r ywifrjfrwpqiflinj', ui i w igymwwym tmy 'wwhui nkw iyia m lymigg umb junmy" u EVENING- LBI)OER-IJHlLADELIHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1910. wwpffYffl ti,fy4 "Wf&im ' ' i te FINANCIAL NEWS DROP OF1 14 POINTS IN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL WITHOUT EFFECT ON OTHERS No Reason for Sharp Decline Is Learned, but Suggestions Are Made That Some Holder Is in Deep Water and Bears Are Taking Advantage - High Points in Today's Financial Nctvs Federal Reserve Dank of Chicago raised discount rate on maturities from 31 to CO days a half of 1 per cent. Additional gold to the amount of (3,000,000 arrived in New York from Canada. Surplus of idlei freight cars on railroads of United States and Canada on July 1 was 52,110. Vctwccn 30,000,000 and $iO,000,000 will be spent in improving Maryland Steel plant at Sparrow's Point. Carnegie Steel ordered US freight cars. Price of bar silver higher in New York and London. Profits of Lackawanna Steel for, second quarter showed big increase. French rentes higher. NEW YOttK, July 12. Industrial Alcohol again today furnished tho sensation of tho stock market, falling from 113 to 9914, a loss of 14 points, and sending longs scurrying to protect their margins, whllb a few scattered shorts covered whllo tho spirit moved them, Nothing could bo learned as to the cause, although It Is suggested that some holder of a largo amount of tho stock Is In deep water flnnnclnlly and tho bears nro taking advantage of his difficulties. Tho general stock markot, however, acted better than at any tlmo recently under attacks of the professional operators. A demonstration was made against prices at tlto outset of trading, but the readjustment of loan accounts and liquidation which has been going on nlmost uninterruptedly for nearly two weeks found tho market bare of stocks and covering of shorts started briskly. After tho first half hour this covering movement becamo urgent, and notwith standing' declines brought about In a few issues, including ono of moro than 4 points In United Fruit, almost general rallies took place, extundlng from 1 to 3 points. Until tho last hour the majority of tho list retained the full Improvement and net gains wero "established of a point or more In Union Pacific, Heading and othor railroad stocks, whllo Marine preferred, which had been the lato feature yesterday, rose 2 points nbovo tho final. Business becamo less active at tho high level, but tho market was moro active toward tho end In sympathy with another drlvo nt Industrial Alcohol. Tho high prlco last 'week was 133, compared with 170 on April G. Tho low up to tho closo of last week was 1269. Commission houses early In the day had an Intimation that a lato drlvo today was impending. Tho attack on Alcohol had only a momentary influence upon tho general list, however, as tho market had previously reflected an over extended Bhort position. As heretofore, technical considerations wero the main I Influence, news bearing upon prices being disregarded. $2,000,000 Additional Gold Comes in From Canada NEW YOH1-C, July 12. -Gold to tho amount of $3,000,000 has been received from Canada and deposited at tho Assay Ofllce. Chicago Reserve Dank Raises Discount Rate CHICAGO, July 12. Tho Federal Reserve Hank announced today that the discount rate applying to maturities from 31 to CO days has been advnnced to 1 per cent. HEAVINESS RULES . ON NEW YORK CURB Business Comes Almost to Standstill Fluctuations i Narrow , NEW YOniC, July 12. In tho market for outstilo securities today heaviness again was Bhown all through tho list on comparatively small offerings and further stop orders wero reached cm tho decline, but before tho drat hour was over ft. steadier tone sot in on light covering. There was no news to account for the continued downward onitene.v other than reports of calling of loans and a drlvo to shake out weak margin accounts. Around mldriViV business came almost to n stand still, with only small iluctuatloiis in either direction ns a rule. Aetna Explosive continued ono of the weak features, breaking 1 points' to a new low mark; Mldvale Sleel, after falling below, railed nearly a point; I'oole Ungl ncerlng fell i points; Drlggs-Seabury. after a dccllno of G points, recovered and rose 3 points further, but later eased oft slight ly Springfield was down 2 points and the' preferred about the same; Tobocco Products moved up a point. Jlotor Issues continued to fluctuate rather widely, Chevrolet moving at a range of C points; United Motors, after declining ltti recovered nearly all; Peerless Motors, down 1, and Saxon. 2 points. Oil Issues wero less active und generally heavy. Cosdcn was down ?1. and Cosden Oil and Gas, . standard Oil stocks were les3 prominent and Irregular. Mining shares wero quiet and easier spots. Aetna Explosives .4... Am Hrlt Mfe Am Marconi Canadian Car Co Can Car tt Kdy pref Chevrolet Motors , Curtlsa Aeroplane DriiBB-Seabury Elsenlohr Tobacco , do pref Gmcrion Phonograph Klemlsh I,ynn ...... Haskell & Darker Cur Hendee Slf Inter Mr Mar , do pre .,...., Kathodlon Hronie pref Maxim Munitions Manhattan Trans ..,., Mldvale Steel Otis Elevator Peerless Motors Poole Engineering- . , , B S Kresge w I Standard Motors , Stall Motors , Hubmurlno Triangle Film United Front Sharing United Motors .,,., ,... U H Light and Heat ........... do pref ... ... . .f .......... . White Motors World Film in Did. Asked. . 1H V4 . a is . as at. . no 7u . ho Ml .21.1 Sill . :!.- 3.1 .mo lor. . 3S 411 US 100 :; . 3.1 3IIH . 'JO 111 . SS 2.1 . 21 21 . s nvi . li Hi . ooU nt . r.T su . 22 M.I . Ull 1K1 . 10 1'Mi . 3V4 1 . ill illH . 33 31 . U l.! . 5T$ (Hi . 33 U S3 '2 1 STANDAI1D OIL. Illinois lOT Ohio -32 Prairie Pipe ,. -- Standard Oil of California -'12 Standard Otl of New Jersey,, . ... . .fi24 Standard Oil of New York , 2U3 OTHEK OIU BTOCKS. Cosden Co , Chalmers Oil .................. Inter Petrol ilouston Otl .......,.;.,,. lljwesl Ret ...,,...., ttpulP4 Ref , . , . . . ,v . . . . ' MININO STOCKS. Atlanta .