Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 11, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Narragansett Pier, Newport, and Other New England
Places in Full Swing of Activity Jersey Coast
Towns Are Centres of Summer Gaiety
IT LOOKS as If this season nt Narrngan
sett Plor and Newport would bo and
li already a pretty gay one. Of course,
now that most of the troops have passed
through Philadelphia and gono down
to the border, and no war has as yet
dovoloped, our splendid women who havo
Worked so hard nnd earnestly for their
division of National PrepnredneRS, feel
that thoy can go to their homes In New
England and other places for tho sum
mer months and enjoy tho good times pro
Tided, if things remain as thoy arc.
At Narragansett, bo writes me,
dancing holds full sway and thoro aro
weekly fox trots and one-stop contests at
tho Casino on Tuesday, Thursday and Fri
day nights of every week, and, my dears,
l theso aro to conttnuo until Soptcmbor, so
fond aro tho pooplo thore of dancing.
On tho 27th of this month there Is to
Fbo ft "Ball of Chapoaux" and on August
LIS thoro will bo a Hawaiian ball, and from
tho whispers hoard of tho costumes
Manned for this ltttlo eplsodo In a sum
mer's passing, bollovo mo, It will bo nomo
llttlo danco. I wondor what Dorothy
Norrls has planned for that occasion?
Certainly her costumes havo been hither
to tho most admired of any of tho fancy
dross affairs, for sho has shown such
Wonderful taste in tho selection and com
bination of colors in tho various costumes
she hao designed for herself. I remem
ber at "Tho Gambol of tho Gods," given
last season for somo charity affair, Doro
thy appeared In a sort of Eastorn danco.
Sho hod exquisite tullos and a peacock
feathar In nor hair and -tho combination
of lOld, red, orango, rich bluo, soft yol
low aad rose In hor coatumo was ono of
tho moat suoccesful conglomerations of
color I havo over soon.
Bow llttlo one rcallzos whon safely un
der a tent and apparently far away from
tho madding crowd, tho volco carrlos far
ther than la usual. Had this not boon
tho case, I would not havo bcon ablo
to tell you of this llttlo lncldont, which
Booms to mo a. rathor sad ltttlo Incident,
as It shows tho wnnt of thought of tho
ontortalnors of today and tho ontertalncd.
There had boon a party ovor tho Fourth
and two of tho girls and sovoral men woro
discussing It. Tho thing had boon given by
an older man and ovldontly thoro was
much of tho "flowing bowl that cheers"
for tho delectation of tho guosts, for
said ono of tho prottloat and most popu
lar maldons at this rosort, "Well, I'vo
boon on many Fourth of July parties In
this small town, but, bollcvo mo, this was
tho worst I ovor know; why I went homo
and attempted to wrlto to , but I
am euro ho never could havo road it.
I never felt so queer in all my llfo, it
actually took mo hours to recover." To
which artless remark, ono of tho callow
youths roplled, "I nover saw anything to
beat It, why I only had two trios at that
. and I know nothing at nil nftor-
Havon't wo como to rathor a serious
etago In our development whon girls of
tender ago and moro boys aro entertained
by a man many years their senior with
such strong refreshment that they get to
bo, in a way, politely intoxicated, and thon
boast of it afterward? Whero aro tho
girls of yesteryear?
Mrs. Mason Campbell, who 13 spending
tho summer In Bar Harbor, guvo a tea
yesterday afternoon at tho Tea Cup Inn,
Hull's Covo.
Mr. Truxton Bcalo entertained at lunch
eon yesterday at tho Casino, Narragansett
Plor. In honor of Miss Elizabeth Cushlng
Dr. and Mrs. Archibald G. Thomson aro
expected to arrlvo at Narragansett Pier
today to occupy Bass Rock Farm for the
remainder of the summer.
Tho marriage of Miss Letitia Mary Rad
cllffo and Mr. Paul Ileova Miller will take
placo tomorrow evening In the First Bap
tist Church, Germantown. Miss Radcllffo Is
a pianist of note. Mr. Miller Is a member
of the bar and a graduate of Haverford
Mr, John Wanamakor Is spending somo
tlmo at Saratoga Springs, N. Y having
mado the trip by motor.
