Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 10, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Critics of Modern Woman for Lessening Her
Wearing- Apparel Should Interview Famous
South American Explorer
SOME persons declare that the wear
ing of clothes per Be Is Immodest
because tt was not tintlt Eve became con
clous of sin that sho felt the necessity
for them. Others contend With equal
ardor that wo are In a fair way of be
coming a degenerate race because of the
reprehensible tendency of the modern
iroman to exaggerate the decolletage and
, abbreviate the already too short oklrt.
Ho clothes at atl, they argue, are more to
Iwi desired, from the ethical point of view,
than the Insidious half-revealing, half
concealing garb of today. Either we
should go prudishly buttoned rnp-a-ple
e? w should Imitate sartorlally the
aborigines, If we Would savb our souls.
With evangelists denouncing tho present-day
costumes and adding Insult to
Injury by Jinking them up with cock
tolls and cigarettes and with the shops,
tfn. perhaps, to tho Increased advertise
ment afforded by these ardont denuncia
tions selling moro of said costumes than
tjrer before, a talk that I had the other
day with that Intrepid University of Penn
ylTsnla explorer, Dr. William Curtis
Fanxbee, on the iubject of the npparol
t tft? South American Indian women
VTBLa doubly Interesting because of its very
timeliness, y
DurlnffUie hazardous three-year ex
peditjorf that Doctor Farabeo made Into
tljsalmpst Impenetrable Amazon Valtey,
'Jse cam upon many tribes who had never
fefor seen or hcrfrd of white men or
civilization, as wo arrogantly define It.
Virtually- nil of these aboriginal tribe
mat no clothing at all, unless It bo a
beaded apron or belt on high ceremonial
The women. Doctor Farabee told mo,
nro models of domesticity. Infidelity
among them is too rare to bo mcntlonod.
Thoy are modest, Industrious, loving
wive and exert, by vlrtuo of tho respect
Good form Queries should be ad
dressed to Deborah Rush, toritlen on
on side o the paper and signed with
full name and address, though initial.!
ONLY Kill be published upon request.
This column will appear in Monday's,
"Wednesday's and Friday's Evening
Advice on Wedding
Dear Deborah Rush I am to bo married
rbout ln middle of September and would like
o ask rour advice on the following questions:
1. Slav could tho invltatlona bo worded when
the KTxau are only Invited to a luncheon at the
home at the bride? The ceremony la to take
Cisco at the paraonnse with only the bridal
.party ana luncheon Immediately after
t 2. Would tt be too late In the season to wear
a seorcetl crepo hat? It aeems to me a fall
bat would be out of the question nlth a crepe da
chine drew. I will decide on a fall hat for
travellnc and will only wear the georgette crepe
hat to and from the parsonage and In a
3. At el sane wedding what could be worn In
?lac it avell and what would bo appropriate
on the bridesmaid y wear Instead of a
4. Would a coat suit be the best choice for
traveling What Mould 1 need beside the coat
tult for trip to Nlatrara Kails? We expect to
e awir two weeks. M O, .
,1. Send your Invitations reading as fol
lows: Mr., and Sirs. O. (or whoever sends them out)
request the-pleasure of
Mr. and Mrs. v
presence at tho wedding
breakfast of their daughter,
on Saturday, September
the sixteenth, at 12:30
Onittn nrt!nrn (a hvelene. sanitation
and prevention of disease, if matter of
nl fntdt- will Im nriMivereil I
folujnn. Mhere space will not Permit or
the subject la not aultnble, letters will be
answered personally, nubject to proper limita
tions and where a utainpeu. addressed en
velope la Inclosed. Doctor Evans will not
make dtagmisea or prescribe for Individual
disease. Requests for such service cannot
be answered.
WE get a fair number of letters from
men who work In chemicals complain
ing of eczema of the hands. What they call
eczema. Is an Inflammation of the skin a,
We sent one of these letters to Dr. George
Apfalbach, of the Illinois Factory Inspection
Service. He sent us a letter and two pre
scriptions. We think several groups of peo
ple will be Interested In the letter. The
prescriptions are In one Instance a wash
and In the other an ointment to be used
for the purpose of protecting the hands
against chemicals.