- IJutte Copper and Zln liulte, N Y Cerro da Pasco . . , First National , Goldneld Merger Hecla Mining: , Howe Sound Jim Butler Jumbo Extension Mi-Klnley Darragn Magma Copper Mines Co of America NlplSSlQif Han Toy St. Joseph Iiad West End Con , Whit Oaks 214 4 111 13 113 11 ',1 170 U31 -Jit 2l S'.'ll 20(1 2 IH H lllli 14 I!.', 11H .1H 33 3 8 01.16 03 75 SU 18 . BONDS. Serra de Pisco liavale Eg 15 J? 5 .107., 314 1 !. .1 113 77 .1.1 '? 10 lH 100 d 111 06 Three Steamships Ordered NEW YORK. July 12. Orders have been placed on the Faclnc Coast for three uttam chips. The contract vfas taken by the fcklnner and Eddy Corporation nd the vessels will be constructed at Portland. Oregon, The plates, for tfepe boats wll be purchased in the Bast, according to present Indications, and will Involve 3?00 tons for each vessel or a total of 10,800 ton. Deliveries will be required for the third charter of neit year. Pens Traffic Increases Dividend The Penn Traffic Company has deolared semiannual dividend of 3 per cent, pay able August 1, a reg.stercd July IS ; books do not closo. This U an increase, the semi annual dividend for several years having fepra. S per cent ' BANK CLEARINGS Bafcle ctwiriKsu today conuwrwl with or MAtaiguK&f day wet tw tears -. . - r . - lflie iuta laii New York Bond Sales Hlwh. Low. Clote, .iouii Ainnny A: hUH ;iVis .. no ho lniio Alas (Jold cv tin Srr D.I nil Inn iiiii'i Amor Airr cv ,1b li)-Jii lllllll AmiT Acr doli 4S-JIHI0 Ann I.. French 3s r'. lllllll At aiifi" . i nuiii i IihVmi JIHIII llllllll 'JIIMH MOIMI lllllllll Al Tel clt 4s . . iirrail 4h . . u -It l'Hl ."s o IWm . . M . . . '."3 S . . . n0 Via I- l 4 .QWI.) 3', -in ..lllllll H..I! "MIOil .'ji ISIMlo tin cv 4Vis .... Iiiimi ftcth Mtccl 1st .In limiltl Ilcth iiti-Kl rfd ns 3IHH) Ilroolui It T .Is '1H llllllll llrookn Un Elv 1st nuiio Can Clovt 4s Ur.'l ;i.ihi)ii an nisi 1171, . ii." . in J. . . wi . . 2 . . H4. . . 117 . .10 1 J. . . 1104 .. 112? . .lnilVi . . 11.1 , .1H31 . .IIMI'4 .1 , H.1IHI-, . 1111. . .llinTi limn Cui a.is & 1:1 r.M nsv aiiiiu Canada tioulli .Is lt LMihiii Cent Paclllc 3Vis ... M14 I'llOO Chill Copper 7s 1LM aimii Chi'S 4 Onlo rv -llis.. n.14 24IIIIU do cunv ,1s lUU lllllll Chi Alton 3s Ml', lllllll Chi lit West 4 71(14 .140(10 Chi II & 1 Joint 4s. . IIS 10011 do Ken 4a Ill 4(101) do 111 4 IIP, 2011(1 Chi .11 & .St I' rfd Pin !ll 700(1 do ecu 4s 1111U Kimil do cv His lie1 20O111) do ei'n 4I,4h mm 23000 Chi II I & V rfd 4s.. 74'3 UMHIO do .Is (I3'i Hum Corn Prod 3s 11131... miU 7IIDH fon Ons conv fin 122 niiou Cumberland Tel ns... 11111 20011 Dot Kdtson 4s mill. .Kill's 77000 Uls Hccur Corp .Is 73 kiioii Erlt. roi. Is Ser A.. 70 .1000 do ennv 4s Ser I) . . N.1VJ linoil Hud tt Man In .Is 2HU 30(10 Hud & .Man rfd ,1s 71 30011 Hock Val 4Hs 1 2nno 111 Central rfd 4s h!i 10000 III Cent.-il 4h 111.13.. H.1"t 20011 Interb Met 4Vas 74 03000 Interb It T ref .Is !lst 101100(1 Inter Jler Mar ct 4s.lo:i! 1000 Japanese new C3 S 4Mrs N.I 2000 IC CJ'I 8 M lis 101114 1000 Lnt-ka Steel 3a 1H23...100 3000 l.k h drh U 132H.. II.1H 11000 do 49 11131 IllH 2000 I.eh Vul of N Y 44s. .101 2000 1.1b 4 M T 7s 1211 400(1 l.nuls & Naah Is IUU 10(10 Mex Pet Co lis Ser CMOS .1000 Minn & St 1. Is ill 2.1000 .Mo Pan cons lis 10Isi 3000 Mont Power 3s !)74 23000 NYC It lis 112(', 1.1000 do 4s llli, 200(1 do 4Hs H3U 10011 N V C & St I. 1st Is. 11.114 (100 N Y City 4s 1II3H IIMI',4 Il71i 111', ll-'s Nil li:l.4 H2 mi 117 (, liil't 1104 1125J limij ii.i Hia'i Hid 11111U 100H 1111, 10014 is, 102'. Ml 14 121 N.1W 11 it; :iii 1 1 no1. 102 mm A2? iiiii'i loji.t 7.1 70 lllllll 1000 do lUa 10113 do 4.4s lllll.i ..HIS HIS HIS 1000 -do 411s Muv 111.17.. II 1100(1 do 414b Nov 11)37.. 10771 3001) N Y Uas It & 1" r.s..HIIV4 1000 N Y I.icka & IV 5s.. 10.1 700(1 N Y N II & H da.... 1124 10000 N Y Itwy ref 4s 70S U.100O N Y Itwy adj Ss 5!) 4M)I) N Y "lel ten 4V4h US '13.100 Nor Pjc prior Is 02 71111O Oro Short l.lne ns.llnl 4000 Ore Si V n t N 4s.. HU4 SHOO Oro b Cal .Is 1011, noon Paclllo Tel r.a 10014 llllllll Penna sen ct -I'j s. . . Hip, llllllll do en 4Ua 104S 0000 do 4Via 11)21 ... ..I110H 4imi) Publlo H-rv N J Bs.. II" ISO(H) rteadim: Ben Is ti-.'i I'.OOO Hepuh Cuba .Is 11)14. 074 1000 lleo Ir i- S 3s 07'- 10(10(1 St I.&H V rfd ct sta 4s 7-T4 2IIU1I 00 Ben 4a . . . umi" uu pvr 4 wi tr.,. -20000 do ajs wl S31! 7IHK) do In wl .IIS 3001) do Ser II wl H.14 tool) Seaboard A I. .-.ill .la II71I isuuii noutn lieu aa ... 3301HI South Pac cv 4a 12.100 do cv ret f p Bs 2000 do rfd 4a 10000 South Hwy con 3s 2000 South Ilv St I. 4s 4000 Texas Co cv Os HUH OflOO Third Avo ref 4s .... 814 I'.OOO Tol St L & W 4s 50.. 3.1W aoofi ir s nni.iu.p ,ta iiv,t? tauinj v a nieei a r OS 1001) U S H 4 It Its ... 13000 Un Pac 1st 4s . .. 31000 do rfd 4s moo Va Car Chm s . . IO00 Va Itwy 5s 7000 Wabash 2d 3s ... xiiiK) wab Kim 1st ct 4s 83 71 IISW lo.'Mj K.I Kin'. 4 100 II.1S Ulia 101 12(1 IUU 10s 01 101s; !i7; 112'. 11014 113 1 1 11314 lOOU los ins los Ki7?i HUH 103 112M 7li 38H US nii loo I01C 1004 IO11U huh nit'.; loii H2 Ii.i1, t)71i 1174 TAIL Sll Kill 102 U7I .I.1J4 up, Il7'4 so ii:m 02N HP. Hi-. 101', 1 H2'4 l(lll4 115 Ill-Pi mo inula 10014 100i II 1II2 Wll 121 s.114 1111, .-.:' 7014 IIS HI nl'i in -i, lllllj 1112 10114 74-.J ill!1 1001 lijlU 7.1 70 S.1V4 2SU 71 II2' S'l S3K 71 lisS 1031. S.1 limli 1(10 ti.Ti HlH 101 120 04U los in inp; 74 112J, 11311 H3V, Kill',, HIS HIS HIS HI7 llllh 103 112I4 7l 5sTs us 112 IllH 8I4 lot 1110 112 11..1-4 un ita 4s 7-T7 74l 5 7i;4 7P1 -:"4 on!) mis tlL fifc k'tu . . . 0o . . . H7, ...103H . . . Ml' ..101S T,l? ..10.1 ..1114 . . WIS . . no . .10K . . osw . . 0H ,T 23000 Wab-P T 1st ct Is f p 33 54IJ H.1W IIT'I 87 K 103U 87 T. Hil'i 7Pi HUH hlij n.i 102 101J4 nig b!l HSU OsC 3H 32 .3K 34J I.H ion I.7C. I'l3i h'.l!. 71JJ 1114. MP4 33W Ill'-'U 111.1 11P4 un; DO HlSt lis !' 