Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    - - J " - ' ' --
Noted Narrator of the Nautilus Confined Himself
to Tales of Submarines, Hence His Con
i nection With White Elephants
TF JULES VEHNE had mado a predlc
JL Hon In 1871 or whenever he did his
predicting; that the Athletics would win
a. ball game on July 11, 1916, the noted
ruesser would have Been shouted down by
, the howling mob. Yet
hia "Crulso or the
Nautilus" camo true
a couple of days ngo
when the Doiltschtand
made the trip on and
under tho sea from
Germany to Baltlmoro
and that "Twenty
Thousand Leagues
U n d o r tho Sea"
turned out to bo tho
proper dope.
But Jules confined
himself to submarines
ntirl nthm- thlnfFa llltrt
QFGT that, and baseball
II, W. MAXWELL played no Important
part In his young life. Tho chances nro
that he couldn't oven keep a box scoro : but
If he knew the same and took his pen In
hand to dash oft a few chapters about tho
Athletics ho probably would have called his
maoterpleco "Twenty Thousand Leagues
Under the League,"
But to return to whatever we are talking
about. When that submarine made Its 4000
mile trip to thcao United States, all of the
highbrows In tho land Rdmltted that tho
Impossible had been put across. It looked
llko It until yesterday nfternoon when tho
down-tcodden, much maligned, colleglato
ball club representing our city trimmed,
defeated, torpedoed, sunk, walloped and
beat another ball club representing St.
Looey, and tho performance of the Doutsch
tand had tho same social standing as nn
exlcltlng crulso in a canal boat through
the turbulent waters In Falrmount Park.
Anything can happen these days and thoso
two historic events provo It.
Don't think that this glorious victory was
ffreetod as an ordinary pleco of news. Ah,
not Likewise, far bo It from that. The
sudden realization that Mr. Mack's hired
men wero about to cop a game on the home
grounds after 11 straight defeats was al
most too much for tho hard-working scribes
In the press box. Several wero overcome
by tho terrific strain, nnd were brought to
under difficulties. Some were brought thrco
or four, but that has no part In our story.
Tako a look at tho press box whllo tho
battle was at Its height:
rilED ronn (dictating) Three lost
children wero found when Connlo Mack
paraded his recruits In front of tho grand
stand in tho fifth Inning
from his labor) Well, gents. It looks as If
this Is the day. Perhaps we will AVIN a
ball game this nfternoon. Whadye thtnk
of It, Jim?
JIMMY GANTZ (quits reading the news
paper) Whassat? Oh, yes. Quitchcr kld
dln'. Four more Innings to play and tho
A's haven't started to make errors yet.
Talk about It with you on tho way home.
SCRIBE Wouldn't It be great If wo won,
First Game Begins Before Fair
Crowd Hasselbacker on
the Hill
SHIBE PARK. July 12. Connie Mack sc
lectod Hasselbacher to do tho hurling for
tho Mackmen in the first gamo of today's
double-header with the St. Louis Browns.
The Athletics now feel that they aro going
nt a, great rate after having won one gamo
In succession. Opposed to Hasselbacher
was Eddie Plank.
The first game began at 1:45 o'clock be
fore a fairly good crowd. Whllo the fans
do feel that tho A's are going to roar
through the league and land at the top,
they have a sneaking idea that Connlo is
not going to allow them to witness minor
league baseball, all summer.
Mack now his Harry Davis in the wilds
of New York State looking over a number
of players to whom ho has been tipped off.
If there is any talent among these men,
Davis Is sure to locate and grab It.
Committee Prepares for Second Annual
Court Tourney August 4
NEW YOBK, July 12 The Eastern play
ers who will take part In the second annual
East versus West tennis team match, to be
decided nt the West SIdo Tennis Club nt
Forest Hills, L. I., on August 4 and 5, will
be selected by a committee composed of
Julian S. Myrlck, of New York; Edwin
Sheafe, of Boston, arid Craig Blddle. of
Philadelphia. Preparations for tho matches
are now under way.
