR, and SOMETIMES 866. You may send in your contributions any time during the month. SEND THEM TO FARMER SMITH. Our work must be alivo! Get up in tho morning thinking about safety. Go to bod at night and dream of it. , All day watch out for the CARELESS PEOPLE who go through the world; not knowing but what their next THOUGHTLESS STEP may bo their LAST. Watch out for ATOURSELF! You may be ono of them. Do not say, "I am only ONE, I can do no good." ( True, you are only ONE, but the world is made" up of YOU. True, you are only ONE and you may bo the NEXT ONE, toward the saving of whom this campaign is directed. , REMEMBER STOP, LOOK and LISTEN everywhere, overy time. Write down how you did it, why you did it.v Tell your playmates that they In turn may write down their ideas and send them in. Let us all help to mako Philadelphia tho safest city in the world. Thero is no selfishness in LIFESAVING. THE BABY BABOON'S DREA3I By Farmer Smith T wonder where that llttlo rascal, the Baby Daboon, Is?" Jimmy Monkey was ask ing himself one afternoon when the sun was Just setting over Sugar hill. Jimmy went out and walked along the road, thinking Mlfetor Elephant might come long, but Instead came the Baby Baboon, as fust as he could run. "Oh, Jimmy 1" the little fellow shouted. "Oh. Jimmy, I had a day-dream. I truly did. I was sitting on the edge of my bed this minute, this very mlnuta, and I had a day-dream. I dreamed that you, think of it, YOU, came to me and said: "You little darling "I never would call you a 'darling,' " in terrupted Jimmy. "Yes, you would, in a dream, a day dream." MI oouldnt," Inslrjsd Jimmy. "Yes you could, for you did it. and what I THE EDITOR of the MOVING-PICTURE CONTEST Has Something IMPORTANT to Say , to RAINBOWS! WATCH THIS SPACE TOMORROW NIGHT "Walt," said Xodar. "If you will, prince, risk that a cloth and a llttlo thoat olt bo brousht." I nodded to ono of the soldiers, who left the chamber, returning presently with tho things that Xodar had requested. Tho black knelt bcsldq tho body, and, dipping a corner of the clotll In the thoat oil, rubbed for a moment on the dead face beforo him. Then he turned to mo within smile, point' Ing to his work. I looked ffnnd sav that where Xodar had applied the thoat oil the faco was white as whlto as mine and then Xodar seized tho block hair of Alio "THE MUCKER" Another Story by EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Begins In SATURDAY'S lemming dsJ iEcuner corpse nnd with a sudden wrench toro It nil away, revealing a hairless pato benenth. Guardsmen and nobles pressed closo about tho fcllent witness upon the marble floor. Many wore tho exlamatlons of astonishment and questioning wonder as Xodar's acts confirmed1 tho suspicion which ho had held all the time. "A them!" whispered Tars Tarkas. "WorEO than that, I fear," replied Xodar. "But let us sco." With that ho drew his dagger and cut open n locked pouch which had dangled from tho thorn's harness, and from It ho .brought forth a circlet of gold sot with a largo germ It was tho mato to that which I had taken from Sator Throg. "Ho waa a holy thorn," Bald Xodar. "Fortunate, Indeed, it Is for us thnt ho did not escape." Tho ofllccr of tho guard entered the chamber at this Juncture "Sly prlnco," herald, "I have to report that thH fellow's companion escaped us. I think that It was with tho connlvanco of ono or more of tho men at thcr gate. I havo ordered tltcm all under arrest." Xodar handed him tho thoat oil nnd cloth. "With Oils you may discover tho spy among you," ho said. I nt once ordored a secret senrch within tho city, for overy Slartlan noblo maintains a sccrot service of his own. A half-hour later tho oiTlccr of tho guard camo to tho chamber again to report. This tlmo It was to confirm Our worst fears half tho guards at thu gato that night had been thorns disguised an red men. "Comol" I cried. "Wo must loso no tlmo. On to llastor nt onco! Should the therns nttempt to check us