If the hands of the worker are kept in
any solution which washes out the grease,
the ointment (No. 2) should be used. While
Doctor Apfelbach specifies that It Is good
to prevent turpentine eczema, he does not
mean that it would not also be good for the
hands of washerwomen, workers In alcohol
and all others whose hands chap.
If the skin of the worker's hands con
tains enough grease, but they roughen or
Inflame from the chemicals, frequent wash
ing with the lotion (No. 1) will be useful.
Doctor Apfelbach would not limit tfie use
of this lotion to workers In chromate.
Doctor Apfelbach writes as follows:
meet with cases of eczema frequently
among bakers, bartenders, cigar makers,
and especially printers, painters and photo
Ths eczema, of printers Is due to turpen
tine. That of photo-engravers is due to the
use, of ammonium chromat. Cbromo-acld
and U salts seldom produce eczema unless
ther s a slight abrasion In the skin. The
result: is the well-known chrome ulcer and
the 'various forms of dermatitis. Turpen
tine In the printing trade produces eczema
becukuta it dissolves out the normal oil of
FoHowlog are rules especially applicable
to the printing trades
First, Inspect hands before working every
SiruL Avoid strong soaps. Glycerin
aMpf M uxeful.
mi. Vint rubber gloves when possible.
:th. Employes, especially those sua
stM!W:, should use plls, fats or grease on
TJMtr M$d for protection
I faeUsuf two prescriptions, one being
,ly used lor cure and prevention or.
and chromate lesions, the othir
l)UUy beneficial to printers and
WHO use turpentine:
. I (For uhoto-engravers.)
Met yar cent watery solution boric acid.
tMfj um a. latlMt, aftsc work.
K 1 J
which thojr men folk have for feminine
opinion, a tremendous Influence on the
affairs of the villages.
"I snw much drunkenness among tho
men," he said, "but I novcr saw a woman
drunk. Furthermore, they realize the In
competence that drunkenness creates, and
they nover permit their men to engage
In barter and exchange the only means
of trade that they have while they. are
under tho lnfluonce of their particular
The tlmo has not been that clothes
have not In the minds of tho many been
Inseparably connected with morals. Qua
kers and Puritans owe tholr reputation
for modesty and womanliness as much,
doubtless, to tholr unostentatious garb,
as to tholr characteristic repression of de
meanor, Just ns tho Oriental woman Is
unjustly celebrated as a seductive minx
because her harem trousers and abbre
viated bodice shocked at ono time, at
least, the ocotdental notion of what a
woman's sartorial equipment should bo.
If wo except Dootor Faraboo's native
Indians, Lady Qodlva was about tho only
woman, so far as history relates, who
could disregard clothes and kcop her
reputation Intact. But, apart from the
moral aspect, the sheer Joy that woman
derives from the corsldcratlon and pur
chase of tho apparel with which sho
decks her body nnd stimulates her soul Is
assurance enough that the twentieth cen
tury damsel of North America Is In no
danger of following In tho footsteps of tho
South American Indian, who manages to
bo cool, modest and undressed at ono and
tho samo tlmo. M'LISS.
Desr MI.I Do you know of a shut-In who
would care to correspond with me? I am 20 nnd
t should Ilka to write to h ilrl my ere If that
is possible, If ou do not know or any one
my aire. I should be delighted to write to any
one else. Do you think my handwriting la any
Bood? B. N. 3.
I think your handwriting ts very legible.
I hope some shut-In will read your letter
and respond
2. It would not bo too late for a
georgette crcpo hat, which .would undoubt
edly look prottler with crepe de chine,
though a fall hat would also be appro
priate. 3. An aigrette or Joweled hair ornament
would be appropriate.