Harry Parker, who had charge of the
distribution of tickets for the Davis Cup
matches of 1013 and 1914 and for the
national championships In 1910, will act
In the same capacity for the coming
Philadelphia Cricket Winner
Local cricketers defeated New York In a Hall,
fax Cup match at St. Martin's yesterday. 1 tJS
run ta 103. J. B. Kin, with a total oc (31.
waa tha high scorer for the winners. L. Miller,
with S3 not out, was the highest of the visitors.
L ntit ' mAm
-y.jfLn tfcy JLr.fc-?ftjTji AVsv-VTff iv'T" d$ "tvvz
vT lit
The Gatps Home Made Candy Company writes us;
C '"The VIM purchased from you last December has been en
tirely satisfactory In every respect, There have been times'
when we were compelled to overload our VIM, sometimes carry
over a ton en It. Notwithstanding this, our truck has la all
cases 'stood up' In booiJ shape."
C There are 1000 more VIM owners In Philadelphia Just Ilka
Gates. ' '
C The Gates Home Made Candy Company means what It says,
and says It only because the VIM has given their business real
!' V?nav.e a motor delivery car and If you're wise enough
to follaw tha wise, It will unquestionably be a VIM.
c,5y waltJrXrn thIs week by a demonstration Just where
a VIM means BETTER THIKqa for YOU.
Mado In Phlla. by Vlra Motor Truck Co.
Broad and Huntingdon Bts. Phone Diamond 0.
Ahough? Wonder when It -was we won tho
tlast game. When did wo win last, BUI?
niLI, liitAXDT I don't recall the date
offhand. Walt a minute nnd I'll run down
and see Mr. Mack.
ROSS KAUrr.MAN I know they won
a gamo somo time ago, and I think It was
last month. You can't expect a guy to
remember everything. You gotta have a
swell memory to remember date's.
Tlil.KOnAl'H ornilATOn (breaking In)
Just n minute. Sheehan ain't playing first
baso for the Athatetlcs. Th' oHlce Is bo
glnnln' ta kick Whass ho playln"? Get
a little speed, 'cause Spick wants to make
a edition.
I1II.I.Y weaiit (on way to water cooler)
We gotta get that right In case tho A's
win. I'll bet money It was last month, but
who knows th' date? Maybo Gcorgo Young
will know. Hoy, George, when did th' A's
win their last gamo?
or.Oltfli: YOt'NO (from his seat among
tho cash customers) Yuh got mo, BUI.
I can glvo yuh th' dope on th' Phils, hut I
can't remember so fnr back. Let's wait
until the gaino Is over and ask Connie.
Tni.COKAI'II OI'KItATOn (he's In
again) Now, llsscn. Stuffy Mclnnts ain't
hero any more. Ho nln't In the llno-up,
'causu he has some kind of a hors6 and
went homo this mornln'. Spick's gcttln'
awful sore nnd wants tho proper dope. Get
me7 I ain't goln' ta stand for no more
balllrl'n out from th' office.
SCllim: (after the last man Is out and
tho A's have won) Let's go down stairs
and get the dope from Connie. He'll tell
us when tho last gamo was won.
FIIi: FOUIi (catching a glimpse of Joe
Ohl standing In front of tho ofllco) Hello,
Jool Whntdyo think of 117 Somo class, eh?
Can't loso all of th' time. When tlldja win
th' Inst game?
JOE OH I, (talking to himself) Now
when I was In Chicago, I met th swellest
girl nn' I'm goln' to play golf with her
when wo got back.
HILL IlIlANDT (feelingly) Too bad
he's takln' It so hard. Th' poor Ilsh Is nil
In. Why did thoso ball players croBa him
nnd win. Let's go In tho ofllce an' wait
for Connie.
JOHN SIIIIIE (bursting Into tho office)
I don't believe It! It Isn't true I Don't tell
mo our club won a game or there'll bo n
fight! You can't make mo believe
SCIUIii: (Interrupting) Pardon, Mr.
Shlbe, but when did the A's win last? We
have had an argument and want to know.
