Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 11, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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jGetting Famous by the Osculation Route as Ex
" , emplif ied by the Clearfield Young Woman
i Not an Advisable Performance
THE young woman of Clearfield, In.,
wh,o kissed 971 members ot the 6th
Pennsylvania m they wero leaving for tho
border and regretted thero was not tlmo
tor moro Is basking In tho light of a
bright If somewhat meretricious fame.
She has had her namo In newspapers all
over tho United States, and doubtless as
sho passes ajong tho streets of her town
is pointed out to strangers as tho woman
ef tha day a. public character, as It were,
tt Is so easy to get Into tho newspapers
nowadays. Tho veriest "nut" can achlevo
Journallstto prominence. All that ho has
to do Is to so bactc to naturo, ltvo In tho
woods and frighten tho unsuspecting birds
and animals to death; tako a spectacular
one-day trip to Now York, spending a
years earnings as ho goes; wear a curious
costume eklrta If tho "nut" Is mascullno
and trousers If "It" is feminine launch a
new cult. Indeed, tho ways of becoming
& headllnn feature, nro bo many and
various that it would bo lmposslblo to
tabulate them all.
Kissing onosolf Into famo may bo
A speedy method of achieving renown,
but I doubt if it is an advisable ono. Not
that I am "agin" osculation either on
ethical or health grounds providing that
discrimination is used In tho excrclso of
tho habit. I do not hold with tho oU
genista that ono should banish kissing
from tho homo ns ono would flics and
mosquitoes, as being equally if not moro
But promlsouity Is always to bo dis
couraged. In tho oxcess of what sho
probably regards as a flno demonstra
tion of patriotism, tho champion kisser
Letters to tho Editor of the Woman's Pago
Afldreis all communications to M'1,1... com of the Kventnc Ilcfr. Write on one side
. of tho ntiDrr onlr.
Dear M'tJaa Fleas- crplaln for the benefit of
ono of your readers tho difference between "am
nesia" and "aphasia." A WOMAN.
According to tho, medical dictionary
"aphasia" means loss or defect of tho un
derstanding of language or tho written
word without tho volco power being affected.
Amnesia Is a loss of memory.
Sear ITLIss Why Is an abbreviated skirt any
& t?S23IIffIikl.t1VvGJ5crt !&- e itxCfOH-
bmm l" !? wuj m wtm iw jw vMytwj9vrfe!wiffSffm rj wfrvr,-T.y "rn?w'vm '? i .vtrnKurrvfrBX-XkTvriam
ill ;PfSMM
TITEnn'3 a gleam of prlds in Miss Helen
GILion'a eyes when she shows you her
llet kitchen In Jefferson Hospital. And no
wonder for If there's a moro Interesting
example of tho original spck and span
model kitchen than hers it is yet to be dis
covered. Every slnglo Implement of cook
ery, from tha wonderful electrlo oven to
the tiniest pleco of china that decorates tho
dainty trays tho nurses carry to their pa
tients at every meal. Is absolutely spotless.
The small sugars aro encased In paper
wrarjDers: slices of bread aro wrapped In
neat paper bags; the linens on the trays
are as dainty and as charming as you
could get in your own home It's a kitchen
that would turn the housewife green with
The genius of tho whole arrangement Is
Miss Gllson herself. Clad In her pretty palo
pink and white uniform and her white linen
curse's cap, she Is as dainty as the food
he orders. Every week she takes a class
of nurses Into tho kitchen and gives them
practical demonstrations In the science of
dietetics. Sho knows all about metabolla
diets, and protelds. and soft diets, and
liquid diets, and all the other mysterious
things that never enter tho average person's
experlnece unless ho happens to be tho con
sumer of said diet Her official title Is head
resident 'dietitian of Jefferson Hospital, but
this doesn't prevent her from being gracious
to the uninitiated.