4. Yes, a tailored suit Is bent Beside
this you would probably need two evening
dresses, an afternoon frock, several good
looking waists, a dressy hat and a top
coat. Clap In and Clap Out
Dear Deborah Hush Do jou think It would
be considered In aood form to give a party and
among other games have the old klsslnr one of
"Clap In and clap out"? The guests will range
In age from 18 to 21, J, It. I..
"Clap In and clap out" Is an Innocent
enough game In Itself, but It Is scarcely dig
nified and vary familiar, and therefore not
to be recommended as good form.
Arc Picnics Formal
Dear Deborah Hush I see that you say paper
napkins ahould never be used at formal af
fairs. Do you consider a church picnic a for
mal affair? , . . JANE.
By no means. Picnics may always be
considered most Informal affairs.
Men's Attire for Wedding
Dear Deborah Rush Would it be proper In
July for the bridegroom and ushera at a wed
ding to wear flannel trousers and blue sack
coats? CHAItLIB.
Custom has made this manner of dress
for late summer weddings perfectly proper.
Olein rlclnt (castor oil), enough to make
120 00.
Use as freely as desired.
How to Gain Weight
'"(1) I am ID years old. 8 fest 10 Inchta tall,
and weigh 183 pounds Pleaae advise what 1
should weigh and how to train weight.
"My occupation la stenographer. Szerclaa aa
follows: Three miles after breakfaat. on mile
after dinner, three before supper on my way
home from work, and one after supper, which
X enjoy ery much as same does not fatigue
me In the least Have a good appetite In the
morning and have breakfast at a a. m.. which
consists of rye1 bread and butter; dinner at 11
a. m., consisting of three rye bread sandwiches
and aomo fruit and oat a heavy aupper. (3) Do
you consider rye bread very nourishing, and are
my meals well regulated? (8) Also do you
ecommend,thewartng of suspensorl which
some consider an aid to health? I). M, O
1. You should weigh 1SS pounds. Eat
mort anw Iak less If you want to weigh
more. Could you get a gjaos of buttermilk
and some fruit as an adldtlbn to your break
fast? I hope you get enough vegetables,
fruit and milk for your supper. You need It,
In view of your light breakfast and lunch.
You will probably get fatter as you get
older. Why be Impatient about It?
2. Bye bread Is not quite so nourishing
as white bread. I do not know what you
get for supper, but your other two meals
are not very well balanced.
3. No; untess there Is a special reason In
a particular case.
I am an Interested reader of your column and
would Ilk to ask a few questions, also. What
caused a harelip? Will my unborn baby be so
marked from seeing a person so atfllcjed? I try
so bard not to think of it, but It seems almost
impossible. P. E. A.
Harelip is the result of a failure of the
different parts of the lip to grow together.
The Up of a just forming child Is made up
of several separate pieces. Why do these
fall to grow together? Usually because
a tooth gets In the way or the pieces of
Up tissue are pushed apart by something
else. The fact that the mother has seen
a harelipped person while she was pregnant
cannot cause her child to have a harelip.
It Is absolutely Impossible. The brain of
the mother it not connected with either
the lips or the brain of her unborn child.
None but the densel) Ignorant make such
assertions. Do not worry or fear. Your
baby will not be deformed.
Jellied Celery
Soak a half box of gelatine In a cupful
of water. When soft, pour over It enough
boiling water to dissolve It Add the juice
of two lemons and a half cup of sugar,
then pool. Add a tablespoonful of strong
horseradish (use the fresh grated root) and
a daeh of cayenne pepper. When almost
ready to set add a cupful of celery, cut In
smal pieces. Set In the refrigerator to
harden. When cold, cut in small squares
and serve.
If You Loye
Flowers You Should Know
The Century Flower Shop
lith pilaw Oktotnttt &,
"--"" ' " ' """"" ' " f
YEAR after year, summer after summer, tho call for tho white chinchilla coat
Increases Its uses nre as varied as one chooses to make them ; It Is, so lo speak, nil
thing to all women. Tho sketch suggests a practical use, for after a heated tennis
match to prevent the not-lnfrequcnt chill This coat, which Is unusually long nnd hand
some, will make a very attractive ovunlng ns well as daytlmo wrap for tlvo summer girl,
or, looking further forward, will be qulto Indispensable for the boarding school or college
girl. The convertible collar, billiard pockets nnd handsome cut-pearl buttons are Its main
features. Price, J 19 76.