Sllllli: How do I know? Do you ex
pect me to remember everything? Go see
Connlo about It.
paiik ATTK.NDANT (rushing Into tho
room) Connlo was overcome at th' ond of
th' ninth lnnln' and Doo Cnstlo Is sllppln'
him some smellln' salts. Ho ain't gonna
see nobody, so you guys had better beat It
Goo' night!
NEWSIlOY (standing outsldo of park)
Say, Mister, wasn't that a swell game? Gee,
I'm glad th' A's won. First game since
June 20! Whadye think o' that?
Tho nnnual raco meet, which winds up the
spring season of tha Road Drivers' Association,
will be held at nelmont Driving Park this aft
ernoon. Thero are soen races on tho card. In
cludlns two special events ono free-for-all trot
for the local championship and a pacing race
between Ilonnie. Boy. 2:07U, and Joo Hurt, trial
2.08U. Kntrlea follow:
Class A trot Owen O'Nell. M. Mecutcheon;
Mllil" V JJ. (J. Ourell; Joo Bellman. C. Mer
kle: Struwberry. E. Kcnworthy.
Class n trot Nancy Hnnka Dewey, II. Lee
dom: Spenola. Thomas White: Glenmcre. M, Mc.
Muster; lldna Oiho. D. Hagy; Happy Dell, J.
Class C trot Mokont, A. Craig; Daisy 1C.
C Krause: Star of Sea, J. Frlel. Perfection.
D. Marley.
Class D trot Lady Llllth. Albert Winkle;
now Devil. Ctirt Dlemer; Cirotto. I C SlcJIon
al; Sweetheart, T Toomcy: Gold l.!n It.
Shetzllne; Ulectrlc Dillon. J. Hledman; L'ecillJ,
u, .Mcunsier.
Class D pace David C. T. Cronley; Denton
Norwood. J. Jluck. Patchen Posey. T. wntt.
Class F pace Ilallot. J. Huck; Huckster Hoy
J. C. Carne, Plert V , C Trautwlne, Juno. Hay
Tapper. Polly S.. W. C. Brawley. Luna Wilkes.
Joseph Sack. Elsie Dr Itoxberry.
Special pace Bonnie Boy, William Tclland;
Joe Hurt. J. L. ScrrlH.
from the -J
'SriTYttnrv ll'
yjityibuw ffigBHSBa
11 Wr - A - J" - -- a-
mummm mmmzm
L,. ;;v; aM
To $
Order jk
neduced from 130. J25 and ISO
See Our 7 Bis Windows
Mrrcliant Tailors
rail .was
Annual Metropolitan Tour
ney Starts Tomorrow
With Big List
Tho metropolitan open championship nt
Garden City tomorrow nnd Friday Is tho
bis frolf event In New York this week.
Professionals from nil over tho country aro
heading: there, In tho hopo of displacing Guy
N'lcholls from Ills- high position Many of
tho prominent Eastern "nroV who neg
lected to make, the long journey to Mini
kahda for tho national open tournament will
tnko their clubs to Garden City In an effort
to show that It was tho !nconvcnlen, nnd
not distrust of their golfing nblllty, that
kept them from Minneapolis.
Oil Klcholls, of Groat Keck, of courso,
will bo on hand to defend hl.i lltto; but as
tho metropolitan open title has been won
two coneecutlvo times by n slnglo player
only onco since Its Inception, namely, by
Alec Smith In 100S and 1910, Xlcholls is
not nn odds-on favorite for tho champion
ships. MncDotiald Smith, former metropol
itan open champl'in, who won tho title nt
Scnredale In 1914, Incidentally breaking tho
world's record for 72 holes with a score of
278, expects tn enter the Garden City; event,
and has serious designs on tho title. Alec
Smith In doubly busy with ShemcoBsctt and
Wykngyl on his hands, but ho ulfo expects
to tnko part In tho dlscusnlon.
James Barnes. 'Whltcmarsh; ,Tnm"8 Thorn
Bon, Country Club; Charles HofCI.er, Phil
mont; Wilfred Held and other pros of this
city wilt he prominent contenders.
