'""'wwwwmwjiwwww rim ni'ii.HjwnmppgBaWiig,mm ;s to, f EVENING LEDGER-IHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1916. fefjwrHlg WM n ?v r I r t r t t It U r. m I FINANCIAL " NEWS fci.-.i-.Tf-- t- .a.. v. i ;WHILE STOCK TRADING IS LARGER THERE IS NO CHANGE IN CHARACTER Important Interests Buy Into Industrial Alcohol Traders Disposed to Cover Commitments in Issues Where ' Pressure Has Been Greatest High Points in Today's Financial News An additional shipment of $25,000,000 worth of securities arrived in New York from London and $3,000,000 in gold came in from Ottawa. Key stone Telephone June earnings statement good. Midvale Steel's' rail mills booked up to August of next year. Many favorable railroad earnings. Out put of ftifttminoits ana anthracite .coal tn United States in 1015 S 1-2 per cent, above previous year. Price of bar silver higher in New York and London. National Zine and Lead Company declared extra dividend of 1 per cent. Call money higher in London. NEW VOIIK, July 11. One feature of the dealings on the Stock Exchange today was a considerably lo-rfeer distribution of the business. Trading ryas also about twice as large as yes terday, when about a third of the total was represented by Ave Issues. The break in Industrial Alcohol was scarcely yesterday less Impressive than the ateady purchases of the stock today for account of Important Interests. Wiether this was for long or short operations was, of course, a matter of con jee fure. Tn some Issues that had been under the greatest pressure the traders were disposed to Cover their commitments, with the result that there were hero and thcrovrallles of a point or thereabouts, which In turn brought net Improvements ranging up to a full figure. In American Coat Products an extremo dectlno of 16 points Ifrom Saturday's final was succeeded by a rally of 8 points. In tho early afternoon movements wero Irregular and later some new points f attadlc on prices doveloped, Including further prcssuro upon Mercantile Marino prcforrctl. Tho subsldlngs of pressure against somo shares was perhaps not unre lated to a reaction In the quotation for call monyo to 4J4 per cent. Tho character of the market as a whole was unchanged, as the professional element was encouraged by the advice of many brokerage concerns to their clients thtt stocks could probably be bought cheaper In the next few days. United) States Steel was weak, rallying only slightly from tho low point of tho day. Even) at tho recoveries in most issues from tho low lovels, losses wore shown en tho day of anywhero from 1 to B points. Exports of Merchandise From New York Are Large NEW YORK, July 11, Tho exports of merchandise from the port of Now York for .the week-ended July 8 were valued at $47,045,992 against $45,599,493 tho pro Tious week pjid $19,713,093 In tho corresponding week a year ago; slnco January 1 $1,36G,917,3W, compared with $687,301,828 In tho corresponding period last year. $25,000,000 More Securities Arrive From London NEW YOKK, July 11. Tho third consignment of securities from London arrived here In eight cases on the Anchor liner Tuscanla and Is said to bo worth $26, OdO.OOO. Tho securities wero In charge of a representative of tho Bank of England. $3,000,000 in Gold Comes in From Canada NEW YORK,, July 11. Gold to the amount of $3,000,000, Imported from Ottawa, has been deposited In the Assay Offlco by J. P. Morgan & Co. This makes a total of $166,046,000 on tho present movement deposited hero and at Philadelphia. National Zinc Declares Extra Dividend NEW YORK, July 11. The National Zinc and Lead Company declared tho regular monthly dividend of 4 per cent, and an extra dividend of 1 per cent, pay able July 31 to stock of record July 21. NfrW LIQUIDATION DEVELOPS ON CURB Selling Not Severe, However. Motor Stocks Are the Greatest Sufferers NEW YORK. July 11. Renewed liquidation developed In tho Curb JIarkct today, although the selling could not be called severe. What little appeared, however, was instrumental In causing a sharp reaction almost through the entire list, with tno nisner-priceu snares sutler lng the most While somo covering ap peared at times, i this failed to bring about any Improvement other than small frac tions. Motor stocks were again the largest suf ferers. Chevrolet, after opening up 1H declined 12 points from the highest Peer less Motors, on stnall transactions, eased off 1U. Stutz Motor, which has shown the most resistance during. the last few days, declined 1. United Motora declined 2H. while White Motors fell a half. Mitchell Motors declined l',4. Lake Torpedoboat was an exception to the downward movement and on fair ac tivity It moved up H. while Submarine Boat eased off m, MIdvale Steel, after a how of firmness, yielded a point Aetna Explosives fell to yesterday's low level, while a number of the smaller-priced shares dropped In proportion. Poole Engineering and Machine lost 5 points. Oil stocks, 'after early steadiness, de veloped a heavy 'tone In sympathy with the balance of the list, although trading In this group was on a smaller scale. Mining stocks ivere Irregular but com paratively quiet Bonds were dull and a shade easier. INDUSTRIALS. Aetna Explosives Amerlcan-rlrttlah Jiff New York Bond Sales American Marconi L'tnuun uar -o do nf. I1M mi 80 Chevrolet Motors slit g?f, ttia Aeronlana 'iara-fleariurv ... . Elsenlohr Tobacco .,... do pia ...,..