' For tho mountains or seaohoro felt hats are practical. This aUrnctho one, which
has a soft, flopping brim nrd a band ot grosgrnln finished with a tailored bow. Its only
trimming, comes In two-tond effects. In apple green nnd gold, copen nnd gold nnd navy
nnd sliver. The hat, which Is a charming felt. Is a special at $3.05.
The name of the shop whero thpo articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by
the Editor of the Woman's Page, Evcnino Ledocr, 608 Chestnut street. The request
must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, und must mention tho date
on which tho article appeared.
Being the Intimate Sentimental Correspondence Between
a Beginning-Lawyer Recruit and a Woman Who Has
Both Brains and a Heart
From Miss Tlelcn Hartln, Spruce street,
Philadelphia, to Private Richard Harrison,
of the U, B. A". O., Pennsylvania, at El
I did not have to read between the lines
of your letter to see a deliberate Intention
to Insult and hurt mo For so long a time
I have heard that mine Is the Inconsistent
sex, but when such letters sb yours are
written one realizes tho Injustice of the
accusation. One day you write and tell
me that I mustn't mope and that whatever
else I may or may not do, I must, above all
things, keep you In touch with all of my
acthltles. I do this and then I am made
the object of a furiously jealous onslaught.
It Is not Paul Watson's fault that you saw
fit to leave me. and I can assure you that
it was extremely fortuitous for me to have
had my loneliness alleviated by so charm
ing a person.
Your total lack of sympathy for me after
a serious hurt has given me cause for
reflection, and I am quite sure, after much
consideration, that a man so unfeeling, so
deliberately cruel, Is not the man to make
me happy for the rest of my life.
I thought we had threshed out ad nause
am the subject of an engaged girl giving
up her men friends. I assure you, Richard
Harrison, that when I told you I regarded
this as an archaic procedure, a relic of the
day when a woman was a man's property
and not his companion, I was never more
In earnest In my life.
One of the things that I expect of the
man who loves me Is that he trust me.
You have proved your incapacity to do
this. Thank heaven It happened before we
were married that would nave made a
deplorable mess of things, indeed. Appar
ently It Is your Idea to engage yourself to
a girl and then to marry her In a sort of
Barred by your
Complexion I
Does 2 pimply, unattractive skin
shut you out from the full enjoy
ment o( the summer's pleasures ?
Then think of this:
To use Resinol Soap means that
each time you cleanse your face
you give it a "beauty treatment"
with the soothing, healing Rctinol
medication. If aided, in levtre
V cases, by a little Resinol Ointment,
this usually leaves the complexion
naWally clear and freib. It is
equavy effective in protecting deli
cate sini from the effects of sum
mer' s iun, heat and duit. AH
druggutaaell Resinol Ointment and
i iEvilziiiTu
sultanlc selfishness, shutting her off from
the rest of the world without so much as
a by-your-lenvo I am not tho woman to
conform to this sort of treatment. I will
not be dictated to, and I should have to
become a lery splnoless creature. Indeed,
before I should let any man, even the one
I loc or thought I did choose nnd re
ject my friends at will.
