Wgiiyi)W,yi"wyiPri i)flWwi)pWw " pmstmawj, ww&wimiw? ' y-".--ftiWiiWit..-Mwi-itomi"i "ll b ."tS'-js- TP' T,r-Miyr 'm0toP"Ht? ') M NANCY WYNNE HEARS OF DELIGHTFUL ACTIVITIES UP BAR HARBOR WAY First Aid Glasses Hold Full rfr . Society Women Are in Earnest in the Matter and Do Not Intend Resting for Summer rPHAT society leaders are In eolld, sober a. earnest In their study of relict work and first aid to tho Injured In cnso of war or calamity Is manifest In that at nearly every summer resort classes have been formed for tho study of those mat ters. Bar Harbor Is tho latest to Join tho ranks, and from there comes tho news today that thcro arc to bo lectures given every Monday and Wednesday at tho War Relief rooms. Dr. Kobert Abbe, of Now York, gave a lecture on tho subject this Monday. Bar Harbor Is becoming tnoro popular than ever, now that motors aro allowed within tho sacred precincts, and a great many I'hlladclphlans are pending tho summer thqre. By tho way, did you know that Eleanor Gambto has ijono tip with Miss Trasel and Is associated with her in her work at tho Bar Ifnrbor Tea Room? Hero is' another case whero a woman of social standing has mado a great success of a tea room. Tho Bar Harbor Tea Room was started about six or sevon years ago by Miss Boplilo Trasel and ono or two friends In connection with Miss Woodvlllo's deco rating ofllcc. Thero was nothing of tho kind at Bar Harbor up to that tlmo and tho pcoplo took it up with vim. They decided to havo very special dishes and woro fortunato In procuring a very good cook, so the llttlo house strnlghtway mado Us reputation not only nmong tho per eonnl fricnd3 of Miss Trasel and her col loagucs, but strangers also camo to fre quent tho pleasant, airy room3 and par ties camo over In boats from tho other harbors, ordering luncheon ahead, unit It grow to bo qulto tho rage; and now I hear they havo two houses and besides serving all sor.tn and kinds of delicious cats they havo all manner of cuilous odds and ends In china, brlcu-brac and furnlturo on a small scalo for sale. Women aro some times very wonderfully successful In their undertakings, don't you think? Wo might an well acknowledge It, after all. Excitement reigned Intense nt llttlo old Capo May last week when It wns thought thero was a real "honest to goodness" llro In tho village. Capo May 13 ono gay llttlo placo over tho week-ends, but oh! when tho laddies leave on Sunday night and Monday morn tho lassies miss them sore; bo when such a diversion as a flro occurs In tho land they can scarcely bo blamed for sighing &adly that It turned out to bo nothing hut tho smoldering flamo of some eeml-wot clothes In a laundry that was quickly put out. However, thero won Bomothlns gained In tho way of a commo tion, for beach, pavilion, tennis court and golf links were emptied of their dovotocs ' for ten minutes at least as tho engines wont tearing along Washington street, With clanging bells and tho whole of Capo May In toV at their heels. Now every ono has settled down again until the next week-end. when there will be beach par. ties and cafo parties and all sorts of doings for tho two days when tho men folk arrive. NANCV WYNNE. Personals MIS3 Elizabeth S. .Samuel gavo a bridge party followed by teu yesterday afternoon at Dlalrlusk-on-tho-nocks, Narragnnsett Tier, tho villa of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samuel, In honor of MIS3 Trances Clark. Among tho guests were. Mrs. Caryl Roberts, Mlas Lisa Norrls, Mi3s Be33lo Mun nlkhuyaen. Mrs. Rowland Hazard, Mrs. Co burn Darling and Bliss Marguerite Trofccott. Mrs. John R. Fell. Mrs Alexander Brown, Mrs, Edward Lowlier Welsh, Mrs. Philip Stevenson and Sirs. Francis Robinson wero among tho guests at tho dinner given last night by Mlas Beatrice do Coppet and Miss Gertrude do Coppet at their villa, Summer Btay, In Narragansett Pier. Mrs. Edwards Spencer entertained at luncheon yesterday afternoon at Shra.on Court, Lenox, Mass., In honor of Miss Anno Meigs, who Is a guest of Mls3 Emily W. Blddlo at Lenox. Mrs. Gcorgo Barnett will spend tho late Hummer as tho guest of Mrs. Irving M. Chase, at Mlramar, her homo In Narra jransett Pier, Mr. and Mrs. Thoijias W. Reath, Jr., of St. Martin's, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Thompson at BreoUwood Farm, havo left for Bay Head, X J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelso Cassatt have left for Newport, where they will occupy their yllla for the season. t Mrs. Jam3 D. Wlnsor, Jr.. of Brent wood, Rosemont, Is at Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. J. IC Mitchell. 