The only thing yon need to be a dietetics
pupil Is a degree from some good domestla
Bcience school." she tells you. "That Is
what I require of my pupils. "We hae a
course here not only for the nurses, tut
for pupil dietitians as well. They take a
four months course in actual hospital work
and It'B hard work, too. The hours are
Jong, and the work is tiring, but it's won
derfully Interesting They all tike it
"The opportunities these girls get when
they finish the course depends entirely upon
Circumstances, Some of them start In at
SO a month, some get more, but there are
more and more openings for the trained
"wjtlttan as time goes or- Schools and col-
legea nave a head dietitian, many of the
large' hotels have them, a sanatorium al
wnya has one, and there are lots of munici
Jrom private Biahord Harrison, vHth tha
H, Q. P al m Pao. to UU$ XTe'e Uarttn,
Spruce J'r". PJtiladepA'a.
My dearest Nell: "
n Xm, werei perfetly right It was a ease of
furious Jealousy and your letter oured me.
I vmk you could be here to see how abso
iuiely bumble I am this morning; and how
fjotrtttf . I dlJn't know you could be so
"ftm ring hasn't coma yet, but j expcot
tu feritw it right back to Philadelphia and
j:iis tt whru jt belongs. You see, my girl
la-t Vr.lte4 ftlateji u getting more and mora
k".!c.i! new tt4t all tbe International clouds
his-rf tii t a iafui. bu, and a man
cmirl iarr4t if to jura practically the
jb gm mgea am, a utu trJ y hajf ltd
Mh th-tca. H twstuita , Ttfm,m
teMMtai f'-n-'-t ti awrtfe.
m mm t tm .
has cheapened herself beyond redemp
tion. Shades of Betsy Ross and Molly
Pitcher! Is kissing nigh onto a thousand
troopers an exemplification of feminine
patriotism? I should hato to bollevo it.
I don't bellovo It.
' I bellovo Instead that It shows a certain
young woman to havo had a too unre
stricted upbringing. It donotes a will
ingness on her part to sacrifice a flno
rcservo which Is or should be a part of
ovory woman's make-up, for a cheap and
temporary notoriety.
Doubtless sho afforded tho hundreds of
young men whom sho favored a great deal
of fun, and much food for conversation
on their southward Journey, but I ques
tion if sho gave them any of thoso dell
clous sentimental, emotional thrills that
are tho sine qua non of tho kiss. Perhaps,
after nil, her debasement of tho Mas
sacred to poets nnd lovers and mothors
Is tho worst chargo to bo brought against
Upon sober reflection, tho guardsmon
probably woro unanimous In their opin
ion that tho Clcarfleld young woman was
"somo girl." Few, It la safo to predict,
thought a socond tlmo 6f her as tho ono
thoy would llko to mako "tho" girl. And
I doubt if tho 60 romainlng men who
had to forego their kisses, duo to tho re
fusal of tho ofllcer In command, to hold
up tho train, suffered vory keenly tho
pangs of their deprivation.
acttlng Into tho limelight by tho oscu
Intlon routo Is a speedy method, I should
say, but somowhat unsatisfactory In the
long run. M'LISS.
moro Immodest for a woman than o pair of rolf
trousers nro for a man7 Why do tho prudes howl
when u womin appears. In a dccolloto Kown on
tho extremo order nnd jet accept the comlnir of
mo spori snirt lor men minoui a. murmur?
Why ran a man iinnenr on il crowded beach In
clothes that would make Lady Constance Stow
nrt Itlchardaon bluih for shamo nnd yet a
womin must bo stocklnRCd nnd fully clad7
Why? n. SMITH.
Why, why, why, I wondor?
pal offers, such as preparing school chil
dren's lunches, etc. I believe that all ot
these opportunities will multiply ns time
goes on, for the requirements are getting
higher every year."
One doesn't have to be a college graduate
to bo a good dietitian. Miss Gllson didn't
go to college; aha took her degree In do
mestlo science, from tho Boston Cooking
School, and studied the practical work In
Detroit. A hospital Is tho only place to
learn real hospital food regulations, she de
clares. And It Is through her efforts that
pupil dietitians get instruction at Jefferson,
which la the only hospital In Philadelphia
that does this work nt present.