-.. Emerson Phonograph ....... Flemish-Lynn t .,.. Haskell A Darker Car , Hendee lift , Jntrr Mer Marine . do pf d Kathodlon Bronze pref,,...., Maxim Munitions ......., Manhattan Trans Mid vole steel Otis Elevator ............... Peerless Motors , , Poole Emr B B Kresara w 1.... S3 .112 . 3i . PS : , 33 iyyiiu Amer Agr deb lis 07 KS2 Amer Cot Oil Si n.ITi 0T100O Anglo-Fr 5s n!vt SRl! Am" Wrlt PnP" S-. 80 ,.125 Armour Co 4H 113U 42000 Atchison (ten 4s tu 1000 do adj 4s m VS1!2 . do ev 4.100 1(132 1000 A C tine 44 s I)U4 3KP Bait ft Ohio a ::iooS: JOflU do 4s Ill 34000 do cv 4V4 (I5V1 3"0U Brook n T 8s 1018. . .Wi 61)000 Can Gov is 1021 fini BOOII do 1921? ...:! 100H 4noo do 1831 !::ioo 100 Cent Leather let Gs...li)li lono Cent tenth 1st 5s . 101'i 14000 do conv 3s 1M4 U00Q do 3 ,100 .400(1 Chi Alton 34 s.. nnH 1C0OO Chi & Kant III 4s ioK , looo Chi at west 4" 7" !?! Chi UiO joint 4s." iiAu 1? n.4!.v.v.i.-i- -: .i k dl r rm -s. vt Hlxh. Loir. Close. 100OO do 1,'IHMJ (J 100(1 SOOO loon sonno IIOUI 300( do een 4 do conv 5s ao cp os do cv 4 do Ben 4 Chi Mil -ft ft I" 1 . . . in .. IHs.. r s 004 107H . .11).' ..101i . . 1 o S 4s 1104 rid 4s. . 73 B3H X.'i . H5 07 03 034 1074 80 084 2ft 84i 105 004 10IIH 01 .Kr,Vi 100 004 1004 100 101H 101 111) .044 100 iioX 71 UH 024 112 01)4 1074 102 101H 102 iio4 744 034 83 83 ." i.. "lis 117'i 07H 01 south 44 s 834 8SII HS a II AM O 11 3s.l07i 107S 107S Cuban Am Suaar (IS.102J.J K12U 102! Clltntu.rt.inH Tl Km liintZ .unit iXr.17 8tn4 Motors ., , 3 Stun Motors B1H gfi-1 ; m :.1 6SI TTUMU Film ......... ,!,.,,. United Motors ,..,,,,. do pref ..,.,....,.,,.. 3U White Motors , ..,,...., 33H World Film ,..,,.,,,,., STANDAHD Olt STOCKS. Illinois ,,1T Ohio .--v,, ....... .'...,.233 Pralrls Pipe ,....,, 223. g O Cal , 3 I 9. ?.?, .....058 tofir 205 oniEnt oil stocks. Coaden t Co ; 33 fhalmer Oil . x inter reiroi JQ4 Int. HO' ilk uston PU 14 KNH ivo, ....-....... D4 eapuip Rer v. .:....:.;: MINING BTOCKS, Atlanta 10 butts Copper and Zlno BU Butte N Y '. i rrro d laco 33 necia tioios; ...... How Bound JlstButler tabo Ex MeKinley-Darrati MSs-ma Copper Mln Co ol America Ktsbialas ?.. vw ,. 2 8t Joiwob Lead 14H Wkm Oaaa ,.'.'.'.'.': ','.'. '.;: '. ::: : 5 'bonds. CerrAdi Paico 0 X08 HWvil 5a . . , 0314 s ::: ::: 11 ... IS ::: M 25H 12K 1 1 8T 12 13 a 2 M S3 13 2'i 1R . Uhi l 1-32 D 112 . mono Chi 11 I juouuu do OS 1000(1 do 4s . B0OO do 4s . 3000 Chic Itwy i'un ij auui) 7000 coon 1000 Del ft Hud conv 4s. 1000 do rfd 4s 10000 Den ft Itlo Or 4s 10000 do 5s ;:; 1000 Dls Secur Corp 6a.. 12000 Erie conv 4s fler A. 1000 do conv 4s Her D. 2000 Hud ft Man In Bs 1000 III Steel deb 44s .. 1000 III Cent rfd 4s 10000 do 4s 1053 0000 Interb Met 44s ... 30000 Interb It T re 8s . . 02000 Inter M M ct 44 s 8300 Jap new O H 44s . 1000 Japanese 44s ?.... looo Kan City Bo 1st 3a . 300(1 Lacka Steel Ba 1030. 1000 Laclede Oas lat As . 2000 L V It II con 44a . 3000 Lis- ft St T Bs ... aouu Manhattan 4s aptm Mo Kan ft T lat 4s. 3000 do 3s BOOO Mo Isc ct 4a 4000 do 4s ! BOOO do cv ct Bs BOOO do cona Gu 10000 Nat Enam ft Sip Bs. ?-m .Y - I s .'....1124 ll'JS li" ltiooo do 4s oo'i iot? ontt 12000 do 44s . ' ..." 03i S31J 03j 3000 N V City 4 1037" inSi? iXnit iXnl? SOOO do 20OO do 3;i!! 2 17 AB03.Aji"-,us o 10s s7n7K w" 5 ".".'"'Vi' i"i' 280(H) Nor I'ac prior 4s.'.'.'.' siTi 01 -mini uniario fower Bs .... 834 03H i .10(1 100 1011 . ns;, ohS ouh :tta ?t 7S4 . K3; 83"; 83 . 20 20 20 . 011 011 on . 80 80 80 . 83J4 83'4 83T1 . U g 74 'l 74 'J . VH DU 08S .11)1 1034 lll.T. . 80J4 8J h(IJ4 . HI1U 8114 8114 . 84 Ils4 H84 014 014 014 . KUfi 101H liiiH .100 100 100 .loon inoi 100?: . 004 004 004 . 711 75; 7B . 113 115 113 . 32 62 32 51W Bl! nH . 324 B2lf S24 lOlS 101I 101J iim uu nu ,T" ....... w . Ildf H3. 03 Cltv 4s 105T.. ...100U 1004 lOOU 34 a Nov 1034 .. . 00 Dot! 00?J j lujtt. loots 100S 1II0 :::: S. t 4s oi; InttU 111 108(1 iiosii OO'J 101K 1044 lOO'I BOOO Ore Short Line ret 1000 do 1st 6s 10811 ouuu ao os 108 4000 Ore ft W U ft N 4s.. 84 wwv.. . dL-iiiu ri urn. ....... iiki. 10000 Penna 4s 1048 OBH 11000 do gen ct 44 s . ...101S 13000 do en 44 a 104'J 11000 People's Oaa 5s lot 4000 Portland Ilwy 5a 1030 014 11000 Heading- gen 4a 03i 1000 ReadlnK-Jer Cent 4a.. 07 1000 Hep I ft H 5s 074 20000 St I. I M ft 8 Flf 4s,. 74 10000 8t L ft S F ajs w I I, 83 SOOO do gen st 4s,,.,..., 724 7000 do in w 1 .".;;,; bs 10300 do sr A w I ..,,,. 704 1000 St L ft Swn lat 4s ... 774 1000 South Bell 5a ,,,,,.,106 6000 South Psir cv U ..... 874 4000 do cv ret t p 5s... .10114 S2O0O do rfd 4s .I u 4000 South Pao Term Bs .. 834 834 19000 South Bwy con Ss ,,10l4 Kii 48000 Toklo Bs II 77tt 77? ?!' 01T4 034 i 108C loau 844 100U soS lOlJi 104 Ull". Jl)Ui 014 014 03 lj 05ii 07 07 0T4 074 100OO U S Steel S F 5s .10)!, ......112 o4 saC 80 31'? usS 73 J i-t 74 83U 8Mi 63 65 70 704 174 774 108 108 874 874 1034 103! 8 et snu 834 101U 70 77J 104U 11- ll'J 811 0$ 844 844 100)1 100 RAILROAD EARNINGS EXA8 AND PACIFIC. . . . ,1918. Increase. tttt, wielf July I333.4S3 52.S 6T. WVIS BOtRfinVETEHN. r weit 4vht tvtogo IW.OOO AJftANTA, UIHMINCSUAM ISO ATLANTIC. Fralk Juoo .... I1S.103 112,044 ftrnn Jshr I ,. 