3d, havo opened thalr new cottage at Dark Harbor, Me., for the summer. Sip. and Mrs. John C. Beagary will enter tain Informally at dinner this evening at their home, 7117 Boyer street. Chestnut Hill. Mr. and Mrs. qiinton H. Beagary, of 1414 Spruco street, have taken a cottago at Avalon, N. J., for tho summer. Mrs. J. Archer Rulon, of 105 Rex avenue, has returned from Point Pleasant, whero he spent the last two weeks. Mr, and Sirs. W. Lawrence Allen have returned to their home in. Berwyn after a Visit to tho Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliot and Sirs. Frederick Elliot, of Ardmore, will leave to day for Gloucester, Mass., to spend a month. " Along the Main Line WYNNEWOOD rlllss Margaret Eleanor Rushton, of Lancaster avenue, will leave today for East Orange, N. J., where bhe will be the guest of Miss Ethel Moore for several weeks. BRYN MAWR Mrs. Joseph C, Bright nd MUs Bright, of Morris avenue, have ffone to Maine for the remainder of the summer. Miss, Christine Zlcbarth, of Lancaster ave nue, left today to attend the house party given by Miss Catharine King, at her coti tagOi on Jackson avenue, Capa Slay. VI LLANO VA Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rob ertson have gone to Narragansett Pier for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. McLeod are visiting in Boston. Miss Marjorle Morris has gone to Northr field, ' BT- DAVID'S Colonel L. U. Maltby and Mrs. Maltby, formerly of St. David's, are at their cottage, Block IfJand, for the summer. Mr. William C. Wright, who Is lome from Yale for the vacation period, has. returned to St David's, from Lltchdald, Conn., whero h was ft guest of MUs Elizabeth Cuihman, o'f Albany. f WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bevls. of New York, and Mr and Mrs. Peter Wright, of Wilmington, were guests over the week end of Mrs. Margaret W Hess, at her resi dence, ill Woodland avnue. Mr. Henry T. . Push, who is In camp Sway at All -the Resorts. with his command at New Castle, Del., Mient Sunday with his parents1, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Puglt. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Aman, of Wayne avenue, have loft to epend tho summer on their farm near Phocnixvllle. GermantoWn The Philadelphia Central Committee of tho Woman Suffrage party was entertained Monday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Krnent Toogood, Greene and Duvnl streets. Mrs. Gcorgo Dunning, chairman of tho com mittee, was among those present, also Miss Llda Stoke3 Adams. Mrs. Frederick Snyder, of Carpenter lane, will return from Spring Lake this week, accompanied by Master Carpenter Doan, Mr. Philip Darby, of lfit Carpenter lnno, left last week for Plattsburg. Mr. William Carrigan, of Johnson and Grceno streets, left yesterday for Platts burg. . Mrs. It. R. . Rlchnrdson has gone to Provlncetown, MnBB. Her son. Mr. John Rlcluirrtson, will cruleo on the Wisconsin this summer In tho vicinity of Provlncetown. Mrs. Henry W. Gray and her daughter, Mls LouIfc Gray, who spent the winter In Jamaica, havo gono to liny Head for tha summer. Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. ,T. I,ewl3 Kruger, of Moun tain avenue, Mclroto I'aik, will entertain nt dinner, followed by cards and dancing, on Saturday evening In honor of their guests, Mr. ami Mrs. Robert It. Dutton, of Baltimore. Among the guests will bogMr. and Mr. Horace Hemplleld, Mr. nnd Sirs. John Ciirtncy, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wynkoop, Sir. and Sir. SInrtIn Hnmpton, Mr. and Sirs. Larko Henton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Heaton, Mr. and Sirs. Philip Blake, of Wll mlnutriii. Del. ; Sir. nnd Mrs. George Logan, of Wilmington, Del. ; Sir. and Sirs. Edward Lower. Sir. nnd Sirs Roth Wilson, Sir. and Sirs. Hurvcy Griniths, Sir. and Mrs. Henry Tnlloy, Sir. and Mrs. Patrick Cannon,SIr. and Sirs. John J. Uergon, Sir. and Sirs. James Slartln. Sir. nnd Sirs. Frank Ward and Sir. nnd Mrs. Charlc3 F. Gilbert. Sir. nnd Sirs. Kruger, accompanied by their niece, SIlss 1 thol Orcer. and their nephew, Slkstcr John T. Small, will leave on July 18 for their summer homo at' Orona, Sle.. whero they will remain until tho latter part of September. Sir. nnd Sirs. William Scrrlll. of Elklns Park, aro spending some time nt the Capo Slay Hotel, Capo Slay. Sir. and Sirs. Philip Hauck. of Elklns Park, have SIlss Brjikncr, of Sheboygan Falls, Wis., as their gvest. Sir. and SIr3. Henry IColb, of BGOB North 13th rtreet. Oak Lntie, havo closed their homo In tho country and aro occupying their cottago on 2d street, Ocean City, N J. Frankford Sirs. William Carroll, of 2G0G Rhawn Rtreet, will bo the guest of honor on Friday evening nt a dinner to bo given by her aunt. Sirs. Joseph Curry, of Chestnut Hill. Tho guests will, lneiudn Sir. nnd Sirs. Thomas Wallace, Sirs. Joseph Buckingham, Sir. and