Each private case gets a well-arranged,
well-cooked diet Tho work of preparing
this for the private patients Is not trusted
to a cook; the nurses do It under Miss
Gllson'a direction. They take turns, cook
ing meats and vegetables, preparing broths
and cereals, and hae to study as well. In
order to pass the State boards.
"No. I've never had a pupil 'flunk yet,"
she tells you modestly, although you can
see that her classes nre the joy of her
Ufa and the applo of her eye. "They get
tho practical work first and then the theo
retical. I think that makes things easier.
"People are inclined to eat too much of
tho right thing rather1 than to eat the
wrong thing. I've discovered, for Instance,
wo eai jess meai in me summer time, as
we should, but then we make up for It
by eating too many overripe fruits. An
oyerripe fruit Is as bad for a person as an
underripe fruit, you know. Salads, green
vegetables, custards and very little meat
Is the best summer fare, that Is for the
average person in good physical condition.
"In a hospital everything depends upon
the case Itself and the malady you are
treating. A nephritlo person avoids certain
food combinations, a dlabetlo requires oth
ers. Then some of the diets have to be
weighed to the finest point, ana their re
sults tabulated. This is work for the expert
dietitian. She has to know what to give
and how to prepare It It takes years to
learn this, and It's hard work; but that's
what makes it Interesting. Nothing was
ever accomplished without hard work, was
correspondence. I'll restore It directly I get
home; I've cleansed myself of all that you
found ugly In that letter you have Just an
swered. I'm hastening home, not only to
straighten out complications, but because I
need you a let more than the country need
me. I've got my both feot safely planted
on earth again, and you'll And me the most
reasoable. tractable, to spy nothing of
docile, man in the world. If only you're
reasonable I ask nothing else.
Really. Nell, I'm afraid to write much, I
got In so bad tho last time. AH I've got
to say I'll tell to you, and I'm leaving to
night, if my papers come through. I'U wife
That Jealousy, Nell, was love 111 expressed.
You can ccnQdcntly believe that from now
mi I U love you the way you want to he
rJU 1 litaE
FOR summer white georgctto crepo 1b being used extensively in fashioning many
different kinds of garments. Tlu sketch features two very practical and attractive
pieces of wearing apparc' doveloped In georgette ono tho hat and tho other tho
blouse. Tho lattor, designed for summer comfort, features tho low collnr In placo of tho
high. It has a double sailor collar with wide hemstitched and plcotcd borders, matching
thoso of tho double Jabot, which falls In cascade effect. Plcotlng and hemstitching nlso
finish tho deep-pointed cufTi and yol.o effect, whllo pearl buttons adorn tho front. In
whlto or flesh; price, )0.
Tho hat, entirely of georgette, bus a soft drapery over tho brim, mnhlng It charm
ingly youthful. A plcoted groxgraln band, finished In tho back with n bow, encircles tho
crown, whllo gardenias add a finishing touch. It mnkoa a practical bridesmaid's or
nammcr hat In all white, or duplicated In colors, It Is priced at $3, though formerly $12,
Tho namo of tho shop whero theso articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by
tho Editor of tho Woman's Page, Hveotno LttDonn, 608 Chestnut street Tho request
must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, and must mention tho dato
on which tho articlo nppcarrd.
ni.illans narllnitnt t tlVrlT1tV
, nrtnltntton
mil nrrTPntltin of H-mTiwp. If mattf r of
iltiMTiwr. If
trnrrnl Interests will h 'iiiuiwerrtl In. thU
column, wnfrc n:
the nuhject U not
oniiitnn. hrrt nunrt
will jiot permit ;ir
(h emhlof tai (ml lillfl
tcticrf wjll.be
nirmn-ru persona
(Inna nnd vlir
nninrrril prfonaitr BiibJect lo proper
liliwi In tirnnrr llmlta'
ntninpil. uridreARfd en
saIaii mi I tijtlniadkil
mnkr illncnnf?n or nrrcrll for Individ an I
dlManes. Jlequeat4 for bucIi ncrvlce cannot
iioctor j.iinH win noj
iw answerru.