nt tho southern ergo of tho Icecap It may result In tho wrecking of all our plans nnd tho total destruction of tho expedition." Ten minutes later wo were speeding through tho night townid Hastor, prepared to strike tho llrst blow for tho preservation of Dcjah Thorls. CHAPTER XX The Air Battle TWO hours after leaving my palaco in Helium, or about midnight, Kantos Kan, Xodar and I arrived at Hastor. Carthorls, Tars Tarkas and Hor Vastus had gorlo di rectly to Thark upon another cruiser. At Hastor wo found all In readiness, and1 so perfectly had Kantos Kan plnnnod every detail of tho camplagn that within ten minutes of our nrrlvnl tho first of tho fleet had uoared aloft from Its dock; and there after, at the rate of ono a second, tho great shlpi Moated gracefully out Into tho night to form a long, thin lino which Btretchcd for miles toward tho south. Is more, when you had your day-dream I didn't Interrupt ypu and I don't want you to interrupt mo now that I am telling you about my day-dream. I waa sitting-! " "I know all about that part of It; what was your dreamt" "I dreamed that I was telling you about it and you were SO Interested that you did not say a word, and you know that day dreams always pome true, for didn't the day-dream that you had come true? You got the cake, didn't you? Arid now I want to tell you about my day-dream" "do on aro on 1 I'm listening extra hard," said Jimmy, who was getting interested by this time, "Well," began the Baby Baboon again, "I was dreaming that I was so hungry that I waj 'most dead and I saw you and I said; 'Jimmy, I want a piece of your mothers pie,' and you looked at me and said; 'Yes, my darling, you may have it'" "Pshaw I" answered Jimmy. "Your dream was like mine why don't you dream some thing original?" "The dreams were not alike, for I dreamed that I wanted pie' and In your dream you wanted cake, see!" "I don't think I can get any pie just on a dream like that" Jimmy was getting hungry himself. "But I will try, forcall day-dreams come true. s you say." "3hut your eye and wait!" The Baby Babooa did as he was told and pretty soon h opened them, and what do you think? Tbtto rloC 4 front of him It was not until after wo had entered the cabin of Kantos Kan that I thought to ask the date, for up to now I was not posltlvo how long I had been In the pita of Zat Arras. When Kantos Kan told me, I realized with a pang of dismay that I had mis reckoned tho tlmo whlld I lay In the utter darkness of my cell. Three hundred and slxty-flvo days hod passed It was too lato to savo Dojah Thorls. Tho expedition was no longer one of rescue, but of revenge. 1 did not remind Kantos ICan of tho terrible fact that ero we could hopo to enter tho Temple of Issus tho Princess of Helium would bo no more. In so far as I knew, she might be already dead, for I did not know tho exact dato on which sho llrst visited Issus. On tho morning of tho second day wo raised tho great fleet of transports nnd their consorts nt tho first flood of dawn, nnd Boon wcro near enough to exchange signals. Tars Tarkas reported all well with the transports. The battleships passed through to take an advanced position, and, the combined fleets moved slowly over tho Ice cap, hugging tho surfneo closely to pre vent detection bv the therns whoso land wo wero approaching Far In ndvance of all a thin lino of one man air scouts protected us from surprise, and on either side they flanked Us, while a smaller number brought up tho rear somo 20 miles behind tho transports. In this formation wo hnd progressed toward tho cntranco to Omean for several hours, when coo of our scoutB returned fr,om tho front to report that tho conetlka sum mit of tho cntranco was In slghtX At al most tho namo Instant another scout from ho left flank camo racing towaril tho flag ship. His very speed bespoko tho Importance of his Information. Kantos Kan and I awaited him upon tho little forward deck which corresponds with tho brldgo of enrthly