Tom JtcNamara, runner-up In tho na
tional open to Jerry Traver.t nt Baltusrol
last year; Walter llngon, holder of tho
Massachusetts bpen titlt until Mike. Urndy
and Pat Doyle have finished their play-off.
which Is tchcdtiled for today over tho Brno
Burn links; Lottla Telller, of Wollanton, nnd
a host of players of llko ability will Bel u
merry pace for tho winner. Jlmmlo Mnlden.
of Nnssnu, lin3 come out of Ills retirement
and will endeavor to prove that his ancient
skill has not deserted him through too
much teaching and too llttlo playing. Tho
official list of entries will bo mado known
In a day or two.
Mcrlon Meets Gcrmantown and
field Plays Cynwyd
Much depends on the Interclub Tennis
Lenguo match to bo played today at Haver
ford between Merlon and Gcrmantown.
Both clubn are considered In tho running for
the title, which Merlon now holds, and al
though each hna six more matches to pl.iv
after today's, an overwhelming defeat will
bo hard to ovcrcomo later.
In another first division match Balfleld
and Cynwyd clash at Wlstor, and In tho
second division Germantown meetn Merlon,
at Mnnhclm, and Cynwyd plays Bellleld, at
You Can Dance Your
Legs Off In B.V.D.
It's cool, comfortable and free
draping. B. V. D. helps make
dancing enjoyable, no matter how
hot the day or sultry the evening.
If it hasn't j
1 nis Kca
Woven Label
iTttii bUrl Xji, If, S. tit. Of. nl ,r,lfn
Loose fitting, light woven B.V. D.
Underwear starts with the best
possible fabrics (specially woven and
tested), continues with the best pos
sible workmanship (carefully in
spected and re-inspected), and ends
with complete comfort (fullness of
cut, balance of drape, correctness
of fit; durability in wash and wear),
B.V.D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length
Drawers, 50c. and upward the Garment,
B. V. D. Closed Crotch Union Suits (Pat.
U, S. A.) $1,00 nd upward the Suit,
The B.V. D. Company, New York.
50 A
in New Jersey during the last few
days because of glaring headlights.
Offset os,iTTd
AIt3i Reflectors
Are Not Dimmers or Frosted Bulbs
They utlllxo all tho llsht. throw It far
ther. top tin glare nnd penetrate fog. AU
the ltebt 14 foud en the road.
TVTr&TT? "Ori'SET' Ucrlectors are approved uy the State Com,
llUl pf N. 4, Crtlflct fto. 11. Cttoipliee nitU Stuto law
everywhere. They ure uUa ttuuderil mulpuieut aa 101S l'lerce-Arrow
Care. We will iJunumtrute OQet UeUector upuu rcque.t.
Runs of the Week
. Hnns .scored brail teann In American and
National Jame.from Herinenilnr, Jmv o, tn
Tuesday. Julr II. InclnMtc. Only rnm tint
flauri In oflricMl nrcraitM are Inclnrlen,
(rorr of Incomplete ttimcn nri not counted,
!nt the cor c came of lite Inning or
more are Included In the table.
W. T. F. R. S.'M. T. T'l.
New York 0 4 4 1 S 10 3')
Detroit 0 0 3 '.'!
Uettlnnd 1 n 3 0 20
(lilrnxo 3 3 2 7 4 10
lloton ....,,,... (1210 17
St. l,nnli 1 B l 8 in
Atlilrllr I 3 2 n II
Vnslilnston 1 2 0 2 0 11
NATIONAL i,r.Aot;n.
W. T. 1 S. S. M. T, T'l.
Neir York IS 2 O 1 8 2'J
ritthiirnh S 0 0 4 7 3411
llrooklrn 4 3 10 3 B 11
l'lill.Kleli'hl.1 2 1 7 0 fl 223
St. M"l 4 O 4 8 2 422
Cincinnati 1 3 o n 0 420
lloton 1 0 3 R 4 21.1
thlenro 4 1 1 1 0 18
Did not rliir.
amkhican' ixAorr:.