"fTl O catch tho man who Is already lnter-
JL cstcd Is easy. It's tho man who doesn't
caro a hang that we'vo got to got"
Tho abovo quotntlon Is from La Fol
lette's Magazine. It Is a statement mailo by
Theodore J. 'Wcrlc, a man who operates a
twentieth century open-air medlclno show.
"Wcrle has a rather heavy, very substan
tial motorcycle. He bits In tho driver's
scat. Behind him sits his lantern operator.
Strapped to tho machine Is a bundlo In
which ho has a few supplies, a tent, a pro
jection lantern and slides, a curtain, and a
lot of posters, handbills and circulars.
With this outfit ho reaches corners of the
country not caslty ncccsslble by railroad.
Whenever ho runs ncf083 a crowd at a
country Etore ho Btops, unpacks, sets up
his Inntern, shows soma pictures, gives a
lecturo, distributes somo circulars, tacks up
somo posters nnd moves on.
Or ho runs Into a crossroads town. He
stops and parks his motorcycle. Tho crowd
takes languid notice. He puts up his tent
Tho crowd begins to gather around. He
hangs his curtain .against tho sldo of a
store. Interest and curiosity Increase. He
distributes his circulars, sticks up his
posters, and announces his meeting. He
adopts all of the methods of tho old-tlmo
medlclno faker, except tho medlclno and
tho faking.
"When ho has caught tho attention of the
careless and indifferent ho begins his story.
In the main his story relates to how to live
so as not to get consumption. Incidentally
he tells them what should causa ono to
suspect that ho has consumption. Or he
may talk about ventilation or school hygiene.
He started out on ono campaign with
several thousand patterns for baby dresses.
Ho called at homes of farmers and country
merchants distributing patterns free and
throwing In some information on the caro
and feeding ot babies for good measure
the lagnlappe of tha Creoles.
Wcrle gives away health. He gives It to
the people who are not especially Interested
the fellows who will buy a bottle of
Indian blood purifier Just because the fellow
at the medicine show Is a good spieler.
"Dry Catarrh"
I am
T1A4. th
victim of dry catarrh in mr h&i1.
throat ami bronchial tubes which troubles
ma a. creat deal. An exertion, such as ordl
narr fast walktn. een only three or (our
blocks, or sweeplne and shaking my two small
ruca causes me difficult breathing and more or
leas headache, which seems to bo setttns worse.
The last four months I havo had almost a con
tinual headache.
1 have been for nine years and am yet a dally
consumer of catarrh jelly; best on the market
to be had; practically live out ot doors alt sum
mer: walk as much as possible, very slow,
which tt must be.
Please slve me your advice. If change ot
climate it must be, hovr Is the Stato of Kansas?
Kindly Inform mo ot tha best States.
I do not know what Is dry catarrh.
There Is no such disease. If you mean by
dry catarrh bronchial asthma, Kansas will
not help you. The climate of southern Cal
ifornia Is about as good as any, but climate
Is of limited service In the treatment of
asthma. If you have been taking catarrh
Jelly for nine years don't you think It is
WltBVR's Cocoa
i3 not just a drink it's am
rvlTrVinit1irer nAiinaliiniv 1
satisfying food inliquid form
The Cupid on the can means
a guarantee of quality
ICED makes a satisfying,
summer drink actually a
FOOD that quenches the
fv SayWlLBUR'S
3.Ptf to yqur dealer and
get cne Desr.
Send for sixty ways to
use Wilbur's Cocoa,
contained in u booklet,
From your Grocer or
PBKrtH VI-HATINO HaJ embroidery
..MUTTONS rOVKBKIk-.il bt.l.
Botui 3Q5. lWi Cbftaut ,
. w
CrSSwci xJi -
t jSfe t
tlmo to stop? It Is doing you no good. It
could not benefit asthma. Docs It contain
cocaine? Many havo contracted tho 'cocaine
habit through taking catarrh remedies.
Too Fleshy
.Why urn I so fleshy? Up to ono yenr uro
ins pounds was the limit: now I welsh 187. I
em nearly 60, n small eater, and do but very
little work. I eat. Just fnlr dinner, nnd for
the other two meals I cut less thnn n pint of
milk and bread nt ench menl. Tho milk seems
to aeree with mo nnd I like It. Should I chance
in somethlnc else? If so, kindly stato what.
