t'Pwiwn fcVENittG LEDGfiR-PHILADliJLPHrA, TUESDAY, TOEY IT, 191G. 1) LAGERMANIADOMAWbA TRUPPEALLA BULGARIA PERDIFENDERETRENTO I Russi Avanzano Verso Koyel, Supernndo la Restetenza' delle Forze Nemiche sullo Stokhod CONTRATTACCHI RESPINTI ROMA, 11 Lugllo. Tclegramml ila GInovra dlcono cha II fcalser o l'lmperatoro dl d'Austrla hanno lnvlato un urgonto appcllo nl ro dl Bul garia pcrcho' Ihvll truppo bulfiaro nella Gallzla o ncl Trontlno per cooperaro con le truppa tcutonlcho ad arrcslaro l'offenslva del russl o quolta dcgll Italian!. Secondo lo Informazlont raccolto n Gln evra una commlsilono dl lnlatl nustro tedcschl sarcbbo glunta a Sofia dohienlca ecorsa per portaro la rlclilcsta at re Ker dlnando. La commlsalono fcco notaro nl re bulgaro che I contlnul Bucceasl del russl e dcgll Itallanl nnlranno col portnro la Rumania a flanco dcgll nllcatl o nclla Kuerra contro gll Impcrl centrall, e cho tiuando do' avvcnlsso la Bulgaria rlmnr-S-obbo nchlncclata tra lo forzo allcalo a aud quello rumene a nord. Lo czar Fcrdlnando nvrebbo rlspoRto die co truppo bulgaro fossero rltlrato dalla fronto maceddno per cssero lnvlato nol Trontlno o nclla Gallzla gll nlleatl attac cherobbcro Immedlatamcnto dalla fronte dl Solonlcco. Ad ognt modo promlao cho avrebbo sottoposto la rlclilcsta nl conslgllo del mlnlslrl ed alio Stato Magglore. La costanto nvanzata del russl nella Gallzla merldlonalo ha costretlo gll nu. triad a rltlraro parccchlo dlvlslonl Unghcresl dnlla fronto del Trcntlno, dl vlslonl 'cho sono stato sostltulto da truppo croate o polticche. Gll Itallanl hanno rlconqulstato quasi tutto II tcrrltorlo cho Ell austrlacl nvovano occupato nclla loro brovo oltenslvn, nonostanto cho vl slano sulla fronto del Trentlno ancorn circa 2000 cannont n contrastaro l'annzata dcgll itallanl. sullb pnoNTi nunopun. J Lo ultimo notlzto dclla guerra curopea, per quanto non- contengano partlcolarl dl azlonl decisive, puro confermano 1 succcssl che In questl glornt hanno carattcrlzzato lo azlonl dcgll Allcatl. I franccil strlngono da presso t tcdeschl a mezzoglorno dclla Somina, hanno occupato la quota 107, "fcd hanno forttflcnto lo post Elonl tra Blachcs o Barloux. Contro sit Ingles! set dlsttntl o vlotontls Iml nttaccht sono statl lanclatl dal tc deschl nollo poslzlonl del bosco dl Troncs, ed alia lino l sono pcnctratl, ma la bat taglla contlnua. Intanto lo truppo Ingtesl hanno fatto nuova nanzato ncllo vlclnanzo dt Ovlllors o La Bolsscllc. L'avanzata del Russl contlnua alia volta dl Kovel, In Vollnla. Gll csercltl tcdeschl non sono rluscltt ad arglnaro l'lmpetuosa marcla degll cscrcltl moscovltl, cho hanno attravcrsato II IHnno Stokhod In iarl puntl. Gll ultlml rapportl dal quartlero generalo russo rccano cho una lolcnta battaglla o' In corso o cho 1 tcdeschl combattono dls peratamento per conscrvaro lo poslzlonl Bulla rlva sinistra del flume. Vlgorosl contrattacchl del tcdeschl sono statl resplntl dal russl sulla fronto delta Dvlna. Ecco II tcsto del rapporto dl Icrl del gen ralo Cadorna: Tra la allo dcll'Adlgo o qucsta del Brenta si o' grando attlvlta' dl artl gllerla c dt aeroplanl. Nell'alta allo dell'Astlco 1'artlgllcrla nemlca ha bombardato lo nostie posl zlonl dl Pcdescala. II nemlco tento' nnchc un attacco sullo nostro poslzlonl del Jlonto Sclugglo, ma o' stato pron tamente arrestato o rlcacclato lndletro dallo nostro batterlo c dello nostra truppe Nclla rcglono dclle Tofano o dcll'alta vallo del llolto lo nostro truppa nlplno hanno, con molto corngglo ecl nblllta', suadagnato 11 possesso delta mngglor patfo dclla allata tra I plcchl delta Tofane. (Evldcntcmcnto si tratta della vallo del Travenanzes cho attraversa lo Tofano In dlrezlono sudoiest-nordest, vallo che c' per cossa da un sentlero cho e' pol un'accor clatorla della strada dello Dolomltl. da Falzarcgo, per Forcella dl Fontana Negra e Ponto Alto, flno a Podestagno. Potrebbo ancho cssero pero" che II generalo Cadorna si rlferlsso nlla alletta cho sta