Did you expect Paul Watson to let me
lie out on tho golf course with a sprained
ankle simply because you, thousands of
miles away from me, object to him per
forming a service that you judge to be
yours? Do you expect me to be ungrateful
to him because he has put his car and
his time at my service? Do you expect me
to grow on to a chair, to refuse all Imita
tions, because your sense of duty took you
away from me? Heatly, you are too unrea
sonable. Such a beginning augurs III for a life
companionship. After your letter I should
be afraid to embark with you on the most
serious enterprise of my career. In my
opinion, the first and most necessary quali
fication that a man should have Is broad
mindedness. You have proved yourself til
be totally deficient In this attribute. I
I nm sending back your ring. With best
wishes for your future, I am,
Four Cooking Should
Be Successful
if every ingredient that you use
ii oi the bett. Milk u one of the
moit important itemi. It mjit be
rich sod pure or your cakes and
puddingi and dessert! will not have
that smooth delicacy which you
can be uted u you would use fresh
milk sod lugar. It gives a deli
tioui. rich flavor to everything la
which U i uted,
FrearhaV eahirr G3 Bordca)
EsiU rasa CoedssaeJ Milk hu bees
lued i ui e, wunihuia pod (or bstusi.
Tkuu&d ei bcakby eLddrca btve Utca
' Whtlt bavinr milk if mtfk
pnJuctsalwant nth for
mi i i in i i ns i ii i iii mi ii nil
Director Dntesmnn Well Pleased
Over Success of War
on Dirt
Ilesponses from corporations, business
men nnd cltlrens generally to the city's
appenl to aid the campaign for "clean
streets," Director Datesman says, have
been so numerous that the entire cit
izenship has been enrolled Into a great
army to help the U(Veau of Hlehways In
ths work, Tho Director's circular letter
to presidents of rnllroad companies, public
service corporations, departmont stores,
merchants nnd others, emphaslied tho aim
in the campaign for co-oporatlve work for
the elimination of practices that result In
the littering of streets with waste paper,
rubbish, store and sidewalk sweepings,
Tho Director sfttd that residents have
not been urged hitherto to live up to exist
ing laws for tho regulation nnd disposal of
wnsto and rubbish. He said he felt that
non-compliance with theso laws comes from
habit rather than through Intention to dis
obeying them and for this reason tho De
partment had resolved to carry on a wide
Bprond educntlonat campaign to Instruct the
people how to help keep streets clean.
"With this object In view," Director Dntes
mnn said, "cards containing the laws and
12 'Dont's' which cover the principal mat
ters that, being given proper recognition by
tho people, will mako tho streets very much
cleaner than they liavo eer been before,
will he delivered by tho police to all house
holders. We havo. In nddltlon, printed pla
cards, 14 by 18 Inches In slio, that also con
tain these 'Don'ts,' which we nre arranging
to havo dhplnycd In nil conspicuous places
throughout the city, and we nre going to
nek that they bo placed In the main corri
dors nnd other conspicuous places In offices,
stori-s and other buildings where they will
bo seen nnd c.in bo read by employes and
tho public.
"Wo aro also going to nsk employers to
Instruct employes to refrain In the future
from swooping tho sldcwntks sweepings Into
tho street and to mvecp thorn Into a pile and
put them Into rubbish receptacles It would be
very desirable and very much appreciated
and add very materially to our efforts If
thoy would nrrango to place rubbish recep
tacles In front of the offices and other build
ings under tholr control. 'Theso receptacles
will be emptied by tho streot cleaning de
partment If they will advlBo us of tholr
The Celestial Moment
O turn to me, ienn to me, lips that I lovol
Ono moment of merciful bliss
Ero my shade shall be borno to those stars
Whcro only tho ghosts may kiss.
Back to the stars from whence I came
Over n blindfold wny,
Far, O far, like the spark to Its flamo,
I who have lled my day
Who havo llvod my day when I flash and
The rose of tho world above,
Then homo Ilka a bird to the source of
A loe that Is lost In Loo.
rrom Frederick I Knowles' poems.
The newest cake box Is the last word In
efficiency. It has a round tray, with han
dles at tho Bide that fits Inside of the box.