Sly stomach bothers me very much. It Is
weak nnd my food eours often. J. S. M.
You aro noarlng tho ago when tho ten
dency Is to loss of weight through drying
out nnd hardening of tho tissues. There
fore do not try very strenuously to reduce.
Try to hold your present weight, but not
to gain more. Nothing Is moro fattonlng
than milk and bread, Thoreforo, loavo off
tho milk and decrease the amount of bread
to two-thirds. Live largely on fruits and
vegetables. If you begin to loso flesh In
crcaso your allowanco of bread nnd take
some milk.
I would like to nsk your Judgment coneernlnir
treatment of unllstoncs. Tatlent Is 73 years
of ace. and usually hnn attacks ctery six or
reven months npart. Ito has had tle or six
attacks l'hislclan sas operate. What would
you advise In tho way of treatment. Including;
Also what does an orance-eolored appear
nnro with mucus In tho urlno Indicate? I'atlent
with callstonea tins etrcinc heart and luncs, but
a lltla hlsh blood pressure. A. a. C.
If your physician has found your organs
sound nnd advise? operation, I think you
had better tako tho advlco. No medlclno
and no diet will Influence tho courso of the
disease. Possibly tho color of the urlno Is In
part due to bile.
Cream Tester
Comes now tho neatest
milk tester for tho
kttchon, a tiny devlco
that you can work In a
second's time and foil
your milkman If he Is
given to selling you a bit
of Schuylkill on the side.
Two balls are attached to
strings, which hang from
a piece of cardboard.
The lower ball will float
In cream, but It sluka in
milk. The upper ono
floats in standard grado
milk, says tho Popular
Mechanics. You can tell
whether you have cream
on the top of your milk,
and tho quality of the
milk Itself a good thing
to know.
WT fy
Clearance Sale
of Odd and Small Lots
Preparatory to Inventory
Desirable Cotton Dress Goods
Gabardines, Voiles, Mcsador Voiles, Etc.
$4.00, now $2.50 yd.
$2,50, now $1.25 yd.
$2,00, now $1.00 yd.
75c, now 55c yd,
50c, now 30c yd.
40c, now 29c yd.
Reductions ( UndcrmusliiiB, Table Cloths, Napkins,
1 Ladies' Neckwear, Lace and Em
this week ( broidery, Summer Upholstery,
looS Chestnut Street
fhiillHMiw i i iiinniw i pn mMmmmmmn i.siiiMii
I think tk-e-t liFa is
Je, move toathar, vist,
And Jl ooct people
come in right, -AncUll-tKe.
wgKty ones L )
dorvt Thvrre..
The Woman Who
Headers tr"io frfra help totth their drett
problems rill address communication to the
Fashion r.xpert, ear of the Editor of the
Woman's I'aoe, tin livening Ledger.
AKTKIl a colorful soason of Uakst, what
XJLremalns? Plenty of blue nnd groen lml
tatlon Jewelry, some striking fabrics for In
terlor decoration, Ideas enough for stage
costumes to do for the next 10 years and
somo stunning handbags.
Thoy eay that there's nothing new un
der tho sun, but I challenge any ono to find
a rival, or even a precedent, for the latest
handbags. They'ro so obviously 1918 crea
tions that they deservo n word of descrip
tion: Tho bag Itself Is made of tho brightest
of bright green brocade. It Is a sort of
long, Hat shape, with a largo mirror and
tho Incvltablo powder-puff on tho Inside.
Tho bottom is finished with a frlngo of palo
green beads, but all of us know that nono
of theso things Is distinctive It's tho top
that makes you gasp. For right at tho
clasp part, whero you'd expect to sco a tiny
watch or a lady's Initials In diamonds, or
something else equally hacknoyed, there's n
tiny cage, with tho cutest llttlo red bird in
It you over sawl
Whether this odd llttlo bag has "started
something" or not remains to bo seen. Wo
may bo carrying pet owls on our bracelets.
or parrots on our slippers by tho fall. Tho
girls on tho Boardwalk last year carried
bird-cages In their hands. Wo'vo carried
Ulltlkens and Teddy Hears and poodlos gn
lore, why draw tho lino at a bird-cage hand
bag? Dcor Madam What will take oil spots out of
a navy bluo georcette frock? 1 think the spots
aro machlno oil spots, for I havo never worn
tho dress. Also, would you tell me what kind
ot slippers to wear with a drees ot this kind?