fra la Tofana Seconda o la Tofana Tcrza, cho Hero non nvrnhlin I'lmnnrtnnvn .llln ..ill. del Travananzes nella quale sl svolsero jinono reconicmcme sanguinosl combattl- All the Sand, Lime, Cement, Plasters and Gravel used in tho Hotel St. Charles wero supplied and delivered by JOHN MURTLAND Atlantic City, N. J. JEBDO The Coal Costs Are Minimized at the HOTEL ST. CHARLES With JEDDO GOAL Coal costs are on Important consideration in hotel manage ment, and JEDDQ COAL Is chosen because of its economy and superior all-round qualities. Slow, even burning, it has, exceptional heat and burns clean through to the last particld For industrial op household use JEDDO COAL is unexcelled. McALLISTER COAL'CO., Atlantic City, N. J. OFFICES AND YABDS Daltlo aud Nw York Aitoucn Indian ATene aboT BalU a ' 1M rti't'liM 6 M II iM I M BlllBPffS3?i?fe?TJ"f'",, mentl. Kon molto tempo fa 11 generalo Ca dorna aveva nnnunclato Voccupazlone dl Forcella dl Fontana Negra.) Una forte poslzlono sullo Tofane, da cul sl domlna la vallata, o cadutn nella nostra manl. La guarnlglono austrlaca o' stata clrcondatn e costretta ad arren dcrst. Nol abblamo fatto In qMeto . zona IsO prlglonlcrl, tra cul olto ufll clall, cd abblamo preso nl nemlco tre mltragllatricl, Un grnn numero II fuclll cd una gran quantlta' dl munlzlonl. Nell'alta vallo del But sl sono avutl duolll dl artlglleria o pecol combattl mcntl. Dopo un intenso bombardamento, sabato notte II nemlco attacco lo nostro poslzlonl plu' alto sullo alture a nord ovest dl Gorlzla, speclalmente nella rc glono del Monto Sftbotlno. Sebbene l'nttacco fosso Bato fatto con forzo consldcrcvoll, esso fu nrrestato dal nostro fuoco d'artlgllcrlo o dl fucllcrla o poco dopo II nemlco vcnUa contrat tnccato o rlcacclato lndletro alia balon ctta, In questo attacco gll austrlacl soltcrsoro gravl pcrdlto In ucclsl o prlglonlerl. Moltl postl delta bassa a!lo del l'Is6nzo Bono statl bombardatl da aero planl nemlcl eenza dnnnl. Poco a nord dl Gorlzla un nostro nvlatoro abbatto' un ellvolo nemlco. GLIMGLESI AVANZANO A MONTE Dl PERONNE Piccoli Monitor! Britannic! Af- fondati da Una Nave Aus- triaca, Dice Vienna Lo truppo Inglcst cho opcrano sulla fronto frnnccse, a nord della iiomma, hanno rl preso la loro offcnsUa contro lo forzo tedo kcIic. ed hanno conqulstato II vlllagglo dl Contalmalson, a nord-ost dl Albert o. ad est dl La Bolscllo. Mcntro sl credeva cho l'offenslva nglc!0 sl fosso In Certo modo In flacchlta dopo lo sforzo Inlzlale, cssa rl prendo ora con lo steiso vlgore. I francest, dal canto loro, sono a circa un mlgllo da Pcronno che, sl credo' nello loro manl fra qualclio glorno, forso fra oro eoltanto, non nppena. cssl nvranno rlprcso la marcla In nnntl. Un comunlcato nustrlaco annuncla cho I'csploratoro austrlaco Novara ha affon dato ncl Canalc d'Otranto clnquo piccoli monitor! Ingtesl cho faccano scrvlzlo dl perlustrazlono net Cnnalo stcsso. I moni tor! sono Rtatl dlstruttl, a quanto nfferma II comunlcato dcU'nmmlragllato lennesc, dal fuoco dcll'nrtlgllcrla dcll'incroclatoro Novara, cd nffondarono mcntro crano dt oratl dallo flamme. It Novrtra poto' sat aro soltanto noo marlnal tnglcsl del l'cqulpagglo dot clnquo piccoli moqltorl. BRITISH TROOPS REGAIN CONTALMAISON VILLAGE Continued from l'nico One morning of July 7. Bcroro tho British could organlzo their now positions tho con centrated batteries of tho Germans bo tween Combles and Bnpaumo opened up with a burst of flro which drenched tho new British position with steel. This can nonado on tho night of July 7 was followed by powerful counter-attacks which finally droo tho English troops out. Since then a great strugglo has been raging at that point. A second drlvo was launched, and nfter a scries of night attacks the Germans wero again driven out. Contalmalson lies between tho Ancro and Sommo Rivers, about eight miles south of Bapaume, tho Immediate objecttvo of tho British offenshc. The olllclal report of tho War Office reads t " Last night, after a brisk bombard ment, wo rccarrled Contalmalson by assault, capturing 180 unwounded prisoners, Including a battalion com mander, nnd four other officers. Counter-attacks were delivered which wero beaten oft with heavy loss to the enemy. Tho wholo of Contalmalson is now In our possession. Farther eastward wo stormed several lines of German trenches In Bols' do Mametz. Tho greater part of this wood Is now In our possession- Wo captured a heavy howitzer, three field guns and 296 unwounded prisoners, in cluding three officers. Hcay fighting is taking place In Trones wood. ' On Sunday qno of our aeroplanes was downed by anti-aircraft guns and three others have not returned. COAL riuLAnKLriiiA. fa, 1310 N. id Btrttt CAMDEX, N. J. 7th and linden Htj. FHEDERICK TALMER GIVES VIVIIi DESCRIPTION OF GREAT FIGHT FOR CONTALMAISON By FREDEttlCK PALMER pness HEAtQUAtvrEns with the DIltTISir XVCtUX IN FRANCE, July 11. It was n. mldsumrder afternoon, with fleecy clouds, n llh bright sunlight and clear nlr which was nil any army obsener could ask, when tho British stormed Contalmalson, 'on tho Sommo lllver front, tho possession of which both sides Becmed to regard as a tactical keystone In the present situation. Fragments of walls of the, old chateaux still standing amidst tho ruins was tho last gllmpso the correspondents had In their prefatory bombardment beforo the attack. Flftccn-lnch shells from tho British guns soon toro away this portion of tho ruins, from which rose a cloud of dust. For a glen nrea tho artillery flro was tho heav iest of any yet seen on this front. Tho Germans answered tho British sholl Ing with an Immense votume of their own fire, placing a curtain In front of tho town, which, at times, hid tho cloud from the British guns cn eloping tho town and also scattering shells near tho front line. Tho British flro kept on Increasing and spreading and the Germans, In answer, ex tended tholr shelling until tho lino Btrctched from Trones wood, another hotly disputed point which had already become a stretch of branchless, leafless trunks, to Ovlllers nnd La Bolsscllc. Along this now front tho nrtlllcry duel continued to rage. At 4-40 o'clock, when the British charged, thero seemed to bo peace In Contalmalson. But It was noon BUrroundcd by walls of shellflro. After tho British got In nnd tho Germans wero forced out, German guns took their turn In hammering tho ruins and knocking oft more sections of walls of the old chateaux. Whllo tho British wero tossing tho Ger mans from their second lines It was raining shrapnel from tho skies. Tho amount of ammunition tho British nro expending Is astounding. From one point tho correspondent wns able to seo from Albert tho bend of tbo Sommo In front of Tcronne. Tho present lino of battto Is mapped across fields, woods, vallcjs nnd hills by shell bursts. Nineteen great allied "sausago balloons' wero visible nnd tho nbsenco of them on tho German sldo as the result of their destrue-. tlon by British shells and airships Is held by artillery obscners to bo a big handicap to tho Germans. Over tho French lines speedy Nlouport aeroplanes dashing past balloons were going and coming at tho rate of 120 miles an hour, and ns one British officer said, "theso llttlo machines with their smart build and tall held high express tho feelings of tho French." FBENCH RACE FOB VICTORY. Passing through tho French lines tho correspondent noted that tho French had something of tho gnloty associated with thlr national tompcrament Instead of tho grlmncss to bo associated with them in war. Tho sharp competition between two fa mous French army corps as they pressed forward to tako Blachcs, which puts tho French on tho Sommo with a gain of six miles In depth, has sot every Frenchman's cyo flashing. Every vlllago taken hnd been razed by Bhell flro, but thero wns no complaint, only rejoicing when the vlllago was captured. Tho Germans havo concentrated heavily between the