3'i 32?: rail (food Rail Orders Are Heavy NRW YORK. July 12. Recent orders have been heavy and ome additional business Is In sight, according to the best authorities In the trade. It is stated officially that the total of Russian orders placed was about 115,000 tons, of which 365,000 tons were rails and fish platea and 50.000 tons were bolts and spikes. The French Government, which recently purchased 100.000 tons of rails from the Maryland Steel Company, is In the market tor 20.000 tons additional, while the Urltlsh Government Is sounding the market for 30.000 tons In addition to the 50,000 fn which were placed in this country within the last few months. The Italian Government also Is In the market for rails. French Rentes Higher PAHJS, July 12. Three per cent, rentes. 64 franas 2Ee, up 25c. Hxcbans wi Un don. 28 tranmf I per eent, unefcansed. Frcnoh 5)9. 90 francs 35c. Suspended "Vom Hoard of Trade CHICAGp. July 12. Ww, II. OallajSber, a small trader, has lwn suspended 'rftm th Chicago Board cf Trad for two years for general irregularities. More Improvements by V. S. 5teel NEW YORK. July 12 Miscellaneous ad- (jlllj-'ilal c.MeCjilolij 'i-l liiiprui.(ccnts iaie Wea auiUorued jy tac ft'iiuuce I'ummiite of the United Svates Steel Corporation. New Yol'k Stock Hales Lftt Close. ItlBh. Iw. Cloep. Alaska J Oold M 8 8 VA H Alaska Gold Minos 18 18 17H 17J Allli-Chalmers Mto 20!f 21H 20 2W Allts-Chalmcr.Mfgpf... 71 72 71" 72 Am Ab Chemical fHM COM CWf GOJf AmnretSufjar 01 91M SS1 01 Am Can , 62f 52H fil'-j B1H AmCanpf .....101) 100 109 100 AmCar&Frty tHH A3! MJ Ml( Am Coal 1'roducU l.?0 137 133 130H Am Cotton Oil 63'f fi3 53 f.3 AmExprrs3. 120)4 128 127'5 128 Am Hide & Leather..... 10 10 PJ II) Am Hide I, pf COJf BOH -H)J. BO!- Am Ire Securities 20 29J1 20 20M Am Mnspol ill ISM 18 Am Unseed pf 42?f A2H -12 42 N Am Ixx-omollvc 0.3!f 03 02 02 M Am I-oromotlvo pf 00U OOU 00U 09U Am Smell & Ilef l)2 02'fi 01s 02 Am Smelt & Hef pf 1104 11115 111W 1 114 Am Smelt pf A Illff 02'i 0215 !)2,'' AmSmeltpfll mi 81 SI 81 Am Steel foundries 40 IBM 45M -IBM Am Sugar Hennlne 100M 1 10 10S.M 1 10 Am Tel &, Tel 120M 129U 120M 120!i Am Tobacco SOflJfJ 2071 ( 200 200 Am Woolen 43 43sf 43 43 Am Woolen nf 9IM 03 .03 II Am 7.1 nc I. &Sm 20 M 3n?i; 30 30'( Am Zinc Ii&Sm pf .... 00M 01', OIM 01H Anaconda Cop M 70 Wi IV.i 70U AtrhTop&SK HUM 10l?J W.i 101U Ateh Top & S V pf 08'i 0!) 00 00 AHGtiir&WI BSH 08M BO 67M All Gulf & W I pf OIJj OIM 01 01M Atl Coast Mno 113 112 112 112 llald Loco Wks 70H 71 IMS' 70'i llald oca Wks pf 10BM 103M In.". .. I03M Halt & Ohio SO 80.M ss;, MH4 llatopltas Minlns l?f 1', I', Mt llrooklyn Itap Tr 8B!f M' S.V. SVf Hullo & Superior 02 03'4 O'J 02 Canadian raclltc 17fls 17i'j 17SH 1704 Central Leather ,'M .Vjij ,VI MH Central Leather pf tin', HO'j 110 111) Chandler Motor M7', l()7'i 100U lO'Ji dies & Ohio Hi!, r,2 01 02 Chile Copper 20 20U 20M 20!f Chlno Copper 40!f 404 I0'( 401,' ciii n i Pac .. . . aoji so1 j 20 20 Chleaso Great West pf . 30 HUM 30M 30M Chi Mil St Paul . . . 1)7 07 00M II0.M Chi Mil & St Paul pf..,13(l'V 130M 130M 130! j C 0 C A St L pf S2J a 82 82 82 Chi & Northwestern 120 12SM 128M 128M Col Kuel A Iron 4'j'f 43 42M -I2M Col & Southern ;13 31 31 31 Compt T Hec Co 42 41f 41 41 Consolidated fins 13IM 131 133 133 Continental Can pf 100 108M 10SM 10SM Corn Produets Kef MM MM 13M 13M Corn Prod Ref pf 1)0 00 00 00 Cruclhlo "itrel 70M 71M 00M 70.M Cuban-'.m Sugar 220 223 223 223 Cuba "Jane Sugar BSM BO B7M BSM Cuba Can" Sugar pf 1)1 DIM 1)1 DIM I)e Lack .t West 233 220M 220! ( 2'2l)H Uelawarc & Hudson lfitM lut 131 1BI Denver & lllo Gr pf.... 31M .'MM ."MM 31M Detroit United Itys 110 110 110 110 Diamond Match 111M 1(10 100 100 Dhtlll Sec Corp'n 42 42 I1M -MM Krle 33M 30 33M 30 Ktle 1st pf 5.3M B3M B3 B.1M Krle 2d pf 43 43 13 43 Gen Chemical 200 200 21)0 200 General Electric 100 103M Hi3M 1H3M General Motors S03 301 500 BOl Goodrleli It F 72M 73M 73 73M Goodrich II Ppf 113M 113M 113M 113M Granby Consol SI 81 N) SO Oreene-Cananea 41 4BM A lit 43 Great Northern pf 110 111) 1184 110 G X et fur are prop.... .'IBM 34M 3IM 'Mi Gulf Stales S 2d pf 'O &3 83 S3 Illinois Cent 101M HUM 101M 10IM tnt Agricultural pf 40 41 43M 43M IntllarrXJ 113 til HUM 111 lnt Xlckel v t cfs 43M 43M -IBM 43M Int Paper 13M 13M 13M 13M lnt Paper pf 02 OIM OIM OIM Insp Con Cop BOM BOM BO'f BOM IntMMcofdep 22 23 2I?i 22M Int M M pf c of lip SO'i S2M 7l)li S2M JcuelTea ,...80 &0M SO'i SUM Kcnnecolt Copp.T 4BM 45M 43 -IBM Lack Steel Co GSM GO fill GO Lake Krle 4- West 10 10 10 II) Lake Kile A-West pf I1M 42M I2M -I2M Lehigh Valley 7SM 7S 77M 78!( Leo Ilubber Tire IBM 43 44 M 43 Long Island 3S 37M 37M 37M lose-WUes llhcnlt 20M 17.M 17M 17M Loose-Wiles Ills 2d pf. .. BOM BOM BOM BOM Louli A Xash 133 133 132M 132'i Maxwell Motors 7.J 744 72'i 7-IM Maxtti-ll Motors 1st pf.. s., S3M S. K3M Maxwell Motors 2.1 pf.. SIM B1M fll ''"! May Dept Stores Ol'i Ol.M OOM GOM Mexican Pelroleiim (ISM OOM 07M 00 Minn St P & S S M ....12BM 120M 12IJM 120M Miami Copper 3:iM 33M 33M KIM Missouri Pacific OM OM OM GM MKsourl Pae Ir cfs OM OM OM GM Montana Power 01 00 87 00 Nat Knam & S Co 23M 23 22M 23 Nat Lead Co G-Ti 03M IBM G31i Nev Con Cop 10 10M 10M 10M New York Air Ilrake....l2B'i 123M 12BM 123M NYNH&tl GOM OIM' GOM OIM' New York Central 103'i 101 103M 103M Norfolk Western 130M 130M 20M 130 Nortnern Pacinc 112M ll-'M 112 112 Nat Itys Mex 2d pf BM BM SM SM Paclllc Mall 10M 10M 10M 19)5 Penn Itallroad S7M 37i .'i7M 07M Peoplo's Gas Chi 101M 107M 107M 107'j Pldladelphla Co 3SM 3SM .'ISM 3SM Pressed S Car Co 43 4.VM 4B 43 Pub S Corp'n N J 130M 130 131 130 Quicksilver 2.M 2,M 2M 2U Hy Steel Sp Co 4.M f' 42 42 Hay Con Copper 21M 21M 21M 21M Heading OOM 07 3 !'.i 0,'lM Hcadlni: 1st pf 42M 42M -12M -I2M Itcpulillc Iron & S -H 43M 42). 43lj St Uuls S V 1st pf. . . SM HH SM H i St Louis & S V 2d pf. . OM O'J l)f mi Seaboard Air Line 13M 10 10 10 Sears, Hoe .t Co 187 1S7U 187 1S7 Shat Ariz Cop 2IM 2.3!f 2IM 23 Sloss-Shef S & 1 4B 43 .A A Southern Pacific 07M 07?i '.hi 07M Southern Hy 2,'IM 24M SIM -1M Southern Hy pf C8M GSM GSs GM Standard Milling rts M M M M Studebaker Co 120M 127M l'.'B I' ' Tenn Copper 31 30M 30M 30M Texas Co 1SSM till) l.'O IUu Under Typewr 100 10) 100" 10" Union Hag & Paper BM BM SM 5M Union Hag S. Paper pf .. 