3.043.715 17.232 CHtCAOO UUEAT WEST2BN, resrtc. Wtei lvs . t30T.T(H iH.5a WimLjvis ,..,.. I5.03,li j.II.ia Bmsrvma. amd bio ouandb. bft wso Joir ..... Oictoa IJ,?oa MOBTHSBN FAOinC. fleas; wk ai ...... l-fli I3S4.QW MM M J'-- . . . 4S'ii).S4t J3T.973 MOtsOUKHUS AKa ST M Vlf. fum mm -wf . imM P4 iU.ni 1000 U S a ft R Ba 20OO Iln Pu lat 4 10000 do CV 4s ..... 1000 do rid 4s ..;.; 240OO Vtt Rwys H I'll 1000 Va Hwy 6a .... 3000 tV'est aid lat 4a . 1000 West Ball tv 5... 844 3000 do 6s notes I00H ' LONDON STOCK MARKET Trading Moderately Brisk Develop ments at New York Watched LONDON. July 11. Business Jn securN ties on the Stock Exchange was moderately brisk today and the markets were firm In the main. Uncertainty as to the monetary outlook restricted trading: In the gilt-edged section. Developments at New York were being watched. Th American department was weaker and lower following your recessions. United States Steels were heavy on the decrease in unfilled order disclosed In the monthly statement. Canadians were jess active. The feeling In Allied bonds was cheerful, in sympathy with Paris. Interest payments stimulated Japanese descriptions. Realising: caused a reaction Jn Marconi. Russian ells and mines were buoyant Sblp- piOsT issues ueia vie 11. 1110 seiD&cic In the price; of the metal weakened silver mine y-ahares- BAB SILVER Bar stiver la Losdoa was aueUd st SSUd. today a sata o( aid-. CiinuieivUt fear atlver. in JIw Teris was wwt today t lc. ms le. lm w" New York Stock Sales 15 15 32H 32)f 00 00 8 175, IRK 20H 20). 71H 71J 67!i 07H 00! i 01 SIM C2U 109 109 52i m. 130 130 mi mi 10 10 COJs COW 29 29 17J 19 42 43f 01 0.1! noK eoif 01 H 02 9If 02H 40 40 , . . . Ijtt close. Hlh. lx)w. Clone. aov iinmeiy , 15 15 Adr Homely pf , ,. 32 32!f AJsx Rubber ,.,,. 05 CO Ahulea J Gold M 8J 8! Alaska Gold Mines 18 18Jf Allls-Cnalmers Mf 21 21J5 AllU-ChalinetsHfg pf... 73 72,'S Ahi A, Chemical....,.,, 08 07X Am nt Sugar ,. 03 Oi Am Can ,..,.. 625 62f Am Can pf ios!f 109 Am Car Fdy 53 53; Am Coal Products., .....I41jf 140 Am Cotton Oil ,65 54 Am Hide A leather 10H 10 AmHIdeAIiPf ...62 61W Am Ice Securities ....... 2SJ 2D Am Unseed ,,.,,.,,..,. jo)i 10 Am Linseed pf, 44 431 f Am I)comotiTe. .., 03! C4!f Am nocomotlre pf .... loo loo Am Smelt A Itcf 93! 03 Am Smelt pf A calf 02H Am Sleel rnundrles...... 47 40 Am Sugar Heanln Hl! 109)j 100X 109H Am Sugar llennlnit pf...H8 110H 110JJ 110K Am Tel A Tel 120J 120H 129 129), Am Tobarco 200? 207S 200 207)4 AmTobpf now 105U 100H 10014 IO0H Am Woolen, 43! mi mi 41). Am Writing P pf 2314 2354 23 23 Am Zinc r. A Sm 20U 3l)f 29)4 2954 Am Zinc I. ASm pf.... 0214 01)4 69)4 00)4 Anaconda Cop M '. R0) 80) 78J4 79 Alch Top A S F 10,-,lj 105)4 104' f 101'. AlchTopA8Fpf 08J4 09 OSH 98)4 AtlOulfAWI 03)4 CAX 68 69 AIIOullAWIpf 01 02)4 01! 01)4 Atl Coast Mno 114)4 113 113 113 Ilald 1KO Wks 70?. 71)4 70 70)f llald loco Wks pf 104)4 105)4 105)S 10V OaUAOMo 89) 89)4 80 89)f Dethlehem Steel 449)4 443 442 413 Brooklyn flap Tr 835f 85)4 KH MU Butte A Superior 02 02)4 00)4 01H nutterlek Co 28!f 281. 28' 28' Cal Petroleum 10H 10 18)4 19 Cal Petroleum pf 47 40 43 45 Canadian Pacluo 17R54 170)4 1785. 17854 Central Leather 53'- S3J4 62)4 52)4 tnanuior Motor 1 10)4 1 10 uncs & onio 02 Chllo Copper 20)4 Chlno Coppor 4"JJ Chi It I A Pae 21H Chicago Great West 1254 Chicago Great West pf.. 30!f Chi Mil A St Paul 07J4 C C C A St Lpf 82)4 Cluett, Pea A Co 73 Col Fuel A Iron 4,1Jf Compt T Rcc Co 42) Continental Can pf 11 1 Corn Products lief 14)4 Corn Prod Ref pf 00 Crucible Steel 72 Cuba Cane Sugar 00 Cuba Can Sugar pf OIK Denver A Rio Gr pf .... 35?f Detroit United Rys 110 Distill Sec Corp'n 41 Glee Storago Bat 03 Erlo 30)4 Erie 1st pf 63)4 Fed Mln & Sm pf 38 Gen Chemical 305 General Electric 107 Goodrich n F 74 Goodrich B F pf 113)4 113J, 113)4 113)4 Granby Consol 81 83 81 81 Grcone-Cananca 43 45 '44 44 Great Northern pf 110H 110)4 119)f 119)4 O Ncfs for ore prop.... 30)4 3G)f 3554 3554 Gulf Stales Steel 81 70 78 78 Homcstakc Mining 130 130)4 130)4 130)4 Illinois Cent 105)4 104)4 104J4 101)4 IntHarvNJ U3H 113)f 113 113 Int Nickel v t cfs 10)4 40)4 40 -lOJf Int Con Cor v tc sn.... 10J 10!f lOJf lfl'f Int Con Corp'n pf 75 74)4 74 7454 Int Paper 13J4 1354 1354 1354 Int Paper pf 02 02)4 0154 02 Insp Con Cop 50). 61 60)4 6054 IntMMcofdep 23) 23!f 22 22 IntMMpfcofdp 875 87 80)4 SOX tvan city ooutnern sji Kan City Southern pf . . . CO Kennecott Copper 40f MAY IMPOSE TAX ON WINDOWS AND DOORS IN FRANCE Failure to Get Revenue From Levy on Alcohol Prompts New Project 1 m ' " ' ' Sales in Philadelphia TO REVIVE OLD SYSTEM 110 10714 107 01)4 GDV 0154 20)4 20 20 47 4ftif 4(W 22)f 2054 20)4 13 125 13 30)4 30 30 0754 P7 07 82)4 82)4.82)4 72 72 72 44)4 42M 42)4 42 42 42 109 103)4 109 14)4 14)4 14'4 00)4 00 00,'f 72)4 70 70)4 00 68)4 68! 