bnttleshlps. Scarcely had his tiny ilior como to rest upon tho broad landing deck of tho flagship ero ho waB bounding up tho stairway to tho deck where we stood. "A great fleet of battleships south-southeast, my prlnco I" ho rrled. "Thero must bo several thousands of them, nnd they nro bearing down directly upon us." "Tho thorn spies wero not In tho palaco of John Carter for nothing," said Kantos Kan to mo. "Your orders, prlnco." "Dispatch ten battleships to guard tho cntranco to Omean, with orders to let no hostllo vessel enter or leave tho shaft. That will, bottle up tho great fleet of tho First Born." Form tho remainder of tho battleships Into a great V, with tho apex pointing directly south-southeaHt. Order tho transports, &ur rounded by their comoys, to follow closely In tho wako of tho battleships untjl tho point of tho V has entered tho oncmy's line; then tho V must open outward nt the apex, tho battleships of each leg engago the enemy fiercely nnd drlvo him hack to form a lano through Ilia lino Into which tho transports, with their convovs, must rnco at lop speed that they may gain a position nbovo tho temples and gardens of tho therns. "Hero let them land, and teach tho holy thorns such a lesson In ferocious warfare as they will not forget for countless ages. It had not been my Intention to be dis tracted from tho main Issuo of tho cam paign, but wo must scttlo this attack with tho therns oncn and for all, or thero will bo no penco for us whllo our fleet remains near Dor, and our chancos of ever returning to the outer world will .bo greatly minimized" Kantos Kan saluted nnd turned to de liver my Instructions to his waiting aides. In nn Incredibly short spaco of tlmo tho formntlon of tho Dattleshlps changed In nccordanco with my commands, the ten that wero to guard the way to Omean were speeding toward their destination, and tho troopships nnd convnys wero closing up In preparation for the spurt through tho lane. THE SAFETY-FIRST CONTEST of the PHILADELPHIA RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY OPENS TODAY and CLOSES SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 For tho best STORIES, DRAW INGS and IDEAS on HOW TO PREVENT and AVOID ACCI DENTS tho following prizes will bo given: For Children Over D Years 1st Prize $10 in Gold, or Solid Gold Medal with your rhimo en graved on it, or a Folding Kodak. 2d Prize. Choice of Desk, Genuine Leather Traveling Bag, White Ivory Dresser Set or a Talking Machine with Records, 3d and 4th Prizes Choice of Boy Scout Tent, Erector Set with' Mo tor, Silk Sweater or Sterling' Sil ver Pocketbook. 5th, Gth and 7th Prizes Cholco of $5 Gold Piece, or Boy's or Girl's Watch. 8th. 9th and 10th Prizes Choice of Cameras, Boy Scout, Indian or Cowboy Suit or Sewing Case. AND Fourteen other prizes Choice of Boxes of Paints, Drawing Boards, Footballs, Basketballs, Boys' and ' Girls' Books, Music Rolls and School Cases. For Children of 9 Years and Under 1st Prize Choice of Gold Medal, Boy's Watch, Solid Gold Brace let or a Beautifully Dressed Doll. 2d Priza Choice of a Tent, Sliding Board for tho Backyard, Doll's Brass Bed or an Erector Set. 3d and 4th Prizes Choica of Baby Doll or Mechanical Boat. 5th, 6th and 7th Prizes Choice of Indian Suit, Cowboy's Suit, Red Cross Nurse's Outfit or Doll's , Hammock. 8th. 9th and 10th Prizes Choice of Blackboards, SetB of Paints, Games or Boll's Dishes, AND Fourteen other prizes Choice of Tinker Toys, Quacky Doodle Ducks, School Bags, Books. SEND ALL STORIES, ETC., TO FARMER SMITH, EVE NING LEDGER, PlflLA DELPHIA. Things to Know and Do (1) Oh dear! That stupW printer's toy spilled all the tyn. He put it tpgtther as lollowa: "The wind waa blowlmr In an TRESAYLE direction." 