Miss Susan Lynch Bruce will leave next
Monday for Newport, where she will be the
guest of her nunt, Mrs. Alfred E. Norrls.
Mr. Clement Buckloy Nowbold and his
daughters. Miss Mary D. Newbold and Miss
Anna S. Newbold, of Jenklntown, will spend
the summer at Proctor's Cottage, Pride's
Crossing, Mass., with Miss Kate F. Rob
ertson. Mrs. L. Webster Fox and her family are
spending the summer at Eastorn Point, New
London. Doctor Fox expects to Join them
In a-fortnight.
Mrs. James Hirst and the Misses Hirst.
of Mount Airy, are at Bay Head for the
remainder of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ury Crawford, with
their daughters and Bon. Mr. Harry C.
Crawford, have returned North from their
home, Ury Lodge, Co,coanut Grove, FJa,,
.and have opened their hquse on Pine road,
Fox Chase, for the summer.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman S. Macklo, of
Chestnut Hill, will leave the middle of this
month for Manchester, Mass., where they
will spend the summer with Mrs. Mackle's
mother, Mrs. John IV McGlnley, at her villa.
Along the Main Line
OVERBROOK. Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Horstmann are cruising in New England
waters as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Llpplncott on their yacht
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hare, of Wynne
wood avenue, have opened their cottage at
Chelsea for the summer,
ARDMORE. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lus
eon, whq have been living In Florida for
several years, have taken a houso at Ard
more for the summer.
HAVERFORD. Mr, and Mrs. Walter M.
Franklin have returned to their home on
Berkeley road after spending several weeks
In Fredericksburg. Va.
Mrs. William B. Elliott, who has been
(pending the early part of the summer at
HavarXord Court, Is at the Chelsea, Atlantic
STRAFFORD. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Campbell, of Lansdowne, expect to move
fct,o their new home on Lancaster road
about August 1.
Mrs, George Bannister, of 111 Maplawood
avenue, announces the engagement of her
(laughter, Sllaa Blanche, M. Bannister, la Mr.
John J Stutz.
Tim Ocean City Yacht Club will be Lid-
quarters for the Germantown Boys' Club's
summer camp, which opened yesterday.
Fifty boys In charge of Mr. Earl M.
Humphreys, director, and his assistants, Mr.
Kenneth W. Webb. Mr. Slebert Wenerd, Mr.
Norman McLcod, Mr. J. Arthur JclTord nnd
Mr. Earl Hunter, left yesterday morning.
Mrs. Edward Evans Dennlston, of West
School Houso lane, accompanied' by her
daughter. Miss Anna Dennlston, who is re
covering from her recont Illness, will lcavo
tomorrow for Potlt Manon, Me., to occupy
her cottage for tho summer. Miss Mar
garot Dennlston nnd Mies Illdred Lano,
who aro travollng through Alaska, will re
turn In September.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo W. Ward, of Cyn
wyd, will leave Thursdny to motor up to
Watch Hill, II. I. Later thoy will go to
Bretton Woods nnd Poland Springs, In tho
Whlto Mountains, returning homo tho last
of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herbert Glllls are
rccolvlng congratulations on tho birth of a
daughter, Lillian May Glllls, born Friday,
July 7. Mrs. Glllls will bo remembered as
Miss Gortrudo Barth, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. William Barth, of Highland avenue,
Chestnut Hill
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Earlo Johnson and Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick L. Simonln Bpent tho
week-end In Rondnlla, Md.
Tho Misses Tattersflold, of 7203 Lincoln
drive, motored home from Long Island,
whero thoy wcro guests for n week of Mrs.
Morgan Cushlng.
Miss Elizabeth Farles, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Edgar Dudloy Farles, of 7808
Creoheim road, who has been living In
Cnnton, China, olneo her graduation at
Bryn Mawr College, throo yoars ago, re
tumod to her homo on Saturday.