The Idea, according to the Popular Science
Monthly, Is to lift the cake out without
breaking any of It, as Is likely to be the
case if you have to turn the cake over to
get It out of a deep-set box, Instead, you
simply take hold of the- handles, and your
cake comes out ns Ishapely as tt went In
There's a high
standard of butter
making up at
Meridale Farms
which means that
every pound of
must be pure,
clean, sweet and
fresh. That every
pound must be a
full pound. That
everything must
be clean and sani
tary. That every
worker must up
hold this standard,
so that Meridale
Butter will.alway s
be the "uncom
monly good
Meriosle) Pblhdeiphls
Bell Phone, Market 37(1
Keystone Phone, Main 1711
look for the "Heriall"
wrapper air-tight, dust- and
vior-pnyifat your troun.
Buy ii in the sealed glass Jaro
Ttin Rst (a nlwcva thfi Cheanest
I Substitutes post YOU same plica
Alt rommnnlcntlons Addre xeit to .Mrirlpn
nnrlimd . should Inclose a (temped, nlr
snitrFssfd envelope unit n rllmilnt or tlie
article In which rnn sre Interested. Person
wlnhlnr to slrt in the rhimtnhle tmrk. or the
II. It.. O. should write Morion tlnrlnn. In
ear of this paper, for nilrtrev " thoe
ther would like to help, nd. hnttni rerelrrd
them, communicate direct nlth those nsMlts.
Income Tax Manual
It la with pleasure t offer the Inclosed Income
tax manual for "Friend" who wrote to the for.
ner. It has been entenalwly uapd br hankers
and brcktra all ever the United Stntea In rtlv
trlbutlnir Information concerning the much-discussed
Income tax, law. , . A. O,. M.
The title of the manual and particulars
concerning It aro at the call of members
who are naturally perplexed In making out
their respective income taxes. Comparative
novertV haa ltn ndvanlflirca In the estima
tion of certain bewildered taxpayers ilion
one learns that each cltlten has a right
to reserve to himself an Income of $8000
before beginning to reckon up his obliga
tions to the Income tax ofllce.
Children's Prayer Meetings
As to lour question nddressed to the little
Ilrl who asked how to conduat a prayer meeting,
think you do not understand the situation,
perhaps. Yet, little alrla both conduct nnd tnke
part In prajer meetings. They nre not com
posed of trown people, however I only superin
tended by one or two adults. The hymn Is true
that says i "Prayer la the simplest fonn at
speech, which Infants' llpa can try." If one
were to wait for years to come to learn to pray,
I am afraid It would never he a part of one's
lite There are many good prayers In the Illblo
to begin, with, such aa Psalms, II, J 10, 11 nnd
12, 15 and 10 nnd 10 24, An excellent benedic
tion, nnd one which Is often used Is Ooritnls.
xltxl. 4!). called the "Mlipnh" benediction. No
doubt the .little elrl. thought .the .Corner told
eo many thlnrs that It would gUe her Just
wlint she wanted, it. a.
Without entering Into a discussion of
questions which may arise In tho minds
of readers relatlvo to the expediency of
committing tho conduct of n religious
meeting to moro children, let ma cxctil
pato myself from tho Implied suspicion
that I would defer for any ono the duty
and privilege of prayer until years to
come bring maturity and enso of expres
sion. The lino you quote Is true nnd tho
truth conveyed precious beyond tho power
of human speech to describe. Kvcry child
should be tnught to pray by tho tlmo he
can expresB physical wants to his mother:
should bo made to comprehend that God
Is as really hla Father in henven ns sho
is his earthly parent Let this bo compre
hended In nil Its richness of meaning before
wo go further. Tho modus operandi of
praying for tho edification of others Is
quite another matter. This Is not the place
In which to debate the subordinate ques
tion, f.
Music nnd Cards Offered
. I read your Helping, Hand ccty day nnd gel
Iota of good from It. I want to Iralp n little nnd
hae to offer abput 33 pieces of music. I will
gladly aend It to nny one who will pay postage
on It. I also have to pass nlong two or three
hundred postal cards for nny ono who wishes
to make n scrnpbook out of them, If he or she
will pay tho postage I Inclose n reclpo for nn
eggless, butterlesi nnd mllkleaa cake- Ono pack
age of raisins, cooked IS mlnutea In two cups
of water. Remoo from tho flro nnd add one cup
Animal Smnmer Sale of
Women's Faslieialnfe Shoes
(nx Slippers
Kid Lace Shoes Cut
In champagne, gray
Regularly $12, now
In white canvas or tan Russia
Regularly $3.50, now
Other Worthwhile Reductions in All Styles
of Summer Footxuear
CJaflimL 1107 Chestort
Summer Clearance
Millinery .