Sirs. Robert W. Thomas, Sir. and Sirs. Walter Bucltlnglnm. Jr., Sir. John Cummlngs, Sir. Walter Gooding, Sir. Thimas Clarke. Sir. Charles Curry, Sir. Ralph Jar ls, Mr. John Jnrvls, Sir Slartln Hates, Sir Alfred Maxwell, Sir. William Carroll, Sirs. Mary Wallace, Silas Slarlha Ctmcy, Stiyj Slarguerlto Philips, SIlss Anna Jones, SlUn liny Jnyncs, Miss Helen Fields, SIlss Helen SIcKlnley, SIlss Ethel Dutto and Sllsa Jo bcphlno Manning. Sir. nnd Sirs. William A Thomas, of FranUford uvemio and Orthodox street, havo opened their cottnge nt Wlldwood, where they will spon'l tho hummer. South Philadelphia Sir. and Sirs. Harry Pomerautz, of Sloya monslng and Snyder avonucs, havo returned from Capo Slay. Sir. Philip Cohen nnd Sir. Abtaham Cohen, of Sth and Reed streets; Sir. Will lam Smlia, of Sloyamenslng avenue and Reed ttreet I Mr. Goorgo Slook, of 6th and Reed streets, and Sir. Barney Wllensky, of Oth and Reed streets, uro spending a, week In Atlantic City. 3I1S3 E. SlolIIe Kun, of 119 South Sth street, hnB gone to Chelsea, where sho will visit her brother for about a month. Delaware County The marrlago of SIlss Louise 'Bacon, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Benjamin Potts, of Slcdla, to Sir. SIcredlth Rhoades will tako placo on Saturday at G o'clock at the Church of tho Redemption, BCth and Market strce'ts, Philadelphia. SIlss Emma Stitelcr, of Sledla, Is visiting In Danvlllo, Pa. Mr. and Sirs. Joseph Slurray have re turned from their wedding trip and aro liv ing In Slcdla. SIrt). Murray was SIlss Mary Kclley before her marriage. Lansdowne SIlss Slattlo Doherty. SIlss Rebecca Doherty and Miss Amanda Snowden, of Lansdowne, aro spending several weeks with friends at Asbury Park. Sir. and Sirs. Harold P. Ogden aro receiv ing congratulations on the birth of a son. Sir. and Sirs. Eldrldge Henderson, of 55 North Lansdowne acnue, are visiting In New York, Sirs, Albert E. Peterson, of Linden ave nue. Is entertaining her sister-in-law, Miss Mary Peterson, this week. MRS. ALFRED BALCH Mrs. Balch is a popular hostess of Lansdowne and takes an activa part jn tha various activities pf that busy little suburb. EVENING LEDGER-jPHILABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1916 .n V , V If 1. V-- 1 V PSfei o Wp , MRS. CLAtfENCE W. DOLAN Mrs. Dolnn la ono of Newport's most popular hostesses. She was Miss Rosalia Drown. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan and their family live tit Rosemont in the winter. ENTERTAINMENTS LAPSE AS REAL SUMMER WEATHER ARRIVES Very Few Formal Affairs Planned for Warm Months. Dinner Given to Celebrate 85th Birthday Anniversary. Phi Kappa Club Met Last Night MR. AND SIRS. JORDAN HARTZELL. of 1702 West Erio avenue, who have been entertaining Sirs, llartzell's mother, Sirs. SInry Palmer, gavo a dinner on July 5, In celebration of tho 85th birthday anniver sary of their guest. Among thoso present wero Sir. and SIr.i. Gcorgo Schnppell, Sir. and Sirs. John Nothhnrdt, Sir. nnd Sirs. Frank Slatthews and Sir. and Mrs. John Proctor, sons-in-law nnd daughters of Sirs, rainier, and their families. Red. white and bluo flowcra and Hags wero used In tho deco rations. I SIlss Slargaret Kimball, of 4537 York road, entertained tho members of tho Phi Kappa Club last night nt her homo. Tho guests wero SIlss Elizabeth Eplctt, SIIi3 Slarlan Dictz. SIIs3 Florcnco Slaurcr, SINs Olga Dorn, SIlss Laura Scat borough, SIlss Rita Rutner, SIlss Esther Klbler. SIlss Emily Reed, SIlss Edith Hoppuck and SIlss Anna Boggs. Mr. nnd Sirs. Joseph Y. Nledllnger. of 10G West Erlo nvenuo. havo been enter taining a house p-irty at their country home, Idle Hour, in Rlchhoro. Pa. Among the guests wore Sir. and SlrB. W. Busch and Silas Busch, of Tioga. ASILK-SIOUNTED American flag was presented to tho Gethpemano Lutheran Church. COth nnd Callowhlll streeto. Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock, tho donors being patriotic citizens of West Philadelphia. The presentation address was mado by Sir. Frederick S. Drake, and tho flag was received on behalf of tho church by tho pas tor, tho Rev. John II. Slain. SIlss SInrlan Townsond. SIlss Ellen Wnl deck, SIlss Sophia Lackey. SIlss Ethel Lee. SIlss Slabol Sllltcnberger. Sllrs Rebecca Leonard. Sirs. Carroll Thompson, Sirs. Rich ard Farrand and Sirs. William Haoberleln, members of tho Rnxborougli 500 Club, gavo a dinner last evening at Slooro's Inn. Hatboro, Pa. Field flowers wero. combined with ferns In tho decorations. A surprlso party wns given to Sir. Will lam Friedman bv the Spoltnne Club at tho clubhouse. 