Mrs. Joseph Hethorlngton, of 173 Woaver
Btrcot, Mount Airy, haa gono to Cnnton,
N, J., whoro oho will spond sovoral weeks
visiting hor mother, Mrs. William Bakor.
Along the Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hawloy, who havo
been spending tho last few weckB with
their two daughters, Mrs. J. Jnmos Car
penter, of Tillln 0., and Mrs. William R.
Talley. of Shoboygan Falls, Wis., havo re
turned to their homo In Oak Lane, bring
ing their granddaughter, Miss Edith Car
penter, with them for a visit.
Mr. J. W. Connolla, of Jonklntown, is
spondlng a month In Honolulu, Hawaii.
Miss Holon James, Lawnton avenuo. Oak
Lane, will act as hostess to tho mombors
of her sowing clrclo tomorrow afternoon
at luncheon, followed by cards. Tho guostB
will InclUdo Mlsa Caroline Yates, MIS3 Edith
Boswcll, Miss Marion Taylor, Miss Allco
McPoylo, Miss Evolyn Clarko, Miss Helen
Clarko, Miss Poarlo Patterson, Miss Pnullno
Prlmm, Miss Joscphlno Cully, Miss Connie
Bntes, Miss Lillian Curran and Miss
Blanche Pipping.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doll, Jr., who wcro
married on Juno 21, aro upending tho Hum
mer In Atlantlo City nnd will bo at homo
aftor September 1, at 3347 North Smodloy
stroot. Tho brldo was Miss Marjorlo J.
Lott, daughter of Mrs. Frederick B. Lott,
of Tioga.
Mrs. Bernard Daniol nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
Roubon Lovl, of 3124 North Broad street,
uro spending tho summer In Atlantlo City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Benson and their
daughter. Miss Marian Benson, of 3334
North Park avenuo, havo gono to Ocean
City, to remain through tho summer.
A pretty wedding took placa yesterday
morning at 8 o'clock In St. Patrick's
Church, 20th and Locust streets, when Miss
Mary Agnes McDevItt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John McDevitt, of 2428 Fine street,
was married to Mr, John' J. Ward.
The bride wore a gown of ivory white
satin trimmed with duchess lace and her
tulle veil was arranged with orange blos
soms. She carried a bouquet of Brides
roses and lilies of the valley. Her sister,
Miss Gertrude McDevItt, who acted as maid
of honor, woro a pretty frock of pink
eatln veiled in white net, a pink hat to
match and carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Mr. Hugh Ward, a brother of the bride
groom, acted as best man. The nuptial
Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Lawrence
A. Deering, who also performed the mar
riage" ceremony,
A breakfast followed at the home of the
bride's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Ward left for Atlantlo City. They will live
at 2317 South Woodstock street on their
return from their Wedding trip.
Mr. Louis Henry Jetter, of New York,
announces the marriage of his daughter,
Miss Gertrude Louise Jetter, to Mr. Charlej
Francis Huston Miller. The wedding took
plac'e quietly in , the Church of the Holy
Apostles, Slit and Christian streets, on
Tuesday, July i, at 4 o'clock. The Rev.
Dr. Toop performed the ceremony, which
was attended by the immediate families
only. Mr. MUler is the son of Mrs. Ben
jqrain Miller, of West School House lane,
Germantown, ana a nepnew ox Mr. A. p
Huston ana Mr. Charles L. Huston, of
CoateavlUe, J"a
After November 1 Mr and Mrs. Mllle;
will be at home & the Wood-Nortoa Apart
meats, Ufermamown.
Photo by J. Mitchell Klllot.
Mrs. Castor, whoso, marrlngo took placo in June, will bo remembered
na Miss Mary Edna McDermott, of 4437 Sansom strcot. Mr. and Mrs.
Castor will bo nt homo after October 1 at 7347 Oxford avenuo, Ryors, Pa.
West Philadelphia
. Miss Marie Styor and Bliss Linda Styer,
of Norrlotown, havo taken nn npartmont
on South 47th street for tho summer.
Miss Marlon N. Duffce, of 4205 Pino street,
will lonvo today for Catonsvllle, Md., whero
oho will visit Judgo Morris A. Sopor and
Mrs. Sopcr.