33M 2GM 3BH 3 i' j USSmll&M 07 (.8 07 08 Union Pacific 137M 13sM 137M 1:M Union Paclllc pf 82M 82M S2)i S2M U S Ind Alcohol U1M U3M (Wa 101 USCIl'&F 10 18M Lj ISM United Ilya Inv Co OM 10 flj 10 United Fruit 154M 1B3M 150 I32M USHubber 52M S2)i 52), 52M U 8 Rubber 1st pf 110 110 10IM 110 U S Steel Corp'n SIM S4M S-'IM SIM U S Steel Corp'n pf U7M 117M 117M 117M Utah Copper 75f 73M 74M 7-V1 Wabash 13f 13M 13M 13'i Wabash pf A 40M BOM 40M BUM Wabash pf 11 27)' 27M 27M 27M Went Union Tel 03 03 03 01 Wet E & M 55M iGM 53 B3M Western Maryland 2S 2S 2S 28 Wheel & Lake Erie SM 5M SM 5)j Whwl & I, E 1st pf 17M 15 15 15 Willys Overland 73M VIM 71M 71M Willys Overland pf 10GM 100M 100 100 Wiscoasin Central 4SM 51 4U 50 WHEAT TRADING BECOMES LARGER Confirmation of Black Rust in South Dakota Causes Activity FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOIIK. July 12. There was no particular feature to the Foreign Exchange market tills morning, relchsmarks, lire and kroner being Hllghtly easier than ttt the close of busineiw yenterday. Sterling and frano rates wore virtually unchanged. Quotations: Demand sterling, 4.75 11-16; cables, -LT6 7-16; franc checks, 5.S1 ; cables, 5.9016; reichsmarky, checks, 741.; ; cables, 71 5-16; lire checks, G.lOVs I cables. 6.40; Swiss checks, 5.S9; cables, 5.2SU ; Vienna checks, 12.75; cables, 12.80; kroner checks, 2$; cables, ti.iO; pesetas, checks, 20.20; cabins, 20.30; guilder checks, 41 7-10; cables, UVtl rubles, checks, 30.70; cables, S0.75. RATES FOR MONEY Call. Tlnw. Nw York 4 3 4 !; Iwilw TrT. a 4 Siu etlSeo 3rS4 4 4H DIVIDENDS DECLARED Milwaukee Bkctrle Hallway anrr Light Com ttany. remiUr quartarry 1U per eot. en pre ferred, payable Jalv 31 to beidrs at record July 30. E. W. Woolwerth Compauy. rular quar ttrly 2 per coot, un ronmww. payable Septem ber 1 to stoch of record Ausust 10. llrculs I'owdrr I'uaipuny. rezuler quarterly 1, ptr cvut wn prtrfvrrij payable August 15 to to'kilold. rs i.r rciu-d - 'itfvMt 5 fruUl .Wil.-h dutf bouka fur t.':. U-uua'n nt lreft:riM:tm.l .111 Ui lUeacd uuii slur too payment K iU'l- ussu. OKAIS" DKt.T MKATIIKU FOnHCAST. rilirAljO,. July 12. The weather fore fnt.for 30 . Iinnr followsi ... Itllnol lienernlly fair tonlulit and Th'irs ilnyi Mlxlitl? roolei; Thursday, extreme north- MiMoitrl, Mlnnentn nnd North llakotn I'nlr nnd tontlnued mtrm tonlRbt nnd tVIc(inln Oenernllr fair . tonlnht nd Thnrwlniri slightly rooter tonttlit. . Inwn rnrt!.v elnmly lenlshti Xhtirfiinri fair, rnntlndrd wiirm. . B South Dakota, i'flirnki .ind lnna (lenernlly fair lonlnlit nnd Ihnrsdnyt Miirmer Tliurnday, CHICAGO, July 12. Speculation m wheat broadened nt nn nm.tzlng rate today, following the confirm ation of Mack rust In parts of South nnlcotn. Tho demand wns heavy nnd tho tnnrkct was strong, Onlshlng only a llttlo below the top. Ijocnl Interests were Treo buyers, recog nizing tho advance guard of nn outside Inquiry, nnd sold only on big swells. A lot of wheat ramc out on tho bulges. Con servative traders were disposed to discount a rapid ndvnnuo. H. W. Snow telegraphed from Minnea polis that there was a reslous appearance of black rust over a largo part of South Dakota. Ho said that In the southern part of tho State the crop nppeared to ho In small danger, hut that In tho heavy pro ducing district!! of the North tho rust had enmo nt u cry early Bingo of plant de velopment. Ho said tho crop was four weeks from harvest, hut thnt no forecast would possess nny value now ,ns tho final result would depend almost entirely on weather conditions. Theweckly report of the Weather Bureau snld that spring wheat hnd nmdc excellent growth following warm weather and timely rains nlid that tho crop wns In good con dition in nil sections. Harvesting nnd threshing of winter wheat havo made pro gress. Tho Prlco Current also issued n bearish statement. Oats were fairly active nndflriner. There uns good buying of September, llcporta of damage wero received In some sections. 1.1-aillnn futures ranged ns follows: irsi Wheat Open. Illuli. .Mly l.iiS'i Mill's Nctitcmlx'r . l.Hi'.i 1.1IU l)ii-.-mber .. 1.13 1.I4W t:orn (now delivery I,ov. Clon. cln. l.n.slstl.'Wli'l."''. 1.1(1 tl.llii l.iinM l.lU'.j'l.ll 1.12 .lull- Srptpmticr Drcemlier . (hits July Soptrmlior DcremtH'r . Uiril July Sonlenilier OcIoIkt . . HUM July September Pork July September 7H': 7114 n.Tis 40U 4(1 41 4(l!i 41i is. in 13.47 1 13.37 13.10 13..VJ 78J4 74fd llChi 11J4 4(1 42ti 13.30 t:i.-is I3.no I3.r,n 13.11'.' J.".(12 :i.ii: 77H 74 Is 3s 4nn 411 Is lli 13.13 13.13 13,3." 77H 74H tll.T4 II 411 J4 113.30 fl3.4(l U3.4" t7S 74S U3l im; 40"li tnw 13. nn 13.17 13.17 13.10 t13.ri(l J13.32 13.17 13.37 13.40 liltl. tAskoiI. 4 Nominal. 53.33 V. 24.iU . 3.(12 1.82 L'1.17 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR VYIIUAT llei-cllils. llln.354 IiusIipIs. Tho n,..rlf..t rnrlhrr mlvuniTd 2e. umlor II noou tie- Inland nnd IiIbIkt Western advices. Quotations: Car IntH. m -xpori oiovnior. r.o. -.':";'"' tl.iHIVl.ll: ."o. 2 Southern rl. It.Oi Wl.Ol'i StP.miur No. red, Jt.OIUdt.qs; No.. 3 rc.l. tl.milll.li': rejrrtcd A. I1.U3U O !.. ; rc lioilnl II. )1. (l2Wl.nl. , , , , , C(JitN Itcrclpts, 8201 liuslieln. Tho market rulid llrm but unlet. Quotnilons: lr lots rnr Imal triulo, us to location. Western No. 2. yel low. Mi's (iflilic.: do., steamer, yellow, HJH4 w Mic.: do.. No, 3, ellow. h(l'4 fjPM7Uc. ; do., -No. I, yellow. MiiWWr. ', iiATS lleeeltitn. I3.IIIS bushels. 1'rlces fur ther iiiliunceil 4i'. with n fair .lemaiiil iind IlKlit nirerliiKS ljuotatlons: No. 2 white. 4714 W4fk-.: standard wlllte. .Ill's Will: ; No. 3 white. 4.i 4ilc: No. 4 tthlte. 4U4 i42Vti c. : simiple uals, 3UiilliK'. : purltled outs, craileil, 4l'4fflili;. M.ot'Il llucclptH. 103 bbla. nnd 8(17. 4.i3 lbs, In surkn. Mill limits were llrmly iiMlntnlm-d, but thero was little traillns. Kollowlmr uro tho uuotatlons. vr 1U(I lbs. In wood: Winter, clear. SI.C-'tM.liii. do., straight, 14.11005.13: piitent. I3.intf3.40: Kansas, clear, cotton siicks. Jl.T.i .',; do . strulsiit, cotton sacks. io.lu0.3Q; (In., patent, c-mioii sacks, ,'.337.i.U0, .sprlns llrst cle.ir. H.MHi ."