041 South 3d street. last week. Sir. SInx Berg sang. Tho members of the club wero present, nnd other guests In cluded Silas Ethel Knhllnsky. SIIs3 Kntherlne Goldstein, SIlss Reba Gumboy, SIlss II. Pentz. SIlss O. Hurwitz. Slisa Dorothy J. Jaffo and SllS3 A. Goodolman. Tho Theatrical Employes' Association will hold r.n all-day picnic nt Central Park. 4400 North 5th street, on Saturday, audc ..II!,. Mintion.nlcturo nlass. athletics and amusements of nil kinds are scheduled. Tho rhira of tho ilav will bo a baseball game . between tho theatrical managers of this city and New York. Tho committee In charge of tho affair consists oi nr. im .wu. Sir. Harry Sloyd, Sir. H. Horowitz and Sir. John Roden. . MR. AND MRS THOMAS FEDERSIAN, of 2038 South 13th street, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last Stin gy evening. Tho decorations wero patriotic, American and Zionist flags being Inter spersed with flowers nnd palms. Among thoso present wero Sir. and Sirs. A L Fugles, Sir. nnd Mrs. L. Raw, Sir. and Sirs. N. B. Sacks, St. S. Eelrman, Mr. and Mis SInx Cohen. Sir. and Sirs Chnrlea Federman. Sir. and Sirs. L Rosenberg, Sirs. K Cotdsteln. of Atlantic City; Sir. and SIr3 J Fagles, Sir. and Mrs Sadoff, Sir. and' Sirs Dader. tho Rev. Lcibovltz, of Chester; Mr. Harnett Rosenberg, of Cstrmcl. N. J. ; Sir. and Sirs T. Federman, Sirs. Sar nlt Sir. Raw, of LaUewood ; SIls-s Esther Federman, Sir. Harry Ross, SIlss Millie i.-inrm:in. SIlss Sarah Federman. Sir. Harry Federman. Sir. Frederick Federman, Sir Charles Fagles, Mr. Slax Fagles, BIIs.8 Eva Cohen, Silas Pearl Cohen. SIlss Fran ces Mills. SIlss Ann.1 Sadoir, Bliss Eva Sa .inff Miss Clara Sadoff, Sir. Abraham Lci bovltz, Misa Slartha Lelbovltz, Mr. Samuel Leibovltz, BlUa Bertha Raw, Dr. Charles Robs, of Suvalk, and Sir. Harry Putter, of Athens, Ga. Sir. Harry Kattman. of 1510 South Oth street, was given a reception this week at his homo In honor of his 22d birthday. Among those present wero Sir. Herbeit Davis, Mr. Charles Harris, Sir. Blaxwell Bergor, Sir. Herman Steinberg, Sir. Slllton Johnson, Sir. Oscar Segal. Sir. Daniel Ban croft, SIlss Ida Rancor, SIlss Dora Levitt, SIlss Lena Orol, Miss Jeanetto Slagill, Bliss Adell Slaglll, SIUs Lillian Slagill, SIlss Esther Sein, Sllsa Bertha Ogles, Mist) Lillian Fareworth and Jliss Adelle Kane, Vocal bolos were given by Harry Kattman and Sir, Oscar Segal, and Sllsa Mabel Anderson gave sovoral recitations. Mr. J. D. Taylor was given a reception Slonday night at his home, 2251 South Lee &tret. In honor of his liavlng been awatded a silver loving cup for winning the hammer throw event on the athletic program at Point Breeza Park on Independence Day. Those preent were Mr. Earl Irwin. Sir. Henry Rowland. Mr. William Rowland, Sir. Albert Kusr, Sirs. J. D. Taylor. Sirs. Al bert Kuser, BIrw. William Rowland, Bliss Elsie Rowland, Mbw Ludwlck and Mrs. Samuel Keller. The Martha Washington Club gave a lawn party at Sllsa Viola BlelnloofTs home, 333 George street, on Saturday evening. Those present were Miss Mary Abrams, Stlsa Molly Balls. Mis Mary Dubln, MUs Stacy Greonus,, Miss Clara Gurbajrg. SIUs Gertrude Marcus. MUs Viola Malnloof, MUs Katharine NorwIU. SIUs Anna Podollu. SIUs .Hose Schwartz. Bliaa Lua Cohen, MUm Til lie Cohen. 11 i Elizabeth Smith. MUs Minerva. Smith, Mios Reba Weinman. Miss Anna. Wetsman, Mr Bailson, Mr. Samuel foheh. Mr James Goldfleld. Mr IlerWU I luivuo, Mr Henry Meimao Mr Frank Blai Uot, MX J. Aioeri vonen. r jviouner, pi: .tfffi&S&Z "! - mm&'"' David Alberts. Sir. George Pnrncss, Sir. Archie Laxrntow, Sir. Samuel Gold, Sir. Vic tor Schwartz, Sir. Slaxwell pjssormun, Sir. David Wolsman, .Mr. Tcppllltgor, Sir. Lovlne, Mr. Kline, Sir. Krow, Sir. Selector and Sir. Rosen. West Philadelphia SIlss Ruth Isrnel. of South 40th htrect. Is spending July at tho aladstono, Atlantic City. Sir. and Sirs. C. F. Unchler ana Blaster Christian Hachler, of B030 Carpenter street, have returned from a week's visit In l'leas nntvllle, N. J. SIlss Agnes Haggarty, of 912 Willow Ter ince, left Monday for a stay of several weeks In Boston. Dr. nnd Sirs John A. Kolmer. of n'.'7 South St. Bernard place, aro making an extended visit to Atlantic city, .vliuo lln-y are registered nt tho St. Charles. Sirs. John A. Dairy, of 123'J South HUd rtreet, has tnken a cottnge In Atlantic City for tho remainder of tho summer. Sho will havo Sirs. James A. HlcUcy nnd her daughter. SIlss Susanna Hlckey, :ib her guests. Sirs. Hlckey will bo remembered ns Slarguerlto C. Bany; SIlss Elizabeth Goldsmith. 502S Locust street, has left to spend July with her sis ter. Sirs. Harry Nathnnson, at her cottago, 270 South Slassachusetts avenue, Atlantic City Sirs Charles J. Iloyer, Jr., Is spending tho summer nt Stono Hnrbor as tho guest of her parentn. Sir. nnd Sirs. Jacnh Decker. Sir. Buyer will spend tho week-end it Stono Harbor. Sir. and Sirs. Boyer will bo at homo nt 52 IS Ludlow street on September 4 nnd September 10. Sir. and Sirs. F. X. Stayer and their fam ily. 