Mr. Honry W. Sholton, of Hanover, N, H.,
Is visiting Mr. Francis Goodell, of 4432
Chestnut street. Mr. Shelton la a professor
at Dartmouth College.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Felix Spatola, of 4004 Bal
tlmoro avonuo, havo gono to Atlantlo City,
whoro thoy will spond tho summer nt their
cottage, 20 South Carolina avenuo. Thoy
will return In October.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Aycrs, of 31 North 03d
street, hnvo roturned from a 10 days' stay
In New York with Mr. Aycrs' brother, Dr.
A, G. Ayors.
Mr. J. H. McCarthy, of 31 North C3d
street, left Saturday morning for a flvo
weeks' trip by motor through Canada.
Miss Anna Spcichor, of 05 North C3d
street. Is visiting her mother In Scranton,
South Philadelphia
Mr. Clarenoo Moore, of 1937 South 4th
Btrcot, has roturnod after a short visit to
Atlnntlo City, wliero Mrs. Mooro and tholr
daughter. Miss Myrtlo Mooro, aro staying.
Frlonds of Mr. William Rood will bo
glad to know that ho has fully recovered
from a recent Illness nnd 13 nt homo onco
Dr. William Morrow, of Bth strcot and
Snyder avonuo. Is spending tho summer at
Trevoso, Pa.
Mr. William J. Evans, of 1G28 South
Front street, 13 at National Park for tho
What's Doing Tonight
Phllndolphla riand, Allan I). Ilummol, conduo
tor. City Hall riazat 8 o'clock. Free
Fnlrmnunt l'arlc Hand. Hlchard Schmidt, con
ductor. Strawberry Mansion; 8 o'clock. Free.
T?A'DT?TPQrr last
J: UJXJcvJtLiol week
TWICE DAILY, 2:15 & 8:15
Tho Ten-Reel Version of
the '
Symphony Orchestra of 20
PRICES 25c and 50c AS3S,
U A. M. to 11:15 P. M.
WM. S. HART ln "Sgggg&r.
Charlie Chaplin, "The Vagabond"
Thursday, Friday, Saturday HUB. I'ETROVA
Passed by Consent of Pennsylvania Stats
Board or Censors,
B. F. Keith's Theatre
The Sensational Summer Hit!
Company of 50 Phllndelphiana
A Riot of Music and Laughter
TriPlfvP MARKET nna
-LilUailt; JUNIPER 8T3.
YAUDBYIILB Continuous 11
J. JH. 111 44 . At. JVC. IDC, 25C,
STANLEY nua$RnJSffl!uina
10c, 15c, 23o
Wallace Reid & Cleo Ridgely
Thurs., Frl., Sat., Donald Brian In "Smusg-Iers''
"Tha Man From Mexico'
Charlie Chaplin in "Vagabond"
BILLIE BURKE ln "Gloria' Romance," No. 8.
Thurs., Frl.. Sat. Louisa Huff, Deallny's Toy.
10 A. M. to U:18 P, M,
Douglas Fairbanks
Mrnrung Wltn Fate"
Added, Blllle Burke, "Gloria's Romanca," No. 10
Tburs., Frl., Sat Chan, Kay ln "Deserter"
Ef., 25c, COo and TSo; Mats., 29o and 00c.
WOODSIDE "; Jfowmoat Parle
ADAMS SAMna silimm. r001 i
PARM Nintrra mum . vai jnh'ht
Licnjsr & asim.FSiKN'a uouita d-ult
Camden and Vicinity
Mr. and Mre. Wllllnm Hodcson, of Had
donnotd, aro ontertalnlrtB relatives from
Cincinnati, O.
Jlr. nnd Sirs. Henry Bowes, of "Went Mer
chantvlllc, are at Atlnntlo City.
North Philadelphia
Mlsa T. D. Fulmer, of 2510 West LehlRh
avenue, spent tho week-end at the Delmar,
ln Atlantlo city.
Miss Sarah Burnett and her sister, Miss
Elizabeth Burnett, of 1814 ML Vernon
street, havo Bono to tho Pocono Inn, ML
Pocono, for tho summer.