..in: do., stralKiit, t.i.Mi'W 3.IH); do., patent. $n.7rii(li do., fiivorlto iirands, H.2.1'tl(l ,"ii: city mills, choice nnd fancy patent. 4(1.2311 il.Siii do., reeular Kruilca. "biter clear. fl.tl3tM.mi: do., straight, ll.uiltpo.lu; ilo., pntHiit. in.15W3.4ii. KVU l'"I.OlTlt sold slowly nt former rates. Wo uuuto ut J0O3.30 per bid., ns to quality. PROVISIONS Thero was fn,lr JoMiln-i Inquiry nnd values ruled firm, 'following are, tho quo tations: City heel, In sets, smoked nnd nlr ilrlej, 27c; western beef, lit sets, sinokeil, 27c; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoUed nnd nlr-drli'd, 2Se. : Western beef, Unuekles und tenders, smoked. 2Sc. ; beef hams. 2sv3n; pork, family. t23.r,ui 27.30: hams, S. I', cured, loose, INSilsMic.; do., skinned, loose, .lSUflblsc.: d , do., smoked, lumu'ic; other hums, smoked, city cuied. a.i to lirund and nieruue. lbnr.; hams, sinukeil. 'eHtern cured, ISiae. ; ilo.. boil ed, boneless. 33c: picnic shoulders. S. 1'. cured, loose, 1214c; do., smoked. 14!4c: bellies, in pickle, luiiiriUiit.- to nveraBo, loose, ill Vic; lireaktust bacon, ns to brund nnd uverose, cliy cured, 21c; do.. Western cured, 104020c; lard. Wistern, refined, tit rets, 141ac: do., do., tubs, llij c; do., pure city, kettle rendered, in tierces. 11',-jc. ; Uu.. do.. In tubs. 1414 o. HEFINED SUGAKS The market ruled very firm nnd tho McCahan and lViinHiniila inmpanles further udvunced prices 3 points, making nil reltners now on tho y-tiiiii basis. IteiinerH' list prices: Kxtrn lino Krnnulated, 7.i:r.c : powtlered, 7.73c; conftc tloners' A. 7.33c.; suit uradts. tl.uowi.BUc. DAIRY PRODUCTS C'li;iSi: otlYrlnes vvtro moderate ancl tho market wua quiet and without Impurtunt change. Uuotutlona: New Vork. lull cream, fancy. Ufa' ltl'if.; do.. iio., fuir to tzooil, lDftP13l.3 c; pure akimw. Htf'llc. M , . liU'lTKIt Dt-maml waw fair and vuluca wera welt ausiulnt-tl undf-r moderate ofrcrliiKa. (Juo tutlona wcrn v. fullowa: Western so lid -parked rrmmery. fancy, HiffUlii, Die; extra, .Kylluc.; t'Xtra ilrsts, j.sc. : tirt. l'7c. ; uecundH, 1'Oc; nearby prims. Mnvx. m'Jc.: avcronu fxtru, SMlv UK'.; tlrHlH. J7t('.c.; m-rondi. ntcOUc. ; Jot ln sates uf fancy I'rtnta, H-'ituaSc. hiUS Then was u court demand for etrlctly lino cbkh. and thu murltet ruled nrm, with sup plit'H well undtr conirul. Quutullona: in freo raHcti, nearby extras, 1'Sc. per doa; nearby llru. il.U't wr standard case; neurby current rccelptH, $7.J047..U per case; Western extras, U7t. per doi.: Htfrn extra flrstu. J7.U.1 ier cuho: llrsts, iT"i(i7.U." per case; fancy iwjevtpd candled freati esua wero Jublbne ut SKU'c. fter doz. POULTRY I.1VK Fowls sold fairly und ruled firm under llsht otTerlnES. (Juotatloiis: Fowls. liUM'JIr. ; roosters, 13wt-lc; sprtm; chlcliens, uccordlns to iiuallty. welKhlm; lie- lbs. upleco, tU'Mc; White ltCKhorn. ticcordtnsr to timdlty, tllw'Jic ; ducks, as to sUe und quality. llWldt-'. ; pigeons. oM. per pair. V'.',4iL'c. ; do., youns. per pair, 3-' Dlti:3SKD The murket ruled Bteady under moderate offerlnva uud a fair demand for desira ble stuck. Fullun'tnit lire the quotations: l'resh kllled iwultry, dry-packed Fowls. 1U to box, dry-picked, fancy selected. 2V4c. ; weluhlnv 4H 03 lbs. apiece, --c. ; welshing 4 lbs. uplece. L'l-'c.. tveltfhlns UVi lbs. uplen.'. 21c; welshing 3 lbs. apiece, lUWL'Uc. fowls, ice tuicked. Ill lurrcls. fancy, dry-picked, nurthern Indiana, und Illinois, welching 4 lbs. uud over apiece. HlVsc. : do., southern Indiana and Illinois, weltfhlmr 4 lbs. apUce. 21c; smaller sizes. lStyuc. ! old roosters, dry-picked. 13c; broil ins chickens. Western. 283.'c. broilers, Jer sey, fancy, 3Sc. ; do., other nearby, welching lft- lbs. upleco. 33&3Sc; smaller sixes, 30tt.'!'.!c.; ducks, nearby spring, lliwzoc.i tquabs. per doz. White, welchlm; U4jl- lbs. rMr ,lo.. S.Ma.",.ot uhlta. welehlni 0141U lbs. per doz., fl.lal.73: white, welghloir a lbs. uoz., e.oo.oo; oo.. uu., t ius, per uuc, $5.503; do., do., OHtlU lbs. per doz.. 'J i.'Jli; dark. Wl.-Ci. l.Turf'.'.j; small and No. FRESH FRUITS 73c unniro biock: hu the follow inr qu Ita Id win. Il4r,: , ttlee, ll.3uOs.3ll Choice stock sold fairly within the range of quotations: APPies. per doi. ; iien uavte. invi; otner vari 31): No. 2. tl.L'3"l do.. Del. aware and Muryland. per hamper -Fancy. ?l-3 VL'; rair to uocui. sue wit. lemons, per box. ta.3(lfi4.L'S. Pineapples, per crate 1'orto ltlco, 1.3(10 3.31). lllaekberrles, Delaware and Mary. land, per at., 3e2ic Huckleberries, North Caro lina, per 'It., lo&llc. Uoosebcrrles. per 'it.. 3W 4c. Raspberries, red, per rt.. 33o. Cherries. l)elawaro and Maryland, sweet, per to,. DtiPsc,; do., do,. Bour, per lb.. 394c; do., do. sweet, ner at., tivfec, da., da., sour, per at.. 4w5c. l'lumi. Georgia, per crate. 30c. 011.70. Peaches, QefOrgla. per carrier tlelle, Il.73tw2.23; Car men. 11.M: Wardell. il.5UJ01.73. Canta Iups, California, per crate. 3w4: do., Florida, par crate. 1101.30; do.. North Carolina, per crate. S1.2502: da., Qeoroia. per crate, 11. now S.3C. WuUrmelons, Florida, per car, 1 123 $200. VEGETABLES I'otatoes wera plentiful and lower with d biadiI onto moderate. Oolona wera also weaker. Other selaUea were la fair rqucst at revised pxtiiee. Quotatlooa: Wblte potatoes, per bill.. No. 1 Bastern Shore. 1292.23: No. 2 Bastera .Shore. 7Sc.tl 23: No. 1 Norfolk. 1202 23. No. 2 Norfolk. 76c. wtl: sweet potutoea. Jersey, per basket. No. 1. 400oc. : No. 2. 23 30c. ; sweet potatoes, Jersey. Delaware and Maryland, jvr hamper. e. . joe. wit, no. --. vuiouv. TX4S. par cummer crate. No. 1. ll.4U.wl.00: It.seyt oo. euione. jersey, per uasaet. -W2.0u; ffli-ill. celery. Florida., ner crate watercreM. per 100 buocbee. I1.3U2.30: pep pers. Flort4a. per carrier. Jl1.30; eggplant. Florida, per crate, flolw. corn. Florida, per irate, tlwl 30, ,iu-jisliri Norfolk, per btl. . fl ",042 'wumbi'ii Vurtulk per Vs-libl. tn- i.i ',tt',U' La,uti,U.tj -x'jrfolk ur 1-3-bbl 1,.s.t. 3ol iu-uujbui .N 4 per btiL, elf? 125 do . li pr bask.' -.'O g iOd. ; BJuat- jrovmi. vx i-lb. bajitet, 10) SO, Sales in Philadelphia lllth. 