'of 710 North 43d street, will go to Wildwood Crest on Saturday to occupy their apartments for the seuson. Sirs. Harry E. Fnhncstnck. of 5510 An gora terrace, has returned homo nftor a visit to relatives In Chambersburg, Pa. SIr,v and Sirs. Joseph Esmond, of B01D Slarket street, havo gono to Atlantic City, accompanied by their daughters, SIlss Vir ginia Esmond nnd SIlss Slarlon Esmond, and son. Sir. Joseph Esmond, Jr. Sir. nnd Sirs. Joseph Hnrley and their daughter, SIlss Catherine Hnrley. of 35 North 03d street, have gono to Now Egypt. N. J., whero they will remain for several w ecks. Sir. and Sirs. J. F. Ives, formerly of 45 North Felton street, have moved to Cam bridge, Slass. A party composed of Sir. James Cava naugh, of G717 Lan'downo avenue; Sir. A .T Dalley, Sir. Christian Carroll and Sir Walter Sloore, of 0027 Fnnsom street, vent to New York on Saturdayfor n week's stay. Sir. Walter Treppe, of G453 West Ches ter pike, has returned from a motor trip to Atlantic City and Now York. Sir. John Derr and Sir. SInrk E. "an of 0247 Sansom st,et, have gono to For tescue, N. J., where they will spend a fort night. North Philadelphia Sir. and Sirs. J. SI. Keller, of 1928 North 12th s'reet, aro among tho Philadelphia cottagers at ntman Grove. Mr. nnd Sirs. Frederick King, nf 2030 North Park avenue, and their family are oc cupying their bungalow on tho BIuliu- coast. Mrs. H. A. Kobn. of 1C18 West Slontgom cry avenue, is spending tho present month nt the Kenllworth Inn, Fern Rock. Bliss Starle SleClellan. of West Lehigh avenue, Is visiting friends In Washington Sir. and Sirs. William SI. Lewis, of 1911 North 32d street, accompanied by their daughter, Bliss Mildred Lewis, are occupy ing their summer home In Atlantic City. At the open-air meeting In Fotterall Square tomorrow night the speaker hill be the Rev. II E. Jonos, of the Henry Ble morlal Church, West Philadelphia.' Northeast Philadelphia Sir. arvd Sirs, John Royland and their family and Sllsa Grace Wllmcrton, of 1312 East Columbia avenue, are spending the summer at Ocean City, N. J. Mlis Ruth Winelander. of 1328 North Franklin street, is visiting relatives in Youngstoun and Akron, O., and will re main the rest of the summer. Sir- and Sirs. Harry B. Summer, of 1502 North Sth street, aie spending the summer at the Hotel Blerlon, AtUntic City. What's Doing Tonight Onngfswn ccUbratt Battle of tbe Borne ennl wi)i Point Braau Park. Municipal Band concert. Carroll Parle. CSth ktrK an4 Glrard avu. l'aUidalpbU Hand. sUai K. Iliunawl, con ductor. City JUH Puz. 8 o'clock Fr. Kilrmount Park Bao4. K bard Bob mtdi. con- due tor. umiaioai iuwii. o o uiocit . Kotlct for tke fcoclftr pace ulll be ac cvotatl a! DrluUd tu tbe Utroiut I.fJtcr. but all kucu uo4liea iaut ut vrrMtva uu oo Ids of the luiwr. iuu.1 to tUSM l full. veHu full uuurcs. und Hbrii uoslMe tele pkaue uuiubr wust be slten. Kciul all tucb. cottimunlcutloas to "Sotktjr Editor." Eiculn s Lalttr. COS tbo.tuut luliss tlic reaulremaU are arrld put. so that teruleutlou may be polblt. Uio uotUo lll not be vublibed. L Weddings MILLER RADPLIFFU. Tho marriage of SHs Letltla Slary Rnd clllTe, daughter of Sir nnd Sirs. James Wlllard Rndcllffe, of Wlngohoeklng street, Germnntown. to Sir. Paul Reee .Miller will take placo this nfternoon nt 5 o'clock In the Flrot Baptist Church, On East Price street Gcrmnntown SIlss Radcliffe, who will bis Rlvon In marriage by her father, will wear n gown of white silk covered with laco nnd a court train. Her tulle )cll will be edged with orange blossoms, nnd white roses will form the bridal bou quet. The bride wltl bo attended by her cousin, Sirs. Donald SlcCnll, of Beth lehem, ns matron of honor, who will wear palo bluo tulle ovor blue silk Her hat will bo of blue tullo and she will carry pink rosea nnd bluo cornflowers. SIlss Geitrude Bottoms, also a cousin of the bride, will wear pink tullo over pink silk, with a pink tullo hat, nnd will carry pink roses nnd bluo cornflowers. Sir. Sill ier will bo nttended by his brothel. Sir. Ilnrold Sillier, as ,best man. The Rev. Charles Coiman will pel form tho ceiemony, which will be nttended by tho two families and a fow Intimate friends. After a wedding Journey, Sir. nnd Sirs. Sillier will bo at home after October 1 at 3102 Queen Lano .Manor, Gormantow n. SIDERIO CICCHITTI. , SIlss Clementina Cicchlttl and Sir. Frank Slderlo wero married on Slonday afternoon In St. Rita's Church by the Rev Ilaldacctnl. The bride Is tho daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Vincent Ciochlttl, of 14.17 South 15th street. A reception nt tho home of the bridegroom, 1614 South 13th