Ancro nnd tho Sommc, whero thero Is no rhcr between them and the Allies, and arc evidently dctormtned to dis pute tho advanco that endangers their main second lino step by step. President Signs Good Roads Bill WASHINGTON, July 11 The good roads bill, carrying an appropriation of $85,000, 000, was signed today by President Wilson. piMimmnnM MEMBER OF ATLANTIC CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Hotel Supplies EDWIN W. ADAMS LINENS 223 s- Vermont Avenue CROCKERY TnwEi mr AlIanlic Cily' N' J' glassware 1UWULUNU WHOLESALE DEALER GUERNSEY WARE BLANKETS e, Phone 793 lily cups, Etc arjoiu: nunii A. N. Risser Co., Inc. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Purveyor of High-grade Meats, Provisions, Butter, Eggs and Poultry TO THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL Distributors of Dovo Brand Hams and Bacon I . II SHARPLESS BUTTER GRACES THE BEST I 1 TABLES IN THE BEST Direct Deliveries HOMES AND HOTELS Philadelphia New York 21 S. North Carolina Ave. Baltimore ATLANTIC CITY Chester 813-19 North 11th Street Atlantic City PHILADELPHIA I : I I A. SALUS Department Markets PHILADELPHIA ATLANTIC CITY Supplying Hotels and Institutions, Is Our Business Amongst the many high-class hotels dealing with ua for many years is the St. Charles. A visit to our markets will demonstrate up-to-date methods, apch as attractive prices; efficient, polite clerks; cleanliness, modem re frigeration and quick delivery. ATLANTIC CITY MARKET, 1615-17 ATLANTIC AVE. PHILA MARKET, S. E. COR, 13TH AND SOUTH STS. FRENCH REPULSE GERMANS AT VERDUN; NO INFANTRY ACTIONS ALONG SOMME PARIS, July 11. Besplto the pressure atfalnst their lines In Flcardy the Germans continue to attack on tho Verdun front East of tho Jtcuse River tho Germans, during strong night nisaults, penetrated French positions In Fumln wood nnd Chenols wood, but wero driven out by counter-attacks, the War Office Announced In its official communique today. On the Sommo front there was no In fantry action last night along that section of tho lino held by the French. Thero wero several duels, however, on both the Somme and Verdun fronts. GOEBEN ON BLACK SEA RAID VCONSTANTINOPLE, July 11. Ah offi cial statement says: "Tho crulBers Yawua Sultan Sellm and Mldutlu (formerly tho German cruisers Gocben and Breslau) attacked a squadron of hostllo transports off the Caucasus coast, sank four ships and salting vessels and bombnrded tho how harbor works near Puab, southwest of Novorossysk, causing a conflagration In a large petroleum depot nnd In material at nnother place. During tho passage they saw no hostllo vessels. FIERCE BATTLE ON AS RUSSIANS ADVANCE Continued from rce On rlflo fire during every moment of their dash, n group of Russian aihancc guards, under tho command of Colonel Knutseroff, rushed across tho burning bridge nnd put to flight tho Austro German forces, which had hardly tlmo to form for battlo on tho other side. The Bpccd of the Russian advanco Is Indi cated In tho capture by General Kalcdlnes of mnro than 9000 unwounded soldiers In tho four days ended July 8. In this samo Bector 12,000 other Teutons havo been taken prisoner by Gonirnl Kaledlncs. In Gallcla and In tho Dlna sector nt tacks by both sides wero repulsed yesterday and llttlo progress was mado. Aircraft of both armies wero active at many points ntong tho wholo eastern front during tho day. Tho Russian official statement Bays: Throughout the wholo lino, on both Establiahcd 1862 Tho PAPER DOILIES nnd PAPER CUPS Used in the HOTEL ST. CHARLES Wero Supplied by Us H. H. Geilfuss' Son Importer, Manufacturer and Jobber Specialties for Bakers, Confectioners, Caterers, Hotels, Etc. 1202 Vine St., Philadelphia Z?tJA & SON sides of tho front, aviators made nu merous flights. In the region of the Choublnsky Canal, east of the conflu ence of the NIemen and tho Bcrcslnn, our artillery brought down a German aeroplane. The pilot and mechanlo were made prisoner. A