'What word has tha printer boy mlttspelledj (2) Papa loves Baby, but Baby gets his blocks mixed up. The othsr day they spelled "TINA HOME" Papa made ota word out of the two and that word, mother said, was what tbe baby aid to the whole house. What was tho wordt (3) WORD "PARTY .Name ) a bird with a name ending to "EON;" (b) klud e uoor eruuna, in w jLO) t. JaU i I Tho order iftilt speed ahead .was given, tho fleet sprang through tho air llko cours ing greyhounds, nnd In nnothcr moment the ships of tho enemy wero In full view. They formed a ragged lino as far as the eye could reach In cither direction, and about three ehlp3 deep. Bo sudden Was our onslaught that they had no tlmo to prepare for It. It was aa unexpected as lightning, from a clear sky. Every phase of my plan worked splendid ly. Our huge ships mowed their way en tirely through the lino of tbem battlecraft: then the V opened up, and n broad lane ap peared through which tho transports leaped toward tho temples of the therns, which could now be seen glistening In tho sun light. By tho time the therns had rallied from tho attack n hundred thousand green war riors wcro already pouring through, their courts and gardens, while a hundred ami fifty thousand others leaned from low swinging transports to direct their almost uncanny marksmanship upon the thern soldiery that manned the ramparts or at tempted to defend tho tcmplco. Now tho two grent fleets closed In a J . ,n ' struggle far abovo the fiendish din or battle In tho gorgeous gardens of tho therns. Slowly tho two lines of Helium's battleships Joined their ends, nnd then commenced the circling within tho line of me enemy winch Is so marked a char acteristic of Barsoomlan naval warfare. Hound nnd round In each other's tracks moved tho shins under K'nntn Knn. until at length they formed nearly a perfect circle. Hy this time they ero moving nt high speed, so that they presented n illfll cult target for tho enemv Brnnilsido after hrondsldo they delivered as each essel camo In line with the ships of the therns. The latter attempted to rush In and break up tho formation, but It wns like stopping a buzz-saw with tho baro hand. From my position on the deck beside Kantos Kan I saw ship nfte.r ship of the enemy take tho awftd. sickening dlvo which proclaims Jts total destruction. Slowly wo maneuvered our circle of death until wo hung abovo the gardens where our green warriors wero engaged Tho order waa passed down for Them to embark. Then they rose slowly to a posi tion within tho centre of tho clrrlc. In the meantime the therns" fire had virtu ally ceased. They had had enough of U3, nnd were only too glad to lot us go on our way In pence. But our escape ins not to bo encompassed with such oase, for scarcely had wo gotten under way once more In tho direction of tho cntranco to Omean than we saw far to the north a great black line topping tho horizon. It coutd bo nothing other than a fleet of war. Whoso or whither bound wo cnuld not even conjecture. When they had como closo enough to mako lis out at all, Kantos Kan's operator received a radio-aerogram, which ho Immediately handed to my companion. He read the thing nnd handed It to me. "Kantos Kan: "Surrender In tho namo of tho Jcddak of Helium, for you cannot escape. "zat AnrtAij." Tho therns must have caught and trans lated the messngo almost as hoou as did we, for they Immediately renewed hostili ties when they realized that wo wcro soon to bo set upon by other rnemlcs. Beforo Znt Arras had approached near enough to llro a shot we wero ngnln hotly engaged with tho thorn fleet; nnd as soon ns he drew near ho, too, commenced to our u terrific fuslllado of heavy shot Into us. Ship after ship reeled and staggered Into uselessness beneath tho pitiless llro that wo were undergoing. Presently I saw tho 10 battleships that had been ordered to hold t,ho shaft of Omean. Tboy wero returning at full speed, firing their stern batteries almost contin uously. (coxTixrnD TOMonnow.) Wnite Pumps Illll ' lHi!!!:l' A fine white canvas pump with covered Louis heel and turn sole. Wo arc pleased to be able to offer these newest styles, at such a remarkably low price just when you need them. You will be more than jMimmmfa "i'. mum fD' - Tihi SCHOOLS AND iiUjL-i-ffil COLLEGES, r,m yiM-rk r Strayer's Business College en. Day and ntsht. In- ndhldual advancement. Ci tiarzea moderate. Iteeti TlOW, Sth and Chestnut Street. Walnut 3S4. Young Men and Hoys BTACKTON. VA. Your Coy nt Staunton Military Academy would build bis phyalqua In the braclns mountain air of tbe South. 