street, followed the rere tnany. Among those present were Sir. Anthony Selerlo, Sir. Sllobacl Selerlo, Sir. Angelo Selerlo, Sir. C.inilllo D'Anurslo, Sir. Xliplta Scrpor. Sir. Michael Rocco and Sir. AVIIIlam Bender. BARtlY-FITZGEUALD. A pretty church wedding took place nt Jenklutown on Wednesday, July 5, when Bliss Slargaret Fitzgerald became tho bride of Sir. John Barry, Jr.. of Enfield. Tho lirldo wore n gown of whlto duchess satin with a long court train. Sir. and Sirs. Harry, upon their return from their wed ding trip, will llvo nt Enfield. Tioga Sir. and Sir. Felix Ktrousso aro spending tho summer nt tho Kcnllworth Inn, Fern Rock. Sir. nnd Sirs. Jncob Nowman, of 38 IS North Smedley street, nnd Sir. nnd Sirs. Almcs nnd their family, also of this sec tion, havo gono to Wlldwood to remain until autumn. mhstotfiFit rnggp"' y is iK .-&- ,'W' MRS. JOHN C. DELL, JR., Sir. nnd Sirs. John C. Dell, Jr., whoso marriage took placo last mouth, are spend ing tho bummer In Atlantic City. SIlss Alberta Peltz, nlcco of Sirs. Henry A. Wclnnd. nnd SIlss Elizabeth Peltz, of 2235 Hunting Park ncnuc, aro spending tho early s inner In Maryland, along the Chcsapeako Bay. Norristown NORRISTQWN. Pa, July 12. Bliss Katharine Ycakle, of Do Kalb street, will glxe a dance on Friday evening at tho Plymouth Country Club. Sir. nnd Sirs. S. S. Kohn. of 28 East Freedley street, havo gone to Atlantic City for tho remainder of the summer. AMUSEMENTS VICTORIA I markkt Anovn oth A. SI tn It-1', P. M. doi'iim: mur. WM. S. HART '" Sl.J'vffifcn Charlie Chaplin The Vagabond lliu.. Frl..Sat Jim. Pelrova "Htfrnal Queatlon" COWING ALL NEXT WEEK PHOTOPLAY YOIT'VU WANTED TO SEU "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?" Passed by Centrnt o( Pennsylvania fltato Hoard of Censors. B. F. Keith's Theatre UVEMEK AND lUTTTEn THAN EVEU!" Evening Letlecr. "MADE IN PHILLY" Company of 50 Philadelphiana A Riot of Music and Laughter TONIGHT SOUTH PHILADELPHIA NIGIIT1 FORREST Last Week TWICE DAU.Y. 2:1. on.t 8-13 TJIB TCN-BtEI. VERSION Of REX BEACH'S ""g," the ' NE'ER-DO -WELL BYitPHOxr ORcuesTn.i of to PRICES 25c and 50c W? Globe Theatre iIAJlL;Ersm JJKJs VAUDEVILLE Continuous 11 A M. to tl I' M. lUc. lie. 25c. GEORGE W. BARBIER CARRIE THATCHER & CO. 60ME113 4 MOnSB BEN KUANKI.IN J, CO. OTHEll WELL-K.NQWN ACTS STANLEY Mu,,5A,?.51UTa 10e, 13c, 25o Wallace Reid & Clea Ridgely IN FJHST PRBSE.NTATION OF "THE SELFISH WIFE" Thurs., Frl., Sat., Donald Brian In "Smugglers" T A T A rTP I21 MABKKT STRHET rJrjri.Kjili JOHN UARRYMORB In Th lion From Mulco" CharUe Chaplin in "Vagabond" BII.LlBFlJyitKE In 'OlorU's Komanie." No. 8. Tbura , Frf.. Bat. LouUa Hug. IMu.iay'a Toy. A 1i CHESTNUT BELOW 18th .tt.n.auici Douglas Fairbanks Fllrtint: With Fats" Add. DUlls Burkt, -Gloria's Roaa." No. 10 Tburi . Fft-. Sat. Ch. ay in "Drtr" GARRICK NOW VZfiffi'' vg , Uc, SQc and ,3c. Mats. iBc. an Wc. HOVB?ITAIN PREPARED WnODSTDE rbUHle.plua a Fofsraosi Frj ALEXANOEHS HAND iS3Ztey iaHG''' ? 4 J "' . .tfi V? FAIR MEMBERS OF CAPE MAY'S SUMMER COLONsY FAVOR STRIPES Clothes of Brilliant Hues Worn by Fashionable Matrons at Popular Resort Choral Society With Large Mem bership Organized by Residents of Ocean City CAPE MAY, N. J., July 12. CHETONNn skirts nro stilt In vogue, and, of course, tho wlde-atrlpcd ones aro most popular. Mrs. E. Spencer Miller, 8d, wenra a stunnlnjar ono of green and blue stripes. Mrs. Porter , Fnrnuharson dope looks well In a sheer white frock, worn Ith a whlto chip hat, trimmed with white feathers and a red nnd white striped parnsol. Mrs. William Hrayton OranRe In wear ing n cream -colored tlottrjl mull frock on tho beach with n full skirt nnd the bodice trimmed with laco. She also wears a tunnlnff black lace and horsehair hat. Mm. Ornham Archer Was seen on tho beach Intely ucnrlnc a ccrlso silk frock with a vestco and sleeves of whlto hand kerchief linen. Mrs. Arthur Cnlnhnn looks well In a yellow vclet pklrt nnd yellow sweater. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Claley. Jr., of Sherwood road, Overbrook, were tho Riiests of .Mr nnd Mrs. Philip Castner nt their cottnBP on Kearney street over tho week-end. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1-Vrdcrlck Ilnrdlnp, of Drpxcl road, Overbrook. aro occupying their new cottage on Heach avenue. Mrs. l.o Uoy ltlchards. of St. Martin's lane, will arrive shortly to bo the- guest of her mother, Jlri. Peisano. Mr and Mrs. Albert Shearer, of Ger mantown, havo opened their cottage on Kenrney street. Mr. nnd Mrs. llnsll Harris, of St. Mar tin's, ure occupylnp; their summer home, on Now York avenue. 