Miss Florence Kinley, of 710 West Berks
strecL spent the week-end nt hor cottage
ln Parkland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kadane have returned
from their wedding trip through tho West
nnd aro receiving at their home, 2525 North
Dover street. The bride was Miss May
Miss Allco Jones, of 721 North 20th
street, spent tho week-end nt Brant Beach,
N. J.
Mr. Granville S. Wlnncmero, of 1B42
North 19th street, Is spending somo time
with friends In Easton.
Mr. Georrro T. Epplcr, of 20th and Berks
streets, has returned after spending several
days with friends at tho shore.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McOary, of 1834
North 12th street, aro spending somo time
with rolntlvcs In Newtown, Pa., nnd Miss
Ellth McGary Is spending somo tlmo with
friends at Atlantlo City.
Tho monthly Boelal entertainment of tho
Ladles' Aid Society of tho CoOkman Metho
dist Episcopal Church was hold last night
at tho church, Lehigh avenuo and 12th
Mrs. William Proetzol, of 2072 Bridge
street, nnd Mrs. C. Vnndogrlft nnd her son,
of 5027 Jnckson street, nro spending 10
days In tho Orango Mountains as tho guests
of their father, Mr. Ocorgo W. Seaver, for
merly of Frankford.
Miss Margaret Stokes, Miss Irene Ilolmo,
Miss Mnud Ilolmo and Mrs. Sara Mcdford
aro spending their vacation nt Buffalo,
Niagara Falls, Toronto and tho Thousand
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Kuhl, Jr., of North
wood, will spend this week nt Spring MounL
ln tho Porklomen Valley. Mr. and Mrs.
George T. Greonhalgh, of Bridge otrocL will
also spend a wook thero.
Mr. and Lira Alvah Thames, of E300
Water atrooL Olnoy, havo as tholr guosts
Mr. ana Mrs. Edward Thames and their
daughter, Miss Ruth Thames, of Lans
downe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ardrey, of 5514 Falrhlll
strooL have had Mr. and Mrs. Kent and
family, of Rose Valley; Mr, and Mrs. John
McCort nnd Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ardrey
as tholr guesta
Hop hop hopping on one leg will
never win the race to win, one
must run on two strong, swift -legs
Twins one working when
the other isn't two legs exactly
alike, sharing the load and
giving the right balance to the
human mechanism these are
necessary for man's efficient
and speedy locomotion.
Twins six pairs now drive
the Packard car.
We have divided the six large
Packard cylinders into twelve
smaller ones thereby giving
the motive mechanism better
balance greater power and a
nimble smoothness that is the
result of minimized vibration.
The two blocks of small
cylinders impart greater power
and respond with greater
alacrity than did the larger
Ask the man
Flourishing Atlantic City Branch of Society Is Doing Effi
cient Work at the Shore Items
of Interest
THE meeting of the Emergency Aid Com
mittee, which, was to hnvo been held
yesterday nttcrnoon nt 4 o'clock at the
Hotel Ostcnd, has been postponed until to
morrow morning nt 11 o'clock at tho same
hotel, when the following vice chairmen of
the Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania will
addresi tho Atlantic City Commlttco: Mrs.
J Willis Martin. Mrs, Becd Morgan and
Mrs. George Q. Itorwltz.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wheeler, of Ardmore,
aro entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Cooper need
nnd Mis Madellna Reed, of Wilmington,
Del., nt their States avenuo cottage
Tho Prlnco nnd rrlnci!s Alexis Mlsklnoff
wore the centro of an Interested group nt the
Trnymore Tho Princess' costumo empha
sized tho vogue for broad stripes, her skirt
being of three-Inch Etrlpcd pink nnd whlto
linen, worn with n roso silk sweater nnd a
leghorn hat, crowned with roso satin of tho
satno hue.