T. 1J. O.
Do not uso warm water on machlno oil
spots, It sets thorn. Tho best way to re
move them Is to lay tho fabric with tho
spot on It faco downward on a thick cloth ;
then swab gently with a peaco of cotton
tied In not and saturated with gasoline
Keep away from llro. Describe a ring with
jour swab very lightly around the spot
and work Inwards and your materlnl won't
show a ring whero It was dabbed, but dab
very, vory lightly.
Patent leather, dull kid, or bronzo pumps,
champagno kd, Ivory, or steel gray onos
If you caro for light footgear.
Dear Madam My orsandle collar and cuff
sets set wilted In no tlmo thta hot weather, so
I am often forced to do them up at nlslit. This
means starching them nnd eerythln3'. If I
set georce-tto it doesn't wear. What can 1 uso
Instead of the organdie? Tour ndvlro will bo
appreciated. 'WOn.Ki.N'Q OIHL.
Almost everything will get wilted In tho
warm weather. Not looks well, and doos
not require starching. Try using a tea
spoonful of sugar Instead of starch tho
next tlmo you do your collars and cuffs.
It works Just as well and is less troublo.
Dear Madam T hae almost finished a dress,
tho pattern of which calls for braldlnc on the
blouse and collar. 1 have no machine, but am
good at hand eewlnc. Do you think I could
do the braiding without spoiling the effect ot tho
dress? Hwo do you go about It? ANXIOUS.
I am suro you will do tho braiding very
well, for It Isn't hard. Sew the braid with
small running stitches through the centre
of tho braid, using an occasional back
stitch to mako It moro secure. Or you
can whip the braid down at one edge, If
you want It to stand out It Is not nec
essary to baste the braid down, but bo
careful not to draw It tightly around
curves and when you turn corners.
Hidden Flame
I feed a flame within, which so torments me
That It both pains my heart, and yet con
tents me;
'TIs such a pleasing smart, and I so love It,
That I would rather die than once remove It.
On his eyes will I gazo, and there delight
While conceal my love no frown can fright
To be moro happy I dare not aspire.
Nor can I fall more low, mounting no
John Dryden.
Use for Old Stockings
Many housekeepers who believe In econ
omy use old stockings to make floor mops.
Cut the feet oft a dozen or so clean old
stockings, dip them In equal parts of kero
eone and turpentine, mixed with 5 cents'
worth of oil of lavender. Wring out and
dry. Put into the mop handle Just as you
do with the regular cloth. This Berves as
a dustless mop, catching all dust without
scattering It.
$3,00 now $1.50 yd.
$2.50, now $1.25 yd.
$1.50, now 75c yd,
$1.00, now 65c yd.
75c, now 45c yd.
40c, now 25c yd,
AH commnnlratlonf addressed to Marlon
norland ehoull Incline n stomped, selN
nilrtrensrd envelope and f ellpplne of the
article In vthleh yon are Interested. Person
ttlshlnr to old In the charitable work of the
II; II, C. should write Merlon Harlan. In
care of this paper, fer nrldrefi.es of'thote
they wonld like to help, and, hatlnr received
them, communicate direct with these parties.
Instruction In Fancy Cooking
I should like to learn all sorts of fancy cook
ing, pastry and salads, etc., for weddings and
banouets. Where can I learn these things? I
am working steadily and should like to leirn
them In mv snare time. Will you kindly crlnt
my letter In your Corner Maybe one of your
readers can give me an litM MRB. D. D. P.