4 0)4 9)i 94K 3554 34W 34)4 110 110 110 42)4 41)4 42 03)4 03 03 30)4 3554 3554 51 53)f 53' a 38 38 38 300 209 209 100 100 100 73f 7254 72J4 By YVES GUYOT Special Coble to the Evmlno I.cdotr. PARIS, July 11 Juggling with the taxes on alcohol was expected to produce lGO.OOO, 000 francs Increase In revenue! the Gov ernment hns reaped, on the contrary, a 2.16,000,000 francs deficit The Minister of Finances now advances a project based on the direct taxes Instituted In 1791, called the four old tnxes They comprise a land tnx on property built and unbuilt, a tax on doors and windows, a personnl tnx and one on personal property and licenses, Itlbot has proposed to double theso taxes, except tho one on doors and windows, hop. Ing to obtain from them 27G.000.000 francs. The Budget Commission hns declared that this sum Could bo obtained by another sys tem of direct taxes. The result the com mission obtnlned with the alcohol tax ought to make It modest. I have raid that the amount of stocks loaned to tho Stnto had reached n billion francs. It has now passed that amount. Owners of such stocks who hove them deposited In tho United States can have them delivered In New York without send ing them from Franco. It sufllces to nuthorlzo the transfer, nnd the owners will continue to receive directly Interest nnd dividend by means of a check sent from New York, as In tho past, ns well ns a 26 per cent, bonus, which will bo paid In Paris. American owners can also profit by the facilities for tho loan of stocks deposited In tho United States and thereby do an advantageous business. It will suOlce that tho American bnnlcs receive the stocks or bonds as a loan to Prnnco; nnd ns the loans will be anonymous tjio French Treasury makes no distinction between French citizens nnd neutrals. 00 4flf Kings W K L V r 127)1 127 Lack Steel Co C0)f Lake Erie A West 19)4 Lako Erie A West pf . . . . 42)4 Lehigh Valley.. Lee Rubber Tire Liggett A Myers pf Long Island Maiwcll Motors Maxaell Motors 1st pf . Maxwell Motors 2d pf . May Dept Stores May Dept Stores pf 0954 19)4 42 79)4 4054 121 38 77)4 85 5354 74H 1354 0154 60)4 22 04 25 00 45H 127 00!f 10)4 4154 78 45)4 121 37).' 73 84 mi 00 45)4 127 0954 10H 42 78)4 43M 121 38 09)4 . 40)4 121 . 37 . 78)4 .85 85 84 85 . 54)4 5354 63W 53)4 . COU OHf 00)4 01)4 .10754 107M 1f)7! 107K Mexican Petroleum 102)4 102)4 OS 08)4 atinn 01 r a a o m ....10 1204 I20!i 120M Miami Copper 3354 33'4 33X 33)4 Missouri Pacific 7 7 6? 0)4 Montana Power 89)4 91 894 91 Montana Power pf 115 113 113 113 Nash C A St L 140 140 140 140' Nat Biscuit 120)4 121)4 120)i 120)f Nat Cloak A Suit 73'.' 75)4 75)4 75)4 Nat Enam A S Co pf. ... 05 91). 9H4 04)4 Nat Lead Co 04 035. 0354 03)4 Nev Con Cop 10)f 10)4 10 10 Nev York Air Brake.... 128V4 120 125)4 125'i NYNHAH 0054 01 00)4 00)4 New York Central 104r 10454 103)4 103)4 morion, x western 131 131 130)4 130) COTTON TURNS WEAK AFTER SHOW OF STRENGTH EARLY Nortnern Paclfle. ,. Ontario Silver Mln... Pacific Mall Penn Railroad Peoples Gas Chi Philadelphia Co Pitts C O A St L pf . Pressed S Car Co Pullman Co Hy Steel Sp Co Ray Con Copper Reading Reading 1st pf Republic Iron AS... Republic Iron A S pf. Shat Ariz Cop 25 Sears, Roo A Co 100 Sloss-Shef S A 1 40 Southern Pacific 07)4 Southern Ry 24)4 Southern Ry pf 09)4 Studebaker Co , Tcnn Copper ... 112)4 112)4 11254 11254 Wi UJi 054 054 20 10)4 10)4 57)4 57)5 57)4 101)4 101)4 101)4 39 38)4 38)4 U4 04 04 45)4 . 20)4 . 5754 40)4 . 00H . 4454 .103 . 44 . 21)4 . 0754 . 42)4 . 4414 .108 1G3 42)4 21)4 98)4 42)4 44)4 108 25H 188 45 07)4 21 69)4 132)4 132)4 125M ill" 31H 31 45 102 42)4 21)4 00'' 42)4 43V4 108 21 15 102 42)4 21)4 00)4 42)4 44 108 24)4 180)4 187 45 07H 23)4 08)4 45 07)4 23)4 08)4 120H 31 183 60S 5)4 34)4 04)4 07 TeiasCo 189)4 1R954 187 Third Avenue 00)4 00 05)4 Union Bag A Paper 554 5)4 5H Union Bag A Paper pf . . 35 35 34)4 United Cigar Stores 05)4 05)4 04)4 USSmRAM 09)4 08)4 00)X Union Pacific 138)4 138H 13754 137)4 USInd Alcohol 109 114 107)4 111)4 U S Ind Alcohol pf 100)4 09)4 09)4 99)4 UnltedFrult 158 156 154)4 154)4 USOIPAF 20 20)4 10)4 10)4 USOIP&Fpf 5254 53 53 53 United Rys Inv Co pf . . . 10H 18J4 18J4 18J4 US Rubber..... 53 53 52)4 62)f U S Rubber 1st pf 11054 110 110 110 U S Steel Corp'n 8554 85)4 84)4 84)4 U S Steel Corp'n pf 11754 117H 11754 1175.' Utah Copper 70 7554 75)4 75)4 Wabash 1354 H 1454 1354 Wabash pf A 50H 50) 50 50 Wabash pf B 28 2754 27)4 27H West Union Tel 94 03f 03 03 West E AM 58)f 50 65)4 55)4 Western Maryland 29 29 28 28 Wheel A Uka Erie,,,,., 55t 6J4 6)4 5J4 WUiyi Overland ,75 76)4 72)4 73)i Willys Overland pf ,,,,,,108 107 100) 100)4 Wisconsin Central,.,,.,, 47)4 40 48 49 WoolnoitaF W., .,135)4 134M 130 131)4 Paper Company to Issue Bonds MONTREAL, July 11. Tho Laurentlde Paper and Pulp Company of Canada is making arrangements for a bond Issue of 3,E00,000 simultaneously In the United States and Canada. The bonds will be S per cent., due 1946. The price at which It la understood the issue will be made Is 90. Active Months Reach Lowest Point in a Weak NEW YORK, July 11. There was a dis appointing opening on tho Cotton Exchange this morning In vlow of better Liverpool cables than expected and tho continued rainfall In tho Carollnns nnd Georgia. Flrfct prices were 1 point higher to 4 points lower, with the tone about steady. Southern Interests wero buyers and there was somo switching from July to October. The operators, who were active on the sell ing sldo on Monday, believed to bo acting for German account, continued to supply the list this morning. Wall street Inter ests seemed to bo out of tho market nt tho moment, but Llvorpool was quite active, buying March and selling January and May. After the call some of tho Important room traders becamo active buyers and prices for the distant months, which showed tho