1W. Clo'. 10 Am Cttr k Fdy r.-IU 33W 33H 10 Am Ilws pref. nsM fiSMt, ORVi jihi Anaconaa iiiin.t in 30 CAm .Steel . , , , MM 33 Con Trso N J.. 72 (0 KlrO Rtor 03 , lnt den Asp pr . ,. ?oH zoii Ken cop . . , . i.v mil T nlA Rtit, fVin 10 18 Ih Nay ...... TJ' ji i.en vni ...... ts no txih VaI Tr nr. 42 1312 Pcnna It It . . . 37T4 23 Pa .Salt MfB... n 333 Phlla KlM 20.. ?20 P It T t c 1014 3(13 HeadlnB 1)7 217 Tonopnh 11M ,.. 4 123 Tonopnh Mining fl' 3 Union Traction. 43 941 Itnlt run tmn. RR lliou u a icei. . 3 Utah Copper 2ll U'm Crnmn i Increase. Decrease Net ch'ee. r .. 73'? 4- i in n., . . 82U 82U '. 72 72 I 113 , 03 mil 711 7,1 U U ink inU 13ti 7SH K i 78 784 42 42 37?4 B7!i IS 01., 01 ...... 2SH 20 V, Off 0(lt H 4'j 4W ',. it n o 43 43 nIU SI TU 73 loll -2?,- DONDS. , liw. close. 03 11.1.. 0314 OS'.i M Ml ols nsn mo inn. Net ChRI". a lllsh. 300 Am Q A r. lis.. 03 nOOO AneJo F Ss .... 03H snoo IJIoc A Peo T Is Ri) 200O Key Tel 1st 3s.. Oils Iflimtl t. V trnn J tA 1 flit I mm do cons lis , .!lli)H lini IH'H !l nimo Pa Co tlen iHs.liinl 1DIH 1014 '. limn no ens ns rep. 111 in in. 47110 Phlla llleo 4s.. 8414 HI . .HI1.1 21100 dn Bs W3', 20111) P W & 11 4s . . 0!l4 3IIOU HfndlnK trcn is 1)314 tilion Stand (J.i lis.. loo Increase. Decrease. H1.1J4 till 4 lua I03J4 HUH H34 luu fi Local Bid and Asked Today Hid. Akil. Ilnlilwln 70W llrlll. J O Hutr tt .sua t c ....... do prer , Rlec Hlorneo , lion Asp , do pref 4, Key Tel .,,..,,,,,,,. do tc ,., ,,, tin pref I.nkp Sup Corp. LehlBlt Nny lirlllEll Vul l.chlBh Vnl Tr do pfd Petlll.l Phlla r:ii-c I'llll.'l Co do 3 per cent prvf. do (1 per cent pref, , . rntia it l tc 33 floH nil H2J4 32J4 13. 13. til 1014 m 21 '4 3f?4 2H(, 3.114 31 10 1IH.4 lllllll II i IV H'(7 Ilendlnit HUH Ton Del Tim .Mill i;n True 1; O 1 U H .Steel .... York Itwy do pref Win Cramp t c 3t 71 311 r.2 M.. M'.S 31 70 II 14 llll .'$ .1, 'ih ' 211 .lli'.i :ni 111J4 1114 mm 4 3-111 II 43U H7J4 HI 1,5 13 3-1.4 Teslerday Hid. Asked. 70 33 no4 33 ii'JIb 33 ll!l,i 1314 13J4 Hl',1 21 i 42 3SV4 :ih 10 lll'i 1)7 4U 11 43 7Ji K4t 144 37 71 71 ?; K? in v 31 711U 11(4 IIV4 111 II 7.-I-4 7,s 42.4 374 211 334 311 404 104 IUU 4 3-111 nu 4.H1 hi Rli 134 374 77 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII STOCKS, ,11m Ilutler Mac.N'nniara Mklnnr Mlpah Extension . Mnntnnu Northern Star . . , Tonopah llelmont .. Tntiopah Kxtcnsion Tonopah Milling . . llrsrue Hutn West Knd OOI.UF1KI.D STOCKS. Atlanta Illue Hull II011II1 IlulUlna I' O I) toinblnatlnn l'Vactlon Dlamoniineld It 11 .... Daisy rinrcnri' (loliineld Consolidated !olilnld Mercor Jumbo Kxtcnsion Kewuuus Oro Hand Ken Sllter Pick MISCKM-ANKOUS. Fairy Azteo ... KImberly Nevada Hill ... Nevnd.i Vonder illd. Ill .113 .17 .20 .20 .13 1.4 34 11 .20 .112 .11 .112 .13 .112 .112 .40 .HI .01 .70 .1111 .01 .III .10 .ot .01 .17 2.(10 Asked, .nil .117 .111 '.51 .111 ios .12 .111 .17 i04 Jill .HI .12 .mi .mi .7S .10 .111 .02 .0:1 .111 2. 1 13 Financial Briefs Tho New York Stibtrcasury lost $4,703, 000 to tlio banks ycstcrtlny,' making a pish net loss since Friday of 55,338,000. Thcso now members have been elected by the Chicago Hoard of Trado directors: Thomas Crorar, I'. W. Cusliman, J. A. HoBle, F. V. MoWhlnncy anil j: I. Lynn. J. H. Marshall has aplictl for mcmberBlilp In the board. The Committee on Securities of the New York Rtncl; Kxchanco lias admitted to tho list WoithlnRtott Pump and Machine Cor poration votlnc trust certificates for pre ferred stock, "A" preferred stock and com mon stock. Tho Board of Ileprescntatlves of tho New York Curb Market Association lias listed and a (1 111 .1 ted to quotation thcso securities: The Inspiration Needles Copper Company, $2,000,000 capital, shares par value $1, as.a prospect, transfer agent and registrar. The .Security Transfer nnd Registrar, nnd tho KeyHtono Oil Company of New York, $G00, 000 capital, shares par value $1, transfer agent nnd registrar, Ileglstrar and Transfer Company. Tho Lackawanna Stecf Company reports for the second quarter net profits of $3,007, 274, an increase of $2,798,880. During the six months ended Juno 30, 1010, tho "Willys-Overland Company sold nnd delivered a totnl of 94,475 cars, iiclug two and a half tlm?s tho shipment nf 37.S41 cara in the corro oondlng porlod In 19lS, and It exceeds the i-tal shipments of 94,443 cars for the ca:Mr year ot 1915. Among the changes in prices nt todny's auction rales was a gain of 4 points in tho price of Hank if North America on ono salo and 3 on another. Pennsylvania Klro In surance Company moved up Sli. Piro Association of Philadelphia declined 8, and Citizens' Passenger (lOtli. and 11th) fell OU. At n special meeting of tho directors of the Minneapolis and St. I.ouls Itallroad In New York thlB afternoon, tho necessary res olutlonf incident to tho taking over of the property ot the old company by tho lew corporation, as of July 1, were adopted. The Securities Company General for the year ended Juno 30, 1916, shows a gross income ot $346,361, against $159,710 last year. Deducting expanses, tax'es. etc., thero Is a net 'Profit for tho year of $316,894. Making allowance for preferred dividend requirements on tho $2,400,000 6 per cent, outstanding preferred stock of $144,000, thero is a balance available for the $2,750,-. 