New ork
( loteliinrf . ,
ltotnii . . . . ,
t Ittrneo . . . ,
St. l.nnli ...
Hin Ino, I.oe tno.
national i.nAnvn.
t'l i,l,.
Won. I.nt. 1'rt.
J 27
rhiniM 3' no .r,o.i
Itn.lo'i 41 3t .517
New York ...33 31 .(8.1
i'lttlniritl 3 37 .470
Clllriltll 311 40 .171
St. l.ouU 31 13 .412
titicinimtl 31 41 .413
iv. I., p.r.
W. I.. l'.C.
33 31 .103
28 32 .4(17
30 39 .131
23 37 .103
IliilTiiln . . ,
Montrr.il. .
10 28 .581 nirlinmnil. .
33 27 .581 Toronto . . .
40 33 .57t Neuiirli.. .
3.1 34 ..107 KodieMrr..
AMi-.nirAN i.i:.oti:.
rieielnrd nt New York fleitr (two rnmo).
( lilcnitd nt I!otnii flenr (tno iram),
St. I.011U nt I'lillnilrlitliln rlenr (tno Barnes).
Detroit nt Wellington clenr.
New York at t'lnrlnintl rlnmlr.
IlrooKbn nt SI. 1 .0 ti 1 k flenr.
Ilnton nt l'llllniritlt elrnr.
riill.nleliililn nt t'lilriiiEo clear.
Ncnnrk lit llnlT.ito cle.ir.
rruvlilcnre nt Itorlirter rlear.
ll.illlmore lit Toninlo rlenr (tno ciinicn).
Itlrlmionit nt luntre.il rlear.
fit. I.nnti. 81 Allilellii. 3 (llret came).
Athlrtlrs, 3l St. I.imiI-., O (km mnl Kunie).
New York. 81 'lcel iml, 2 (llril miniel.
I'lpteluml. Ii New lorli, 2 'vionil Kiiine).
IliKlon. 5: (lilninn. 3 (lirnt Bamei.
Ilm-lort. 3i Clil'nn. 1 (M-nml itnine).
nelrnll, l 1 n-.ilneton, 3 (llrt K.ilue).
Wiislilnetun, 3i Drtrclt. 1 (reconil L'anie).
I'lillll.M, 2t Clilr.icii. 1.
rlllkhlirsll. 3i llnslon. 2.
Itroolihn, 3t St. I.011U. 1.
Ncn- York, 81 ( lndmmtl, I,
IliifTnlo. Bi Nen.irl., I.
l'nnlilencp. 3i Itnclielrr. 2.
Toritnln. 8t Itiltliiwire, 2.
.Ilnnln-nl. Itlcliinoiiil. O,
SIcrion and Clermnntoivn in Tip
There ivao a remarlmlile rtnlsli to tho Halifax
Cup Knnio htcen MTlon ami flcrmantonn, nt
M.inhclm yectrOay IVIien the Kiin wna left
In an untln!nh"l -.rate on Paturdav. Merlon had
ronip!eiMl nn limine of lf20 nml flermantnivn
ha. I more.l 117 rnna f.jr the loss of four w'lck
cto so th.it. with sW wIcketH In hand, tho homo
t'uni hail to inal:e U3 runi In or.ler to win.
When tho Inat mm ,nt In more than 20 runs
were n--ded. and ,.elteinent ran hUh when
Prkatman and Cauffmtn broimht victory nearer
ami nearer. With tho reoro h. tie. howover,
fniiftman was howled by Clement, ntifl ono of tho
erv few tlo uamea In Halifax Cup cricket went
on the records.
It ;',
B.V. D.
0in Per l'alr
Jivl Installed.
23d and Hamilton Streets
Won. l.nit. 1V1. Mlit. !.(. Split.