largest losses nt the start, wore back to n point above tho previous close. The market becamo very weak later with actlvo months selling back to tho lowest point reached on tho break following the Government crop report a week ngo laBt Saturday. Spot houses wero among tho sellers on the decline, nnd whllo prices milled 3 or 4 polnt3 from the lowest after the execution of stop orders, the market was still very nervous nnd unsettled during the afternoon. The receipts of cotton at the ports for the day were estimated at 12,000 bales, compared with 0406 bales last week, 7804 bales last year and 3630 bales two years ago. open. 1S.8T 11'. HI 13.01 13.111 13.111 1:1.3a 13.03 July .... August . October . December Jnnuary March . . May . . . . Spot .... Tcs. cloe. 12.KII 12.8H 13.01 ..,.13.11) 1S.S.S 13.40 13.(17 13.03 High. Ixjw. Close. 12.8J 12.70 1S.80 12.84 12.72 12.88 13.01 12.84 12.07 13,18 18.02 18.10 13.08 18.20 13.40 13.21 13.87 13.SU 13.89 18.32 12.93 Small Demand for Spelter NEW YORK, July 11 A small domestio demand for spelter metal is reported to day, but no business of any consequence is known to have resulted therefrom. Prices are unchanged from yesterday. Spelter, Hast St Louis, being offered at 8 He. for prompt delivery, at 811c for July, at Sg for August, and at 7Jc. to 7 fie. for September, Coal Output in U. S. Larger WASHINGTON, July 11 The production of bituminous and anthracite coal in the United States during 191$ is given at 631. 819.4S7 tons, an increase over 1314 of 3ft per cent French Rentes Lower PARIS!, June It Three per cent rentes. 61 rants, of? TSc. ExchangA on LasdanJ tv --v s whwi uuwuaugcu. T Liverpool Cotton IdVERPOOL, July 11. Spot cotton today was freely offered at a decline of 7 points on the basis of 8.06d. for mid upland. The sales aggregated G00O bales, Including SOOO bales American. The Imports were 29,000 boles, all American. Tho market for futures closed quiet at a net decllno of 33',J points. Ashed, .118 .08 i'H .28 fa .88 1.02 .12 .04 :ll .04 .08 .03 ,01 .42 .68 .00 .80 .11 .03 :?i .20 .02 ,04 .10 :io NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, July 11. The market for coffee futures opened barely steady this morning, at a decline of 3 to 5 points. Trading was moderately active, with sales on the call SOOO bags. The firmer feeling which prevailed at the close last night was not In evidence this morning and trading lacked aggressiveness with few orders in tho market either way. Cable advices from Brazil stated that It had been officially arranged that be ginning August 1 the limit of Santos receipts would be 60,000 bags dally. The local market for spot coffee showed a little more inquiry, with Rio No. 7 quoted at 9',i cents. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid. Jim Butter 08 MarNamara .00 Midway 20 Mlzpah Extension 21 Montana ... .24 Northern Star 14 Tonopah llelmont 4H Tonopah Kxtenslon H1- Tonopah Mlnlnsr 0 Rescue Eula 34 West End 08 OOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta 10 Illue Hull 03 llonth . .10 llUlldnir 01 C O V 02 Combination Fraction ...... .00 Dlamondneld 11 11 02 Jalay 02 Florence ,,.. .88 Ooldrteld Consolidated .83 Goldneld Merger ON Jumbo Extension t78 Kewanas 10 Oro 04 Sand Ken 04 Silver Pick 10 MISCELLANEOUS. Arls United IT Kalry Aiteo 01 Klmberly 02 Nevada Hill .17 Nevada Wonder , . . 2'i Tecopa Mining 00 ......... Todays opening; July August . . September October November "December ,...,.,.., , 8.48 January ,,,.,., 8.M raDruary ,,.,,..,...,, ,-b.iju March 8. (S3 08.70 April ,..,,.. .... May ....,..,.., 8.7008.78 June ..,.,., , lJld. '.'.'. 8:8508.37 ...8.40 J8.B2 i8.08 Yesterday's close S.ZSl H.B1; 8.381 8.431 8.481 8. S3 1 B.DUl 8.651 8.701 8.751 8.801 8.8i 8.2J 8.32 8.40 8. 45 8 50 S'l 8.60 8.60 8.71 8.70 8.81 8.86 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. July U. HOGS Receipts. 20,000. Market weak. Mixed and butchers. ill.SUtt i 0.20. food heavy, S0.83M10.20; rough heavy, I-ITTI.E UecelDts. 4000. lfurktt ,1.., xves. I7.75W11.23; cows ana heifers. I4U 611. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW . YORK. July II BUTTER High sraaes 01 c"me,T """. meaium grades steady. Receipts. 21.331. Quotations unchanxed, EGOS lllsh . grades arm, general offerings jaiOet. JjeraDM ouytrs. Receipts. l,t)91. iFlxats, 235 W21hc . other grades unchanged. weir Assistant M)acii a; urate DES MOINES, la.. Julyill Lieutenant T. C. Weir who Played on th West Point chiYsn In li.OS-09, ha been elected, juauitant football oeh at Cxaka Uolrers'.ty. . . Illlrh. .1 Amer Rrrys pr. 05 , ,80 Am Llns pr... iM ivv jiurc mus J. tj m ,8 Cam Steel .... 82' $30 Klee Rtor ..... OS sio Krl ,18 Ken Copper ., 283 Lalte 8up Corp. 25 Lehigh Nay . . 77 Ihlrh Vl .. loo Nor Cent .... 88'1 MA IVnnn 57 H 10 rhlla Co ...... 40 1037 ThllA r.lee .... 2n, 480 1 It T tr ctfaj 10H 150 Rfsdlnr 07 730 Tonopah Ilel 1 . 1 4',, 140 .Union True . .. 4SVj 43 U 0 f ........ .. 3095 U S Steel 85H 10 V a Rubber. ., 03 12 Went Blee .... 50 05 Warwick I ft 8, tt 285 Wm Cramp.... 77. 10 York Jy pfd... 4fl4 Ex dividend. Increase. Total nitlM 8380. shnrto compared with 8587 finres resterdnri thus far this week, 13,853 snnres. BONDS. Itlsh. Low. ttr.nn Am n ri r,. nu nt ';... :. ". . .'v i.y.r -v.. .T.r 2U1IU IISl l,OC 1st Ofl.llHft 1114ft lUft 4000 El & I'eo Td 4a 80 80 80 801)0 Key Tel let On O8V1 m ns!4 R000 L V gen 4a ... 