Inquire nt the Young Woman's Christian
Asoclatlon In your city, and you will bo
directed to places whero you can secure In
struction In the higher branches of the
Entering Business College
I nm a young girl ot 22. I wish to know If I
could enter a business college when I know so
lltlo. 1 quit school when 1 was in the fifth
grade. I do not want to be n. stenographer, ns
1 hare a good poiltlon, t should llko to know,
nlso, how to find a business college. It. I),
Thero nro excellent business colleges In
your city nnd you might npply directly to.
tho principal of one. They aro listed in tno
Author of Poem
riease tell me the name of the author of the
Poem, "There were no ftawera until tho first
child died." Could you print tho verses?
Iteferred. Tho line Is unfamiliar to mo.
You will bo answered by readers who havo
met with It.
Date of Mrs. Lincoln's Dcnth
To settle a. dispute will yeu kindly give the
date of the year Mrs. Abraham Lincoln .died?
Tho widow of President Lincoln died In
Author of Quotation
Who said "It Is the cownrd who takes his
life to escapo trouble. A bravo man live; on
nnd meets ft llko a man"? I have heard or
read of It somewhero. but I cannot place It.
Can you help me out? And does the Corner
agree with the sentiment? T .11. O.
I cannot placo your quotation, unless this
Is what you want:
"Whon all tho blandishments of life aro
Tho coward sneaks to death; tho bravo
llvo on."
It Is a translation of George Sowoll from
Martial, a Latin poet who died In tho sec
ond century A. D. Tho sentiment Is Just
and truo, whoover said It first Tho Ir
reparable crlmo of sulcldo la tho act of a
weak coward.
Refreshments for Sewing Club
Wo are a sewing club of ten. Every .Thurs
day evening wo take turns nt each other ; home
t sew. What kind of refreshments shall I nerve
In my turn? And could ou suscestn. nnmo for
our club? IMeaao answer in tho Corner, and
obilra ono of tho ten. num.
As you meet In tho evening, you would
pcrhapa like a menu for a llttlo supper.
Havo broiled chicken, mufllns or hot bis
cuits, and French fried potatoes for tho
first course. Then a salad of lcttuco and
raw tomatoes, crackers nnd cheese. Sorvo
French dressing with the salad. Lastly
have lco cream nnd cake. Tea and coffee
aro served with tho first course. This Is a
good. If simple meal. Do not bo enticed
by tho thought of excelling tho rest Into
providing elabornto refreshments. Emula
tion of this kind fa the ruin of many a
club. What do you think of calling your
selves "Tho Declma?" "Decimal," means ten,
you know. Tho namo Is descrlptlvo and un
assuming. An Odd Fellow's Kcgnlia
I have In my possession an Odd Fellow's
regalia which muit be between JO and (10 years
old. I shculd llko to dlsposo of it. Could you
tell mo where to find a placo to write to, nnd
how to do this?
I fnncy that some lodgo of Odd Follows
might llko to havo tho regalia, particularly
If thoro bo any story atsoclntod with It
that may Intorest members of the order to
which the deceased once twiongea. inis is
more guesswork on my part. Some one
better versed In tho history of secret orders
will answer through tho Corner.
When Paid a Compliment
Wben a compliment Is paid to me In any way,
how am 1 to receive It? For Instance. 1 am
said to sing well, and pieople say flattering
things after my songs. Am I to say "lou flat
ter mo." or something else in tho line of a
disclaimer? It is a puule to know how to aold
the nppearnneo of conceit without seeming un
gracious. Help mo to a middle course.
IId.lr4 M. c
Say "Thank you I" "You aro very kind !"
"I nm glad If I havo given yon pleasure"
or simply bow and smile with "I am glad
you like that song. It la a favorito of
mine." Don't try to think up graceful
speeches. Act naturally! It Is a pleasuro
to bo assured that you havo dono well.
Do not be afraid to show that you value
the praise bestowed upon worthy effort.
On an Invitation
Will you please let me know what "n. 8. V.
P." on a birthday party invlatlon means?
It means "Repondez, s'il vous plait," the
English translation of which Is, "Answer,
If you pleaso." Tho letters aro appended
to Invitations requiring a reply. Usually
the hostess wishes to know something
definite as to the number of guests who
may surely be expected and prepared for.
flKanomaW & Brown'a Woman'
Until September 2.)
and Misses
Note Well .