1000 tt, high. Ilia mind trained In an arademy of 64 yeara experience. Ilia char acter developed by an unusual school life wlta ISO other cadeta. Ilia punctuality, obcdtence.self. reliance and manllnea would miki you the more croud that be Is your boy, ISoO. Addreaa CaL WM. O. KAULE. 1-b. D.. VrUicleai. SU3DIIT. N. J. CARLTON ACADEMY Upper School for older boya gives thorough pre paration for all colleaes. Individual attention Commercial Couraea. Athletic Sports. Keeldent Ctaplaln tower School for younger boy, with Iloueemother lo sa poraonal car. CHARLES H. BCIIULT4. A It . Ileadmaater. CHESTEK. PA. Pennsylvania Military College C1IESTEII, PKNNA. Separate i'rvparatori School for Bout Tho wett Point of tho Kevetons State. Su perior Scholastic. Physical and Moral Training to develop Superior Mn. Oegrees In Cbcmlitry, Civil EnglneerJnr. Economics and Finance. Beat Kaulpioent. Col. CUAS. K. HYATT. Commandant. Ilox SW. NAZABHTII. PA. Nazarelh Hall Military Atademy NAZAKETM. PA. . Founded 17tS A Military Academy tor Boys. Collage Pre paratory and Business Courses. Military life af fords healthful exercise and strenstbec orderly hUU and obedience. , All AthletiU. A school that U better betauxo It U dlTerent, and differ ent because It le better. A-Hra Kev. PKAbPI JS"i!MirP rUIpaI. 3AMVKB. N. B. Hanover Tutoring School ch heart of tha New Hanuwhlr Hllla" pr seas.'?0. Jfi Auaust and Be Sum- I ber. I jl -nil... 1 ATLANTIC CITY BATHERS NEEDN'T WEAR COATS ON THEIR WAY TO BEACH Public Safety Director Cancels Order in Responso to Pro teat of Visitors and Many Cottagers,. WAR ON 'SOUVENIR' FIENDS ATLANTIC CITY, July 12. All tho Jit neys In town, aro carrying huge banners nsklng patrons to sign a petition to tho city authorities calling for defeat of a bill which will como up for consideration next week. The proposed ordlnahco Is moro drastic than the ono In operation In Philadelphia. It calls for a bond, tho running over a set routo. with no variations, tho giving of 5 per cent, of tho gross receipts to the city and the Installation of otash register on nil Jitneys so that the city will bo suro to recelvo Its proper dues. The new law prohibiting tho uso of lied Cross costumes for advertising purposes has hit a canine of this city a bodv blow. This dog received much publicity, when Its ouner dressed him In a ltew ros.s costume, and had the animal lure patrons Into his frhop Xow the dog attracts attention by tho display of a wrist watch on ono of Its front pans, but the tied Cros3 costumo has been put -iway In camphor. in an open card, tho Director of Public Safety has canceled tho order compelling bathers to wear long coats over their bathing apparel when they walk from thejr homes to the bench. A protest was raised by liltors, espei lally cottagers, and many residents of ho'els which allow bathing from tho house, who declared that If they were not permitted to walk along tho Btreets in their bathing stilts they would go to other resorts. Heieaftcr there will bo uo police Interference with bathers on the btreet, un less tho costumes are of puch design that they would Bhock persons .n the bench. Tho war upon nonresidents for Infrac tions of tho automobile laws has created a seusntlon, the principal objection being Hint residents of tho city wcro simply coin pelled to glo their license numbers whllo thco from distant points had to undergo a preliminary hearing nnd then were or dered to nppear later beforo a magistrate. Most of lite offenders were for the carr ing of lights that wero too brilliant. Many of those arreted said they were compelled to hnvo