01 01 01 inooo do iren 4Hs..lnn 100 loo looo pa Co gen 44.101K 101H 10194 1000 I'eo Puss t c 4s 83 83 83 3000 Phlln Co cons On 88 88 88 700 l'hllil Bice 4s.. 84 84 81 4000 Stand Ons 09,,loo 100 lno 3000 tin Ilwy Inv As OSH OSW 08U Increoo. Decrease. - Nt Iow. Close, ebge. Vi 4',4 lh If : 8.. 8., XI.' 18 fgit & 88H BOH 1 tSli. 57H U 40 40, . .... 28H 2JJ4 ... . 10 inn ..... 90 D7 IS IMNl Ifo ?-?.. -Decrease. CONTINUED EXPANSION IS SHOWN IN KEYSTONE TELEPHONE EARNINGS Midvale's Rail Mills Booked Up to August, 1917 Expect Standard Roller Bearing Reorganization Plan c to Be Declared Operative Soon Net Close, chge. pot i'S Totyt aales, $17. 500. rompnre.1 with 108,500 ' mis ymterdnri thus for week, (115,700, Local Bid and Asked Today Bid, Asked. 50H 52 Huff A Susa T C do pr 05 Brill J 0 ., 35 lis dirln 7(1 Elec Storage II 2 H uen inp . . . . , do pref Key Tel Ho t c do prof Laks Sup Corn . Leh Nnv Ix'h Vnlley Irfh Vnl Tr .... do pref Pennsylvania 57H Phlla Electric 2S Phlla Co 38H do 5 per cent. pref,. .18 do 0 per cent. pref. , 40 Dilla Rap Trnn It,,, 10l Heading 117 Ton Bol 4H Ton Mln 0 tin Trao 43 U O I 87i U S Steel 84U York Ilwy 14J do prof 37 Wm Cramp t c 74 ns llli4 75 78 2ti 42 Yesterday Bid. Asked. 51 04 50 58 34., 38 70J4 71 (1214 01 88., 84, HllJJ 7n'i ft .h 75 75i 7HJ4 70 21 22 42., 42H r,7i r.8 28I 20 3 40 38 811 , 40 40J4 mi; in US,, U9i 10 44 4U (l flU 43 44 87i 88 83H 85 15 1514 37 HI 74 78 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOniC July 11. Tho foreign ex change mnrkct this morning; opened dull nntl Inactive. Lire nnd kroner wero nomo what castor. Quotations: Demnnil ster ling, 4.76 ll-luB4.7Si ; cables, 4.76 7-16; franc, checks, S.01; cables, G.90V4 ; rclchs marks, checks, 74 C-16: cables, 74 1 Swiss checks, 5.20: cables, 0.28 U ; Vienna checks, 12.80: cables, 12.86 ; kroner, checks, 28.40; cables, 28.60: pesetas, checks, 20.20; cables, 20.30; guilders, checks, 41 7-10; cables, 4114: rubles, checks, 30.7Q; cables, 30.76; lire, checks, 1.40; cables, C39U. The market remained steady but un changed throughout tho entire session. De mand sterling, 4.7E 11-1604.76, nnd cables, 4.76 7-1C; Frnno checks, 6.01 nnd cables, 6.90 U. while there wns a nominal quotation of 7474,4 for rclchsmarks. RATES FOR MONEY Call. N'ew Tork 314 W4U Philadelphia 4 Iloston 3 Chleaeo ,1lt4 Commercial paper, three to six months, delphla, 8(3814 per cent. Time. 4 44 4 Bi.il Phlla- Reserve Banks' Discount Rates 10 or less. Boston Over 10. Over so up to 80. up to do. New Tork. rnnaaeipnia 8 8'4 314 18 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8.H SH 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 414 4 4 Over 00. up to 00. 4 4 4 4 b 4 4 414 4 4 Corn- Cleveland ItlMimnnrt Atlanta 314 Chicago 3 14 St. Louis 3 Minneapolis .. . Kansas City.. 314 Dallas Han Francisco. 8 Asrlrul. Trade Rpr.nliinrM Over 00. Up to no. 00 to 00. modlt tsoBion ..,., it New Tork ... 5. . Philadelphia .. 414 Cleveland .... 5 Richmond .... 5 Atlanta 5 Chicago ft St. Louis S Minneapolis .. . Kansas City.. 3 Dallas 8 Ban Francisco 5 14 Up to 30' di er 00 to 00, ' over cent. 3 - i ye, .over 30 to 80, a per cent, 4 4 4 314 314 Ity, 8& a4 a i a 814 4 Mr rent.r and over Ou, 0 per Financial Briefs John H. Guy, of New York, has resigned as president nnd general manager of Ad-vnnce-numeley Company. The output of gold at the mines of the Rand in June was 761,764 fine ounces val ued at 3,236,767. In May the outturn was 777,681 fine ounces .valued at f 3.303, -377, and In June last year was 766,280 fine ounces valued at 3,208,224. The Northern Electric Company, a sub sidiary of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, shows, gross sales for June amount ing to between 1240,000 and 1260,000, as compared with 1276,000 In May and about J260.000 in April. Gross sales of the Acme Tea Company for the period July 6, 1916, to July 1, 1916, amounted to 116,650,247.84, and for tho four weeks ended July 1, 11,320,010, The New York banks lost to the Sub treasury yesterday 2;677,000, and gained since last Friday 1635,000. No Lackawanna Steel Dividend NEW YrOIlK, July 11. No dividend will be declared on the stock of the Laekawanna Steel Company by the board of directors at the meeting late this month. There have been rumors tliat some distribution would be made at this meeting, but It can l?e stated on go'od 'authority that no action In this direction will be taken until possibly about September or October next. Wheat and Corn at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, July 11. Spot wheat was firm today 'With blue stem quoted at lis. 9d., an advance of 3d.; No. 2 hard winter, 10s. 7d.j No. 2 red winter, 10s. 8d.j No. 1 Northern Manitoba, lis. Id., a gain of 2d., and No.. 2 Northern Manitoba, 10s. lid., up Id, Corn firm, with American mixed unchanged at 70s. and. New Plato at lis. 6d, Flour was 6d. higher at 40s. GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s realstered 1830 .., 2s coupon 1V30 ...... 8s registered 1918 ... Hm Hunon 1D18 4s registered 1925 ,.,. 4s coupon lt)2S. ?..... .. tj.it... Bid. 8H 981 100 100 10914 110 Panama. 2s. registered 19S8 ,,,.,. 08 inn,& 2flrtirttttered 1988 98 Panama 8s registered 1981 ,,,.,, 100 Panama 8s coupon , , .... 