. It so .r.o-v ,nn.i t.nv .Mi2
. -13 38 ..".73 ..'.HI -f.n.18 .571
. 4t 31 ..117 .r18 .-,32 .Bij
. 10 31 ..111 .B.13 T.B20 .B30
. 31) 31 .B27 .13 ,B20
. 30 37 ,BI3 ..1111 .BOO
32 43 .427 MI2 ""
. IH 51 .201 .28J t.2Bl
Kumagae, However, Other
Nippon Tennis Star, Wins
Two Matches
UTICA, N. Y., July 12. The swarthy
sont of Nippon mado their entrnnco Into
N'ew York Stato tennis championships nt tho
YahntlntlttMs Golf Club yestprtlay. and somo
of tho glamour that had attached to the co
terie of Callfornlans was deflected to tho
Into arriving .Tnnnnnse. Irhlj'n KtimnRna
nnd Tlnrhlshlro Mtkntnl. Ijlvlnp up to the
lamlntory reputation which preceded them
fiom the coast, In fart from .tapan, was rt
tak of no menu proportions, hut unasum-
tnrr, rather linshful, they curried thclt hon
ors llfthtly and Justified the prediction of
tneir prowesi or tho courts.
They were not nt tho top of their K.tmo
after the lone trip from St. Louis nnd tilt-
nstcr camo to tho lesser llirht of the two,
ailknml. Ho bowed to tho sunerlor nlny
of Charles S. (Chuck) Onrland In the second,
tho best tnntelt that tho tournament has pro
duced thus far. Tho scoro of tho contest
was G-l, G-l. Ills came was Improving
then, improving fnst, but Garland had tho
stamina to ward off a further test of skill
by closing out tho set after It had been
Kumngae, conildered tho strongest of tho
two Orientals, met with belter success. Ho
won bin way through tho first and second
rounds. In tho flrBt ho scored a victory
ocr Andrew H. Allen, of tho llooslck Kails
Country Club, G-2, 6-2, and In tho second
round vanquished James Iowery, of Yah
nundasls. 0-0, 6-1, Tho only measuro of
success that Mlkaml attained wan In tho
ilrst round, In which ho defeated It. Hamil
ton Torrey, G-0, 6-1.
Tho Jllkiiml-Gnrland contest measured up
to a high stnndatd of tennis. Tho Pitts
burgh youth romped away with tho first set
by playing n wonderfully nccuntto placing
game. He was continually drawing tho Ori
ental out of position and passing him with
tho swift ttrnko down tho lines. Mlkaml
showed no striking ability ns a net player.
Ho tried to measuro skill with Garland on
the baslH of a base lino game, nnd thero
vn3 no hopo for him In such tnctlca
BH l m 3i i"" i
i? ii w i
1 - (io w
a'VE got no time for cigarettes
. and yet it beats the dutch
that when I've finished my cigars
I feel I've smoked too much.'5 'Tis
thus complains the doctor, the
lawyer and the judge, the
p'liceman and the motorman, also
the office drudge. But here's an
all-tobacco smoke that's sure to
treat you right, you light up in
the morning and keep it up 'til
night. Of quality, and mildness
and fragrance sure to suit. 'Twill
ue 'd uay
you smoice your nrst
THE Philadelphia Golf Club, a brand-new
body of players who havo been entirely
recruited from tho golfers at tho, public
links, will hold nn organization meeting to
morrow'nlght nt tho llltz-Carlton Hotel,
Officers will bo elected, plans discussed for
tho affiliation of tho new club with tho Golf
Association of Philadelphia, tournaments
lilanned nnd tho scopo of tho new club dis
cussed In general.
Tho Philadelphia Golf Club, whlcli Is tho
name selected, received Instant favor when
It Vas first proposed, and the charter mem
bership list has iicen filled up virtually
"over night." Tliete nre more than 50
loekerholdcrs nt tho Cobb's Crcclt course en
rolled, nnd It Is expected that many more
than this number will attend tho meeting
tomorrow night. Tho Work of organization
so fnr has been 'tone by Arthur M, Itcndell
nnd H. Wellington Wood, who first proposed
tho lden.