000 common stock of $172,894, or the equivalent ot 6.31 per cent. The accrued surplus Is equal to 9.9 per cent, on the out standing common stock. Exports of Cotton Larger WASHINGTON, July 12. The Depart ment of Commerce reports the exports of cotton for the week ended July 8 at 93,550 bales, against .38,072 bales In the corre sponding week last year. Since August 1 the clearances of cotton aggregated 5,727.113 bales, compared with 8,350,593 bales in the same time in the previous season. Vheat at Liverpool LIVERPOOL, July 12. Spot wheat waa quiet and unchanged today with blue stem quoted at lis. 9d. ; No. 2 hard winter, 10s. td, j No. 2 red winter, 10s. 8d. ; No. 1 North ern Manitoba, lis. Id., and No. 2 Northern Manitoba, 10s. lid. Corn was quiet, with American mixed unchanged at 10s. and Plate Id,, lower ut lis, 4d. Flour was un changed at 40s. HAR SILVER In London bar silver was quoted at29Hd., up ftd. Commercial bar BUver In New York was quoted at 6lTc, n. gain of Tic. Confidential Information concrrulnx opportunity for purtlclualion in an ext elusive underwriting contract cupublo r firoduelut over (16,000 for each $1000 uvestment inn) be secured by address ing the -inderslcned. K 8. I.KDGKK CENTKAL DIltECTOBY Qg ACCOUNTANTS Ctrtlflcd Public Accountant tAWIttN'l'B K BIIOWSJ A CO. 1(15 KEil. EdTATK TKUUT BU1L.D1KQ. ilUt-Nd & iPEAKUAit ICul iSOIATS IDLE FREIGHT CARS ON RAILROAD'S SHOW RECOVERY FROM CONGESTION On the First of Present Month There Were 52,110 Nxt Being Used Trading Quiet on the Phila delphia Stock Exchange Ilallroads throughout Ihe United States and Canada hnvc greatly recovered from the consented conditions of n, few months ago, Judging from tho number nf Idle cars which nro on sidings nnd In yards. Al though there Is still some congestion nt times, particularly nt tidewater points, it is nothing llko it wns In the spring, the worst conditions being renchnd In March, when there wns n net shortage ot 20,551 enrs to carry .the enormous amount of freight, tho majority of which was moving to New York for shipment abroad. On the first of tho present month thero wns a surplus of Idle cars, according to figures of the American Hallway Association, of 52.116. As compared with Juno 1, this Is a dccroascTjf 3128. With the exception of Juno 1. July 1 showed tho largest sur plus this year. Trnlllc conditions began to show a change for tho better In April, when thero wns a surplus ot 3C50 cars.. On May 1 thin was' stretched to 30.607. Tho grriss surplus of cars on July 1 wns 67,011 and tho shortage was 14.S9S. There was n. slight Increaso In the gross surplus ot box cars, but tho reported shortage of box cars Increased decidedly. Tho box cars surplus wns again most marked In the West, Northwest nnd Pacific const. This evidently rellects tho preparations of the rallrodds to move the coming crops. Quietness again ruled on the Philadel phia Stock tCxchango today nnd price move ments wero Irregular, but with tho greatest Inclination toward lower levels, nlthough tho losses were not great, denernl As phalt preferred lost a quarter, whlld Le high Valley Transit preferred dropped a half. Heading, as wns the caso'ln the New York market In the early dealings, was under the greatest pressure, losing a full point, bul tho major part of this was .recovered before noon. Keystone Telephone Irsuos failed to re spond to tint fnvorablo Juno enrnlngs and Iho declaration of $1 on preferred back dividends, announced nfter tho close yester day, nnd neither the common nor preferred stock sold during tho morning session. COTTON STARTS STEADY; 11KCKXT SELLERS SUPPLY Continued Rains Offset Unfavorable Liverpool Cables NKW YoniC. July 12. At the opening this, morning tho cotton market was about steady. August showed a decline of 7 points, but other months wero unchanged to 2 points lower. Unfavorable cables wore offset In part by continued rains In tho Kastcrn belt. Kcccnt Rellera continued to Rupply tho vnrloits months, nnd there was a llttlo Wall street selling. Sotno of the Important professionals were buyers, and spot Inter ests also purchased lato months. This morning's weather map showed rains In the Knst. the heaviest In Mississippi nnd Alabama. Temperatures were slightly higher In the Hast, but In tho. West, where It was clear, they wero somewhat lower. Liverpool cables wero disappointing, prices being 4',i to 5 points lower nt tho start here, against expected losses of but ',4 to 2'4 points. The market thero was reported as quiet nnd featureless. Tho receipts of cotton at tho ports for tho day were estimated at 7000 bales, compared with 7912 bales last week, 4017 bales last year and 205S bales In 1911. July . A HIT. . (let. . flee. . .Tun. . March Mny . ilpot . Liverpool Cotton LIVKHPOOU July 12. Spot cotton was In moderate demand today at n decline of ono point on the basis of 8, Old. for mld uplund. The sales aggregated 7000 bales. Including 0000 bales American. Tho Imports wore 21,000 bales, all American. The market for tho futures closed barely steady at a net decline of 5 to fiJi points. Yea. close. Open. Illsh. Low. Clone. la. HI) 12.h7 12.H7 1 11.70 1U.KD .... U'.RS PJ.Hl U'.Hl 12.711 12.RS .... 12.117 ln.lll lll.lll PJ.M 12.117 l.t.ln l.t.tll 13.1H 1H.02 13.111 13 21) 1.1.21 13.23 1.1.0S in.HI .... 13.37 13.3H 1.1. Ill 13.27 1.1.37 1.1.-12 ia.,-,3 13..-III 13.31) 13,r,2 12.ll.-i 12.113 SECURITIES AT AUCTION Tho followlnt," securities wero sold nt auction today by ILirnca & Lotlund: STOCKS. 2." Bhrs. Cnldtvell l.nnil and Lumber Co.: par J Kill . . .114 201 2111 uu 11000 City of icuiHierru. 8 slirs. Hunk of North America; imr jioo 12 Hlim. Hnnk nf North Anierlcit: imr $101) 'll Hhm. llnnk nf North America: par S10O INslirs. i-onimcreiiii Trust uo.i par imi. huh 2 filirn. Kin Association of Philadelphia; par $.-.) 3.10 2ft shrs. Pennsylvania l'lro Insurance Co. ; pur SICK) 118 5 shrs. IVopln's National Plro Insurance Co.; pnr 123 17li 3 shrs. Iliintlnvilim nnd Ilrond Top Moun tain ltnllronil nnd Coal Co. preferred. (Drexel Co. CertltlcntP of Deposit) 4',', 20 shrs. (icrmuntown (4th nnd Htli sts.) PasHcniier Hallway Co 103 2 shrs. Trnnkford nnd Southwnrlc (."til nnd nth HtH.) PnssctiKcr Itullw-ny Co. 34514 HO shrs. Otto I'.lsenlnhr tt Pros., Inc.. preferreO; par J100 00 5 shrs. Amerlcnn Pipe nnd Construction Securities Co. pr-ferred: par IJUO... Ot 30 Hlira. lutlt nnd 11' His. 1'assenncr 272 IiO.VDH. Philadelphia. 4 per cent. rei. interest January nnu Jtlly. Due iii.io 20000 City of Philadelphia, 4 per cent. Interest January and July. Duo HMO : 2000 City of Philadelphia, 4 per rent. Coupons January and July. Dun int., - 1000 Sprlnudelil Witter Co.. A per cent. Crinsnllilnleil Mnrtcnge. Columns Jlarrh and September. Duo 102(1. 