a bright light when coming over tho inuadow boulevard. In order to avoid tho numerous pitfalls on Uint road, and that tlicy had not time to turn them down beforo they wcro nabbed by tho police. Tho largo hotels havo been much an noyed for years by petty larcenies, Uie guilty ones being "souvenir" fiends who took homo with them towels, bureau scarfs and other linens nnd silver from tho din ing rooms, plainly mnrked with the name of tho hotels Cafes also complained of tho loss of valuable glassware cairicd way by customers whoso total purchahos would not pay for tho souvenirs. Tho arrest of two women for taking linen from ono of the larger hotels may provo a warning to persons of this character, even though tho prisoners wcro discharged after a lecture Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Hampshur Jones, of Philadelphia, aro bore. Mr. nnd Mrs. r. 1L Smith, of Radnor, nro hero and will remain for somo time Mr. ajid Sirs Henry Bain, of Philadel phia, aro In Chelsea. Sir. and Mrs William Urohm, of Tioga, will extend their visit until late In tho fall. Sir. and Sirs. Gcorgo Huver, of Phlla- at a Low P rice $r$.25 pleased with the quality . Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. Young Men Hnd Iloyi IIAKRISnUKfl, I'A. IIARRISBURG ACADEMY A country school founded In 17fl. I Modern buildings largo campus V ant4il tiaiKK tu iiiMifiuui iiiitiuuiigri, Thorough college preparation Itatu 1400 to J 30u for slncle room All athletics Separata school for yo unjje r boys. We Invite closest Investigation- personal tlslt If pow.b'e, IAir catalogue BdJress AUTHl'lt K. UIIOIYN. II, A.. Headmaster cntMniaisnPRG. pa. PENN HALL SCHOOL l'UR GIRLS Modern fireproof buildings, new Kymnaslum. swimming pool College preparatory mndern lanuusi-cs, music, domestic arts, etc Certificate prlvt'eges. Booms with private bath Hotel (iladstone Atlantic City, occupied by school each May Work tontlnues witho.it Interruption. Bates ISOO. PRANK S MAGII.U A. M Principal. HALTSUUBU. P. MMMIKMAl tvr oHe. cnaorsea oy every American University, College pre paratory course and a booJ train In for buelnees. Course in agrl. culture, 2IHh year opens Sept. 19. .,. ,vr c'Kttiusug uenc. -S P CABLISLK. PA. CONWAY HALL .""" rew - , tofy School wlta ap proved courses, experienced teachers and cora- CatalogugW A. Iltrrcjlisgymymaster NKW BLOUMPIEU. PA. uamu.n wau IHSTITUT& Mtu Vear New -.;.r -- ir.-nzi-T t.7" ?t" arAB! t-vwH...... m..Tw. vv fB, uuuega trrti ftiww. rauaiv) wuauicM, Yurmmi. junior. Hta KSP- ."W" Rf .? . tfru. Pupils under IS fs lpecUl attrition. Terms. t&jo and up. Japlors. ;J5. i Mi6..KW U Institute. Bo U. ni BUovnsU. f. MVIMMIXO Y. 31. C. CENTRAL NATATORIUM Water c&sbcwI daily. Tore month, ia. duoltui msinbenhls, IT. Six lessons. II; "VJ rTnrf HtfiH dolphin, aro here for the remainder of the season. Dr. and Jtr. C Vf MncFarlnne, of Phil adelphia nro nt Chelsea. Mr nnd Mrs. Edward Croier, of Locust street, Philadelphia, are here for the neason. Jlrs. John T. Ilalley, of Roxborough, will spend the next three months hero. Mr. nnd Mrs. William C. Squlhb, of North Philadelphia, nro occupying their Vcntnor cottage. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Donohuo Wctherly, of Philadelphia, nro here. Mr. nnd Mrs. John S. Qustlne, Jr., of West Philadelphia, expect to remain Hero until Into In September. Mr. nnd Mrs. Felix Spatrtln, of West Philadelphia, havo arranged to prolong their stay until late In October. Mr. nnd MM. John J. Ward nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Dell. Jr., of Philadelphia, are nmong tho honeymoon couples nt the shore. GOVERNOR'S DAY AT WILD WOOD NEXT FHIDAY AND SATURDAY ncsort Prepares to Welcome and En tertain Many Visitors WILDWOOD, N. J July 12. City om elali nnd members of the Hntertnlnmcnt Committee of tho Wlldwood Board of Trade nro malting elaborate preparations1 for the visit of Governor nnd Mrr. Fielder, members of the Ktnto ftenato nnd Afssem hlymen ns