Reduced to $3.50, $5, $8, $10
All Coats, SuitB, Dresses Reduced
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St.
H Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired. p
An Unusually
Smart Tongue
White Canvas
White Kid
and Several
New Summer Colors
t The Bei; Fitting Pump
n 1 fvera Hundred
l)D6C1cU "nef n 80
ffhe farper
1022 Ckpfrutt SU
, Qrtiit & Ciish Accounts .
of water, half cup of lard, two etipa of auear,
one dessertspoon r-f aoda, one teaspoon each of
cIoms nnd cinnamon, rnn teaspoon pf nutmeg
mil r-v of nalti fr-ur cupw of flour. Add nuts.
If desired, Cr,ok fr 23 minutes In a moderate
nci . V. V.
A ''mKVllany" that will enlist tho at
tention of sundry classes of readers. dur
nddrl-ss Is at tho service of person, wish
ing tn posses themetvest of the profusion
of gifts you offer bo generously as to
nwakon wonder with gratitude. Your cako
Is a unique! Stay 1, ns a housewife, ask
what raises the mixture? Perhaps there
may bo enough ncld In tho raisins to cause
effervescence In the soda? And may 1
Inquire, further, If the water In which the
rnlslns nro boiled Is drained off or added
to tho third cup of water? I Infer that all
thrco nre needed to bring tho four cups of
flour to tho right consistency. Do us tho
favor of writing ngnlh to make theso points
clear. For, ono nnd all, we are wild to
try tho reclpo I
When Neighbors Call
i hlnln rnnntrv wnman. annronnhlns
I nm
middle nge
- k" . . r ..-- "-.;- .----- --- -
nnd have neer known anything
i naTo uvea on ine eame mrm
nil my nro nnd have nexer know
but hard work I had friends who Jiut ramo
and went nt their pleasure.
Now I have bought
n nli-n hnmn rlnnrt tn frtwn
hor and some of them will come nnd cnll.
I nae new neign-
It will bo somewhat different from my old
neighbors running In. Must I say, "I nm glad
you cnllcdi romo again," or Juat return the call
and then nsk them to rome again? My nephew
will Hie with me Hn has many boy friends
When they thnnk me for their good time must
I aay, "Think youi come again" 7 Please tell
mo these things . w.
Dchavo to yom new acquaintances ns you
would llko them to treat you wero the posi
tions, reversed. By all means show them
you nro glad to seo them ftnd express tho
hopo that you will be neighborly In tho
best sense of tho word Hnrd nnd fast rules
of ctlquetto adtlse that tho hostess should
not Invito ono to call again at tho close Of
tho first call This need not hinder you
from the expression of tho wish I havo Indi
cated. Itcturn tho visit within 10 days at
tho moit nnd havo no hesitation then In
Inviting them. Let tho boys krtow how
pleased you aro to see them In your home.
Cast ctlquetto to tho winds In that case,
Indian Yell Book
I shall be grateful to you If you will send
me nn Indian yell nnd call book. 1 will gladly
P1J VakoTt for granted that thero Is' such
a manual since you nsk .for It. Other fel
lows must know of It, too, and I hopo they
will send to mo for your nddr&s.
In the gquare package
nrtTArA rvpncTTTnM I vA it
another proof or quality
fn gray, champAfrno or
Regularly $8, now
Eoclhes High
or white kid.
$5 to $7
Pattern of the Season
Pairs Discontinued (to QK
B'ze run5. Sharply PrMQJ
Shoe Co.
23 fdatM Jt
Si v
.SS Cash Account n Only
. -i