group of nt lejist 10 aeroplanes attackd Molodechno and dropped 40 bombs, which set the hay depot on tire. Near tho villages of Svldnlld, Starly Mossor nnd Novy Mosgor, on the left bank of the Btokhod, lively lighting Is progressing. We took German pris oners nt these points. Between Klselln nri"d Kubllno tho enemy attempted a surprise, but was put to flight. Tho total number of prisoners tnken by General Kaleduics from July 4 to July 8 Is 341 officers, 9UB unwounded soldiers. Ho also captured ten pieces of nrtlllery, 48 machine guns, 16 bomb, throwers, 7930 rifles, 2 limbers and depots of engineering materials. These figures must bo added to those given In tho communication of July 8, which In. Atlantic City's Leading Photographer VOU wilt find samples of our work in the leading maga zines and manv newsoaners throughout the country. Wc make a specialty of groups, conventions, etc.. and are in a position to develop and print your own ( negatives in short order. Give us a trial. HARPER B. SMITH 173 S. Kentucky Ave. ?3SiS5S3f- LHSrJ-SSFWii; Bgy,'Tr.ir, s-f a5 I OCEAN PIER j FISH MARKET g Purveyors of Fresh g Fish to tho I HOTEL m ST. CHARLES THE OCEAN PIER FISH MARKET CO. TVhoUsate and Rttall 25 S. Ch'nlfont Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. IlllHHIIlI WAWA The And at Atlantic City, Cape Alay and Ocean City A.. Ah "J9" '"fili THE KS Oil1! ( i I. 'I I SSI HE 1 sl i m -- f 1 SIS 3B 1 H The St. Charles Hotel, equipped with Garland Alt Hot Top Ranges and Stewart Syphon Broilers Installed hy the ATLANTIC CITY GAS COMPANY eluded 300 officers, 12,000 men and 48 pieces of artillery. On the Gallclan front there was a. particularly Intense artillery notion on both banks of the Dniester. In the Dvlna sector the enemy undertook an offensive southeast of Iake Srentcn, but was repulsed nnd thrown back Into his trenches. East of Baranovichi, In the region of the village of Odochawschl, tho Ger mans launched a counter-attack which broke down under our artillery and In fantry Are. . According to later reports regard ing the crossing of the Stokhod at Ugll chief credit for the exploit must go to Colonel Kautseroff, commander of tho Balograd Regiment nnd Cheva lier of tho Order of St George Col IB fHfl' Quality Food Products Arc Mix cnnt:n,i ST. CHARLES HOTEL ' The Hotel St. Charles provides food only of the finest qiinllty, nnd Rreitt care wns tnken In the choice of pnrTrynr. Wo are pardonably proud to havo been selected to provlilo tnrnt nnd pro tlnlona, groceries nnd cnnncil Roods, fruit' nnd veuetnlle, poultry nnd tump. "Wo nro the oldest and largest established market In Atlantic City, nnd our entire succe Is unquestionably duo to mo quaiuy oi oeryimng wo sell for ROESCH fSSSSf WHOLESALE and RETAIL Atlantic nnd Maryland Avenues ATLANTIC CIT.Y Vi Tartan MEAN S.afiety iPM IUO.T jo- R THE 3u 3o I Alfred Lowry & Bro. a WHOLESALE GROCERS 50-54 North Delaware Avenue aCTffixiK-eKS!saia6rKs3: DAIRY FARMS, 22 S. 32D STREET, PHILADELPHIA Milk and Cream Used in the New Hotel St. Charles is supplied direct from our farms thor oughly sterilized, rich, pure and fresh. Wawa Dairy Farms 22 South 32d Street Philadelphia, Pa. A KITCHEN PAR EXCELLENCE "fP" onel Kautseroff, rushing forward tA th head of his advance guards, led lhm across a burning bridge under violent artillery and rifle nre. After we had successfully croset the Stokhod the enemy1 rallied rtnft mtfrte desperate efforts to maintain his posi tions on the left bank of the rlveh Tlw ,i fighting Is continuing. In tho region of the village ef Itanovka, In the Dvlnsk region, enemy air squadron dropped 70 bombs on our hospital convoys. Two Slstora of Char ity and one Ited Cress delegate Wete wounded. There wero artillery duels on the Volhynla. nnd Gallcla fronts. The en emy bombarded violently our positions at Gtladkt and Tzebrova. t,n tne tauio. Brands SPe ?? rirst CONSUMER C3Kd$ &12w545dlw3 Farms at Wawa, Delaware Co u n'ty, -' P e n n a. ' - I