Mrs. Eugone S. Doroy, who nlways
spends her summers here, will glvo a lunch
eon of 24 covers In tho clubroom of tho
Trnymoro on July 17, followed by brldgo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Bromley, who nre an
nual cottagers, arc giving a series of yatch
lng parties on tho Cynthia II, In honor of
their guests, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Morrison.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo C. Thomas, of
Chestnut Hill, who nro hero for July, will
lcavo the first of the month for Bass Hocks,
Mo. Mlsa Margaret Dalo will terminate
her stay In Chelsea this week and will go
to Sarnnnc Lako to bo the guest of Mr. nnd
MrR. Milton C. Work nt their cottnge, The
Miss Paulino Arey, who Is spending the
summer In Chelsea, has gono to visit friends
In New Tork Stato for a fortnlghL
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Errlco haa Mr. and
Mrs. E. I'. Bench and son, E. P. Beach, 2d,
of New York, as tholr guests
Mrs. Charles Webb, who has n cottage
at 109 South Elbcron avenuo, will glvo a
luncheon of 00 covers followed by brldgo on
July 21.
CAPE MAY, July 11. Miss Theodora
Ross, of Wlssahlckon avenue nnd Up3at
strcot, Germantown, nrrlvod today to
Bpond a fortnight nt tho now Stockton
Miss Lindsay Satterfleld motored to town
yesterday to spend sovoral days.
Mrs. H. M. B. Bary, of Howard street,
has gono to her Gormantown homo for a
fow days.
Mrs. Arthur Colahan, of St. Martin's, Is
and heavier single block of
Now it's twelve against six
two for one six plus six.
The new type motor ha9
smoothed out the vibrations,
transferring them into applied
It's the greatest Packard
success time tested by six
thousand delighted users.
You'll want a Packard now
more than ever before. Prices,'
$2750 $3150 and upward
f.o.b. Detroit. Packard Motor
Car Company of Philadelphia,
319NorthBroadStreet. Branches
at Harrisburg, Bethlehem, Tren
ton, Williamsport, Wilmington,
who owns one
spending somo tlmo with her mother, who
has opened her cottage for tho summer,
Mr. Colahan has gone to tho border with
tho troops.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson havo re
turned to their home ln Cynwyd after a
short stay here with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George do Armond motored
down on Friday to spend tho week-end.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Btakcley, of 2801 In
dian Queen lano, Germantown, havo opened
their Stockton avenue cottnge,
Mrs. William I. Hull, of 604 Walnut lane,
Swnrthmoro, Is nttendlng the Friends'' Gen
eral Conference.
Mrs. E. O. Richards has nrrlvcd nt the
Stockton Villa for the summer.
Mr. James Pequlgnot Bpent the week-end
with Mrs. Pequlgnot at the Colonial.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mourey, of Wlssa
hlckon avonuo, Germantown, came on Sat
urday and are registered nt tho Stockton
WILDWOOD, July 11.
Many new Philadelphia families wilt
spend the summer nt Wlldwood this year,
forsaking other resorts whoro they have
been notablo figures during other seasons.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Flood, of the Quaker
City, havo opened their cottage on Mont
gomery avenuo for tho season.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Eckert, of Lancaster,
Pa , nre spending tholr honeymoon at this
Mr. Godfrey Schmldholser and his fam
ily, of Philadelphia, havo opened their sum
mer cottngo nt Wistaria road and Park
boulevard, Wlldwood CresL for the entire
season. v
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kcasko, of Trenton,
are spending their honeymoon at the Furey
cottngo on East Wlldwood avenue.
Tho Women's Wlldwood Clvlo Club will
hold Its first annual luncheon on Thursday,
at tho Wlldwood Manor. Among tho guests
of honor will bo Mrs. Lillian Stockton,
presldont of tho Federated Women's Clubs
of New Jersey.
Dr. Thomas a Dunning nnd family, of
Philadelphia, are occupying tho Seeley cot
tage, on Wlldwood avenuo.
Mrs. John T. Bailey, of Mldvale avenue",
Is entertaining nt her cottage in Atlantlo
City. Sho will return ln October.
Mr. nnd Mrs. narry Beale, of 821 Lyceum
nvcnuo, will go to Wlldwood Crest for the
remainder of tho season.
! I
fisftius una---!., .-