welt as State and county officials Friday nnd Saturday nt tho second annual Governor's Day cclelirntlon. Senator John A. Acltlcy, of Vlnelnnd, who ha- n. summer homo here, Is co-operating Willi tho committee to mako tho celebration n uncross. Friday nlKht nt 8:lG there will bo a reception for nil tho city's rucsIs nt tho Ilonrdwnlk homo of Senator Ackley. Tho visitor? will attend the Ftinchnso nt tho Wlldwood Ocean IPer. Tiicy will wit ness a special act nt Nixon's Vaudeville Pier Thrnlm A special concert will bo given by Walter Pfclffer's Orchestra nt the Casino Auditorium. The euosttt will be taken In roller ohnlrs to tho Wlldwood Crest Pier at 10 o'clock, where there will bo n special concert hy Clanfonl's Band until 10:10, when thny will go to tho Holly Bench Yacht Club and attend a banquet nt 10:30. Saturday th guests will leavo their ho tels at 0:80 a. in. for tho Holly Bearh Ynclit Club, nnd start from the clubhouse nt 0.10 for a trip on tho Inland waterway to Cnld Kprirur Inlrt, returning nt 11, after which nn hour will bo devoted to bathing. Dinner will be served at 1 nt tho vnrlous hotels. At 2 o'clock the party will bo taken to he pound flshlnfr boats to Inspect the catch, returning In time for tho trains thnt will carry them to their homes. 'iSBrSw liksiP jSi I New CadShc I Service Station j Opened H To meet the present and future 'demands of a very rapidly increasing business, the Cadillac-Automobile Sales Corporation announces the opening of a new service station, occupying 30,000 square feet on the ground floor of the Metropolitan BUg. Broad at Wallace St. which will be maintained for the service of Cadillac owners exclusively and is in addition to the present facilities at 142-144 North Broad Street, which will in future be utilized for the care of used-cars, for the building of bodies, for the painting department and th6 department of sales and administration. The new Cadillac Statiomis the larger t centrally-located, firat floor, fireproof service tation in tho world. It ia equipped with the latest and moat efficient automobile tools and machinery. Parts for all Cadillac models will there be obtainable. Cadillac-A utomobile Sales Corporation TtfTaT??????r?KnKiI THE CHEEHFOL CtiERlB fly sov's vki."t worries ma the. troyt It Ueepi me. &L'Ws vondertrvj. I ctnt tell wtat its- Op to 'CcAWe, I never sec the .silly tkitv? "R.TC1! ASSOCIATION GIVES WARNING OF CHARITY IMPOSTORS Head of Camden Organisation Asks Aid of Citizens The Associated Charities of Camden, through Zed It. Copp, Its ffennral secretary, warns tho public nRalnst various fraud now working In that county. Frequent re ports from suburban towni made to th otllca show that persons are bcgslntr for Imaginary Institutions. Secretary Copp, In his wnrnlnir, cites Bpeclflco Instances. Tho association calls upon nil persons In thnt otty nnd county to unite with It In protecting the community from such frauds. This can bo aono effectively, It Is pointed out. If nil persons who aro so licited to aid any unknown or doubtful cntiFii will refer the, matter to the associa tion for Investigation nnd report. He also reports a number of persons claiming resi dence In Camden who, under ono pretext or another, nro begging In that olty and county on their own behalf without just cause. Ha says ho has moro calls for em ployment than he can supply and ther Is no need for public relief now, except In certain cases where sickness or accident prevents work. Struck by Trolley Car Whllo Playing Three-year-old Nicola Tltingo, S7t5 Vina street, Is In a serious condition In, the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital from In juries received when struck by a trolley car whllo pl.iylng In front of his home last night Besides many cuts and bruises n,nd a fracture of the right arm, It Is fen red that tha child has concussion of tho brain. mi JWj n M m ; 5S Kiite-?-. ' MMieiewaa am&aia S&k JMi-Attmit : A iaaZ5MSjmbMi3t&MfJKmmmJtom ..jj