4500 Sprlnstlelil Water Co., 9 per cent. Consolidated .Mortcnee. Coupons .March and Septnmlier. Due 1U2U. 1000 North HrrlnuOeld Water Co.. f per rent. First Mnrtsairo, Coupons January and July. Duo ll)2H RAILROAD EARNINGS CURAT NOItTIIUItNV mm. &,"r.:::::::::::: ': Kleven month.; L-ro.sy 7j.1Wi.nU CANADIAN PACIFIC. First week July $2,010,000 CHKSAPKAKIl AND OIIIO. Flrt week July 03il.(IIO CANADIAN NOrtTUEUN. First week July $883.100 GOVERNMENT UONDS Hid. regl'tered 1030 j,-- i.,.iii . ered 101 8 10U. lOUi 101H 881; 88 Increase. $2.1111.130 l.Olfl. 1.11 1 2. 1110. 3.1 1 0,814.(103 $930,000 $28,803 $133,000 2a coupon 1030 tsiereu i. in coupon r.HB rcirli 4a registered 1023 4s coupon 11)23 .... . . . Panama 2s reentered ll)3ir Panama 2s resl'terrd lO-Jo Panama 3s registered 1001 . Panama 3a coupon UM'4 100 too lliiHS IK) US IH llll) 100 Asked. vu4 iiiti 101', 4 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, July 12. IIOOS Pecelpts. 32.000. Market So. lower. Mixed and butchera, $U.50ii 111,1(1; food heavy. IO.CnwlO.1.1; rough heavy. SI). 3000 oil. Ilk-tit. $0.41)910; pigs, JS.73WU.UO; bulk. Sli.700 111.03. CATTI.rc IteielpU 13,000. Market steady, lleevcs. $7.3Uif 11.2.1: cows and helfera. Hi 0.2.1: "Inciters and feeders. $3.8308.30; Teians, 17.3.14(1): calves. 10.0Uft2. H1IKKP Itecelptii. 18.1100. Market steady. Nailer; und Western, $3.3008.10; lambs, $7.73 OH. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Julv .12. HUTTEIt High srudea continue llrm. Medium and lower icrudea steady. Jlecelpts 22.303. Quotations unchansed. KCQS Hlxh grades scarce and Ann. Averaire and low grades dull and weak. Ilccelpts, 17.007. Kit raw 2H'A (ff 27c. ; extra Arsis 2.1p 2C.C ; rlrstB. 23?2iWc.; white eBs, 20032c; browns, 28020c! mixed color. 23027?. Edward B. Smith & Co EiTistlluiD 1893. BANKERS XltmbcTt Ntto Yorlc and PM!adlj)Ma filocfc HxehaaatM 1411 Chestnut Siimt, PuaiDitrnu 80 Pinb Stikxt Nw Yoax LONDON STOCK MARKET Higher Money Makes for Moro Cau tion T.ON'DOM. July 12. Whllo tho feeling on tha Ktoch Kxchango today continued con fld?nt, cnutlnttsnrss was noted because of dearer monoy. Tho Undcrtono of tho mar Itotii In tho main was steady and trading a llttlo moro hrlslc. Tho Rllt-odfred Investment Issues' hard ened ntlcr n octbnek. Tho revenue of tho United Kingdom for tho week was 0,473, 000 nnd the oxpondlturcs 137,153,000. Out- , standing Ticnsury hills wero Increased by .15,557,000. Knlcs nf exchequer bonds, etc.,' amounted to C12.37C000. Americana wero narrow nnd lower. Ca nadians were slow. Home rails wero mixed. Tho distribution of half-yearly dividends will bo begun next week. South American raits were Irregular on earnings. Overnight buying orders, following tho nnnuat meeting, strengthened Shell Trans port nnd Trading securities. Marconls ral lied slightly after declining. Textile de scriptions weto good. Chcnpcr prices for tho stnplo weakened rubbers. Allied bonds remained in favor. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NBW YOniC, July 12. Tho market for coffco futtiro opened unsettled this morning with first prices showing a. decline of 4 points to nn advance of 2 points. Trading wns Innctlvo with sales on tho call 22E0 bngs. Tho market, after tho opening, showed nn easier tendency, with prices falling a point or two from tho opening. Tho market seemed baro of orders cither way, Thero was nothing In the way of maitcet news which could bo construed ns being particularly bullish, and the Brazilian re ceipts nnd a dull spot market had a tend ency to curtail any nctlvity on tho buying side. In the local spot market, conditions were quiet nnd dull, with Wo No. 7 un changed ut 9 ',ic. Today's onenlmr. closo. 8.11 B.14f8.in . in 8, 20 8. 30 July Aumiit . . September October . November December Janiinry . Keliruary March ... April Mny . . . . luno .... Hid. 8.31 8.'418'.42 n.BSWS'.ilO 8.07 OH. 08 8.218.2 8,2ni8..10 8.34(118.3.1 K.3fttf8.R!l 8.4208.43 8.47WH.4M s.iwtfcs.ri.i 8.3IIM8.3T 8.01W8.I12 8.(lltW8.(tT 8.7108.72 Russia Orders Barb Wire NEW YOIIK. Jtily 12. An order has Just been plnced with tho Amerlcnn Steel ,nnd AVIro Company by tho Russian Govern ment for 165,000 tons of barb wire. The demand for this product continues extra ordinarily largo nnd substantial Inquiries arc being mndo for tho ncoount of various foreign nations, tho largest being 100,000 tons wanted for the Allies, probably for use In tho operations In France. lll!lllllilll!llllllllllllllli H Copper Stockholders 9 m Reaping Dividend Harvest Pa J Holders of htf hgr&da copper J3 stocks aro ftrtnr handiomely throufh receipt of attrictlT ur- ; terljr dlrldendi. And there is a itronr possibility that tefore bar ; a tubitantlal market appreolatlen 7; nri will take place In these securities. Frj j ! Q This prospect, with the present nlfh rate of dividends, and th probaoillty of lncreaied distune- incuts, makes the coppers an Ideal investment proposition. ID Free statistical Copper Book sent upon request, together with ciroular naming best purobases amons; tho dividend payers, Ak for 21-1'L, lnoludlnr booklet explalnlnr S "Tho Twenty Payment Plan" S (3. i raaiTEEm UWC.llllC!l.CLUrittW x (Rstabliibed 1003) S 40 Exchange Place New York S IIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS $100 $500 READING 4s Due 1921, 1926, 1931 Net debt only 1.4 Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania fiend or compile details N.W.Halsey&Co. 1121 Chestnut St.. rblladelphU Mew York Chics eo San Francisco WANTED, by New York Stork Kxrbante House fiat Im ulso un olllco In 1'ullu. A MANAOER for Ita rhlladeluhlii niHce, Only tboaa ocrupjlnic similar liosllloil need upplr. Keply by letter to 110X K 10, JLEUOEK CENTBAtt RlAZIER6-Gi INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sansom Sta, T Brown Brothers & Co, Fovrmi A.n CincsTNVT Streets PHILADELPHIA Commercial Letters of Credit Tor financing purchase of merchandise In the United States and abroad, Issued In Dollars, Sterling and Francs. 1' f. JA 'ft t HlWftl.il