100 Asked. 914 101H 114 10H Money Higher at London LONDON, July 11 Money on call was 4 to 4H per cent today, compared with 4V4 per cent at the cloe yesterday. The rate of discount for short bills was o,, against 6 per cent, yesterday, and for three montha" bills 646H per cent, against $ per pent. PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES V.e will furnish oa request copy of B booklet giving fact la condensed form about Public SerVlce Corporations In the United JBtites. MELLOR & PETRY Members X. T. bjla. Stock exchange 330 COMiiEBCIAE. TBTJST BUILBIilQ Holders, of Keystono Tclephono securi ties nre plcnsed with the showing mndo by the company In tha matter of ramlngs. With the Issuance of the June earnings, which came out today, th6 company has completed tho first half of tho fiscal yenr, and the results nro gratifying. When the approval of tho Pennsylvania Public Serv ice Commission is finally secured for the leasing of tho company's unused ducts to tho Philadelphia Electric Company, It Is safe to say that he earnings will Bhow up much better. For tho month of Juno the gross earnings Increnned J9022 to $122,35, and tho net rose 12449 to 160.560. whllo there was a surplus for tho month of 133,097, which Is an Increase of $1641 over June of last year Tho six months' gross earnings totaled 1718,233, a gain of 147,613,nnd tho net ad vanced 120,168 to 1369,372. Tho surplus for the six months was $194,665, nn Increase of $14,105. An oinclal of tho MIdvale Steel nnd Ord nanco Company stntes that tho order re cently taken by tho company from tho Russlnn Government for 350,000 tons of 67 H -pound steel rallB, with tho other rail business on tho company's books, will keep the rait mills In full operation until about tho beginning of August of next year. Foreign activity In tho steel market ap parently Is Increasing. Tho Russlnn Gov ernment, it can be stated on nbsoluto au thority, Is In the mnrket for mora thnn 200,000 tons of barbed wire. That countrj hns been a large buyer of steel In the United States recently, nnd It Is generally believed that further business will follow tho placing ot the order for wire. Equip ment circles nro looking for contracts In their lines from Russia, Whllo Russia is leading tne rorelgn coun tries at the moment so far as steel pur chases nre concerned, .England nnd Francs nre not far In tho rear. Tho!8 two nations arc displaying Increased Interest In steel affairs nt present nnd are Inquiring for large tonnages of shell bars and steel plates. It wns learned today that fully 90 per cent, of tho stock of tho Standard Roller Rearing Company hns nssentcd to the plan of reorganization, nnd It s" expected that tho question of declnrtng the plan opcratlvo will be decMed In the near future. Labor difficulties at the plant nro being straight ened out nnd It Is thought that a normal force will bo at work within a week. Trading on tho Philadelphia Stock Ex change today did not show any chango from tho quiet conditions which ruled yes terday, business being on a smaller Bcnle. While price movements were nnrrow they wero mostly downward, following tho lend set by Wnll street. Higher rates for call money, both, hero nnd In New York, had some cITect on the trndtng, as this means a readjustment ot loans. One of tho weakest Issues was Cramp trust certificates which declined 6 points as compared with tho Inst previous sale. Later Mi t he day tho stock recovered 4 points of tho loss. The sharp decllno was said to be M . r10. ,cl,08lne t f a marginal ac count. Lehigh Valley wns nnothcr weak spot, losing moro thnn a point, ns1 did WHEAT NERVOUS THROUGHOUT DAY Final Prices Are Above Lowest, but Below Yesterday's Close. Black Rust Watched GRAIN nni.T AVEATHKR FORECAST CIIICAdO. July It. The wentlier fore- ao hours rollnwst . i , nlitiit nnd Vi'ednesdnri not much chnnco in trmnrrniure .Wisconsin rnaff fnr llllnoli nnrn1tv fill, tnnlvtif Jintl Wednesday, cooler Wcdnesdny nnd north tonmit. Minnesota flenernllr fnlr tonight nnd yyednrsdtty, cooler tonight northenst Wednes day. . lotvn flenernllr fnlr tonight nnd Wednes day, footer tonight, . North Ilnkotn t'nlr tonight nnd Wednes day, slightly cooler lonlclit. Honth, Iakota nnd ehrnskn Oenernlly fair tonight nnd Wcdncndny. cooler tonight, warmer Wedncmlay. Kanns Generally fair tonight! not much chnnge In temperatures. CHICAGO, July 11. A good deal of fov erlshncss and nervousness characterized the trading In wheat today. Final prices wero a little abovo tho lowest but below yester day's last prices. At ono tlmo the market showed strength, but It developed easiness because of profit-taking on n liberal scale.. Longs sold nnd wero Inclined to wait for n substantial reaction before taking hold again. There wero assertions and denials of tho prevalence of black rust It was the opin ion of the conseroitlves that grave damage was more in prospect thnn accomplished. D. W, Snow telegraphed that he had driven through the southern edge of the real wheat belt of South Dakota, and said that a closo search would find a trace of black rust In most of the fields, but that at this time It was not alarming. The first car of new wheat this senson arrived hero today. It graded No. 2 hard, tested 61 V4 pounds, and enno from Kansas. Kxport sales wore about 500,000 bushels, about half of which was new American. The rust scare was responsible for nn ad vance of 1 to 3d. In spot and of ld. In winter and Manitoba carB"-a at Liverpool, Arrangements have been completed by Franco to buy about 8,000,000 bushels In Australia, Rumania win .invo a bumper yield. Cercnls In tho United Kingdom aro under the average and complaints nro com ing from Italy. The American nnd European supply Is 186,822,000 bushels against 77.993,000 bushels last week. It is cstlmntcd that Aus tralia can spare 130,000,00 bushels for ex port, according to Bradstreets. Leading futures ranged ns follows: Jteavy Wheat open, iintn. .Tulv 1.IIRU, I.O'I September.. 