1''. and Mrs. Itnndolph Justice, of Bryn Mawr, havo opened their ery attractive cottnfte on Howard street for the summer. Tho members of the Golf Tournament Committee of tho Cape May Golf Club In clude Mrs. Frederick Harding, chairman; Mrs. T. Herman Vcttcrleln, Mrs. Russcli Wajfnr. Miss Mario Starr nnd Miss Hena Dlmond. Thero will bo play oery Mon day afternoon until Labor Day, the women keeping Individual scores. Attractive prizes for tho best scores will bo given In tho fall. OCL'AN' CITY. N. J.. July 12. Mr. Henry Gurncy, the Philadelphia tenor, who Is in charge of tho music at tho auditorium on tho camp grounds In this city. Is organizing a choral society. Tho first meeting was held on Monday evening In tho First Methodist Episcopal Church, and a largo number of resident and vlsltlnic vocalists have become members. The chorus membership will bo undenominational, and It Is Mr. Gurney's plan to give nt least two oratorios In tho auditorium some time later In tho season, with a chorus of from 00 to 7B voices Ros sini's "Stabat Mater" nnd Gaul's "Holy City" will probably be given. Mis. George W. Urquhart and Mrs. Will iam E. Hexamer nro actively Interested In a enrd party to bo given at tho Ocean City Yacht Club on Frlduy afternoon, July 28, for tho benefit of the outing fund of tho Northern Homo for Friendless Children In Philadelphia. Women of tho Methodlit Eplrcopal Church visiting In this city have organized a summer auxlllnry, with the following ofll ccrs. President, Mrs. Harry B. Ackerman, of Pittsburgh; vlco president, Mrs. Joseph IJ. Kulp, of this city; secretary, Mrs. Mar SUMMER RESORTS wu.imonn. n. j. mtSdTjffcrT hiwmim flwrcm,WM.u ffjniflj vv. a liSviMafllVVSP And Wildwood Crest Cool and comfortable all the time. Every breeze directly off the water. Splendid safe bathinp; beach. Ilcst fishing and crabbing on the coast. High-class amusements. Concerts every afternoon and evening by Pfciffcr's Philadelphia Orchestra. For full details U and beautifully illustrated booklet J. WlflTKSni.I., City Clerk, ATI.NTIf (1TV. N. .1. TliP I Fttniwr. PFVKJT HflTFI OF THP WORLD fflarlfsoroujd'BlAim ATL.ANTKJ CJI'I'Y.IN.U. OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT. JOSIAH WHITE ft SONS COMPANY tva eet a netv standard. oi aemce.coinfOTtjti beauty L0EoTFKtnM0rjtaCT)10TU,IJ(TWntW9 trwncaiHiK European rlnv.. XJUH2 HOTEL GLADSTONE Drlsliton An- on Heach Atl-intk- lty. N. J. (In esrlusuo resldfntl.il !": Under nuw manasun't. McUruarty . MiOroarty. NEW HOTEL MERION "oof " 11 l'lUJTTYMAN: .Prop M.L.Ami.KV.Msr. TJTCT IJIV'C! 1015 Boardwalk, below New IUOIjU i O York Ave European plan II u dally. Tronis on ocean. Fret bathing privileges. PHILLIPS HOUSE tlassiclmselts Av and Beach, r. P- PII1LL1P3. HOTEL ARLINGTON jSg5rKJ Open all year; R. J. OSBORNE SON. OC1UN CITY X. J. en r'lIAPTTT'CJ Formerly a terllni. Cor. gl, LilliVK illio blh b Ocean Aves. He (umlshcd & renovated. New tngt. E. Harris. n.rnjiAVBN. n. J. THE IDEAL MOTOR RUN TO HOTEL BALDWIN ..- ..,,..-,. i.ntel Oceit all tear. Cattaclty 00 S5ca water in oil batha New Wistaria oir'den and drill. Music dancing, tenn s. trap hootlng etc. Uaruse. Booklet and auto maps mailed, AVAI.UX. X. J. AVALON BY THE SEA Tho healthiest resort along the cpayt. Sea shore and country combined". Fresh farm and sea rood dally. Hotel Avalon raw open. ln- formation an. A kAnbl.l nn.in raniicat. Charles 11. Hall, 1410 Heal Usiate Trust Bldg. STO.SK IIAUUOItN. J. STONE HARBOR nAih railroads. Farm products and sea fool fresh and plentiful. City conveniences. Yacht club, boarduaik, naming nne nsning. crabbing and boating. Reasonable rentals; inoderato hotel rates. BO McCRAVBN. Borough Cleric vmci.SLV HOT SPRINGS, VA. HEAUNG SPRINGS HOTEL Ownership and management same as ths famous Homestead Hotel a,t tee Virgin. Hot Springs. Va (S miles from it. use srne railroad station!. VXi IIUMIDlTy NO MOSQUITOES. addl borsea. golf Medicinal bitha. Rats (IT 00 to 2S v-oeklr-Altitude 2S0O ft. Maximum summer temperature SB uVegreas. Booklet P.V3. 11 ALBERT, Mgr. MOUNT CBCT -XA. PA. Pknralinta Tnn Oa lake, eld shade. llike. bt rsa roAfnn good table. A. R. tSEAMOLD. MVAKTHMOUK, PA. Strath Haven Inn a && HQV eses. ftacu fawaxUutWfe HI J. putim&B IX garet Thomson, of Camden, and treasurer, Mrs. h. "W. Slocomb, of Wilmington. Ths members meet ovcry Tuesday afternoon In tho Visitors' Masonle Club headquarters on tho Tloanlwnlk below 9lh street. The nv. Dr. Hoyden K. Ycrkes,' rector of the Church of tho Transfiguration, Phll ndelphla, Is hero -with his family, Dr. and Mrs. J, W. Anders are here for the season. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Wyckoft, of PhltA delphla, havn opened their cottago. Mr, It. G. KIclnfolder and hla family, of Glenslde, are cottagers. Mr. nnd Mro. T. A. Schwab, of PhtladeN phla, are here' for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank It. Stewart, of Wood bury, are at their cottago for the pexson. Mr. John T. Greenwood Is here for th season, accompanied by his family. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 11. Atlantic City has never entertained such a lot of attractive matrons and maids as tread the Great Wooden Way this summer. Perhapi the reason that women are looking so particularly well Is tho fact that simplicity Is the keynote of their costumes. Mdst of tho gowns nro built along tho same lines, a straight full skirt, sometimes shirred, but more often plaited, and a bodice on tho lines of tho Itusslan blouse. Nearly every one wears a sweater or smock coat. Tha hats aro n lontr cry from the days when ' every woman loaded down her summer chapcau with ostrich feathers and other rlumago, as most of them are cither tail ored or ndorncd with a single blossom. Straight brimmed felt hats of pastel hues are now having quite a veguo. A charity bridge party Is being planned for nearly every day In tho week. The Ways and Means Committee of the Atlantic City Branch of the Emergency Aid will give a brldgo party at tho Marlborough-Dlenhelm next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John J. White is chairman of the committee. Mrs. Gcorgo T. Llpplncott -will glvo a charity brldgo nt tho Chelsea on July 28. Mrs. Albert Baltz, who always entertains extensively, has Issued cards for a luncheon nnd bridge at tfie Alamac en July 26. Mrs. William Cochran will entertain at bridge at Northfleld on Friday afternoon. Mr nnd Mra. Joseph Garrlty havo re turned from their honeymoon and havo taken an apartment in Chelsea for tho balanco of tho season. Mrs. Garrlty befors her marrlngo was Mlsa Julia MacMaken. Miss Elizabeth Walsh Is tho guest of Miss Gertrude Miller nt her cottago on South Providence avenue. ChelBea. Mr and Mrs. William Ross, of Iladdon Heights, aro spending a month with Mrs. Ross parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Somcrs. at their cottago. 12 Pennsylvania, avenue. North. Mrs. Frank Schanz Is quite ill at her cottage, 28 South' Rhode Island avenue. Mayor James Preston and Mrs. Preston, of Baltimore, aro upending part of the week at the Traymoro. Mrs. Preston was on tho Wnlk recently attired In a most becoming gown of white pussy willow taf feta, combined with georgette crepe. A whlto crepo hat completed her costume. Kensington Mr. and Mrs. Kay and their family, of 1114 Shackamaxon street, are at Wlldwood for tho summer. SUMMER RESORTS WIt.I)OOD. N. sa.v -rimer r - -- .. iufiHif& .wCw.SSSl A write today to WILDWOOD, N. J. Montgomery Aie. and Beach. WlldwooU'a loremosc Vacation Hotel Comfort and Oood Taste throurtiout. l'rlruta Uaths Ilooklet. J. R. WMITKSKLL. Pros. EjUtaEJ-LUT't J.1N1N Whlte aervlco. Orcbea tra. Special rates until July IS. Excellent table. Ilooklet. Coach. J. AL,miHT UAnma. Prop. CJ.HRr.nnM Entire block. Ocean view. lloorm with bath and en suite. Elevator. Ilooklet. P. J. WOQDB. Proprietor. iTR 'RYT OC.K Beachfront. Hot and coU LrlVijXljUUlV runni WRter. Auto serv ice V. J. KLXJTD. HOTEL WAYNE UT llm. eajk MIU. Atilo mti trmim. i. v. HARRIIt. ABBEY Pine ave. nr. Beach. Newest hotel. Iteason. rates. Miss L. Derbyshire- Q AVflY Beach front, running water; private &" ' -' bath. Cap. 200. Auto. W. H. Qeratel. CAPK 3LVY N. J. Chalfonte Hotel 0jiftkt neusonable rstea. Mra. Calvin Sattsrflo CihnrwnnrT Ocean lew rooms. Cap. 150. t3ili.nuuu j,0 to n5Wuij.. j, c. f3prtager. BLOCK ISLAND, P.. 1. NEW NATIONAL HOTEL." gr. urles and Pleasures. BklU R. O. LBW13. STEAMBOATS Tltirl.K DECK STEAMER QUEEN ANNE To Riverview Beach SPECIAL REDUCED RATES Adults, 35c Children, 20c EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAYS. bUXDAYS AXU HOUDAig BEGPLARIlATES Adnlt. 80ct Children, IS Boat Leaves Arch St. Wharf 8:30 A. SI. stopping at Ullllngsport & Chester, bun., 0 A.5I. SELECT EVENING TRIPS UP THE BEAUTIFUL DELAWARE Ei err Thurs., Frl.. fast, and Sun. Evening Adults, 35c Children, 20c Doat Lemes Arch St. Wharf 8:13 P. M, ORCHESTRA DAXC1XQ NO LIQUORS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIPE for 50c STOPPING AT CHESTER DAILY I'EXXbUROVK WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boat tu Augustus Beach. Landing U flBnt oi Grors. bat salt water balhlnxiiv sanitary bathrucms. D.VXC1XU ALL DAY on boat & (rounds. Plenty tables, benches and shade. Artesian water. Fare W 50c Children l 25c Leave Arch 81. Wharf 840 A. W. Dally, Sunday U.00 A. M. JAMES E. OTIS. Ux a ARCS STREEX STEAMSHIPS ilERIGAR EXPRESS liutyti, ptrnniMim TICKETS AHO TOURS Let ns arraac your Vacation Tuux, tU ya what It will rott, o4 P'o;! l mug tickets. Writa ea tclepltarM. Phon Wtout iS-10. ; d teHHM-to r-'i-i if isii'iiisliiiitimt