Won't Interfere
It was felt, that If tho players remained
purely Individual nt the public courso the
main benefits of n golf courso would be
lost, namely, good fellowship, and that the
Interests of tho courso could best be fur
theied It tho players acted as a group rather
than Individuals.
Tho now club does not Intend to Interfere
In any way with plnyers at tho public
courso who arc not members. Itnther It In
tends to look after them by submitting any
complaints or suggestions for tho Improve
ment of tho workings of tho courso to the
Park Commission nnd other.s In charge. If
tho membership of tho club becomes so
Ian,o Hint thero Is danger of Its crowding
out nonmoinuers from tho uso of the club
houso It Is Intended lit Umo to build n club
house. A slto has been agreed upon, according
to on6 of tho members, who asserted that
when tho membership reached 200 tho club
houso would bo btnrted to tho right of tho
ilrst tec where n milt now Is. Clubhouso
plans are. of courso, very Indefinite.
Dues of tho new club will bo $6 n year
nnd will bo payablo In two Instalments.
Members wilt receive towels nnd Boap and
many other privileges, such as having their
clubs cleaned, and so forth. Somo of the
money will bo devoted to tho fund for tho
links, but much of it will support tho tour
naments which It la planned to hold fre
quently. Already many good players nro cropping
out nt tho public courso, and If' tho new
oi yrauncbs vviicn
club Is successful In obtaining admission
Into the Golf Association of Philadelphia nit
the local tourneys will be opened up to the
Cobb's Creekers, nnd some very speedy golf
ers nre likely to be developed.
All the charter members of tho club are
goiters who play at the public course regu
larly, most' of them every day, and all have
Its Interests vitally at heart.
It Is felt that through tho medium of an
organization all can be brought closer to
gether In friendship and work out tho prob
lems that nre always coming up for the
common Interest and that the new munic
ipal golf courso can never deterlorato and
will always thrive.
"It Is tho best golf course I have ever
seen," says II, Wellington Wood, "and there
are few who have tried It that have nol
come back for moro. It von-t be long before
wo aro having tremendous crowds here."
Any one playing tho publto course Is
eligible to tho new golf club.
A Membership Committee will not be
elected till later, It was said today.
He Wishes Revenge
Sandy ifeNlbllck As a participant In tha
mtclt litven four coif scrlvenrs which you o
Inaccurately iltncrlbeit In last Thursday's mu
of the Kvenixo kBnosn., I wlh to draw your
attention to ono or tno orrora. Tou ond your
oercontldent partner chnllen&ed the pair of u
to a Rtmo of solf, nnd although we were aware
beforehand of our overwhelming superiority, we
accepted the challenge more In a aplrlt of humor
than In ono of nerlousneaa. It did not aursrlse
u In the leant when wo nnlahed up the flrt nlna
holes 11 points to the cood. and only tha fact
that wo were a trirta cnrelem on one or two
hnlea prevented us from being at leaat 22 notnU
ahead nf you.
. llefore wo started for tho second nine hole!,
lunch intervening-, my partner and I agreed that
we should let you down eaay, and If you had
carefully observed our play you, would havo
noted that we mode shots that wero utterly un
worthy of us, and as a consequence wo nnlshed
up onlv 14 points to the Bood. You give ms
credit for halving one hole, oblivious to holes
I won In speaklnu of the lfith hols you jrlve
me credit for a live, which 1s tha only creditable
statement sou make In tho wholo of your arti
cle. Tou wind up by Intimating that you had
a putt for n wins but you do not say whether
you mado It or not. All you say Is, ask Dad I If
you ask mo, you did not, not by a m'.'sl Aa a
golf writer you are really entertaining; but when i
It romes to tolling tho truth about your own
golf to tell tho truth, you aro a trtrlo Inac
curate. Wo are awaiting a challenge from you
nnd your partner with great eagerness, and
next time wo meet you wilt not bo let down so
easily. Yours sincerely.
Philadelphia. Pa.
Wo scorn to comment on this blurb, so
palpably meant to decelvo the reader.
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