1.10S 1,11 Uf't-mw-r .. I . I H va 1.13. Corn (new delivery) July JfS J814 September. . 74H 75. Dccembor ., 0314 04S juiy'"?::.... 4o: September. . . 4(1 4ft;4 De-om'"r . . 414 42 K T .a r. 1,1. II' M,Ud 13.25 13,10 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Ileal Estnto Title Insurance nnd Trust Com rnny. regular quarterly 13 per share, payable AUBust 1 to slock of record July 10. Inauranco Company of the State of Pennsyl vnnla, semiannual dividend of 3 per cent, pay able July IB to atock of record July 10, 1018. Kerr Lalto Mining: Company, usual quarterly 28c. a share, payable September 15 to holders of record September 1, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cor responding day last two years! Ho,slSneIrh"'',i?',j(s2'??2 "''8Mn8 J27,(m"li4n ilSfJ vi'"i3'22i,r'i8 ..-'".820.81)0 28 453 712 rhlLrk 0Si'?5?'.n!! 340.004,030 23O.380.0O7 Chicago .... 73,481. 038 03,451,310 63.302 220 Ijitt'. (-In", 1.l)74 t.n7-tl.ns 1.00J4 l.onVHl.lo l. nun 12 U.12T4 77i 3IIT4 41!i tj?.. oati 40 4(A4 tin. 17SU 03 '40J4 41U .13.07 .13.23 Jlliv September. October ltlba July 18.37 September... 13.52 rork July 25.20 September. ..24.(12 Illd. tAskcd. 13.10 J13.20 13.17 13.32 .... tlS.47 13.40 -13.32 U3.32 J13.0.-. 13.02 13.40 13.40 13.57 25.50 53.40 24.72 24.47 Nominal, 23.47 f. 24.67 : .1.07 4.87 The Denver Gas & Electric Light Co. 1st & Ref. Mtge. S Sinking Fund Bonds Tax Kef. Penna. Free l'ederol In come Tax Price to yield 54 The net earnings of the comfany appll. raoto to this Bond issue are tn excess of flv timet the Interest charges. The Denver Gas & Eiectrlo Light Company operates at a high stand ard of efficiency, the quality of serv ice rendered la of tho best, and the company's relations with the com munity served are notably cordial. This company, as well as its securi ties, la widely known, and Is con sidered to be among the most suc cessful Public Utility Corporations In the United States. , Circular with details on request. KLEmm & KEEN 1326 WALNUT ST. fNei Phi Chi Members New York Stock Exchange hlla. Stock Exchange CMgo Hoard of Trade A Remunerative Way to Invest when the primary ob jects are safety of prin cipal and satisfactory income, is to choose some of the sound Public Utility Bonds that may be bought at current prices on de sirable bases. Suggestions will be given those who write for our circular No. 412. William P. Bonjiriglit & Co., Incf MURIUS WlflTAR STB0UD, Jr. Manacer 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York " Roston Detroit London Paris William I'. Uonbrleht Co. nonbrlsht c Co Thousands of Dollars have been wasted which could have been saved by installation of proper Conveying Machinery Consult our Engineering Department, gratis. CHARLES BOND COMPANY Sprockets, Clinln, Elevator Tluchets and Power Transmission Machinery 520 ARCH STREET D' ONT strain your financial resources In times ot per sonal need. Let the Morris Plan of Loans and Investments solve your problem. Emptsjrer sanction the plan. Over (l.COO.OOO loaned. Hcuiimcat easy. muui hh request. MORRIS PUN COMPANY 1507 Arch St. of Phila. WASTED. J" N,,w Te'Jit. eJc!f.LS:,Vulf IlauM bavins also an cfllco la I'UlUiJelpbU A ILiNAUEK let its PhUidelptU.oaice. Onljr those occu. nVlnj similar vasltlea need swir. 'iuuIt by UtUr U BOX SH. ZOUS CSNTBAi, ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title BuiMinj; Philadelphia High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds Equipments and Public Utility Bonds JI KM UICUS " NEW YORK AND PIIIL.nBT.PniA STOCK EXCIIANGICS Edward B.Smith & Co EinsLuniD isx BANKERS Verniers Keo York and Phtladelshla Btock Exchanges Ull Chestnut ETsrxr, PiiiUDixrou 0 PINS STSUT Nkw Yoi bl'KCIAI. NOTICES JEUKI.HV WOUKEK9. ATTENTION. A Masa-Meetlnir or Jewelry Workers will La held at Dental Hall, N. W. cor. lath and . Arcb ts., on Thursday, July 13th, at 8 p. m. All Jewelry Workers of rhlla. are invited to attend and become active members or our Local and help us to secure the (food conditions that ' other places huva secured through the influence I or urranizea iuor. JEWELRY WORKERS- UNION, LOCAIj NO. H.B2T. OF PHILADELPHIA. DIVIDENDS INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOBTU AMERICA I 3!l "Walnut HtrrAt ' 9 Philadelphia. July 10. 1913. The Directors have this day declared a divi dend of 6 per cent., payable on July 17. 1818. to stockholders ol record July 10, lota. Checks i nut we utu. T. HOUARD WRiailT. Treasurer, DIRECTORY OP ACCOUNTANTS I'trtlfled Public AeceunUsU LAWRENCE II. BROWN A CO. 115 REAL ESTATE TRUST BU1LDINO. BUHNa & SFEAUiUN Th BdUXM V w-