THINK of buying" any Suit in our Woman's Shop of
$25 to $45 value for
THINK of buying any Suit in our, Woman's Shop of
$18 to $25 value for
THINK of buying" any Suit in our Voman'fl Shop of
$10 to $15 value for
. $5
PRECISELY what you can do at Sixth & Market
Streets, until the last seasonable Suit has been sold,
Women's Snop
iiiillililiTillliiil lilillil lilllltiiiiliiiiiTi
U l.i tho duty of the Person Invited to return
an acceptance or a declination.
Wearing a Corset
Does a corset Injure n person's health? Can
A person keep one's shapo without It? I shall
look for nn answer In tho Corner.
. . . . FLOHA C.
I might write pages nnd pages upon tho
subject without exhausting the possibilities
of tho discussion. It is practically endless
In the opinion of women who wear corsets
and with those who believe them to be
enemies of health and beauty. As one whoso
memory runs back to the day of tight
lacing and wasp-llko waists, let mo say
that, In my humble Judgment, tho prejudice
for you may call It "principle," If you llko)
ngnlnst the corset had Its origin in the
nbuses of tho dead and gono time, rather
than In the use of what wo know to bo
a different garment. Nobody laces tightly
nowadays. "Our "girl." In her own phrase,
"goes in for athletics" golfing, swimming,
running, riding and tramping tho hills at
her brother's or comrade's Bldo, all summer
long. Sho skates In winter and exerciser
habitually to keep In training. Bho laughs
to scorn tho hour-glass figures displayed
In old fashioned plates. Her flguro Is as
nature nnd proper physical training havo
made It Her corsets nre fitted easily and
comfortably to her, following tho lines of
health nnd beauty. They do not hamper
health and action In tho least. They do
protect tho softer portions of her frame
from tho weight of skirts nnd help keep
the splno straight besides preserving tho
artistic effect of her gowns. Tho lungs,
stomach, nnd tho abdomen are not cramped
In tho least. This Is tho corset of tho
twentieth century, a thing bo unlike tho
stiff, unyielding creation of former nges as
not to bo recognizable under tho name. I
could rclato tragic tales of tho cvlli wrought
by buckram, steel nnd vhnlobono upon
health ahd llfo Itself which Justify all tho
anathemas heaped upon tho corset by doctors
nnd philanthropists. We return thanks for
tho Improved methods of tho present day,
which havo abolished tho nnclcnt menaco to
womanhood and to tho rnco In general.
Fried Parsley
Fried parsley Is a novel recipe, and
makes a nice dressing for meats, etc. Wash,
pick and dry a bunch of parsley; put It
Into the frying haBket and fry In hot fat
until crisp. Drnln, sprinkle with salt nntl
pepper. It should bo a green color; If black.
It has been In tho fat too long.
Ship stewards arc peculiarly
quick and accurate in "rat
ing" people. What makes
them jump quickest? Your
bearing1, certainly ; your
clothes, yes but much more
so your luggage. It's the
most definite thing to ap
praise. LK&Yra LUGGAflg
is of tho kind that reinforces your
bearing, affirms the steward's
first glance and establishes you
among your fellow passengers.
U. S. Army officers havo found
Boyle Luggago seasoned cam
paigners it travels tho world
over and wears well. It' usually
travels "First Cabin"; but doesn't
mind being
knocked nbout on
occasions. Ask
your dealer to
show you luggage
with tho Boyle
trade-mark. This
duality leather. Tradc " ark
handcraft workmanship and solid
elegant trimmings.
Obtainable from all dealer
high-srade leather soodt.
John Boyle & Co., Inj
UOYLU jiortolloj, montv-'baoi, j
Daj79, etc., tire made tn accordance
me eamm mgn aiajmaru enaraexe
alt BOYLB products for SO
Manufacturers ot the famoui
uurijv Avinwo atnpe.
New York and St. Louil
Shop Closed All Day Saturday
( mmmfflk
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ker & B
'Market at Sixtn